Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Colored Missionary Speaki of Kaee's In
tellectual Growth.
Blara Prosper Independently In
diana Make So Progress. Beranae
kirrh llaa ot Yet Effect
ively Helped Them.
NEW LONDOX, Conn.. Oct. 12. Report
04 addresses on mictions occupied the
attention of the delegate at this morning's
melon of the convention of the American
Missionary association.
la an address on Indian and A lank an ml.
Ions Rev. Dwlght M. Pratt, D. D., of Cin
cinnati affirmed that the Indian ran never
be redeemed and uplifted and fitted for the
duties and responsibility of clt.lzentb.lp by
the civil government.
The vast sums expended by the govern
ment for this purpose In the last I'jirty
years, he said In effect, bad accomplished
but little. The Indian today Is as much a
ward of the nation as he was a generation
ago. If the Indian Is ever to be educated
to citizenship and Christian manhood, If be
Is ever to be emancipated from the nursery
and from bis awaddilng clothes and made
an Independent and constructive factor In
our national life. It must be through just
such vital and effective work as Is done by
this association.
Rev. II. A. Ilrldgeman of Massachusetts
spoke on m lflon in Porto Rico. He said
that modern- missionary onterprlso and
American Christianity. were on trial in that
island. It, governors, be averred, -com
home and paint, la reseate colors the prog
ress of American . Ideas, the eagerness of
the people for self-government and. their
growing efficiency therein.
But, be continued, ask a Christian leader
like Dr. C. J. Ryder, who has spent weeks
Investigating moral conditions not only in
the seaports, but in the mountain districts,
to teU you what he baa seen and beard and
the moral statue of the people will seem
Centuries of misrule, the exactions of an
oppressive and often Immoral ecclesiastical
system, the baneful Influences of a soft
tropical climate have produced a people,
Inert, childish, ignorant aud impure. Amer
ican Christianity has a big task before it
and one demanding the generous outlay of
money and not less generous offering of
consecrated personality.
Chinese missions were considered In a re
jort and address by Rev. Harlan P. Beacb,
I). D.. of New Jersey, and a view of educa
tional work in the south was presented by
Rev. Edward H. Bylngton of Massachusetts.
The. evening session was addressed by
Trof. Charles F. Scott of Lares, Porto Rico,
on th work among the Chinese and Porto
Rlcans. James F. Cross, of South Dakota
gsve an interesting account of the work
among the Indiana and Rev. J. H. Hlggtn
bolham of Kentucky spoke of the condi
tions among the white mountaineers in the
aoutb. ,.
Ipesks of Keasro Advancement.
Rev. H. Proctor, colored, of Atlanta was
the advocate of the southern negro and bis
remarks were rontlnually Interrupted with
He said:
When you begun your work among us our
mental ability was greatly deprecated. It
was said we could not read, our eyes were
too sleepy but we- learned to read. We
could not learn to write, our fingers were
too clumsy; but we did learn to write. We
could not ler.rn to count, our skulls were
too thick: but wo did learn to figure. We
could nut learn science, our intellectual
Block was watered; but we did learn the
John C. Calhoun expressed the popular
notion when he said that if a negro could
conjugate the Greek verbs he would be
willing to admit him to brotherhood. Some
time ago I stood by his moss covered tomb
In Charleston and thought of what he said.
Could I call him up tonight I could tell of
young negroes In the Carolines who could
conjugate Greek Verbs with as much fa
cility as his closer kin. I would tell him of
negroes In Harvard, Yale and Chicago uni
versities who can conjugate that verb with
as much accuracy as he. Moreover, I could
tall him of a negro who has written a Greek
.book which has found his way to Harvard
that Calhoun never did. Today nobody
doubts the -negro's ability to learn.
What Douglas has done in eloquence,
Washington In education, Dunbar in poetry,
Tanner in art and Dubois in scholarship
has demonstrated to the world that there
is no race in brain.
Possessing nothing at 'the Close of the
war, ahut up for the most part from gain
ful pursuit, the colored citizens today pay
taxes on $.000,0o0 worth of property. In
my state Georgians have, dug tlo.OOO.OOO out
of their native ted hills.
Waal More Volaateera aad Greater
Power for Conn
' " .'; .Ml. '
enaaanaenenaca '
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 22. Two Important
topics were discussed at today's sessions of
the missionary council of the Protestant
Episcopal church.
The first, which consumed the morning
fission, concerned the desirability of a
change ' in the missionary canon of the
church. The principal speakers were Bishop
Satterlee of Washington and Bishop Brewer
of Moutans.
Th second referred to the need for ad
ditional mission workers and how to meet
It, addresses being made by Bfebop Cam
eron Mann of North Dakota, Rev. J. C.
Roper of the General Theological seminary,
sod Rev. L. B. Ridley of China.
Bishop Satterles In discussing the first
advanced many reasons why a change would
be beneficial. In his opinion the restric
tions placed upon the council hampered it.
New conditions had arlsed and new methods
should be devised to meet them.
