Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 " i Dal lal Aim tun But IWl Dal Did Dai but fcvt aVI : w m ho c. y ' cs tor b i vs w I & ml ua J CURRENT NEWS I COUNCIL MI5TOR WE5TIOS. FavU tella druri. tockert aella carpets and rugs. Mautha, fine watch repairing. 22 B'way. Expert watch repairing, Leffert. 401 B'wsy, Twelve-nlpce rhamher set. 12 7)1. at A. B. Howe a, 310 Broadway. The Christy pictures for Bale. C. E. Alex- Bnder A Co , U3 Broadway. Congressman Walter I. Smith will apeak tms evening at silver city. Mill county. The Junior class of the hliih echool I agitating the question of forming a clasa organization. We are headquarter for glass of all kind, gee us before you buy. C. B. Paint, Oil and Glass Co. The marriage of Harry Gleason and Mlsa Sadie J-'arrjaworth Is announced to take piace aaonaay evening. Fred Carty, a laborer In the employ of me motor company, nan nia right foot badly crushed yesterday afternoon by a rail falling on it. Mies Bertha BIoss. daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Milton BIohs, 5.(0 Eawt Broadway, died last evening from congestion of the brain, aged a years. A toeclal meetlnr of Bluff and TT R 1 I Grant companies, uniform Hank. Knlehts of 1'ythlaa, haa been called fur this evening In St. Alban a hall. The foot ball game thla afternoon be tween the Council Bluffs and Red Oak High schools will be called at 3 o'clock. Cars will begin running to the lake at 12:30 'p. m. The Knights of the Maccabees have se cured the use of the hall In the Brown building and will fit It up for a lodge room. They expect to occupy their new yuariers I In a few days. A muslcale will be given at the Congrega tional church Tuesday evening, October 28. A fine program has been prepared, com posed of Council Bluffs and Omaha talent, Admission, 25 cents. The Dodge Light Guards' foot ball team haa acheduled gamee with the Malvern tin.) team on November 1 and with iiellevue col lege on November 15. Both games will be played on the Munawa grounds. The first rehearsal of the children's operetta, "Dame Firefly," to be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of Bt. Paul a Episcopal church, will be held !thls afternoon at 3 o'clock In Royal Ar canum hall. We sold hot candy last Saturday we could not make enough to eupply our trade. Today over 2,000 pounds of peanut, cocoanut, yankee and angel food taffy will be ready at 10 cents per pound. O. C. Brown's Candy Kitchen, 546 Broadway. . Frank Capell. coach of the Dodge Light nlaAu . ,...11 . I . . , . i"'"11 " a ijin icoin, iru ycKieruay ior Tarklo, Mo., where he will coach the col lege team for a few weeks. When here laet week the Tarklo collegians Were much Im pressed with Ca pell's work with the soldier foot ball players and decided on securing his services for awhile. James Madden, a tramp, forced his way inn. cvc-mii iiilu me nome or unaries ts&r- neii. a coiorea man; on South Main street. Refusing to vacate Burnett took tha iu Into his own hands and gave Madden a sauna Dealing, alter wnicn ne turned him over to the police. When Madden waa taken to the city Jail he looked as if he had wen run wirougn a tnresning machine. Davis sells (las. Mia. Metcalf Represent. Girls. The preliminary contest to select the girl member of the team to represent the Council Bluffs High school In the debate with the Sioux City High school in January attracted an appreciative gathering of the friend of the young debaters and the school, which filled the auditorium. The honor of representing the Delta Tau Lit erary society on the team fell o Mies Delia Metcalf, Mlsa Josephine Blxby being selected as alternate. The question debated waa, "Should the Policy of the United States in Excluding the Chinese Be Maintained and Rigorously Enforced?" Seven young women contested for the honor, aa follows: One the nega tive side of the question, Miss Zola Craves, Miss Delia Metcalf, Miss Mabel Anderson and Mlsa Josephine Blxby; on the affirma tive, Mlsa Helen Blxby, Mis Margaret Wright and Miss Eunice Graaon. Miss Caroline Dodaja, County Superintendent O. J. McManua and Rev. James Thomson of " the Congregational church acted a. Judges and their task ln making a selection was not an easy one, aa each of the young women made a most favorable Impression. During the evening a pleasing musical program waa given, those taking part being Mlsa Maude Mueller, Mra. Ward and the Misses Mignon Maynard. Bessie Hammer, Hazel Hammer, Sadie Ooaa, Letha Butler, Edith Sbepard, comprising the Orpheus aexlet. The team to enter the debate with Sioux City will now constat of Charlea Campbell, Alfred Hanchett and Miss Metcalf. Camp bell and Hanchett were members ot laat year' team. Davis sella paints. ' Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld. E41 Broadway. