Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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Jliffrllirmcili tor theae eolamne
Will fce takra watll 11 m. for the
Mtiiix edltloai ! " HO p. aa.
far noralng and Saaday edltloa.
Rates, 1 l-2e ward flrnt Ineertloa,
le or thereafter. Nolblaax takes
for lees tbaa S.le for tha flrat laeer.
Iloa. TkfM advertlaesaeats saest ba
ran otiitllr.
Advertlaere, by reqeeatlag a
tiered check, r,i hare anstrera ad
dreaeed to a aambercd letter In rara
of The Bee. Anintri aa addreaaed will
ba delivered oa reseatatioa of the
Obeck oaly.
WANTED, position by experienced book
keeper; can do stenographic work. Ad
dress N 8. Bee. A-351 26
A WELL educated, reliable young lady
desires position In office or store. Ad
dress ft., Care Bee Office, Council Bluffs.
A M: 27
HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or
women, splendid contract. The Garden
ers. 416 Bee Bldg. D 275
WANTED, young man stenographer; give
references, age and expected salary. Ad
dress K So, Bee. B M333
I WANTED, ttavellng man who visits tho
1 lnrn and small towns, to sell retailers a
select assortment of dry goods for eprlrig.
on comtnlsclon. Bryn Mawr Mills, I iilla-
, ueipnia. n.
J WANTED, a hosiery snd underwear sales
' man for states of Nebraska and Iowa.
Box 22. Marlon, Ind.
B M650
WANTED for U. B. army, able-bodied un
married men between axes of 21 and US,
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
SDeak. read and write Enaitsh. For Intor. I
limuuii npiujr in iwui ui Ling "itw.i., ......
and Dodge Sts., Omaha, and postoftlce
building, Lincoln, Neb. B Dal
GOOD messengers wanted; high salnrles.
A. U. T. Co., iU So. 13th St. B-MIM
Tho Hawk Nursery Company,
Wauwatotsa, Wla.
B-M378 N8
WANTED, competent stenographer; man
familiar with shipping buslnesa preferred.
Address L 67, Bee. B Mk2
WANTED, fifteen bricklayers at new
Omaha shops at Sioux City, la.; plenty
of work. Ueorge J. Urant, contractor.
B-M735 27
, '
COATMAKERJ steady employment for
good man. C. Iverson, Ba o City, la.
B-113 26
WANTED, boy to take care of furnace and
cow. 9,6 N. 2Stn Ave. u 111
Attention, Book Salesmen.
WE WANT first-class book salesmen for
the new memorial edition of the Warner
Library of the World's Best Llteruture;
you call on Inquiries only; our system of
helps and advance proposition to rules
men secures you the most money offered
to book salesmen; call on us una we will
Interest you. American Newsuuucr As-
eociauon, au-ti-n, Mew iom une oiug., i
Omaha, Neb.
B M172 ib
WANTED at once, registered drug clerk:
one tnac is capaDie oi tuning cnarge oi
store; must have tlrst-clasa references. IS. I
j. vuimiiui, .cu.uu, i
.WANTED, active, educated men In central
western states; tlxed weekly salary or
definite time guaranty; give age, experi
ence, references. Doda, Mead & Co., Chi
cago, ts M171 x
WANTED Fifty men at once for factory
work. Liberal wages. American Beet
bugar Co., Norfolk, Neb. 13 17727
WANTED, at once, six mattress makers.
Apply Western Mattress Co., Lincoln,
-V. .. 1 1 u XI 1 -. VI. I
BTRAIQHT salary paid live salesmen, also
governors; separate jous; rename nouses.
Write Trlumpu Co., Dallus, Tex. .
B-M187 30
riRST-CLASS carriage trimmer and a car-
riage blacc.mlth helper. A. J.
it bon, 14UU Dodge.
li 1 1' J I
YOUNG man to work around college for
tuition, any department. An opportunity.
Inquire Nebraska Business College, Boyd
'ineater. u m
, WANTED, young men to learn barber
trade: all advantages until competent,
without limit to time; steady practice;
expert Instructions; splenula facilities;
established in hundreds of graduates
to recommend our system; call or write.
Moler Barber College, 13UU Douglas st.
B-M21U 30
WANTED You to write us If you -have
kidney troubles, and we will let you know
all about our remedies, and It costs you
nothing until cured; absolute cure or wo
' forfeit tl'JO. Hill Medical Co., Omaha,
XMeD. U MJ) 31
WANTED, reliable person each district to
manage business for old house; salary
lis weekly; expenses advanced; permanent
'position; inclotte self-addressed envelope.
Manager, Caxtou bldg., Chicago.
iiMJU 26
WANTED, first-class coat, vest and pants
makers; steady work; good prices. Mac
Carlhy Tailoring Co., 112 Farnam.
B 227
3 WEEKLY and all expenses for men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Pursons, Kan.
B-300 26
SALESMAN wanted. Intelligent, industrious
man. to sell to doctors only; state road
experience. P. O. Box 858, Philadelphia,
MECHANICS qualified for advancement,
uur free booklet. "Are Your Hands Tied?"
tell how thousands have doubled or large
ly increaaed their earning capacity
throuxh our spare time Instruction bv
mall. Write to the International Cor
respondence Schools, Box lbbS, Scranton,
Pa., or call day or evening, Omaha office,
637 Paxton block. B 31226
WANTED, salesmen in sll unoccupied ter- I
rilory; w per monm eaey, or better still
on commission. If preferred. Bpauldlnz
Nursery and Orchard Co., Bpauldlng
appointments to be made; examinations
In every state; circular 151, giving full
particulars as to positions, salaries, etc.,
sent free. Address National Corres. Insti
tute, Washington, v. c. li
MEN wanted who wear trusses; a great
chance. Truss free; no time lost from
W!Eroo?rMain.AleX 6pelr8' i,oxtt44 WANTED, an AI first-class salesman, thor
westpfook. Maine. B- oughly familiar with Iron, steel and heavy
CIVIL service government positions; about
lO.OoO appointments made last year; only
common school education required for ex
amination; salaries lurge, work easy;
catalogues of Information free. Colum-
V., . n r,..rr-t.n,lurtA I'll ... . ,
ton. D. C. b
175.00 PER MONTH and traveling expenses
tracts; experience unnecessary. Puritv
paid saicamen on Daaiug powder and ex-
-i. I - - -.
