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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1902)
4 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIXOR MESTIOS. Davis Bella drugs. Stockert Mill carpets sni ruirs. Mauthe, fine watch repairing", S B'wsy. Expert watch repairing. Ueffert. 409 B'way. Big fruu-pag 'hool tablet, 4 cents, at A. B. howe i, oil) Broadway. Th Christy picture for sale. C. E. Alx ender & Co , IM Broadway. Do you play ping pong 1 Morgan Dickey can furnish you a tile et for tl. D. Helnahelmer of Olenwood was In the city yesterday calling; on friends. Mlas Pine of New York City is the guest of Mrt. J. C. Duff of liighl avenue. Mr. and Mre. R. II. Bloomer Iff t laat evening on a vlH to Ch.cago friends. Wanted, carrier with horse for route on The Bee. Apply at otttce. lu i'erl atreet. Mr., and Mrs. .John P. Davis lift laat evening on a visit to frlenda In Chicago. Mr. and Mr. J. Moran are home from a month's visit, with relatives and friends In the east. Girls, have you seen that swell line of fall styles of papetrles at Morgan at Dickey s7 Mrs. O. H. Jackson of South First street will leave tomorrow on a visit to friends in osaalousa, la. Visit our ait department and bps th beautiful new designs In fram-.-s now in. C. B. Paint, Oil & Olass Co. Hon. R. T. Blmons and wife of Caldwell, Kan., are guest -of Mrs. Simons' sister, Mrs. M. C. White of Seventh avenue. iost, a small purse containing a sum of money, also a diamond-set ring. Oood re ward for return of same to Bee office. Wanted, ten good; hustling boys, between the age of 12 and 16, to work after school hours. Address N Bee, Council Bluffs. The woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church will met rYluay after noon at the residence of Mrs. 11. A. julnn. The Ladles' society of the Second Pres byterian church will meet Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. Btvsle Black. A meeting of the Ladles' Benevolent so ciety of the First Baptist church will be held this afternoon in the churcn parlors. A marriage license was issuer yesterday to M. B. Harover. 'aged 30, and Anna Tttterlngton, aged 2o, both of Henderson, la. The remains of Joel Bomer, who died at St. Bernard's hospital October 6, will be taken to Glenwoou this morning for Inter ment. Oeorge W. Lire left last evening for Ar kansas In the interests of the dark Zinc and Lead Mining company of Council Bluffs. Colonel and Mrs 3 T ataariman have ' gone to ixs Angeies, cai.. to sperm in. mSS'nSt9u2irA Council n.v Allen Jndd will conduct arrvlpea I this evening at Oracs Episcopal church and a-.lV.Tn. iSA ovum , mL1. i?"Ll- Z. ... v to attend the funeral of her grandmother, ' Mrs. KODinson, returned last evening to Knoxvlile. 111., where she la attending Ilia 111 atAsA aKa las aiiitnLia I school. The formal hearing of John W. Lynch, the railroad laborer brought In from Un derwood and charged with being mentally deranged, will be held today by the com missioners for the Insane, Finely improved farms in north central Missouri, 13e to 140 per acre. Oo down with us and examine these farms. Prices are advancing rapidly. Buy now. Send for price list. Linage 4k Lougee. City Clerk Phillips Is busy preparing the registration books for the approaching election. The location of the places for registering In the various city precincts will be announced next -week. The members ef the First Congregational church will give a free soc'al Thursday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Montgomery on Fourth street. The Ladles' Missionary society will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Taylor. Thieves attempted 4o break Into the shoe store of James Hansen on Sixteenth ave nue Sunday night. - They - tore away the r&JrXri. rern'ov. 