Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Grains Ope. Itrsn., but All Dtclia Etfore
MarkeU wloie.
t?T, Sfvfi-2fi 40. London Also closed In higher, second patents. $3.70fjS .; first clears, $2.91
with spot at 114 15 and future at Ali fgi: second clears, iz.Kxaz.w.
lis Svl. topper mien quiei ncre, nn dhai in uum. eu.i.
Provision Prices Opened Higher, De
clined Slightly and Closed About
Steady la Fare of Mod
erate Receipts.
CHICAGO. Oct. 13. Wet weather and
higher cablee) caused a strong opening In
grains on the Hoard of Trinle today, and
alter a alight decline, wheat cloned firm,
ljeccmuer up Va'ieC. I'ecember corn closed
c lower and oat Vitrlfec lower. January
provlalons closed unrhanged to Sityc lower.
General ralna during tne last torty-elght
lioura, together with higher cables, started
wheat hi it her today, but large receipts In
the northwest, with prediction of better
weather caused conalderabla gelling enrly
by commiaalon houses and the market
weakened materially. Ixcal aentlment,
however, was bulllHh and offerings were
well taken. In the latter part of the day
trices advanced aealn on a. aond demand
with limited offerings. Poor grading, fair
cuah demand and a small Increase In the
visible suuoly were the sustaining features
iwcember opened VifVic higher at 71V
7lc. but sold down to 0Sc early on heavy
liquidation. Later on offerings becoming
limited and with good buying by comtnts
Inn houses there was an advance to 71c,
Another reaction followed, but the close
111' w
bushels. Primary receipts were
buKheis. compared with 1,124,000 bushels a
year ago. The visible supply showed an In
crease of buxbel. The amount on
puKPuge showed a decrease of 72,0"0 bushels
lor the week. Minneapolis and Duluth re-
fiorted receipts of 1,3.6 cars, which, with
ucal receipt of 117 cars, one of contract
grade, made total receipts for the three
points or 1,462 cars, against 1,088 car last
week and 821 cars a year ago.
Corn oiiened strong on wet weatl'.sr and
higher rabies. The feature to trade was the
unloading of a long line by a prominent
trader. It being reported over l.OOu.oOO bush
els were disposed of. The market weak
ened on free offerings, but later most of
the loss waa regained on buying by locals
and commission houses. The close was
about steady, with a small loss for the
aay. December sold between i"c and
4(ec, and the close was c lower at 41'rii
4-c. Local receipts were 1492 cars, with
3 of contract grade.
Oats opened etroni with corn, but on
commission house selling, principally . by a
prominent long, and with weakness in corn
prices, tended lower. There was a fair
trade throughout the day. The close waa
easy, with December down Vbc at 31Vc.
after selling between 31c and 31bc, Local
receipts were l'Jo cars.
Provisions were traded In moderately and
opening prices were higher. Influenced by
standard at Slo.&vr lake. SU.H811. :
electrolytic. J11.4T-I ll.fft; casting, 111.35'ip
11.45. lndon prices were Is 3d lower, with
spot closing at 51 12s Sd and futures at
i.51 16s 3d. Iad was steady and a shade
more active In New York, where It closed
at $4.124,: In Iiondon It closed at 10 15s.
Spelter here closed at to. 50. but lost 2s to In
Ixmiion. where the closing quotation was
19 fs. Iron was quiet abroad, Glasgow
closing at E7s lid and Mlddlc'borough St
63h 4V.i1. Ixically Iron was null ana nom
inal. Warrants continue nominal: No. 11
foundry northern. 123. 0"& 25.00: No. 2 foun
dry northern, No. 1 foundry southern and
No. l foundry soutnern, son, ii.uoi.w.
Condition of Trade aad Quotation
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EOOS-Candled stock, 20c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. TVWSc: roosters,
according to age, 4ft5c; turkeys, 12c; ducks,
W.r.; geese, 54j6c; spring chickens, per lo..
St. Louis Grain aad Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 13. WHEAT Higher;
No. 1 red cash, elevator, c; track
70c: December. 69ic: May. 71c: No. 2 hard,
lOhN-I,owfr; No. 2 cash, MV4c; track,
6tc: Iecember, 3VV; May, KV.
HATS Lower; No. 2 cash. Sue: track. 30
f(3lc; December, ZHc; May, 29Vc; No. 2
wnue, mc.
H Y K Firm at 4S'S4!c.
FI3UR Steady; red winter patents. $3.25
4(3.35; extra fancy and straight, 12.9503.20;
clear, $2,8fi2.9ii.
SEED Timothy, steady, 12. 7583.25.
COKNMEAI-Steady. $2.90.
BRAN Firm ; sacked, east track, 70T2c
HAY Tlmothv, lower, 29.00(8 12.50; prairie,
Steady. 29 Wti 10.50.
RAGGING 6 5-KVU7 l-lc.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing,
old, $17.00; new, 317.40. Lard, higher at
$10.45. Pry alt meats, steady; boxed extra
shorts and clear ribs, $11.62"; short clear.
$12.12. Uacon, steady; boxed extra snorts
MUTTER Packlnr stock 16o: choice n rlear rlbm, $12.62; short clear, $13.00.
'." M1'". "' "'" . I Mt.Vf'At.U .loorfu el U l0U. Knell
dnlrv In tubs. IWi'JOc: separator. 24325c.
FRESH CAl'OHT FISH Trout, lie: her
ring, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c;
buffalo, dressed. 7c: eur.flsh. 3c: blueflns.
3c; whlteflsh, 10c; salmon, 16c: haddock. 11c;
codnsh. 12o; redsnapper, 10c; lobsters, Douea
per lb.. 30c: lobsters, green, per lb.. 2Sc
bullheads, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 20c;
halibut, lie.
CORN fiSc.
OATH 34c.
RRAN Per ton. 112.50.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Peaiers' association: Choice No.
1 unland. $9: No. 1 medium. $8.50: No. 1
coarse. M. Rve straw. 17. These prices are
U'u'ac hlaher at 70'w71c. Clearances I for hay of good color and quality. Demand
and flnnr were enlinl to l.Li.'il't : fulr: receipts llsht.
uifllt rta manoaros, per can, c , extra
selects, per can. 35c; New York counts, per
can, 42c; milk, extra selects, per gai.. si.ia;
bulk, standards, per gal.,
MKTALH Lead, steady at $4.02Vk Spelter.
firm at $5 25.
POULTRY Easy; chickens, 84c; springs,
9V.4rl0c; turkeys, 8Viral0c; ducks, young,
10vc: eese. 8c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 25 23c; dairy,
EOOS Firm at 18Hc loss off.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
.. 23.00
Prices Dreak In Morning, bat Later
Completely Recover,
NEW YORK. Oct. 13. A violent and al
moat uncontested break In prices of stocks
this morning and a practically complete
vfw r-jrr irn vK-nrnev nr ilns Soa recovery tnis afternoon is the nistory ot
85c- llam-,oo dol 26c today s market. Liverpool closing pi-Ices
POTATOESNew Der'bu 2530e showed a sprinkling of net gains, amongst
KT fcpOTATOrPer l.ic; Vlr- r.TVichTn'ni'nTnVnnJ On"
glnla. per bb... $3; homegrown, per bu.. 90c ttlriS
TURNIPS Per bu.. 80c.
BEETS Per basket. 40c.
UKKliN CORN-Per doi.. 5e,
CUCUMBERS Per bu., 26c.
RADISHES Per doi.. lflc.
WAX BEANS Home grown, per market I
basket, 25c; string beans, per market
basket, 25c.
CABBAGE Home arown. new. le.
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per
du., 5H'feoc: ripantsn, per crate,
TOMATOES Per market basket, 4560c.
NAVY I3UANS Per bu.. $2.15.
noon there were ragged declines Indicated
of all the way from 1 to 1? points from
Saturday's level, many of the leading spec
ulative stocks having lost S to 4 points in
the two hours of trading. Sentiment In
the street seemed mixed before the opening
between the contending Influences of the
reports that a settlement of the coal strike
nad been reached, and tnat the lnrorma
tlon contained In the Saturday bank state
ment thit there must be further contrac-.
tinn of loans placed In the stock market
The latter swent awav all other consid
erations, and with the exception of a mo
mentary rally after the rally after the
PEACHESCallfornla. Inte SnJwavs 80c: opening, due to the taking of bear prollta
Colorado. 758'86c; Michigan, per bu. box. by Saturday's short sellers, the market
jj so. pursued a steady downward course under
PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate, a continuous stream of liquidation. It was
fancy, $1.25; California egg, per box, $1.10; evident that further selling out on the part
home grown, per 8-lb. basket, 16lSc; Colo- of some of the large speculative pools was
rsdo and Idaho, per 4-basket crate, su.sow I a"1"? preeuinauiy uimer pifnum ui
cents discount: forelan exchange, un-
chanaed: sterling posted at $4 S3"A fqr sixty
days and $4 XI lor demand.
NEW YORK, Oct. 13 Kxcnanges,
845.9;i; balances, $7,705,60.
