Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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whirh wu vised in olden day to cnrs a cough or cold, if the most
dangerous kind of treatment. It opens the pores and very often
the patient when exposed after the sweating contracts pneumonia
and consumption.
Kentucky Bailroad Commission Asks an
Official Investigation.
Charges that They Seek to Eliminate
Competition aad Ineieaae Rate,
Over Immense Territory,
' to People's Hart.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. The Interstate
Commerce commission today made public
the complaint of the railroad commission
of Kentucky against the Atlantic Coast
Line Railroad company, the Louisville ft
Nashville railroad, the Southern Railway,
the Southern Railway in Kentucky, the
Southern Railway In Indiana, the Cincinnati,
New Oi leans aV Texaa Faclflo Rail , com
pany, the Cincinnati - Southern hallroad
company and the Chicago, .Indianapolis
Louisville Railroad company.
The complaint asks, for an inquiry a to
whether the contracts between these roads
constitute an unlawful combination.
The complaint says the roads cover all
Important railroad points and all railroad
lines in a territory aggregating 25,000 miles,
with an operating income of over $30,000,000
annually, and charges that J. P. Morgan
A Co. have secured practical control and
management of the affairs.
The capitalization of the defendant road
la stated to amount to at least $1,000,000,000.
It is alleged the t defendant companies
nave not filed with the Interstate Com
merce commission, as required by law,
copies of the contracts and agreements. It
Is charged that arrangements eZiBt amount
ing to an agreement by which all freights
of all the roads shall be pooled so as to
prevent competition. As a result It is
feared Tales will be advanced, communities
discriminated against and freight will be
routed over one or another line so as to
maintain .Increased earnings and create
fictitious earnings to give fictitious values.
The combination, the commission charges,
la In violation of both the letter and spirit
of the Jaws of the, United 8tates and of the
several atatea Involved.
The Interstate Commerce commission will
Immediately, notify all concerned of the
complaint and will probably arrange for. a
hearing not earlier than December.
' (Continued from First Page.)
Pacific had Just been reorganized and was
not in a position to join such ascheme.
He did not know of any Great Northern
directors making heavy purchases of North
ern Pacific stock In order to control that
line. At the time of the right for control
he and his friends held from 133,000,000 to
136,000,000 of common stock of the Northern
Pacific. On May S, after price were above
par, and it was -evident that an attempt to
secure control waa under war, he called
the attention of his associates to the mat
ter, and. no more stock Svas sold by them.
The Morgans up to that time had no sus
picion of any attempt to raid the atock.
He explained that the Northern Pacific
holdings mentioned did not include those of
J. P. Morgan & Co.
He told how at thia time he and hla as
sociates first thought of placing their
Northern Pacific stock with a holding com
pany, aa was being done with their Great
Northern stock. Nothing definite, however,
waa decided on. At that time his party
held some $20,000,000 and Morgan held about
the same amount. The capital of the pro
posed general holding company was first
placed at 4100,000,000 In the preliminary dis
cussion. Only a few individuate were at
first Interested and there waa much hesita
tion over any holding company In which all
Great Northern shareholder might not par
ticipate on. an equal haa!. Such action
would mean That the Great Northern hold
ings would amount to $225,000,000.
The Morgan and Hill Interests In the
Northern Pacific, controlled that company
ifter the redemption of the preferred stork.
Then, la estimating the Northern Securities
capital, they thought $300,000,000 would suf
fice, but the amount waa finally 3xI ut
$400,000,000, although the smaller figure was
considered sufficient as late as Decem'ier,
1901. It was Intended, however, lo' cover
everything possible and avoid amending the
articles. ' . ..
- 'Hopes to Sav Raid.
After the purchase of the Burlington and
of the large blocks of Northern Pacific
stock, the purpose of the Northern Securi
ties company was to put the stock where
It could not again be raided.
Railroad charters, he said, seldom pro
vided for buying other companies, and ihe
rgsnlzatlon of a separate hoi Pun com
pany would be free frrm the possl.llltr of
raids Intended to destroy or hamper the
rompany. Any other sort of plnn tor con
trolling the greet Oriental traffic would re.
lult In loss, snd possibly to wrecking the
whole enterprise.
