Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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iocused Does Not Move a Muicle When the
Verdict ii Bead.
tat Will Make F.tTort tn t'nrotrr
Wko Ar Alleged to Hnva Hired
Horn to Commit the
todsr In not being able to accord Seer
tarj of the Treasury Shaw reception. He
was announced to be here on bla war
from Minneapolis to Sioux City and Omaha,
but falling to make connections at Red-
field', the program could not t carried
out. A special train was sent from hers
to fleAflrirl, returning In time to permit
Secretary Shaw to board the southbound
train for Omaha, and only a few people
could shake hla hand, among them being
Governor Herreld and Secretary of Stats
Berg. 1
CHEYENNE, Wye, Oct. 14. (Special Tel
egram.) Tom Horn, the famous scout and
stock dstsctlve. was today found guilty of
murder In the first dfgreee.
The trial of Horn for the murdor of Wil
lie Nlckell, 13 yrars old, son of Kels N'lck
II, on July 1, 1901, at bis father's ranch
In the Iron Mountain country, was begun
on October 10, The claim of the prosecu
tion was that Horn, In the pay of certain
large cattle owners, killed the boy In an
effort to frighten bis father and cause blm
to leave the country.
The strongest evidence against Horn was
bis own confession, made to Deputy Sheriff
Joseph H. La Fors, io which be gave minute
details of tho crime. Horn at the trial ad
mitted making the confesMon, but declared
It was false and only made In a bragging
way while he and La Fors were exchanging
. There promises to be some sensational
developments. It being the Intention of
the authorities to proeicute the men who
hired Horn to go to Iron Mountain snd
kill Nlckell. In the light of the law. they
are as guilty as the murderer, and If certain
evidence can be secured, ond It is believed
It can, these men behind Horn will be sr
rested, charged with being an accessory
to the crime.
When the verdict wss resd to Horn be
never moved a muscle. It was tbs most
remarkable display of nerve ever seen la
a Wyoming court. Upon his return to
jail Horn said be had not given up hope.
He was sure be would be granted a new
trial, when he would secure bis liberty.
Counsel for Horn assart that It was
not Horn who killed the boy, and they will
now show up the real murderer, and in so
doing will secure for the stock detective
his acquittal.
It developed at the trial that Horn was
simply the paid assassin of men who
wished to get the Nickells out of their
wsy, and the sheep and cattlemen or range
wars did not enter Into the matter, It
was personal spite that caused the death
of Willie Nlckell.
Horn was in charge of a pack train dur
ing the war in Cuba.
Alien Walking; Shield Displays He.
snarkabla Herve as He Goes
to the Seatfola.
SIOUX FALLS, B. D Oct. 24. (Special
Telegram. )--Tbe banging of Alien Walking
fhleld, the Sioux Indian murderer, at the
county court bouse here this forenoon wss
cna of the most successful executions in
the history of the northwest.
He wss brought to the scaffold at 9:02;
death trap was sprung at 9:04; be was pro
nounced dead 9:21. Everything went with
out the slightest hitch. Walking Shield did
sot flinch In the least degree. "Hurry up,
ss all that he eal4 while tbs deputy was
arranging the rope and black cap.
The murder was that of Mrs. Ghost'
Faced Bear on the Rosebud Indian reserva
tion May I, 1002. On the way to the gal
lows the lodiaa joked wltb the marshals.
-. The murdered woman was the mother of
the girl wltb wbom Walking Shield was
enamored and the Indian killed her "so she
would not be la the way."
Last Dight at sundown Walking Shield
sang a wlerd death song, as is the custom
of Indiana about to die.
Walking Shields left tbs following will:
' 1 am wahacanka manl (Walking Shield)
In the big house at sloux falls deplty WAV
to me wahacanka manl big cort say you
die so 1 make wil like white man pslca
htraka you good man you shal hav my
vngon 1 harness and black mure I give
neluhu t. du ta he oour man my lotment
shal dig ;)ev for ma if he bery menut to
ttawanua rial hav lotment and In iAi cow
1 caf 1 iters 1 white bul If he rind him nut
1 plow heka du ta you 1 big Her and mik
left t give you a mie wagon at agancy If
you nn J him tber tasaye nu ta i giv you 1
toD buvy and white hora 40 acera land from
my boy petokahe win I glv e-he I hors 40
acers lana ana my ciose wanyannps win
she was with my enemis she shal have not
stent my bed Is good my hart is bad I shal
aL wahacanka man!
pejuhuta nuta If you bery me not tona-
wanoa snai nay iginient
Tbs "lotment" mentioned in tbe will con
sists of t4) acres of land on the Rosebud
St. Joseph the Mecca of Footballlsts
and atndents from Three
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 24. (Special Tsl-
egram.) Large numbers of foot ball en
thusiasts arrived In the city tonight from
various points in this and the thres ad
joining states to witnsss the gsms to
morrow afternoon between toe Nebrsska
Cornhuekers and tbe Missouri Tigers.