BOSTON. Oct. 13. Exchanges, 13,03Z.ww;
balances, $1.2SS.348.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. IS. Clearings,
$14.254. 517; balances, $2,374,07; money, per
BALTIMORE. Oct. 13. Clearings, w.Oi,-
123; balances, $R6.232; money, 6 per cent.
ST. IXUIS, Oct. 13 Clearings, gji.r.'i.WHj
balances. l&u.iWl: money steady at btiV per
vent, New York axchanffa par.
Boston Steele Quotations.
BOSTON, Oct. 13,-CaIl loans. Vr
cent; time loans. 6H per cent. Official
closing on stocks and bonds:
On U M CstuflMX HM1S....MV
Atrblson S5V Cntenn1l ....
da pti apper nanx
Boirtnn A Altisnr Ikjmlnlos t'osl
Boston Elerated ....1M) rrmnkllo
N. T.. N. H. H..t24 Rorsls ...
Flfhbnrs pfd 144 'Mohtwlc
Vnlon I'tclflc im 014 Dominion
Mnlnn Ontrsl .... S4' Onoeola ,
lf 8t4ri nd 0wi SUactj, but rdr
EtMd Off a Little
Moderate Receipts ei iheep and Lstaaba
and BotB Vmt Stuff and Feedera
that Were at All Good Com
manded Falls- Steads- Price .
... 11
Receipts were: Cattle. Hoks. 8heen
omciai Monday w.ux
Same day last week 6,Nt9
M1 Same week before.
AtnAr. Rusr
do nfd
Amer. T. A T
Dom. I. A 8
Mum. Elect rto ...
Inltwl Fruit
V. S. steel
do pld
Wentlns. Common
... 6.1
... 34
... 31
... 14
... IV,
... M4
... 17
Santa T Coppar.
United States ....
Djr Waat
LONDON, Oct. 13. 4 p. m. Closing
Conaola. money M"4j New York Pantrat.
do account W Norfois at vtaatara
Anaconda 4Ta do pfd
Atchlaon H74 Ontario A Waatars
do pfd 1C2' TennayWania
Balttmora A Ohio 106 Rand Mlnaa
Canadian Pacific 1344 Readlns
Cheaapaaka a OHIO... do m pro
Chicago O. W t: do Id pfd
c . M. a St. r lJ soutnern ttanway.
. zi do pia
. 43"4 goutbarn Pacific...
. n I'nlon Pacific
. 3I4 do pfd
. 7 H I n Had Statas Steal
. M do pfd ,
.141 Wabaah
do pfd
. I Spanish 4a
. 14
. M
. 11
. 4
. 5T
. 1i
. MS
. tlla
. us
. Ui
. 41
. I)
. ST4
. 74
,. 704
. 40
. u
. 40
. M4
Same three weeks ago.. 8,367
Same four weeks bio... 12.791
Same day last year l.to9
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
lor tne year to date ana comparison wun
last year;
1901. 101. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 731.118 64,g61 136,257
Hogs 1.81S.W7 1.790,3i5 Z,tU
Sheep 1,1,426 96MMS 197.831
The followlna tab.e ahuws tno average
price of hogs sold on the Soutn Omaha
market the las', aeveral days, with cum
parlsona with former years:
Date. 103. 11901. ltO0.1899.18t.U97.18M.
DeBcara (dof.)....
Danvar A R. O..
do pfd
do let pfd
do Id pfd
Illlnola Central...
lxutaTlll A Naab
Idlaaourt. K. A T
do pfd
BAR SILVER-Steady at 23 7-1M
AtflVTrVHiM Mr cent The rate of rils. I Oct. 1
count In the open market for short bills Is I Oct. 1
SiiiU ner cent and for three-months bills I Oct. I.
.V.. tier cent. I Oct. 4.
Oct. 6.
New York Mining; daotatlona. ct-
I Oct. 7
NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Tbe following are Oct. 8.
Sept. 15..
Sept 13..
Sept. 17..
Sept. 18..
Sent. 19..
Sept. 20..
Sept. 21..
Sept. 13..
ee pi. ti..
Bpt. 24..
Sept. 25..
Sept. it.,
Sept. 27..
Sept. 28..
Sept. 30..
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con IB Llttla chief 10
Alice m Ontario 800
Preeca 44 Ophlr SO
Brunswick Con 7 Pboenlx
Tomatoes Tunnel I Potoal t
Con. Cal. A Va XI Sava 1
Horn Hllvcr ..t IIS Xlcrra Narad it
Iron Silrer 10 Small Hopes M
LeadTllla Con I Standard U
moderate receipt of hogs and higher prices ! PRUNES California, per box, $1; Hun
at the yards. At the advance there waa garun. $l.2r,: Utah, per 4-ba?ket crate. 90c.
some realising, which caused a sllgnt de- PEARS Fall varletlea. per box. $1.752.00;
cuiio, uui n o V" . , I iJartiMts, per dox,
January pork closed 2 Vic lower at $l5.8iV4. APl'LES Cooking, per bbl., $2.25; eating.
the demand from moaey lenders for repay
ment of loans. The Oould southwesterns
and some of the stocks in which the so
called western contingent have operated
largely were notably affected. The recent
tendency of nigh priced investment stocKs,
January lard was unchanged at $8.07V4 with I $2.2o(fl2.60; Jonathans', $3.25; New York sweei I which had been pushed to an extraordinary
pples or Ureenlngs, per bbl.. $3.25. I i'i l (" viuieimy u mimii roir
CHAPKSlMcw nr ner tlnued In evidence In the cases of Amerl-
rlbs unchanged at tH.iO.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
17y cars; corn, 430 cars; oats, 28 cars, hogs,
16.000 head.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat.
. May
XU ba
ud. Jan.
TIW 71 v
67 M
48Srn 48H
Va'U 43H
10 (1
tlii 31
32 82
17 00 17 00
15 75 15 77H
14 2V 14 97Vs
10 40 10 47V4
9 00 9 06
a 4ix S iiit
U 62H 11 62H
8 S2Vs 8 37V
69 69
7('H 70Tir(r.'l
71 72V.
57 67H
ie 90
15 60
14 80
10 32
8 W
a ia
11 52H
8 22Vbl
3 1 14
16 90
15 67
14 80
10 45
8 97
11 52
16 90
15 70
14 87
10 35
8 90
S 40
11 50
8 10 '
apples or Greening, per bbl., $3.25.
a a-Jh.i aviww va at,. arxi a vnnj av awa I 9 . . , w .
tdi, it 75 I can cxrrces, united states express, mok
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $6.50; per box, awanna, Delaware nuuson. ureat orm
40 I crn preferred. General Electric and similar
stocks. VS hen the liquidation first showed
signs of decreasing the bears caused a
sharp rally by covering of shorts, after
which tne market lay aiuggisn and neg
lected for an hour. The speculative sent!
ment then yielded to the influence of the
hopeful feeling that the conaultlngs and ac-
Forelgn Financial.
LONDON. Oct. 13. Discounts were steadv I Union Pacific system
today. Day to dav loans were easy. In I C. & N. W. Ry
spite of which Stock exchange loans were P., E. & M. V. R. R
being arranged on the basis of 4 per cent. B. & M. R. Ry
fully above the last settlement. The C, B. & Q. Ry
stiffness. It was presumed, was intended I C, R. I. & P., east....
to reduce somewhat the outstanding ac
count. Americans were the features of
the account. The persistent rise In Span-
sn 48 reacnea tne record, tuo4, ana ror
uguese touched the highest point this year,
QUINCES Per box. $1.50.
BANANAS Per bunch, accordlnr to else.
$2.0U& 2.50.
LEMONS California fancy. 14. 0044.26:
cnoice, .vtAJfrj, .
ORANGES Valenc as. 14.60: New Ja-
n.alca, auy tlaa, $4.20, Mexicans, any slxc,
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes. Dor lb..
oc; per case or ati-iD., pugs.,
PINEAPPI,ES-Per crate, $4.26(g4.60.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
tlvltiea of the financial and oneratinK now
i of Hie arcat anthracite compsnl"" would
lead to substantial results in the settlement
of the coal strike. Any admission of a
change In the deadlock was Impossible to
Aht.ln nnA ih. itnvaevlna. uaurtlnn irannrt.
FIGS California, ner 10-lb. cartons. Be: I r;.13. ji.
..." " , i niiL v virz i a i.v1 a urai . riiDviircu nun mo lwo-
lurmsn, per 33-lD. box, wo. nihility of Improving the output of the
AiiauaiiLiANUUlJS. I mines under protection or tne military Dy
TTOTCinT'Vaw iTtnh nee u.rrama . I seceders from the strikers. But the action
13 o I of the market reflected the faith that de-
C1UJKK NOW York, S4.60: per Hbbl., 12.75. I vuiojiineiiiu wtra mi lULuimna iiniMin iu tv
21 iu imo. l green, bc : xno. J green, l ivl w w-c"u wc. cunuaj.
ae 9i3
... 646
... 140
... 8S0
... 8v
... 2S4
The dlsnnsltlnn nf the dav'a recetnta was
Japanese were depressed by the new loan. I as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
iiinB waa an aui-rouna improvement in i per oi neaa inalcaieu :
rgenunes, attriDuted to continental bus!- I Buyers.
ness. Americans, with trifling exceptions, Omaha Packing Co
were lower, notably Ixiulsvllle A Nash- Swift and Company....
vllle. Business on the Stock exchange was Cuday Packing Co
strong, offerings being absorbed for the Armour aV Co
settlement. The tone waa Influenced by R. Becker 4V Degan ..,
the American bank statement, and the tin- I Vansant A Co
certainty regarding the strikes, and to the I Carev 4k Benton. ...v....
money disturbance, which caused a further I Lobman & Co
reinpse. soutnern ractnc and union Pa- W. I. Stephen
clfic were notably weak. At the close I Hill Huntzlnger
prices were irregular. Consols were fairly Livingstone 4V bchaller
steady. Canadian pacmc. Grand Trunk Dennis 4fc Co.
tllc Nr. 1 ma K.H tl.' - XTA 4 1 71.