'tn. J opposition that d.vopd tT2 m.e " of " . opportunity to lalt Iron bars protecting 4t on the lnalde. i tha Ministerial association yesterday morn- tn numerous places of Interest In the a The funeral of the 'little son of Mr. and ina it Is verr doubtful if tha nutnn nf tional capital. It was his first vljlt to Mrs. J, Peterson, who was drowned In Mosquito creek, will be item at 4 o oioca this afternoon from Lunkley's undertaking rooms, and burial will be In Walnut Hill Cemetery. . The hearing of E. Mlnnlck, charged with assaulting William Lookablll, had to be again continued In Justice Carson's court yesterday, owing to the failure of the prosecuting witness to put in an appear ance. Mlnnlck in the meantime having failed to furnlgh ball, la sojourning In the county Jail. Oeorge Judson resigned his position as assistant city engineer yesterday to enter the engineering department of the Oreat Western railroad. He will be assigned for duty at present at Ida Orove. His removal from the city, It Is expected, will necessi tate his resigning as second lieutenant of tbe Dodge Light Guards. Oreatua 'Adams, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Adams, died st a late Funeral will 'be held'." o'clrx this after! i noon from the family residence. 1610 Av enue A, and burial will be In Fair view cemetery, Rev. W. B. Crewdson of the First Christian church will conduct the services. Ernest Conway, a It-year-old boy who ran away from nis nome in mine ureen, MichT. August : was found by the police last evenina at 140S Klahth avenue, where he was working for a 4amlly named Boa- . S5 J.S!?,MeiW,?r worked on the Oreat Western grade for a ; while and on from thia city. a farm about eight, miles N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 25S. Plumbing and heating," Blxby Bon. "The troth is always the strongest ' argu ment" ; ; . .' Sophocleg : Therefor th strongest arga. meat in favor of Gorham Silver is the plain and simple : truth, namely, that for grace of design, sin cerity of workmanship, and purity of material it is unequalled. Yet, is costs no more than the ware of anonymous makers. an reepeaalbl Jewelers keep it LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. St Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 'Phon 1. cuts, TcuRirtn UftfttY. f4h,lafctWUoii. I J a. VL kaMa 1 aUof.UaaJ I- f m-aM (,, rJT a, aa4t aagjj p IT. I ' tut lotaLrta. - i " 5I svmisBj BLUFFS. ' , I vi nrnttr rnntl rinvrnr NO REPLY FROM CARNEGIE, - , Library Board Still Hag Hop ef leonriig Donatio of Library laildig j. FIRE ESCAPES FOR PRESENT QUARTERS Contract Let anil Work to Be Com metier Within We k Renting Book System Proves a Good Thing;. At the meeting of the Board of trus tees of the public library yesterday tho special committee appointed to provide ways and means for securing a permanent home for the library reported that noth- j Ing further had been done In the matter j and that nothing further had been heard from Mr. Carnegie. The committee stated, j however, that It still had hopes of lhdu- ring. Mr. Carnegie to build a library In Council Bluffs, now that the funds for tho purchase of a suitable site bad been as sured through the special levy of a 3-mill : tax. i I Chairman Stewart of the committee on I administration reported that he had taken ' up with Landlord Merriam the. question of providing escapes for the building and that the latter bad assured him that tbe con tract for the erection' of the escapes had been let and that work on tbem would be i commenced next week without fall. The delay, Mr. Merriam , said, was due to the contractor and not on bis part.' The board decided that Trustee Balrd and Mrs. Da I ley, the librarian, should at tend the annual meeting of tbe Iowa Li brary association,, to be held at Qrlnnell October 28 to 30, at tbe expense of the library. - According to the report of tbe finance '. committee tbe balance In tbe library fund on October 1 was $1,M7.W. The report of the librarian for September gave these sts- tistlcg;. Number of visitors to library. ' 4,19V: Dumber Of Visitors on Bundava 11- numoer or registered book takers, 8,006; number of book, taken. 