Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Bmt Wtern Line Ttrough City Would
Apparently IndioaU m Much.
Utmi Made, HowtTtr, taat Cob-
section Will AIM Be Made wltk
the Illinois Critral at
Klnth ATeaae.
That tbe Great Western railroad will
enter Omaha over the Union Pacific bridge
ems now to be an assured tact. If the
construction of Ita line through tbla city
Indicate anything. Work on the grade
within the city limits Is being carried for
ward at rapid rate and the ground on
a, direct line to the I'nlon Pacific transfer
la being prepared for the laying of track.
The tracks will run from Main street oa
ths south side of Ninth avenue direct to
Vhe transfer depot on straight line, with
out a single curve.
It Is said, howerer, that the Great West-
wra . will also make connections with the
(Illinois Central at Fourteenth
street and
If desired.
Ninth avenue, so thst It can.
'use the Terminal bridge also,
i With favorable weather, the grading on
tthe entire line between tbla city and Fort
Dodge will be completed by December 1
and the laying of steel commence by the
ilrst of tbe new year.
I. Gravel roofing. A. H. Raid. Sl Broadway.
Mayer aad Other Officials Held a Sea
aloa to Devise Ways of Hals
la Meaey.
' Mayor Morgan and other municipal of
ficials, It la aald, are beginning to realise
' the seed of further funds than those In
sight to carry on tbe administration of the
city until the new fiscal year. The lack
ef funds and the question of from what
aourc additional revenue can be obtained
re aald to be worrying the mayor and
aldermen. The. situation, It la said, called
for a secret conference of the heads of the
several city departments-one night laat
week. The conference la aald to have
.been held at the auggestlon of the mayor
on his return from his trip to Oregon and
at It. several suggestions were made for
'providing additional revenue to keep tbe
.wheels of the sdmlnlstrstlon moving. One
plan suggested. It Is said. Is that tbe city
Isvy a tax or license of 15 a month on
'.very slot machine. It being claimed that
the owners of these machines were willing
to pay this sum In return for ths privilege
of being -permitted to operate them. As
there are a large number of alot machines
In the city, this scheme' would produca
quite a revenue. According to one of the
aldermen who was present at the confer
ence; It la more than Jlktly that this license
will be Imposed In tbe near future.
: :
Davis sells glass
Sdi ASl Qatlg Will,
The district court jury In the Christopher
Omeg will contest brought In a sealed ver
dict shortly before ' 1 o'clock yesterday
morning, after having been out since 6:80
. o'clock 8aturday evening. It is said that
, the veidlct sets aside the will,- thus sus
, tainlng ths caae of the plaintiffs. On what
grounds ths will Is set aside could not
be learned and will not be until the sesled
' verdict Is opened by Judge Macy on his
return this afternoon,
, Christopher Omeg wss a well-to-do farmer
jof Boomer township and In tbs will which
waa offered for probate left the bulk of his
property to a son. Joseph, who wss also
mads sola executor nnder tbe Instrument.
One of tbe sons, Edward Omeg, who was
cot (even mentioned in the will, and a
i daughter, Mrs. Carrie Frost, who was be
queathed $1, brought suit to have the will
jest aside, alleging that the document of
fered for probate was not the last will and
;teetament of their father, and that ths
Signature to It was not bis. They also
alleged thst the will waa not properly
'executed. Tbe case waa bitterly contested
'a both sides and aa army of witnesses
;wsre Introduced during the five days which
,tb hearing occupied ths attention ef the
t court. The eatate consists of valuable farm
,laada and considerable personal property,
Davis sella paiata.
' Dedicate a Hew Charea.
Sunday waa a notable day for the con
gregation of the Scandinavian Lutheran
'church. It marked the dedication of tbe
church building at ths corner of Avenue A
aad Ninth street, which has beea entirely
remodeled and enlarged, aad also ths In
stallation of the new pastor. Rev. Ellas
Special services were held yesterdsy aft
ernoon, at which time the practically new
building was formally dedicated aad the
aew pastor Installed. Rev. O. B. Chris
tiansen of Omaha preached the dedicatory
aad Installation aermon.
Tbe Scandinavian Lutheran church has
recently taken on a new lease of life and
articles of Incorporation were filed last
Veek In the office of the county recorder
Not only haa the church been almost en
tirely rebuilt, but It haa beea ecicrged to
meet tbe growing aeeds of tbe congrega
jtlon and a handsome parsonage has been
.sunt oa tne property.
t N. T. Plumbing Co., telepboae 15$.
v SJ1.00 Eareka Faaetata Pea,
Cut this ad out and present It oa or be-
, tore Saturday, November 1, and you will
( be entitled to one Eureka Fountain Pea
. complete for II cente. Only ons pea to a
, customer and positively none without this
,ad. DeLong, the Printer, $07 Broadway.
f Farewell Itrati.
