Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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tV, 16 & HARNEY STS. W-
Young Men's Suits and
, . Overcoats.
Boys' Suits and Over
coats Suits
$3.4 G, $2.4G,$1.DG
&7.GO, $G, $3.GO,
$2.GO, $l.GO
Bennett's Clothing Dept.,
Main floor, HaroeyStreet Entrance.
u :
H. . Boa), Ita-lifUw l Coloael
. Ceay, Kills. Himself at Sherl
daa, Wrnll
'. ;. t .".a-
SHERIDANi Wyo., OjjC ,f . H. 8. Bosl.
soa-In-law of Willi km F.Cody (Buffalo
Bill')., committed suicide wtfh chloroform In
bis apartmrnta here.
Hs left several notes, but care no cause
for the act. Boal, who lived at Chicago up
. teliM, lea tc a widow aod two children.
, Trial of Mr Beerta.
SIOUX FALLS. B.'P.; Oct. 18. (Special.)
Ths '. feature of tl present term of
United States cdurt in tots cur win De
the trial or George Bear..a iuu-diooo. dioux
Indian, which commenced here today- Bear
belongs on the Rosebud reservation. He a
short time ago shot and killed John Shaw,
his stepson. jnd, C. Bd wariL Tayloe, ad
ditional farmer an4 school teacher at the
Ponpa ' sublssue station on the Rosebud
..reservation. The defendant Is sot exhibit
' lag much Interest In the proceedings, as he
has. frequently since bis arrest expressed
a desire to suffer the death penalty for
his crime. Hs is a firm believer In the
old Indian law. which bai for Its motto
the words "A Ufa for a Life." R W. Par
llman, a local attorney, is defending him,
having been appointed for the purpose by
Judge Carland. ; " ,
Both Less Are Amputated.
HVRON, 8. P., Oct. 28. (Special.) An
accident that Is likely to result fatally,
befell William Bott. a brakeman, on the
' Brooktngs-Redfleld branch of the Chicago
A Northwestern railway, near Raymond.
In climbing. upon a freight car the band
bar gars day and Mr. Bott fell beneath
the Both legs were so severely
crushed that one was amputated below
the knee fend the other Just above the
ankle., The unfortunate man's home Is In
Nebraska. . He belongs to lodge No. (1,
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, In this
elty.. : '
loath Dakota Horses la Denial
HURON. 8. D. Oct. it (8peelal.) Wil
liam Abel! and son are shipping large num
bers of draft aod carriage horses from this
locality to 8t. Paul. Minneapolis, Sioux
City and Omaha. On Saturday tbey sent
a carload to St. Paul, and also to Sioux
City. . ...
T. M. V. A. Ones to Beat r lee.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 18. (Special.)
At a conference held in this elty today be
tween Rtate Boor wary Bailey of the Toung
Men's Christian association and the local
ministers, it was decided to hold the next
Toung Men's Christian state convention
here. February 2 to March 1.
lat tlm COLD DUST
- Slave if you will, but if you perfer to mako
housework easy, use
It makes home brighter and care lighter.
Chios. Hew York. Boston, St. Lou. Makers ot OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
Seme new ones just received
in the latest styles.
a ig, $12, $10, $s.go,
&1G.OO, $13.GO,&12.GO,
$11, $D.7G. $S.7G
$f$.7G, 4.73.
i.1 9.
V - t C u '..-r - '
Aastrallaa Mall Steamers to Hereafter
Stop at the New Paella
Cable Station.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 28. The Aus
tralian mail steamers will. In future, call at
Fanning Island. Sonoma, which has
arrived from Sydney, stopped at the new
cable station and Captain Von Oterdorp
sent a message to the owners of the vessel.
"The Island is very low," said Purser
Hodson, of the Sonoma, "but the people
who are working there say It Is the most
healthy spot In which they ever lived."
Korea Crosses Oreaa la Tea Days
front Yokohama to Saa
1 - Fraaelseo,
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 28. The Pacific
Mall company's new steamer Korea ar
rived at noon today from Yokohama, break
ing the record across the Pacific.
The steamer made no stop. It sailed
from Japan on the 18th and made the pas
sage In ten days, averaging 470 miles a
Severely Injared by Raaaway.
FAIftBURY. Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.)
Last evening a horse driven by E. B.
Cowles former county superintendent, ran
away and, while crossing the railroad
tracks, overturned the buggy, throwing Mr.
