Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1902, Image 7

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icrs ana
Particulars h the Goods Cone In.
Hp promise you particulars a the good cam In. Our cloak buyer baa returned
from the eastern mark eta for the third time ince August 1, and we are now tn poat
Uon to give you the particular.
worth up to 100. from the Turkel A
Felathjer tock, at $190.
2"0 cult In Norfolk pedestrlenne, blouse,
single and double-bressted efferta. from the
stock of Conhalm 4 Co., worth up to 120.00,
for $12.e0.
the well known manufacturers Kltzlnger A
Zelenko, Eleventh and Broadway, New York
'City, secured by our buyer at about half
price. 4
TABLE 4 Children' coat age 3 to 12
year, worth up to 15.00, for. each, $1.00.
TABLE t Children' coats ges 2ilo 12,
heavy mixtures, deep cape,' 4jMwawlth
satin banda on cuffs, collar aiid capetorth
up to $5.00. for $1.95.
TABLE 3300 rhildren' coat. In all wool
mixtures, lined, and ' interlined, worth up
to $7.00. $2.9. i
TABLE" 4 300 children' coat. In all wool
kerseys, aatln lined garments, in reds, tans,
blues and heavy Scotch mlxturea and
jilalds, worth at last $10.00, for5.00.
About 50 fine sample coat for children,
t 17 f0 and $10.00.
AND WRAPPERS, ecured by our buyer
during this trip.
100 women's tailor-made entts, the like
you never aaw before, all wool, trimmed
with braid, taffeta lined jackets, percaline
lined skirts, reds, tans, castors, blacks,
You'll be astonished at the money-saving chances (hey offer in newest nnd most wanted goods.
Never before have such sensational bargains, such immense quantities and such complete varie
ties been put on sale. The sale on ladies' ready-to-wear garments and millinery is the biggest
ever attempted. Head the great sale on underwear. Get II ayden's grocery prices.
(Agents for Uutterick patterns and publications.).
Write for new dry goods catalogue or price lists of any goods you need.
40 fine sample suite from the atock of B.
J. Mann Co. on aale at $15.00, $18.00,
$20.00 and $25.00.
One special lot of suits, SILK LINED
THROUGHOUT, in blues, browns, black
and cost ore, in the blouse effect, very
nobby, made to sell for $30.00; sale price
nary pricea quoted today.
Women' and misses Monte Carlo coats,
nicely trimmed with braid and buttons, for
150 Monte Carlo coats. Skinner's satin
lined, with or without cape; this is our
famous $12.60 Jacket; on aale for Saturday
only at $10.00.
160 women's Monte Carlo coat, worth
$25.00. for $15.00.
Omaha's Greatest and
Host Popular
Silk Dopt.
Sensational sale of silk for Saturday. Re
member, these prices are for this Bay only:
25 piece extra heavy washable Japanese
silk, in stripes, all colors, and worth 50c.
For Saturday 25c
10 plecea of real fine quality pure white
wash habutla silk. 27 Inches wide, and
worth 75c. On aale at 39c
Colored poplin silk, in fine shades, both
light and dark. These are imported silk
and .worth $1.50. At 50c
Corded taffeta for waist, all shades. In
fine heavy silks, very swell, and worth $1.25.
At only.: 49c
Black, white and all colors. In fine moire
velours, extra fine grade, that sells for $1.50.
On sale at 69o
GRENADINES for one hour Saturday night.
From 8 until 9 o'clock Saturday night we
place on sale 100 pieces, all that Is left of
our fine black silk grenadines. They are
in checks, plaids, stripes, crepe effects,
swivel, corded, hemstitched, crepon, lace
tripes, broche, Mexican meeh, sewing Bilk,
alt styles, to eult any taste grenadines
that sold for $1.00. $1.50. $1.75, $2.00 and
$2.50. This is the greatest sale of grena
dine ever held. Your choice Saturday
evening from 8 until 9 o'clock, QQm
for only TwC
All these grenadines are 42 inches wide.
Great Skirt Sale
: The entire surplus stock of Max Solo
mon, known as the king of skirt makers, on
sale Saturday. The sale commencea at 8
o'clock and lasts until all areeld. There
are 775 silk' skirts in all; they are worth
up as high as $18.50; your chorl Saturday
$7.8 .
