THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOHEIt 20, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL , MISOIl 3IEHTIOM. Psvls Mill" drugs. thockort sells carpets and rugs. Mautht, fine watch repairing, 228 E'way. Expert watch repairing. Ieffert. 40 B'way. 'Mlps lillen Ornnn Is home from an ex tended eastern trip. Twelve-pln-e chnmher set, J2.73, at A. B. Howe's, 310 frroadway. The Christy pictures for aale. C. E. Alex ander tt Co, ZA& Broadway. lira. U 8. Rullnrd and Mm. A. E. Wil liams are visiting relatives In 8ac City, la. Rev. E. W. Erlckson and family left yes terday for their new home at Irondale, Wash. The Radiant Home heating stove leads all others. Sold by Petersen A Schoenlng, Mer rlam block. Carriers wanted for both foot and horse routes. Apply at The Bee office. No. 10 Pearl street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlshton of Harmony street are home from a visit with relatives at River Sioux. We are headquarters for glass of all kinds. Bee us before you buy. C. B. Paint, Ull and Ulans Co. Carriers Wanted Carriers . wanted for both foot and horse routes. Apply at The Be office, No. 10 Pearl street. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Robert Uanson, aged 30, and Victoria Toma, aged 23, both of this city. To furnish your home properly get prices on your furniture and general house fur nishing goods of Petersen & Bchoening, Merrlam block. If you want a heater that heats and a stove that gives general satisfaction you will make no mistake by going to Peter sen 4 Bchoenlng's and selecting a Radiant Home. President Bargent of the Board of Ed ucation returned yesterday from a hunting trip to Cody, Neb. He was accompanied by John Keellne. Miss Ryan of Boulder, Colo., who has been critically 111 at the home of Mrs. Iiacey on Park avenue for several months, had sufficiently recovered to leave for her home yesterday. Mrs. E. A. Blanchard has as her guests her brothers, Charles Stapf of Newcastle, Pa., and Prank Stapf of Helena, Mont., who are accompanied by their wives and the latter by his two daughter. Ask your ' neighbor how he likes the Radiant Home heater. Then go to Peter sen & Schoenlng and let them give you a price on this, the best heating stove on the market. Rev. Harvey Hostetler, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, has been elected president of the Council Bluffs Min isterial association to fill the vacancy caused by Rev. C W. Erlckson leaving the city. A protracted series of revival meetings has been commenced at the First Baptist church by the pastor. Rev. Mtlford Rlggs, and will continue for two or three weeku. Meetings will be held every evening and next week the pastor will be assisted by Dr. Olll of Hannibal, Mo. James R. Moranr 1100 Fourth avenue, died Monday at Grand Rapids, Mich., where he had recently gone for the benefit of his health. - Mr. Moran was a well known con ductor on the Sioux City A, pacific between this city and Bloux City, but some months ago was compelled to give up his work On account of falling health. The gloomy winter days can be brightened by furnishing your home with a Radiant Jiome heating stove. Petersen & Schoen lng, Merrlam. blockeUs them. Charles Ijangdon, who smashed a $100 plate-glass window In Will Rogers' saloon on Broadway by hurling a paving block through It Monday night, will have a hear ing In police court this morning. The mls- si In struck Rogers, who was seated in his office. Inflicting a bad cut just below the right eye. Langdoh threw the block through the window after having been turned out of the saloon, whirs he had tried to raise a 'disturbance.', . . . 'The Tuneral "of Mrs.. H. Coral, held yes terday afternoon from te residence of her daughter, Mrs. O. A. Helaler. Was attended by a large gathering ot friends of the de ceased and family. Simple services were i vonducted by Rev.' W. B. Crewdson,- pas tor of the Christian church, the music being rendered by the church, choir. -Burial was ' In Falrvlew cemetery and the pallbearers were Scott Covalt, A. Helsler, J. Heisler, H. Helsler,, F. Grass and R. Grass. We expect to thrive by pleasing our cus tomers. We -would not handle a heating stove that did not prove to be up to the standard. Our advice Is that If you con template . buying a .heater come and see our Radtnht Home. It costs nothing to examine these stoves and if you do not buy we will hot get angry about It. We know that you desire to be pleased. If we cannot please you and give satisfaction for your money we don't expect your trade. Petersen & Schoenlng, 'Merrlam block. ' A Radiant Home means a radiant smile on the face of every member of the family during, the rold weather. See Petersen & Schoenlng. Merrlam block, for further In formation. , ,. The receipts In the general fund at the Christian home last week were