Cowles to the ground, severely Injuring
him. He has recovered consciousness, but
is out of his right mind. The runaway
then collided with a team driven by George
Clark, a farmer, wrecking his buggy and
leaving him with a badly sprained wrist.
Horse aai Rial Stolen.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special.)
Harry A. Fisher, a young farmer living
Just east of this place, had a fine horse,
new buggy and harness stolen Monday
evening. He came to town and tied the
horse to a hitch rack in tbs main part of
town and went to do some trading. He
was gone less than thirty minutes. On his
return the horse was gone. This happens
In Falls City about once a month.
Mleker and Harris at Falrflele.
FAIRFIELD. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special.)
Hon. J. H. Mickey and G. W. Norris. re
publican candidates for governor and con
gressman respectively, . addressed a large
and enthusiastic audience here last even
ing. Music was. furnished by the Clay
Center band and by local singers.
twins do your work"
Three Companies Atk Privilege of Using
tbs 8ime Source of Supply.
STUDlNTS selecting an orator
Coart Refaseo to Order Secretary of
State Place tbe Balrd Socialist
Ticket on tbe Ota rial
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 28. (Special.) Before the
State Board of Irrigation the Scotts Bluffs
county Irrigation case was heard at con
siderable length. This Is a case Involv
ing tbe right to construct and maintain
extensive Irrigation works for the water
log of something like 0,000 acres of land.
Last April William Frank, who la Jointly
Interested with Heywood O. Lesrttt of beet
sugar fame, applied for permission to tap
the North Platte river for 1,142 cubic feet
of water, his application stating that It
contemplsted 150 miles of ditches and a
total expenditure of $580,000.
About a month later the Farmers' Irri
gation district also applied for a right, at
the same time protesting against the grant
ing of the application of William Prank. It
was upon this protest thst the hearing
was had today before the 8tate Board of
Irrigation. Messrs. Mandersoa and Dll
worth of Omaha appeared In behalf of Mr.
Frank. J. J. Halllgan of North Platte for
the Farmers' Irrigation district and Carl
C. Wright of Omaha for the Farmers'
Canal company, all claiming to be parties
In Interest. Among tbe witnesses Intro
duced was Earn D. Cox, an oldtlme Lin
coln newspaper man, who Is a home
steader on the tract which It Is proposed
to Irrigate. Some testimony was heard
bearing on tbe conflict of rights between
the three parties and counsel was given
until November 15 to prepare printed ar
guments. Farmers First Applieaat.
Much of the testimony was stipulated.
and It was shown that away back In 1887
the right now sought was granted to the
Farmers' Canal company, which constructed
twenty-o-e miles of ditch and failed to
continue tbe work. Nothlne- farther was
done until after the enactment of the law
authorising tbe organisation of Irrigation
districts and voting of bonds for the pro
motion of tbe irrigation. Then tbe Farm
ers' Irrigation district was formed and
$400,000 bonds were voted to continue the
works. This did dot lead to active opera
tions for the reason that the bonds have
never been sold. By means of a suit that
has been carried through the supreme
court, they were declared valid, but since
then their Issue has been tied up by In
junction on the application of the Lincoln
Land company, which Is a Burlington rail
way contingent. It was based upon the al
leged fear that the district was about to
dispose of some of the bonds in a manner
that might not bring the ditch. It is stated
that arrangements had been made by the
district for the construction of the ditch
by parties who were to receive the bonds.
Under tbe plan proposed a large amount
of tbe bends waa to be turned over to
these parties before any work was begun,
presumably to allow them to realise upon
the securities money with which to do the
Bonds !lever Blamed.
It also appeared that at some stage of
the proceedings the Farmers' Canal com
pany, which obtained the original light,
had disposed of ts nterests to Robert
Walker, from whom they were purchased
by William Frank, H. 3. Leavitt and pos
sibly others. It appeared also that Prank
was for a long time copnected with the
Farmera' Irrigation district and endeavored
In vain to float Its bonds. It waa shown
that these bonds have never been atgned,
but that the district board has been In
existence ever since organisation and has
been accustomed to meet now and then
and draw the per diem of Its members.
Tbe application of tbe Farmers' Irriga
tion district contemplates a ditch eighty
miles long, and the cost of the works was
expected to absorb the entire issue of $400,
000 bonds. The contention in behalf of tbe
district project Is that It would be better
for the settlers and property owners to
have the project carried out as a public
undertaking. From tbe fact that Messrs.
Manderson and Dllworth appeared for
Frank it ts suggested that the Lincoln
Land company is behind the Frank project.
Sehnla Is Discharged.
