Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What Swnmp-Root, theWorld-Fomous Kidney end Bladder Remedy,
. Will Da-lor YOU, Every Header of The Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Free.
Governor gad Major f Liioola Addrtn
0pi Sanies, of Graid Lodga,
Jim Dump would look with envious eye
m many unrigs h coula not buy.
Ho longed for money that others spehi.
But, presto 1 his season of discontent
Has vanished I 'twill never return to him.
For" Force" has made him "Sunny Jim."
Secretary of state . Leak l Aa-
stker Kaaae, However, for Oaa
Faetlaa Malrt aa la
aaraaro Ceasssy.
. If OR
Bptakcn Bnij "Oni Ov'sr Itata Praientiig
tba luuei ta the Fsspl. V.
Caw sal Wllilaraa, Joha f. Keller ef
Wl.raiuli " Deliver .AKrmra
,i ?
at tianrroia Other Palate
la the State , .
WAHOO. 'Nab., Oct. ' 15. (Special ' Tele
gram. )-r-Consul General William of Singa
pore opened the republican" campaign here
thia 'evening. He dlscusse the tariff and
Philippine Questions fully and gave facta
; that could not be disputed. The meeting
was a big success.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 15.' (Special Tel
egrem.) Hon. John T. Kelly, ex-chalrmaa
of the republican atate central committee of
Wisconsin, opened the campaign bare to
night by addressing a large bad enthusiastic
udieoca at Jibe Auditorium. The Second
Regiment band gave a concert preceding
' Mr. Kelly's addreaa and much enthusiasm
prevailed, throughout the meeting. The
speaker waa Introduced by. Hon. M. B. Pa
la, chairman of the republjarn county cenr
trml .otpniitl-'r M Ke41y. said-, in. part:
'.'The unprecedented prosperity of the coun
try baa .made, many men Indifferent to the
duty that the tight of franchise .Impaxee.
The exceptiona to the general rule of proa
perlty but serve to emphaslte the fact that
the only complaint that caa be fairly made
ie that the benefit of . our prosperity are
not fairly diatrlbuted. These unequal con
ditions are not the result of. legisatlon. but
rather of the evolution of economic conditions.-
Where they can be reached by leg
islation the people may look; with confidence
to the republican party tor such relief aa
legislation ran , give. Ita whole history ia
one of effort to uplift labor 'and to protect I
the American home. ' Much of the agitation
about trusts is built of loose declamation
without reference to close adherence to the
facta. .It la true. that Mr. Bryan contends
that the Kansas City platform furiilahea a
remedy for destroying the trusts, but the
American people are In no hmor to exper
iment with the remedy offered.' ,
He a. J. II. Mickey, Caaerreeeaaaa Bar
ken mm Robert Sleaa - ,
liver A Jd reuse.
YORK. Neb.. Oct.' 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Tonight was the first republics
meeting held this fall In York. A good au
dience greeted Congressman 'E. i. Burktt
and J, H. Mickey, republican nomine fat
governor. The telling hits were euluusl
astically applauded. T. B. 8-dgwick pre
sided. Introducing the speakers. The York
ejuartet aang topical political aongs and
each song waa encored. The abort spewh
'of Robert Sloan, republican . candidate for
tate senator for York and Fillmore coun
ties, waa heartily applauded.; J. H. Mickey
.was cheered by the audience. He gave a
short history of he early settlement. ' of
York and Polk rountlea and then spoke en
state and national issue.' Mr. Mickey
made oa of the best speeches heard here.
Congressmsn E. J. Burkett's speech will
be long remembered aa one ef the clever
est, most convincing political' speechea ever
beard In York.
Ceaeral Wllltasaa at paklaaa.
OAKLAND, Neb.. Oct. 15. (Special.)
Consul General Williams addressed the
people of this vicinity In the Interests of
the republican party, at the opera house
Tuesdsy night. He waa greeted by a good
audience and delivered a very interesting
address, on the .issue of the day, and
demonstrated th vaat resource of the
Philippine and their Industrial capabili
ties under .-proper government Mr. Wil-
3 Rumbllnr of rag., LT
sMir litiuia artaiux in .
tba mouth, Utra after
atlcz bo honest, you hava
luut to diet, Uv on blaad
foods, and havw tried many
physlctAoa' treatments and
Dnelc!aca,wUlchoaly relieve
ad sUU you arc troubled.