Mr. Hill was again taken o-ny- the ground
f competition with the ocean transporta
tion companies, and then, recurring to the
holding of the comoaiy he re'terated that
(he whole Intent and purpose vat to pro
No true woman's
ull's Cough Syrup
will cure the cough and cold and heal the throat and
lungs without leaving any bad after-effects or danger of
contractus pneumonia or consumption. Be sure you
get UK. JJULL'S, with the "Bull's Head" on the package.
offered by unreliable dealer. They contain dangerous
dmfs and are injurious to the system. No substitute
is ''just as rood " as Dr. Bull's Cough Pyrup. At all
drjjggiets, a large bottle for 25 cents.
tect the companies Interest!, and that
there was no thought of restricting trsde.
He Insisted that the Great Northern was
now carrying business lower than any ot
the southern lines, r.dtl.ig that the actual
rates now In effect m th- tcb!on Mid
Union Pacific, If applied lo t'e present
business on the Great Northern, would raiiu
the earnlnga fully five and a half million.
There was never any Intention of ne
stroylng competition between ih Northern
Pacific and Great Northern by th; organisa
tion of the Securities compauy. Very little
business on those lines, he said, wis free
from competition with other ino., so that
even If they wished to destroy competition
their utmost efforts could not effect ten
per cent of the business. He t m vt d com
petition was as full and free 'is at any t'me
in the. last twenty years.
"Neither the Great Northern company nor
Its officers aa such," added Mr. Hill, "had
anything to do with the ganliUian ct the
Northern Securities company. . It was
purely a matter for the shareholders tr,d
not more than eleven out of 1,800 took part
In the organization.".
The names of these eleven as he remem
bered them were given.
Stock Sale Abaolate.
"My sales and those of everyone else, to
the Northern Securities company," he added,
"was absolute and complete, and that com
pany la free to burn the stock or do Mint
It sees fit with It. There was ho condition
of any kind attached to the sale and no
agreement or condition wa& ever contem
plated." There was no solicitation or pressure to
Induce shareholders to sell to tho Northern
Securities company, be said, and ho had not
expected that so large a number ot share
holders would transfer their shares. He
believed that about 1,000 shareholders had
disposed of their stock.
The circular of the Northern Securities
company to Great Northern sharchoMjrs
was again put In evidence and Mr. Hill said
he received numerous requests for rdvlce
and that he personally Issued a circular In
answer, telling shareholders It waa a natter
for each to decide for himself.
Solicitor General Richards began a cross
examination, first taking up these letter.
Mr. Hill admitted that all the Great North
ern stock had not been placed In the North
ern Securities company, because It had not
been thought necessary. The price of the
remaining stock was so high they bad no
fear of a further raid. Nearly half the
Great Northern atock came in, and then a
law suit was started, and after that L
notified everybody sending in stock of that
fact, that all might act with full informi-
., ,..
The hearing was adjourned until tomor
row. -
Kansas City Ha Collected Animal
front Many Coontrlea for Amer
ican Exhibition.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 20. The annual
American Royal Cottle ahow opened here
today. Hundreds of eptrles from fifteen
different states are on exhibition, togethor
with prize winners from British and Scot
tish shows.
The swine breeders and Angora goat
breeders have a huge tent close to theTat
tie show and there several hundred grades
of Berkshire, Poland China and Jersey
Durocs are being shown.-
Many sheep men are here to decide
wnetner tney want admission next year
and the horsemen are talking about the
possibilities of a show of draught horses.
The Iowa Agricultural college sent a
class In practical agriculture, fifty strong,
to attend.
Garland" Stove and Range.
Awarded first prize. Parts. 1900: Buffalo.
Man Under Arrest at Atlanta Bear
No Resemblance to the Mia.
aoart Murderer.