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers wsre filed yesterdsy In th abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Charlea N. Crlppen and wife to Ervln L. Newland. lot IB, block 22, Neola, w. d $3,000 Charles Deltchler and wife to Mary Voss. n ne K-74-. w. d 4.500 Parthenla P. Rue et al to Milwaukee Lrnua company, l.ia acres ln seU aH 6-74-U, w. d 119 Francla W. Ouren and wife to F. P. Breneman, ae se4 and part wH ae 24-78-40. w. d.. . 4,109 J. B. Johannsen and wife to Henrietta Kngleman, lots 9. 10 and 11. block 4. Noe'a add. to Walnut, w. d 125 Andrew Olesen and wife to Alfred Plrce, lots 13. 14. 15 and 18, block 1. Meredith's add., Avoca, w. d 650 James 8. Curtis and wife to Walter Still, lot 8, block 1, Oak Grove add.. w. d j Henry McMullen to J. H. McMullen. lots 6 and 16. block 1.11. I'r...i City. w. d Same to Margaret C. Heaton. ' lot '! block 154. Crescent City, w. d Kume to Martha Irvine Steele, lot 7 block 154, Crescent City. w. d David A. Snanp and wife to Orant Dewltt, lot3 1. 3, t and 4. block 10. Carson, w. d Manaaeh Abel and wife to John' 8 Crooks, lot 1. block 2. Voorhla' add . q. c. d 1 1 1 1,525 Twelve transfers, totsl CATARRH STOMACH AMD ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Makes s complete car. of the uuior uoiug vt Ue stmnath. NAurs. DYSPEPSIACUHE It Cure th Cauae. . " .. nniiMt ) OTtii IMMu, ftMUM wi U. m4 SMrtl nl U Ci. w4 Urn I. ... I.uav UrnMr mi. nu rateiT ml uw M. I U riUu WllliM.i'Hto Ui l-OO a hotUa I bottle U-x saND roa rasa aooaxaT to PRAMC NAU. 20J Breadway, N. Y. Tot eale by ttaorman at McConnell Drug t.. corner lth and Dude 8i.. Omaha. ISsh avod leading drugglala. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. It fMrl Bt, Council Bluffs. 'Phone 37. J" 3 BLUFFS. HALF COMPLY WITH THE LAW Board of Education Will Put Up One Fire Etctpe in Eaoh of Its Big Building. LACK OF FUNDS PREVENTS DOING MORE Moat Property Owaers Shew Die noaltlon to Pot I Vtr V.mrmamm Where the Lew qalrea Them. Re- Owing to lsck of funds the Washington avenue. Bloomer and High school buildings will not be equipped this year with the number of fire escapes as required under the new state law. The Board of Educa tlon haa effected a compromise with Fire Chief Templeton and has arranged to erect one escape on each of the three echool buildings before the end of the year. The committee on buildings and grounds of the Board of Education met with Chief Templeton yesterday and it Is was decided mpleton yesterday and It la was decided at one escape be placed this year at the th north end of the Washington avenue school and that another he reefed ntt vabp olthar on the south or west side of the building. At the Bloomer school one escape will be erected thla year on the east side and next year another on the west side. At the new High school one escape will be placed this Tuesday night, when the committee on buildings and grounds will recommend that a contract for the erection of the escapes on the three bulldlnr. be entered Intn at on tne three buildings be entered Into at once. TempleVon'-.tatT. S.t" rtMtan Except ln one or two na anii Pt. .1 . h-iv- "i "'' ' ""' needing Ore escapes are complying readily wun tne new state law. Lp to date, now - ever, the owner of the opera house block has made no move to comply with the law or take any cognizance of the notice served on him. The owner of the building has sixty days from the service of the notice to comply with the law and at the expiration of that time any owner of a building which comes within the provisions of the law and who has failed to make arrangements for erecting the necessary fire escapes will be brought into court. The law la specific on this point and Chief Templeton has no al ternative in the matter. Brother. Are ReanltedL E. D. Sadler of Oakland. Ia., and William 6adler of Lincoln, Neb., spent Thursday night at the Kiel hotel in this city enroute to the former s home. They are brothers and had met in Lincoln Tuesdsy for the first time in sixty-six years. ineir parent. locaiea near jouei, iii., in is. During an epidemic ot cnoiera DOia parents died and the children were sens- rated. E. D. Sadler was only 4 years of . l" " ui4 uv nm iuvu m famlly of a Methodist minister at Urban 111. He reached manhood In ignorance of the whereabouts of his brothers and sis ters, served through the civil war and then came to this state. locating at Oak- I he accumulated land. As the