THE OMAHA DAITV" BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1003. 14 Amusements last week trmy reasonably be classed irlth the uneventful In Omaht'i theatrical calendar. as it eonUlned Bathing worthy of serious thought or even remembrance. Manna and Mason furnished a fairly good entertainment In the farce comedy line on the Brat two nlghte and "All on Ac count of Eliza." which eame next, waa In differently bad. The moat ambltioue offer ing of the week at the Boyd waa "A Mod ern Magdalen," a bad play by a good com pany. From a purely artletlc atandpolnt the performance Is entitled to commenda tion, but the more art the more nauaeatlng euch plays become. The day may come hetr actors will feel themselves above presenting the counterfeits of male and female drabs, even In the name of art. At the Orpheum a well made u vaudeville bill received liberal patronage throughout the week. i Now and then a very flimsy pretext serves to excuse an elaborate argument. Just at present a notable example of this Is being afforded by the New Tork papers that take delight In too modern problem play. Very recently Mr. Charlea Frohman announced bis Intention of giving a aeries of the early English morality plays. Mr. Frohman a motive Is susceptible of at least two In terpretations. It Is not the purpose here to discuss either, for neither Is relevant to the point. In pursuance of his announce ment, Mr. Frohman caueed t- be produced at the Mendelssohn hall, lu all its tnedl meval solemnity and grotesque gr-.vlty. "Everyman," a most notable example of the "mysteries" which were shown under the patronage of the church of the middle ages for the moral uplifting of the people cf that time. As a spectacle It is described as Intensely dull, and as a play It amounts to absolutely nothing, being merely the platetudlnous prosing of certain characters, auch as Fellowship, Knowledge, Good Deeds, Goods, and so on. Because the pub llo has not gone Into exstacles over this ort of play, the advocates of the Immoral very Ingenuously argue that clean plays are not wanted. One need not be surprised at tbla attitude of those who delight In the refined Indecency of the Pinero type or the brutally frank vulgarity of Maeterlinck, for any who can find occasion to advocate plays that , deal so openly with prurience and Impurity is easily capable of seizing on any excuse whereby they may be Justified. It Would be as reasonable to contend that, be cause tho books that were written and printed halt a tnllllnlum ago are no longer generally read, public taste demands fiction of a sort that Is usually excluded from pub lio libraries. A very slender peg Is often Used on which to hang a mighty argument, but la the peg In this instance stout enough to support the contention pendant from ltT There Is a note of encouragement In the following excerpt from the valldictory of Lyman B. Glover, which appeared two .weeks ago in the Chicago Record-Herald: With the passing of Isben, Maeterlinck, Halbe and all other apostlea of distemper as an appropriate substitute for poetic trageay or tne impressive arama or numnn Interest, the lascivious French farce has also found lie exodus through the rear door of public contempt and Into the garbage box, where It properly communes with other but less oIYenatve rottenness. The re sponsible theater,, at one time frequently degraded by these frank and candid Illus trations of foulness, drenched with the essence of double entendre and garnished by all the trimmings of social harlotry, ia now almost free from such offenses against decency. The press scourged them as with a whip of scorpions. The public, In utter disgust, refused to longer tolerate such an outrage In high places, with the result that thee prurient exhibitions were- driven Into the Slums and are no longer offered by reput able managers, but find a congenial habitat only among the degraded. The comparative cleanness of the Amerl ran stage, only now and then befouled by uch an accidental occurrence as "A Mod ern Magdalen" or some scarlet tour de force provided as pacemaker for actresses of pension and Intensity, Is a most com mendable outgrowth of recent years. That there will' always be sporadic examples of the baleful as well aa the suggestive drama may be conceded, but the present trend of the public mind Is most unfriendly to both and there will never