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 84c; 'No. i
veal call, uiou lbs., oc; ury hiues, e'Uc;
sneep pens, voc; norse maes, ll.oiXfl'
rurtJUK-rer 10.. c: snei ed. 4c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
of the receipt of the several parcels or gold
from feurope and oi an expected arrival
Within t-o Greeks at Stn Francisco of 11.-
500,000 additional . ' -Australian gold, were
powerless to offset the depressing Influence!
or tne Dana statement, money went to is
No. 2. "New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
13c; hard shell, per lb.. 12c; No. 1 soft Per.cent "on after tne opening, bternng
shell, per lb.. 11c: No. 2 hard shell. ter lb., exchange broke sharply, but discounts In
r in ,,, i i iiv , ...... a, Aim u niivti, ur IU, . I , 'J . - -
irw.. nra.ii. lk ii. ah..... ...h. it-. I Ixindon moved sharply with an advance.
fc-i jiiipMiiriief nrm- winter ontents I .v..iV .ul iw 'It n' I The comlna week's syndicate reaulrementa.
3.40v3.60; straights, $3.103.3O; clears, $2.70 per lb..' 15c; pecans, large, per lb.. 14c; which foot up some $50,0(,000, were con
3.uo; spring specials, 14.iiOQl.30; patenU, small, per lb.. lc; cocoanuts. per dosl. 50c; d"ed formidable In view - of the money
U iH43.v; siraignis, .swavj.a. i cnestnuts, per id., ibc; peanuts, per lb.. BHc: I ZX "
uu it iTnin .nrini, 7iu.c- Mn x Mti(i I Iv. u " ' ' ' I OoO Dayment on the purchase of control of
Wc; No. 2 red', 69(670'c. ' OLD METALS A. B. "Alpirn quotes the I I-ou.ev.ll & NashvlUe. $21,000,000 on ac-
' Iron rn intrv tnlverl ttium .L new uanniiuio oc v. . 1 1 1 v. B.una aiiu
ove p"ate per ton $8-'cotr 112.000,000 on account of Pennsytvanla'a 3
. J" ,:'u5,. P.! '",.r5' .,p ner cent convertible warrants.
nd Rio Tlntos were lower. DeBeera Im- R. V. Hnhhlck
proved, on the discovery of a valuable dla- Hamilton & R
monu mine at windsorton, north of Kim- I K p. Hues
ueriy. ine sum or ta.ujo gold was with-1 Wolf M
rawn from the Bank of Enaland today Other buvera 1.290
ror snipment to nutavia. uoia premiums
are quoted aa ioiiows: uuenoa Ay res,
128.20; Madrid. 31.60; Lisbon. 26.50: Rome.
11. On the London Coal exchange this
afternoon prices advanced 25c per ton. The
quotations at Newcastle are maintained.
Little coal is obtained there for Immediate
delivery. Americans are said to be in
quiring for coal In Scotland and Yorkshire,
CORN No. 1. 6Hc: No. 3 yellow. 58459Vic. followlnc nrlces:
OATS No. 2, 27c; No. S white. 31S3c. I ton. $11; Iron, stove
RYE No. 2, 44jvOc. per, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c;
HEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.23; No. 1 north- Brass, light, per lb.. 64c; lead, per lb., Icj
wMicm, ei.u, uuct, vuniimi-i. iiaus, iu.w imc, per id., 4c; ruDDer, per id., shc.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $1695
6 17.00. Short ribs sides (loose),
Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $9.254f9.50.
Short clear sides (boxed), $U.6011.67Vx.
WHISKY Basis of high wines, $1.32,
Liverpool brain and Provisions.
Der cent convertible warrants.
The market closed with the rally In full
force and urlces at the tOD-level.
Bonds weakened and recovered lh sym
pathy with stocks. Total sales, par value.
H.Mb.uuo. umtea otaies new ann oiu s ac
cllned H rter cent each on the last call.
The following are tne closing prices on
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye, bu
Barley, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa firm; creameries, 16to&23c:
dairies, ltKu2oc. Esgs firmer; loss of, cases
returned, ',4C. cneese, steady, itwa'iitto.
154 So. Pacific
So. Hallway ....
W do ptd
a Texas it Pacific.
131H T., tit. L. W.
7 do pfd
484 Union Pactno ...
144 do pfd
71 wanaan
TJn 9 rofl Wndfnrn vlniar al 1 I Kn tl'.L A
No. 1 northern sorlna. steadv. 6s'7d: Nn i the New York Stock exchange:
The following were the receipts and ship- vaurornia, tea ay, s ,a. r utttres: (juiet; Atchlaon
n.nii of cruln VMtnrdav: I December. 5a 11X1 : March. 5s 10'id. I do pfd
- . . . . . . 1 11. 1 ) U . , .. . . -...i.... . i , . rtui
xteceipts. tjnipments. i diwl. auiui ivan mixou, oiitiniiinj a.
z.-,f(" lo.sot) I Tt"- uiuit-i. u.iict. uviuucr, nominal; i i""
ii. .i ii inn I Januarv. 4a 3Ud: March. 4n 7,1 I Canadian Paclflo
n'7,y lii' PHAH Canadian, oulet. Rn 7U.H I Canada Southern
iti'irX nmno. wiA.. Chea. Ohio.
xoo.tuu lo.iw I ..V " mu.oi., 1 rhlc.n A Alton
11 OjiA 1 Ino I as so. I .- - . .
77:500 12'.400l HOP8-At London (Paclflo coast), firm, .chcai. 'i'.:'". do ptd ".-
iwnuiaa. I . (d g,) W. A L. K.
mess, 11. Pork, strong; prime mesa west- Chicago A ot. W
ern, y.s ou. iiains, antirc cut, ia to In IDS., I do lal ptd..
auiet. 56e 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut. 26 to I do id ofd..
30 lbs., dull. 62s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., Chicago N. W
a ids., quu, tws; snort tidb, is to 24 lbs.,
quiet, bos; long clear middies, light, Z8 to T" ..
OA IK. a u .1 dm 1.. n... I ,1 1 I QO Elf U
liuvv K tci ill lKa cinlet .hn,l .1... C. C. t. & 81 Lt.
k.k. in n OA it.. ni. K7. ... I Colo. Southern
lies. 14 to 16 lbs., auiet. Ms. Shoulder. . K. ?l?
NEW YORK. Oct. 13. FLOUR Receipts. I square, 11 to 13 lba.. dull. 61s 6d. Lard. r,.!. iT h,.
1,898 bbls.; exports, 33,056 bbls.; sales, 1,658,- I prime western, in tierces, nrm, 53s 3d; Ilia la., L. A W
000 pkgs.; market was held 10c higher, but American rennea. in pans, nrm, Ooaid. Ueuvar A R. O.
with demand stationary at old prices; win-I ptn itti-nonunii. do pia
tr nuiniiia u RiVn A lift : winter strnla-hta. I CHEESE Strong: American finest white I Brla .....
ti:a,iiK' Mirm. M,.i noienia ti 4 uu: I 63 : American, finest colored. 53s. I do lnt pfd
.i.,, A. AVtra Hutti ruy. uinnMAi. huitara I TAI.U1W Firm: nrlme citv. 2dsAd Ana- I do Id pfd..
aa i .iit mt. . nt., r ujiii k mv. i i rn linn in tionaon. main. i ' ..s... "
Hour, dull; sales. 600 bbls.;' fair to good, The Imports of wheat into Liverpool last
war a-a as vsv s rii :i :n ri i ii iih ii hi n a rn m a iianiin . -
none from Pacific and 23.0U0 from
other ports. There were no Imports of
annotations of tno Day
t3.1Mi3.4ii: choice to fancy. $3.6ti3.55. Buck-
wheat flour, firm at $2.75, spot and to ar- I ports.
yellow western.
11.82: city. 11.80: Brandywlne. I3.40i3 55.
RYE-Dull: No. i western. 67'ac. f. o. b..
afloat; No. 2. 5454c; track, state, 64itf I
l4sc, c. l. i., rew iorK.
BARLEY Steady ; feeding, 41c, c. I. f.,
Bunaio; malting, WKiitjlc, c. 1. I., uunaio.