There Is plenty of money In sight to bet
on tbe Cornhuskers, but few wagers have
been placed. Both elevens are not ex
pected until early tomorrow morning, but
that has not prevented the wildest out
bursts of enthusiasm on the part of a
student element wltb blood running riot
In their veins. Tbs Imprsssion prevails
among a large element that Nebraska will
Ond it an easy matter to dispose of its
opponents tomorrow, but former graduates
of Missouri university say tonight that
tbey have received a tip that the Tigers
are In better form now than at any time
In tbelr blBtory.
A meeting was held In the law office
of Hot. W. K. Amlck tonight by tbe
alumni of the Missouri university, wben
message of good cheer from Columbia ware
read. The alumni will receive the team
at tbe Union station. Tbe Nebraska boys
will be met at tbe station by a large re
ception committee and former graduates
and students or tne university ei uncom.
Minor Cases la Federal Conrt.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 24. (Special
Telegram.) In the United States court to
day Henry Charles Warner, an Indian, who
was yesterday found guilty by a Jury of
selling liquor to an Indian bslonglpg at
Ban tee agency, Nebraska, was sentenced by
Jucge Carland to a term of sixty days In
tbe Bon Homme county Jail at Tyndall
and fined $100. C. H. Crabtree of Law
re nee county appeared before Judge Car.
land and pleaded guilty to an Indictment
charging blm with falling to place a reve
nue stamp on some mining stock be sold.
Ha was let off wltb a minimum fine.
Morris Park Gate Receipts Will Go
to Sew York Kewspsper
NRW YORK. Oct. M The racing at
Morris Psrk today was for the benefit of
the hospital and cemetery fund or tne new
York Presa club. A big crowd was In at
tendance. The racing waa clean and the
contests spirited. The feature event, the
Knrt 8rhuvler sflllnu stakes, waa won by
M. L, Hu man's Le Reeske. Double Bis
maris the running to the stretch, where Q,
W'hlttler took command. Cochran, how
ever, on Ie Resske, brought hla mount
up with a well timed rush and won driving
By tnree-quariers oi a jengin irom u.
W'hlttler. who was a head in front of Red
psth. Tho winner was bid up to $2,100, but
the stable retained the horse.
Alabarch, from the Drake name, won
the fourth race and was bid up to $2,500,
an advance of $1,500 over hla entered price.
The stable also retained this horse.
First race, selling, hurdle, for 3-year-olda
and upwards, one mile and three-quarters,
over seven hurdles: Yelp won, Silver Twist
second, Carrier Pigeon third. Time: 3:20.
Second rece, handicap, for 3-year-olda ana
up, last six and a half furlongs or tne
Withers mile: Hyrllrt won, Cameron sec
ond, Articulate third. Time: 1:20.
Third race, the Fort Bchuyler selling
Stakes, for 1-year-olds and up, last six and
a half furlongs of the Withers mile: De
Reszke won, u. wnittier second, neapain
third. Tims: 1;204.
Fourth raee, selling, for all ages, the
Withers milet Alabarch won. Old Hutch
second, Brunswick third. Timet 1:39.
Fifth rsce, selling, for t-year-olds, the
Withers mile: Sheriff Bell won. Nevermore
second. Examiner third. Time: 1:41H.
Sixth race, handicap, for -year-oiaa ana
up, the withers mile: lytra usage won,
Glenwater second. Lux Casta third. Time:
Intereollealate Uoll Meet Will tleae
with Individual Champion
ship Match,
MORRISTOWV. N. J.. Oct. 24. The west
and the east will fight out the Individual
championship tomorrow at the Morris
County Golf club In the Intereolleglate as
sociation's final round of thirty-six holes,
match play.
The best matrn or today was in tne semi
final between H. B.- McFsrland of Penn
sylvania and H. B. Hollina, jr., of Harvard.
The former won on tne extra hole by a to a.
The two piayers lied at eighty-two for the
eighteen holts.
