6 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TUESDAY, OCTOBETl 21, 1002. rniE OMAHA Daily Bee. E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Hee (without Sund.y). One Year. .$4 00 lally lie nl tiuncl.iy, One Year Illustrated lie-, urn- Year K W bunuay Bee, One Year 2 ' Saturday lire, One year.... 1 & Twentieth C'eMury Farmer, Op Year.. 1.U0 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally Re (without Sunday), per copy... 2c Dally bee (wltnout Bund), per ween. ..12c lJally 11 ee (including Bunuay), per week..IVc Sunday iiee, per copy 6c Evening Wee (without Sunday), per week be Kvenlng Be (Including Sunday;, per week 10c Complaints of irregularities In delivery hould be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Bui. ding. Houth Omaha City Had Uulldlng, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council Bluffs 10 l'earl Street. Chicago 1G40 Unity Building. New York 232s FHrk Row Building. Waahinglon 61 Fourteenth Htreeu CO H R E S FO N D E N C E . Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee publishing Com pany, omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to 'Ihe Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of man accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exenange, not accepted. THE BEiS PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska. Douglaa County, as: George B. Tzachuck, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of September, 19u2, was as fol lows: l 30.130 is ai,ir,o 1 80,740 17 31,020 30.SSO 18 81,140 4 80,310 U 31,ltMJ 1 31,870 20 81.430 80,420 1 2U.S70 I...- 80,000 t 80,700 10 - 81.CNIO 11 30.820 U 81,2 00 IS 81-2UO 14 Stt.OOO U ,.81,060 21 8U.8TO 22 81.OO0 23 84, BOO 24 3 It ,240 26 31 ,200 26 30,770 7 80,030 2t 20,028 2J ao.soo 80 81,100 Total , 028,233 Le unsold and returned copies.... 10,144 Net total sales 018,081 Net dally average 80,0021 GEORGE! B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 30th day of September, -A, 1: M. B. HUNOATE, (Seal.) Notary Public For the next two weeks political ping .pong will be all the rage lu these parts. The people of Omaha ore not only In favor of home rule, but of home repre sentation In congress. Omaha hag been advertised as a very Wicked city, but It can also be a Chris tian city occasionally. The battle of Nebraska for 1002 Is Just two weeks off, and only two months more of Savage. Ilow time does fly. The latest strike Is In Colorado, and It appears to be one of the richest In the history of gold mining in that state. A complete history of the great anthra cite strike by Field Marshal Murat Hal Btead should have been announced as on the market before this time. After President Roosevelt's, recent Strenuous experiences with the coal monopolists, hunting Hons in Colorado will be light occupation and genuine re laxation. Less than one-third of the legal voters of Omaha have registered. Those who failed to record their names should do so next Friday If they want to vote at the coming election. If consumers of anthracite have so bard a time of it now that the strike bas ended, what wold have been their condition if the strike had continued through the winter? "The biggest corporation, like the humblest private citizen, must be held to Strict compliance with the will of the people as expressed In the fundamental law." Theodore Roosevelt. The fusion candidates for the legisla ture have declared for home rule and pledged themselves in favor of an elective police and flro commission. Now let us bear from the republican candidates. This Is not a party Issue. Members of the Board of Review for the year 1008 must be appointed before November 6. It Is to be hoped that thu mayor will be able to find two men to set on the board who canuot !e swerved from a fearless and Impartial discharge of their duty. Many months have passed since the county commissioners ordered a survey of all the railroad tracks and railroad witchta lo Douglas county, but up to date the railroad surveys do not seem to have materialized for some Inex plicable reason. Those who are predicting a speedy re duction of the retail beef prices should remember that It takes about 100 days to finish cattle after they go Into the feeding pen. For the most part feeding operations throughout the great corn States are only Just beginning. Congressman Mercer Is searching the county and city treasurers' records for evidences of his tax-paying qualities, but he will not be able to get a certifi cate from either treasurer that he has paid a penny of personal tax In the city of Omaha or county of Douglas since Anno Domini ISiH. If all taxable property in Omaha la to be assessed at Its full value for munici pal purposes, why not then for ccuniy purposes? Why keep up a double stand ard of valuation, which creates confu sion and works Injustice? Why can't Douglaa county set the example of as sessment In strict accordance with law and force all the other counties In the stats to com to that standard t'jtoaiztD la Ron nine to stat. Tho failure of the formidable effort of the anthracite coal operators to crush the miners' organization Is a distin guishing and most significant fact which should not be lost sight of. It Is