WHEAT Receipts, 279,675 bu.: exports,
403.043 bu.: sales. 1.975.000 bu. futures; spot,
steady; No. 8 red, 77c, elevator; No. 2 red,
7iy7bc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern,
Duluth. 81 He, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard,
Manitoba, ti2c, f. o. b.. artoat. Options
were unsettled all day and generally strong,
although prices experienced one sharp
break toward midday under general buy.
lng. The upward tendencies were on higher
cables, small contract supplies, a disap
pointing visible supply Increase, small
western shipments, big clearances. Just
at the clone, however, prices broke ajcaln
and left off only He net higher; May. 75, closed, ti',c; uecemDer, 7D'4a'tHc,
closed, fbVaC
CORN Receipts. 81,009 bu.; exports, 41,-
ro du. ; spot, eaay; rto. z, esc, elevator, and
ttc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 70c; No.
2 white, 7oc. Option market opened firmer,
with wheat, a wet weather map and small
world's ahlpmeota, but was easy most of
the day on talk of better weather, realising
and aa absence of good support,
HWc niH lower: may, 4.e isc, closed, 47c
December. f4.MG6c. closed. 644c.
tAT8 Receipts, 82.500 bu.; spot, dull; No.
S. Uc; standard white, 36c: No. 2 whit.
36c; No. 1 white, SSc; track white, west
ern. So1. it 37c: track white, state. 36V'a37c.
Option market waa unsettled, but generally
easy witn corn. . iecemDer, Ki'lytic,
lui-mm: snipping. 00970c; good to
choice, Hovili uu.
HuPS Firm: state, common to chnlc
19n2. 2m28c; 1901. choice. 2tko2sc; lo0. liolc 12c bid
Illlnola Central
1 Iowa Central ..
do pfd
L E. A W....
do pfd
ILouia. A Kaah.
Manhattan L ..
Max. National .
Minn. A St. L.
Mo. Pacific ....
41., K. A T
ao ptd
N. J. Cantral..
IN. Y. Ceatral..
Nor. A Whi...
do pfd
Kansas City Grata aad Provisions.
vivsil riTT nt ! wtmiTn.. I Met. at. Ry.
eemher BSU (TrtVJic Muv HlUr: ciiali Ji Max. l-nlral
hard, 67(&b.itc; No. 3, 65660; No. 3 red,
buiftiic; jno. 3. b4(0'tioc.
..CORNr-OctoberA 47c; December, 889
- v. , ... u; , w, v. nit., c. .,, . . v.. . ,1 1 1 j. 1 vi , 1
61c, new; No. 2 white, 69c, new; No. 3, 67(0' I
Kc, new.
OATH NO. 3 white, 33(ff33He.
kkiiino. z. tac
HA y Choice timothy. 110.OfrS10.60: choice Ontario A w.
n,.irt. in ft I rannaylvanla
BUTTER Creamery, n22c; fancy dairy, "dV'at pfd".'.!
I An fit nM
EGGS Fresh, lTVic. 8t" L. A 8.
xvvcr uta. di iDmenta. 1 a. 1 ..ia
Wheat, bu I89.O0O 80,8n) do 2d via.
t orn, du u.wi (,ouu st. I 8. w.
Oats, bu 74,000 19,0001 do pfd
si. raui .
PhllaiAelnlila Peodiaoa. Kirt.t I Dl- rul V'a -
114 do 2d pfd
. raH Wia. Cantral
.14'i do pfd
. 44 Adama Expraaa ...
.Z2N44 Amr. Ktpraaa ...
.111 Int'n'l Power
. 14 Wella-Fano El...
, 7VAmal. Coppar
. 11 Amer. C. a F
. Kl do pfd
, (1 Amer. Lin. Oil...,
. 44i do ptd
.ldi'iv, Amer. 8. A it
.Kt do ptd
, 41 Ana. Mln. Co
. 11)4 Brk. Rap. Tr
. ii Colo. r. A I
. Con. (laa
. 11 ICon. Tob. pfd
General Klectrlo .
. 11 iHocklng Coal .....
, 74 Infn'l Papar .....
.143 V. 8. Steal
. 411 do pfd ,
. 74VLacleda Gas
. 4a National Blacult
.110 National Lead ...
.ltfVNo. American ...
.1324, Pacific Coaat ....
AM iPaclllc Mall
. 144 feople' a
. la iPreaaed Steel Car
107 V do pfd
... H
... 144
... 41
... ito4
... 40
... atts
... II
... 4H
... K
... t
... 4m
.. .130
... 714
... 43'4
... 33T4
... MA
... Kl
... 4T
... 43
. .. yz
... M
... tn
... KIW
... 21
.... 18-k
.... It. 4
... Iu
.... 41
. ... 10
.... 40
.104 Pullman Pal. Car Mo
Is Republic Steel
, ... aa uu pia
....171 Susar
....lsH'aTenn. c. A I...
.... 71 U. U. A P. Co..
.... ' do pfd
.... 14 V. 8. Leather...
lbla do pfd
.... a U. 8. Hubber...
.... M! do pfd
.... 74 U. 8. Kipreaa...
.... 7oi do pfd
.... 12 IWeelera I'nlon .
.... 71'Ani. Locomotlva
.... 2l do pfd
.... alK. C. Southern.
....lioS do pfd
.... 41
.... 11
.... 6
.... 134.
.... ibia
.... 17
.... Iu
.... 2s
.... 4
.... 11
Firm. c hlgner; extra western creamery,
24c; extra nearby prints, 25c
EUOS firm: good, firm: fresh nearby.
24c, loss on; iresn western, Ziu
southwestern, 22'3f3c; fresh s
chekbk uncnangea; New york full
creams, prime small, li'VuuHe; fair to
good, small, llibl2c; prime large,- lly
Vic; lair to good targe, utilise.
Ii.. ..IN . .. . ibA Knl.. . lull .k.U. n-a
aov, I7w, aWMiv.
HIDES Oulet: Oalveston. 20 to 25 lhs.
lc; California, U to 35 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
4 to SO lbs.. 14c.
LEATHER Quiet; hemlock sole, Kuenos
Ayrea. nsnt to Heavy acid, 4sj.
TOLEDO. Oct. 13. WHEAT Active, firm:
casn, oc; iecemrjer, ibc; May, 74C.
aiKM-uun, easier; uecemper, 4440;
May, 42c.
OATtJ Dun. steady; uecer.-.ber, 33c; May,
:c Did.
HEED Clover, active, strong: October.
Ib.u; January, o mi. Grain Market.
l'KOVVftlONS-Heef, dull; family. $15 00 Close: No. 1 northern. 73Vc; No. 2 northern. do adj. 4a M Reading t
tjUOO; mess, $12.0iwi ir50; beef hams. $.0tK( I 71'd 7JWc ; December, 71e. Bel. A Ohio 4s loo St L. ac I,
l iai- milmt. II 4 la.ul: cltv. antra mllu u v IT lri,n K-A f i
mesa, t;4.W"ii! Cut meats, firm; pickled BARLEY Lower; S'o. 3. 6c; sample, 46 I
Denies, lou Ilaji:, im. r irzA iiuuiu.ia, 07XT1, I V)C.
New York Money Market,
jixc. freh I On call strong at 6"il! per cent, closing bid
oiithirn 91 I 6. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent,
ouinern, ix 8TEKLINU EXCHANGE Easy, with ac
tual business In bankers bills at $4.ta6Jo for
demand and at $4.K2ot(4. 82625 for sixty days;
posted rates, 4.J'U4.ttO. Commercial
bills. 14 .82!j4 2V.
SILVER liar, 5oc; Mexican dollars,
HONDS Government, weak; state, easy
railroad. Irreaular.
The closing quotations on bonds are as
la, rag....l0s4lL A N. unl. 4a...
. .lus t --atex. uentral 4a.
..lo; do let nc
..Km Ulna. A St. L. 4a
..137 at., K. A T. 4a...
..1371 do la
..UO-a, N. V. C. la
..UOV "do sen. la...
..lvlNo. Pacific 4a do la
loo ''N. A W. a. 4a...
Oan. 4a..
V. 8.
do coupon ,
do la, rag ,
do coupon ....
do neat 4a, rag'
do coupon
do aid 4a, rag.
do coupon
do la, rvg
do coupon ....
Atcb. sen.
pickled hams. 13c Lard, nrm; western
steamed. liO 90; October closed at $10 .so,
nominal: refined, steady: continent. $11.15:
Hmuh America. $11.3t: compound, $7.o6
fc'7.75. Perk, steady; family, 121; short clear,
l!t 7Sifi 21 .00: mess. IH.2;nul8.7S.
TALLOW ateady; city, 6Vc; country.
b UTTER Receipts. 6.B79 pkgs.r firmer
state dairy, 17(ti3c; creamery, extra, 24c;
creamery, common to. choice, l?-fli3ljc.
CHEESE Receipts, 7.6V6 pkgs. ; firm;
fancv. la rare new. state, full cream, txii
ored and white, 12c; fancy, small, colored
and white. 1-So.
EGGS Re-f ipts. 10,403 pkgs.; steady;
atata and Pennsylvania, average best, 224
4c: western t-andlad. 214jUc
MOliAHHKo-l-lrni; New Orleans. 304j40o,
I'OCLTKY Alive, easier: chickens. 11c:
turkeys, loc: fowls. 12c; dressed, firm; writ.
