Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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4 per cent Interest Paid onDeposits
Special Accommodations or Out-of-Town Depositors.
All Deposits Payable on Demand
Interest Compounded Every Three Months.
. Ill 1 u r
II1HB1WHBI1 1 lll.ltBUjJW.i--
nnrirr- n
nil 1 I III 11 1
A Week of Extraordinary Autumnal Offerin
Celebrated "Bonnet" Block Silk Sale
'. $1.50 Bonnet Silks at 75c .
M plere flill 2T-ln. wide. every piece,
stamped onvthp Hid, "C. J. Bonnet, Ijyons,
t Franc." pire 1vp with a bpautiful luster
and flnlfh only "to be found In these fine
Bilk. enix-daJly ndaptwt . for Ilnrst tailor
rnnde flrei'i. first class linings and mj
inns, fully worth ft-2f to mm r
II. 60 our price Monday,
Oil Bolted Bonnet Taffeta $ 1 .871
M piece 64-Inch bluik oil boiled taffeta,
very heavy. pccla.l rjunllty manufactured
for fine trade and dressmakers In par
ticularthis quality has never been sold
for less than .'t a yird and every piece
stamped C. J. Bonne? Knar- 4 OT1
snteed to wenr our special I rS 1 t
price, yard e v-r .a. i
netalllc Print Velvets 75c
Having received another shipment of those
scarce metajlc print velvets, we offer 60
pieces new walstrnfts In 10 different else,
dots and other geometrical deslsns In blue
and silver, rJnck mill silver, cardinal and
sliver, brown and white, new green and
white effects, all at special prices, i'Bc yd.
We show more novelties In pj
velvet walstlntrs than all the iC
other houses In OnuiJia
"Bonnet" black tills have the repu
tation all over the world for their
splendid wearing qualities, every yard
sold by us is fully guaranteed for 6
months or more. We are direct agents
for these hih grade silks. Beginning
Monday and lasting all through the week, toe offer
the most marvelous vahiet ever offered in black
silke in Omaha.
Parisian Black Silk
60 pieces full yard wide,, mellow fin
ish, pure dy new Parisian black, noth
ing; like It ever shown In 4 -v
Omaha for less than $1.60 1 I
Monday special price.. sw
Bonnet Pea-i de Sole
36-lnch bonnet black double faced
raglan Prtau de Bole, nothing- like It
ever shown In Omaha. To Introduce
this) nualfty we will tell 4 g f
ten pieces, a yard fully 4r"s
worth 13.00, at.; .IsVJCJ
$1 Quality Crepe de Chine at 69c
Having; purchased a very large lot of
this stylish fabric, we place on special
sale Monday over 65 different shades,
Including; black and white,
runy 24 in. -wiae.
all auar- nlJP
anteed perfect, at a yard
White and Cream Silks
2 2-inch all silk Japanese Silk 25c
27-inch all silk Washable Tongee 39c
36-inch all silk Lyons Pongee Silks. ... . .50c
22-inch all silk Washable Taffetas 69c
27-inch all silk Twilled Foulards 75c
27-inch all silk Lining Taffetas ,..750
36-inch all silk Lining Taffetas ..J.. 95c
32-inch all silk Japanese Silks 75c
45-inch all silk Lyons Crepe Meteor. .'.1.85
30-inch all silk Hemstitched Silks .... 75c
Extra Special Black Velvet Sale
35 Pieces Silk Faced Black Silk Velvets
in silk department, at
Silks on Bargain Square
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Silks of all descriptions in bar
gain squares all go at less than half price, they consist
of yard wide black taffetas, yard wide black Lining silks
27-inoh full rustling taffetas, peau da sole, black colored
satins, new waistlng silks, silks for trimmings, silks for
fancy work, silks for entire dresses and waists worth
11.00, $1.25 and 11.60 till go at . .
Splendid Values in Fashionable Dress Goods
50c Flannel Waistings at 25c A new lot of all wool flannel waists iu tricot effects -in
cremes, old rose, blues, greens aDd reds on bargain square at
per yard -..