be a reoound in the other direction. All people whose views are worth considering demand a clean stage or none at all. They wish to purchase neither views of unhapplness nor a dramatic synopsis of vice, Mr. Richard Mansfield closed his engage ment In Chicago last evening, having pre sented his "JttTTus Caesar" at thirteen per performances. Superlatives were ex hausted by the Chicago papers In review log the production and the Interpretation of the character of Brutus by Mr. Maos Sold. Amidst the clouds of smoke arising from the Incense burned before this great est of living English-speaking actors, one very essential point to Omaha people at least Is obscured. It Is that Mr. Mans field, who might easily find audiences every night In the year among the citizens of half a dozen of the larger cities of the couotry, disregards his personal comfort and carries his magnificent art to those dwellers In outer darkness who could not otherwise enjoy It. Other great actors have made occasional Journeys through the wilderness of one-night stands, but Rich ards Mansfield Is the only one who has ever undertaken such excursions as an annual event. It Is merely another evi dence) of the artlstlo greatness of the man. At one time or another Americans have been treated to some most remarkable thing in the way of thrillers, but nothing In the range of easy recollection will com pare with the "shilling shocker" which is thus described by the Loudon correspond ent ot the Dramatic Mirror: New produotlon number two was a melo drama written by Walter Melville for the tiuge Standard theater, in the Shoredltch part of the huge Kast End. and for subse quent touring purposes. The play bore the extraordinary title of "The Second Time on Eurth, and a very extraordinary play it I asaure you. By way of somewhat fprovlng my words I may simply mention a 'few of the deeds of the wicked heroine, lhn at the commencement of the play sud denly turned up alone and well after having bten given out as dead and burled. She started by hurling the captain of an At 'lantla liner ( seemed to be crewlessi Into the adjoining o-an. in ordar to more safely purloin sevei?.! hundreds of thou sands of pounds worth of Jewels, which he had conveniently stored away In his private cabin. She next wnt to the drowned cap tain's old home and set abojt upsetting the honeymoon of the good heroine and hero, rihe furthermore inveigled into her tolls the bride's brother, son ot the captain whom ehe h" tipped into the Atlantic. Next the wicked ov eat ure helped to murder a poor Italian organ grinder who had seen 'fa The number of modern women who can triumph in the rrl r u aie 10-uay in tne minority. t The average women of to-day have troubles mai were their mothers, because. tneir child powers are caused by tho comforts, and Indolent ern civuiiauon. III www tc vironments, occupation, etc. In view of woman's peace of mind during testation, aa well aa of that period, MOIHLR'S WUiilLK 5 IKiLMJ U that ffbich banishes morning; during- pregnancy; shortens .ainle&a; builds tip tho patient that she emerges Irora the ordeal a r v a i If one, too, shows tbe effect of MOIHll'S f Kit HO bv ita rohuatnesa ', m r A ujitfir ' Bold at anie stores bead for cur tincly llluttratsd THE OR AD FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. her drown the CTewleee eaptaln, and also sidivl to bery the dead Italian on the sea shore, from which, however, the Italian corpse was presently dug out by the lately H.. ,nrn ail rantaln noW fnmA tO life but not vet to reason. Anon, finding that her deep plots palled he tried to staB tne orine, om cot hurt herself and sent to a hospltni. Ii.r v.. tria.4 in ahnnt th hrlileeroom. but on ml.-wlng him and killing a male confed erate of hers the guilty girl swallowed cold puleon and died In the next hospital bed to her mother, who had a few moments before rtio.i mvln mad from drink. There's a cheerful play for you: The acting calls for no special comment, but tne play is eiioumi to make your good Uawain rave nigni mares nightly until further notice. 'emlna? Events. 