8,447. of which 2-3S wer" works of fiction; number of books In circulating library on October 1, 1 is.sui; amount paia out for Tented books o October 1, 319.B0. as against 1311.84 re- l rom the same source last year, i ne tatter was considered by tbe board a ' ... - - I very good showing and indicating tbat the ; innovation or renting popular books for which there was much demand bad proved popular one. Gravel rouflDg. a. H. Held, 641 Broadway. PASSING THE HAT TOO OFTEN Objection Kalscel to Proposed Thaak Offering? for W. C. . A. Hospital. ' The prefects for th V.'essaa'g Chris::. a association receiving any peculnary benefit from a general thanksgiving offering to ward the building fund of the proposed new hospital at tbs union services ef theeeve- eral churches of this eity on Thanksgiving day are not, of tbs brightest i From t&s the different churches will consent to tbe proposition. Yesterday morning's meeting was called for tbe especial purpose of discussing with the directors of the Woman's Christian as sociation tbe tatter's proposition for a gen eral thanksgiving offering toward the pro posed new hospital, the donations to be handed In at the union Thanksgiving day services, but to be entirely separate from the day's collection, which It had been de cided was to be donated to the Associated Charities. Th attendance of ministers at the meet ing was not what had been anticipated, but those present expressed themselves as op posed to tbe proposition as being outside regular church work. Mrs. O. H. Lucas, PMM of th. Woman'. Cbri.tlan ...oct. tlon, and Mrs. L. W. Ross ware present on behalf of the association. Miss Carrta Dodge was present as president of the As sociated Charities and spoke against th Ministerial association entertaining the PP' ' woman t n, ...o. elation. Miss Dodge contended that for th proposition of the Woman's Christian asso. ministers to entertain the proposition ot Woman's Christian ..sedation would Inevitably result in a falling off In th gea. eral collection to be taken for th Asso ciated Charities. After a discussion lasting two hours the ministers present decided to tak no formal action la th matter, hut to defer it to th next regular meeting of the Ministerial as sociation, which will be held October IT. In the event of th Ministerial association declining to entertain the proposition ot th 1 Woman's Christian association th directors j of th latter organisation will take th ' matter up with the trustees of th different churches. Davis sells paints. Real Estate Transfer I These transfers were filed' yesterday In th abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Charles Deetken to Thomas M. Rob- bins, part of awH sw4 tx-75-U, w. d.f 1.500 Hana Kahl to Mary A. Kellv, 12x115 feet In a cor. nW swVa se4. S-H-M. I w. d 490 Jennie L. Cowans to J. D. and O. M. Ronk. lots 18 and 18, block , Car son, w. d Henrietta A. Strong to Margaret L. McGee, lot i, Olendale extenaion, w. d Annie J. Wilson to Orlando J. Avery, lots 1 and 8, block 8, Pierce's sub llv w. d Rllla M. Bond to Samuel and Edward Brokman, aVt ae4 4-76-42, except one acre, w. d Isaac E. Stiles to Lillian Meek, lot 1, block 8, Street's add., w. d Lillian Meek to L. O. Rcott. lot 1 and H lot 8, block 14, Highland Place, and lot 1. block 8, Street's add, w. d 1.000 4.000 4.600 4E0 too Eight transfers total 814,611 Davis sells glasa. Jnry for UUtrtet Conrt. This trial lurr waa drawn veaterdav tor ths a November term of district court, which will b prestded over by Judg Green; O. BEERS Guaranteed Pure. None So Good OraarfMai H. Mar Cai . B. McBrlde, Boomer township; M. J. Han ! nlfan, Ncrwalk township; John Riennau, ' Hardin township; Henry Chaney, R. R. Miller, Washington towashlp; R. M. Hough, Neola township; . Walter Kreyer, Mlnden townshp; Henry Rlef. Crescent township; jrtVb,eh- y r;rh"- "nerrn; ship; Joseph Roosa, H. Darrlngton, Hazel Dell township; Phillip Jeffrie, Rockford township; H. H. Plnney, J. M. Williams, C. S. Hubbard, M. 8. Roop, C. F. Harle, H. W. Payne. John Aten, John E. Hill, Jesse Walters, Daniel Arkwrlght, Felix rVrwVaw fn,Ml Tk tmrrv will b. convened on November 6 and the Jury la summoned for Monday, November IT, a week before the usual time. Criminal Cases to I'onrt. Criminal natters are now engaging the attention ' of Judge Macy In the district court. The trial of John Murphy, who Is alleged to have attempted to pick tho pocket of Robert Huntington at the Elks' street fair and was caught In the act, was begun yesterday afternoon. The technical charge against Murphy Is assault with In- teBt 10 The case of Ben Woods, charged with picking the pocket of Niels Boysen of Olenwood, had to be continued, as antici pated, owing to one of the state's prin cipal witnesses being quarantined for diphtheria. The case will go over to the November term, and in tbe meantime Woods will languish In the county Jail un less ' he Is able to furnish a bond, which he has not succeeded In doing up to date. W. H. Rlppon, Indicted on a charge of stealing a watch, chain and charm from the toilet room of a Broadway saloon, en tered a plea of guilty to larceny from a building. Sentence was deferred. Following the trial of Murphy the trial ef Otto Roderick, charged with killing Clark Meyer, the railway mall clerk, will be commenced. ioti Motor Company. 