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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. OCTOnEK 27, 1002. PUTS OUT MANY DOCUMENTS Ccofreiaioaal Library Compile! Many Valuable Works Eacb Tear. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NEWSPAPERS READY Blorr Prt(ri In Work ( Preparing Iho White Iloaee for Orenpnnry of President ftnd HI raaslly. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. (Special.) Th library of congress In the rut two years bag Issued many valuable bibliographical publication, consisting mainly of annotated listi of maps and books relstlsg to sub jects which are of Interest to congress. For Instance, tb bibliographical depart ment baa put forth a cumber of lists of books bearing upon the subject of trust, of the history, geography, bibliography, etc., of Porto Rico, Cuba, th Philippines and others relating to various subjects considered in the general debates before congress. All of these books have been Issued by the heads of the departments In the library. There ha been prepared In addition to II of these a large book of about 2,000 pagea la the form of an annotated list of the newspapers of th United States, ex tinct and current, going quite fully Into the Individual history of each accordiug to It relative Importance. The main points usually covered In the Instance of each newspaper are the founders, date of founda tion, the politic, the general policy, the principal editors and proprietor and malu events in Its history, with dates; It rela tive Importance and any editorial action which might be considered unique or In structive In journalism. This work wa performed by a well known newspaper man who worked In a aubordlnate capacity In the periodical di vision, Ralph M. McKenzle, who was an employe of the department for five years. The work occupied much extra time over and above what wa required In the government service and was turned over to the librarian a year and a half ago on prom le of publication as a library docu ment. Owing to atress of work and the fact that It wa a large production. It has never been published nor reduced to type written form for publication. Interest to Newspaper Ma. The book would be of great Interest to newspaper men throughout the country, aa was evidenced when first brought to the attention of the librarian. Many newspa per urged Its Isaue from the press and Itave it Urge apace In tholr Washington dispatches aa well as In their editorial column. Th book also Includes a cata logue of the newspapers in the library of rongre, which ' has been published a a aeparat library document, omitting all the Individual newspaper history. It wa is sued as a document by the head of the periodical department and the real author was given no credit for his production; Congress will be asked this winter to bav tb work Issued from the press as a publio document, provided th author, atcKentle, who has recently been dropped from the library force, can be retained In Washing ton and Induced to take the responsibility of preparing and editing the work tor pub lication. It will be of encyclopedic else nd will have large Indexes and a biblio graphy of about 10,000 references to book from which the newspaper history wa se cured. It I considered too valuable a production 'to be consigned to the wast heap or other wise lost, because the average - librarian doea not conalder modern newspapers worth presarvlns lo a modern library or their bibliography or history of sufficient value to be printed, when old map end print and other bric-a-brac of a more or less worth less character a far aa the publio is concerned, have been catalogued by the library In thousands of printed pagea. Kaeeatlve Office About Ready. The new executive building where the president and the White House larce will have quarter will be ready for occupancy bout November 1. It Is doubtful when the White House will be ready tor tha president's family. The first Installment of the new furniture for the private part of the house arrived several day ago, but It has been stored In the upper corridor until Mrs. Roosevelt return to Washing ton and Is ready to direct It disposal In the rooms. It the president's family move Into the White House within the next few weeks they will have to depend upon tbo elevator or the small spiral stairway, start In from the pantry and running to the econd floor, for means of reaching the private rooms, because the mala stairway are far from