Rev. K. W. Erlckaon preached his fare
well sermon laat evening at the Fifth Av
. eaue Methodlat church aad will leave thla
.week for Washington state, where he
has accepted the charge of the Methodlat
churches at Irondane and Hadlock.
Rev. Brtrkson.waa appointed to ths Fifth
Avenue Methodist church la October. 119
and at the laat conference waa reappointed.
His wire s tailing beaitn, nowever, com
pelled him to seek another climate for her
and forced him to tender his resignation.
During hie pastorats the debt oa the Fifth
aveaue church baa been reduced to a mere
gtomlnal aum aad that oa the Epworth
church, ef which he also had charge, has
feeea entirely eliminated.
The Ministerial association, of which
m TWaxt tt. Council Bluffs. 'Phono If.
Rev. Erlckion was president this year, will
hold Its regular monthly seesloa this
morning, at which time a successor, It Is
expected, will be elected.
Plumbing and heating. Bliby Bon.
Davis sells drugs.
Ptockert sells carpets and rugs.
Palm grove assembly October t$.
Mautbc. fine watch repairing. J2I B'way.
Expert watch repairing, leffert. 40 B'way.
Mr. and Mm. E. 1 Shugart are visiting
In Madison, Wis.
Twelve-piece chamber set, $2.7., at A. B.
Home's, 31D Uroadway.
Miss fieebe of Chicago Is the guest of
Mrs. Charles Bradley.
The Christy pictures for sale. C. K. Alex
ander II Co , lH Broadwsy.
Miss Alice Gelger of Cedar Rapids la
the guest of Mrs. J. B. Atkins.
W. E. Bennett of Baltimore Is the guest
of his cousin. It. A. Wulnn. and family.
Mis Allle I. yon of Colorado Springs,
CTTlo., Is the guest of Council Bluffs rel
atives. Miss May Mayne of Oretna, Neb., Is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. Bid don of
Ulen avenue.
We are headquarters for glass of all
kinds. See us before you buy. C. B. Paint,
Oil and Glass Co.
Miss Alta Pavton of First avenue will
go to Lincoln, Neb., today, where she will
spend the winter.
Oo to the musical treat at Congregational
church Tuesday evening at 8.15 o'clock.
Admission, 26 cents.
William Johnson, an Insane patient from
Green county. Jowa, died yesterday room
ing at St. Bernard's hospital.
Mrs. Allen Morrow of Melvern, la.. Is
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. James Hll
ben of Mill street. It Is their first meeting
for twenty years.
The current topics department of the
Council Bluffs Women's club will meet
Wednesday afternoon at S:Su o'clock with
Mra. Hnyuer as leader.
The members af the Woman's Relief
corps have Issued Invitations for a social
entertainment rlaturdsy evening In Grand
Army of tho Republic hall.
R. Frleden has begun suit against the
Hswkeye Insurance company for $2,000 In
surance on a stock of goods at 843 West
Broadway destroyed by fire.
Mrs. Crafts of 1704 Fourth avenue was
tendered a surprise party Saturday evening
ebratlon of her 46th birthday.
Among the Improvement contemplated
by the motor company at LaKe Manawa for
next season Is a summer hotel or a num
ber of small cottages at Ray Landing.
. W. H. McFarland has brought suit in the
I district court against the Chicago tt North
western Kallroaa company to recover sx,ua
alleged overcharge on the shipment of 130
cars of hay.
The condition of Henry Storms, who was
seriously Injured by the breaking of the
cable on the steam dredge at Lake Man
awa, was reported yesterday aa being
greatly Improved. It la now thought that
he will recover.
The delinquent taxllst, which Is now In
the hsnda oi the printers. Is no larger than
that ot last year, which was far below the
average. For the last three years the taxes
in Pottawattamie county have been un
usually well paid.
Dr. George Mosee of Geneva, Neb., on
visiting St. Bernard's hospital, found that
Charles W. Stevens, the Insane man com
mitted from Macedonia, was not his miss
ing son, Charles, for whom he has been
searching for several monins.
The Salvation Army, which recently
abandoned the field In Council Bluffs, Is
making another effort to establish a branch
here. Captain Williams, formerly In
charge of the corps in Marshalltown, and
Captain Sherwood from Chicago have been
assigned for duty here and have estab
lished headquarters at $43 Mill street.
Stadeat at
Asses Killed,
Falllaa; fraaa
AMES. Ia.. Oct. . (Special Telegram.)