400 women's golf skirts, trimmed with
satin banda, from the stock of Brown Hy
men, on sale at $1.60.
300 women's rainy-day and dress skirts,
a great assortment of different styles acd
fabrics, worth up to $10.00; for each $5.00.
Extra Specials for Saturday
. 100 doien women's fleece lined wrapper
from the stock of B. Crystal ft Co.; 16
lnch flounce, separate, waist .lining, $1.25
quality, for 69c. .
60 dozen women' sample waists from the
stock of the National Waist -company, di
vided into four lot at $1.00, 1,1.60, $2.00 and
12.98. ' ' '
Women's plush cape, 3f Inches long,
meroerlzed lining, cites S3 ti'46. for $3.60.
100 women' sable fox scarfs, worth up
to $5.00, for $2.90.
200 women' silk waists, worth $5.00, for
50 dozen women's mercerized underskirts,
$1.50 quality, for 90c.
25 dozen women's dressing aacque for 90c
200 Infants' elder down dressing sacques,
$1.60 quality, for 69c.
Special Shoe Sale
On shoes for -misses and children for school'
wear. . These good are all standard makes,
made of the' very best materials and by skilled
workmen. A special line of the celebrated II.
,W. Merriam shoes for the children who attend
school. They are good and every pair bears
our guarantee.
On sale Saturday f '' f." ' . (OR
n't SI nnd .. .-.-'- lifcaiW
Brown's leather knee protector for
bovs,' worth 40c for
Boys' and youths' satin calf bals Qflf
worih $1.50 for
Men eatln calf congress, worth $2.00 for
Men s vicl kid bals, McKay and welt, worth $3.00
Men box calf bale, McKaya and Welta, worth $3.00
Men veloura, call bale, McKaya and welt s, worth $3.00
Women's velours, calf polish, McKays an d welts, worth $2.60
Women's vicl kid polish. McKay and w elt, worth $2.50 :
Women' vicl kid, mat top polish. McKay a nd welu. worth $2.50 and $3.
Boys' and youtha wear like Iron shoe. $2.00 and
Sole agents for the Stetson and Crosse tt shoes for men, and the
Ultra anl Crover shoes tor women.
Brooks Bros'.
Sheet Music
and Books
We have Just received two new dance
folios. We will place them on sale Satur
day at only 48c each; by mall. 65c; regular
price of these new folios is 75c each.
twenty-five dances for parlor or ballroom.
Such favorites as "He Laid Away a Suit
of Gray to Wear the Union Blue," two-step;
Day By Day." waltz; "Hunkey Dory," "In
the Valley of Kentucky," Waltz; "I Left
Because I Love You," waltz; "I Dreamed
My Mother Wa a Queen," waltz; "A Pic
ture No Artist Can Paint;" "Sambo On Re
view," two-step; "Our Naval Cadets,"
march, and lots of others we have not space
to mention.
PASTIME DANCE FOLIO" contains such
hits as "The Maiden with the Dreamy
Eyee," waltz; "I'm Coin to Live Anyhow
Til I Die," two-step; "While the Convent
Bells were Ringing," waits; "Don't Wear
Tour Heart on Your Sleeve," waltz; "My
Heart's Tonight In Texas;" "Harlem Rag
Every Race Ha a Flag but the Coon,"
two-step, etc.
Remember, we are headquarters for every
thing in the way of sheet music and books.
Mall orders filled the same day we receive
Optical Dept.
Hat Sale
Underwear and
Furnishings Sale
mi wm
The biggest stock, biggest Tsrlcty and biggci-t vr.lucs ever rut cn s.-.i.
Our immense $."0,000 purchase from the lending mills uj ta cvota the
most astonishingly low prices. Tho garments are tho best finlshd. h'R'uort quality,
best fitting, dependable and comfortable to bo found aiiyhcro In America.
Owing to the unreasonable weather ot the last ten days prices a.-o cul.Uccprr
than ever.