again be low the needs of the Institution. They amounted to 197.25, bejng $102.76 below the needa of the week and increasing the de ficiency to $977.17. In the manager's fund .the receipts were $23,, being $12 below the needs of the week, and Increasing the de ficiency In this fund to date to $321.96. Since the last report eleven children have been j. received Into the home, homes have been found for nine and two have been received Into the department for the aged. H. W. Patrick, a negro, wearing the uni form of the United States regular army, Is being held at the city Jail on suspicion of being a deserter. He claims to have- been a member of the Ninth cavalry and to have been stationed at the Presidio, Sao Ftanelaco. He doea not claim to have been discharged and, as he waa provided with furlough papers, the police decided to hold him and notified the military authorities la Omaha, who are investigating. Patrick claims to have enlisted at Harrlsburg, Pa., April 16 last and says he was sent to the Philippines In June and remained there un til September, when he returned to San Francisco. ' Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: tAila K. O ruber and husband to John M. Buckingham, all Interest In swV, new, 18-74-39, w. d $ ISO I j. F. Jones and i wife to Charles Holmstrom, sVfc, sw"4, 13-74-S9, w. d... 6 200 tr. J. and 11. Lougee and wives to E. T. Smith, 22 In 6, Sackett'a add., a. e l Total number of transfers, S $5,831 INDIVIDUALITY ThufutrmWordt 1. 1 1 tp IT-' p" t?i IS l Li UV - '' , i , . MILWAUKBB . PoasesMS a (oodncat all its own. Uncrrtaf Judgment exercised fa ths icUctioe. of materials, backed by Blats method of brcsr tor, are the mala factor rcspoo libls for blal character. BLATI MALT VI VINE . . Non'lniesteaat) SUMMER TONIO v lu brueeisw or Djreui. VAl BUn IREVUI6 CO. MUnukii uatMt k.t(u. $411 Ueuatlas St. Tel. lOnl. LEWIS CUTLER 14.- tt Pearl 'fit . alORTICIAN. Council Bluffs. 'Phone 7 BLUFFS. BUTCHERS PUT LP A FIGHT OrjVt to Being Single J Out as One BmineJi to Close Up on Sunday. ASSERT ORDINANCE UNCONSTITUTIONAL If Defeated la This Contention Will Bee to It that All Otber Mares of Business Are Tightly Closed. The proprietors of meat markets who have been called Into court by the city authorities for keeping their places of busi ness open on Sundays, In violation of an ordinance passed in 1877, are up In arms and It Is said a merry war may be looked for If an attempt to enforce this ordinance Is made. The' pwners of meat markets who refuse to abide by the provisions of the ordinance assert that If they are compelled to' close their places of business on the Sabbath, other stores, such as groceries, cigar stores, saloons, barber shops and other places will have to keep, closed on that day also. The butchers who persist In keeping open on Sundays contend that the ordinance is unconstitutional, as It discriminates against one class of merchants alone. They say they are determined that If forced to close on Sundays they will insist that the state law regarding Sunday closing be enforced and will take steps to see that it Is. This will mean a Puritan Sunday for Council Bluffs and the closing of all saloons, barber shops and other places on Sundays. The state law. makes no discrimination in the matter of Sunday closing and the butchers who have been summoned Into court realize that they can swing? a powerful club If railed upon to do so, In order to protect what they claim as their rights. Thorn Davis, E. Till, J. L. Kaler, Fred Evers and Harvey Pace were the butchers summoned to appear , in court yesterday morning and explain why they should not be punished for violating the city ordinance by keeping their places of business open last Sunday morning. The hearing was, however, continued until Thursday after noon, when It will; be' held before: Judge Scott In the superior court. The offending butchers have retained an imposing array of legal talent and Bean to fight the or dinance to the last ditch. In the event ot the court upholding the ordinance and find ing against them the defendants will then, they say, take the necessary steps to have the state Sunday closing law enforced, and a merry fight may be looked for. fl.OO Eureka Fountain Pen, 10c. Cut this ad out and present It on or be fore Saturday, November 1, and you will be entitled to one Eureka Fountain Pen complete for 19 cents. Only one pen to a customer and positively none without this ad. DeLong, the Printer, 807 Broadway. CAMPAIGN IS LIVELY ENOUGH Work of Stirring; Cp the Voters . Carina; Closing- Days Goes ,.' ' 'Merrily On."' ":! f" : t. i; . -'I it.' fl.Mll v Chairman Wright - ot the republican county central committee has made ar rangements for several rallies throughout the county during the closing week of the campaign. Thursday evening Colonel C. O. Saunders, candidate