Henry L. Schulx. tbe Srribner young man.
arrested yesterday on tbe charge ot em
beizllng $128.20 from his employer, James
M. Garrett, a barber's supply desler. was
discharged today by ths examining magis
trate after a hearing. It appeared from the
testimony that the amount due from Schuls
was in dispute and that he had at all times
stood ready to make good whatever was
agreed upon as due. Furthermore, he
claimed to have the right to pay his ex
pense money out of collections and that
every cent he was alleged to be short could
be accounted for In this wsy.
Sabmlt List of Orators.
Ths senior class of the Stats university
has received a report from the committee
to select a list from which the class orator
shall be picked. The names submitted em
brace. Henry Watterson, Senator Beverldge
of Indiana. Mark Twain, Thomas B, Reed
and Hamilton Mable, editor of Outlook. The
list waa presented to Chancellor Andrews
today, and to morrow the class will vote
upon Its choice, the one receiving the high
est vote to be first Invited. If his services
cannot be secured, then the next man avail
Balrd Faetloa Aarala Beatea.
Judge Frost today refused the application
of George E. Balrd of Omaha for a manda
mus to compel Secretary of State Marsh
to place his socialist ticket on the official
ballot. Baird and one Franklin, purporting
to be a committee authorized at a mass
convention of socialists In Omaha to select
a ticket, were ruled off the ballot on the
ground that there was no certificate from
the officers of the convention authorising
tbe committee to do that Job. Aside from
tbls fact almost all of Balrd's nominees had
notified the secretary of state that tbey did
not wish their name put upon the ballot
as socialist candidates. Leonard Devore,
named for laad commissioner, solemnly pro
tested on the ground that he waa a socialist
and did not believe In fraud of any kind.
Secretary of State Marsh, la bis answer,
stamped tbe ticket as bogus, and so did the
other faction of socialists who intervened.
For a Rival System.
W. J. C. Kenyon has finally confided to
the public a part of his plans. Mr. Ken
yon has offered $7,000 for the franchise
of the Home street railway, a portion ot
the old Lincoln system discarded by the
traction company and bought la by the
city at tax foreclosure sale, and as an
earnest of his Intention has deposited $700
with the city treasury as a forfeit. Con
siderable reluctance has been shown to
doing business with Mr. Kenyon because
he has masked his Intentions under a lot
of verbiage, but at a meeting of tbe Com
mercial club today he frankly stated that
his project contemplates a rival system of
street railways in the city, aa well as a
11ns ts west Lincoln, as part of aa eater
prise of larger significance, the details of
which he does not wish ts bow make
The oouncll last svetvlng gave Keayoa aa
option oa tbe franchise, but the mayor de
clines to approve the matter until he has
been convinced that there Is not a schema
oa foot to make the Lincoln Traction com
pany sell out. Local rapltsllsts have long
looked upon the traction company, which
has but a slight bonded Indebtedness, as
a good thing to purchase for the purpose
of stock exploitation, and tbs fact that
some of these are In the Kenyon company
Is regarded as significant.
Officers of tbe traction company declare
It Is a mere scheme of piracy, and thst
they will neither sell out to tbe other
crowd nor will tbey take the franchise off
Its hands at an advance. One thing is
certain Kenyon will not get the franchise
without a fight la tbe courts.
The Hospital Benefit association of Kear
ney has filed articles of Incorporation, de
claring Its purpose to be the maintalnanre
of a hospital In the midway city, funds for
which are to be raised by an annual mem
bership fee.
Savasre Goes to Colorado.
Governor Savage has gone to Colorado to
look after mining interests there. Some
time since results of recent assays of ores
taken from property In which he and other
Lincoln parties are Interested, showed a
yield of over $4,000 to the ton on selected
ore and above $8,600 on dump ores of which
hundreds of tons are now in sight. Tbe
showing wss somewhat unexpected and has
awakened considerable activity among tbe
Interested parties.
Jeha Gosset Left laeesselsea by Men
Who Steal His Poeket
BLAIR, Neb., Oct. 28. (8pecial.) John
Gosset of Hartlngton. upon arriving at
Blair last night to pay a visit to his uncle,
Steven Phillips, was slugged when , about
two blocks east of the depot, robbed of
his pocket book containing $20 and left un
conscious by the side of the railroad. Mr.