of no material consequence that the operators still refuse to recognize that organization. It has received recogni tion from the president of the United Slates and It will be recognized by the commission he has appointed to, pass upon the Issues Involved In the strike. Mr. Mitchell and other representatives of the miners will appear before that tody upon equal terms with Mr. Baer and other representatives of the oper ators and It Is not to be doubted will be treated with entire fairness and Impar tiality. The example of President Roosevelt In not discriminating between tho operators and miners will be ob served by the commission in Its Investi gation. "Capital must make Up Its mind," soys the Springfield Republican, "to get along with unionized labor. Such labor Is here to stay and the law Is more likely to compel the unionization of labor than it Is to outlaw the labor union. The sooner this fact Is recognized, the sooner will the country be placed on the way toward attaining a permanent industrial peace." This fact Is now pretty generally realized. One of the largest operators Id the Ohio bituminous coal fields says that his company used to think that the unions were against its Interests, but It gradu ally worked out one point after an other with the union leaders and found them, on the whole, fair, reasonable men. "Since we made our agreements with the men," he stated, "we have done better than ever before. The agreements have been kept, and kept sometimes under pressure and when It was for the temporary advantage of the men to have broken them. We have found it safer to make contracts with the labor unions than we have to make contracts with competing compa nies." He regarded the agreements made with the men as one of the best moves his company had ever made, hence he Is a friend of unionized labor. All fair-minded men realize that with capital working in combination with a view to getting the greatest possible re turn, the right of labor also to organize for the promotion of its Interests must be admitted. The great lesson which both capital and labor need to learn Is to work together in mutual recognition of the rights of each. That they are learning this is not to be doubted and the great coal strike, enormously costly to both parties, will Impress the lesson more strongly and deeply. 1SCRKASIKO GOLD 8CPPLT. It Is certain that the product of the gold mines of the world for the present year will be. at least up to the average Increase in recent years, and probable that that limit will be largely exceeded. The figures for all the principal gold fields so far show a decided Increase. This Is the case in Aiaska, where the mining season Is practically ended, while an even higher rate of Increase is reported from Australia and Russia, as well as from the chief gold mining re gions of the United States. Mining operations have been resumed in South Africa, where they were Interrupted by war for a series of years, and on the basis of actual shipments their output will soon be up to the maximum of the past While the demand for the yel low metal Is growing larger for orna ment and In the mechanic arts, there Is now an Increased annual quantity which at once enters Into the world's stock of money. It Is almost instantly available for the uses of commerce and credit the moment it is run Into bars, whether coined or not There can thus be no Impediment to the healthful ex pansion of exchanges, to whatever ex tent they may go, by reason of lack of money, for never before In the history of the world was Its supply of money so steadily and satisfactorily effected as it Is at present, and as there Is every reason to believe It will be indefinitely in the future. A FltLU TO BC CULTIVATED, In a recent speech Secretary Shaw discussed the subject of our trade rela tions with the countries south of us. It is a matter of the very first Importance and should receive the earnest attention of our manufacturers and of congress. The fact is that we have not In the past and are not now working for the trade of the South and Central American countries in a way to win the best re sults, that while England and Germany are continually Increasing their trade with those parts of the western hemis phere, we are making very little prog ress or none at all. It Is well that a leading official of the government, the secretary of the treas ury, calls attention to this. There Is manifestly need of an awakening on the part of our merchants and manufactur ers to the great opportunity which awaits them In southern and central America. These are fields that are vastly superior In their possibilities to the markets of the Orient, not only because they are nearer to us, but for the reason that the peo ple of the countries south of us are very much richer than those of the far east and are growing more rapidly In wealth and consuming power. The resources of the southern countries are as yet In the Infancy of development They have everything that Is necessary to their growth and expansion. They are a thor oughly civilized people, with a growing desire for all that civilisation desires or needs. There Is no natural antagonism between the people of the South and