3. P. Oreenshlelds brought suit in the district court yesterday against the motor company for 45,000 damages for tbe death of .Mrs. Margaret Fox, of whose estate he was appointed administrator by the courts, Mrs. Fox was run down and instantly killed by a motor on tbe night of September 15, 1900, while walking on the tracks on Avenue A, between Thirty-sixth and Thlrty-sev- enth atranta Mrs. Put atannl fivn on track to avoid a car coming from behind her and directly In. front of another car on the other track. In the netitlon it Is alleged that Mrs. Fox was compelled to use the company's tracks to walk upon owing to the condition of the street at th.t point, resulting from the grade, and that the accident was malnlv due to the fact that the car which struck and killed her ' - - - was running at a speed of twenty or more miles an hour. Mrs. Fox left a large estate, which has been In litigation ever since. Consins Back from Reunion. Captain L. B. Cousins, sheriff of Potta wattamie county, returned yesterday morn ing from an extended trip to eastern joints during which he paid a visit to his old home In Ohio. He attended a reunion of bis old regiment, the Forty-first Ohio, tn Chadron, O., and from there went to Wash ington to attend the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. Ai department Inspector of Icwa be was on j th staff of Colonel John Llndt, commander ef th Grand Army of the Republic, Depart ment of Iowa. Captain' Cousins arrived In Washington several dsys ahead ot the )owa Washington sine he participated in the grand review of union troops at the close of th civil war thirty-seven years ago. Dertblek Clnk Masleale. The Derthlck club opened Its sixth sea son last evening with a musical In Royal Arcanum hall, which was well attended. This program was given, with Miss May Tulleys and W. L. Tblckstun as accom panists: Variations In F Minor, No. 2 Haydn Mlas Sylvia Snyder. Th Two Grenadiers Schumann C. B. Altchlson, Nocturne. Op. 82, No. 1 (with descriptive-analysis) Chopin Mrs. Julia C. Cook. The Spring Has Come Maud V. White Mlas Georgia Harpater. Arabesque '....Chamlnade Mlas Maud Mueller. (a) All Through the Night Welsh Air b) Heart's. Fancies Ooring Thomas Mrs. A. A. Covalt. Arranging; (or Christian Conreatlon. The member of the Christian ehurch of thia city will hold a special meeting at th Tabernacle this evening to make ar rangements for attending th national con vention in Omaha. Tbe members of the church In this city expect to do their share toward entertaining the large num ber of delegates expected at the national convention. .During the convention evan gelical services will be conducted In tbe open air at th oorner ot Broadway and Pearl street. Rev. W. B. Crewdson, paator of the First Christian church of this city. Is chairman ef th convention evangelistic committee. Hearing; I'naer Dipsomania Law, Emmet MeKevltt, against whom a charge of being a dipsomaniac had bsen filed with a view to having htm committed under the new law to th Mount Pleasant hospital for Inebriates, had a bearing before Judg Wheeler In district court yesterday and was discharged. The hearing of Even Fegley on a similar charge was again continued by Judge Wheeler yesterday on application of the defendant, who desired to secure the services of an attorney. His hearing was set for the second day of tbe November term. Eades Ont on Ball. George F. Eades, the dentist arrested on a charge of counterfeiting and bound over to tbe federal grand Jury, has been released from the Red Oak Jail on a 86,000 bond fur nished by his and his wife's relatives. His trlsl will not