Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Democrats and PopnlisU in Some Oountiei
Will Lose if They TJm Circle.
ft Kail Tram Will Hire Plenty o(
Roetrrs for the (lame with the
Mluoirl Tigers at St.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. J4. (Special.) Attention
tu Just been called to the fact that under
the form of the official ballot as sent out
by the secretary ef state populists and
democrats In counties where there la not
complete fusion will be unable to vote tho
straight ticket this year and have their
Totes counted. Secretary Marsh appears to
nare unwittingly followed the form of offi
cial ballot laid down In schedule A ot the
general election law In the complied stat
Utes of 1901, which puts the names of two
parties after candidate's name and enclosed
them In a brackett. It does the same for
the party designations at the top of tho
ballot opposite the circle In which the
voter Is privileged to record his vote for
a straight ticket.
As the ballot has been prepared and sent
out with but a single circle after the names
democrat and people's Independent, It Is
apparent that where these two parties
bave separate candidate. It will be impos
sible to vote for either of them by -vot
Ing the straight fusion ticket.
John F. Kesblt and W. G. Sears of Burt
county were the first to call the attention
ef the secretary to the detect, which they
did today. It appears that there Is a lack
of fusion upon both the legislative and
county ticket In Durt county and It was
this fact which led to the discovery. Secre
tary Marsh says that where a 'candidate
may have been nominated by the demo
crats and has no populist opponent, or vice
versa, the vote in the straight ticket circle
ot the fuslonlsts may probably be counted
for him, but In case the populists and demo
crats each have a candidate up for the
same office It will be Impossible to tell
for which of them the voter Intended to ex
press his preference.
In following the statutory form In the
preparation ot the ballot Secretary Marsh
has disregarded a decision of the supreme
court rendered last fall, In which the syl
labus was as follows:
It Is the duty of the proper officer In pre
paring all official ballots to put at the top
, Bun iru biuv i iiiw immn, in Dinm-iacea
mnitfl I tVn lint ) than rtn.alirhlk " 9 a
Inch high, the name of each party having
candidates on the ballot, and to the right
of each party a circle one-half Inch In
diameter, with leaders connecting the party
nmi in rum cirne. j ne lorm or me nal
lot should be uniform throughout the state,
Secretary Marsh bad not had his atten
tion called to this ruling until today, and
as It is now too late to correct It, the
only recourse ia for democrats and popu
lists, in cases where they have not fused
on the whole ticket, to vote for each in
dividual candidate of their preference.
' Mayor Wants' Light,
If W. J. C. Kenyon of South Omaha
would only enlighten the puixled city offi
cials as to1 Just what card he has up his
sleeve he would greatly relieve the gen
tlemen affected. At the last meeting ot
the council he was given a ninety-day op
tton to -buy the city's right and title to
that part of the old Lincoln system which
waa foreclosed upon for unpaid taxes, Ken
yon agreeing to pay $7,000 for It It he
took it. He put up no forfeit.
Mayor Wlnnett has so tar declined to
sign or approve the option, and there is
, likely to be another tussle over the matter
gjiext Monday evening, . If Mr. Kenyon will
disclose his plans he may not have any
vmore trouble; It he doesn't give some as
surance that It is not a mere speculative
venture, the mayor will certainly turn it
down. '
Kenyon' connection with the Armours
and bis recent purchase of the West Lin
coln .stock, yards, whence the bit ot road
he Is now after runs, has led to all aorta
ot tales about that suburb being made
another South Omaha, but Kenyon Is mum
and most persons believe there la another
scheme than that under the hat.
He Ira Get No Relief.
Lecorrtpton Solomon ' and his brothers
and slaters of Omaha lose out la their suit
la the supreme court to compel their step
mother, Margaret Solomon, to account to
them for property they asserted waa held
""by her in trust, which she claimed she
owned. The court admits that there is
much in the demands ot the heirs that
appeals to the equitable conacience of the
court, but the evidence and the law as
laid down In previous decisions do not
permit ot me giving of any relief.
