THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: T TIES DAT, OUTOMKIt J81in02. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Ml.ion ME5TI0.1. Iavls tell drugs. Stockert cell csrpots and ruga. I'alm grove assembly October 28. Mauthe, fine watch repairing, 228 B'way. Expert watch repairing. Leflert. 40 B'way. Mm. Victor K. Bender la visiting relatives In Oalesburg, III. Twelve-piece chamber Bet, $2.78, at A. B. Howe's, 8H Broadway. The Christy pictures for sale. C E. Alex antler & Co, S43 Broadway. The Parker residence, 3K9 Harrison street, was quarantined yesterday (or diphtheria. Carriers wanted for both foot and hori"e routes. Apply at The Bee office. No. 10 Pearl street. . ' The adjourned regular monthly session of the Board of Education Is on the slate for this evening. City Solicitor Snyder arrived home yes terday from 'a' visit to his old home In Pennsylvania. The mimical tonight at the Congregational church Is the social event of the week. Ad mission 3 rents. We are headquarters for glass of all kinds. Bee us before you buy. C. B. Paint, Oil and Glass Co. P. J. Morlartyi foreman In the' office of the Crenton Dally Advertiser, Is the guest of Council Bluffs friends. Miss Helen-Baldwin will leave today for New York, Where she Will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs, Beer. Carriers Wanted Carriers wanted for both foot and horse routes. Apply at The Bte office, No. 10 Pearl street. Mrs. 8. 3. Link of Lincoln, Neb., has ar rived, to spend the wlnter-wlth her Bister, Mrs. W. 1. Hue, 250 Washington avenue. The members of Bluff City Typographical union have decided to bear an as-sessment of 10 cents a week to assist the Union Pa clffo striking machinists. John Huss castle of Itoyal Highlanders will hold an open, meeting this evening, at which an interesting program will bo given and refreshments served. Justice Carton yesterday performed the marriage" ceremony for William H. Miller and Orace E. Rogers, both of Lincoln, Neb., and William Holmes and Lulu. Bryels, both of Omuhaj .. Trustee W.V 8. Balrd and ' Mrs. Mary Dnlley, librarian of th free public library, lift last evening for Urlnnell, to attend the annual meeting of the State Library aasoci atlont which convenes there today.. A Sunday school rally will be held at the Fifth Avenuw Methodist church next Sun day, at which Judge Scott will deliver an address on "The Value of the Sunday School and What it Means to the Nation." M. J. Sllverctwjnrof Fort Dodge, la., and Miss Bertha Steftfof Chicago were married Sunday afternojn at the home" of M. Solo mon, 212 Broadwiry where Miss Stern had boon visiting. The ceremony was per formed by Itabbl Dunye. Charles Langdmi vented his spite against Will Boners, proprietor of "The krug" saloon. In the Archer block on Broadway, last evening by hurling a brick through the large front" plate glass window. Langdon was arrested by Nightwatchman Claar. Bix proprietors of meat markets who kept their places of business open Sunday in violation of the city ordinance providing for the closing of all meat markets on Sundays between October 1 and May 1 have been summoned to, appear la police court this morning. Dorothy Male, the 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langmarie,. 929 Ave nue A, died yesterday morning. The funeral which will be private, will be. held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the family resi dence, and burial will be in St. Joseph cemetery. Fred Lmfborough and James McCarty, two youths found in a cave in the north west part of the city, with a crowbar and . other tools, supposed to have been stolen, were given ten days on bread and water ' In police court yesterday morning. Thomas Taylor, arrested as a vagrant, and sus pected of pilfering from freight cars, was .given a. like sentence. The wife of Anthony Gibbons, residing on Avenue -1 near Thirteenth street, filed an information yesterday morning before the commissioners for the Insane, charging him with being mentally deranged. The board, after examining Gibbons at his home, where he was sick In bed. decided he was sane and that hs condition was due to Ms illness and not to any mental trouble. Mrs. B. Covalt, aged 84 years, died at a late hour Sunday night at the family home, 887 North First street. Deceased was born In, Pennsylvania in 1818 and had .been a resident of Council Bluffs for twenty-five years. She is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. F. Grass, Mrs. Dora Forgraves, Mrs. Kva Hoge and Mrs. I). A. JielHler; and four eons, A. W. Covalt, F. O. Covalt, W. 8. Covalt and A. A. Covalt. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of her daughter Mrs. D. A. Hetsler, 407 North First Btreet, nd burial will be in Falrvlew cemetery. fl.OO Eureka Fountain Pen, 10c. Cut this ad out and present It on or be fore Saturday, November 1, and you will be entitled to one Eureka 'Fountain Pen complete for 19 cents. Only one pen to customer and positively none without this ad. DeLong, the Printer, 807 Broadway. Gravel roofing: A. H. Held. 641 Broadway. Real Estate Transfers. t Those transfers were, filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Minnie M. Danforth to Francis T. . True, lot 1, Auditor's subdlv. sett nw4 2S-7S-43, w. $ 1 Lucy E. Donaldson and husband to F. B. Hall, part se1 nwV4 29-75-43, J. c. d , l Arthur C. Aylesworth to Henrv B. Jennings, s20 acres swVi se4 33-76-44, j. 1,509 Jessie F. and Charlotte C. Ayleaworth to A. C. Aylesworth, same, q. c. d.... 1 Charlotte C. Aylesworth to Henrv B. Jennings, sH ne'i. nwU se4 and nlO acres sw ee4 83-76-44. w. d 6,500 Tea ij. wesa una wire et si to Patrick E. Burke, Ti feet lot 6. official plat. swi sw4 -77-S8, s. w. d 7 Mary A. Lacy tt al to N. W. Wells, trustee lots I, T and 8. block 1. and lots 4, & and i, block 2, Regatta Place. s. w. d 300 Mary A. Lcy, guardian, to same. .1-i!7 of same, g. d 23 rust Havings bank of Council Bluffs to Clara K. Wlllmaaer, lot 6, block I. morninKBHie, w. a 170 William Trowbridge Lu)ng to heirs of "Mary Trowbridge Lalng, lot 15, block 13. Baylisa' 1st add., w. d 1,000 Bella C. Stewart et al to William Barker, lots 7 and 8, block 35, Beers' ubdtv., w. d 300 Eleven transfers, -total 89,804 Marriage Licenses. Licenses to w4 were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. William H. Miller. Uncoln. Neb... 21 Grace E. Rogers. Lincoln, Neb 19 William Holmes, Omaha 26 Lulu Bryels, Omaha 19 H. K. Gleeson, Sycamore, III 25 Sadie M. Farnaworth, Council Bluffs 23 Clyde Mccreary. Omaha n Minnie B. Lenora, Omaha IS Martin E. Stroman, Omaha , 23 Qertle V- Daiiey, Council Bluffs ii mm BEERS Pure, Healthful, Snappy. Fully Matured. TUB AMERICAN BREWING CO., M.IMU, Me. LEWIS CUTLER '- ' vlOHTICIAN. tl Pearl 6t., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 7. BLUFFS. SETS ASIDE THE OMEC WILL Jdtj Soldi the Signature to Instrument Net to Ee that of the Decedent THIS NOT LIKELY TO END LITIGATION Motion for Sew Trials In a Hnmner of Cases Set for Hearing Judge Hefnsea to Modify a De cree for Divorce. The sealed verdict In the Christopher Omeg will contest ease was opened by Judge Macy on reconvening district court yesterday afternoon, and, as had been re ported; it was found to be In favor of the contestants. The Jury held that the signa ture to the Instrument 'purporting to be the last will and testament of Christopher Omeg was not his genuine signature..' The testimony on this point was most conflict ing. In the event of triarbelng de nied the case. It Is aald.' will be taken up on appeal to the supreme court. , . ' ' The motion for a near' trial In the feult of Jacob E. Thrush against Brlgham Grablll and others was argued and submitted yes terday af ternoon. Judge Macy -ordered that the plaintiff, who was recently given A ver dict for $259, remit 1109 of the amount, this proportion representing the Interest, other wise the motion of the defendants tor a new trial would be sustained. .''. - . The business of the 'term . Is practically concluded -and an early.', adjournment is looked for. Today the motion for a new trial in the Birlt of -tho Monarch Manufac turing company against the motor company, la which the plaintiff was given a verdict for $3,000, will be argued.:- , ' The motion of the defense for a new trial in the personal Injury damage suit -of Mrs. Rice, against the City of Council Bluffs Is also listed for argument today. . In the. divorce suit of John Hlgglns against Catherine Hlgglns Judge Macy yes terday overruled the application of the plaintiff for a modification of the the order requiring him to pay the defendant $35. In denying the application Judge Macy said that If the plaintiff could not afford to pay that sum he had better not apply for a di vorce, as the next thing he would probably be asking for a premium for getting a di vorce. , FORFEIT PAVING CONTRACT Council Takes First 'Step In Abrogat ing Contract on Harrison Street. At the meeting of the "city council last eight City Solicitor Snyder waa instructed to draft a resolution declaring the cpn tract of E. A. Wlckham for the paving of Harrison street forfeited by reason -of his failure to do the work within the time specified; that the city readvertlse for bids and that Contractor WIckbam and bis bondsmen be held liable for any damages that the city may sustain by reason of his failure to carry out bis contract for this work. As a reltpainary step, to de claring, the