Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
feoskian Censor Enumerate Many Matters
Paper May Kot Mention.
Keither Ruler Nor BubjecU Who Kill Them
selves May Referred To,
Editors Mast Obtain Official Sanction Before
They Can Print Most Hewa,
Gcrverntneat Appnrently Overlooks
One ".object aad Vtdsnoill Thinks
Maseovlte Exhibit Will Be He
mtroat and Interesting;.
tT. PETERSBURG. Wedndeeay, Oct. 11.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
-The St. Petersburg Vedomostl think the
Russian department of the St. Louis ex
position will ba Interesting, adding that
the majority of the great Russian firms
nd corporationa have decided to partici
pate. A report on the expedition Into the ce
lestial mountains (Thlan Shan) of eastern
or Chinese Turkestan says In spite of an
' unfavorable season Mr. Fedhhenko, tho
leader of the party, accomplished bis task
and reached the plateau of Iskem, where
two previously unknown lakes were dis
covered. The Santalash was explored to
Its source. The party then crossed tho
pasa of Aflaatoum and reached Lake Bar;
Chlltek, whence It returned to Tashkent
by the Cbokal valley.
Faille Mop Debate.
The agricultural committee of Soudja, In
Koursk, two members of which. Prince
Dolgoufky and M. Yevreltnov, were re
buked by th ministry of the Interior for
procuring the adoption of a radical pro
gram at th first session, has found an
affective way of protesting. When the
committee met again a sub-committee re
port waa read virtually reaaserting the
plans which bad proved so offensive to
M. Von Picwhe, and which the csar, by
Implication, condemned in his address to
tho Zemstvoa of Koursk. The chairman,
who had doubtless received careful In
structions, declared he could not permit a
discussion of the report or a vote on It.
His recommendation was received in al
He read the next, item on the program.
The members oat motionless.
"Does nobody desire to proceed." he
asked T
.No one responded and the committee was
The sub-oommitte report embodies de
mands and complaints of the Zemstvoa,
which date back in some Instancea to the
very origin of local government In Russia
nd are a striking illustration of the per
sistence of Zexnetvc ideals. It waa a
, pithy reproduction of a portion of the
aecrei program arrangea zemsivo lesa
rs from twfuU'five province at Moscow
last spring and. .Is 'therefore a political docu
tnenl of paramount interest.
It enumerates the following deficiencies
In the preseut status of Zemetvo affairs.
First Deficiencies In the organisation of
Eemstvo Institutions, (a) Their class char
acter, (b) Insufficient representation of
the neotile aenerally and the peasant in
t articular, tcj UnatlHfactorlness of elec
toral system, (d) Too great dependence of
electors In the governors and the provin
cial administration, (e) Absence of a cel
lular Zemetvo unit in contact with the ceo
pie, if) Absence of any participation of
the Zemstvo in tne central government.
Hecond Kxceeslve administrative ' tutel
Sae. fa) Ton extended Dower of the govern
bra to regulate the proceedings of Zemetvo
meetings, th) Absence of obligatory periods
within which governors must forward
Kemntvo petitions and within which such
petitions must be acted upon by the cen
tral government, (c) Violation by the cen
tral government of the law prescribing by
whom petitions must be acted upon.
(d Failure of the governors to approve or
disapprove the Zemstvos' Choice of paid
employes, (ej Prohibition of the discus
sion of local questions which have a gen
eral aa well aa a local Importance, (f) pro
hibition of all correspondence between dif
ferent Zemstvos. m Various obstacles
placed In the way of Zemstvo schools and
other educational movement, (h) The cen
sorship. Third Removal of several matters from
the competence of Zemstvos and other al
terations of their status, (a) Arbitrary lim
itations of Zemstvo taxation, (tb) With
drawal of famine relief from the Zemstvo.
) Unnecessary Interference with Zem
stvo veterinary service. d The proposed
withdrawal from the Zemstvos of popular
duration, tax appraisement and medical
, relief, (e) The proposed subordination of
gate Zetrwtvos to the imperial comptroller.
Newspaper Field Limited.
For the first time In the history ot the
Russian press the censor baa made a com
pilation of prohibitions and the partial
prohibitions which are still considered as
binding. He has Issued thousands ot clr-
Hi..i.lln. nan... In lit, , n .,nlt.l.
which are not subject to the preventive
censorship, bow to handle certain matters
and forbidding any reference to others. - -
Many were temporary in their nature,
but an equal number were permanent and
naturally confusion and contradiction fol
lowed. No editor could possibly keep all
these eirculara In mind and It depended
wholly on the good will of the authorities
whether slips were punished. A recent
"confidential circular" seeks to codify the
prohibitions and specifically states that no
other past circulars need be considered at
all. Of course the censorship hss begun
anew the issue of prohibitions of tempor
ary validity, but the gals tor the moment
Is Indisputable.
