Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Wheat Finn, Corn and Oati Lower, Pro-
l viiioni Variable.
,tyHEAT receipts strengthening factor
ora Trade light end Oats Dall. hat
Provisions Traded Fairly Well
Under Fair Demand
for Lard.
CHICAGO, Oct. 28 A continuation of
good rash and export demand, together
with buying by the northwest, gave
strength to wheat today and the close was
iflrm, lecember closing H cent higher. De
cember corn cloned H cent lower and oats
were 4,fi cent lower. January provisions
(closed from a shade lower to 6 cent higher.
Wheat ruled strong throughout the
arrester part of the day. due to a continu
ation of a good cssh demand, together with
Iheavy buying for export. Smaller receipt
In the northweat were also atrengthenlng
Jfactors. The weather waa generaily favor-
thle for the movement and cable were In
.ulfferet, but the local crowd was Inclined
to Ignore theae bearish features and gave
She market fair support. The close was
lahout steady. December opened a shade
lower to 4 cent higher at 72H1f72i cents
(to 724 cents, advanced to 73 cents, but re
acted to 2 cents on selling by a promi
nent local. Buying by some of the early
sellers advanced the pricea. but a alight
Uecllne occurred toward the close, which
was Vi cent higher at 73 cents, uraastreers
reported an Increase In world's supply of
I 587 ,000 Trusncis. vioanngs oi wrirni ami
flour were equal to 421,000 bushels. Pri
mary reoelpta were 1.659.00O bushels, against
,250.000 bushels a year ago. Mlnnapol a
nl Duluth reported receipts or hm cars,
(which, with local receipts of 211 cars. 9 of
(contract grade mnkfl total receipts for the
three points of 1,044 cars, against 1.185 cars
Bast week njid 1,109 cars a year ago.
f The volume of trade In corn was rather
light and the tone of the market was weak,
klthough there was a fairly firm foeiing
(manifested early In sympathy with wheat,
frhe principal bear factors were a contliiua
lllon of fine weather and bearish reports
(from the southwest. The wheat pit Is ab
sorbing the attention of traders and trad
ing In corn la being left to scalpers. The
market closed easy, with December V4 cent
Sower at 6KaMl cents, after selling between
k and SmiiiMS cents. Local receipts
rwere 246 cars, with 61 cars of contract
Oats were dull and the market lacked
Wny support, prices being slightly lower.
There was some changing from December
to Mav. which was about the only feature.
December closed fiVs cent lower at 30'4
rents, after ranging between 304 and 31V4
cents. Local receipts were 434 car.
Provisions were traded In fairly well and
prices were higher, under the leadership
of lard, which was In fair demand. Janu
ary lard closed a shade lower at $9.32,
while ribs closed a shade lower at 18.25.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
40 cars; corn, 150 cars; oats, 170 cars; hogs,
16,000 head.
. The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Artlcles.l Opon. High. Low. Close. Yesy.
! Oct.
I May
I Oct.
' May
I Jan.
L May
f Nov.
t Dec
I May
n T154
TINt?". 7SH 72S 73i 72
7414'g'H 75 74H.84 T4T4j76 74
661 67 B6V4 67 67
SlWHiSlVi 6061 4 HWa
43Vfe 43H 43S 43H 43V4&4i
31 314 30 304 31 H
12H 824 32 & 3232
1( 40 16 40 1 40 Id 40 16 40
16 66 1R 70 15 65 16 5 16 65
14 75 14 87 14 76 14 85 14 82V,
11 60 11 60 11 40 11 40 11 27H
10 80 10 83 10 80 10 82H 10 80
9 95 10 00 9 87 9 95 10 00
9 27 9 40 9 27 9 32 9 27
860 866 860 890 8 62
12 26 12 1225 12 25 1100
8 25 8 30 8 26 8 26 8 27
7 77 7 82 7 77 7 80 7 80
No. 2. a New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FI.OI7R Firm: winter natents. 83 4ftffl
1.60; straight. t3.Io03.3O; clears, t2.70iS3.00;
spring specials, 4.2(ra4.ju; patonts, fi.toqt
fc.70; straight. 12.90&2.20.
I WH BAT No. 2 soring, 73o; No. 3, 7
12c; No. a red. TlWVAo.
f CORN No. 2. 67c; No. 2 yellow, 6e.
I OATS No. 2, ?9c; No. 3 white, 29fcg83ttC
f RYE No. 2. 49HC
f BARLEY Good feeding;. 88gUc; fair to
icholce malting, 44'ijdSc.
I SEEDS No. 1 flax. 11 22; No, 1 northweat.
tern, tl.24. Prime timothy, t4. Clover, con
llract grade, 110.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 11660
i 10.70. Lord, per 100 lbs., tll.403S11.42.
Short ribs aides (loose), Ill.BtVrJH.OO. Dry
salted shoulders fboxed). tlo.oorajo.26. Bhort
clear fides (boxed), til .7512.00.
1 The following were the receipts and ship-
itnents of grain yesterday:
I Receipts. Shipment
JHour. bbls 28,900 9,600
Wheat, bu 194,900 8,60V
Corn, bu 306,125 14.300
Oata, bu 428.700 231,600
Rye. bu 15.300
fcarley bu 84,600 77.400
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market wu easy; creameries, 16W
S44c; dairies, 16210. Eggs, steady; loss off.
4-ases returned, 22a Cheese, steady, 10
Copper was easier In London, declining 8s,
or to 52 Is M for spot and to 4.62 ss 91 for
futures. Iocally, however, the market was
quiet and unrhanged. Standnrrt closed at
111 .00, nominal; lake at 111 Tog 115. e'ectro
lytlc at 111 .(U 11.76 and casting at 111 ttt
11.75. Ieal was quiet and unchanged,
both here and at Ixindon, the quotations
remaining at 4c here and at 10 1i In
Lnndin. Spelter was 6 points lower locally
at to 46, whlie London was tinchanged at
19 5. Iron at Olasgow was Id higher,
closing at 67 4d, while Mlddleshorough re
mained unchanged at 62. Ixcally Iron was
quiet. Warrant continue nominal: No. 1
foundry northern Is quoted at ti3.0Oi825.00;
No. 2 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry
southern and No. 1 foundry southern, soft,
are quoted at J2.'Oci'23 00.
Aaetatloas ef the Day oa VyUai
I ' Commodities.
f NEW TORK, Oct -FT.OUR-Recelpts,
143,038 bbls.; exports, C.690 bbls.; mar
ket was firm and falrlv active: win
ter patents. t3.653.H6; winter straights, 13.40
Ww; winter extras, 12.80(3.00; winter low
grades, I2.6&2.&6; Minnesota patents, t3 90
64.00; Minnesota bakers, 13.13 30. Kye
iflour. quiet; fair to good, 13.153 40; choice
o rancy, w.wxao.ofi. Huckwheat flour, quiet,'a spot ana 10 arrive.
4'OKNMfcAlv-Steady; yellow western,
ai.isj; city, i.; uranaywine, S3. 40a..
RYE Firm; No. 3 western. 6c. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 3. 644c; track state. 6454c,
c. i. r.. new iorg.
BARLEY Firm:, feedlna. 41c. c. I f..
nuniio; mailing, w(tic c. I. 1. Munalo.
I WHEAT Recelpta. 207.775 bu.: exnorta
I32.W1 bu.: snot, firm: No. 2 red. 7sr
hjator; No. 1 red. 7'87lsHc, f. o. b., afloat;
io. 1 norxnern Luiuin, 83c, I. o. t., afloat;
No. 1 hard Manitoba. 84c. f. o. b. annate
In face of bearish home statistics Inrhid.
uiig big Interior receipts, wheat acted very
firm today, advancing to high point of the
(season on oilman Australian crop news.
piiant nrrennga ana a scarce or shorts
fTho close was S&" net hlshex. Mav. 7X14
te7Sl-ltic. eloaed at 78'c; December, 78H'
jT-.xSc. closed at 79c.
t CORN KecelDta. 3.160 bu.: rinnrtn 17-
j69 bu.; spot, steady; No. I, 96,e elevator
land 74o f. o. b.. afloat; No. 3 yellow, 69Vc;
INo. 3 white, 8o. Option market opened
tower a nil waa gLnerauy weug under tine
crop news and dliappointlna cables until
Irallled In the late afternoon by wheat. It
icioneo auu ana aoout steady at 'ac net
advance. January cloaed at 51Tc; May,
kfcV&Sc. cloaed at4KSr; October closed at
Bw; lecember. 66tt6c. clcaed at &6ii-
t OATS Receipts. 81.UW bu. : exnorta MM
lou.i spot, sinaay; ro. 2. iic . standard
white, 3Gc; No. 3 white. 3c: track wh;t
wcatern, 34a35c; track white, atata. 34d35c'
ioptlon market was fairly ateadv all dav.
rwnii m lair uiqp, I'riimcr. VQlka MWC.
closed at 3o'Hc.