OATS Steady; standard, S233o.
CORN December, 47. ,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Oct 13. CORN Steadv. alow:
No. 1. 6Kc.
OAT8 Blow. Irregular: No. 3 white. 12c.
WHISKY On the basis of 11 M for fin.
lshed goods.
Pnlntk Grata Market.
Dl'LUTH. Oct. IS. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard. T."vc; No. 1 northern, 6c; No. 1
nortnern, tjc; uecemDer, 6bc; May, lic.
OA TtW December. 2Wc.
Minneapolis k'al, Floor and Bran.
em chickens. llhil!c; western fowls, 13'c; I cember, 6c: May, e&V'c; on track.
spring turkeva. 12jljc. I no. 1 nara. ic; iu. i nurinern, iuc; no.
MKTAL8 While Inactive, tin was firm northern. 6c'i,c.
la the local market today, spot closing at g LOL'R Higher j flrat patents, P.16S196;
. 71'
. Il
a. ..102
.... m
.... 11
.... 72
.... IK
do la oi. u. et a. r. aaviw
do cour. 4a 107 81. L. 8. W. la
Canada So. la Iu' do la la
C. of O. aa urn 8. A. A A. P. 4a.... 17
do let inc vs So. Pacific 4a :
C. a O. 48 i" so. itauwar aa ill
C. A A. 11 ' 'Teiaa a Pacific la. .121
c. u. a v. a. aa.... aa -. n. u a w. aa.. ia
: M A 8 P g 4a.. 114 Vnioa Paclda 4a 103
C. A N. W. c. 7a..l3i do coav. 4a lov
c, K. I. a r. aa io aiuan is in
c c c a at l s sa-ioi "on ia no
Chicago Terminal 4a aa do deb. 8 7H4,
i'olo. a ao. i waat Rr.ore aa iu
). A R. U. 4a la W A L. B. 4a 1
"trie prior Ilea 4a.. Ii V V, ia. Central aa Ii
P. W. A IX C. U... .111 Cos. Tob. 4a H
Hocking Val. 4a...ioal
Offered. Bid.
Bank Clearings.
iiaA tod,
$1,556,019.14; convspondlng day last year
tl .193 31: increaee. i24b.lS) Nt.
CINCINNATI. Oct. tt. Money, 64i3 per
cent; New York exchange, nominal at pa
il.xrlnaa t5.21D.Ot4J.
CHICAGO, Oct. 13 Clearings, $30,065,717
balance. $1.424,ae4. New lork exchange.
Oct .
Oct. 10..
Oct. 11..
Oct. 12..
Oct, 13..
7 7
T 64
7 42:
7 41
7 37
7 3
7 41
7 61
7 (7
7 65
7 37
7 14
7 31
7 22
7 14
7 2b.
7 12
7 42
7 89-Ti
7 28
7 14V4j
7 04
7 07
6 0!
t IS
6 13
6 76
6 76
6 59
6 6:
6 33
6 13
6 15
6 161 4 0
6 30 1 4 931
4 93:
4 32
6 191 4 131
out SI
t 23 4 31
6 211 4 lo
4 S3, 1 72
6 16
6 16
6 15
6 16
6 171
6 IN
6 19
6 H
6 16
6 11
6 0
5 02
4 92
4 41
4 3U
4 44
4 37
4 111
4 39
4 42
4 87
4 31
4 34
4 35
4 33
4 31
4 23
4 20
3 68
3 68
3 741
3 71
3 71
3 73
3 77
3 71
I 72
1 64
3 64
3 6?
3 71
3 66
$ 64
3 54!
8 63
3 58
3 69!
3 M
3 57
3 17;
3 84
3 04
3 4
4 Oil
4 01
3 8
I (Ml
3 82
8 71
3 63
3 11
S al
3 6M
3 791
3 73
3 71
3 74
3 64
3 52
8 63
3 74
3 71
3 71
3 36
1 81
3 11
2 M
2 M
2 SI
8 19
3 91
2 97
2 94
3 02
2 91
3 (3
8 04
3 04
3 13
3 13
3 14
30 feeders
1 steer...
1 feeder.,
1 feeder..
M feeders
22 feeders.. lms
8 feeders., fflo
1 feeder... 1070
1 steer 1100
1 steer 9H0
1 steer 1010
90 feeders.. lOfil
27 cows 91
3 cows 920
1 hull 12HI
1 bull...,
6 cows..
3 cows..
2 steers...
10 heifers.
30 cows....
3 cows....
49 cows 814
1 steer 110
1 cow 9o0
3 feeders.. 923
28 feeders.. 924
29 feeders.. 849
16 feeders.-. 613
6 feeders.. 90S
16 feeders.. Ml
7 steers.. ..lor8
I steer 1100
3 steers... .1040
8 steers... .1190
29 steers.... 920
3 steers... .1143
4 00
8 00
3 75
3 60
3 75
8 75
3 50
3 00
3 00
8 00
34 feeders.. $13 4 00
1 cow....
1 cow....
f cows...
3 cows...
8 cows...
3 steers..
1 steer...
1 steer...
J steer...
. 9S0
. 900
. 9 28
. 9"0
. 860
.. 936
,. 737
. 938
3 60
3 85
3 35
8 VT
3 50
3 25
3 25
4 25
3 70
3 85
2 eo
3 85
3 25
3 35
3 60
3 00
8 40
3 40
3 75
8 26
3 76
8 76
3 75
3 75
3 60
8 90
81 feeders.. 7 063
1 cow....
4 cows...
If cows...
4 cows...
1 cow....
13 cows...
44 heifers
7 cows...,
1 cow
7 cows...,
16 cows...,
4 steers..
1 tow
18 cows....
3 cows...,
1 bull
1 feeder.,
3 feeders
1 cow
30 cows 1024
9 cows 921
34 steers... .1114
steers... .1130
.. 9iO
. .IOTiO
.. 670
.. 9M
.. 9X0
.. ft
.. 8!
.. 940
1 steer.
1 steer.,
. 970
4 cows.
3 cows..
1 cow. . .
3 cows..
11 cows..
16 steers... .1101
1 steer 920
1 cow 900
25 heifers... 600
76 heifers... 4x3
17 heifers... 665
3 69
3 661 8 26 8 18
3 69 3 56 8 30
61 cows....
1 cow
14 cows....
61 feeders.
26 feeders.
66 feeders.
145 cows...
1 steer...,
21 steers..
U steers..
1 feeder..
1 feeder.,
16 feeders
1 feeder.,
88 calves.,
8 feeders
8 feeders
1 steer...
10 co we...
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Road. Cattle. Hogs. B p. H'rs.
C. M. A St. P. Ry 6 1
Mo. Pacific Ry 1 1
, 96
C, R. 1. & P., West..
Illinois central
Total receipt
.. 1
.. 1
.. 20
.397 17 35
Totals 8,677 1.063
The following list shows the number of
cars of feedera shipped to the country
Saturday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
H. J. Chlttendon. Akron. Colo. B. A M.. 2
nVA ; "XT. "7?.'i"? ii" !... I A. S. Carter. Corona. Colo.. H. A M.
a. u i .iji , v ill. jo, p i ii;fB on inc u u ulna ti w ti i. ii ' .'v. ri jl
reacted on discouraging news. New York KndaJ Smith, Woodlawn, Neb. B. &
fVViOAdl AIM1 linaa f imt H nPV aa r - a Ma l--X I eiaeeeseee. . a t . a a a a. a. . e e .
7. VXVK!. t ?n.?. Johnson BrW. Wakefield, Neb.-M. A O
kill. 91im- lhr mnnlh.' kill. OKe-. 'l Vl Ollliantl, nco.-. v..
"-' at - aiauaiaaia vaaia, M' u a. aa. o . I IJ Xi-4 lAaaelraa V. . i a-a-ak tr TV aat na V
I) t D I J i-v 19 T l A J I a "eiias, 4a u i iJl ' -Jtj.
JTrtXVAC. UIV. 10.J7 I WB UUC 1CU HlCalUV Ofl I iy t ill.. 11 4..... t . XT t
tha Kt.tSk 4,o.. Cndrlah A. 1 5 V f AIICII, HWIIUUI Bl -TV. V
" wwaK J a-J ai lion ICinWCU VII IT A ( 1A Mart ria V la 1 t
reallxatlon. Later buslnejis waa generally j; ft" Martin MaxVllleTll'l
inactive, spanisn 4s sunered from fresh n r w... uui.hnm in n s
reallxatlons and closed with a sharp de- E". e.' Polsley.' Chlllcothe. Mo.-K. C 3
cllne and with prices all round heavy.
Rentes and Metropolitans were steadier.
Some Industrials grew firmer. Spanish rails
improver! on tne ran in exenange. Russians
were weaker. Copper shares were offered
DeBeers were strong. The private rate
of discount was 2 6-16 per cent; 3 per cent
rentes, 9f 5c for the account; exchange
on London, 25 f I4c for checks; Spanish
IS, BI.4D.
Condltloa of the Treasnry.
Keens A Co.. Fremont. Neb. T. H.
