4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2G, 1902. COUNCIL MISOH MESTIO. Fir1 sells drug. Stockert sells csrpets and rut;. Falm (rove assembly October 2S. Mauthe, fine watch repairing. 22S B'way. Expert watch repairing. Ieffert. 0 B'way. Twelve-piece chamber set, $2.78, at A. B. Howe's, im Broadway. , The Christy pictures fur sale. C. E. Alex ander A Co. 3J3 Broadway. We are eedriquiirters for glass of all kind. See us before you buy. C. B. Faint, till and Glass Co. The Council Bluffs Trades and I.abor assembly has voted to appropriate $i0 to assist the l'nlon Pacific strikers. The Lady Marralwes mill entertain the. air knights and their friends Monday even ing In the Mrrlam block hall. An Interest ing program has been prepared for the occasion and refreshments will be served. Pntrolman MrKlnley and Night Detective Callaghun came to blows yesterday morn ing at police headquarters whn the night force was preparing to go off watch. As a result McKlnley handed In his reslgm tion to Chief Tlbblta last evening and It was accepted. An excellent Institution Is the Western Iowa Business college, where the progres. alva young and old may secure on educa tion. Classes In shorthand, bookkeeping, Ben art and English branches will be organ ised Monday at day and evening; sessions. Individual Instruction. The funeral of Miss Bertha Bloss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bloss, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence, 530 East Broadway, and Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Re. W. B. Crewdson of the. Christian church will conduct the services. The Black Cats defeated the Twentieth avenue foot ball team yesterday afternoon, 10 to 6. The game was played on trm grounds at First avenue and Seventh street. A game between the "Transfer and Btreets vllfe teams resulted In a tie, 10 to 10. The game was played on the Twentieth street and Ninth avenue grounds. Justice Carson performed the marriage Ceremony yesterday afternoon for three out-of-town couples. They were Jesse T. Iawson and Kllle Billings, both of Omnha; Herbert W. Beck of Faducnh, Ky., and Mrs. Zebullne H. Schafer of Oakland, Cal , and N. W. Whltcomb and Mra. Myrtle I. Cameron, both of LJncoln, Neb, Alfred Frailer, a pioneer resident of Jloney Creek, fa., died at a late hour Fri day night of pneumonia, after an illness of six days, aged 6 years. One son, Dr. J. W. Frailer of Honey Creek, and two daughters, Mrs. Mary While and Miss Eunice Frailer, survive him. The funeral will be held Mon day morning at 11 o'clock from the family residence in Honey Creek and burial will be In the Branson cemetery. The funeral will be in charge of the Masonic order Henry Storms, employed by the motor company on Its dredge at Lake Manawa, Is lying at the Woman's Christian association hospital In a critical condition as the reault of an accident Friday afternoon. The- fast ening of the block through which the cable runs which lifts the dredge broke under the full force of the forty horse-power engine and the block struck him In the chest, breaking his breast bone and Inflict ing Internal injuries which may prow fatal. Storms la 52 years old and la said tnle un married. He had been making his home at the lake. Cole's Hot Blast burns soft coal with the , same results as a base burner does hard coal. Cole-Brelsford Hardware Co. Approves the Consolidation. Major Oeneral Carnahan has approved the consolidation of the U. S. Grant and Bluffs companies, uniform rank. Knights of Pythias, of this city. A Joint meeting of the two companies will be held Tuesday evening In Concordia hall, when officers of the consolidated company will be elected. The name of the company will also be settled upon at that meeting. The steam heating In the new Stort block, corner of Scott street and Broadway, will be installed by Stepban Bros. They were also awarded the contracts for steam heating In the King building and Wlckham Bros.' office building. . Also the Fred Burn block and Avenue B school house. Cole's Hot Blast saves one-third the fuel. Cole-Brelsford Hardware Co. Matters In District Court. Dr. J. L. Tamlslea of Missouri Valley "brought suit In the district court yesterday against Pottawattamie county to recover ,$600 for attending a smallpox patient In Rockford township. . Edward Addis filed suit for divorce from Ceraldlne Howard Addis, to whom he was married In this city in 1900. He alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment and that his rwlfe on- more than one occasion threat ened to kill him. Jesse Felix filed his petition for divorce from Lillian Felix, to whom he was mar ried in this city July 25. 