for state senator, will speak at a meeting at Walnut. Saturday night there will be a rally at Treynor, at which County Attorney KUlpack will be the principal speaker. Monday evening Colonel Saunders will address a meeting of republicans fit Hancock and the same night there will' be a rally at Pony Creek, at which Assistant County Attorney Kimball and David E. Stuart will speak. An element which had not been consid ered by the party workers may rut quite a figure In the election next Tuesday. This element is the men employed on the con struction work ot the Oreat Western rail road In this county and the question arises as to how many of them will be legally en titled to vote next Tuesday.' The law re quires that a man before -being entitled to vote in Iowa must have been a resident ot the state for six months prior to the elec tion. At least 600 men. have been employed from time to time on the Great Western grade and the question that Is exercising several of the politicians Is bow many of these will be entitled to vote. The work ot construction ot. the Oreat Westsrn was begun last April, so that any man who has worked continuously since then baa ac quired a legal residence la the state, and If registered will be entitled to vote.- Since the work ot construction reached the city It Is said that at' least 130 men are now employed within .the municipal limits on the Oreat Western, grade. In order to vote next Tuesday all of, these will be-'required to register and t,be result of . Saturday's registration will t, watched with consid erable Interest. On the first two. days ot registration It Is believed but few. It any, ot the men emplpyed op the grade regis tered, and Saturday will be their last chance to do so. It all of these men register their vote next Tuesday night will exercise quite an influence on the result ot the election, and this Is what Is worrying many of the politicians. Davis sells paints. Wlckham Is Not Worried. Contractor Wlckham said yesterday that the action ot the city council Monday night. in dscldtag .t declare hla contract for ths paving of Harrison street forfeited was. not worrying him at all. He said he doubted vecjf much If the city could cancel the contract ' and laughed at the suggestion of him or his bondsmen being held liable for any loss that the city may entail by awarding- a new contract for this work. k Contractor Wlckham takes the position that the city cannot hold him liable tnless It relets the contract for the same ma terlal as called for In hls contract, and the party who might be awarded the- new con tract could no more furnish Council Bluffs brick than he could. Further Mr. Wick ham said he was willing to do the paving at the contract price ot $1.33 as soon as ho could secure sufficient brick, which would be early next spring. Mr. Wlckham says there has been an unprecedented demand for Council Bluffs brick this year owing to the large amount of building going on and this, with the large amount of other paving in which the home material has been used for. the .lower course, has kept this demand In excess of the supply. Had he paved Harrison street this year, Mr. Wlckham says, much ot other paring such as South Sixth street, could not have been laid. The paving on South Sixth atreet and other streets In the Fourth ward, ha contends, were needed more than the ir-provement of Harrison street-. In order to show his willingness to pavs Harrison street at the price In his con Wlckham says that If the city advertises for new bids he will asnln offer In itn the work for f 1.33 and under those clrcuin- j stances If the city awards the contract at a higher figure. It will not be able to hold him or his bondsmen liable for the dif ference. In view of the fact that he Is will ing to lay it at the old price. Mr. Wlck ham also expressed the opinion that when it came to the point the city council would not declare his contract forfeited. Tho same conditions, he asserted, applied to the paving of Mynster atreet, where the home material was ordered laid. SCHOOL BOARD SESSION TAME Contrary to Expectations lllah School Matters Were Kot Brought IP. The monthly session ot the Board of Education last night was devoid of Interest, routine business alone demanding the at tention of the members. The metrbers of the board who claimed to have received several complaints from parents of High school pupils regarding the management ot that Institution, tor reasons best known to themselves, made no trentlon of the matter, and It Is said that everything la now run ning smoothly there and that no changes In the faculty Will be considered this school j yesr. The committee on buildings and grounds ' made no report regarding the fire escapes . ordered on the Washington avenue, Bloomer and High school buildings as had been ex pected. Chairman Cooper