Central American countries, and what ever hostility has been cultivated by our trade rivals should be easily overcome. Today this country has only about 10 per cent of the great commerce, amount ing to about $600,000,000, of the states of South and Central America. It should cava at least half of that trade. . liow shall the United States get Its proper share? The first requirement perhaps, certainly one of the very greatest Im portance, Is the establishment of steam ship lines between our ports and the porta of the southern countries. This was pointed out by President McKlnley and It is reiterated by Secretary Shaw. The former pointed out that one of the most essential means of extending our southern trade was to establish regular lines of steamship communication be tween our ports and the principal ports of South and Central America. Secre tary Shaw, as representing the present administration, urges tho same thing, and nobody who has given intelligent consideration to the subject can have any doubt as to the wisdom of this. The government should encourage, by every proper and practicable way, the estab lishment of transportation lines between our ports and the ports of South and Central America, as assuring better re turns ultimately than con be had from any other part of the world. ' KMX POINTS TVS WAT. The speech of Attorney General Knox regarding the power of congress to deal with the combinations engaged In Inter state commerce, to which we hereto fore referred, has attracted a great deal of attention and commendation. The general comment is that the attorney general has pointed the way by which congress can provide a remedy for the evils incident to the combinations, with the constitutional powers it already has. The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Press says that Mr. Knox expressed tho view of some of the ablest lawyers of that city In assert ing that the common law furnishes, ex cepting possibly in two or three states where other jurisprudence than that of the common law Is the basis, abundant means for state and national regula tion of the corporations so that the evils In them may be removed and so that there may . be control without at the same time Impairing their value to the community. Mr. Knox said that a law which only covers contracts and combi nations in restraint of trade as defined by the common law would exclude oil hurtful combinations and conspiracies. Congress can adopt the scheme of that law, he said, and In the enforcement of such law each case as it arose would be' considered upon Its own facts and the rule of guidance would be as laid down by the supreme court of the United States. The Impression made by the attorney general's presentation of the subject can hardly fall to reach congress and indeed It Is expected that the views of Mr. Knox will be submitted to the na tional legislature by President Roose velt In his annual message. At all events the country has been given an exposition of this perplexing question of dealing with the great combinations that is most reassuring. . TBS CAMPAIQH IS COLORADO. The prospect of the republicans carry ing Colorado grows brighter every day as election draws near. There is every sign of alarm In the democracy, which bad plotted to win and at the same time to cheat their old allies, the popu lists. The latter were expected to co operate, although not a single place on the state ticket was conceded to them. The full energies of the democratic press and party organization are now concentrated upon the point of per suading the populists to vote the demo cratic ticket notwithstanding they have a 'straight ticket of their own in the field. The frantic appeals of the demo crats clearly Indicate the peril which they apprehend from popullstlc schism, for only by union of both elements has It been possible to defeat the growing strength of the republicans the past few years. What is hardly less significant Is the system of election frauds which has been exploited by the democratic ma chine. In Denver particularly, but also In other cities, most elaborate registra tion frauds have been perpetrated, so that the lists, padded out by perjury. fictitious names and false addresses, may be used for repeaters and other crimin als on election day. The democratic machine, which controls the registra tion facilities, has carried things with so high a hand that a better element of the party Is in open revolt and organiz ing to rebuke the machine. The des peration of the democratic bosses argils well for republican success. To secure the unqualified assent of the striking miners to the scheme of arbi tration submitted through the agency of President Roosevelt will be almost as signal a moral victory for Mitchell as was the yielding of the proprietary com panies. In such a constituency as that of Mitchell's there Is always a radical element which it Is difficult to restrain The strikers, too, have been Subjected to great provocation, and there have been grave practical difficulties, such as the question as to the vacancies filled by the strike breakers, in the way of a general return to work. The prestige and con fidence which the executive head of the miners