Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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' Davti Mil drug.
Btockert ells csrpets and rugs.
Mautha, fine watch repairing. 22. B'way.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert. 401 B'way.
' Big bflo-paae school tablet, 4 cents, at A.
B. liowt'i, 410 Broadway.
The Chrlaty pictures for sale. C. E. Alex
ander at Ca . Ui Broadway.
Wanted, rarrler with horse for route on
The Bee. Apply at omce, lu fear I atreet.
Mlaa Mayme Hickcy of Macedonia, Is the
guest of her Bister, Mm. F. 11. rihoemaker.
Mm. F. K. Gray la home from a nix
monthi' vlalt with frlenda on the Pacific
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
Will meet thla afternoon at 3 o clock In the
first BaptiHt church.
'Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Rusk of Crawfords
wllle, Ind., are guests of Mrs. Hunk's s. fi
ler, Mrs. C. H. Dyar.
Hawkeys lodge No. W, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, will meet tonight for
work In the second degree.
Visit our art department snd see the
beautiful new designs In frames now In.
C. B. Paint. Oil c Glass Co.
Miss Ryan of Boulder, Coll., who has
been critically III at the home of Mrs. Lacey
on Park avenue, is now convalescent.
t'nlty guild of Grace 'Episcopal church,
will hold Its regular meeting this after
noon at the residence of Mrs. Harcourt.
Gibe Wayne and Laura Gross, both of
Missouri "alley, were married In this city
esterdsy atlernoun by Justice Bryant.
Excelsior Masonic lodge will hold a spe
cial meeting this evening tor work in the
third degree, to be followed by a banquet.
John T. Schjlz and August T. Hansen,
both of Avoca, la., were married In this
city yesterday afternoon. Justice Carson of
ficiating. The regular meeting of Woman's Relief
corye. No. 1H0, will be held this afternoon
at the usual hour In Grand Army of the
Republic hall.
William A. Baiter of this city, and Miss
Orla M. Wheeler of Joliel, 111., were mar
ried Wednesday evening at Bt. Paul s Epis
copal church rectory, Kev. George Edward
Walk officiating.,
Edward Tletge caused the arrest yester
day afternoon of Marcus Selck, a neighbor,
on a charge of using blasphemous and ob
scene language. Seick. who gave ball for
his appearance, will have a hearing this t gotten under control until several adjoin
mornlng before Justice Carson. bulldinrs includln the Odd Fellows'
Erfiest Conway, the young lad who ran
away from his home In Battie Creek, Mich.,
waa turned over to his mother yesterday
morning by the police. Mrs. Conway ap
peared Overwhelmed with Joy to get her
son bark but the, young lad was not so
A daughter, of Qua Heller, $25 Harmony
street, was reported to the Board of Health
yesterday as -suffering from smallpox and
the family waa . promptly placed under
quarantine. This is the first case reported
since the announcement was made about
two weeks ago that the city was free of the
Walter Johnson and Oscar' 8herer, ar
rested Wednesday evening with a number
of Brunswick bank bills In their possession,
were released yesterday afternoon. The
police had been unable to ascertain If they
had passed any of the worthless bills and
aa the government authorities did not want
them, Judge Bcott ordered them released.
When the officers attempted t arrest
William Fegley last evening In a Broad
way saloon where he' was trying to start
a rough nous he put up a vicious fight.
Officers Carlson and Hayes had to use their
clubs before they could subdue the young
fellow and aeveral cuts In his scalp had to
be sewed up by City Physician Houghton.
J. P. Hess arrived home yesterday from
Macon, Oa., where he attended the con
vention of the National Farmers' associ
ation. The meeting he reports aa a great
uecosa and the delegates were mfWt hos
pitably entertained by the people of Macon.
Iowa had alxty-one dehegatea at the meet
ing, being the largest repreaentation from
any state.
N. T. Plumblnr, Co.,' telephone 356.-
Seleet Team Wltbaat Debate.
There will be no preliminary debate to
elect the team to represent the Council
JSluffa High school, in the oratorical con
test with ths Sioux City High school. The
Phllomathian Literary society ot the Coun
cil Bluffs High school haa selected Charles
Campbell and Alfred Hanchett as Its rep
resentatives on the team. They were both
members of the debating team in the con
test with Sioux City last year. This ac
tion of the Phllomathian society precludes
the possibility, ot any ot the other as
Olrants among the boys from securing
an opportunity to appear on the team de
spite the fact that Principal Ensign ruled
that a preliminary debate should be held
to select the contestants. Campbell . had
refused to enter the preliminary debate,
holding that as he was one ot the repre
sentative of the school In the last de
bate with Sioux City he was entitled to
b place on the team this year.
The girls are entitled to one repre
sentative oa the team and in order to make
a selection may hold a preliminary debate,
but It will not be of the publlo character
as originally arranged by Principal En
lgn. The. action ot the Phllomathian society
In deciding to select Campbell and Hanchett
as its representatives , waa brought about.
It la said, by ths fear that the team
might he weakened if they did not appear
with It. .
For Rent Large front room with alcove, 1
furnished. Bath and gas. 117 Fourth
Rev. ErleVa-ena Resigns Pastorate.'
llev.V E W. Erickson has tendered his
teslgnstlon as pastor ot the Fifth avenue
Methodist church and It has been accepted
by the congregation. Rev. Erickson, whose
relations with his congregation have always
been ot the most happy character, has
been obliged . to sever his connection with
the Fifth avenue church owing to the con
tinued 111 health ot his wife. Mrs. Krlck
, son's physicians decided that she must go
west as this climate was not suited to her.
