TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1002. DO YOU GET Ui WITH A "ip ;rrM - s V Have You Uric Acid, Rhcumntlwm or Bladder Trouble V To Prove what SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney and Bladder Remedy will do for YOU all our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Tree by Mall. , " ' Pain or dull antie In the bark U un nletahably evtdenne of kidney trmilila. I( fa nature's timely warning to show you thai the truck nf health I not clear. 1( thee danger algnals sre tinheedd snore eartntte rMiilt or sure to followi firlght'a disease, which In the worst forrq of kidney trouble, may moil upon you. The mild and the eitranrdlnnry effni'f f tha wnrld-famnua kidney and bladder remedy, Pr. Kilmer's ".wamp-Hont, U eonn realised. H gland tha highest for lt wonderful rum of tlia most dltrea:iig raaaa. A trial wilt convince anyone and ynu mar have sample bottla trim, by mall. Haehar-he, Vrl Aela and Vrlnary TranMo Amoni tha man llltv fntnmia aiiraa nf flaramn. Ttnot liivatlKl4 l.v The I'allv Ilea th na wa nub lull Imlnv fur Ilia lit.ii.fli of ttr readers speaks In lha lilali.at tarm cif the wnndarrtil curative properties of thla greet hldnav remedy i OKNTI.KMKNi When I wrola ynil laal March for a eatntiln Imltl nf awainii Itont, my wife was a great aiifTerar from backache, rhiumaiUm anil urinary Iron hie, alau esoeaa of nrln arid. After try. In lha sample buttle, alia bought n Inra buttle hrra at the clnia atora. That 1ld hr an much a I aha bought timre, Tha affari f Hwnuultoot waa wonderful and Imnet Immediate. Nha haa fait nit ra (urn of tl.a nld troulila lm-a ""t, int. r tiiomah, 4!T llaat Ht.. llurTaln, N. V. 1 lama bark la only ona aynintotn of kid tajr trouhla nna of many, nthar aymp. 1oma ahnwlni that you nd H amp-Hoot ra, nbllgad to paia watar ofian during Ilia ay aud to (at up many t Intra at ulaht, Inability to bold urine, amarlltiR or Irrlla 4lon la paatlni. brlik duat or axllmant In tb urlua, catarrh nf tha bladdar. uric add, CANAL TITLE IS GOOD Kotx BaparU Lagul Butui of Panama rropertj nid Owinrt. SAYS COMPANY CAN -LEGALLY SELL ALL Mailer fnmillralad kr Many Ira a a (era, kal Not na Barlow.. ly aa Mlhl Uat (Iwlng; lo Mpaelal I. am. Kranoa Uaa I'aaaad. WAHIIINUTON, Oct. I& Attorney lien ere! Knn haa decldad that If the I'nlted (Hat ahould purchaaa the new Panama canal for 40,UOO,0(M) It would receive through the partlea In Interest a valid aud tiklmeuuibei ed lit la to tha property. Tht following la a aynnpala of the opin ion ; Tha principal ehjecttona which have been made In I hla country lo the title resolve thrmeelvea Into raone In support of tha following propositions: t. Thai Ilia new Tanniua Canal company haa nut power lu aell the caiihI nod rullwuy property. V. That tha lliiuldator of the old 1'anama Canal comiiany ha. not power to consatit la such aalw, I. That tha r'rench Courts have not power lo authorise tha lluulilatnr and the new company, or either of them, to enter Into the aale. 4 1 hat at all etant tha flitted Htat.s weuld lake tha property a. a truet fund, eut)acl to Die lolal olil . tll.ma to Die etockhiiMrra, the lioiolliohlcra niut the ulnar credllMia of both companlea. Aaamer. All Ute4'lluwa. These objections are dlecuaaed aerlaluni, and Mr, Ken eoucludca; t. The new 1'anama company la quite eolvaul and there la lui law torPKIdlua It to aell I The atM khuldara derived from the arliteisht aaieauieut ample power lo all, IS lhay plopoaa to do. 1 The i(nl.ttor of the old company, whan he turned over the aaacta lo the new company, attpulaivd for pr cent of the pruilt. of the canal when tluuhed. ami under the genrral law or r'raooa end the epeolel eel of tJJU concerning tha H. nitra tion of hla company, he ha. full power I.) tllepoee o( the aMla end coiiaeui uil to ruiMarnl l the sale of the ax' per cent which le pari cr tnoae aaaat 4 The in thunal of the H.