Will cure yoa aaaalatslr.
Mm ke fmmmr.
a-nd for Booklet, FREE, to
VKANK NAU. Broadway.
Jsow lork Oty,
i Met'OSXElL
naia to.
lith Dodg Sta. Ossaha. Neb.
CSL" )
The Beady-to-Berrs Carvel
braces HKe a br.sH
morning wallt
SwU crlga fltkn af wkut
TmilM with Nervousness.
"I have used your Force this mmaer and hare found It very good for ner
on. trouble M w.l ii see. I was troubled also with sour stomach and
oontipation and found ' Foroa very beneficial In every respect.
(Keass ftumlahet oa aapltoriav)
llama la a fluent orator and held the at
tention of Ills audience throughout his en
tire discourse.- ' '
. Pernios Cease Weakeelaa;.
DAVID CITT. Neb., Oct. 15. (Special,
For - more than two weeks poster have
been circulated all over Butler county an
nouncing the fact that W. J. Bryan would
apeak at the opera house in thia city last
night. A fair-sited audience . heird him.
The speaker dlacussed trusts and tariff re
vision principally, charged the republican
party aa being responsible - tor the coal
atrlkes and said that Prealdent Roosevelt
had the power to end the coal a tr Ike, but
he did net do so. . He arraigned the state
government for ' not ' legally esseeslpg . the
rtorporattona and closed by appealing to tbe
voters to support the fusion congressional,
state andeounty ticket. Mr. Bryan aroused
no enthusiasm and there -waa no applause
while he was speaking. The fusiea cause
Is weakening In this county. ,as was fully
demonstrated by the few farmers who came
out to hear Bryan laat night.
Brraa Talks at Freateat.
FREMONT. Neb., Oct. 16. (Special Tele
gram.) Hon. W. J. Bryan opened the cam
paign here tonight for the fualonist ' and
had a large crowd. He first spoke on state
Issue and urged the election of the fusion
ticket In order to secure a more equitable
taxation of railroads. After devoting con
siderable time- to hU favorite subject of
nuance, h which he referred to. Cleveland
a being' more of a republican , than a dem
ocrat' on many Issues. ,
Congressman Robinson spoke for a few
minutes while the audience .was waiting for
Bryan. The train on which he arrived waa
late and did hot reach the city until about
7 o'clock. ' . "...
Faeloalsts Have Little Csalteaee.
SEWARD. Neb., Oct '..15. (Special.)
Colonel W. J. Bryan was . here today, as
advertised, and made a. speech along the
customary Itnea to an audience consisting
largely of women. The fusionlsta are evi
dently afraid that Mr. Stark will not be
re-elected, since Colonel Bryan aald In his
speech that he would
consider hla time
well apent If be succeeded in getting pne
additional vote for Stark in Seward county.
Basalt Crowd Greet Tkansaaaa. '
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Hon. W. H. Thompson, fusion can
didate for governor, addressed a small au
dience at tbe Auditorium this afternoon.
But little Interest was manifested among
tbe fuslonlsts over his visit
Maa Wka Skat Llveryaaaa Goad la
Either Iataas . sr.' Olvlag a
- Oaaa laaltatlaa. ' ''
v ' "' '" "
PLATTSMOVTH,' Neb., Oct 15. (Speolal.)
Bad H arias, tbe man who 1 in Jail
charged with shooting, a liveryman uamed
Good at Union, ha been acting very, queer
alnce being brought ' to Plattsmouth Ian
Suuday. He has taken no, food of any kfnJ,
and when Sheriff . J. D, McBrlde goes In
with the meal for the prisoners ho el war
finds this fellow standing like a statu' in
th corner of hi cell. When Dr. K. W.
Cook visited H arias yesterday he found the
prlaoner very morose and not inclined ta
talk. Th physician Is of the, pptalva 'bat
the prisoner la trying to work tbe Inaaalty
dedge. Several years ago, tt Is ald, 'a a
at of Insanity, H arias cut hi throat, but a
phyulciaa waa near and saverf- Sis life.
Later be waa seat to an asylum.
Safe Blawa Ofts wttk Draaamlta aa
Aeaat Twa Ha ad red Dollars
ta Maaey Takea.