years passed considerable wealth and the longing to se- cure some trace of bis brothers and sister Impelled him to commence the search about a year ago. At nrst ne met wun many disappointments, but a week or so ago his efforts were finally rewarded. He located tbe children of one ot his brothers, now dead, at Jollet, and other members of the family ln Chicago and Mollne. From them he learned of the address ot his brother, William, ln Lincoln, and there the reunion took place Tuesday. Registration 1. Light. Reports from eight of the twelve pre cincts of the city last night showed that the registration tor the second day waa even lighter than that of Thursday. In the eight precincts from which reports were obtained 113 names were registered Thurs day and 103 yesterday, making a total of 218 for the two days. The largest registra tion waa in the First precinct of the Third ward, where fortyjfiv names were listed during the two days, twenty-six on Thurs day and nineteen yesterday. Th amalleat number registered waa In the Second pre cinct of the Fifth ward, where two names were added to the Hat Thursday and only one yesterday. The reports from these eight precincts follow: Thursday. Friday, First ward, First precinct 17 11 First ward, Second precinct H ( Second ward. First precinct 18 21 Third ward. First precinct 24 19 Fourth ward. First precinct 18 18 Fifth ward, First precinct It 13 Fifth ward, Second precinct 2 1 Sixth ward. Flrat precinct 6 11 The reglstrara will be in session Satur day, November 1, that being the last day for registering for the election on Novem ber 4. Play a Brilliant Engagement. Arthur Rodrlque, a veteran of the Phil ippine campaign, who had a somewhat meteoric career In this city while In tha employ of a local evening newspaper, la said by the police to be wanted on a charge of forging checks. It is also alleged that he ia wanted ln 81oux City on a similar charge. Rodrlque appeared In Council Bluffs about a year ago and aecured employment as an advertising solicitor on an evening pap;r. He did not prove a aucceis and after los ing his position took up with Mrs. A. Davis, manager of a chattel loan concern, who be friended him and It Is said married lilm. Tha marriage ia said to have taken place In Avoca, Ia. For several months Rodrlque haa visited Council Bluffs, but seldom. He wss ln the city Wednesday, but did not tarry long. When the police went to the hotel where be was said to be stopping they found he had departed and hi present where abouts are unknown. The charge against htm Is of forging Mrs. Davis' name to sundry checks for small amounts. Matter la District Co art. Richard Bolt began suit ln the district court yesterdsy for divorce from Jennie Bolte, to whom he was married in Kansas City, July 22. 1196. They lived together until October. 1899, he alleges she deserted him and has ever since lived apart from him. James Anson Montgomery married Ada May Montgomery tn Monona eounty, April 25, 1886, and aaks a divorce on the grounds that shs deserted htm In May, 1888. Ths defense la the Christopher Omeg will contest case rested yesterday after noon and the opening argument for the plaintiff was begun. It Is expected that the rase will go to the Jury thla after noon. Bos Held tar Hobhery. Charles Bishop and bla younger brother. John, charged with breaking Into and rob bing freight ears ia the yards of the Il linois Central railroad, were held to the grand Jury yesterday ay Justice BryguC year at the aouth end of the building and "7 ol noaii Arnold of contrary to th Iowa constitution.' It wss eases of the nerves heart widn.v- . one at the north end next year. ?T "! ' ,,to hM been T,,,Mn w,tn 'd,ed ,ftt ,n -- TkTtwo aectlonaconletaW f 5" The matter will be brought before the ' pother In Platte township, wss today ment to a general bill reUtlng to "criminal n VlMZSot ...un. r.t iu unm p..i iouna in a well at the home of the brother. OF IOWA. Earl Crftr, wbo was charred with being one of the gang of youthful robbers, waa dischsrged. The Bishop boys are It and I years old respectively and on account their youth Justice Bryant decided not commit them to the .county tail and al lowed them out on bonds furnished by their parents. The elder Bishop boy was ar rested at the home of relatives near Qleo- wood, where he had fled when, he learned the police were after him. Radiant Home Leads All Others. 