Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Trie Practical View In Disposing of
Ouitodj tf a Little Child.
Ceart to Be tailed on In Air a
raadal Growing Oat of Erection
at a Co art Hunt la
Dalian Coaat.
IFrorr. a Btsff Correspondent )
DEg MOINE3. Oct. 25. (Spewlal.) Ths
law supreme court utterly rejects Solo
mon guide In how to dispose of a baby
in dispute, claimed by two persons. The,
case It more nearly a Nebraska case than
aa Iowa ona. Mae Murphy, an Iowa school
teacher, was secretly married to William
McDonald In New Mexico In 1890. The
wedding was kept a secret and In Septem
ber, 1891, the child in controrersy was
born In Omaha. Leaving the child with a
Mrs.. Preascl aha twelve days later re
turned to Iowa and began a term of school.
Bhe claims that she was to give Mrs. Pres
sel ISO for caring for the child for Ave
-enths, or until the school term was
ended, and she sent the money, and that In
February she went to Omaha but could find
neither the woman nor the child. In the
meantime she married a man named Chap
man, with whom she lived only a short
time. McDonald had died soon after the
marriage. About a year ago she found her
child In possession of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Stltt at Kenesaw, Neb. They claimed Mrs.
Pressel had given It to them on assurance
the mother would not call for It. Mrs. Pres
at saya ahe advertised in The Bee and
Stltt, a barber, answered and got the child,
and thai Ita mother had asked to have It
disposed of. An attempt was made by the
Stltta to have the child adopted under the
Nebraska law, but thla failed. The mother
of the child brought suit In Fremont county
for possession of her child, the Stltts then
living at Sidney. Judge Green refused to
order the transfer of the child. The su
preme court finds that both families are
able to care for -the child and that both
have shown a right spirit. "The case la an
exceedingly trying one," saya Judge
Deemer, "for no matter how decided it will
bring grief and tears and almost intolera
ble heartache to the defeated party. The
law seems to have no scales with which to
measures affairs of the heart and has
wisely, perhaps, refused to settle such mat
ters on an emotional basis. But there are,
ol courae, soma fairly well established
rules to be applied to. such cases, the re
sult of human experience and observation.
It Is manifestly Impossible as well as Im
practicable for us to apply the test applied
by that wIbo man Solomon, wherein he pro
posed to divide the child and give one half
to one claimant and one half to the other
The court eays the only teat ia what Is
best for the child under all the clrcutn
stances and aa the trial court, having bet
ter knowledge of all the circumstances than
(ha appellate court, left Its custody with
the foster parents, the supreme court re
fuses to disturb this ruling.
Mnnlclpalltlea and Debts.
The supreme court today reversed a very
Important case from Ottumwa, where the
- city bad been enjoined from entering Into a
contract for the. erection of city water
works on the ground that it would create
a debt In excess of the constitutional limi
tation. Tha city had contracted to pay
StOO.ioO In Installments and levied a tax to
pay the same. The couxt. holds that this
does not crests sn additional debt such as
that prohibited by the constitution. The
decision opens the way to" relieve many of
tha cities of Iowa from embarrassment on
account of the debt limitation.
Coarthoose Scandal.
There Is brewing a good desl of a scandal
la regard to the courthouse In Dallas
county. Injunction proceedings were com
menced a few daya ago to prevent the pay
ment of about 147,000 worth of warrants
issued In exceas of the amount authorised
for payment for the county courthouse and
jail. That It might not Do regarded as a
partisan movement. the injunction proceed
ings were commenced by a republican and
a democrat Jointly, both prominent rest
dents of Perry and of unimpeachable char
aeter Investigation has been going on and
.it Is now asserted with poBltlveness that
the county has Inourred obllgatlona
amounting to a total of $152,000 alnce the
building of the courthouse was commenced.
The original contract with an Iowa City
firm was for building the courthouse for
about $76,000. An Investigation will be le
gally made as to the cause of excess.
Methodist Minister at Mapleton Want'
' roaaty Jail.