Ladles' extra heavy Jersey ribbed veet and
ptints, worth 25C
Ladles' Harvard mills vests and psnts. In
tine Jersey ribbed fleece lined silk, cro
cheted, hxnd-tinUhed, extra fine IQ.
quality, at tIC
Ladles' Jersey ribbed combination suits. In
regular and extra sizes. In gray 4Q
and white, at 3C
Ladies' part wool combination eulU", In
white and gruy, simples from the lnre
manufacturers, worth $1.50, 98C
One lot of ladies' wool combination suits.
In manufacturer' samples, I Crt
worUi 2.(. at IiOU
Ladies- fine Swiss ribbed combination suits,
in silk and wool, white, blue and pink
extra fino finish, worth $.1.50, 2 50
A rare opportunity to secure a high grade hat at a big saving In price.
150 dozen men' fine sample hat secured from a large hat manufacturer ot Phil
adelphia. This lot Includes the very latest styles In hats fedoras, panamas, Colum-
bias, pashas, railroad and several other styles. This lot of hats were made to sell at
$1.50 to $2.50. Saturday your choice of the entire lot at the very Gi
low price of I WW
175 dozen boys' caps, in all the, new styles for fall and winter; worth 69c, 75c and
$1.00. On sale Saturday at 25c, 35c and 60c
Saturday in the Bargain Room
Pneclals or dress goods, silks, cotton dress goods, underwear and boya' clothing.
No dealers, peddlers or manufactures sold to in this room.
$2.50 golfing cloth, cadet blue, nil wool. 28
o3., just tne ininjc i"r warning kuu on
eklrts, for Saturday, at ICa
a yard I w It
English henrlettas 9C
$1.98 plaid back golfing cloth. 56 inches wide.
in Uxtoras only, lor biuiuj, cn
at a yard 911
All wool challis, 9C
A large line of new waistings to select
from. In albatross, mummy cloth and
other weaves for this fall, MQn
AH wool French flannels.
A nice line of silks to select from. In taf
fetas, Jacquards, in etripee, checks and
plaids, for, a yard, IQf
4, 39, 23 ana I3W
19c percales, 10c canton flannel and other
goods will be placed on one table
for Saturday, at a yard
19c fiannnelettes,
25c sllkollnes,
19c meroerlzed linings. In black
and colors, for
75c mercerized table damask,
(Napkins to match.)
25c turkey red table damahk,
50c turkey red table damask,
pnvs' knee "ant suits,
Men's $2.50 and $3.00 pants,
for $1.50 and
Boys' 5c and $1.00 knee pants,
for 60 and
Ladles' outing flannel gowns,
Men's husking gloves and mitts,
Ladies' outing flannel underskirt,
Children's extra heavy fleeced lined
weur, sizes 6 to 14 years,
Men's 60c underwear, ,
Men's extra heavy fleeced lined
socks, for
Children's muslin pants,
Ladles' extra heavy fleeced lined
underwear, for 49 and
Men's part wool sweaters,
Men's heavy Jersey ribbed working
ahlrts, for
Our optical department ia in charge ot a
qualified refractionlst, who will examine
your eye free of charge.
Glasses of all kinds at less than half the
usual cost.
Repairing, lenses exchanged. All work
Opera glasses, field glasses, telescopes,
reading glasses and a full stock of optical
The best grades at the lowest prices.
Men's $1.50
Underwear at 89c
Men' extra heavy all wool Jersey ribbed
shirts and drawers. Men' silk fleeced
lined. Also all wool suits and drawers,
in fancy stripe. All regular RQc
$1.50 values, at
Men' $1.25 wool fleeced lined Bhlrts and
drawers,. la pink and blue, RQc
on aale U3V
MKN'S $2. AND $3.00 UNDER- I IE
Men's fine ellk and wool suits and drawers,
in the Stoueman and some of the other
best makes, all regular $2.50 and I 1C
$3.00, on sale at I' I 9
Men's wool union suit and part wool, at
11.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up.
Men's $1.25 colored laundered shirts, with
or wlihout bosom, In all the newest colors,
with separate cuffs, to wear AQr
white collars, on sale at H Uu
Men's wool sweaters, in all styles! Aft
and colors, at $4.50 down to I' UU
Men's 60c neckwear, in all the , 9Kr
new styles, at 3U
Men' 60c suspenders, in all the Otlf
new styles, at 3U
Boy' colored laundered shirts, regular 11.00
quality, in all the new colors, 49
Special Gut
on Stoves
This Week
Air-tight beaters. 18-lnch. $1.49. ,
12-inch Saxon Oak air-tight, $5.49.