CARROLLTON. Mo., Oct. 20. Sheriff
Crusen Is satisfied that the soldier under
arrest at Atlanta. Ga.. la not nir t...
lor. who escaped from jail while awaiting
execution (or nis part in the murder of
the Mecks famllr. An Atlanta naner M.
talnlng a picture of Oeorge Burrua. who
was aaierted was none other than Taylor,
was received today, and Sheriff Crusen de
clared it bore bo likeness whatever to the
escaped murderer.
Constipation is the rock that wrecks
many lives; it poisons the very life blood.
Regularity can be established through
the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is mildw
cathartic and strengthens the stomach, liver
and kidneys.
Jad Hold that Millionaire' Estate
Most Pay Share De
snaaded. DENVER. Oct. 20. Judge B. Lindsay, In
the county court today. In the case ot Sam
Strong the Cripple Creek millionaire, sus
tained the validity of the Inheritance tax
passed by the Colorado legislature last
winter. The case will be appealed.
heart is happy which docs not
ring with the echo of childish laughter, which
fail to thrill at the touch ot m soft dimpled hand
which Is flesh of her Cesh.
To those who crave motherhood, and through
terror at the thought of so much suffering, deprive
themselves of it. we say " Be of good cheer help is
nere." iuini.K a ikjlnd has made child bearing
easy for thousands of women in the last forty
years, and receive their hearty endorsement, not
only on account of its efficacy but also because it
is a pleasant balm for external application only,
and stot a bitter dose of drugs to be swa'low ed.
By its use yon may escape morning sickness,
swelling breasts snd many of the usual discomforts
of pregnancy. MOIHIR'S UK M eases the nerves,
relaxes the muscles, and softens the abdominal
tissues, so that they give with the pressure from
the expending organ.
aii orat gists seep it. it cost, gt.oo per bottle.
Writ si lor oar r REB treatise oa " Motherhood."
susnis, us,
Irish Member Baise Trouble in British
Bouse of Commons.
Secured Conviction by that Mean
and Waa Shipped to America by
Government Analon to
Avoid Kanoaare.
LONDON, Oct. 20. Gerald Balfour, presi
dent of the bosrd of trade, announced In
the House of Commons today that an even
ing would be given for the discussion of
the government's shipping agreement.
The arrangement with the International
mercantile marine, he added, did not In
volve any additional burden on the ex
chequer. Mr. Hanbury, president of the board of
agriculture, said negotiations concerning
Argentine cattle were not concludud, but
the Importation of live cattle from that
republic would be permitted so soon is the
Argentine regulations afforded security
sgainst the landing of dlseared animals.
Mr. Chamberlain, replying to a question,
said the government had not fixed tho
sum to be contributed by the Transvaal snd
Orange river colonies toward the expjuaes
of the South African war.
William O'Brien moved the adjournment
In order to discuss questions arising from
the case of former Police Sergeant Sulli
van, now In America, who I alleged to have
obtained the conviction of Innocent persons
through perjury.
The liberal leader, Sir Henry Campbell
Bannerman, cordially joined the Irish In
supporting their demand that the govern
ment fix a day to determine the status of
Ireland. Premier Balfour retorted that Sir
Henry's doctrine seemed wholly separatist.
He declined to say If the government
would grant a day.
The galleries were crowded In anticipa
tion of a sensational debate on William
O'Brien's motion.
In outlining the Sullivan matter Mr.
O'Brien alleged that Patrick Nolan, one ot
the government's witnesses In a certain
peculation In Dublin and Sllgo, although
he swore at one trial that a letter purport
ing to h&ve been written by Mr. MacHale,
president of the United Revolutionary
league, arranging for a murderous outrage,
was In Sullivan's handwriting, yet after
ward avowed that he had been employed to
shield Sullivan from Justice by discrediting
the evidence of other witnesses, and that
Sullivan was guilty of forgeries.
He said Irish member feared Dublin cas
tle waa trying to hush the Sullivan caso
up, but it was of the same class as the Pig
gott forgeries against Parnell. Mr. O'Brien
alleged the government had packed the jury
to acquit Sullivan and had then spent an
enormous sum to shelter him from Justice.