The eummaiy or tne aay was:
Intercollegiate golf championship, -second
round: H. B. Holllns, Jr., Harvard, beat
J. W. Baker, Princeton, 4 up and 1 to play J
II. B. McFarland, Pennsylvania, beat Percy
Pyne, Princeton, 3 up and 1 to play; w. K.
Kgan, Harvard, boat L. H. Conklin, Prince
ton, 1 up; H. C. F.aan, Harvard, beat N. S.
Camnbell. Yale. T ud unci t to nlay.
Bi-ml-nnal round: McFarland beat Hol
llns, 1 up (nineteen holes); II. C. tgan bant
vv , c. a uy biih ly I'll J.
Foot Ball Contest Ends In Grlnnell
Team's Victory by Thirty
to Nothing.
Pelayrri Train Csaici Disappointment,
HURON, 8. D.. Oct. 24. (Special Tele.
gram-) Huron people were disappointed
Moines college suffered defeat on the foot
ball Held here today at the hands of the
Iowa college eleven.
The score at the close stood 30 to Q.
Cedar Rapids Colleiflaaa Score Twen
ty-Seven Points to Opponents'
ROCK ISLAND. 111.. Oct. 24,The Coe
college eleven of Cedar Rapids la.,- today
defeated Augusta by 27 to 0.
Deyond Question
Is tha moat perfect whiskey sold,
It la made Irom lha choicest of
select (rain and underroas
thorough arelng, thus securing
perfection oi flavor and bouquet,
With tha moat fastidious buyra It U
To Broaden tho Game,
LONDON. Oct. 24 -Tha Lawn Tennis as-
sociatlon Is endeavoring to emphasise the
International character of the game. At a
recent meeting the association, In addition
to adopting the American service rule,
sgreed to admit six foreign and colonial
delegates to the annual council, to be held
in July. The United States will be Invited
to scud, a representative. An English team
win certainly oe sent rack to try ana win
the American cup in l'.iul, but Its personnel
will be undecided until after the Wimble
don championships to be derided in J unit.
In the meantime Mr. Mewburn, secretary
ot the association, told a representative of
i the Associated Pros hs fully expects that
'Whitman snd Lurned and perhaps other
Americans win participate in the Britisn
chsniptoiiHhlp ganiin. He added that there
waa no Uujbt the Hrlttah association wouid
be glud t i bear part ot the expenses of tus
visitors, if that waa any Inducement.
Paadtt Against Month Omaha.
The Dundee foot ball team will play their
annual game with their old rivals, the All
South Omaha team, Saturday afternoon on
the former's grounds at Forty-eighth and
I oage streets, it win t an exciting game,
for neither team has been defeated this
year, and this game decides the season's
championship bttween them. The lineup
Is as follows:
,1111 KorrB
L 1 T Sllck.n
..It O H 0 t ale
... C c Aiutia
a oi a vHHri
K T L T bm
. K t LB S-blna
... Cj Q ou
L It R H lot,m
.K tl) L, H Aukrma
..y a y a waits
Foot Ball riaytr Is Dead.
SOUTH BEND. Ind.. Oct. 14. Max Flei
scher, a studnt of Notre Dame two years
sgo and a member of the law class of 1&
at Michigan, Is dead an the result of in
juries received in foot ball practice. He
was one of the strongest men oa the Notre
Dtree "scrub" team while at the university
and waa showing up well lor a position en
Q. hum
lugriu ..
. suuol
gM 4 all InWlM mm aaS t a
wa. laYSAhAJ a eos, ikiwun, no.
Vsrsos Hiss Uoll Msteh.
LONDON. Oct. S4.-Harry Vardon of
Scarborough and James Braid of Romford.
both former aulf chamDlon. have met In
net prub.uiy was uir taat mated or
the season on HayUn links. Vardon ae-
cure iue n-aicn oy up sn a vo puy,
ber, chuck full ot pictures
of people and oventi In
which tho reader ot The
Bee are Interested tbst Is what Tbe J
Illustrated Bee will be en Sunday.
None of The Bee's contemporaries
undertake anything like tbe accom- ,
pllshments of this paper in the way ot 1
Illustrating current history. Wben
you buy Tha Bee you get not only i
an accurate account et what Is going j
on In the world, but you get faithful ,
and well printed pictures ot the
actora aa well. And you also get the
choicest of special articles on timely
natters of general Interest, lllus- '
trated from photographs, the most!
aesurate way of securing illustrations,
a that In reality you ere getting a
magazine Instead of a newspaper.