0ud Horn, stove i. acknowledged to be the leading heater on the ms.rk.t You r.nnot ami . Kai v - All we ask Is a chance to show you these I Stoves, ir TOU went n Kiiw we can guarantee this to suit you. As " UIJB HUB BIUTI hard coal you will find plenty of It In a few weeks. The miners bare all gone to work and the great, long strings of cars will be hauling- thousands of tons soon for the consumers. Anyhow don't fall to call on for anything In the store line. It wm bb money in your pocket and pleasure mrougn tne long winter months as we will not sell any stove that Is not satisfactory In every way. Peterien A Schoenlna:. Mer. Ham block. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 16. Plumbing and heating Blxby A Son. MtM'C Dnnv ... -rur- . rliMU MAN i BOOT IN THE WELL I R idall Arnold Supposed to Uoto Committed Suicide While Insane. CRESTON, la,, Oct 24. (Special Tele- How It came there I. not known. He was In .' . .,7 " , new., m "e h'blt 10iB oaM work r" hi. absence was not noticed for ??me tlme- He W" "' man about 7 " . mu "00' y ago, ana a painter. Some time ago r. w.n,,r;. 71 :r,? e:;, "r -r iZ I "uvt aaavo VCCU 1UD that ill health h.rt -.U.n. hi. . "... he commltted ,u(:,de" f.. ' ... .k" 1 ,t . . ' "t : " . . I ive feet of water. . HOME FOR FORMER CONVICTS Institution Opened at Fort Dodae. lovra, with Address by Mr. Booth and Others. FORT DODfJK Is.. (Vt. 91 rOr..L1 T.1 gram.)-H0pe Hall, the new Coffin home for ex-conviots. located on the beautiful farm of L. 8. Coffin, near this city, was dedicated toaay by addresses by Mrs. Ballington wootn, warden Hunter of Anamosa and Hon. J. P. Cowne of Des Moines, member I of the State Board of Control. Mrs. Booth's visit waa mm. ml.i. tend the dedication. Servlcn. .r. .. ducted out doors before the home and' wer largely attended. The home will be r,nend 1 aa soon aa tne lurnlahlng Is comDleted. GUILTY IS IIIRY'K UCRnifTli. .mi. .i.i. vl I i t u . avr hub i . suaieimeni Recommended for Wllllai Lucas at Clarinda, Iowa. CLARINDA, I... Oct. J4.-(Specl.l Tele- ram.) The Jury In the Page county dla- trlct court, being out since yesterday afternoon at .l.JO. this forenoon returned I verdict finding William Lucas guilty of i muroer in tne nw degree and wcommend I tag that hi punishment be imprisonment I for life. iuo Ticum oi wica. was Emma Moore, She waa found dead near thbj city last Mar. rTtk - 4 The evidence was largely circumstantial. Onion. Prove Profltable Crop. WATERLOO. Ia.. Oct. 24. (Special.)- This movement is to be carried on ln con Joseph S. Trigg, the agricultural writer nt ,u ... v .v. ix. ii, the Rockford Register, has been trying Arfia rT nl. s B. a Ahi a a . W . a i ...... ome oi nis theories- by doing a little farming on his own hook. Hs planted seven-eights of an acre of red globe on lona thla season and this week sold the crop to the Waterloo Fruit and Commis sion company for $146 net. which waa at the rate of 3165 per acre. The crop brought 20 cent, per bushel more ZnZ uiiLn ill ii m nm narr m.aii.w i . l i . vi viuvaa mi. eason. To Go After Prisoner. DENISON. Ia., Oct. 24. (Special.) Sheriff Bell received a telegram from St. James. Minn. M. him that tha negro held In cutody there 1. the one who'e.c.nea from Ine'craw! ford eountv lull t. la accused of th murder of Fred L Powell, I brakemaa on th Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul railway. He will start to Min nesota at one to bring th prisoner back to uenison. Girl Held to Oraatd Jary. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Oct. 24. fflnael.l I Telegram.) Violet DeWolfe. charged with stealing two gold earring. .Ilk waist combs and ribbon from bar roommate, Minnie Sharp, was held to the grand jury thla morning under $200 bonds. Both girls had been working , at the Maple Leaf res- taurant here. INCREASE BOTTLE PRICES Manufacturers Think Trad Caa Pay Five Per Ceat Mar fair Goads. PITTSBURG, Pa.. Oct. 24. A new price II. I la tha. flint tinlll. -. v - I mulgated today A meeting of th. executive rnrnrnitraa nt thai A iphh n.m. I - v in uj uro- i ntannf. - .. 7.7 ' .""V" .C r "V" . " K ir uT ? n,ltTU aW. Z:lirBttTi"' Whe0 the Cli Ult V, . . The question of another advance In prlo was considered and it waa decided that the trade was ln shape to stand for an addl- tion 5 per cent. This makes an advance of I 28 per ceat In the price ot flint glass hot- ties during the present month, the former I advance being 20 per cent, which went into effect on October I. GIRLS WANT MORE MONEY Aak that Pay Be Inerea.ed from Five to Six Dollars Per Week aad Day Shorteaed. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct 24. One hundred and twenty-six girl employed la the pack ing department of the Sommer-Rlcbardaon factory of the American Biscuit company tn this city walked out on a strike this morn ing. Ths girls demand that their pay be in. creased from IS to 14 a week and their hours be reduced from ten to nine. Constipation la the rock that wrecks many lives; It poisons th very life blood. -j - Kegularlty can be established through the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is mildly cathartic and stretheos th stomach, liver "" rB. i TEST OF CICARETTE TAX sentenced to be hanged lor Court Asked to Declare it Illegal Unoooititntion&l Ground I . COURT FlXfS VAMir ON run fVC T MtS VAUJE 0N CHILD S of to Opening of "Hope Hall" la lowa-riox of Baptist Stat Convention at Fella Going After Far. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, Oct. 24. (Special.) The "JL?". urt Jw 0d"3r11n"r1 ru- """f1 ,n .the c"e from MMn county, ln- 'oiTing toe validity of the Iowg law re- LUD ,0 UxUon of In cigarette. I " kbuhuih imsseu a law WHICH for ""u'u'1'"' lnB n cigarettes. inis I . . . . -" -""" me coue waa rerUed 1897 nd tn9 criminal statutes Wr " consideration, an amendment "d,1d nxln" ,lcn,e of 300 V" us 7 .1 , , c,arelte- arv """t oui oi ousinees, I , " v-.v.u wmu, ueici mined upon resisting the tax and choice waa made of a case in Marshall county as a test. This case waa carried to the supremo court. Today the case was sub mitted. The tobacco company claims the law Is unconstitutional on three grounds. Reliance is placed on the familiar rule ln regard to original packages and the claim th,t cl"r" boxes are original packages, 'BO on the fact that there is an ex- amotion nr Inhh.r. ami ini...i. .1.1. i. "i . . " this Is declared to be a violation of the rule that all taxation shall be equal. But as developed In the discussion of the case today, the chief reliance of tha tobacco people la on their claim that the manner ln which the law waa placed ln the code la l.tion whatever to criminal law and does iauon wnatever to criminal law and does not make any pretense of being a criminal statute. The attorney, therefore claim that a taxlna measure Introduced as a i taxing measure introduced as a ?f b(- part of a bill, the title I on W in aa rin Ctr I WV In ! V In.l . '..' Th. on wll, :i " . . .JV8' amUDt " "le- ?e'? ln.:U," i"'u iw. me estimaie piecing 11 as nign aa 1100,000. wnen the law went Into I v. j.., , , quarter, $75 each, and then moat of them iciw uib.iclicb uui ui lueir biocb. a Aucricau iuuuhcco company 10 OK ,up me caae and guaranteed the payment of the tax In many case and haa a large amount tied up In the litigation. Value of Child's 1.1 fe. I Tha .nnr.tno Mi.rl nt.v nnj.nj Urn. clslon fixing the value of the life of a child 4 year, old at not to exceed 13.000. Webater county was sued for negligence In regard to a bridge where John Hlvely was killed. The responsibility was cer- tain, but the amount of the Judgment was ln controversy. Judge Weaver, now of the I nrm k.nh r,-!. .t h tri.i an I h.n th .it is rmn aratnst the countv Judre Weaver entered iudament for onlv ifl.OOO and It waa ac cented. But the county aDnealed and to- dBy the auDreme court declared that 13.000 M .. t.,.. I 1H . V V . JjKK irAlUll, ttlfptSIIHIll, AHUIIIBb tf.flllf I ,Y nittwi , winnisnieK cuuiii, rfuusa ri lows: affirmed by McClaln. R. E. Ridley, appellant, against Orelner A Boaslngham: Emmet county. Judge Quar ton; affirmed by Sherwln. Huran J. utmpman against Afiena jjamp- afflrnted "bV WeaVr0 JUJe " A. W. Hlvely. administrator.' agalnsi I Webster county, appellant; Wright county, J EiMtT'Bnerhaa against Forest City; Winnebago county, I -UOBO o yl - u ' " Charity Work for Mason - The annual state meeting of the Order of Eastern Star, held this week at Oska- i.. ..niv.,i i r.v, . arrange the prelimlnarie. for establi.h- ment and maintenance of a home tor tne widows and orphans of Masons In Iowa. 7 . . ... lng to the same end. The following officers I I of th Order of th Eastern 8tar were elected: Worthy matron, Mrs. Jane Web ber, Cherokee; associate matron, Mrs. P. L. Sever, Stuart; worthy patron, Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, Knoxvllle; associate patron, A. L. Under, Muscatine; grand secretary, Mrs. J iTl - - tress, Mrs. Lena Ward, Eldora; associate conductress. Ethel Geneva, Oskaloosa. The appointed officers are: Chaplain, Sarah Chick, Cherokee; Adah, Anna Miller. Spirit Lake; Ruth, Charlena Welch, Humboldt; Esther, Martha B. Nor- ri, M,ulcnMter: Mthea' unr Hall, Alt.; feC Wb.ter W.ucoma; marabal. lTen"' f61"1! sentinel, Amer Albersan, I Washington. Coins After a Fortune. William McCollum, a Dallas county far mer, la soon to go to Scotland to claim a valuable legacy left by an ancestor. The family cam from Scotland to Prince Ed- ward Isle manv vesra aa-o and then .r.t tered to th states. Nearly all tb collateral branches have disappeared. Mr. McCollum baa been a resident of Dallas county many years, but has assured evidence that he la entitled to a valuable estate left ln Scotland and he will claim It. Ther appears to b no doubt of the correctness of his history. Open Novel Iaatltntton. The dedicatory exerclsss for "Hope Hall" took place on the farm ot L. 8. Coffin In Webster county today and members of the State Board of Control and other state offi cers. Including Warden Hunter of the state penitentiary, were present. Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth was present and delivered an address. The institution was founded v.. u rnm .. . . . who areTurn.7 oV wlThouT having any v " ' . Tb " given enaorement by th state officials nd all interested in the betterment of the crtmlnel A fin. building ha. beTrecUd and the same will be opened very soon. . . Baptist Itat Coaveatloa. Th annual sUte convention of the Bap- tiats of low . closed today at Pella. A movement 1 atarted to have permanent I hoard headquarter la De Moines. Next I convention will be held In Sao City. The following officer, were chosen for the new year: Hon. D. C. Sbull, Sioux City, president; E, B. Smith. Waterloo, vice preald.nt; 8. B. Wilcox. Dea Moines see- reiary ana general missionary; Frea B. Palmer, Chariton, assistant secretary; E. F. Bperry, Des Moines tressurer. The follow lag were cboaen officer of the Woman's Mission societies: President, Mrs. Atch- lion. Do. Molnea; vice president, Mr.. E. E. Lewi., Sioux City; secretary. Mra. Kel- aey, Dea Molnea; treasurer, Mrs. Walker. I Dea Molnea I mm m aannv . ..... I DUILtn mUJl ilANU IKIAL 4saga overrates nietlea Quash I Bribery Indictment Aaalast Mlllloaalr. - wtavH v s quash tha Indictment tn the Ed Butler case waa overruled todar hv Juit.. h-v.h.. . Lubtaoia, no., uci. n. in motion to I tss t .. a ii . n a. a. I Ths whole proceeding did not occupy mora than nrteea mtautea. Michael StarresT la Pound Guilty on the Murder of Kx-Prntlr Stambuloff. I irr . . ., ,,U f V LIFE I reff, allaa Halju, SOFIA. Bulgaria, Oct. 24. Michael Star was today found guilt I ln" muraer cr "-rremler Stambuloff 1395 hanged. The ac cusea p leaded not guilty. Companions M. Stambuloff testified that Stavrcfl the first shot. fired Stephen N. Stambuloff, who has been called the Bismarck of Bulgaria, was as ssssinated at Sofia on the evening of July 13. 1805. three months after his dismissal from the premiership. The crime was committed while M. Stsm buloff and a friend were returning from a club In a carriage. They were atopped by tnree or four men armed with knlres and pistols and the ex-premler. leaping to ths ground to derend himself, waa overcome, receiving orer twenty wounds In the head In addition to other Injuries, The number and aeverlty of his wounds. together with the amputation of both his nande, resulted In his death three days - i mer. KTATF TURF? 1 H ' C wunt;i CONSUMPTION Germany Erects Sanitarium to Treat Worklacraea Free of Cost. BERLIN, Oct. 24. The delegate to the InterniktlnnBl Tiih.Ai.1-l. . I .. . lu"'lc" speni l" aaT visiting the sanitarium which is heino- built .t n.m, ... r,...7: A group of model buildings is belna - aaua a uiauaui erected la the pine woods, coetlnc 12 BOO 000. The sanitarium will accommodate 600 persons, one-half Buffering from tubercu- The maximum Derlod m. i., .t.y i mud Tto fourteen wLkL Ln which pleat, ot fresh a r .00 id8 7 .L T d '0od'.. leal attention, amusements and all the ot ; hond., .r, I Ft-.. - 11 - iZlnZ U Til ToVlV, la" duty t0 rp8tore haltli to the head of family or any skilled worker, ENGLAND COPIES AmtnlUA I British Navy Will Have flub ma rlne a. Boat. a. Soon Possible. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 24. Mr. Arnold Forster, financial secretary to (he admi ralty, was a guest tonight at the Con servative club's dinner. He said he regarded the agreement be tween the government and the Cunard company as payment for value received in u"? of war; Thf cn8tructIon of submarine vessela ' t0 D taken up with energy. The most Powerful squadron of crulsera which ever lled the 8eas WM about to be commls- ""'. and even In the absence of the 1 "" aniaiu wouia nave '"J"""' i"ou. I The admiralty had decided to call a council to decide on the best methods of I - , . . , . i " v.. . iuci- I cantlle marine and the civil population into tne naval service. CHINQ IS ANXIOUS TO KNOW Germany to Be Aaked to Interpret Stipulation Regarding- Evacua tion of Shanghai. PEKIN. Oct. 24. Prince Cbing, president lot tha Pornlffn nflW lniH. . .i. -... maBtf tn . ---- " luo " ipu. Uon regarding the evacuation of Shanghai lLtb Jorelgn troop8. a" emb"" H I th v.,.. ,,, , . " : " BrUUh ,chemM of aggrandizement. 