; At the recent conference of ths Methodist
. church Rev. Ericsson was returned to the
; Fifth avenue church at the earnest sollcl
' tatlon ot his congregation by which his
' resignation is deeply regretted. Rev. Erick
son will continue as pastor until his sue
! eessor is appointed. '.'
Ten . csnts will buy a pound of butter
scotch, angel food taffy, Yankee peanut,
herehound. eocoanut taffy or peanut taffy
at Purl'.y Candy Kitchen next Saturday. O.
C. Brown, proprietor, (46 Broadway.
. Real (estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterdsy in ths
abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire,
101 Pearl street: .
Dora B. Home to I.ouis j. nucaner, i
unJlvV in t"4 iRwva, w. a s.vsi i
Sheriff to Iowa Central Building and
Ixan association, lot , diock i, van
Brunt Rice s add. s. d
J. J. Stswart, executor, to Laura
Clausen, lota I and 6. block 14, Coch
ran's add, e.-df
M. Andersen to R. P. Andersen, un
divH lota 1, i , block 2, Steele
Wooda' subtflv, w. d.v ;
Total four transfers
1 ' Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to mth were IssueU yesterday to
the following:
Nimi and Residence.
John J. Brhults, Avoca. Ia.
3 '
Augusta T. Hansen. Avoca. la
Tharlso Muster man. Omaha
EUda Corey, umah
Olbe Wayne. Missouri Vslley. Ia...
Laura Cross. Missouri Valley, Ia..
SI Pearl St., Council Bluffs 'Phone tl.
Ittirt Abtat Noon aid at Lata Haur at
Hifht Had Hat Agretd. '
Trial of Henry Peterson, Chara-ed
With Arson, the .et Case
tb Docket of the Crlm
Inal Court.
The case of Otto Roderick, charged with
killing Clark Mover, the railway mall clerk,
was given to the jury shortly after noon
yesterday by Judge Macy Id the district
court. Up to a late hour last night the
Jury had not arrived at a verdict and It was
said that a disagreement was probable.
Three witnesses Police Officer Dlstman,
Constable Albertl and Fred Brltton, a rail
way mall clerk were placed on the stand
yesterday morning by the defense to show
that Moyer was of a quarrelsome disposi
tion, the contention of the defense being
that Moyer provoked the quarrel which re
sulted la Roderick striking him. With this
testimony the defense rested. No rebuttal
evidence was offered by the state.
Joseph Westrlp, Indicted on a charge of
assaulting Ed Delanty, entered a plea of
guilty and was lined $10.
The demurrer of H. O. Wernlraont to the
Indictment charging blm with embezzle
ment was argued and taken under advise
ment by Judge Macy.
The trial of Henry Peterson, charged with
arson in connection with the burning of
his brother's store at Weston last January,
will be begun this morning. The fire
which started In the store of Petrus Pe
terson, a brother of the defendant, was not
ball and a lumber yard, were consumed.
Henry Peterson Is charged with setting fire
to the store for the purpose of defrauding
the Insurance companies holding risks oa
the store and stock,
Cloth-Bound Books, IS Cents.
Good books, by popular authors, at
tractively bound In cloth. 15 centa at De
Long's S07 Broadway.
Registrars to Begin Session on
October 23 and 24 an No
vember 1.
City Clerk Phillips yesterday made formal
announcement of the places In the several
city precincts where the Registers will sit
for the election In November. They are as
First ward: First precinct Victor Jen
nings' barn, 21 East Broadway; J. H. Cor
liss and Fred Shoemaker, registers. Second
precinct Marble shop of Sheely V Lane, 217
East Broadway; E. J. Abbott and W. M.
Green, registers.
Second ward: First precinct City hall,
on Bryant atreet; J. W. Blanchard and J.
T. Bates, registers. Second precinct Bar
ber ahop of M. Garloweki, 7S West Broad
way; O. S. Blanchard and Jamea D. Aus
tin, registers.
Third ward: First T. precinct 323 Weet
Broadway; W. S. Hornet and M. D. Hughes,
. ,..-ie. becond predlnct Ortlce of W. B.
Cessna, 1016 South Main street; A. W. Mels
ner and J. H. Bryant, registers.
Fourth ward: First precinct Office of
George A. Haynea, 602 South Main street;
C. O. Robinson and Vigo Badollet, registers.
Second precinct Kelly house, 1212 South
Main street; C. Wesley and U. L. Tinley,
Fifth ward: First precinct County build
ing, corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth
street: G. H. Acker and E. B. Bowman,
registers. Second precinct County build
ing, 1511 South Thirteenth street; John
Grimes snd Dartel Nelson, registers.
Sixth ward: First precinct County build
ing, corner Avenue A and Twenty-fourth
street; A. M. Swart and Clint Mercer,
registers. Second precinct Hans Peters
place, near corner of Fifth and Locuet
atreets; J. Johnson and Carl Negethon,
The registrars will be In session October
23 and 24 and November 1, also on the dsy
of election. Every voter who failed to cast
a ballot at the last general election will be
required to register this year.