1900. He charges crnel and Inhuman treatment. Mrs. Mary E. Burns filed a petition yes terday asking the district court to appoint Herman Mendol, a banker of Neola, perma nent guardian of Thomas Lynch, an Insane patient in the state asylum at Clarlnda. Stephan Bros, were awarded the contract for steam heating the new Groneweg ft Rchoentgen block, located at the corner of Ninth street and Broadway. Save $25 this , winter by using one of Cole's Hot Blasts. Cole-Brelsford Hard ware Co. x -1 The muslcale at Congregational church Tuesday evening. October 28, will be a rare .treat. Admission 25 cents. Do not miss It. Rent Katata Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Fearl street: Horace F. Wyatt and wife to John W. Miner and Archibald J. Perk, lots 9. 10 and 1L block 2. East Omaha Plateau, w. d $3,XX) J. N. Caaady. to Omaha Bridge and Terminal company and Chicago, Mil waukee Sk St. Paul R-illwav com pany, lots h. and 7. block . Bid- die's suhdlv.. d 1 Fllen M. Casady to same, same, q. c. d. Jjennard Everett, and wife to William Shaw, lot 8. block 20. Williams' 1st add., w. d ..'..... 600 Four transfers, total .' ..'...$3,502 Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Jesse T. Dawson. Omaha 2S Jillle Billings. Omaha 27 Addison 1 Gaiter. Carroll, la SS Christina M. Petersen. Council Bluffs.... 17 Herbert W. Beck, Paducah. Ky 80 Zebullne H. Bihafer. Oakland. Cal 30 N. H. Whltcomb. Lincoln, Neb u liyrtle I. Cameron, IJncoln, Neb 19 LEWIS CUTLER alORTICIAN. tt Pearl St., pouncll Bluffs. 'Phsna 17. COPYttQItf BLUFFS. STEPS IN FRONT OF A TRAIN Earl Burks, a Newspaper Carrier, Killed oa the Uiion Pacific Tracks. WAS PICKING UP COAL AT THE TIME In Attempt to Avoid a Switch Rnstlne He Steps Directly in Front of m Rock Island raaseasjer Train. Earl Burke, the 14-year-old son of Edwin Burke, living on Tenth avenue and Thirty sixth street, was run down and Instantly killed by a Rock Island passenger train at an early hour yesterday morning on the L'nlon Pacific tracks, near the east ap proach to the bridge. The young lad with a companion of about his own age was picking up coal along the track and the accident occurred almoat within eight of his home. Young Burke, accompanied by Ed Celley, the son of a gardener living at Sixteenth avenue and Thirty-fourth street, started out about 6 o'clock to pick up coal along the tracks. They had partially filled a sack when they noticed a switch engine going west bearing down on them. Young Celley was a little away down the track from the other boy and stepped clear off the tracks to the side of the embankment, but young Burke, who apparently did not notice a Rock Island passenger train com ing from the west, stepped off one track to avoid the switch engine directly in front of the passenger. The body was horribly mangled, the head being severed from the trunk and both arms and legs being crushed. The remains were removed to Lunkley's undertaking rooms, where Cor oner Treynor will hold an Inquest Monday. Young Burke was a newspaper carrier. The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Mon day afternoon from Lunkley's undertaking parlors. Burial will be In Fairvlew ceme tery. Sl.OO Esrtka Fonntaln Pen, lo. Cut this ad out and present it on or be fore Saturday, November 1, and you will be entitled to one Eureka Fountain Pen complete for It cents. Only one pen to a customer and positively none without this ad. DeLong, the Printer, 307 Broadway. Stephan Bros, of this city have Just com pleted the institution of a steam heating plant in the new residence of Mr. Joseph Wilson at Manning, Iowa. They also did the plumbing work in this residence, all fixtures being supplied with hot and cold hard and soft water. SHOW SOME FAST FOOT BALL Council Bluffs HI ah School Wins from Red Oak by Eleven to Nothing. The game between the Council Bluffs and Red Oak