A very handsome hot blast heater, one
that will keep fire 48 hours, for $8.95.
Wood air-tight, with cast bottom, a very
handsome stove, that will last, perfectly
ajr-tight, for wood or light fuel, $5.95.
No. 8 cook, warranted a perfect baker, a
very nice plain cook, worth $13.00, $8.95,
The Universal Sparkler, a very handsome
double heating base burner, $28.50.
6-inch pipe, 9c.
Coal hods, 15c.
Wood bottom stove boards, 69c.
Fire shovels, 3c.
Elbows, 6-lnch, 6c.
Ladies' fine white silk srid wool vest i4
punt!-. biind-ctoehctcU finished, I 0.11
worth H a", t liUU
Ladles' pure nntnrnl wool vesUj pent,
extra heavy quality, ( tn
at, each ls3U
ladles long Mp, straight front cor.-ets. si!
slses, 75c quality, 4SC
Ladles' and misses' 'rlrJiea, in all ecl-ia,
ir'te ?.".?!!!' 49 c
Ir. Warner straight f"ont. long lit p cor
sets, with side and lro::t sup- I f-
porter attached, nt liUU
Lr. Warner's str;il:M front corsats fnr
noui ngures, rues to ;:t,
Nemo sclf-redming curse ls for
stout llgurus, at
Specials for Saturday Morning.
FROM 10 TO 12 A. M.
Ladles' 60c stockings, in black aud fancy colors, in lisle thread; aUo fiue maco
cotton. All regular 60c values,
on sale at
Also 200 dozens fine lisle thread,
w-orth 60c, on sale at
hose, in black and fancy colors.
Great Millinery Sale
The most astonishing prices
ever made on trimmed walking
hats and street" hats. Our great
stock of newest and most ex
quisite walking and street hats
trimmed in fancy birds, quills
and drapes, on sale Saturday
n three lots:
Lot 1 All our fine $1.00 and
$1.25 street hats, on sale Satur
day at 50c.
Lot 2 All our $1.50 to $2.00
street and waJking hats, on
sale Saturday at 75c.
Lot 3 All our finest street
and walking hats that' sold up
to $2.75, on sale at 95c.
Great sale on the popular
flats Saturday, worth $3.00, at
Special sale at big reduction In price
Saturday on trimmed dress hats and pat
tern hats. The most chic, exquisite and
charming hats ever shown.
Saturday is children' day In the mill!
nery department.
China Dept.
Nice decorated Holland mugs and creams,
Covered decorated aliens, 10c.
Pink border plates, platters, salads, cakes,
mugs and saucers, 10c.
A real bargain, beautiful fruit dish, 10-
inch size, finely decorated, worth 75c, 10c.
Decorated rock teapots, 30c.
Crystal sugar and creams, 18c each.
Fire polished gold finished crystalware,
the finest you ever saw, 9c.
Jewelry Sale
Great sale on watchce in newest desita
casee. fitted with Elgin, Walttaa and
Hampden movements, at special prices.
Every one guaranteed.
Special sale on a full Una of p.-,i..t.
silverware, including salad forks, veld
meat torus, jelly cutters, ladles, knlve acd
lorne. etc.
Everything Dew in cut sins .:.r
ling novelties.
Special Saturday on ISo v;... n,
65c alarm clock.
Bargains for Saturday
60c postillion belts, 25c.
$1.00 chatelaine bags, 50c. -- -
$2.00 new chatelaine bags, $,.00.
$1.00 made veils, Saturday, 60c. .:
Grand Ribbon Sale
Silk taffeta ribbons have advanced IB
per cent. We had a big etock on hand
and will continue the big sale on them
Saturday. No. 40 ribbon, on sale at per
yard, 10c.
Grand Handkerchief
Closing out several big Iota of dainty
handkerchiefs. These are in hemstitched,
fancy embroidered and drawn work. Hand
kerchiefs worth 60c to 75c. on sale Saiur
day at 2V4c 6c, 7Hc, 10c, lie and 19c.