Bishop Brewer argued against change,
as he believed the organization was satis
Ths subject of mission workers, discussed
at the afternoon session, brought out nu
roerous suggestions for increasing the num
ber of volunteers. An appeal was received
Microbe Killer
Euros all Blood anal
kronlo aJteeaeee
Bills tks ailerebea of the lusse sad fores
Coa.uiapMua; kills lbs antrrobM el lbs
kidaaye and cures Brigut'e Pimiu; kills
ths mirrobs of the throat sod cures
bipkttwiis; kllrs lbs microbes ol lb skin
sad cum Ccjejuat kills tb micrubaa el
lbs blood ud curs fcheuniatim, Cancer,
aUrrfc d all other Blood and Chrome
tHeoaaea. Call er send tor fie zuatory
ot ax UstintuaUlf Is ,
. NTHS-IIllOR IK CI., satis. He.
i nu i jliiii. uniiiw
from the Bishop Payne Divinity school at
Petersburg, Va., for funds, and a resolution
offered by Bishop Brown of Kansas wss
sdopted requesting the bosrd of managers
to appropriate $100,000 to be distributed
among the bishops of the south.
National W. C. T. V. Passes Resale
tl Favarlnar Ise of Teslbeoks
on the Subject.
PORTLAND. Me., Oct. 22. Much time
was devoted to two Important resolutions
by the national Woman's Christian Tem
perance union here today. Both were
adopted. The first wss In effect:
That we stand committed to the rrlndple
and practice of compulsory scientific tem
perance Inatruetlon for all pupils In all
publle schools of this country. We urge
our organization everywhere to work for
good, well graded text books ort this sub
Ject and to oppose books that fall to teach
total abstinence as revealed by modern
; The second was:
'. That wa respectfully differ from the
Statement of President Kllot of Harvard
university that the attempt to teach absti
nence In "the public schools has been an In
jury to the echlng of science Inasmuch
ss Ideas concerning the effect of alcohol
were taught which could not be proved
and remind the public that the teaching on
this subject in our pibllc schools has the
spproval of men of acknowledged eminence
tn science and has never been proved false.
We believe that Its removal from our
Sc-nonl would be a national calamity, which
we pledge ourselves to do everything in
our power to avert.
Invitations to. hold the next national con
vention at St. Louis were received.
Mrs. E. B. Ingalls, superintendent of the
department of ahtl-nafcotica, submitted a
report as follows:
' In a circular sent ' out at the beginning
of the year, I said the cigarette will be
driven out of existence In ten years. A
large, number .of the members of the W.
C. T. V took up the question, and leagues
have been formed, lectures given, sermons
preached and this country aroused as never
A careful statistical, examination made
bv educators of boys shows the average
efficiency Of non-smokers Is Sfi per cent,
that is, not 6 per cent out of loo would
probably acquire a good education. On
the other hand, only six out of 100 cigarette
smokers could hope to battle successfully
against the mental tendency produced. Of
smokers. 60 per cent had poor memories:
40 percent were untruthful; so per cent had
bad manners; 90 per- cent were slow
We have pledged 40,932 boys and many
girls against tobacco.
The report of Mrs. A. E. Carman, super
intendent of medal contests, said nearly
4,000 medal contests bad been held during
the year.
Americanists Hear Interesting- Pa
pers on Customs of Nebraska
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Miss Alice C.
Fletcher of Pesbody museum. Harvard uni
versity, Tvho for four year has been in
vestigating the ceremonies and ritual of
the Ptwnees, read a paper on the Pawnees
before the Americanists today.
She said the tribe was locsted In Ne
braska and divided into four bands, who
always built their villages In definite geo
graphical locations to each other.
The Skldl band was divided into number
of villages and each village possessed sym
bolic articles believed to have been given
by as many different stars. ' The village
of the Skldl reflected the position of their
atars In the heavens.
Everything to ths Pawnees was either
male or female. Thus, the shrine of the
west was feminine; so, too, was that of the
yellow star of the northwest, which was
first tn order of leadership. Next came the
masculine star In the southeast, the white
feminine star in the southwest and closed
with the black masculine star in the north
east. The care of these ' shrines was do-
puted to a- woman, the knowledge of Its
rituals and ceremonies to a man.
Dr. O. A. Dorsey of the Field Columbian
museum Of Chicago followed with an ac
count of the sun dance among the Pawnees.
When the thunder crashed in spring It
meant that the god Tl Ra Wa bad returned
from darkness.
The swan neck and head used symbolized
the world, over which it flew. The fawn
skfn' signified plenty, on account of the
Pawnee version of Genesis that three does
were their forerunners: The whole cere
mony prepared the fields for sowing.
Ernest Cronan, the historian, ssked If the
missionaries had 'not had an effect on the
customs of the Pawnees.
"I do not believe It," said Dr. Dorsey.
The Pawnees are 'the most conservative
of the plains Indians."
Birr Firms of the - t'ointry
1 Under the Laws of '
CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 22. A combination
ot chainmakers of the middle west and
Trenton, N. J., was formed here today.