'On the Suwanee River," a southern melodrama of the old style, will be the of fering at the Boyd this afternoon and night. The piece has been touring the theatrical circuits for some yeara past. Its plot Is a very strong one and la most dramatically worked out. The plot binges on an at tempt to defraud a blind girl of her estate. her relatives undertaking to marry her to an old miser. The scheme la frustrated by the glrl'i old negro "mammy," who ttlcks to her and not only saves her from her relatives, but has her sight reatored. Miss Stella Mayhew enacts the role of the old colored mammy, which Is made the princl- pal one of the play. The scenery of the piece Is new and was especially painted from photographs taken at the village of Suwanee, on the river of that name In Georgia. Miss Mayhew's company Is the best ever engaged for btr. De Wolf Hopper and his company will ap pear at the Boyd Monday ana xuesaay night, with a special matinee Tuesday. In bis new play entitled "Mr. Pickwick." The company which surrounds Mr. Hopper con- I tains Dlgby Bell, Grant Stewart, Henry Norman, Louis Payne, Louise Gunning, Laura Joyce Bell. Marguerite Clark, J. K. Adams, Gny Bartlett and Grace Fisher, There will be a chorus of fifty voices. A sumptuous production will be given. In eluding new and appropriate scenery and costumes of the period. The opening scene of "Mr. Pickwick" takes place at the Dingley Dell Arms at the time Mr. Pickwick, Samuel Weller, old Tony Weller and the various members of the Pickwick club arrive at the beginning of their tour for the purpose of Investigat lng the world's troubles. It is here that they meet Alfred Jingle, who 1b on the point of eloplDg with Miss Wardle. Jingle Inculcates himself into Mr. Pickwick's good graces and succeeds In hoodwinking htm and everybody else ao completely that the entire odium of the elopement la thrown on Pickwlck'8 shoulders. Other scenes In the nlav Include the visit of the members of I p. y! . . , . . L . . . . . .the Pickwick club, including Mr. Pickwick, Mr. Tupman, Mr. Snodgrass and Mr. Winkle, to Miss Tompkins' seminary for the Intent of investigating the purposes of women as evidenced by the school girls. with the result that the club falls in love with half of the girls. Sam Weller, with the help of his father, the old Weller, frus trates Jingle's schemes and Just as they succeed Mrs. Bardell, her nieces and law yers arrive from London, much to Pick' wick's consternation. How the Plckwlcktans emerged from their troubles, how they ac cept Squire Wardle's hospitality shooting, fishing, driving, etc. how the fat boy Is the cause of the champagne lunch being stolen by the school girls and Polly, the maid of the Dingley Dell Arms, how Winkle falls in love with Arabella and Jingle car rlcs off Mrs. Bardell and Pickwick Is taken home in the hay wagon must be Been to be appreciated. "Mr. Pickwick" was dram atized by Charles Klein. The Joint appearance of Mr. Louie James and Frederick Wards next Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Thursday matinee at Boyd's theater once more, calls atten tion to the Shakespearean productions of Managers Wagenbals and Kemper. The play on this occasion will be "The Tern pest, which will be a delight to all, be- cause this exquisite comedy has only been presented twice during the last, twenty years and will be, therefore, more or less a novelty. In the character of Prospero, assumsd by Frederick Warde, Is shown how easy It Is to extract happiness from adversity, how silly It Is to be revengeful and in spite of Ingratitude, how grand it Is to always consider the happiness of others. Louis James will be seen in the role of Caliban, a character which, by the way of contrast, in his ugliness, hie venge ful nature and Ignoble condition shows the Inevitable penalty of laziness, un kindness and discontent. The Innocent loves of Miranda and Ferdinand, with their delightful wooing, the loyalty, truth and faith of the fairy spirit Ariel, and the . nun conversion ot rrospero enemies to "iigiou oi oroineriy love ana inena- uip an impart ma aosoioing lasciuation which In reading leaves but one regret and that Is the seeming Impossibility of being able to reproduce these poetto fairy- like scenes on the stage. The action ot the play is supposed to take place on an en- cnaniea island, inhabited by gnomes. sprites and fairies of all kinds and condi tions, and where Prospero has become a voluntary exile with his daughter Miranda. It therefore necessitates a spectacular stage production. Mr. Norman Hackett will be seen a Prince Ferdinand, Just ' the style of character his admirers would have him