WOOD RIVES, Neb.. Oct . (.Special
Telegram.) The aoetofflce at this place
a robbed about 4 o'clock thia morning.
th front door having been pried open with
tools obtained at both blacksmith shops,
which war entered and the. tool taken.
The safe was blown open with dynamite
and the heavy plate glaas wladowa- badly
shattered. Night Watchman Jones beard
the cxploalon and started tor the seeae, but
waa commanded to atop wkea within a abort
distance of tbe office.
The money box was found broken opea
and contents of about $200 missing. There
Is no clue at this hour. ' ,
Flfteea Tkoaaeaa lor T. M. C. A.
YORK. Neb., Oct. ,'i5,-r-(apeclal.-The
financial thermometer hanging In the win
dow of the First Nattunal. bank, , which
shewed' each hour the amount of contribu
tion mad by tbs cUUena . toward the
building- of the Young Men's Chriinaa as
soclaUoa building, climbed -up yesterday ,te
the llS.Oos mark, and before th - bank
oioaed th thermometer run aver, ehowtog
that tli.OTt bad been raised. pallaa Kallraaa.
SPAUHNQ. Keb,. Oct " 15. (Bpeplal.) the- grading will be computed this
week for th sew 8peJdl&g railroad. .Th
depot site as bra located and th ale-
asi suit cola.
rater men are choosing their location. The
Spalding people have bad a continued aerie
of disappointments In securing a railroad
to their town for the paat twenty years,
and now that their longings are soon to
be aatlsfled there Is generally rejoicing In
the community. Cara are expected to be
running by December 1.
X-w Baa It at Saaldlag.
SPALDING, Neb., Oct. 15. (Special.)
Five of Spalding's substantial men have
applied for a charter to conduct a bank
ing business under the taame of the Spald
ing City bank. The bank will be ready to
operate December 1. The stockholders are:
J. H. Sullivan, James Fox, Vincent Glaaer,
Thomas Sullivan and T. C. Cronln. The
bank will be capitalised at $10,000.
Iaaaae Tkraask flaaatrako.
YORK. Neb., Oct 15 (Special.) Jacob
Newman, a pioneer farmer of York county,
having lived on hi homestead near Brad
ehaw for thirty years, was tried tvday by
the Insanity commission and will be sent
to Jihe asylum at Lincoln. Some tiao last
summer Mr. Newman had a alight sun
stroke and It Is supposed that this 1 the
cause of hi mental trouble.
Seateaeed for Boa- Bteallatr. (
PAPIU.ION, Neb., Oct IS. (Special Tel
egram.) Frank Melater and Patrick
O'Brien who were found guilty of stealing
hog frofn Adam "Molu, were sentenced, to
day. by Judge Read. Metiter got three
Jrears and O'Brien two year and aix
months. Attorneys for the defense moved
tor a new trial, which waa overruled.
Jasap Ball! Boaea.
LONG PINE, Neh.. Oct. 15. (Special Tel
egram.) J. T. Rea. who Is under bonds to
appear in the district court to answer the
charge of stealing two homes from Senator
F. M. Currte, baa suddenly taken hi de
parture. Hla bondsmen are In hot pursuit
Dlea aa Reealt af B
SYRACUSE. Neb.. Oet 15. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. Henry Hartmaa, who waa
Laerlonsly burned by the explosion of a
lamp at the family residence last night,
died at about 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Gate' Byadlrate OktaUa Charter far
Hallway Froaa Joplla to
El Reaa.
GUTHRIE, Okla.. Oet. 15. Tbe Oklahoma
Central Ml St. Louis Railroad company waa
chartered here tonight with a capKal of
$15,000,000 and an estimated length of COO
miles. All the stock Is said to be sun
scribed by a Gates-Lambert-Mltehell syndi
The lino IS to run from E Reno, Okla.,
where K connects with the Choctaw aV
Rock Island, through Guthrie to Joplln, Mo.,
then northeast to Jefferson City or St. Louis,
crossing the Kansas City line of the i Rock
Island at "Versailles, Mo. The work of con
struction will commence In Missouri Im
mediately. HYMENEAL
NEBRASKA CITT, Oct 16. (Sp:lal.)-
The marriage of Miss Nora Ianth Dnt,
daughter of N. A. Duff, prealdent of lb
Duff Grain company, and Mr. William P.
