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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOltEll 14, 1002. FIRE SERVICE IS IN DANGER Ihsrtsgs af Fund V.kslj to Oripple tha Depirtmeir. Temporarily. ;ifteen Thousand dollars necessary ttnard f Klre end Police C'omnilslsa rra Udrrnar nmnimlratUii te .Mayor ned t unnrll, (prU in or Aaalatnnce. rail the Boar I of Fire snd I'ollce Com missioners' lay off sixty of the members of the fire (1Dkrtm,ut and close six or seven of the engtne houses for the remainder of the year or -ml IT the city council make an additional appropriation of $15,000 to aug ment the nearly exhausted fire fund? Such Is the: question which the first named body submits to the latter In a communication approved at its meeting of last pTinirfR.- For some time past the fact ha,s been 'recognised that the Are depart ment fund would not be sufficient to en dure to the end of the year at the estab lished rate- of expenditure, and early In Its tdmlnistrat Ion the present board, upon application to the city attorney, received n opinion to the effect, that the members would in law be personally liable for any iDdPDiPaucss incurred in mount available In the psrtment. excess of the fund of Ihe de The condition of the fund v. as also brought to the notice of the city council through the financial statement of the comptroller, and at a recent meeting a number of expense bills which must have come out of the Are department fund were disallowed In the passage of the appro 'prist ion ordinance. AC that meeting also the council .adopted a resolution calling the attention of the Board of Fire and Fo lic Comuilmloncrs to the stato of affairs and. advising economy. ' The communica tion of the bosrd to the council Is In reply to that resolution.' Letter to Mayor aad Council. Following: Is the full text of the com aiunlcatlon: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council i me vity or iimann Dear airs: we ae sire to direct the attention of vour hon prabln body to the lack of funds necessary for , the maintenance ot the tire depart ment of the city. The Appropriation was tllta.OQO, of which, according to the state ment of the comptroller, there will be col lected, together with back assessments, the sum of 4U9.tkti.31. thus makina at the dis posal of the board for the maintenance of the fire department IU9,K.S.31. It also appears that the Hoard of Fire and Police lommlsalonere, composed of the mayor, es chairman, and Matthew H. Col- - Una and others, as members, carried over from I ant year bills amounting to about i3,50i, which the board as above const 1 luted paid out of the funds of 192. It alo appears that said board, at about January 2. 190J. ltirre&Mi the lira fnrtie bv lh ad dition of nine members, at a salary ot 170 - turn per roontn. e aTe Informed that this action was taken at the request of the. Commercial club of this city and upon some agreement or understanding with your honorable body and the mayor that the Increased expensa wouia oe proviaea tor. in some manner. aunt of lae UrneiaBcy. The present Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, since Its induction Into offtca on August 4, lint, has continued the force as It then round It and has not In any manner Increased the expenditures for tne nre department, lbere baa been ex pended In that department up to October 1 the aum of $!,246.aT, and If the aame rate of exronditure Is continued until the end of the year It would reaulre S128.327.IW. This shows that there will be a deficiency In the tire fund of H,7ul.e5. The principal ex pense consists in im salaries oi mo em ployes of the department. The other ex penses, such a the - alarm servtes, tele phono bills, grain and crovlalons for the horsesu etc., Delng Axed by contract, are Deyona tne control or tnis noara. .il'm tiMv-aUflvnev hns-advlsed this board that it roust notexprad beyond the amount of the funds provided. It will thus be seen that the only way In which tha board can reduce Its expenditures to come within the appropriation win oe to reauce tne rorce os firemen. In order to make the necessary reduction the board will have to discharge at least sixty men for the remaining two months. This can only be done by closing six or seven of the fire houses, thus ex posing a large part of the city to the rav aaea of fire. Such a reduction would Ut terly crinuUi the tire dcoartraent. it is a condition for which this board is in no way responsible, but which must be met. The lorce as now constituted witn lis men, Is til too small for a city spread over the territory covered by Omaha. Huctt a reduction of tne fire department can be thought ot only as a last resort, but