Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Anecittloi Holdi Eighth Annul Oormntioa
and Ha Largs attsidaics.
President J. K. Hosmer of American
Library Association Deliver a
l.tetaie on "Books Dead
aad Book Alive."
The Nebraska Library association, com
prising lo Its membership thou, who are
connected with the direction or operation
f the public libraries throughout the
atate, but made up chiefly of library em
ployee, entered upon III eighth annual
meeting yesterday at the library build
ing in thli city. This la the tint time
the association has convened in Omaha, Its
previous gatherings having been held kt
Lincoln. The present membership of the
association is twenty-five and thero are
in attendance at this convention about
tiu'rty or thlrty-flve persona, among whom
are several from other states who are
prominent throughout the entire country
in library work. The more remote por
tions of this state are better represented
than usual and it Is regarded by the mem
bers as an evidence of greater Interest in
this Important work.
No formal program ha been arranged
forth morning, that portion of tho day
being left for the registration of the visi
tors and Inspection of the Omaab library
and Its museum of curious and archaelogl
cal exhibits.
Take Vp Regular Business.
The convention took up Its business regu
larly In the afternoon at 1:30, the general
subject for consideration being: "How to
Establish a Library In a Small Town." Un
der that head were presented papers as fol
lows: "The Nebraska Library Law," J.
Amo Barrett, librarian Nebraska State
Historical society; "Report of Library Work
Accomplished Through the Aid of the Pub
llo Library Commission," Miss Edna D. Bul
lock, secretary public library commission;
"Accounts of the Establishment of Libraries-In
the Following Towns:" Fremont,
Ross L Hammond; Orand Island, Mrs. O.
A. Abbott; Valley, Mra. W. O. Whltmore;
Bouth Omaha, W. r. King; "Library Plans
From a Librarian's Standpoint," Mrs. John
Reed, former librarian Lincoln city library.
As a special order of business for 4:30 p.
tn. Miss Laura Ffeiffer of the department of
history of the Omaha High school presented
a paper on the subject, "The Use of the Li
brary by the Schools," in which she de
scribed the method employed in the circu
lation of books among the schools of this
Dr. Iloatner'a Address.
Mr. Lewis 8. Reed, piesldent of the board
of directors of the Omaha Library, presided
at last evening's meeting and gave a brief
review of the growth of the library interest
In Omaha from the organizing of the Omaha
Library association In 1871 up to the pres
ent time, before Introducing the speaker of
the evening. Dr. J. K. Hosmer, librarian
of the Minneapolis Public Library, and
president of the American Library associ
ation. Dr. Hosmer took as his subject
"Books Living and Books Dead."
He spoke of the recommendation of Pres
ident Elliot of Harvard college, to the re
cent meeting ot the American Library as
sociation, of libraries Increasing tbelr room
by occasionally diminishing their number
of books, those books that had not been
called for during a certain number of years
to be taken out of circulation and placed
In a receptacle.. While he agreed with Dr.
Elliot that the dead books should be dis
posed of, be questioned his method of de-
.diiuiuius IU(IU BUU UUiU IUSI IUO ITC"-
quency ot the demand for a book is no test
of Its vitality.
In the various classes of literature he
poke of "Mr. Dooley" and Mark Twain
aa positively useful in helping people .to
a hearty laugh, and said that the novel
waa too aenerallv considered tha rilnronn.
- - --
tabla member of the family of literature.
"A great novel," he said, "Is a great epic
and only the presentation, In concrete form,
of some great truth." Fiction, as a class,
does not deserve such condemnation simply
because It it abused. He spoke of tb
libraries of tu- ancient and mediaeval
times, of their prt nervation and pres
ent interest.
In speaking ot libraries a n educative
medium, he attrlbuieu the intellectual
leadership of Massachusetts men to their
easy access to books, and predicted that
with the extension and Increase of ltbrarlei
In other states there will be such a flow
ering of Intellectual life as the world has
never known.
ii is a waste oi lamer to shave an
ass." says the old Spanish proverb. It
would be equally wasteful to undertake
a serious discussion ot the arrant nonsense
which la being served at the Boyd under
the general designation of "McFadden's
Row of Flats." It Is merely the pioneer
.attempt to embody on the atage the wildly
absurd fol-de-rol of the original effort
i of what has given Its name to a dlai'.nn
type of modern newspaper. It was from
"tha yellow kids" that yellow Journalism
was baptised, and around the doings cf
Alex and George grew "McFadden's Row of
Flats." That much tor the Intellectual as
pect ot the show. Were It not for one fea
ture the physical phas-j of the affair could
be disposed of in even fewer words. In
an aggregation whose personal attractions
and accomplishments are quite In keeping
with the literary and musical charms of
the piece, Mr. Bobby Ralston looms up ad
would a six-footer in a community where
all men were ot Ralaton's Inches, which an
very few, Indeed'. Mr. Ralston Is not only
a clever comedian, but has a good singing
vole and does a really entertaining acro
batic stunt as well. He is easily the bit
of the combination, a statement which in
Bowls indicates bow far be outshlnea his
larger aisoclates. A special matinee will
be given today and a performance this
vening concludes the engagement.
Clear Skies Give Excellent Oppor
taalty to Observe Eclipse of
. tha Muos.
Last night's total eclipse ot th tnooa
was of the dull, copper-glowing variety
rather than of the Invisible sort, which
hows that there were no clouds on the
sunrise and sunset circle ot the earth to
Interfere with the refraction of the sun'
red rays Into the shadow so as to slightly
Illuminate th moon. Th eclipse was on
schedule time. According to Arte Pisces
and other In th know, Luna entered th
penumbra at 17 p. m. and met the shadow
on hour later. Penumbra is itself a
ahadow, but of so illusive a character that
It darkening 1 not observabl to th eye
of th layman. At 11:18 the moon put out
a slender crescent from th cold shadow
ot th earth, and at 1:54 o'clock was en
tirely free from darkness.