-tn baa approved lha ronarnt of (he ttuuliietor lo the ale and on appewl bv a tHioilholdar of tha old company the com I ol appeal of l aiia con fttnied the iteclaion a It la not perceived bow thi-r could ha any law or ihiuiiv for auhtecilua a pur- vhaaar of an article eoM aa la i f a I falling partnarahltt. euch as the out com ,pany, lo the debts of the iMrtoerahip If eueh were the law thei ol,t no por ch. aaia Of euch aaaeia. aiHt lh cieoltora Would ictve lui pameul of their olta Vol of the pltM-ead. nor atockhnl.tar. any Mlvtdand vf a realdue. mm .ee,le Hallraad. Neverthetese, the opinion exhaustively eenaldera all osalMe inert gagea affecting tke fre party, real or personal, under rten.h ar Columbian law. ll saya there have been mortgagee and slie.s In detail what be came at them. At m the prepeeltloa, thai the I nlted Uelee rennet take title to Ike shares of ate-k af the t'aaante Kallread comiany, a ,New Tork eerportl.n which the Tanama eeAfay srHeea to aell with the caaal, the aplalea hoMa tha giveinnieal can take aag TaeU aay klad af preperty It may have ee4 af A t tfca anstla that lha lulled t LAME BACK? (innatant badarha, dti;.lnaaa, alaaplaaanaaa, rlnrynuanaia, Irracular haart bnatlni, rhau tnatlain, blnatlna, Irritability, wornout t"U, Jack (if ambition, loaa nf hih, low coniirilon. If your aater whrn allowed to ramaln tindlalurhad In a Rlaia or bottla for twrnly four Tioura, forma a ardlmaot or aattllng or haa a iloudy appaaranoa It la avldaot I hat your kldnaya and bladdar naad tm madlata attnntlon. In taking ftwarnp-Ront you afford natu ral halp to Datura, for flwainp.Root la tha moat parfrrt balar and ntla aid to tha kldnaya that la known to madlcal arlanea. Ilwamp-Rnnt la tha groat fltanorary of lr, Klltnar, tha tmlnrnt kldnay and blad-rii-r aparlallat. Iloapltala uaa It with won darful aurtiaaa In both alight and aavara raaai. Dontora rammmand It to thair patlnnla and un It In thalr own famlllaa, brraua thay raongnlaa In ftwamp-Root tha graataat and moat auaoaaaful rrniady. If you hava tha allghtaat aymptoma of kldnay or bladdar troubln, or If thara la traca of tt In your family hlatory amid at oura to Dr. Klltnar Co, ninghamton, N. Y., who will gladly aand you fraa by mall linmadlataly, without roat to you, a anmpla bnttla of Swamp-Hoof and a book nf wondwful rlwamp-ltont taatlmonlala. tin aura In aay that toy rtad thta aauar oua offnr In fha maba Hutulay lira. If ynu ara alraady conrtuced that Hwatnp-ltuut la what you naad, you can purrhatf tha ragular flfty-eant and ona dollar alia bottlaa at drug atom avary whara. Ikin't maka any mlatake, but ramambar tha namn, fiwatnp-Hoot, Dr. Kll mpr'a Pwamp-Koot, and tha addraaa, Ding hatuton, N. Y., on ovary Jottla. Htalea at all events could not destroy tha railroad, ll la pointed out that It waa evi dently not the Intention of the Krench, If they built the canal, to dlapenae with tha railroad. Aa In lha objcrtlnn that rnngreaa haa authorised a purchase from tha new com pany only and not from thn llnuldator, ha opinion aaya: "In view nf the condition of the title Ihe purchase will be from the new company, and the consent of tha liquidator will be at once g waiver of rlghta aa to property transferred to tha now company." The opinion rloaaa: "Kor lha reasons have given I am of Ihe opinion that the I'nlted Htatea would receive a good and valid unincumbered title," SMALL ARMY FOR PORTO RICO llrdar.toN Orrtera Will leave Aboal Ilaaere goldlera. Oaly WAftlllNOTON, Oct. tS.-The genrral or der for Ihe reduction of the army appllea to the I'orto Rico provisional regiment of Infantry. The I'orto Rico regiment la composed of natives of that Island officered by officers of the regular army, with Colonel Ruchanan In command. The effect of the order la to reduce the strength of lha eight companies composing the regiment to slity-flve en listed men each, making lha total strength Mi). , RAILWAY KEEPS TO FUEL OIL Kealkrra l'rle Will Not tea Coal 1st guile of relauleweVa Draw, fcaeka. OAKLAND, Cal , Oct. t&.