Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Hjor Moores Expreree Opinion on Fire
Department Fund Question.
ITU Honor Thlaks II Is Droalrh's Game
to Discharge Half thr Flremea
(e Make Places for
HI Owi Mm.
"It Is all a grest, big bluff." said Mayor
fcfoores, speaking f the action of the Board
of Firs and Pollre Commissioners looking
toward th reduction of the Are department
to keep within the fund for the present
"That board," he continued, "Is making
great fuse over the lack of funds and the
necessity of cutting down the department
la conform with the requirements of law;
but" Mr. Broatch'a real purpose, If he could
carry It out. is to discharge a lot of men
at this time, and then when the new ap
propriation becomes available after January
tl to appoint bis own men to help him In
ilst political aspirations next spring.
) "But the fire department must not be
cut down, the people will not stand It. Our
llepartment Is not sufficient as it la and it
must not be crippled in any way. We have
been trying for years to run a fire de
partment for a city of 125,000 inhabitants on
the basis of a place of 75,000, and It Is a
kronder to me that we have fared as well as
We have. Our appropriation of $125,000 la
barely enough to pay the actual running
expenses of the department, without leav
ing any margin for enlargement, or even
Ifor renewal of equipment as It becomes
"worn out, and the only natural result ho
been a growing overlap of the Are depart
fcnent fund. Until the appropriation Is In
creased that overlap will continue to grow
nd must necessarily do so. .
Insurance Rates Lower.
i "The other Board of Are and Police
Commissioners the board which was ap
pointed by me added ten men to the Are
Bepartment last spring at the urgent re
Quest of the Commercial club and tho
business men of the city and I notice tho
Proatch board has had some criticism to
offer on that score, but I also notice that
that Increase In the department reduced
the rate of Insurance in the business dis
trict Just two points. Certainly when
that phase of the question Is considered
It. Is plain that the business men of the
city will not allow the Are department
to be cut down even temporarily to fur
ther the plans of Mr. Broatch. For the
Immediate contingency some way must be
found to at least keep tho department up
to Ita present standard and for the future
re must take, measures to secure a ma
terial increase in the appropriation."
Discussing another phase of the same
question, one of the me-mbers of the city
council said: "I don't see why the Board
of Fire and Police Commissioners should
put It up to the council to And a way out
of this predicament or to help It out In any
way execpt as a way of shifting the re
sponsibility from Itself. If the members of
the Board of Fire and Police Commission
ers would be personally liable for an over
draft of the Are department fund, ao would
the members of the council be personally
liable for any excess of the Are department
appropriation. Either alternative would be
a direct violation of the law, as I under
stand it, and either body would In the same
manner and In the same measure be guilty
and liable."
Grand Jary Reports aa Tentk ana
Petit Jary an Twelfth ot
Grand Jurors for the Vnlted States court
have been drawn as follows to report on
November 10: . James M. Armstrong, Au
burn: F. H. Adams, Lexington; Charles B.
Blgelow, Hastings; Charles F. Babcock, Mc
Cook; John Byrnes, Columbus; - W. W.
Barnes, Schuyler; William C. Chapman,
Fremont; Seth Cole, Superior; B. Castetter,
Blair; Milton Doollttle, North Platte;
James H. Enslow, Alexandria; Harrison R.
Green. HemlDgford; Ira Golden Nebraska
City; William F. Gillespie, Mynard; Herman
Hlnkey, Wilbur; Walter Houston, Geneva;
Arista Harris, Albion; Thomas Hufford,
Holdrege; E. 8.' Kennedy, Nelson; Waldo L.
Little, 8t. Paul; Henry Llvesey, Omaha;
Keith L. Pierce, Hemlngford; Andrew
E pence, Stanton; George Snyder, Auburn;
C. B. Vanklrk. Nellgh; Eugene Young, Co
tad; Charles Williams, Schuyler.
Members of the petit Jury drawn for the
November term will report on November 12.
They are: 8. F. Anderson, Aurora; Samuel
Arnold. Hastings; T. L. Adams, Mead:
Charles C. Belden, Omaha; O. A. Bailey,
Bloomlngton; W. H. Bowman, Beatrice;
Willis Ball, Beatrice; W. H. Cowglll, Hol
drege; S. ' J. Dennis, Lincoln; Stanton C.