The firms represented -were .James Mc
Kay and Co., Plttsbuka: Pittsburg Chain
Co.. Pittsburg; Chllcot-EvanaCfealA Co
Pittsburg; Union Chain "Works, Allegheny,
Pa.: Nlxlorff-Klelne Mfg. Co.. St, Louis;
Columbus Chain Co., Columbus, O.t Seneca
Chain Co., Kent, O.; Woodhouse Chain Co.,
Trenton, N. J.; Todd-Oben Chain Co., New
Albany, Indiana; American Rolling Mill as
sociation, Chicago; Indiana Chain Co., Jef-
fersonvllle, Ind.jc American Chalp Co.,
Zanesvllle, Ohio; United States Chain Co.,
Greenfield, Ind. .
Woman Who M as Asaanlted In Wash
ington Last riereuaber Dies
of Her YVoands. '
WASHINGTON, .pet. 22. After hovering
between life snd death sines last December,
Mrs. Ada Gilbert lennis, the victim ot on
ot the most mysterious assaults in the
history of the District of Columbia, died
at the Garfield hospital today.
With her death the last hops of ths solu
tion of ths mystery bas disappeared. Mrs.
Dennis csme here from Gettysburg. Pa., and
married Walte Dennis, a Washington
actor. She was " found December 10,- in
sensible in ber bedroom. Her skull waa
Various theories were advsnced as to the
motive for the crime, but no definite clue
was ever obtained. She never recovered
sufficiently to talk rationally.
United States Company Flies Bead
on Nebraska and levin
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. Oct. 22. The
United States Gypsum company today filed
a $1,000,000 trust dssd given ths Federal
Trust and Saving company of Chicago to
secure the 6 per cent twenty year gold
bends floated when ths plaster frost was
The mortgage covers gypsum lsnds la Illi
nois, Iowa, Kabaas. Minnesota, Nebraska,
New Tork, Ohio, Oklahoma and Ulcnig&n.
Cold romlnc From Anstrnlta.
NEW TORK. Oct. XL-Laaard Freres
have received advices from tha London,
Farts and American bank, limited, at nan
Francisco of the ahltimrnl of ITbj.bei tn mU
from Australia. The gold la due to arrive
s4 Bsa Frasu-laen about ths siaUl af No-
Carnegie Appeali to Emperor William to
Csmbitie Old World flouitries.
Wlthost roll (lent and Industrial
Inloa Foreign Markets Mill Fall
Before etv Competition aad
Home Fields Be Endangered.
ST. ANDREWS, Scotland. Ort. 22. An
drew Csrnegle was today formally Installed
as a director of St. Andrew's university In
the presence of a large and brilliant as
semblage, over which Principal Dorisldson
The honorary degree of doctor of laws
was subsequently conferred by St. Andrew's
on Mr. Carnegie, Ambassadors Choate and
White, Prof. Alexander Graham Bell of
Washington and Henry White, secretary of
the United States embsssy In London.
Mr. Carnegie's address consisted of
lengthy study of the comparative growth of
nations In the paths of Industrial ascend
ancy, with a striking commentary on their
future. In this speech, which was repleto
with notable statistics and Important eco
nomicprophecies, perhaps the most remark
able feature was an appeal to Emperor Wil
liam to use his Influence toward the even
tual creation of the United States of Europe
under the form of a political and Industrial
In this way alone, Mr. Carnegie declared,
can Europe conquer the foreign markets or
repel the American Invasion. France, Ger
many and Russia, which had already taken
Joint action against Japan, would suffice to
ensure a satisfactory union in Europe.
"The czar," he continued, "having taken
the first step toward the peace of the world
In The Hague conference, the other mighty
emperor might some day be impressed with
the thought that It is due to himself and
to Germany to play a great part upon the
wider stage of Europe, as Its deliverer rrom
the Incubus which oppresses and weakens
It, the appalling, paralyzing fear of war and
of ruin between members of its own body.
Appeals to Kaiser.
Mr. Carnegie, in the course of a glowing
tribute, to Emperor William, said he could
not help believing that "one so supremely
great" could "Influence the few men io
today control Europe to take the first s'ep,
not to federate, but by an alliance to en
sure international peace, which is all that
can be expected at present." Unless the
powers agree to something of the kind
all they could look forward to was to
"revolve like so many ltlliputlana around
this giant Gulliver, the American union,
soon to embrace 200,000,000 of the English
speaking race and capable of supplying
most of the world's wants."
For the best essays on this subject Mr.
Carnegie offered a rector's prize.
Dealing with the events which caused
the Industrial supremacy "Once yours, but
now passed to your lineal descendants,
who bears the industrial crown," Mr.
Carnegie maintained that it waa a physi
cal impossibility for Great Britain to pro
duce material things rivaling in amount
those of countries the size of America,
Germany and Russia, nor would a union
of the empire change the situation, for
"neither Canada nor Australia gave
promise, of much Increase In population or
industrialism. All thought of material
ascendancy, even with the British empire
united, must, therefore, be abandoned."
