Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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lid of Coal Tr.ubl. Will Help Uaioa
Peio M.n' Cams.
Dorlor and Jailer liar Kicllla
nerlence with laeaae Ma
at Jail.
Great Financial Dardfii on Amrrlmn
l.ahnv I nlnm W III lie Relieved
Hlifn Anthracite Miners
Retarn to Work.
Thi press reports yesterday Indicating
that a aettlenunt would hp effected In the
Pennsylvania- coal mine strike aroused en-
thualaam imonn Union I'Bclfic strikers
whose cause will be vaMly benefited, Indi
rectly, by the, termination of this gigantic
labor war. When the 147,000 coal miners
who have been on a strike since May re
torn to work a heavy financial load will
hare been removed from the American Fed
eration of Lahor, which will enable thai
body to extend more aid to the strikers
liere aa well as In other places. When these
147,000 men fo back to the mines they will
Become paying instead of dependent mem
bers, benefactors Instead of beneficiaries,
which will have a double effect. They will
resume their regular contributions to
the central fund and those thou
anda of labor organizations over
tba United States that have been
helping them will have the opportunity of
diverting their money to other channels.
Nearly If not every labor organization In
Omaha and along the line of the Union Pa
elflo strike, has been a regular contributor
to the coal miners In their fight against the
barons of Pennsylvania; they have been un
able to do so as much as they desired for
tha Union Pacific strikers nearer home, but
being relieved from this greater obligation
they will ba enabled to throw more strength
to the strikers here. But this Is not all.
It la a fact that Cheyenne and other t'nlon
Pacific strikers have been doing what they
could to aid the coal miners and this money
will, of course, all be kept at home.
Says Tan Flht All Winter.
"We will become invincible now, with
these and other potent factors In our favor
and can project our fight clear through the
winter and spring, too. If necessary. This
certainly gives us a firm grip on the Union
Pacific from which we are bound to win,"
aid a vice president of the International
Association of Machinists.
Other conditions have arisen to en
courage and quicken the hopes of the
Union Pacific strikers. It now appears
that their repeated assertions that skilled
mechanics, such as are needed In Union
Pacific shops', are decidedly Bcarce, have
been substantiated In an incontrovertible
manner. Numerous applications for skilled
shopmen from western railroads are 00
file at the local strike headquarters. Some
f these orders have been filled; some
mora will be filled, while others will go
unaccommodated. A reporter for The Bee
was shown two of these orders, one calling
for five machinists, the other for twenty.
The icad from which' the latter order
came baa just closed negotiations with the
Union Pacific strikers whereby It gets
twenty-five of their machinists, to whom
was furnished free transportation to the
Various placea In which they are to work.
Tha general manager 'of this road In his
last letter says: "I am glad to get the
twenty-five men you sent and can use
twenty more. Would like to have them aa
oon aa they can arrange to come." This
road baa a high achedule of pay for ita
lTtWlll tha Htna Una TawM A D.J . V
machinists' businesa agent at Detroit,
writes' "I cannot get enough men to fill
toy ordors. Thera la more work In this
lata alone than there are men to do it."
Over Hnadred Thousand Members.
Ona of the machinists' leadera said that
organisation baa a total membership of
105,000 and controls the major portion of the
best mechanics outalde of the union. Ha
aya that approximately there are 160,000
machinists now at work In the United
"With all these stern faets and figures in
view la it not perfectly evident that the
Union Pacific la not getting competent and
akllled mechanics, as Its officials have ao
persistently claimed?" asked one cf the man.
Vice Presidents Mulbery and Wilson of
the International Association of Machinists
have Just returned from Chicago and claim
to have poattlve information that Horace
O. Burt will be re-elected president of the
Union Pacific. The theory has not been
questioned since the stockholders at their
Bart Lake City meeting Tuesday re-elected
the old Board of Directors.
The jtrlke leaders fcave a theory that
President Burt will be Invested with special
authority to force the strike to a successful
nd for the company within alxty days and
If this cannot be accomplished to begin
negotiations for a settlement at the end of
that period. It la Impossible to confirm
any such belief.