under the Law it is the only thins; tnis "board can lo unless the funds are provided. To pro vide the funds is neither within the prov ince or power of the Board of Flra and Po lice Commissioners. We also call your attention to the further fact that it Is Imperatively necessary that - the department have C.oiO feet of hose. which will cost about W.OuO. Much of the hone which the department ia now using is dangerously old and rotten. You will thus mo th.t if anv semblance of fire protec tion Is to be afforded to the city Cor ths hazardous months of 'November and De cember, tha board must have fl6.0u0 more tire funds. .We deem a simple statement or tha I acta to oa aurocient. .Two Resignations Aeeepted. 'The resignation .of 8. X. Osborn who has been a patrolman oa tha police department ' for the past fourteen years, and that of ' Charles S. Berg a member ot the fire de partment, were both accepted. From the Intentions ot tha board as ox- pressed last evening there la every indica tion that John Pillar, who haa been keep- log a saloon tst .ths southeast corner of Ninth and! Pouglaa , streets, will have hla license revoked. l was reported to tha board that about X o'clock on Sunday mora- : lng Officer "Ryan had toned John Hritfeld i oa ths street Suffering frsm ths c licet.: ci a beating which it was said he received at the saloon In question. The officer, it was stated, went Jo the y'ace and In response to hla Inquiries met with only abuse front rillar and bla bartender, John Slovsky. , rillar will be summoned to appear on Mon day nlgbi next and show, causa why his license should Bet be revoked. , Charges were filed against Police Officer ABSOLUTE ' ' 1 SECURITY. OanafafafafanateTeTo) Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Hoar Signature fee PaoAasUs Wrapper Bases. roi iuuckx. rei eizziKCts. rci tiuoumtt, rex T6RPI8 ima. nil COHSTIPATIM. nu iauow tiii. rot TVCCCMf unci CaJSK l0kC HLA BACKS. Tory email end a tr take aa muj CARTER'S eTf-Jrw Edward Delehsnty by J. O. Auetutson, on whose behalf It is alleged that D.loointy assaulted, beat and brutally clubbed him on the night of September 27. The com plaint alleges that Mr. Auguatson was cut on the head In three places by the blows rftrtirk him by the officer and has not yet fully recovered from his Injuries. Dele banty will have a bearing next Monday evening. An old claim of Thomas It. Schneider of South Omabs, who demands 12,5 for a Dorse that was Injured while on trial for the fire department, wss taken up and the clerk was Instructed to notify Mr. Schneider that the board Is willing to pay him 1150, which it considers full value for bla horse. C hief Commends Ills Men. On recommendation of Chief Donahue the board approved ths plan of granting each of the officers of the police department one day leave of absence with pay In consid eration of the extra duty performed dur ing the Ak-Rar-Ben festival. The chief In a letter highly commends the members of his department for their excellent work during that period and the highly satis factory 'results attained. A commualcation from the residents of Prospect Hill asking for a restoration ot the police protection which has been dis continued since the t'nlou raciflc strike was placed on file and the chief was in structed to place a man on duty In that part of the rlty as soon as possible. FIND BRITISH PRISON SHIP Wtrknta Discover Hall of Jersey, aak More Than Hundred Trsn Agro. NEW YORK. Oct. After lying burled for over a century the famous English prison ship Jersey, In which several hun dred Americans were martyred while the British held New York in the days ot the revolutionary war, has been accidentally discovered at the Brooklyn navy yard. The discovery was made by workmen who are putting np the launching slip for the battleship Connecticut. Historical associations have been vainly searching for Jersey for fifty years. The half-burned hull of the ship Is lying under twelve or fourteen feet of dirt and water and la In perfect condition. JUDGE SHOT FROM AMBUSH Kllllnsc "apposed to Be Resalt of Bltterneaa Kngeadered by Election Coatost. BEATTYVILLE, Ky., Oct. 13. Judge Allen Lynch, county judge1 ' of Owsley county, was shot from ambush about day light thla morning. He ran on the fusion ticket and the elec tion .resulted In a contest, which was lately decided by the court of appeala in his favor. During the contest there waa much bit ter feeling and fears were entertained ot trouble. Deputy Sheriff Wilson of Owsley reached here today and telegraphed for bloodhounds. MYSTERY IN OHIO MURDER Woman Shot with Haikaas Kest sas No Clao to the Assassins. MOUNT VERNON. Ky., Oct. 18. Aa the result of a mysterious shooting