assume. Miss Edith Fassett will be seen as Ariel, Mr. Wadsworth Harris aa Antonio and Miss Teresa Maxwell will be the beautiful lovelorn Miranda. The nautical comedy drama "Down by the Sea," will be the attraction at the Boyd Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee this week. The drama Is of English origin and was for several seasoDB the comedy drama success ot the larger cities of the United Kingdom. It had Its premier American production In Boston last season, where It won approval. It has been greatly changed sines its first presentation here to fit the tastes of American audiences. Its action Instead of taking place on the jsnguen coast has been transferred to Long Island. The story deals with the customary love. Intrigue and revenge, with the hero triumphing In the last act. The big sensational scene of the play Is the ship wreck, with the heroine In a frail boat struggling to make her way to a wrecked unknown to bearing degenerating. such factors aa reouirementa tendencies of mod unsanitary en physical comfort and tha entira period of safe A-Wvmi-m .r k (Kit NO ia eomoounded. famous external liniment sickness and mmuunHt labor and makes it nearly s constitutional strength, ae without dane-er. The little for Si 00 rr hnin. book for expeciaat saothere. 6 -X ih ft I H I A II 1 SIIIH I 111 m. MUAK. K III V LI It k ? lb a I V VA 1 vessel to save the life of her lover. Other effective scenes are said to be the church yard at East Haven. Long Island, the lighthouse and harbor entrance to East Haven. Miss Fanny Curtis enacts tho leading role and she Is said to be supported by a very strong company. Two carloads of ecenery and mechanical effects are said to be necessary to the production of the piece. The Two Juliets," a little farce, will be the vehicle of introduction for Mervllle, Booth and Elmore to exploit a condensa tion of comedy on the mistaken Identity or der. Twin sisters constantly being mis taken for each other by a persistent suitor In this case furnish the object for a series of embarrassing situations from which arise the fun. Phil and Nettle Peters, whose starring expedition .in German com edy has made them familiar figures on the stage, and Master Eddie, their son, will appear In a sketch called "Leglmate." The Heras family, an aggregation of acrobats. hall from Europe, their country being sunny Italy. It la claimed that they are remark ably clever and will not Buffer by compari son with any of the splendid athletic stunts" which have been seen at the vaudeville house. Instrumental music will form the offering of Collins and Mandril, while the monologue comedy entertainers, the single-handed monarch of mirth, will be Charles Kenna. Local pride, which as a rule finds vent when any artist who has ,.v,BV() . ,.,,,.. . arn. v,nra ,h fnot ,irhtm -.,.. hm. wiii , , , . .,, .... u.i u... vn. tne ..fllp.flop gIr, .. wno , . aaughter of Omaha. Previous to going on the stage Miss Fox resided here with her family from babyhood. She has earned considerable reputation as a coon singer, having ap peared In nearly all the leading vaudeville houses throughout the country. Seals have been engaged for a number of theater par- t)eg in ner noDor D, 0,i friends. The prln Cp8j vocal contribution will be entrusted to Jessie Dale, the baritone. The klno- drome scenes will be entirely new. riara and Players. Thomas E. Shea has added "The Fool's Revenge" to his list of plays for this ssaaon. Mr. Malcolm Watson's adnntntlon of "Captain Kettle" Is to be nresented in the London Adelphl theater next week. Part of the plot relates to the Dreyfus story. The "Arlsona" companies, of which there are two at present playing tnrougnouc tne country, are more man equaling me euc cess they acquired In previous seasons. Marie George has given ud the Idea of going to London to appear In "The Chinese Honeymoon" and will probably accept a prominent roie wiin jueacrer s a vna Rose" company. The earl of Roslvn is not the only English nobleman who is to be seen on the Ameri can stage. Klchard Lambert, a grandson of the earl of Craven and a brother of Lord Ernest Lambert, is to appear in "The lyranny or Tears. Frank McKee Is Dlannlna to send Miss Mary Mannering to London next season to present "The Stubbornness of Geraldine." Mr. McKee nan arranged for a copyright performance 01 tne piay in uonurni ana will reserve the