Last night was entirely clear and th
ecllpa could b observed to advantage.
Scientists, however, pay no particular at
tention to thes phenomena, and wbll
their telescopes ar trained on th moon
during the hours of eclipse they expect to
discover nothing new.
In ancient times, when the causes which
lead to the darkening of the moon were not
understood, an eclipse caused much ex
citement and superstitious dresd. It was
thought to cs!se an unnatural chill in the
air and to make people nervous and ex
citable. Besets of prey are said to become
ferocious and the ordinary sounds of na
ture to grow strangely loud and alarming,
barbarous peoples have thought that some
calamity had befallen the moon god that
it was being swallowed by some fish of
remarkable size, and have tried to save it
by making loud noises and by prayer and
offerings. In a South sea island an eclipse
once caused a political upheaval. There
had been civil war among factions and the
one numerically the stronger had won. The
defeated side had retired In sullen humili
ation to a rough and difficult part of the
Island, where it defied the government. By
a treacneroua ruse the greatest chief among
these was lured among his enemies an I
killed. That night came the eclipse. The
ties which held together the different dis
tricts In common were not strong, and tho
leaders of one ot these, taking the dark
ening of the moon as a sign ot the dis
p.erieure cf the deltj at lb.- c.rath of the
high chief, deserted their former comrades
and Joined forcea with those who had
lately been defeated. With this accession
these came down from the mountains and
conquered the late victors.
People of South Tenth Street Meth
od I at Church GlVe Dr. Mlekel
and Wire Creeling.
Rev. Arthur E. Mlrkfl and wife were ten
dered a formal reception last evening In
commemoration of the third coming of Dr.
Mlekel to the pastorate of the South Tenth
Street Methodist church. There was a
large attendance of the members of tho
church and addresses of welcome were de
livered by H. J. Rass on behalf of the
church and Mrs. E. M. Ruffncr on behalf
of the Epworth league; Mrs. C. B. Jettcr,
for the Sunday school and Mias Mllllman
for the Junior league. In a very friendly
lrttor Dr. Jennings, presiding rider, and
bis wife expressed their pleasure at the
return of Dr. Mlckcl to South Tenth Street
church. Mlas H. Hopkins, musical direc
tor of the church, contributed several songs
to the program, and both the pastor and
Mrs. Mlekel expressed ' their pleasure at
the renewal of the pleasant relation with
South Tenth Street church and of the grati
fication which this reception had given
Dr. and Mrs. Mlekel received a number
of valuable presents.
Lieutenant Peary Expected to Soon
Be Able to Ittionc Dalles
In the Navy,
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 16. Tho following
statement in reference to Lieutenant
Peary's operation and general condition was
given out today:
Tho operation itself was simple and suc
cessful. A speedy recovery Is anticipated
and it Is thought that It will not be long
before he will be able to resume his official
duties in the navy.
The operation does not In any way affect
his physical condition, saving that, as It
will facilitate his walking, it will contribute
to even better health. He is In first-class
condition physically, in spits of his pro
longed and necessarily trying experience for
the last few v?ars in the Arctic regions.
Stock ICxchanare Hears That Syndi
cate Will Sell Much Paper
to Government.
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. It was reported on
the Stock Exchange today that the secre
tary of the treasury bad bought govern
ment bonds to the amount of $15,000,000.
On the best of authority, it was stated
that a syndicate had arranged to sell a
block of $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 four per
cent government bonds to the secretary of
the treasury. The price Is believed to be
about 137.
Stoppage Due lo Men's Desire to
Aid Enn-inrera Fight for
Better Pay.
PARSONS. Kan., Oct. 1. Seven hundred
men stepped wcrk today at the coal mines
of the Southwestern Improvement company
at Mineral, near here. The miners struck
I because the company refused to pay the exi
jgineers according to the union scale.
The mines are controlled by the Missouri,
' Kansas & Texas railway. .
I Roosevelt Cleveland.
PRINCETON. N. J., Oct. 1.-The an
nouncement waa made hero tonight that
President Roosevelt will be entertained by
former President Cleveland If hie health
will allow him to attend the Inauguration
of President Woodrow Wilson on October
Oier a Deal.
R. J. Maloney and A. J. Frelgenbaum of
the Oxford hotel were arrested lnat night
on a warrant by Detectives Mitchell and
lrummy, which charged them with selling
railway tickets without a license. One of
the Persons who swore out the warrant was
Krcd Taylor It la said that the two during
thu afternoon took l-o from Tavlor and 14
, from another man. giving receipts and say-
iiiK mat iney am not at ine time nave the
tickets wanted. ;-t If the purchaser would
call nt 9 o ekek lr the evening the tlck.ts
would then be delivered. The purchasers
evlder' came fj tho conclusion thst they
iiacl been vlctlm'.ted and swore out the war
runt. As the sellers were arrested before
o'clock It la not known whether they would
have produced the tickets or not.
Jurors In Mollneux Case.
NEW YORK. Oct. 11 Before the noon
recena waa taken in the Mollneux trial to
day three mule Jurors had been secured,
making nine In all. The three Jurors
chosen this forenoon ar: Henjamln B.
8nIlliig, dealer in fruit: Edwin 1. Rich
mond, dealer In bottles, Paul F. Mottelay,
copy reader.