ONAWA. Ia., Oct. 25. (Special Telegram )
C. . B. McKay, Methodlat mintex of
Mapleton, waa arrested today and brought
to Onawa and lodged In the Monona county
jail oa Information sworn out before J. E
Scott. Justice of the peace, charged with
statutory crime upon the person of Ida
Kraft, minor daughter of John Kraft of
Mapleton. Preliminary elimination will be
held Tuesday. Public sentiment ad Mapleton
is very much aroused and threats are that
an effort will be made to tar and feather
the defendant, who Is thought to be safe in
jalL McKay has lived In Mapleton for mors
than two years snd Is quite well known,
rierayaaan Is InlacWy.
8IOUX FALLS. S. D., Oct. 25. (Special.)
.-Misfortunes seem to follow Rev. M. D.
Collins, a clergyman well known in the
When the kidneys are Rick,
Nature tells you all about it.
The back aches, is weak or lame;
The urinary discharges indicate trouble,
Infrequent or too frequent in action
Calling for .prompt attention.
Cure all urinary disorders.
Cure the aching back. ,
Cure every Kidney ill,
Omaha testimony to prove it.
Mrs. Fred Horn of 101 Cuming street says: Hi the wrtstsr of US I
I could not sleep on account of pais la any back. It also bothered me
during the day and I often had sharp cutting pains la the kidneys
whea stooping or causing any strain oa my back. At the time I com
menced using Data's Kidney rills I was very bad. They were pro
cured si Kuha Ce.'s drug store sad Ihe tret bos relieved me. I
continued the treetmeat until I had taken three boxes, whea tbera
waa ao longer any aed to take more. I know Loan's Kidney Pill da
Us work that It is claimed tkay de.'
At evil raa stoves. M seats.
western psrt of the state, and his family.
A few weeks ago while one of hia daughters
was visiting In Artiona ahe was chased a
dlstsnre of tour miles one day while en
Joying a horseback ride, the pursuer being
a drunken Indian, who, before she succeeded
In escaping from him, succeeded In wound
ing her several times with a knife. A few
days ago, while her father was on his way
to Albuquerque, N. M., he was held up In
Denver by five men, who robbed him of $35,
all the rash he had with him. He barely
escaped with his life.
Hamilton H. fJray.
On October 14, at the residence of C. 8.
Montgomery In this city, Hamilton H. Gray,
father of Mrs. Montgomery, died. Mr. Gray
with his family had recently removed to
Ean Jose, Cal., but during the greater por
tion of his life he resided at Darlington,
Wis., where the funeral was held on the
20th Inst. The deceased was 7( years of
age. He was well known both In public
and business affairs through the state of
Wisconsin for many years and was regarded
highly by all with whom he came In con
tact. Extended obituary articles have ap
peared In the newspapers of Chicago, Mil
waukee and other placea In Wisconsin.
Slater Mary Dolores,
BALTIMORE, Oct. 25. Sister Mary
Dolores, one of the founders and for many
years the procurator of the convent of
Mount De Sales, near this City, la dead.
She was 73 years of age. Sister Dolores
was known through the country by hun
dreds of women In society and literary
life who were educated at Mount De Sales.
On February 17, 1900, she celebrated her
golden- Jubilee.
IS. M. Evans.
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.)
Word waa received here yeaterday of the
death of E. M. Evans, which oocurred at
Dayton, O. The deceased resided in this
city for many years and left Beatrice about
a month ago for the east. He wss a vet
eran of the civil war. The remains were
Interred at Dayton.
Miss Loalse Person.
WEST POINT. Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.)
Miss Louise Person, daughter of Charles
Person of eastern Cuming county, aged 22,
died at the home of her parents on Tues
day from appendicitis. The remains were
Interred today at the 8wedlsh Methodist
church In Cuming township.
F. I Hlbbne.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Oct. 25. F. I
Hlbbne, past grand master Iowa Odd Fel
l3ws, past grand chancellor of the Knights
of Pythias and grand representative' of
the Odd Fellows, dropped dead today.
Apoplexy was the cause.
Mrs. R. M. Allen Ames.
AMES. Neb., Oct. 25. (Special Telegram.)
The death of Mrs. R. M. Allen, wife of
R. M. Allen, general manager of the Stand
ard Cattle company, occurred here at 12:45
this afternoon.