( . Mast Stead Loss.
A. L. Etherldge will have to stand by
his mistake, although It cost him JS5 cold
cash, because of lawyers' fees and court
costs. He was a grain buyer at Green
wood for J. 'X. Connor of Omaha and had
authority to sign checks for him in pay
ment of purchases. Two ot these, aggre
gating the sum stated, were thrown out
and he personally made them good. H
lost the checks, however, and when be In
slated upon Connor making them good he
was told to produce them. When he finally
settled with Connor he gave him a re
celpt ia full, and did not except these
checks. At that time be supposed they
were lost forever, and not being aware
that he had a legal recourse he said notb
tng about them in the receipt he gave.
Later he found the checks and sued Con
nor. The court says that the receipt i
full settled the controversy and that Ether
Idge must stand the loss because he dldn'
know the law,
CreUhtoa Will Coatest.
' The Joseph Crelghton will contest case
from Douglas county received its final
quietus at this term ot court. The oh
lections ot grandchildren to the St. Jo
eph Orphanage aaylum bequest were over
Their mother, originally began the con
test and in district court beat the will
but the supreme court upheld the asylum
bequest, which was objected to on the
ground that It waa too indefinite In form.
At that time the children appeared on be
half of the will. Their bequests under the
will have been conveyed to them, and the
present objections were founded largely on
technical claims as to betng unrepresented
by guardians ad litem during minority
Sooth Omaha Pavlaa.
The court held that the protests of R
H. Jones and other residents ot South
Omaha against the payment of paving taxee
levied In 1893 were good and that the taxes
Boat and Purest ner.
4 only a the Brewer)
were illegal and void. The difficulty lay
In there not being a sufficient number of
legal signatures to the petition for paving.
Had a Close t all.
E. J. Sherwood, manager of the gas de
partment of the Lincoln Electric Light and
Gas company, had a narrow escape from
death this morning. With an assistant h
was endeavoring to remedy a defect In a
machine used for washing gas. He opened
one of Its numerous doors and immediately
n explosion occurred. Sherwood's shirt
ught Are, but his assistant put out the
flames. He was severely burned about the
face and forearms, but no serious results
re anticipated.
laaaranre Compact Barks Dons.
There will be no Increase In the rates of
insurance In Lincoln. Last March it was
demanded by the compact representatives
thst an advance of 25 per cent be placed on
It frame mercantile buildings. This was
resented by the business men and the Com.
mercial club took the matter up. Notices
ave Just been received in the city that
this order will not be insisted upon. Such
stiff fight was put up and so many risks
were cancelled and put In the mntuala that
the old-line companies concluded to face
the music gracefully.
Foot Ball Tram Off.
The University of Nebraska foot ball
team left this afternoon for St. Joseph,
where the annual game with the Missouri
Tigers Is scheduled to be pulled off tomor
row. The special train for rooters will
leave tomorrow morning. The Burlington
has made a flat rate of 12.50, and as the
Missouri raclflc retired from the competi
tion, It will haul all of the passengers. A
big hustle Is on this afternoon to get the
necessary equipment here to move the
Ot the result of the game there is little
doubt. Tho Tigers were walloped at
Omaha last year by 61 to 0, and while there
Is no disposition to run up the score to
those figures this year, a good, cafe margin
will be maintained.
The Nebraskans will probably line up this
way at the kick-off: Cortelyou, right end;
Captain Westover, right tackle; Cotton,
Ight guard; Borg, center; Ringer, left
guard; Mason, left tackle; Shedd, left end;
Benedict, quarter; Bender, right half; Bell,
left half; Mlckel, fullback; substitutes:
Tobln, Wilson, Brlggs, Thorps, Follmer and
Slmmodynes. It was expected that Engle
hart would be taken along, but a severe
wrench to his ankle in the scrimmage work
last evening placed him on the hospital list
today and Slmodynes was substituted.