C. D. Thompson of this city I raislnc a
econd crop of strawberries this season on
hi farm, five miles east of Council Ulufls.
The Omaha Real Estate exchange held a
special meeting Thursday afternoon to take
action upon tne ueatn or Charles m. Ken
nard of the rirm of M. J. Kennard & Son.
who died Tuesday. The exchange, with the
society or local Insurance men. will attend
the funeral In a body, meeting for that
furpose at th Commercial club rooms at
:3w p. m. Saturday.
Th buslneet of the October term of fed
eral court at Lincoln "t!l doubtless be con
rUdetl this wek. contrary to expectations.
It was learned yesterday that the Jury hs
already been dismissed, as nel'her of the
caoe set for trial came to an lasue. One
was settled out of court, the other was put
over till the November term in Omaha.
Meanwhile Judge Munger la hearing the
few matters that demand no Jury, and he
expects to ne tnrougn wun 11 an ty Batur
Charges of cruelty In a somewhat unusual
form are contained In the petition wnlch
Ir. Frank E. Coulter has fifed for divorce
from Alice W. Coulter. He ststes that she
has declined to eat at table with him, to
alt In church with him or to talk with him:
that in September. 18e, ah oocuplad one
afternoon in moving his effects Into a room
other than the apartment ah was In and
Informed him when he came home that
thereafter he was to occupy It; that the
discharged a servant snd demanded wsgeai
lor attending to nouarnoia duties, and that
after frequently referring lo sulfide she
once remarked that she believed It no sin,
klsad their two young children goodbye
and asked If It was probable that a great
shock would kill her father. They were
nulled lu loi a, .-sto., June 1J, 1SS7.
Judf Holosmb, Mayer Mxri aid Citiitni
Vsioa Fnblio Isitimeit,
to the Geaeroas Reception
Extended by the City
aad State.
(Continued from First Page.)
land. Tou would, 1 know, agree with me
that by the homes and the firesides is found
that Christian lortltude and contentment,
coupled with Intelligence and Industry,
which lies at the very foundation of our
Christian civilization and which forms the
substructure of this great republic and
conduces to an orderly and well regulated
lorm ot government. You will fl:id there
thrlit, frugality, Industry and energy which
have brought a competency to them who
labor with well directed effort for the re
wards of toll In this life.
Building for Fntnre.
I would not that you should Infer from
what has been said that our conception of
the duties and responsibilities of lite Is
confined alone to the material welfare of
the state and Its cltlxens. The great prob
lem of lite and its opportunities weigh
heavily on us, as on struggling humanity
generally. We are endeavoring to build
not only for the present, but for the future
as well. Our Ideas of life and life s work,
our relation to the Divine Creator and the
fulfillment of His purposes do not permit
us to gauge our action to the restricted
view of broad acres, massive buildings and
large productions of the necesflarles of life
which administer to the comfort and well
beinn of the physical man. We have a
nobler and hltther conception of man'a
destiny on earth. We believe that re
ligion, morality and knowledge are essen
tial to good government and have em
bedded the sentiment In the fundamental
law of tho state. Especial pride is taken
in the educational system which has been
tiullded by the people of xne atate. We re
joice that opportunity Is afforded to Its
Hj.OuO children of echool age to acquire a
liberal education In the free institutions of
learning whose doors swing freely to tnose
who avail themselves of this great prlvl-
We are proud of the princely endowment
enjoyed by the common schools ol approxi
mately We point with pride to
an annual expenditure of near ."00,000 for
educational purposes, much of which is to
pay an army of 10,000 teachers employed
for the Instruction and preparation of the
youth of the state in all these eesentlal ele
ments of culture which go to make up a
well equipped, noble and Intelligent cttlzen
shlp, qualified to fully discharge the duties
devolving on a self-governing people.
Welcome, thrice welcome! May your so
journ In our midst be of Joy and pleasure
unalloyed and may the grand worn you
are engaged In prove a blessing and of
great benefit to mnnkind, redound to the
glory of Ood and the upbuilding of His
kingdom on earth.
Mayor Frank E. Moores, olroGuced by C.
S. Payne as "another evidence that Ne
braska can not only care for big conven
tions, but produce big men," spoke for the
city, saying:
Mayor Bids Them Welcome.
It gives me great pleasure to greet you
tonight and extend to you a hearty wel
come to our city, although I am aware of
my Inability to adequately give express. on
to the height and depth, the length and the
breadth ot the welcome which is In the
hearts of the people of Omaha for the
members of this convention.
The people of our city have become deeply
interested as they have read each day of
the advancing preparations for the holding
of this great convention of yours, the larg
est ever held In Omaha. We regret very
much that we cannot welcome you in the
magnificent auditorium building which we
are constructing. When we invited you a
year ago we failed to sufficiently take into
account the wonderful prosperity of the
country and the great demand for struc
tural steel. And ao, although our orders
were placed many months ago and our
foundations completed in the early spring.
the steel has only just Degun to arrive.
Acordlngly. we have had to make the best
of the accommodations at hand' and prepare
thts building for the use of your conven
tion. It is peculiarly fitting that such great
religious organizations aa this of yours
should hold their conventions in the great
Mississippi valley, for the foundations of
these great states were laid upon the solid
rock of religion and education.