completed. For this reason It Is probable that the president's family will remain tor some weeks yet at the Iatayette Square house. The elow work on the improvement of th White House haa caused some doubt ' to the possibility ot the completlen of the etate apartments In time for wlntor receptions and levees. Every effort will be mad to have th East Room and the Red. Blue and Green parlcre ready for the New Tear reception and tb regular state card reception always held in January aud February. But Mr. Roosevelt will not he able to hold many social functions outside ot the official onea this winter en account o the leoompleted state at lue lower part of the White House. . Tho shadow pictures ot President Roose veil aad the late President McKlnley, painted lu tbe Imitation marble walla of statuary hall ia th capitol by Artist Sam uel Allison, after creating a ripple ot ex cltement among the guardians of th build ing, have been ordered to h palsied out. Artlat Samuel Allison, who decorated th famous brick column la th pension office, we very proud ot hi latest feat with th brush. He wanted tbe two portraits to remain, but the oapltol authorities said no. He was told that as samples ot art the pictures were entitled to high rank, but as curiosities their drawing power was too BEER -MTLWAUKI The maintaining- of that higrh degree of excellence that won for ,'BlarsM ita enviable repu tation 'war bach 1m the forties, haa required undevlstlng car la the eelectioa of materials, and the constant attention of the moat ekilled master of the brewer' art. BLATZ MALT-VIVINE (NM-latttwat) tan aill Teal. All IrustM Pt- reel. VAL ILATZ IREWlNa CO, Kltf uUt OMAHA MUAXCtt. il aiTi ' htA rr Oeod f '''lljfl'VvfllilV ss Us aiasl ortlleal J j jyrHzr pior eoM ir I L.I 1413 Ooaslae St. Tel. great. The pictures would no doubt hare remained on tbe walla of the famous cham ber forever If Wavhlngtotilans and strang ers had not evinced such an eagfr desire to seo them. Tbe crowds beesme so large that the painters employed in and about the house wing ot the rapltol were fre quently obliged to stop their work. Te cap th cllmaa, however, a corps of pho tographers from tbe New York Illustrated weeklies began to arrive with mammoth picture-taking machines. Then the guard Ian of the rapltol threw up their hand. A conference was held snd a decision reached to pstnt the pictures out. Another reason assigned for the removal of tbe pictures Is that their being there wa nut dignified. It was not regarded ss proper for them to remain in so public a place in tbe capitol of the United States. t'nlqne Character Die. William E. Chandlee, a tobacco dealer 79 years old, died at his residence In this city Thursday. At the time of his death Mr. Cbandlee was conducting a clger store Just off the lobby of the Ebbltt house. He ws personally known to a large number of prominent politicians and army snd navy men. He came to Washington In 1852 and learned the carpenter trade. One day he mashed one of his fingers. Throwing down Lis tools he declared that he would never again work st hi trade. Being an expert penman he secured a stand In Wlllard's hotel and became a card writer. During that period he wrote cards for men promi nent In politics during tbe exciting daya Just before the war. Through the friend ship of the famous Innkeepers the Wil lardu he next took charge ot the hotel cigar stand. While conducting this busi ness Joseph C. Wlllard Intrusted hlra with a mesasge that altered Lincoln's plsns for coming to Washington. The message was Id a sealed envelope and was given to Mr. Chandlee with explicit Instructions to de liver It Into tho hands of no other than Colonel Sumner, who was In charge of th president's party. The message, which-was delivered with great difficulty te Colonel Sumner at the Continental hotel. Phlladel- pnla, told of the high feeling then exist- Ing In Baltimore and advised tb president elect to avoid that city In coming to Wash ington for bis Inauguration. Mr. Lincoln quietly passed through Baltimore In the night and before his Identity could be dis covered. Tbe first panorama of Bull Run exhibited In thla city Mr. Chandlee 1 said to have had In his cigar store, which he then ke'pt In Fourteenth street. Shortly after the battle an enterprising wall paper firm man ufactured a paper with pictures of the fight. It was with this paper that Mr. Chandlee paperd bis store and for years It was known ss tbe "Bull Run Cigar Store." CUTS PRESS FIELD (Continued from First Page.) countries cannot oe mentioned without ths decision of the medical department of th ministry or trie interior. 