H. U Kimberley of West Liberty. Ia.. waa
killed laat nlgbt on tbe Chicago ft North
western road west of Ames, about two
thirds of the way from Ames to the col
lege. It Is not known how he waa killed,
but It Is thought he fell from a moving
train, falling apparently head first from
the train. He was found by a track walker
probably several hours sfter the accident.
His bead and face were crushed In, but tbe
body was practically uninjured. Kimberley
was an academic student at tbe college.
His parenta have been notified.
Gets OST Easily.
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Oct. 2$. (Special Tel
egram.) William Marks, formerly of Chi
cago, a coat maker in Sol Frank'a tailoring
establishment, fell three stories through an
elevator ahaft In tbe Grand opera house and
escaped without aerloua injury. He caught
the rope with his right hand on the last part
ef the fall, breaking Ita force. Tbe flesh
on the inside of his hand was burned out.
Iowa. State News Metee.
The republtcana In the Third congres
sional district think they can beat ex-Governor
Boles by about 3,000 majority.
The reciprocity treaty with France haa
not yet been ratified by the senate, yet over
$2,000 worth of frogs' lege have been shipped
from Spirit Lake in the last sixty days.
The constitutionality of the new Inebn
ate law ia to be thoroughly teated. Under
It men have been sentenced to long and
sometimes to Indefinite confinement with
out trial by Jury.
The ex-convlcts who enter the home Just
completed for them by Hon. Ia 8. Coffin
near Fort Dodge will nna themselves in
more luxurious surroundings than moM
people who have never served a term in the
The mayor of Waterloo thinks that six
teen saloons are enough for a town of that
lse and haa vetoed an ordinance to permit
a larger number, cut some people are so
mad thst tney are going to try to get the
courts to veto tne veto.
Eaglartr Disregards gla-aal aad
faiitl Bad Wreck la Con-
CHATTANOOOA, Tena., Oct. . A Belt
railroad locomotive drawing seven freight
ears collided with an electric car outside
the city limits today. Seven persona were
Injured, Dr. J. L. Eaton and Chsrles Har-
rla, both of this city, seriously.
It Is claimed the Belt railroad engineer
disregarded tbe signal that a rapid transit
car had the right-of-way aad kept oa the
mala track Instead of taking ths siding.
Ths engineer and fireman Jumped, leaving
the throttle open.
taaatea Mia Cessplalaa ot Hvla
Pala la His Head aad Tkra
ST. LOVIS. Oct. it A special from
Btauatoa. 111., says
Edward Schmidt, a member of tbe local
toot ball team waa Injured la a game to
day with a St. Louie team and died wltbla
tea minutes.
Ths first bait waa almost completed when
Schmidt, after a tackle, complained ot I
pala la hla head. A phyetctaa was sum
moned put scnmidt aie just as as ar
Terr Rear s Crlaaa.
To allow eaostlpatloa to polsoa your
body. Dr. Klga Nsw Ufs Pills cures It
aad builds up your health or ao pay. lie
For aala by Kuha 4 Oa.
Iowa Lodges Will Assist in HotsI Building
at 8t Louis Exposition.
Railroad Was) Esgag(4 la riartiag
Illegal Fares Trestle with Owla
la Iowa Inenrnaee Rates
Art Raised.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES. Oct. IS. (Special.) The
fraternal orders ot Iowa and grand lodgea
generally have given hearty endorsement
to the plan for a building for the fraterni
ties at the Louisiana Purchase expoaltloa.
Tbe Masons, the Workmen, the Eastern
Star and others have formally endorsed the
plsn and have appointed committees to so
licit contributions for the erection ot the
buildings. In the grand lodge meeting of
tbe Odd Fellows the past week a resolution
was passed approving of the plan and
pledging the support of the Odd Fellows,
and expressing pleasure that Ida Von Hon,
president of the Rebekahs, bad beea se
lected as the Iowa member of the commit
tee to look after thla matter. It la be
lieved that practically all the orders In
Iowa will take a hand la helping build the
fraternal building at St. Louis. At the
grand lodge meeting Just closed at Clinton
k report was read showing that the Odd Fel
lows' Orphans' home, which Is being erected
by tbe Iowa grand lodge, ia now nearly
completed. Committees are In charge to
see that this Institution Is opened as soon
as poaslble. The membership of the Odd
Fellows In Iowa Is now about 47,000. Judgo
Church of Jefferson succeeds M. Newman
as grand master, and Dr. M. W. White ot
Sioux City becomes deputy grand master.
Iaterested the Bcandlnavlaaa.