When our illustrious forefathers in 17S7
passed the memorable ordinance providing
for the formation and government of the
northwest territory, they included in that
document these words: "Re.iglon, morality
and knowledge being necessary to good
government and the happiness of mankind,
schools and the means of education shall
forever be encouraged." That declaration
should be inscribed above the portal of
every school, academy, college and univer
sity In this broad land and emblazoned
upon the escutcheon of every American
state, but above all, It should be Indelibly
impressed upon the hearts of the American
people. As westward the course of empire
took its wav. through the Northwest ter
ritory and through our subsequently ac
quired territory. It established at every
hamlet and crossroad Its churches and
Christian schools and In every section its
Christian Colleges. That declaration of the
forefathers wa not written by religious
visionaries, but by statesmen whose obser
vations and experlnece had taught them
that no government, however well con
sidered could hope for perpetuity, which
failed to recognize the great economic
and governmental truth, that religion, mor
ality and knowledge were necessary to good
government, and that of the three, religion
comes first.
In this material age there has been a
tendency to drift away from this truth ex
nressed bv our forefathers and many men
are found' today who. while they encourage
education and morality insist that they
shall be divorced from religion. Our su
preme court at the Instance of shortsighted
citizens has recently been compelled to de
cide that the bible cannot be read in our
public schrols, and the distinguished jurist,
who bears to you the greetings of the state
of Nebraska, Judge Holcomb, sounded with
regret a note of alarm in his opinion in
that case which will be appreciated by
every loyal citizen. This nation is not
sectarian, but nevertheless It is founded
upon religion and religious principles and
anv attack upon religion weakens the very
i foundations of our government and breeds
disrespect for law ana autnornv.
The atate of Nebraska stands first among
the state of the union for general In
telligence, having the smallest per cent of
Illiteracy. May It also stand pre-eminent
among the states for that Christian reli
gion and morality which are necessary to
the development of the noblest character
and the highest ettlsenuhlp.
Your convention with Its enthusiasm and
fervcr will inspire us to still better and
hleher thlnsw. I welcome you to the city
and to the best that it affords. If there Is
anv desire on your part mat is not ruuy
satisfied you have but to ask and you shall
Ladles and gentlemen, i Did you welcome
to Omaha.
Still another echo of th welcome not
cam from Mr. Jennie R. Burns, president
cf ths Trl-Clty C. W. B. M. federation, who
said, in part:
Women Join tha Chores.
W welcome you most cordially. W
have looked forward to your visit as one
fraught wltn great goon, we rejoice mat
the hour Is at hand when we can listen
tn the truth you have to present as In
spiration for us. We hone to draw from
your storehojses of knowledge that which
shall In future be a aulde a well as an In
spiration to us. We trust that the year to
come will bring results In which th world
will rejoice. In the name ot Him whose
servant w all ar I bid you thrice wel
There were cheer for President Breeden
when he was Introduced to say:
On behalf of tha delegation to this con
vention I have the honor to respond to all
th gracious greetings. Our eyes hav for
a w hole year been turned longingly toward
this Mecca of our hope. We nave read for
weeks of your preparation and now we ar
entering: the realm of nappy realisation
We are prepared to endorse the verdict of
the queen of Bheba as to Solomon' glory
that "the half has not been told." W
come from the real on of Plymouth Rock,
from the Golden Gate, from the northern
borders and the sunny gulf. We come not
as stragglers but aa cohort and legion
bearing aloft the banner of the King of
Kings and Che Lord of Lords.
W hold thla convention at an auspicious
time. v e are entering upon a new era
The breaking down of China wall and
the ending of the South African war ar
evidence that the dark continents are com
lng out of age-long seclusion and launching
lr to the general current. We are gathered
upon tn crest or two wave, t ne nrat a
v.avi of general Christian enthusiasm pro
vided that we may be stirred to greater
tffort. While we are elbow to elbow let
us give a cheer for the cause that is dearer
to us all than Is anything elee In life,
W are, too, o another wave, a wav of
growing Christian unity. (Applause.) W
near a realisation of that last prayer for
ills disciples. Indeed, we are to plan anew
for such realisation. We are met to re
hearse the deeds of our Ood In all the
lands. We are met to note the advance of
His kingdom. I am glad, then, that we are
Sreeted not alone by mernoers of pur own
nomination but by Christiana of other
Th speaker then read the greeting from
6.000 local christian workers, signed by
Arthur Chase, and continued:
We are here tonlgKt as representatives of
Christian chjrehes only. If there be a
single "Campbellite" church represented, 1
am not aware of It. (Laughter.)
We are assured that you have a wide
open town wide open for the reception of
all agencies for good. We shall leave
Omaha In a week, carrying, 1 am sine,
none but the sweetest memories of Chris
tian fellowship and with a belief that the
cause of the Redeemer has been Im
measurably advanced, beatified.
President McLalii of the Foreign Mis
sionary society, will not arrive until today,
but the society was represented by Cor
responding Secretary F. M. Rains of Ohio,
who was Introduced by Chairman Payne as
"One who doe things" and who said, In
Talk of Missions.
This Is a great convention. I have at
tended about all our national conventions
for the last twenty-five years. Many of
them have been great meetings. They were
mountain peaks in our history. I was not
present when the American Christian Mis
sionary society was organized. That was
In 1849. However. I waa present at the or
ganization of the Christian Women's Hoard
of Missions, the Foreign Christian Mis
sionary soclet, the Hoard of Church Ex
tension, the Hoard of Negro Education and
Evangelization and the Board of Minis
terial Relief. All these children have been
born since I, yet a mere boy, began to at
tend our national conventions. 1 have seen
all of them, with all the diseases common
to children measles, mumps, whooping
cough and colic. 1 have heard and seen all
of them epanked. They were usually good
children and did not cry much. They have
been spanked as often by their friends hs
by their foes. With it all they have grown
continually. Growing In usefulness has been
their one business. ' This Is their normal
condition, and they are not done yet. Their
aggregate receipts this year are ir.99,378.19.