The following are the more notable pro
Visions of the censorship In the catalogue
as It has been codified:
V Mtnlstsrlnl reports to the csar, rumor
Concerning the same and acts and expres
sions of the csar may not be Dubllalied
without the consent of the ministry ot the
2. Matters emanating from the higher
governmental circles, such as document
nd derlslona. may not be referred to with
out the consent of the authority concerned.
S. Circulars of governmental departments
may not be referred to without the special
permission f the department concerned.
4. Information relating to the empire's
defensive pod lion, mobilisation or disloca
tion of tho army or navy, credits for war
nurooaes. construction of stratealc roads
or war ship may be taksn only from the
Itusnkl Invalid.
6. News or articles concerning the main
tenance of the Chinese Eastern railroad
nd Its guard are lorMdaen.
(. News about agents of the finance
ministry In Persia and the results of their
work Is forhlddt n.
7. News stout or arttclea on achool dis
orders or the last university regilatlona
re forbidden, likewise petition of the
student aii'1 blackboard notices; further
more, no Information can be printed about
(he Internal life of any school without the
consent of the proper authorities.
t. Articles on or news about political ar
rests or crimes or criminal, except those
printed In official armini about execution
and those who perfcrm them, are pro
hibited. Factory disorders and other public dis
order cannot be mentioned without the
consent of the h'aher police.
W. Pestilence lu Kuaal and neighboring
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Rebel Continue War, While Disease
Kill the Government
KINGSTOWN. Jamaica, Oct. !. The
German steamer Hercynia reached he' -o-
day from Colon. Colombia. Ita offlc t
port considerable fighting In the f. ,
the revolutionists taking advantage ot
withdrawal of government troops for serv
ice on the isthmus.
At Ssvanllla government soldiers are dy
ing st sn alarming rate from fever and
While Hercynia was moored at Savanllla
there were the bodies of several soldiers
laying rotting on the pier. Disease is rife
on that side of the coast.
The ship's officers bad to check their own
cargo at Savanllla and do other work for
which Colombians are generally employed.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. A dispatch sent
from Panama at 11 thla morning was re
ceived by the Colombisn legation today
announcing thst the cruiser Dogota was
then entering the harbor. Bogota is the
vessel which, according to rumors st Man
agua, Nicaragua, yesterday was engaged In
battle with Pad 1 1 la.
Legation officials are congratulating
themselves on the safe arrival of Bogota,
aa they believe it will exert an Important
Influence In ending the revolutionary move
It was equipped with only four els-pound
ers on Its trip from San Francisco, most
of Ita armament having been consigned to
Colon with the Intention of placing it on
the cruiser when It arrived at Panama.
This additional armament consists of a
fifteen-pounder, two six-pounders, two
machine and several smaller guns.
Lord Charles Beresford t'rsrea England
nd Vnlted State to Stand
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 26. Vies Admiral Lord
Charles Beresford arrived today from
America, where he studied the construc
tion of battleships and lnvestigsted ship
ping matters.
He was Interviewed on his trip and ssld
his Investigations had convinced him Great
Britain had nothing to fear from the In
ternational Mercantile Marine company. On
the contrary he believed this combine would
benefit England commercially and other
wise. "The United States," he ssld. "is cer
tainly shead of us In engineering and ad
ministration and we need to adapt our
selves more to modern Ideas."
Continuing, he did not take a pessimistic
view of the situation and did not agree that
Great Britain was going down hill.
"Public men," he added, "ought to strive
to bind the two great countries more
firmly together. If Great Britain and the
United States were Joined In the Interest of
universal peace and even If the rest of the
world wanted to fight the would be noth'
ing to fear."
Consumption Specialist Res; ret that
I'nlted States Sent N
BERLIN. Oct. 16. Surprise snd regret Is
felt by the delegates to the International
tuberculosis congress, which hss been In
session here, thst the United States did
not have larger representation and es
pecially that some one was not present
to give the result of experiments carried
on in America with regard to
munlcablllty of animal tuberculosis to hu
man beings.
.The only Amerlcsn who attended the
congress waa Dr. Wm. Enger of the United
States marine hospital aervlce, who Is sta
tioned at Naples.
The abstract of a paper on the direction
which should be taken by tuberculosis In
vestigation, the work of Dr. Charles Denl
son of Denver, Colo., bss been circulated
among the delegates.
The last session ot the congress wss held
today. Dr. Williams of England delivered
an address in which hs sdvocated tho
classification of patients In aanltorla In
accordance to ths progress each hsd msde
toward recovery.
Swayne. Hearing; of Droath and De
sertions, Attempted Crash
lagr Blow.
LONDON. Oct. 26. The correspondent of
the Dally Mail with Colonel Swayne says
the Mad Mullah's original Idea to hold and
fortify . Mudug, where he would command
the only walls available and compel Colonel
Swayne to attack him at enormous disad
vantage, was a good one, but it was spoiled
by an unexpected drouth and terrible beat,
which dried up the wells and killed live
stock and ponies by the thousand.