Black Nun's Veiling at 39c This Is 20o less than
regular price
Black Twine Etamlne at 49c Will cost you 26c mora
Burr Etamlne and nistral at 69c Cut from 11.00 and
Voile Etamlne 75c Cut from 11.00 75C
Crepe de Chine at 75c A dainty f abrlo reg ular prioa 7 5 C
Unfinished Worsted Cheviot at 85c Shrunken, selling at Q
11.26 everywhere OOC
Cremo Woolen Goods
Yachting flannel, Bedford cord,
waistings your choice
Creme mohair Sicilian,
Oatmeal Panama waistings,
46 inches, at
High Grade French Flannels 39c
High grade French flannels, consisting of
the best patterns, exclusive 6tyles, sold
everywhere at 75c and 83c
our price Monday, an
unprecedented offer, at . . .
C OIJ A Via i
Scotch and English
8cotch and English high grade woolens la
dress patterns sold at $20.00 and $25.00
the suit Panama slboline, canvas rope.
worsted, etc. your
choice Monday, at
Storm Serges All our 69c storm serges and cheviots, OQ. Regular $1.50 Scotch Worsteds, heather suitings, flaked suitings
all colors '. 0"C very popular and ultra fashionable goods 1 00
Cheviots All our 75c. 45-inch cheviots and storm serges,
all colors
Burr Etamlne and nistral Always sold at 81.00 and
1.25, at ... .
Camel's Hair Zlbellne at $1.25 This magnificent dress goods is
quite the reigning modes in the east. We show tho prettiest
patterns regular price 12.00 a P
Artistic Brandeis Millinery
$15.00 Pattern Hats at $8.95
On Monday we Inaugurate a Pattern Hat saie of a magnitude as yet unprecedented among the many nota
ble sales we have auspiciously held in our long business career. Among these hats are some of the most mag
nificent of the foreign productions as well as those of New York designers and our own O
superb creations. Many of these hats sold as high as $20.00, and none sold for less than ZrCJ
$15.00 Monday ' V J '
$7.50 Trimmed Hats at $4.90
Here Is undoubtedly the best value ever offered for
the money by us or anybody else. There is an im
mense assortment, for instance there are large black
velvet bats, large beaver hate and braid , hats, all
trimmed by our best artists with the finest of wings,
ostrich "plumes, velvets, chenilles, silks, etc. Such
hats as these have never been
offered before under $7.50
Moire Silk Sailors $5.00
Just arrived, some of the new things
in moire silk, among them are the
rolling brim French sailors now so
popular in New York City. They
are shown in black snd white.
Millinery stores generally ask
$9.00 for them
$2.50 Silk Velvet Hats at $1.39
Here Is without doubt the greatest value in
jllk velvet hats ever offered by us. There
are turbsns, medium shapes and large
shaped the colors are brown, castor, gray,
cardinal and navy. These hats are of
splendid quality mirrored suk velvet, and
eautifully draped. Heretofore i
sold at $2.50 while
they last
$5.00 Trimmed Hats at $2.90
Thei are exceptionally fine hats and are
as good a value as we have ever offered at
such an early period in the fall Season
however, we are ever on the alert to pro
KTess in cur immenee bUBlnenB therefore
vou Eft a arand value for
very little money, the regular
price or these nats is i
$2.50 Black Ostrich Plumes $1.50
ilirnn i nr-i etui q
Two hundred black glossy Egyptian stock
Amazon curi niumes, is incnea
long. The regular $2.50 value,
, $1.00 Pompoms at 25c
One thousand beautiful Maralbo pompoms,
some all white, others edged with chinllle.
There are black, cardinal, green, navy,
brown ana combination effects, not one
oi mem eoia ror less man
one dollar while they last
$1.00 Imitation Beaver Hats at 39c
Two hundred pretty rolling brim sailors In
the best Imitation of nap beaver on the
market, In black, white, navy, castor,
brown, pink, light blue and g
cardinal easily worth $1.60 -iUC
go at w
jo vs. an n J S3
$2.50 Street Hats at 49c
Thirty-three hundred street hats pur
chased by us at a mere fraction of
tneir original cost will be offered to
you at the ridiculously low price of
49c. These hats are as correct and
stylish aa you can find In any part of
the country and are made of all the
very newest ana smartest
materials and are being
sold right in Omaha at
2.5-whlle they last ...