High school foot ball teams at Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon resulted In a victory for the Bluffltes by the de cisive score of 11 to 0. A crowd of about 300 enthusiasts. Including fifty rooters from Red Oak, witnessed the game, which was a pretty exhibition of foot ball from start to finish. For the visitors the punting of Clark and Ray, the offensive work of. Dillon and Pryor and the tackling of Baldwin were worthy of special notice. Treynor, Van Order, Hen niger and Warner did splendid work for the home team on both defensive and offensive. Council Bluffs won the toss and selected the south goal. Red Oak kicked off to the ten-yard line to Warner, who returned the ball fifteen yards. The ball then changed hands through downs and fumbles a numbar of times during which Cutler, Treynor and Van Order are accredited with several ten yard runs, and the half ended with the ball on Red Oak's twenty-flve-yard line In Coun cil Bluffs' possession, neither side having scored. The second half was more exciting. Red Oak kicked off to Council Bluffs' twenty-flve-yard line. Council Bluffs advanced the ball steadily down the field with excellent work by Treynor, Henninger and Van Or der, and Henninger was sent over the line for a touchdown after about ten minutes of play. Dudley kicked goal. Score: Council Bluffs . Red Oak 0. Red Oak kicked off to Council Bluffs' five-yard line and Van Order returned twenty yards. Cutler added a fifteen-yard run and several short gains brought the ball to the center of the field, from which point Treynor punted to Red Oak, who fum bled to Council Bluffs, netting them a clear gain of thirty yarda. Treynor again at tempted to punt, which was blocked by one of Red Oak's men breaking through the line, and a ten-yard loss was suffered. Then a series of punts by both sides terminated with the ball In Council Bluffs' possession in the center of the field. Treynor again punted and held Red Oak for downs on Red Oak's fifteen-yard line. Then gains by Van Order of two yards, Treynor three. Cutler one, and Cutler Was sent over the Una for a second touchdown.. Dudley missed a diffi cult goal. Score: Council Bluffs 11, Red Oak 0. The half ended with the ball In the center of the field. The lineup was as follows: C. B. H. 8. I UD OAK H. S. Dudley C.C Rtlmaoa rrulgmlla ft. O t, a..... Waldman Hvram (dpt.) H. T.IU T f'ur Plainer H. G.IU T. Douhenr Nirkola .. L. O.IR O Flahar HHinlngar L.. .T in. T. . ........... Hall Burka U. B. R. K .. Baldwin Treynor K. H. L. H . Ulllon Cullar L. H.R. H . Pryor Van Ordar F. B IT. B Enoa Warnar Q. 4. Clark (Capl.) suDstliutas: suoatltnua: Arlownnb. Fortar. j Prltchard, Hay. Boon, Dlckay. Boardmu. Heferee: Treynor. I'mDlre: Pearson. Timers: Pryor. Mitchell. Linesmen: Dil lon, tsonnam. 'The Mississippi Bobble," 1.10. Our book department will sell all the new $1.50 copyright novels at $1.19. De- Long, the Printer, 307 Broadway Plumbing and beating. Bixby 4k Son. Former BluSa Man 111. H. I. Forsyth, who returned yesterday from Kansas City, reports that James A. Patton. formerly cashier of the Flrat Na tional bank of this city and now president Look Out! for your child's eyes, as you would for your own, else he may be in a sad plight before he matures. Want to know in just what shape his eyes are? See us; or if an oculist has perscribed certain glasses, let us fit htm with the requisite lenses. We help out-of-whack eyes. Herman M. Lef fert, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER, of the Stockyards National Bank of Com merce of Kansas City, is critically 111 and that fears for his recovery are entertained. Ills Illness, It Is said. Is due to overwork, which resulted In sn attack t nervous prostration. Mr. Patton has been uncon scious for a week and his recovery Is con sidered very doubtful by the attending physicians. Radiant Home Leads All Others. Oud Radiant Home stove is acknowledged to be the leading heater on the market You cannot find a better stove anywhere. All we ask Is a chance to show you these stoves. If you want to buy a heating stove we csn guarantee this to suit you. As for hard coal you will find plenty of It in a few weeks. The miners hsve all gono to work and the great, long strings of cars will be hauling thousands of tons soon for the consumers. Anyhow don't fall to call on us for anything in the stove line. It will be money In your pocket and pleasure through the long winter months as we will not sell any stove that Is not satisfactory In every way. Petersen A Schoenlng, Mer rlam block. Stephan Bros, are putting In a complete system of steam heating and plumbing In the new residence of Mr. George Ruo, Silver City, Iowa. The plumbing will be supplied from a private water works sys tem which they will Install. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 256. Davis sells glass. With the Churches. At the Broadway Methodist church tils evening the choir, assisted by the Laurel quartet, will give a sacred concert. The other services will be aa usual. At the First Congregational church there will be public worship and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pastor, Rev. James Thomson, will take as the sub ject of his morning sermon "An Unde fended Prisoner on Trial for Preaching Christ." At the evening service his theme will be "How Two Men Prayed, and the Answers They Received." Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning ser vice and the Christian Endeavor society at 6:30 p. m. At Trinity Methodist church there will be preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. A. E. Buriff, will take as the subject of his sermon "A Date, a Person and a Deed." In the evening he will preach on "ChrUt's Mission." There will be class meeting at 9:45 a. m., Sunday school at noon and Ep worth league meeting at 6:30 p. m. "By Babylon's Stream" will be the topic of Rev. Harvey Hostetler's sermon this morning at the Second Presbyterian church. In the evening the Sunday school will hold its annual rally day exercises, which will take the place of the regular services. All meetings will be at th usual hours. Commencing today the evening service in St. Paul's Episcopal will be at 4:30 p. m. Instead of 7:30 p. m. Thore will be holy communion at 7:30 a. m. and morning prayer and sermon by the rector, Rev. George Edward Walk at 10:30 a. m. At Grace Episcopal church there will be morning prayer at 11 o'clock, conducted by Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader, and Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Elder D. R. Chambers will preach today at the Latter Day Saints' church at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school will be held at noon and the regular midweek prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ' Rev S. Alexander will preach this even ing at the Mission church at the corner of Seventh street and Seventeenth avenue at 7:30 o'clock. "Everlasting Punishment" will be,-the subject for discussion at the services 'this morning of the First Church of Christ (Scientist) in the Sapp building. Sunday school will be held at noon and the regular midweek testimonial meeting on Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. The Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services at 11 a. m. in Hughes' hall, when "Everlasting Punishment" will be the subject. Sunday school will be held at the close of the service. The usual tes timonial meeting will be held at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. ' Stephan Bros, have Just furnished the plumbing in the new State Savings bank at Missouri Valley, la. Gravel rooflns;. A. H. Reld. 541 Broadway. Davis sells paints. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY C'luh Gatherings and Many Small Social Events Combine to Make Busy Week. ' Mrs. John Schoentgen entertained at din ner Monday evening. Mrs. E. H. Doolit tie entertained In. formally Monday afternoon. The members of the University cluh were entertained Friday afternoon at the home FOR A SUIT OR AN OVERCOAT Our Ten Dollar Suits and Overcoats have gained us hundreds of customers and reader you, too, will be counted among the number if you want the Best SIO Suit or Overcoat on Earth. We have Ten Dollar Suits and Ten Dollar Over coats, made in different fabrics and in different styles in order to please every taste and we can honestly state that the man we cannot please has not been in yet. We make it our business to have the best Ten Dollar Suits and Overcoats and we've got