President Burt arrived yesterday morning
from Salt Lake City, where he waa during
the annual meeting of the stockholders. He
waa met at Union station by Chief Engineer
Berry of the Union Pacific and proceeded
at once to the shops, where the two re
mained for some time. The utmost secrecy
la being maintained at headquartera aa to
any plan tha company may have. Every
thing Is expected to hinge on the directors'
meeting In New York. If a aettlement la
xtot ordered the strikers may endeavor to
extend their flht all along the Harriman
Rarteatders are Generous.
As showing tha Interest and co-operation
T othe.' local union for the strikers, local
lodge No. 264, International Bartenders'
league, has voted to make a regular weekly
contribution to the Union Pacific strlkera of
$50 until the light Is over. This Is com
paratively a new organization, having bceu
la existence only about a year, and lis
cUon ia regarded as most generous.
Dr. George Tilden, president of the Board
of Insanity Commmlssloners, hereafter will
Investigate the condition of new charges
while outside the cells In which they are
confined at lesst he will pursue this course
until he becomes acquainted with each new
The reason-Is found In an Incident which
occurred Wednesday evening at the county
Jail. The doctor and Jailer Tom Flynn were
In an apartment there Interviewing Edwin
B. Rhodes, who had been brought In during
the afternoon from 2DS2 Spalding street by
Deputy Sheriff William Roach on an Insan
Ity warrant sworn out by the young man's
father. During the Interview Rhodes showed
a reluctance to answer questions or to face
his Inquisitors, and seemed weak and frail
but Just as the Jailer had partially opened
the door to let the doctor and himself out
Into the corridor the prisoner sprang at
them like a tiger, with mad determination
In his eye, and for the next half-minute
Mr. Flynn, who Is no Infant In strength.
had use for all the power he possessed
When he had finally freed himself and
followed the doctor through the door his
clothing had been torn from him In several
places and one arm had been bared to the
skin from the shoulder to the wrist. Dr.
Tilden admits that with his lrsser strength
he might have fared very badly had the
Insane man reached bim Instead of the
Jail custodian.
For hours afterward the prisoner bad tho
Jail Inmates In a disturbed state of mind
and persisted In flooding the floor with
water from the faucet and In scrubbing
in the pools with his bare hands. Finally
the Jailers had to turn off the water.
Incidentally it may be added that though
trips are made to the county asylum or to
the state asylum at Lincoln every fe
days, there are now more Insane prisoners
In the county Jail than ever before within
the recollection of Sheriff Power.
Smelter Man Haa Not Tet Accepted
Presidency of Andltorlnm
Guy C. Barton haa not yet accepted the
presidency of the Auditorium company. At
the meeting of the board held at the Millard
hotel yesterday Mr. Barton was not
present and the committee having In charge
the Invitation extend him was given further
time, it is understood that Mr. Barton
will be present at next Thursday' meeting
and definitely settle the matter.
The most important action taken waa the
arrangement for a special meeting on the
evening of Wednesday, October 22, In the
Commercial National bank, for a complete
rehearaal of plana and specifications for
the auditorium. The occasion will be
especially to render the eleven new mem
bers Intimately familiar with the progress,
the plans and the divers Ideas In this con
nection. The architect will be present to
elucidate and the presence of the old mem
bers is also especially desired, in order
that their vlewe as to changes and such
matters may be had.
On motion of Mr. Hoobler, retiring sec
retary, Secretary Lehmer was allowed an
assistant at a salary not to exceed $150 a
month, to be named by him. A rote of
thanka was passed Mr. Hoobler for the effi
cient work he had performed and bla gen
tlemanly conduct of the office. This waa or
dered spread upon the records In full.
it waa arranged that all committees
should serve on aa at present till, the presl
dent can appoint the new mcmbera on
them. ,
The matter of abandoatng the noon meet
ings for night sessions waa brought un
again, but action on It was postponed till
next mursday's meeting. To counsel was
referred the advisability of destroying old
ioca dookb in tne office of the secretary.