CLUBS recently held an im- ;
portent convention at Columbus. New
officers were elected and numerous '
matters ot Importance In connection .
with tbe club movement were at- '
tended to. In Tbe Illustrated Bee cm
Sunday will be found pictures of the
new officers, that of the president,
Mrs. Page, being used for the
frontispiece, and a carefully prepared
historical sketch of the federation.
tha unquestioned feature of the
successful carnival and atreet fair
held at tbe Adams oounty capital. It
was the work ot tbe women, and its
splendid aucosss is due solely to their
push and persistence. A full page of
Tbe Illustrated Bee la given up to tbe
prise winners In that parade, as One
a group of picture aa aver appeared
In this paper,
InstaModby the United State
government in order to make the
mariners' path more easy along the
rocky shores of Uncle 8am'a domain.
A special article on the general sub
ject of lighthouses, light ships and
light buoys, with a description of thu
Immense new bl-valve lenses now
being Installed, will appear. A lens
of this type of tbe fourth order will
transform the light of a 250-candle
power lamp into a beam of 1,000-oan-die
power, visible seventy-five miles
from the lighthouse. Illustration!
ara from photographs.
L the subject of Mr. Frank G.
Csrpeotsr's wsekly letter. In tt ha
describes the silk Industry ot Franc,
which ia centered at Lyons, and gives
some very entertaining historical and
statistical information concerning the
growth and mstboda ot the craft. It
prestige 1 threatened by tba United
States, and tbe steps that ar being
taken to maintain tho precedence ot
Lyon are explained In detail. Illus
tration are from photograph mad
by Mr. Carpenter la Lyons.
America i the title of a copy
righted artlcl by J. Q. A. Ward, tba
famous American sculptor, who de
bate tbe question involved la his
caption. He sets forth the advan
tage of training tha people along ar
tistic lines, and show what good will
aocme from a proper development
and consequent elevation ot the popu
lar taste in matter relating to art.
Mr. Ward' paper 1 thoughtful and
of Prof. Lorenz, the wonder
working Austrian surgeon; Secretary
of the Navy Moody; two couplea who
have recently celebrated golden wed-
dings; scenes at a collision In the
South Omaha yards, and other thing
of moment to Tbe Bee' readers.
Every department of tha paper has
been given the customary cars and
nothing will be found lacking which
could add to ita completeness. If
you are not now a subscriber you
should place your order with your
newsdealer today.
Dun' Beriaw Point to Oar Bbortage a
Evidence of Frenperity.
Blah Temperatures Encourage Aarl-
cnltare and Merely Act as Tem
porary Check on Other Llnea
of Baslaess.
NEW TORK. Oct. 24.-R. O. Dun ft Co.'
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
No better evidence of Industrial and com
mercial activity la needed than the present
lnadeuuata transnnrtatlnn facilities. Every
form of rsllwsy equipment from track to
roiling stock naa been increased ana per
fected during the last few years to an ex
tent that SDneared almost excessive, yet
the nstlon's business haa more than kept
Dace. Unseasonably mild weather has re
larded retail trade at many points, yet the
movement or goods Is ruliy susisinea Dy
mlnlshed Preparations lor future eaies.
Distribution delayed by high temperature
Is not lost, while the agricultural com
munity will Profit very materially by the
tardiness of frosts. Increasing their ability
to consume the products of factories ana
Labor Is more fully employed than at
any recent date, only small controversies
The money market pressure has been re
moved and althouch securities do not re
spond, legitimate trade is not retarded by
quiet speculation.
Earnings of the railways during October
thus far exceed last year s Dy Yt per cent
and those of 1900 bv 12 per cent.
Coke Is st'U the vital factor in tne iron
and steel situation. Not only has no im
nrnvement occurred hut the biiddIv of furl
Is falling further behind and the outlook la
pig iron la in great demand, imports
promising to continue large, and aa the
higher duty on steel will not be enscted
there la reason to expect a liberal move.
ment from Oermanv. The demand for rails
la so large that great purchases abroad are
being negotiated, while practically ail rail
way supuiies nna an esger market.
structural lines or steel are in a strop a
position, but there Is evidence or Irregu
larity in wire rods and actual weakness in
a tew llnea that are not now otisred ireeiy.
Perfect New Methods.
Plete manufacturers ara making a bard
fight to secure tha foreign business don
here under a drawback arrangement and a
new method or production is being per
fee ted that promises to cheapen the cost.