GENTLEMEN wanted who can Invest t3;
It will brlliK you an Income nf f.0 um,UIm
for Ufa; eure thing; no canvassing; It s
no inn .specuiauon or lake acheme; ln-
vesngate it; sena for full particulars,
llutlou V Co., Dept O, Philadelphia, Pa.
B itiO 26
zuunu man, travel; loo month and ex-
peuses: experience unnecessary. Enclose
elf -addressed envelope. Manager Per-
auia, iuaiiuaiiaa ciag., cdicuko.
TEN men In each atate to travel, tack
signs and distribute samples and circu
lars of our goods; salary, t per mouth;
WorlU. Chicago. " ' B 266-6
W A NTED Man to take charge of office WANTED, a good girl foi general house
here In Omaha. Address, with reference. orK; 10 washing, ll.U per week. 1614
at once, Alfred Morris, Wholesaler, Clu-I n j4ln gt C )1
clnnatl. Ohio,
B 368 2t
ihij wiiia jiiiu vApvrieiicn in m-icnine
shop; give referencea. Address M. Bes
office. Council Bluffs. B-35S 2S
WANTED, flrst-class barber at once: good
waaes and steady lob. Hartford & Kuhu
ley, Norfolk, Neb. B 311 it,'
COAT MAKER wanted st once. II. T.
Gardiner, Falls City. Neb. Box 35.
B 840 tT
WANTED, young man with experience in
Shipping department of wholesale house,
Implemente lSelerred. Wlile ith rtl
oeg U N i Bee, &-Hi 2e
WANTED, men everywhere, (food pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
MgnK, etc. No canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau. Chicago. B li'Ji 26
WANTF.P. live men capable of selling sup
plies and furniture to school boards: lib
eral proposition. T'nlon School Furnish
ing Co., Chicago, 111. B 297 8H
GENTLEMEN or boys, copy letter at
home, nothing to buy, 112 per thousand,
paid weekly. Send addressed envelope
for copy and Instructions. L'nlted Pen
Co., 87 Nassau St., New Tork. B 303 26
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tnck
algna, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing, good pay. Bun Advertising
Bureau. Chicago. B-301 26
ACTIVK pernors wanted to open office) and
mall circular, xon nannie me money.
Answer quickly. Wageneeller, Middle
burg. Pa, B-218 26
WANTED. Traveler over 23 for Nebraska;
salary ITS monthly to start, also all ex
penses; permanent position If aatlsfactory ;
good route. Address Manager Travelers,
3s5 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111.
B 245 26
PLAIN writers, home employment; copy
Ins small blanks; rate $25 per 1,000; two
stamps for partlcultirs. Occidental Com
mercial Agency, Dept. 28, Chicago.
a ,
242 26
MEN wanted who wear trusses; a great
chance; truss free, no time lost from
present work. Alex Spelrs, Box 644,
w'estbrook, Maine. B
WANTED, first-class linotype machinist.
Address N 7, Bee. li an ze
DETECTIVES Every locality, good salary,
experience unnecessary. International De-
tectlve Agency, Milwaukee, Wis.
B 276 26
WANTED Wide-awake man to represent
reliable house in portion of Nebraska; fair
salary; holiday goods; permanent if aatls
factory. State age, references. Address,
Manager Wlmmer, 358 Dearborn, Chicago.
B 274 26 .nA anmnia distributers wanted
everywhere. Good pay.
Adv. Co., New York.
$30 PER THOUSAND for letters copied
with pen and ink or typewritten and re
turn to us. Enclose stamp. Instructions,
etc., address X-Ray Co., Toledo. O.
B 355 26
WANTED, musicians for show; long sea
son, special car, sure money; want espe
cially tenor drummer, string bass and
.violin to double brass; can use band
and orchestra leader; tell everything and
Ive salary wanted. Box wi, J.incoin,
B 3S8 26
WANTED, for Iowa and Nebraska, a sales
man on commission for a popular-priced
line of trousers; one, with established
trade preferred. Address, with reference
snd terms, M 53, Bee. -108
EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type
writers. Monroe & Co., Sll N. 16th St.,
Omana. -493
WANTED, an experienced salesman to
carry complete line of glove samples from
factory to retail trade In Iowa. No one
without established trade In the territory
peed apply. Addree. with references and
full information, ftiason, (.smpocu re vo..
jonnstown, in. x. '
SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps,
te . tn dealers: ill) monthly and ex
penses. Plumer Terfumery & Mfg. Co.,
Ht. louis, iuO.
WANTED Agents to make loU of money
se Una: HlKn Art focaei Mirrors, iweiv.
reprouuciiona irom laiiiuuo f iciih lin.iiv-ineii-
Novel and attractive: fast sellers.
Assortment of 12, postpaid, 60c. Cheaper
In quantities, fct. Louis liuuon uo., ou
Louis, MO. ' Sll e-
SALESMEN wanted; two experienced
traveling grocery salesmen; izo per m"nm
and expenses. Well known house. Ref
erences. Personal Interview If satis
factory. M 65, Bee. 323 2tf
BAT.r.SMAN wanted: first-class salesman
i rtr rnhhr rinthinff. macKinioanea ana
. . - - . .
rubber footwear. Only experienced men
nnri with Rtahllshed trade on these lines
need apply. Address, Tha Duck Brand
Company, Chicago. -
wAP;J'rffl: JJL elfwrtSSS? ull?
BWW ' ...
WANTED, salesmen; ISO monthly and ex
penses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co.,
Kocnester, s. x.
SALESMEN, automatic) copying book, new,
needed bv every business man: bonansa
far agents. Persniug Mfg. CO., boutn
Bend, ind.
WANTED, an experienced salesman for the
state of Nebraska; none but those with
an established trafle need apply. Address
Bcnwab Clothing to., Bt. iuis, mo.
M 230 Z8
SALESMEN for staple and attractive line
for dry goods and general indue, dealers.
JUox HU, t. Louis, mo. n zt
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions, with
advance of woo monthly; permanent posi
tlon to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., De
trolt, Mich. Zi 26
SALESMEN wanted to sell a rapid selling
side line to vehicle and Implement dealers
and blacksmiths. Dallas City Mfg. 4
Jobbing Co., Dallas City, 111. 278-,26
LIVE energetic men for selling attractive
line to all classes of retail dealers. Strong
special inducements; unique advertising.
High grade standard goods. Experience
not essential. Entire time required. Ref
erences. Box Detroit, Mich.