Members of Presbyterian Synod In
spect Bnlldtnar at Twentieth
and Emmet.
Mrs. D. L Garriso Jumps frota Third lUrj
f It. Joieph's Honpiul.
Suffering! Woman Makes Fatal Leap
While Sarae Is Absent from Room
a Few Moments Body Hor
ribly Mangled.
Mrs. Julia Garrison, wife of D. L. Garri
son, vice president and general manager of
the Nebraska Mollne Plow company, leaped
from a window In the third story of St.
Joseph's hospital at 8:30 a. m. yesterday and
received injuries from which she died within
an hour. Tho remains have been removed
to the rooma of the coroner, though It Is
likely no inquest will be held.
Mrs. Garrison was suffering from a tem
porary aberration of the mind caused by a
long Illness. She had been left alone for a
very few minutes by the nurse In charge
and took advantage of the nurse'a absence
to get out of her bed, walk to the window
and climb out.
The window la in the south side of the
building and Mrs. Garrison fell on the
asphalt pavement below, barely missing an
Iron picket fence which runs along this aide
of the building. Her body waa horribly
mangled. Her ekull was crushed almost to
pulp. Her face was badly cut In many
Places and both legs were broken. Many
other bones we-e sheltered. She lingered
for almost an hour after being taken back
Into the hospital, but flled without regain
ing consciousness.
Alone for Few Moments Only
The nurse bad been attending to the
wants of Mrs. Garrison and had left the
room for a few minutes. When she re
turned the room was vacant and the window
was raised. 8he at once guessed the truth
and her screams quickly summoned other
attendants at the hospital to the room.
In tho meantime others had seen tho body
of the woman, clothed only In her night
dress, lying on the walk, the blood rushing
from her many injuries.
Two men employed at the hospital oulcklv
carried the body onto the main floor of the
hospital and physicians were summoned,
but could do nothing.
The accident has completely prostrated
the Mother Superior and many of the at
tendanta of the hospital and none of them
was In a condition to talk of the death of
Mrs. Garrison.
Suffers From Operation.
Mrs. Garrison was taken to the hosoltal
October 10, there to recover from the ef
fecta of an operation performed some time
ago, and to regain sufficient strength to
undergo another operation, which was to
have occurred in a few days. She bad been
very sick woman and has suffered much
mental anguish. This had weakened her
mind and for eome time she had been
lightly demented. She had been attended
by Dr. Allison and Dr. Lord.
Mrs. Garrison was 35 years of age and
leaves a husband and three children. The
family reside near Florence.
Money in
Our Bank
We cash
all your
To Delegates and Visitors.
We invite you to make our establishment your home while yon are in the city
make um of our waiting rooms, dressing rooms and lunch rooms. All is fre
and you are entirely vxlcoin. Bagg.vje decked free. Use our store aa your
daylight home while you are here.
$1.00 Wulatinga at 39c a Yard.
Hundreds of yards of walstlngs. In stripes and plain colors,
also Imported French flannels and silk embroidered French flan
nels. In lengtha from I to 4 yds., on sale on main floor
$1.00 Dress Goods at 39c tt Yard.
Thla lot Includes fancy suitings, silk and wool suitings, ladles' cloth and
an Immense assortment of men s and boys' casslmeres. in plain colors, also
in checks and plaids. These materials arc especially adapted for " "
rainy day skirts and are strictly all wool, and many of them trt.Un
1 yards wide. On main floor at, yard
75c Dresg Goods at 25c n Yard.
Strictly all wool cashmeres, hecrlettas. albatrosses and suitings, OCT
m plain colors, checka and plaids, In lengths from 2 to 6 yds., at, OC
35o Dreas GooJs at 10c a yard.