-Tfce published statements that the Southern Pacific In lenna changing naca to coal aa fuel are discredited by officials at lha West Oak land jarda. It haa been aald that oil burus out lha Are bones and rloaea tha flues with bitu minous deposits. The statement haa some truth In It, but It docs not Juattfy the aa aertton that Ihe present experiment will be abandoned. EXPLOSION KILLS TWO MEN Chtcaae t Atlas) Holler Jaa Wreak, tare ea laye t'rra. INDKrKVDKNCR, Mo.. Oct. JV-By Ihe eiploelon todav of the boiler of a lovoiuo Hit on the Chicago A Alton railroad near here Iwo man will die. Harvey Hhoedee, firemen, of Vmtlhvtlle Ta , waa killed. J. Conuelly of Slater. Mo, an engineer aa probably fatally Injured and eighteen care were wrecked. HYMENEAL Weal aaa Will Dwell la Wekaa. YOKK, Nek . Vt fk - t'peclal t-Rrar Kel.vr. a Wakt rttlsei, and Mlaa Oltv Nerla of Mtrnaisburg. Neb., were waited U wiarriaae )eeterd.y. Tky will stake their future home U Wafcoe WRIGHT JOINS COMMISSION Tntlini Add Bit Vim to AothruiU Arbitrati'm Batri PARDtt'S KltN VOTE TO COHTlNl't STRIKE ( analila af Aarraaxaala Ihay r Aakrit in a lBn aa May Thay Ulll t t.m flark Till rtaatrla. Haa la Raanatral. ' t WABHINflTON. 01. 2S. At tha rajuaat of tha mainWa of lha anthra'ita airlka rommlHlon, and with lb aaant of both tha oparatora and mlnre, Praaldant ftoola valt haa appolntad Carroll I). Wright, ra-"rd-r of tha i ommlanlon, a mamlx-r of that bdy. Tha rrrrondnca landing up to tha ap point man t of Mr. Wright waa tnada public at tha tamporary Wblta 1 1 on a today. Tha following alf -aiplanatnry talagram waa aant yaatarday: WAHIIINtJTON, (u l, 24 -Mr Oaorga K. It: Am rhalrrnnn of tha arithrarlt c.ohI atrlka rmnmlaalon, r-otly a-M.luid t.y tha .raaif-f)i. am ltiatrurt-"l to In'tulra whrllirr It Would ha rr.atila thiil w ahoiild raiii-at lha ur-i-r, that Mr. far- roll I). Wrlaht, who wna md rwordar of aald rummlaalon. Im Ml.fiolnli.il a mambrr tharaof. A Ilka cfinimiitili'Mtloit will la nraaii lit ttta raiiraa.-ntatlvaa of tha lolnrra. Will you ! g hm! anouah to,n- war aa rapraantlfig tha coal oparatoM' part I'-a to tha agraftnant? OKoit'lK flltAY, fhalrm:in. A talagram Idantlaal with thla waa aant to Mr. John Mlt'hall, praaldrnt nf tha t.'nltad Mlna Workara of Amarlita at Wllkaabarra. To tha lnrulrlaa tha fol lowing rraponadi wara ra:avad by tale graph: I'lllf.AliKI.I'lll A, fVt. 241 am ntitlior la"l to aav thxt Mr. Wrlahl a ml'IIMoii to tha 'oftin.Ualoti will bo anllraly agraaahia to tha gaiif .-ni-n who alatia tha raiin-at. OKOIKIK K. HAKH. WII.KKHMAItlti;. l a.. Ki t. 24 -T li-urain racrlvnil. Krplylfig tharato, will aay that It la Ijarfartly Harai-nii n to ma unit Mr. i ar- roll ll, Wright ha aildnd to tha i-ofiinilNloii, JOHN MITCIIKIJ,. Traaldant :nltd Mltia Workara of Amorlra. Thn romplrtad tiorraapondanao waa than laid baforn Traaldant Kooaavalt with tha tinanlinoua raquaat of tha rommlealon that Mr. Wright, bn added to tha commlaalon aa a full mamhar. In arrordanf with thn raipiaat thn praa- Idant linmadlataly daalgnatad Ml. Wright a mamhar of tha rnmmlaalon, coupling hla an nouncement with a nlatamenl that Mr. Vrlght would confUiua. to perform hla duty aa retnrder. Mr. Wright rallnd upon the. prealdent to day and formally aiirepted tha appointment. Ilarorder Wright of lha anthrarlta coal trlka rommlaalon hna reci lved repllea from moataf tha coal mlnn nwnara who arn par- Ilea to tho controversy. Indicating thalr ac- eaplanrn of tha arbitration of tha oommla- lon to attend thn conference to bn hold on Monday, next, for thn purpoaa of agree ing upon plana for thn hcarlnga to bn given by tha nommlaalon and alao a reply from Mr. Mitchell, aaylng that he would bn rep reaantad at thn meeting. Carroll I).' Wright tonight, apaaklng of " " Monday, aald the membere are of opinion