Ten years from today they will be twice
that amount. Make a note of this predic
tion. The aggregate receipt have been
more than doubled In the last ten years.
No national societies of any other religious1
people on earth are more alert, aggreselve
and enterprising than those of the Christian
church. No other national societies have
such large conventions. None are charac
terized by as much enthusiasm. None enjoy
greater harmony and love for each other,
we come from our various poets of duty to
see and reet each other and renew our
strength In tha Lord for still greater ef
forts. We have but one business here, and that
Is the gospel. In the language of Gladstone
we say, "There Is but one question of the
day and that Is the gospel. It will right
all wrongs and make all needed correc
tions." We are not here for any political
purpoee. We are not here to legislate for
others or even for ourselves. We are not a
legislative body. We arc not here to try
any man for heresy or to pronounce upon
any man'a orthodoxy. Liberals and con
servatives, higher critics and lower critics,
university men and we plain people, rich
and poor, are all one In this greit body.
There is only one thought before this great
International convention; there Is only one
purpose that has brought us Into your
midst, and that one supreme, over-ruling
purpose before us Is to devise ways and
means to preach the gospel to the whole
Mrs. Atkinson, saluted with a great wav
ing of handkerchiefs, said, In part:
In the twenty-eight years' life of our
board we have been entertained many
times and have never yet been disappointed
In the spiritual feast provided. We wtll not
be here. Y'ou gave us that magic word
"Come" and we have. Hut we come to con
sider no Interest but the Interest of the
kingdom of Ood. Among the guests here
Is the most beloved Christ. He must pre
side at all out councils, must fill our cup
and give ua our Inspiration.
Before the benediction was pronounced
by Rev. W." B. Crewdson of Council Bluffs
announcement waa made that meetings are
to be held at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms, Sixteenth and Douglas
Streets, at 12:15 each day, ths one this noon
to be addressed by B. B. Tyler of Colorado,
an 'eminent leader in the affairs ot the
church. '
At B o'clock laSfeVeHIng over the Rock
sland road there arrived from Des Moines
Rev. Breeden, who 1 president ot this con
vention, and 700 of his fellow-workers from
the Hawkeye state. ' They swelled the num
ber registered to almost 1,800 and It Is esti
mated that not more than 70 per cent of the
visitors who have arrived during the last
two day have registered. Today' trains
are expected to bring hundreds more and
the committee I at work arranging the
pulpit assignments for Sunday.
Prohibition Rally.
The attendance at tha prohibition rally at
the Coliseum yesterday morning was large.
but there was a notable absence of Omaha
people, th audience being composed mainly i question of the good faith of the prosecut
of delegates, from the Interior of the state lug witness In instituting the prosecution
and from other atate, who arrived in large
number during the forenoon.
W. H. Bole of Alma, ill., presided. Tho
musical feature were under the direction
of Simpson Ely ot Minnesota, who led the
prayer and song service at 9 o'clock. The
first paper on the program waa on by
Dr. Oeorge V. Hall of Chicago, who was not
present, hi paper being read by N. J.
Wright of Illinois. Here Is an abstract
from It: "
We aro now at a critical point In our his
tory aa a nation. We must get control of
alcohol, or alcohol will ruin our future, as
It has blackened our past. There are Chris
tians enough to settle the business In our
election if they would only vote as they
are supoeed to pray. But so long as our
3 ood oid deacons persist In taking a little
ram fo.' their stomachs' sake, or keeping
a Dome nanay in case oi snaao Due, so
long will aaloona thrive. The man who
boasts that he never Viaa and never will
scratch his dear 6 Id party ticket needs a
guardian. And the man who everlastingly
propose regulation oi tne evil inateaa or
annihilation la a dupe of the devil. Editor
Rosewater, ot the good old Omaha Bee has
been one of these wiseacres for many
years, alwav and forever posing a the
friend of temperance, good schools, etc.,
and yet perpetually advocating license as
the most sensible course for a government
to pursue. NOW) Uncle Rosewater Is be
hind the times. The license business has
been tried and found wanting. A few
month ago the London Times, the greatest
newspaper in tne oui worm, aeciarea eai-
toriauy trial after sou years or license
England la today the worst cursed rum
country on earth. Nebraskans have taken
tneir temperance meaicine irom me itose
water spoon all too long. It is high time
the voters of the state arise and throw off
the saloon yoke and free their common
wealth, especially their schools, from the
evil Influence of the drink demon.
Alcohol n Medicine,
This paper waa followed by an address
by Dr. Homer J. Hall ot Franklin, Ind., who
poke ot "Alcohol and Medical Science."
The speaker said that after an experience
of fifteen year a a practicing physician
h had com to th conclusion that If th
effects ot alcohol wera mor 'early under
stood from a scientific standpoint not on
drop of It would ever enter into the circu
lation of man, animal or plant. He re
(erred to the time when bleeding and the
use of alcoholic liquor were about the only
treatment used for disease and said that
th world had outgrown th error ot bleed
ing, but dot that of the us of liquor. Ha
said that th record of tha London hos
pitals showed a lower mortality in th same
diseases in th hospitals where non
alcoholic treatment 1 used than in the
hospital using alcohol; that It has been
proven that alcohol la not a true stimulant
and that Ita use by physicians I growing
less every year.
