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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1902)
THk OMAHA DAILY- 1JEK: WKDNESDAY. OCTOHEH 22. 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES JKTtrdarnrnta for these salaaaae will ftc iikri til 12 at. far tk ttralif edltloa til : s. aa. for nnralBB anil Saaaar ealtlea. States, 1 1-Se a war flrat tasertlea, ! a war thereafter. Ratals takes) far less thaa 8.t for the Arst laser tlaa. These aderlsenete Blast Be raa eoaaecatlvely. Advertisers, kr reqaestlasT Were ehtck, east Bare aaewere af The Rff. Aaewers a a a r ease will fee delivered aa arcacatatlaa ( tka tktck ealy. WANTED MALE HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted: men or women, splendid contract. Tha Garden ers, 415 Bee Blu-. M zio i - WANTED, young man stenographer; give references, ago and exacted salary. Ad dress K 36, Bee. B M333 WANTED, traveling man who visits the large and small towns, to sell retailers a aelert assortment of dry goods for spring, an commission. Bryn Mawr Mills, Phila delphia. I'a. B 451 WANTED, a hosiery and underwear sales man for states of Nsbraska and Iowa. Box 292, Marlon, Ind. . B MftjQ WANTED for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ages pi XI ana 4t cltlsons of L'nlted States, of good char- I aoler and temperate hahtts. who can apeak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting' Officers, lKth and Dodge St., Omaha, and postofflce building, Lincoln, Neb. B D31 OOOD messengers' wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th 8t. B M1M SALESMEN! The Hawks Nursery Company, Wuuwatosa, Wis. B M378 N WANTED, competent stenographer: n familiar with shipping pusiness preierrea. i Address L 67. Bee. B-M462 WANTED. Ifteen bricklayers at new Omaha shops at Sioux City, la.; plenty of work. George J. Grant, contractor. B M735 27 Wanted Laborers For ateam shovel work; also a few drivers for wagon work. Hall Grading and Con struction Co., Council Blulfs. B M79 23 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; best rrSSl'tlSnne,rh0ftBhnnm0rn SStS!S- In on month than shops in one year, tools presented, wages Saturdays, board Included; write for catalogue today. Moler HarSer rolleae. 1302 Douxlaa St. B-M81T23 COATMAKER: steady employment for ood man. C. Iverson, Sac City, la. B-112 26 WANTED, boy to take care of furnace and cow. 7 N. 28th Ave. B 114 1 UNFURNISHED rooms. 530 8. 21st St. - B 115 22 AD. WRITING Illustrating, proofreading. lournsllsnr., bookkeeping, stenography, - practical elec.trlulty. taught by mall free. Pay no tuition until we secure permanent employment, uraauatea guaranteea posi tions. Write for free tuition contract. FZXoXtl&e o7Ahme,r1ca'.,UB1oyx 230, Bcrunton, Pa. B 140 21 WANTED, a bright young man between 16 and 18, with good references. Apply at once to J. Flook, W. . R. Bennett Co. !WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B M145 22 SALESMEN WANTED Intelligent, indus- trloua man to sell to doctors only; state road experience P, O. Box 8T8, Philadel phia, Pa. B-M144 22 X .I. i ,1 i , . i . WANfED, young men and women to write for -our free booklet "Are Your Hands TledT" It tella how we have helped thou sands to support themselves while we qualify them for high salaried positions In engineering or architecture. Write the International Correspondence Schools, box 1668, Scranton. Pa.; or call day or evening at the Omaha office, 637 Paxton block. . BM151 22 SALESMEN WASTED. WANTED, for Iowa and Nebraska, a sales- Ce" o'f . i - kAr.. i,t. and terms, M 53, Bee. 1(19 2 EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16th St., Omaha. 49J WANTED KEMALK HELP. J00 Glrla. Call Canadian offlce, 15th ft Dodge. C-12 WANTED,- good' wages 1o a good cook; , none otner neea appiy. ii narney. ..... u M76S GIRL for general housework, street. 2603 Pierce C 696 , WANTED, working housekeeper In family of three adults. Address J 14. Bee. C 481 WANTED, a good girl fot general house work; no washing, 13.50 per week. 1614 ; N. 24th St. . C-4D1 iWANTEL a cook. Mrs. A. L. Reei, 3620 Farnam. ' . . C M121 WANTED, girl for second work. ' J. Rogers, 1120 Park Are. Mrs. T. C-46 WANTED, a good girl for general house work, family of three. 112 Wirt St. C-741 .WANTED A Farnam St. girl for second work. SilO C-M774 WANTED, lady, refined, to fill permanent position, 812 per week; references re quired. M 89. lie. C 829 25 WANTED, competent girl for general housewotk; l.o washing, good wages. Mis. . R. 8. Halt, 2118 Farnam Ml. . C MS 21 WANTED, an A No. 1 woman cook, also dining room g'rl and a good kitchen girl to wash dishes and help In kitchen. Lock Box 742, Columbus, Neb. C 117 21 WANTED, glr for general housework; 5ood wages. Mrs. ' Blmeral, 976 N. 2Mh ,va. ' C-113 S A WEEK to -good servant for general housework, un Harney st. b YOUNG GIRL to assist at general house, work. 127 8. ,24U st. , C-M133. WANTED, an educated German girl. Wbo , could Instruct small children In German and who could assist In upstairs work. Inquire George Bchroeder, care Boston store office. - - ... . C 186 23 WANTED, lunch waitresses, Bennett's cafe Apply to Mr. wannsr, ad noor. PLAIN sewing at home 29 per week; ma terials senl everywhere freei steady work; send addressed envelope for particulars. " Du Pont Depl. 81. Lock Box l.M. Phila delphia. Pa. . C-MJ46 22 LA HI Eft copy letters at "home. 8' per 1.U.0; rend stamped envelope for application. Leslie Novelty Co., Dept. 32. Chicago. C-M143 22 FOR RENT HOI at'.k. , . ' . t , , IOU8E3. gtores.