Oosnet came in on the 8 o'clock train and
walked east on tbe track until near a
fill where the street goes under the rail
road. He walked down the embankment
and was set upon by three men. knocked
down and his face badly cut and bruised
on the right temple. He waa found about
t o'clock and taken to his uncle's house,
where he did not regain consciousness until
nearly 12 o'clock. He was unable to de
scribe any of his assailants, as it was very
dark where they attacked" him. Mr. Gosset
Is a married man and came here to re
turn with his wife, who Is also here oa a
Gace Coaaty Candidate for Float Rrp.
reaeatatlva Day Late la FilinaT
Papero with Clerk.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 28. (8peclal.)
Several days ago Mayor Dodds of Wymore
filed his certificate of nomination as float
representative for Gage and Saline coun
Objection was made to placing his name
on ths ticket because he wal a day behind
time, as required by law. Tbe county
clerk at first issued him a certificate, but
later rescinded It.
Mr. Dodds was here yesterday and se
cured a certified copy of the certificate
and objection, and Intends to Isy the mat
ter before the supreme court. He will ap
ply for a pre-emptory writ to compel the
county clerk to place his name on tbe bal
The outcome of the case will be watched
with considerable Interest by residents of
Gage county. n '
Victim of Mysterious Sbootlaa- Affray
at Silver Creek, Is Still
SILVER CREEK. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special
Telegram.) Tbe man Ashley, who was shot
here yesterday, la still alive. The bullet
was taken out during the nlgbt. tt having
lodged under his breast bone after passing
through his lungs. It was found to be a
38-callbre, which shows that It did not
come from the gun found near him. The
man who was seen with him previous to
the shooting was arrested at Columbus and
taken to Central City, tbe county seat, by
Sheriff Ashe today. He refuses to talk.
The two men answer the description ot tbe
ones -wanted at Belgrade for the postofQce
robbery. A kit of burglars' tools was found
today near tbe scene ot the shooting but
there are no further developments.
OnTeaded at Eraasjellst.
TORK, Neb., Oct. 28 (Special.) Many of
the friends of Revivalist Williams, who re
cently conducted the most successful re
vival meeting ever held la the history of
York, for which he received over $1,000 for
about three weeks' work, have received
copies of an evangelist paper edited by Mr.
Williams and are offended at the write-up
that Mr. Williams hsd of his meetings st
York, In which he mentions York as a beau
tiful city of about 4.000 population, when
the tact la that York's population is nearer
7.000. A conservative estimate is that 1.000
people have located In York the past year.
The article also gave Mr. Williams credit
for collecting at one night's meeting $10,000
tor the building of a Young Men's Christian
association building, when It is a fact that
Mr. Bally of Omaha, the state secretary,
assisted by tbe ministers and active work
ers of York, raised tbe subscription of
Collins Speaks at Uip City.
LOL'P CITY. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special.)
Hon. Frank W. Collins of Washington. D.
C, and Judge Wall of this city, spoke
Isst evening oa tbe political Issues of tbe
day from a' republican standpoint, to a
crowded house. Mr. Collins anticipated tbe
speech ot W. J. Bryan to be given hers this
week and gave his hearers much food for
thought. He especially urged farmers to
make comparisons of the price oa all lead
ing products in 1896, with present prices.
Bans Pltcbtork la Eye.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. 28 (Special.)
While threshing near Ellis, this county,
yesterday. Chrla Knocbe, a prominent Ger
man farmer, had tbe misfortune to run
tbe tine ot a pitchfork In his right eye.
The doctor haa little hopes of saving the
Injured optic.
Case Coaaty Heal Estate Transfers.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special. )
The total amount of real estate transfers
filed for record with the register of deeds
Saturday and yesterday was $34,701.
Brewed from carefully selected
leave tie brewery
riss Structure tt Arapahoe it an Entire
Low Through Fire.
Only Rlabt Tboasaad Dollars In
surance. White the Loss Will
Amoant to Fatly Tvveaty
ARAPAHOE. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special Tel
egram.) Fire of unknown origin entirely
consumed tbe High school building at this
place. The . building Is a total loss, not
even the brick walls remaining standing.
The fire was discovered about 8:45 this
evening, but waa under such headway that
It was Impossible to save any of the books
or fixtures other than one teachers' desk.
Tbe school building was one of the best
In southwestern Nebraska, costing $14,500
and well equipped with costly and modern
fixtures, which will bring the aggregate loss
up to $20,000. with but $8,000 Insurance, di
vided equally between the North British
and New York Underwriters for $4,000 each.
When the fire was first discovered It was
furthest advanced In the room adjoining
tbe school laboratory In the second story,
which gives rise to the theory that the fire
waa caused by some combustion or explo
sion of the chemicals therein.