of the committee J stated that only OLe bid had been received for the erection of the escapes and that the committee expected to receive others before making any report or recommenda tion. It was decided to close the schools Friday In order to give the teachers an opportunity to attend the sessions of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' association. The local chapter of, the Daughters of the American Revolution was granted the usn of the High school auditorium for a lecture to be delivered during November by Samuel Phelps Leland. Half of the proceeds of the lecture will be contributed by the chaptor to the fund for securing a historical refer ence library for the school. The cadets were also given permission to use the audi torium for an entertainment to be given In the near future. B. A. Wlckham was allowed a partial es timate of $6,000 on the addition to the Pierce street school. Miss Jensen of the High school faculty was given permission to teach modern lan guages to the members of the Council Bluffs Woman's club. The statistical report of Superintendent Clifford for the first month of the school year ending October 8 gives these figures: Boys. Girls. Total. Entire enrollment 2,399 2,463 4,m Monthly enrollment... 2,899 2,463 4.8B2 Average daily attendance 4,410.43 Per cent of attendanoe 95. S3 Number cases of tardiness 887 Number neither absent nor tardy 2,663 N. T. Plumbing Co., telephoae 26. gay Girl la Under Aire. Clyde McCreary and Minnie B. Lenora, giving their agea 21 and 18, respectively, and hailing from Omaha, were Issued a marriage license Monday afternoon and wero married 'by Rev. Oeorge Edward Walk, rector of St. Paul 'n church. It de veloped yesterday that the young woman's right name was Minnie Kaplan and that she was the daughter of Albert Kaplan, a grocer, doing business at 614 South Thir teenth street, Omaha. Mr. Kaplan called at the office of the clerk of the district court yesterday to make Inquiries con cerning the issuance of the license. He stated that bis daughter waa only 16 years of age, and, that before leaving home ahe had appropriated $40 ot his money, sup posedly to defray the expense of the honey moon. Mr. Kaplan felt very bitter towards the young man, whom he threatened to prosecute to the full measure of the law. Clyde McCreary, the youthful groom, was the victim, according to his story told the police of an alleged hold up early Monday morning at the cigar store In Omaha, where he worked and slept. He claimed to have been robbed of a gold watch and $3.60. Matters In District Conrt. Judge Macy In district court yesterday overruled the motion of the city for a new trial la the personal Injury damage suit ot Mrs. Emma Rice. Unless the city de cides to take the case up to the supreme court it will now be obliged to pay the Judgment of $2,000 obtained by Mrs. Rice. Henry Brugenkempke has been granted temporary Injunction restraining the Hall Grading and Construction company and the Mason City 4V Fort Dodge Railroad com pany from trespassing on a lot of his In the southern part ot the city. , Brugen kempke alleges that the grading firm has taken possession of his property and en cumbered It with Its machinery, . steam shovels and other paraphernalia. He also complains that the new railroad has cut down trees on his property and the re straining order also enjoins further acts on the part ot the grading Arm in this direction. Judge Macy yesterday adjourned court un til Thursday, when some minor matters will come up for consideration, after which It is expected court will be adjourned tor the term. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Son. fnlform Compnnlea Consolidate. At the meeting last evening of the mem bers of Bluffs and U. S. Grant companies, uniform rank, Knighta of Pyth ias, It was decided that the consolidated company should retain the name ot Bluffs company No. 27, It being the oldest ot the two companies. The election of offi cers resulted as follows: Captain, J. J. Klein; first lieutenant, W. M. Frederick; aecond lieutenant, George Hill; recorder, E. J. Abbott; treasurer. C. A. Tlbbtts; guard, Frank Elgan; sentinel, L. Kost; chaplain, E. A. Black; drill master. E. P. Graney; executive committee, E. P. Graney, Charles Gilbert, John Brough, J. J. Keith, Frank Hober. The newly elected officers will be Installed Saturday, Novem ber 8, when a banquet will be served. The new eompany starts out with about seventy-five members and will be one ot the strongest lp the state. Csvls sells glsae Fence Plant Out of Material. The wire fence factory of the Bloomer Manufacturing eompany has been forced to close down temporarily tor lack of ma terial. R. H. Bloomer, president of the company, delayed ordering wire, hoping to take advantage of an expected drop in prices, and then waa confronted with