T. K. Haskett, Sutherland. Neb. U. P
J. Bellamy, Knoxvlle, la. R. I
B. W. Ca kins. Vernon. Mich. Mil
J. W. Ross, Bucyrus, O. Q
CATTLE There were more cattle here
today than arrived any day last week, but
it. spite of that fact the market held up
lit very satisfactory manner. The only
class of cattle that suffered to any extent
was the commoner klnda of feeders.
There were no choice cornfed cattle in
. 520
. 540
. 615
. 650
. 415
,. 990
,. 960
3 50
4 86
8 65
3 00
8 25
3 25
3 50
4 40
4 40
8 75
3 25
1 90
1 80
14 steers..
1 bull
1 ateer...
1 cow....
29 cows...,
1 cow....,
2 steers..
1 steer...
1 steer...
. 960
,. 9
,. 920
1 bull 1070
7 heifers... 635
56 co we 973
48 cows 953
83 heifers... 633
61 feeders.. 834
7 feedera.. 975
1 cow.
2 90
3 90
3 90
3 60
3 70
3 60
3 20
3 50 1 cow...
6 50 8 cows..
6 50 6 cows..
D. Melner Neb.
8 60 13 heifers..
3 60 1 heifer...
4 26 24 heifers..
4 25 12 feeders.
4 bO
A. Cabbie Neb.
3 75 3 bulls..
3 75 bulls 1145
8 10 1 cow 1020
2 90 9 cows 1108
.. 85
1 bull
4 feeders.. 822
1 feeder... 8m)
16 feeders. .1025
1 calf 190
.. 970
2 feeders.. 695
1 feeder... 1160
feeders.. 1191
19 cows.
Guy Drake Neb
2 56
t 75
3 75
3 M
3 40
3 70
3 60
3 00
3 00
3 00
8 40
3 85
3 35
3 75
2 AO
8 25
3 U0
3 70
3 05
3 00
3 00
3 8.
$ 00
3 60
3 20
3 76
3 30
8 50
3 25
2 50
8 15
3 16
3 00
4 00
8 30
4 5
3 20
4 65
3 76
3 25
3 25
4 40
4 40
3 50
1 60
1 40
I 90
3 90
3 76
3 60
3 60
3 20
8 00
4 00
4 00
3 25
8 40
3 40
2 55
3 55
3 35
3 90
$16Oy! 60; bulls. 12 9oi.00; calves. 8-V7S
; Texas and Indian eieerai, a.aus.w.
cows and heifers. $2.4i3.w. .
HOGS Receipts, 2,iti) head: rnarket MflOa
higher; pigs and lights, $6.753J.80; packer.
$t7tirf7.0; Blockers, $7. 1(7..
BHKKP AINU I.AM n M rteceipts,
ead; market siesdy; native muttons. $3.26
HH on; lambs. $4 5.5ti; culls and ducks,
2.tu1.00; stoekers, $1 .otKSrS.00; Texans, $3.00
4j3 u.
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18.-CATTT.B Reeves.
receipts, 6,243 head; steers. V2 16c lower
ulls and cows, steany; steers, aa.v'i.oi
en l.lftffr6 2R: bulla. t2 fto-oM.lO: exporl
bulls. $4.8O650l: cows. $1.60'4.0l; tope, $4 36
alfbreeds. $4.40t4.av; caDiea, siow ana un
I'ALVtB Receipts, 1,7 neaa; gooxi vkiih,
laiiiv! mhera 1Mi!Ar lower: rrassers. 254
lower; veals. $5.0fti no; little calves, $4.04
tT4 50; gra users, 13.0tK93.6O; westerns, $3.76(9
1IOOS Receipts. 9.821 head: easier at 37.30
If 7 40 for stste and Pennsylvania hogs.
SHEKP AND LAMBH Receipts, zs.sis
ead: sheep. 10015c lower; gome ssleg 25c
off; lambs, 50c lower; sheep, $2.00(93.75; few
extra, $3.Rori4.00Mi lambs, $4.76ti6.0; few ex
tra, oi6.7b; culls, W.ib; lanaaa tamos,
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
t TAOnntf AAaV 1 a T"a,T ll a3aw
r 1 1 j Fa r n vt 4- i i
ahle.1. tV h..t a. A. ..Iw in. 1lV hlsrrtsir Iraflf
cattlw hlrhfr; nitivfn, M.OOrqti.OO; cowt and
a . A . . tx- a. il a . tl fwAtm
nfiien, i.r"T3T.j; duiiii ana man.
R.76; veals, U..&Q-tEi stoekers and feeders.
HOU3 Ro.pU, l.m b?iid; ftSVH? hirner;
lte.t.4 .ne! 11.1-. a l aut aT7 1 TlX ITIA.
HAIIl OKU Ilgll4 IIIlJAVl, ol lAWTIf . a ",v
dftirn and heavy, $7.10("tf7.20; pigs. $4.1596.75;
bufi. $7.10fj'7.15.
bhebp-receipts, l.aoo neaa; oest sieaay,
others 10c lower.
Slonx City -tve Stoek Market.
tnttY CtTV lm tVnf 14 flnAelal TalaV.
grsm.i V- A i i rieceipts. vto, raaran
1015c higher: beeves, $6fW7.26; cows, bulls
1 kt IA4.I AA Am mA Am Am, w. A anan.(
era. .7rS4.75; yearlings and calves, t2.50
hogs Receipts, 3.200; market strong at
$6.70(3.00; bulk, $6.756.65.
Stock la Slgbt.
The following
stock at the six
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Joseph ,
Sioux City
31 heifers... 743
3 heifers.. .1010
4 cows.... J065
1 cow 800
3 85
3 85
3 90
I 26
20 cows..
13 cows..
1 cow...,
I cow...,
3 cows..
II cows..
. 930
3 50
3 70
3 40
4 15
4 16
8 96
3 25
3 50
3 26
3 00
3 60
4 00
Williams 8. D.
2 90 1 bull 1520
3 70 1 cow 780
Wlnchell-S. D.
3 90 1 bull 1340
2 75 46 feeders.. 1202
2 75 v. 1 feeder. ..NHO
3 95 1 cow....
Bonen S. D.
2 25 4 cows...
2 26 4 cows...
3 25
8. Morrla-S. D.
3 35
A. Dahlan 6. D.
1040 8 26 1 bull....
3 26 1 cow....
8 60 8 cows...
8 50 1 cow....
3 00
John Rowley Mont-
..1329 4 90 4 steers... .1106
M. B. Darrow Mont.
..1311 4 70 I ateer 1680
Thirty Mile Cattle Co. Mont.
n steers... .1180 4 26
HtMi.H There were hardly enough
here today to talk about, as. only 1 rare
arrived. Packers, though, all wanted hogs
and aa a result the market advmnoe4 lO04&a
and practically everything offered waa dis
posed of In good season. The bulk of the
sales went from 37.05 to $7.10 and as high
as 17.15 was oald.
Today's run Is the lightest that has been
seen here In many years. A week ago
there were 18 loads, which was a record
brekker for smallness, but today the supply
was still less, as will be seen from the
table above. Repreaentatlya) aalea:
1 COW....
1 cow
6 cows....
1 cow
1 cow....
46 steera.
22 steers. .
. 960
. 890
. 9W
3 50
8 60
3 75
8 00
11 MT
m m
44 Ill
1 OS
7 eo
1 oo
7 04
T 06
t 06
7 08
t OS
T 06
A. SH. too iw
..21 110
.? 100
,tM M
..144 140
....11 1M
1 T
T 07V4
1 W'4
T 07
1 n
T 14
T 10
t 10
7 13
7 U
UtlflUIVnTAV sv-a . 9 T.. .1 .....
ment of the treasury balance In the general the ,yardB this morning, so that it Is lm
fund. exclusive of the 1160.000.000 gold re- Possible to tell much abojt the market,
serve In the division of redemption, shows: Ih tew bunches of common cattle that
Available cash balance. 1220.615.931: aold. arrived did not sell any too ireeiy, out
$135,201,666. ...... tU tney probaDly brought just about as
mtcn ss me name ninus tua iriti iuer pm v
- . . . . . i u i ma L wwh. ii lai vci y cnuciii. iiiuu.u,
vaiivn aarati, , Dlu.kers . not at al anxious lor
NEW YORK. Oct. 13 COTTON Market I these warmed-up cattle as long as they can
cpened easy at a loss of 1(65 polnta. Sell- get the western rangers,
lng Increased the decline to 6Jc7 points. The cow market was fairly active this
Later there was a rallv of 3 points, with morning and Just about steady prices were
the market finally quiet and steady at un- paid for anything at all good. Salesmen in
chnnirerl nricea n a rfeclk.a n' A nnliila Soma CASes thOUeht they did not KCt OUltO
The early weakness was due to a Liverpool aa much for their commoner grades aa they
nectinn or turn nn nta eptiara v Tuvnrahi. uukiu it, uui ata m aciicravi viuiik iiitjio v.n
weather reports from the cotton belt. In- I very little difference from last week in the
dlrattons of large receipts, the still unset- I prices paid. The bulk of the receipts was
tWd strike In the coal regions, weakness In I disposed or in rainy good season.
the, fitnclr murLret and tlirhlneaa In mnnev I Bulls, veal calvea and stags also sold in
The rally followed frost predictions for the lai' ve'' , nctchea.
ut-MiiTti nu I b n,i . riiut,n.iri,,n in annvi x na atucarr aiiu teeuer maiaet waa av 11 .
lighter estimates on receipts for tomorrow, tie draggy. The weather was rather against
The enormoua exports of late were also a the selling Interests, as buyers feared the
factor In the influences leading to the pur- disagreeable weather would keep many peo-
chase of cotton in the afternoon. The ex- P'o t home who otherwise would have
ports In the six weeks of this season foot Deen nere. i ney started in to pouna tne
un :i mi kniea Mm hini arn ney in ...... I market on all sides, but owlna to the
of last year, with consolidated stocks now scarcity of the good heavy weights they
15.253 bales less than lat year s after a crop I dldnol. t,ke off much on that class of
movement over ouu.uoo paiea greater than I inuum hubii,
lust year's t tal sales of cotton -were est!
mated at SOO.OOO bales.