- Bemls. Paxtoq block t M . ' - ' ro MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; offlce, lillVi Vainara, or Tjia. liiJKv3. l-ROOM modern detached house. Inquire 2648 Capitol Ave. P-MK16 tjril ICCC In all parts of city. The O. UUUuu f, pavis Co.. su iiee ttiug. D Ml aANd and baggage wagons. Tel. 115. O J0 HAGGARD Van 4k Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D 921 llOUSES and IWU. Klugwait. Barkcrblork. Ivl N. 24TH ST., South Omaha a nice 5- nkiui ciHtasa. n II HID A. . wii.i , c tetver. 3o Brown bl.ick. D 519 4-ROOM, modern, gooa rlau on So. S2 1 Ava 'fUouafca. -If-Oa FOR RETT-HOlllIf, OCTOBER 1, -room home, 1RM Csss: mod ern except furnace, 8.W. W. N. Nsson, Hotel Farnam. D 388 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice houses. l-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. W. D-918 HOUSES. O. O. Wallace, Brown Block. I 1M -ROOM house, all modern, In fine repair, 227 Hherman Ave., $25.00. O. E. Turklng ton. 6 Bee Bldg. D M418 FOR RENT. -room house, furnished, all modern, nice lRwn, front and back, large hade trees. Call at 2110 Ohio 8tv D 611 1317 SOUTH 31hT street, 7 rooms, $30. D-M747 6-ROOM flat, all modern; e-roora cottage, neat and clean. 2124 Miami St. it w FOR RENT. S-room, all modern house near high school, choice location; reduced rent through winter; also s-room cottage, clear Inside. Inquire at Su7 N. Y. Life building. D-954 22 DESIRABLE 10-room house, almost new, modern In every particular, east front, full lot, paved street, convenient to street car line. HOWARD KENNEDY SON. 200 First National Bank Building. D 677 3528 HARNEY ST., troom, all modern house, newly decorated Inside and out. J50 per month. The Byron Reed Co. D-M7U MODERN 7-room house, good repair. Tf18 Ieavtnworth. D M1000 20 FOR RENT, three t-room houses, with water, gas and sewer; Just been placed In first-class repair: all In rood location; close to street car and schools; $18 to 2J each. C. M. Bachmann, 430 and 437 Faxton block. ufoso $212701 Woolworth, 8 rooms, modern, fur nace. ISO (ai 8. soth. 7 rooms, modern, furnace. $262626 Capitol ave, 8 rooms, modern, fur- nHce. $74204 Hamilton St.. 5 rooms, city water. we nave einers. can snn get. nsi. rIi. C. PETERS Sc CO.. Ground f loor, liee liicig. D M98S FOR RENT, house, furnished. N. 20lh st. Inquire 624 D 99 i." VERY desirable 7-room modern cottage. F, U. Brown, Tel. B-2424. D 118 K" 5-ROOM cottage, 2549 Rees street. Inquire. (Jiyae u. dundblad, cara county court. D 110 22 6-room cottage, 1014 8. 25th St., city water. gooa repair. i ill a 5-ROOM HOUSE, 825 S. 23d street. i iia ei COTTAGE of 7 rooms, gas, water. r'hnries at iikid w h rn SUV i ,5L ' "le- " ewer. Gates, 617 D 137 23 ( AND 8-room cottage. Apply 2223 Burt St. JJ 1.W Z3- FOR RENT, 7-room modern hoiiBe, nice neighborhood, close In; winters supply of hard coal In cellar. Parties will retain two "ooms In exchange for coal, or will sen same cneap. Address M. o4, Bee. D 134 FOR RENT Fl'RSISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. 1 PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block south of court house, ta-rttn AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th .nd Dodg. TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2a0t Uavenport. E 927 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago. E 928 HANDSOME steadheated room, tol Ave. 1909 Cap! t; Mil FOR RENT, to gentleman, large, well fur nlshed front room, with alcove, steam beat, gas, bath, telephone, central, rea sonablei 1623 uouglaa. K 31 220 N. 17X11 St., neat ateamheated rooms. . E M387 N6 WELL furnished, ateamheated rooms . single or ensulte, with or Without board. Midland hotel, lbtn and Chicago Hts. E M440 N8 8TEAMHEATED ropms, $10 per month, liurker notei, utn and Jones Bis. E M482 ht housekeeping 11,2 So I Hth St. E MTU EAST FRONT room, near perk, electric light, closet, neat. Tel. A-2777. . E-102 2 THREE large rooms, being one entire flaor, modern, brick, furnished, complete for Housekeeping, neatea. lis o. inn. E M130 22 FIRNISIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. I MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel 85 i jr 929 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, rates reasonable. Midland Hote 16th and Chicago. F 930 I THREE rooms, 626 So. 19th St.; furnace. F-634 24 WELL furnished room and good table boara, imo unicago. , ir sot zi TLEASANT ROOM; modern conveniences; centrally located; gentlemen preferred. 2024 California. F M124 27 FOR HENT VNFl'RNISHED ROOMS. THREE large rooms, being one entire floor, modern, brick, heated. 11 e. 2otn. U M131 23 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store. In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply it. .'. t-eters Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The ee at vie rarnam Bl. it has tour stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bea building. 1261 DESK room, cheap. 207 Brown blk. 1-790 HALLS FOR RENT. CREIQHTON hall and Schllta Roof garden for balls, banquet, card parties, smokers. meetings, conventions, etc. Both halls are the largest In the city, have large dressing rooms and boxes for clouks, hats and coats; win rent reasonaDiy. Apply to Wm. H. Morand, Manager Crelghion hall, rnone l" t m er AttENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaalng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTlETlf CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In o.,m. Aaents In the country with horse and bugsy cbpecially desired. Canvassers n,.k easily XiO to 81uo per month. Ad. dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. 