HAY Quiet; shipping. MflTOc: inul i
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice
iwj crop. sv(jjac: isoi crop. M'tiSe: 0idgi 7,,
i-V!C, i-at'iuu coast. im crop, O'gJlc, 19J1
crop, zog.ic; oioa, ivtisc.
1 i 1 T t. C ,..,.. - II., 1. a .
,,-.... V, . , UBiiraiuii, iw lo 3 IDS.
18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., U'.i: Texas dry
9A a !H1 1Kb llrt
LEATHhIR-vluiet; hemlock sole, Buenoa
Avres. light to heavy weights, acid, 24fl
PKOV18IONB Beef, quiet; family, 315 00
(jUOO; nieaa. 12 .OO'ii 12 50; beef ham. 12-150
21.50; packet. 14.5c( 15.00; city extra India
mess, n.uoa.uu. t ui meaia. Irregular,
pickled bellies. li2.76uaj.T5; pickled shoul
ders. 19: pickled hams. 111.50. Lrd Arm-
western steamed, 11170; October closed at
111.70, nominal: refined. firm: continent
Ittl do; South America, 113; compound, 17.50
(87.75. Pork. Arm; family, 821.00)021.60; short
clear, IT 6ta22 .00; mesa, tl8.76a 19.U0.
TALLOW Easy; city, c; country, (9
nj reins.
RKE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 4'4
I Bl TTKH-Hecrlpta. 8.328 pkgs.; steady
(state dairy, lt4i'24c; extra creamery, ioc
common to choice creamery, isxa'we
CHEESE Recelpta 8.73 p'kgs.: quiet, bu
I firm; fancy large, new state full cream
colored and white, old, 12 V; new 12c
'.fancy small, colored and w til 10. old, L.'c
tAJOS-Receipts. 11.324 pkgs.; steady; stit
ana rennivivni. average Deal, 4y26c
chickens, 12c
dressed, quiet
veatern fowls.
tnce of 1?a ai
'In Londou. where r"t tin closed st 13ulla
, and futures at aU196a tin here also waa
itVmer, but dull, spot closing at t2a.suti27.0u.
Condltloa ef Trade til Qaetatleas
staple ana Fancy Prod ace.
EOG8 Candled stock. 20c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 74fJe; roosters,
according to sge, 4c; turkeys, llS12c; ducks,
8'tfSc; geese, 6j6c; spring chickens, per lb.,
Bl'TTER Packing stock, 16o: choice
dairy. In tubs. lf'ai'Oc; separator, 24iI5c.
FRESH I'AUOHT FISH Trout, lie: her
llng, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, Sc;
buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 8c; blue fins, 8c;
whliensh. l"c; salmon, lAc; haddock. 11c;
rodtlsh, 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters,
boiled, per lb., 80c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
28c; bullheads, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass,
20c; halibut, lie
CORN 64c.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 6c
RYE ttc.
I'.RAN Per ton, tl3.
If AY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1
upland, x 60; No. 1 medium, H; No. 1
coarse, 87.50. Rye straw, 37. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair; receipts light.
OYSTER 8 Standards, per can. use: extra
selects, per can, 36c; New York counts, per
can, 42c; bulk, extra select, per gal., 11.75;
bulk, standards, per gal.. 31.30.
NEW CELERY Kearney, uer dox.. 803
t&c; Kalamaxoo, per dox., 25c.
mj i a i oes rsew, per du., zsfaoe.
SWEET POTATOKS Per lb . 2c: Vir
ginia, per bbl., 13: home grown, per bu..
TI.RMPS Per t)U., 30C.
BEETS Per basket, 40e.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dox.. 11 .50.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. 11.50: string
beans, per bu. box. tl 60.
t ahdaui-Home grown, new, le.
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per
bu.. TiOOc; Spanish, per crate, 11.60.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 12.70.
PEACHES California, late Salways, tl.
PRUNES Utah, per 4-basket crate. 9"c.
PEARS Fall varieties, per bx. J1.76S3.00:
Kaffirs, per bbl., 13.76; Colorado, per box,
APPLES Cooking, per bbl.. 12.25: eating.
2.2o'2.W, Jonathans, 13.25; New York stock,
OKA PES New York, szc: Tokays, per
crate, JI..6; Malagas, per keg, Ifv.0cff8.00.
CHAN BERRIEd Per bbl.. $7.0KU?-&o; per
box. 12.50.
WUINCES Per box, tl-50.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size.
lemons California fancy. M.oa4.26:
choice. 3.5(VS3.76.
ORANUES Valencia. 14.50: pjew Ja
maica, any site, 14; Mexicans, sny slxe, t4.
DATES Persian, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb..
6c: per case of 80-lb. pkgs., 12.26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 9Cc;
Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 18c.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case.
CiDEK isew lork,; per -ddi., 2.7S.
BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per bbl..
t3.10; per bbl., 13.25.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; no. z green, ec:
No. 1 salted. S'-c; No. 2 salted. 7Vc; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 Ibt., 6c; dry hides, Mt&l2c; sheep
pelts. 76c; horse hides, tl.60(tf2.6o.
pur'tJUKiN fer id., ac; eneuea, tc.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
18c; hsrd shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 soft
shell, oer lb., lie: No. 2 hard shell, per lb..
10c; Br a Jills, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 16c; pecans, largo, per lb., 14c; small.
per ID., 13c: cocoanuis, per a ox., sue; cnesi
nuts, per lb., 16c; peanuts, per lb., tic;
roaetea peanuts, per lb., 8c.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the
following prices:' Iron, country mixed, per
ton, til; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 88; cop
per, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c;
bras:i, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 8c;
sine, per lb., Sc; rubber, per lb., 6c.
t. Loots Grala and Previsions.
ST. LOUIS. Oot. 28 WHEAT Hgiher:
No. 2 red cash, elevator. 6c: track. 69V.4i
;0c; December, new, 60ftc; May, 724o bid;
no. I nara, ntuatie.
CORN Ixwer: track, old, 67c; December,
40c bid; May, 39c bid.
oats ixwer: No. a casn. rac track, sow
30c; December, new, 2SV4e; May, new, 29c;
No. 2 white. 33c;mc.
RYE Higher at 48c.
FLOUR Firm: red winter patents, t3.40
3.66; extra fancy and straight, !3.10ra3.&i;
clear, 2.!)H3.U5.
seed Timothy, steady at I3.oofen.60.
CORNMEAL Steady: sacked, east track.
HAY Steady; timothy, t9.0013.00; prairie,
9.(K,1 11.00.
BACM3INO-4 5-16(57 1-lSc.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lobbing.
old, 115.55; new, tl6.95. Lard, lower at 110 75.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra
shorts. 811.25: clear ribs. til. 50: short clear.
111.50. Bacon, steady: boxed, extra shorts,
112.25; clear ribs. 12.37; short clear, 112.42.
METALiS lyead. steady at 14.00. bpelter.
steady at 15.20.
POULTRY-Steady: chickens. Be: springs.
910c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 11c; geese, 6c.
BUTTE K steady; creamery, l&ttznc:
dairy. 17i&21c.
EQGS Steady at l8c, loss orr.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 9.000 16,0iX)
Wheat, bu IZK.OuO 64.0OJ
Corn, bu 19,000 21.000
Oats, bu 104,000 46,0X
( POULTRY Alive, firm;
! turkeys. 10c: fowls. 13c:
weaiern chickens, U3Uc' wea
imil?c; spring turkr. Li14c.
METALS Owing to an advan
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 6s 8d;
No. 1 northern, spring. s 6d: No. 1 Cali
fornia. 6s 4d; futures, quiet: December,
5s lOd; March, 6s 10T4d.
CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, ss
9d; futures, quiet; October, nominal; Janu
ary. 4s 2V1, March, 4s d.
PEAS Canadian, steady, Ss 7d.
FIjOUR St. Louis, tancy winter, quiet.
8a 3d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm,
108 7.
PROVISIONS Beef, strong: extra India
mess, 115s. Pork, strong; prima western
firm, at 6a. Bacon. Cumberland cut. 24 to
) lbs., firm. 6ia: short rlba. 18 to 24 lbs
dull, C5a: long clear middles, light, 2S to 33
lbs., auiet. bzs txi : long clear middies, neavy.
35 to 40 lbs., steady, t2s; short clesr backs.
li to 80 loa., 6KB td; clear Denies, 14 to In
lbs., strong, &H. Shoulders, square. 11 to
13 lbs., firm, 52a. Lard prime western. In
tierces, firm, 67a td; American refined, !n
palls, rtrm, bxs M.
Bl'TTER- Nominal.
CHEESE Firm; American finest whits
nd colored, 65k.