C. F. Wennestrum, formerly labor com
missloner for Iowa under Governor 8haw,
baa returned to Dea Moines from an official
visit In Sweden, Denmark and Norway, In
the Interest of tbe Louisiana Purchase ex
position. He waa sent to those countries
by the exposition management on the sug
gestion of Secretary Shaw of the Treasury
department, and carried credentials from
the State department. He appeared before
the commercial and official bodies In the
larger cities and before the legislative
bodtea and presented the exposition advant
ages to them. His mission waa entirely
successful and be has succeeded in Inter
esting tbe people of the Scandinavian eoun
tries ia the exposition In a way that as
sures large exhibits from that part of the
world at St. Louis.
Redaeed the Fares.
A peculiar Incident Is reported from
Boone county In the matter of rates of fare
on tbe main line of tbe Northwestern rail
road. When the Boone viaduct was built
and tbe road straightened so that the Moln-
gona curve could be avoided three miles
waa cut off ths Una. The tariff sheets had
to be revised to account for thla shorten
ing of the track, but the local passenger
fare between Boone and Ogden and some
other local farea was not changed. Last
week the attention of tbe grand Jury waa
called to the fact that tbe company waa
charging t cents mora for tickets between
Boone and Ogden than tbe law allowa aad
Judge Whlttaker notified tbe railroad man
agers." Tney . Immediately: changed., the
rates. Tne matter bad beea entirely over
looked by them and they bad been uninten
tionally violating tbe law in charging more
than S cents a mile for more than a year.
State Herds Afflicted.
The herd of hogs at the Soldiers' home
at Marshalltown belonging to the state Is
dying off at as alarming rate, about thirty
having died already, aad all efforts to
atop tbe loss have proved unavailing. Chair
man Cownle of the state board declares
IK... la V... V. . V. aaklmala
have pleuro-pneumonla. The fact of the I
breaking out of tbe epidemic there la all
the mora distressing because of tbe fact
that but little ot It haa been known In
central Iowa for several years.
No report baa aa yet beea received by
the State Board of Health oa the reported
trichina at Centervllle, where It waa re
ported that a herd of about thirty-five
hogs waa affected with the parasites. There
is, however, no doubt of the existence of
the trouble there, Tbe meat sold ia tbe city
is being carefully inspected and none la
sold that la not declared to be tree from
the trouble.
Rate Book oa lasaraaee.
A new rate book for the Insurance com
bine is being distributed in Iowa from the
office of Manager Bennett of Cedar Rap
Ida, who haa full control of all tbe rate
making for tbe board companiea la the
state. In most of ths cltlea of the atate
tbe Increase in ratea la from 20 to 15 per
cent and aa a result there is mors or less
complaining over the existence of the com
bine and the delegation of tbe rata mak
Ing power to one man. Tbe new ratea
show Increases more generally In tbs fac
tory districts than otherwise, as dwellings
are not Increased.
Directory Estlaaatea oa Poaalatloa.
Tbe new city directory la now about
ready for delivery. The number ot namea
last year waa 86.&80 and thla year tbe num
ber la $8,942. The directory compilers make
aa estimate oa the clty'a population ot
about 90,000.
United Statea Attorney McMillan of
Cedar Rapids, for tbe northern district ot
Iowa, who waa brought back from Mlnne
sola and is in a hospital with a badly lac
erated foot, la unable to account for the
manner In which he met with the accident.
He waa walking through the woods and
bin feet became entangled in the weeda and
threw him down. Both barrels ot hla gun
were discharged and the beel ot the left
foot was shot full of holes. It Is now be
lleved he will be able to savs ths foot, but
It will be long before he will be able to
be out.
Mora Cklldreai of Fsrelsa Bora
Pareata Caa Bead Tkaa ot
Valted Statea Cltlaeaa.
WASHINGTON, Oct. C.-tTbe census office
has issued a statement giving figures re
garding Illiteracy among children of Immi
grants and children of natlvee.
The statement says:
Confining the comparison to children be-
No excuse for tarnished
No acid or injurious ingredient
Gives an inttanuincoui polish
)wslere keep U
tween tbe ages of 10 and 14 years In the
I nlteel states, aa a wnoie Ml per cent or
the white children of native parents ana
HI per cent of the native white children
of foreign-born parenta are able to read
and write. . .
This surrrlslna difference In favor ot tne
children of the foreign-born population la
due largely to the fact that their children
live mainly In the northern ana wesiern
states, where the public school system nas
reached a higher degree of efficiency, while
rest numbers of native whites live in me
southern states where about 10 per cent are
Illiterate. ....
When the comparison In carried out by
geographic divisions the percentage of il
literates in the two classes in earn pan ii
the countrv, except tne south Atlantic
states, Is found to be much nearer the
ssme. Yet even then In every region, ex
cept the north Atlantic states, the literate
children of Immlgranta are comparalively
more numeroue than tnose or. native
whltea. . . ...