6Aa the i ujuol idui removing tn. imn pit n. ti., Germans are pleased with the agreement as It stands It is doubtful if Germany will con sent. PARIS, Oct. 24. Foreign Minister Del- casae ha notified China that France is prepared to withdraw its troops from Shanghai simultaneously with the with drawal of the force of the other power. reserving the right to send a contingent - her power d, barking troops. KING SUMMONED INTO COURT Document, of Hl.torleal Character in Poa.ea.lon of O.oar of Nor. way Are Wanted. STOCKHOLM, Oct. 24. King Oecar has had the novel experience of being sum moned to appear ln court In connection with document belonging to the late Helga De La Bracbe, said to be ln his possession. Helga, wbo was the daughter of tha de throned king Gustavua Adolpbus IV, died some years ago. Her legatee now demands the delivery of papers received by King oscar a ratner rrom Helga, These papers are understood to be of an Interesting his- torlcai character. SAOA IMPORTS CHINAMEN Company Finds Celestials Do Moat Work on Cocoa Plantation. BERLIN, Oct. 24. The German-Samoan company Is arranging to Import Chinese labor for the cocoa plantationa in Samoa. A former New Guiana contractor has been t0 to China and send worker. The German concessionaires nod they can get more work out of Chinamen. BULGARIA WARNS THE POWERS I'ales. Reform, la Macedonia Are In stated Ipsa Government Can not Prevent Trouble. SOFIA. Bulgaria, Oct. 24. The Bulgarian government haa sent an identical note to the powers pointing out that unless reforms la Macedonia are Insisted upon the govern- mnt ot Bulgaria will b unable to hold In check th pro-Macedonian movement which is agitating thla country. HURRICANE IN ARGENTINA Fifteen Person. Killed, One Hundred Destroyed aad Several Ships Ar luuk. BUENOS AYRE3. Argentine. Oct. 24. A hurricane has swept over Port Diamante province of Entre Rlos. Fifteen Dersooa w.r. anil manv rr. InlnMil ' j A hundred bouses were destroyed and aeveral ships were sunk. Nogvoya and other places were also damaged. Kla-a Bestows War Hoaora. LONDON. Oct. 24. Nearly 400 recipients of coronation war honors were invented hv auasga tauxaiu V VU aiUUIUl J lltl I (Kill T . Th InveBtlture was carried out In the ball rnm -in, ,.... .i a.. ... King Edward at Buckingham palace today. . officer of state were present and th seen. n.r.i..i..i. .. . . .l. I 1UB1B m 11 II in- 1 1 1 1 ' r 1 1 M 1 1 ipnm Hn.nnln ' i tinn wirn namrwtv el - of la of J VT Standard, J5 I JARVIS 187? tlclpants, In accordance with the king's in- . I structlons, wore all the ribbons, orders or I meJa, they possessed, I Acriaeni uemys steamer. PLYMOUTH. England, Oct. 24. The steamship Fuefst Bismarck, from New York, uctober 18, for Hamburg, arrived here this this morning at 10 o'clock. It waa delayed h, . f , . , ' -.- tZS I, f V the PSTe.W' ' J ' h t 8 V cran?ha " of lu f1"00"" "" " Sunday. It only used Its port engine during the rest of the voy- age. mo vessel experienced fine weather. Three New War Ships. LONDON, Oct. 24. The British admiralty has given out contracts for the construction They will have a speed of twenty-five and a quarter knots when In fighting trim, tbelr engines will be of 17,000-horse power and their seagoing qualities will be superior to those of the torpedo boat destroyer type. Aid Loyal South Africans. LONDON, Oct. 24. The Dally Mall under stands the government will next week ask Parliament to vote $10,000,000 for the benefit of Transvaal residents who remained loyal during the war, ln addition to the $15.- 000,000 granted under the peace treaty. Dock Laborer, to Resume Work. DUNKIRK, France, Oct. 24. The dock laborers today formally decided, hv 1711 votes to 481, to resume work. The town quiet today, an overwhelming force of iruops naving ueen acnt hero by the mlli- iary autnorities DMAHfl WniWAW IC crromuv I W 1,1,1, 111 , Will 1 1 J WUnLIMni Rational Household Economics Asao. rlatlou Elect. Officer, for Four Year.. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 24. At today's ses sion of the National Household Economics association the following officers were elected: , r Prealdeut, Mrs. Linda Hull-Larned, Syra cuse, N. Y.; vice president, Mrs. J. K. Klm- x" ferley, Neenah, Wis.; recording secretary treasurer. Mrs. John Kendall-Dunn New Yrir. ."