Plumbing and heating., Blxby Bon.
Salt Over Time Check.
The suit brought against the Hall Con
struction company, one of the firms en
gaged on the Great Western grading, by
Martin Ryan, an employe. Involving the
right of the company to refuse to cash a
lime check at Its full face value before
the regular pay day was decided yesterday
in favor of the plaintiff, the construction
company making n defense, but at once
taking an appeal to (.he district court.
The question Involved In this suit Is ot
Interest bp railroad contracting firms and
their Employes and Its final outcome will
be watched with more than ordinary Inter
eat. The Hall company. In common with
other railroad construction firms pays Its
employes about the 20th of each month.
Any employe who calls for his time before
that date Is given a time check, but the
company will not cash It before the reg
ular pay day except at a dlacount of 10
per cent. Ryan, the plaintiff in the ruit
at bar, worked five days, when he quit and
demanded his pay. He was given the usual
time check, but the company's cashier
declined to cash It except at the usual
discount. Ryan refused to accept any
thing but the full amount coming to him
and brought suit. The amount Involved. Is
only $9 65, but the question involved U
far reaching. '
Davis sells paints.
Mortuary Matters.
Mrs. Mary Burk, wife of William Burk of
fioomer township, died yesterday at St.
Bernard's hospital, aged 69 years. She had
been a rertdrat ot Pottawattamie county
tor thlrty-slx years and besides her bus-
band leaves four sons and five daughters.
J The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon
from ths Lutheran church In Boomer town
ship and burial will be In the Lutheran
cemetery there.
The funeral of Lewis D. Jones will be
I held this morning at 11 o'clock from the
7u2 i family residence. 205 Knepper street, and
! burial will be in the Garner township ceme-
825 ! irT-
Mrs. Ida Green, wife ot John Green ot
Reels, la., died at a lata hour Wsdnes
dsy night, aged 44 years. Her husband and
, two daughters survive her. The funeral
will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon
from ths family residence and burial will
bs la the Reels cemetery. Deceased had
been a resident ot Pottawattamie county
I or twenty-five years.
The funeral ot Mrs. Sophia Saar will be
held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the
family residence In Ptumer settlement and
Interment will be la ths Plumer i.eeme
tery. '
Gravel roofing. A. H. Held. 541 Broadway.
Hew Implement Fl rsa Opens l,
Ths Big Four Implement company, re
cently Incorporated by the J. I. Case Plow
aompany ot Racine, Wis., the Fish Bros,'
Wagon company of Racine,. the Staver Car
rtage company of Chicago and the Thomas
Manufacturing company of Springfield, O,
has opened a branch house In Council
Bluffs, with C. E. Olles as msnsger, and is
negotiating for a warehouse. For the
present the new company is conducting Its
business at the office and warehouse of the
Clausen Trsnsfer company on South Main
street, but Is anxious to secure a building
of Its own by November 1 or at the 'latest
by the first of the new year.
Davis sells glass
Deatb in Contaminated Well.
WATERLOO. Ia., Oct. 16. (Special.)
One man dead and fifteen others confined
to their beds with typhoid fever as the re
sudt of drinking water from a contaminated
well la the condition among the employes
of the Davis Gasoline Engine works and
the Swift Packing company. A well on
the Tlppman property has been accused ot
being the cause of the lllnees which has
cost Ralph Ftlklns bis life and his com
panions much Inconvenience and distress.
A sample of the water examined by Prof.
Macy of the State Board of Health shows
animal matter. From whence It came la
unknown. After a dozen of the men In the
bablt of drinking the water were taken
sick the well was condemned.
First Cheek From Caraeale.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Oct 16. (8peclal.)
The city library committee of the city
council yesterday received a check for
$3,000 from Andrew Carnegie as the first
Installment on the library 'now being built.
The stone work has reached a point sev
eral feet above the foundation and the
building will be enclosed before winter.
Fall to Indict Mile.
NEWTON, la., Oct. 16. (Special.) The
grand Jury has adjourned without finding an
indictment against Mrs. Lavalleur, ac
cused ot the murder of her husband. She
had been bound over to the grand Jury.
lows State News Notes.
A chicken thief at LaPorte must have got
hold of som tough fowls, as he left his
false teeth behind.
Burlington is bound to suppress crime at
whatever cost and Is putting In a new
police telephons system.
Sioux City Is agitating reform In the mat
ter of holding secret sessions of the city
council, especially when assessments for
paving, grading, tc, are under considera
tion. The state fish commissioner Is stocking
with game fish the rivers of northwestern
Iowa. Special attention Is being given o
the Sioux river, where illegal fishing has
lately been broken up.
Old settlers In northwestern Iowa declare
that tho present coal famine Is nothing In
comparison with the famine which they
had to endure for years. Hay and corn
used to be a frequent fuel resource.
The Rockford Register characterises the
new Iowa Inebriate law as a "howling suc
cess," and the crowd of Inebriates who
have been sent to the Insane asylums as
"about as unique and worthless a set of
old pills as ever were gathered together."
New Directors Elected and Statement
Submitted Showing Earnings
for Last Vear.
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. At the annual
meeting ot the stockholders of the Distill
ing Company of America, Just held in Jer
sey City, it was voted to reduce the num
ber of directors from eleven to seven, leav
ing only one director to be chosen to serve
for the next three years. ' F. F. Young was
elected tj succeed himself.