Finally - In the beginning ot October It
was reported that Mullah's forces were
scattered and that he himself hsd only a
few riflemen with him. It was then Colonel
Swayne decided to advance, on ths chance
that a decisive engagement would result In
the Mullah's capture.
A dispatch from Simla, India, reports that
Colonel Swayne snd his forces are contlnu
Ing tbelr march from Bohotls to Berbers,
Somallland, East Africa, and are not pur
Sheaa Burle Father and
Chars ot Commercial
Treaties. .
PEKIN. Oct. 26. An edict hss been Is
sued appointing Minister Wu Tlngfsng to
succeed Sheng aa commissioner ot tbe new
commercial treaties negotiations. Sheng
resigned this office to bury his father, who
died last Frldsy.
Sheng waa formerly director of tele
graphs and railroads. He was also taotal
ot Shanghai during the period of the Boxer
rising. He is said to be greatly disliked
by foreigners and has been described as
thoroughly unscrupulous snd cunning. It
had been rumored thst ths powers were
opposed to Sbeng's holding tbs position he
has lust resigned.
Floods Drive Them from Heme and
They Fire Pistols to Brine
Relief. '
CATANIA. Sicily. Oct. 26 There hsv
been hesvy rains snd floods between Ca
tania and' Syracuse. The railroad wss
partly destroyed ncsr Illcoca and great
damage has been done to property.
In many places the flood Is fifteen feet
deep and the peasants havs taken refuge
on th roofs of their houses aad ars firing
pistols as signals of distress.
King Attends Speoial Service in Old 8t
Paul' i Cathedral.
Mere Drop front Fatlane aad Rain
I, -s Popalnee Within Doors,
ft Smalt Crowds Greet
-elr Majesties,
LONDON, Oct. 26. The last ceremonies
connected with ths inauguration of the
reign of King Edward were celebrated to
day when, accompanied by Queen Alexan
dra, the prince of Wales and almost all
the members of the royal family, he drove
to St. Paul's cathedral and offered up
thanks for the recovery of his health. Small
crowds marked the royal progress through
the metropolis.
At Temple Bar the lord mayor of Lon
don and the corporation,, In bedraggled
robes met the -royal party and escorted It
to the cathedral.
In the nave were gathered several thous-
snd persons. Including Premier Balfour,
leading members of the nobility, almost all
the members of the cabinet and the foreign
ambassadors to Great Britain, among whom
was Mr. Choste.
The Honorsble Artillery corps formed an
Imposing line, the members wearing their
busbies and carrying fixed bayonets. Be
fore the ceremony was over several of the
artillerymen had fainted from long stand-
The chapter and the bishop of London
escorted the king snd queen to the throne.
There wss a full choral service of thanks
giving, followed by a sermon by th bishop
of London, who laid special stress on the
fact that this was the second time in his
majesty's life that be had entered St. Paul's
to give thanks for bis recovery from a
dangerous Illness. At the conclusion of ths
sermon ths te deum wss sung.
The royal party then returned to Buck
ingham Palace and were greeted every
where the crowds were largs enough to
raise a cheer.
In spite of the rain, King Edward ordered
the carriages to be kept open and Queen
Alexandra bowed and smiled from beneath
a small umbrella.
The scene at St. Paul's was more bril
liant than devotional. All the officials
present wore their uniforms snd decora
tions, creating a blaze of color seldom
seen In the uniform of a field marshal, and
wore the decorations of the' Order of the
Order Allowing Foreign Boat to
Trade May Avert Threatened
Illce Famine.
MANILA, Oct. 26. It is believed here that
President Roosevelt's order permitting for
elgn vessels to engage In cosst trade among
the Philippine Islands will Immediately re
lleve the Inter-Insular freight situstlon snd
Improve the supn'y snd lessen the cost ot
rice in which a fa .CBr tlrsutjned.
The civil commtseioQ intends to act at
once on the presidents' orderrbuiHs'fc'TIiere-
by to avert suffering among the '. poorer
It is expected a number ot British and
Japanese vessels will take advantage of the
Existing freight ratea from Manila to
some ports In the srchipelago exceed the
rates from San Francisco to Manila. Agri
culture in the Islands, already impaired by
the rinderpest and the cholera, has been
further injured by locusts, which have ap
peared in many places and are working
sertous injury to the crops.
The advent of locusts together with the
fall in the prices of sliver, renders the
business and industrial prospects in the
Philippines gloomy.
French Aeronnnts Propose Joint
Action to Seen re St. Loot
PARIS, Oct. 26. The French aeronauts
held a meeting here today to discuss a
united plan by which to lift the St. Louts
exposition prize ot 1100,000 offered for the
best airship.