11. ISO allusion can be made to the rer- Sonne! or the work of the secret police. 12. No call for money contributions can be issued without special permission. II. Biitt'ide cannot be mentioned without the written consent of the nearest rela tives, or. in case of their absence, of the local chief of polio. It. Mention of contemporaneous measures against religious dissenters or of the holy synod action against Toistot is Tormdoen. 15. "curb" quotations are forbidden. 18. Articles of a strictly scientific nature. not suited for the masses, are forbidden when bad results might tnsue. A later circular compels newspapers whloh seek to abbreviate court news to submit such abbreviations to the ministers of the court, without whose Imprimatur no court news can be printed. IRISH ENVOYS PLAN TOUR Will Deliver Speeches la Most Bl Cities Kaat ( Chicago aad la Canada. BOSTON, Oct. 26. John Dillon, M. P., and Michael Davltt, the two Irish envoys, have gone to New York after their' New England visit, and will, with John E. Red mond, M. P., and Edmund Blake, M. P., tomorrow night address meetings In Phila delphia, end on Wednesday night in New ark. A Urn WCHII. VlllUU mUll Ul 111 U WOl, I speaking In Pittsburg, Toledo, Cleveland. fl. .... HI Tlll.. Jt Tt I . . . . Indianapolis snd St. Louts. They are booked for Chicago on the night of No vember 23, the anniversary of the death of th "Manchester martyr." Allen, Larkla and O'Brien, Mr. Dillon will then go to Canada with Mr. Blake, and speak in Toronto. Ottawa and Montreal, returning to Washington to speak there on December T, and sailing for Ireland two days later. GEORGIA TOWN UNDER WATER Tuesday's Rata Floods Stores In Brunswick aad Plunges City la Dnrkaes. BRUNSWICK, Oa.. Oct. 26. As a result ot contlnusd heavy rains for forty-eight hour five blocke In the center ot this city are under water, On Newcastle street, one of the principal business blocks In tho city, the wster has flooded the stores from ten to fifteen Inches deep. The city fire department bouse Is under water. Tho jails are both flooded and from Bay to Union streets, a distance of a quarter of a mile, traffic Is Impossible, The Brunswick Electrical Supply company has been put entirely out of business and not a light furuUhed by that concern la burning. naiiroao irsmc oas iwien oaaiy inirricrea With and waahouts are reported on the Southern between urunawica ana jesup ana on the Brunswick Birmingham. All malls are delayed. WORLD'S WELFARE EVERYONE'S Lady Henry Somerset Interprets I Patriotism la Liberal Wny. BOSTON. Oct. 26. Lady Henry 8omeriet was greeted by a large audience In Tremont temple todsy at ths Women's Christian Temperance union meeting held to advocste ths district option bill for Boston. Among others on the plsttorm wers Mrs. Msrv A. Llvsrmore, Mrs. L. M. N. 8tevens, national president of the V, omen a carts - tlan Temperance union, and Miss Anns Adams Oorden, the national vies president. Lsdy Henry' addreas was a plea for a patriotism that would make th welfare of the world Its own. Rev. Henry 8andls ot Boston contrasted the matter ot temperance reform In this country and In England te the disadvan tage ot the latter. nflLONEL R0EBLING IS ILL I'aderaroea Operatlea at Roosevelt Hoapttal, hat Will Sooa Bo Well. NEW YORK. Oct. It. Colonel Wasklna- toa A. Roebling, tb engineer of the Brooklyn bridgo. I a patient at Roovlt t.l where ha haa underion an en- rurinn. Colonel Roebllna haa beea in 111 health for some time. Tha doctors declins to state the nature! ot tha oDerattoa.but say it wss entirely aceoaarul. aad apoedy recovery is to be I eipected. ' CHANCES IN SMELTER MEN American Company Aboliihei Western Com mittee and Moves Officials Around, EASTERN EXECUTIVE WILL GOVERN NOW Minor Omelala Will ot Dlalorbed, Althoach Gives) Better thnnre for Rapid Promotion la Ser Ice. DENVER, Colo., Oct. 2. It Is snnounced by tbe American Smelting snd Refining company that the western executive com mittee has been abolished and In tbe fu ture the Interests ot tbe company in Colo rado will be looked after by James I). Grant snd Dennis Sbeedy of Drnver. They are the western, or resident, members of the cxecu'ive ocmmlttee. Hereafter the eastern executive com mittee, which was the main governing body, will be known simply ss the execu tive committee. Franklin Gulerman will be