Coach Booth has been rather Indisposed
for some time and did not go with the team.
Coaches Palmer and Drain went along, as
did also Assistant Trainer Curtis.
Scraba Go, to Omaha.
For the third time this season the scrubs
last evening made a touchdown on the first
eleven. This time it was earned, being no
fluke whatever. There were a .number of
substitutes In the first team line, however.
The scrubs journey to Omaha tomorrow,
where they meet the Omaha Medics. The
scrubs will line up this way: Conkltn,
right end; Scott, right tackle; Lemmon,
right guard; Frazer, center; Hunter, left
guard; Newton, left tackle; Walton, left
end; Morse, quarter; Marsh, right half;
Englehart, fullback; Myers, left half. Sub
stitutes, nickel, Hazen, Hummell and
New Corporations.
The Fisher Grain company of Omaha has
filed articles of incorporation with the sec
retary of state, placing the amount of Its
authorised capital stock at $50,000. Its in
corporators are: C. V. Fisher, Thomas
Cochrane and William S. Cochrane.
The Alliance Building and Loan associa
tion of Alliance, Box Butte county, has filed
articles ot Incorporation. Its capital stock
Is fixed at 1250,000.
Six People Flock to Hear Him Speak
Darlna; His Visit to Fort
, . Crook.
FORT CROOK, Oct. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) Congressman David H. Mercer
made a flying visit to this place today and
addressed a meeting of citizens from the
postofflce steps. It might be interesting to
add that there were Just six in the audi
ence, three of whom were soldiers. Mr.
Mercer drove Into town In a carriage and
from here he went to Springfield. Notwlth-
tandlng the fact that his coming bad been
heralded for several days In the hope ot
getting together a good sized crowd, the
politician failed to make a drawing card of
himself, aa his scanty audience and his cold
reception amply attest. It may have been
this that caused Mr. Mercer to tarry but a
little over an hour. There is no doubt that
Mr. Mercer is losing very heavily la this
end of the district. There was a noticeable
difference in his reception today and that
ot two and four years ago, when large
crowds greeted him and listened attentively
to whatever he had to say. Today what
little he said seemed to arouse very slight
Interest even among his select audience of
three soldiers and three civilians.
Phllln Dovrd Accidentally Killed
'While Visiting la
Gretna. (
GRETNA, Neb.Oct. 24. (Special .Tele
gram.) Philip Dowd, aged 36, was acci
dentally run over and killed while attempt
ing to board moving passenger train
No. 12 here this evening. He had stopped
over here to visit a brother and sister,
while enroute to St. Louis, where he had
been employed as superintendent of a
brick yard. He was a member of the Morn-
ng Star lodge No. 88, Brotherhood ot Lo
comotive Firemen ot Evanston, Wyo., in
1894, and was employed by the Union Pa
cific railroad at that time. He was a single
man. His mother ot Hollandale, Wis., four
brothers and one slater survive him. De
ceased was a brother-in-law ot Martin
Connor, county commissioner of Sarpy
county. Interment will be at his mother's
home In Wisconsin.
Qearaatlae Otllcer Hcslaaa.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Oct. 14 (Special.)
Dr. E. D. Cummins, who has been a
member of the Board ot Health for sis
years, handed in bis resignation to Mayor
Frank J Morgan, and gives the following
reasons for so doing: "The people In gen
eral refuse to comply with quarantine reg.
ulatlons, and ! do not care to be held re
sponsible for th spread 'of contagious di
seases resulting therefrom. All efforts to
check the spread of contagious diseases
by the Board ot Health cannot be effective
while many of the best citizens, who ars
naturally looked to as examples for the
publlo to follow, not through Ignorance
thereof, but they tfannot be made to believe
that rigid quarantine Is necesary. It Is
only for the benefit of the publlo health that
the board tries to control the spread of
disease, and in so doing most people blams
lis, and think we are doing .tern a rank
Injustice. A human life is too precious to
be swept away, possibly by the esrelessness
of aome one refusing to obey the rules of
the board, and 1 am tired of betng criticised
for ether peoples' acts."