Emlllen Marceau, the Inventor of the
flying machine "Le Pappillon," was the
principal promoter. M. Beserch, M. Santcs
Dumont'and other leaders In aeronautics,
were Invited, but did not attend.
' M. Marceau exhibited a huge model of
"Le Paplllon" with outstretched silken
wings thirty feet across.
He proposed fund should be raised with
which to build French airships, and said
In case the prize was won half of it would
be divided among these assisting the move
Philippine Officials Raise Money with
Which to Aid Katlvo
MANILA, Oct. 26. Twenty-seven thou
sand dollars hsve been reslized from the
ssle of food supplies in the provinces of
Bstsngas snd Laguna, Luzon, and In ths
Island of Mlndoro. .
These salea were conducted with the Idea
of aiding tbe people and the work was car
ried on by General J. Franklin Bell. The
sum derived has been turned over to the
Insular government and will be expended
among the people of these provinces.
Barulod Rnlrr Ktreucthru Fort, bnt
Possibly Will Not Oppose
. MANILA. Oct. 26. General Sumner haa
completed his Inspection of tbe proposed
road from Illgan to Lake Lanao.
He will return to Zamboanga within a
week, and go to Camp Vlckera to organise
the expedition agalnat ths sultan of Bsc
olod. There Is a slight possibility that tbs sul
tan will not reaist, although he continues
to strengthen his forts.
Spread to Other Islands, bat
appear from Manila
MANILA. Oct. 26. Tb cholers Is galn
Ing a strong foothold on tbs Island of
Mindanao. It is expected to spread there
as elsewhere In the Islands.
The disease ccnttnues bsd in ths prov
ince of I Ho. islsnd ot Panay, but la light
elsewhere. It haa disappeared from Ma
alia. Ths case reported exceed 100. '
Rockefeller aad HI sTrtead Said to
Be Behind the Bis
NEW TORK, Oct. 26,-iJohn D. Rocke
feller snd James Stiilman, president of
the National City bask, will finance the
$500,000,000 beef trust, according to the
story Wall street heard yesterday, and from
recent indications It Is believed to be prac
tically official.
Since the beet trust plan was first made
public there have been many conflicting
statements concerning the underwriting ot
the big combine. It wss first said that
Kuhn, Loeb li Co. would have charge of
the syndicate for this, the second Isrgest
corporation In the world, and then In de
tail came tbe story telling how J. Plerpont
Morgan had sent one of his partners to
Chicago and had raptured the prize. Now
cornea the generally accepted report defin
itely atatlng that the. Rockefeller-Standard
Oil-National City bank coterie will do the
There hss been lively competition for the
underwriting because of. the tremendous
profits to be msde. It U conceded that the
syndicate will make not less than $10,
000,000 In flnanciug the merger and prob
ably Its profits will be nesrer $20,000,000.
P. A. Valentine of Armour at Co., who
engineered the merger, hs to be the potent
figure in the packing world under the new
regime. The various companies la the mer
ger already have paid out more than $30,
000,000 In absorption of the smaller plants
aad by January 1 ths trust will be doing
John D. Rockefeller wa$ not at his Wall
street office yesterday.
Street Car Smashed, bnt Htsr Ks
eapea with Only Slight
Injnrles. '
NEW YORK, Oct. 26. Twenty-two pas
sengers on a trolley car were Injured today
In a collision between a car and an auto
mobile. Tbe accident occurred at Tonkers.
Those most seriously hurt were:
Miss Merle MacClt stock of Mount Ver
non, torn and lacerated scalp, ons ear
nearly severed, bruised and cut by glass.
Miss Winonah Bailey, New York, neck
and shoulders and body cot and bruised.
Kate Callahan, Yoakers. scalp wound and
bruised. "
Others of the injured had their wounds
dressed and went to their homes.
A man and two women who occupied the
automobile and whose names could not be
ascertained, together with ths chauffeur,
escaped Injury.
The chauffeur said he was running along
the track of the trolley line when the car
ran Into him from behind.
The motorman says ths automobile while
going down grade swerved on to the track
and before it could get off, his car bit the
machine. When tho car struck the auto
mobile It left ths tracks and turned over.
Had It gone to the other side of the road
It would have been thrown over a precipice
eighty or ninety feet to the New York Cen
tral tracks. The automobile was but
slightly damaged.
Orders a Comprehensive Summary
of Industrial Situation
NEW YORK, Oct. 26.J. Plerpont Mor
gan wants to know what la the , Industrial
situation of tbe country and what may be
expected for the three months to come.
Through the United States Steel corpora
tion a comprehensive canvass of Industrial
conditions Is being made under his direc
tion for the purpose of ascertaining tbe ac
tual status ot business and how long it
may reasonably be supposed that the pres
ent conditions will last.