At the annual meeting of the Kentucky
Distilleries and Warehouse company Walter
8. Wilson was elected a director tor five
years, Alvln W. Krecb for two years and
F. W. Harrlty for one year.
At the annual meeting of the Standard
Distilling and Distributing company the
board of directors was reduced from thir
teen to eleven members. Frank Curtis and
Jamea A. Webb were elected directors for
five years.
The annual report of ths Distilling Com
pany of America for the year ending June
$0 showed gross earnings of $85,371,800, an
Increase of $3,661,000 over the previous
year; but, through an increase of $2,229,444
in the cost of production and distribution,
the gain In net earnings was reduced to
$1,365,497. At the same time payments In
connection with interest, taxes, rentals and
miscellaneous Items were $1,288,991 in ex
cess of 1901; so that the Increase in sur
plus was brought down to $76,600.
Mr. Ed W. Shannon and Miss Lorra!ns
Mead were married yesterday at the
borne of the bride's father, J. Frank Mead,
4217 Harney street. Miss Mead is popular
in a large circle ot friends in Dundee and
Omaha proper. Mr. Shannon was for years
with 8wirt and Company In their South
Omaha office and has stnee been with a
construction company. At present his work
requires him at Ottumwa, la., and far that
city he and Mrs. Shannon departed yes
terday evening, to remain there some
FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 16.-
Robert Wall and Agnes Saunders, both of
this city, were married at noon today at
the residence of the bride s parents by Rev.
John Doane of the Congregational church.
Only relatives and. Intimate friends of
the families were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Wall left this afternoon for a wedding
trip to his former home In Virginia.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 15. (Special. )
The marriage of Mr. Claud A. Terwllltger
ot Blue Earth, Minn., and Miss Mae D.
Swart of this city, occurred at the Randall
hotel last evening. The young couple will
make their borne at Blue Earth. Mr. John
J. Burns ot Concordia, Kan., and Mrs. Jen
nie Moxley were married yesterday. They
will reside at Concordia.
Armor ward-Gllfry.
LONDON. Oct. 16. Hugh Armorward ot
New York and Sara, daughter of H. H. Gil
fry, principal legislative clerk of the United
Stales senate, were married at St. Mar
garet's church, Westminster, at noon today.
Grain Klerator at Dnnlap.
DUNLAP, Ia., Oct., 16. '(Special.) Fire
last night consumed ths Lehan grain ele
vator together with Us contsnts. Loss,
$9,000. The fire also damaged the Stewart
Lumber company to the extent ot $4,000,
and burned the Northwestern freight depot.
The fire department did good service in
controlling the blate and saving much prop
erty. The elevator will be rebuilt.
Plaalnc Mill Destroys.!.
NEWARK. N. J., Oct. 16. A fire early to
day destroyed the planing and moulding
mill of Schraft A Co. Loss, $100,000; In
sured. Gets S 100.(100 Yenr
Because he has a keen, clear brain la a
vigorous body. Electric Bitters give both,
and satisfy or bo pay. Try them. 60c.
For sale by Kuha 4k Co.
Iewa Hamsitead ld Undtr tht Hammsr
ftr $162,010 in Ouh.
Conrt Decides Rank Taxing Case
Attempt at Mnrder la Des
Moines Political Confer
ence Held.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Oct 16. (Special.) Com
missioner William Achlson today sold at
nubile auction the property of the Iowa
Homestead, a weekly farm paper, one of
the oldest in the west, together with the
Wisconsin Farmer, the Ksnsas City Live
Stock Indicator and other properties con
nected with the Homestead, with the real
estate and a four-story brick block and
well equipped plant. The sale was made
necessary by the failure ot the partners to
agree. The property was owned Jointly by
James M. Pierce, business manager, and B.
F. Stewart, advertising manager. They
formerly bad Henry Wallace aa a partner
and editor but he retired some years ago,
and after a great deal of litigation the
supreme court finally ordered the property
sold for cash, that the whole matter might
be cleared up. There were only two bid
ders, Pierre snd Stewart, and the bidding,
which started at $55,000, moved up to $162,
010 before Stewart quit and allowed Pierce
to get the property. The employes of tho
Homestead, sixty In number, were present
and broke Into great applause when their
employer bought the property. They were
prepared. If Stewart bought the property,
to all follow Pierce at once to another of
fice where another weekly paper was to
be taken over. It was the most consider
able auction sale of a newspaper property
ever held In the state.
Attempt at Mnrder.
Mrs. Martha Winters, who lives on Grand
avenue and Thirteenth street. Is in Jail ac
cused of making an attempt on the lite ot
Mrs. Haward, colored, who lived In tho
same neighborhood. Trouble arose over the
quarrels of the children of the vicinity, ac
celerated by the fact that some of them
were colored and some were not. This
morning the trouble became acute and it is
alleged by the prosecution that Mrs. Win
ters procured a gun and shot twice at Mrs.
Haward. The only effect was to frighten
all the people of the vicinity and to create
great excitement. Mrs. Winters refused to
make any statement.
Dr. H. Spaulding of this city is on trial
at Wlnterset accused of having caused the
death of a young woman of Madison county,
a Miss Freberg, by means of a criminal
operation. Frank Crow of Madison county,
was also Indicted for participation In the
crime. Dr. Spaulding claims that he had
nothing whatever to do with the case. The
woman came to Des Moines and waa here
some time but nothing was known of the
case until some time after, when she bad
returned to her home and died.