TALLOW Firm; prime city, 29s 6d; Aus
traltan. In Iondon. 33a 9d.
Receipts of wheat during the last three
days, 214.000 centals. Including 161.000 Amer
lean. Receipts of American corn during the
last tnree days, ti.wn centaia
els; total supply. Increase, 5.5R7.O0O bushels.
CORN United States and Canada, east
Of Rockies. Incresse, 813.0HO bushela
OATH United State and Canada, east Of
Rorkles, decrease. 3i.l bushels.
Among the Important Inereases reported
this week are those of l,000,0ii0 bushels In
Msnltoba, 700,000 bushels at northwestern
Interior elevators, lfis.ono bushels at Port
land, Me.; 12S.OO bushels at Milwaukee pri
vate elevators, on.Ono buehels at Port Huron,
77."nO bushels at Chicago private elevators,
70.0IP0 bushels each at Watertown, 8. 1).,
and at Rochester, and 50,fln0 bushels at
Minneapolis private elevator.
The leading decreases are those of 325,000
bushels at Depot Harbor, 88.000 bushels at
Coteau and bo,000 bushela at Nashville.
Philadelphia Prodire Market.
Steady, fair demand: extra western cream
ery, 25c; extra nearby prints. 27c.
EOOS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby,
25c. loss off; fresh western, 24c, loss off;
fresh southwestern, 23c, loss off; fresh
southern, 22c, loss off.
CHEESE Firmer; New York full creams,
prime small, 12il2c; New York full
creams, fair to good small, llOnSc; New
York full creams, prime large, 124c; New
York full creams, good large, U12c.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. O , Oct. 28 WHEAT Dull and
higher; cash, 76c; December, 77c; May,
CORN Dull and easier; December, 43c;
May, 43c.
OATS Dull and steady; December, 32c;
May, 83c.
RYE No. 2. 62c.
SEEI Clover, active and higher: Oct,
ber, 36,72 bid: January, 16.85 bid. Timothy,
prime, 11.86 bid. Alslke, prime t8.50.
Hllwankee Grain Market.
Firmer; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 3 north
ern, ViffiTiZc; December, 73c.
RYE Firm; No. 1. 52c. ,
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 66c; sample,
CORN Steady; December, 81c
Dnlnth Grain Market.
DULUTH. Oct. 28. WHEAT Caah, No.
1 hard, 74Sc; No. 2 northern, 71c; No. 1
northern, 7274c; November, 727c; December,
70Tc; May. 73Sc
OATS December, Sic
Peoria Market.
28. CORN Inactive,
steady: No. 3, 6814c
OATS Inactive, Irregular; No,
30c, billed through.
t white,
Kansas City Grala and Provisions.
cember. tbc May, tas'jc; cash. No. i
hard, 7?)7c; No. 3, l4fe5c; No. 3 red
6c; No. 8, 64'314C.
CORN October. 60c; December, 37,
u7c; May, si'137'c; cash. No. S mixed
47m 48.-: No. Z white. 4S49c: No. 3. 4Vic.
OATS No. 3 white, 33c; No. 1 mixed, 309
RYE No. 47a 48c.
HAY Cholee timothy, tlO.S0910.75; choice
prairie 19 5omlO.U.
BUTTER Creamery, 22524c; dairy, fancy.
EGOS Fresh. 18c
"Vheat. bu.....
orn, tu
Oats, bu
Recelpta. Shipments
84.810 64.0U0
40,0kA U,0u0
33,0u0 23.000
Minneapolis Wheat, Flear and Brna
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28--WHEAT-De-ceniber.
727: May. 73Wc. On No.
1 hard, 747o; No. 1 northern, 7Sic; No. 3
northern, 7Hie.
FLOUR Firm, with a good trade for do
mestic account, though not so large as
earlier In the month; foreign Inquiry Is
stronger and millers look for a good busl
neaa from this source ere long; first pat-
first clears. t2.9C3.10; second clears, ti-30
BRAN Prices held steady, but demand
shows some Improvement over last week;
bran In bulk quoted for prompt shipment
Visible IsMlf ef Grain.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS.-Specia! cable and
telegraphic advices received by Bradstreet a
"" me louowing manges in available
supplies since last accounla:
WHEAT United States and Canada
of Rockies. Increase, 4.U7.oju bushels; afloat
IMl ))U )U burvjiv, IWfTMM, A,rJV,UUV DUSU-
Same Old Dnllness and Apathy All
Around and Little Business.
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. In no Important
particular did today's stock market differ
from any of the preceding fortnight. There
was the same all-around dullness and
apathy and the little buslneas transacted
wan almost wholly professional. Commis
sion houses reported next to no demand
either for the long or short account, but
some of the western houses bought mod
erately. Prices manifested a further ten
dency to sag in the early day, but rained
later and closed In many Instances at a
higher level.
Sterling exchange was a factor, advanc
ing to 84.S6V as a result of the strong de
mand for London remittances. Mont of
the day's business was done on this basts.
Commercial bills were in good supply, but
bankers having to remit by tomorrow a
steamer absorbed all offerings. Those fa
miliar with the movements of Paris ex
change figured that New York waa about
half a cent away from the point where
gold could be exported with profit. In case
any remittances are made In gold It Is cleir
that Paris will be their destination. These
experts argue that, while no exports are
likely to be made Immediately, yet such a
movement may come In the middle or lat
ter part of next month. Anything like a
detailed account of the day's doings In the
stock market seems almost su perilous.
Quotations at the opening were fraction
ally lower ad without significance. Early
movements Included an apparently active
demand for Texas & Pacific and St. Louis
A San Francisco Issues, a moderate ad
vance In St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie and an
Initial loss of more than 1 per cent In
Louisville Nashville. The list hardened
and prices advanced quite, but
the most important gains at this particular
time were in the special class, which in
cludes American Cotton Oil and Virginia
Carolina Chemical stocks. Manipulation
was shown In the movement of Interna
tional Power, which opened with a point
decline and made a further loss later.
The market held fairly steady under Its
rally, being assisted In part by short cov
ering, but attempts to realize on the ad
vance, notably In St. Louis & San Fran
cisco, were unsuccessful; those Issues closed
i'iwit limn uie 1'ioviuua imy. isne Oi me
features of the afternoon, which was other
wise quite dull, was the activity in Suaar.
It was extensively purchased for Boston ac
count, but the stock clotted at a net loss. A
few special movements out of the common
Included a 14-polnt decline in the price of
Keokuk & Des Moines preferred on the sale
of 100 shares, and a drop of 6 points In
Western Electric. More or less uniform
strength was shown during the day by
such stock as Texas & Pacific, Minne
apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie common
and preferred, Baltimore ft Ohio. M ssouri
Pacific, Cotton. Oil and Virginia-Carolina
Chemical. Norfolk & Western, one of the
most active features or tne day, recovered
the greater part of Its early loss and the
weak features, other than those already
named, embraced Erie, the Erie second pre
ferred, Delaware & Hudson, Kansas City
Southern, New York. Chicago & St. Louis.
Chicago Great Western preferred and Colo
rado buel. ixmcion was . again a seller,
though buying moderately In the early de
cline. The closing was firm.
The bond market was dull and feature
less, but generally steady. Total sales, par
value, tl. 410.000.
United States bonds were all unchanared
on the last call.
The following ars the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
do Ddd
Bal. A Ohio
so pfd
Canadian raclno ...
Canada So
Chea. a Ohio
Chicago 4k Alton...
do ord
Chicago, Ind. : L..
do prd....
do lat pfd...
do Id ptd.
Chicago & N. W...
. rT'48o. Pacific 70S
8o. Railway 36 ,
107 do pfd tj
M Taxaa A Pacific 46 74
: Toledo. St. L 1 W, ,
S4 do pfd.: 47
(0 Union 1'aclflo 10H
M do pfd 91 u
75 Wabanh M
13 do pfd 44
w-hMlInz A L. B Mil
i niuio m o,. ao za pra
CBloago O. W 11 Wl. Central
M do pfd
44 Adama Ex
!?H Amartcan Ex
C , R. I. P 18 United Siatea Ex.,
Chicago Tar. A Tr... Walls-Fargo Ex..,
) Amal. Copper
M Am.r. Car A F...,
I!- do pfd
Am.r. Lin. Oil...,
, do pfd
11 Amartcan 8. A R.
251 I do pfd
43V, Anao. Mining Co.,
to1.. Brooklyn R. T
" Colo. Pusl Iron,
Coos. Oaa
, . . m Cont. Tobacco pfd
...HO illen. Electro
... M Hocking Coal
... 1 Inter. Paper
...:t7 do pfd
... 4i Inter. Power
... 7S Laclede Gaa ,
... 67 Rational lllscult .
...Ill National Lead ....
. ..lMi No. American ....