Questions have been sent throughout the
country by the board of directors ot the
billion-dollar steel trust to finishing mills,
shipbuilding companies and large contrac
tors. While the trend of the Inquiry Is
directed chiefly toward the business of the
steel trust Mr. Morgan holds that a com
prehensive summing up of the steel trade
will show accurately the general prosperity
Of the country. Information specially Is
sought concerning the material which Is
now ordered snd for which consumers have
to wait, and also as to the Increase In pro
ductive energy and transportation facili
Men Want Increase la Waves, bat
Demand I Not Yet Deflaltely
CHICAGO. Oct. 26Grand Master P. H.
Morrlssey of the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen and Vice Grand Master W. G.
Lee have arrived here to look after tho
Interests of the 7,000 ysrdmen employed In
the Chlcsgo district snd who hsve pre
sented a demsnd for an increase of 5 cents
sn hour. Tbs railroad officials hsvs been
notified that an answer Is expected by Fri
day. Ths action taken by the Chicago yard
men is said to be ths first step In the
movement which started In Kantas City last
June when the chairman of tbe scale com
mittee on all systems, representing both
the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and
the Order of Railway Conductors, met and
decided to demand a general Increass for
members of both organizations.
The question waa cubmltted to a referen
dum vote and thla vote is not all in yet.
The Chicago district of the switchmen,
is, however, separate and the vote was al
moat unanimous in fsvor of demanding tbe
Ezplodlnsr Powder Wrecks Works, bnt
Fall to Kill Work.
FAIRMOUNT, W. Va., Oct. 26. Th
Falrmount Powder works, located eighteen
miles from this city, were damaged to the
extent ot $30,000 by the explosion of too
kegs of powder today. No ons waa In
jured. Tbe machinery waa completely destroyed
and fragments were tbrown msny miles.
Ths ground was torn up for forty feet.
Two Men aad Three Engines Are Din.
aad hy Collision, hnt No
On Killed.
MISSOULA. Moot., Oct. 26. A light en
gine, eastbound, crashed into a double
header freight train a few miles west of
Hope, Idaho, on tbe Northern Pacific to
night. P. Bayers of this city snd tbe engineer,
A. L. Bussey, were severely Injured, and
ths three engines wrecked.
Foreign Workers Present Him Gold Watoi
and Diamond Ornaments.
la Accepting;, Lender Expresses Hop
thnt Strikes Will Sooa Be lasee
essary aad Jaatic and Right
Be Aeeorded Tollers.
WILKESBARRE, Ps., Oct. 26. John
Mitchell was in conference with the dis
trict presidents. Nichols, Duffy and Fahy,
for several hours today. He outlined the
case be will present to the board ot arbitra
tion on behalf of the miners snd received
the approval of his colleagues.
This afternoon Mr. Mitchell waa pre
sented with a gold badge and gold watch
by the Polish, Lithuanian and Slavonlo
members ot his union. The badge bears
the mouogratn J. M. In diamonds, under
the bar containing the pin, which Is fast
ened to the coat lapel. Below this Is the
button of tbe United Mine Workers ot
Amerlcs, from which hangs a pendant, with
a tiny pick and shovel, with s miner's Ismp
in the center, underneath this sgaln la a
. The seal of the organization. In the cen
ter, Is a breaker boy standing in the midst
of a bank of. coal.
The presentation took place at head
quarters snd a large crowd listened to the
Foresees Indastrlal Mlllenlnm.
Mr. Mitchell In tbe course ot bis remarks
These gifts will ever remind me of the
duty I owe to the great army of workers
who have reposed confidence, In me and
followed my leadership during trying times.
1 shall regard it a great favor If you
will exprewi to the Polish, Lithuanian and
Slavonic people my gratitude for the con
fidence they have so freely given me. I
beg you to say that my highest ambition
will be to promote the welfare and advance
the interests of all in their labor tor a
1 look fa-ward to the time when strikes
shall be no more, when peace and Justice
and right shall be secured for those who
toll, wnen labor and capital, each recog
nizing Its rights and obligations to so
ciety, sliuil work in harmony for the com
mon welfare of our country and the gen
eral good of all our people.
Gentlemen, I thank you with all my
heart. 1 cannot express my feelings to
you properly at this time.
Shortly before 4 Mr. Mitchell left for
Washington, where be will attend tomor
row's sitting of the arbitration board. Hs
was accompanied to the station by a lsrgs
snd enthusiastic crowd and when he boarded
the train was cheered.
A movement is said to bs on foot among
the Polish, Luthuanlan and 81avonlo miners
to raise a sum of money for him.
On this being mentioned to him Mr.
Mitchell said he had no desire for a fund
of this charscter, . as it would separate
him frcm his fellow workers. He believed
that no man ' could acquire great wealth
without winning It from the toll of some
laboring man.
A Urge force of men were at work today
clearing up the mines for a general re
sumption tomorrow. It Is said nearly all
tbs collieries are now in shape for work
snd that there will be a heavy output of
coal tomorrow. " v .