English rights for hie star. Blanche Bates' debut In "The Darling of tne Uode, tne Japanese play Dy David Belaseo and John Luther Long, will take place at the National theater, Washington, November 17. Robert T. Haines has suc ceeded Eugene Ormonde as her leading man. Henrv W. 8a vane and Geome Ade sailed for Europe on Tuesday last and expect to be absent from this country for about six weeks. The oblect of this trip, it is under stood, la to aet some necessary mings tor "Peggy from Paris," which is scheduled for production in the near future. Walter Laurence, stage manager of 'Princess Chic, and Uermlone Haxleton. prima donna of the eame company, were quietly married at Hamilton, Ont., last Mondavi Mrs. . Laurence la the daughter of P. 8. Hudson of Chicago, a wealthy grain merchant ana representative or tne Argen tine Kepubiic. Fifteen years ago Kyrle Bellew was the leading man at Wallace's theater. New York, and James O'Neill occupied the same position at the Union Square. The two were fast friends. Last week they came together Tor the first time in nrteen yeara, tut a havina- keDt them apart all that time. although under the same management last season. William Paull. the well known baritone. who la at present with the Castle Square Opera company, under the direction of Henrv w. Bavaee. is saia to oe an ex tremely arood marksman. He has almost hootlng society and they come from all parts ot the world, for Mr. Paull has been an extensive traveler. Musical The fact that thousands of young people are studying the art ot music, and few are making great successes, has forced itself on the mlnda of many thinkers. You and I know some hundreds ot stu dents, people with talwnt, with brains, with opportunities, and yet how very few ot them can talk to us on the subject of music In auch a way as to interest us intensely tor an hour or two. I have been entertained, by the hour, In CUM buaneSs. young doctors discuss opera- .,, treaiment. and th like, voun law. yers discuss law, but there are only a few whom I have met that can unreservedly. unaffectedly and enthusiastically dilate upon the ethics or the science of muelo in such a way as to show their acquaintance with its hidden depths. I have come to the conclusion that the actual reason Is that tew musical students are really willing to "pay the price!" Tbe trifling eum of $2 or $3 expended once or twice a week In a studio la the smallest Item in the expense account. That is not "paying the price!" There Is a law. Inflexible but kind, which compels those who wish to accomplish any thing to "pay the price." Five-dollar gold pieces are not found In mines, but the gold crude and unpolished Is there. To have the glittering gold pieces, the ring eetttng, or the chaste cuff button, re quires labor, workmanship, close attention. That is tbe price of the polish. The young business man does not "pay tbe price" when he pays out the rental money. No. see him working at his ac counts, or his stock, or his correspondence. when his "regrets have been sent to a theater party which he fain would attend. Is he at tbe ball game to cheer on his favorite players each week? No, enthusiast though he Is, he Is denying himself that pleasure for the present. He Is "paying the price." Look In at this window. Bee the young man studying earnestly while the "other fellows" are at billiards,- or poker, or at the dance, or In society. He says, "not yet seme day, perhaps, but not now. He digs, be works, ha wants to be the successful practitioner of his mental pic turlng. and be will be -for he is "paying tbe price." Here Is a young man In a debating club. Tou will find him in the study room of the public library most of the time when be Is not working for his employers. He has pictures ot Clay, Webster, Lincoln, Glad stone and others In his room at the board ing house. They are cheap pictures, as )ou or I may see them, for they are cut out of a newspaper or magazine, but to him they are the most valuable of his possessions; they are his living, throbbing, puleating thoughts. He has no pictures there of the popular actress, or the champion pugllUt, or the winning foot ball team. He is work ing to sstisfy a laudable ambition. He is Into it deep and definitely. He will win and wax strong. He Is "psying the price!" Hera Is a young woman who works from la the morning until at night. She