Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Qniat Trading Bring Lower Prices in All
Branchet on Board of Trade.
Cora Is Erratic, Advances Earl?
fioo Demaad, bat Fall Later
as Resolt at Moralac
CHICAGO.-Oct, 24.-Tndlng on the Board
tf Trade today wm rather quiet and price
Inclined to a lower level, December wheat
closing Sialic Icwer, December corn
hade lower and oats Vc lower, while
January provisions closed irom 64ic to
Wheat'was rniry and local bulla disposed
of a large part of their holdings. There
wan a slight firmness early on wet weather
In the northwest, with light offerings here.
Later heavy selling by commlHslon houses
tnd local houses caused a sharp decline.
Reports of a largo Increase In stocks In the
northwest had a depressing Influence, as
flld also reports from Ar;jentlne, which
howed conditions' favorable. December
was relatively tllo stronger option and
opened He Jower t He higher at i24T.2c
to 12Ri'iiic. On tile early bulge the price
advancod to 73c, bit declined again, going
lown to 72c. Thore was a slight rally at
the- close, which was Ntc lower at 72c.
Clearance?! of whe it and (lour were equal
to 3M,lK bushels. Primary receipts were
1,335,34A bushels, against 1,061,326 bushels a
year airo. Minneapolis and Duluth reported
receipts of 706 tart I which with local re
ceipts ivf 87 cars 9 f contract grade made
total receipts for t he. three points of 93
tars, agiMnst 874 can last week and 797 cars
a year ano.
Corn opened about .unchanged from last
flight's clime and during the day the mar
ket was rather erratlci. There was a sharp
advance torward the irpenlng, due to good
buying by commission houses and provltdon
Interests, und especially In the December
delivery, but general t (filing caused a reac
tion. Reports from th southwest of liberal
receipts and grading the Incentive to
tellers. The latter par t of the session was
weak, with prices around the low point, but
toward the close a, sllg nt rally occurred on
covering by shorts wln took profits and
the close was about steady. December
closed a shade lower fet 51S5olc, after
Selling, between 61o and 62c. Local re
ceipts fvero 193 cars. wtlth 30 of contract
S3ats yifrt dull and featureless, with
prices lotcr In sympathy wltn weakness In
Cither gralbs. Tho close tyas slightly lower,
December closing 4rc lower at Sl31c.
Local recel pts were 218 c ars.
Provisional opened easlur on lower prices
of hogs avid large recei pts and weakness
prevailed the greater paid of the day, the
close being rfulet. January pork closed 15o
lower at lliH. January lard 7e lower at
18.12 and r.llxs 6ff7c lower at 18.25.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wlfcat,
U0 cars; coUn, 340 care; oas, 260 cars; hogs,
tf.OOO head. . M
The leadint? futures ranged as follows:
lrtlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Oct. i
Dec. 72'
May 744i
Oct. 87
Dec. 5114-2'
May 43-4'
V Dec. 3iy4 fl
May . Zi'A
Jan. 15 72
May 14 85
Oct. 11 00
Nov. 10 35
Jan. 17
May 8 50
Jan. 8 30
May 7 82
72 V.
U 80
1 80
15 77
14 87
11 00
10 35
9 20
8 55
11 60
8 32
7 82
15 72fc
11 i
14 '75
111 00
5,10 35
. 9 10
' ,8 40
15 62
14 85
11 00
10 40
9 20 (
8 60 '
14 lt
11 00
10 40
8 42
11 50
8 25
7 80
8 30
& 22
7 82
No. 2. a New.
Cuati nnntntlons were as Hollows:
FLOUR Steady; winter1 patents, 13.40
(.60; straights, $3.103.30; clears, 62.70TI3.0";
spring specials, $4,2044.80;' patents. $3.40
1.70: straights, 2.903.20.
WHEAT No. 2 spring.
lW72c; No. 2 red, 70ifiT
72c: No. 3 spring.
CORN No. 2. 67c: No. 2 yellow. 60c.
OAT8 No. 2, 2tsic; No. 3whlte, 304t'33c
RYR No. 2. 49c.
BARLEY Oood feeding, 4042c; fair to
rholre malting. 44&&8C.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.22; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.24; prime timothy, 83.85.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $16.90
17.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., IU.OIXtfU.02.
Rhort ribs sides (loose). $11.204111.40. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), $9.751fl0.00. Short
clear sides (boxed), $11.874J12.00.
Ths following' were the recelptsand ship
ments of grain yesterday:
iteceipts.. Bmpments.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu....
18,900 1H.400
.....123.SHO 13,3110
241.6HO 356,100
SW,1' 164.M00
Rye, bu..
9,0110 1.900
Barley, bu 91,800 12,600
On ths Produce exchange todaythe but
ter market was steady; creameries, 16'a
CT)Uc: dairies. loh2fc. Kkks. easier, loss off.
cases returned, 22c. Cheese, steady, 10'tf
Qaotatloas of the Day oa Tarlons
NEW YORK. Oct. 24. FLOUR Receipts.
26,961 bbls.; exports, 8,777 bbls.; unsettled
and 6Ul(lc lower to sell; winter patents,
I3.66fr3.66: winter straights, 13.4CKn3.45: win
ter extras, $2 S083.00; winter low grades,
$266&2.86; Minnesota patents. $3.90t.OO;
Minnesota bakers. $3.1Bi3.30. Rye flour,
quiet; fair to good, $3.15fr3.40; choice to
rancy. nucawneai uuur, nuiei.
2 SCtJ4.40, spot and to arrive.
COKNMEAU uuu; yellow western
cltv. 11. 2H: Brsndvwlne. $3.40di3.li5.
RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 68c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 2, 64c; track state, 64c, c. 1. f.,
New York.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 41c. e. I. t,
Buffalo; malting. 4!xyilr, c. T. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 132,600 bu.; exports,
103.347 bu. ' Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 77c.
elevator, and 77!h774tc, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, 82c, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 83c, f. o. b.. afloat.
Although wheat started out firm and ac
tive, Ma stability was soon undermined by
bear raids, which In the afternoon pro
voked considerable heaviness and lower
prices. A bearish report by tha Modern
Miller, small seaboard clearances and big
Interior recelpta were the chief factors of
weakness. The elope was (itC lower.
May, 77 13-l&S7h4c. closed at 77c; Decem
ber, 7Sfj'7BTfcc. closed at 7fcc.
CORN Receipts. 36,700 bu.; el ports, 3,163
bu.; sales, UO.ouO bu. futures and 80,000 bu.
spot Spot, steady; No. 2, 664c, elevator,
nd 67c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 70c;
No. t white, 70c. The option market opened
firm and was held for a time by good west
ern support, yielded to the wheat decline
and Increased arrivals, but was finally
steadied by export business, closing only
fcUo net lower. January, 62Vh&2c, closed
at 620; May, 4Nrfl49c, closed at 4kc: Oc
tober closed at ic; December, 6bU57c,
closed at bhc.
OATS Receipts, 66,500 bu.; exports, 13.869
bu. Spot, eaxler; No. 2, 33c; standard white,
(6c; No. 2 white. 36c; No. 1 while, 36c;
track whits western, 844i-tOc; track white
stats, 14u40c. The option market was
quiet and easier; December, 36S36c,
Closed at 36tC.
HAY Quiet; shipping, 66870c; good to
choice, 96c'ril.
HOP8 s'lrm: state, common to choice
1903 crop. 2Ni(35c; laul crop, 24y2Sc; olds, T$
12c; Paclrto coast. 19oJ crop, 26ijj3oc; I'M
crop. 23'27c; olds, 712c.
HIDES Quiet: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs..
IRc; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
i to 30 lbs.. 14c.
LEATHER Oulet: acid. 2425c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $15.00
016 00; mess, $i2.U"u 12.60; beef hams, $1.00
tj21.M; packet. ii.wiia.ou; city extra India
mens. $l!4.0nn 26.00. Cut meats. Irregular;
pickled bellies. $13.0u14 0i; pickled should
ers. tJ pickled bams. $12. Lard, steady:
western steamed, $1130; October closed at
$11.20, nominal; refined, firm; continent,
$11 55; South America. $12: compound. $7.6o0
7 75. Porn, steady; ramnv. ; snort clear,
$2o004i-'2 0u: mess, $lX.5t'4il9 0o.
TALLOW Dull; city, c; country, tQ
RICE Firm: domestic, fair at 44fi6c
Japan. 46'"i4'e.
BUTTER Receipts, 4.806 pkgs.; steady
tats dairy, lu24c; crvamery. extra, 24c;
creamerv. common to choice. 19it24c.
CHEESE Receipts, 4.661 pkgs.; steady;
prices unchanged.
EtJGS Receipts. 4.,9 iks.: irresular:
stats and Pennsylvania, average best, Zt'ij
Ei-; wriirrn, cunuieu, lic.
POULTRY Alive: Firm; chickens. 12c
turkeys, 9c; fowls, 13c. Dressed: Easy;
western chickens, lltillc; western fowls,
11Ui12c: spring turkeys. 12i6tc.