Many dangerous disease begin In Im
pure blood. Electrto Bitters purifies the
blood and cures or no nay, Only 60c. For
York Homes Thrown Open for Entertain
ment of Delegates.
Many Noted Speakers Present, Both
from the "tale and at l.arae, and
an Interesting; Session
Is Aaanred.
YORK, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.) Every
train arriving in York is bringing In dele
gates to the Young People's Christian En
deavor state convention that meets here
this week. The local committees have
made every arrangement tor entertainment
of the delegates. Reception committees
sre meeting all delegates and taking them
to headquarters, where each delegate reg
isters and is assigned a stopping place dur
ing the convention. York citizens are
known for their hospitality and many homes
are thrown open for the visitors. ,
The program arranged by the state and
local committees is one ot the best ever ar
ranged and the meeting here promiaes to
be one of the most successful. Instructive
and enthusiastic. Many noted lecturers,
pulpit orators, not only belonging and liv
ing in Nebraska, but a few from other
states, will attend. It is estimated that
there will be nearly 300 delegates in attend
ance. The musical program Is one that will
be long remembered.
The regular work of the convention will
commence today at 3 o'clock p. m. at the
Presbyterian church. All of the state offi
cials and a few ot the national officials will
be here. The delegates are already ex
pressing themselves as well pleased in
meeting at York, where in one night the
liberal citizens of York recently con
tributed nearly enough to build a Young
Men's Christian association building to cost
Evening; Session.
Before 7 o'clock this evening streams ot
people began to arrive at the Presbyterian
church. The meeting was in charge of
Miss Addle E. Harris, superintendent ot
the Christian citizenship department.
Shortly after 7 Rev. R. T. Cross spoke on
vesper services. Prof. Merle S. Brown
voiced the hearty welcome of York to the
Nebraska Christian Endeavor union, which
was ably responded to by President Arthur
Chase ot Omaha, who sang the praises of
York as a convention city and one of the
most progressive moral, enlightened cities
in the state.
This was followed by a baritone solo
by Mr. Hass of York.
In the absence of Rev. Ludden of Lincoln,
delegates were called on to respond to ad
dresses, the need of Bpecial study and prep
aration for citizenship, which was followed
by an able address "See the Land and Peo
ple Who Dwell Therein," by Alice C. Hun
ter. A beautiful solo was rendered by Mrs.
Belle W. Price. In the absence of Rev.
Groh of Omaha and Mr. Routzhem of Chi
cago, delegates In the audience responded,
on the same subjects. The meeting closed
with the anthem "The Lord is My Light,"
song, "The Star Bangled Banner," flag
salute, "America" and benediction.
Enthnslastlo Audience Greets Re
publican Candidates at
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) An enthusiastic republican meet
ing addressed by Hon. J. H. Mickey and
Hon. Edmund H. HInshaw, was held at
the Paddock opera house this evening.
There was a large and attentive audience,
prominent county and state republicans and
many old soldiers occupying seats on the
stage. Mr. Mickey was the first speaker.
He showed that the policy of the republican
party brought good times to the country
after years of disaster, due to democratic
administration, expansion ot American
trade brought money into the country, gave
employment to hundreds of thousands, made
better prices for products and brought
prosperity to all. He charged the fuslon
lsts with extravagance In the management
of state Institutions. He believed that tho
next legislature should grapple with the
question of revenue and taxation.
E. H. HInshaw, candidate for congress
in the Fourth district, was the second
speaker. He said he felt hopeful of repub
lican victory in Nebraska this fall. He
complimented the old soldiers present and
said be favored a general service pension
law. He read from Bryan's speeches in
1896 and 1900, to show that Bryan's proph
ecy ot disaster In case of republican suc
cess had proven untrue.
Attorney General Prout closed the meet
ing with a brief speech. All the speakers
were liberally applauded. The second regi
ment band played at the opening of the
Fusion Candidates Withdraw.