ULdi time to study her pianoforte work or her violin work or her singing; where does she find the timeT Ask her and ahe will tell you that she loves her work, and that one can always find time for what they are most Interested In. She has hopes of a future' career, better than the shop counter, and she will succeed. She is "paying the price," and paying It cheerfully. Here Is another young woman. She Lai no business cares. It Is true, but you know there are matinees, aod there areaoclal du ties, and "the girls" expect her here and there, and there Is golf, ping pong, and that kenslngton, you know she simply must be there and the hairdresser,, and the mani curist, the dance here and-Tiie dinner there, the automobile at noon and the ought-to- be-there at night, and so she must have her afternoon "nap" before the dressmaker comes and. "Oh!" well, to be sure, this Is the day for my music lesson and I almost forgot It." No, Miss , I do not mean you alone; there are many of you, and my heart In tad because of you, for you will not succeed. You cannot. It would be a direct reversal of a law of nature. ' You are trying to get something for noth ing! Your father is paying the bill for tuition, but you you. are not "paying the price!" Oh, that I had a mighty pen which would stir the student world to think on this sub ject! Each one must pay the price. The monthly bill Is simply a "rental," as it were, ot the Implements for work, but tbo worker must spend his and her strength Individually or there will be no harvest. He must earn success "by the sweat of his brow" let the work be of brawn or brain. It matters little. There Is a price. That price must be paid. Bleesed Is the man, blessed la the woman who pays It cheerfully and "not grudgingly nor of necessity, for the Lord loveth a cheerful giver." Let me remind you of two quatrains which you have read, the first from that sweet singer, dear old Dr. Horatlus Bonar, and the second from the straight-forward Rud yard Kipling: Go, labor on; 'tis not for naught; Thine -earthly loss Is heavenly gain; Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not; The Master praises! wnat are menr Bonar. And only the Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame; And no one shall work for money, and no one shall worn ror lame; But each for the Joy of the working, and each, in his separate 'star. Shall draw the Thing an he sees It, for the God of Things as They Are. Kipling. It la a question whether or not It will be found necessary to close the gallery of Boyd'a theater when musical events - are booked. The Yoong Men's Christian asso ciation concert last Thursday night was an occasion which was marked by conduct on the part of the "gallery" that should not be tolerated for an Instant. Calls of derision directed against the personal appearance ot artists, greetings of other artists ot na tional repute by "gallery" calls of the artist's given name, etc., are out of place in the leading theater of Omaha. If the Young Men's Christian association Is not to blame, it should exonerate Itself or explain, and if the Boyd theater management is not to blame. It should do likewise. ' - ' ' There was a time when such things could not be. Who Is at fault T Is this an echo of "rag-time" free-and- easy concerts, with official recognition, or of catering to a disorderly element at "street fair carnivals," which, by the way, Omaha has outgrown, even if some of her citizens have not? Omaha! "How many crimes have been committed (and commlttee-d) la thy name?" The Msy festival scheme Is booming. The choir will rehearse tomorrow night at, the Kountze Memorial church. The committee of business men has met several times snd plans ara being developed. There are still a few vacancies in the "one-bundred-dollar' subscription Hat, but not many. Thirty subscriptions of $100 each (guarantee fund) are to be secured before the single tickets are sold. It is expected, but not promised, that guarantors will be generously re funded, although not to the full extent ot their subscription, but nearly so. The Woman's club directory, at its meet' ing last Monday, voted that as an expert ment for this season new members may be admitted into musical department, exclu slvs ot all the rest of tho club privileges, at the rate ot $2 per year. Tbla was readily granted when it was made clear that In order to