them. Mcalf & letcalf, Main St., Through to Pearl St. Council Bluffs. JARVIS 1877 BRANDY of Mrs. Curtia Ouren of South First street. Mrs. Freeman L. Reed of First avenue Is visiting friends at Oakland. The members of the Terthlck club will meet this week for reorganization. Mr. and Mra. W. Ft. Rlgdon entertained Informally at cards Thursday evening. Mrs. H. H. Van Brunt has returned from a visit with friends at Mist our! Val ley. Tne Evening's Whist club wat enter talned Friday at the home of Mn. M. H, Van Brunt. MISs Nettle Groneweg entertain) th members of the Kuchre club at her home Tuesday afternoon. The members of the New Century club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. w. G. Denney of Mill street. The members of the Oakland avenue Reading club were entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Street. Mrs. D. W. Otis entertained Monday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Handberry of Cripple Creek and Mrs. A. W. Cowles of Les Moines. Miss Genevieve Wlckham entertained the members of the Flower mission at her home Monday evening. The decorations were in red and green. The members of the Woman's Whist club met Tuesday afternoon with Mra. C 8. LenVrts. The club will meet thla week with Mrs. E. H. McKune. The meeting of the Ladles' Musical club, which was to have been held Monday afternoon with Mrs. A. H. Brlnemald of Third avenue, has been Indefinitely post poned. Mrs. John Pugh of Chicago, who has been vlsltlns friends In the city for the last few duys, has gone to Logan to visit her father. She will .visit here on hor way home. ' Miss Helen Baldwin was pleasantly sur prised by a number of her friends Fri day evening. Miss Baldwin will leave the early part of the week for New York City, where she will epend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shepard of Sycamore, 111., who are In the city to attend the Gleason-Farnsworth nuptials, were guests of honor at a picnic party given at Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon and evening. Miss Hazel Manderson, assisted by Miss Phoebe Jiiclson. entertained the members of the Kensington club at her home on Fifth avenue trlduy afternoon Prises ut games were won by Miss Alva jioward and Ailse Florence Shea. Mrs. T. E. Cnsady entertained the mem bers of the Euchre club Tuesday afternoon. The rlrst prize at cards waa won by Mrs. A. W. Casady. The club will be enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Guy 8he;iard. Harrison Gleaeon and Miss 8adle Farns worth will be married Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride s mother, Mrs. 8. Farnsworth of Kighth street. Rev. George Edward Walk, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will officiate. W. L. Thlckatun, music studio, over B16 Broadway. SHAW CERTAIN OF OUTCOME Ohacrratlon on Speaking; Tour of Country Shows Republicans Sure to Win. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 25. (Special Tele gram.) Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, spent 'today in Sioux City. He was enroute from Yankton, to Wayne, Neb., where he speaks tonight. The secretary refused to discuss national affairs, but took occasion to express the certainty that the republicans would carry the house of rep resentatives. "I have been speaking all over the coun try," said the secretary, "and I have seen enough to convince me that the next elec tion will return a good majority to the lower house." Secretary 8haw will speak in Iowa for the rest of the campaign, de voting most of his time to the Sixth con gressional district. He will close his cam paign at Des Moines on November 3. Cedar Falla Creamery Assigns. CEDAR FALLS, la., Oct. 25. (Special.) The Cedar Falls creamery, made a volun tary assignment today for the benefit of Its creditors. The heaviest losers are Dan iel Wild and,tbe banks of the city. All the creditors have agreed to allow the property to be divided In proportion to the several claims. Those holding securities have re linquished them. The liabilities are $7,900; the assets unknown. Hardware Store la Robbed. AVOCA. Ia., Oct. 25. (Special.) The hardware store of F. G. Hetzel was entered by burglars last night. The entrance was gained by breaking a cellar window and then sawing a bole