Tyndall Good Whest, Market.
TYNDALL, 8. D., Oct. 25. (Special.)
The wheat market here has been very good
all the tall, the local buyen paying from
to 5 cents higher than at surrounding
towns. The farmers take advantage of
the higher rate and come long distances
with grain. Each of the banks pay out
from $12,000 to 118,000 dally, which goes
tor grain and hogs and about the same
amount Is deposited.
Pardon for Cot tl lob Fialc
PIERRE. S. V., Oct.' 25. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Herreld has, on recom
mendation of the board of pardons, granted
a pardon to Gottlieb Fleig, aentenced from
McPherson county on a charge of assault.
Diphtheria at Tyndall.
TYNDALL. eB. V.. Oct. 25. (Special.)
Diphtheria broke out In the family of J. L.
White. The house waa quarantined and
there are no fears of the disease spread
Ing. The patient la recovering.
Nebraska, Need Fear No Rail
Iowa Will Be Partly
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kanaaa
Fair 8unday and Monday; cooler In east
portions Monday.
. For Iowa Fair in west, rain in east por
tton Sunday and cooler; Monday fair.
For Illinois Rain and cooler Sunday ex
cept fair In extreme aouth portion; Mon
day fair; brisk south, shifting to west,
For Missouri Fair In aouth, rain In north
portion and cooler Sunday; Monday fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Sua
day and Monday; warmer Monday.
'' Local Reeord.
OMAHA, Oct. 25. Official record of tern
nerature and precipitation compared with
me corresponding aay oi me laat tore
rears: . !
1V9. 1901. IfrW. 1B!S.
Maximum temperature... 78 75 74 ft)
Minimum temperature.... W M M 48
Mean temperature 71 wi 85 A4
Precipitation T .00 .00 1.24
Record of temperature, and precipitation
si umiiw lor mia aay ana since juarcn I
1902: ,
Normal temperature 49
Excess for the day a
Totul excess since March 1..- 1,
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Ier)ctency for the day 07 inch
Totul rainfall silica Murch 1... .25.40 inches
netlriency since Man n 1 2.36 Inches
Iefli lency for cor. period, Hail... e. 14 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lwx)... .70 Inch
Local Forecast Official.
Feater-XUbara Co., Bafale, .
They arc the most brilliant and perfectly cut semi-precious stones ever put on the market, and the near
est approach to genuine diamonds ever discovered. They have the fire, life, luster and brilliancy of high
priced gems and will stand the test of ACID, HEAT, ALK AKI, etc., in fact, they can be washed
and cleaned like ordinary diamonds without injury to the stone.
fiDAMH HPFMIftin QAIF Of Riiigs, Pins, Brooches, Lockets, Studs, Ear Rings, Cuff ff1 til 4.4. (.ft
UIIMbIiI Ul Lllllivl OlLL Button8,Etc.,tpricethatwlllhardlypayforthegoldueHllntheniountlngs or tha cost ,J) J J J-ffJ J J
Ladles' Cluster
With Ruby, Opal er
Turquoise center sur
rounded by 14 bril
liant Baroda Dia
monds. The setting
la warranted for 20
years and the stones
forever. A beautiful
ring can be worn
at any and 1
all times. JZ.31I
Our price ..
Flat Belcher Rinf 2kt Stose
Gentlemen's solid gold
filled flat Belcher Ring.
It is Impossible to de
tect this ring from one
costing $260. The stone
le cut the same aa a
genuine diamond and we
guarantee the brilliancy
to last forever. Mount
ing Is wsrrsnted for 20
years constant
Thousands upon Thousands Buttons Scarf Pins, Earrings, Hair Or?ia-
ments, Necklaces, etc. Space only permits of our illustrating a few. Cone to our store tomorrow snd see complete assortment.
109 South 16th Street.
Eeoond Team Defeats Omaha Medics at
Vintoi Street Park.
Eleven front she Capital Display Lack
of Science, bat Shat Oat Oppo
nents Throuah Snperlor
Team Work.