METALS Not wltlistandlng an advanca of
12s 64 to 119 15s to spot and 118 it for
futures In tha London market, tin hers
was weak and lower, spot closing at $ JiX
t( ... t.oppsr was aull In ths local market,
but without material price changes, there
being declines noted In ths b'd prices of
on or two grades; standard closed st $11.
laka at 111. 7b n t W. slm trolvtlc at til
Ai.Wt nd-casting at fU. U-g. V4yA
prices, like those of tin. were tilgher. sn
advance being reported iVom that market
or Is 3d, wltii spot consequently at 62 10s
and futures at 52 lis 9d. Lead was un
chsnged In both markets, cloving here st
$4.12 snd In London at 10 Ins. Spelter
was Also quiet and unchacg?d here nt $r 60
and at 19 6s In London. Tie Kngllxh Iron
markets reported slight declines. (Glasgow
closed at 67s Id and Mlddlesboroush at
61s 81. Locally, Iron was uteady and un
changed. Warrants contlniMi nominal. No.
foundry, northern. Is quoted st la.OOfj
28 00 and No. 2 northern, No 1 southern snd
No. 1 southern soft foundry at $22.0023.00.
Conditio' of Trade asdMistatlosi oa
Staple aad Faaey Prodace.
ECJOS Candled stock, 20c.
LIVE POL'LTRY Hens. 7frr: roosters.
according to sge, 4c: turkyti, llW12c; ducks.
h'tiw: geese, ft&w; spring clilckexis, per lb..
BUTTER fBCKlng StOCK, 1BC enole
dairy, In tubs. .1Xi20c; separntor, 24250.
FRE8II CAUG HT FISH Vrout, 11c: her
ring, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c: perch, 6c;
buffalo, dressed, 'Jc; sunflsh, 3c; bluefins, 3c;
whltetlsh, loc; sa.'mon, 16c; haddock, 11c;
codfish, 12c; reebmapper, 10; lobsters,
boiled, per lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
28c; bullheads, 10c,-watflh,13c;, black bass,
200 ; halibut, 11c.
CORN Mc, I i
OATS-33C. . . I
WHEAT-No. 2 harA 83c. I ,
RYE 43c.
RRAN-Psr ton, $13.
HAY Prices minted bv tOmnha. Whole.
sale Hay Dealers' aasocli' tion : Choice No, 1
upland, s.5o; No. 1 rraxitum. ; iso. l
coarse, $7.60. Rye straw, ifi. These prices
are for hay of good color and. quality. De
mand fnlr; receipts light.
OYSTERS Standards, per ran, ZSc; extra
selects, per can, 35c; New York oounts, per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selecrts, per gal., $1.76;
bulk, standards, per gal., $1.30i
NEW CELERY Kearne:', per dot.. OOQ
35c; Kalamazoo, per doi., :'5i
I'OTATOt-New, per du.. axaauc
SWEET POTATOES Pen lb.. 2c: Vlr.
glnla, per bbl.. $3; home sfrosvn. pcrtbu..
TI RMP8 Per bu., 30c.
BEETS Per basket. 40c.
CI CUMHERS Hothouse, perdox., $1.50.
WAV RF.ANfl Per hu box. '11.50: lrln
beans, per bu. box, $1.60.
ca bhauk-Home grown, new, lc.
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, tjer
bu., 6Of0c: Spanish, per crate, $1.60.
JHAV I BEANB-Per bu., 2.i.
PEACHES-Callfornla. late Salwaya, $1.
PRUNES Utah, per 4-basket crate, 90c.
PEARS Fall varieties, per box. $1.75iH2.00:
Bartlett s. per box. $2.26; Kafdrs, per W)l..
APPLES Cooking, per bbl.. 12.2E: eating.
$2.263.60; Jonathans, $3.26; New York stock,
GRAPES New York, 22c; Tokays, per
crate, $1.75; Malagas, per keg, $5.OnC!i6.00.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. il.wUi.w. per
box, $2.50.
WUINCES Per box, $1.75.
BANANAS Per bunch, according 'to size.
LEMONS California, fancy, $4.004.25;
choice, $3.5(B3.75.
ORANGES Valonctas. $4.50: New Ja
maica, any size, $4; Mexicans, any size, $4.
DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6c: per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25.
r lua caiuornia, per iiho. canons, voc;
Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 18c.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case.
CIDER New York, 4.&o; per -bbi., Z2.75.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c:
No. 1 salted. S'iic: No. 2 salted. 7c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 lire., 8c; No. 2 veal calf.
12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry niaes, (ai2c; sneep
pelts, 75c; horse hide;, $1.60(&&50.
IOPCORN Per lb., 3c; sheUed, 4o.
NUTS Walnuts, No, 1 soft shell, per lb.,
13c; hard shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 soft
shell. Der lb., lie: No. 2 hard shell, per lb..
loc; Brazils, per lb., lie; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small.
per ID., 13c: cocoanuis, per ooi., ouc; cnest
nuts, per lb., 16c; peaputs, per lb., 6c;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes ths
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; cop-
per, per lb., c; oras, neavy, per id., bc;
brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 8c;
glnc, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c
St. Lonls Grain; and Provisions.
BT. LOUIH Oct. 24. WHAT-Lower: No.
2 red cash, elevator, eStttftSftc; track, 69
70c; December, 68,iiSo asked; May,
71Hc: No. 2 hard. 67u70(,
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 66c ; track, 67c;
December, 40o bid; Mtiy, 39c.
OATS Lower; No. 2 sh. 29c: track, SO
30c; December. 28c asked; May, 290
asKea; no. i wniie, avx
RYE Lower at 48c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.40
63.66; extra fancy and straight, $3.103.35;
clear, xz.wwsJ.uo.
SEED Timothy, steady, $2.503.50.
CORNMEAL Steady at $2.90.
BRAN Firm, scarce; aacked, east track,
HAY Steady ;tlmo thy, $9.0013.00; pralrlt,
B AGOING 6 6-WfJ7 l-16c.
PROViarONS Port, unchanged; Jobbing,
old. $16.95: new, $17.35. Lard, lower at $10.70.
Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra
shorts, $1L25; clear ribs and short clears,
111.50. Bacon (boxd), steady; extra shorts,
$12.25; clear ribs, $11.37; short clear, $12.62.
METALS- Lead, steady at $4.00. Spelter,
quiet at $5.1V.
POULTRY Qule4; chickens, 9c! springs,
9&10C: turkeys. 9c; ducks, 10c: geese. 6c.
BUTTER Hlrm; creamery, 18'26c; dairy.
EGGS Lower at19c. loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 6,000 ll.OoO
Wheat, bu - 152.000 62,000
Corn, bu.- it.uuu 12,000
Oats, bu.... -. 76,000 45,OjO
Liverpool Grain aad Provisions.
LtVERPOOL, Oct. 24. WHEAT-Spotl
yulet; no. 1 nonnern spring, as va; no,
2 red western winter, 6s Sd; No. 1 Cali
fornia, 6s Futures: Quiet; December,
6s losd; March, 6s lld.
CORN Spot; American mixed, quiet, 6a
8d. Futures'. Quiet; October, nominal;
January, is 30; juaj-cn, s id.
PEAS Canadian, aulet at 6s d
FLOUR St. Loots, fancy winter, quiet,
is 3d.
PROVISIONS Boef, strong; extra, India
mess, 115s. Pork, strong; prime mees,
wxatern. D5s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs..
firm, 65s. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 26 to
ftA IK- ffrm H'lm A ulinrt rfhri 1ft n 91 I K
qulet,'66s; long oiear xniddUs, light, SS to 3i
lbs., quiel, b2s oa; ioiut aesr middles, neavy,
35 to 40 lbs., quiet, 61s 6d; clear bellies.
14 to 16 lbs., steady, 66s. Bhoulders, square
cut, 11 to 13 lbs., steany, 6is tki. Lrd. prima
western, in tierces, iirm, oo a; American
refined. In pails, steady, 67s 6d.
Hops At London iracino coast), firm.
Rt n eh Nominal.
CHEESE Firm: American finest white
and colored, stroiur at bos.
T ALLOW Firm ; prime city. 29s 6d; Aus
trallan. In London, Arm, 33a 9d.
Receipts of wheat during the last three
days, 213,000 centals, Including 186.000 Ameri
can. Receipts of American corn during tha last
tnrea days, s.suu centals.
Kansas City Oral a aad 'Provisions.
cember. 66c; May, 6Sgic; cash. No. 2
hard. 6Sc: No. 3, 6tQti7c; No. 2 red, 67fr68c;
No. $. 65c.
CORN October, 4Sc; December, JTc;
May, 37c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 4S50c; tio
2 white. 63e54c; No. S, 60a2c.
OATS No. 2 white. 33'tt'33c; No. 3 mixed.
KY K NO. I, 46146C.
HAY Choice timothy, $10.00i910.SO; cholcs
praine, 9 Mtiv.w.
BUTTER Creamery, 22; dairy, fancr,
EGGS Fresh, 17c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
... .137.6ID 96.0IH)
.... biM 8,pi0
.... 40,000 2&00
Oats, bu
Minneapolis Wkcat, Floor and Bran.
eeniber, 7uSc; May, 71c; on track, No. 1
hard. 71c: No. 1 northern, 73c; No. 2
northern. 69ic.
FLOUR First patents. $4.10; second pat
ents, $3.i4 00; first clears, $2 Svtiaou; sec
ond clears, $2.45fl2.55.