near Level Green Mrs. Andrew Dean la dead, twe bul lets having been fired through her brain. Her husband clalma he went from bla house for a few minutes to a grove to gather chestnuts and that suddenly he beard shots. On returning he found his wife dying. - A doctor who was called in aaya be found no powder burns on the corpse and no weapons were found near tha body. MORGAN AIDS PHILANTHROPY India Caraegrle Seeks Hints for Helping; Eastern Industrial Advancement. WASHINGTON, Oct. IS. Mr. Jamsettjee N. Tata of Bombay, India, called on tha president today. He Is one of the wealthiest men of India and devotes bis time and money to the Improvement of the con dition of bla people. He is making a tour of the United states, Investigating various industries with a view to Intro duclng modern systems into India. Mr. J. P. Morgan la sending experta with him to different industrial centers for the purpose of giving him Information. RODGERS SUCCEEDS QUINTON Senior Colonel of Artillery la Pro mated to Brla-adter General's j Rank. WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. The president baa selected Colonel John L Rodgers, the senior colonel of artillery, for promotion to the grade of brigadier general to eucceed Brigadier General Qutatoa, on the retire ment of that officer. 'General Rodgera was the chief artillery officer at Tampa during the Spanish war and afterward went to Porto Rico with Oen eral Schwan in a like capacity. Prickly Ash Bitters cures disease of ths kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach and bowels. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Haw York and Calraare Horses Die . appoint Their Hopefnt Backers. NEW . YORK. Oct. 13 The first Mama ronevk handicap, the feature event at Mor I rls far today, waa won by L. V. Bell s Hermls. Despite the fact that he wa carrying an Impost of Us pounds and glv lng away from two to thirty-nine pound to his held, he won by half a length from the lightweight Warranted. Advance Guard was third, hair a length away. Jockey I.yne today signed a contract to ride for the Keene stable next year at a alary or uu.uuu. nummary: First race, for S-year-olds and up. sell lng. at six furlongs of Withers' mile Vrunswlcfc won. i'otente second. Mercer third. Time: 1:15. Second race, for maiden l-rear-old fiilies. last five and a half furlnnga of the Withers mile: Coruscats wen, rvari Diver second, Klcrhara Uueen third. Time: 1:10. Third rare, Mamaroneck handicap, for 1-year-olds and up, one mile and a quarter over the withers course: tlermls won. Warranted second. Advance Guard third. Time: :0SV. Fourth race, for 3-year-olds and ud. th Withers mile: lord Badge won, hnigh of Harlem second, Barouche third. Time 1:41V Fifth rsre. for 3-vear-olds and tin. sell lng, the Withers mile: Old Hutch won, Fred Krupp second, satire third. Time 1 ;':.. blxtn rare, handicap. Tor i-vear-olds an up. one mile and a sixteenth, over tha hill: Zoroaater won. Star of the West seo ond. Dalv third. Time: 1:4T. I'HIOAOO. Oct. 13. Jack Pemund bscked from t to 3 to to 6. won the free handicap, the feature of the card today, at Worth, In a gallop, with aix lengths to pare. Bear let IJIy nnlshed two lengths In front or Honing Boer for the place, lapiain rtugn nraaiey. in tne nrst rar con ey six lengtns. Kose of May won the second race all the way. Weathr raining ana cuia; iraca ry. humnurv riret race, nve furlonaa: Captain Hun I Bradley won, Angelo second. North 1'ole third. Tlm: l.' 2-s. Mecond race, mile and sixteenth: Res of May won, Ida . second, lmrk Secret third. Time: 1:14 Third race, six furlongs: Pbylo won A WORD TO FARM TOILERS, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND The Home Friend of the Farmer and His Family in the Autumn Season. After the labors and tolls of the summer time, and harvesting ot crops In the early autumn, many of our farmers, their wives, daughters and sons, find themselves In a condition of health demanding careful at tention If suffering is to be avoided later on. Many experience kidney trouble In some make form; with soma the Is torpid, there Is biliousness, nausea and vomiting, with loss of appetite and depression of spirits.' Thou sands who bsve been exposed to cold, damp wlndB and rains while tolling In the har vest fields, now feel the twinges of terrible rheumatism; others run down by worry, overwork and Irregular dieting are tor mented with the pangs of dyspepsia. To thousands of rundown, sickly and half dead men and women In farm homes we recommend with all honesty and confidence the work's friend, Palne's Celery Com pound, the only medicine that can quickly nd fully restore strength to the weak body nd vigor to the muscles. Palne's