The price of red fire took a sudden ad
vance In Lincoln last night snd ths chspel
bell wss reported still ringing when tha
psper went to press. The Nebraska Stats
university made good yesterday even unto
the second generation, the scrub eleven de
feating the Omaha Medical college team at
the Vinton Street park by a score of It to 0.
The copttal city men showed that they
bad had the advantage of bard practice and
constant playing against such a strong
team aa the first eleven of the university,
and the doctors showed just the lack of
these things. And yet the former played
such a slo- game that their opponents
knew almost as soon as they what the play
wss to be and where they could go and meet
the ball. The medical men showed poor
tesm work and bungled their signals in a
fearful manner. In individual playing they
displayed marked ability snd their tack
ling was excellent.
- The game was devoid of sensational fea
tures. The few long runs that were maae
were due to the poor playing of the de
fensive and not to tha skill of tha slds
with the ball.
The game opened with Lincoln guarding
the south goal. Stuart kicked off to tha
visitors' fifteen-yard line and the oval was
brought back ten yards. The Lincoln eleven
walked the men with the taps steadily
towards the Omaha goal, Haxen. after the
first few" downs, picking up a fumbled ball
and making twenty-five yards. This fumble
was Immediately followed by another and
this tims Stuart secured It for the Medics.
The local team mads their five yards
twice with each time a down to their
credit. Then they were forced to pass
Etuart ths ball for a punt, which was clev
erlr blocked by Lincoln snd which lost tha
doctors ten yards snd gave the ball to their
opponents- The university students gained
fifteen yards by an offside play or tne to
cala; twenty yards by a run around right
end and then pushed Haxen three yards
acroas the goal line. Morris tailed to kick
goal. Time.' 10H minutes. Score: to 0.
Stuart Falls o Pant.
Stuart kicked to the university goal line
and It was brought back to the twenty
vard line, where the medics secured It en
a fumble. Stuart attempted to punt again
with the same success ss before and the
ball went to Lincoln. The locals retired
M. Smith with a sprsined snkle snd sub
stituted Bartlett at right guard. After two
five-yard gains the Lincolnltes lost the
ball on a fumble. The local men gained
two yards by Stuart punting the ball thirty
yards and Morris of Lincoln sending It
bach twenty-eight on a return punt. The
ball was given to Lincoln on downs. Then
In eplte of a weak ankle Haxen took the
ball for steady gains snd Englehart did
the same thing until the ball waa taken
over the goal line by Haxen, 'twelve and a
halt minutes from the klckoff. Morris
failed st kicking goal. Score, 10 to 0.
After the klckoff the ball waa carried
back to the center of the field. And right
here the University would have scored
again but for a foolish attempt at tripping
on the part of Lincoln's captain, Newton.
8oott of the Lincoln team secured the ball
on a tumbls snd made a clean run down
ths field snd threw himself over the goal
line between the posts. But as Scott wss
running Umpire Tukey caught sight of
Newton In the act of tripping an opposing
runner and the official blew his whistle
so that it sounded shrilly above the din
of the Lincoln rooters and he planted his
heel far do a sear the center of the field
to where the ball must be returned. Be
fore play could be resumed time was called.
Score, 10 to 0.
Lincoln Geta the Ball.
In the laat halt the ball was kicked to
the Mtdics' ten-yard line snd downed
there. The locale punted and , the ball
west to Lincoln. The ball was forced
dowa to within five yards of the medics'
goal sod from there Englehaft carried it
over. Is this Isst play ths referee saw
an offside move on the part of (he local
team and in order to penallie It called the
play off and brought the ball back to
within two yards of lis goal. This move
of sotting th
Drop Earrings
Bealttful, brilliant, even
ly matched atones, either
1 or 2 carat In else aet In
gold filled TifTany mount
ings. We guarantee these
ear rings for Ave years'
wear eeem to be ff" a A
worth 1250.00- NZ.Ull
our price Y
seemed to be mors than the Lincoln men
could understand and la their Ignorance
they did not protest, as they had a right to
do, snd claim the goal they mads fairly, but
they went bravely to work again snd pushed
llaxen over for a second touchdown. Mor
ris kicked goal. The rest of the gsme
favored the Lincoln men, but time was
called before another goal could be made.