Center Pieces Sale
200 pairs very latest lace inserted and
fancy hemstitched center pieces and pil
low sbatna worth 60c, at 25c.
200 dresser scarfs to match center '
pleeea and shams, worth COc, all go Sat
urday at 25c.
Letting Down the Prices on Dried Fruit
Peaches ...
Peaches ..
Miner Park
Peaches ...
Apricots ..,
Miner Park
Apricot ...
per pkg
per pkg
Malta Vita,
per pks
California Seedless
Small New
California New
Santa Clara
Tickled Tripe,
per pound ....
Best Brand
. . 10c
Grand Opening Sale of Hew Nuts and Fresh fruits
New Crop Oranges, per dozen 16c
New Crop California Lemons, dozen... l.o
Juicy Pear, dozen 15c
Hallowe'en Pates, per lb 6V4C
New Carton Figs, each
Large New Almonds, per lb
New Mixed Nuta, per lb
California Tokay Grupes, per lb.
Headquarters for Low Prices on New Fish.
New Catch Shore
New Catch Norway
New Catch Norway
gl. New Catch Family
U'iW White i- lttn.
en. New Catch Holland
QUC Herring, per kit.
ini . New Catch Norway
lCQ Anchovies.
per Mo U - Cr
Codtish. Smoked l
and Halibut,. . , .
Smoked SocKcytf
Ceneral Manager of Union Pacifio Quit
Present Place Korember L
Otker rhaagei $ lal PaelBe Oper
atise Dpartaaes Are Kapected l
Fellow Retlreaaesi of Mr.
; DlrklaaoB.
Edward Dickinson has resigned hi posl
aa general manager of the Union Pa-
rillrniil rnundinff out' a i-
of a third of a century
V.. .runtait that Of VU
nrMont nil reneral manlier of the Kan
saa City, Mexico Orient railway, which
position he will assume Novemoer i.
r,,. ... m.da by Mr. Dickinson
yesterday from his office at the general
k . i...itiM in rim. ha and also by
President A. E. Stilwell of the Orient road
at Kansas city. Dickinson win De iocir
at Kantaa City.
t ...... i..,.in. nf Mr. Dlck-
, uiuiru ii n anci o,u.
!..- a.i ...I.- . nnrtr for The Bee
called on President Burt to aacertala whJ
had been appointed to ucceea ir. in..u
son, it being understood that since but a
few day would elapae before the latter'
departure his successor naa oera u-u.
but Preatdent Burt lmply said:
"I have nothing whatever to ay upon
-""J"11- .. . . .
Nothing definite could be learnea .r
Dickinson or any other oun .
in i - .nrl manager, but
the general impression among railroad men
is that the mantle will fall upon iniei
Engineer J. a Berry of the Vnloa Pacific.
Mr. Berry U out of the city and therefor
could not be seen.
Other rkaam ! "Hew.
t v o..,. ,Mf rlerk to General
u. IM..LI . mill not leave hi
present place when Mr. Dickinson goes, so
far aa i known, although it 1 thought he
may go with hi old superior later. A
number ot changes among the official at
Union Pacific headquarters are looked tor
aa a result of Mr. Dickinson's leaving.
It 1 believed that all those who were re
garded aa cloaest friends of Dickinson,
some ot whom are known not to be especial
favorite of President Burt, will go tn
Mr. Dickinson' leaving an old and pow
erful road to go to one whose construction
work ha not progressed much beyond the
hundred mil mark, -ha aroused consider
able comment, especially In view of the
fact that Mr. Dickinson' reputation a a
railroad man rank with the best. It is
agreed that it took some very substantial
lnducementa to get Dlckinaon to identify
himself with the projected road. It being
admitted .that the association of such a
man with any such road would be of vast
benefit to the latter. It Is understood in
this connection that Mr. Dickinson get In
on the construction contract, without which
it U believed he would not have accepted
the proposition. The Impression also pre
vail that some of the powerful money fac
tor ot the railroad world are back ot the
Stilwell project, which give it an element
of substantiality. What Mr. Dickinson'
alary la to be is, of course, not known out
side of official circles. His salary In his
present position 1 116,000 a year.