contract forfaited the city mar shal waa Instructed, to notify Wlckham and his bondsmen that the council would take such action In the matter at the regular meeting next Monday night. It was' conceded during the -discussion last evening that even if the city awarded a new contract for the paving with Coun cil Bluffs brick. It would be very doubtful If tha work could be done owing to the lack of material, also that If bids were asked for on a different material whether Wlck ham or his bondsmen could be held liable for the difference In the cost. City Solic itor Snyder In giving hla opinion offhand said he believed that the city would not be able to hold Wlckham liable unless the same material waa used as was called for In the contract with him. Tha city coun cil, however, expressed Itself as being In favor of declaring the contract forfeited and readvertalng for bids irrespective of the question whether the city could recover from Wlckham or not. Alderman McDonald in asking for the placing of an arc light at the Intersection of First avenue and South Eighth street, urged that the electric light tower at the corner of Broadway and Eighth street be abandoned and tha lights dis tributed In the Immediate neighborhood at suitable street intersections. This brought up a discussion of the old question of abandoning the light towera and with It more or less opposition to such a proposi tion. No action beyond, referring the mat ter to the committee of ' the whole waa taken and on adjournment the aldermen took a drive la the patrol wagon, to investi gate the need of a light at the point named by ' the alderman from the Fourth ward. John J. Hardin was, awarded the con tract for the grading of Third street between Willow avenue and Story street on his bid of 20 cents per ublo foot for cash and 24 cents for certificates. His waa the only bid. . . . Victor E. Bender, appearing for residents of Fifth avenue, east of Third street, called attention to the failure of W. H. Knepher to complete his contract for the grading of that avenue and the. eity marshal was Instructed to notify Knepher and his bonds, men that unless the work was completed in ten days the 'contract would be declared forfeited and he and his bondsmen held liable for any damages. In conformity with the recommendation of the committee on city property, it was decided to deny the request that the city donate one of Us lots in Ferry addition to the Union mission for a building site, but to offer the use of the lot rent free tor three years with the option of purchase at the expiration of that time of the property for $100. , Davis 4ells glaaa. Barglars Make Two Calls. Burglars broke Into the office of the Hoagland Lumber company ,oa South Main street either Saturday or Sunday night and attempted to forea open 'the two safes but were evidently frightened away before suc ceeding In doing so.' The combination was broken off both of the safes and grains of giant powder found on the floor Indicated they Intended to blow Jhe locks. A thief entered the residence of Mike O'Connor at the corner of Bluff street and Ninth avenue Saturday night and got away with a quantlly(e( silverware and In cash. He effected an entrance through one of the dining room windows. Davis aells paints. At the meeting of the Ministerial asso ciation yesterday morning It was decided to bold the-union Thanksgiving service in the First Presbyteriaa church. , Rev. Mllford RlRgs. pastor qf The First BaptiiA church, waa selected to preach tbe'eernoa on that occasion. The Thanksgiving offering taken at this service wtll be gitea to' the Asso ciated charities, aa previously determined upon. The ministers present sgaln dis cussed the question of publishing notices of church services In the Sunday papers, sev eral declaring against the practice, but the association declined to adopt a resolution calling for a discontinuance of the custom, leaving It to the individual minister to do as he saw fit In the matter. A Stove Talk. There are stoves and stoves and some times one becomes bewildered In selecting a good heater, as there are so many con flicting stories about the quality of each make. We have one leader and this stove la known all over the land. It is a stove that for excellence, for the saving of fuel and for general comfort and satisfaction all round has no equal on the American market. We do not want to go on record as saying that there are no other good stoves. There are, but In the main we want to say that there are none better in ever; way than our favorite leader in heating stoves, the Radiant Home,; You can And out all about this stove from your neighbor, as there are hundreds of them in use In Council Bluffs. All we