Score. 1 to 0. The lineup:
.. D.rll.U-M. Smith
. Janflutk-McAnhur
... Dlcklnvaa-Stusrt
. . . Bmart-P.i.rwn
4- Bmltk
ronklln It. E. L. B..
W.I ton U I-1 It. B..
Unut . O. IL. O..
Hlckls L. Q. R. 0
Scott ....R. T.lLr. T. .
Ntvtn (Cast.) U T. R. T.
FTuIrr C.C
Marrls Q. 4
liar.ll II. M U H.
Him U H.R. H.
Ksii.hut r. a.r. b.,
Referee: Thomas. Umpire: Tukey.
Timekeepers: H. H. Wait and R. B. Un-
aerwood. LJneemen : a. n. Lane ana a.
W. Hummel. . Touchdowns: Nebraska uni
versity, 1; Medics, o. uoais: Me eras a,
Medics, o. Tims or halves: Twenty min
Kiu Halfbaek Alas Victory Over
Northwestern la Spit of
CHICAGO. Oct . Northwestern was de
feated today by tne Knox college, eleven.
The score was IS to 0. Knox scored three
touchdowns, one In the first half and two In
the second. Zaluakv. Knox's regular half
back, who had a sprained knee, but who
waa put In as fullback In the second half,
made a sensational run of ninety-five yards
tor a toucnaown. Mopxins. tne coioreo
right halfback, scored the two other touch
downs, one In each halt.
nthernars Loso Hard Ponarht Con
test hy Thlrty-Elaht
Points. '
MADIBON. Wis., Oct, SS. Wisconsin de
feated Kansas1 at Camp Randall today. St
to 0, In a hard-fought game. Wisconsin's
perfect defense was admirably shown.
Wisconsin scored but twice In the first
half. Juneau's work at halfback was the
feature of the game. i
West Point Beata Wllllaana.
WEST POINT. N. T.. Oct. . Williams
pioved easy today tor tha Cadets, who vn
by 28 to 0. The sensation of the day came
In the first half, when Bartlett received the
kick-off from Williams and ran through
the entire team, eighty yards, to a touch
down. In the second half Weat Point put
in a number of substitutes, but appar
ently lost nothing by It. Time of halves, 20
Defeats th Sooth Dskstsss.
' NIOBRARA, Neb., Oct. JS.-(8peclaU
An Interesting game of foot ball was
pisyra loo ay at bpringneia, B. 1J., oetween
the State Normal of South Dakota and the
Niobrara eleven, resulting In favor of Nio
brara by a score of SO to 0.
'Varsity Boys Too Swift.
SIOUX CITT, Is.. Oct. 8.-(SpecIal Tele-
8ram.)-rThe University of South Dakota
efeated the South Dakota School of Mlnea
at foot ball hero today, 21 to 0. Ihe uni
versity outplayed their opponents sll
Palrhary Wins frens Beatrice.
FAIRBURT, Neb., Oct. 25 -(Special.)
The foot ball teams of the Falrbury and
Beatrice High schools played their first
game of the eeason here yesterday. Tha
score was 11 to 0 In favor of the Falrbury
Ilaashnrsr Hlah School Wins.
' HAMBI'RG, la., Oct. (Special Tele-
ram. The Hamburg High school de
eated ths Sidney High school here today,
I to 0. Sidney waa completely outclassed.
Corala Defeats Presoott.
CORNINQ. Ia.. Oct. K. (8 pad el Tele
gram.) The Corning High school . eleven
defeated Freacott today by 11 to l.
. s
Indiana Pile I'p Seores.
TOPEKA. Oct Haskell Indians, 11;
Washburn college, t.
Chandler Egsa Boats H. B. MaeFar.
land hy Three I'p aad Two
to Play.
MORRI8TOWN. N.- J., Oct. U.-Harvard
waa represented by H. Chandler Egan and
the University of Pennsylvania by H. B.
McFarland today In the final round at
thirty-si holes of the Individual cham
pionship of the Intercollegiate Golf asso
ciation. After the morning half Egan
was t VP ovea McVarland. Going out
tha play waa .try strong, Egan going &
to Mcr'artand's 41. The second nine holes
were mads In U each.