Sergeant of Colorado Springs, wa solem
nised this evening at the St. Mary's Episco
pal church by Rev. A. E. Knickerbocker.
Th wedding waa the moat uotsbU society
event that haa occurred la Nebraska City
In several years. Tbe bride, who haa a boat
of friends, I on of th most charming
young women. She was dressed In an slab
orate gowa of whit crepe, velvet and chiffon
and carried an Immense bouquet of bridal
rose. The maid of honor was Miss Alice
Duff of Denver, a cousin to th) bride,
dressed in whit mull. Th bridesmaids
were Miss Alice Meal Iff of Chicago. Miss
Cleo Hulbert of Galesburg, 111.: Miss Ger
trude Duff and Mia Mary WUaon of this
etty. The maids were all gowned In dell-
eat green muH. The beat man wa Ray
mnnd Sargeaat of Colorado Springs anl
John W. Dixon of Nebraska City; Prod
Steer -of Colorado Springe, E. A. Duff of
Nebratka City and D. Rues Wood of Colo
rado Springs were the ushers. Miss Oer
trade Sousiey presided at the organ. The
church waa beautifully decorated with
palms, ferns and cut nowera. After the
ceremony s reception waa tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Saxgesnt at th home of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Kf Duff to allow the friends to say tare
weir to the bride: The young couple left at
midnight for St Louie, from whence they
will make aa extensive Journey through the
t. Leala-Wklte.
LONG PINK. Neb.. Oct ,15. (Special Tel
egram.) Rev. H. H. St Louis, pastor of -.ha
Methcdtst Episcopal church of Crest on. and
Miss Alice Whit of Crest on war married
Mr tonight at th bom of th bride' als
ter. Mrs. J. H. Oraer. Rev. F. M. BiseoB
presiding elder of the Norfolk district.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. 15. (Special.) Governor
Savage and Mayor WInnett delivered formal
addresaea of welcome thia morning at th
open session of the Odd Fellows' snd Re-
bekahs' lodges of the state house. C. A.
Randall, grand master, of Newman Grove, .
responded for tbe Odd Fellows and Mrs.
Lucy Barger of Hebron for the Rebekaha.
This afternoon a very creditable parade,
led by Department Commander Nichols of
the Patriarchs Militant and staff, was held.
So far 233 candidates have been given
the grand lodge defcree. Th remainder of
tbe time haa been taken up with listening
to report and dlscusalng, behind closed
doors, matter of Interest to th order.
Bath Factleae Reeeaalaed.
Both of the ticket nominated by the so
cialists will be allowed on the official bal
lot, but only one will go there, aa "the so
cialist" ticket Th other will have to be
content with aotn other name than that
What Uil la will be decided shortly. It
will be some distinguishing name, and the
aecretary of state, whoa decision was an
nounced thia afternoon, will try and think
one up. The victory rests with tbe Omaha
The successful faction, who waa th last
to file It certificate of nomination, held Its
convention In Omaha September 14 and put
up the following ticket: George E. Bige
low, Lincoln, for governor; J. S. Berry,
Humboldt lieutenant governor; R. Q. Mo
Glbbon, -Clarkson, secretary of state; Wil
liam Scbram, Kearney, treasurer; Louis
Bogen,. Ashton, auditor; J. B. Randolph,
Omaha, attorney general; Burla Wllkle,
Lincoln, superintendent of public Instruc
tion, and Leonard De Vore, Ponca, com
missioner of public lands snd buildings.
The ticket that will have to bo content
with tbe appellation Mr. Marsh select l
composed of: George E. Blgelow, Lincoln,
governor; Andrew E. Pugh, Fairfield," lieu
tenant governor; J. Fhlppa Roe, Omaha,
secretary of state; T. P. LIpplncott, Blair,
auditor; William Stolley, Grand Island,
treasurer; James R. Burleigh, Lincoln, at
torney general; W. E. Adama. Brockland,
commissioner; William Brlttaln, Omaha,
superintendent of public Instruction.
Heaaoehl Waate Pardoa.'
Is William Remoehl aa Innocent man Is
the question that Is. claiming the attention
of th governor Just at present Remoehl
was sent to th penitentiary December 13,
1900, under sentence of seventeen yesr
for statutory ctim alleged to have been
committed upon a child of 11 year named
Julia Springer, daughter of H. E. Springer.