Gould, Alma; E. 8. Onylord, Blair; J. K.
Hancock, Tekamah; George D. Hetsel, Grand
Island; M. L. Hlltner, Lincoln; E. P. Hicks,
O'Neill; Frank W. Hubbard, Alexandria;
Arthur H. Hlllis, Ponca; 3. W. Isaacs, Hast
ings; Charles F. Iddlngs, North Platte; John
P. Jensen, Falrbury; Joseph Kelso, Pender;
O. W. Miller, "Lincoln; M". Mahoney, Bruno;
W. T. March, Ceresco; Simpson McKlbbon,
Douglas; E. I,. Morse, Upland; C. A. Myers,
David City; DeWltt C. Marse, Tobias; Peter
Noble, Mlnden; H. H. Pugh, Lincoln; Ma
rlon Plummer, McCooIt; Harvey Petors,
Bellevue; A. M. Rose, West Point; Andrew
J. Snyder, Broken Bow; David 3horwood,
Alexandria; M. F. Stanley, Aorora; Charles
A. South, Butte; C. W, Schobert, Papilllon;
F. B. Sanborn, Omaha; T. W. Swan, Union;
8. E. Tash,' Hemlngford; Hansoa Turner,
Pierce;' Charles Thompson, West Point; E.
L. Vance, Pawnee) James P. Wilson, Tren
ton; John M. Ward, SprlngQnld; ' T. J.
Weatherby, Seward; William E. Wyatt,
Harris burg; J. B. Warrington, Fender;
George W. Wright, Butte.
Ren a tar Millard Receives News af
Kew Rami Mall Roales
la Nebraska.
Senator Millard has received a telegram
from the postmaster general's department
at Washington saying that the rural free
delivery service would be extended from
the following Nebraska towns, beginning
November 1: Cosad, Schuyler1. St. Edwards,
Cedar Rapids, Laurel, Madison, Albion,
Petersburg, Archer, Bancroft, Palmer,
Creighton, Ponca, Pender, Rogers, Lyons,
New Castle, Elm Creek, St. LIbory, Fuller
ton, Central City.
Ilomeseekera' Rxcaralons.
The Missouri PaclAo will sell round trip
tickets at very low rates on Tuesdays, No
vember 4th and 18th. December 2d and
18th, for certain points In southwest Mis
souri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory,
Texas, Arkansas, etc. Stopovers allowed on
going Journey. Final limit of tickets, 21
days. For further Information, maps, rates,
etc., address any agent of the company, or
Thos. F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket
agent, southeast corner of 14th and Douglas
Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Kansas City. Mo.
The American Royal Cattle and 8wtne
Show and Kansas City Horse Show will be
held at Kansas City, Mo., from October 20
to 25. Round trip tickets will be sold at
one fare, plus 12, by the Missouri PaclAo
Railway Company from October 18 to Oc
tober 22 Inclusive.
Southeast Corner Fourteenth and Douglas
. Streets, Omaha.
Deposit Yeur Jj
In Our Bank. L!
4 Per Cent
Interest Paid
on Depuits.
ttIO P. M. "
Limited train via MILWAUKEE Railway
Leaves Omaha Union depot daily. Magnlfl
cent equipment, latest palace sleepers,
library-buffet car, dining car,' new coaches.
City Office, 1604 Farnam street. ,
General Western Agent.
Goes from Bad to Worse.
Always trus of constipation. It begins
'many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life
Pills cure or no pay. Only 25c. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Christmas goods arriving. Edholm, Jeweler.
New Dining- Car Service.
I The Missouri Pacific Railway has Inaug
urated the finest cafe and dining car serv
ice In ths west on their trains from St.
Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City to St.
Louis, also to Colorado, Pacific coast and
111 points west. Entire Dew and up-to-date,
trlde vestlbuled trains are run through from
these points without change.
The new observation cafe and dining vara
ire equal la service and appointments to
'"anything on wheels." Same service Is also
run In ths opposite direction. For further
Information, pamphlets, etc., of this spljn
lld service, address any agent of the Mis
souri PaclAo. or H. C. Townsend, O. P. A T.
y., 6U Louis. Mo.