2U HIGH GRADE AGENT WANTED We want a first-class man in each county t aU our Standard Slock Food to farm era. lie must nave a gooa team, gooa business ability, soma knowledge of live nx be In good standing In every way and a steady worker. A peimanent, good aln business to the right man. Ad-, ress, giving age, experience, present ImitineHB. etc. THE F..K. SANBORN COMPANY" Omaha XseD. ii ru HOf. LAND SHOE PRESERVATIVE. fcAVE MONEY BY SAVING YOUR SHOES Holland Shoe Preservative mukes your shoes weax indefinitely. Absolutely guar anteed to add two to three years' wear to your shoes. Price. 2 cents. Agents wanted. HOLLAND SHOE CO.. 303 Karbach Blk., Omaha. Neb 1 L0"0 AGENT3 WANTED to sell desirable old-line insurance I or ins com pany In the world of Its age; no special (untrect fakirs or leg pullers need apply. We sell the beet contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or write to liaurtt J. Crane, tiupuriitteudent VYesteia Department, 3i First Nat'L Bank bl.lit., t.s, tuV - J MlJ IlUt WAITED TO BRUT, TWO or three pleasant room for Harrit housekeeping; nae of bath; no children. Address M 4, Bee. K 116 28" WANTED, to rent, farm "In eastern Ne- nrsssa or western lowa, ucAnn. rings;. MfD. K MM, 21- FOR 8AU-Ft IIMTIRE, CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. New and secondhand, bought, void, exchanged. O VQi OR SAI.FHORJttS, WAUOX9, KTl', HARRT FROST paints and repairs wagons. Bee mm. 14th and Leavenwortn. lei. P 94 EVERAL good work horses, chenn. Stub- en s barn, 715 8. 16th. i m FOR BALE, beautiful stvle closed car nage, new, cost; price, 420. casn, ni Lincoln. Neb. J. t . Lannlng. r 4 nr FOR SALE, roan pony perftly sound and uentie tor anvina or riding: siso gov erness cart. Brewster make, original cost WW: will sell pony and cart for 8125. In quire A. D. Brandels, cara Boston store. p i.i a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders, vul Uougias. U-M122 FOR SALE. DhonoErauhs. superior to any other musical instrument. o up. Wlttmann Co.. 1621 Farnam. Q 936 rniSflN nhonnsranhs. 110. S20 and 830: moulded recoras. btic eacn or so per ni. new wheeis. 115 up; 2dhund, 85 up. Omana Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sis. Q-942 NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. im RTVI.ES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man e McConnell urug to., in ana Dodge. Omaha. ilDHAND mfe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics, lilt Farnam. 940 FOR SALE, a pair of imported Mexican uaineaa uog. Aauress K. , te. Q-M917 KD1SON Columbia phonographs; agents I wanted: write. Fredrickson, la sc Cap. Ave. y mow a OFFICE partition, glass pane. Phone 2161. 4 BUM ft GOOD antique oak wardrobe for sale cheap. Inquire 21o4 Maple Qii CHOICE milch cows, 5 Shetland ponies. 8 I. Campbell, 4213 Center, 'phone HiacK 11M ' . -IU AIM. Vi FOR SALE, steam automobile; first-class condition. Address Editor Telegraph, At lantic, lowa. VI M148 24 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, - 1614 Cass St. a 44 MME GYLMER, genuine palmist, 81i S. 15. 6 4t ULUt'i'HlCAL TlttiATMKM'. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. T i tit MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. 7. i aiisu rxu GRACE O'BRYAN of Kv.. 720 S. 13tb. 1192 IS 16' FEHkOlKAL DR. ROY. chiropodist: corns and superflu ous nan removeu vy cwcmuii, n, ft'renuer bloca. U al PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement, uaoie Doaruea anu auopteu. Mrs. uardeia, 34 Laae. 'tuL red 1H04. VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Horn treatment, uooalet tree, tfttf Bee kilos., Omaha. Ui GRAMOPHONES and supplies,' wholesale and retail. Collins riano jo.t i xougias. u PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before I and during conllnement. Dr. and Mrs, Gerlsch. 4o N. loth tit.i Omaha. U o0 130 RUPTURE CURED FOR 830 No knife. no pain, no aeiention irom dmbuicjkb. oeuu for honKiBi. etc. ,nrinL nun lj xrj CURE CO.. 833 N. Y. Lite lildg., Omaha, u---mi t DR. JACKSON, 150S FARNAM ST. J OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1515 Howard, the fashionable cleaners of ladles' and gentle- men s rtreae ana suits, draperies. lace curtains, U-M1SD N3 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U 4 SURE cure for excessive perspiration and all disorders of the feet; stamp for par ticulars. A. Mayer, 518 Bee Bldg., Omaha. , U 393 W6 LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mas sage. .School ol Hygiene. 618 Hee Hidg. U M457 N9 ELITE PARLORS. 615 8. 16th St.. 2d floor. V M777 N15 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R. t U MSlo N17" A WIDOW lady, with some property de sires to correspond with a gentleman or means and position, object matrimony; strictly legitimate; no triflers; western gentleman preferred. Mrs. A. B. RedtieJd, a BL etation, unicugo, in. i juiw z- MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4ft PER CENT on business property. n ler cent on renounce urooeriy.- Optlons to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEiKLE. 401 8. 15T11 ST. W-939 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urennan-Love 10.. J a. istn. W 960 - 4 TO 5 P. C. Money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. w 961 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, irsl isat. Ban ttiog. Tel. IMS. W-962 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, w 91 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. w two WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 rarnam street. W 961 WANTED, city and farm loans; aho bends and warrants, n. t-. relers to., 17U2 Farnam bi., nee mug. w ipm WANTED 85.OU0 loan on first-class real es tate security. Inquire Bllxt & Lovgren, rom ji.