The attorney general for Ireland, J. At
kinson, charged that the facts ot the esse
had been misrepresented and taunted Mr.
O'Brien with being too cowardly to bring
this caae to the law courts.
Mr. O'Brien's motion for an adjournment
was rejected by 215 to 117.
Mr. Wyndham explained that It was Im
possible to pass the Irish land purchase bill
thia session but said he hoped next seaslon
to introduce a new bill for voluntary ar
rangements between the parties concerned.
Claim Present Campaign Too One
Sided, n Voter Kave Koth
" In; to Try.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 20. Leslie M.
Shaw, secretary of the treasury, addressed
a large gathering at Tomllnson ball In thia
city tonight.
He said In part:
Afjbut the only time when the American
people study statecraft la during a political
campaign. No campaign should be abusive.
Unless there are Issues between the parties
there Is nothing to try. If the only question
Involved la the personnel of office holders,
campaigns might as well be abolished.
Both parties complain thia year ot great
lethargy and apathy on the part of the
people. The reason Is simple. There la no
issue between the parties. The republican
party presents its time-honored principles
of sound money, protection for American
labor, and a conservatively liberal policy
towards the people Inhabiting our insular
possessions. Our political opponents pre
sent nothing In opposition. Gentlemen of
the Jury, there Is no case to try.
The only criticism I have to offer tonight
of our opponents Is this: "They seem to be
more anxious to discover an Issue on which
to win a campaign than to formulate a
f'ollcy for wine government. It Is due an
ntelllgent people that there shall be pre
sented for their consideration at the polls
affirmative principles, progressive policies,
specific measures.
No Venom tn 'Em.
No poisonous purgatlvas enter into Dt
King's New Life Pills. Easy, but prompt,
they cure or no pay. Only 25c. For sale
by Kuhn A Co.
Dr. Harper Tell How Worklsgmes
and Wealthy Men Alike Are
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Ceremonies in con
nection with the inauguration of Rev.
Joseph H. George, D. D., as president of
the Chicago Theological seminary began
today and will continue the greater part of
the week. The Inauguration proper mill
take place tomorrow. '
Dr. William R. Harper, president of Chi
cago university. In his address to the pro
fessors and atudenta of the seminary said:
"The msss of the laboring people feel
kindly toward Jesus Christ, but hate the
church. The church haa alienated, like
wise, the wealthy class, and la rapidly
alienating what may be called the Intellec
tual class. Jesus' work and teachings, were
for all classes."
Dlaearded 'Lover Kill Woman Who
bar, Deilgs for the Famous
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct 30. Marian Nolan,
who became famoua on the Paclflo coast in
1893 aa "the California Venus," was killed
tonight by Edward Marschuts, who then
sent a bullet through hla own brain.
The man accompanied the woman to her
home, and when they reached the stepa they
were quarreling. She struck him with her
umbrella, and he drew a revolver and killed
The quarrel waa the outcome ot a love
affair ot long duration.
Miss Nolan attained western tame by win
ning a beauty contest, and a statue was
modeled according to ber figure.
Matt Carroll of Twenty-second and Isard
streets was arrested last night and charged
with being drunk and Insulting women on
the street.
Motor car 57 of the Dodge street line
blocked tho lln at Twentieth and Chli-ago
street, fur nearly a half hour yesterday
evening when the cars were movt cruwdej.
Coming down lha hill With a heavy load
the ruotorman tried to slop at Chicago
street, th support of the forward brake
beam guv way and the ur slupped with a
suddenneaa whirh threw many ol the pas
sengers from their feet. No one was hurt,
eooad Day of the .t'eremoalca . lael.
deal to' Installation of evr
, Xorth western President.
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. The second day of
the ceremonies incident to the Installation
of Edmund Janes James aa president of
Northwestern university wss a perfect au
tumn day, with a clear sky and sharp brac
ing air.
Public and private buildings In Evanston
were gaily attired In royal purple, the color
of the university. The day waa given up
to a varied form, ot entertainments for the
distinguished visitor, among the attrac
tion being, a foot ball game in the after
noon and reception In the evening.