...13) Pacific Coaat
...lMVt raclne Mall
... 'K, People-a Gaa
...IS Preeeed 8. Car..
...ia4 da pfd
...110 Pullman P. Car..
. .. tf Republic Steel ...
... su do pfd...
...171 Sugar
...lbS Tenn. Coal A Iron
... 144 Union Hag P
... tl do pfd
... ilV. 8. Leather ....
...161. do pfd
... 4;'4 V. 8. Kubber
... W do pfd
... V. 8. Bteel
... T' do pfd
. .. U iWeatarn Union ai
... ItVi Amer. Locomotive. .. . tu
...Si I do pfd 4
... ' K. C. southern i
...ia ao pia (,
do Dfd....
C. C. C. A 84. L..
Colorado So
do let prd
do 3d pfd
Del. A Hudaoa.
Del. L. A W...
Den rar A R. Q.
do pfd
do lat pfd
do td pfd
Qreel Nor. pfd....
Hocking Valley ...
do pfd
'!nott CVsntra! ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Lake Erla A W...
do pfd
L. N
Manhattan L
Met. St. Rr
Ilex. Central
Mex. National ....
Minn, a 8t. L
Mo. Pacific
M . K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Contra)
N. Y. Cantral ....
Norfolk W
do pfd
Ontario A W
do lat pfd
do td ptd
St. u 8. r
do lat pfd
do td pfd
81. L. 8. W
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
... 77
... tl
... 44',
... M
... at
... to
... t
... ti'i
... tfc
... M
... .
... IS
... tl
... i'4
... 7:
... 74
... w
... 4tH
... 71
... 74
... 4IH
... 62
... a
... 22
... 7
. 11
. T7
. 14
. )
. It
. (4
. 40
London Stock Market.
LONDON. Oct. 28.-4 D. m Closlna-
Coneola for money. M 15-UjNcw York Central .... 1U
do account M Norfolk A Weeura... 7C
Anaconaa a so pfd
Atchleoa Ontario A Westers
do ptd 10 Pennsylvania
Baltimore A Ohio 10lRand Mlnea
t'aaadlaa Pacific lta Reading
do let pfd
do td pfd
Southern Railway.,
do ptd.
balances. tl.Wl.KTO; New York enehange, SOe
discount ; f Area an exchange, sterling was
r sted at M.MS for sixty days and at tt.eJS
for demand.
NEW YORK, Oct. W Clearings, t274.t41..
ZSs; balances. 1 1.1, CSV 574.
HOSTON, Oct. JS. Clearings, t21,70o,S0;
balance. I1.M,M0,
BALTIMORE. Oet St. Clearings. U,63t,
MO: balancer. 1144,2.10; money, 6 per cent.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28. Clearings, tl,
674.616; balances. ti167,49; money, per
ST. LOl'ia, Oct. . Clearings. r.T.S:
balance, $1 243.804; money, ateady at 5
per cont: New York exrhange, lc discount.
CINCINNATI. tct, 2K Clearings, M.422.
900; money, 6 per rent; New York exchange
at par.
few Tork Moiey Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-MONEY-On call,
steady at 3V04S per cent; closing bid and
asked, .1Sr4 per cent; prime mercantile
poiier, 3Vul Ppr cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at 14.8675 for
demand and at t4.&fci0 for sixty days; posted
rates, t4.84G4.87S; commercial billa, 14.82875
SILVER Bar, GOSc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; state. In
active; railroad, steady.
The closing quotations en bonds ars as
....114 L. A N. anl. 4a 111
110 Mex. Central 4a 10
...."! do la Inc 17
....lMlMion. A St. L. 4a...lOS
....lSfliM., K. A T. 4a ae
....137: do ts II
....111 IN. T. Central la lot
In do gen. ta 101
....104'n. 1. C. gen. s IMS
115 No. PaclBo 4a 103
....llH do aa 74
.... M IN. A W. eoa. 4a 101
.101 Reading (rn. 4a T
4'i St L A I M c. aa
V. 8. ret. ta, reg
do coupon
do ta. reg
do coupon ....
do new 4a, reg
do coupon ....
do old 4a, rag.,
do coupon ....
do 4s, reg
do coupon ....
Atchleon gen. 4a.
do ad). 4a
Bal. A Ohio 4a...
do te
do conr. 4a
Canada Bo. la....
Central of Oa. ts.
do la Inc
Chea. A Ohio 4e...l0t,
St. L. A 8. r.
St. L. 8. W. la.
do ta
8. A. A A. P. 4a.
Ho. reclBo 4a.
.. II
.. IT
rhlnfto A A. ..... IcVso Railway (a 11
C. B. A Q. n. 4a iTexaa A Pacific la... 110
C, M A 8t f t 4a. ..Ill T . St. L. A W. 4a... 80
C. A N. W. o. Ta... .1.16 Union Paclflo 4s 104
C, R. I. A P. 4a 10k do conr. 4a 101
C c c A St L g. 4a..loo;Wabaih la 170
Chicago Ter. 4a 17 do ta 10
Colorado So. 4a do deb. R SOS
Denver A R. U. 4a. ..101 (Wrat Shore 4a Ill
Erie prior lien 4s.... 17 Wheel. AL B. 4a... M
do general 4a If. Wis. Central 4a It
Y. W. A ll. C. Is.... Ilia; Cone, Tobaoco 4s 4H
Hocking Val. 4',s. . . .108' il
Boston Stork Quotations.
Cheaapeake A Ohio.. 41
1 aicago u. w . . .
C. M. A 84. P.
DeBeera (def.)...
Denver A R. O.
do ptd
do lat pfd ee
da Sd pfd at
lllluola Coatral Ill
Ixiularllle A Naah...l40
Mlaaouri. a, T.... M
do pfd axu
BAR eiLVER-Steady at SSd per ounce.
MONEY tmul per cent. The rate of d's
diacount In the open market for short bills
la tVUS per cent and for three monthar
vu is ta i'n'Ui' per cent.
41 Southera Pacllc 72
SI il'aloa Pacific 10a
v-i ao pin aj
United Htaiea Bteel.. 41
do pfd u
wabaah . M
pia -.......... , ao
Spaalaa is its
Bank (learlags.
cent; time losns,
closing of stocks
Atchison 4s
Gas is
do pfd
Boston A Albany
Boston Elevated
N. Y.. N. H. A H...
ritchburg pfd
t nion Pacinc .
Mex. Central
American Sugar
do ptd
American T. A T
4)ominlon I. A 6.
Maaa. Eleetrto ...
do prd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Westlngh. Common..
Amalgamated ..
28. Call loans. Pr
6'(i per cent. Official
and bonds:
10o Bingham
7 Calumet A Hoela
17 Centennial
19 Copper Range ...
SI Dominion Coal ...
lbC Franklin
M Isle Royals' ,
142 Mohawk
10.5 Old dominion ...
2& Osceola ,
121 Parrot
11 Uulncy
104 Santa re Copper..
B7 Tamarack
Ss Trlmountala
5 Trinity
40 United States ....
I Utah ,
104 Victoria
2 Winona
1 Wolverine
44 Daly Weal
. it
. iS
. (4
. s
. l
. 44
. 11
. 5
. 1
. a
. 10
. 31
. m
. 4
New York Mining Quotations.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28. The following are
the closing price on mining stocks;
Adama Con
Brunswick Con...
Comatock Tunnel.
Con. Cal. A Va...
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Lead villa Con
.. 16
.. 24
.. 40
.. I
.. 4
.. 74
.. 74
.. 4
Little Chief ...
Ontario .
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
.. 1
.. 77
.. I
.. 7
.. t
.. 10
.. to
Foreign Financial.
OMAHA. Oct. 28. Bank clearings today.
ei, ipe vi; correaponatng aay last year
tl.lo2.47X.8; Increase.
CH1CAOO. Oct. 28. Clearings, t38,2t,U(;
LONDON. Oct. 28. Monev was In strong
demand today. Discounts were firmer.
rartlv duo to the monev situation, hit
chiefly owing to the rates of continental
exchange. Business on the Stock exchange
was concentrated on the settlement. The
movements were slight and prices were
Irregular. Consols were easier and only
moved fractionally. Americans were de
pressed owing to New York advices and
were below parity. Operators were not In
terested In them and they closed above the
lowest figures of the day. Grand Trunks
were offered and were irregular. Spanish
rocurltles. Rl3 tlntos and Kaffirs were de
pressed. Oold amounting to 15,000 was
withdrawn from the Hank of England today
for shipment to South America. Oold pre
miums are quoted: 'Huenos Ay roe, 127.50:
Madrid. 32.60; Lisbon. 26.
PARIS. Oct. 28 Prices at the onenlng
wtre much depressed on the bourse todav
owing to unfavorable foreign advice.