264 26
WANTED Traveling salesmen covering
this state thoroughly to sell aa a side line
advertised corset specialties; good sellers
and liberal commission; 5 samples; refer
ences required. Sahlin Corset Co., 43-47
Fulton St.. Chicago, 111. 27226
GENERAL agents wanted. We have the
greatest seller or the twentieth century.
You can make from 10 to I JO per day act
ing as general agent of our legitimate. In
corporated company. Ordinary agents
working for general agent can make from
S3 to to per day. We give exclusive terri
tory (without coat) to progressive, up-to-date
business men. References necessary
when making applications. Address, A
N. Co., Si Broadway, New York City.
WANTED, traveling salesman for Ne
braska. High-priced men looking for bay.
Ing and permanent position, iuveetlgate.
Box 608, Bt. Louis,
362 26
WANTED, at once, experienced traveling
Salesman for Nebraska. We want a sales
man; no novice need apply. Box 614, Chi
cago. 6W itr
hardware; only men who have a good
record and can get a paying business from
the start need answer; liberal arrange
ment made with the right man; others
we don't want: state with what houses
previously employed; what territory cov
ered; annual sales; salary required, and
ir at liberty to take position at once. Ad
dress M 60, Bee.
1 WANTED, a hust'er to sell our line of .n.l,.l,... n t A CI--
holiday specialties to the trade. Salary
ami expenses ior excusive time. com.
mission for side line. Address N 2, Bee.
&IS 2t
100 Girls. Call Canadian offlcl. 15th & Dodga.
I WANTED, good wages to a good cook;
nona ether need apply. 2324 Harney.
GIRL for gtneral housework. 2u3 Pierce
lI'lk'TPn . r 1. I In I.-.H..
" AJa"" J "C-
WANTED, girl for second work. Mrs. T
j. Rogars. 11J0 Park Ave. C
N ANTED, experienced girl for general
housework, three In family. 123 North
Thlrt)-nril avenue. o ltl
WANTED, an ambitious woman over H as
demonstrator for several months; per
niar.ent poaltlou for tha right one; refer
tiuei required. Aaaress M si, Bee.
C-M1&J M
WANTED A girl lor second work. Kit
arnam su w ani
WANTED, air! for reneral housework:
good ware. Mrs. El mere I, f;$ N. 2Mh
Ave. c 113
WANTED, girl for reneral houaework. Ml
per week. 143 N. 21st av,. c M190 28
EXPERIENCED girl for Reneral house-
worn, I in lamiiy. jots, ueorge H. j-aKe,
i-ui uoaie, c mini zt
WANTED, competent girl for general
rousework In family or two; good wage,
2304 California street. C 228
WANTED, girt for general housework. Ap
ply 572 S. iMh Bt. C-229 26
WANTED, woman to do family washing at
her home near 27th and Leavenworth. Ad- I
oresa is 3, ee. C zu I
I.ADIE8 or gentlemen, ropy letters for ut
at nome; im per tnousami aavancea
weekly; send addressed envelope for copy
and instructions.
United Pen Co.. 87 1
Nassau St., N. Y.
C 310 26
WANTED, a girl for general housework la
small family. S14 8. 33d. C 318 26
LADTFR or rlrl. ennv fnttera at home!
nothing to buy; in per thousand; pan
weekly; send addressed envelope for copy
and particulars. United Pen Co.. 87 Nas
sau Bt.. New rork. c kw w
LEARN proofreading; situations secured;
sis to vj weekly. Home correspondence
Bcnooi, rnuadeipnia. IN
ACTIVE lady to work at home; $36 paid
A 1 ' .. ' t .. i . i
tory; state religion. Manager Engwall,
jjeKemae uunuing. cnicago. c u zb-
tATlIFft eon Inttm-a at home- IiO Mr 1000- I
"ri01.,""0"-' r.L.?2'
send stamped envelope for application.
Leslie Novelty Co., Dept. Z7, Chicago.
C 247 26
LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows;
materials lurmsnea; steady worg guaran- i
teed; experience unneceaeary; send
stamped envelope to Miss McGee, Needle
work Dept., meal co., cnicago.
C 146 26
WANTED, girl for general housework; good
place and good wages. Mrs. is. r itowe.
ibis b. xein Bt. c anno er
WANTED, girl for general housework:
four In family. Mrs. L R. Llghtnn, 4S21
Capitol Ave. c i w
WANTFy W"l".ff,1.?5H5I?
branch offices and parlors to take charge
unuirii iimutrn kiiii uki iiira 1 1 i m r rri.r.H i
of li. & H. pneumatic Bust Form.
Nature's only rival. Demand enormous:
no competition: sells on sight. Henderson.
tk Henderson, 116 Delaware Ave., Buffalo,
IM. X. C 26'
we rurnisn an materials ana pay irom. i
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal co., ai Monroe Bt., cnicago.
C-365 26
. .T.?""1?6".10?
orlces oaJd: no canvasslnc. Send stamped
envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Bldg.,
Chicago. - c 36t lib"
$20 PER THOUSAND for le cqple4
with pen and Ink or typewritten and re
turning to us. Enclose stamp. Instruc
tions, etc. Address X-Ray Co., Toledo, O.
c joo w
116 WEEKLY paid ladles to work at home;
everything lurnisnea; enclose stamped en
velope. D. 99. Ladles' Ind. Co., 167 Wa
bash,, cnicago. c
WANTED Young girl for office work; age
16. Apply at once. J. w. Floolc Zd floor.
Bennett s. c too 36
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnara,
fl PER WEEK 422 So. 1Mb. St., one block
aouin oi couri nouse. rsvi
AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge
TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished
rooms, xwt uavenpori. tnvsi
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th at Chicago
E tU
NICELY furnished room, single or en-
?u,k L..m Midland Hotel.
K 828
tviM amv wiaiwi
HANDSOME steadheated room. 10 Capi
tol Ave. E MW6
nlshea rroni room, witn aicove, steam I
heat. gas. bath, telephone, central, rea
sonable. 1623 Douglas. e am
220 N. 17TH 81.. neat steamheated rooms.
E M387 N6
WELL furnished, steamheated rooms,
single or ensuite, witn or witnout noaro.
Midland notei, 10m ana cnicago bis.
E M440 NS
8TEAMHEATED rooms, 110 per month.
Barker noiei, uin ana jones bis.
THREE rooms, light housekeeping, Hit 8o.
11th Bt- Hr-AliM
EAST FTtONT room, near park, electric
light, closet, neau isi. a-uci.