a difficulty ot obtaining material at a short notice. President B'.oomer stated last evening that he had received a telegram from, the I'nlted States Steel corporation to the effect that a carload had been shipped him and Mr. Bloomer expects his plant will be In operation In a few days. The statement made in an evening paper that the shut down was caused by the wire trust, Mr. Bloomer states, Is entirely with out foundation. Between thirty-five and forty men are employed by the Bloomer company. , I Gravel roofing- A. U. Held, til Broadway. PLENTY OF MONEY IN BANKS Statements Disprove the Btoriei of Finan cial Itringencj in Iowa. SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN DECISIONS Woman Kseaprs from Hospital and May Die from Exposure Authori ties Itefuse te Make Publle Her Same. (From a Staff Correspondent) DE3 MOINES," Oct. 27. (Special.) State Auditor Merrlam today Issued the state ment of the condition of state and savings banks In Iowa as shown by their reports made to him under call ot September 15 last. This waa the first call since June IS. The Increase in business of the banks, es pecially In the matter of deposits and loans, is highly gratifying. In fact the bank state ment wholly disputes statements which have been current during the summer that there was a stringency In money matters and that bank business was on the decline. The statement, as compared with that of June, shows that in the matter ot "bills receivable," which is almost entirely loans by banks to customers, the Increase In the three months was over $4,600,000 and the deposits Increased $$21,000. There wss also substantial increase In capital stock and surplus, while there was a great decrease In the general credits. A computation made by Chief Clerk M. M. Robertson of the auditor's pfflce Indi cates that while under the law the til sav ings banks are required to maintain a re serve of over $7,000,000, they actually have over $10,000,000, and while the 810 state banks should under the law have a reserve of over $12,000,000, they have actually over $14,000,000. The exact computation shows that the reserve on hand shows a surplus ot $4,797,610 more than required by law. This Is on the basis of counting all banks as In small towns. The actual surplus. If every bank waa computed exactly, would be more than this sum, but this computa tion shows that the banks are highly pros perous. The following Is the consolidated state ment of the condition of state and savings banks September 15: LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 20,606.400 00 Due depositors 1S4,$13.6R4 70 Due banks and others 412,916 S3 Surplus $.429,072 94 Undivided profits 2,797.629 09 Total liabilities $161,761.603 06 ASSETS. Bills receivable $130,696, SS6 88 Cash and cash Items 6.118,761 62 Credits subjeet to sight drafts.. 19.ftf6.796 62 Overdrafts 1,860,667 73 Real and personal property 4,229,438 41 Total assets $161,761,608 06 The following changes In theso various items are showa to have taken place be tween June 18 and September 15 In the state and savings banks of the state: LIABILITIES. Capital stock, increase ...$ 406,000 00 Due depositors, increase.. 82X120 28 Due banks. Increase 71,176 77 Surplus, Increase 117,463 21 Undivided profit, increase 864,834 (1 ASSETS. Bills receivable". increase . $4,618,049 95 Cash and cash items. Increase.... 226,471 M Credits, detunes..'. 8,460,126 00 Overdrafts, increase 71,678 02 Real and person e4 property, inc.. 88,807 86 Street .Railway Consaay Beaten. The supreme ''court today disposed of a Cedar Rapids case which came near caus ing riots two years ago. The Cedar Rapids & Marlon Street Railway company sought to lay tracks along a street and this was resisted by the city and the owner of adjacent property. For some time there was an armed condition of affairs on the street. Today the court held that the eom pany can be compelled to place the tracks In the middle of the street and to do the paving between " tracks. In a Marshall . county case the supreme court declared that Judge Caswell should have permitted the taking ot the case to the federal court when the railroad company filed proof that it was snch a case as the federal court could take jurisdiction of. The following were ths decisions filed: First National bank of Bloux City, ap pellant, against E. H. Stone, Woodbury -county, Judge Olorr; affirmed by the court, ' Farmers' and Traders' bank of Shenan doah against Anna Johnson, appellant; Page county, Judge Wheeler; affirmed by Deemer. Gilbert Nystuen, appellant, against 8. 