Celery Compound tones the stomach; It removes poisonous acids from the blood which cause rheumatism; It feeds the weak and deaeased nerves and banishes neuralgio tortures; it purines the blood and gives true vitality nd life. The use of Palne's Celery Com pound In autumn means the establishing of perfect physical vigor to withstand the rigors of a severe winter. Diamond Dyes Save money and affard freshness and a pleasing cbanfe la what you wear. Direction book and to dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. Burnle Bunton second, Mattle Spencer third. Time: 1:17. Fourth race, seven furlona-s: Jack De- mund won, Scarlet Lily second, Rolling Boer third. Time: 1:82. , Fifth race, ml e: Kthel Wheat won. Dr. Stephens second, .Inspector Shea third. lime: 1:42-6. Sixth race, mile and 100 yards: Scotch Plaid won, Irving Mayer second, Ludy Meddlesome third. Time: 1:65 3-6. CREIGHTON JUNIORS WIN Second Team from the tnlverslty Defeat Bellevne's Peat Ball Asra-reaatien. Crelghton university's second team yet- terday won a decided victory over Belle vue's foot ball eleven by a score ot 22 to 0. It was a clean, swift game and Bene' vue's seeming advantage In weight was easily offset by the speed and team work of the Crelghton Juniors. Coad kicked off st 3 D. m. Bellevue twice advanced the ball for the required gains and aeemed in a fair way to gain tne osy, but the fierceness of the defense soon put a damper on Bellevue s hones end the ball passed Into the hands of Crelghton. Cnad waa slvcn thtt hall and. nashlnff tnroiian gate In the line, Vpurted fifty yards for touchdown. - He kicked anal. . 8)onn kicked off and Crelghton started' on. the march down the Meld. McCaffrey made wo sood end runs and succeeded In cross. lng the goal line. No goal. Sloan kicked eff for Bellevue, but time was called after one or two scrlmmsges. In the second naif ueiievue tooK a orace and held Crelghton to short gains. Crelgh ton. however, wan not pleased with this low procedure, and summoning all their latent energy the boys added two more touchdowns to their Hat. For Bellevue the stars were Sloan, thel- ledy and Collins. - Lineup: CREIGHTON. I UKLLKVl'E. Dtrmody-Lea R K R. Klppea R. T.lL. T. ntiaarald R. O. Palaraon ..C.C Knndy U 0.(11. 0 Kahoa U T.;R. T. Coffinaa Hun Young Tliorr c. WIIkod Montgomery Rastra U E. R. V.. Uathrto McCaffrey R. II. I H Bhtlledr Coad K. B.IK. B Colllna O'Keete U H R H Bloan Curran W Q Nctharr Summary: Touchdowns: McCaffrey (2, O'Keefe, Coad. Officials: Referee, Welch; umpire. Throw. Time of nalves:- Twenty minutes. GANS BEATS M'PARTLAND Knocks Hint Out In Plfth Bonnd with Irresistible Loft Hook. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Oct. 13. Joe Oans. the lightweight chamoion. had no trouble 1n disposing of Kid McPartland before the international ciur at Fort Krte, unt, to. night. He knocked the New York man out In the fifth round. ' The blow that did the business was a laft hook to the pit of tha stomach, the same blow with which Mcl'srtland has won many nghts. McPartland writhed on the floor while Charlie w hlte counted the ten seconds, but a few seconds later he had fully recovered. . Cans did not exert himself at any stsge. although at times he showed flashes of his speed when the men came to close quar ters. He made McPartland do the fight ing, contenting himaelf with blocking am: looking for a chance to land one declslv punch. He dropped mho witn a straight right to the aw in the third round, but the Kid stayed through. McPartland did not land more than elrht solid blows during the entire bout. Gaits smothering moet of his leads before they were fairly started. Mac virtually fought himself out In the four full rounds fought. McPartland was not In the best of con dition. Oans wss In magnificent shaDe. Both weighed In under. 133 pounds. Charlie w nite was rcieree. In the preliminary Herman Miller, nans' sparring partner, lost to Wsrren Zurbrick, an unbeaten local boaer, in seven rounds. MANY STRIKES AND SPARES AU-Aawerlean Bowling Trio W In Fair. OWATONNA Minn.. Oct. 13.-The All- Ameiican bowling trio for the week end ing' October 11 won thlrtv-one names and lost four, the total ulna beina la".3l. to 17.. 2i lor ineir opponents. The individual recorda are: Names. Games. Pins. Ave. J. J. Voorhis 31 6.774 1D1.14 P. Wolf S.1SS IKS. 25 N. Peterson 20 3 57S 17k. jj A. Seibscb 2 4,7li 177.17 Wolf made 11S strikes and V...,rhl 117 while th former made 1C spares and the inner us. With the Bowlers. The Initial game of the Omaha Howling leugje i oca piace laei rigni. wun tne fol lowing result, on fnts A Williams' alleys: QEHMAX8. t let. 2d. 3d Tdt:il Weber .... W. Zltxma Beeelln ... C. Conrad A. Krug . Totals 16H 144 61 1V1 IK IM Mo 121 11 Iwl 474 J 1MI l.ij bxi loo 14a la 471 (ITS WESTERNS. 