E 102 26
FRONT ROOM; modern; 13 per week. 1717
Webster. tnvu.n-a
FOR RENT Room In private family for
refined gentleman, ua a. ivtn bi.
E 198 23
FOR RENT, to gentleman or married
couple, large south front room or suite of
rooms; newiy lurnisnea raouern. includ
ing telephone. 2?46 Douglas St. e Mill
ELEGANT furnished-rooms in new homej
hot water heat; references. 1616 Webster.
E MiDO IN -1
NICELY furnished front room, near depot
and wholesale ainnci. riat a, iiu d.
11th Bt. e-si a
LARGE front room, elegantly furnished,
centrally located; gentleman preferred,
1623 Douglas Bt. fi-wi zo-
MI.1TT V .im.IIi mnrmm t a rr a
rates reaaonabie. aiiaiana notei. jbtn ana
Chicago. E 851
FURNISHED room, modern detached
nouse: steam neat. via arnam be.
E M33 18
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new
modern heme; hot water heat; references.
1616 Webster. e miui mi
MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel SS
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board, rates reasonable. Midland Hotel,
16th and Chicago. F so
rLEASANT ROOM; modern conveniences;
centrally located; gentlemen preierreo.
2024 California. r-Mi:i ti-
NEATLY furnished, well heated room. Su$
S. 20th. at st
BACK parlor, suitable for two gentlemen,
choice tocaiion: reiereuccs exenanaea.
Address N 10. Bee. F M336 31-
DESIRABLE modern rooms, in private
family, to gentlemen aes:ring nrat-ciasi
accommodations, leiepnone xt-zou.
F-37S !8
Two floors 1611 and 1613 Howard St., 24
rooms, all in nrst-oiass repair, tour oatn-
rooms. new up-to-date plumbing through-
Out DUlluina BUliauiw iur iiumi ur
looming house. Kent. i-o per montn.
2523 Capitol Ave., s-room house, modern
and ln good conaition, large yarn, ji.jwi
Ttr manth.
8. E. corner 18th and Pacific 8ts., (-room
cottage, city water, ii
2017 North 24th St.. 6 rooms, city water, $10.
Three storerooms on Howard St. near 16th
St., with large ngni Basements; nave oeen
put In nrai-ciasa repair.
1611 Howard St., $tJ per month.
lflS Howard St., $60 per month,
ifiis Hom-ard St.. 14a per month.
1433 South 16th St., good repair. $10 per
1-4J3 26
U. 8. National Bank Building.
1-177 M
FOR RENT, store. In flrst-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply n. w. i-eiers aa
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at i r arnam Bt. u
has four stories and a basement which
was formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. It
Interested apply at once to c. c Kose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
x ati
DESK room, cheap. 207 Brown blk.
fnEIOHTON hall and Schllts Roof garden
or bng banquet, card parties, smokers,
meetings, conventions, etc. Both halts
are the largest In the city, have large
dressing rooms and boxes for cloaks, hats
and coals; win rent reasonaDiy. Appiy
to Wm. R. Morand, Maoager Crelghton
nen. rnono u ni-
We want a first-class man In each county
to sell our Standard Stock Food to farm
ers. He must have a good team, good
business ability, some knowledge of live
stock, be tn good standing In every way
and a steady worker. A pennanent, good
paying business to the right man. Ad
dress, giving age, experience, present
business, etc.
Neb. J 715 NU
L000 AGENTS WANTED to Sell desirable
old-Una insurance for the lamest com-
old-Une Insurance for the largest com'
pany in the world or Its age; no special
contract fakirs or leg cullers need apply
We sell the best contract ever written;
good territory and commissions given to
Sood, reliable men. Call on or write to
eorge J. Crane, Superintendent Western
Department, 21 First Nat'L Bank bldg.,
Omaha, NeD. J ALU um
W ANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit suoscripuons to irita
Steady employment, with assured good In
come. Agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily w to siw per monm. Aa
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building, omaha. xia
AT LAST Oaslleht burner, makes any
- . - . .
lamp a gas lamp; costs 1 cent a aay: no
oil, chimneys, wicks; stamped envelope
for email sample. Eastern Gas Co., Ful
ton bldg., W. X. J
AGENTS WANTED A lady or young man
to take orders In their home town for our
line of shirt walstlngs, suitings and skirt
ings; an elegant line; low prices: big pay
to the right party. Address, Shirt Waist
Dept.. Buckley Shirt Co., 2623 Olive Street,
AGENTS, don't work for others: learn a
profession In ten days thai . w l pay w
to 126 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmcr. No-
vaoa, jao. J
I Anrvra --l l xd 1 u.n.l- mt,M. hi
responsible parties. U s A. tjcnarn, tst.
AGENTS, automatlo washers, sell them
selves; one agent writes, i.xniDiiea
sample to ten women: took ten orders;"
time required, 45 minutes; profit, over 150;
fuaranteed to do washing in 30 minutes;
urnlshes Its own power; requires
neither labor nor attentwn: costs less
than any other machine: free sample and
exclusive territory furnished; JoO week
guaranteed; thousands ot testimonials.
Automatlo Washer Co., Station U,
cnicago. j
BIG money made tn mall order business.
uur man lor startina oe sinners is re
markably successful. Write for It. Bend
stamp. Central supply Co., Kansas city,
Mo. J
AGENTS, with Hayes Metalllo Rubber
Tires for rocking cnairs, make nw per
month. J. C. Hayes, 14 East ixicust ut.,
Des Moines, la. j a w
AGENTS Start In mall order business,
Business or the future made easy, we
furnish plans and goods, start you at
home and share profits. Particulars free.
Hall Supply Co., Dept. 12, 225 Dearborn
ol" n"-
OUTFIT free. tm given; cut-price Xmas
Uirtt VIVUIV BITVIIi V W V-l H- a.rna
books; 60o book, 12Hc; Jl book, 25c; $1.60
book, eoo. f erguson, ibid irtn street,
Cincinnati. j zoy vnr
n,K- iuu. Kni.i nn nmnatitinn.
exclusive territory. Wm. I. Elsby, Mack
mock, Milwaukee, wis. jjvt it-
AGENTS wanted for the Locke Adjustable
Table: ror "everybody, everywhere.
Universally attachable and adjustable.
for thousands of practical uses. Write
at once for agents1 terms. C. E. Locke
Mfg. Co., 60 Elm St., Kensett, la.