Not a Happy Family.
SCRANTON, Pa., Oct. 26. Half a dozen
nonunlonlsts employed at the Oxford col
liery of the P3ople's Cost compsny were
given a sound drubbing and chased half a
mile through a gangway yesterday by a
gang of union employes of the Delaware,
lAckawsnaa & Western company's Bellevue
The mines open into one another In a
number of places, at one of which the em
ployes of both make use of the same gang
way, or main road. The union men way
laid the nonunlonlsts at a "cross cut" and
after pummelling them, chased them, hurl
ing epraga and coal until the fugitives
reached the mule bsrn in the Oxford works,
where they sought refuge in the feed house.
President Crawford of tbe People's com
pany has made complaint to the Delaware,
Lackawanna ft Western company, snd the
latter Is endeavoring to discover what men
participated In the assault.
SHAMOKIN, Pa., Oct. 26. One hundred
deputies who were on guard at the col
lieries in this region during tbe strike
were sent home last night under orders
to bs ready to return at any time when
notified, as U Is feared there will be local
strikes if all nonunion men do not resign
their positions.
Commission Ready to Renin.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. All Is in resdl
ness for the meeting, tomorrow afternoon,
of tbe anthracite coal strike commission.
AH members of the commission snd most
of the operators and their representatives
are here.
The board will sit st 1, and ths wishes of
both parties will be considered as to ths
method ot procedure in securing testimony.
Plans for holding ths publlo sessions, plsces
ot meeting snd various other details neces
sary to be settled before the actual work
of bearing evidence will be decided.
It is expected thst Itttls evidence will bs
beard In Washington, as It Is not the desire
of ths commission to compel the sttend
ance ot witnesses hers when they can bs
examined at greater convenience to them
at or near their places of residence.
The commission will also determine
whether It will give hearings to persons
not having a direct Interest In the Issues
at stake, but who believe they can give
evidence of a practical character that will
assist tbe commission In Its work. Con
siderable evidence of this chsrscter was
tsken by the commission which reported
on the Chlcsgo strike, but unfortunstely It
wss not ot mstertal value.
George F. Baer, president of ths Resding;
F. B. Thomss, ot the Erie; John B. Kerr,
representing Thomss Fowler of tbs Ontario
ft . Western; David Wilcox, Delaware ft
Hudson, and David Walter, representing the
Lehigh Valley, arrived this afternoon.
Mr. Mitchell, who la to appear befors
ths commission, arrived here lata at night.
Ha was accompanied by District President
Mob Sarronnd Jail la Which aa
Aliened Mnrdrrer Is Cos-
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 26. A speclsl to ths Re
public from Poplar Bluff. Mo., ssys: A
Urge crowd has surrounded ths Jail and
It Is fesred thers will be sn sttempt to
lynch William Brock, a negro, la custody
oa ths charge of murder. Brock was ar
rested last night on tbe charge of having
killed John T. McKenna, foreman of a
spoke fsctory, snd highly respected. Mc
Kenna waa found dying on ths street, hsv
Ing been shot. Just befors he died hi
said Brock had attempted to rob him and
then shot him. City Attorney Hill made
a speech In front of the all tonight urging
the crowd to disperse, but to no effect and
i trouble Is anticipated
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and
Temperatare at Omaha Testerdayi
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear.
5 a. m...... 4SJ 1 p. m,.,.,, BT
s. m ..... , ) 8 p. m . , . , til
T a. m 47 It p. m M
8) a. m 4T 8 p. m 0
t a. as 4M s p. m HO
lO a. m 5t W p. m ft
It i. a fta T p, m H7
IS m B5 p. m ST
9 p. m 06
Two Boys Tramp Six Handred Miles
aad Softer Hardships to Ae
eampltsh Parpoae.
DENVER. Oct. 26. (Speclsl Telegram.)
After beating their way on freight trains
from Creston, la., Leonard Camp, aged 13.
his brother Clarence, aged 11. and Carl
Hanson aged 14 arrived at the Magnolia
ranch, ten miles south of Denver, this
morning. Ths Camp boya came to see their
father, L. J. Csmp, foremsn on the rsnch,
snd who waa once prosecuting attorney In
Creston. Hanson accompanied them be
cause he wanted to see the world. Mr.
Camp recently left Creston, leaving his
motherless children In charge of bis father
there. Camp's health demanded the Colo
rado climate, and he accepted the position
on the rsnch. The two little sons longed
to see their father, so they ran away from
tAjelr grandfather two weeks ago and
boarded a freight train. Since then they
have not been beard from until today.
They were all suffering from cold snd
hunger when they arrived. Camp will send
his sons to Creston. Ths Hanson boy Is In
chsrge of the police here, and his parents
In Creston have been notified.