8. Hansen, Winnebago county, Judge Kelley; affirmed by the court. E. F. Merchant against WHIiam Prees, appellant; Polk county. Judge Holmes; af firmed by the court. Samuel Roth against John G. Munsen. males et al, appellants: Polk county. Judge Holmes; affirmed by Deemer. Ola A. Auderberg, appellant, against Anna Auderberg, Howard county, Judge Holeson; affirmed by the court. Jane V. Myers against Chicago North western Railway, appellant; Marshall county, Judge Caswell; reversed opinion by Ladd. Mary A. Podarll against Barbara Clark, appellant: Washington county. Judge Scott; reversed by McClalr, dissenting opinion by Deemer,' Bessie A. Woodward against C. M. Mor ris, appellant; Jasper county. Judge Clements; affirmed by the court. Mabel I Hreedy, appellant, against Ida Finney, Alexander county, Judge Fellows; reversed by Ladd. J. J. Snorlffer against Cedar Rap'ds it Marlon Railway Company, appellant; Linn county, Judge Thompson; modified and af firmed by Weaver. Oliver L. Dickinson, appellant, against William H. Ijow, Caaa county, Judge Smith; affirmed by the court. Escaped from a Hospital. A woman who resides In Creston and who is here taking medical treatment at Mercy hospital, escaped from the hospital last night in a delirious fit, leaping from a window to the ground. She wandered far away, clad only in a night robe, and knocked at a number of doors and awak ened the people, but disappeared before she could be detained. Finally she was caught and cared for until the arrival ot the house surgeon. The hospital authori ties refused to disclose the name of the woman, but the exposure. It Is feared, will prove fatal to her. Immense Capital Stock. The secretary of state has received notice of an increase In the capital stock of the Coast Cypress and Railway eompany of Muscatine, from $150,000 to $250,000. This is the company doing buslnsss in Arkansas and Loulsana, of which William Musser is AAL For HURT CHAPPED HURTS EzceUetit for hm after Shaving-. Relieves Instantly and Curos Quickly AU SWELUNOS anal INFLAMMATIONS OK MONET KErVNDIU naa noe 61.00 aoRua kOB aXLK BY KCH.1 CO., president and W. L Rosen secretary. Ths Osksloosa Woodworking company has in creased capital stock from $lf,Ono to $r., 000. The Manhatlan Hotel and tand eom pany of Des Moines ties Increased ths rap. Ital stock from $25,000 to $40,000. The Trl City Railway company has Increased from $1,200,000 to $1,500,000. Inebriates In Hospital. The members of the State Board of Con trol were surprised to learn that at the Cherokee hospital there ar now twenty one inmates of the Inebrlary department, all received within seventeen dnys. This Indicates that the demand tor places of re straint tor the victims of drink are In great demand. There was a total of 5!t Inmates at the Cherokee hospital when the board made the visit. They found every thing In good ordsr. CELEBRATE LEGAL VICTORY Ottwmwn Officials Dined by Cedar Rapids Mayor Because of Water Works Win. OTTUMWA. Ia., Oct. 28. Mayor Huston ot Cedar Rapids today Invited every Ot tumwa official to a banquet, to celebrate their victory In the water works case. The decision applies. In a parallel case, to Cedar Rapids. VALUABLE DIAMONDS TAKEN Burglars Enter et Davenport Resi dence and Sceure Two Thousand Dollars Worth of Jewels. DAVENPORT, la.. Oct. 28. Burglars last night entered the residence ot Mr. M. J. Eagal, a well known business man ot this city, and secured diamonds and jewelry valued at $2,000. There Is no clew to the robbers. Acquitted of Perjury Chnrsjre. CLARINDA, la., Oct. 28. (Special Tele gram.) The jury In the Page county dis trict court tonight returned a verdict ac quitting Eugene Mason of the charge ot perjury, which It was alleged he committed la a murder case here last spring. Mason was then acquitted of the charge of tho murder of Oscar K. Miller at the Wabash railroad In Shenandoah. Dennis, Irwin and Mason were all tried for the murder of Miller, and Dennis and Irwin were con victed and are serving sentences at Fort Madison. McKay Waives Examination. ONAWA, la,. Oct. 28. (Special Tele gram.) The preliminary examination of Rev. C. B. McKay of Mapleton, tor asaault upon Ida Kraft, to have been held today was postponed by agreement of all parties Involved, and McKay will be held In the Monona county jail until the grand jury convenes November 6. McKay did not wish to return to Mapleton, fearing mob violence and a warm reception awaited him there without doubt. The ends of Justice are not likely to suffer by a week's delay. Good Clothes Do Rot Save Him. SIOUX CITY, la.. Oct. 28. (Special Tele gram.) A sensation was created In the po lice court this morning by a well dressed prisoner, who gave the name of D. Lake. It was understood he Is a prominent In surance adjuster from Dea Moines. Lake got Into an altercation at the Grand opera house, where he was using profane lan guage. He was thrown out by A. B. Beall, the manager, who aoted as his own bouncer. This morning he was fined $30 for disturb ing the peace. Soaal - Company Pushes Prosecution. WATERLOO, ' la., Oct. 18. (Special.) Judge Piatt has postponed sentence on George James until November 6. James was a young traveling sale man and em be xxled over $800 of the firm's collections. Ho was considered honest by the firm, and hla friends and his downfall came as a shock. He entered a plea of guilty when arraigned and asked for mercy at the hands ot the Judge. The bond company In which ha carried a bond pushed the prosecution. Congressman Cousins 111. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Oct. 28. (Special.) Congressman Cousins Is 111 In Chicago. He underwent an operation for an abcees today. His appointments have all been cancelled. His condition is not serious. URGES MORE HOME MISSIONS Philadelphia Evanarellat Says Time la Coming- When City Population Must Be Saved. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28. Co-oparatlon along several Important lines of religious effort was recommended at the concluding session today ot the American section of the alliance of reformed churches holding tho Presbyterian system. , In a paper upon Sabbath schools and young people's societies Rev. John V. Ste phens said the American section of the al liance has now a total church membership of 2.082,610 and 1,997,120 scholars. , At the afternoon session John F. Convers said one-fourth to one-third of the popu lation lived In cities, a much larger pro portion than those on the remote frontier. The time was coming when home mission work might with more propriety be done in the cities than In the remote territories. They had those right at their doors whom they could reach. Tonight a popular meeting was held in the interest of co-operation in Christian work. A Champion Ilemer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the nest In the world, cures cuts, corns, burns, bolls, ulcers, sores and piles or no pay. 25c For sale by Kuhn V Co. FARMERS FIGHJ FOR PATHS Linemen Erecting Poles Precipitate Conflict in Which Ten Are Injured. ROCHESTER. N. V., Oct. 28. The sheriff of Monroe county, with five deputies, was called to Mumford today to quell a fight between farmers and a gang of telegraph linemen. The telegraph men set poles In the center of a side path and refused to desist when told to do so by the superintendent ot side Tilths. The farmers took a hand and a fierce encounter ensued, In which ten farm ers were hurt. Thirty-three linemen were subsequently arrested. CHAPS and axj. DinaaiSTa 16TH AK1 DOIULAS STB., OMAHA. amnxtlaMlaMlgf 8U)geJr enWsnauwMuw1 $WsaanunHaj1 REMIOK'G ECZEMA CURE. PURIFY THE BLOOD. In It lit M'j Pll PC nitlrsly rsre. W I Ths Oral FREE B0R0Z0NE OFFER. 0000 roR A 600 . iih. ";."Ti " " .'"I" 'nr"Ve ' w "r nf V, c"'" ' f .price, II .no. Unrwne, (us endorsed by thousands of immilnent pmtils fnr Cttts Hums, Old "ores, r Muscles, khemiistlain, Jv I'ulaon. I ocrt bites, Catarrh snd Nor Ihrnae. REMICK MEDICINE CO., 918 N. 3d Si.. ST. LOUIS. MO, COUPON. Name. Address Pchaefer'a, lflth and Chicago ts , Omnh omalia: j. n. Merchant,, 16th ami Howard His , t mm lis; Pherman M't'onnetJ lrug ii0'U1,,.h "d limlge Hie., umaha: V. A Meh her, ami N HI , Huuth timahSi Oeorge 8. ravls, 2(0 W. ltroHiiway, Council Itluffa. JARVIS 1877 BRAilYWl - - , , ' . h ' SHAW DEFENDS IOWA IDEA Language Ambiguous, but Meaning Con form! to Republican Platformi, IS NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST REVISION Free Competition with Trusts Would Engender Much Opposition and Might Cause l Labor to Stand Idle. MARSH ALLTOW'N, la.. Oct. 28. The largest meetings of the Iowa campaign were held here this afternoon and evening. Senator Allison delivered the principal ad dress In the afternoon and Secretary Shaw also spoke briefly, covering the tariff re vision and the "Iowa Idea." Secretary Shaw was the principal speaker tonight. His address in part was as follows: The, campaign In Iowa has asumed. It seems to me, more than merited notoriety. I confess to see nothing in the Iowa plat form which justifies the controversy. I whs at Cedar Rapids when the same platform was adopted a year ago and. while I recog nised and called attention to the fnct that the language employed was liable to he misinterpreted, I did not discover any dif ference of opinion as to the Interpretation It ought to receive. Personally I have al ways regretted the money plank of the re publican national platform of 1KA3. It, too. was ambiguous laid some construed tt aa declaring In favor of the free and unlim ited coinage of silver. The tariff plank In our state platform is not a declaration In favor of tariff revi sion, neither is It a declaration against tariff revision. Declaration Eminently Proper. Our political enemies demand a defensa of the details of the present tariff laws and they charge us with standing plcdued to the maintenance of existing rates. This Is not tho republican position and so to answer the