' Mr. Carnegie spared bis Scotch audience
no details. "America," he said,' "now
makes more steel than all the' rest of
the world. In Iron and coal Its production
la greatest and K is also so in textilea.
It produces three-quarters of the world's
cotton. The value of ita manufactures is
about triple that of your own. ' Its ex
ports are greater and the clearing house
exchanges at New York are almost double
those of London."
Germany, the speaker aluo said, now
threatened to oust Great Britain even from
second place. France was not likely , to
Increase its trade much further. It was
only through the frugality and virtue
of Its people that It remained amongst
the first-class nations.
Government Urged by President
to Pass a Vagrancy
MANILA, Oct. 22. Governor Taft dis
cussed the suppression of ladronlsm in
Cavlte yesterday at a conference held with
the presldentea of twenty-two towns of
Cavlte province. He told the assembled
presldentes that they and their people must
unite and work for the suppression and
punishment ot crime. The presldentes
promised to organize volunteers for this
purpose in each town. They asked Governor
Taft to secure the passage of a vagrancy
act that would reach ladrones and dissolute
Americans and foreigners. Many discharged
soldiers and other foreigners make their
homes with the natives and the influence of
these men Is often bad. The government
has been asked to secure the deportation of
such persons, but up to the present time it
has had no means of dealing with them.
Governor Taft promised the presldentes to
draw up a vagrancy bill covering these
Her Kngngement to Julia irernvtay
of Hot Nprlugs Will be Soon
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 22. A special to
ths Comerclal-Appeal from Little Rock,
Ark., says:
Information reached Little Rock today
from Washington that ths engagement ot
Jast Proper Food and Keat.
The regular use of drugs to relieve pain
ia on the wrong track. Find the cause
and remedy U . by proper food and quit
drugs for temporary relief or you will
never get well.
A minister's wife' writes: "Three years
ago. ' while living at Rochester, N. Y..
where my buaband was pastor of one of
the -city churches, I was greatly reduced
from nervous prostration and anaemia and
was compelled to go to a well known east
ern sanitarium . for my health. My stom
ach waa in bad shape from badly selected
food; I was an babltuatl user ot carbonate
ot magnesia and my physician made every
endeavor to break up this most damaging
habit, but all to no purpose.
At the sanitarium I was given Grape
Nuts and learned ths value of ths food.
I used It continuously, eating It at nearly
very meal and my recovery was rapid.
Its use enabled me to oat and digest food
and- to give up tb drug habit and I am
now completely restored to good health.
At ths present tlma I am abls to attend
to my household and family duties, pur
sue music, which was formerly my pro
fession, besides reading and studying, all
of which I waa totally unable to do at ths
time referred to." Name gtre a If Post urn
Co., Lai.Ua Creek, Kick.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of Presi
dent Roosevelt, to Mr. John Greenway of
Hot Springs, Ark., will be announced In
a few days.
Mr. Greenway is about 30 years ot age
and a son of Dr. Greewsy. a leading phy
sician of Hot Springs.
He was a lieutenant In the Rough Riders'
regiment during the Spanish-American war.
He left Hot Springs several days ago for
President of Bnrltasrtna Rand Is
Wltnesa In the .Northern e
cnrltles Hearing.
8T. PAUL, Oct. I. The taking of test I-J
tnony for the defendsnts In the suit of the
United States and the Northern Securities
compasy and others Interested in the so
called railway merger was resumed todsy
before Special Examiner Ingersoll tn the
United States circuit court.
Frederick Weyerhauser, a well known
lumberman, who for the last year has been
a Oret Northern director, was the first
witness. His testimony tended to show the
greater business convenience of shipping
over one system as compared with several
systems. He was not cross-examined.
George B. Harris, president of the Chi
cago, Burlington Quincy railroad, was the
next witness. He thought the acquisition
of the Burlington by the Northern Pacific
and Great Northern was the practical exten
sion of the Burlington to the coast.' He
emphasized the extent of the country
reached by his road where no trees grew end
asserted that Nebraska and some other
spates would be almost uninhabited if tim
ber or fuel could not be carried In. He
said the future lumber supply must come
from the Pacific coast. The new Burlington
connection with the northwestern ststes
helped also in rattle shipments; his line
reached nearly all packing centers, making
a direct connection between the market and
the grazing sections. His lins reached all
Illinois coal fields and UP to a few years ago
the supply actually exceeded the demand.
It was necessary to find' new markets;
soft coal was not susceptible of ' tranship
ment because easily broken, and a per
manent connection' with' other lines was
sought and finally found In these north
western states, thereby bringing the ship
pers and consumers closer together. He
told of his desire to extend the Burling
ton to the north In order to secure lum
ber shipments and their final decision to
build in that direction. The sale to the
northern lines then came up and made a
better and more permanent arrangement
for this class of business. Speaking of
coal, he said his company Jioped by the
union of interests) to secure Iron ore as
a return haul for coal sent north. They
were already assured of the use of such
iron ore in and about St- Louis.