Among tne other metals tin ana copper
advanced sharply, but the former reaotea.
in tne cotton goods mamei buyers are not
antlcloatlna future requirements, having
apparently confidence In cheaper raw ma.
tonal, yet many lines are now oeiow a
fiarlty with the raw cotton market, which
s a aupportlng element from the seller's
point of view. There Is a steady absorp
tion for immediate requirements which pre
vents any accumulation of supplies and
the market must be considered In good con
dltlon, since It Is obvious that much future
business Is only awaiting something more
definite as to raw cotton.
Only a smsll trade Is reported In heavy
brown eheetlngs and drills for export.
the large buyers being practically out of
the market. Further aales of print cloths
are reported.
No improvement appears in the depart
ment tor men s wear, women or worstea
fabrics, new orders being for small auanti
tins only and not suggestive of a genuine
supplementary demand for spring weights.
Although the movement of sample pieces
from first hands Is on a liberal scale, there
are still numerous complaints ot late de
livery. .
buk aooas are mm. wttn a scarcity in
many descriptions. Deliveries of loot wear
on old orders are very heavy ana New
England producers Are receiving fair con
tracts for staple lines running into next
Failures for the week numbered 232 In
the United States, s gainst 240 last tear, and
twenty-two In Canada, . compared with
twenty-nine last year.
Ivolnme of Easiness Grows, Though In
Few Casea Slackness Is Apparent
NEW YORK, Oct. 24. Bradstreet's to
morrow will say: -
Wl- .Mil J 1 . . I.
trade and industrial situation. Some reduc
tlon In the demand Tor fan and winter
goods at wholesale Is noted, but It is shown
tt tne ssma time that tne completed busi
ness In dry goods, clothing, shoes, nata.
millinery and a host of other lines Is In ex
csss of 1801 and preceding years. Business
on next spring's account tends rather to
mar tendency
particularly In
expand and a similar tendency is noted in
where tbe fear of a coal famine has been
retail business,
the east
It la true that in the northwest retail
trade la not meeting anticipations, partly
because of the warm weather and partly
because the farming element Is still busily
snsaaed In crop work.
ins money situation snows nine mat is
unfavorable to general business. Reports
as to collections class them as being gen
erally good, and in some cases better than
a year sgo,
Raw cotl
textiles. Uood
irser out turn. The prlt
Is strong and prints and ginghams jobbing
aw cotton shows the lesst strength o
nicking westher favor
The print cotton market
i l ' I IILVLULIMLI) W I JI UiH II I . I .'111 , I J
I i v I I To secure an Household Necessity Without Cost I Ji l JI.J if
To 5ecure an Household Necessity Without Cost
An Article Needed in Your Home Every Day
250 Full 25c Size Bottles of the
Wonderful Healing Remedy
o) rir
i Lru
Faracaruph is a remedy that you need in your home every day because it instantly re
lieves and quickly cures BUKXS, CUTS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, SORE MUSCLES,
"lalaly0tir Kuhll & CO., 15th and Douglas Sts.
It is a remedy for the Home, Shop and Factory and Kuhn & Co. especially request that
Housekeepers and men of families call on the above date as none will be gi.ven to children.
Be sure to call early as the supply will not last long.
tlon wss unanimously sdopted expelling
Charles Frank from the association.
It was further resoiven inai j. ji. im.
Vraln. the manager of the Tacoma clup.
for his artior. in refusing to abide by the
mandates of the national board and In per
mitting himself to be used oy vnaries
1c. hit nenallzed in the sum of 1100 and
stand suspended until the fine Is paid.
The Memphis fsra ssaocianon ano ainnn.
gor J. J. MnClosky. late of the Tacoms,
club, were censured for their actions In
this cass ,
As soon as the association passed the
above resolution s telegram was sent to
the ofrlclals of the Memphis club Informing
them that If they did not expel Frank from,
the club the protection granted under the
national agreement would be withdrawn.
The magnates took up the salary and
farming questions and discussed them at
length. It was finally di-cided, however, to
defer sctlon until a report had been made
by the national board.
Tho secretary or tne nanonai association
was lnstructea mat in tne event or in.
sale, release or purchase of any player,
involving the National and American lea
gues on one side and a club member of the
national association on the other, the club
maklna- the deal must promptly notify the
secretary and he promulgate the same in
the official bulletin of the association.
Crelgshton to Play Amity,
The Crelghton foot ball team has gone to
College Springs, Ia., to gather In the scalp
of the long-haired squad at Amity college.
Amity has been playing good foot ball and
Crlghton will have to worn hard tf they
win from the Iowans. Mike Mullaly Is In
Delaney's place at guard and Crelghton Is
In good condition to play their usual game.