Finally Egan won by I up and t to play.
Lowers Roanlngr Keeosd.
BRIGHTON. Eng., Oct. X6-A. Bhrubb
ran four miles hre today in It minutes
II s-s seconds, lowering the amateur reo
ord by 1 I t seconds. He ran four miles
at Reed Hill Bcnteniber 20 in It minutes
Mt-k seconds, but las record was not ao
stones they seem to be worth from $50 to
Belcher Ring
Gentlemen's Heavy
Belcher Ring. We are
the first to make a
ring of this character
In anything but solid
gold. We guarantee
the setting p i f r
for 10 years.
Sale price
Exquisite Pansy Leaf
Set with H-carat stone,
impossible to detect from
a broocn cosnni
175. uo our price
tomorrow ,
XTv niT A -v a 11 rg- w f- We guarantee each and every
I 1 1 I U I V I I A IV A i I Hr stone to retain Its brilliancy for
'-' ' . 1 ' ever an) tne mounting to give
perfect satisfaction. We will give HO.onO to any charitable institution If it can
be shown, that we ever refuse to replace a stone that does not give satisfaction
Mall orders promptly ailed. BARODA DIAMOND CO,
Two Ball Flayers Leave Omaha
Other Teami.
Many Towns Lose Stars ,o Balld I'p
Champion) Aasreaatloa In Empire
City and Rearrangement
Is Ordered.
CHICAGO. Oct. 25.-Nlneteen of the Na
tional league's most brilliant atars have
gone over to the Johnson forces for next
year and the champion Pittsburg team has
been riddled to form the club which will
represent New Tork In the American league
Pitchers Chesbro snd Tannehlll, Catchers
O'Connor and Harry Smith, Infleldcrs
Leach and Conroy and Outfielder Davis
have all left Pittsburg for the American
league ranka, and the entire seven are
booked for the New York nine. Keeler of
Brooklyn, together with Fults. the out
fielder of the Philadelphia Athletics, and
Davis, complete the outfield for the New
Owen of Omaha, Newton of Brooklyn,
Wlltae of Baltimore, Howell of Baltimore
and Adklns of Milwaukee will help Chesbro
and Tannehlll In the pitching.
For the infield John Ganxel, formerly of
the Chicago and National league teams,
and who last eeason headed the batters In
the American association In the Ioulsvllle
tesm, will be at first base; Williams of
Pittsburg snd Baltimore will be on second;
Herman Long, captain of last year's Boston
team In ths National league, is scheduled
for shortstop, and Leach, the third base
man of the Pittsburgs, will be at third base.
first Baseman Jones oi Baltimore, enort
stop Conroy of Pittsburg and Dundon, from
tne uenver learn, win ne extra men ior tne
Infield positions, while McFarland, a Balti
more outfielder, will be the extra man for
the outfield.
The players announced as signed to play
with the American leagus next year, ac
cording to Prealdent Johnson, are as fol
lows: New Tork Pitchers. Owen. Omaha; Ches
bro, Pittsburg; Tannehlll, Pittsburg; New
ton, Brooklyn; Wlltse, Baltimore: Howell,
Baltimore; Adklns, Milwaukee. Catchers,
O'Connor, Pittsburg; Smith, Pittsburg. In
fktders, Ganxel, Louisville; Williams, Balti
more; Long, Boston; Leach, Pittsburg,
Kxtra Inflelders. Jones, Baltimore; Conroy,
Pittsburg; Dundon, Denver.
Chicago Pitchers. Patterson. Callahan,
Griffith, White, Philadelphia; Dunkle. Fla
herty, Louisville. Intlelders, Isbetl, Daly,
Davis, Iee, Tannehlll, Louisville. Outfield
ers, Green, Jonea, K. Jones, Denver; Odwell,
Detroit Pitchers, Donovan. Brooklyn;
Kltson, Brooklyn: Willis, Boston; Mullln,
Mercer, Yeager. Inflelders. Turner, Toledo;
Gleaaon. Elborfeld, Hulswltt, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Iltchers, Plank. Waddell,
Wlleon, At wood, Hustings. Catchers, Post,
era, Bchreckengnat. Infielders, Davis, Mur
phy, M. Cross, L. Cross. Outfielders, Hart
sel. Pickering, Seyboid.