County Attorney A. , H. Tiagle of Boyd
county la now in Lincoln petitioning - th
governor for. executive clemency, and ' de
clares hi conviction that tbe two years
already served have fulfilled the end of
Justice., ' In fact, be baa atated to th gov
ernor his conviction that th man wa In
socent, but In a communication he simply
declares his opinion that the sentence wss
exceealve. It appear that Remoehl' wife
Is a woman who Is very much respected In
their honse community snd he has a family
of children dependent uien htm.' ' " i
. Istsm Hesiaae' riaoev . -Bert
Forbes,' assistant stste' engineer, b
resigned bis position to enter the employ
of th United States geological survey un
der the civil service, snd expects to ess
signed to Irrigstlon work Under the new Ir
rigation Jaw, In southern California or Ne
vada. Hi resignation will take effect
November 1, at which time he will be sue
ceeded In ' the office of the secretary of
the state Irrigation board by J. C. Steven
of Lincoln, wbo haa beea attached to the
geological survey and operating under the
auspice of th state university.
Hew Coraorattoaa. ,
Th Knox county bank of Verdlgre ha
filed article of Incorporation, placing" It
authorised capital stock st $30,000. Its In
corporators are D. B., F. B. and 8. S. Welp
ton, tbe first named being prealdent and
the second cashier. -
Small Hopes Mining company Is th nsms
of an Omaha concern that , haa Juat filed
artlclea of Incorporation. Ita incorporators
are Samuel Rees, c. l. Hutcninson, jonn
A. Wakefield and George E. Gibson and
Its authorised cspital stock Is $500,0000.
Tbe Nebraska Clark Automatic Telephone
company Is tbe name of a newly lnqor
porated Omaha concern, the purpose of
which Is ths manufacture snd operation of
telephone systems. A. S. Clark, A. Van
Wegene and J. L. Putnam appear a Incor
porator capital stock Is given at
Coaaaaay Moat Pay Aayway.
The Security Mutual Insurance oompany
of Lincoln, was hit hard In district court
today when a Jury found that It should pay
ths heirs of George W. Kluetach $5,381 on
a policy found among his effects after bis
deeth a year ego last July. Klnetsch waa
on of th publishers of th Frele Press,
a big German weekly In this city, and met
death very suddenly st th tlm the hot
wave waa prostrating hundreds. Ths com
psny claimed that as a matter of fact
Kluetach never paid the second year's
premium and that th policy had lapsed
eight months before his death. His bene
ficlary flashed s receipt, however, showing
that-tbe company had received the money.
The secretary tnalated that this was a cler
leal error,
Ho Dlaaalaaed tko Case..
Thomas O. Thompson, recently of Omaha,
filed a ault for divorce from hi wife
Laura, soma week ago. Today ha dis
missed ' it with some precipitancy. He
charged In hla petition that hi wife had
left him and bad greatly humiliated him
by consorting with objectionable eharae
tar In South Omaha. HI wife heard of
the matter and wrote out a pitiful letter
to one of the district judge telling him
her side of the story, which was vaatly
different from that presented by Thomp
son ia his petition. The letter waa turned
ever to an attorney, and it is. surmised
that knowledge of th fact that his wife
wss about to appear against him induced
him to withdraw the auit.
Federal Caart Oaeae.
Judge Munger and hla official staff opened
the Lincoln term of federal court thia
morning. But two caaes, under tbe - new
rule requiring ten days' notice of trial, ar
ready for a hearing before a jury. One 1
a damage suit brought by a Kaaaas City
man agalnat th Nicbol sV Shepard com
paay for aa elevator accident, aad the other
oa la relieving between the Huber Manu
facturing company and tbe Rock Island.