The Crelghton team will not play again In
Omaha until November 3, when the Haskell
Indluns will give them a sample or red
skinned font ball. Crelghton la braced up
by some strong men from the medical de-
artment and hope to snow tha Indians a
ot chase for victory.
Festivities for the Children.
SAULT STE. MARIE. Mioh.. Oct. 24 -To-
day's festivities In honor of the opening
of the new power canal at this point are
?;lven over to the children. The celebration
n connection with the opening of the canal
began last night with an 'Informal banquet
to the various committees In charge. This
evening the power company will tender
the cltlsens or tne town a reception at tne
armory. Tomorrow, when water will be
turned on to the new canal, will be the
big day of the celebration.
Woolen manufacturers ara actively em
pioyea, ana tney are saia not to pave
very larae stock on hsnd.
improved retail traae in tne east gives
tone to ine entire ary gooas martei.
The situation in the iron trace is run o
Interest. While pig iron Is firmer and the
coke shortage continues, necessitating shu
downs In the Pennsylvania valleys, and
high premiums are paid lor wnat little iro
la available, eteel billets have weakened
partially because of the effects of foreign
urgent demand from some finishing mills.
The heavier forms or nnisnea material an
retain their former strength. Structural
Iron and steel and plates ior snipouuatng
purposes are strong, but sheets are dull and
Slow, ana ateei roas rena io weunen ana
tinplates are depressed pending .he settle
ment of the tin works employes about a
cut In wages if the large orders now going
abroad are to be secured. A result on this
point may be announced at any time. That
nigh prices have exercised a deterrent ef
fect on consumption la easily demon
strable. A cut In the prices nf wire and
nails has already had tne ertect or en-
juraglng consumption.
Hardwars retains exceptional activity for
fht and heavy sorts snd considerable sales
builders' hardware for next season are
reported at different placea.
Ae4 Financier Is Stricken.
PUT-IN-BAY. O.. Oct. St. Jay Ccoke.
the aged financier, was sgaln stricken with
congestion of the brain at his home on Gib
raltar Island last night. lie rallied some
what today and is now said to be resting
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
October 24;
Warranty Deeds.
Klma Palm and husband to Hlldur
Llnbetg, lot 2, block 15, Omaha Vlew.$ 800
F. O. Olsen and wife to Leonard Hall,
lot 1, block 1, Potter & C.'s 2d add.. BOO
Lydla W. Harris to Herman Bchunke.
a tract in the northeast corner of lot
3, block 6, Improvement Association
add WO
B. R. Hastings to Llizie Shaw, lots 10
and 11, block H, Saunders & II. s
add SW
Maria A. Nichols et al to J. I. Cook,
wit? fet-t of nl264 feet lot 2, block t,
Cunningham's subdlv 100
Mary Madden to Minnie Drews, lot 2,
block 9, Jctter's add 4W
E. Lk Patrick and wife to C. A. Morri
son, lot 1, block 5, Patrick's Sara
toga add 400
n P" Meeker to P. W. A. Oravert
et al, lot 1, block 4, Halcyon Heights 1,003
Christopher Schamel to R. F. Farrell,
lot 3. biot-K 3. Bnuii a ana j.waj
Clara E. Wlllmasrr to Emma O.
McCoy. lots 11 and iz, oiocK it, iijiib-
com Place 2,000
Qnlt Claim Deeds.
hs boot and shos trade continues good
the west; In the east shipments last
Harvard Manner is Dlsqaallae by
Athletle Committee, Being;
Declared Ineligible.
week were the largest for months psst and
sxceedlna those of even this week a year
sgo, but they are still 10 per cent less for
tne season.
Leather Is pretty steady. Hides have dis-
flayed some aoctness, but are steadied oy
he strength ot sole and upper leather.
The lumber business, while naturally
NEW YORK, Oct. 21 Yale university
wss awarded the Intercollegiate track and
eii4 chamn nrmn d ti a me.iina or in.
executive committee of the International
Amateur Athletic Association of Am.rtca,
held here tonight.
The protest loosed oy ne xaje represent
atives against w. A. biuca or tiarvara.
who ran second In the 1(0 and 21-0-yard
nrlntm at the interco.leglate athletic meet-
. . . . . . i . . . I . ( . . 'i, : ,
in rum M I ncrivirr u.i turn r oi ,&.
was sustained. Shirk being declared In-
.n.lhU under subdivision v, article xvlL
nf th association's constitution. The dla
qualification or rmca maaes me point
scores: ale, n; Harvard, at.
Itronisbnra- Score. Twice.