, V11? l0 ,nc,u,,,i P,aln Wored cashmere, and henrlettas. also -f n
checked and atrlped materials. In lengths, from 1 yd to 7 vds.. n IlIC
Milt Kemnants-
?S ,ot 0' short lengths of
brocaded and taffeta silks, in
fi'HI?' .checks and plaldi. in
for an entire remnant
lOi, 15c. 25cH
iiiijua 111 miii .. .. , , I .I I - n - ,,,, ..'1
KZ2 ,
Pe.tu iie hole KemnunU
Remnants of Peau de Sole and
Taffeta Hllke, In waist lengths ami
skirt lengths, In pluln colors and
In checks, stripes and plaids, at
a yard
39.', 49:
.Hi 1 Velvets 1 . Hn. X' . j rt.i . ....
7, , ' aru-iiesc turns are in black, and A r
all colors and go at u yard. 4 " C
Silk - VelvetsIn short lengths, in reds, cremcs, V 'rs 'Vc V
blues, greens and black, goutor an entire pilUCi I0C1 60C
Grand Special Sale of Remnants
One big table of S6-lnch Imitation fine
French flannel, worth 18c a si
yard, go at IUC
One big counter of light and dark,
beat grade outing flannel, OU
worth 15c a yard, go at OJC
One big (counter of fine quality, HKht
and dark outing flannel, -
worth 12Hc a yard, go at OC
One big counter of light and heavy
Canton and Shaker flannel, all ja '
grades, worth 12Vjc yard, go at...3C
One big table of short lengths of
Krt'ers V5 2c bI"".k J "J? . W'.
One big table of 'finest quality" 'hen- WM long hs thev """y . ,mP"t-
,a,e of flne wol faced
eiderdown flunnel. the regu- iO
lar 40c quality, go at a yard 1"C
One big table of light and dark, fine
In-J.a riil Sc0tf.h 8'nBhani8. the rrgu?
lar UUjc quality go
at a yard OC '?.b,e of fanry fleece back
wrapper flannel, the 10c gz 1 "
kind go at a yard OJC
One Mg table of single blankets.
. . . 'if, . . rHinuow nnd wrap-
We place on special enle in our men's
Lat department
Sample Hats
They are samples that were submit
ted to us from several leading hat man
ufacturers to make our fall selection.
They are perfect in every detail and are
absolutely this falls latest stvles.
They will p0 on sale Friday
At One-Half Price,
$1, $1.50, $2
Our'showing of boys' and children's hats nud caps for
autumn wear is the most complete in this citv. A rare
display of this season's newest novelties can be seen in
our boys' and children's hat department.
a worthy of comparison
""il . II u
ilNew Fur Garments
AI.LUAl (ill, so A CO., K.;,, f "'
Importers and Mnnufnctarers. "
8-arfs and
Let us figure
neckwear of fur In large
last at each
SmC han(,-,knotte('- bt white cotton
tilled, gllkollne comforters that'would
IT, L-ln tne regular way for U.OO and
-.2o, one big table of 4 sm
them, for ach 1,D
nvuru .ih. ,!" 1 iinw Hre mane or remnants, the
iintK TV - - I""erenl patterns, and tlm upper side belna one klnrt V.f
SSfkt uCeor-L0.VthhTrCuepr.cbe?ln,f ' wlM
sateens, worth 20c
a vard. crn pt IlIC
One big table of remn'an'ts'o'f "mercer
ized sateen, the regular 40c quality, in
black and colors go ,'e
at a yard IOC
One bl counter of sllkollne comfort
tost Take Nu Ui.u
In using Dr. Klcg'a New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. It cures
all lung troubles or no pay. 6O0 and tl
For sals by Kuhn ft Co.
Holiday Hue Rswkes' blue, white cut
glass, just unpacked. Edholm. Jeweler, opd
poatofftce. v"
' Sam'l Burns. Llbby Cut Olass aale.
Tha synod of the Presbyterian churches of
Nebraska, which Is ln session at Knox Pr.
byterian church, was entertained bv the
wumeu 01 mat cnurcn yeaterdsv at
luncneon. Arter the close of the meal the
members of the body accented the Invita
tion of the officers of the Omaha Theological
seminary to Inspect the new building of
that achool at Twentieth and Emmet
streets. The new seminary building will be
dedicated October 30. the building commit
tee being engaged ln arranging the pro
gram for that aervlce at thla time.