-i mKiun uioca. vv yiizm i ' ,ir MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find it necessary to borrow give us a trial, sner wnira we win, uy lair treatment, attempt to retain your natronaae. We loau from 111 up on fur niture, pianos, live slock, etc. We also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortaaae or endorser. We do not deduct interest In advance; we charge nothing tor making or tiling papers and our service la quick and cotindenllal. V I alwavs try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295 Established UU2.J South 16th St. X-956 titituMttitii tin tttttt ttttt MONEY TO LOAN ON VTRSITl'RK AND SALARIES. tiu to sjoO loaned on FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC.. and to salaried people at very lowest rates and for any length 8 8 of time, without publicity or removing I the property, ravraenia can oe made in sjlt your convenience. i Call aiuLget our terms before going t I elsewhere. t RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. f Room 3o3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. . . Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 74s. U3 Paxton Block. JL-sW I MOET TO LOAN CHATTELS. WONET loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conlldentiai; lowest rales. 614 l'axton block. The J. A. llutton Co. A 958 LARGEST BUSINESS IN I.OAN8 TO SALARIED 1'Kun.K, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curlty; essiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 4W Board of Trad Bids'- - A sw MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- 31V IV IS. X 967 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salsrled people, roiey toHn Co., Sue, to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. B191NESS rHASt'tU. TO GET in or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCsgje building WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see j. jerty quick see , Lite. Y-M969 M. jonnson, 643 is. I NO REASONABLE offer rejected for the furniture of 10-room brick flat; fine loca tion, full of roomers. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M400 FOR RENT European hotel, 414 N. 26th bi., oouin umana. i msis a- FOR SALE, drug store, best and most prominent corner In Lead, metropolis of the Black Hills; opposite two depot", bank, hotel and postofllce; established six years; complete In every detail; full irtces: no old stock; dolly cash receipts 30. Address M 51. Bee. Y M106 26 HOTEL furniture of 50 rooms (modern). Una location, city, paving; price reasona ble; investigate. 3. li. Johnson, N. Y. Life. - Y M380 HOTEL furniture. 20 rooms, good country town, good business; uu, j. 11. Johnson, IN. X. L.UC. I-J11 WANT to buy, sell or rade a business? uo see wnson, warnes at co., n to ii paxton tilocK. x swj WANTED Twenty men. with 850 to 8.V0 eacn to pui into a giu-ecgeu investmeni. M 62, Bee. r-Mia ii- WANTED, twenty men. with 8Ti0 to 500 each, to put intb a gilteaged investment, M 62, wee. x Z2- LIVERY business in good Colorado mining camp, doing an excellent business; price only H.nOO, which inciuues real estate, improvements, carriages, stock, etc., all In good condition; cash or terms; a great snap: write at once tor run particulars J. 11. Brandebury, 621 K. ... Hing., Denver, Colo. x Ml 42 22 81 EARNS 1.25 A DAY. Particulars sent free. U. 8. CO-OPERA TIVE INVESTMENT CO., 503 5th Av.p New York. Y M141 23' WANTED, a man with good business ability and 81.000 In cash to invest In a manufacturing business already in opera tlon; will stand investigation; no trlllers need apply. Address M 56, Bee. Y Mist zi FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE for farm land general mer chandise. invoice 6.irio. iivery tor lana Implement business for land. First-class millinery part land. T. M. Cline, 12:18 O St., T I 1 XT..U V 1HK1 na When You Write . to Advertisers remember It oniy lakes an extra stroke or two of the yen to mention the fact tnat you saw tha ad In Tha Bee. FOR SALK REAL flSTATK. OLD house at 914 North S3d street: want offer. Byron K. Hastings, zii s. 14th hi. RE 8.13 21 RANCH and faim lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company, a. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa- clile Headquarters, Omaha, rseb. Kis 971 CALIFORNIA Mutual Land Company, 240 Montgomery St., Ban r rancisco, cai., sen ten, twenty, thirty acrew or larger tracts of choice lana on insianmeni payments. write tor tun particulars, nt-mih zi- KELSEY'B. wall paper, ITth and Douglas. 