have a successful and active musical club said club must have a auffl clent number of enthusiastic and earnest students and musical people who will be capable ot creditably taking part on pro grams (which Is not the case at present). All of the prominent teachers are greatly In favor of this new plan of membership and recommend it to their pupils as a source ot stimulus to work and musical progress. New members will be expected to participate on programs and also to work In the history class, which will meet for the first time next Friday morning, October 31, at 10:30, and be conducted by Mrs. Sheets, who promises to give this branch of the work close attention and thorough interest. This move on the part of the Woman's Club means much to the students of musle hereabouts. It will be a splendid oppor tunity to go in and work. I would urge every student of music to get Into the de partment at once. Don, watt to Bee if it will be a success. Go In and help make it auch. I believe that every teacher will see the necessity ot urging bis or her pupils to help make the musical department of the Woman'a Club a grand success. Relative to the "Creche Lenten musl- cales," I have been asked to announce that the subscription tickets to the musicales are not limited to those who have received notices from the committee. The series will be specially interesting aod anyone wishing to become a subscriber may do so by means ot a postal card addressed to Mrs. Clement Chase, Secretary, 815 Park avenue. Single tickets will be sold only to out-of- town guests of subscribers. Some of the prominent musical patron esses of tbe "Lenten series" are devising a scheme whereby students will be ad mined at a reasonable tariff, upon applt cation from their teachers. This is I splendid Idea and it should be productive of much good. It gives me much personal pleasure to announce that Dr. Baettcna has decided to remain In Omaha and has declined a flatter ing offer In order to do so. An event in the musical line durlug the present week will be In the nature ef "Harvest Time" Musical and Uleratry en tertainment given at the Lowe Aveoue Presbyterian church. Fortieth and Nlcho Us streets, Thursday evening, October 30, Among those appearing in vocal and in strumental numbers are Mrs. A. L. Sheets MUi Grace Hancoek. Mr. and Mrs. J. I Cook, Mrs. Pearl Welshans and Dr. R. W, Bailey. THOMAS J. KELLT. Miss Julia Officer, piano, Ramge block Latchetlsky method, used by Psderewskl A PIANO that actually Improves with use. The very best of work manship and material only being mm!.' use of In the construction of 3.-.V0 satisfied users are their recommenda tion. TOE HI Bold In Nebraska since lWk always and everywhere recognised as strictly standard high grade Instrument. I I NDER the leveling process of tltlnn no article can com mand a nigner standing uwu no :. Its deserves. HE IE I SONS Piano today enjoys a high degree of public appreciation, simply because It represents first quality In everything pertaining to Its construction. When you select a Voee you buy at the lowest possible cost consistent with premier piano excellence. CONSCIENTIOUS construction, com bined with a fine tone quality, have won for the Bteck Piano the plaudits of artists, music lovers and the public generally. It has always been the pride ot TOE GEO. STECK Company that they have kept up the high standard which a great many years ago gained for their piano the name of "Old Reliable." SCHKIOLLER MUELLER, 002 BROADWAY, COCXCIL BUFFS, AMUSEMENTS, THIS AFTERNOON TONIGHT The Favorite Southern Drama, "ON THE SUWANEE RIVER" Presented by E. D. 8tatr and George Nlcolal. Original company, includ- Stella Hayhew A STORY TO TOUCH THE HEART PRICES Matinee, 23c, 50c. Klaht, XSe, 60c, 75e. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY And the best company of singing comedians in America, In a magnificent production entitled 1 Mr. Pickwick Based on Dickens' Masterpiece. Mr. Pickwick.... DeWolf Hoppe Sam Weller Dlgby Bell Alfred Jlun-Ie. .. .Grant Stewart Tony Weller Harry Korinan Arabella Louise Gnnuluw Polly Marcnerlta Clark Mrs. Bardell. .. .Laura Joyce Bell Winkle Loals Payne Wardle K. Adams AND SIITY OTHERS. PRICES Matinee, 25c, 5c, TBc, LOO. Klfct. 5e, BOr, 75c, f I.OO, 1.50. HOTELS. The MILLARD 13th and Dooglas tts. OMAHA, fcfclJ- Omaha's Leading Hotel. pe.ialT?Y'atihiSi LUNCHEON, irit'TY CENTS. 