The Secret of a Successful Merck
The success of a merchant denenda
largely -jpon his ability to please his cus
tomers. In order to do so he recommends
only articles which are to his knowledge
most reliable. In handling medicine this la
especially true, aa people desire the best
preparation on the market and appreciate
the recommendation of their druggist. Here
is what V. J. Lelght of House Springs, Mo.,
says of Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy: "I
can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy to my customers to be second to none
on the market. For croup with children
there is nothing better."
Anaounrenienta of the Theaters.
With the special bargain matinee today
and tonight performance "McFadden'a Row
of Flats" will close Its engagement at the
Uoyd. Tomorrow afternoon the original
Bostonlans with a large number of original
win open ior two performances
Police and Engineer's Denartmeata
Will Stop Bonfires In
the Streets.
Preparations are being made by the po
lice and city engineer's departments for an
active crusade against those householders
who every year at thla time work more or
less damage to pavements by bonfires for
the destruction of dead leavea. On this sub
ject Assistant City Engineer Craig said:
"Every year our ,-avements are damaged
to the cxtenj of hundreds of dollars by
these bonfire and we have appealed to the
police department to help ua ln putting a
stop to the practice. Nearly everybody
knows that a Ore will Injure an asphalt
pavement, but there are people who have so
little regard for any property that is not
their own that they will build one of these
bonfires right on an asphalt pavement. We
even find them on wooden pavements, and It
la a common thing to burn leavea on the
streets paved with stone, for most people
believe that the atone Is not Injured by
fire. That Is a great mistake, for the heat,
or rather any audden change of tempera
ture, causes great damage to a atone pave
ment, and a fire close to a atone curb will
cause the stone to peel off ln layers. There
Is an ordinance against burning leaves in
the streets, and we Intend to use our ut
most endeavors, with the co-operation of
the police department, to see that it ia ob
Bass and Trout Being; Distributed by
Captain Smith of Govern
ment Employ,
Captain William E. Smith of the United
States Commission of Fish and Fisheries,
with his corps of assistants, is ln Omaha
in bia private car enroute to the Pacific
coast to distribute fish ia various bodies of
Some 10,000 small fish are contained
in the pools ln Captain Smith's car. Of
this number Nebraska gets a good share.
The fish will ba distributed In this and
other sections of the state. Along the
Burlington road at Firth, Dunbar and
Lorter a great many trout will be left.
Then In the vicinity of Omaha in Nebraska
waters only, TOO bass and 400 cropplea will
be placed. The same uumbers will be left
at Cut-Off lake and Manawa la to get 600
the new De Koven-Smith opera, never seen
here, will be tha offering. "Maid Marian"
is a sequel to "Robin Hood" and the same
characters are seen ln it aa are seen in
the first named opera. Sunday matinee.
"'" "u .-""nuay nigni Mason and Mason,
the two German dialect comedians, will'
present their last season's success, "Ru-
uuifo ana Aaoipn.
8LVERTER-aeorge, October 15, 1902, aged
Funeral service 1CH,1nv rionK 11 iruvi
at t p. m., from residence' of his son,' John
Sylvester 3335 Ames avenue. Interment
. .tftm inu tenietery. r rienoa Invited.
iiis's. j. ttsenson
We make a specialty of these goods aud
carry the most popular styles, ages from
the firt long cloak up to 10 years.
All wool Hedford Cord Cloak's, LG5 up.
Heavy Pebble Cloth Coats, 4 to 0 yrs, 3.75
ISroadtloth, Kersey, Ottoman aud other
Black Silk Moire Coats, f3.87 and 7.50.
Fine quality of cloth coats from $4.50 up to $12.50.
All kinds of headwear to match coats for children.
trlbutlons after leaving Omaha from the
federal station at Bozeman, Mont. His
Dsh are taken from the Bellevue and Man
chester, Ia., hatcheries, the baas from tbft
former and trout from the latter.
Children f.nt it.