Rentes receded. Spanish 4s were freely of
fered on dispiriting peas regarding Premier
Sagasta's Intention. ,. Brazilians suffered
and some Industrials reacted. Rio tlntos
declined on New York advices. Later the
reaction waa apparently checked, but busi
ness was generally lifelets. During the
last hour rentes were supported, Spanish 4i
rallied and the market closed with an all
around Improvement. , The private rate of
discount was 2 13-16 per cent. Three per
cent rentes, 99f 42c for the account; ex
change on London, Xf 12c for checks; Span
ish 4s, 86.15.
HEKUN, Oct. Z8. Prices on the bourse
today opened weak, mines Dartlcularlv ao.
on advices from New York and the western
bourses. LAter the weakness was accent
uated owing to aalcs on account of the
estate of a Tate big speculator.
Condition of tbe 'ireasnry.
ment of the treasury balances In the gen-
emi iuiiu, eitiTiunive 01 tne a iou,wi,uj go la
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, 8,470,808;
gold. tU3.419.818.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Oct. 28. WOOL Continues dull.
Sellers seem content to let the market take
Its course, well knowing that without boom
or excitement all the wool they have
win oe wantea at tneir own prices. Manu
facturers have bought considerable wool,
fiaying full prices and prices a little higher
n a good many instances. Mill representa
tives admit that they have smaller stocks
of wool oh hand than usual and that a
continual running of the mills means a
f:ood deal of wool buying. Territory wool
s in a very strong position. Predictions
are heard trom well posted merchants that
fine staple territory Is going to 60c, with
even 66c suggested; fine staple territory,
54f60c; fine and fine medium, 60&2c; me
dium, 4rf'47c. Texas wool Is In a remark
ably strong position; fall cleaned basis, ibi(t
48c; twelve months, 5Sjsn0c; six to eight
months, spring, 63&55c. California wool Is
firm, with the demand good; northern
counties, cleaned basis, b2iiMc-' middle
counties, 48f(60c; southern, dixyHfc; six to
eight months, 1314c less. Fine fleece wool
is In a very strong position; fine washed
fleeces are particularly firm, with offerings
very cirnall: quotations are very firm; Ohio
and Pennsylvania XX and above, 2929Vc;
X. 26H.f'-'7-e; Michigan X. 26V,f'i:6Hc. De
laine wool is In a strong position, with
transactions and offerings both small: Ohio
and Pennsylvania washed delaine, iitjik-;
Michigan. ixh:lc; No. 1, StK'llc' No. 2, 26C3I
30c; coarse, 24i(i26c. Fine unwashed and un
merchantable Block Is In small supply, with
prices strong: Ohio and Pennsylvania un
washed. 21(tr22c; Michigan. 20Aj.21c; unmer
chantable t'hlo and Pennsylvania, 23&24C.
'1 here is very little Australian wool here
and It is held above the market: quotations
are nominally at, combing choice, scoured
basis, 77(j0c; good, 74ffl7t'c; average, 7274c.
ST. IXJI'IS, Oct. 28. WOOL Steady; me
dium grades ard combing, laftlSc; light fine,
ISfrptfe; heavy fine, loft 13c; tub washed. Wg
NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-WOOL Firm.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 23. COFFEE Spot
Rio. quiet; No. 7. Invoice, 6c; mild, steady;
Cordova, 7W12c. Futures opened quiet,
with quotations unchanged to 6 points lower
and later ruled flat and featureleas, there
being neither offerings nor demand of suffi
cient volume to alter quotatlona after the
start. He-arttih primary receipts and lower
European cables accounted for the opening
partial loss here. Business was wholly pro
fessional of a room order, sales amounting
to only 6,500 bags, with the final tone quiet
and prices net unchanged to 5 points lower,
bales included October at 6.06c; November,
6.10c; December, 6.20c: May. 6.65c; Septem
ber. 6 85c.
Evaporated Apples anal Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Market ahowa little more steadi
ness; common are quoted at 51a',c; prime,
bti4c; choice, Vfae: fancy. 7nT1TrC.
f.r u new are hardly as nrm as recently and
n some Instances slight concessions are re
ported from recent prices. Quotatlona range
from 3,c to 7o or all grades. Apricots
are about steady at THOlOc for boxes and
(p-no for butsa. Peaches are fairly active
at 124ilc for peeled and (Htil0Vo for un-peeled.
Whisky Market.
ST. LOUI8. Oct 28.-WHISKT-8teady
at tic
lers' finished goods, steady, on baale of
tl 32.
CHICAGO, Oct. .-WHI8KY-8teady at
tl 32.
PEORIA. 111.. Oct. ,-WHI8KT-On
basis of 1-U for finished goods.
Lighter Keoeipta of Cattle Than Anticipated
and Prioet Xaled rimer.
Fat 8beea and Lsaaba Were la Ge4
Draiit at Fnlly Steady Prices,
sat the Feeder Market Ce
tlnsed Dall and Weak.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday 9.719 32.K.H
Official Tuesday 6,0J 7,216 14,820
Two days this week.. 14. 815 10.105 47,fv.8
Same days Isst week. ...18,817 7.244 85.620
Same week before 17.0H0 8,871 Jo.fcod
Same three weeka ago.. 13.98 6.11!) 64.978
Same four weeks ago. ...20.267 6.2X2 80.867
Same days last year RI 8.810 36.732
" The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
the year to date, and comparisons with last
year: 1802. 1901. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 804,623 S2,6riS 161,880
Hogs 1.842.41 1.8K2.25 3J.7S
Sheep 1.328,097 1.076,447 261,(60
The following table shows the average
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parisons with former years:
Date. ' I 1902. H01.lDO0.1899.1398.1897.189.
Oct. 1.... t H t 76 111 I 71 I 86 IN
Oct. I.... 7 20Mtl8 4 39 I 79 I 02
Oct. I.... 7 lOTtj 69 t 19 4 42 I 2 91
Oct. 4.... 7 82V69tt0 4 87 Sfc4l71
Oct. I.... ( 62 6 16 4 81 1 64 I 71 I 91
Oct .... 7 42 111 44 163 1 74 104
Oct. 7.... 7 S 4? 486168264 104
Oct, I.... 7 28H t 13 5 OR 8 69 3 62 t 18
Oct. 9.... 7 14 II 6 03 4 36 I 63 1 11
Oct, 10... 7 04 H 8 15 4 92 4 83 S 64 8 14
Oct 11... 8 96V, UV 4 90 4 31 1 67 1 6fc
Oct. 12... a 804934238 n32(ll
0-t 13... 707 49342Ol69!6IS0
Oct 14... 7 18 129 4 24 1 43 1 64 1 81
Oct 16... 7 a4 8 18 4 82 l9 I1 111
Oct. 14... 8 91 8 22 472420 369124
Oct. 17... 7 16 (304844 16 J70 121
Oct. 18... 7 02 4 67 4 M, 4 10 1 67 I 64
Oct. 19... (234 61 4 16 173860128
Oct. 20... ( 92H 45S4 15 871164I27
Oct. 11... ( 82 ( 26 4 13, 1 65 1 62 1 23
Oct. 22... ? 4 03 4 62 3 66 3 6332S
Oct. 23... 6 76 6 K 4 1 4 V. 1 63 8 2n
Oct. 24... 4 74 ( 01 4 61 4 14 1 66 1 116
Oct. 26... ( 71Vt ( 06 4 48 4 1.1 8 68 8 46
Oct. 26. . . 6 00 4 58 4 18 1 64 1 41 1 28
Oct. 27... 6 614 4 54 4 10 1 47 I 88 1 17
Oct. 28... (61 8 89 4401621421 11
Indicates Sunday.
The following list will show the number
of cars of feeders shipped to the country
yesterday and their destination:
Cattle cars.
Crawford Moore. Yuma. Colo. B. A M 4
Oeorge Dlnsdale, Palmer, Neb. B. ft M... 1
W. E. Fisher, Ponca, Neb. M. A 0 1
O. P. Cronnell, Tekamah. Neb. M. ft O... 1
Swan Nelson, Wausa, Neb. M. ft 0 1
H. Creamer, Murray, Neb. M. P 1
O. C. Rhoden, Maynard, Neb. M. P 1
John Roth. Snyder, Neb. F. E 1
W. B. Bell, Newman Grove. Neb. F. E... 1
A. O. Ogg. Bennington, Neb. F. E 1
Hy Schlnstock, West Point. Neb. F. E... 8
F. Buckley, Stromsburg, Neb. U. P 1
Thomas Garhan, Rising City, Neb. U. P.. 1
E. F. Folda, Schuyler, Neb. U. P 1
A. Clauaen, Denlson, la. K. C 1
W. Burgoyne. Sliver City, la. Wab 1
John Haygood, Burlington Junction, Mo.