Dirklasoa'e aeeeaafBl Career.
Edward Dlckinaon was born at Cumber
land, Md., October I, 1850. He began his
career aa a messenger boy in the service of
the Cleveland k. Toledo railway at the age
of 13. After two years' service with that
road and six year with the Atlantic
Great Western a operator, train dispatcher
and baggageman, he received an otter from
the I'nlon Pacific at Omaha, and 1871 found
him holding the position ot train dispatcher
cn the latter road. At the end ot hi second
year of service with the I'nlon Pacifio he
was appointed chief train dispatcher ot th
Wyoming division of the I'nlon Pacific with
headquarter at Laramie. Ia 1877 he be
came superintendent ot the Laramie di
vision. In 1883 he was made general su
perintendent of the Wyoming division and
in 1885 he was appointed to the assistant
general superlntendency ot the entire sys
tem. Two years later he became general
superintendent. Here ia where Mr. Dickin
son made a great reputation for himself and
commanded attention all over the west as a
railroad man.
In 1883 Mr. Dickinson was made general
manager of the Missouri division, compris
ing the lines in Kansas and Nebraska. July
1, 180, he waa retired and before the news
became generally known he wa tendered
the position of general superintendent of
the Trans-Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio, lines
with headquarter at Chicago. Within a few
months he returned to the Union Pacific
and accepted the position of general man
ager, which he has held continuously since.
Figprune Cereal
A grain and fruit Coffee nourishing and invigorating
Loral Weather Observer Say It Is
Abeat Time ie Start
If Far a area.
According to local Weather Observer
Welsh we have had the best ot our Indian
summer and the mercury ha et in on a
downward course, which will carry us into
winter. For the last tew day the tempera
ture ha been steadily dropping like the
pulse of a dying person and It Is predicted
that summer can laat only a short time
Although the weather of this October has
seemed remarkable, a glance at the past
records shows that in reality it baa not
been up to the Nebraska standard. Taking
as an average the mean temperature of each
day for twenty-five years, the first seven
teen day of thla month show a deficiency.
The seven days between the 17th and 24th
being a very wide departure in the way of
excess, has brought up the average for the
month to about normal.
For those who have taken occasion to re
mit k that thla is remarkable weather tor
thla time of the year It is pointed out that
a year ago yesterdsy the thermometer stood
at (0 degrees, and a year ago today at 79
degrees. The local record for an October
day was made on the lzth ot that month in
18H9. when the mercury climbed to tZ.
However, it is now past the average time
for starting the winter fires in the furnaces
and the lowering temperature throughout
this section indicates that Nature will soon
declare off it boycott cn th coal me
Press Reports Confirm Story that Demand
on Companies is to Be Made.
Railroad Managers ia Omaha Dear
that TnUsmea Have Submitted
Amy Denaadt, hat Actio is
Expected Nevertheless.
The press reports from California that
the Southern Pacific trainmen will make a
demand for an Increaae In pay and from
New York that the Union Pacific dlrectora
had held a secret meeting to discuss the
"demands of the trainmen who have threat
ened to strike," naturally have revived in
terest here in the reiterated statement
that a concerted demand for higher wage
and revised schedules would be made on all
, the trunk line of the country thla fall.
Although this story, which was originally
printed In The Bee and published in various
other papers, has been officially confirmed
by E. E. Clark of Cedar Rapids, Ia., chief
of the Brotherhood of Railway Conductors
and one of the men selected by President
Roosevelt to arbitrate the anthracite coal
mine strike, no definite information as to
the plana and details of the movement can
be obtained from any ot the Omaha rail
roads. This report comes from Oakland, Cal.:
According to the Tribune, a demand will
he made upon the Southern Pacific within
the next thirty days for Increaned watn-K,
which wlil affect more than SO.Ouu employe.
The union ofliLlaU are loath to speak of
their plan and purposes, but admit that a
concerted demand will be muds on the
Southern Pacific; and twenty-two other
roHda west tif Chicago.
The demand l baad:
Kirst On the increaiied rout of living.
Second The increased profits of the torn
phtliea. Third On the fact that the heavier equip
ment in use compels mora work.