$3.50 Trimmed Hats at $1.00
Five hundred trimmed hats for ladles
and misses, made of fine velvets,
braids, fe&ttier breasts, maltna and
ornaments, and trimmed in most ex
cellent styles. These hats are offered
at this price for the reasnn that we
have bourht lara-elv of tnnterlnia rrnm
importers and manufacturers at a small fraction
of cost and have preferred these hats to further
demonstrate our Imprtance as a millinery cen
ter. An actual $3.60 value
Reigning Fall Modes in Cloaks and Suits
The Brandeis nam on a coat or suit Is the equivalent of the stamp of correct fashion. Not a ladles' gar
ment In our stock but has that sir of smart stle that always marks a garment that has been made by
artists snd selected by experts. In our higher grades of tailored suits and graceful outergarments we feel
great popularity
that our display Is without a peer In the west,
lng modes.
Sample Sul ts at $14.85
Here are ISO sample suits, made of the popular ma
terials and fashioned In all the latest designs many
of these suits 'are silk lined and they are all worth
In the neighborhood of $35.00
we wilt sell them
Dress Suits at $9.98
. Walking suits have already attained great popularity
for their practicality this style
comes In both Norfolk and blouse
Jackets, at
Swellest Outergarments
The acme of correct fashion these smart and grace
ful Monte Carlo coats come in silk velours, finest
kerseys, etc. silk snd satin lined, at
$14.85, $19, $24.50 up to $95
Walking Skirts
Golf and walking skirts made In all the pretty new
materials and colors, all the lte styles, great value
"$2.98, 3.98,4.98,7.50, 9.98
Children's styles are Just a subservient to fashion's de
cree as those of their elders. We have made a special
effort to bring to Omaha from the east the prettiest
and smartest tailored garments that the market has
to offer. Our array of children's suits and skirts is
comprehensive and every mother will be glad of the
opportunity to see such charming apparel for the lit
tle ones at such a reasonable cost.
No similar house can show a smarter array of reign-
rionte Carlo Coats at $12.50
Monte Carlo coats in the new cloths and colors satin
straps and cord snd braid trimmings
each handsome coat a grand
bargain at
Long Coats In Fashionable Cuts
Among our choicest garments we have many that are
the equal In beauty and style of any that can be
found In the great New York and Chicago displays
we Invite your Inspection of
our 45 and BO-lnch long
coats at
Honte Carlos at $17.50
45-lnch Monte Carlo coats with Mexican beaver col
lar and revere full satin lining, turn back cuffs, extra
quality English kersey
made to retail at $25.00, at ,
m a vvivi e ocx k i U
a um. iv tuiio, cali si
nonte Carlo Coats Beaver Collar
Monte Carlos with beaver collars, at $9.98 made of
kerseys, with Mexican beaver collar and cuffs, guar
anteed satin lining strapped f" V Q
trimmings all the new colors,
Our splendid showing of furs this year has been visited
with delight by thousands of visitors. The choicest
skins have been made Into swell garments under the
eye of experts ths new faohlons In coats and scarfs
have a tone of elegance that Is rarely found outside
the style shows of the most Import snd dealers la ths
greatest fashion centers.
Astrakhan Jackets
$12.50 to $45
Special Values in
Ladies' Underwear
Here are positively the greatest un
derwear values ever presented by us.
Ladies' Fine Underwear
Here Is some of the finest ladles' un
derwear ever shown camel's hair.
natural wool, Saxony
wool ribbed, silver gray
and white, at
Fleecy Lined Underwear
Ladies' medium and heavy weight
ribbed vests and pants. In plain and
fleecy lined worth up
to 3oc
Ladies' Ribbed Underwear Ladies' extra fine
ribbed underwear, In medium, light and heavy O O
trimmed, silk trimmed, on sale at v"C
Boys' and Girls' Underwear Boye' and girls'
eavy fleece lined and natural wool vests, pants snd fy C
and drawers worth up to 75c at J
Underwear for Children Misses', children's and
boys' fleece lined elastic ribbed vests, pants and -4 P
drawers, all sizes worth up to 86c, at
Ladies' Union' Suits U n i o n suits, medium
i weight, cotton fleecy lined and wool union fQ
: suits, worth up to $1.76, in lots at 39c, 49c, 75c VOC
grand Sale of Disfit Carpets and Dado-Up Rugs
In the great carpet mills of the east there are always from different reasons a great accumulation of small rolls and
half rolls of carpets. These are perfect in every way, but run in lengths of from 15 to 25 yards. Our eastern buyers have
just sent us a consignment of 10,000 yards, bought by them at a price which enables us to offer you the finest grades of
Wilton velvet and Brussels carpets at actually less than manufacturers' price. There are two or. three rolls of a pattern,
so tnat we can sell you enough to cover the largest room.