BRAN In bulk. $12.
Milwaakoa Grain Market.
"i easier; io. i nortnern, 73c; No.
northern, 72j724e: December, 72Vflr.'So.
RYE Steady: No. 1. 61Uc.
BARLEY-titeady; No. f. 65c; sample, 480
CORN December. 6ISc
Peorln Market.
PEORIA. III.. Oct. 24--CORN-Flrm; No,
$. 6c,
OATS-Irregular, easy; No. I white. Sic.
M oa,4nW
Pklladelpkla Prodoco Market.
ririn. goua oemaiid; extra westera crra
sry. Rc: extra nrarbv i,rlnl 7r?.
24c, loss off; fresh western, 23c; fresh
outnwenern. zic; fresh southern, 22c.
CHEESE Stesdv: New York full creams.
prime small, 12ljl2c; fair to good, WW'S
ic; prima large, U'al2c; fair to good,
Toledo drain nnd Seed.
TOLEDO. Oct. 24. WHEAT Falrlr ac
tive, easier; cash, 75c; December, 77c;
May, 77c.
CORN Dull. easier: December. 44Ue:
May, 434c.
tJATtv-uuu, tneaay; December, cvic;
May, S2c.
SEE1 f'lover. dull, easier: October. 16.70:
January, $6 86.
Rt ty 62C. '
Dnlotk Grain Market.
DULT'TH. Oct. 24 WHEAT Cash. No. 1
hard, 73c; No. 2 northern, 69c; No. 1
northern, lS,c: No. 2. 71c: December.
6S,c; May, 72c.
oa is December, ne.
So Demand for Stocks, Consequently
List Is Irrearular and DnVl.
NEW YORK. Oct U Anm. relief was I
money and foreign exchange ratew, but
there was no demand for atopics snd tha
list was Irregular and dull throughout. For
reasons that are not altogether clear the
substantial financial Interests continue to
hold aloof, and even the pool manipulators
remain Inactive. The rlso In the price of
coal and further rumors nf labor troiihlea
In various parts of the country wero among
tho few developments of the day. The
strong features at the opening wero Lacka
wanna, Meaning common and second pre
ferred. Baltimore & Ohio and Toledo, ftt.
IjOuIs Western Issues. Operations In the
last named stocks were again believed to be
largely manipulative and Baltimore & Ohio
soon lost Its Initial gain. Firmness was
shown in such Issues as Atchison. TTnlon
Pacific, St. Paul, Missouri Paciilc and Colo
rado Fuel and Iron. The latter was
stronger on reports of buying by Interests
opposed to those In control. An early sale
of St. Joseph & Grand Island second pre-
ierrea was mane at a decline or over I
per cent and later a further loss was re
corded. Liquidation In Baltimore A Ohio
rights for cash waa presumably due to the
fact that the option on. the rights expired
today. Tradlnar wan verv lleht all thrniichl
the morning session and fluctuations were
narrow. Speculation was limited almost
entirely to tho specialties, the early move
ments in t-oioraoo uei and iron and To
ledo. St. Louts A Western Issues helnv
continued. Colorado Fuel was the real fea
ture, transactions In that stock aggregating
rr.oro than one-fifth of the total business,
with a net advance of 4 per cent. Fa
vcrable reports concerning tho coal stocks
and the steel and Iron Issues were heard,
but they failed to Induce any demand. The
afternoon session brought no developments
and such trading as was reported came
from out of town. London dealt In about
16,000 shares, of which two-thirds were
sales. Virtually all the buying for London
was done by one firm of brokers. In addi
tion to Colorado Fuel strength was shown
by Lackawanna. Readlna- second. Vlrelnla-
Carolina, Cotton OH, Tennessee Coal, Amai-
gamaieo. copper and gunman, call money
ruled at between 4 and 6 per cent, but be
fore the close of tho day fell to 2 per cent,
the lowest flguro reported In some time.
Demand sterling worked down to $4.8640,
and the great part of the day's business
was on the selling side. The weekly bank
statement Is expected to make a very fa
vorable showing, with a large Increase of
cash, due to recent bond purchases under
Secretary Shaw's offer. The subtreasury
today transferred $250,000 to Chicago and
paid out $100,000 for account of gold de
posited at San Francisco.
Railroad brinds were sluggish but steadier
all around. Total sales, par value, $1,245,000.
unuea maies Donas were an unchanged on
the last call.
The followlnr are the rJnalno- nrlcea An
the New York Stock exchange:
.. Bo. Paelflo 754
..loo 80. Railway 174.
..108 do pfd
.. M Texas A Pacific 44
,.1W& Toledo, Bt. L. A W. 12
do pid
Bl. ft Ohio
do Did
Canadian Pacific..
Canada So
Chea. 4c Ohio
Chicago A Alton..
84 t do nfd
Union Paelflo
. l!4
. 14
. 48
. :
. aa
. n
. 63
levi do pfd
do pia...
71 .Wabaah
Chicago, Ind. A L... 73
do pfd...
.... VI 1
Chicago A E. Ill 21S do Zd nfd.
Chlcaso A O. W 10wia. Central
do ltt pfd
MV do pfd.
do Id pfd..
4414 Adams Ex
Chicago N. W MOfc American Ex..
C. R. I. A P
,1'nlted States Ex. ...141
. 10 Wella-Fargo Ex 130
Chicago Tar. A Tr
do pfd
I74 Amal. Copper
C. C. C. A St. L.
Colorado 80
.100 lAmer. Car A F. ...
. 33 do pfd
73 Amer. Lin. Oil
. 48i do pfd
.170 (American 8. A R..
.IGt I do pfd
. 44 lAnae. Mining Co...
. t4'Brookl;n R. T
. lH Colo. Fuel A Iron.
. 8ltCona.' Gat
. (3Cont. Tobacco pfd..
,. w
,. so
. 44
. M
,. 7
.. 1
,. 89
.. 13S
.. 19
,. 72
,. 81
.. 84
.. 46
.. 74
.. 42
..103 4
.. 41
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Del. A Hudaoo....
Del. U A W
Denver A R. O...
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Sd pfd
Oreat Nor. pfd....
,1 .uen. ciectno
Hocking vane ...
Hocking Coal
do pfd
. St
. 44
Inter. Paper ...
Illlnola Central ..
do pfd ,
do pfd
InUr. Power ...
Like Erie A W...
. M ILaclede Oaa ...
ll National Dlacult
,,,1 . 1 , , .
do pfd
Ij. ex Pi
.......... ,l.a HMIUHRI IHW U
Manhattan L 136 No. American .
Met. St. Rr 139 Paelflo Coaat ...
Mex. Central It Pacific Mall ...
Mex. National 18 People'a Oaa ..
Minn. A St. L 110 IPreaaed 8. Car
no, racinc uui do pfd..
M., K. A T.
2 Pullman P. Car tit
do pfd
.. 82 iRrpublle Steel 22
..173 I do pfd 79
.. 166 Sugar 128
.. 77 Tenn. Coal A Iron... W
.. (1 Union Bag A P 13
.. 83 do pfd 77
..! U. 8. Leather 14
.. U do pfd sou
.. ss4 u. 8. Rubber 18
.. 78 do pfd 65
.. 76 U. 8. Steel 40
.. 84 do pfd k
.. 71 Weatern Union 81
.. 11 Amer. Locomotive .. 80
.. 88 do pfd ts-L
..191 K. C. Southern 85
..U4 do pfd M!a
N. J. Central .
N. Y. Central
Norfolk A W..
do pfd ,
Ontario A W..
Reading ,
do let pfd...,
do Id pfd....
St. U A 8. P.,
do let pfd..
do ii pfd....
St L. 8. W...
do pfd
St. Paul ,
do pfd ,
New Torit Money Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 24. MONET On call.
steady, 2r5 per cent; closing bid and
asked, 2&2 per cent; prime mercantile
paper, t per cent.
oiEKUKu r..x.tii ainuh; easier, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.86375
&4.650 for demand and at $4.8225 for sixty
days' bills; pomed rates. $4.o4ea4.87: com
mercial bills. $4.82754.8323.
SILVER Bar, 50c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; state, Inac
tive; railroad, steady.
Tho ciosink quotations on Donas ars as
U. S. ref. la, reg.
..11 ,L. A N. nnl. 4a
..110 Mex. Central 4a,
..108 do la Inc
.. 80
.. 28
.. 99
.. 81
.. 71
.. 97
.. 99
.. tut
.. 84
.. 94
do coupon
do 8a, reg
do coupon
.liwVMlon. A at
do sew ea, reg 1M
M., K. A T. 4a.
do la
N T. Central la.
do gen. Ifea. ..
N. J. C. gen. ea.
No. Paclne 4a...
do 8a
do coupon 137
do eld 4a. reg Ill
do coupon lit
do te, reg 104
do coupon lo&w
AUhleon gen. 4s 101
do adl. 4a 9e
N. A W. eon. 4a...
Reading gen. 4a....
Ht L A I M e. to.,
at. L. A 8. T. 4a.
Bt. L. 8. W. la
do U
8. A. A A. P. te...
Bo. Paelflo 4a
So. Hal I war (a
Texaa A Paelflo la.