8TROM8BURO, Neb.. Oct. 24.-(Speeial
Telegram.) niromsburg fool ball eleven
met Iavld City on th. horn, grounds today
and won tbe asm. by a ecore of 12 to 4.
Tha teams were evenly matched and played
good ball. During the flret half neither side
scored. rllll muiuiva enar ilia DVBinmna;
of the second Hon o Ban ion made a sixty.
five-yard run around tn. l.rt end for a
touchdown. Five minutes before the end
f tha same Johnson broke away and ran
fifty yards for a touchdown. Dana Little
kicked goal both times. Stromsburg will
play Heatings, next Thursday.
Gilchrist Wlai Cenolnalngr tame.
At the Gate City bowling alley laat night
was concluded in series or games
between Otk'hrUt and Frenclaco, and the
score last evening, as on the previous oc
casion, was In favor of UUchrlst. tolloi
lag Is the score:
Oilchrlst ,...,, 1"4 171 174 174 1R1T
Frauclaco ltf 1 170 10 l&s-sS
The games were played on Clark's, Lents
Williams' and the date City alleys and
Oilchrlst won oa all of the alleys.
Vaaktea High aeaaol Winner.
VANlfTOM. D.. Oct. 24. 8peclal Tel.
gram.) The Yankton High school foot ball
Lam defeated tne riawaraen u ) M(0 by
ayeia,4 hu no aaaujuuse.
notinr aome oulMlntf. because of the a
vaneed atac. of the season, la still of good
volume, where weather condition permits
the carrying out of work. In the lumber
producing regions strength la the main fea
ture. The .juih.rn lumber trade reports
unusus! activity.
Something in the nature of a .nonage in
the world s crop of sjgar confronts th.
trade. Tbe yield of beet sugar appears
likely to 5. heavily reduced and a small
falling off In the yield of tha cane crop is
also not.d, the net result being a decline of
about 10 per cent from a year ago, which
haa been reflected lu fractional advances
of th. raw produce.
Wheat, including flour, exports for ths
week ending October 23 sggreKSted 20,063,121
bushels, tne largest total or fourteen
months past, against t.iiOt.tiM busneis last
week. 4. 862. KM In this week last year and
..(2.7 In lioo. Wheat exports since July
1 aggregate 8S.U1.S70 bushels, against 100.-
606.011 last season and S0,135,Hi0 In 10.
Corn exporta aasregat. M.fM bushels.
against 10,74 last week, 1.1M.28S last
and l.Mo.ttol In 1M). For the nsral year ex
ports are 1,o2.xai bushels, against 1&.1SM31
last season snd U.4SO.S42 In H.
Business failurea In the United States
for tha week endlna October 23 number
1M. as against 3 laat week. 22 In this
week laat year, ltil In 19"0. 211 in 1&9 and
219 In 1 In Canada for the week 23, as
against n last week.
a ii i
Natleaal Baa Ball Aasorlatloa Tarns
Memphis Manager
NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-The delegates to
the annual me.tlna of th. National A.
sociatlon of Professional Bsse Hall Leagues
spent another busy day at ths Fifth av.nuo
hotsl todsy, Th. moat Important matter
dlscussad was th. caea of Charles Frank
mant-ser ef th. Memphis club. Pr.sldent
Frank of Little Hock, president ot the
Southern association, preas.d the case
sgalnat bis nsmesake. The result ef the
board uuitiiauvu waa that a rolu-
Mary F. Hawiey to Laura V. Brun.
ner, pari lot ij, oiock umana..
O. N. Hicke to Ea J. Ropers et al.
lota 9. 10 to 13 and 20 to Z, OiocK IB,
Highland Place
H. F. Wyman to W. F. Smith, trustee.
w76 fept of nl50 feet lot l'l. DlocK 6,
Park Place, and other property....
A. U. Wyman to same, same
W. K. Potter, receiver, to w. F.
Smith, trustee wi5 reet ot mo") reel
lot 10, block 6, Psrk Place, and other
Sheriff to J. C. Hill, trustee, lots 15
to 19, blocs; t, sunniv. ni j. i. iteo
trk's add., and lot 17, block T,
PuPont Place
Total amount of transfers 112, Ml
Little Liver Pills.
Must Signature t
fee Fse-Mnul. Wrapper Biliw.
rYary assail assTae a
Mtafca) !
km rwrri'ral
F6I lUlACXte
roi iixnHtit.
rci iiueutic(l
ussna nwaHMn
You will not move then. If you don't rouse yourself
now you will probably continue to put up with the same
inconveniences for the next six years.