The program Included a moeti.ig of the
studeut body at the First Methodist church
at 10:80 a. tn.;"' which was addressed by
Dr. James B.' Murphy, on behalf of the fac
ulties of the different departments of the
university-and y President James Bnrea
ford of the Ohio Wesleyan university. Pres
ident Charles F. Thwlng of Western Re
serve university, -President Cyrus Northup
of the University ef Minnesota.
Frank P. Mlers and Matthew Mills spoke
on behalf of. the students. A reunion ot
alumni was held at- 4 p. m. In University
hall and was addressed by Bishop Moore.
A torchlight procession will be held this
evening, while a reception In honor of
President James and the official guoets ot
the university will .be given by the Country
club and later by the Evanston club. The
formal opening of the now law school build
ing. In this city will lake place this even
ing, the principal speaker ibelng Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes of the United State
supreme court. ,.
At 6 o'clock Justice Holmes was enter
tained, at dinner at the University club.
His hosts were the faculty and members of
the law school. Dinner over, the students,
In. cap and gown, escorted Justice Holmes
to their new law school, where he delivered
the 'dedicatory address.
The justice discussed the value qf a uni
versity training la the practical struggles
ot life, maintaining that such training not
only enlarged men's, capacity for advance
ment and gain,, bat Increased their power
of happiness. He said, however, that the
man's inborn qualities Would largely gov
ern his measure of success and that If the
man was adequate In native force he would
probably be happy In the deepest sense,
whatever his Surroundings.
When he had finished Justice Holmes,
with a diamond point, wrote his name on
a glass panel In Booth hall. The panel will
be Imbedded in the wall of the library as a
permanent memorial of the occasion.
(Continued from First Page.)
In our land who works for a livelihood.
When the history ot the struggles of tollers
shall be written Its pages will record no
event more Important, no principle more
aliy defended, , no battle more bravely
fought than the contest which I earnealy Is now about to be happily ended.
It Is not my purpose to enumerate the Im
portant events which have now passed Into
history. Imprinted, indelibly upon tho hearts
of our people are the memories of suffer
ings and hardships which have been and
are being endured. For- live long month
the eyes ot tin nation have been centered
upon your action's and It is a pleasure to
say that the great- heart of the American
reople . throbbed - in sympathy with .. you.
t Is, of course, a source of deep regret that
the millions ot under-paid workmen of our
great cities should be the most acute suf
ferers by reason of this contest between
ourselves, and eun, employer. But strange
us It may appear, hundreds upon hjndreds
of those rwho suffered most from lack of
fuel sent word ef conjmendatlon and en
couragement uAtin, in many Instances,' de
clared that -thei Woyld endijrs any priva
tion in order J,hat the miners and their
families might secure a sufficient' wage to
enable them .to enjoy a little happiness and
sunshine Instead of the gloom and sadness
which ha been thel,lot.for many years.
The debt of gratitude we owe our fellow
worker in this.nd other lands, the debt
of gratitude we, .owe a generous public and
a friendly press who have supported and
sustained us during this memorable strike,
can never be deqjateiy repaid. '
For our opponents we entertain no feeling
of malic. While they hav maligned our
characters, . impugned our motives and
sought to win victory by. methods which
we tthould scorn to use, . yet on this day,
when we have' secured an avenue of re
dress, on this day, when the realization of
our hopes and ambitions seems near, when,
the prospect of a brighter and happier fu
ture seems assured, we should hold out to
them the hand of friendship and ask them
to Join us -In providing for such business
relations as shall for all time establish
peace and tranquillity tn the coal Melds.
The day Is pant when great organizations
of capital can maintain the ..false position
that their employes shall be denied the
right to organise Into compact belle, and
speak through (he organization of which
they are members. . We recognize the right
of capital to consolidate, to federate and to
speak and act throjgh It organisation, but
In according these rights and privileges lo
capital we demand and shall assert the
same privileges for those who toll.
No Conflict.