T., St. L. A W. 4a
Union Paelflo 4a....
do coov. 4a
Wabaett It
do la
do deb. B
West Shore 4a
W, A L. K. 4a
Wla. Central 4a....
Cons. Tobacco 4a...
Bal. A Ohio 4a 101
do 34 94
do conr. ca 10
Canada So. le lot
Central ot Ca. 6a....l09
do la Inc 80
Chea. A Ohio 4 '.... 106 U
Chicago A A. 1 eO'tj
. 81
.. 31
,. 93
,. 8!
.. 7
c, B. g. a. 4a.... 94
C. 14 A St P g. 4e....ll3
C. A N. W. e. 7 lJt4
C. R. I. A P. 4e....lo'
C C C A Bt L g. 4a..loi
Chicago Ter. 4e...... 17ft
Colorado Bo. 4a 41
Denier A R. O. 4a. ..lot
Erie prior Ilea 4a.... 9'i
do general 4a
P. W. A D. C. la 114
Uocklng Val. 4t....lut
Xoadoa toe It 4)ootatloaa.
LONDON, Oct 14. 4 p. m. Closing:
Coaaola, noney '); N. T. Central
. '4
. 84
. 84
. 84
. 11
. 16
do aocouut 9) a-leiNorrolk a W
Anaconda, 8 do pfd
Atchlaon 81 Ontario A Weatern.
do pfd 103 VP.nnylvnl4
Baltimore A Ohlo....lllH Knd Mines
Canadian Pacific.
Chee. A Ohio
...61 do let pfd
... ' do Id pfd
...14 Southern Hallway. .
... 21S do pfd
... 46 So. Paclflc
... 84 lUnloa Paelflo
... 401 do pfd
Chicago O. W
C, H. A St. P...,
. 40
,. 13
DeBeert (del.)
bearer A R. U...
do pfd
do let pfd ,
do Id pfd ,
... to lUnlted States Steel... 41
... ee 1 00 pin
Illlnola Central...,
Loularllle A Neaa
M.. K. A T
...uitwabaafe ..
...141il do pfd..
... Spanish 4a.
, (
do pfd
43 V
BAR SILVER-Steady at ZSS-l&d per
MONET 24?! per cent. Tho rata of dlt
count In tho open market for short bills Is
a3 per cent and for three-months' blUt
tf3 7-l. per cent.
Forolgo rtaaaeial.
LONDON, Oct. 14. Money was In fair
dtmand today ana supplies Were largely
rvduced. Discounts were easier. Business
on the Block exchange waa practically neg
lected in view of tomorrow's holiday and
tha bealnnlng of the settlement Monday
Ccnsols wero dull. Americano were nomi
nally on either slds of parity and disposed
to bo harder. Tbey closed quiet. irand
T: units hardened on sat!ftu.'tor traffic re.
turns. Gold premiums sre quoted as fol
lows: Buenos Ay res, 1270; Madrid. S2.S0;
PARIS. Oct. 14. Business was quieter on
tjUaJjouso tjnprlcvl "JJVii'St
Ing tendency owing to few re-purchases.
Later foreigners rallied sharply. Rentes
wero heavy owing to fears of strike disor
ders. Hpanlsh 4s and Spanish rails were In
request on a rumor that the gold syndicate
was likely to be constituted today. Most
of the Industrial stocks advanced. Rio
tlntos wero supported. At ths Inst hour
rentes wero freely offered. Influencing prices
In othe.r departments. The close was heavy.
Kaffirs opened firm on the statement that
the chief leaders of the South African mar
ket Interviewed Colonial Secretary Cham
berlain In London yesterday and received
favorable assurances. At tho close they
were easier. The private rate of discount
waa i 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes,
Wf 62o for tho account; exchange on Lon
don, 2.f 12o for checks; Spanish 4s, 86.10.
BERLIN, Oct. 24. Internationals wero
firm on tho bourse today. Locals wero lr
regular. Transvaal rails declined sharply,
but closed with a partial recovery. lrge
sales were reported on tho part of Dutch
holders of these securities owing to tho
decision on the Indemnity claims being de
ferred. Exchange on London, 20m 45pfg
for checks; discount rates for short bills,
per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent.
gamnaary of Basloess Transacted by
tho Associated Bsaki.
NEW YORK. Oct. J4.-Tho following
table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows ths
bank clearings at the principal cities for
the week ended October 23, with tho per
centage of Increase and decrease as com
pared with the corresponding week last
CITIES. Amount Inc. Deo.
New Tork $1,706.37$, 408 89.1
Chicago 166,847,434 4.1
Boston 140,061,850 4.4
Philadelphia 126,329,31)3 18.3
St. Louis 49.407,040 1 3.1
Pittsburg 45,077.836 17.6
Baltirrvore 22,779,954 8.3
San Francisco 2H.134.438 13.4
Cincinnati 20,239.4riO 16.7
Kansas City 23.604, 18.1 18.1
Cleveland , 14,980,084 20.0
Minneapolis 20,4,(6,751 17. B
New Orleans 14.687,565 9.3
Detroit D.348.952 28.9
Louisville 9,200,846 9.3
Irdlanapolls 11,B47,0K 28.4
Providence 10.137.600 8.0
OMAHA 7.879.205 2.0
Milwaukee 8,087,8t6 21.3
Buffalo 6.593,08 12.5
St, Paul 6,736.882 15.5
St. Joseph t.Sn.476 13.7
Denver 6,293,924 6.6
Richmond 4,497,368 11.6
Savannah 4.190,397 17.8
Salt Lake City 4,067.054 9.8
Albany 8,544.489 17.4
Los Angeles 1 6,6.10,4X1 61.2
Memphis 6.897,812 41.1
Fort Worth 8.236,611 7.4
Seattle 6.141,093 83.4
Washington 3,800,966 63.4
Hartford 2,703.841 20.6
Peoria 1.905.161 14.1
Toledo 8,108.494 37.6
Portland, Ore 4.300,841 29.8
Rochester 2,146.943 3.7 .....
Atlanta t 8.443,990 10.2
Deo Moines 1,834,663 17.4 .....
New Haven 1,666.355 21.0
Worcester 1,679,846 . 6
Nashville 2,098,861 83.7
Springfield, Mass 1,619,313 16.3
Norfolk 1,684,983 14.8
Grand Rapids 1,641.489 83.6
Scranton 1.306,985 1.1
Portland, Me 1,659,358 18.6
Sioux City 1,769.734 8.8
Augusta 3,154,662 48.0
Syracuse 1,260,551 4.1
Dayton, 0 1,584,045 35.5
Tacoma 2,007,938 51.0
Spokane 2.159,430 62.0
Topeka 1.637,949 14.2
Davenport 846.127 6.8
Mansfield, O 174.684
Wilmington, Del 1,305,676 11.2
Evansvlllo 1,037.902 19.8
Birmingham 1.155,044 25.4
Fall River 1.238,282 17.2
Macon 1,268,000 15.5
Little Rock 1.294,134 43.3
Helena 481,321 22.2
Knoxvllle 1,146,016 90.6
Lowell ,. 605,287 33.0
Akron 677,000 14.3
Wichita 690.000 55.7
Springfield, 111 626.442 22.6
Lexington 624,183 24.1
New Bedford 675,990 8.6
Chattanooga 649,297 66.0 ......
Youngstown 636,484 62.6
Kalamazoo 647.124 65.7
Fargo 697,652 62.9
Blnghamton 859,700
Rcckford 461.364 25.8
Canton 424.000 14.6
Jacksonville. Fla.....'. ' 343,626 7.2
Springfield, O 283.361 2.4
Chester .i. 851,012 24.0
Qulncy ' 256,189
Bloomlngton - 822,411 22.4
Sioux Falls .......v... '244,446 7.2
Jacksonville, 111....... . 184,919 17.9
Fremont s... 178,348 14.1
HouBton 17,667,417 86.9
Galveston 9,318,000 11.1
Columbus, O 8,441,800 23.4
Wheeling 811,658 20.8
Wllkesbarro 669,922 18.9
Beaumont 481,760
Decatur, III 243.240
Utlca, N. Y 2,369,254
Oreensburg, Pa 669,866
Totals,- V. B $2,566,144,024 28.1
Outside New York... 859,770.616 10.7
Montreal $ 25,092,6901 62.1
Toronto 19,092,978 66.8 .....
Winnipeg 6,398,967 63.3 .....
Halifax 1,764,595 17.6
Vancouver, B. C 1,368.635 23.6
Hamilton 1.032,0X9 18.0
St. John, N. B 1.077,064 62.3
Victoria, B. C 665,486 18.1
Quebec 1,691,584 15.6
Ottawa 2,402.907 43.8
London, Ont 814,937
Totals, Canada $ 69,306.996 48.6
Not Included In totals because containing
other Items than clearings.
Not Included In totals becauso of no
comparison for last year.
Boston Stock Qaotatloas.