1st. 14J 1S 137 144 8ri K3 ,53t 3d. 133 r 1.3 131 3d. Total. Reed .... Ayer Helleck .. Ppragje . las 14.1 IM Si 1 Totals .... Bad 7?7 790 Delays Trotting. LEXINOTO.V. Ky.. Oct. 11 On accouru of a muddy link tody'a trolling raita were pvsipuitea unui i uraury. BAER SAYS THEY ARE CHEAP Chicago Datacti Talis About Alltged , Bosdlars ef Bstith Omaha, REFERS TO THEM AS "PENNY GRAFTERS" Cheapest Men lie Ever Knew to Blak Ooo4 Benntatloaa anal Freedom for lake of l.lalnc Their Packets. Bernard Baer, the Chicago detective who worked up the evidence upon which four members of the South Omaha Board ot Education were arrested, says the alleged boodlers of the Magic City are the cheapest he haa known In a police career of many years. Interviewed by the Record-Herald, Mr. Baer as Id: "South Omaha'a Board of Education bood lers didn't get round shouldered carrying away some of the bribes they accepted. They were the cheapest men, in the matter of price, that ever risked good reputation and the freedom of thla life for the sake of lining their pockets with the public's money; the cheapest tbst 1 ever met, and I've brushed shoulders with pickpockets who would steal rar fare from a washerwoman without a qualm ot conscience. "Eight dollars Is the price that three members of South Omaha'a educational di rectory demanded as a salve for their con science in little boodling transactions which I arranged for the purpose ot getting the evidence against them," continued the cap tain yesterday as he discussed the develop ments in the western city. "Eight dollars Is what they wanted for selling out the people they were aervlng In thla particular case, but I understand that waa an ex orbitant figure, if they are to be Judged by what it Is said they have accepted In the past. I am told that they have closed their eyes and stood tor Illegal transactions in connection with some schoolhouse repair work when their fingers only cloaed over 12.60. "In the ordinary run of buying up a public official the bribe-giver would land In an Inssne asylum If he went forth with any thing leaa than a three-figured otter, and in most cases the 'man with a price' turns up hla nose and talka of righteousness and hla duty to the public if he isn't ehown where he csn add about $1,000 to hla bank account. Recalls Chleaajo Boodlers. "But out In South Omaha they worked It different. There may have been method In madness, but If there was it failed to come to the surface during my Inquiry. Just think of it 38 the purchase price of a man with the opportunity to sell public Inter ests out body and soul. Eight dollars I wonder what those fellows on onr old bood ling county board, who wore silk underwear at the people's expense until the warden of the penitentiary took them In charge, wou'd say to those figures? "My investigation bad only to do wih their selling themselves out to folk who wsnted school bosrd contracts for furnish lng; supplies and the like, but while 'here I heard that they were even trafficking with the teacher and principals, making place for them on the pay rolls In return for a $5 or 110 bribe and raising their wages In consideration of additional 'pres ents' In like amount. ' ' "The bunrd uieSnueTB. if appears, tsavs had a few breaths of scandal of this fort blown In their faces before, and the town baa been waiting to frt them wh?re they couldn't squirm. " But -nobody (hougnt of looking for the punay' snd 'nickel bribe taker; they were all1 searching up in the clouds where real boodteW belong up in the channels through which bribea amount lng to thousands of dollars might be n pec ted to fall into the laps of unscrupulous office holders. Lately -the .talk 6f 'easy money' In the school board bobbed up on:e more, and the Taxpayers league, an or ganization similar to our cltitens' associa tion, aent hife and asked our agency te take up the inquiry. Dlaeardn Dreaa Hnlt. "I went to South Omaha expecting to have to do business In a dress suit. In stesd, I found the graft these people were after could be arranged better In "a pair of Jeans and a tattered coat. They were look ing for something etieap. Maybe they fig ured that if the price waa kept down there would be leaa chance of a disclosure of their misdeeds. Yon jnust remember that the acandal haa only to do with four members of the board; I heard no word or mention ef suspicion regarding the other Ave, and I believe them upright, conscientious gen, tlemen. I appeared aa field agent for a type writer concern that wanted to put In twelve new machines in place of some already in use by the board. We