J flOO 20-
AGENTS can make 12,000 to $4,000 the next
three months handling a newly patented
article; absolute necessity in every nouse
hold and business: demand enormous, ex
perlence not necessary; exclusive territory
given. Mousenom rxoveuy co., manuraci
urers, 1512 Broadway, New York.
AGENTS can make big money handling
the Home Bteam laundry: lust out; neces
stty in every nousenoia; practical steam
wasner lor nome use; aemsna unlimited.
Cost within reach of all. Winters Ma
chine CM., Chicago, 111. J 304 26
AGENTS to canvass staple article every
where witn quicK seller; large pronts and
permanent worn in exclusive territory,
t't Aul,,lf " At Marlnn St Maw Vnrlc
J-303 26
I COAL trust killed! Marvelous discovery
wonderful new fuel (patent Dendlnrl
nine-tenths oront: asents mak'lnsr for.
tunes; full Information and territory free,
uraniey t-o., in A.enton, Cincinnati, u.
J-288 26
I BTART mall order business at your home
we tell how, furnish everything required
credit given: profits Immense: partlcu
lsrs free. Chicago Specialty Co., 1.14 Van
Uur en Bt., Chicago, 111. J 367 26
AGENTS wanted to sell new goods lus
reaoy tor marxei; gooa sellers; large
fronts; sample outnt mailed tor si. re
alls for $4. Swlnburn & Co., Kewanee,
111. rf JHKi t6
settettes, girdles, shirt waist forms, bus.
ties, skirts, safety belts, shirt waist ma
terlals. Address J. E. Wood : Co., Syra
cuse. N. x. J 363 26
WANTED. agents to sail Cascade gold and
copper mining; stock, uood commission.
Address E. J. Worst, Ashland, O.
J-358 Z6
AGENTS, write now for free sample of
work and terms; Star harness mender:
best 26c seller out; we make other quick
selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
CELL bitters as side line on commission.
2558 Cuming. J 373 26-
WANTED, manager In every city, county,
to nanaie Dest paying Business gnown;
legitimate; new: exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co.. 15 W. zSth SC. N. Y. J S43 26
TRAVELING salesman to handle standard
hign graae caoies enoe uressing as sine
line: shoe, drug and grocery trade. D.
F. Farquhareon, Sua Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. J 402 26-
TWO or three pleasant rooms for light
housekeeping; use ot Dam; no cntiaren.
Address M 45, Bee. K 116
WANTED, to rent, farm ln eastern Ne
braaka or western Iowa. McAslan. Brtggs,
Neb. K-M147 2lr
I WANTED Boom and board for married
lady and baby. Husband traveling man.
Prefer private family. Must be nice place.
W ill pay $30 per month. Address. M 66,
Bee. K.-209-26
A FIRST-CLAbS tensnt wishes to rent an
eight or nine-room house; same must be
flrst-class In every way and strictly mod
ern. Tenant will pay big rent for the
right kind of a house and will take a
three years' lease and pay each year's
rent In advance. Address, M 63, Bee.
WANTED, fine parlor, unfurnished. In or
near business center. AQurtui n a. itee.
K-3J9 2b
WANTED, unfumlahed suite of rooms by
grutleraun absent from city two-nurd of
the time: must be modern In every way;
private family preferred. Address N 1,
Bee Office K-2S4 26
CHICAGO Furniture Co , 1410 Dodge. Tel.
New and econdnana, eougnc. pom,
exchanged- O-VU
WANTED, to buy stocks of general mer
chandise lor cann: write or teiegrapn. v..
R. Woodruff. Bt. Joseph, Mo. N
MAN with capital and experience as man
ager of finances ana credits in urns
business wants to buy an established busi
ness or an active Interest In Jobbing house
by January 1. Address , tsee.
SECONDHAND hand fire enplne wanted at
once. c. xmrto. N,
WANTED To buy stock of general mer
chandise for cash. Address r. iruennn,
South Omaha, Neb. N-3.8 2b'
SMALL printing outfit; chase 6x9 or larger.
Address N 11. Cms ha Bee. N 37t 21
HARRY FROST ralnts and repairs wagons.
Bee him. lttn ana ueavenworta. iei. i".
P 934
BKirn I.ATH fnr nnlrlr ahlnment. crib-
bin., combination ladders. 1 Douglas.
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical instrument, up. -o
Wlttmaun Co., 16-1 Farnam. Q 8i6
EDISON phonographs, 110, . and 830;
muuiucu u., v.v ... -"---
si.,.1. f lh mH rhli-um Sla. I
A-J . V V.' WW., v.w
NEW and secondhand typewriters. 111J
Farnam. vi '
. r.n -.n. -t TCf ..lalftDIt, fr. Rll.r.
man ft Mcconneii uvutt v., " "u
Dodge, Omaha. W
2D HAND uxfe cheap. Derlght. Ill Farnam.
INDIAN goods and relics. 1118 Farnam.
FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican
iiairiisa aogs. Auorsss iv. B, uee.
OFFICE partition, glass pane. Phone 2161.
U-MUI il
OOOD antique oak wardrobe for sale
cneap. inquire zim Maple. W 4i6
CHOICE milch cows, 6 Shetland ponlei. S
i. camppeii, liia center, pnone Biacg
xua 4 isi
FOR SALE. 4 Cocker Spaniel puppies. 2216
bo. iiouievara. y m.k Zt
uutj t kmii b - . . k.-..ii
WELL built 8-r.. on fine lot and beautiful
location. Inquire 14U Vinton. 4223 N24
WALL man of Nebraska: all about crops.
prices ot inna, etc., oy counties. Chris
tian's Land Agency, York, Neb., only 4
cents. y
FRESH Jersey cow at 2814 N. 25th St.
Q 236 26
TALKING parrot. 1026 8. 22d Bt.
i M2M ZS
FOR BALE 196-lb., 8-year-old, thorough
bred St. Bernard dog, smooth-coated. 1314 I
orea bi. cerniiro aog, Bmootn-coatea. u:
So. 2th Ave. Q 346 26
FOR SALE, almost new furniture of small
nat, separately or together. Inquire 116
a. aotn bi. ij M33Z 27
Mme. Gylmer
Omaha's Favorite Palmist.
If you desire a "life reading" don't fall to
consult mis eminent palmist, xour past.