The suit In which William M. Welch ef
Chicago, sue George A. Joslya of Omaha,
the Westers Newspaper Union magnate,
for 8300,606 for non-tulUllmeat of a coa
tract to aell hla aa option oa hi con
trolling latereet la th aewapaper union,
will receive a partial airing, a demurrer
belag do a ter argument
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. T. ' '
Gentlemen In Justice to you, I feel It Is my duty to send you an acknowledgment of the receipt of the sample bot
tle of Swamp-Root you so kindly sent me. I had teen out of health for the pant five years with kidney and Madder trou
ble. Had our best physicians prescribe for me. They would relieve me for the time bolnp, but the old complaint would
In a short time return again. I'sent for a sample4xttle of Swnmp-Root, and fouud It did me a world of good. Since
v - -
then I have taken eight small bottles bought at ray drug Btore, and I consider myself perfectly cured. It Bccmcd as
though my back would break In two after stoop) ng. I do not have the smarting ud irritation, nor do I have to get up
during the night to urinate, as I formerly did three or four times a night, but now sleep the sleep of peace. My back ia
all right again, and In every way I am a new man. Two of my brother officers are still using Swamp-Root. They like
myself, cannot sal too much In praise of of It It Is a boon to mankind. We rec6mm,?Ild 11 a11 lio 8te sulTcriiis' bom
kidney and bladder diseases. ,'
My brother officers (whose signatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank you for the blessing you im.v
brought to tbe human race In tbe compounding of Swamp-Root.
We remain, yours very truly,
' - Tollce Officers of Greater New York.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the famous new discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, becauae a soon s ycur
kidneys are well they will help all tbe other organs to health. .A trial will convince anyone.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible tor many kinds of diseases, and If permitted to continue much suffering with
fatal results sre aure to follow. Kidney trouble Irritates the nerves.'make you dixsy, restless, sleepless and irritable. Makes
you pass water often during the day and oblige you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause rheuma
tism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache in the back. Joints and muscles; makes your bead ache and back ache,
causes Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble; you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makea you feci as though you had heart
trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and Is used In the leading hospitals, recommend ed by pbysicisns tq their private practice,
and 1 taken by doctor themselves, because they recognize in it the greatest and most successful remedy that science has ever
been able to compound. v
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar a'ze
bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember tbe name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer'a riwamp
Root, snd the addreaa, Blnghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. -
' EDITORIAL NOTICE Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy, is so remarkably succeseful that a
special arrangement has been made by which all of our readers who have not already tried it may bare a sample bottle sent ab
solutely free by mall. Also a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles snd containing tnany of tbe thousands upon thou
sands of testimonial letters received from men snd women cured fay Swamp-Root. In writing, be sure and mention reading this
generous offer la The Omaha- Morning Be - when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer t Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
light Doorcase la MarketlasT af
Host aa Caa pared With
Last Week.
CINCINNATI, Oct 16. (Special Tele-"
gram.) Price Current says: There haa not
been' much change In current movement' of
hbge. Total western packing 'Is 806,00i).
compared with 810,000, the preceding week
and 890,000 laat year. , Since March 1 the
total Is 11,115.000, sgainst 14.020.000 a year
ago. Prominent places compare as fol
... 8W.O11O
... 6W.0OO
... 618,000
... fioi.ono
. . S10.000
... 25,0n0
... 228.000
.. 225.000
.. 213.000
Chics go,:
Kansas City v
St. Joseph
St. Louis
Sioux City
St. Paul
Cedar Rapids
Colorado Coaeera Obey Coart aad
Isaaea a Call ta tbe
teekkoldera. .
DENVER, Oct 16. Th directors of the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company today
called a stockholders' meeting, to be held
on December 10, ia accordance with the or
ator made by Judge Caldwell In the United
States court.
Th Epicurean's delight; sparkling, effer
vescent, fruity. The champagne pw' excel
lence. Cook' Imperial Extra Dry.
Hebraska si Iowa Still Promised
More Day af Flae
. WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. Forecast:
Nebraska, lewa, Missouri, South Dakota
and Kansas Fair Thursday ssd Friday.
Illinois Fair Thursday; cooler In ex
treme northeast portion; Friday fair; light
to fresh winds, becoming north.
Montana, Colorado and Wyoming Fair
Thursday and Friday.
North Dakota Partly cloudy and warmer
Thursday; showers at night or Friday. .
ateaorte fraa atatioas at T 15 at
Hi If,
?3 5J
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
fheyenno, clear
Bait Lake City, cloudy ...
Hupld City, clear
Huron, clear
Willlnton, clear
Chit-ago, clear ,
Pt. ImjIs, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy ...
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Hsvre, partly cloudy
Helena, clear
rltamerck, cloudy
tialveaton, partly cloudy
M! .00
74 '.00
Loral Forecast Official.