'Phone 1608. RE 973 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fir insurance. Bemls, paxton block. RE 972 8EB PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. for choice Bargains. ti in. x, jue. nxie. iei. RE 974 YILLIAMSON HARLESt Et- 1:103 RE 975 HOUSES and lots In all parts of rlty; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F uavis to., itoom bb2, uee tiiug. RE-977 A GREAT SNAP in eastern" Nebraska grain farm: 40 acres all black bottom land, with 87.000 to 88,000 Improvements, at only 845 per acre, wortn 855. See or write us for illustrated de scription of this fine stock farm. Payne Investment company, main floor New xorlt Life biag., omana. "The Alfalfa Men." . . RE M778 22 HARRISON Sc MORTON, FARMS NEAR OMAHA-929 acres 28 miles out, all level, Improved, $15 per acre; 800, 35 miles out all level. Improved, 865. per . acre; 140, miles of 80. Omaha, 8100 per acre, Im proved, on paved road.' HARRISON St MORTON, OMAHA. RE-M808 HARRISON Sc MORTON, FARMS. RE 828 NIT DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to cell a farm or ranch, tall the farmers and stotkralsera about It, Ths beat wj' to reach them la through The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 15,000 homes of farmers and atockralsera, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonablo prica you ought to find a buyer among them.. Tha coat of an ad la small I cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 60 WALL MAP of Nebraska; all about crops, prices of land, etc., by counties, l.nris tlan's Land Agency, York, Neb. Only 4 cents. RE-M152 22 DO YOU WANT . A real bargain in a nice home? We have it right here 8 rooms, lot 60X64, price 82.500; or. 6 rooms, lot 74x64, price 83.0UO. Both houses well built. In fine repair, good neighborhood and paved streets, with all specials paid. They are to be sold. If vou want one come early. One-third cash, falance 6 years. 6 per cent. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Building. REr-Mu 28 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Cl n V 1.11 a It Toieh T W Klia Tiro nnh.l Teleg. Cat. free. Dm. Cora. Col., 17 at Doug. A. C. VAN HANT S schooL 717 N. Y. Life. 9.8 BOYLE8 college court reporter prlnclral. N. x. Liie. . NEB. Buslners St Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. no OMAHA COLLEGE OP Ml SIC. OMAHA COLLEOE OF MUSIC and FINE ARTS, faculty, twenty-two teachers. Terms and prospectus, F. II. Wright, Ramge Bldg. 773 Ool SINGERS, First Presbyterian choir. Ap- TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay moreT Lambert. 12.'; superior to 8100 machln -s. Sent on approval. Mon roe t o , Ml N lfilh St., timaha. l.Tl DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'S Dancing School, l"th and Har ney. Children beginners. Wednedy, 416 r. m and Snturday, 10 a. m. ; 20 lessons, 10; eeson, October to May. I-'O, advance; 12 lessons. $6; season. 12; adults, Tuesdny and Friday, 8 p. m ; 12 lessons, ladles, f; gentlemen. $6. High shool class meets in Myrtle hall, season October to May, 110. Assemblies every Wednesday. Phone 1"23. When You Write lo Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention .tha tact thai you saw the ad In Tbs Be. LOST. LOST, pocketbook, contents small value. iteturn lor rewara to . naries r aianuer son, Burllnston railroad offices. Lost-138 21 LOST. lady"s gold watch, diamond setting; liberal reward, wotiry ee omce. Lost M 153 24 MAM FACTORING. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Howard, ma- 9s3 chlnlst. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of Are escapes. Shutters, doors and sales. G. Andreen, l'rop., Iu2 8. loth SU 983 OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 61a U. X. Lire liiug. Tel. let. -9S4 Mrs. Grace Tisdale Deegan. 538 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2iHi. mi EXPERT ACt Ol NT ANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc G. H. Kuthbun, Room 18, com l isat i cann. MStt GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garuage and deyd animals at reduced prices. 621 in. iem. 'iei. ii is. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat lng; all DUMness conllduntlal. 1301 Douglas. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11. Philblu, looo f arnam. rnone im. -9S7 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 8. 16th. 997 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. 998 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. saw ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co., 16 & Jackson. Tel. 2K46. Wi HATS HENOVATED. HATS dyed, blocked, latest styles. Raraser ec Kerr, 201 In. lain, near tapuoi Ave. 743 N13 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut flowers ana piama. TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe xousen, 14U farnam et. MS59 STOVES REFLATED. GOLD. silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. TeL 2535. Ml AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright, 1119 Uarnam street. sal STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 1611ft Faro. Tela. 1569-863. 932 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. TeL A-1783. 96 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. 8. N'l Bk. Bid. OsH ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. 835 B AXE TIES. OMAHA Hay Balo Tie Co.. 8U North 16th. FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 13th. PRINTING. WATER8 PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. .11 S. 13th. Sso detective: agency. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, 617 Kaibacb block. Tel. A2H32. M7J3 N13 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenuea to. j. i. uumim, 5uth and Lake streets. 370 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Mlsa Sturdy, 2580 Harney, i.l v. POSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Hhnuld be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any Urns.) mans lor me wees en. una Oc tober 25. lsiu2, will close (ritUMnLi in all ut the aeneral oostofnee as fol .7Lm- PARCi:i.fl post MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. parcels post maim ior ueriuany ciose at 5 p. ni. Monday aua weanesuay. Regulai and Supplementary mails close t Kore an Htatiuu naif nour later tnan i,siiiK tuna shown below (except that Sup. plenientary sdaiw tor curope ana central America, via Colon, close ou hour later at Foreign station;. Traaaatlaatle Malls. ..i-n.'i'L' , v . . . m rn. Tniri.i vn m r s. s. Oceanic, via Uueenstown (mall for other purls of Europe must be di rected "ne s. s. Oceanic"): at 6:30 a. ni for EUROPE, per s. a. St. Louis, via Knot Immnton. THURSDAY At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE, Iier s. a. t-oiumnia, via fiymouin, - ner lourg and Hamburg (mall for France Hwlizerland. Italy. Spain. Portugal. Tur key, Egypt, Greece, British India and Loreiii' Marques must be directed "per s. s. Columbia "). at 7 a. tu. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, FORT. I'GAU TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE MH1T1SH INDIA and LORENZO MAR OUKZ, er s. s. I -a Touralne, via Havre .null for o'her parts of Europe must he directed "pel s. s. I -a Toura!""); at 8:30 a m. for ITALY direct, pur s. s. cut a dl Nmi.oII (mail must be directed per s. a. Cltta dl Nupoli"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct. -r s. s. Ryndam Imall muii be directed per a. a. Kyndlm at 8 a. m. for BEIilUM direct, per a. s. Vwlanti (mall must be directed "i-r s. s. .eeland"): at 8 30 a. ru. (supplementary lo a. iu for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucani i via Uuwuswwtvi l a. u.tor ecu A fOSTOFKIt B NOTICE. LAND direct, per s. . must be directed "per s. Furnesl imall s. Fnrnewla"). PRINTED MATTFR. ETC.-Thls sfesmet takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples -for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless speclallv directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary 'I ransutinntin Mans natneu ahnve. ad ditional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of tailing of steamer. Malls for Snath mm Ceatrat America, West ladies, Ete. WEDNESDAY At' 12 m. (supplementary 12:3i) p. m:) for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Antillu (mall must be directed "per s. s. Antllla"); at 9:30 a. m. isupplementarv 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE 18I.AND and HAITI, per s. s. Athns; at 1I:S0 p. m. for JAMAICA, oer steamer from Phlladelohla. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPKCHK. TAMASI O and UIII APAS, per s. s. Havana (mall for other Parts of Mexico mnst be directed "per s. s. Havana"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and 8ANTI AGO. per s. s. Yucatan. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Matanras. via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per s.. 4. Matansas"); at 12:30 p. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. I'nlomn. SATURDAY At a. m. for BERMUDA. per s. s. lTetona: at a. m. ror l'OKTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo: at 9 a. m. (sup plementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracalbo (mall for Bavanilla and Cartagena must be di rected "per s. a. Maracalbo"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8AVA NILLA. CARTAGENA and ORE YTOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Kfca must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany ); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. a. Maraval. Mnils for Newfoundland by rail to North Sydney, and thence c? steamer, close at this othce uaiiy at s:3u p. m. (con nectlnit close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday:. Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at inis omce daily at 6.30 p m. Ma'ls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by stenmor, close nt thin oltice daily except Thursday at d:30 a. m., (the connecting closes are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and Sat urdays). Malls for Mexico City, over land unless specially addressed for des patch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., and ll:3o p. m.; Sundays at 1:00 p m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellse, Puerto Cortex and letter mall for Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, close at this nffir dnilv except Sunday at US', i.. m. and 11.30 p. m.; Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at 11:30 p. m. tor Belize, Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa Rica) Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. plu vious day. Transpacific Malls. Mails for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally' at 6:30 p. m. up to October 20th, inclusive, fur despatch per s. a. Alameda. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and first class matter for .the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at at 6:30 p. m. up to October 26th, Inclu sive, for despatch per s. s. America Mum. Malls for the 1'hlllpplne Islands, via San FranclHCO, clobc .here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 2ft th. Inclusive, for des patch per U. S. Transport. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:M p. m. up to October 'tith, inclusive, fot despaicn per s. s. man dour. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 'sth. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. iP..Ut.piu1 ntnll must ha nA.vtnllv mA- dressed. Merchandise for U. 8. Postal I Agency at bhanghal cannot be forwarded via. Canada). Malls for Australia, (except West Austra lia, which is forwarded via Earope) New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. after October "inn and up to No vember 1st, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Campania, due at New York No vember 1st, tor aeepaicn per s. a. bo- noma. Malls for Hawaii. Jasan. China and first- class matter fttr the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November "2d, Inclusive, for dispatch per b. b. Korea. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, dnd New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close here dally at 6:S0 p. m. after November "1st ana up to iMovemner -Kin, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Mtowera. Transnaclfic malls are forwarded to port o sailing dally and the schedule ff closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis ered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., October 17, 1902. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR P.EEF AND MUTTON omce i.-hif commissary, omana, no., October 22, 1902. Sealed proposals. In trlpll sals. In trlpll. nil 11 o'clock November 22, I for furnish- n as may hn cute, will oc received nere un a. m.. central standard time. 1902. and then publicly opened ing such fresh beef and mutton required by the Subsistence Department, li. s. Army, at Omaha. Neb. : Fort urook Neb.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Forts Leav enworth, Kan.; Logan 11. Roots, Ark.; Nio brara. Neb. i Reno. O. T. : Kllev. Kan Robinson. Neb., and Sill, O. T., during six months commencing January 1, 1903. Pro posals will alno be received until 10 o'clock a. m., mountain standard time, at Fort Robinson, and until 11 o'clock a. m.. central standard time at Jefferson Barracks, Forts Ieavenworth. Logan 11. Roots. Niobrara. Reno. Riley and Sill and opened at posts by respective commissaries, each receiving pro posals for li lb own post only. Proposal will also be received stating price at which bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton of temperature not greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Information furnished on an. plication here or to commissary- at pest authorised to open proposals. U. 8. reserves tlw right to reject any or all proposals or marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef snd Mutton," and addressed to undersigned or 1 commissary at posr Hurnorised to receive proposals. W. II. BEAN. Commissary. Chief Commissary. Sid 22 23 24 25 N20 21 All. WAY TIME CARD. CHICAGO, ROCK 181. AND Sc Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" Cltv Ticket Oltice, 1323 Farnam eiieei. leiepnone 42. Iepot. renin antt Mumv ..... i .. r...i i. . -'i icicyiiuu. uave. Arrive. EAST. Chicago Daylight Local.. a 7.00 am a 9:35 Bm v 1 1 . . . . . .a . ii . n 1..U..K .1 i nr Mm u k-. . cnicaao express hil ls Bm n,; Des Moines Exj.ress....a 5.) pm blllso am " WEST Pm " Pl" Kpcxy Mountain Ltd. ..a 8:60 am a 4:60 am .,...1, v.u..auY op SB, nenver, i-uemo and Went a 1 ift nm til Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Fyet a 5:S0 prn al2-40 nm a Dnilv. b fJallu a.T Pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Kallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 140J Farnam Street. Telephone, 246. Depot, Tenth and Marcy 8to. Ijrava. Arrive. Chlcaao Kximss i a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm ..'...a 1:50 pm a 8:06 am , al0:35 pm Paul - - Chicago Limited . Fust Mall Minneapolis Sc St. Kxprest b 7:35 am blO:J6 nm Minneapolis Sc fct, Paul . Limited a 7:30 pm' l:0t aa Fort Dodge I-ocal from , Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm al0:00 am Council Blurts a 6:00 am ' a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. - CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE Si St. Paul Railway City Ticket Mflce, loot Farnam st. leiepnone 24. Uepot, lenm ana mason Blreeta. Telephone 629. i.llJJV Ain Chicago Sc Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am' b 3 40 pm Chicago Limlttsd Ex. ...a 8:W pm a 7:50 am Dally, b Daily except ounaay. . MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offlcea and Ticket . Offices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglaa Sis. Telephone 104. Depot, L nlon fcu. tlon. Leave. Arrive. Ht . liulH and Kansaa City Express al0:00 am a 1:2S pre K. C, St. U Express... nlo.U pm a 6:15 am Leave from uiu and , W ebster rltreets; Keliraska lxwdl. via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10;t3 am Dally, b Dally except buuusy. 4S I 4 1 LW 4 Y TIME t RI C ontlaaeii. I A lirRMNOTOS Mli- soti- Ttlver itnllrortd "l ne Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices. Northwest Cor i,,.r Tenth and Karnt Streets. Ticket Officr. lo3 t'.rnini Btreet. 1 eieononw. Musnn -1. iiuiunuion Mtation. ....... Streets. Telephone - . . .vrlv Lincoln. .Hastings , 1:45 Bin McCooK Lincoln. Denve 1 010- I.ncoin Denver, Colorndo, Utah and California "m Fort Crook, South Bend, am lxulsvllle. Plattsm th.b S:20 pm Ml. sm Bellevue, 1'fattsmouth A Pacific Junction a 7:50 pm :a 1.. . m Bellevue, I'lattsmouth A paclllc Junction ';fln a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON A Qiiincy Railway 'Tha Burllngten Rout"-T1oket Office, UH2 Fsrnam Street. Telephone 1TW. Depot, TentVi and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive, Daylight Chicago Bp- 4,4 olni a 7:00 am 411" pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:10 in Chicago Ixical Express. a 9:.M am , a ; pm Chicago Umlted a 8:05 pm Fast Mail a 2:45 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph . Council Bluff Railroad "The Burlington Route "Ticket Office, 1502 Fsrnam Street, Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone L'S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex a 9:) am a pm Kansas City Night Ex..at0:80 pm a 6:16 am St. Louis Flyer, for St. Jos. ph and St. lxiuls..a 5:10 pit) all. 15 am a t'auy. CHICAGO NORTH western Railway "Ths Northwestern IJne" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone Bl. Depot, 'Tenth nd Marcy Street. Tele phone 629. Leave. Arrive. Fast Omaha Chicago. ..a 8:00 am ll:20pm Local Carroll-Omaha. ..b 4:00 pm a W:M am laical CJilcago-OmahH..alO:55 am a 8.10 pm hast omaha-Chlcago. ..a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall ...a 8:00 Cm. a 2:45 urn Omaha-Chicago L t d., .a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am r am pi. raui a y:ni pm a s:is am Fast Mall ....a 7:50 pm minim Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:im pm Local Hioux i ny o 4:00 pm . b 9:50 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Building, 8. w. Corner Twelfth and Irnr. nam Sis. Ticket Offce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th Webster Sts. Telephone 1458. Leave. . -- Arrive Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 8:00 nm a 8:00 nm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 urn e 1:00 nm Hastings, York, David t Ity, superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 3:00 nm h 8:01) nm Norfolk, Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am and ....b 7:30 am bl0:23 nm ....c 7:.) am . Lincoln Wahoo Fremont Fremont Local a Dally. B Dallv excent Sundsv. r Sim. day only. d Dally except Saturday. 1 Daily except Monday, CHICAGO. ST. PA ITU Minneapolis ft Omaha Railway "The North western Llne"-encril Offloea, Nebraska - Divl . elon, 15th and Webster Bts. City Ticket Ortlce. HOl Fa man- 8t. Telephone 561. Depot. i5th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1458. !.eave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a 4:30 am -a 9:10 pm Sioux City. Passenger... a 2:00 pm nll:10 am femersnn ixicai d s:30 pm b 8:30 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFt C-"THE Overland Route" 3eneral Of fices, N. K. Corner Ninth end Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office. 1.124 Knriiam Kl Telrt- Slione 316. Depot, Tenth and larcy tits. Telephone 629. - Iave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 9:40 am a T:J0 pm The Chicago-Portland Special .- a 9:40 am a T30 m Thu Fast Mall. ......... .a H:6o am a 1:25 dm The Mail and Express. .all:30 am a 3:40 am The Colorado special. ..a 7:iu ain a am Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromshurg Express. ..n 4:up pm am The Pacific Express.... a 4:26 pm The Atlantic Express.,.. a 7:30 am Grand Island Local n nm b :sa am a Dally, b Daily except Bunday. . I . perwrw- . lVvHt'Wf lMtiiWnAj y-rJiraf WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Qfflce, 1(01 - Farnam Street. Telephone 8i2. D pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. . Telephone 629. Ieave. Arrive. St. Louis Express. a 5:56 pm a 8:20. am St. Ixiuis Local (from Council Biun.o a v:)& am aiu:jjpm a Dally. . . .... CONTEST OVER METZ ESTATE WidWTT Fllea Answer la Whlck She Flsds fsslt wltk As. v' snlalstrators. In tha cae of Charles Metx, ct al., against Adallne Metx, et al., separata answers were filed in the district eourt yesterday by J the defendant. Adaline Met, Loulaa Funk and Herman Metx. Mra. Adeline Met,, mother of the plaint iffs In the case end widow of the lale Fred Metx, sr., whose will 1s 'the basil of tbla action, reviews In her Answer the terms of that will at soma length and With close attention to detail as to some of Ita previs ions. She denies that the term of tbo will are ambiguous bi to her portion of the estatr, as waa alleged In the orlgloal petition of Charles Metx, et al. and alleges that it (s not the Intention of ' the ... plaintiffs, wbo wero made the trustees, to administer1 the will In good faith. She admits that there were debte to be paid, but alleges that they were, under the terms of the will, to be paid out of the revenues of the estate and not out of her portion, and that an honest administration of the estate would navy produced sufficient revenue to have paid the debts without the use of any portion of the principal. The defendant alleges that for a long time prior to the death of tha teatater he wae president of the Meti Brewing com pany, and aa such officer be received a aal- ary of I .') a month, but that on the very day of his death the plaintiffs, actlpg aa the officers of the company, discontinued .that aafary and since that time no dividends have been paid on the stock of the testa tor. . The defendant avers that the earnings of the company tor the year 1901 were more than I60i)oo and that there still remataed a balance of undivided surplus? of $200,000, but the exeoutors upon pretext of paying debts have nevertheless sold 210 shares of the 1,800 shares of stock belonging te the es tate against the written and repeated pre-, test of the defendant and that the shares were purchased by Arthur and Louis Metx, brothers of the plaintiffs and sods of the testator, and she believes the funds for the purchase of thoae shares of etooic were ob tained on the credit of the Met Brewing company or taken from the treasury et the company. ' j The defendant prays the court that It be ordered that she be allowed to continue la the use of the homestead aa directed In the will for the term of her life and that upoa her death the title ehall go to Louisa Funk end Herman Meti, aad that tha debts ot the testator be paid from the revenues of the estate and that the trusteea be directed to So manage the business that It will yield profit. She alee asks that the sals et the 110 shares of stock be set aside. mi- t 1 - rado. Utan. . amurii..- - . - - l! mum mi- ! I----' ! m i