. Good Position open.
Good opening for a newspaper or raagasin
solicitor. Permanent position for a com
petent man. Address,. Twentieth Ontijry
Farmer, Be Building, Omaha.
To New York or Philadelphia
via the Lehigh Valley railroad. Double
track, atone ballasted, magnificent trains.
Dining cars a la carte. -
Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on all
through tickets to New York and Philadel
phia. .
Announcements ot the Theaters.
Amelia Bingham's Special company, pre
senting Haddon Chamber's remarkable play
of "A Modern Magdalen" will be the attrac
tion at the Boyd Friday and Saturday mat
inee and night.
"A Modern Magdalen" Is ens of the moat
remarkable successful dramas of the con
temporaneous stage, and one the Interest
In which on the part of the public never
seema to abate This is the first season
of Its travels and yet Its coming Is an
ticipated as when first . produced In New
York fresh from the Bijou theater where
It achieved the most brilliant and success
ful run of any play aver brought forward
in America.
Ths "Four Madcaps" will be one of the
pleasing features to appeal to women and
children who attend the Orpbeum midweek
matinee this afternoon. These four sctntl-
lattng, saucy and merry little terpslchor- I
ean. queens are scoring a decided hit. Con
tributions to the laugh-making portion of
the program liberally provided by Carrie
Graham, with her "81s Hopkins" character
isation; Lew Hawkins, the blackface comed
ian and parodist, and Brannan and Martini
with legerdemain and exposure following.
that makes no end of fun that takes well
with the audience, while Smith, Doty and
Coe, supply a varied lot of good Instrumen
tal music and Atella Clair sings several
pretty songs.
There will be a convocation of Bellevue
Chapter R. A. M., No. 7, to work the Royal
Arch on Wednesday evening, October 22nd.
All Royal Arch Masons are cordially Invited.
A. T. AYERS, Secretary.
There will be a meeting of the North Side
Second Ward Republican club on Wednes
day evening, October 22, to be held at Twen
tieth and Pierce.' Candidates are invited to
Diamonds, 115.00 to $500.00. Edholm, Jew
Wright wrongs no man. Wright's olJ
fashioned buckwheat flour Is pure.
Publish your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths were re
ported at the office of the Board of Health
during the twenty-four hours ending at
noon Tuesday:
Births Charles M. ZarrJ. 2707 Leaven
worth street, boy: William B. Watson. 2925
Grant street, girl; Edward Donahue, 15
North Thirtieth street, boy; George Howell,
842 Bouth Seventeenth street, hoy: J. R.
Young, 1613 Bouth Fourth street, boy; Jacob
Slnck., 13u2 South Twelfth street, boy; Lars
Johiwen, 61H Marcy street, boy.
Deaths Carl Raymond Benson. 222S Cali
fornia street, aged 1 month and 23 davs:
Andrew MyneK, li) Boutn lirteentn street.
aged 8 years; Lawrence P. Petersen, 1518
Hurt street, agea M years; Mrs. Eva Funk.
710 North Twenty-second street, aged 43
years; Laura i. rerguson, Bt
hospital, aged S3 years.
1S-K wedding rings, Edholm, Jeweler.
forth aid Improvement risk Meets
. Candidate ot Legislative
1 i ' Ticket.
The North Omaha Improvement elub dts-
sussed a resrrahgement of city wards at
atonoay nights meeting. Delegates were
present from the Omaha View and South
rest Improvement clubs, and Messrs. How
all, Nelson and Martin, legislative candi
dates, were also there. The sentiment of
' tvndidates and club members was favorable
to redisricting the city and after election
action will be taken to have charter amend
ments introduced to this end. It waa deter
mined to devote the next meeting to a die
cusslon ot taxation, the discussion to be
opened by R. B. Wallace of the tax com
missioner's office, who has recently made
tour of Investigation looking Into the
methods of taxation In other cities. It is
expected that a number of legislative candl
dates will be present who will be asked to
State their positions in regard to "railroad
assessments. Ths regular club entertain
tnent was ' postponed from next Monday
venisg until tne weeg following.