Wab (
Peter Weber. Ute, la. Mil 1
F. V. Howe, Granger, la. Mil 4
J. Riley, Defiance, la. Mil 1
Charles Miller, Olln, la Mil 1
H. R. Corning, Plymouth, Neb. R. 1 1
J. G. Gllroy, Exlra, la. R. 1 1
Sheep D.D.
O. C. Hlgbee. Gretna. Neb. B. ft M 2
Vharles Evening, Campbell, Neb. B. ft M. 2
W. 8. Titus, Nemaha, Neb. B. ft M 1
Br 8. Kentner, Kearney, Neb. U. P 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought In yesterday by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. She'n. H'ses.
(J., m. ft st. f
O. ft St. L. Ry
Mo. Pac. Ry 2
Union Pacific 29
C. ft N. W. Ry 3
F.. E. ft M. V 23
C, St. P., M. ft O.... 7
B. ft M. R. R. R.... Ill
C, B. ft Q. Ry 1
K. C. ft St. J 2
C. R. I. ft P., east..' 3
C, R. I. A P.. west.. 15
Illinois Central
Total receipts .... 196
The disposition of the day's receipts wan
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
Der 01 need indicated
Omaha Packing Co..,
Swift and Company ...
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour ft Co
Vansant ft Co
Carey ft B
Ixibman ft Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill & Huntztnger
William Underwood ...
IJvlngstone & Schaller.
Hamilton ft Rothschild
L. F. Hubs
H. I Dennis ft Co
B. K
Other buyers 741 .... 11,297
II 22 1
.16 23 3
20 , 17
131 62 6
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. 985
. 9t
. 176
. 328
. 8
. 78
. 60
. 68
. 290
. 3
. 66
. 169
. 240
. 124
. 741
Totals (.189 8,917 16,843
CATTLE There was a much lighter run
of cattle this morning than waa generally
expected, and that fact gave considerable
life and tone to the trade, particularly on
the better grades. Some of the undesir
able kinds were somewhat neglected, but
the market as a whole was In very satis
factory condition.
There were several loads of cornfed steers
Included In the receipts, and as has been
the case for aometime past, the market
was very uneven. In some cases packers
seemed to be bidding lower, and In others
fully ateady, ao that it la almost Impossible
to tell much about values. Owing to this
unevenness the morning waa well advanced
before much of anything was done.
The cow market was quite active, and a
offerings were limited the feeling was a
little better. The market could probably
best be described by calling It strong and
active on practically all kinds. Buyers
seemed to want the rmere and medium
kinds aa well as the lcer bunches, and
the bulk of the receipts was soon dis
posed of.
Bulls. val calves and stags also soli at
fully aa good prices as were paid yeaterday.
There was quite a decided Improvement
In the atocker and feeder trade. Specula
tors took hold with more Ufa and anything
at all desirable sold strong to a dime higher
than yesterday. A good many sales were
made that looked 10&3oc higher than the
same kinds brought on Thursday and Fri
day of last week. The greateat Improve
ment was, perhaps, on the better grades,
but still even the commoner kinds sold
better than they did last week.
There waa a good demand for western
beef steers where the quality was satis
factory, and the market could be quoted
steady to strong. Offerings were limited
so there were none too many to All the
requirements of the local demand. The cow
market waa also strong snd fairly active,
and desirable feeders sold to considerable
better advantage. As compared with yes
terday the stocker and feeder market could
be quoted strong to a dime higher, or 1020o
higher, than the close of last week. Repre
sentative salea:
Ke Av. pr. No. At, Pr.
II 1111 I it M 1A&S 4 M
K 1414 I 40 4 IMS t at
41 160 4 K
1 44 I 10 1 1104 I 00
1 110 t II 1 111. I 04
1 ND lit I ell II
1 Ml I M 14 10U I II
1 100 t 40 1 1040 I M
1 1010 I 40 1 1170 I M
1 1140 I 40 1 M IS
4 M IV I lou n
1 TM 11 1 1100 I 40
1 410 I II . 1 1110 I II
1 400 I II 1 1140 I Tl
1 1010 I II 1 1110 I 11
1 t I II I IK.' J t 10
1 IM I 04 1 11M 4 40
I N4 III 1 4to 4 14
1 11M I K) 1 1111 I Tl
110 I a 1 1140 4 It
1 144 I 10 I Ill 4 44
t IT! t M 1 tut 9 It
14 1040 I W
67 feeders.. 939 1 60 (cows (11 160
(1 feeder.-... 942 I 60 10 cows 910 t 26
10 feeders.. 847 8 (0 1 cow 940 I 61)
I feeders.. 89 3 10 (cows 846 105
1 feeder... 870 1 60 11 cows ? til
17 feeders.. 931 110 1 oow 840 1 35
17 feeders.. 9 J4 130 1 cows 1'j0 2 71
t feeders.. 1070 1 16 4 cows 942 190
1 feeder J.. 870 t 26 1 cows 876 2 60
It feeders.. 9" 1 86 23 cows 74 1 70
( feeders.. 862 1 20 4 cows 8 6 1 60
1 feeder... 90 3 70 I cows 96 1 90
28 feeders.. 41S 3 90 1 cow 770 II)
28 feeders.. 984 1 60 4 cows S37 1 60
4 steers ... U7 116 1 cow 0 2 40)
(calves... 147 (26 S cows..... Ui 140
1 cow 1AV t 40 ( rows M I 4
I cows mo 2 40 1 cow loan J 90
lbull 610 126 ( calves... iZS I 2S
S heifers... 640 2 60 6 calves... 410 :5
lbull 830 186 29 heifers... 861 I ro
10 cows.. .. 946 1 40 2 heifers... f' I on
84 cows 975 1 15 21 feeders., n 1M
1 cow lfW Jib g feeders.. 9A0 1 1
13 cows 1045 I 00 1 feeders.. 950 I 00
13 feeders.. 1168 4 00 1 feeder... 760 1 65
18 feeders.. 8:3 1 65
1 bull lo 1 00 1 steer 10) I
25 feeders.. 912 1 65 15 cows 9M 1
1 feeder... Ii0 8 00 10 cows ?) 3 00
27 feeders., mo 1 90 2 feeder. . 880 1 00
9 feeders.. 984 8 65
1 steer 1140 4 m 22 cows 964 40
1 stoer li0 3 75 1 cows 1100 1 40
1 steers.... 8K5 I on K cows .9 1 25
1 steer !) 1 00 24 cows 913 2 95
1 steer 870 8 00 8 cow 846 2 9a
1 feeder... 1070 3 00 1 cow 93) 2 95
3 feeders.. 823 3 00 1 cow 790 I 95
1 feeder... 920 4 00 4 cows 112ft 1 tt
1 feeder... 11H0 4 no 2 rows 3
1 feeder... lo:io 4 00 1 cows looo 3 05
( feeders.. frM) 8 60 1 cow 1040 1 05
2 feeders.. W 1 60 22 cowa 929 3 06.
21 feeders.. 944 4 00 1 cow fciO I0&I
1 feeder... 840 3 00 7 cows 827 8 05
17 feeders.. 1 60 2 cows 925 8 10
1 feebler... 84) 1 60 2 cows 1010 1 40
1 feeder... 810 3 60 48 cows 964 I 40
lbull 1410 2 90 1 heifer... 666 126
1 bull 1110 2 45 1 heifers.. 913 170
2 bulls 1415 2 30 8 heifers.. 593 2 70
1 bull 12O0 2 6.-. 1 heifer... 630 2 70
1 bull 1170 2 60
112 feeders. 9S4 160 1 feeder... 880 109
I feeders.. 94 8 on
4 feeders.. 1060 4 00 2 steers...
W. Fornander Neb.
1 feeders.. 806 3 80 10 feeders.
8 feeders.. 7fl 8 30 1 feeder..
Henry Olson Neb.
11 feeders.. 790 3 05
A. Carlson Neb.
14 feeders.. 860 8 20 2 feeders.
. Schroeder Neb.
11 cows 1015 2 86 16 feeders.
T. K. Hewlett Neb. .
1 cow 1040 2 75 17 cows R"3
( cows 981 2 76 1 cow 890
Fred Llndberg-Neb.
IS COWS 969 2 90 1 cow 1040
I cows 1044 2 90 1 cow
8 cows 9ftS 2 60 3 cows 1000
E. M. Prouty Neb.
1 calf 160 6 60 10 cows
C. H. Lee Neb.
60 feeders.. 623 2 65 13 heifers..
86 cows 917 8 20 67 cows
29 cows 970 8 20 32 cows
10 COWS 767 3 20
Kent ft
1145 S 76
I 80
1 30
890 1 20
790 8 0
2 75
2 25
2 26
i 60
873 1 25
1 COW 740
1 cows..... i64
H. T.
I cows 1100
4 cows..
IS cows.
1 feeders.