Do they keep your office clean? Your windows? The
halls? The elevator? Is the building a fire trap? Ilave
they an elevator that runs once an hour on week days and
not at all nights or on Sundays? Is your office hot in sum.
mer and cold in winter? Any other troubles?
The cure for all these ills is an office in
The Bee Building.
R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents.
Ground Floor.
li xisa
tbe Kin
account of its rrigntrui niaeousness ninoct poisoning is commonly causa
11 Diseases, it may oe enner nerenuary or comraciea. unce tne sys
may manliest itseir in the form ot Bororula,
ting of a
Is tainted
HIUl I, IIID UlSCK.g lll J lllpilllC, IIPOU ,l, HIV lUIIII Dl DUIUllll.i
Kh.umatlo Pains, Stiff or Swollen Joints. Eruptions or Copper Colored
Spots on the Fact or Body, little Ulcers, in the Mouth or on the Tongue, Sore
Throat. Swollen Tonsils, Falling Out of Hair or Eyebrows, snd nnal'.w a Lprous
like Decay ef the Flesh and Bones. If you hav. any of these or similar symp
toms - set BROWN'H BLOOD CURE immediately. This treatment is practically
i. rilt of Ufa work.
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of
It contains no dangerous drugs or other Injurious insdlclnes
tha disease and foroas out every
Boon every elsn and symptom disappears completely and
forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the boneo ond the whole system are
cleansed, purified snd restored to perfect heal'h, and the patient prepared anew
for tho dutlea and pleasures of llfo. BROWN'S BLOOD CURE. a bottle,
iasta one month. MADE BY DK. BROWN, S3i Arch Street Philadelphia,
bold only by Sherman at McCoiineU Drug Co., tilth at Dodge ,, Omaha,
The Direct and
Popular Route
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
JopUn, Carthage, Webb City
te the mining districts ot Missouri and Arkansas and tbe gas belt of Kansas.
Elegant high back coaches and free reclining chair car on all trains.
Elegant electric lighted sleepers.
Very low one wsy and round trip rates the flrtt and third Tuesday et
each month, to numerous points In tbs southeast, south and southwest.
Winter tourist tickets on sals dally after November 1st, to tbe various re-sorts
in the south and southeast. '
CITY TICKET OFFICES S. E. Cor. Nth and DulasSts.
THOS. P. GODFRKVi) l'nss, and Ticket At.
U. P. at T. A., at. Lonls, Mo. A. C. I. A., Kansna City, Mo,
Our customers realize it,
Our competitors admit it,
We know it v
We excel
on boys' $5
.suits (So 'coast
Time and money should be well spent yours will be if you
invest a little of each in a Liputian Hpedal $3.00 Suit or Over
coat. We've others for a little more, and many for a deal lesH.
"The protection and adornment of children in our specialty."
ECMiCHfarcn-s insush -?&XftAFS
taliaHa I av.ll, ut Draffltf
haTU nsial UIA tw. " 1V aasaitsl
I IU rtbo. Tali Me..
DjtaMtJa alfliiiUsia Ml larnll-
Buj t ytr Uftitt m4 4e-
Mtvjuu Ikr Pr4a.ljnk, T tiiel
jas4 L U it lur I ril ana," M UtT. tl r-
Xmrm Maslis ll.ihtoiNtiMiMU. f
IsJftJlUl LklsMCr 1 WlMlsi Ca
rU'si r mm
CVKfc T0URltr
r wunst.isl
nC.f?r.kJ dUolIS.lBa.aliyS
f JrTwTI.. .(. ai.a.s. sMa-bfai-s.
,i,rt1 ' rsloWM, aaa awa
,u,i.. .:n.t.,. aaat el saiauuaua, f'tun,tr J . r ..i.
. o. . a. j i r; .ZlAL' ,.l.l"kLi
Microbe Killer
Cum alt Blood and
Chronic Disease,
Kill th. microbes of th. lunf snd car.
Contumptioai kill th. mlcrob of tbe
kidueys snd cuies Blight' Ilium kill
til. micruba. ef th. thfoal aad curat
phili.ria; kilU th. microbe ol tha skin
sod cuies Eczema; kill th. micrnbes of
tli. blood and cure kheuuiautm, Csa.r,
starrb snd sll eiaer blood sud C luonio
Uiuhi, Call oi tad lor lis. bitteiy
of i.inedy snd teiiioooil to
MyriS.DILlOU BIL'O CO.. Omaha.
The Bee for All News