This Is partly explained tir tne immi
grants love of cities and towns, wnne me
native whites live more generally In the
rural districts. Thtis In the north Atlantic
division there are $.! native white chil
dren 10 to 14 years of age, of whom I per
cent live In cltlea having at least 2B,iO In
habitants. On the other nand. among tne
713,170 white children 10 te 14 years of age
born of foreign parents a. per cent live in
similar cities. There Is no reason, there
fore, to Infer from the census figures that
the children of Illiterate Immlgranta are
constituting a permanent Illiterate clasa In
the population.
It Will Oe nouoea, Bff.rrr, mm mr hm r-
going figures relate exclusively to immi
grants mho have been In the country long
enough for their children born here to have
reached tne age OI IV year. nemer lire
children of Immigrants who have arrived
since 1890 display the. same eagerness to
acquire an elementary education ia still a
matter of doubt.
Barvlvors of tbe Ware Geaeroasly He-
aaesakered r the OcaeraJ
WASHINGTON. Oct. . (Special ) The
following pensions hsva beea granted:
Issue of October :
Nebraska: Original Josepn w. Ttnson,
Winslde, $6; Lewie Ducker.Florence, t:
Ira V. Bosworth, Weeping Water, . in
crease. Kelssue, Etc-Jtmes w. oarnes.
Reynolds, $(.
Iowa: Original Benjamin M. Mtkeawll,
Fairfield, $: John Blomberg. Dayton, $.
Increase, Reissue. Etc. Benjamin r". ura.
Woodbine, $12; Thomas A. Bereman, Mt.
Pleasant. $15. Widows, Minors and Depend
ent Relatives Emetine s. mompson. Co
lumbus Junction, $: Mary J. Wilson. Earl
ham, $S; Mary Ourkey, Pleaaantvtlle, $;
Elisabeth Frank, Marcus, $8; Beulah A.
Rooney, Keokuk. $8; Francea A. Howard.
Cedar Rapids. $12: Blna Porter (war with
Bnatn). Pleasantvllle, $11.
Issue of October 7:
Nebraska: Increase. Reissue. Etc John
W. Bnively, Omaha, $8; Michael N. Btults,
Omaha. $10. Widows, Mlrtora and Depend
ent Relatives Issbell Brock. Virginia, $12.
Iowa: original Milton Miner, uto, .
Tnpp..... Reissue. Etc Jachomyer B.
Kicholson. Rockton. $12: Otto Manger. Ues
Moines, $14: Francis M. FTltx-inger, La porta
City, $8; Thomas worman. eoioiers- Home
Marshalltown. $1J; Prosper Marteli, Dubu
que, $12: Robert H. Johnson, Fontanelle,
110: Joeenh H. Howe. Soldiers' Home, Mar
shalltown. $8. Wldowe. Minora and ue-
nendent Relatives orpna D. Ben, tfi- Vflnarvs Mnslrl. Minrhcit-r.
$12; Frances Russell. Dubuque, xs; Mary J.
Baker. Dunlap. xe: minor oi eunwi oieeio
Hopklnton, $10.
lalesi Vetermas' Leader Trarea Old
Soldiers ta Aet Tegether as
Political rait.
WASHINGTON. Oct IB.--General Robert
St. George Dyrenforth. eommander-ln-cnief
of tbe Union Veterans' ; union, has Issued
an appeal to union veterans of tbe civil war
to organise into a brotherhood for mutual
He says eligibility to membership Is now
extended to every honorably discharged
union veteran of good record.
'By taking an active Interest In the af
fairs ot the present." ne continues, "the
veteran will not only command recognition
as an American cltlren bat draw attention
to tbe Importance of according him reward
for his Incomparably great aacrlfices to our
beloved country." ,
Tbe assertion Is made, that there la now
a vociferous demand In the newspapers that
pensions shall be cut off and In thla con
nection General Dyrenforth aeta out the
necessity of organisation, saying:
"Acting as a political unit the veterans
will be a tremendous force; they will be a
political power that cannot be overlooked.
Day Late for Calebra, Havlagr
Beea Detalaed fcy Fael
NEW TORK. Oct 2. The United States
cruiser Olympla, flagship of the North At
lantic equadron, left today for maneuver
headquarters in tbe West Indies. She was
detained for several days trying to obtain
sufficient coal.
The Olympla precedes the combined fleets
to Culebra for tbe purpose of obtaining
ancboragea for the ships and landing
placea to be used during the period ot the
If yon have loss ot appetite, headache.
constipation or biliousness take Electrio
Bitters. It cures or no pay. Only 60c For
aala by Kuha a. Co.