be until next spring. He was in tbs city yesterday and paid a friendly visit to the officers at police headquarters. Catkollea Dedicate a Collesje. FORT DODGE. Ia.. Oct. 13. (Special ) The Corpu Chrlsti academy, begun by the late Bishop Lenlhan ot Cheyenne whan be was pastor of th Corpus Christ! church of this city, was formally dedicated by 1 Bishop Garrlgan of Sioux City at 10 o'clock 1th1 morning. The dedicatory ceremonies, which were simple and according to tha ritual ot the Catholic church, were at tended by a large gathering. Including school children and many non-Catholic. Following th ceremonies high mass wss celebrated at Corpus Christ! church, at which Bishop Garrlgan addressed a larg audience, composed of many denominations besides Catholics. Imparting; Frenck Horse. SHENANDOAH, la., Oct. JS. (Special.)-" A letter Juat received from M. L. Ayrei, who went to France six weeks sgo to buy horses, states tbat be hag bought a number of the heat b could find, paying In one case as high as 83,500 for a single animal, and prices almost as high for a number of others. Mr. Ayree says he will sail about October 4 and will reach Shenandoah gome time a ear th IS to. CAN RELY EPOS TELEPHONE liprem Ooork of Iowa Fmim Upa a Vow Foist f Law. .i MOODY HAS GOOD CROWD AT DES MOINES City Sets a Precedent la Refusing- to Remit Taxes oa Property Swept Array by the Floods of Laat Jane. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES VOINES, Oct. IS. (Special.) The Iowa sup.-eme court today vindicated the long-dlstan? telephone by deciding tbat when a Judge ot the district court notifies an attorney over the toll line tbat be baa decided a case a certain way the attorney has a right to rely on the telephone having accurately transmitted th information. The case was a complicated one from Adair county, Involving trouble over a sidewalk in Greenfield. Judge Applegate had Issued a temporary Injunction to prevent the building of the walk, and afterward Judge Gamble dissolved ths Ipjunctlon. But at the time Judge Gamble was In another city and he notified the attorneys over tbe telephone line. Acting on this, ths city council caused the sidewalk to be built. Then the supreme court revived the In junction, and two members ot the council were called before tbe court and fined by Judge Gamble for contempt. They paid their fine and brought certiorari proceed ings to test the whole question. The court held that the temporary Injunction was In fact dissolved at one time and the notifica tion over the telephone waa sufficient. The fining of tbe aldermen was therefore illegal and the action was annulled. In the case of Sankey against the Rock Island railway, an action for damage tor personal Injuries, the court gave a re versal of Judge Green of the Pottawattamie court. The plaintiff was a freight brake man, who slipped on Ice and snow In ths company's yards at Earlham, in 1898, and had his feet crushed. The court holds that the company Is responsible for keeping its yarda free from snow and Ice only to a certain extent. The reversal was on error In not making It clear to the jury what the law Is In regard to the brakeman hav ing knowledge ot tbe dangerous condition of the yards at tbe time and thus becoming a party to the neglect. Secretary Moody' Meeting;. Secretary W. H. Moody of the Navy de partment arrived in Des Moines Sunday and remained over today, the guest ot Governor Cummins. At the state house the secretary of the navy held a reception Informally and during the day met many of tbe leading people of th city and state. This evening Mr. Moody addreesed a Urge political meeting at Foster's opera house on the Issues of the day, speaking espe cially with reference to ths coal miners' strike In Pennsylvania. He made a very favorable Impression and tbe meeting was an excellent one la every way. Hon. G. L. Dobson, ex-secretary of state In Iowa, presided at ths Moody meeting. Mr. Dobson. speaks in Winterset with Judge Smith Tuesday evening. Next week he goes to Nebraska, where he has the fol lowing spsaklag dates: Wytaore, October 80;. Osceola, ;Ootber 81; Seward, October 22; Nebraska City, October 23. Changed Railroad's Xante. Notice was tiled with the secretary ot