1?.H0 to p. m. SUNDAY. p. m. DINNER. 75c tated an enlargement or lki cafe, doubling its former capacity. DeWolfHopper TUB very hlshrst possible standard of excellence Is the adopted m"tto of the old and world-renowned piano huuso of Their new styles for are the flnent ever produced by this famous factory. They represent the very acme of !th century piano construc tion In short, they are all the best that mechanical Ingenuity, Inventive genius and skilled workmanehlp can produce. m" A RI.YI.K aald: XmP "Nothing is completing." Nobody Is safe in sav ing that a thing cannot be Improved. In 1S49 Wllllnm P. Emerson made a fvretty good piano. Ten years Ister ha was making better pianos. Today IKE EMERSON Is better still very much better. It is noted for Its tone, quality, sccti rate action and beautiful case, and withal sells at a EMPHATICALLY. the Btelnway piano la a work of art, because It Is the expression In material form of an Ideal of musical and, therefore, artistic excellence. To produce It three generations have worked to gether, handing down their experi ence, their genius from father to son. It Is en original creation the high standard of which Is the result of pro gressive Improvements made by them selves In their own factory. TOE STEINWAY I IS Piano when brought to the test of In ernatlonal competitive exhibition has in no case fnlled to carry oft the very highest honors. i're-emlncntly tho standard of tho piano world. K. CHARMING tone, quality that Is Irresistible, sympathetic, respon siveness that Is Ideal, solidity of con atructlon that bugets confidence, all tend to place TOE U,E' Piano In the very front ranks of nr tistlc high grade Instruments. Style of case and finish Inside and out win the most fastidious. OUR own Instruments base their claim for your Investigation and approval entirely and solely on their Intrinsic worth and merit. They are constructed of the very best materials, thoroughly seasoned and prepared. Their tone Is that full yet brilliant quality and of great car rying power so much desired by both the professional and amateur musician. In short Pianos embody every essential quality of a strictly high grade Instrument. An absolutely hand made piano. Not )heap, but good. OUR NINE LEADERS. AMUSEMENTS, WOODWARD & BURQE5S, I rUnagers. ll WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY MATINEE THURSDAY Wagenhals and Kemper present the greatest of all classic players, Louis Frederick James i Warde In a stupendous scenic and spectac ular production of The Tempest Ons of the Most Gorgeous Spectacles Ever Produced Here PRICE Matinee, 2.1o to fl.OO. Klffht, 25c to fl.50. Meats on sale. BBS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. BATURDAY MATINEE. The Great Comedy-Drama OWN BY THE SEA With a large company , including MISS FANNI13 CURTIS. See the Electrical Storm at Sea. See the Illuminated Cathedral. See the East Haven Light and Rescue. Startling Electrical Effects PRICE9 Matinee. ii.'.i-, fiOe. Mlbl, mtie, 8Ue, T3c. Miss Blanche Sorenson Vocal Instruction 550 Ramge Bldg. TWENTIETrfCENTURY FARMER An lp-o-Dt Agrleoltaret Weekly. 35SSC3 completed, but ever reasonable price. BENEFITING by the experience ef older factories spurred on by an ambition to produce one of the best Instruments on the market, no wonder THE SIEGER I IS Piano now commands the admiration and commendation of the musical world. They are noted for their bril liant tone, elastic action and general durability used and Indorsed by many of the leudlng musical artists. Z3E3B1 1313 FAR AM STREET, OMAHA. LLifcuwiiiMTitfiMii1 """rrai AMUSEMENTS. HTOW Telephone lDSf, Week Commencing : Sunday Mat Oct 26 Today 2;J5 Tonfcht 8; 15 Merville, .Booth & Elmore Presenting "The Two Juliets." Heras Family European Novelty Artists. Phil & Nettie Peters In "Legitimate. Collins and Madell Instrumentalists. Charles Kenna Comedlen. Madge Fox The Fllp-riop Lady. Jessie Dale Phenomenal Baritone. . Kinodrome Prices, 10c, 25c, 50c. Air. Kelly's Studio is now RE-OPENED DavlJga Block, 18th and Farnam - t (S 3 ! e $ t- Mrs. Howard Waring J 1 VOICE I RESIDENCE STUDIO-1707 Park J Ave., Phon A-1016. STUDIO-After Noyember 1481 P) Ramge Block. (!) t Mrs. fTh. Wright Organist and Choir Director BL fiaroabas Episcopal Church. Piano and Pipe Organ T.ESIDENCB STUDIO: 101 Norte IVi.' j Telephone A 24SI. ifrtaaA-.0"' v