Veneral Drake la Worse.
Information - was received from Center
villa today by Mrs. Klrkman, a sister ot
General F. M. Drake, to the effect that he
Is worse today and that he Is In fact a very
111 man. Mr. Klrkman has gone to Center
ville. . His J-el-Uvea here fear that he will
not recover srfd that the injuries are more
than at first reported. There is great in
terest here especially among the members
of the Christian church, as he was one ot
its most generous givers and most con
spicuous men. ' He bad attended several of
the great conventions of the church and
was always in attendance at state conven
tions. J-ollttcal Conference.
John P. Reese of Albla, democratic can
didate for congress In the Sixth district,
and G. W. Culllson ot Harlan, democratic
candidate in the Ninth district, were In
the city today and held a conference with
the state committee and some party work-
ers. Mr. Reese was until recently the pres
ident ot the District Association of Mine
Workers. He Is now devoting his entiro
time to th canvass In his district. It Is
claimed for him that he Is making a vigor
ous campaign. He reports having had tood
meetings In the. -district. The democrats
are not very active at headquarters In this
city. The eta te chairman has been here but
a small part of the time and the committee
Is without funds. Judge Wade and ex-Qov-ernor
Boles are practically conducting the
campaigns In their respective districts un
aided. A few days ago Samuel Alschuler of
Illinois, delivered some speeches in tho
Third district for Boles. He is the only
speaker from outside the state who haa
been used. 1
Bank Taxation and Bonds.
The Iowa supreme court this morning re
fused to accept the conclusions of Judge
Smyth of Burlington In the matter of al
lowing banks to deduct from their capital
stock the United States bonds held as a
part of the capital stock, before assess
ment Is made for taxation purposes. The)
German-American bank at Burlington had
pretested against the action of the Board ot
Review In declining to deduct $100,000 In
bonds from the assets of the bank as not
. taxable before making the assessment. The
pian or assessing was to assess the entire
shares of stock to the bank as a whole.
Judge Smyth ordered the deduction, but the
supreme court todsy declared this was all
wrong and ths board was correct. "Tbls
method of assessing and taxing," said the
court. In the opinion prepared by Judge
Sherwln, "the shares of stock of banks was
undoubtedly adopted for convenience and
for the purpose of reaching valuable pro
perty which might otherwise escape Its
Just share of the public burdens and does
not in our Judgment compel payment of
the tax by those who do not own ths
property." As the shares of stock are
taxed to the bank as a whole the court
ssys It wss Improper to deduct the value
of the government bonds therefrom la ar
riving at their value.
The Decisions.
The following are ths decleiona of tho
court today:
J. A. Morrison against Chicago North
western Railway, appellant; Marshall
county. Judge Caswell; damage cae; af
firmed by Ladd.
German-American Savings Bank of Bur
llnitton against City of liurllngtun, appel
lant; Des Moines county. Judge Smyth; assessment-
reversed by Sherwln.
Jamea Davis against It. M. Slltor, appel
lant; Allamakee county, Judge Hobson; ac
tion on note; affirmed by Weaver.
State ugatnst George Wright, appellant;
Muacatlre county: affirmed by the court.
Thomas Todd against Albert Short, appel
lant; VanBuren county, Judge Sloan; note;
affirmed by the court. .
Wilaon & Jacobson ssalnst Morse A
Clark, apnellsnts; Poweshiek county. Judge
Dewey; affirmed by Deemer.-
Kennedy Bros, against Iowa State Inaur-
ance Company, appellant; Pocahontas
county. Judge Hellae 1, action on policy; re
versed by Ulshup.
Dedication el Moanments.
The dedication of the Iowa monuments on
the battlefield of Shllob will uke place
May 10 next. The dedication committee In
charge ot the program has decided that
Governor Cummins will make the princi
pal address fcr the soldiers at the usdica
tloa and that President Roosevelt's pres-
jence will be secured If possible. A large
party of Iowans will go to ths dedication.
Excursion rstes will be secured on the
railroads. The monuments are now ap
proaching completion and during the win
ter will be erected and the Inscriptions
placed, etc. The commission was, author
ised to make use ot the balance of the
fund appropriated for arranging the ded
icatory exercises.
(Continued from First rage).
Is recorded as living at 1208 North Twenty
first street, a bouse In the Eighth ward
but as having voted In the Sixth ward.
Mr. Spain Is employed by the Lec-Glass-Andrerscn
Hardware company. He did
not vote rt the Isst general election and
moved since that time. Before he moved
he lived In the Fifth ward. Seen by a
Bee reporter this morning he said:
"There was a large number ot men at
this house who were tskco to the city hall
to register on the day ot the primaries by
men hired by D. H. Mercer. Buggies were
here all the time and when I got time I
went to the city hall. There they asked
me where I resided and I told them I
thought I lived In the Fifth ward, but was
not sure. They asked me where I lived
and I told them. In a few minutes they
handed me a certificate signed by the city
clerk and two freeholders, to the effect
that I was a legal resident of tho Sixth
ward, and 1 took the certificate to Twenty
fourth and Grant streets, where I voted.
I never saw any one I knew at the city
hall who signed the certificate or affidavit
and when the officers gave me'the certifi
cate I believed that I resided In the
Sixth ward."