BOSTON. Oct 24. Call loans. 6ff6 Der
cent; time loans, o'po per cent, umclal
closing 01 stocks and Ponds:
Oas la 97 Calumet A Hecla...61
Atchlaon 89 Centennial 17
do pfd 100 Copper Range t
Boeton A Albany.. ..169 (Dominion Coal 141
notion at Maine iw irranxiln ............. 94j
Boston Elevated 1S5 Iile Rorale 1JU
N. V., N. H. A H... 228 Mohawk 48
Pltchburw pfd 112 loid Dominion 14
I'lifon PaaJBc 106 lOeceola 68
Mex. Central 26 Parrot 11
American Sugar 123 Qulncy 123
do pfd 110 Santa Pa Copper 11
American T. A T... .14 Tamarack 156
Dom. 1. A 8 64 Trlmountala 88
Maea. Electrle 8k1 Trinity 10
V. 8. Steel ......... 40 United States 21
do pfd 64 Utah 21
Weatlngh. Common. .106 iVIctorla gu.
Adventure 21 iWlnona 3T6
Allouea Wolverine 69
Amalgamated 85 paly West it
tllugoam 2eVa
Kerr York Mining; Qaotatloas.
KEW YORK. Oct. 24. Tho following ara
me closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con.
Little Chief
.. 18
.. 16
... S
.. S
.. 1
.. IS
.. tt
,.. u
Alice .
. so
. u
brunewlck Coo
Hlerra Nevada
Small Hopes
Comet ore. Tunnel ' 6
Con. tel. at Va T7
Horn Silver 126
Iron Silver 70
LeadvlUe Con 8
Baak Clearings.
OMAHA. Oct 84 Bank clearings. $1.13!..
602.60; corresponding day last year, $1,152,'
815 82; decrease, $20,213.32.
CHICAGO. Oct. 24. Clearings. S27.150.Z15:
balances, $1,882,777; New York exchange, 30o
discount: forelarn exchange, unchanged:
sterling, posted at $4.84 for sixty days and
at $4 87 for demand.
NEW YORK. Oct. 24 Clearings. 1234.-
eVi.Di; Daiances, iii,2Amx.
uosiUN, Oct. 24. Clearings, $2i,93,35l;
balances. 11.101.910.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 24. Clearings. $19..
F32.$u2; balances, $2,620,520; money, ( per
CINCINNATI, Oct. 24. Clearings. $3,439..
uio; money, ou per cent; isew tork ex
change, 2(iCic premium.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 84. Clearings. $8,125,718
bs lances, ta.6rt); money, steady at 6iu6 per
itni; (ew iora exenange, iao aiscojui.
VOBiaiflOBl 01 loo lrCS9Sf f.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In tho gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho I lS0.u00.Qo0 gold
reservo In tho division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balances, $223,145,614;
gold, 1U,7MI,b20.
CobTco Market.
Rlo, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 6c. Mild, steady;
Cordova, 7iil2c Futures opened aulet and
unchanged and ruled dull and featureless
until mid-afternoon, when private cables
were received advising of a light Santos
Interior movement. On light covering and
Investment buying prices Improved 6 points,
closing net 6 points higher and steady.
Total sales aggregated 17.2oO bass. Includ
ing: October, i.utijo loc; November, i4
6.10c; December, 6 2uc: January, 6 25c: Feb
ruary, 6 Sue: March. 6.4oc; id, .i&;
Eearj Bon of Cattle for Tridsj and Oowi
and Fenders Bold Lower,
Rat Eaoagh Shoes) oa Lambs oa Sal
to Tell Mack Aboot too Sltaatlon,
bat for tbo 'Week Practically
All Klada Aro Lower.
Recelnts were; Cattle. Horn Sheen.
Offlclsl Mondsy t.(m 2,(il 20.3i7
Official Tuesday ,741 4,443 15.243
Official Wednesday 8.4 $.783 18.766
Official Thursday 5.3.13 4.840 13,867
Official Friday 2,802 8,&u2 73
Five davs thin weV ST, r I9.7K9 78.326
Bamo days last week.... 32X3 17,346 M.15
Seme week befora 29.102 16.104 100.1S5
earns three weeks ago. ..38,6X5 14.523 66.925
came rour wa?eKs ago. ...35,471 j.4 oK.yw
6s me days last year 24,926 28.316 61,307
The followlnr tabla shows tha recelDts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
1 ne year 10 date, ana comparisons wun last
year: 1902. isui. Inc. Dee.
Cattlo 7S9.4S2 646.007 143.476
Hogs 1,827,375 1,866,922 39,547
Sheep 1,282,058 1,053.624 228,432
tno following table shows the average
price of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, wltn com.
parlsons with former years;
Date. I 1902. 11901. 11900. jl899. 1S98. 1897. 1896.
7 14 76 I 11 I 71 I 85 IN
7 20 6686 18 4S9 $79,102
7 " 669 6 19 442 266 2 97
7 82 6 69 I 4 17 2 64 I 73
6 53 6 16 4 SI 1 64 1 71 2 91
7 42 s 6 U 4 84 1 63 8 74 1 04
7 S9 6 49 15t 68 1 6414
7 28 6 S3 6 OR 8 69 $ 62 1 IS
7 14 6 13 6 02 4 85 1 63 3 13
7 04 6 IF. 4 2 4 S3 $ 64 $14
6 95 6 15 4 90 4 Jl $ 67 $ 6St
6 20 4 93 4 23 1 66 3 26 1 18
707 4 83 4 20 3 69 1 66 $ 30
7 16 (29 4 24 ( 63 1 64 1 33
7 00 6 18 4 S2 t ( 69 ( 61 1 19
6 91 6 22 4 72 4 20 1 69 1 21
7 16 ( 30 4644 16 (70 (23
7 02 6 67 4 52 4 10 ( 67 1 64
6 23 4 61 4 15 ( 73 ( 60 ( 26
92 4 68 4 15 2 71 1 64 I 27
6 82 6 26 4 13 1 65 1 62 1 23
6 70 6 Ol 4 62 (65363325
6 76- 6 99 4 61 4 10 1 63 8 26
6 74 6 01 4 61 4 14 1 56 3 25
Oct. ..,
Oct. 10.
Oct. 11
Oct. 12.,
Oct. 13.,
Oct, 14.,
Oct is...
Oct. Iff
Oct, 17.
Oct. 18.
Oct. 19.
Oct, 20.
Oct. ?.l.
Oct. 22.
Oct. 23.
Oct 24.
Indicates Sunday.
Tho following lint shows tha number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination;
Cattle Cars.
O. B. Prltchard, Halsey, Neb. B. & M ... 2
J. O. TJlstrom, Memphis, Neb. B. & M... 1
II C. Marks, Ord, Neb. B. & M 2
K. B. Smith, Crete, Neb. B. A M 1
C. D. Harrison. Hampton, Neb. B. A M.. 2
Grant Wheatley, Palmyra, Neb. B. & M. 2
Btoner & A., Geneva, Neb. B. A M 1
Bay State Farm, Bay State, Neb. B. A M. t
Rogers A Carson. Ord, Neb. U. P 2
James Haney, Rising City, Neb. U. P.... 1
Albert Headman, Stromsburg, Neb. U. P. 1
W. P. Thatch. Madison, Neb. U. P 1
Hord Cattlo Co., Fullerton, Neb. U. P.... 7
Wood & B., Madison, Neb. U. P 1
Otto Hansen, Bennington, Neb. F. E 1
John Roth, Snyder, Neb. F. E 4
George Barr, Stanton, Neb. F. E 1
A. Barr, Stanton. Neb. F. E 1
J. O. Tlnney A Bros.. Plltrer. Neb. F. K.. 1
A. Mack. Stanton, Neb. F. E 2
A. C. Mellen, Beemer, Neb. F. E 1
T. P. Owens, Thayer, Neb. F. E 1
J. O. Tlnney, Pilger, Neb. F. E 2
John O. Peters, Scrlbner, Neb. F. E 1
C. Lorenson, Wlsner, Neb. F. E 2
J. R. Mansfield, Wlsner, Neb. F. E 1
John H. E. Carlson. Wausa, Neb. M A O. 1
f.. w. HuraicK, Herman, Neb. M. e O.. 2
L. A. White, Pender, Neb. M. A 0 6
H. Henricks. Wavne. Neb. M. & 0 1
William Hunter, Plattsmouth, Neb. M. P. 1
r rea Roune, Mar.ley, Neb. M. P 1
W. J. McQlnly, Burr, Neb. M. P 1
D. P. Mcintosh, Auburn, Neb. M. P 1
Wm. Dunn, Weeping Water, Neb. M. P.. 1
D. C. Rankin, Tarklo, Mo. K. C 1
W. R Van Meter, Tarklo, Mo. K. C 2
J. F. Prltchard, Hamburg, la. K. C...... 3
O. F. Wilson, Burlington Jet., Mo. Wab. 2
J. O. Flanagan. Silver City, la. Wab 2
Chris Oloe, Dow City, la. N. W 2
Thomas Roe A Co., Fenton, la. N. W.... 8
J. H. Witt, Honey Creek. Ia. N. W...... 1
H. N. Peckham, Union, la. N. W 2
William. Taylor, State Center, la. N. W.. 4
Wm. D. Dlckman, Maple River Jet, Ia
N. W 1
William Erlckson, Stratford, la. N. W.... 2
rarson Be x., rtaimon, ia. m. w 1
M. McCain, Tllton, la. N. W 1
J. S. Montgomery, Wayland, la. N. W.,.. 1
L. Powers, Low Moor, Ia. N. W 1
Thomas Hatch, Underwood, Ia, R. 1 1
J. B. Murnan, Lewis, Ia. R. 1 2
C. H. White. ElUs. Is I. C 1
oniendorf A M., Forreston, 111. L C 1
I, Powers, Preston, la. Mil 2
J. 8. Bowman, Nodaway, la. 4) 2
unoraDiu a a. joy, in. j 1
D. McLaughlin, Washington, Ia. Q 2
C. w. Bpargur, vuilsca, la. Q 1
Robert Eland, Roscoa, Ia, Q 1
Sheep (doubledeck)
C. F. Huenefeldt Aurora, Neb. B. & M . 1
William Stelnhoft, Friend, Neb. B. & M. 1
A. spearman, Meadow, Neb. R. I 1
Scovlllo & 8., Conrad, Ia. N. W 6
Jenkins Bros., Oaks, N. D. N. W 2
John Bellamy, Knoxvllle, Ia, R, 1 9
Payno c 8., Sutan, Ia. Mil 1
John Earner, St Marys, la- Q 2
Tho official number of cars of atock
prougni in toaay by each road was:
C, M. St P. Ry 6 1..