Nearly All Parte of Ike Weat Will
Hay FIm Daya Today aad
WASHINGTON, Oct. tt. Forecast:
For Nebraaka, Iowa, Missouri. Kanaas.
North and South Dakota. Wyoming and
Colorado Fair Monday and Tuesday.
For Illinois Fair Monday and Tuesday;
cooler Tuesday in extreme south portion;
brisk west winds.
Local Reeoret
OMAHA, Oct 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared witn
tbe corresponding day of the last three
irv. ir-M. Lr. aO-
Maxlmum temperature.... SO i0 74 K
Minimum temperature.... fi M 4(
Mean temperature , M 61 SO M
Precipitation T T .00 .01
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for tbla day and alnce March 1.
Normal temperature 46
Exceaa for the day
Total excess since March 1 187
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Ienctency for tne oay w men
Total rainfall alnce March I. ...28.40 Inchea
Deficiency alnce March 1 2.43 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1SKU.... 6.21 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. lrJO 77 Inch
Heaorts frosa gtatloaa at T P. M.
po in a.1
9 2
Omaha, clear S7I S0 .00
Valentine, part cloudy 60 601 .00
North Platte, part cloudy 64: !! .00
Cheyenne, clear 42' at .00
Salt Lake City, clear 6l 2! .00
Rapid City, clear &0I Ul .00
Huron, clear ; .00
Wllllston. clear 42 4; .
Chicago, cloudy H .00
St I .outs, clear Ml 74 T
St. Paul, part cloudy , 48 4K T
Iavenport clear H U .no
Kansas City, clear SOI Wl .00
Havre, clear 44! Is' .0
Helena, part cloudy 4i M .SO
Bismarck, clear ts 44' .Oi
Galveston, clear 74 Tk, .
T tndlcatea trace ef precipitation.
Local forecast Official.
Faraaer Stadeat la Maklag Gead
Iktwlag la Teaala at
LINCOLN. Oct J. (Special.) The foot
ball game with the Haskell Indians will
be played In Lincoln November 1. instead
ot at Omaha, as It was originally announced.
It la expected that excursion rates will be
granted from all polnta within the state
for those wishing to see the game.
A collection of 100 species of fungi came
to tbe department of botany a few days
ago. It waa prepared by C. L. Shear, '97,
formerly an asaistant In botany In the uni
versity and now one of the botanists in the
Department of Agriculture In Washington.
Earls E. Farnsworth of Grand Island,
former Nebraska university student, and
now at Cornell university, is attracting con
siderable attention In the tennis tournament
now 1n progress at that Institution. For
several years Mr. Farnsworth held the trl-
atata championship. Involving Kanaas, Ne
braska and Missouri. He has easily won
over all his opponents thus far at Cornell,
and stsnds an excellent chance ot captur
ing tbe finals.
The New Tork Tribune recently pub-
llahed a paper by Prof. H. R. Chatburn
ot tbs civil engineering department on
"The Advantages of Good Roads." In rec
ognition of this article Mr. Chatburn waa
elected a member of the National Road-
makers, an organization composed of ten
members from each state, whose purpose Is
to promote the making ot good roads be
tween the state capitals.
Ths Law achool will be dismissed elec
tion day, aa a majority of the students will
go home to vote.
The State museum has received several
specimens of cretaceous oysters, which were
unearthed near Sutton, Neb., at a depth
of 460 feet
Dr. Clapp, the new physical director.
has arrived and assumed charge ot that
department Dr. Clapp holds the world's
record in polo vaulting at 11 feet 10 H
Inches. He ia a graduate of Tale and also
ot tbe Medical achool of Keokuk, Ia. Ha
has had four years' experience in teach
ing physical culture. Tsle regards him as
second to none in ability aad knowledge
ot gymnasium work.
Aaalaraaaeat of Cases for tho Blttlaa
ef tkat Trlbaaal Novem
ber 5.
LINCOLN, Oct 26. Tho supreme court
haa made the following assignment of
cases for November 6:
Larson against First National bank of
Pender. Thurston; Falls City against
Pperry, Richardson; Baty against Klrod.
Madison; McKntee against Bonaoum. Lan
caster; Nev Omaha Thomson-Houston
F.lectrlo Light company against nomuoia.
Douglas; Miles against Hallantlne, Fron
tier; Caasell against Ashley, Clay; Ham
mond against King, uckoiis; noweu
against Anderson, Saunders; O'Connor
against Aetna Life Insurance company.