Between the combination of capital on
the one hand and the organization of labor
on the other, there should be and need be
no irreconcilable conflicts; each is a factor
in the economic development of our civili
sation and the application of business judg
ment and plain common sense by each
would enable them to work In harmony.
While the Interests of labor and capital
are not by any meana Identical, they are
nevertheless reciprocal; each Is dependent
upon the other,, and under our form of
government one cannot proper without the
other. Abraham Lincoln truly said that
"capital Is tike frulf of labor and could not
exist if labor had not first existed;, labor
therefore dexerves the first consideration."
That this fundamental principle will be
recognised by the tribunal selected by the
president of the United States I have no
reason to doubt.
The grave question which you have been
called upon to cpnslder today, demands and
must receive your most careful thought,
personally, 1 would have preferred an ad
juatment of. the- difficulties existing In the
anthracite field by conference with the
anthracite mine owners and without, the
Intervention ot agencier, not directly In
volved, but I recoKiilse the fact that rela
tions between ourselves and the operators
have been o strained aa to render direct
negotiations at this time Impossible. If
the consequences of this strike affected only
the Interests ot the operator and mine
worker there would be leas reason for the
Intervention of a third party, but the fact
that a coal famine waa upon the people
of eaatern and seaboard states, and threat
ened to become a national calamity, Justi
ne the action' of the chief executive ef
Aa Athletle Event.
You want, everybody wants, brain and
muscle, wind and stamina,' and can get
them If fed properly. Thia is an athletic
age. The man er woman who Is weak or
sickly, is not In the race; success socially
or In business gees only to the strong and
healthy. It Is largely a matter of choice
with anyone for proper living, and proper
food will bring the prise.
An athlete iu Chicago tells of the good
results he obtained from proper food; he
says: "Last spring I began to train bard
to become an athlete in track events and
to grow stronger; I now know that what
strength and victories I have secured Is
du to the us of Grape-Nuts. When in
training tor an athletio meet, I would just
live on Grape-Nuts alone tor three days
before the event waa te come oft. Durlug
this time I have woo. six championship
races out of two athletio meets. In a
too yard run my time waa 15 seconds and
In th 75 yard dash th time was seconds,
both being good record.
"Grape-Nuts has given me a stronger
mind and also bodily strength which no
other food could have don In ao short s
time. I have gained atrength is s most
remarkable way since using Grspe-Nuts.
t'Membera of our foot ball team have a
training table oa which may be found first
of all th 'athlete's favorite food, Grape
Nuts.' " Nam given by Postuns Co., Battle
Creek, Mrs.
our nation in hi earnest effort to bring
about an early resumption of mining.
Recommend, Acceptance.
The' proposition submitted fnr your con
sideration may have objectionable feature,
and In It., detail may not meet with the
unanimous approval of our people, but It
Is Immeastireably better, as now presented,
than when originally offered by the repre
sentatives of the coal corporations. I am
firm In my conviction that the prompt ac
ceptance of this proposal will secure to the
anthracite mine workers and th'iee de
pendent upon them a greater measure of
justice than they could attain bv continu
ing the conflict. I believe that the prompt
acceptance of this proposition Will secure
to the mine workers u greater degree of
justice than they have enjoyed In the past.
The people of our country await with
anxious expectancy the result of your ac
tion todR"; the eyes of the (nation are cen
tered upon you, and friends and foes alike
demand the auhmlKxion of Isoues Involved
In this strike to the tribunal nominated
by the president of the United Staten.
That there are dlwordant elements In this
convention, that there are dissatisfied ones
St' home. I am fully aware, but, gentle
men, with all the earnestness of w-hich I
am possessed 1 urge that you give your
approval to the action of your executive
officers, who have recommended acceptance
of tfie proposition that th strike be de
clared off and all men are then to return to
work In the positions and working places
occupied by them prior to the inauguration
of the strike, and that nil questions at
t,ue be submitted for adjustment to the
tribunal selected by the president "of the
United States.