!:. " DD' ew MacMurphy. Omaha, niraetnr. I i I - ... Vm rour years: Mrs. Lynden Evans, Chlcaao- f8' Honman Kansas; Mrs. Habrlskle, J. D. Whltmore, Dcnyer. "ATame en Evary Piece." Chocolate .? Bonbons Beiry Package Warranted I If yon buy Lowney's Candles in th original sealed packages you will find them in perfect condition, or money refunded. Rsaclal" Asserted . I lb. 60c.; M . "KoBTealr" . . . . I lb. Oc.; H 1. 8Sc. "lauriraa Beaatl.a" lb. &oc. : U lb. 80c. 'Plska." "PaniUa" ) . ,L . .. r"r-orSt-..BOU" j ; "Golfer." .... . i Ib.toc.; K lb. 10c. "f nloalal Dames" '. . I lb. 60c. ; X lb. 80c. Taoeolatt reppermtats" 10c. and toe. "Iheeolat Alaaosd." , l&c., 85c asd AOc Lwny a Packages arm full tUtlght. Doubt Daily Train Servico via th Louisville & Nashville Railroad between Cincinnati, Louiavllls Chicago and St, Louis and Nashville, Memphis Atlanta, Birmingham Mobile. New Orleans Florida and (suit Coast Points Through Sleeping Cara tnd Chair Care An Unexcelled Dining Car Service LOW RATE EXCURSIONS First and Third Tuesday each Month For rate, maps, folders and time table. Address C. L. STONE, Gca. Pats. Art., Louisville, Ky. For the Strength of Woman to surmount the difflculiles . of social or worh-n-day lifo ANHEUSER-BUSCH3 TEAS 8 WaBK. a . . is ixmurc a greatest assistant. -swf wai-ua uii uepressiOiA and illness and promotes digestion and health. All druggists sell it. Trtparti only bp Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. SEitTVi1 tamo" Jwolaer, Mlehelob. BlacK a Tan. Faust. P.I..I .... ! Eaport Palo aad Exquisite. Specialists In all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years of sue ccssful practloa la Omaha. CHARGES LOW. ARJCOCELE HYDROCELE snd rtiaout cuiiins, pia mt l.l auarsDtM to nt o or mon.r nrunaM. CVDUII IC "ni th. polso WirfllLIO thormsblr elnid from th iT.t.m. Scaa TT ( " trmptoM 4l..ppwr sa4 torrnr. Ne "DKKAKINO OUT" ot tb. 4Im.m on th. ski. or (.. oentslns B Amnsorau druss or lalarlou mloliM. WEAK MEN - lUl'HTlON, WA8TINO from hmm or VICTIMS TO ERVOL'S PKBIMTT OR IX. . WEAKNESS with EA.I.V IjRrAT In VOUNU ui sUDDUB AGED: luk of 11m. vigor .n4 stnnitta. with organs unpalroA snd tui Cures siMrsotMd. CTDIOTIIDC wlU a saw horn, trwu O I nib I UilC atmb No Mia, a Uaua from bualurw. lIRIltARY. Kldn.T Bl.ddor Trouble, Weak tek. Burning tlrln., mqu.or of Urlnnlng, im Hlab Colored, or with mllkr wdlaMat standing. Consultation Free. Treatment by Mall. Call or a da res a, lto S. 14th St. DR- SEARLES & SEARLES, "iBA For years this remedy haa been the standard nerve restorative. Thousands of happy men ow their newly found strength to Its use. Sexlue Pills replace weakness and exhaustion with strength and vigor; the brain becomes clear; th nerves steady and calm; gloomy forebodings are banished and perfect vitality U ful ly restored. If you are suffering as above, trria box; you'll be encouraged by it effect to take the full course of six boxes- then If yon are not entirely cared, w will refund your money. Thla satis factory offer ia one of th factors of our success. $1 00 per box ; 6 boxes (with gvaran. tee to cure or money back), f&.OO, mailed ia plain packages. Book free. For sale by K.unn as Co., Omaha. Dillon's Drug Store, 8outh Omana. Davla Drug Co.. Council iut laT ' DR r.TcGREW SPECIALIST Traats all form of IISEASES AND DIS0KDERS OP MEN ONLY 27 Tear. Experience, 17 Tear, in Omaha. 4 I ram remaraapi. auo- Xi-" cess haa never bn equaled and every day brings many flatter, lng reports of the good he Is doing, or the r.uer. ne nas given. Hat Springs Treatmsnt for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BRKAKINO OUT" on the akin or faee and all external signs of the disease disappear at once. BLOOD DISEASE rr"n"u. 10 VARICOCELE iMSiJimiU? OVtR 30.000 d."US-5 yiinuiy, uiuiuiat alacharg., Btrloture Oleet, Kidney and Bladder Ptseaaea, lit I urocele. QUICK CURBSLOW CHARGES. Treatment by malL P. O. llox 7tA nn over 216 H. 14th aireet, between Farnam and DougUe atreeui, OJUAiiA, NS&B. $25.00 to California. That U tha rats from Omaha. In effect thla month aaly. Ticket ar good, la tourist sleeping cars, whloh th Rock Island runs to Los Aa gales, Santa Barbara and Ban Francisco. The car make qu taker time to Southern California than similar cars ever any other line. Folder fl'lng full Infor mation mailed on request. If you ar going to Cali fornia, 00 NOW. After November 1st It will cost you nearly B0 per oast nor than at present. .Low rate to Montaua, Idaho, Ltaih aad Pugel Bound point now la effect. Ask about them. TZTf TICKET OFFICE If r.J3?3 131 i rdinam ai,. KJ Omaha, Keb. Postal Card Will Get It J SAMPLE COPT OF TUB Twentieth Century Farmer mm W ife Trt 8 1 v 1 - . . mtlvVWIIJ Mi llll.UL. . . ,u an. DMT.