were to take the old machines and receive 121.50 In addition t put tha offer up to an official of the board and offered to pay IS for each machine rc- cepted. The tg waa bribe money, of course, and It waa understood that It should be divided between the members of the bordle ring, ne maae a snow or indignation, tnen admitted that he sometimes received 'prsa enta. Through him I met the other fel lows who were 'on the inside,' and before I reached the end of my task I waa the con Sdant of several of them. One whispered socially that be waa 'out tor the stutt;' an other recalled bow be bad once before been Indicted. Apportionment of Money. "There was a bit of careful hedging when It came to turning ever the money. These high priced gentlemen were all so trustful ot one another that each Insisted upon hla neighbor getting the boodle and apportion lng It. Finally It was agreed that I should 'lay the money down,' and a certain ine of the clique waa to happen-along conveniently so no one else might have the good, fortune to pick up this price of a half ton ot coal. "Instead of cash I offered them checks, One of them loat no time in cashing bis paper, but the others returned the telltale Instruments and asked for cash. I opened their letter In the presence of witnesses then sent the currency required In a box ot cigars and thla was accepted in the pres ence of witnesses, too. Just te make my case more than certain I Induced one of the members of the ring to put a mythical LHEie- Best Often Dlsagroa With Us Because wa overeat of tbam. Indi (eatioo follows, but there's a way to escape such consaquencea. A done of h food dlgestant like KoJol will relive jro aionca. Your stomach la aim ply loo weak to digest what you eat. That's ail indigestion la. Kodol digest tha food without th atomach'a aid. Thus ths stomach rests while th body is strength ned by wholesom food. Dieting is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Mrengt hems sod invigorate. Kodol flakes n .a rta ri s Sasteea iteta eaewaa Prepared only by 1 O. DbWitt Oo.. Chicago. : l si ooivie contains i t iimee ne tae eiaa. DtWin'SviiciKizciSALVf A certain, euro for piles had skis disease MS , rl V- A MILLION GOOD FELLOWS have learned that "a OABOAJUET at nlft-nt make you feel all right In the morning-!" They have told other good fellowa, until the sale of CABOvRET8 Candy Cathartic la nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Nature punlahea every exoeas, and over-eating, over-drinking, under-sleeping result in stomach, liver, kidney and bowel trouble that are liable to become very serious. It la very unwise to -wait until digestion ia stopped, tha bowels constipated, the tongue coated, the breath offensive, and the nerves tortured with a racking sick headache. Take a O ASOARET Just before going to bed, and wake up in the morning feeling fine and dandy. All druggiate,' lOo, 25c, 60a Never sold In bulk. The genuine tablet stamped OOC Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co- Ohioago or New York. cousin of mine on the psyroll as a teacner. The price of thla favor was $5. Besides my evidence the league which Is pushing the prosecution holds affidavits from about forty school employes concerning the levying of the assessments in return for employment or advancea in salary." ATTLEJ1EN ARE OBJECTING (Continued from First Page.) lows the Indian to wear a blanket, follow j the chase and participate in his dances, even though they are barbarous, some. tlmea Indecent and inhuman. Commissioner Jones says that ethnologists are against permitting the Indians to do anything ex. ! cept reflect his own native character, and , they are the only people opposed to per. ! mittlng Indians to work for wages paid 1 by the government Instead of receiving ra tions Issued by the government. TO GO TO THE PHILIPPINES General Smith of Callfornln horned by the President for Mem ber of Commission. WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. General James F. Smith of California has been appointed member of the Philippine commission. to succeed Bernard Moses, who Is to retire January 1. General Smith filled the Important office of collector of customs for the Philippine Islands, where he showed marked adminis trative ability. He resigned to accept his present position aa associate Justice of the supreuje C-OuTt. Judge 8mith Is a prominent Catholic. It will be recalled that he accompanied Gov ernor Taft on hia reeent visit to the Vati can in Rome, returning with Governor Taft to resume -his dutlea on the' supreme bench. He Is a lawyer of. prominence In San Francisco, and under Cleveland's ad ministration waa deputy collector of the port of San Francisco. He