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special Tele-
gram.) J. L. Tout and. J. H. Neurger, the
fusion nominees In this city for supervisor
and assessor, notified the county clerk to
day not to place their names on the official
ballot. They were nominated without their
consent, and their refusal to run leaves a
clear field for the republican nominees.
Sleeper on Railroad Track.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.)
-Frank Sampson boarded a Missouri Pa
ciflo train at Nebraska City, but the train
men "ditched" him at Murray. He waited
until noon for another train and then
started to walk to Plattsmouth. Becoming
St m I if ,il n
fef Take Aycr's Sarsaparilla.' Wc say ltTf(
J) IU and the doctors say it, too. Ask your own )jl
fS doctor about it. He probably has the J '
. I formula. He can tell you just how f s
a ettVW sTlVi 0 UBiaWUat VV I Omj flf)
and the doctors say it, too. Ask your own
doctor about it.
formula. He can tell you just how
it lifts up the depressed, gives cour
age to the despondent, brings rest to
the overworked.
If your liver is "sluggish, bowels
constipated, tongue coated, better
take one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
These pills greatly aid the jSarsapa
rllla, and cure all liver troubles. Two
grand family medicines. 'jS.iSZ-'
r 1 1 a I
1 I
thoroughly exhsusted and footsore from the
long walk, he sat down on the edge of the
trestle, as It had become quite dark, and
was soon sound asleep. When he awoke
he was lying In a ditch, quite badly bruised
and an ugly gash on his head. He man
aged to reach a farmhouse and his wounds
were dressed. He Is not sure wfiat struck
him, but thinks it was a train.
Hoover Jumps Ilia Ball.
RVSHV1LLE, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special
Telegram.) Last Tuesday Alex Hoover was
arrested at Gordon for feloniously receiv
ing and buying stolen horses, the property
ot Indians, named Fire Lightning, Good
Fence and Black 'Whirlwind, lie was
brought before Judge Edmunds and allowed
ball in the sum of $750. The trial was set
for today, but in the meantime Hoover
has skipped the country.
Episcopalians Select Rev. Sheldon
Mnnson Grlswold to Fill
Kansns See. '
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24. Rev. Sheldon
faun son Grlswold, rector ot Christ church,
Hudson, N. Y., was today elected mis
sionary bishop ot Sallna, the western dis
trict of Kansas, by the house of bishops,
which met in the parish house ' of the
Church of the Holy Trinity.
Dr. Grlswold Is 41 years of age and Is
a graduate of Union college, Schnectady,
N. Y., and of the General Theological sem
inary. He has been rector of Christ church
for a number of years.
There were fifty-seven bishops present
at the meetlnjr. Bishop Dudley presided.
After the election the house considered
the question of the proposed affiliation ot
the Independent Polish Catholic church
with the Episcopal church.
A prolonged discussion resulted In the
adoption ot the following resolution to be
reported to the bouse:
Whereas, The Rlpht Rev. Anthony Koy
Icwskl, Polish Catholic bishop, consecrated
by tho old Catholic bishops of Europe, and
presiding over congregations of his own
rationality In this country, has accepted
the terms of the Chicago-Lambeth pro
posals for unity and has further assured
us of his repudiation of Roman errors and
has applied to us on theso terms for rec
ognition and Intercommunion, therefore,
be It
Resolved, That the bishops, not assuming
to recognize the organisation of the church
of which he Is bishop, extend to him their
Christian salutations and assurances of
affectionate sympathy and Interest in his
Resolved, That a committee of five
blshopn be appointed to consider and pro
pose the terms of Intercommunion and
jurisprudence and report to the next meet
ing of the house of bishops.
The question of consecrating three bishops
for Mexico was taken up and a new com
mute appointed, consisting of the bishops
pf Kentucky, West Virginia, New Mexico
and Arizona, California and Los Angelea.
Ueglna at Bed nock.