Spot, quiet; sales. 2,5o0 bales; ordinary. 7Vc
good ordinary, 7"4c; low middling, 7 15-16c
middling. 8'ic: good middling. 8 7-16c: mid
dlln fair, hc; receipts, 13,561 bales; stock
Blow sale and a little lower than the close
vi laai week.
The western beef steers sold readily this
morning at good steady prices and in some
cases the more desirable bunchea sold a
little stronger. As high as $5.50 waa paid,
but they were choice. The common kinds
M 7 06 11 in
40 t OS 41 Ill 140
10 T 06 tt ill 110
-There waa a light run of sheen
and lambs here for a Monday, as compared
with tne receipts tor tne last several ition
days. The table above will thow the exact
The proportion of fat stuff to the total
receipts was small again today, and, as the
demand on the part of packera waa quite
liberal, the market on the better grades
was active and fully steady. Some sales
looked a little stronger. It waa not long
before practically all the desirable offerings
ot Dotn sneep and tamos were aisposea or,
but the commoner grades did not move as
freely. So far as the prices paid were
concerned, though, there did not seem to
be much chance from laat week.
The feeder trade also had considerable
life to it, and the market could probably
do ouoted steady. The better bunches. In
particular, sold freely, but even the com
moner grades sold fully aa good as tney did
last wee.
Quotations: aood to choice vearllnas.
$3.50a3.76; fair to good. 3.263.50; good to
choice wethers, 13.25iB3.50; fair to good
wethers. $3.00(43.25; choice ewea, $2.7603.09;
fair to trood ewes. 12.60(32.75: cood to cnoice
lambs, $4.76i&4.90; fair to good lambs, $4,600
4 ih: feeder wethers li( teener vear
iinera I3.zbfli3.40: reeder lamos. H.uudM.w:
cull lambs, 12.003.00; feeder ewes, $1.259
2.00; stock ewes, 12.60ig3.26. Representative
225 cull ewes
294 feeder lambs
9 culls
621 feeder ewes
2o8 Wyoming ewes
24 Houtn uaKota ewes
165 South Dakota feeder lambs.
144 Wyoming wethers
4X0 Wyoming wethers
61 Wyoming wetners
368 T'rah lambs
84 Utah feeder ewes
1 Utah feeder ewes
SO South Dakota feeder ewea..
S3 Utah ewea
61 Utah ewes
11 Utah ewes
13 Utah wethers
:31 South Dakota feeder ewes..
224 Utah feeder lambs..;
224 Utah wethers
414 South Dakota wethers
120.2X2 bales. Futures, steady: October. 8.19 were neglected, the same aa usual, but they
isovemoer, zoi".zic; December, .26l?",u " m ..-,. j v '.
4.27C: January. 8.3168.32c: February. 8. 322 " V"
8 34c; March. 8.36'ti8.37c; April. 8 S7.39c. nd, tha market was fairly brisk, p
middling. 8Sc; no Fales
shipments, 2.WI hales: stock, 8.334 bales.
l.lVKrinJUU Oct. 11 t'UT TUN Spot In
iair uemana; prices 4 points lower; Ameri
can middling fair, S.14d; good middling,
4Knd: middling. 4.76d: Rood ordinary. 4.54d
ordinary, 4.42tl. The sales of the day were
13 COTTON Oulet' I tlcularly on the more desirable grades.
; receipts. S,3hl bales; Rne feeders were slow all around. a
rriiri m w. .-i u uviu.iiei iu.; y i ,v,c., wiii.v
the buyers were trying to get tnem lower.
The choice bunches were not much lower,
but common klnda eased off a little. Rep
resentative sales:
Ill OOu balea. of which Aial werai for anecnla. i a
tlon and export and Included 8,700 Amerl-I'
can. Receipts, s.uuo ba es. includina S.ajO
American, r uiures opened easier and Closed
barely ateaay; American middling, g. o. c,
UctoPer. 4.a. sellers; October and Novem
ber. 4 oza. ouyers: November and Decern.
ber, 4.50d. buyers; December and January
4.50d. buyers; January and February. 4.49d
buyers: February and March. 4.411. buvera:
Mann ana wprii. i.yu, eeners; April and
May, 4.0OU, sellers; May ana June. AaOd.
Oil 4 tosln.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. 13. OIL Credit bal-
ances, $1.2i; certificated, no bids. Shipments.
117.4M, averages, 91,136; runs, 152,628, aver
ages. HI. OH.
TOLEDO, O.. Oct. 13.-OIL North Lima.
92c: bouth Lima and Indiana, 87c.
LIVERPOOL, OcU 13 OIL Cottonseed
Oil. Hull re lined, spot quiet at Sis 4d.
ha vain m Ari, Oct. 13. oiu Turpentine,
nrm, orauic
ROSIN Firm: A. B. C. D. $1.35; E. $140:
F. $1.45; Q, $1 50; H, $1 75: I, $2 ; K. $2.50;
M. w oo; is, n to; w,; w v,
CHARLESTON, Oct. 18.-OIL-Turpen-
tlne, uncnungea.,
ROBIN l n hunsed.
NEW YORK, Oct. lS.-OII Cottonseed
auiet: Petroleum firm: turpentine, nrm.
ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good,
LONDON. Oct. 13 -OIL-Calcutta linseed,
nominal; linseed, 26s Sd; turpentine spirits,
378 3 d.
Whisky Market.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11 WHISKY On basis
of hie-h wines. 11 12.
r Et'HI A, Oct. 13.-WHI8KY-OH the basis
oi U 32 for finished goods.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 13. WHISKY Steady at
av. ft. No. Av. rr.
1014 1 46 11 10U I 40
170 1 00 4
154 1 6
r 1 40 1
141 t 40 I
BO tU 14
two 1 74 1
1010 1 TO
IK 1 M 1 ,
lit t M 1
, 1640 I 40 1
1410 1 14
10 I to
411 1 lo 1
, 400 i
130 I 40 11 ,
, Ill 1 to
, eo in i
114 I 00 1
440 I It 4
410 4 00 1
134 1 00 I
17 I Tt 1 47 1 M
til I M 1 40 1 IS
4M 1 00 ' 4 Ml IS
lot I 14 1 134 2 It
too I V)
HO 1 Tt
1010 t Tl
1010 I 00
iiti i eo
lot 1 xt
lino I it
1011 I 19
Ill I 00
1114 I tO
. TOT 1 TO
! 1 00
, T7I I 10
100 4 00
170 4 00
l!,l 4 00
,100 4 T4
no 4 oo
3 heifers... 890 3 40
6 steers li3 4 lo
14 feeders.. 626 3 35
feeders.. 1011 1 So
81 feeders.. 931 3 70
39 feeders.. H 1 So
18 cows 9o4 3 76
i cows 968 2 25
18 cows 743 3 00
61 steers.... 98 4 25
9 steers.... 1091 4 26
3 feeders.. 928 3 26
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct, 13. WOOL Firm, but
iiru-hanaed : medium arrriea and combiner.
ltxttisc- light tine, 13'Jl7c: heavy fine. Ion I 57 feeders.. 922 3 65
!:;: luh waahed l',.lii I 1 steer 640 3 i
NEW YORK, Oct, 13.-WOOL Quiet. I feeders.. ve 4 00
23 heifers... 630 3 46
1 cow 1040 3 uu
..1450 3 45 1 steer 1150 4 20
4 steers. ...1117 4 20
3 steers.. ..114 4 20
8 cows 960 3 40
3 cows l"o 3 40
3 cows 1141 3 10
1 cow 1140 8 10
3 feeders.. 633 1 00
81 feeders.. 6)0 4 00
4 feeders.. lota) 1 50
2 feeders.. 660 1 65
3 feeders.. 6t4 3 00
t feeders.. 793 4
1 oulls.
1 bull 110 3 65
3 feedeis..lUO 3 46
i feeder... e60 3 45
11 feeders.. 831 I 46
4 rows IudO 3 10
3 cows 1180 3 10
1 bull 1220 3 63
s feeders.. 670 4
1 feeder... l-4o 1 bo
. 70
. 69
. Tl
. 84
. 104
. 76
1 40
8 60
1 60
1 60
3 90
8 00
8 0
3 00
3 65
3 65
4 25
2 00
3 00
3 00
2 26
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 60
3 66
3 66
Heav-r Consignments Receive at
Yarns la All Dennrtnaente.