"My little boy took the croup one night."
ays F. D. Reynolds of Mansfield, O.. "sad
grew ao bad you could hear htm breathe all
over the house. I thought he would die. but
a few doaes of One Minute Cough Curs re
lieved and aent him to aleen. That'a ths
last ws heard of tha croup." Oaa Minute
Cough Cure la abaolutely safe and acta a I
snce. For cougha, colda. croup, grip,
asthma and broncbitla.
Watch Our J
BT-.3ftri- MT n aa 1 aM-al BVBBB I
Yro& GOtiS Windows
Watch Our
TraTOlina; Man Not Pleased with Ilia
Treatment at Hum
boldt, Keb.
At Lincoln Wednesday William Richmond
of Council Bluffs, Ia., filed ln United States
circuit court an action for damages for
wrongful Imprisonment.' Defendants ara
Joseph F. Wozab and others of Humboldt,
In Richardson county, this state. Richmond
asks $15,200.
Plaintiff statea that be Is a traveling
salesman for a wholesale grocery house ln
Chicago and that on January 30 last he was
"making" Humboldt. He says that the
numeroua defendants, some dozen or more,
on that day conspired and maliciously
plotted to secure hla arrest ln order to
hurt him In hla business.
Richmond says that he waa kept ln prison,
two days and was deprived of his liberty
for thirty daya more, and that It cost him
$200 finally to settle bis case. For the dis
grace, the inconvenience, the loss ln his
business and finances and the ignominy
he suffered he aska damagea. '
R7o '
Your Drug Bill
How about It? Do you figure on Its
amount an you do your grocery, meat and
other household bills? Don't you want that
extra to 40 per cent we are saving other
Fla?Pind Vl?11'. dHrUf,bL",'? over this
list and if you don't find what you want
write us for prices, or, if In town, call us
and bsyeePSsne l?47) 0F better yet- "
JJ'JiJ pruna (one to a customer)
irXI ? 8elt?er ne to a customer).
Jt.UO LlHterlne (Lambert's)
1(K) Canadian Malt Whiskey (guar
anteed) teed")1'"'." Femal ' Remedy (guar-
ante?drl"an IninieVl' ' Bftte'rs ' Yguar-
23c Laxative Brorno Quinine!"!!".'.'.
2oc Uninaretnl ih.Ht fnr rAm ' "
$3.50 Marvel Whfrlinir n.a. u.'.i'.
ti r. K. UB .on your prescriptions. ' !
$100 Plnkham's Compound rc
$1.00 Falne's Celery Compound firc
60c Catarrh Rem" (guaranteed) 8c
$1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure .!!!:;:. 60c
Tel. 747. . W. Cor. Kith and Chlcacn,
' ti s m s
oc ;
75c :
7.-,c '
Declines Democratic Nomination for
Member of the Board of
It Is up to the democratic city committee
to laaso a man for candidate on the school
board ticket. To Chairman Gilbert, Joseph
A. Blum of the Fourth ward made the an
nouncement Wednesday that he will not be
able to run. He atated that if elected he
could not spare tha time from his work in
the Culahy offices to attend to the duties of
the office. Chairman Gilbert said at noon
yesterday that he had not given the matter
Work of Incendiaries Foiled by Rain,
Which Saturates Hoaso More
Than Kerosene.
Mrs. Thomas P. Beats haa reported to
the police what was evidently an attempt
to burn her residence and cremate tho
members of her family last Monday nlsht.
Some person, as yet unknown to the police
or the members of the Beats family,
poured kerosene over the front porch of
their home, 807 South Thirty-fourth
street, thoroughly saturated the banisters
around the porch and then set fire to it.
i-aper waa closely packed between tho
banistera and the floor of the porch and
We Wrote Oct 10
now It's the ISth.
Sorry. Couldn't be helped.
Alterations not so quickly fin
ished as we expected.
Keep your orders for fall aud
winter up In the air two more
days and we'll do our "darn
detst" to please you when you
band 'em in on the 18th.
Aa our "darndeot" Includes
the best fabrics, best cutters,
best fitters, the most careful
attention, most careful fitting
and most careful finishing, Ifs
a good wager that we do please
$25 to $50 for suits.