has acquired by bis conservative and masterly dealing with the corpora tions now stand him, in good stead in finishing the business with his followers. The story is well vouched for that Colonel Butler, the St. Louis millionaire politician, now on trial for tampering with the city council, hired a profes sional hypnotist to work on the ttiul judge.. Perhaps the hypnotic method explains some of the eccentricities of the Nebraska State Board of Equaliza tion in the matter of railroad assess ments. It is In accord with the eternal fitness of things for Lady Somerset to come all the way from England to Portland, Me., to berate the American people and scold an American bishop for pandering to iu temperance, although she knows that mors drunkenness exists t) the square foot In Great Britain any day of tbe week than there Is In America to the square mile In any month of the year. In America bar rooms are patronized al most wholly by men, while In England they are patronized by both sexes promiscuously, with smirking barmaids dispensing the Intoxicating refresh ments. Lady Somerset only Illustrates the old odnge, "that It Is much easier to sweep In front of other people's doois than it Is In front of your own." If a decision Just rendered by Judge Tuley Is sustained by the Illinois su preme court the Chicago Telephone com pany stands to lose . about $1,000,000 which it has Illegally collected from Its patrons. The company has been charg ing $D0 in excess' of tbe amount fixed by the law as a maximum charge, trusting to out-lltlgate any dissatisfied Individu als, but the court holds that they con recover Illegal overcharges even when made by a big corporation. No other publle man Is hotter Informed about the condition of western farmers than Secretary Wilson, being himself still an extensive Iowa farmer, as he hss been for over thirty years, os well as an Intelligent general student of agri culture. Ills statement that Iowa farm ers have lately been furnishing a large amount of money to the New York banks as one of the significant signs of the times. The proposition that It Is never too late to arbitrate 1b one that may well attract the attention of the Union Pa cific in dealing with its locked-out ma chinists. He's Comlsc, Too. Washington Post Mr. Cleveland thinks the democratic op portunity has arrived. But how about tbe man? Ahem! A Hot Time Comlagr. Buffalo Express. When the sultan of Bacolod gets what is coming to blm he will ba able to appreciate tbe feelings of tbe parrot that lost Its feath ers In a mix-up with tbe monkey. Will tho Lesson Stick? Philadelphia Press. Some of tbe newspapers are discussing "the lesson of the strike." This was to have been expected. The simple lesson to most people will be to keep a big stock of coal on hand In the future. Remember the Fate of P. P. Chicago Chronicle That rash and misguided body, tbe Ken tucky State Railroad commission, baa be gun proceedings la opposition to a merger of railway systems which is desired and advocated by our liege lord Plerpont I. Have these unhappy men never heard of tbe fate tbat befell one Peter Power? . . Redaction of the Army. Cleveland Leader. Tbe president bas ordered the reduction of the United States army by about 10 per cent of It present strength. That will bring it down, to, (he lowest limit per mitted by law, .Some Americans will be greatly surprised at this Incident because tbey have been'ied "to think of tho chief executive as a mail of blood wbo could not have enough soldiers to satisfy his tastes and desires. Dlasraeefal Exhibitions. Minneapolis Journal. For the sake of the great game of foot ball It la to be hoped that such exhibi tions as that at Omaha Tuesday and that at Orand Forks Monday will not be re peated. Tbe Omaha gam between tbe University of South Dakota and the Omaha Medical college was a disgraceful and gory fist fight from start to finish. The Orand Forks game between North Dakota uni versity and Hamllne, while not so bloody, was equally ungentlemanly on tbe part of some of tbe players. Foot ball is a rough game, but It is not necessarily a game for slugging and unfairness. THE STRIKE SETTLEMENT. Detroit Journal: Tbe commission Is emi nently fitted to arbitrate the dispute and It has the confidence of the whole country that Its finding will bo equitable because scien tifically thorough and without prejudice. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Taken Individu ally and collectively, the commission is one In which full confidence can be placed that It will investigate thoroughly, Judge dispas sionately and render a decision that will be just to both sides, so far as It Is possible for them to determine where exact Justice lies. Indianapolis News: Tbe strike commis sion Is admirably constituted. It is dom inated by men of great experience, wisdom and ability, who will go to the core of the subject without fear or favor. A good omen is that it Is acceptable to both sides. Each expresses confidence In U. There may not be such unanimity of regard after its find ing, for some contentions must Inevitably be denied. But there la no question that the conclusion will command the confidence of tbe country, Buffalo Express: President Roosevelt may well be proud of tbe personal triumph be achieved In bringing the strike, to an end. He bas made warm friends among the min ers and all other union men, while bis straightforward treatment of a most trying sluatlon bas sbowa the public In general that be la worthy of all tbe confidence which may be placed In him. Tbe settle ment of this strike undoubtedly will have a favorable influence on his political life, as It will on the present republican campaign. New York Tribune: The tribunal of six members constituted by the president Is well fitted to ascertain the equities of tbe case submitted to It and the disinter' eetedness of Its conclusions will never be disputed. That they will also be Just, on the whole satisfactory to all concerned and productive of permanent Improved relations In the mining region may not be so certain, but there Is reason to hopo that lasting benefit will result from this bitter controversy.' The powers of the board are complete and final under the agreement. It Is to Investigate and settle all the questions at Issue. Chicago Tribune: It was a hatardous matter for the president to Intervene. Success was uncertain and failure would have been Injurious to many Interests. He ran the risk and has succeeded. Thanks to him the mines will be re opened. Tbe shivering poor who have been dreading the approach of winter will cast away their fears. Tbe mills, closed for lack of fuel, will resume work. Peace will return to the anthracite regions, to which It has been a stranger for, nearly half a year. Happy Is the country with a chief magistrate wbo Is not afraid when great exigencies demand It to step out side the beaten path of duty and the con ventional sphere of action and at the haiard of being misunderstood or re buffed bid warring capital and labor lay down their arms sad give tb country peace. A Personal Triumph Detroit Free It Is to Theodore Roosevelt that the country is Indebted for the settlement of the coal strike. To be sure, If tbe presi dent bad not Interfered tbe strike would ultimately bave ended. Such conditions ss those existing In the anthracite coal region could not have continued Indefi nitely. Either tbe operators would have yielded eventually to the clamor from the manufacturing and the Industrial Inter ests, or the miners, driven to desperation, would bave begun a civil war to be sup- pressed by bullets and bayonets. The country bas come to expect that a great strike In which 150,000 men sre In volved means Krag-Jorgensens and Cat lings. That bas been the experience In the past when the reckless elements among the strikers gradually gained ascendancy. It was to have been expected almost con fidently In the coal country where thou sands of the miners are Ignorant foreign ers Imported by the operators to take tho place of better labor and who bave ab sorbed little of the spirit of American In stitutions. The situation was already be coming critical, not only from the point of view of the consumer, but from the stand point of cltlsenshlp, when President Roose velt presumed to "Interfere," Disclaiming all legal authority to act, be brought tbe operators and Mr. Mitchell to gether to Inform them that the situation bad become Intolerable. Tbe operators re fused to yield and even ventured to lecture the president as to bis duty In tbe case. In spite of their arrogant manners, President Roosevelt retained an admirable self-con trol and Instead of assuming tbat his whole duty had been done to the public when the operators rebuffed bis advances be contin ued bis negotiations. Public sentiment had been focussed on the operators as a result of the White House conference and with their ready intuitions In disposing of quib bling technicalities the American people a whole quickly decided that the oper- THE CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN. Beatrice Times: He Is said to have de livered the best political speech ever heard at Glltner. In fact, E. H. Hlnshaw Is press ing on to victory on election day. Alnsworth 8 tar-Journal: M. P. KInkald is one of the ablest men In Nebraska and will represent the district with much credit to himself and bis constituents. He will surely be elected. Osmond Republican: Election day Is drawing near and the election of J. J. Mc Carthy for congress from this district seems certain. Mac is conservative and not after a third term either. Norfolk Republican: If you vote for J. J. McCarthy you vote for a man who will look out for your Interests in Washing ton. Mr. McCarthy Is able, conscientious and will do what be believes to be right. Money cannot buy blm. Tekamah Journal: J. J. McCarthy made a good record In the legislature and proved that he had tbe courage of his convictions and good staying qualities. His votes are all recorded on tbe side of economy, re trenchment and reform. Norfolk'News: The fuslonlsts carried tbe Third district tor Robinson two years ago by but 175 votes. Last year the district went for tbe republican state ticket by a good plurality. Tbls, In edition to the fact that Mr. McCarthy Is making a clean and win ning campaign, should be a basis " from which to figure a republican victory this fall that