I feeders.. 860
1 feeders.. 965
2 feeders.. 730
1 feeders.. 660
4 feeders.. 935
2 feeders.. 815
1 feeders.. 930
1 feeders.. 618
1 cow
1 cow
26 steers..
22 steers..
135 calves
164 calves
Blssell-8. D.
2 85 11 cows
1 60 1 cow
M cCormlck V yo.
2 75 11 cows
1 76
Henry Olson Neb.
863 2 65
C. L. Johnson Wyo.
2 60
2 80
2 30
2 85
8 60
993 I 25
6 cows..,
1 steer...
4 s'eera....l2
1 steer.,
1 heifer..
2 cows...
1 cow....
2 cows...
2 cows...
1 cow....
8 75
3 00
3 75
8 00
3 75
3 75
3 75
3 75
8 76
8S0 2 40
, 800 1 00
M. E. TUIotson Wyo.
.1160 4 25 891 cows....
. 910 3 25 277 cows....
. 300 4 50 171 calves..
.li)6 4 00
Tottlc L. ft S. Co. Wyo.
144 steers... 890 3 65 cows 1022
8 65
745 8 46 14 feeders.. 843
W. C. Shepherd Colo.
, 610
, 840
, 990
, 900
76 feeders.. 905
44 feeders..
44 feeders..
3 45 14 feeders
E. Harris Colo.
8 00 4 cows...
Larson Wyo.
3 10 1 cows...
J. Kelly Colo.
2 80 6 feeders.. 1012
E. Miller-Colo.
3 60
2 00
3 90
3 80
8 26
2 65
2 40
2 00
1 40
3 60
1 40
2 85
2 35
8 25
I (0
80S 2 60
1 SO
21 cows 881
26 COWS 96
23 cows 999
22 feeders.. 1020
Al Miller coio.
23 feeders. . 985 3 60
Wm. Crlswell Mont.
4 cows f60 2 80 37 feeders.. 1069 4 10
4 tows 1000 1 30 1 cow 1220 40
22 steers.. ..1176 4 15 12 cows 944 1 40
8 steers... .1066 4 16 1 cow 1060 2 75
1 steer 960 3 60 2 cows 975 2 75
4 steers.... 962 3 60 8 cows 976 2 76
1 steer.... 900 8 60 lbull 1440 1 40
1 bull 1560 2 40 1 bull 1410 1 40
Jay Wilkinson Wyo.
40 feeders. .1163 4 35
B. F. Davis Wyo.
( feeders.. 1083 8 75 2 feeders.. 1146 178
1 feeder. ..1200 3 75 1 feeder.. .1110 I 75
1 feeder... 1210 3 75 1 feeder... 1220 1 76
24 feeders.. 1131 8 75 1 feeder... 1040 3 75
1 feeder... 1000 3 75 2 feeders.. 1131 126
HOGS There were more hogs on sale this
morning than any time since last August.
Other markets were also well supplied, so
that the tendency of prices was downward
at all points. The market here opened
r-bout 10c lower than yesterday on the gen
eral run of hogs. A few loads of good qual
ity and light weight perhaps did not sell
over a nickel lower, but still the bulk of the
sales were right around 10c lower. The
leng string brought 16.60, against 16.60 yes
terday, with tho bulk going from 16.60 to
16.65 and as high as 16.60 was paid. Trading
waa fairly active and the bulk of the of
ferings was disposed of In good season.
The last end of the market was very slow
and weak and the last sales were right close
to 15e lower lhan yesterday or a nickel
lt.wer than the opening market. On the
close packers wanted to buy good hogs at
16.60, with the heavy packing grades from
16.40 to 16.45. There were 'a good many
heavyweights here today and that fact, of
course makes the market on paper show
off to poor advantage. Representative sales:
44. ..
44 ..
44. . .
. ... ESI
. . .204
... iso
.. :m
... lot
I .14
I 10
4 40
a 40
4 40
4 41
4 4
4 41
4 41
4 44
4 44
4 44
4 45
4 44
4 41
4 474
4 47
4 41Vi
4 47S
4 47 V
4 10
4 40
4 m
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 14
4 M
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 10
I 50
4 M
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 M
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 U
4 10
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 M
II. ..,
III. .
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 10
4 44
4 to
4 M
I 40
4 14
4 40
4 40
4 41Uj
4 41
4 42
4 41
4 tl
I 42
4 41
4 41
4 12
4 tl
4 tl
4 41
4 12
4 41
4 42
4 2
4 tt
4 U
4 tt
I 44
4 U
4 It
I tt
4 tt
4 tt
4 16
4 it
4 it
4 tt
4 4t
4 tt
I 44
4 tt
4 IS
4 tt
4 55
4 4.1
4 tt
4 tl
4 tt
4 47
4 47
4 10
4 42
a good
10 1 to to.
140 I to 77 in to
71 31B 40
40 4 40 SO.....
120 4 M US...
nur.K.V Recelots of sheep were
deal smaller than yesterday, but still there
a as a good liberal run. 1 ne same as yes
terday, the big bulk consisted of feeders
and. as there were several thousand head
carried over from yesterday, buyers had a
good many from which to make their se
lections. There was comparatively little fat stuff
r eluded In the freeh arrivals, ao that any
thing at all good said at steady prices. A
few natives arrived and lambs sold ss high
ss 16 00 and ewes 13.26. As packers were all
anxious for supplies It was not long oeton
everything that would do for killers was
disposed of.
The feeder market, though, was rather
quiet. There were quite a few buyera on
hand, but the supply of feedera waa ao
enormous that the number sold before no u
did not make a very big Impression. The
tendency, of course, waa to shade prices,
but still what stuff changed hands was not
much lower than the same kinds sold for
Quotations: Good to choice yearlings. 13.76
154.011; fair to good. t3 253.65; good to choice
wethers. t3.6Cu3.65; fair to good wethers,
tlloti3.35; choice ewes, t3.0O4il.25: fair to
food ewes, 12 6&U2.90; good to choice lambs,
4fcio-4.76; fair to good lambs,' ik.00vt.5u;
choice native lambs, 6.00ig-5 60; feeder weth
ers, 12.763.00; feeder yearlings, t3.00ft3.25;
feeder lambs, 3.0""i-i v; cull Iambs, ll 6v,'r
2 60; feeder ewes, l. 262.00;. cull ewes, Ibrjf
tl 26; stork ewes, t2.50lr3.2S. Representative
67 Wyoming cull swes
1"7 t.'olorada ewes
499 Nebraska wethers
28 native ewes
170 Wyoming feeder lambs.,
170 Wyoming feeder lambs..
21 native lambs
10 cull ewes
10 cull ewes
29 cull ewes
129 feeder ewes
61 feeder ewea
184 feeder ewes
849 feeder ewes and wethers
104 cull lamba..
119 Wyoming ewes ,
271 Wyoming lambs
A v. Pr.
79 1 15
87 1 90
82 I 15
134 1 26
64 1 (0
66 1 (0
M i 00
t8 1 0)
80 1 00
70 1 00
82 1 80
79 I )
87 1 (0
M 2 40
46 1 60
M 1 80
M I 90
135 feeder lambs
143 feeder ewe
612 feeder lamba
67 feeder yearlings. ...
63 feeder Ismbs
433 Wyoming wethers.
' 66
. 1 78
1 on
. 1 to
1 10
.1 85
Cattle and Sheep Ars Steady urn Hege
Firs Is Ten Cents Lower.
CHICAGO, Oct. 28CATTIJ;-Recelpls,
8.000 heed, including 600 Texans and l.Oisj
westerns; steady: good to prime steers,
nominal at t1.taa7jg.40; poor to medium,
!3.7.Vi.7R; stockers and feedera. 82.2Vn4 8i;
cows, tl.40fj'4.60; heifers, t2.OMW5.00: canners,
tl .4(f2.&0; calves, t3.761j4.16; Texas fed ,
Steers, t3.OOtM.76. ' .
HOGS Receipts todav, 26,000 head; ' to
morrow. 30.ov head, estimated: left ov4r
4.500 head: 6?10c lower than Monday's close;
mixed and butchers, t6.3.Mf.70- good to
choice heavy, 16 avriS.75; rough neavy, 16 T5
476 45; light, 1S.204J6.&5; bulk of sales, t6.3.Vjl
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 80.O08
head: sheep, steady; Ismbs, strong; good to
choice wethers, 3.SO.ti'4.15; fair to choice
mixed, t2.otKir3.60; western sheep, l2.7Tuv). TA;
native lambs, t3.6otirt.&0; western lambs,
t376ti5 00.
Official yesterday: Recelrts.8hltment.
Cattle 2I.A"0 8.247
Hogs 81.6T5 4.670
Sheep 36,724 4,417
Kassss City Live Stock Market- '"
ceipts, 15,800 natives. 1.200 Texans; calves.