$1.00 CARPETS FOR 65C A YARD 5,000 yards of the best qualities 9
and 10-wlre tapestry Brussels carpets, all this season's pat- S P"
terns and endless variety to select from. These goods would bs fl Tl t
a bargain at 85e yard sals pries for Monday, yard
75C CARPETS AT47iC YARD 150 rolls of 45C CARPETS AT 25C
sinewy an wool ingrain carpet, new, clean,
fresh, up-to-date poods and guaranteed abso
lutely all wool and worth
up to 76c a yard A asy j
sale price-at. C. C
yard " 2W
AYARD-About 75 rolls
of the very heaviest grade of union Ingrains In nice
bright patterns. These are not what is usually of
fered at this price, a cotton carpet, but are just
what the name Implies, a union
carpet, cotton and wool mixed
and are considered cheap at 45c yard
sale price, yard
$1.50 CARPETS FOR 89c A YARD We will sell all the very best quality
Wilton velvet carpets in sll the very latest designs for psrlors, Q C
dining rooms, hall and stairs, etc. worth up to $1.60 a yard, QyL
at, yard
in this shipment were about 800 misfit carpets
and mad?-up ruga, made of the best qualities of ax
minster, Wilton velvet and Brussels carpets. They
are in all sizes and styles and prices, but not one in
the lot worth less than twice the price we ask for It.
Bring in the slie of your room and secure one of
these phenomenal bargains.
Special Sellingof the Finest Grades of Table Linen
85c quality Scotch all linen
heavy damask
$1.00 quality Irish, Scotch and German
table damask, heavy fine g" g
goods, new and attractive de-f VJ O
slgns.and all 2 yds wlde.yd... w ' w
A big lot of 22-Inch all line 4
full bleached ed selvege edgt I .1111
napkins, worth $1.75, for dot V
quality all pure linen
German sliver bleached table
damask. 64-In. wide
TBo quality German silver A f
bleached and Irish satin iimtlVC
ask. M to 72 In., a yd
$1.60 quality the very choicest table d '
mask, in stock double satin damask.
full bleached, and our celebrated
round thread . embossed
original bleached dajnask .
a yard
$3.60 puallty 24-inch full
bleached Irish satin damask
napkins, dos
600 hemstitched table cloth
sxlO.the kind that sella for
$2, for this sale only
The new mercerised scarfs and
lunch cloths on sale Mon
dayscarfs 18x54 and cloths
86x36, all go at each...,
A full ltne of very fins Damask and
plain round thread linen doylies,
scrafs and squares, all sices at one
third less than regular pries on sals
Special Offering of
Ladies' Kid Gloves at 59c
2,650 pairs of
splendid quality,
mended gloves
only the slightest
imperfections in
whites, grays,
modes, beavers, ox
bloods and blacks,
odd lots and samples from two of New York's
largest importers some of the best standard
makes regular selling price f 1.00 CQn
to f 1.50 at OVl
25c Handkerchiefs at 10c
Ladies' and men's all pure hemstitched hand
kercchiefs, all widths of hemstitching, also la
dies' Swiss embroidered and lace and inserting
trimmed handkerchiefs, in great variety of style
nearly all of them sheer linen 1Ap
worth 25c at '. Ivt
Imported Hosiery at 19c
Fins Imported hosiery for ladles, made of French f
lisle thread, plain black, fancy colors, snd lacs effect. I VJ
all sizes snd all colors, worth 89c a pair, at
r-CiJ . i
i'CU DuSCi'l
i ce: j
I 0 cq
Foot Form
Hand 5ewed
Sizes I to 6 Cost
Sizes 5 to 8
Spring Heel
Sizes 8 to 1 1
Welt Sole
Slzea 1 1 to 2
Extension Edge
Welt Sole
Young Ladles'
Sizes 2 Mo 6
B to E
Great Values Boys', Youth's Clothing
. Knee Patits'Suits at $1.50
Stylish Norfolk Vestees or plain double breasted
style made of strictly all wool plain snd fan
nrlse the materials of ths suits
Chinchilla, Choviots and Astrakhan are the
materials the reefers, topcoats and
overcoats are made oi. a wonaeri
value we offer this day tor boys at.