The affidavit accompanying the certificate
Issued to Mr. Spsln was signed by one
Gibson and H. M. McDonald. Asked If he
knew these men, Mr. Spain satd:
"Is Henry McDonald a brother ot Johnny
McDonald. I know Johnny, but don't know
his brother wouldn't know him If I were
to see him.' To my knowledge I never saw
Mr. Gibson in my life and did not know
that either one of them signed my affidavit."
Were Affidavits Made In Blank f
J. F. Lynch, who resides at 2418 Rur
dette street, also an employe ot the Lee-Glass-Andrecsen
company, was present at
the conversation between Mr. Spain and
the reporter. He said:
"Ypu know how the thing is doue. I
know Henry McDonald, but my Impression
Is that I never saw him at the city hall the
day of the primaries. I certainly did not
ask him to sign an affidavit for me, al
though I voted on certificate. I do not
know Mr. Gibson at all, and it I ssw him I
do not know It. My Impression is, from the
way the thing was worked at the city hall
that day, that there was a large number
ot blank affidavits signed by freeholders of
the wards and left In the bands of some
political agent at the clerk's office and that
these blank certificates were filled out as
the occasion required."
The affidavit accompanying the certificate
of Mr. Lynch Is signed by Gibson and H.
S. McDonald, and the reason assigned for
bis name not appearing upon the books Is
that he was out of the city during the
registration days last fall, to which fact
the men who signed the affidavit swore,
without having seen the voter to his knowl
edge at the time the affidavit was prepared.
. Percy E. Gwynne, who gave his residence
as 3001 Seward street, is recorded as hav
ing voted upon certificate In the Sixth ward,
while the address given Is in the Eighth
Other names of questionable residence ap
pear in this ward, but they have not been
investigated at this time.
In the Fourth Ward.
The Fourth ranked second to the Sixth
In the extent to which the law was disre
garded. Here eight certificates were is
sued regardless 1 of the terms of the
statute, and here also did W. 8. Esancy get
his vote sworn In. A list of those who
voted on defective certificates Is as follows:
S. C. Barnes, 211 South Twenty-fourth
street: "I registered and was Judge of
election last fall. It must be a clerical
error." Signed by C. S. Elgutter and F. B.
H. J. Schmidt, 217 North Twenty-third
street: "Was prevented from registering by
working too late nights In a drug store."
Signed and sworn to by F. B. Kennard and
J. G. Carpenter.
William Buthorn, 316 South 8xteentb
street: "The clerk did not register my
politics." Signed and sworn to by G. An
derson and F. B. Kennard.
P. A. Saxeman, 627 South Twentieth
street: . "Has registered, but name does not
appear ou registration ooki.'" jHcued and
sworn to by Dunn and N. P. Dodge, Jr.
W, 8. Hammlll, 707 South Seventeenth
street: "Not In city at last day ot regis
tration." Signed and sworn to by Dunn
and N. P. Dodge, Jr.
W. C. Brunke, 209 South Twentieth street:
"Did not know it was necessary." Signed
and sworn to by J. Holtorf and Adams.
Percy Babbitt, Twenty-fourth and Var
nam streets: "No knowledge ot the time
and didn't know it was necessary."
In the other wards the reasons were made
to conform more with the requirements of
the statutes, the men in charge seeming to
desire an apparent conformation with the
law at least.
Came la Other Wards.
In the First ward Frank Ward was
granted a certificate because he found it
impossible to register on account of being
delayed at work." This affidavit was signed
by O. C. Olson and Clyde Sundblad.
C. G. Hedberg of 1714 8cuth Fifth street
received a certificate on the statement that
be did "not know of registration until it
was too late" on an affidavit signed by C.
B. Schroth and W. J. Robinson.
I. P. A. Brucehart ot 2618 South Twelfth
gave as an evcuse that "registers failed to
put down politics, but gave It as repub
lican." Tbls waa algned and sworn to by
P. N. Hanson and F. W. Koetter.
In the Second ward Charles Georgo ot
1217 South Thirteenth street was granted a
certificate on the showing that he was "too
late to register," the affidavit being signed
by A. C. Harts and W. W. Bingham.
In the Fifth ward Jacob K. Lesser, on a
showing that "I have been sick," was
granted a certificate on the affidavit of A. M.
Leiasr and M. F. Stars.
In the Seventh ward I. Power of 1131
Georgia avenue voted on a certificate which
showed "never voted; lived in Seventh ward
two years," the affidavit being signed by
J. O. Detweller and C. L. Thomas.
, Out ot approximately 100 persons who
gave sickness as their excuse for not being
on the registration books but one certifi
cate signed by a physician as required by
law is on file with the committee.
Make to Show That Bullet Which
Killed Boy Was larger Caliber
Than His Klur.
, CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 16 (Special
Telegram.) The defense la the Tom Horn
murder trial opened Its case today, and
contrary 'to expectations no attempt has
been mads to establish an alibi. Physl
clans testified thst the bullets that killed
Willie Mckell were undoubtedly of a large
calibre, or larger than those used In Horn's
rifle, which is a 30-30, which contradicts ths
testimony for the state that the bullet
were of a small calibre.
It Is almost certain that they will exert
every effort in attacking the statement of
Thooran Js of men and women are turned out
tf positions snd many tsil tosecure situations he
cause their gray hairs make them look old. This
seed not bs.