stat today that th nam ef th Duluth, Springfield Gulf railroad, with head quarters In Springfield, Mo., and projected to run through Iowa, lias been changed to the "Louisiana Purchase System." No Remission of Taxes. The city council of Des Moines today passed on the question of remitting tbe tsxes ot property owners who were dam aged last summer by tha floods ot th Des Moines and Raccoon rivers. Tbs mat ter was brought up in the form ot a peti tion by A, A. D'Ovteddio, an Italian, who resides on tbe south side. He states tn hi petition that his home was practically ruined by th flood, tbat he lost all th property which he owned which Is taxable and tbat the tax bad been levied upon th property in June, just a month before tbe flood. He has ascertained tbat his tax for tbe year .Is 18. and owing to tbs fact that hi taxable property Is now swept away he asked for a remission of th tax. Th members of tbe council took the posi tion tbat It could Sot afford to establish precedent by remitting tbe tax; that there would be thousands of dollars In taxes to ,. remit it tbe thing ever gets started. Tha petition was tabled by a unanimous vote, . PLENTY OF WORK FOR COURT Oao Mnrder Case ana a Loagr List of Less Important Caaee to Try. SHENANDOAHc la., Oct. 18. (Special. ) The October term of h Ps county dis trict court will convene In Clarlnda tomor row with Hon. O. D. Wheeler presiding. This term will witness the trial of a number of very Important cases ranging to 'hat of murder, the last named being the us In which Will Lucas Is charged with the kill- ng of Miss Moore, south of Clarlnda, early aat spring. Other important cases are tbe one in which Eugene Mason will be on trial for perjury connected with the Miller murder eases; the Susan P. DrAoe divorce case tn which quite a bit ot property Is In volved and in which the defendant strong other things became possessed with the Idea he was sanctified and so was too good to live with bis wife, hence desertoj her, this final action leading to the divorce court. The docket Just Issued shows twenty-eight criminal causes, forty-six continued causes, slxty-ons appearance causes and fifty-five probate causes. POSTMASTER WANDERS AWAY Halsey Rh of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Dies aa Hesalt of Ezposnr to Elements. FORT DODGE, Ia., Oct. 13. (Special Tel egram.) Halsey Ross, postmaster and load ing business msn of Lahlgb, Ia.. died at bis horn there Sunday evening as the result of exposure during absence from nome while suffering from temporary mental aberration. Mr. Ross left borne Thj.-sday night. On Saturday morning his friends became alarmed and Instituted a search. They die covered blm on a hillside near town unable to move. He had been out of doors without food or shelter since leaving home. He was taken to hi borne r.nd all possible done for him, but tbe shock to his system waa too great to be overcome. Stock Peiaoaed by Grass. ShlNANDOAH. Ia., Oct 13 (Special.) Some of the farmers along the Nlshoabotna river bottom whose pasture lands were overflowed are losing some live stock as a reeult. the animals tlng a part of th aamt-deeomnoaad aTSSS which . geeKS to poison them, esuslog their death a few hours later. At th tana ot U. U Ayrss, 717 tf'yrrH Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat, Fin for Mid-Day Lunch. " I have been nslng ' Force ' for some time and find It to be very bene ficial In my cwie. I have dyspepsia and consequently poor digostlon. I find . tt particularly good fgr a busty mid-day lunch. ." (Ham f arniehed oo appllcatloaJ the Percheron stallion breeder and Importer, three fine horses have been affected. One of them died and the other two are thought to be past help. ' Mr. John Pease also re ports the loss of some good animals. ATTEMPTS TO KILL FAMILY Shot Oo Wild and Ottnmws. Iowa, Man l aes the Last Dnllet for Himself. OTTTJMWA, la., Oct. 13. Only tbe non appearance of his wife, daughter and ber husband prevented Thomas Doberty, a blacksmith of this city, from exterminating bis entire family while in a drunken rage last night. He waited at the head of tbe stairs at bis residence to pick them oft with a gun aa they came up. They fled to a neighbor's early this