In a door large enough to crawl through into the storeroom. Be tween $2 and $3 were taken from the money drawer, the robbers having used a spade to pry it open. Seven razors were also taken. Rehearing la Denied. ONAWA, la., Oct. 25. (Special Telegram.) Notice has been received from Des Moines that the supreme court of Iowa has denied a rehearing In the case of Addison Oliver against Monona county. This is the famous Oliver ditch case. Judge Oliver argued the case personally. The Judge will now take it to the supreme court of the United States. Condition of Cooke Is Better. PUT IN BAY. O., Oct. 25. The condition of Jay Cooke was . reported to be- much improved this morning. He was able to sit up and take some nourishment. n nnn n WuiJU II it osiery We call your attention derwear and Hosiery, which we mentioned i$ new this window display and siery and Underwear kfiC? Underwear S f l'nlon Suits, made from Egyptian, new fT J C. patent cut, extra long cuff same garment usually retails at $1.00. jy -4M "V TV Melba t'nlon Suits, In silver gray, rT I II II nicely fleeced, and usually retails for more money. ftt Cf V Black Union 8ults, made of fine il)lslvJ worsted, nicely finished with silk crochet neck and ribbon same num ber retailed last season at $2.00. 39c 25c 3c 25c 25c 50c Ladles' seal skin fleeced Vest and Fants, silver gray only value everywhere 60c. Ladles' ribbed Vests and rants, heavy fleece, medium and extra sizes, same number usually retailed at 35c. Children's Underwear, 3c and up, accord ing to size, usually retailed at 10c. Children's Underwear, 25c and up, fine . ribbed Forest Mills Underwear, very elas tic and sold usually for 35c. Boys' Underwear 8hlrts and Drawers, heaviy fleeced, all sizes; also Union Suits, all sizes, extra value. Men's fine elastic ribbed Shirts and Draw ers; also heavy fleeced Underwear, guar anteed the best SOc garment in the market. INFANT RL'EBEN VESTS 25c, 35c, 45c, 60c, 65c, 75c Four different numbers in stock. To Paint and Paint Right You must have good paints. All paints are not good because they claim to be. It depends upon the one who sells you the. paints, to a great extent. A reliable house, depending upon your future patron age, would not care to pell you poor paints. That's the ground we stand upon. We do not want to make one sale to you and then have you quit us because of some poor article we sold you. We are after your perpetual trade and will sell you only the best of goods made. Our Celebrated Lincoln House Paints Are the best ready-mixed paints on tho market. If you paint your house with these paints you will be sure of being satisfied. We also have Tipton's barn and wagon paints, decorative enamel, and Une varnishes. We know we can please you. if you will figure with us for your paints and painters' supplies. GEORGE VV. FLETCHER PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 375. 106 BROADWAY, - COUNCIL BLUFF3. OPEN ALL NIGHT. At $2.49 A handsome assortment of silk w aists, latest, styles and newest shaPes. all shades ana colors. Val ue up to 4 at 2,49 At tho 17 and 19 , a Misses' and boys' J OC heavy hose, ribbed; regular price, 15s. a . J(y Ladies' heavy J lVJC fleeced hose, value 15c, at 10c. A 7 Men's Rockford half JX Chose, value 10c, at 7c. a . O Children's ribbed jX abOCunlon suits, sizes No. 2, S, 4 and 6, value S5c, at 23c. a . O IT Boya' extra heavy jX afaOCfleeced underwear, sites 26 to 34, regular value 49c, at 250. A 1Q Men' neaV un jX lCderwear, value 35c. A . AtZ Men', 'xtra heavy JX TOCsllver gray wool fleeced underwear, regular price 50c. a . y Ladles' heavy jX afcO Cribbed underwear value 85c. A . . f" 4 rakes Sea Bait Cas JX DCtile soap at 6c. a . f" William's Shaving JX 3 C Soap, regular price 10c. A V I f" 1 cakes Old Fashion jX 1UC Buttermilk soap, regular price 26c. A a CT-Per I'ncle Sam fW OCTar Soap at 5c' At 5c Glycerine Soap, value 10c. Full line of Dry (JoimIs I'liriiifchiugH, Trunks and hale that will Have you mo Boston Store, Council Bluffs, and Underaear Sale to & few of the many bargains in New Fall Un- will place on sale Monday. Every item fall, at lower prices than compare values offered during Ladies' and Children's 15c 12c 25c very clastic, lxl 39c stores as high as 25c fleece, all 25c. S pairs for $1.00. 