Eminent SnaTrngjIst Sneoamha In New
' York to Effects of Old
NEW . TORK, Oct. 26. Ellxabsth Cady
Stanton, the well known woman suffragist,
died today at her home In West Ninety
fourth street, eked 87. Old age was given
as the cause. She waa conscious almost
to ths lsst.
About week ago Mrs. Stanton began to
fall rapidly. This became more noticeable
late In tbe week, and It was apparent that
her death was a question Ot only a few
days or hours. ,
The children with Mrs. Stanton when sho
died were Mrs. M. F. Lawrence annd Mr.
Stanton Blatch of. New York, Henry and
Robert L. of Vew York. Theodore of Paris,
and G. Smith, a real estate broker at War
den CltfTe, Long Island.
The funeral will be held at Woodlawn
cemetery on Wednesday but the hour baa
not been set.
Golden Rnle Jones of Ohio Dlenea
Coal Strike Settlement la
CHICAGO, Oct. 26. Political parties
were scored at a meeting here tonight of
the Chicago Philosophical society by Sam
uel M. Jones, the "golden rule" mayor of
Toledo. He characterized the whole party
system aa "childish, Immature and Imbe
cile." His declaration that President
Roosevelt In bringing about a settlemeut
of the coal strike "became more than a
president he became a man," called forth
loud applause.
"The coal strike In 102 will be found In
the future to have mads the largest con
tribution to the cause of human liberty of
anything since Lincoln signed the emanci
pation proclamation," is ths way Mr. Jones
summed up the situation.
Devote Time to F.v
Work of Presbyterian
Body. '
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. Rev. J. Wilbur
Chapman todsy resigned the psstorate of
tbs Fourth Presbyteriaa church ot this
The resignation 1 dui to his destrs to
aoeept a request made by ths general as
sembly's committee on evangelic work, that
he should devote his entire time to ths gen
eral direction of the work of the committee.
He will con'tnue to reslds In this city and
will supply the pulpit ot tbs church until
his successor is chosen.
Senator Staaford'a Nephew Marrtea
New . York Slnarer from
HUTCHINSON. Kan., Oct. 26. Leland
Stanford Stiilman, of New York, a nephew
of the late Senator Stanford of .California
and a relative of James Stiilman, tbs Nsw
York banker, and Miss Ada Latimer, a
singer of , New York city, were married
here lsst night at ths Graos Episcopal
Among those present was Mrs. Houston
Whiteside of Hutchinson, a sister of tbe
Illinois Ezeeattv Ends Campaign
Tear to Seek His Bed la
Hlah Fever.
SPRINGFIELD. 111., Oct. 26. Governor
Yates returned today from a three days'
campaigning tour in southern Illinois and
is confined to his home by Illness.
Immediately on his return he was placed
under tbe cars of a physician. Tonight his
temperature has risen to 103.
Movement of Ocean Vessel Oct. 2.
At' New York Arrived: Canadian, from
Liverpool; Cemtlr, from Liverpool ana
Queenstown; Rotterdam, from Rotterdam
and Hoiogne Bur Mer.
At Bremen Sailed: Bremen, for Cher
bourg and New York.
At Queenstown Hailed: Campania, from
Liverpool for New York.
At Southampton Sailed: Bluecher, from
Hamburg and Boulogne Sur Mer for New
At Matin Head Passed: ParUilan, from
Montreal for Movllle and Liverpool.
At Gibraltar Passed: Cambroman, from
Genoa and Naples for Boston.'
At Hcllly Paused: Kron Prlns Wllhelm,
from New York for Plymouth, Cherbourg
and Bremen,
At The LI sard Passed: Minnetonka,
from New York for London; Kroonland,
from New York for Antwerp.
At iviverpooi arnvea: i ymrie, rrom New
York via Queenstown; Ivernia, from Kos
ton via Queenstown; I'mbrla, from New
York via Queenstown.
At London Arrived: Menominee, from
New York.
At Hamburg Arrived: Fuerat Bismarck,
Irom New York via Plymouth and Cher
bourg At 8t. Michaels Arrived: Aller. from
New York for Gibraltar, Naples and Us
Chairman of Sepnblioan Congressional
Cemmittea Makes Statement
Giving Democrats All Doubtful Dirtriots
Leavti Bepublicani in Lead.
Agitator. Will All Vote, Wills Buiy
Wsrkeri Maj 8uy Away.
Democrats aa I'snal Assert They Witt
Do Great Thins, hnt la Every
Instance Avoid Reins
(From Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. (Special.)
Chairman Babcock of the republican con
gressional committee Is preparing a state
ment showing ths result of his estimate of
the probable standing of the parties in the
next congress. While he Is not resdy quits
to make his figure public, he bss admitted
that the outlook Is very flattering tor the
republicans. Mr. Babcock is very conserv
ative In bis methods,-and the count ot the
vote has always shown that hs was within
flv or six of the actual figures. His record
tss been such that even the democrats ad
mit that he !s painfully accurate.