MacCarffay Tailoring Co.
Pbvoe KOI. I7W 12 Faraan St
Km Bid., Omaha.
chance to save a goodly sum Is offered
you this week whlol wa are closing out
; those used pianos and organs. Many are
just as good aa new, not even showing a
scratch on tha case; some have seen a
year's use, while a few squares may have
been on earth twenty-five years. This Is
an excellent chance to get a good
for mighty little money; even us aquares
have a good tone and action and after
the children get started we will accept
them back on a new piano at the full
price now asked. Just stop and think!
You can buy a piano (true, It's a square)
at this sale for only $16, on $1 per week
payments; better ones at $22, $30, $38 to
$52. All on the same easy payments.
of the vacancy a moment's thought and did j the match was applied to the paper. Only
not have anyone in mlDd for the place. He
leavea the city soon on a business trip that
may require his absence for some days, and
proposes to unload the burden of selecting
onto the committee before be leaves, and
invite It to get through with the job before
he returns.
Diamonds. $16 to $500. Edholm, Jeweler.
llosneseekera' Excursions.
The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip
tlcketa at very low rates on Tuesdays,
October l"th, November 4th and 18th, De
cember 2d and 16th, for certain points ln
southwest Missouri, Kansas. Oklahoma, In
dian Territory, Texas, Arkansas, etc. Stop
overs allowed on going Journey. Final
limit of tickets, 21 days. For further In
formation, maps, rates, etc., addresa any
agent of the company, or Thoa. F. God
frey, psssenger and ticket agent, southeast
corner 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Good roaltlun Open.
Good opening for a newspaper or maaailns
solicitor. Permanent position for a com
petent man. Address, Twentieth Century
Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Srhoolma'tu I'lcnlc to tallforala.
6tate what school you teach. Round trlD
railroad tickets offered free. For particu
lars address California Mutual Land Com
pany, 240 Montgomery strasL En Fran
cisco, Cat.
For Hearing; of Accnaed Members of
South Omaha Board of
From the county court the sheriff has
received subpoenas for witnesses ln the
state cases against four members of the
South Omaha Board of Education, who
are charged with accepting bribes and who
are to have a hearing next Monday morn
ins at t o'clock.
In the case against Alonzo Miller the
state calls N. M. Graham, J. T. Sullivan,
D. A. Pearce, Agnes Ayer. Cecil N. Lyon,
Lorena M. Johnson, Sadie Olver, Floyd
St. John and O. W. Gruening.
In that against J. L. Kubat It calls Sadie
Olver, Bernard' P. Baer. Floyd St. John
and O. W. Gruening. In that against A. L.
Lott It calla Bernard P. Baer, Floyd St.
John and O. W. Gruening In that against
Theodore Schroedar the aame three called
for the Lott case.
slight hole was burned in the Dorch and
the blaze only allghtly scorched the banis
ter above this. ,
That the attempt waa not successful
probably Is due to the rain of the prevloua
night, which left the porch damp, and to
the fact that the paper beneath the bants,
tera had been packed too tight. The at
tempt was made some time between 10
o'clock at night and 6 o'clock in the morn
ing while the members of the family were
asleep. They heard nothing during the
night and only knew of the attempt when
iney awoke the next morning.
Mr. Beata Is a' carpenter and Just re
cently built his bouse.
Backlcn'a Arnica Salve.
The best ln the world for Cuts, Corns,
Boils, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Bores, Ulcers.
Salt Rheum. Cures piles or no pay. 25c.
For aale br Kuhn & Co.
Kansas t Mr. Mo.
' Tba American Royal Cattle and Swine
Show and Kansas City Horse Show will be
held at Kansaa City. Mo., from October 20
to 25. Round trip tickets will be sold at
one fare, p'.ua $2, by the Missouri Pacific
Railway Company from October 18 to Oc
tober 22 Inclusive. .
Southeast Corner Fourteenth and Douglas
Streets. Omaha.
Diamonds, rubles, smaralda. Edholm, J'l'r.