80 Texans, 1,600 natives; beef a leers. lOo
higher; best western beef steers and stork
era and feeders. strong; cows, KxjflfKj.
higher; calves, a shade lower; choice ex
port and dressed beef steers. 16.90iiti7.9o; f",p
to good, t4.004i6.Vi; stockers and feeders,
12.6ift4.40; western fed steers. 83.006u76;
Texas and Indian steers, tl.10tpl.28: Texas
cows, t2.oij2.90; native cows, tl.WVuH.OO; na
tive heifers, 83.50114.60; canners, ll.onej"2.26;
calves. !2.xifi.7b.
HOGS Receipts. 17.000 head; market 6f10o
lower; ton 167;Tjulk of sales. !6,56FiV60;
heavy, 16.656. 65; mixed packers. t6 56Cr9
6 67V,; light, I6.50.ft6.60; yorkers, !6.6C4j.6o;
pigs, t5.6oa16.20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000
head; market strong; native lambs, tS.6no
6.20; western lambs, 83.00fiffi.15; fed ewes,
.OUfl3.80; native wethers, t3ftf4.00: west
ern wethers, 83.0O4i3.96; stora-Ta and feed
ers, ll.9l.Kjj3.30.
St. Loals Live Stock Market.
ST. IXIUIS. Oct. 28.-CAT1 r.E-Recetpts.
7.ono head, including 5,000 " inn; market
quiet; native shipping stid export steers,
&6TW7.O0, with fancy worth up to ts 50;
dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.8tl'.&0;
steers under l.OoO lbs., 14.006.00; stockers
and feeders, t3.(Kij4.60; cows and heifers,
!2 263.60; canners. tl.50A2.0; bulls, 12
1.00; calves. t4.oo47.0o; Texas and Indian
steers, 12.406.26; cows and heifers, tii.2o42 .
3.30. . . '
HOGS Receipts. 7.000 head: market
lower; pigs and lights. 16 .Soil. 45; packers,
t6.6o6.6o; butchers. I6 60W6.75.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts,- . 2,000
head; market steady; native mutton, t-3.35
434.00; lambs, 14.006 26: culls and bucks,
12. 5O4J-4.00; stockers, !2.60'fV; Texans, ttlO
8J3.75. . ' 4 .
New York Lire sock Market. -, '
NEW TORK. Oct. 2S.-CATTLE Reoelpts.
77 head; dressed beef steady; city dressed
native sides, 8il2o per. ltx ; Texas beef.
"He; cables quoted American steers at UV4
feltc, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at
UlSllHc per lb. r expqrts today, 760 beeves
(erttmated), LIT! sheep, 1,910 quarters of
beef. v
CALVES Receipts, 123 head; veals sold
at t4.6O1319.OO per cwt; a bunch of greasers
at 13.75.
SHEEP AND LAPS-Recelpts; .4,194
head; both sheiep and lambs steady, .but
very dull; sheep sold at t2.754i8.50 per Owt;
a few selected at 14; lambs at t4.62H4TC.2;
dressed mutton, 6Hi?iC per lb.; dreeaed '
lambs, 7fe9c,
HOOS-Recelpts. 1.387 head. ..'' .'
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 28. CATTLJ-Re-celpts,
3,331 head; steady; natives. 4)4.0tv?
7.85; cow and heifers, tl.60ij6.75; stockers
and feeders. l2.0OHj4.75.
HOGS-Recelnts, 6.064 head; . light and
light mixed, 16.D&46.62; medium' and heavy.
16.606.67H; bulk, 16.56(06.62'.. . '
SHEEP Receipts, 6,907 head; active gnd
steady; top, Idaho aethers, 83.85. -
Slesx City stock Marki .
' SIOUX CITY, la., Oot. 28,-(Sneclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.600: market
steady; beeves, 16.007.60; cows, bulls and
mixed, V.mtfJi; stockers and feeders, 4)2.50
4(4.76; yearlings, 42.60fc4.00. , . .. .... -
HOGS Receipts, 3,500, 6jfl0o Jowes at t6 30 -6.65;
bulk, t6.3iij6.45. .'r...
Stock In Sight.
The following were tbe receipts of live '
stock at the six principal cities yeaterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Omaha 6,096 7,216 14,820
Chicago 8,000 26,000 30,000
Kansas City 16.800 17.000 7,000
St. Louis 7.000 7,000 , 2,ii0
St, Joseph 8.831 6.054 " 6,907
Sioux City 1.500 3.500 ,
60.727 , 66.770 69,727
Cotton Market. ;
Easy; sales, 5,260 bales; ordinary, 6Sc; BOd
ordinary. 7Hc; low middling, 7 ll-16c; mid
dling, 8I-I60; good middling, 8 6-16c; mid
dling fair, 81f-16c; receipts, 14.162 bales;
stock, 190.107 bales; futures, steady. Oc
tober, 8.03rf8.05; November, 8.02rr8.O4c; De
cember, S.oSrnH.OSc; January. 8.11M.12c; Feb
ruary. 8.12tfi.14c; March, 8. 16&. 18c; April,
8.19S.20c: May, 8.214j-2c.
NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-COTTON Market
opened quiet and unchanged to 2 points
lower and for the balance of the session
was disposed to further ease off. in the sb
sence of public support and bulling by the
Wall street pool element. The room was
bearlshly Inclined, owing to the failure of
frosf predictions to materialize and also to
estimates by local statisticians for sn In
creased movement of the crop In the Im
mediate future. The weekly crop weather
report from Washington waa summed up
aa favorable for late cotton and Indicative
of a small top crop. The Liverpool cables
were slightly disappointing and the foreign
market orders aa a rule went to the short
side of the account. The spot market news
from the south was about as expected.
The market for futures was Anally barely
steady, with prices net 4 to 9 points lower.
Total salea estimated at lzn.ow Dales, most
of which was January, March and May
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28 COTTON-Qulet;
middling, 8II-I60; sales, 300 bales; recelpta,
8033 balea; shipments, (,881 bales; stock, 12.
863 bales.
LIVERPOOL. Oct 28. COTTON 8 pot ,
moderate business done; prices barely
steady; American middling, 4.70d. The siles
of the day were 7,000 hales, of which 6j0
bales were for speculation and export and
Included 6.600 American. Receipts, 13,000
bales. Including 7,600 American. Futures
opened barely steady and closed quiet;
American middling, g. e. c, October. 4.56d,
buyers: October-November, 4.49d, buyers;
November-December, 4.65d, buyers; Decern.
ber-January, 4.43d, buyers; January-February,
4 43d. sellers; February-Mirch, 4.43d,
sellers; March-April. 4.43d, sellers; April
May, 4.43d. sellers; May-June, 4 43d, sellers.
OH and Roalia.
OIL CITY, Pa.. Oct. 28 OIL Credit bal
ances. 11.30; certificates, no bid; shipments,
114.929 bbls., average 98,046 bbls.; runs, 17.
760 bbls.. average 78,294 bbla.
SAVANNAH. Ga., Oct. 21. Olte-Turpen-tlne.
firm, 49c.
ROSIN-FIrm: A. B. C, D, 11.36; E. 8140;
F. II .46; O. 11.66; H. 11.75; I, 12.00; M. 13.00;
N. 13 60; WO, 13.75; WW, 14 15.
TOLEDO. O. Oct. 28. OIL No change.
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. OIL Cottonaeed.
easy; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow,
17e. asked. Petroleum, firm; rosin, firm;
turpentine, steady, 6364c.
LONDON, Oct. 28. OIL Turpentine
spirits, 37s; Unseed, 24s Id.
laiar sad Molasses.
Qulet, but steady; open kettle, zvafd-lfc;
open kettle centrifugal, new, 8V(3c; cen
trifugal white. 115-lac; yellow, 3318-l(c;
seconds, ltk&3c.
MOLASSES In good demand; open kettle,
UifiHc; centrifugal, 1323c Syrup. 26S29c.
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. SUGAR Raw,
steady; fair refining, ll-16c; centrifugsl 16
test, 3Hc Molasses sugar, 1 13-16c; refined,
UiNUON, Oct. 28. 8UG A R Beet, Oc
tober, 74x'7d.
Dry Goods Market.
mand was moderate again today and with
out special feature; buying was mainly for
quick delivery, for which full prices were
paid. Print cloths continue dull but firm In -price.
Export demand for heavy brown
cottons was Inactive.
Cloths steady, with a moderate niqulr) ;
ysrns quiet and steady.
Dlstlngalsheal Paaeeaarers mm gaxosta.
NEW TORK, Oct. 28-Among the pas
sengers on the steamer Baxonla. which ar
rived here today from Liverpool, were the
venerable 8. Pureell Hndii-k, archdeacon
of Panama, and Horace W. Metcalf. United
States consul at Newcestle-on-the-Tyne,
. ;
i ;