Dr. D. R. Duogaa followed with a paper
oa "What Shall W Do With tbe Legalized
Saloons?", In part. It follows:
We can do a little by enforcing the law
agalnat the men who are runlnlng our
homes, taking the money and stabbing th
character of our young men. floral sua
sion Is alwavs In order. It will never affec
th saloon keeper himself, except It may In
Jure hi trade, but we can save a few In,
that way. Do all of that you can. but to
remove the evil In tnat way Is unthinkable
if you wish a record lor wonderful wcrk
you might tunnel the Rocky mountain!
with a toothpick, dip the Niagara dry with
a teaspoon, dam up the St. lawrence with
a sheaf of oals or wring out the Mississippi
and hang It up on a grape vine to dry. When
you shall have accomp.lshed feats like
these you may Impieaa on the mind of om
feeble soul that you can retain the licensed
saloon and yet remove all Its evils to so
ciety. Appeal ot Prohibition.
"The Triple Appeal of Prohibition," was
the theme ot W. J. Lbamon, dean ot the
Bible college of the Vniverslty of Missouri.
He said, in part:
The plea of prohibition Is a threefold one.
It applies. In the first place, to the man of
the pocke'hook, the lover of money. Ah,
but Jjst here, exclaim the advocate of 11
ctnse, 1 where prohibition Tills. It Is li
cense and not prohibition that appeals to
the lover of money. And he Is right. If we
lire to ileal forever with people who are
rnny wise and pound foolish. The man
who prefers a present dollar to a future
guinea, who Is unavoidably Ignorant of the
facts, or stubbort ly blind to them, can be
lufhed Into voting for the dollar that he
gf ts out of license regardless of the twenty
that he losses by It. And there are multi
tudes of such voters, driven like "dumb
cattle" to thy polls. Hut they will see by
eid by, and they will not be forever the
slaves of 'unties and the d'ipes of dema
gogues. Ethically the license pyiMem Is per
verse. Economically It Its both stupid und
p i verse.
In the second place, the appeal of prohlhl
tl in to the mnn of the stale lover of his
country. The days of the patriot have not
passed. There are men now who would
shoulder a musket as readily to pjt down
the liquor power as ,-ver to put down a re
bellion or to prosecute eurh a revolution as
that of 1776. And why? Hecause they feel
that thin Is a question Just as vital to the
well being and futu-e permanency of the
country is freedom itself and as unity
ltbelf. They feel that there are govern
mental perils urlslng from thla burbaroua
In the third place, there ts the appeal of
prohibition to thu mn among men lover
of men and lover of God.
Prohibition appeals to the man among
men In proportion as he Is Intelligent and
humane. The man who Is lit to be classed
among the sheep fn the parable, to whom
It can be said. "I was hungry and ye gave
me meat, t was thirsty Hmi yo gave me
water," to that man prohibition can appeal,
for he Is humane. To the thirsty thev give
no drink except nt 10 cents a dram for
blighting stuff; this they either do or vote
to have It done. They are goats among
men. To the hungry they give no meat,
except tariff protected beef at 25 cents a
pound. To the naked they give no cloth
ing, except tariff protected cloth, one price
higher than It la In Canada. How can pro
hibition appeal to tho goats among men?
Hut dismissing the gorxtR, and coming
back to the men among men, to the Samari
tans who minister to men, apostles and
prophets and philanthropists and states
men, and such as are fit to be ranked any
where near them to such men the plea of
prohibition la Irresistible. It commends
itself to them In such a way that their
consciences rise up in glad response.
In the supreme court of the state of Ne
braska. '1 ne following opinions will be
otticially reported:
1(137. Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Rail
road Company against Krayenuuhl. Error
from Merrick county. Reversed and re
manded. Albert, C, Department No. S.
1. Petition examined and held good, as
against a demurrer ore lenus.
i. When the owner of dangerous premises
knows or bus good reason to believe that
children eo young as to be ignorant of the
Ganger win resort to such premises he is
bound to take such precautions to keep
them from such premises, or to protect
them from injuries likely to result from the
dangerous condition of tho premises while
there, as a man of ordinary care and pru
dence under like circumstances would take.
Approving A. fit N. It. Co., ugaiiieit Bailey, '
11 Neb., am.
3. In such cases in tho determination of
the question ot negligence regard must be
had to the character anil location of the
premises, the purpose lor which they ure
uscu, the probability ot Injury therefrom,
the precautions necessary to prevent such
injury aim tne relation such precautions
beur to the beneficial uto or the premises.
If, unuer ull the Ircumtitaiicea, the owner
omit such precautions us a man of orainary
die and piuuence would take, under like
circumstiii.ces, he Is guilty ot negligence.
4. ordinarily the question of negligence Is
one of iact lor the jury, to be uelurmlned
from all the tacts and circumstances nown
in evidence, and It Is error lor the court to
group certain tacts In evidence together
and instruct the Jury that they constitute
d. In an action by an Infant in the care
and custody ot its father for personal In
juries it is error to Instruct that Jury that
ms lessened earning capacity is an element
of damages, unless it be limited to the
period trom which he would be entitled to
ms earnings.'
6. An Instruction authorizing the jury, In
arriving at a verdict, to bring to bear their
own knowledge, observation and experi
ence in the buslnese affairs of life is er
roneous when not limited to such knowl
edge, observation ana experience aa they
share in common with man generally.
7. An instruction relative to the damages
to be awarded the plaintiff, if any, closed
with the statement that they should not
exceed a specine amount, naming the
amount claimed In the petition. Held that
the practice of thus referring to amount
claimed should be discountenanced.
. Instructions tendered examined and
held, properly refused.
V. Rulings on the admission of evidence
examined and held, not erroneous.
1U97. Kickley against State. Error from
Sheridan county. Reversed. Dufiie, C, Ie
partment No. i.