O. & Bt I Ry 1 ., ..
Missouri Pacific Ry.. .. 1 .. ..
Union Paelflo system. (1 16 . 8
C A N. W. Ry 6 ..
F. . E. A M. V. R. R.. 85 15
G, 8t P., M. A O.... 1 4
B. A M. R, Ry 43 ( .. ' ..
C. B. A Q. Ry 6 .. 1
C, R. I. it P., east.. .. 9
Total receipts.
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
per 01 neaa inaicatea: .
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 469 1,067
Bwlft and Company 738 1.208 284
Cudahy Packing Co 812 1.174 143
Armour A Co 406 1,335 lu?
Vansant A Co 30
Carey A B 43
Lobman A Co 160......
Hill A Son 87'
Livingstone & BchaJler.... S3
Hamilton A Rothschild.... 22 "
L. F. Huss 62
B. F. Hobbick 1
Wolf A Murnan... 210
Werthelmer 76 ,
Other buyers 767 4,366
Totals 4.056 4,784 75
CATTLE There was a heavy run of cat
tle here today for a Friday and more than
waa generally expected. The big bulk of
the receipts waa made up of cows and
feeders and the tendency on the part of
buyers was to pound the market wherever
possible. Trading was not very active, but
the greater part or the onenngs was ais
pcted of In good season.
There wero not enough cornfed steers on
sale today to tell anything about the mar
ket, very uneven prices nave Deen paia an
the week, so that, while some sales look
considerably lower than thosa ot a lt
ago, others look fully steady. The reason
is tnat so rew corn came are coming mat
It Is difficult for anyone to tell much about
aluea. It Is certain, however, that these
part-fat cattlo are very slow sale.
There were a good many cows on ths
market this morning and the quality was
better than usual. Owing to the big run
all tho week buyers were rather slow about
taking bold and a alow, weak market re
sulted. As compared with Monday the
prices paid today looked 154f2So lower on
tho general run. Strictly choice grades
were perhaps not that much lower.
Bulls and stags wero also slow today
and a little lower for the week. Veal
calves did not show much change.
There waa a big supply of blockers and
feeders In sight and owing to the fact that
speculators already bad mora cattle than
they could sell they were very slow about
buying more unless they were cholco C om
it on Ulna in particular were naxa 10 ais
pose of at any price. Tha quality of the re
ceipts all the week has been very Inferior
and In fact a good many claim that tha
quality this week has been the poorest of
the season. Tha feeder division Is full of
cattle of common to fair quality, which are
hard to move at a decline of Z5c, as cour
iered with tha close of last week.
Tnero were oniy a tew western peer steers
on sale this morning and ,no uartlculr
change In ths market was noticeable. Any.
thing cnoico soia witnout much trouble,
while tho common stuff waa alow, ths same
as usual. Range cows wera slow and uk
or 15i25o lower than on Mondj y. Blockers
ana metiers aieu very auit witn prios
ranging iwa20o lower for tho week. Repro
eciatlvo sales: 1
cow a 1
Ne. A v. Tr. Mo. I ,
1 6JS 8 44 1 1.1M I Tt
4 M 111 J ai I at
6 M IS XI I. 891 8 94
t W IS 1 1.114 8 M
4 . eel a w, ,
L M lA !.., J.u 6r
- a m . . . .
1 not 1 te
1 lot 1 60
t ir,o s a t: 1
1 HtN) 1 40
I ISA I TS 4 174 ( 18
10 881 9 It 11 4i7 4 40
I lno 1 411 6 !M 4 45
II fc4 t t 1 loit) 8 tl
bulls 1.1SS 1 15 1 sing ir.0 1 60
7 heifers... Ml 2 70 9 rows 1 2 35
28 feeders.. 8.0 $ 15 1 bull 6-0 2 00
1 feeder. ..1040 2 60 1 feeder... 4 2 25
1 feeder... 60 $ 20 1 feeder... 6-"0 2 TO
1 feeder... SW 1 65 2 feeders. .14) 1 25
2 feeders.. K.-O 1 25 1 steer "20 2 25
1 steer 7"0 1 25 1 cow 810 1 76
2 feeders.. 895 100 1 cows 920 2 10
6 feeders.. 845 I 00 2 cows 810 2 80
1 feeders.. 845 1 60 cows 9l 2 80
1 feeder... Km) (to 1 cow 930 2 80
1 feeder... low 2 25
49 calves.... 2S9 1 15 19 rows 814 1 35
36 calves.... 22 4 40 6 rows 69 2 75
1 feeders.. 93 3 60 92 cows Nt9 2 75
6 bulls 1333 2 25 2 cows 856 2 20
1 feeder. ..1040 3 20 1 cow 40 2 60
3 feeders.. 806 8 20 6 cows 1012 3 20 '
20 cows 925 2 70 1 cow 1020 2 60
6 cows 1096 8 00 1 cow 820 2 60
1 bull 120 2 00 13 steers.. ..1214 4 15
1 cow 650 2 00 1 steer 800 2 60
2 cows 9.15 3 20 62 feeders.. 804 3 40
2 cows 1010 3 20 21 feeders. .1006 3 40
3 cows 1140 3 20 1 bull 10 1 25
11 cows 94 8 25 1 bull 140 2 25
3 cows 963 2 75 1 calf 3"0 6 60
3 cows 9"6 3 90 1 calf 0 6 60
52 steers. ...KI04 ( 65 65 feeders.. 918 ( 40
8 steers. ...1230 3 60 8 feeders.. 1006 1
2 steers.. ..IORO 3 00 6 feeders.. 870 3 20
1 stag 970 2 60 23 feeders.. 10O0 3 35
7 bulls 1260 2 10 3 feeders.. 920 8 00
1 steer 80 2 60 11 feeders.. ( 25
2 steer.... 740 8 25 1 feeder... 920 3 25
7 cows 873 2 00 1 bull 1520 2 26
2 cows 1110 2 25 1 cow 930 2 40
27 feeders.. 739 3 15 1 cow 940 8 00
182 feeders.. 860 ( 15 9 cows 917 2 30
19 feeders.. 966 ( 30 1 cow 9"0 ( 00
2 feeders.. K.H5 ( 30 21 cows 1051 2 85
8 feeders.. 1008 3 30 1 steer.. ...1210 4 25
1 feeder... 810 3 30 1 feeder... 660 3 60
3 heifers... 75 2 60 1 bull 13 t 10
2 heifers... 470 2 35 2 calves... 365 3 60
15 cows 1146 2 10 7 calves... 331 3 00
1 cow 820 2 10 4 feeders.. 830-3 15
44 cows 86 1 75 3 feeders.. 413 4 25
1 cow 820 2 10 18 cows 812 2 10
cows 971 2 60 166 feeders.. 916 8 60
1 cow 960 2 60 26 steers.. ..11K3 4 10
1 cow 810 1 60 1 steer 1260 4 10
1 bull 13n0 2 10 1 steer 1190 4 10
1 bull 1260 2 10 1 feeder... 800 3 60
22 bulls 1279 2 10 1 calf 160 6 75
8 steers... .10X5 8 35 1 calf 330 4 25
1 steer 640 2 00
12 steers... .1060 3 40 68 feeders.. 935 3 95
47 cws & hf. 858 3 15 3 feeders.. 935 8 35
10 cows 864 2 65 87 feeders.. 1H 8 05
8 heifers... 610 2 40 6 bulls 1032 2 10
R. Wangey Neb.
21 steers.. ..1129 3 65 1 feeder.. .1030 8 00
16 cows 921 2 80 2 cows 11"6 2 75
1 cow 1090 2 25 1 bull 1230 2 20
J. Detro Wyo.
13 cows 943 8 10 28 heifers... 770 3 60
W. J. Wilson-Colo.
66 steers.... 990 3 30 11 steers.... 900 3 SO
41 steers.... 990 3 30
C. H. Chatfleld-Colo.
36 feeders.. 866 8 60 6 cows 938 2 93
C. J. Barth A Co. Colo.
U steers.. ..1060 3 35 10 feeders.. 216 3 X
R. E. Huddleson Colo.
Steers.. ..1283 4 10 2 cows 1115 3 75
A. P. Borell-S.' D.
24 steers.. ..1146 4 16
Rankin Bros. Neb.