Mr. Day, interstate commerce commission
attorney, examined Mr. Harris, bringing out
the Burlington survey north to Oreat Falls,
Mont., which the witness said had not yet
been abandoned. He told also of surveys
west of Denver twenty years ago, but ex
plained that the management, simply se
cured the facta in. order to present them
to the board If ever wanted. As to the
western lumber rates, there was material
reduction to the people In Nebraska and
Missouri river points.
Recurring to the coal shipments, be said
the union ot .interests avoids the reship
ment ot coal and makes possible the haul'
Ing of unbroken tif ins from the coal fields.
Hla road was maATed by its directors, as
it always had be In. Mr. Day, persisted
in questions, as to J yhere President Harris
got his orders. W - 'Harris- said there had'
been no change W y time In, bis orders;
that the direotoraAiemed to think, that he
had some commosTTgense and. might use it.
He consulted freely with the directors,
however, regarding the policy to be pur
sued Agents for the Burlington at various
Pacific coast centers looked after business
for that line out there. . He believed
thoroughly In publicity In rates and said
secret rates, were steadily going out of use.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
'train Goea Through Trestle Near
Parke, Illinois, bnt Xo One . .
la Badly Hart.
CAIRO, 111.. Oct. 22. Among those in
jured In the Big Four wreck near Parker
last night are;
Messenger A. ' J. Venowlns, bruised.
Mall Agent W..M. Harris, arm hurt and
cut about left aide.
News Agent At Morgan, leg hurt.
T. J. Rushing and Frits Hagey, traveling
men of Cairo, slightly injured.
Bertha Sellar, Parkeiville, 111;; Internally
Rachael , Welty, Turley, Mo.; back
Martin Kirkwood, Lawrencevllle, 111.;
scalp wound.
W. IL Puraell, Eldorado, Kan.; ahoulder
The tialn wrecked was known as the No.
3 and left Cairo at 3 o'clock. It waa com
posed of a baggage car and two passenger
cars. When nearlng Parker Engineer Con
nors saw smoke ahead where the trestle
was located. He immediately shut off
ateam, reversed bis lever, applied the air
brake and with his fireman Jumped.
The engine plunged fifteen feet Into the
ravine. The baggage car followed. The
two passenger coaches left the track, slid
down the embankment and turned over.
The forty passengers on board escaped with
only alight Injuries.
Artillery at Fort Riley Khaot
Vnder Official Observa
tion. FORT RILEY, Kan.. Oet. 12. The aix-
teenth aiege battery, commanded by Cap
tain George W. Van Duaen, artillery corpa,
which arrived here on Saturday, having
marched from Fort Leavenworth, began tha
annual target practice today. '
Captain Lawson M. Fuller, ordnance de
partment from the Rock Island arsenal, ac
companied the battery and will make a re
port on its work to the secretary of war.
The practice firing will probably laat until
the end ot the week.
Smallpox Attacks Blackfoat. Who
tanght It From trees Una
ada Drove Oat.
BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 22. A fearful stats
ef affairs la reported from Havre aa a result
ot an epidemic of smallpox among ths
Cree Indiana, who were driven acroaa the
border by the' Canadian mounted police.
On the Blaokfoot reservation "they spread
the infection and It Is reported an epidemic
is now raging there.
Dlsparltr Between Oeld aad silver
Leads Farther Gavers
naent Lasses.
MANILA, Oct. tl. The decline ia silver
baa forced the Insular government ta ad
Taste the rate of exchange on a gold collar
from tl to to I2-M in silver.
This aueana Increased tosses te the gov
ernment aad old burners of Mcikaa aoUara
William O'Brien Tbinki British Parliament
Should Protest.
Balfonr Declines ta he Drawn aad
Speaker Roles Farther Debate
tn be Strictly Oat af
LONDON. Oct. 22. William O'Brien cre
ated a great deal ot excitement among
hla fellow nationalists in the House ot
Commons today by questioning Premier
Balfour regarding President Roosevelt's
letter to the convention of the United
Irish lesgue at Boston, Mais.
Mr. O'Brien asked the premier if ho had
observed that Mr. Roosevelt sent a letter
and whether in view of future friendly re
lations between the United Statea and Great
Britain he could make any announcement
that this country wss not indisposed to
learn wisdom regarding Irish affairs from
the hesd ot a grest and friendly nation.
The speaker promptly ruled the ques
tion out of order, to the evident chagrin of
the nationalists, whose excitement In
creased aa Mr. O'Brien continued to press
his point. He urged that this letter of
the president was an International fact of
the first importance to the future of Great
Britain and that it would not be a friendly
thing to the head of a great nation that bla
letter should be treated as if the House
of Commons wss disposed to "avenge an
Insult to the chief secretary for Ireland
and his removables."
The speaker maintained his ruling and
Mr. O'Brien tried to move an adjournment
of the house tb dlsctiss the matter, but the
Speaker ruled that It waa not a matter of
definite Importance.