I. Becuon ui lue iouts oi criminal
Tri.fmliirH In an for m a It milhnrlT lh.
to be tried and determined at the same
time that the defendant is tried, and the
taxation ot costs agalnat him In caBe it Is
ound that In nltiiK the information he
acted maliciously or without probable cause
unconstitutional ana voia.
11361. State ex rel. Freeman agalnBt
Rrheve. Error from Gaite county. Re
versed and writ allowed. Ames, C, Depart
ment No. i. HeUgwicK, J., and iiolcumb,
. concurring specially.
1. Kxercisea by a teacher In a miblle
chool in a scnooi ouuaing in scnooi nours
and In the presence of the pupils, consist
ing of tne reacting or passages rrom tne
i.n.le and In ihe sinaniK ot son as and
hymns and offering prayer to the Deity In
accordance with the doctrine, beliefs, cus
toms or usagea of sectarian churches or re
ligious organizations, is toromuen oy tne
(institution of this state.
now. Central city against cngie. urror
from Merrick county. Reversed. Ames,
., Department xso. a.
l A petition by a married woman In an
action tor Uamuges tor a personal injury
which does not allege tnat she Is or has
been or anticipates ueing tne owner or any
separate estate or property or engaged In
any traue, uusiness or service or ine perior
munce ol any uuues rxi-vpi iuubv perium
nic to her huaDana s nouxenoui, uoe not en
m.e her to recover dumaes on account!
either ot loss of earnings aiready incurred,
or of her diminished capacity to earn
money as the result of the injury.
jj. v nen it la snown inai a person is af
fected by a serious constitutional disease,
or a temiencey thereto, It la error to sub
mit to the Jury tne question or ms expect
ancy of lite in tne absence or any evi
dence bearing upon that question.
11967. iiechel against facmc Express Com
pany. fc.rror trom iJougias county. At
nrmed. I'ound, C, Department No. 2.
1. The oeclnion ot an examining magis
trate In binding over to tne district court
a person accused of felony Is prima facie
evidence of probable cause for the prosecu
tion, but la not conclusive.
'L In an action for malicious prosecution
where there 1 sufficient undisputed evi
dence to show probable cause, the trial
court should direct a verdict for the de
fendant. 3. A person wno suspects anotner or hav
ing committed an offense is bound to ver
ify ni4 suspicions uv sucn inquiry as reas
onable care and prudence would suggest
under tne circumstance or tne particular
case before beginning a prosecution.
4. Huch uerson neeu not. as a seneral
rule, call upon th person suspected lo give
an explanation, especially wnere mere Is
no reason to oeueve mui sucn expiana
tlon would materially alter tli opinion
produced by information already acquired.
1:194. mate aguuiHi jovenner. jrror
from Douglas county. Exceptions sus
tained, iloicomb. J.
1. A member of a Board or Education of
school district in a city having- a popu
lation of over l.ViO, organised under th
provisions of subdivision 14. chapter 7J, of
the Complied Statutes, is a ministerial
officer within the meaning of the term as
used In section 1 of the Criminal Cone
providing tor the punishment of certain
public officers for malfeasance In office.
lr.'Vy. Dargan against Williams. Error
from Dawes county. Affirmed. Albert, C,
ijepartmeni io. s.
1. Where a mortage lien, on personal
property less than J,o00 tn value is equal
to or ereatrr than the value of such prop
erty, and the mortgager discharges such
lien with money received as a pension from
the I'nlted Htatea, such property is exempt
Irom execution unae.r tne provision of
bectlon utt, Cod Civil Procedure.
i. The exemption provided py said Bec
tlon extends to property taken In exchange
for the property therein mentioned, aa well
aa to the increase of such property, sub
ject to th limitation therein uxed aa to
tne amount.
U'Hi. Heed against Reed. Appeal from
Douglas county. Keveracd. Duffle, C, D'
pariuifiit No. S.
The determination of property right not
growing oui or ine marriage relation
snould nut be Joined wltn an action for dl
vorte, but wbtrn sucb rig bis are asserted
in tbe petition for a divorce and no objec
tion Is made to tbe misjoinder, tbe court
snould bear na aeieruuiu. uit controversy
Pure Vegetable Oils
These alone arc used in Jap Rose;
and glycerin is one-sixth of all of it.
Go pure that it's clear; you can read
gh it.
Can anyone claim to know more
about soap than Kirk ? Jap Rose rep
resents, the best that we know. 'Tis
the result of a life-time's experience.
WtlltA PnCCfafl Laundr' Soap Wrapperg exchanged
TllllW IMluOlwll for valuable- premiums, at our store,
Emsia Wiihas to Inw Treaty With Sub
lim farte.
Ask for Explosion of All Foielan
Vessel and Promise Aid to
Saltan In Case of War
Breaking: Out.
LONDON, Oct. 17. -In a dispatch from
Bucharest the Dally ''Mall correspondent
says he has Just returned from Constanti
nople, where he Investigated tbe reported
Russian diplomatic advances to Turkey. He
says, he Is able to affirm positively that
ths Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia during
his visit to the sultan proposed the revival
of the Unklar-Skelessi treaty, which was
concluded in. June of 1833 and which es
tablished a Russo-Turklsh alliance.
Under tbe terms of thla treaty the porte
undertook at Russia's requeet to exclude
In time of war all foreign warship from
the Black sea, while Russia undertook to
furnish aid by land and sea to the porte.
This treaty, continues the correspondent.
wmcu r.., imur iu u !-
tlon of a eubject state, lasted for eight
years, but on account of the opposition ot
mo western power, li was qui reuewcu.