65 feeders.. 819 3 65 14 feeders.. 860 3 25
R. P. Allen Wyo.
19 steers... .1060 4 25 31 feeders.. 9R3 4 26
2 steers.. ..KM! 350 1 feeder... 900 3 75
10 cows 970 2 60 1 stag 1150 3 25
14 cows 1064 3 00 2 bulls 1560 2 40
H. K. Huff-Wyo.
21 cows 1046 3 20 9 cows 961 2 60
2 cows 840 8 20 1 cow 960 3 20
6 cows 1073 2 55 4 cows 1000 2 66
W. P. Eastwood Idaho.
14 feeders.. 670 8 60 6 cows 862 8 CO
3 feeders.. 670 3 00 1 feeder... 720 3 60
8 steers... .1252 4 40 24 feeders. .1021 3 65
1 steer 1020 3 60 6 feeders.. 946 3 00
1 bull 1050 2 60 1 heifer.... 960 8 65 .
A. Bowerlng Neb.
25 cows 944 8 60 1 feeder... 860 3 00
A. J. Westover Neb.
8 heifers... 813 2 75 24 cows 1039 2 80
23 feeders.. 6tr3 3 35 2 cows ln5 2 80
3 feeders.. 6u3 3 00 2 feeders.. 800 3 35
Western Ranches 8. D.
13 steers... .1106 4 15 81 steers... .1118 4 10
Charles Anderson Neb.
6 steers.... 905 4 00 2 calves... 265 6 00
17 cows 10G1 3 70 8 calves.- 210 6 60
1 cow 920 3 70 1 calf.... 200 8 75
1 bull 060 3 25 2 calves... 840 6 25
HOG 8 Receipts of hogs wero light thia
morning, as will bo seen from the table
above, but as others markets were quoted
BMlOc lower prices eased off a little here.
The bulk of the hogs sold a shade easier
than yesterday, so the market could be
quoted all the way from steady to 60 lower,
or generally 2c lower. The big end of
the receipts sold at $6.72 and $6.75, with
the choicer loads selling mostly from $6.75
to $6.80. Heavy packing grades sold from
$6.72 down. Trading was fairly active, so
It was not long before most everything
was out of first hands. There was no
particular change In the market from start
to finish. Tha decline today took away
just about half ot yesterday's advance and
makes the market 254jOOc lower than tho
close of last week. Representative sales;
No. A. ah. Pr. No. At. 8b. rr.
tt tl 41) 4 70 - 70 228 160 4 76
47 819 ... 4 74 60 144 120 4 76
64 808 tSO 4 70 61 238 440 4 76
68 7T 80 t 70 64 tf,8 40 4 76
61 800 160 4 70 66 ii8 120 4 76
64 868 120 4 72 71 261 120 4 78
61 871 80 72 49 848 160 4 76
71 20 80 4 72 88 857 ... 4 76
68 2X6 120 4 72 69 234 ... 4 76
66 26 160 4 72 76 2 120 4 76 .
44 243 80 4 72 74 279 80 4 76
64 878 40 4 72 76 246 160 4 76
68 28 80 4 T24 44 288 200 t 76
61 2t 40 4 72 88 264 ... t 76
68 271 80 4 72 44 28 80 4 76
64 876 80 4 72 13 2f4 40 4 76
68 2S4 80 4 72 12 230 ... 4 76
17 291 200 4 12 66 264 800 4 76
(7 268 160 4 12 67 2f6 80 4 76
67 238 160 4 72 98 190 80 4 78
69 298 120 4 72 44 239 40 4 16
44 844 ... 4 11 78 241 160 4 16
47 280 820 4 72 67 261 80 4 77
64 260 120 4 12 60 218 40 4 11
63. 270 U0 4 12 74 224 160 4 77
69... 264 ... 4 72 82 217 40 4 80
81 197 130 4 76 48 244 80 4 60
94 196 80 4 76 64 217 ... 4 80
71. 266 40 4 78 74 227 W 4 60
68 21 80 6 76 43 318 ... 4 82
SHEEP Thero were not enough sheep
and lambs here today to make a test of
the market, but the few that did arrive
sold at what looked to be about steady
K rices with yesterday. A bunch of native
tmbs sold as high as $5.15 and some natlvo
ewea brought $3.26. 1
For the week the tendency of prices has
been downward on all classes. The re
celpts have been liberal, while the demand
from tno country lor issuers u iwn
limited. Prices on the common to fair
feeder lambs have suffered fully 25c and In
some cases more, wnne ine oetter graces
are 104jl5e lower. Feeder sheep ars also
about ltU2iC lower man liiey were a wees
ago. Fat eiheep nave nem up rainy wen,
but still they are fully a dime lower than
at the close of last week. Owing to ths
hra&k In fat Iambs at other points
prices here also took a drop of about 25c.
The demand on the part of killers has been
In fairly good shape all the week, but the
liberal offerings gavo them a chance to buy
their supplies lower. v
Quotations: liooa to rnoire yesmngs, ea.fn
4x4.00; fair to good, $3.60&3.7o; good to cholco
withers t3.50tuS.76: fair to good wethers.
$3.263.60; choice ewes, $3.00i3.25; fair to
rooa ewes, t.-futt.w, kwiu w tuuin minun,
$4 75&5.O0; fair to good lambs, $4.6(rov4.75;
choice native lambs, $5.0036.60; feeder weth
ers, $2,7643.26; feeder yearllnge. $3.25i)'3.60: lambs S3.0r6i4.0Q: cull lambs. tSMxa
$.00; feeder ewes. IL2.vg2.00; cull ewes, $0,759
1.25; otot'K ewes, t.oua ju. xteprescniauvs
No. Pi".
25 Wvomin ewea. culls 86 $1 00
lf4 Wyoming ewes, feeders 87 1 30
133 Wyoming owes, feeders 81 1 40
147 Wyoming ewes, feeders 80 1 60
74 W yoming swes, iteireri , vj 1 tu
98 Wyoming ewes, feeders. a.... . 90 175
4 Wyoming lambs, feeders 35 3 00
39 Wyoming ewes 92 2 35
81 Wyoming ewes 101 2 85
1 Wvomlnir lambs 60 8 00
10$ Wyoming owes and wethers.. 99 (00
1 buck 1 uo
36 native ewes 133 ( 30
1 natlvo wether 100 4 25
36 native lambs 92 6 15
8 feeder ewes M 1 00
222 feeder ewes 78 1 40
257 feeder ewea 75 1 85
2J( feeder wethers " 87 1U
t. Loots LIto Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
4,0u0 head. Including S.Ouo head Texana;
market steady; natlvo shipping and export
steers, $5.6o7.00, with extra fancy worth up
to 860; dressed beef and butcher steers,
H.6&U6.75; steers Under 1,000 lbs., $4.0tt6.C0:
Blockers and feeders, $3.uuf4.ou; rows snd
heifers. $2.2Ui6.5o; canners. $1 tkxjfj.oo; bulls,
$2,6049.75; calves. $5.uou7.00; Texas snd In
dlan steers, $2.404j&.2o; cows and heifers,
20473 20.
HOGS Receipts. 6,000 head: market 60
lower; pigs ana ugnis, packers.
BHEEf AND LAM HB Receipts, 1600
head; market steady; native muttons, $3 60
ivuu; lambs, $4,2643.70; culls and bucks.
tJ W4.lw; stockers, $1.60i&3.fj0; Texans, $3.00
Kaaiai Clly Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 3.3tX head natives, L2oO head Texans.
410 head Texaa calves, all natives; all
teera 0411 turn cowalrop.
1 131 t tt
u iom a 4s
others lower; slockers n feeder lowsrf
choice export and dreseed beef fleers. $6 94
tj'7.95; fair to good. $4.ff'i6.ft: stnrkers an.l
feeders, $2.0Uf4. 35; western fod steers, H.2,i(
6 76; Texss a..l Indian steers, U0ft4 a;
Texas cows, $2 30t&3.("; native rows, $l.fv,
4.00; nntivs heifers, $2.2rv(i3.76; canners, 74
i$216: bulls, $1 8043.65: Qalves,' $2.0O(liM.00.
HOGS Receipts, 6,M head; market Re
lower; top, $7X2; bulk of sales, 7.72a
7 ; heavy, $;.7iVjr7.!C: mixed psckero, 87 .
tr7.H0; (lsht. $7 67u;.77; yorkers, 17.664,
(.: pin", $-.5i'47ti.6.
RIIEKP AND LAMP3-Rere4pts, 4.9o(
head; market steady; lambs weak; native
lambs, $4.10i6.25; western lambs. $4.0Cti4.9f:
fed swes, $.l.uo'!3.70; native wethers, $.1 .c,)
4.10; western wethers, $3.0033.95; gtockero
and feeders, fl.iotl&ou.
Cattle Slow, Hogs Weak, at Tfcarse
day's rrtces, and Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Oct. 24.-CATTLE Receipts.