Is much respected by the Filipinos and a great believer In their future under proper educational and industrial oppor tunities, which will be under charge ,f the commission of which he will be a member. AVERT CHOCTAW TROUBLES Troops Prevent Claah Between Rival Candldntea Pnrtlaaaa Is Elec tion of Governor. WASHINGTON, Oct. IS. A serious con flict between partisans of rival candldatea for the governorship of the Choctaw Indian nation in Indian Territory haa been averted by the presence of federal troops. Governor Duke, the outgoing governor. who la said to be a partlssn of Hunter, one of the candidates, took charge of the cspl tol building assisted by armed horsemen. and according to Indian Agent Schoenfleld. arbitrarily permitted persons to enter and alt aa members of the Choctaw council upon commissions issued by himself and refused to admit members having certificates from the regularly constituted authorities. Agent SchoenOeld appealed to Washing ton for troops. On their arrival the Choc. taw council waa permitted to enter the building and resume Ita sessions. The official dispatches received today show, thst the votes of the council for the office of principal chief was counted yester day. Oreen McCurtain had a majority of $89 and waa duly sworn in HERBERT VISITS PRESIDENT British Ambassador Is Officially Pre. aented to Mr. Roose velt. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. ir Michael Her bert, the new British ambassador, was pre sented to the president today- by Secretary Hay. The presentation took place at the temporary White House on Jacksan place. probably marking the first occasion since tha White House haa been occupied that tbu credentials of an ambassador have been re ceived outside of its doors. The presentation as made ia the usual form with the Important exception that the president, thqugh progreasiug rapidly toward recovery, heeded his physicians' warning and remained seated. After the ceremony Sir Michael, who is an old friend of the president, had a long personal chat with him. The new ambassador will take rank fifth, or next after Stgsor Msyor Dei Planaches, the Italian ambassador. LAW M0VESIN A CIRCLE Colombia's Tlrtim May Reeover from lalted states sad II from Colombia. WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. It Is stated here that In the event that the Colombian gov ernment succeeds In obtaining Judgment against the Panama Railway company on account of lis fsilure to csrry Colombian scldiers and munitions of war, that the railway company would undoubtedly have the right of reclamation against the gov ernment of the United States, as It was by the orders ot a naval officer that ths company acted. The United States tn turn would look to ihe government of Colombia for repayment, holding that ths scllon taken was In accord ance with the treaty stipulation by which ths United States is bound to mslntaia free transit across the isthmus. Xanaed for tmmlseloaer. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. The president CAN DY CATHARTIC 1 Vil;. V;h AWN UAL Greatest Tou should conatder thoroughly the Tou should conalder tnoreugniy tne nciom p. -" etc. of a Doctor or Specialist before entrusting to him your health, the perfect ' -and lastlne- recovery of which means Lova-eat Moet eeaafal sat Reliable gpelal Ista la Diseases of Men, as Mcelteal Dlstanaae, Licenses sal Newspaper Roe area Sfeew. Call at our offices or write, and If we find that you cannot re eureawe will NOT accept your money fjNDBR ANT CONDITION; but If we accept your caae for treatment we will guarantee a SAFE AND POSITIVE CURE- in the shortest possible time without Injurious after-effects. Our charges will . mm la-- as ueealPle i"r nnmrnamunii, suit us before consenting to any surgical procedure upon important Oioou sels and organs. v DISEASES STRICTURE. -VARICOCELE. KERYQ-SEXUAL DEBILITY, BLOOD POISOfl (Syphilis) RUPTURE AND KIDNEY DISEASES, them te stay euroa wnen otnere ran. Oar spoofs! bosso treatment will oaro yen. Relesvseeo Beet Baaka asd Lesdlsst Bnalneaa Mob sf tfee olty. Cesealtatleei st of eo or by letter free sat at riot It oeaadeattal. Ofllee Hears, n. na. tn 8 p. m. genders 1 n. na. te 1 p. na. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 FIRM ST., SriVtSe!:h QSHHA, MED. v . Largest e?tab IJt T-or-ly riliabl Autherlsed by the laws of tfcojtata, today sppolnted Henry L. West to be com missioner of ths District ot Columbia, to succeed the lste John W. Ross. Mr. West Is a well known newspaper man of thla city. Texas Members Fnneral Committee. WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. Speaker Hen derson has designated the Texaa represen tatives as the committee, upon the part of the house pf representatives, to attend the funeral of ths lata Congressman Sheppard of that state. The Beet Core for Colde Is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. 