Diamond lockets. Edholm, Jeweler.
King Cole Whole Wheat Flour for muffins.
and Eieiurn
The Rock Island System
will sell tickets on Friday,
October 24, to Lincoln and
return for $1.65, good for
return until 25th.
Trains leave Omaha Union
station 6:50 a. m., 1:30 p.
m. and 5:20 p. m.
Visit the capital city and
Cotner university.
Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
$3.00 Street Hats ot 75c
Millinery Second Floor and Basement
These hata have created a furore In the millinery section. Thera Is every
resson why they should as no better millinery value was ever offered by us or
any other dealer In the country. Just think of It. Over 100
styles of new correct and tailored bats made of the very r J fcssjsl
newest materials, some sold as high as $5 and most of them a J
sold at $3, while they last, second floor and basement, at
Automobile Cnps at
Millinery Section
Balance of tho girls' automobile caps, In plain cloth, rough
goods and corduroy, some with visors of cloth to match, others
with enamel leather visors In white and colors the regular
60c goods, at
$5.00 Silk Waists at $3.98
New lot of silk waists In taffeta and peau de sole, beautifully
trimmed new sleeves and cuffs, every one a $5 quality all
sizes and all colors, Including black main floor bargain
square, at
$1.00 French Flannel at 39c a Yard
Bilk embroidered and plain colored French flannel, striped y
and tucked walstings, in all colors, brllliantines all on lJ VxC
bargain square at, yard
Piece Black Pique for
Ladies' Shirt Waists
We are showing the largest and
most extensive lino that la shown
In Omaha ot fleece back pique In all
gTades and mercerized Madras cloth
In all styles ot patterns, prices
ranging from the lowest grade to
the finest.
Sale of Fancy Linens
We are making a special sale on
fancy lace Inserted and lace edged
doylies In all sizes, tray cloths
round, oval and square, lunch
cloths from the largest to the
smallest size and bureau scarfs In
all widths and lengths at very low
$10.00 Golf Skirts at $3.98
Just received 200 golf skirts manufacturers samples
no two alike worth up to $10 each
Monte Carlo Coats at $4.98
Good heavy kersey, guaranteed lining, velvet collar. Inverted
pleat In black, navy, red, castor and tan made to retail
at $7.60, at
Ladles' Tailored Suits at $12.50;
Fine array of high grade suits of the
Golf Walking- and Dress Suits at $7.50
125 suits, including many sample gar
ments, bought at 60 per cent less than
value made of all the new materials
In Norfolk, ' blouses, etc many
of these suits are r750
worth $15, all In one
lot, at
new snowflakes, tweeds, cheviots, etc'
made in Norfolk, blouses, pepllns, eto.
drop linings many 5Q
. wui lu up lu fi- a
Men's $15. $12.80 and $10 Suits and Overcoats at $6.00
Our display and sale of high grade clothing from an eastern manufacturer has
brought Immense crowds to our store everybody agrees that Qfl
these suits are worth twice the money asked the sale will
continue and the prices Is still.
Watch Our
Windows .
'iv iv uiwu uur
1 7i
IM10PPING.... .
Our nrio arsa slwova fha V..
i uiiici.mijM w.ey fjei lower Bull.
' Thaf the WY (M
Posseasas a. good am sa to
Unerring- judgment cxsfcistd
in ths selection of materials.
backed by Blitz znethod of brew
ing, are the main factor napoo
sible for blata cjuractet. .-
' Hon-lntestemnt
All liruegleya ot blras-
VAL BUTZ mum CO. MlliiukH
11S .DeacUa tu . VoU lMtl.