Health, strength and vigor depend on
digestion. Dr. King's New Life Pills makes
It perfect or no pay. Only 25c. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Fair, but Cooler, Is Nebraska's Por
tion, While Iowa Will Have
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. The forecast:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair, Satur
day, cooler in western portion; Sunday,
fair, cooler in east portions.
For Iowa Fair, Saturday, except rain In
west portion; Sunday, rain and cooler.
For Illinois Fair, , Saturday, cooler In
Northern portions; , Sunday, Increasing
cloudiness; light variahle winds, becoming
fresh southeast. ,
For Colorado and ,. Wyoming Rain and
colder Saturday; Sunday) fair.
For North and SouUTT Dakota Showers
and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair and
For Missouri Fair Saturday and Sunday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Oct. 24. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tne corresponding aay ot me last inree
1902. 1901. 1900. 18!)?.
Maximum temperature.... 74 79 78 75
Minimum temperature.... BS 62 52 59
Mean temperature 66 66 61 67
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .SI
Record of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 50
Excess for the day 16
Total excess since March 1 157
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day 07 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .25.40 Inches
Deficiency since Marcn 1 z.zti mcnes
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901 . . . . 6.07 Inches
Deficiency foi cor. period, 1900 63 inch
Reports futm Stations at 7 P. M.
1 T
: e
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake, raining
Rapid City, clear
Huron, part cloudy
Wllllston, cloudy
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, raining
Helena, cloudy
litamarck, cloudy
Galveston, clear
741 .00
76! .00
76 .00
T indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
He probably has the
r i.
Two Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health
and Usefulness to Pe-ru-nn.
"I want to do what 1 can to let the
whole world know what a grand
medicine Peruna is. For eleven
yeara 1 suffered with female
troubles, and co an plications arising
therefrom. Doctors failed to cure
me, and 1 despaired of being helped.
Peruna cured me in three short
months. I can hardly believe it
myself, but it is a blessed fact. I am
perfectly well now and have not
had an ache or pain for months. I
want my suffering sisters to know
what Peruna has done for me."
Miss Marie Johnson. - '
The above testimonial Is from Miss Marie
Johnson, 11 Columbia, East Detroit, Mich.,
was worthy vice templar in Hope lodgo
No: 6, Independent uraer or. uooa urn
plars. Miss . Johnson, as so many other
women also have done, found in Peruna
specific for a severe case of female weak
Tivir mtnrrh Is a phrase coined by Dr.
Hartman, covering all that largo class of
diseases that used to do Known as
r.mala weakness. The lower portion of
the abdomen is called by anatomists the
pelvis. The organs contained in this por
iinn nf th hodv are known as the pelvic
organs. There are several of them, very
delicate and very subject to catarrn. Few
women escape entirely catarrn oi ineso
organs. While eacn case presents some
minor difference as to detail, they are all
in reality alike. i
Pelvic catarrh, therefore, is a gyneric
term that covers all cases of catarrh of
the pelvic organs. There is no cure equal
in promptness and permanency to a short
course of Peruna. ,
Peruna does not rellerve theso cases by
temporarily mitigating some symptoms.
but by a removal of the cause. Many a
woman can testify that local treat
Private Diseases
of Men
In the treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which
our practice is limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience has been devoted for more than 25 yean,
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent
paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE. IMPOTBNCY,
to consult us at office or by letter, CONSULTATION FREE,
nri If vou tnkA trR&tmint charrea will b ntirlv aatlfn.
A.Uilf XiUilliAU
. Master Specialist
In Private Disease
of Men.
The men who have made the greatest
success in farming, in breeding, in fruit
growing :in every branch of agriculture,
are the writers for
Among those whose articles will appear
during the next few months are:
James AVilson, Secretary of Agriculture; F. D.