should be tar from satisfactory to the fuslonlsts and highly pleasing to the republicans. Nebraska City Tribune: Congressman E. 3. Burkett bas made a tour of his own district and Is perfectly satisfied with the outlook tor tbe party. So fully is he con vinced that tbe republican ticket will show heavy majorities In tbe first congressional district, from top to bottom, that he bas permitted the committee to plan a speak tng tour for him this week that takes blm away from his own district Into each of he remaining districts In the state. Ponca Journal: As the campaign ad vances the candidacy of J. J. McCarthy Is growing In popular favor. He is making a thorough canvass of the district and Is giv ing his opponent tbe fight of his life. Rob inson knows there Is somebody running this time and be is working 'day and night to stem the popular tide that has set In against him. It Isn't a question now of McCarthy's election. It is simply a question as to how large his majority will be. Grand Island Independent: Next Con gressman Norrls addressed a good meeting of the republicans of Wood River last evening and made a host of new friends. He took up tbe question of tariff and tbe trusts and clearly showed what Mr. Bryan's Ideas of a cure of the trust evils would result In, and lead to; how Imprac tical were tbe Ideas, etc. He held the attention of the audience for over an hour. The candidates for the legislature and county attorney were present, but made no addresses. Rising City Independent: Hon. E. H. Hlnshaw" political meeting at the opera house last Friday night was well attended and bis speech listened to with marked attention. He expounded republican doc trine pure and simple and defined bis stand on the Issues now before, tbe people as be understands them. Mr. Hlnshaw Is a pleasant gentleman who does not consider himself above the common people and who, If elected, would, In our opinion, try to serve his constituency along the lines as mapped out by blm In bis utterances ex pressed before the people during the cam paign. Graf Echo: We believe that Mr. Burkett will be returned to congress. His record at Washington Is one that the people of this district should endorse and the ma jority of them do. He has worked for Ne braska, his district and bis government with energy and teal and bas accomplished much. He has procured for his district more rural mall deliveries than any other district In the state of Nebraska can boast of. He Is a worker, and a conscientious worker, and when a voter casts a vote for Mr. Burkett If be knows tbe man he feels as though be was casting It for the benefit of his country, his state, hi family and himself. Alnsworth Star-Journal : That Judge Kin. kald will be our next congressman Is a foregone conclusion. And there Is every reason that he should be. He is a lawyer of exceptional ability, acknowledged even by the opposition, as by their help, when tbe district was hopelessly fusion, be was elected Judge several times. No one denies his ability, and not one word Is or can be aald to his detriment as a man, lawyer. Judge, Jurist, or In any conceivable way. The only hope for the fuslonlsts In tbls district Is to try and make succeed a "sol dier" racket, a sort of "general" racket, so to speak. And what makes tbat so dis gusting Is the fart that It comes from a political fusion that In times past bave yelled "bloody shirt" every time the re publicans put up a soldier candidate, and never found any good among the "boys" save only when ode of them occasionally ha I a place on their ticket. Now, we ap peal to every thinking reader If this Is not the case? But then. Judge KInkald will be elected as congreaaman from tbe Big Sixth, and there will be hundreds of good, honest democrats and populist In the district that will help elect him, la utter disgust of tb "any thing-fer-omce" fusion element. Press (Ind. denv). ators were In the wrong. As the president shrewdly foresaw, there soon came a time when public opinion was too strong to be resisted. The operators found their noth-Ing-to-arbltrate position untenable, and very diplomatically the president made It possible for the trust to "save It face" in conceding to the union what the men had chiefly demanded, an arbitration of differ ences. Even the Impudence of the oper ators In attempting to dictate the char- arter of tbe commission left the president calm and Judicial. He satisfied at once any doubts tbat Mr. Mitchell might bave as to the fairness of such a commission, appointed It Immediately ss a guarantee of his good faith, and the work of mining anthracite coal will be resumed next week. It bas been many years since a president of the United States faced a more serious condition of Internal affairs than that which confronted Mr. Roosevelt when he decided to use bis friendly offices to effect a set tlement of the strike. The president was under neither legal nor moral obligation to Interfere. He could have shielded himself behind his constitutional limitations bad he cared to. But Mr. Roosevelt cboae to make himself a real president who could not look with unconcern upon anything relating to the general welfare of the country. And be bas brought about