26c Krause'a Headache Capsules, wa
sell tin
$1.00 Pe-ru-na. we sell tu
11.75 8. 8. 8., we sell $1.14
26c Laxative Bromo Quinine, we sell.. 12c
11.00 Plnkham Compound, we sell 69c
Jl.flO Squibb Baraaparllla, we sell 76c
1.00 Plerce'a Medicine, we sell 69e
11.00 Danderine, we sell 56c
11.00 Palne's Celery Compound, we sell.. 6c
tl.00 burnham s Barsaparllla (only, one -
10 I'unuimer) 46o
11.00 Stearn'a Wine C. L.. Oil tec
25o Mistletoe Cream, we sell H)c
60c Syrut) of FIes (genuine! Uttr.
tl.OOAyer's Hair Vigor 7.S0
60c Long Oreen Violet Water, for c
11.00 Hosteller's Bitters, we sell 7fc
11.50 Vln Mariana, we sell 87o
H.ou renown syrup, we sell 870
Sharman & McConnsli Drug Go.
Wholesale and Retail rtriivrlata.
Tes. nick out the specked ones and use
them first, sndyjet.. the good ones get
specked; this is the same principle which
many people follow In their selection of a
place to Duy tneir drug needs. They say
to themselves "WELL I WON'T TAKE
BCHAEFER'8 to ' have this prescription
filled or to buy this drug or medicine, but
BIG DRUG BILLS. Yon don't have to take
time to go to SCHAEFKR'8. Just telephone
a Dicycie win call ror
747 and a boy on a bicycle will ra
your prescription. -
maclst, only, (and we have at leaat as
many as any drug etora In Nebraska), will
fill It and the boy will bring the medicine
to you at a surprise
party price and
migmy quica. veryining in our store is
delivered In the city day or night without
extra charge.
Open all night
la aael Cnleaco Its.. Omaha, Nek.
Roderick Dhu
Ws have Just, received 200 cases of this
finest of all old Scotch whiskies a direct
Importation from Glasgow, Scotland. Part
of It is still In ths Omaha custom house
and the duty alone Is over $5 per case.
Roderick Dhu is a genuine old spirit,
thoroughly matured In sherry wood and Is
a whisky of ths very highest class.,'
Quality counts and we give you quality.
At all first-class bars and cafea.
Cackley Bros.,
Finest imported and American wines and
liquors. -
Agents for Hunter's Rye and Wilson Rye.
Don't forget our own special brand.
Jackdaw. ' '
The Dee for All News
sl U S O
Don't Fail to See Our Stock Before You Buy.
Sable Marten, Isabella Marten. American Marten, Gen
uine Russian Marten. Genuine Mink, Imitation Mink. Beaver,
Blended Mink, Raccoon, Krlmmer, Oenulne Bear In medium
and eitra flue quality, Boas. Scarfs of all kinds, from the
shortest to the longest length made Price, 13.75 ta 145.00.
Muffs, from II H to 120.00.
Children's Cloaks
Largest line shown la Omaha, from the first long baby
aloak up to 10 isara, , .
to Lincoln
and Return
Cottier University Excursion
Leaves Burlington Station, 10th and
Mason streets, Omaha, 8:40 a. ra. Re
turning, leaves Lincoln 6 p. m. ; arrives
Omaha 7:45 p, ra.
Other trains leave Omaha 8:10 p. m
4:25 p. m., 11:10 p. m.
Tickets good to return October 24 or
1502 Farnam Street.
An Array
of Questions.
Such a volley of questions as
we have fired at us!
Like It. Shows Omahans are
Interested In the new and differ
ent shop "on the hill."
Couldn't get time to answer all
the questions yesterday so, we
nnswer some of 'era here.
Yes, we came up "on the hill"
because we believe the trade will
go up "on the hill."
Xo, we're not making $15
"made to order" (?) suits.
Neither are we to be classed in
the "high priced tailor" class.
It's true that we are not satis
fied until you are and that we
make a practice of refunding
money to dissatisfied patrons.
Yes' slrree. every stitch of the
clothing ordered of us will be
made right here In Omaha.
We're to be Just as much "a part
and parcel" of Omaha as "The
Bee" Itself.
Stick a pin there!
Htlck another here Suits that
have fHHhlon sticking out all
over them, that are faultless In
fit, fabrics and finish $5 to 50.
Overcoats fall and winter
fabrics and finish ditto $25 to
$ii5. Trousers, $0 to $14.
MacCarthy Tailoring Co.
'Phone 1808. 1712 Farnam St.
Bcc Bldf Omaha.
Window Glass
Window Glass
Window Glass
Window Class
Wlaaaw Class.