that aaealona abould be held In thn vicinity of tha evidence, and that an effort would ba made to get both partlea to. the contro veray to agree upon one convenient place here tha rommlaalon ahall alt. Will Itemaln oa Hlrlb. HAZLKTON, !.. Oct. 25. Tho local of tha United Mlna Workara composed of the mployea of A. Pardee Co. at Cranbury and Cry at at tlldgn yoted today to remain on atrlka until tha company wltfidVgw lta requirement that all the men, before re urulng lo work, sign an agreement not to nterfere In any way with the nonunion mda. WIDKRVR ARRIS, Ta., Oct. 25. Today aaw further Inrreaao of coal production In he anthracite region. The estimated out put la 120,000 tons. Thn Increase came mostly from collieries that nave been In operation since Thursday and which ara In good condition now Tho largest output waa from the mines of tho Delaware, Lackawanna A Weatern nd tha Delaware & Hudson. Reports received show that fourteen ad It tonal mines were atarted today. Four of thaaa ware In tha Schuylkill region and he balance In tha Lackawanna and Wyom Ijig reglona. Tha number of men and boya l worn lonay is piarea bi vi.uou The I-ehtgh Valley Coal company haa all lta collieries In tha Wyoming region In op rratlon with the exception of one. The rompany'a output waa 60 per cent of the normal. Nearly all the at earn men formerly em ployed by thla company, It la aald, are at work. " By Monday ll la believed SO per rent of tha nilnea will bo la operation. All me rolllorlea where water haa not accumulated n large quantities ara now In shape to re ceive tha full working force. Nearly all he Coal and Iron policemen who were hired by the coal . companlea when the atrlka began have been paid oft. READING, Pa.. Oct. 16. Contrary to ex- pectatlona very Utile coal waa brought down from tha Reading company'a mlnea tonlght. No effort waa mane to mine mucn coal today, but operatlona will be resumed In earnest by Monday. It la expected that 400 or 500 carloads of coal will be brought down tomorrow. About 200 rara of coal have been shipped down tha road since Frl day morning from all points. FFORT TO OUST JOHN HYDE Kaw York Suecalatora Object to Slatlatlclaa Who loee Riot Cater ta Their fsaveslescr. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. (Special Tele gram.) It la aald that a determined effort will be made at the coming eeeaion of con aresa to hava John Hyde, the statistician of tha Agricultural department, relieved from the work of preparing the monthly crop report. This effort will come prto rlpally from tha speculative Interests or New York Tha fault that the grain apecu lalora of New York find with Mr. Hyde la that he haa refused to change Ihe hour of alvlua out the monthly crop report. Kor decade at least thla report haa been given out at tne Agricultural nepartmeut on tha tenth day of each month at 4 p. m after Ihe exchangee ara cloard. Mr. Hyde baa refused to give out this report at an earlier hour aad hla refusal haa angered Ihe New York Produce exchange, the New York Cotton exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. Hyde t not ap parenlly f"l at all alarmed. He feels ae cure in ma poauion rcause ne na. me Indorsement of hla chief. Secretary Wilson, and also of agrlculturlsta geuerally and the exchangee In all lha leading cities of the west and northwest eutatde of Chicago. It la. howaver, reasonably cerlala that ooe result of the proposed light oa Mr. Hyde will be ta draw the attentloa of congresa to lha necessity if consolidating tba gov ernrueat'a numerous etattetlral departments. The report of Ihe special agent of the architects efffve waa recently visited Pterra, S. U. ta look aver the altea offered la that city tor a new poetofflce, waa today made ta tke acting secretary of the treas ury. I'nder the thirty day. of grace rule Secretary Ska will at aonou.ee lta aa- levtloa until November si. Free rural delivery