Hay's Hair-HcalM
makes age halt and keeps thousand In employ
ment because It takes vears from their apparent are.
ttvely restore eray, faded or bleached
lis use cannot do detected.
Equally good
Gtntltmn At forty my balr and imutsrhe
place hirsute hi sr hair niaHt him look older
tiling nay s flair Health, nh the revutt tnat I nvt the am da'k-browa ently hir thai 1 nail at
ti ilava held my position, although many youoger mta, who only lault wti their gray hair, have
Deea aismitsea. I thank yow try poMuea.
Fpqq Soap Offer
Cut ml and tigs thla coupon In fvs dav, take rt tossy el V follnwlnr. rinigcl'ta tnif thev wTB
ttre yoo a large bottle ot May's Hair-Health and a age. Cake ot Martina nedkated oap.
the-bev soep lor Hair Scalp Complexion. Kaih
Redeemed by leading druggists everywhere
Specialties Co . tio llayetie St , Newark, N )..
la plaio tayd, package oa receipt ot 00c. and thtt
ecaara package on receipt 01 roc. ana tntt coupon,
fMlnnailYrr An nenaa Hn'l Hi
Nana.. UUflilHN
Address.. ...m... Refui tubititutt. Jmiisi w hmvtnf iiy' 1 HmrNtlt
Following Drug cists supply Hsy's Hair-Health and Harf loa Soap la tbsir shops aaly 1
l'ith ami rhloiRO
COl'Sr-11, l.l KF-MOROAN. 142 Ttrondw.t ; OeHAVKN. 332 Central Hroadway;
UROWN, 62? Main; WHEKLEY, 416 Bread way.
witnesses for the state that Horn confessed
the murder and that he was sober when the
stories were told.
It Is learned that on rebuttal the state
will Introduce evidence showing that blood
found on a sweater of Horn's Immediately
after the killing was human blood.
Woman Is Dead and Some Question
Whether It la Mnrder or
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 1. (Special
Telegram. J Word was received here today
of the probable murder of a Mrs. Sammons
at Grant postofflce, thirty miles north of
Cheyenne, by unidentified persons. Details
are difficult to obtain, but it seems Mrs.
Sammons was recently divorced in the east.
Mr. Sammons came to Grant a tew weeks
ago and the wife followed, arriving at
Wheatland, the closest point to Grant on
the railroad, last Tuesday, and yesterday
drove to Grant. The woman was killed
there last evening, although one report
says she committed suicide. The coroner
and other officials have gone to the scene.
Independent Telephone System.
YANKTON. S. D Oct. 16. (Special.)
At a meeting of the Business Men's club
last night a resolution was adopted to let
the contract for an independent telephone
system for the city ot Yankton to the
Messrs. Crumb ot Chicago for the sum of
$13,000, that being the smallest ot several
bids submitted. The system provides for
bonding the company for $20,000, $5,000
ot which sum Is to be held aa capital stock,
$2,000 to be given the nromoters as bonus
and $13,000 to be sold aCpar in the form of
twenty-year 6 per cent gold bonds, a com
mon atock certificate of $100 to accompany
each bond, free, Work will be begun on
the system as soon as tho money for Its
construction la raised, and It will be pushed
rapidly to completion. It la expected to
have it in working order by January 1,
1903. 1
Woman Chasgei Her Mind,
HURON, S. D., Oct. 16. (Special.) In
spite of her declaration to the contrary
Mrs. George E. McEathron, the recently di
vorced wife of a popular and well known
traveling man and owner ot a large cattle
ranch In the northern part ot this
(Beadle) county, was married to Roy Un
derwood, a former hired man, at Redfleld,
S. P., on October 4. They are living on
a leased farm near Doland, In Spink county.
This Is the couple that created so much
ot a sensation last June by a fake report
to the 'effect that Mrs. McEathron's horse
had run away and the woman was drowned
In the Jim river, but later was found In
a St. Paul hotel.
South Dakota Firm Bankrupt.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 16. (Special.)
The firm of Brown, Morse & Co., which
owns stores at White and Elkton, haa been
adjudged bankrupt by Judge Carland of
the United States court In this city. This
action was taken on a petition of the cred
itors of the firm, who asked that the firm
be declared bankrupt. In their answer
the members of the firm admitted that
they were Insolvent. Judge Carland has
ordered that the affairs of the firm be
referred to Referee In Bankruptcy Harris
of Aberdeen for adjudication. The liabil
ities of the firm are scheduled at over $11,
000. Fined for SblpulnaT Game.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Herman F. Becker of Elk Point
appeared before Judge Carland of the
United States court today and pleaded
guilty to an Indictment charging him with
violating the Lacey act, otherwise known
as the national game law. His offense con
sisted of shipping game birds to eastern
markets out of season. Judge Carland Im
posed the maximum penalty,, a fine of
$200, which Becker paid. This was tne
second time be had been fined for shipping
game out of season, a fine of j:0 having
been imposed in the first esse.
Prairie Fir Does Much Damage.
STURGIS, 8. D.. Oct. 16 (Special.) It
Is reported that a prairie fire burned over
. nt rountrv near White Owl about
ten by thirty miles on Friday and Saturday
of last week. The buildings on the Dia
mond 8. cattle rancn were aiso aemroyea,
there being no one at home but the women
Labor Scale on Government Work.