general manager of the Colorado plants and Karl E. Eylers will act ss bis SMlstant. Edgar L. Newhouse, former manager, with headquarter In this city, goes to New Tork as ssslstant to the executive com mittee. The executive committee will consist of the following: Daniel Guggenheim, chair man; Isaac Guggenheim, Morris Guggen heim, E. W. Nash. Guy C. Barton, Sewall, Anton Eylers, August R. Meyer, James B. Grant and Dennis Sheedy. August Raht will In the future act ss consulting metal lurgist. Daniel Guggenheim says that none ot the minor officials will be disturbed in their positions. Ho explained the rearrange ment by saying it was desired to give the younger men a chance for promotion and an opportunity to use their Ingenuity In expanding tbe business.. The mstter of reonenlna the Dlant at Argentine, Kin., will be taken up at the meeting tomorrow, EITHER DEAD0R A THIEF Ticket Afent and Money Go Astray ad Men Disease Mirilrr Theory. CARBONDALE. 111., Oct. 28. Frank M. Flagg, ticket agent of the Illinois Central at Texas Junction, Is missing and the con tents of his money drawer are also gone. It Is supposed robbers entered the office. killed the agent, took the money and put the body In the Big Muddy river. Trainmen say they saw men prowling around the building before Flagg disap peared. Officials of the road are, however. Inclined to discredit tbe murder theory. iiilOT niu no asnwr- niTTI e MUb I rAT UN lYlUVt VA I I LC. Marietta Stockmen Who Refaae Settle Taxes Have Cattle Driven to Texas. ARDMORE, I. T.. Oct. 26. Acting under Instructions from the Interior department, the Indian police are ejecting large herd of cattle near Marietta because stockmen refuse to settle tribal taxes. The cattle are being driven to Red River aad across into Texas. It Is said the stockmen will apply for aa Injunction to restrain tbe authorities from removing their cattle, PETITION TO STOP . FJGHT Christina Bodies Wish' Corbett-R.ce -' BoslusT Contest Strletly Prohibited. WATERBURY, Conn., Oct. 28. The Christian Endeavor aoclety and the Chris tian league of this city voted to present pe titions asking that the proposed "Young" Corbett and Rice fight scheduled here for November ( be postponed. It was the sense of the meeting, also, that In case this ac tion Is Insufficient the societies seek an in junction from the superior court. a . . . TtLEunArH MEN COMBINE Keataeky aad Texas Operators Foraa talons and Appoint Officer. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 26. A number ot Lou,vll,a telegrsphers todsy organised a branch of tbe International Union of Com mercial Telegrapher. GALVESTON, Tex.. Oct. 26. A division of th International Union of Commercial Tel egrapher was organized her today. A large membership wa enrolled and perma nent officer elected MACEDONIAN LEADER DEAD Reports Reach London that Tarklsh Troops Are Vlctorloao Over Revolutionists. LONDON, Oct 2. A dispatch from Con stantinople says It Is reported that M Zontcbert, the Macedonian leader, was killed during a fight between Insurgents snd Turkish troops. Ths Insurgents bsd twenty-tbreo men killed la ths engsgement. COFFEE FLYERS. tan Bo One If Ton Stick to It. ----- h-hl. nlirinllM -.v.. A nabU, of tno ,4m ,tur6 , ,n .Bd Th. Um crtv, , .tlmulaat more and more untli nnally the victim wskee up JL VtskBS war ah atrh sTass t fft 11 flat t h ah Up . 1 a fr d. Kimble of Northampton, Mass., to realize that we have got to atop or tbe penalty will b severe, It Is a little startling at first to consider. He says: "I was sn Inveterate eoflee drinker during twenty years of my life. The first ten years I experienced no 111 effects from the coffee, but Its insidious worklng brought torth a train ot evil I 4ter on. i becsme very nervous and lrrl table; in fact, felt all the time as If ,h0uld 'fly to pieces.' My nerves wers all unstrung and I craved coffee ss a toper 1 QOi liquor. In truth I wss a 'coffee toper. I My appetite became very poor and solid I f00(j repugnant to the sight; dyspepsia snd I lodlgestloa were my Insepersble com I paniona and food did me but llttlo good I About four yesrs ago a friend advised me l to try Postum Cereal Food Coffee. I Was I loath te believe that coffee was ths csuss of my trouble, therefor, I did not have much faith in Poatum, nevertheless, 1 com mencsd Its uss snd from ths very first 1 experienced a decided benefit. My appe ill rciurneu, iouu pvaau iu iai uaiuivi I and did roe good. My nervousness dlssp peered; the brain becams