Boston ntchers. Young, Dlneen, Winters,
Hushes. Altrock. Gibson of Kansaa ("It v.
Catchers, Crlger, Warner. Infielders. Fer
ris, LaChance, Parent. Collins, O Brlen.
Outfielders, Stone, of Omaha, Dougherty,
Stahl, Freeman
St. TjouIs Pitchers. Powell, Donovan,
Duanon, neiay, Aiatnewson, iew Tom.
Catchers, Bowerman, New York: Kahoe,
Bugden. Infielders, Anderson. Padden, Wal
lace, McCormlck. Outfielders, Hemphill,
Heldrlck, Frlel, Burkett.
Cleveland Pitchers. Bernhard. Wrlaht,
Joss, Moore. Catchers, Hernia, Abbott of
Mew Orleans, infielders, Hickman, l.ulole,
Gochnsur, Bradley. Outfielders, McCarthy,
xsey, r ilea.
Washlnaton Pitchers. Orth. Townsend
Lee, Patten, Bmith of Birmingham. Catch
era, Clark, Drill. Infielders. Carey. De
montrevllle of Boston, Koblnson of Kansas
I ity, Coughlln. Outfielders, Delehanty,
Stanley of New Orleans and another.
With regard to the Memphis club the
board passed a resolution expelling the
Memphis club from the association.
By a resolution, r commended by the
National board and adopted by the mag
nates, the National association wilt de
cline to confer with the two older leaguca
until they have patched up their differ
nces, and then only upon a basia of
equal representation In baae ball councils.
The application of Fred Clarke for re
instatement from the Ineligible list waa
referred to Secretary Farrell.
The Kansns City club was ordered to
pay the Iwell club IHiO for the player
Hlckey. me Little Kwx club was or
dered to pay the Corslcana club of the
Texas league (ou for tha release of J. J
Gets BisT Price for a Horse.
LEXINGTON. Ky.. Oct. 28 (Special Tele.
gram.) John D. Crelghton of Omaha has
sola nis rumous norse, Asnisnn Wilkes
The price paid la aaid to be tou.Guu.
Omaha Man ladtr Sentence to Mis
souri Penitentiary Has Reeord
la Xow York.
ST, JOSEPH. Mo., Oct: 25.(Speclal.)
Chief of Police Frans la In receipt of a
letter form the chief of police at Brook
lyn, saying that George Payne, the Omaha
man who was sent to the Missouri peni
tentiary for three years for burglary. Is
wasted there.
According to the Information received
from the Brooklyo chief. Pajoe operated
$75, at
Eiiajaiunt R Ing
An Exact Duplicate
of Tiffany Kngage
roent ring, beautiful
rtone, set in gold
filled mounting. We
guarantee this ring to
give entire sat f(
isfactlon for Z.1J1I
6 years. Price. VV
109 South 16th Street.
For ths next sixty days we
will give a piece of HARD COAL
with every suit ordered.
We bought a stock of woolens
last week at a big bargain. Our
customers get the benefit of this
lucky purchsse.
Our suits st $20, 122.60 snd $25
are the best vslues In Amerlcs.
Perfect In fit, styles snd work
manship. Paris
Omaha's Busiest Tailors
1415 Douglas St.
0. H. Beck, Manager.
thsrs two or thres years sgo, forging the
nama of a business msn to a note of $1,200.
He Immediately disappeared snd all trace
of him was lost. The suppostlon Is thst
be went direct to Omaha from Brooklyn.
' Mrs. Payne Is said to have returned to
Omaha. She Is heartbroken over the Im
prisonment of her husband. She says that
she can yet hardly believe of her husband
any intention to do wrong.
onto r. m.
train via MILWAUKEE Railway
Leaves Omaha Union depot dally. Magnifi
cent equipment, latest palsco sleepers,
library-buffet car, dining car, sew coaches.
City Office, 1504 Farnsm street.