ask Is for you to let us show you the good qualities, the economical money-saving points of the Ra. dlant Home and if you buy we will guar antee you will be pleased with your pur chase. Peterson & Echoening, Merriam block. Funeral of Earl Bnrke. The funeral of Earl Burke, the young lad who was killed Saturday morning by a pas senger train near the east approach to the Union Pacific bridge, was held yesterday afternoon from Lunkley'a undertaking rooms on Broadway. The aervlces, which were conducted by Rev. A. Overton, were attended by a largo gathering of friends of the deceased lad and the bereaved family. Many floral offerings covered the casket. Interment was In Falrvlew cemetery, the pall bearers being six young companions of the dead lad. ' As yet Coroner Treynor has not decided on holding an Inquest. Male Objects to Company. Charles Sullivan, whose home Is said to" be In Creston, la., In search of a place to sleep late Sunday night, crawled into" barn near the Milwaukee round house. , A mule resented the Intrusion and planted his hind hoofs In Sullivan's face, knocking him unconscious and Inflicting Injuries which will disfigure him for life. Some railroad man, attracted by his groans, found Sullivan in an unconscious condition and he was removed in the police ambulance to the Woman's Christian association hos pital. During the day the man recovered consciousness and It Is not believed that his Injuries will prove fatal. N. T. Plumbinr, Co., telephone 256. Busy Week for Congressman Smith. The closing week of the campaign In the Ninth district will be a busy one for Con gressman Smith of this city. Last night he spoke at Extra and tonight will speak at Atlantic. Wednesday afternoon he Is booked for an address at Bagley and in the evening at Tale. Thursday evening he will return to his district and speak at Fon tanels. Saturday ho is booked for two speechesrln the afternoon at Red Oak and in the evening at Stanton. Monday evening it la expected he will speak at some point In this county, probably at Underwood or Neola. . . ' ' " ' Talking- Machines. 1 We are not given to. boasting, as Is well known, but 'the last selection of Edison and Columbia high-speed records and the latest Improved zon-o-pnone disk records for talking machines. Just received, excel all others handled thus far by this or any other house. Bourlctus Muslo House, 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Bon. WRECK ON THE IOWA CENTRAL Four Men Are Injured and One of Them Will Probably Die s Result. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Oct. 27. Four persons were injured, one probably fatally, in a wreck on the Iowa Central road today, three miles south of this city. Nina box cars blown from a sidetrack at Dillon were run Into by an extra freight running forty miles an hour. Engineer Burt of this city, Fireman Nelson of Oska- loosa, Brakeman Howrlhen of Oskaloosa and "Winn" Douglass of Grlnnell, formerly a brakeman, were injured and Douglass will probably die. A heavily loaded passenger train' would have: struck tha cara bad not the freight train been Immediately ahead. -v j IOWA BOY FATALLY STABBED Foorteea-Year-Old Youngster Quar rels with Playmate and I'sea Jack-Knife. WATERLOO, la., Oct. 27. Harry Pashby. a 14-year-old son of a farmer living near here, waa fatally stabbed with a Jack knife by George Kelly, a playmate 14 years old, during a quarrel. Kelly has not yet been arrested. He Is an orphan and earns a livelihood by doing chores tor the farmers of the neighbor hood. Shaw Talks at Old Home. DENISON, la.. Oct. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Secretary Shaw arrived last night and stayed over night at the home of his brother-in-law, E. Oultck. The morning was spent In greeting old friends and in at tending to his private business matters. At 11 o'clock he spoke to a large audience at the Oermanla hall, covering all the Im portant national Issues. At. 1:20 o'clock he departed (or Omaha. Yoa Risk Voof Lite If you neglect piles. They will causa fatal diseases, but Bucklen'a Arnica Salve posi tively cures or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn Co. Beauty and Fitness Gorham Silver displays not only the re finement of beauty but an admirable fitness for its purpose. This combina tion of beauty and fitness gives Gorham silverware its artistic character. All responsible Jewelers kssait DANIELS WORKS CHURCHES Deliver! Lectures and Collects Mtney to Build A Mission in Khurdistan. PpESENT WEEK GREAT ONE IN POLITICS Over Two Hundred Speeches to Be Made by Prominent Republican., Among- Them Two Cab inet Officers. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Oct. 27. (Special.) Re liglous circles in Iowa are greatly exer clsod over the discovery that the churches and church people have been systematically worked by a man who is now branded by tha Board of Presbyterian Missions In New York as a fraud. George M. Daniels arrived In this city about two weeks ago and se cured permission to speak in some of the churches. He had a lecture to deliver. Ha represented himself to be a former brig and In Asia Minor now reformed and he had a thrilling tale to tell of life in Tur key. Hla lecture, which was delivered In four or Ave of the Des Molnea churches, was pronounced excellent. He had strik ing costumes and Is a fluent talker. He had papers showing that he had received an education at a Presbyterian mission In Persia and later bad spoken In leading churches In England and America. He depended on voluntary contributions at his lectures and charged no fee of admission, How much he received in Des Moines Is not known, but he said he was collecting money for the establishment of a mission in Khurdlstan. Saturday Daniels left Des Moines and appeared In Marshalltown where he had made arrangements to speak id .t wo tjf the 'churches. Tho church people had been notified and he was refused the right to enter the pulpits. This is the first time the matter has overtaken Mr Daniels. He had previously spoken in Bur lington and Ottumwa and waa doing a tnriving ousiness. ' Great Week In Politics. . Secretary Wilson of tho Agricultural de partment, epent the day here, going from here to Sheldon, whore he speaks Tuesday evening, Arrangements have been made for a meeting for blm in Waterloo the night beforo election. Secretary Shaw stopped over in Denlson this morning and was given an ovation by his home people. Ke opens up at Marshalltown tomorrow night and a number are going from here to the meeting. Governor Cummins, though unable to do more than, say a few words, as his throat haa given out, Went to Marengo to day. He will say a few words and another will address' the meeting. At all his speak ing places this week other speakers will be on hand. Sereno E. Payne, chairman of tho ways and ' means commute of the house, opened at Fort Madison this evening. M. D. O'Connell, solicitor of the Treasury, speaks all week, beginning this evening in Eldora, More than 200 speeches will be made by .republicans in Iowa this week. , , ; Pharmacy Certificates Issued. Sixteen out of sixty-seven applicants for pharmacy , certificates examined by the state board at VJia fast meeting at the board's office q. tie .state capltol showed themselves .competent, and were today granted certificates. .The. following were the successful 'hcs: ' J. B. Anderson; W. J. Elliott, Ro8c'6e W. jennings and Charles E. Reynolds of Des. Moines; Blanch M. Car rigg. Council Blufls; Ralph J. Allen, Sioux City; Fred J, Armentrout, Dallas Center; L. J. Bakka.,"McCaIlsburg; H. C. Fisher. Delta; Walter A.. Lynch, Bayard; John J. Marshall, Hampton; Henry Schmltz, Storm Lake; J. N. Starb'uck, Marlon; Lorai Slam berg, Klmballtown; H. S. Stream, ,Dc Soto; C. W. Bowen, Weston, Mo. - New State Banks. The articles of incorporation of the Farmers' State bank of Sallx were filed with the secretary of state today. The cap ital Is $25,000; president, Alex Fortln, Kan kakee, 111.; cashier, Herman Fortln, Sallx. The Citizens' Savings bank of Lsttsvllle, Incorporated with $20,000 capital, by 'John Huff and others. "' ' i O. H. Scrlpps of Polk county was today commissioned by Governor Cummins as a representative of Iowa to investigate In dustrial conditions in Mexico. State Labor Commissioner Brlgham has completed the Inspection of factories at Marshalltown. . ... . Dr. J. F., Kennedy, secretary of the Iowa State" Board of Health, Is in New Haven, Conn., where' he will attend the meeting of state and provincial boards of health and the officers thereof. Took Cluh Fands and Left. P. AW Keefover, who has been for some time in charge of the Grant club rooms as Janitor, has absconded, taking about $50 of the funds belonging to the club with htm. He had been trusted with the change In the safe repeatedly. He left his wife, to whom he waa married last July, and his direction, Is unknown. ' - ? ' Major Turner of the United States army, who Is in charge of the Construction work at the new army post, was arrested today for having violated an injunction granted In Warren county in regard to construction of a sewer to drain the army post grounds. Bert Murray died at noon today at Mercy hospital of the injuries received In falling into the basement of the Capital City State Bank building at East Fifth and Locust streets. He was never conscious since his skull was crushed at 7 o'clock Saturday night. A wife, two stepchildren, father, brother and two sisters survive him. He was a farmer, 29 years of age. L0WREY ARRESTED IN IOWA Stanton Man Who Kidnaped a Yoangr Woman Now la Monona Coanty Jail. ONAWA. Is,, Oct. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Welsh Lowrey, who is wanted for kidnaping, criminal assault and burglary at Stanton, Neb., was arrested today by Miles Strain, sheriff ef this county, and lodged in the Monona county Jail. I.tkelr to Waive Examination. ONAWA, la.. Oct. 27. (Special Tele gram.) C. B. McKay, the Mapleton minis ter held for criminal assault, Is resting quietly In the Monona county Jail aad seems to like it better than Mapleton Just at present. The county attorney thinks pre liminary examination' will be waived or con tinued until after the grand Jury convenes November 5. - Nethlnat oo Uood for sitki aad Folds. Mr. J.' N. Perkins, druggist of Lawton, Okl.. who has been la business eleven run. savs of Chamberlain's Couch Rem- iiv that durlnr all this time he has never bad a bottle of this remedy returned as not having glvea satisfaction, proving con clusively that this reparation will do all that is claimed for tt. Thera is nothing so good as this renieoy tor cougns, coias ana It la nlaasant to lake and. aa tt contains no injurious - substsncs. may be given to a child witn peneci cennaenca. : mmsgif jim "Sate BOGOTA IN PANAMA HARBOR Arrival of the Cruiser Creates Oreat Enthusiasm in City. CAPTAIN MARMADUKE IS WELCOMED Amerlcaa Says that It Will Be Ills Earnest Effort to Carry Out Wlshsa of Colombian Government. PANAMA, Oct. 27. The Colombian cruis er Bogota, formerly the steamer Jessie Ban ning, arrived hers at 10 o'clock this morn ing from San Francisco. October. 7. . Captain H. H. Marmaduke. its commander. Informed tha correspondent of the Asso ciated Press that the vessel made a slow trip because the crew was exercised at tar get practice all the way down the coast. Bogota stopped at Magdalene Bay for about three hours, tightening parts of the engines and also for target practice. The vessel made very good time after that, taking tha outside course, and reached here In fine condition. Boon after Bogota's officers had landed they were shown the fortifications and sights of the city. Captain Marmaduke vis ited Generals Perdomo and Salazar, who welcomed him most cordially. The Colombian gunboats Chuculto and Clapet are under the orders of Captain Marmaduke, who, as chief commander will have charge of the Columbian fleet, which he will reorganise In American style.' - Admiral Casey Wants to Know, 'when Bogota arrived here Rear Ad miral Casey, tha American commander, aent an officer on board of the vessel to Inquire If .the. exchange of flags had been properly made. Captain Marmaduke answered that the exchange of flags had been made In San Francisco and the Colombian flag had the right to be where It was. At the governor's reception of Captain Marmaduke, General Salazer said be drank to the oaptaln'a health and expressed the hope that hla mission here would be ful filled to tha expectation of the government of Colombia, and that he could count on tha gratitude of all conservatives. Captain Marmaduke, In reply, said he would be happy to properly fulfill his mis sion and carry out tha obligations of the Colombian government. The arrival of Bogota caused much enthusiasm In conservative circles, where the avent Is being properly celebrated. A band of muslo played through the principal parts of the city. The land forts saluted Bogota on its arrival and the cruiser replied. COLON, Colombia, Oct. 27. According to the .latent advices exchange at Cartagena 1 A. MILLION AMERICAN BOUNCING BABIES rvre kept crowing' with the delight of living-, because their mamas have learned to use O ABC ABETS Candy Cathartic. You all know how neighborly neighbors tell each other of the really good things they have learned from experienoe. G ASCARET3 are one of those good things, and the kind words said for them has created a sals of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. It is easy to protect infants against children's com plaints, because all these perils have their beginning in stomach and bowels, and we have in CASO ABETS a perfect medicine that will always keep the delicate machinery in a child's body clean, regular and in working order. Children like the little candy tablet, and are kept safe from all stomach, bowel, blood and skin diseases. All druggists, lOo, 26c, 60c. Never sold in bulk. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Genuine tablet stamped O O C. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. t . . n Vets (Vets run of Figs wen-intormed nnd to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be 'Sy w( . vw wiuiuui u.siui umg me natural xunc- &:'Ss ' as lt ls yho"y free from every objectionable AUFORWIA l mn.wIlU k . . rrarxciaco, Ca . Louisvillv.Ky. new York, W.Y. ' For rlc- by ell druafi'aU. Price. fifty cemta per bottl. Is 120 paper Colombian dollars for a gold dollar, and at Barranqullla 130. Everything seems to indicate that a crisis Is imminent. The rise is attributed, first, to the recent abnormal Increase In the Issue of paper money at Bogota, disproportionate to the exigencies of the situation, and, second, to the transactions of a specula tive nature on the part of certain promi nent officials of the Bogota bank. COLON, Oct. 27. The safe arrival of the Colombian cruiser ' Bogota at " Panama promises a sharp naval battle? in Isthmian waters Very" shortly, as American gunners are on board both fleets. The government 'a hopes are' now centered on the career of Bogota. Jose Joaquin Casas is now minister of war at Bogota, owing to the illness of Senor Fernandez. Rear Admiral Casey paid a visit to Colon today. PANAMA PEOPLE ARE PLEASED Officials of Canal Company Well Satis fied vrlth tbe Decision of Attor ney General Knox. PARIS, Oct. 27. The announcement of the decision of Attorney General Knox that he found the title to tho Panama canal prop erty valid and unincumbered has been re ceived here with much satisfaction by the officials of that company and the govern ment. M. Lampre, secretary of the company, said today that the decision bore out hla contention before the Morgan committee of the senate. He expects that the next step will be the conclusion of a treaty with Colombia. While the secretary of tbe company foresees some delay in, ratifying the treaty he says Mr. Knox's decision assures the carrying out of the Panama project. SALOON KEEPER PROVES EASY Kew York Man Says that Wire Tap ping Game Cost Him Twelve Thoosaad Dollars. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. John Vincent, alias Dondorf, was arrested today charged with swindling by means of tbe fake wire "tap ping" game. The complainant is Thomss Jordan, a sa loon keeper, who says Vincent procured $12,000 from him. The police are looking for Vincent's alleged accomplices. CANDV CATHARTIC ANNUAL SALE 0,000 Greatest in piesarxtly, Bcrxeficiallyi v ts truly as a Laocaiivo. arreals to the culturpd and fh t'' quality or suosiance. in the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are ; pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Sytup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. ' To get its beneficial effects buy the ' genuine manufactured by the " CURES LOVE WITH MORPHINE Kebraska Man" Commits aalcid' at Deadwood Because' He Is Despondent. '. DEADWOOD, 8," D., Oct. 27. (Special Telegram.) Despondent over a love affair. Charles Thompson who' f erved through tho Philippine campaign as member of tha First Hotith Dakota volunteers, committed suicide In Deadwood last 'night by taking morphine. He lived' several 'tiour after taking' the drug and doc,tora labored" over him until daylight. His. mother at Teka mah, Neb., has been notified and wilt ar rive la Deadwood tomorrow to take charge cf the remains. Thompson has been em ployed as a carpenter on one- of the new buildings in Deadwood several months. Cour House Almost Completed. SIOUX FALLS, S. D,, Oct. 27. (Special.) Work on the county court bouse, now la course of construction at Alexandria, la being pushed-as rapidly as possible. Tbe walls are practically completed and with but a few days mors of pleasant weather the building will be enclosed. Whan the work of construction reaches' this point it can, of course, be carried on regardless of the cold and storms of winter. It la the purpose of those having tho work in charge to complete the building at the earliest possiblo moment, as It is badly needed by tbe county officers for quarters and for tbe storage of valuable county rec ords. Medics May Play Denver. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Oct. 27 (Special.) There la a probability of the Omaha Med ical college foot ball eleven meeting the strong team of the Denver 'university In this city on Thanksgiving day. Manager Orr of the Omaha team Is now here looking tha ground over and If possible tha gams will be pulled off. If Denver cannot come arrangements will be mad for tha appear ance of the strong team of the Wyoming university of Laramie. TOPEKA MAN HAS RESIGNED Rock Island Telecraph Saperlntend ent Will Prohably Go to New York. TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 27. A. R. Llogafrlt. for several years assistant superintendent of telegraph on the Rock bland, today re signed hla posttlon. He will probably locate In New York. BOXES the World