clear, ths loss of strength and flesh arrested and ' the stomach gradually strengthened. Lit seemed one more worth living and the I eonllnued use of Postum ha not dlsap I pointed me. 10 m cone pre siow poison. I bav round rotum to I builder and sustaloer of the system aad I heartl'.y recommend It to the slsves of I eoffe. without a single reservation. Mr. Kimble mentions in nis letter msny of his friends In Northampton who bav I recovered beslth ssd strength from usln 1 return ia hia rccouuneaaauon. FEAR BLAZE AT TREASURY rif reed In Paving National Treasure rioaae. NEW YORK. Oct. J. Fire wss dlecov ertd tonight In ths upper part of ths Mills building In the Wall street snnex and In the central part of the financial district. When the firemen1 arrived flames were bursting from the eighth and ninth stories. The subtreasnry Is Just srmss th street, and J. P. Morgan' office only two blocks awsy. Twenty engines wers summoned. For a time It wss tesred thst a grand conflagration was Imminent, but prompt snd bard work prevented the spresd ot the flames. The loss Is estimated at $10,000. KICKS VICTIM TO DEATH Italians Quarrel . at Dance and One Is Dead and the Other Kleea. SHARPSBl'RG, Pa., Oct. 26. As th re- ult of s dance held at tbe house, of M. Ssndo, sn Italian, Antonio Stelo lies desd the Pittsburg morgue and the police re sesrchlng for Antonio Rich, from Pitts burg, who Is said to have committed the murder Stein was killed almost Instsotly by kicks In the stomach, and. It Is said by .those present, thst Rich wss his assailant. STRIKE HAS NO EFFECT Millwrights nisnut Falls to Stop Minneapolis (ram Making Flour. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 26. The flour mills ot Minneapolis continued In operation to day despite tbe fact that a strike of mill wrights was In effect. The union decided not to return to. work after last night unless their demands were complied with. The millwrights were not Included In tho arrangements entered Into between the millers and the mill managers three weeks sgo. TWO GEM INK WOSDERS. Seventy-Four Years of Wedded Life Wlthoat a Quarrel. After seventy-four years of married life Mr. and Mrs. John lams of Washington county, Iowa, look back and find that they never had a dispute much less a quarrel. However strenuously they may havs fallen out with their neighbors, tbelr chll- ren and their other relatives, relates the Chicago Tribune, they have steadfastly per sisted in keeping peace with each other. They, have just celebrated tbe 74lh anni versary ot their wedding and none ot their ten children aad none ot their relatives was present. Mr. and Mrs. Isms let It be knowa that this wss their celebration and that they preferred to be alone. They care more for each other than they do for their children, lthough they are .not lacking .n paternal affection. , John lams is 93 years old. His wits is 92. When they took each other for better or worse conditions were such that In this dsy people would consider it decidedly for worse. Mrs. lams, was then Sarah McVey. After a courtship ot several months shs said "yes" to John, and an uncle. Squire Jacob McVey, was called te her homo to perform the ceremony. That was In Wssh- lngton county, . Pennsylvania. The groom wore, a, blue Jeans suit which cost (1 i yard, lie bad a M fur cap and a new pair, of glover-whlch he had purchased with the Intention of dragging them on at the last trloment', Jbut his intentions failed htm and he accepted' his bride with glove less hands. The bride wore a calico dress which In those days cost 17 cents a yard. In tho days when John lams centered his affections' so strongly on Mlaa Sarah she was, according- to his description, the pret tiest girl In Pennsylvania. She had rosy cheeks snd a figure tbat did not need a straight front" to make It trim. Now she Is changed, but she holds tbe affections Just the same. John, at S3 years, admits the change. Now," he ssld, "she looks a little dif ferent. Her nose and her chin almost meet and her figure Is not so gracefully propor tioned as It was seventy-four yesrs ago, but she Is a good old woman Just the same." Mre. lams, the pretty Ssrsh thst wss. laughed at this description. When they moved to tha west and set tled In Iowa their first home was a rati pen. They were busily engaged In building a luxurious log house, but winter came on them before It was done and It was not an unusual thing for the coupla to arise In their rail house and shake several Inches