Health atrf Mnail Cost.
A few doses of Dr. King's New Life Pills
will cleanse, tone and invigorate the wboe
system. Try them. Only 25o. For sale by
n.unn at uo.
UlOO V. Si.
Limited train via MILWAUKEE Railway
Leavea Omaha Union depot daily. Magoifl
tent equipment, latest palace sleepers,
library-buffet car, dining car, new coaches.
City Office, 1504 Farnam atreet.
General Western Agent
Mortality Statistics.
The following birthe and deaths were re.
ported at the office of the Board of Health
during the twenty-four hours ending at
noon Thuraduy:
Utrtlut Andrew Drlesnrner. 2337 Spauldlng
stri-et, boy; Jacob Funk, 4J4 Cedar atreet.
girl. '
Deaths-Mrs. Mary Bonneukant, 11MJ
South blxteenth street, aged Ti years
Achllle ltoger, liao North Eighteenth
street, aged years.
Publish your legal notices In Tha Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Coal Uocs to tha Bottom.
CATTLKTTfiBCRii. Ky.. Oct. 16 -One
hundred and flfty thousand buyhels of bitu
minous coal, a portion of the cargo of the
advance guard of the coal fleet bound from
Pittsburg to the south, were sunk In tha
Ohio river .war here early todav aa a re
sult of a rollulon of the tow "boat Fred
U lltoa, with a oiks, two miles above this
To the Uniniatiated
are a future pleasure. To the ladles
who have worn them, they are as an
old and tried friend.
Fitting the feet like custom work
and fitting the purse as well as they
do the feet.
Corofils price remains the same
$3.50 ALWAYS
in an me new learners dull or
bright kid patent or enamel box calf
or veloura with common sense or
Cuban heels.
A maid Is alwaya In attendance she
shines your shoes without charge.
Sorosis Shoe Storfi
203 S. 15th St., OMAHA.
Karbach Block.
Frank Wilcox. Manager.
Send for catalogue.
'ftassusuBMiBiBwaMiimisii -'-"ll HUilP
a few dollars more Invested you can securs
a good, serviceable upright. We have ona
for $68; another better one at $98; some
atlll better ones at $112, $12T. $142, $158
and up. Some well known makes, such as
Erbe, Arlon, Everett, Story tc Clark, etc.,
will be closed out at genuine bargain
prices on terms of
weekly payments. If you are Interested In
securing a good, serviceable piano, one
hour spent with us this week ought to
convince the most skeptical.
Tlie Pianoa Are Eight.
The Prices Are Right.
Tho Terim Are Right.
Assist us to make room on our floors
for fall stock dally arriving, and our word
for tt, you will save money.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha.
(02 Broadway Council Bluffs.
and Retail
Reading Lamps
Electric, Oil and Gas
313 S. 15th St. 'Phone 503
"Paint it Red"
Is a favorite expression, but everybody does
not care tor RED. If you buy your paint
from us you can get any color you want, be.
cause we are agents for the best paint It Is
possible to mix. It is the "HORSESHOE
BRAND," made by the Mound City Pslnt
and Color Co., St. Louis. It costs you
$1.60 per gallon and no one can give you
any better even when they charge you
more. Call for a sample card. Estimates
cheerfully given.
Fuller Drug & Paint Go.
114 South Uth Street.
P. 8. We have decided to quit selling
drugs and give all our time to selling
paints. Our prescriptions will now ba
filled by Kuhn aV Co., 15th and Douglas Sts.
WHITS DOVE CU"iD!rr.'.ll.Wi)e.iror ir.
lug for .irons drink. Ike .ppeUlfl for wuli-h c.nuot
exTti .ftr usina lul. remcdr. (ilv.a lo ur Haul
WHS or wiUiout knulM of ptu.ati Uitc.vM. tl i
Slwrsiss itaCeaau llrus Ca., Ouwfca. Ksh.
Deputy Itate Vaterlnartaus
Food Inspector.
Offloa aad Infirmary, Mth an afaaoa sTtSj
Omaha. Nb. STslepbone .