General Western Agent
Show Nebraska Uralns and Frnlts.
' TECUMSEH. Nsb., Oct. 25. (Special.)
, Cyrua Douglas of this county and W. W
Douglas of Saline county made sn exhibit
of Nebraska's resources st ths Illinois
state fair at Springfield; They secured a
large quantity of grains, grasses snd fruits
snd a creditable showing wss msde. The
management of the Illinois fair gave them
a good booth and the advertisement No
braska got out of It was good.
INSTRUMENTS filed for record, Saturday,
October 25:
Warranty Deeds,
Mary B. Wallace to C. E. Boschert et
al, s 00 feet lot 1, block 8. Keed s 1st
add f $2,300
F. W. Carmlchael and wife to Mary
. Johnson, lots 5 and 8, block 12, Hal-
' cyon Heights 400
C. H. HiUks and wife to C. A. Hem
pel. iillXI feet In tax lot 82 in 22-
1M3 800
J. R. Webster and wife to Ellen M.
Hicks, lots 21. 11, 23. U to 4. t, bl,
f.2, block ; lots 4 to 10, 18. 1, 22 and
23. blo k t; lots I to 4. block 10, Jer-
' nme Park 1,800
Ella. R. lowns and husband to Ellen
M. Hicks, lots 24 to 27, block , Je
rome Park 4,000
F J. Day et al to J. A. Johanaen, lot
7. blork O. Lowe's add 1.800
R M Peck and wife to O. T. Morton.
lot jn, block (. Kllby Place 800
J J. Persons to William Kosenbrook.
lot lx block A, Saunders at H.'s add 1")
ttalt Claims Deeds.
T. J. Hjerath and wife to William
Clark. nei 20-U-ll 1
Jeeaie M. Saunders to O. T. Morton,
lot 20, block t, Kllby place 1
Frank Thompson, executor, et al to
D. 8. Condll. lots 14 to 1, blot k 19,
Omaha View 1W
lit'-' ii
Solitaire Knot Pin
Mounting is rolled
gold, set with a
txHUtlful stone,
full of tire, can be
worn by either
lady or gentleman.
Impossible to de
tect from genuine.
morrow . .
Half-kt. 5tone
Set In Scarf or
Stick Pin.
Very neat design
if genuine diamond
it would cost you
130; no one i r f
can detect S,$)
difference v
A Few
Special Attractions
to be found at the SHIVERICK FURNI
TURE COMPANY'S this week. Ths word
bargain usually means cheap goods sold st
a price, but this week we will offer soma
values In high grade furniture that will de.
mand the recognition of every furniture
buyer in Omaha.
Furniture Furniture
Solid Oak Sideboards, triple swell front.,
bevel piste mirror, one drawer lined, cast
brass trimmings, for $K.00.
Solid Oak Dresser, with French plate
mirror, three drawers, cast brass trim
mings, one of the best vslues ever offered.
Price, $8.25.
Finest line of Iran Beds In the west. All
the latest and most up-to-date colorings
snd designs, with prices lower than too
lowest, ranging from $1.65 up.
Solid oak, highly polished, Rocker, with
high back, rodded arms, should be sold tor
$5.00, our price $3.50.
Rugs Rugs
We will place on sals Monday 26 Axmln-
ster Rugs, size 9x12, best quality and all
new patterns, worth $28.00, for $21.75. We
will place on sals 25 30x80-lnch Moquette
Rugs, best quality, sit new patterns, worth
$5.00, for $3.25.
Shiverick Furniture Co.
1315-1317 Farnam Street.
Union Pacific
Hov.4and 18 Dee. 2 and 16
To Many Points In
Kansas, Nebraska,
and Eastern
One-Half One Regular Fare
Plus $2.00 For Round Trip
1324 FARNAT1 ST. PHONE 316.
L'ntoa Station, 10th snd Marcy. 'Phone (29.
Stop the Draughts
The easiest way to do tli Is to use
Door Checks and
Weather Strips
Felt, wool snd rubber all rubber
and metallic weather strips nothing,
better. Get our prices.
Jas. Morton & Son Go.
' 1M1 Dodge Street.