Dodge; Omaha against St Paul Plow com
pany, Douglas: Sterrett against Omaha,
Douglas: Mahoney against Omaha, Doug
las; Prusha against Omaha, uouglas;
Smith against Boyle, Kearney; Phoenix In
aurance company against Kudford. Kear
ney: Omaha Bridge and Terminal company
against Keed, Douglas; Hrabham against ;
Custer county, Custer; New Omaha Thomson-Houston
Elertrlc Lig ht company 1
agalnat Bendson, Douglas; Pelmer sgalnst t
Fidelity Mutual Fire Insurance company, j
Frontier; Miles against Walker, Frontier,
two cases; Welch against' Tlppery. Burt; '
Reliance Trust company against Atherton,
Fillmore; Fremont Foundr and Machine,
company against Norton. Butler; Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific Railroad 'company i
against Holmes, Douglas; Chicago House I
Wrecking company against Stewart Lumber i
company, Douglas; Bollinger agalnat Knox,
Otoe; Perry Live Stock Commission com- ;
pany against Biggs, Seward; Rhabik 1
against Wedgewood, Barpy; Mathleson i
against Omaha Street Railway company, I
Douglaa; Farmers and Merchants Insur
ance company against Davlsv Jefferson;
Omaha Wood Working company against
Koch, Douglas: Rogers against Omaha,
Douglas; Dodge county against Saunders
county, Saunders; Woodward against Ka
van. Douglas; Reiss sgalnst Argubrlght, I
Lancaster; Hawley against Knight, Uoug-
laa: Iddlnga against Citlsens State bank.
Lincoln; Brooks against Stanley, Dawson;
Kinney against Blttlnger, Kimball: Bud
borough against Pacific Express company,
Douglaa; Jayne against Hymer, Phelps:
Sheldon against Parker, Gage; Brand
against Garneau, Douglas: Jones against
Wattles. Douglaa; Bird against McCleary,
Douglas; Green against D.esel, Douglas;
Nebraska Mutual Hail Insurance company
agalnat Meyers. Dawson; Jaques against
Dawes, Lancaster; Omaha against Rich,
Douglas; Pomy against Omaha, Douglaa;
Barnes against BoBton Investment com
pany, Butler; Ewlng against Hoftlne. Otoe;
Oennan Insurance company of Freeport,
111., against Shader, Lancaster; Bowman
against Wright, Douglaa; Supreme Lodge,
Sons and Daughters of Protection, against
Underwood. Cherry; Waller sgalnst Deran
leau, Dawes; Commercial State bank ot
Crawford against Ketcham, Dawes.
Rock Coaaty Caatrlbatea that Hanker
BASSETT, Neb., Oct 26 (Special.)
Judge Harrington held a special term of
court here yesterday, at which he sentenced
Andrew Anderson to a term of two years
In the penitentiary. Anderson pleaded
guilty to the rharge of forgery. He bad
been working on tbe ranch of J. B. Young
and on being discharged he came to Baa
aett and attempted to paaa an order, pur
porting to be from his employer, on one
of the merchants for goods and money.
George Wlegrefe. who was convicted last
spring on ths charge of cattle stealing
and aentenced to a term of two years In
the penitentiary, has bad bis esse affirmed
ia the supreme court, and hs baa been
taken ia custody by the sheriff. Weigrefe
is about 60 years old and he and bis wife
operate a small cattle ranch twenty-five
miles southwest of this town. According
to ths verdict he waa the accomplice of
Chria Pope la the stealing of a heifer from
tbe Johnston Bros. Pope pleaded guilty
and Is now in the penitentisry.
Stop Cara Hasklag.
SCHCTLER, Neb.. Oct. .6. (Special.)
Corn huaklng, extensively undertaken a
week or ten days ago, has been discontinued
by many because of the immature or soft
condition of the corn. Some bsve been
obliged to re-handle corn that was cribbed
and which was molding or rotting, al
though when husked It was carefully sorted.
Present Indications are that there will be
a material shrinkage from the summer and
early fall estimates of fifty to seventy bush
els per acre. Estimates now made are
about forty bushels per acre, and the qual
ity much below standard.
Mercer Takes Great Credit.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb., Oct 16. (Special.)
Congressman D. H. Mercer Is taking his
regular before-electioa trip through Sarpy
county. He arrived here overland Friday
"akia f .11 Bottlaa- Boars." Highest srlee. teem M
es Aasria brswlag C, M. Le-i " "
14 The Perfect Food " f.
For L-el
Brain and ( nn(
Muscle jMLf
Perfect health, sound, restful sleep,
clear complexion, bright eyes, clean
white teeth, sweet breath; these are
the blessings that follow a diet of
Ma!ta-Vita is justly entitled to
be styled "The Perfect Food" for old
and young, sick or well.