this settlement without arbitrary extension of bis authority, or any straining of his con stitutional powers. It Is Theodore Roosevelt, rather than President Roosevelt to whom the Amer ican people owe their debt of gratitude for the ending of this disastrous conflict. No scheming politician In the presidency would have ever ventured upon such a delicate mission. No man with less than Theodore Roosevelt's reputation for honeety, Integ rity and fair dealing could ever have ap pealed to the confidence of the miners at a time when their confidence was a sine qua non In the termination of the strike. PERSONAL NOTES. Make way for tbe coal trains. Captain Anson, tbe former noted base ball player. Is going Into politics In Chi cago. He is known as a hard bitter. Commodore Vanderbllt, the first of the Vanderbllt family, and founder of the fortune, used to ssy this: "Never tell anybody what you are going to do till you do it" Prof. Adolf Lorenc, the German special ist, who has Just operated on Miss Armour, In Chicago, says be finds more cases of hip disease In that city than In any other of which be has knowledge. Another statistician rises to remark that on an average every man, woman and child in he United States has on deposit In the savings banks $108. A good many of tbem, however, can't draw any of It. United States Senator Knute Nelson helped to pump a handcar five miles on the Duluth, Mesaba 4 Northern road on Tuesday in order not to miss connection preventing blm delivering a political speech at Nlfflng. Wis. Surgeon Millard H. Crawford, who bas been In tbe service of the Navy depart ment for a quarter of a century and stands well toward the top of the medical corps, has tendered his resignation because leave of absence was denied blm. Another Instance of American competi tion orowding out English enterprise Is fur nished by the fact that an American sailor has been tbe first to receive the prlte of S sovereigns which King Edward gives each father of triplets In his realm. Lord Methuen, when sufficiently re covered from the wound received at the time of bis capture by the Boers, Is to have command of a British army corps. Incompetent generals with social "backing need fear nothing In England. Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, lately appointed a Justice of the supreme court of the United States, bas accepted an Invitation to take President Roosevelt's place. In tbe absence of the latter because of Illness, at the Installation of President Edmund J. James of Northwestern univer sity at Evanston, 111., on October 21. Judge Holmes will deliver an address to tbe law students. Dr. E. Castellt of Washington claims to have discovered a sure preventive of sea sickness. "Just sit and look in a mirror," says the doctor, "and you will experience no Inconvenience ,from the motion of tbe vessel. I Infer from my discovery that the pathogenesis of seasickness Is the same as that of vertigo 1. e, the affliction Is the result of the consciousness of the oscillation of the act of orientation." A little more than 9,000.000 pieces of mall turned up at Uncle Sam's dead letter office last year. Letters and parcels to tbe num ber of 60,900 were opened, yielding $48,000 In cssh and commercial paper of an aggre gate fare value of $1,899,926. Tet there are some .people cruel enough to say tbat hus bands wbo neglect to mall their wlve's let ters are the most absent-minded people on earth. It will be consoling to the maligned to know there are others. Organized effort Is being made for the erection In Washington of a monument to the memory of Alexander R. Shepherd, who did so much to beautify that city. A committee having the matter In charge has addressed a circular to those likely to contribute and expressing the hope tbat prolonged canvass will be unnecessary. It Is urged tbat Mr. Shepherd must rank with Washington and L'Enfant as one of tbe creators of America's moat beautiful city. There's nothing so bad for a cough as coughing ! There's .nothing so good for a cough as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best time to take It is when the cold first comet on, when tbe trouble Is in tbe tbrost. Throat tickling, throat colds, throat coughs are all easily controlled wi.h Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Doctors first prescribed this nearly 00 years ago. They use it more today than ever. They know its Ingredients. Tbey understand bow it heals con gested membranes and overcomes Inflammation. Ask your own doctor about using this medicine for colds, coughs, and all lung troubles. i. O. ATSa CO., Lowell, kui. I had a torrtblo eoturfe last rtn, aas It took opwioiw ou i mo. novo mmwm tojo mown no BETTER FARM LIFE. Making Intelligent tee ef Modern Opportunities. Indianapolis News. No phase of life In the wonderfully de veloping life of this country exceeds In Im portance and Interest the life of the farmer, which still and for generations must en gage tbe attention of the great mass of our people, snd no other phase of life shows a greater Intelligence and a quicker reallaa tlon of opportunity. Aside from all of tho Improved machinery which still continues to Improve, and the use that Is being made of