Local Heeard.
OHAHA, Oct. 1&. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponoing (lay of the laat three
11. 1901. 1900 1S
, 74 fcS Si fK
, 47 42 y 46
. so 4 ss m
, .00 .0U .WO .0u
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature ....
Record of temperature and precipitation
at uraaha for ibla day and since March 1.
Normal temperature S3
Kxcees for the day 7
Total excess since March 1 4o
Normal precipitation 08 inch
Tendency foi the day w Itu-h
Totl relafatl alnce March 1 JS.40 im hue
fietlrlency since March 1 ... l.W inch
reni:incy for cor. period, ll.... S S Inches
iiaficiatity fur cor. )riud, 1ju l.woiacbaa
--mnii. ii Sirfi jlX- "''?J) I t-WA&, Cl'A
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 8 p.' m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
State Electro - Medical Institute
1308 Parian St., bet. 13th mil I4lli Straits, OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Lonjett Established, Thorosfhly Reliable Authorlied by the Laws of the State.
Blue Ribbon Beer
" The Influence of a glass of beer cannot be overetl
mated, especially when it is a glass of pure and Invigorat
ing Blue Rlbbjn beer. It is without a rival In flavor,
palatableness and delictouenetr, and 1 a bracer that will
keep up your strength. . '. ' ,
&5 Drewing Co.
What Did It
Tl.e perfection ef quality In
Is what struck the lasts, ap
preciation and approbation
of the American people.
11 is no everywhere th first
sought and th first bought.
Soil at all retains eata aa4 kr JoSWara
a a. Lafa lute su., SatUaera, aa.
l sHMMr UimHHHl
Whiskey I
JAMES COOK, 58th Precinct. -i.
HUGH K. DOYLE, CMh Precinct.
JOHN J. BODKIN, 68th Preciucl
If all othera have failed come to .the
STITUTE and get cured. We are con
atantly curing men who . have .spent
much time and money elsewhere In
vain, who would have saved money,
time, annoyance and Buffering If they
had applied to oa first for treatment
You do not want to be mutilated and
maimed for life In trying to be cured
of Varicocele, Stricture and kindred
troubles. In a few days, by surgical
procedures. We make no misleading
statements or unbusinesslike proposi
tions to the afflicted in order to aocure
their patronage. Our success has been
established by our SAFK and CER
TAIN methods of treatment. Our
charges sre low and we guarantee
satisfaction by curing every case we
accept for treatment
Omaha. Phone. I Zi
of MEN.
12 rears of uc.
etssful practio ia
Omaha. '
Oil EC cura ' - a'S.
rlLs. loa at Uaa Lei
llfeMl culllns. MiB af
Suarauiaa ie 9urm
fan or mon.r rafuaSai.
CVntlll 16 eurat far lit. aa tka palao
oTrnlLId tbaraaslr alaaa4 Irna tba K.. .f.rr la aa umpiora diurwi
auiaaiaialr aa lama. Na "BBK-AKINO OUT" at
th. Siataaa ao tka akia or t.aa. Traatmaat aautataa
aa a rus ar IM nrlou. aaaiciaaa.
.atbliuM, WASliNO IKI-, Wit ASLT
PKCAT la Vot'XO J MlliKUl AtiUD; Uck at
i(or aa4 araasta, wtt-k- aisaaa uutua4 waa.
Duras saaiauUaa,
IHIKAmT Klaaey Traaslas.- Waak
Ha Caara: ar wiih alikr a:aa ca atauSias
Caaaaltatloa rise. Treatsaeat r alail.
Call ar adarea. 11 14th t.
Microbe Killer
Cttrai all JBlool asset -Chronic
Kills tba microbe of tba hint and rure
Couauoipttoa; kills tli. mx-rcDe of the
kidueyt andxuie bright a Diteata; kills
Die luiciobas of tba throat and cuiea
liiiitieiia-. kill tba micttibca el tlia kkki
aad curat Eciauis; kill. I be oiicroaei of
tba bloud aad cures kteuaiaiUin. t aiicer.
( atarrh aad all other blood and Chronic
Lieas. Call ar aaud for fraa biatocy
ef re wad y snd taaliuiuoial. to
MTtlS.SIt.l6l ptUa C.. Oasas. Keb.
v. u r n