route, will be estae llahvd la Nebraska November 1 aa follows: Cedar Replda, Doose county, one route, era revered thirty square miles, popula tion served fViO; Central City, Mrrkh county, ore additional route, area thirty- eight equare mllea, pnpulatloa 419; Lyons, Hurt eounty, ona additional route, area thirty-four a'lnara miles, population V; Madliwn, Madlann county, ona additional route, area Iwenty-alx square mllea, popu lation 42; Tender, Thunton county, ona additional route, area twenty-eight square ml We, population tiM; reteraburg. Boone county, two routes, area slaty. two square mllea. population 1,400; Ft. Edward, Boone county, one rout., area twenty-eight aquara mllea, population too. Tha comptroller of tha currency haa ap proved the First National bank of Lincoln as reserve agent for the Alliance National bank of Alliance, Nat). Iowa postmsstara appointed: W. T. Scott, Bear f;rove, O'lthrle county; William O. Hodge, Milton, Monroe county; F. W. Bean, Yorkshire, lltrrlaon county. M'KINLEY MEMORIAL HALTS Trastee. Will ot fr tweed Farther Till Fall aaa Aekeal la nalsag. CANTON. O, Oct. 25. A meeting of tha trustees of the National McKlnley Me morial association waa held today In the offlrea of tha prealdent. Judge William R. Day. No detailed statement of tba buelnesa waa furnished for publication. It la underetood. however, that tha trus tees are not satisfied to proceed In any channel auggestlng the expenditure of tha fund until the. full IWO, 000 baa been raised, as originally contemplated. It la pointed out that, while an amount approximating that which may ba sufficient to build an appropriate memorial baa al ready been accumulated, tba money nec.ee aary to malataln the work properly la aa yet unavailable. Tha work of tha associa tion will continue until the needed balance. which, It la understood, amounts to mora than 1100.000, a acquired. liana hava been settled for continuing tho work of soliciting contributions particularly In those parts of the country which hava not responded to tha calls for financial aid. Thoaa In attendance were: Frealdant Day, Marcua Hanna, A. H. nilsa of New York. A. H. Revell of Chicago, Senator Charles Fairbanks of Indlanapolla, Oeorge B. Cor- lalyou, gecretary to tha prealdent; William McConwsy of T'lltsburg, Postmaster General Payne, John O. Mllburn of Buffalo and Wil liam A.- Lynch of Canton. After luncheon the party was driven to Mrs. McKlnley'a residence and mads a brief call on the widow of tba late president. They were then taken to Weat Lawn ceme tery, where a beautiful wreath was laid on thn dead president's casket. MANY-NAMED FORGER CAUGHT M. I.onla Police) Cant a re Maa with Mia Allaaes After Rirltlng; Chase. I ST. I0UI8, Oct. 26. After an exciting ehaaa thrntlah atraata atlava mnA .ln.M and two hou.ee. tha polloa captured Wll . ,,, . "Kid." all., r. R n.n Ham Hmlth, allaa "Kid," alias C. E. Green, alina -C, O. Drown, allaa Georga Frank, allaa K. R. Oeorge Frank, a self-confessed forger. It la believed ha Is a criminal of. na tional reputation. He admits having served time In the Missouri penitentiary for forg ery and three years at Blng Sing. N. Y., for tho same crime. He left an order for soma checks pur porting to bo for the Elgin City Banking cmPny. Detective learned of the mat tar and when Smith called they attempted to Interview him. ie ran at signt of them and after a chase -waa captured but not before ha bad thrown away the package and shot twlco t tho officers. At his hotel hla bag waa found to contain a check perforator and nearly a thouaand cbacka on Frederick Bros., Bankera, Tonawanda, N. Y. All were algned by F. K. Robertaon aa cashier of tho bank. A rubber stamp reading "To Bank of America, New York, N. Y." wti among the effecta. Smith admitted at the police atatlon that he waa ready to begin operations as a wholesale forger. He aald he had Intended going to Tcxaa to pnsa tha checks, THINK TRAIN ROBBER CAUGHT I'o.ae Drlagja Prlaoaar lo Ml.aeala W ho Thar sy HeU Vm Sarlh. era Pawino Trala. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 25. Deputy Sheriff McCortnlch arreated a man near Bonlta to dy wh0 la thought to ba tha bandit who held up the North Coaat limited near Bear Mouth yesterday and murdered Engineer Daniel O'Neill. Tha man, who In aisa god general de acrlptlon anawera that of tha robber, givea tha name of Alfred llaiendoct, and at tlmea trlea to talk with a German accent, and again uaea plain English He la of medium atatura, with heavy shoulders, slightly Inclined to stoop, and wora a gray ault and a peculiar little blue c,Pi an(J tw0 45-callber Colt's rerol- vers strapped to hla person. Ha acknowledge ha waa at Gold Creek the night previous to tha holdup and aaya ha la a tlemaker looking for employment and that be waa enrouto to Missoula when he paused through Gold Creak. HANNA FINDS LIFE TASK Will Try ta Katahllah Cardial Bala. tloaa Ilrtvreea Labor aaa Capital. CLEVELAND, O.. Oct. 25. Senator Hanna poke here tonight. After going Into the question of tha relation of capital and labor, much along tha Unas that ha haa followed during the preaeut campaign, ba aald: The beat efforts of my life will be de. voted to the establishment of a cordial relatlonahlo between capital and labor and to the cauae of bringing laboring men lo a higher plane or cllisensnip. 1 have in recent yeara tveen ao anuseo and a hiutally caricatured that It Is no wonder people do not know ma. INCREASE RAILROAD PAY Chicago at Altoa tilvea All Shop Mea Two leal, aa Hoar More. BLOOMINGTON. 111.. Oct. 25. Chicago t Alton officials notified all shop employee of the system today that tba request for general advance In wagea 'uad been granted .ommvnctng November 1. The advance averagea 2 rente per hour for each employ and will Increase tba monthly payroll fully 10.004. CUT OUT COLORED VOTE Korth Carollaa Haa Praetlcall Strark Black Maa Meatater. f CHARLOTTE. X. C. Oct. 14 The regie iratlon books tor the first election la Nort Caroline under the roaatitutlonal amend men l tor tke disfranchisement of Illiterate negroes closed tonight. l ader former laws the colored vote waa about aiViKM, thta time ll will probably not ! amount t k.OM. Monday's Specials . at Kilpatrick'So A special the choicest designed A Special u a.as. i;h1a m'nnln ant 9 - from nlJU u in launc tx uiuv 1 1 i 1 iV v " - w.-. . - - - - t 1 ' mixed coverts, beiges, wool mixtures, etc., etc., widths ranging from 44 to 56 inches, former prices from 75c to $1.50 per yard, on sale Monday at 50 cents per yard. An immense assortment of black, mixtures, and plain colors, in pedestrian skirtings, submit ted for your delectation Monday. A Rare Chance Presented at Silk Counters V All silk faced velvets, 19 inches Colors cerise, wine, cardinal, navy, for waists, collars, beits, r , Look in West Window. It Tells The big east window will not fail to attract your attention. Don't Have to Say Except to ask that you be a little patient with our alterations overtime most of the time to give you prompt service. 1505-1507-1509 Douglas Street. WYNDHAM IS JNJDEEP WATER abjeet af, Moat Savara Caatlaltea of Aar of Irelaad'a Chief ' . .1' gaeretartea.' (Copyright. 190J, by Prase Publiahlng Co.) , LONDON, Oct. 