large assortment of reefers and top coats
f l.UO
Boys' Knee Pants Suits 1.98
Sizes 3 to 16 in Sailor, Norfolk, Manly or
plain double breasted style. Every sult war
ranted to wear or new suit given in ex
change. All the pants to the D. D. style are
made with double seat and knee, reinforoed
seams, and almoit impossible for any young
ster to go through them, while
we consider these fully $4.00 val
ue, wo offer thoie for Monday at
$8 and $10 Suits for Boys and Young Men at $5
r., Wi anA rnn n it men's rlnthlnu In aces 12 to 20 veara is such as should attract every dis
criminating buyer on account of their great value, fiandscme single or double breasted suit
all made o! the newest fancy cheviot and oasiimere serges, equal to any lor
which you have always paid $8.50 to 110. Your unrestricted choice
Boys' Swell Suits at $2.98 and $3. 98 Boys' Han-some Overcoats $3.98.
Sises I to K. a KTand array of swell patterns In fen
cy and plain shades, nothing but the newest fab
rics and styles are shown in this line. Bull, that are
worth up to 5.00 at only 2 Sw 3.98
Swell automobile, Bardou, Russian and Bwrj.
ger styles for boys, ages 1 to 16. made of the
newest fancy and plaid Irish friese and chev
iots, well tailored and trimmed, at spe- o no
clal offering tomorrow 7.6o. $450, 15 and
Pocket Knife Free W1E$Toor,!id.'r!e.Su,,
On Sale in Basement.
1,800 pair of knee pants at 18c, well mads of ''
blue wool materials. Knes pants tor children 4 to C
15, well worth B9e...,
On Sale in Basement.
Vestee double breasted styles In suite roads of fancy
cheviots, strongly sewed, a big bargain at $100 CjC
on sals Monday.
Special Selling of PILLOW TOPS
Ws are showing the largest range of lit ho.
graphed and stamped pillow tops In Omaha.
We are at present making a specialty of
the "fencing girl" pillow top. We have tho
exclusive sale in Omaha for this top. It Is
the most popular pillow top ever made. To
see it is to buy one. This "fencing girl"
pillow top Is advertised in all the ladles'
journals and magazines as a 60c pillow, we
are selling it at zc. it is on
sale in our Art Needle work
lepartment on third flour
Wo are agentB in Omaha for
Brainerd & Armstrong's eilks,
and sell every shade that they
Ping Pong and Table Tennis.
Ping Pong and Table Tennla We handle the largest line in Oma?ia. Every num
ber that Parker Bros, make, from the lowest to tbe best. Table Tennis from 3Uo
to to. We are headquarters for Ping Pong.
Special Basement Bargains Tomorrow
One big table of remnants of the ilnest grade of white cambrics, long cloths. 1
muslina, white percales, white nainsooks, eltc, that generally sell up to 15c O2C
a yard go, in long mill remnants, at a yard
Readv Made Sheets Lace Pillow Shams
O r on t1 tsile
m'E pillow shams,
1 -, w go as long as
. . 1 r 1 t 1 1 r 1 s-, L . L ' L m, r ...... ,J ....... I . Jtn
To tntrwuce live jonn Lwrc itreaa n unwi, vnuwt m a iiwy myvm yj
toft finished mnehine thread, we will sell it for 2c
a s yw ........ ..t
One big lot of 72x90 ready made Aft One big table of all kinds or lace tZr
sheets. tneee are me regular a-li pi"w u, uu in,iu,, 11.
toe values, for Monday only, each-' w so as long as they last at
50c Waste Baskets at 15c
Ons big table of fine Indtsn mads fancy waste baskets, la assorted col
ors, sll go st each
Opening Sate
New Shoe Dep't.
On Second Flood
Very fine Slippers In plain and
fancy eiiecis i, j., 9, a ana f
New Antoinette Slippers
Turn Colonials
Smart Boudoir Slipper
Undressed Kid Slippers
Beaded Sandals
Cut Steel Trimmed Sandals
Prices range from
$1.00 to
$2. $3 94 avd 5
Special ehowing tomorrow