CHICAGO. Oct. IS. CATTLE Receipts,
attA Including 7.000 westerns: steady, ac
tive; close weak except on choice. Good to
rime steers, $7.4k&.30; poor to meoium
mwa. si hiMria.vh: neirers. aj.4OUZO.0U ; c-an-
ners $1.6062.50; bulls. $2.2&a4.75; calves. $3.75
tj'5.25; Texas fed steers, 13.0O4H.00; western
Steers. X3.7M(f7.l"J.
HflflH FtecelntB. lT.rajo: estimate! lornor-
mn u. lanrai. Ian nvar. i.mrj: maraet ivuiw
higher; mixed and butchers', 16 80(87.00; gool
to choice heavy, mwxni.ou; rougn iwyj,
$6.40rj90; light, $6. 407. 15; bulk of sales,
lit Mui7 OA.
SHEEP Receipts, 40.000; choice sheep
steady, others slow; best lambs strong;
.nnH in choice wethers. 13.40in4.20: fair to
choice mixed. $2.25,32.40; western sheep, $2.50
63.66: native lamos. ao.oao..t, western
lambs. 13. JSW-au
RecelDts. Shipments,
.... 963 391
.... 1.778 1.193
.... 3.593 2.203
Official yesterday:
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
1 r I m. Lt I a ftmmmm -. 1 C A TTJ ,V. P A
celpts 14.800 natives. 2,200 Texans, 475 Texas
calves, 1.000 native calves; beef steers weak;
grassers and calves sieauy; niun tw. .uu
heifers and Texans active and strong;
stoekers and feeders slow ana wess; duiib
. , . .h.uJ Ymmt al.are
OU1I. mioicai cwii ", " 1 ' . -
$6.9uij7.36', fair to good, $3.tii.8o; stoekers
13 266-4.60; Texas and Indian steers. $2.769
4.w; lexas coa, f..v,,.i, Ik '
$1.6580.75: native heifers. 12 (4.tO; can-
ners. ii.otani.w; duiib, ei-turu-,
HoU8'Reelpta T.800 head: market 610c
. , , l ,4 u.,li Inn 17 'A ' hulk of
safes, ' 7.07HjrT.16; heavy, $7.07Vrj7.17:
mixed packers, $7.tJ6'Jr7.3ii: ngnt. so.towi.u;
!" . .TT -T 1...4 IS. lit 4.1,47 4.
KHEKP AND LAMHS Receipts, 3.000
htad; market firm; fat sheep scarce; native
. - eo miA.A on H..rn lamha 14 CtUfiu ID'
IU 111 1a, m.i v w -i r , " 7 i
fed ewes. $3.0twS ); native wethers, 12.96J
. . . u . 1 1 . . :l . n.. 1. u v .
I.uo; western waunn, e.Twiei.iw,
ana leeaern, i.pj..
t. Lenls Lire Stock Market.
mi- t.M'12 rt..l tl fiTTT.E RAtfHnts.
6 600 'head, including 4.500 Texans; market
steady to strong: native shipping and ex-
tiort iieera, ao''.w. ,
utrher steera, 14.2Mi7.28 ; steers under 14
lbs, $40Oia6.5o: Blockers snd feeders, $2.4(41
4.5u; cow and beltera, nWp.W. thinners, I
were the receipts of Hvg
principal cities yesterday:
cattie. itogs. oneep.
... 4.500
... 3.956
... 4.000
9.000 v
..62,604 31,883 60.905
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18 COFFEE Futurei
opened steady with prices unchanged to I
points higher on covering and demand from
bulls, prompted by a slightly better ruling
of the German market than Anticipated.
Later there was a further aaln of 6 points.
due to continued covering by shorts and
scarcity of offerings, but in the laat hall
hour a full estimate for Interior Santos re
ceipts brought about plenty or cotree ano
prices sagged oaca again to tne opening
Imximi tVim, m.rli.l Mnalna net tinchahareA ta
6 points higher and quiet. Total aalei
reached 23,600 bags. Including: October al
6.05c: Januarv. 6.30c: March. 6.40ii6.45ci
April, 6.50c; May, 6.555.65c; June, 6.70c;
July, 6.7006.75c; August, 6.80c: September,
.sue. Tne primary maraera ana navrv wers
unchanced for the day. receipts moderate
and the local market for the spot article
nominally unchanged and quiet.
Evaporated Apples mm Dried Fralta.
APPLES Are meeting with a fair demand
at full recent flaures. Common are quote
at MiMc; prime, at 6VaO74c; choice, at 70
lc, and fancy, at 8c.
t ta 1 .1 rimii i A imu,u rrltJliB DPOt
prunes continue without change In tne
absence of new arrivals, at quotations
ranging from HewrVtO for all grades, coast
ad vices report a firm market for apricots
and snot orlcca remain firm, but unchanged.
at 7&10HC for boxes and 6'VtflOo in bags. -Root
neachea are In fair demand at 12(3
16o for peeled and 7tfl0ya for unpeeled.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Oct, 13. The statement of
the visible supply of grain In store and
ailuat Saturday. October 11. as compiled
by the New York Produce exchange, la aa
follows: Wheat, 6,611,000 bu.. Increase, 87,
000 bu.; corn. 3,541,000 bu., decrease. 534,0011
bu.; oats, 8,060,000 bu., decrease, 6,000 bu.;
rye, 1,989,000 bu., decrease, 65.000 bu.; bar
ley, 2,831,000 bu., Increase, 64,000 bu. .
Dry Goods Market.
demand today haa not changed to any ex
tent In character, a moderate ousinees
passing In staple fancy cottons. Tone and
prlcea firm. Advances of c reported in
Riverside plaids, Danville plaids. Riverside
cheviots. Riverside chambrys and Danville
linens. Cotton hosiery quleU but prices
generally steady.
Zlla-la Batter Market.
ELGIN. 111.. Oct. 13 BUTTER Advanced
1c on the Roard of Trade today. There
were no offerings ana tne maraei was
declared firm at 23'c. The sales for the
week were 648,000 lbs.
Report of Prsivdent Yoakum.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 13. The ilxth annual
report of President Yoakum of the St.
Louis A San Francisco Railroad company
has been eubmltted, showing a total mile
age operated on June 30, 1902, of 1,130.4,
with 787 miles of sidetracks and switches.
The Income account for the year is aa
follows: (Irons earnlnas from operation.
$21,620,882; operating expenses, $13,472,470; net
earnings from operation, miscellaneous in
come and land department receipts, 16,346,
672; less total interest and all other charges,
$6 088,093; surplus, applicable to dividends,
$2,277,478; out of which were declared dlvl
AawiAa, nmniintlnar In LMUfi.2Kl : surnlus carried
to credit of profit and loss, $1,472,197.
Woman Mysteriously Mardered.
hkmphtEAD. Tex.. Oct IS. There Is
considerable excitement over the killing of
Mrs. Susan P. Lewis, aged 64, by some
..-vnnwn nerson. Bhe waa neard to scream
and call for help and then three shots were
nred. A searcn waa ai un ni."o aim
the body of the woman, clothed only In a
nih Hreu. was found In the rear of the
publio school aoroe fifty yards away from
her bouse. Some suspects are being held.
Caaklev Shoots Himself.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. Charles O. Dale,
...hi.r for two years In the New York
County National bank, waa found dead In
his home in wesi xinaoioii iwtaj, iiaiii
ehot himself during the night. Dale wss
about 40 years of age and leaves a widow
and daughter. An Investigation of his ac.
counts showed they were correct. No cause
for his suicide is Known.
General Grant Coxnlna; Home.
i vr TDllICIIirn -ac 11 TK. TTnlleA
Btates transport Logan arrived here today,
twenty-nine oa "",u "T1 ; ,
Nagasaki. ungaaier oenerai r truer it a
Grant is on board. The transport also
brought six troops of the Ninth cavalry,
1K7 casuaJa. fifty-five discharged soldiers,
123 sick and a number of Insane.
Jndge Haa No Jurisdiction.
wtrHlA. Kan.. Oct. 13. Tn the case of
mandamus to compel the secretary of state
to place bom tne aemocreuc ami jraiiuini
tickets upon the ballot, Judge Dale, before
whom the case waa heard, today decided
that he had no Jurisdiction.
Prlnee Selects American Motor.
BERLIN. Oct. 11. The automobile which
Prince Henry of Prussia Is using Is at
American machine which he picked out at
the motor exhibition at Hamburg. t com
petition with French and German models.
Payable SvmleAnnually
Are Guaranteed
The M
an or Woman
emhmoaertolnTaet mbdtA do batter than to
aenal at not ( UiB prnaiMu-tus of the O. L,
Csaas Wurxas at aaoiani.1 Oo., Uie thud
lrse--! rtrAAA k,.a In ll.e arnelA
Tkere la Mane la ta Mall Orsar Baslness
a aieea at a eel eeaa gneranieea ereierrea aiiia eeirrta4
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