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Tha World corraapondant hears that Irish Secretary Wyndham, who seeroa to be drifting into hopeless dlffloultlea, Is about to appoint. In place of Sir David Harrel, a new secre tary for Ireland, whom be eipects to extri cate Sim from hla troubles by settling tha land queatton. At preaent the question of Irish mls- gorernment Is at a moat acute atage, both In Ireland and in tha British Parliament. Prima Minister Balfour superciliously re fused to give a single day for discussion of tba coercion abuses in Ireland, unleaa tba liberal leader, Sir Henry Campbell-Ban- nerman would endorse the Irish demand The Irlah party declined to accept any Intermediary, and Sir Henry pronounced Balfour's refusal scandalous. The Irish party In revenge for Mr. Bal four's treatment, has each day raised by questions the moat flagrant scandals of Irish Secretary Wyndham's coercion regime. When tha chief, secretary baa Bought to evade straightforward anawar tha national. lata have moved adjournment to compel him, and have subjected him to tha se verest castlgatlons any Irish secretary has aver received. By refusing the day to the Irishmen, all business of the session has been upset, tha Cerceat antagonisms hava been arouaed be tween tba Irishmen and the unionists and scenes of extraordinary turbulence and disorder hava been wltneaaed lha Irish party is overriding all opposition and at all risks Insisting oa its rights. Mr. Balfour's action Is recognised even by his own aide aa a tremendous blunder and as really an attempt to coerce the Irish members In Parliament, aa well as In Ireland. But as ba never Is so tentacious as when In ths wrong, further trouble la ahead. MAY RENOUNCE THE THRONE Aaatrla'a Heir lata ta Be WIIItasT Better ta Give Nephav Chaaee. VIENNA,' Oct. 15. A newspaper of Buda Pest publtahea tha announcement that Archduke Prans Ferdinand, tba heir pre aumpUve ta tha Auatro-Hungarlan throne, haa decided to renounce hla claim In favor of bt nephew, Carl Francis Joseph, i yeara old. Well Informed persons appear disinclined to credit tha report. INDICATIONS J3F SEA FIGHT Belief that Celeaaalea aaa Rebel Gaa- haata Hava Cease lata Celllslea. MANAGUA. Nicaragua. Oct. 15. For aav- eral houra today cannon firing waa beard at aea betweea Corlnto and Brlto, Nica ragua, and according to rumore current fc.ra a battle waa fought between the Co lombian cruiser Bogota and the Insurgent gunboat Padllla. tw Railway leceraeralea. SPRING FIELt, Ill . Oct JS -Articles of Incorporation aere hied with the aei-retarv of atate laday by the St. txmut Fast Shor RaHmad company, with a capital aterk of taAUW. The road ta to b con stmrted frrsn Kaet St. Louis lo Shaw nee low n, on tha Ohio river. . DIED. ALLEN-Mra R. M Notice haa been re called of lha death of Mra. R. M. Allan of Ames Nb. REHMER Herman. October . 9"l aged I yar and I montha. only eon of Mr and ktra. Herman Refcanrr. at 136 North Ta-Iv-aateath afreet, Omaha Funeral Sunday. October St. at 1 P- in . fro at rvetdence i.f J. Ieutrer.ger, Bi Bro.- a. Council Muffs, lateraneut St Fairl cvsneter). FrUnUe Invited. You rartlv Lave a chance to buy staple linings at half price. Monday will be feast day at lining counter buy for present wants and. it won't hurt to lay la 'u little stock of future numbers. Til K IMUCB CJUOTKD SHOfLI CLEAN THEM UP IN ONE DAY. One line of fine percalinen. fold by us at 20 cents One line of silk cloth (made front mutton), formerly 25 cents Our line of fine satines, our previoiiH price, 2."i cents. One line of mercerized cloth, last week, All to be sold on Monday at one price purchase of fine waistincs, all foreign fabrics, every shade desirable, on special sale at 19c yard. Bargain on Dress Goods Counter Tritrnnf f.n ATnnflnv. All wool lioflvv nlflida. flftto mixtures. wide, worth up to 11.00, will straw, turquoise, purple, olive, girdles, fronts, trimmings and Anything About the Suit Salesroom GRAND CARNIVAL OF CUT PRICES; I 1 " 11111 11 Drugs, , f atent Qdieinos TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY SALE COMMENCES MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2TSH Our stock of Patent Me'dlclnes comprlaee not only tha rapid celling and wrell advertised artlclea, but thoueands of mediclnea which hava only a limited aale, yet which are known and valued hy thoae to whoae attention their merit haa been Drought. We also have In atock a large number of artl'-lea of FRENCH, GERMAN and ENGLISH manufacture which we obtain direct from, the Importere In New York. AMERICAN PATENT MEDICINES are obtained by ua direct from tha manufacturers ASK US FOR THE THINGS YOU USE our prlcaa will always aba FOUND THE LOWEST. Write for catalogue. WE DO NOT PAY EXPRESS OR FREIQMT. REGULAR OUR PRICE. . CUT. PRICE. boo Ajax Tablets .... 