It Is understood that when Mr. Babcock's
tsble is given out It will predict the elec
tion of 205 republicans and 160 democrats
and leave twenty-one districts doubtful.
"Our majority in the next houss will be
larger than it was In 1898," says Mr. Bab
cock. Conceding to the democrats every
doubtful district, the republicans will still
havs a majority of twenty-four. I believe
tbe majority will be nearer forty than
Coanta oa Liajht Vote.
In making his estlmstes Mr. Babcock has
considered all the conditions of an off year.
He la counting upon a light vots, particu
larly in the eastern statea, where ' th
worklngmen are too busy to pay much at
tention to politics. He ssys that peculiar
as It may seen prosperity, which is ths re
sult of republican policies, now threstena
republican majorities. Men who have steady
employment and are working six dsys every
week hsve little time to attend political
meetings snd ars apt, hs thinks, to be csrs
less sbout going to tbs polls on election
day. This may result In a reduction of ma
jorities In strong republican districts, but
Mr. Babcock does not believe that It will
endanger the success of the republican
ticket. Tbe apathy of which politicians
generally complain Is due. Mr. Babcock
thinks, more to physlcsl disinclination on
the part of the voters to attend political
meetings than to any indifference as to ths
results. This spirit la even stronger among
democratic voters thsn it is In the repub
lican ranks as nearly as Mr. Babcock can
In Illinois Mr Bsbrock ' claims sixteen -members
for ths republicans, - and con
cedes the democrats alns. In Indiana he
claims nine republicans, concedes ' three
democrats snd lists ons as doubtful. This
Is ths Fort Wsyne district, now repre
sented by a democrat. In Nebraska hs
considers the Omaha district the only doubt
ful one. In Wisconsin and Michigan he
lists one district each as doubtful, claim
ing tbe rest for tho republicans. . In New
York be claims twenty-two out of tbs
thirty-seven members. Two Minnesota dis
tricts are listed in the doubtful column,
with a prospect of tbe entire delegation
being republican. Two California districts
sre also on the doubtful list.
Information from other sources is as fol
lows: Stata ta Wisconsin.
The republican state chairman la Wis
consin claims at least 60,000 plurality for
La Folletto and tbe entire ticket. Tbs
democratic chairman gives no figures, but
seems to think Rose will run 20,000 ahead
of La Follette.
At tbs close of his speech at Appleton
yesterday morning Governor La Follette was
asked this point-blank question:
"In view of tbe fact that Senator Spooner
has reudered such efficient services at
Washington, and In view of tbs fact that
be is Industriously working for ths success
of tbs republican party in this campaign, do
you unconditionally sanction his return to
tbe senate?'
"I will rnswer you In this way," ths gov
ernor replied. "I am for ths republics n
party. I am for Senator Spooner tbe day
and hour tbat he raises bis voics for ths
principles and platform ot ths republican
party. At that time I will ralss my voles
for his re-election and rsturn to ths sen
ate, for then I can do ao In conformity with
the principles of ths plstform of tbs party
which I represent"
This flat-footed declaration by Governor
La Follette that he will bs for Senator
Spooner when ths Utter subscribes to ths
obnoxious plsnk of ths Madison- platfcrm
regarding primary elections and taxation
will undo all ths "harmony" work of Hsnry
C. Payns and other leaders and split ths
party again worse than It was split befors
ths so-called "harmony" went Into effect.'
Senator Spooner Is resting at his boms In
Msa,lsop; Hs was to havs . continued his
speecsvmsklng Tuesday at Ashland, but It
Is doubtful now if hs wjll do so tinder the
circumstances. '
Neither chairman In Iowa wilt give fig
ures on pluralities. Ths republican claims
a big majority for the stats ticket and
the election of every congressman. The
democrat expects to elect three congress
men and perhaps Ave, but ths republicans
claim ths entire delegation. t
The republicans claim Mlcbigsn for their
entire state ticket by from 60,000 to 66,000.
Ths democrats hope to elect Duraad gov
ernor, but give no figures. Ths legislature
Is conceded to the republicans. ,
Claims la Iaalaam. j
In Indiana ths republican chairman
claims a plurality of 20,000 for ths stats
ticket. The democrats slso claim ths ststs
ticket, but refuse figures. Tbe democrsts
sssert they will elect five congressmen and
probably nine. Ths republicans say they
will add ons to their present delegation.
The democrats also are beginning to claim
tbs legislature snd Senator Fairbanks is
Registration closed la Ohio yesterday
snd both old parties claim to havs ths
best of It. Dick, for the republicans, x
poets a plurality of 70,000. Oarbar, for ths
ssw municipal code.
mit the democrats hsvs s shadow of a
ensure to gain three congressmen.
Ths democratic managers In New York
base a forecast of Colsr's victory oa Odeil's
lack of personal popularity and tbelr own
exbelltat organization. They claim ths
of ths regiatisUsa.