8ure, pleasant, safe and guaranteed to soon cure or no pay. 60c, 11.00. For eale by Kuhn ft Co. THE BBAtTf RECORD. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday. October 13: 'Warranty Deeds. C. H. Coy et al. to C. P. Coy, Son it Co., lots 1 to i ind parts of lots 11 and IS, Harrier's 2d add to Valley TOO Jennie l.aVtll to Isabella LaVell, lot 4. Sullivan' add 700 J. O. Haines and wife to J. W. Holm- quisi; undivided or n B ft lots 5 to 8. block 1H7H. Omaha Herman Krusl and wife to W. 8. Cur tis, lots 7 and 8, block 117. Dundee Place i Louis Tobias to Morris Levy, lot , block a. Lake's add . l Helen I.. Lock wood and husband to O. W. Loomls. lot . Illmcbauah Place l.oo Louis laws ana wire to J. it. Blair, lot 13 and w 7 ft lot 7. block 8. De- nlse add l,W0 John Kuchs and wife to M. F. Huet tleman, lot ti, Lewis' subdlv S0 Mary J. c nyan ana husband to W. J. Batterton, lot IS, block 34, 1st add to Corrigan Place' too Same to A. J. Uatterton, lot 30. block 4, same 300 W. T. Orahara ana wife to W . A. Mc- . Key, lot 11, block 1". Kountse Place 4.000 Mary K Hargtb to T. F. Harlnell. lot v, block t. Brlggs' Place i (twit Claim Deeds. Charles Harrier and wife to Thomas Mct'leneeben. n 4 ft of s H lot ft. block 4h, Valley, and one acre In se sw-i, 31-18-10 Total amount of transfers tl4.4J (best! c v ;H svl J THE I Forty Sixes, li-c to c Each. A SANTAELLA & CO- MAKERS TAMPA. FLA. R1CHAP.DSON DRUG CO.. Distributors. SALE 1000.000 BOXES in theVorld COWTEMPLATING TOP" A T M E N T ' ' . factors ot skill, experience, reliability. and lasting recovery of which means so much to your ruture ine ana nap plnesa. Kvery man who is smtcteo owes n w himaelf and his posterity to get cured safely and positively, without leaving any blight or weaknese In hla system. You do not want to tx mutilated and maimed for life trying to be cured of VARICOCELE, . STR1CTI RE. and kindred troubles In a few days by sur gical procedures. We make no mlslesdlng statements or unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted In order to secure their pat ronage. The many years of our suc cessful oractlce In Omaha prove that our methods of treatment are 8AFB and CERTAIN. M . Oar Combined BJIeetro-MValont Treatment bna nanny' friends mm few enemies. Its friends are those wbo bnve tested Ita merits ul hart been eared. Ita ene mies nro tboso Doctors or elallsta who are envlona of nil other treatments thnt bave roves mora soeeeasfal . tbnsi k I AWM. we find thst you cannot be cured we km i i i i lit aim hi w ..... . - OF MEN ati s-v iMMnnllcatlons and as sociate.', diseases and weaknesses of wi will spare you the penalties aa-ao-!Qted with Nerroue Debility, Weak ening Drains -!?--"" Wasting ef Organs. Premature Decline, Lone of Memory, Energy and Ambition. Nerv- Heart. Shortness of Breath. Apprehen- slon of tjaiarniiy, ine i. naami Mortification of Weaklings, the Fnght ef Contemplated Matrimony. We will render you robust and strong mentally physically and sexually. Call at our oflloaa or write for our took. FREE, which will explain the dlseaeee we cure, and how we euro HIGH BALLS" MAD I MOW Quaker SDaid m Nsvs a tfelleloua flavor aeoullsri their swa. Qsakef Msl Rye la absolute)? sore. Far SMelelnsI purposes 11 Is eassosllas. Oasale at lbs leadiaa catsa, rvg stares and ears. S.KiRSCH&CO. VoaletaK Utja&r staler!, A MAN becomes languid. Irritable and ds rpondrnt, through loss of eert-e rigor. Life seems a mockery. The courage, force, vigor and action which chaiwo tenia fiul-blooded men, are lacking. haw kindled the light of hope ia man a man's face. They brn j vigor to the eak and smMtlon to th dnoadeat They permanently c ho. V t hj wcak--nmg draiua. feed til weirvra, enrich th.. sl Jod and make suen over gener ally. ' Y $1 00 per box t ( bovea (O. Wlihs s5 00 order we latue it 'iriitcn guaran tee u retuad tne mow U no cute be cUected. Jtook Ilea. t f'or sale by Kunn at f., Omaha. II Inn a Drue 8tore., South Omaha, Dsvla Drug Co.. Council FJuffa- la. BLOOD POISON 2t V KAHSAS CITT.MO. la the worst disease on earth. ei tne easiest to curs WlikM ; VuU .KNOW WHAT TO Ikj. Mbv have uuuti.en, apeui en the skin, sores in ua nouik ulcere, falling balr, bona pelr.s, catarrh)' oon t know li is BLOOW PoifeON. ten to DH. BhUttN Ma Arcn at., y miaaetunia, r"n., for BhOWN'8 BLOun ClftU. tl.uS par bottle; lasts on month. Mold only ky bherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Itth si.d lodg 8ts . Omaha. Brown's Capsule? tt?, "J-Vi.,: ill . Uoue street