the rural mall delivery, the telephone and the trolley car, there Is evident a deeper realization of possibilities In tbe effort to make Intelligent use of all of the many ways to better Ufa snd enhance effort. The educated farmer Is coming to be as promi nent a figure as the educated man In any walk of life. The same demand for Intelli gent work, the kind that makes of a man "educated from the top down, rather than from the bottom up," Is felt in work of farming, and It Is being met. A striking Illustration of It Is a class of more than fifty girls at tbe Minneapolis Col lege of Agriculture that. this year have taken up the study of scientific farming. This college Is ten years old, but It baa only recently been admitting girls. The course tbey take Includes botany, chemis try, physics and geology, requiring la the first two years at least two terms In each. In about two-thirds of the course tbe boys and girls are Instructed together In lan guage, mathematics, science, civics snd some technical work, but the girls are taught cooking, laundering and sewing, where the boys are taught btacksmlthlng and veterinary science. Generally the girls are directed more than the boys to bouse-, bold art, home economy and domestio science. Both are taught be plan farm buildings and to lay out grounds. Attention Is given to the furnishing of bouses, to lit- " terature, music and social culture, with the Idea "of making tbe farm home the roost attractive spot on earth." What the result of this will be must be left to the future, but the experiment Is watched with the keenest Interest by educators. ' The con fessed difficulty In tbe past of keeping tbe sons of farmers at borne It is felt will In a way be met by training farmers' girls to an Intelligent Interest In snd knowledge of farm life, together with a knowledge of ways and means to make that life more attractive and profitable In every sense. WHITTLED TO A POINT. Boston Transcript: Fuddy Money Isn't the only thing Puddy No. V.it It la the only thing that will buy most of the. other things. Chicago Tribune: The Doctor I had a tooth pulled yesterday, and I walked past the dentiHt's office a dosen times before I could summon up the necessary resolu tion. The Professor It seems to me that was a pretty long pre-amble. Chicago Tribune: Voice ln the house) Bessie, what Is keeping you out there on the porch so long? Benftle I am looking for the , comet, mamma. Voice You'll take your death iit cold. Bessie Not at all, mamma. I'm I'm well wrapped. Boston Globe: Bankerman Tou'H par. don me, for saying It, but I'm afraid your credit Is not Just what it should be. BtryKer My dear sir, I can assure you tar credit la all right. Why, I owe ' about everybody in town. Brooklyn Llfet Orpheus had Just been boasting to his wife of his ability to move Inanimate things by music. "So can our cat, replied Eurydloe; "I saw your brush and bootjack going hi way last night." Angered beyond measure by this sugges tion, he went forth and slew hla rival. Philadelphia Press: "Poor woman! After her hard day's work she has to stay up half the night with the hftblna." "What's the matter with her husband? Why doesn't he help her?" "Oh, he puts in all his time agitating for an eight-hour day for the working man." Chicago Post: "Pap., can you answer a Question?" "If It's not too hard a one." "Ot. It's easy." "All right. What Is It?" "Why don't bald eagles wear wigs?" Judge: Her Father Why do you en courage that young poet? Don't you know that poets are always poor? Daughter Yes, papa, but he writes such beautiful love letters. They will be worth a great deal of money If he ever becomes famous. HOW THE LEAVES CAME DOWN. i Susan ' Coolldge. PI1 tell you how the leaves came down. The great tree to his children said, "You're getting sleepy. Yellow and Brown Yea, very sleepy, little Red, It Is quite time to go to bed." "Ah!" begged each allly, pouting leaf, "Let us a little longer stay; Dear Father Tree, behold our grief 'Tls such a very pleasant day, We do not want to go away.' , So, for Just one more merry day To the great tree the leaflets clung. Frolicked and danced and had their way, Vnon the autumn breezes swung, Whispering all their sports among. "Perhaps the great tree will forget. And let us stay until the spring, If we all beg and coax and fret." But the great tree did no surh thing; He smiled to hear their whispering. 'Come, children, all to bed," he cried; And ere the leaves could urge their prayer. He shook his head, and far and wi.lu. Fluttering and rustling everywhere, Down sped the leaflets through the air. I eaw them: on the ground thy lay, . Golden and red, a huddlmt swarm, Waiting till one from far away. White bedclothes heaped upon her arm. Should come to wrap them safe and warm. The great bare tree looked down and smiled; "Good night, dear lit t lo leaves," ha said. And front below earh sleepy ohlld Replied. "Good night," and murmured. "It Is so nice to go to bed!" THAT THROAT-TICKLING It's first, the throat ; Then, the bronchial tubes ; Next, the lungs; At last, Consumption. Joj o bottl of Avar's Cborry Pastoral te 10 1117 lootjij iui 01117, BiOov yoort." Mas. t. E3 . llApniKTIi Bfc. JU .uooph. Mich.