The address was followed with the closest
attention. Those who expected him to tell
all he knew of the situation with reference
to the arbitration committee, and the ques
tion ot having all the men obtain their
former places were disappointed, as he re
served this for his later remarks when the
question was actually before the convention.
At various stsges he was applauded, but
when he urged the delegates to. adopt the
recommendations of the executive board to
call off the strike and send all the miners
to work In the positions they occupied be
fore the dispute started, the . noise was
Move to Accept t'oinmlaalon.
The moment he finished a Wllketbarre
delegate was on his feet to move that the
recommendations be adopted.
If this, bad been acted upon at once the
strike would have been off and the con
vention's work done, but those In opposition
would not have It that way. They wanted
to debate the matter, and kept the talK
going until the adjournment after 5 o'c'ock.
A Panther Creek engineer was the first to
take the floor in opposition to accepting
the plan until he had some assurance that
they would be reinstated In their old posi
tions. The companies have declared, he said,
they will not dismiss the men now cm
ployed and place strikers in their places.
A number of other delegates spoke along
the same lines and then still more 'con
fusion resulted over the presence of persons
who were not delegates.
One delegate took a strong position:
"We do not know whether Baer, Olyphant
or Markel is In the ball ready to vote," he
After some lime President Mitchell again
straightened matters out by requesting all
excepting newspaper men and delegates to
leave the hall. About half of those present
Then the debate was resumed, but before
It had proceeded many minutes, a delegate
demanded that the credentials of all those
In the building be examined.
This was done, and then a motion was
made to reconsider the vote by which the
newspaper men were permitted to remain.
The motion was defeated.
President Mitchell then requested the cor
respondents not to mention the name of
any delegate In his report on the ground
that it might injure him In obtaining work.
Thia ended the debate on the correspond
ents.; .- ... .... . , .
Tkc-, question, again reverted. to that of
relnstatqment . of meu. A .dozen . speeches
6n both side's were made, one delegate argu
ing that a mistake had been made In call
ing out the engineers, firemen and pump
men; but. as good union men they had
obeyed, and now the union should stand
by them.
Operator' Position Deflneri.
The only delegate In the convention who
is also a member of one of the. railway
unions, said the position, for miners and
mine laborers were numerous enough to
give nearly all the men employment, but
those for the engineers, firemen and pump
runners were not so numerous.
. At this point a delegate arose and asked
Mr. Mitchell to express his views on the
subject. ,
He Immediately responded and delivered
ono of the meat important addresses he has
been called on ,to wake during the. past five
months. He spoke slowly and clearly and
every .word waa listened to with great In
terest because it was looked upon by the
delegates as the real speech ot the bay. lie
poke as follows:
I desire to. Inform you tbat the nret Ident
of your organization has done all he can to
learn the attitude of the companies toward
the men who are now on strike. As you
know, the companies refuse direct negotia
tions with ub. but through intermediaries
we have received assurance that they are
going to meet the Ixsue fairly, that they
are not dlaposed to blacklist the men, that
they do not propose to be vindictive, that
as far as possible men are to be returned
to their old places.
It may take some time before that can be
brought about and it may be that some few
men will not be restored to their former
positions at all.- When you vote on this
proposition you muet do It with as full a
knowledge of the situation as I can give
Now, let me emphasize one point: While
the poorest boy thut worked In a breaker
la as dear to tis as the man who ran the
best engine; while we shall try with all the
power we have . to get every man that
atruck back to his old Job, we will make
special efforts for none and show special
favors to none. We want the engineers,
firemen, pumpmen. Inspectors and bosses to
So back, but we do not want them to go
ack one bit more than the little breaker
. There waa no single class of workmen
who went' out on a sympathetic strike.
Every man who struck, struck for wages;
he struck for exactly the same thing the
miner and th mine laborers struck for.
Will Protect All Victim.