ETwnw1,,!;.!!? I?ntSdiP'g? SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per
. her' ud.Kmcnt ln a affairs of D lftnentlv removed by electricity: consul.
life Is pre-eminently above the ordinary
"life reader." She can advise you ln a
way that you will positively derive
penent. i-sriors sis bo. id in, in uranlte
block, Zd noor. Take elevator, o TO3 26
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1611 Cass SI
MME GYLMER, genuine palmiat, Sli B. 15.
s 46
TOUR FORTUNE TOLD from cradle to
arrave. What I tell you cornea true. Send
dime and blrthdate. Prof. J. Myers,
Tlrawer 704. f'hlrftiio. atil 26
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2.
X U5 N6'
Krmrtn ami's vinnr hatha ill m i;th i
MME. AMES, vapor baths, MNh. 7.
GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky.. 720 S. 13th.
iiVi IM16'
DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu
ous hair removea oy electricity, tc u.
Frenser block. U S81
VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Home
treatment, cooaiei iree. a oee aiag..
Omaha. u-mi
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
and retail. Conine piano co., isn Douglas.
U 4S
PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before
and during connnement. ur. ana Airs.
Gerlsch, 403 N. 15th St., Omaha. U M
t5o RUPTURE CURED FOR $30 No knife.
no pain, no detention from business. Send
. ...... r j i t l r. t, r ii. 1 1,,,,
for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RyPTURE
CURE CO.. 933 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
UK. JAL.NOUl, rAKlXAm 31.
u euo
OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1515 Howard, tha
fashionable cleaners or laaies and gentle-
men's dresses and suits, lace curtains,
draperies. u M136 N2
TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers.
U 949
nunc cure mr rmuivg jcrapira non anai
ail aisorueiB vi hid icei; Biamp xor par
ticulars. A. Mayer, 618 Bee Bldg.. Omaha.
u ja ms
LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mas
sage, bcnooi oi nygiene, bis Bee Bldx.
U-M457 N9
ELITE PARLORS. 616 8. 16th St.. 2d floor.
U M777 N15
MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor. R. t
u lutio ir-
PRIVATE hospital before and durlntr con
finement; babies boarded and adopted.
Mrs. uardeis. zat Lake. Tel. red lu4.
U 916
PRIVATE nospttai ror tames nerore and
durlna- connnement: nest memcal atten.
tlon: babies adopted. 1107 N. 19th st. Mrs,
U M162 N23
WANTED If you have syphilis write to
us and we will let you know all about
our remedy; It Is an absolute cure and
costs you nothing until cured: svphllls
snd sll blond diseases cured with 35 doses
or we forfeit $100. Hill Medical Co.,
Omaha, iseD. c Mzig 31
PROJECTING the Astral. How to control
others at any aistance. illustrated in
structions, postpaid for $1. 8. H. Harris,
Z14 Ohio Bt., nicago. u job zt-
IT COSTS more to !o business In a palace
than In a cottage, being located on the
second floor, our rent Is only one-tenth of
some of the palatial stores: we Rive tho
customer the benefit of this saving; $8 00
end hats we il at 13 '. and U 'Jo.
" Pennell. the 2-floor Milliner, 1514 Douelas
Bt.. over the Binder Mtg. co. c
No coughs If you tske Howell's Antl-Kawf.
L, m zi-
niinT UtVtLUr-bK.
Latest French
develops your bust
antnnle 25c. B. T
a RKTIRED merchant, very wealthy.
never married, wants a plain and sensible
home-loving wile. Aaureas, xur. i ninn,
Gay Bldg.. Bt. Louis. c 2s zt-
v attractive vounsr widow, no rela
tlona. worth $79,000, wants Immediately a
reliable, honest nusoanu. capauie oi man-
aging same UnUa sincere, please do not
answer. 'Address. Verona, &4 N. Third
Bt . Vc Louis. Mo. U-263-Z6
oi.. pu iMvim.
ACCIDENT damage caaes. eatates settled,
flra and Ufa Insurance, clalma collected.
divorce, contract and corporation suits,
etc; best attorneya, prompt action, faith
ful service: consultation free; everything
strictly oonnaentiai; no marge uniesa auc
ceaaful. Addreaa Legal Aid Society. P. O.
UU. .VI. v.w -
discovery; will positively BARGAIN Half interest In a well es ab-
6 to 8 inches: price, tl ; DBnea aosiraci oumi ch luwc..,
f C0. 422 TOWNSEND I Iowa; good opportunity for a young man;
These machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are In good condition and
are very cheap.
One Domestic machine
15 00
Two BlnBt ,quRr, ,atet hed
Singer, high arm..
Singer, Tailoring
Singer ,
One Howe
One St. John
.... 1200
.... 100
.... 8 50
.... too
.... 10.00
10 00
.... 10.00
One White
New Home
Household ,.
Modern Drop Head Machines, slightly used.
of any make, very cheap. These are such
machines as the usual agents will sell you
for new. We rent machines for 75c a
week, or K.OO per month, and repair and
sell parts for any machine manufactured.
g TO-S 1 0. CyC.e Co.,
'Phone 1663, Corner Fifteenth and Harney.
.phone B.61Si m Broadway, Council Bluffs.
'Phone 4365. 613 N. 24th St.. South Omaha.
U iWS -i
A LADY of means deelres correspondence
witn gentleman wttn view or marringe.
Box 616, Atlanta, Ga. U 313 26
Headquarters for Edison
Phonographs and Victor talk
ing machines and records.
15th and Harney Sts., OMAHA.
U 237 2
SINGERS prepared for professional ca
reers, lownsend M. Fellows, vocal In
structor and proprietor largest choir ex
change in America. Carneale Hall. New
York. IT-
w incnes at nome. with Dr. conway s Bust
M B moms, at inning cost iltmo for a case
we cannot: those develoued In oast 12
years prove tis permanent, eeaieo racts.
4c, stamps. CON W AY SPECIFIC CO., 15
Temple Place, Boston, Mass. U1G1 26
I WAS saved from consumption after mv
haA h--n r,mn.i,ll,i.
case had been pronounced Incurable and
hopeless by eminent physicians. If you
are suffering from this dread disease and
will write me I will gladly tell you how
it was done at home. My sole object Is
to be of some benefit to humanity. Rev.
Melvln L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ,
ill stone su, uiosonourg, u. u z&s 26
SISTERS I will tell you without cost how
I was curea at home without drugs. Ia:ng
In my sides, dyspepsia, nervousness and
eleepiessness. Miss xena W. inland.