BOSTON, Oct. 22. Following Is the text
of the letter sent by the president to the
secretary of the United Irish league at lta
convention in thla city:
16, l!i2. Dear Blr: Tour communication of
recent date has been received and In re
ply I would state that while the president
very much sppreclntes the cordial invita
tion extended to him by your leacue. he
regrets that his public duties will prevent
mm rrom Delng present on the occasion to
which you refer.
Owing to the pressure upon his time In
cident to the preparation of his annual
message to congress he Is at present un
tie ro accept any invitations.
Permit me. In the nresldent'a behalf, to
thank you and throuah von the members
of your organization for this courtesy and
Deneve me. very truly yours,
nv.rtunxn tj ipnnTPi vnr annnn.
Official Report Begs for Agrlcnltnrnl
Bank to Set Province on
Feet Again.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. The Bureau of
Insular Affairs of the War department has
made publto a report of Simon Lus, gov
ernor of Batangas province, dated Septem
ber S. He says:
There Is absolute pence In the province
and almost all the Inhabitants accept Amer
ican sovereignly ana welcome tne inaug
uration of civil government. On every
hand I found the inhabitants engaged
In peaceful pursuits.
BniangRs prior to the insurrection against
Spain was one of the wealthiest provinces
in the archipelago, but now Its condition
Is deplorable, with little hope of a present
relief. '
During the past three years about 93
per cent of the animals need for agricul
tural Durooses died from disease. The ani
mals brought from the other provinces also
died. It will take many years to re-estab
lish the former condition unless there Is
help. It Is my opinion that If an "agri
cultural bank" were Instituted, at which
the land owner could borrow -money tbe
question would soon be solved.
- in the lninna municipalities tnere is a
scarcity of rice and other food.
Schools nave been established in most or
the municipalities and American teachers
are at work. Large numbers of boys and
girls are beginning to speak and write the
English language quite fluently. A provin
cial high school lias been established at
Inferior ; Department Finds Bla ay
Stockmen In West Occnpy
Land Unlawfully.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. Colonel John 8.
Mosby, special agent of the Interior de
partment, laid before tbe president today
the result of his inveatigatlon into the
illegal occupation of public lands by stock
raisers in Colorado and other western
Colonel Mosby said millions of acres that
ought rightfully to be open to bomesteadlng
were occupied In this way.
After concluding the investigation it is
expected the Interior department will take
measure! to oust stock raisers not occupy
ing their lands lawfully.
Brasll Will Xot Allow Ueosi tu
Hater Bolivia Wlthont Pay
lag Daly.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. United States
Consul Kennedy, at Para, Brazil, reports
that the federal government bad Issued
an order doting the Acre territory and
all approaches to Bolivian territory to all
goods and products unless customs duties
are paid to Brazil.
Large quantltlea of American goods were
held up and all rubber coming down will
be chsrged the regular export duty.
Montgomery Kails for Ilaytl.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. By ordera of tbe
Navy department the cruiser Montgomery
sailed yesterday from Colon for Cape Hay
tlen, Hayti. On the way It will atop at
Ban Domingo City, aa it haa been reported
that a revolutionary movement bas de
veloped in that neighborhood which may
involve American interests.
Civilian Candidates Uaallfy.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. Among the civ
llian candidates who have qualified in their
examinations for appointment as aecond
lieutenants, U. 8. A., are August Frederick
8berwood, Illinois; Robert Patten Cpdyke,
Kansaa; David Roy Bump, Miaaourl; Philip
O. a. Wrlghtaon, Illinois, and Lewis Worth
lngton Moseley, Colorado.
naerlateadeat af Ilasnltal Fires
Wlthaat Waralng at a Laborer
a a Taanel.
PITT8BCRG, Pa.. Oct. 2J. Dr. Ellis Dun
can, auperlntendsnt of the city hospital ot
Louisville, laat night shot and probably
fatally wounded Bruce Head, a laborer on
tba Wabash tunnel near Crafton. Later
Duncan surrendered to the police, but would
give no reason tor the shooting.
It Is supposed ths attsmpt at murder was
made to adjust some wrong done In Louis
ville, where both men are from. It la said
Duncan approached Head and making seme
Inaudible remark to him pulled a revolver
aad fired, the ball striking Head in the
breast. Duncan turned without a word and
bla victim tell to the grod.
LOCIfiVILLE. Ky.. Oct. JL Dr. . Ellla
Duncan, who shot Head ta Pittsburg, U
well known hare as the superintendent ef
the city hospital and belongs te a proml-
If You Have Pains in the Dack,
Your Kidneys Are Unhealthy.
A spec ial arangement has been mHde by
which every remlrr of this paper mny re
ceive a trial bottle of Warner " Safe Cure,
the only absolute cure for all forms of
kidney, liver, bladder ami blood diseases,
tree of rhnrgo.
The following letter wns selected ' from
thousands' Investigated bv the editor. Mr.