Coburn, Secretary Kansas State Board of Agri
culture; Prof. C. F. Curtiss, Iowa Agricultural
College; B. O. Aylesworth, President Colorado
Agricultural College; Col. F. M. Woods, the
noted live stock auctioneer; Chas. E. Bessey, the
great botanist; John Gosling, the noted beef ex
pert; Frederick V. Taylor, Director of Agricul
ture at St. Louis World's Fair, and many other
well known men, whose ideas are worth dollars
to every progressive farmer and stock raiser.
Writ for fra booklet and sample copy. Price, $1.00 per year,
j Farnaw St., Omaha,' Neb.
We want av good e-gent at every poet ofilca.
With n
ment does
not per
manently cure. A
large mul
titude of
women are
going from
doctor tt
doctor to Miss
recrve Ru-tH
treat- Emerson
ment wltb
little or no result.
In Peruna theso women
And a prompt and per
manent cure. " Thousands
upon thousands of testi
monials to this effect are
received by Dr. Hartman
every year. Tho good that Peruna has
accomplished in this class of cases can
scarcely be overestimated.
Imitations of Pe-ro-aia.
All good things are Imitated. The world
is full of imitations of gold, imitations
of diamonds and Imitations of everything
that Is costly and useful.
Peruna has come to be recognized as
the greatest remedy for catarrh in the
world. At first competitors tried to deny
this and Insisted that their remedies
were Just as good. This was found to be
Impossible, however, and now imitations
are springing up everywhere.
Peruna is imUated in the kind ot bottle.
Imitators think that if they get a bottle
that resembles the Peruna bottle they
will be able to sell more ot aome alleged
catarrh cure.
The color of Peruna Is imitated. Some
times the taste. The claims that are
made for Peruna are Imitated verbatim.
nrv7 tt t T-v v.r vrrrT a r ' w
Cook Medical Company
112 South 14th St. Over Dally New, Omaha.
Tens of Thousands of Testimonials
Received Yearly.
Thankful Women Who Have Been Cured
by Dr. Hartman's Free Treatment,
"I stifle red (or two yeara with lr
regular and painful menstruation,
and Peruna cured me within six
weeks. 1 cannot tell you how grate
ful 1 feci. Atiy agency which brings
health and strength to the afflicted la
always a welcome friend, and today
the market is so tilled with useless
and injurious medicines that It Is a
pleasure to know of so reliable a
remedy as you place before the pub
lie. ".miss Kutn tmerson.
The literature
Peruna Is Imitated.
The style of advertising
Peruna Is imitated. All this Is done
to reap some ot the benefits to which
Peruna it so JuBtly entitled.
Incidentally Peruna is Injured by cheap ,
imitations and yet it Is a great compll-!
ment to Peruna to have such a host of
Imitators. Why do they single out Peruna (
from among the proprietary medicines? i
Simply because Peruna is tho greatest
seller in the world. Everybody knowa .
To successfully palm oft an imitation
of Peruna even for a short time is sure i
to be a money-making scheme, but no:
one who has ever taken Peruna can be
fooled on these Imitations. No consclenr i
tlous druggist would sell one of them.
Every purchaser should look carefully at '
each package of Peruna he buys, to be
sure that he Is getting only genuine Pe ,
runa. i
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and be will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, president of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Coltrabus, O,
The winter home ofluo less
than 25,000 persons who
there to escape 0)e hard
ships of a winter la the
Excellent hotels; Innum-.
erable boarding bouses;
mild climate; clear, pur
air; plenty of places to go
and things to do; most
cheerful health resort Is
the country; endorsed ty
every cllmatologlst tn
Easily, quickly and com
fortably reached by the El
Paso-Kork Island Route
and Southern faclflo Hall
road. Rates and full In
formation furnished on re
quet. Low rates to California,
Washington, Montana, Ore
gon. Utah and Idaho now
In effect. Ask about then)..
Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
i w mm i ' m in 1 1 i lt
1 1U3 lit IMCM
"if your dealer tpie to talk
you into the mistake of buying
another maxe.wr1te to us.
Charter O&k SJove&ReGa
a sale If Kuhn 4 Co. . ,