50c 25c 10c LADIES' 25c, 39c, On sale at ME BEE I Oil Special Bargains for ' Monday and Tuesday uOVELTV MAIN STREET, Council Bluffs. At 4Icd Per yard, heavy wide un- bleached muslin. Per yard, extra J V?2Cgood bleached mus lin, yard wide. A A 17pPer rd' 12--Al 1 2-canton flannel, regular price 20c. A a 7tMen', heavy cot Al vJCton working pants, value $1.00. Ai Of" Men's hair strip ill If J pants, regular price 2. at tl.25. A A Men's good work- I yjyCiog shirts. A a CQ1L(lle' heavy pet- Jx QCticoats, value $1.00. A a Q O Ladles' black mer Al -70CCerlied petticoats, two to nine ruffles, value $1.26. A a QO Udlei' black heavy f OCpettlcoats, fleeced lined, 14-Inch flounce, trimmed with four rows of satin fold nice enough for dress skirt, value $2.00, at 88c. A a (1 "2 Eiderdown dress jX DvjClng sacques, ele gantly trimmed, alue $1.0", at 63o. Al laWJ eiderdown dress ing aacquea. In all shades and col ors, elegantly trimmed, value $1.76. , CloakH, Millinery, Heady-Made Skirts Men'a and Women'; ValiHt'8, Hath and Caps at pricet to tsuit every purcbaner. A ney and make friends and patrons for us. Follow the crowd. Iowa. the lowest. See our show this Great Sale of Ho- Hosiery 3 for 25c Boys' School Hosiery, sizes 6 to 10, extra heavy 2x1 rib, same goods sold regularly for 20c. Misses' fine lxl fleeced Hose, sizes 6 to 9, very elastic and heavy fleece, guaranteed fast black, beet value In the market. "BAD BOYS' HOSIERY" This Is a new line this fall and Is well recommended. Try them. Extra heavy double thread and rlh only, sizes 7 to 10. Misses.' Onyx Hosiery, a new number for fall, .full Egyptian yarn, bright luster, very One rib, all sizes, 6 to 9, sold at other 65c a pair. Ladles' Hosiery. We show four different numbers. Mocha foot fleeced, split solo, plain black, double thread and heavy Some of the above numbers sold for 35c, and 75c Ladles' Imported Cashmere Hoso, regular and out size. Both new number. Infants' Cashmere Hose, black and all colors, with silk heel and toe. Onyx brand better than the best. S for 25c. Ladles' double sole Hose, 100 dozen just received. Best value ever offered for the money. LACE AND FANCY HOSIERY 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $3 Hosiery counter. ON THE WINGS OF A DOVE is nothing to that sense of airy coolness, comfort and satisfaction which you will feel when once Inside of a shirt from our laundry. Our laundry work is always care fully and thoroughly done. Send us your address on a postal and we will send for your linen. If our work suits you tell your friends, If not, tell us. Bluff City Laundry, WALLACE A GROUT, Proprietors. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Best System of ; Heating Your Home evenly and thoroughly Is by steam' and water; it is positive and economical and you get heat when you want it. No living In one room on cold days, because the rest of the rooms don't heat. Let us figure with you; we have the experience and tho goods. If we do it, its dona right. J.C. Bixby & Son, 202 Main, 203 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 193. ALL THE NEWS We save you from 25 to SO Per cent on Fun Full line of Scarfs Boas. Collarettes .and Capes. A a QO Brocaded ( IT 3OCsklrts, val dress ue $1.25. A A 4 OCLadiea' fine op wis. In ill X A vJ era shawls. In all shades and styles, value $1.75. A a Of- and 49c Fascinators, jX a. JC all colors and black. A a f-Q Children's kid shoes, j 03'Ceolld leather counter, spring heels, sizes 5 to 8, value 75c. At 85d Children's shoes.' 'made of box calf. kid and kangaroo calf, sizes 8 to 12, value $1.26. A A Q O Children's shoes, Al OCmade of box calf, kid and kangaroo calf, heel or spring heel, sizes 12 to 2, value $1.25. at 98c. A A QD Udln' shoes, made Al 3OCof India kid, don gola, etc., all sizes, value $1.25. A a 4 Of-Ladles' heavy Al 1 aW doogola shoes, all sizes, value $1.60, at $1.25. A 1 QAk"11"' ,he. Al 1 3 O made of kid and box calf, hand sewed, warranted a new pair replaced for every pair not giving satisfaction; value tip to $2.50. A A. Qfi-,1 n4 ?-lnch self. l 70Copenlng umbrella, suitable for either ladles or gents; 7-rlbbed, steel rod, double frame, valus $1.50. at 98c. Other umbrellas st , from 49c snd up. SUM ST0E3E 40$ Broadway. TeL L-tOT.