Russia now propose not only to renew It,
but to Introduce article strengthening It
Import. . ;
The Turkish court and government were
thrown Into consternation, fearing it was
Russia's Intention to enforce ita wishes.
Some Were disposed to entertain the pro
posal, but a majority wera against It.
Forces of
President Castro
Many Severe Re
WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacoa.
Wednesday, Oct. 15. The battle near La
Victoria, Venezuela, between' the army
commanded by President Castro and the
revolutionary force, which began Monday
morning, resulting in tbe retirement ot
President Costro to La Victoria Tuesday
afternoon, waa resumed again fiercely at
5 o'clock Wednesday morning. At that time
the president bad received reinforcement
and bad over 6.000 men engaged against
7,000 revolutionists.
The artillery played a part never before
seen In Venezuela.' Shortly before 5 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon the revolutionist ap
peared, to have gained a Blight advantage.
The president's artillery, which numbered
fifteen gun, had been reduced to four gun.
La Victoria wa crowded with wounded and
there were no provisions.
Tbe British cruiser Indefatigable has left
La Guayra for Tucacas wlrh provision for
the foreign residents there, some of whom
are said to be dying of hun,;er as a result
of the concentration measure adopted by
the Venezuelan authorities. Indefatigable,
to accomplish It mission, will have to run
tha blockade ot Tucacas.
The German cruiser Vineta ba also left
La Guayra and It is regarded a probable
that It I aUo bound for Tucacas.
The French cruiser Suchet arrived at
Carupano yesterday and entered a protest
against the arbitrary arrest of a French
ltizen, wno was consequently reieasea wun
an apology.
Fighting took place Monday and Tuesday
between th government force and revo
lutionist at Carupano.
The cruiser Panther ha enforced the en-
Light Biscuit Light Pastry Light Cakes
Light Work Light CosLSURE and-
Quick-as-a-wink I
A broken egg and dough
errors are hard to mend.
t trance of the Orinoco river and has reached
I Ciudad Bolivar to protect German Interesti
there. Vnlted States Minister haf
announced that he will ask for a Ruard ol
bluejackets to protect the ' Vnlted States
legation at Caracas, and all hi; co.rupuis
will follow Mr. Bowen's example.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. A cablegram
received at the State department this
morning from United States Minister
Howen, at Caracas, dated last night, reads:
"Battle Victoria continuing."
It is believed here that Castro Is mak
ing his last stand at this point and that
the fate of ihc revolution will be deter
mined by this engagement.
CARACAS, Oct. 16. The battle near La
Victoria started again this , morning, and
according to government reports the revo
lutionists are losing the positions they
gained at Cujl yesterday. Oencral Matos
Is reported to be at Villa de Cura with
1,600 men.
Confidence in an ultimate government vic
tory Is entertained in official circles hero.
Dlspatchts emanating trom Caracas are
subjected to government' censorship.
Implement Manufacturers Klert.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 16. (Special.) The
National Association of Agricultural Imple
ment and Vehicle Manufacturers, In ses
, slon at the West hotel, elected the follow
I Ing officers for the ensuing year: Martin
Kingman of Peoria, 111., president; F. E.
Luken8 of Chicago, secretary; R. H. Foos
I of gprinRfleidi 0.. treasurer, and F. E.
, Myert ot A,hland rj., chairman of the
executive committee.
Dividend for Depositor.
DETROIT, Mich., Oct. It?. On petition of
the Unien Trust company, receiver of the
wrecke City Savings bank of this city.
Judge. Donovan today ordered a dividend
of 20 per cent paid to the savings depositors
of the bank on or before November 1!0. This
Is the first dividend since the bank closed
Its doors. No dividend waa declared for
the commercial depositors, this being Im
possible until the adjudication of a number
of claims against the commercial depart
ment. Chaplain in the Army.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. The president
has appointed Rev. John Alvey Mills, an
Episcopal minister of Massachusetts, to be
a chaplain In the army.
H. P.
Deuel has gone to Los An-
Mrs. H. Q. Burt has returned from
Angeles after a brief visit.
Dr. H. L. Ramacclottl returned yesterday
from a ten days' hunting trip to Hcolts
Bluff county. . - . i.
Frank Anderson, solicitor of the Georgia
railroad, with headquarters at Bt. Ixiuis,
ha official business In Omaha.
O. O. Vandcrberg of Kansas City, travel
ing freight agent for the 1-oulnvllle &
Nashville, lu In the city, making his regu
lar rounds.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nash returned yester
day from New York, . accompanied by
their aon-ln-law, George W. Meyers of Du
buque, la.
F. G. Wead left last evening for a hunt
ing trip In the vicinity of North Platte and
upon his return all of his friends may ex
pect to be furnished with prairie chickens.
W. L. Selby ha been expecting to enter
tain ex-Governor Drake of Iowa during the
Christian church convention, but has just
received a letter from hlra stating that ow
ing to a severe Injury received trom a fall
he will be unable to attend the convention.
J. 8. . McNally, for thirteen years wl'-h
the Rock Island In Omaha, is in tha city
for r. few days, having come up from tiU
new location, Oklahoma City, whero he be
came city ticket agent for the Rock Inland
a month ago. Mr. McNally Is well pleaned
with his new place and reports a nourish
ing business. Vie in evidently making good
progress toward becoming accllmatjed.
Mrs. William Gyger, formerly a resident
of Omaha, but now of Fhlladelphlu, is
visiting her husband's relatives In Hits
city. Mr. Oyger was for a number of years
connected with the Dewey & Etone Furni
ture company of this city as u member of
that firm, but la now manager of the fur
niture department of the Wannamaker
tores In Philadelphia and New York.