of snow oft ths bed as ths first step toward breakfast. Constitutions were rugged and contentment was cheap, too, as both affirm that those days were the happiest ot their lives. A ysar afterward they bad a mansion ready. It was a log house ot two rooms aud a chimney. They feared ths effenlnlsing in fluences of such luxury. Mrs. Isms remsm- bers tbat her husband used to go to church In his bare feet. It is only of late years that they havs overcome a prejudice to un derclothing. The complications of modern attire ars somewhat beyond tnetr com pre henalon and they are giving up the study la disgust. When their Tith anniversary came around they accepted with grstltude tbe ottering of their numerous descendants, hut they preferred to remain alone en thst occasion snd none of th children or grandchildren csme to litter their floors with ths remains of a feast. Their only callers were a few of the neighbors who "Just dropped in" te ssy a friendly word. Th descendant of the old coupl num ber ten children, thlrty-alx grandchildren and sixty-five great grandchildren. Soon after he had gone to Washington county, Iowa, John lams walked twenty-five miles te the government lend office and paid S0 tor forty acTes of Isnd. This Is their home now, with large addi tions, Yesr by year he added to hts hold ings until he had a qusrter section valued st $90 sn acre. Mr. Isms does not agree with the old saying that the ony good In dlan Is a dead Indian. He aaserts that he trsded with them so long as thsy were his neighbors and found them reliable and honest. A sermon against the uae of tobacco and whisky cannot be found In his life. He has been a moderate user of both. On ot bis visitors at the recent celebration wss In vlted to come back and attend ths funeral; for the old people have a grim sort ot humor. Tho visitor responded esrasstly that be hoped to bs abls to come to the 75th celebrstioo Instead. "1 don't know tbat I can bring diamonds, though." hs added. "That's all right." ssld John lams, "bring hod of coal." Last Cabin Philosophy. Atlanta Constitution: Pe long lane Is sbo' ter turn some day, but w'ea It do, It mot' inginrully make ds wagon turn somersault. De cow kick ds milk over ksss shs ain't got no seaee, en folks stan' roun aa cry 'bout It kase dey In de asms n si as cow Dey slot no marryin' or givla' in mar riags In heaven, en I reckon dat e w'y It said ter he slch a peaceful place. Trouble don't las' forever, but It makes folks hop las dey asver hsd ds rheums Utm whilst It la hoopla' ay id 'sav STUDIES AFRICAN PROBLEMS Chamberlain Decio to Fer:onallj Tour Scsne of Late War. MAY AFTERWARDS VISIT OTHER COLONIES Kins; and Cabinet Both Approve Win. Inter's striking Departure from Precedent, Whlt-a May Help Weld Km pi re Together. LONDON. Oct. 26. II Is officially an nounced that Mr. Chamberlain has decided to personally visit South Africa and ex amine the problems presented by the war and the settlement of affairs In the new colonies. King Edward hss given his ap proval of this plan, which, It ia sal.l. ha Iso the full approval of Mr. Balfour aul tbe cabinet. Mr. Chamberlain proposes to start st the end of November end return In the esrly part of March. His visit will em- race the Cape, Natal, the Orange Hiver colony snd the Transvaal. He hopes to have an opportunity to con fer with representatives of all the different Interests concerned snd to consider tholr lews. It Is esld Lord Milner has been consulted with regard to the trip and tbat he cor- lally welcomes the Ides. The striking precedent to be established by Mr. Chamberlain visiting a colony dur ing his v term of oiflce Is a subject of uni versal and approving comment this morn- ng. The Daily Telegraph thinks the step will be the precursor of similar visits Ij Canada and Australia. There sre also some hints that Mr. Chamberlain will bo glad to be absent dur ing the awkward discussions arising from the government's education Mil. Tho Times says It understands that Mrs. Chamberlain will sccompany her husband to South Africa and that his son Austen will answer colonial office questions In Parliament during his father's absence. RAILWAY CHANGES HANDS Metlrsa Line la Sold for Debts and New Concession Hns Been Granted. MEXICO CITY. Oct. 26. Documents pro- j vidlng for the transfer of the Mexico. Cuor- navaea ft Pacific railway to tbe Mexican Central company have been prepared and await signature. The Central acquires tbe property free ' from all Incumbrances by merely paying Its liabilities to London snd national banks, for which tho government is guarantor. The liability in question is approximately $4,600,000 silver. In connection with tbe Impending trans fer the government has granted tbe Central company an amended concession which era- powers it to build either to Acapulco or ZihuataneJo, as surveys may demonstrate to be the more advisable. It is reported tbe subsidy Is to be $8,000 per kilometer. CATCH ALLEGED ASSASSIN Russian Police Arrest Mas Who Aided Plot Against Dowager Earen. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 26. Tbe police have captured an accomplice in the re ported plot against the dowager empress Marie Dsgmar of Russia. A dispatch from Copenhagen, dated Oc tober 4. said the dowager empress of Rue- la, wbo is a daughter of King Christian of Denmark was the object of the strictest urvetltance by the police owing to an uthentic report that several Italian an- aroblsta were on their way to Denmark In order to make an attempt on her life. HUNTER SHOT BY FRIEND IW York Girl's Husband Loses His Eye as Resalt of Accident. LONDON, Oct. 28. Almeric Hugh Paget. who msrrted Miss Pauline Whitney ot New York, has been accidentally shot by a riend while shooting in the country. After the accident Mr. Paget hurriedly went to London, where it was found neces sary to take but one ot his eyes. It is be lieved that the sight of the other eye win not be affected. Csar Pars Many Calls. LONDON, Oct. 26. According to the Co penhagen correspondent of tbe Daily Tele graph the czar after visiting Italy will proceed to Montenegro, Athena an'd prob ably to Constantinople. While In Italy he will have an Interview with the pope. Marconi Gets Cash and Title. ROME. Oct. 26. It hss been decided to astabllsb wireless telegraphy at all ata- tlons and oa all passenger trains on Itsllsn railroads. King Victor Emmanuel ha. ap- pointed William Marconi a chevalier of tbe Order of Industrial Merit. LONDON. Oct. 27.-In a dispatch from brussels. th Standard says it Is declared cosltlvelr there that Generals Botha and Pelarey have abandoned their proposed tour of the United States and win return shortly to South Africa. Italy Floods aad (laakes. ROME. Oct. 28. There have been floods In the province of Calabra in which sev eral persona were drowned. There have also been renewed earthquake shocks st RIetl, Umbrta. Increases Legation atas?. BERLIN. Oct. 26. For some time psst Germsoy has not had a military attachs at Its Washington embassy, but It has now de cided to fill thla post. r No more blue-Mondays T own mae Soap Trvi jjforcs rep r IT li VeS) WJ Light Biscuit Liorit Pastry Licrrt Cakes ljght Work Light Cost SURE and- Quick-ava-wink I Make a of your TWHOICSI A riDO'SHBAD WILSO CASK. Finger Print Kvldence fiends a l.on uoa Man to Prison. In "Pudd'nhead W'llson," the play founded on Mark Twain' tory, the country law yer, whose fad It Is to collect Impressions of tho thumbs of his acquaintances, con vict a defendant of murder by Identifying his thumb print with an impression t-.ken some time before the trial. The audience finds the notion Ingenious and amusing, but tho comment is apt to be that wbilo It serves its purpose In a melodrama It would have no utility In real life. On the contrary, finger prints as evidence sre com ing to be regarded as of considerable Im portance by the British and continental po lice. In the central criminal court cf Lon- don recently, relates the New York Sun, a defendant was convicted of burglary on such evidence. The prosecutor said It was offered to convict for the first time In an English court. It seems that the window sashes of the house entered hsd been freshly painted, and on one of them was left the Impression of the burglar's hand. A photograph of It was made by tbe po lice. Two months later the defendant was arrested In tbe neighborhood after a chase. In which he dropped s burglar's kit. Ser geant Collins ot Scotland Yard, who, like "Pudd'nhead Wilson." had made a study of hand prints, took an Impression of the prisoner's thumbs snd fingers snd t'Stlflod that the lines of the prisoner's left hand exactly corresponded with the impression left on the freshly pslnted window sash by the burglar. This evidence convinced the Jury and it brought In a verdict of guilty. Unfortunately tor a challenge of the theory set up by the prosecution, the prisoner was not represented by counsel. That theory was tbat the finger prints of no two living