Winston, u. u ai w
WEALTHY, refined, kind-hearted gentle
man, witn beautiful nome, being lonely,
seeks wife to love and cherish. Address,
"Banker," 62 Koken Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
CI Zi4 ii6
INDEPENDENTLY wealthy lady, charm.
ing personality, sweet disposition, being
lonely, desires husband worthy of her
love and trust. Address, "Gladys, " 917
iionana mag., st. lxiuis, mo. u 2o3 Z6"
MARRY Many worth $100 to $100,000; best
service; best results; beet reference;
paper, ioc, eeaica. it. cove, Denver,
COIO. U -!
tatlon free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 Douglas.
u man z"
ADVERTISER, self-made man. H. natur
any refined, accumulated iouo.uuo, longs
for happiness ln marriage. Curtis, care
Adv. Ofllce, 1517 becond Ave., n. Y.
U 403 26
SAVE YOUR EYES Oet a beautiful gas
table lamp, complete S2.60 and up; mantles
inc to oc. At u iescner s, insi eapimi ave,
Tel. f14. ' U M382 1
TO GET ln or out of business call on Wil
liams, Room 411, McCague building.
WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange
gr Jjjor prop QulcJ.
FOR SALE, drug store, best and most
prominent corner in aa, metropolis oi
the if lack mils: ornosite two aepots.
bank, hotel and postofllce; established six
years; complete In every detail; full
prices: no old stock; daily cash receipts
Kso. Address M. 61, Bee. x aiiw zo
UNDERTAKING business for sale In good
city; well established; fl.zoo. wiuiami
411 McCague Building. Y-328 26
HOTEL furniture, 20 rooms, good country
town, good business; IiUO. J. 11. Johnson,
N. X. Lite. l-Jii
WANT to buy, sell or trade a business?
Go see W ilson, warnes & co., lit to ii
Paxton Block. x
WANTED Twenty men. with $60 to $500
each to put into a gut-eagea investment.
M 62, Bee. I Mix a ir
for SALE, confectionery and bakery: good
location. For further Information address
Box $77. West Point. Neb. Y M166 28"
,aie ,ood towns, $2,000 up to $7,500. See
i ma aoout tnem. wiiiiams, iii aicuague
Building. x Ml Zb'
for SALE Flrst-class. good paying sa
icon. Address S, Bee ofllce, Council
I Bluffs. x M1B6 30
I ment will secure copper mine which has
I produced $60,000. Write for plan. Box
1075, Aspen, LOIO. X ra ZO"
I CAPITAL secured to promote Industrial.
I electrical, manufacturing ana mining en
terprises. Willis Todd, 626 N. Y. Life
Bldg.. Omsha. T 318 26
RESTAURANTS In Omaha for sale; some
food ones; prices .tj, ,w ana up,
ee Williams, Room 411 McCague Build.
Ing. x iu-
ENERGETIC MAN with $1,000 to $5,000 cash
I capital can secure permanent situation
with old eaiaDiisnen munuiaciunng con
cern aa branch office manager: salary
$1,200 snd extra commissions; Investment
amply secured; references exenangea; aa.
dress "Superintendent," Box 623, Spring'
MaI, nh n i
I miifn Tnim money earn monet
I gafe investment, weekly dividends, sums
nf 1J0 uo received: your money always at
vnur command and all money to your
credit can be withdrawn on demand. We
have earned and paid between 6 and $
per cent each and every week. This is
no gamonng. out a irsmiuitio uubiiicbs
fropositlon; bet of references throughout
ha l'nlted States. Write for our booklet,
free. Address H. Brolaskl ft Co., Suite
403, 336 Dearborn Bt., Chicago, in. X
AN ENERGETIC man with good business
qualifications can secure managerial po
sition Wlin IB.TUI1BIII VUlfULIIUII, i;.fl
tallied for $100,000; must come well recotn
mended and be able to take stock ln com
fany during term of engagement, from
I 5o0 to 13.000. same to be taken up at ex
piration of agreement. This company Is
composed of the representative business
men of Milwaukee; ealary, $1.8oo. and
liberal commission. Address Jonn Budge,
secretary. Wens ttiag., Milwaukee, vya.
LIVERY 6TOCK8 for sale In Omaha and
country towns, ouw wn.i you wuu
Williams, 411 McCague Building.
FOR SALE, leading millinery stock and
Duameea at rremuni,, .mn
-, I' fi.ii fliiures at S5u0: terma. ona-hal
cash and balance can be arranged. Ad
drea M, box 1, remont, eu. i miw i
LIVERY business In good Colorado mining
camp, doing an excellent business. Price.
only $3,&f0. which Includes real estate Im-
provtments. carriages, atock. etc.. all In
rtod condition. Cash or terms. A grea
snap. Write at on' e. for full particulars.
J. H. BrandeUury. Wl tt. c. umg., uen
ver, Colo. x
for BALE atock of ireneral merchandise,
Invoice il6.0u0.oo; good location. Addraas
C. M. Street, be Joseph, Mo. X
I : r. 7-
U 270 26' will sell cneap or iraoe ior noi in jjb."j
: Und. C. A. Doige, Devils Lako, North
10 EARNS $2 every 15 days; larger amount
in proportion; send lor circular. iationai
Fiscal Agency, 67 Brooks Bldg., New
York. Y-
!. J. ARNOLD A CO. of St. Louis, Mo.,
race horsa owners and bookmakers, In
vite the speculative public tn an Investi
gation of their methods. This Is sn old
and long established concern, amply re
sponsible and reliable In all Its dealings.
A rigid Inquiry Into their buslnesa will
develop a condition unattalned by any
other Investment proposition ever offered
for public participation. Subscription to
their capital may be made In amounts ef
$-'0 and upward, subject to withdrawal In
full on demand. Dividends paid In rash
fifty-two times every year. The best pav
ing safe Investment In the country. Refer
ences: Banks, trust companies, commer
clsl agencies, St. Louis business men snd
prominent men everywhere. For full psr
tlculara address, E. J. Arnold at Co , 9th
and Pine Sts., 6U Louis. Mo. V
FOR SALE OR TRADE A fall line Of
farm Implements and buggies doing a
good business In a lively town of $.000; a
food bargain. Address Lock Box 116$,
'lattsmouth. Neb. Y
BEND a 2-cent stamp for a warranty deed
on a lot, size ztixioo reet, close to a beau
tiful New York suburbi Land high and
dry. Title guaranteed. 20th Century
Realty Co., Wall St.. New York. Yr-
FOR SALE Half Interest useful patent.