Men's Fall
and Winter
Jmk i
and brown mixed
75c values for
We have made great
preparations in our un
derwear department to
give you, all this week,
Borne very exceptional
prices on underwear.
Men's Jersey Ribbed cotton shirts
Mj)jf and drawers, in natural
AUfT.' crrntr a nrl nrrn rnlnra. un-
n- --j " -
derwear that is EI-
sold for 50c...
Mens Shirts and
Drawers, in all wool
fleece, in blue, yaeger
Men's Shirts and Drawers in heavy merino, in
camel's bair and natural colors, non shrink- r7 CXpt
able and an excellent wearing garment
Men's Shirts and Drawers made of an extra fine
quality of all wool and French merino, in natural gray and
camel's hair with heavy satine facings and $1
pearl buttons $1.50 value for JVJ
Men's Shirts and Drawers made of a very fine
Australian wool, in double-breasted shirts and double
seated drawers, no better garments made $1 C
for warmth and wear, exceptional values, at . . .
We have a great variety of combination suits, from $1.23
to $3.50.
sW(BaSJaSBJBpjSSl lgs
Why Is It that one can recog
nize these garments among
The reputation of half a cen
tury of honorable dealings Is
perpetuated with "every article
Grand Fur Exhibit
Right at Home in Omaha.
Her Grand Hotel, Thurs
day, Friday and Sat
urday. October
23, 24. 25.
These furs are mads of skins that ara the
ery pick ot the world's fur market. They
posaesa ths Inimitable Albrecht style and
cut that marks their delusiveness among
thousands and proclaims the wearer thereof
aa handsomely dressed.
Our representative, Mr. W. P. Clarke, will
be pleased to show you our complete line
of correct furs at above time and place.
(Make note.) Save your orders for him.
Pay for the goods when you want them
later. It will pay you well to be there, as
this Is the season's opportunity to purchase
a low priced high grade garment for winter
E. Albrecht & Son,
The reputation of half a century for honorable dealing Is perpetuated la
every article sold.
20 East Seventh St., St. Paul, Minn.
Fuller Drug & Paint Co.
114 South 11th Stract.
p. 8. We have decided to quit selling
drugs anf give all our time to selling
paints. Our prescriptions will now be
filled by Kuhn Co., ISth sad Douglas Bis.
The Direct and
Popular Route
Atchison, Leavenworth. Kansas City, St. Louis,
Joplln, Carthage, Webb City-
to the raining districts of Missouri and Arkansas and the gas bU at Kansas.
Elegant high back coaches and free reclining ehalr ears sa all trains.
Elegant electric lighted sleepers.
Very law one way and round trip rates the first and third Tuesday cf
each month, to numerous points In ths southeast, south and southwest.
Winter tourist tickets on sale dally after November 1st, to the various re
sorts in the south snd southeast.
CITY TICKET OFFICES S. E. Cor. 14th and Dtulas Sts.
V. GOUI'RGT, Pas, aa Ticket Aat.
G. P. - t. At It. Laals, Mo.
A. C. P. A, Kiaus Otty, Ma,
J'yoneoftho most careful and as part TTITtt
n.lnluu axtrsUira la tha United Staiee -T 1 lUIM'U
Special Free CH tile Prices
Until Octpber 15.
... .. ..11 . a.. in tha WsS tDCai
Call arl aad avoid t&e ruin ins ooij oouegq pi Zar-
only lor old aiperlsneod dentists No .tudenU ilawara h ,uoeaM
wlnvluall.ucb to come nd takes ooursa-tnoa all "h ?my
Our method, ara palnlos-Why taka oaanoaa with otoer.-Wa ara har. to MY
Incorporated uoJsr tte lawa.
AnK DONE FREE Small charges far werli
Our.uocJK?" ST!S!ru gral.o,kdooa y tha Profoasor. of. th. colle.-
Work ffnarantead wo years Sava pain ana money .
SuVta Tb.. ol tath ; 1W. traowa FREE; OoU cro-. root M.U
Consult tha Prolosaor. fraa-Ba sura you are on tha right
M0N DENTAlf CO.. Kxw , 1523 PougUg. KHaya'