2.000 head; slow; .I to prime steers, 8A71
titl.76; poor to medium, $2.0O4i4.75; stockers
and feeders, $1.25(04.60: cowsv $2.0U4i.0O;
heifers, $1.25472.40; canners, $2.0oQ4.60: bulls,
$3.6Ofi'7.0O: calves, $3.00tB'4.00: Texas-fed
steers, $3.BO(iMi.OO; western steers, $3.40sf3.75.
1 1 OG 8 Receipts, 18,000 head; estimated to
morrow, 10,000 head; left over, 3.O0O head.
Closed weak at yesterday's quotations;
mixed and butchers, $ti.tu(t7.10; good to
cholco heavy, $6 Wt'7.22: rough heavy. $6.30
4(6 80; light, $&304l.90; bulk ot sales, $S.75"u
SHEEP ' AND LAMBS Receipt, 6,0(V) .
head; steady; good to choice wethers, $3.504y
4.00; fair to cholco mixed, $2.50'u3.50; west,
ern sheep, $2.60f3.75; natlvo lambs, $3,604
6.60; western lambs, $3.;54j5.0O.
Official yesterday:
Becelptw. -Shipment.
Cattlo 11.390 8.4-6
Hog 19.S74 , 2.617
Sheep 17,675 - ,6.3
New York Lire Stock Market.
celpts, 3,646 head; steers slow; top gradeo
about steady, others loo lower; bulls and
cows, steady, 16o lower; sterns, $4.607.00; "
bulls, $2.wi3.60; cows, $1.5564.10.
CALVES Receipts, 257 head; veals weak,
except for choice stock; graswers and west
erns, nominal; veals, $6.0oftis.W; tops, $9.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 4,340
head; sheep, lojj'lSo lower; lambs, slow and .:
154jv-'5c lower; heavy lambs, aVaStSc off; 8 cars -unsold;
sheep, $2,6043.16; lambs, 35.00ig6.60;.
choice. $5.60.
HOGS Receipts, 1,848 head: weak; stalov
and Pennsylvania. $;.oo4j1.2i.'
St. Joseph Llvo Stock Market. '
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 24.-CATTLE Re- -celpts,
1,610 head; steady; good stock cattlo
stronger, others dull and weak; cows and
helferw, $1,6045.65; bulla and stags, $2.0049
5.75. . . ,
HOGS Receipts. 3,944 head: weak to 6a,
lower; light and light mixed, $6.7Mi6.80; me.
dlum and heavy, $6,10441.62; bulk, $6.75(31 '
6.80. 1
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,143
head; steady.
Sloox City LIto Stock Market.
SIOUX CITT, Ia.. Oct. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300; market un- .
changed: beeves, $6.007.50; cows, bulls nnd
mixed, $2.0Oi&4.75; stockers and feeders. $2.60
t4.75: yearlings and calves, $2.504iM.6O.
HOGS Receipts, i,6oo; market steady at
$8,6046.80; hulk, 36.6B4J6.70. ,
Stock In Sight.
The following were tho receipts of llvo
Stock at the six principal cities yesterday 1
CsttleV Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 2.803 8,9o3 . 73
Chicago 2.000 18.000 (.000
Kansas City 3.300 6,600 4,900
St. Louis 4,000 - 6.000 . 1,600
St. Joseph 1,610 3,944 ' 2,253
Sioux City 300 1,600
Totals .......14.012 WM6 13,715 .
Cottoa Market.
Steady; sales, 6,100 bales; ordinary, 615-16cj '
good ordinary, 7 7-16c; low middling, 7.c
middling, 8c; good middling, 8c; mid.
dllng fair, ic: receipts, 10,266 bales; stock.'
189,876 bales. Futures, steady : October, (.11
4)'8.12c; November, 8.10W8.11c; December, 8.18 '
68.20c; January. 8.23H.24c; February, (.$44jl M
R?Ji- March. II KlhS l' Anril Km'rfkitr-
May, 8.828.34c.
Secretary Hester's statement of the
world's visible supply of cotton, made up 1
from special cable and telegraphic advices. .
shows a total visible nf 2,466,801 bales, ot
which 2.023,801 is American cotton.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. COTTON Steady to
I-I60 lower; middling, 8 1-1 6c: sales, 140 '.
bales; receipts, 2.617 bales; shipments, 2,47,
bales; stock. 10,816 bales.
NEW YORK. Oct. 24. COTTON Market
opened steady, with prices from 1 to 3 .
points higher. In sympathy with a steadier '
English market than duo on the closing
here of yesterday. The room trade waa ,
also Influenced by light port receipts and
predictions for very bullish week-end state- ,
man I,' n 1 1 n a, I r, i th. ,nll th. m n .
a time followed an Irregular course, In tho
absence of substantial support. Rut as It
became evident that tho "in sight" for the -week
would fall short of that for tho same
week last year by soma 125,000 bales and
that the visible supply figures would also
show a decline, covering on a liberal scala
developed and prices worked upward quite
rapidly. Tho better feeling extended to
Wall street, and the west, whose buying
was a feature of the late afternoon. Dur.
Ing the afternoon the market waa very
quiet, but steady to firm, with prices hold
ing close to the top. The close was quiet,
with prices net 2 to 7 points higher. Total
sales were estimated at 200,000 bales, with
October at 8.43c; November, 8.43c; Decem
ber, 8.66c: January, 8.63c; February, 8.880; -March,
8.3&c; April, 8.38c; May, 8.38c; June.
8.37c; July. 8.37c; August. 8.25c.
moderate business done; prices 6 points
lower; American middling fair, 6.06d; good
middling, 4.76d; middling, 4.6Sd: low mid--dllng,
4.5Sf; good ordinary, 4.46d; ordinary,'
4.34d. Sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of
which 60O were for speculation and export, "
and Included 7.500 American. Receipts wero
2.000 bales. Including 100 American. Futures '
opened easier and closed stady; American
middling, g. o. c, October, 4.66d. buyers, '
October-November, 4.60d, buyers; November.'
December, 4.47d, value; December-January,1"'
4.44d, buyers; January-February, 4.44d, sell.
ers; February-March, 4.44d, buyers; March-,
April. 4.44(1, buyers; April-May, 4.45d, sell-
ers; May-June, 4.45d, buyers.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Oct. 24. WOOL-lThe Commer- .
clal Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report "
on the wool trade of the United States:
"The market Is firm, with a good health
business In progress. Manufacturers are '
operating steadily and taking large and
small lots as their wants dictate. The Mel
bourne market nas opened at 16420 per -rent
higher prices than Isst year. South, '
American rnsraei are euruiiK. wun ugni or-'
rerings. in tno Aieiooume district the clip :
this year will fall short 150,000 bales of that
of last year. The receipts of wool In Boa
ton since January 1. 19t2. have been Z7ft &x.t .. ' -
359 pounds, against 228.615,034 pounds for tho
same period in J hoi. ine noston shipment
Huu -. eofl fcy. c.ft , ,. t - 1 ..
ments ot 209,638.656 pounds for the snme
fierlod In 1901. The stock on hand In Bos- -on
January 1, 1902, was 77,340,463 pounds; "
the total atock today Is 125.157.952 00 inula
The stock on band October 26, 1901, was 84,.
946.104 pounds. ,
HT flIIIH Oct. 24 WOOT Rluv r.-
dlum grades and combing, lo&loc; light fine, '-.
134117c; neavy nne, iU4'i3c; tub washed. 160
26c. w
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta.
APPLES Easier: common are quoted at 64J
6c; prime, bc; choice, 64j7c; fancy, 75
prunes of the larger sixes continue firm...
being In light supply. The smaller sixes aro
available In larger quantities, but aro
fairly steady. Pricee ran go from 8c to 80
for all grades. Apricots remain in good de. :
mand at recent pricee, with boxes quoted
at 7f4 Uc and bags at "IplQc Peaches also
continue firm at 124'16c lor peeled and t'iii
loo for unpeeled.
Quiet, but ateady; open kettle, centrifugal, t
24i3 l-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, new,!
8ti'3c; centrifugal white, 315-16c; yellow,
S4j3 13-16c; seconds, lS.'lo. Molasses, lnj
food demand; open kettle, centrl- '
ugal, lX424c. Syrup, steady, itvutOc. ;
NEW YORK. Oct. 24. SUGAR Raw,
firm; fair refining, 81 -16c; centrifugal, 96,
test, 3c; molasses sugar, 213-16c; refined, .
firm. Molasses, firm. 1
IXlNDON, Oct. 24. SUGAR Raw, een
trlfugal. 8s 9d; Muscovado, as 3d; beet, Oc-t
tuber, U 6d. . t
OH aad Hosla.
OIL CITY, Oct 24. OIL-Credlt balances,
$1.30; certificates, no bid; shipments, 127. lot
bbls.; average, w4.7u$ bbis.; runs, 86.813 bbla.
average, 80,42 bbls.
SAVANNAH, Oct. 24.-OIL Turpentine,
firm. 61c. Rosin, Arm; A, B. C, D, $182:
V tl inili V II l-MA. Cl II t.)lL' XI tl IE.
$2'; k; $i&0; M, $3; N, H60;' WCi. J.76;'WW,
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24. WHISKY Etaady, A"
CINCINNATI. Oct 24 -WinSKT-Dlstl- :
lera' finished goods, sctlve on basis of $1 ii. '
m PEORIA. Oct a4.-WH18KY-LS lor flu, "
lshed goods.