1. L. Maker. H.sliiHiit postmaster at Stev
ens Point. Wis., save: "I had kidney and
bladder trouble, with severe backache all
the time. Mv stonmch was out of order
on ar-rount of the unhenlthv condition of
my kidneys. I heard that Warner's Safe
t ure .Co. would send a free trial bottle
to any sufferer. I wrote the dm-tor of the
company and stated my rase and sent him
a rmmple of my urlue. He sent me a trial
bottle and analysts of my tirlne free of
charge. I took the trial and dieted as
the doctor prescribed. After I look the
trial bottle I felt much relieved and
bought a large bottle from my druggist.
It cured me and I never felt better In my
ttfe than I do now. It Is a Godsend to
those who have kidnev or bladder trou
ble or pains in the back."
will purify and strengthen the kidneys
and enable them to do their work; It will
cire lame back, rheumiitlsm, rheumatic
gout, diabetes, Urlght's disease, uric acid
poison, inflammation of the bladder and
urinary organs, eczema and scrofula, and
restoro the patient to health and vigor.
After your urine ban stood twenty-four
hours If It contains reddish, brlckdust sedi
ment. If particles or germs float in It or
It Is cloudy, your kidneys are diseased.
A free trial bottle has often been suffi
cient to cure cases of kidnev disease when
the simple home lest described above has
been made In the earliest stages of the
Warner's Safe Cure is what you need;
you- can buy It at any drug store, two, 60 cents and 11.00 a bottle. He sure
you get Warner's Snio Cure, substitutes
contain dangerous drugw. There Is none
"Just as good" as Warner's Safo Cure,
Warner's Safe Cure Is purely vegetable
and contains no narcotic or harmful
drugs. Jt is free from sediment and l
pleasant to take, (.'ieware of so-called
kidney cures which are full of Sediment
and a bad odor, they injure the system.)
"Safe Cure" doen not sonstlpate; it Is a
moat valuable and effective tonic; it kills
the disease germs; It Is a stimulant to
digestion and awakens the torpid liver.
WARNER'8 SAFE PILL ir.cve the
bowels gently and aid a speedy cure.
Trial Bottle Fred
To convince eve-y sufferer from diseases
of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood
that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a
trial bottle will be sent absolutely free,
postpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet
which tells all about the diseases of the
kidneys, liver and bladder, with' a
prescription for each disease and many of
the thousands of testimonials received
dally from grateful patients who have
been cured by Warner's Bafe Cure. All
you have to do Is to- wVite Warner's Safe
Cure company of Rochester. N. Y., and
mention having read this liberal offer In
The Bee, The genuineness of this offer is
fully guaranteed by tbe publisher.
nent Kentucky family. He Is a veteran of
tbe Spanish war and is Inspector general
of the Spanish War Veterans, which society
held a convention recently in Indianapolis.
Dr. Duncan left Louisville several days
ago, telling hla family he was going to
Vlncennes, Ind., to be present at an opera
tlon. Head also was well known here.
Execatlve Committee Likely tn De
clare Machinists' Strike on
llarrlman Lines.
It is possible though no decision has
been reached that the strike now In prog
ress on the Union Pacific may be extended
all over the Harrlman system. It is the
desire' of the strike leaders that this policy
be decided upon, since there is no indication
of concession by President Burt.
The executive committee of the Interna
tional Association of Machinists is now in
session in Chicago and has promised to con
sider the advisability of declaring a sym
pathetic strike of all lta members who are
employed In shops on the Harrlman roads.
Strike leaders here believe such action will
be taken. If it Is, the other crafts, tbe
boilermakers and blacksmiths, probably
will get similar concessions from their ex
ecutive boards and the strike will then be
come universal over all the roads controlled
by Harrlman. In this way the strikers feel
assured of forcing a victory within a short
Iowa Farmers Petition for Money
From Hwarts Brothers A
CHICAGO, Oct. 22. On application of
country creditors the stock yarda commis
sion firm ot Ewarts Brothers ft Wright bas
been placed in tbe hands of a receiver.
The liabilities are said to amount to about
$10,000, assets unknown.
Most of tbe creditors are farmers and
stock shippers in Illinois and Iowa, who
went into court alleging that they bad con
signed live stock to the firm and been un
able to secure settlements.
Kwarts Brothers t Wright have connec
tiona in several western packing centers.
MortalHy Statistics.
The following births and deaths were re
ported at the office of the Hoard of Health
during the twenty-four hours ending at
noon Wednesday:
HlrthH Alfred A. Qwynne, Benson street,
boy; Charles V. Oueulng. Jr., 4902 North
Twentieth street, boy; Albert J. Edholm,
Thirteenth and Pierce streets, boy; Grant
Johnston, rj2 California street, boy; F. O.
Otlimer, 2400 North Twenty-eighth avenue,
Deaths Mrs. Augjsta Dawson, 2331 South
Tenth street, aged K7 years; Isabella Flem
ing, 2102 North Twenty-ninth street, aged
76 years.