James Hasty, the Janitor, who was among
the first at the fire, was quite seriously In
jured by a fall and was carried home un
conscious, but later reports of his condition
are that his Injuries were not fatal and
be would recover.
Tbe school board will take prompt action
In re-establishing a temporary school, and
undoubtedly utilize the various chuch build
ings until the district can build another
suitable structure.
Aaother nay I.lkely Be Reoalred
la that Part of tbe 'learea
dad Case.
PIERCE. Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.) The
work of getting a Jury In the Nlegenflnd
case Is still in progress. The Jury is filled,
but the defense still has seven peremtory
challenges and the state one or two. It Is
predicted by some that the Jury will not
be secured by tomrrow noon.
In the Nlegenflnd case court adjourned
this afternoon at about 4:30, the second
panel of Jurymen having been exhausted.
Thus far seventy-two Jurymen have been
examined and discharged. The Judge has
ordered Sheriff Jones to summon fifteen
more Jurymen and it la thought they will
be here In time to be examined at the
evening session.
Move to Start Cssalsg Factory.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct. 28. (Spe
cial.) At a meetlitg of business men last
evening steps were taken to put tbe can
ning factory Into operation for the season
of 1903, with very little doubta of the suc
cess of tbe undertaking. Mr. James
Rourke of Omaha, formerly manager of
the concern, proposes to supply the build
ing with the necessary machinery and to
place everything in readlneas for tbe
operation early next year, provided tbe
citizens will plsce the building in a good
state of repair. During its Idleness van
dalism and the weather has wrought some
havoc with the building, but the sum re
quired to make the repairs will only bo
about $2,000 and the citizens will unques
tionably easily raise the amount. The fac
tory will employ over 200 hands In a sea
son ot the year when ether industries are
Selalaa; oat Poor Flab.
YORK, Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.) Yester
day, under authority of the state fish com
missioners. John Stapleton, with the assist
ance of others, attempted to aein Beaver
creek mill dam. hoping to take from it all
carp, turtles and other obnoxious fish. Tbe
sein used waa rotten, and after a few hauls.
In which they did not get anything, tbey
gave up the Job and will try It again with
a better seln if the deputy fish commis
sioner ran And one in the county. Many
farmers of York county have private fish
ponds and many are making fish ponds.
The state fish commissioners were here last
week with a car of young fish. Beaver
creek, running through the York park, was
stocked with perch, black bass and crop
pies. From here tbe car went to Thayer
and the fish pond of Hon. R. B. Price was
stocked with the same kind of fish.
Kew Academy for Waboo.
WAHOO, Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.) At a
special meeting of tbe board of directors
of the Luther academy It waa decided to
erect a new achool building at a cost of
$18,000. P. L. Plym, an architect from
Lincoln, waa appointed to draw up the
plans and specifications. Work will be
commenced as soon aa the plans are ready.
Tbe site for the building waa aelected at
sunrise with proper ceremonies.
Sermoa at Hebroa.
Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special.)
The Grand Army of the Republic, tbe old
veterans and tbe Women's Relief corps
listened to a flag raising sermoa last even
ing at tbe Methodist Episcopal church. Tbe j
pastor. Rev. Dr. C. M. Shepard, spoke on
"patriotism" and "love of country." The j
congregation Joined in the singing of na-
tlonal airs, during which, a large Amerl- j
can flag was raised over the rostrum. j ;
Preaches Farewell Sermoa.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special.)
Rev. W. W. Hess, for four years pastor of
Trinity Lutheran church, this city, preached
hla farewell sermon Sunday evening and
bade goodby to hia congregation. Rev. Mr.
Heas and family will locale In Tipton, la.
To Hold Poaltry Show.
BEATRICE. Neb.. 'Oct. 28. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Gage County Poultry
association, held In Blue Springs yester
day. It was decided to hold a poultry show
at that place the last of December. Wil
liam Craig was elected secretary.
Second Crop of Strawberries.
PAPILLION, Neb.. Oct. 28. (Special. )
P. W. Birkhouser was last Monday showing
bis friends a second growth of strawberries
that he picked from his farm south of town
last Monday morning. Tbe berries were
well formed and well ripened.
A Deathblow to Malaria.
Electric Bitters kill and expel malaria
fever and ague or no pay. Oaly 60c. For
sale by Kcba Co.
barley sad hops never permitted to
uotfl properly sped.