As far as It Is within the power of the
union we shall afford protection to every
man, union or nonunion, who went out on
strike with vis. Hut. gentlemen, it may be
true that some will be sacrificed, and much
aa we shall regret that I desire to aay that
no battle was ever fought, no victory was
ever won, that did not carry with It some
victims. I.Ives have been lost to gain the
moet brilliant victories that were ever won
in the world. If It appeals to your Judg
ment to accept the recommendations of
Jour officers; If you decide to defer to the
udgment of the president of your country:
f you wish to be guided by the advice of
your friends all over the land and decide to
return to work, the United Mine Workers
of America will protect the man who-hap-pens
to be left out of his Job.
In our pledge to the president of the
United States, In which we notified him
that we would recommend to you a resump
tion of work, e said we would recommend
a return of our people to their old Jobs, and
if the coal companies refuse to give our
men their old places w a shall carry the
queetlon to the tribunal tn question and
ak that tribunal to decide that we are en
titled to the work we left when wa went on
Now, gentlemen, those are my views. I
have no assurance that If you return to
work on Wednesday all of you will be given
back your old place. I do believe, liow
ever, that the coal companies will gradually
displace the men who have your Jou and
give you your old place again. I dare say
that hundreds ot the men who were brougnt
her from the cities and from the farms to
tke your placea will return to the titles
and farm when- you go back. I hav no
doubt at all that before two or three weeks
have rolled by there will be uo question
about the reinstatement of the meu. How
ever, remember th'., when your vote are
cast, I want you t?ast them with the full
knowledge that some of you may not get
your old places ttack. 1 dare say the com
panies are o -anxious to hav competent
engineers, firemen, pumpmen and Inspectors
as you are to fill those place, and you
know that th men ihey brought here to
take your places ar not competent to run
the hoisting engines; that the firemen they
have brougnt here have not been sucvemf ill
and while the companies will not go out
before th public and say they win "sacri
fice the men who stciwl by them." a they
call it, the will in must case be glad to
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Substitutes T-ontaln harmful drugs which
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Trial Bottle Free
To convince every sufferer from diseases
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postpaid. Also a valuable medical book lot
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tion far euoh disease, and many of the
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firnv, Rochester, N. Y and mention hav
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have ' their olil - and Competent workmen
Another delegate spoke against ending
ihe strike without definite assurance of re
instatement,, and Mr. Mitchell was again
called upon . for . an . explanation of the
status .of the. arbitration plan as It now
stands. .
Plan Ha . Been Modified.
In response to this request he said:
We have not adopted their proposition, as
they made it., and the proposition would
never-with my-consent have been adopted
as thev made It. When the coal companies
thought to practically name the arbitrator
we objected and secured u modification of
their proposal. That modification enabled
the president to select men outside of the
classes Suggested by the operators. Orga
nised labor Is represented on the commis
sion. I tie- rmk however, assume that
either (be capitalists or the trade unionists
who are on the corrimlsBlon will permit
their special Interests to Influence their
Judgment In making their decisons, but
organized- labor la on that commission, and
It Is there because the president of the
United States wanted it there, and becautte
we would noi agree to the proposition until
it was there. '
Then the delegate. again took up the de
bate. Many. them, were willing to return
to work and trust to the union to do Justice
to tbera.,. nother was willing to leave th
whole matter In ' the hands of President
Roosevelt's commission, and another said:
"If I cannot get my Job I can look for
another; therefore let us go to work and
give the American people some coal."
, Thisxseuttnient waa loudly applauded.
After further debate on both sides of the
question, it waa decided to let the question
go over until tomorrow morning. . com
mittee on resolutions was then appointed
and at 6:18 the convention adjourned until
10 tomorrow morning. The committee in
cluded President Mitchell. Secretary Wilson
and District Presidents Nlcholls, Duffy and
This committee met tonight and outlined
a set of resolutions to be presented tomor
row, but nothing official waa given '.out as
to what they will contain.
It Is probable, however, that they will
recommend the acceptance of the arbitra
tion plan, that all grievances be submitted
to the commission appointed by President
Roosevelt; that all men who shall not find
Immediate employment shall be taken care
of by the nnlon until they get positions, snd
tbat organised labor throughout the world
end other organisations and individuals be
thanked for tbe assistance riven the mine
workers during their struggle.
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