Bay e bottle of Neu'i Dypepl Curs.
It will absolutely cure the worst kind
of stomach trouble. While It will
cure the minor cases at once, still we
fr(cr the worst chronic cases in ez
stence those who have been wash
ing the stomach, who must diet, and
those who are disgusted with the
treatments they have been taking.
Naus Dyspepsia Cure
la different from the ordinary Dvs
pepsia Tablets, Pepsins and Soda
f reparations, eena rrj 7- tt
e aa for a booklet " XvHH
HUNK NAU, 203 Broadway. N. Y. City.
SI. 00 a kettle eottlse lor ftS-M.
kermnn Mrtnnnell Drng Ce.
16th and Dodge His.. Omaha.
and leading druggists.
Cb wmmi ii rtil h4 u. bM
CW WS1 m4 s.wy . TkxsM fcenaeetllaU TttkM
ttat. fta nrnlysnj ak4m, sMUM $mU
Vdtf fat anW I kM, ftse) faHal Vf by
Imperial Hair Regenerator
Tte tturfat Hair CilsHi r lw (aj M St
IHUklWialialHrr fcuBM
SsaaauMSs, S h .)ln
liBpnrkU Chcmluai Co.. U5 W. J3d fet.. M. X.
ijnta by bermaa MoCenael) Drug Cv
OaaaLa, fceU
At 9KESfe;
BOYD'S rnl.'"-
Friday, Saturday N?tlnee, Faturdny Night,
Amelia ningham 1'resrnta
The Itest Acting Company In America.
lrl resMat. ;'."h t. 7io II; Night, tf,
pflc. 7.V. tl. 1.i
Sunday Matinee and Night the Creat South.
cm lrama
IWA'NKK rtlVKrt.,
Prlces-Mst. 23c. 50c; Night. 'o. &V. nc.
Peats on sale. .....
Monday ami Tuesday Nights. Special Mati
nee T.testlay
"IK. I'ltKWKK."
Seats on sale Saturday.
Telephone 1331.
Matinees Wednesday, Saturday. Sunday t
2:15 Kvery Night at S:15.
Four Madcaps; Lew Hawkins; Smith,
Doty and Coc; Carrie Ornham; Brunnan
and Martini; Atnllo Clair; tioggln and
l);ivls and the KlnodrAme.
Prices 10, too and 60c.
t. till I I rln""'1 '"' Pontiles Ms.
TUB mlLLAKU omaha.rkh.
1 110 "--niiU0mahl,-. Leading Hotel.
mK l tl, KI-; ATI HNSi I
J:: to 2 p. m. I
. 5:,T0 p. m. DINNER, ',5c.
Steadily Increasing business haa necessi
tated an enlargement of thii cafe, doubling:
its former capacity.
$25.00 to
That la the rate from
In effect this month only. '
Ticket are good In tourist
sleeping cars, :. which - the
Rock Island runs to Los An
gelas, .' flanta Barbara and
San Francisco.
These car make quicker
time to Southern California
than similar cars over any
other line.
Folder giving full infor
mation mailed on request.
If you are going to Cali
fornia, QO NOW. After
November 1st it will Cost
you nearly 60 per cent more
than at present.
Low. rates to Montana,
Idaho, Utah and Pugst
Soupd points now In
effect. Ask about them.
Farnam St..
Omaha, Neb.
Remove Tan. Pimples.
KrecklM. Moth Patches.
flash audi gain. Dli
aae, and ovary
blemish on beauty,
and defiaa detection.
It haa atoed tha teat
of nttr-tour raara, . la , an ' aarmleaa
. ' t . at I. to D
aura- It ia properly
made. Accept, no
:ounterfelt of elmi-
I.. nma. Dr. It.
a. .a. via, aald 10 a
lady ot the haul- ;
'ton ta vatleut):
"As you ladles will use them, I' recom
mend 'OOUKAUD'H CREAM' as the least
harmful of all the skin preparations. tor
sale by all druggists and fancy goods deal
ers in the U. S. snd Europe.
I'KHU. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r,
37 Great Jones fit.. N. T.
: Flat-era roughened by netdlawork
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only
the dirt, but also the loosened, injured
cuticle, and re i tore t tb tlngtn to
their BMturMl beauty. . . -
Hae ssllelsiis flavor
seesllsrly their ems.
Dusker Hsls Rre Is
absolutely aura, fot
sisaiclssi purpotts It
Is aeauslled. Oassie
at the loading cafea,
ares stem as bar.
WkeluUi Lkujtr .
Corner tjlxteentb ajod Uo4e su-eel. Oosaba
Wltta Wrtilar to AdrertUert
Ahrayi fiefltfea Tbe tu.
ST r V."erW" M WIVren-e.
" i 1 A
'- I 'fPmi Jt
k. J
imtt bai tend eiaaig for tl- va v
ueueaad boel aJJ It fives W e- ST
ull par-lcvUraaad itir.-liontta- Of a
aUesa kit Tiaman atlaaV. m. J, ,