7 Tl
Catarrh Spreads Like a Malignant
11 Baa Do
R. ' BRYAN CARLO.N, 8ec'y of the
Eccentric Engineers Assoclstion ot
N. Y. City, with a membership of
1,000 licensed engineers, also prominent In
labor unions, writes from 499 Canal street,
N. Y. City:
"Your Peruna is a .valuable tonic. When
I get run down, weak and languid, or rest
less at night, I take a bottle of Peruna.
I notice the effects of it almost immedi
ately. It quiets the nerves and brings
healthful sleep. It If a reviving tonic at
all times." Mr. Bryan Carlon.
Congressman Romulus Z.. Linney from
North Carolina, writes:
"i1y private secretary has been us
ing Peruna for several week and I wish
to testify to its jrreat value and merits
in .ases of catarrh. ily secretary bad
as bad a case as I ever saw and since he
has taken, one bottle he seems like a
different man. Before he started on
Peruna his system was very much run
down, and at times he could not work
at all, but ever since his first bottle he
has been building- up. I don't think
any man who is under a nevous strain
should be without It. I cannot express
the good it has done him." Romulus
Z. Linney. .
Peruna Is not a sleep medicine. Peruna
Is not a nervine. Peruna is not a narcotic.
Peruna docs not stupefy. Does not bring
about artificial rest. Peruna helps weak
nerves. Builds up broken down constitu
tions. Brings refreshing sleep, not by pro
ducing stupiflcatlon, but by invigorating
the nerve centers.
Peruna produces a natural appetite. It
strengthens the digestive power. It fills
the lacteals lull of nutrition and sends
surging through tbe bjood veasels the re
cuperative currents of new life. It does
all this by producing healthy mucous mem
branes. ..."
ati ttaa vewm.
and if you take treatment charges will bo entirely aaUsfse
ulrT,.8 Cook Medical Company
-of Men. -112 South 14th St. Orer Daily News, Omaha.
some other time
isn't Any time at all -
You will not move then. If you don't roue yourfcell.V
now you will probably continue to put up with the sani
inconveniences for the next six years. V- - . i ' :
Do tbey keep your office clean? Your windows? V The
halls? The elevator?. Is the building a fire trap? iiare Ji
tney an elevator that runs once an hour on weet days and ,
not at all nights or on Sundays? Is your office hot in'jtum-. '
mer and cold in winter? Any other troubles? J
The cure for all these ills is an office in . '
The Bee Building;
R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents.
Ground Floor.
rv cmicks vta'3 NaMM
Pemiyroyai. pill
si r i.-..- . w .... i.
I tWaissai.
P.ntraLxv, Tm in n I ill
ail. 1 . Tmiubiu. t.J h
, riw fas
reru-tia Cures
These Cases.
."I heartly recommend Peruna to those
who suffer from nervousness and loss
of sleep. For months I did not get a
refreshing night's sleep, and In the
morning I was weak and drowsy. Pe
runa was recommended to me by a
friend. When I had taken four bottles
of It I was a new man. The nervous
ness had entirely disappeared and when
I get up In the morning now I feel
rested and refreshed. Peruna ts a
splendid catarrhal tonic." Joseph J.
Tbe above letter was written by Mr. Jo
seph J. Craven. 235 E. Seventy-fourth 8t.(
N. Y. City. Mr. Craven la president of the
Standard Association of Stationary Engi
neers of New York, an organization with a
membership of 1.600 licensed engineers. Ha
has been Identified with lcbor, organiza
tions all his life.
Peruna makes clean, strong mucous mem
branes in the nose, throat, stomach and di
gestive organs. In tbls way it reaches ths
origin of all life, all strength and all ac
tivity. Peruna cleanses these membranes of ev
ery vestige of catarrhal congestion. This
leaves them strong and able to do their
The follows refreshing sleep. Then nerv
ousness disappears. Then a man becomes
onfldcnt, vigorous, hopeful and happy.
This Is why It Is that Peruna Is the tonle
of tonics. It clesnses the sources of tbs
blood. Good, rich, red blood Is the result
and health follows as a natural conse
quence. If you do not derive prompt and aatlsfac
tory results from the use of Peruna. writs
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full atate
ment of your case and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tbe
Hartman Santariumt Columbus. O.
Private Diseases
of Men
Za the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEM, to which
our practice is limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience haa been devoted for more than IS years.
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every oent
paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE. IMPOTENCT.
to consult us at office or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE.
Postal Card Will Ge "a
Twentieth Century Farmer
Ths Best Agricultural Weakly. AsV
aroaa, Omaha, Nee.