This from New York, both reports coming
over Associated Press wires Thursday night:
The directors of the I'nlon Pacific met
h re today and dlscimund the demands of
lha trainmen who have threatened to strike.
No decision waa made public.
torr leaaraurd by Clark.
Briefly stated the ktory which E. E. Clark
confirmed was to the effect that the train
met on practically all the trunk lines ot
the United States had agreed to present a
coucerted demand for higher wage and ie-
vised schedule based on the three prin
ciples mentioned in the above report from
Oakland. The agreement held that every
trainmen' lodge should stand out for the
provisions of this demand until It wss
granted by every road; that if all but one
road granted the demand operations would
cease throughout the country until the man
agement of that one road yielded. No strike
was contemplated, but the plans provided
that as a last recourse a strike would be
The reports of the action or plan on
the Southern Pacific seem to harmonize
exactly with the original plans and It ia
believed that the demand will- be made on
other roads now directly. The report that
the Union Pacific Board of Director ha
taken up the matter ha given rise to two
view. One is that the trainmen have
quietly presented their demand to the
general manager or president and that the
case somehow ha been carried to the
directorate. The other theory la that the
report haa the shopmen' atrike on the
Union Pacific confused with the plan ot
the trainmen and that it is the shopmen'
strike which the director have under con
sideration. President Burt' office waa conaulted re
gard lug the New York report yesterday
and this statement waa made:
"We do not know what the report means.
The trainmen have made no demands bere.
We certainly are Incllsed to think that
there ia nothing In the story."
This question was asked:
"Do you think the directors are consid
ering the strike of the shopmen and that
the report is a contusion?"
"We don't know, ot course, what the di
rectors are considering, but we don't think
they are considering this strike."
'What Cieaeral Maaasers Hay.
The general managers of the Elkhorn,
Union Pacific and Burlington have, prior to
thla time, been asked if they had been ap
proached with this universal demand and
tbelr answer were in the bscatlve. Only
recently have each of the roads aigned up
new schedule with some of their trainmen.
However, it Is positively known that on the
I'nlon Pacific there is an undercurrent ot
General Manger Bidwell of the Elkborn
waa seen on this proposition yesterday and
tatd :
"We do not know anything about this
concerted action except what we have read
in the papers. W have seen that home of
the trainmen's official have confirmed the
neaspaper stories, but our men have not
presented an demand. A khort urn t0
some of them did come in and complain
that owing to the Increaae in business they
had to do more work for the same pay. We
showed them satisfactorily that as they
worked on the mileage basis their pay in
creased with tho Increase tn the volume of
business and the matter apparently ended
Trainmen are verv reticeBt. and while
some do not hesitate to say that the plans
for the general demand will be carried out,
none will enter into a discussion of the
matter. It 1 understood that the conduct
or grievance committeemen are at work
n iu t'ninn Parifle and the chairman I
expected In Omaha within a few daya to
tee what can be done toward completing
plan at thla end of the line. It ia consid
ered especially significant that both tbe re-
porta this morning concern Harrlman line.
Tho imnreasion prevails here that matter
are about ready on these road for a gen
eral presentation oi mo case, auu mai u
thla has not already been done n win ue
within a abort time.
Presldeat Bart laaaes Ordera to Give
Mall Tralaa Kali Rlkl
of Way. .
The presence of three inspector from tb
United State Postofnce department in
citle along the Union Pacific is announced
simultaneously with the statement that
President Burt has issued special orders
that full right or way shall be given to all
through passenger trains The report that
the train carrying United State mail have
frequently been behind time since lb strike
began would not down, despite the f.ict that
they were persistently contradicted by
Union Pacific officials.
Word Las been received at strike head
quarter statlpg positively that three fed
eral inspector are in Cheyenne, having
come through Omaha to look after the
United Satea mail that is sent over the
Union Pacific. President Burt' order will
be rigidly observed.
Strikers are Jubilant over tbe report yes
terday that fifteen of tbe shopmen in Omaha
had quit Thursday and eight yesterday,
and that another gang was expected to come
out. A report was given out that twenty
others bad applied for their time and that
they were prevailed upon by officials not to
quit. President Burt, who makes a daily
visit to the shops. Is said to have tried to
reason with the men to show them why
they ought to stay with their jobu.
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