Being perfectly cooked, pleasant
to taste, easily digested and assimilated,
Malta-Vita is an ideal food. Lead
ing grocers everywhere.
We want an active agent In every town and hamlet to take aub
gcrlptlona. There la a good regular Income In It for every active agent
who will give all or part of hla time to the work. Thla ia a splendid
opportunity for -any- farmer who has a horse and bugrty and wanta a
remunerative occupation for the fall and winter months. Special Induce
ments to experienced canvassers.
' ' ' ' 4 ' )
Address for further partlculara, '
The Twentieth Century Farmer.
Omaha, Nebraska.
nlgbt from Fort Crook, and assayed to make
a speech at the opera bouse. A few of the
watchful were present, but the old-time
demonstration made in former years wss
not In evidence. His main Issue this year
was Roue water, and all anyone at all fair
could gather from his speech of Friday
night was that if you lived and bad your
being in the Second congressional district
and did not give D. H. Mercer credit for
being on earth you we're ungrateful in the
Entertain Xevr Pastor.
EDGAR. Neb.. .Oct. 2. (Special.) The
Epworth league gave a reception Friday
evening to the new pastor and bis wife.
Rev. and Mrs. Crossthwaite, in the east
room of tbe Methodist Episcopal church.
About 175 persons attended and at 8:20
gathered in the audience room of the church
and listened to an excellent program con
sisting of selections by Miss Lency Govern
snd Miss Za Holden, followed by a half
hour's entertslnment by A. J. Holden and
his phonograph. Refreshments were served
about 9:30 by Margie Stover. Hattle and
Za Holdfn.
Mali Roate at
Srhai ler.
Oct. !. (Special. )
Notice has been received from Washington
that rural delivery route No. 1 will be
atarted here November 1. Tbe route covers
territory northeast of 8buyler and gives
service to thirty-five families, with twenty-five
to thirty miles of travel. The car
rier is to be M. R. Galbralth.
Teachers Have Good Meeting.
EDGAR, Neb.. Oct. 26 (Special.) The
Teachers' District association met yester
dsy afternoon In tbe high achool room.
The attendance was good and a good pro
gram was presented. Those present speak
of It as a very Interesting meeting.
Woodmea I a veil Moaa
ASHLAND, Neb.. Oct
2. (Special.)
Woodmen of the World from
Gretna and Aahland unveiled a
st the Ashland cemetery today. Rev.
H. Schleh of Omaha was tbe speaker.
Yet He saved.
All who have severe lung troubles need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It cures or no pay. 60c, SI. 00. For aala by
Kubn a: Co.
To Take Sub
scriptions 'or The
Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer
of MEN.
12 years of sue
ccaaful practice In
II Pr esrad I. ears, vttbout cuttu.s. P'
ILta loss at lima Lsl ssstsdim la curs
r.u or mon.r rsfuoSW. IC or ' " tk "'
OlrfllLlw ihorousair ! (roa ths
Citta. inrf MS ' trmploa dl-apprs
MavlMlF nd lmi. Xo "BKKAKINO OUT- -4
It, 41mm oa Ch. aata mr Uot. eaoUlaa
a aDs.roos aruss sr Is silos, nosials-a.
UBCAT II TWnU u. lilDbLB AUED: Uck el l.a,
tltor as .tr.ota. " srss unpalr-4 tu vwa.
rn rM gsTS-n'-
Misk C.lora4. sr wit atllkr MlaMat ea standlns.
taaaaltatlea Kre. Tr-ataesl ay Mail.
Call -r ndaress. 11 S. 14b Bt.
$25.00 to
la tho
' I.
In effect this month onfy.
Tickets are food la tourist
sleeping cars, which ths
Rock Island mas to Lisa An
golas, Bant a Barbara and
Saa Francisco. '
These cars make quicker
time to Seuthara California
than almllar cara over aay
other Una.
Folder . giving full . Infor- (
matlon mailed oa request.
If roa are going to Cali
fornia. OO" NOW. After '.
November will east
you Dearly M per eeat mors
tkaa at present.
Low rates to Montana.
Idaho. Ctah and fugat
Sound points now la
effect. Ask .bout them.
Firnam St.,
Omaha, Keb.
!VI laANIoilUl f run.
r r iUa rM. atif j-cftu 1 1 vf ' lr
HUB u.a.UvJ4, flraatju. t'-a.ei.
irrttd lui ft iaU lilt-1 !ate!nl,.
IU n.rry ml tun Id. t fMJ ; bltlil(.jf j-swil;
ri4.l WFavit auu ua wtir I Cafl oft 4. i a tl