40 1 00 Allen's Extract Celery t 26c Allen's Foot Ease ,. 20 tl 00 Allen a Lung Balsam 75 Vc Allcock'a Porous Plastera 13 12 00 Alkavta' Kidney Cure I 60 II 00 Angler'a Petroleum Emulsion .... 80 2fc Arnica Tooth Boap 20 $1 00 Austin's Da.idrutt Cure t II 00 Ayer a Cherry Pectoral 75 $1 00 Ayer'a Hulr Vigor 7S 25c Ballard'a Hoarhound Syrup .... 20 26o Ballenllne'i Remedies 20 26c Beecham'a Pills 20 (I 0U Beef, Wine and Iron SO 60c Beef, Wine and Iron 25 60c Blrney'e Catarrh Powder 35 3.o Bitter Water (Imported) 25 26c Black Draught 20 26c Booth'a Hyomel Balm 20 boo Borolyptol 40 Siio Bovlnlne 60 26c Brandreth'a Ptlla :. to 1 00 Bradtteld'e Mot here' Friend 75' 60c Bromo Chloraluro , 40 26c Bromo oeltaer 17 26o Brown'a Camphorated Tooth Powder ,30 The above only shows a few of the A. cut rlces but cur cut price list comprl 11 00 Genuine Peruna, Monday $ 49 This Is the genuine article, bearing atrip over cork. $1 00 Genuine Temptation Tonic I 11 00 Malted Milk 4 ti en Duffy a Malt Whisky 6 Smokers We have long sold druga at greatly re duced rrices. We have now concluded to do the same with cigars. We don't mean that we ahall cut tha price on CABBAGE LEAF, NO NAME BRANDS but the GOOD KINDS the kind with a reputation these are the onea we aell you at Just Write for Sherman McGonnell Corner 16th and Dodge, Omaha, Neb. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUQQISTS. SOME OTHER TIME ISN'T ANY TIME AT ALL You will not move then. If jou don't rouse yourself now you will probably coutinue to put up with the same inconvenienced for the next six years. Io they keep your office clean? Your windows? The halls? The elevator? Iitlie building a fire trap? FIave they an elevator that runs See an hour ou week days aud not at all nights or on Sundays? Is your office hot in sum mer and cold in wiuter? Any other troubles? The cure for all these ills is ah office in The Bee Building. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. Ground Pjoor. needs. We will discontinue 4 3'J cents 12c cotton, for fall and winter wear, be sold at 25 cents per yard. 2 or 3 shades of brown, black and general garnishing. Its Own Story Great Cloak and and fitting departments. Working REGULAR OUR PRICE. CUT PRICE. 2(o Brown's Bronchial Troches 26c Bucklen's Arnica Salve 15 26c Bull a Cough Syrup 2t 60c Burkart'a Vegetable Compound.. 40 26c Burkhart'a Vegetable Compound,. 2) tl 00 Burnham'n Suraaparilla 49 25c Calder'a Tooth Powder 20 60c Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsl.1 .... 14 2&c Camphor Ice , lo $1 00 Camnbell'a Araenie Wafers & tro Carter s Liver Ptlla 11 26o C arter a Nerve Pills 20 fl 00 Carlabad Sprudel Salta 60o Caacareta 40 26c Caacaret4 J' 36o Caatoria 18 6oc C'hamberlaln'e Cough Syrup .... 40 26c Chamberlain's Cough Syrup,.... 20 22 00 Chewalla 1 bo 12 00 Chichester's English Pennyroyal Ptlla (Diamond Brand) 1 7S fl 09 Cramer's Kidney Cura St $1 00 Coke' a Dandruff Cure 4 fl 00 Coltsfoot Expectorant . 76 M Cud&hy's Extract beef 26c Cutlcura Boap 17 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. B, C of our list of patent medicines at aea over one thouaand Items. 11 00 Plnkham'a Compound fi tl 00 Wine Cardul i 4S 11 00 Pierce's Golden Med. Discovery.. 4 tl 00 Bcolt'a Emulsion 41 2&o Laxative Bromo Quinine 10 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Rood This. about one-half the regular prices: George W. Chllds nine for Wo Lillian Ruaaell nine for 26c Ctnco" seven lor 26o tl ou Allen's Extraact Celery 61 Little Florida two for 6c Ml Favorlta (clear Havana) tc atralght Catalogue. Drug Co.,