charge it Is eminently proper to make the declaration contained In the Iowa platform. If the state convention of Iowa should declare specifically for tariff revision or for any specific remedy for trusts I doubt not the Iowa delegation will be very prompt to heed, and certainly the Iowa members of the cabinet will bring the subject to the careful attention of the president. This has not been done as yet and there fore neither tariff revision nor anti-tariff revision Is a party measure In this state. How soon we may expect a substitute for the Dlngley tariff law I am not prepared to predict. The responsibility Is with con gress. The republican party never submits details of legislation to a vote at the polls. It lays down the great doctrine of protec tion to American labor and It fights for this principle, but It leaves to congress the task of carrying out the details nf legisla tion In harmony with the principle. I anticipate some opposition will be en gendered among republicans and demo crats alike if an attempt Is made to re move the tariff from such artlc'es as are froduced by the larg corporations, popu arly called trusts. The idea Is not novel. It has ben urged In times past and some very excellent people, whose good judg ment Is entitled to the weightiest consid eration, are now urging It, but we can stand high prices far better than wa can idle labor. Before the remedy can be applied it will become necessary to determine whether a trust exists or not, and if It exists and that fact can be established, the Sherman law la quite sufficient to correct the evil. Switchman Is Crushed. OTTUMWA. Ia,, Oct. 28. (Special.) The failure ot a drawbar to stand the cruBh of cars coming together caused the Instant death of Thomas Schreckenghost last night. He was foreman ot the Milwaukee yards here. He was coupling cars and his head was caught and crushed. LUMBAGO IS EASY TO GET AND JUST AS EASY TO CURE IF YOU USE St. Jacobs Oil. SAVE FUEL-WORRY ir Y0U DEALER TFHE TO TAUT YOU INTO THE MISTAKE OF BUYING ANOTHER MAKE, WRITE TO US. Charier Oak Slave sRangeGa aT-L.OVIS.MO Q'titkljr It fermanf nr) 11 1 CURED .r a f n BY UIINQ ef 1,.. ,iMt ,.,ify Im. ,, k. Utlni i-irui moon unit, ht ! Memlrn's fw pllrsM,in () Inalanl rottaf. In f..lntnt sr.ifi and thsr will aire vna rlllil . r OKOXONr. a; Kuhn A f, IMh snd nnueias "la 7 DISEASED KIDNEYS Ctuso mora death than bullets. Their ymptota are not alarming, h a c they are neglected and quickly become daogeroo, Prickly Ash Bfltters Is a kidney medicine of great value; it strengthen the kidneys, allays inflam mation, eases backache and arrests the progress of the d'sease. It is aa honest rimedy that caa be depend ed on. miPDutw. The safest and surest mode of trestlni disease is with Dr. Burkhart's VegetahU Compound, the great restorer of health, Guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, '. Pains In Back, Coated Tongue, Blotches or Pimple on Face, Rheumatism. 10 days' trial free. All druggists. IIH. W. 8. BIRKHART, Cincinnati, O. DRINK cured or WHITE RIBB.N REMEDY No taste. No ouor. Can bu given In glass of Water, tea, or coffee without patients knowledge. White Hibbon Remedy will cure or de stroy the diseased appetite for alcoholla stimulants, whether the patient Is a con firmed Inebriate, a "tippler," oclal drinker or drunkard. lmpoib:e for anyone te have an appetite tor alcoholic liquors aftar using White Ribbon Remedy. Indorsed by fttviubera hi W. C. T. V. Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of Wo rn, u s Christian Temperance Union, Ven tura, taiilurtiid, writes; "1 have tested While Ribbon Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given aa c.etly. I cheerfully recommend and Indorse White Ribbon Remedy. Members ot our Union are delighted to And an economical treatment to aid ua In our temperance work." Drusglats or by mall, fl. Trial packsge free by writing Mrs, A. M. Townsend (for years secretaiy of a Woman'a Christian Temperatce Union). 2H Tremont St., Bos ton. Mans. Bold In Omaha by SCHAcFtR'a SSuYRKi Phone 77. B. W. Cor. ltn and Chlcaaa.. Ooods dillverel JTRIlU to any part at ally. Davis & GDwglll Iron Works MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OP MACHINE!!?. GENERAL, REPAIRING A BPECIALTT Agency of Dodge Manufacturing Company of Mlahawaka. Ind. Full supply of theli Joods always In Jtock. k bUl-3-6 Jackson St., Omaha, Neb! Tel. S3S. K. ZABRlBKiK, J. U. COWOII-U Agent. Manager. Out of Print Numbers THE ILLUSTRATED BEE and ot THE DAILY BEE say be had st usual arlee ky apply- ! lag at the publication office la aa far I aa Us supply is adequate. euuwanuwuuun. f ( . F II rimedy that can be depend- I 1 " . II y AT ALL DRUGGISTS. J CE, " ( m I uiTse '-it r ' !.. ; t "14 : - ! i .a", i . iiii;. if rf - .2 t J i i . .. i r fit 0' f V I V ? i.l'i'i 1-1: f- i qui 1 V r it, 1 1 1