persons are exactly alike. In the English prisons band impressions ot the Inmates are taken as well as pho tographs and measurements. In France finger prints are sometimes offered in. evi dence in criminal esses. So far as we kpow the police of the United States have not made any use of the theory in their records for tbe identification ot criminals. . MAfHUE-MADE BREAD. Human Hands No Longer Keeded In the Work. Within the last doten years, says tbe Saturday Evening Poet, the business of bread-making has been -relegated largely to machlner), and In many bakeries tbe raw materials sre converted into dough by means of a somewhat complicated ap paratus tbat does the .work without inter vention by human hands. Obviously, tbe next etep is to devise a contrivance tbat will knead ths dough and transform It Into loaves ready for tbe oven. Machinery ot such a charscter has been tried, but nothing ot tbe kind seems to have beea so satisfactory a a piece of mechanism which ha Just been patented. The fresh-mixed dough Is delivered to this machine through a chute, and passes thence upon an endless traveling belt. It 1 then "handled". . thereupon by a very Ingenious arrangement ot rollers which re duce it to a continuous sheet, and alter nately fold It and flatten It back and forth until it is made thoroughly homogeneous. Flnslly th sheet Is cut Into lengths, each ' P " " - Bn''hed, lof The dough being reduced to a continuous "' - "- 1 i sisiency loruugnuui, travels at a uniform rate), tbo loaves J " l" cf exactly the esme weight. There hy Right. Chicago Tribune: On of them wnt over and whispered to the strshger who hsd come in and taken a seet: "I beg your pardon, hut this la a gather ing of working women, met to protest against " "I am a traveling preacher's wife," said the atrsager. And they made her the president of tbe meeting. TH CtHB A COLD IW OSK DAY Take LaxstWe Bromo Quinine Tablets. This algnsture jnm at oa svsry box. I5c. () tfjtit 9 Good in hard water and good in soft water. Made hy Swift & Company $ i magician cook. P-ia-n ISEASED KIDNEYS Cause more deatba than bullets. Their symptoms are not alarming, hence they are neglected and quickly become dangerous. Prickly Ash Batters la a kidney medicine) of great value; it strengthene the kidneys, allays inflam mation, eases backache and arrests the progress of tho diseaae. It is aa honest remedy that can be depend ed on. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE, 11.00. W will seal tao aurMloos Fnaoh BaaKiay "1:. CALTHOS rax fcj mii. ft o. a. m ri Mvt.M him. i ""7 MM4 imium sm caltmos will STOP ""sitncir CURE RESTORE H'U Vuitmdpayf$atifitd. Addrsss WON MOHL CO., 314 B. !. l.4l At elNCIlKATI,t. """J ''"'' 'iT JJ Jl "'leg.- "Mao; wants but little hero below" Said a morbid poet long years ago, -I'm prone to doubt that ancient sage , Wheullook at The Bee's great "Want Ad" page. Deputy ftat 4rlnarlaa Food Inspector. H.L. RAUACCIOTTI. Ds V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. ' Qfflo ana Infirmary, 2Sth and fctaaon Vta. Omaha, Neb. Telephone 631). AMlSKMKVfS. BOYD'S I Week beainnin Monday, Sept. IS. Tonight, Tuesday Night SPECIAL TCEB UAY MATINEE. De WOLF HOPPER In hi new Musical Comedy Success, Mr. Pickwick A splendid caat, Including Pinny Bell, Henry Normun, Ornnt Htewart. Laura Joyce Bell and 40 others. Priori, mat., 'Ac, 50c, 75c, $1; night. &c. toe, t&c, l, 11.50. O Wednesday and Thursday night. Thursdny Matinee, th greatext of w II plttyer., LOU1H JAMK8 and KHEUKRICK. WAR UK. In a mHgnlrlceiit production of The Tempest." Prices, mat., 25c lo II; night, 26c to II. 50. ei RiirB tTfxaielLi, Telephone 1531. Matinees, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, 2:15; every night, 8:15. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Merrllle, Booth V Elmore, Heas Family, Phil abd Nettie Peters, Collins and Madell, Cbas. Kenns, Madge Fox, Jessie tale and ths Klnodrome. Prices 10c. 2Sc, 60c. HOTELS. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and 6JJ it. ' t' N .V. Cit) Fireproof, Modern! Rates, Library. Accessible, Kselaslr. Modern. Orchestra! Concerts Every Evening.' A.I t ar !' tn feuinlr. Send for oewrlptlvo Uor.klet. W. JCHKSON WO INN. Proprietor. The MILLARD I3IU snd Uonnla Sts. OMAHA, ftUU. Omaha Leading Hotel. kl-KI UL M.TlHKl LUNCHKON. UKTY CENTS, iz su lo I p. in. SUNDAY Bleadlly Increasing business has ietenl tated an enlargement of calm duuUlmg I la former, tspailljf.. . . . . ... . a viegsTaii ivf sini