STURGIS. S D.. Oct. 16. (Special.) The
Sturgla labor union has Issued notice to
contractors that it has derided to ask $2.50
per day for common labor and eight hours
liver troubles, wblch. Id many cases,
Pryalclsns all over the world have
. t . .. w . 1 i
ALWAYJ ASK your Druggist
and see that you liL 1 IU
nrra TaJ
r 1
hair to its youthful color. It U not da.
fur men and women.
brn turning rnv. A frlesd tm my road lost his
than h was.
rrormnc by nil SKpet
I bntU
r. J. ksilsoad r.Mruivaa.
Good f op S5o Cairo
and Toilet, hoth lor fifty cenii j regular prVa, 75c.
at their shops only, or by the Phlle flay
euher with or without soap, by expreaa, pre
1 Half Health
haa wot reta
I LC anywhere In the U. S. who haa
benthied, may have hta money back by arldreaaiog Fmilo Ha
SrsciALTiaa Co.. aao 1-afavette St.. Newark. N. I.
work on government work at Fort Meade,
carpenters' wages, $3.50 per day ot ten
hours, and $3 for eight hours, after Jan
uary 1.
Held on (Large ot Fraud.
YANKTON. 8. D., Oct. 16 (Special Tel-'
egram.) John Culllgan. recently arrested
In Sioux City for defrauding Mrs. Rahn ot
Yankton county, was bound over today la
lh sum of $1,000 to the next term ot the
circuit court.
Charles LaMont Kennard.
Charles LaMont Kennard died at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Kennard, 3124 Wool worth avenue, at 10:30
a. m. Wednesday, October 15. For a few
days Mr. Kennard had been Indisposed and
on Saturday he waa able to be at the of
fice only for a short time and his symptoms
were such that It was thought best to call
a physician who pronounced the case one
of Incipient pneumonia.
Mr. Kennard had been frail since boy
hood when he had a severe attack of mus
cular rheumatism. This attack affectod
his heart and complications from this cause
Interfered at this time. He did not seem
to bo dangerously 111 until Wednesday
morning when symptoms of heart failure
appeared and at 10:30 he passed away.
Charles LaMont Kennard was born la
Knlghtstown. Ind., on the 8th of Decem
ber, 1875, and would have been 27 years
of age at his next birthday.. He came to
Nebraska with his ps rents when one-and- '
a-half years old, and frequently said he felt
himself thoroughly an Omaha boy, having
resided In Omaha since first coming to the
At the age of 18 Mr. Kennard took up
the business of fire Insurance, having se
lected this himself as hta vocation. Ha
showed .great aptitude for the work and
was soon doing a regular Insurance busi
ness, at that time being the youngest
bonded Insurance agent In the state. Soon
after he associated himself with his father
In the real estate and Insurance business,
he taking entire charge of the Insurance
part of the firm's business.
The funeral services will be held at the
residence, 3120 Woolwortb avenue, at 3
o'clock on Saturday afternoon, October
18. The services will be conducted by Rev.
Robt. Yost of St. Mary's Avenue Congre
gational church. Interment will be at
Prospect Hill cemetery.
Anton Decker, Schnyler.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Out. 16. (Special.)
Anton Becker, aged 40, died ot typhoid
pneumonia after a very brief lllnees. Mr.
Becker was Schuyler's principal cigar
maker, having been In business here all
his manhood life, and successfully. He
leaves his wife alone, there being no chil
dren. He was a member ot the Knlghta
of Pythias, Ancient,Order of United Work
men, Woodmen of the World, Sons of Her
man and Royal Highlanders.
The funeral of Chris. Kroeger occurred
today at the Presbyterian church, under the
auaplces of local lodge Independent Order
of Odd Fellows.
One of Nebraoka's Pioneers.
PAPILLION, Neb.. Oct. 16 (Special.)
Mrs. William Robinson of this place died
last night after suffering with paralysis
for the past eight years. Shs wss the wife
of William Robinson, an old pioneer of
Sarpy county, who besides Jsmes and Mrs.
Tower survive her. . Funeral services
will be held at the House Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock. She settled In Belle
vue In 1857.
Appraisers' Lata President.
MONT CLAIR, N. J, Oct. 16. Charles
H. Ham, who recently resigned the presi
dency ot the Bosrd of United States Gen
eral Apprlsers, died at hla home here today,
aged 71. He was for five years a law part
ner of Melville W. rudder? now chief Jus
tice ot the United States supreme court.
Colonel Charles Porter.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. Lieutenant
Colonel Charles Porter, U. 8. A., retired,
died here last night after a long Illness.
His remains will bs Interred In the na
tional Arlington cemetery tomorrow with
military honors.
Thomas Keenan.
GRAFTON, Neb.. Oct. IS. (Special.)
Thomas Keenan was stricken with paralysis
yesterdsy morning at his horns two miles
west of here and died this morning.
Hs was 73 years of age and a native at
County Louth, Ireland.
There are more people to
day than ever before Buffering-
from stomach aad
result front chronio
testified that the Bast sod ftafeat Lata-
In. . .J -x4) allnmai'ti aaswH 1. 1 va la
fa Mineral
ii Water.
foe Hunyadl JANOi (Full Kane)
numuiuiaa am vrurinieaa.