Aaarew, o, nee. i l Z6-
FOR SALE, $6,000.00 cash will buy the best
paying mercnanam Dttsiness in south
western Iowa, doing $35,000.00 worth of
business snnually; no fake no trades.
Falling health cause for Belling. Don't
answer unless you mean business. Ad
dress M 62, Bee. Y 299 J6
ICE PLANT, suitable for large hotel or
lira i iiiuiri; gouu macnine. win sen at
sacrifice. Owner going out of business.
See Williams, 411 McCague Building.
Y-834 2ff
BUY December wheat and corn now; $100.09
investea in wneat or corn by our modern
safe methods should result ln large profits
within 80 days. Write for particulars and
send for our book, "Modern Methods for
Safe Investments.' Flower Co., Bank-,
era and Brokers, Trader's Bldg., opposite!
Board of Trade, Chicago. Y 2wi 26
INVESTORS If Interested In a positively
sare and profitable Investment proposition
which will earn from 8 to 4 per cent
weekly on your capital write for our
free booklet entitled ''When All Else Has
Failed." Dividends remitted regularly
every Tuesday. Your Investment abso
lutely safe and always at your disposal.
This Is no gambling scheme, but a legiti
mate business proposition of genuine
merit. Best references Th. M nann.TjkllMf.
Co., 606 Dickey Bldg., Chicago, III.
I i3 24
against rrauds, endless chain schemes,
bogus mining and oil companies. Irregular
bookmaking and turf propositions is easily
secured through reliable Information fur
nished by our reporting department. Our
reports protect; our law department en
forces speedy settlement of Just claims.
National Financial Reporting Ass'n., lw-24)
Fitxgerald Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
Y-286 26"
GREAT PROFITS-$25 and upward earned
mommy on every iioo invested; booklet
tells how; write for It. Legitimately,
sound enterprise; weekly dividends; money
can be withdrawn any time. Theo Stein
& Co., 60 Broadway, N. Y. Y 280 26
FOR SALE, Insurance, land and rental
uuBinma, paying si.ow to per year;
nice town, northeast Nebraska; good of
fice and residence. Address M 67, Bee.
A $20 INVESTMENT In grain or stocks by
yur miw upuon Leai met nod pave
larger profits dally than $250 in any other
way. Write for particulars. V. M. Tray
i?r..'. Co- Brokers, Open Board of Trade
Building, Chicago. Y 2S2 26
Produced under South Dakota laws for a
ew dollars. Write for corporation laws,
blsnks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law
rence, late assistant secretary of state,
Huron, Beadle county, South Dakota.
SMALL Investors make big profits. The
uunu j. nyaii o-operaiive investment
Co., an old established firm whose re
liability Is unquestioned, pays 6 per cent
weekly on Investments of $10 upward. The
skeptical don't see how this is possible,
but the wise reserve their decision until
they receive particulars and are aide to
Investigate for themselves. Paying of
dividends at rate of 6 per cent weekly I
no experiment, but a positive fact. Write
for particulars, which will be sent free.
John J. Ryan Co-Operative Investment
Co., N. E. Cor. Fourth and Locust, St.
Louis. Y 265 26
THE California-Nevada Mining Co. guar-
miiT-t-B n icr iiiuuiii in uiviucnus: nave
$16,000,000 ln sight; write for prospectus.
W. 11. Baldwin & Co., Brokers, Volckert
Bldg., Albany, N. Y. Y 344 26
NO REASONABLE offer rejected for furni
ture lo-room brick flat; fine location, full
roomers. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life.
SYSTEMATIC speculation In wheat is very
pruiuuoie; n invested pays tn per aay,
remitted weekly. Send for free book, ex
plaining option trading. Osborn Grain
Co.. S13 Phoenix bldg., Minneapolis, Minn,
Members Chamber Commerce. Y 867 28
MONTHLY dividends of 1 per cent; we are
onering tne Dest mining investment ln the
United States, one paying 1 per cent
monthly on your Investment, and which
will soon be paying much larger divi
dends; 60 cents per share, par value 11;
ask for Sonora prospectus and bank ref
erences; easy monthly payments. Roan
oke Investment Co., 620 Marquette Bldg..
Chicago. 111. y-
FOR SALE Livery stock In a good town
in eastern rveDrasxa aoing a good busi
ness. Address M 69, Bee. Y
Is the title of our booklet which tells about
the immense profits made by these combi
nations and how to shore In them. MalleJ
George Fell man & Co.,
90-96 Wall St., New York.
r-zet 26
TYPEWRITER RIBBON for any machine
Zbc; send for our new catalogue; premium
with every order. Herbst Office Supply
Co.. 140 Monroe St., Chicago. Y
FOR SALE, first mortgage bonds of the
denomination of $1,000 each, due In five
years; will net Investor b per cent. Also
cattle paper secured by first mortgage on
rattle and feed; reaponalble endoraer.
Harry Nott & Co.. Brokers, 210 Bee Build
ing. Y-818 26
FOR RENT, European hotel, $36 per
month. 414 North 26th St., South Omaha.
Y 342 2
FOR SALE, grocery store located down
town, doing good business: owner has)
best reasons for selling; will sell cheap
for cash. Address N 12. Bee. Y $97 26
SHOE STOCK. $3,600; clean, up to date, fine
eastern Nebraska town, profitable busi
ness; cash or Improved land. J. II. John
son, N. Y. Life. T-3A6
WANTED, solicitors of ability to handle
stock of one of the greatest mining com
panies in the U. 8.; without qualification
tha most attractive and subatantlal prop
osition ever offered the Investor; two
stamp mills and tha greatest copper
smelter on this continent now In opera
tion; this Is a sound Investment and we
want only responsible men of good stand
ing and Influence with the public. Ad
dress L. H Wilson, M Stock Exchange
Bldg., Chicago. Y 401 2t
HOTEL, furniture, 60 rooms, modern, fine
location, city, paying; price reasonable.
J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M387
$4,000; clean Stock, good business, Ne.
brsska town; consider good eastern Ne
braska land; submit offer. J, H. Johnson.
N. Y. Llfe Y-M385
1 '
EXCHANGE for farm land general mer
chandise, invoice $6j0. Livery for land.
Implement business for land. Flrst-class
millinery part land. T. U. Cllne, 12 O sc.
Lincoln, Neb. 2 M3M 24
WHAT have you. to exchange for a 100
raid up scholarship, business or short
hand T Addieas, M 65. bee. $07 a$
IN FAMILIES. Miss Bturdr. fc80 Haraey.
-M764 MU