morning and later, when they reappeared, Doherty opened fire. The shots went wild and, having but one bullet left, be fatally shot himself through the mouth. RUN DOWN BY BLOODHOUNDS Son of Prominent Iowa Farmer Ar rested for Assaulting a Little Ctrl. OTTUMWA, la., Oct. 13. Edward Eghert, aged 28, son of a Melrose (Ia.) termor, Is under arrest charged with an sssault upon 13-year-old Oertia KlUler. Bloodhounds were put upon tbe trail ot the girl's assail ant and when they led the officers to a bedroom in the Hotel Murray at Molroie, occupied by Egbert, he was arrested. Files a Heavy Mortgage. WATERLOO, Ia., Oct. 13. (Special.) Tbs Rapid Transit company has filed with the county recorder a trust deed for 3800, 900, covered by a first mortgage on all the property of the company In ' favor of th Northern Trust company of Chicago. Tbe paper rung for twenty years and bears 6 per cent interest. Tbe first payment of 116,000 falls du on January 1, 1907, and a similar payment falls due each year there after until 1922, when the balance due Is payable. The money will be used In ex tending th line from Denver to Sumner and in making other Improvements contem plated for some time. Gavel Made of Historic Wood. WATERLOO, Ia., Oct. IS. (Special.) Julian W. Rtcbards has presented tbe local chapter ot D. A. R. with a gavel made from the door panel of tbe entrance to the su preme court room of the United States at Washington. Tbe repairs were made last summer and he secured the timber, which has served Its purpose since 1S08. The wood Is mahogany. Fat Men to Play Ball. WATERLOO, Ia.. Oct. 13. (Special.) Frank Knee ot this city, who travels for a wholesale cigar house, will resign his po sition In th spring to join a fat man' base ball nine. Knee tips the beam himself at 320 and he will be the smallest man in th nine. They will tour the northwest, not so much depending on their ability to play ball as upon their drawing power because of their Immense slse. Bargrlarr tn Bloax City. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Oct. IS. (Special Tele gram.) The tenth burglary within a few weeks wss perpetrated here last nignu The safe of tbe Leeds Robe and Tannery company was blown open. Only a small amount of money was taken. There Is no clue. Tk Secret of a iaceesefnl Merefeant. The success of a merchant depends largely upon bis ability to please his cus tomers. In order to do so he recommends nr.1 articles which are to his knowledge most reliable. In handling medicine this is especially true, as people desire the hest preparation on the market and appreciate tha raaommendatlon of their druggist. Here la whst V. J. Lelgbt ot House Springs, Mo., says of Chamberlain s cougn Kemeay: -1 can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Rem- mv fluatomers to be second to none on 'the merket. For croup with children tber Is nothing batter." MISS UNITED STATES CONSUL He Goee Hunting; la Sierra Madres aad Is Not Heard of Again. LAREDO. Tex., Oct IS. Vice Consul J. F. Kimball at Nuevo Laredo stated to night that a measage had been received from the Unjted States consul general at Monterey, stating that no news had yet been heard of United States Consul Gar rett. He went Into the Sierra Madre range on a hunting expedition on September . A S T H iVI A Climates wearout Smokesand spray do not cure. They relieve symptom Instead of removing causae: wtwreas. we take Asiitiua mi thoroughly out of the system that nothing remains wblchoan produce an atlttcg; sufferer are soon able to work, eat, slf-p and stand exposure without the liihut return of Asthma, Bring right In prinelple our treatment doe what ' reliefs" cannot do. We cure to slay eared severs, long-standing and ro nounoed "lncura.lile"caaa. If you are Is bnoaua you are Iguorant of our great work, r) I nee 18S we have treated ja,CW As'.bma and Hy Kvr suOVrera. If you dual re complete re lief, oralth restored, and no roturn of Asthiua, write for our Bk 79 Free. v. Aaou aLaiaa, mviiavo, y. r. Jim Dumps would eat his noonday meal And afterward he'd always feel Unhappy, touchy, cross, depressed. He'd swear off eating 'twas no Jest But Force" Is now the lunch for him, And lunch agroes with "Sunny Jim." ioirce Tbs Cereal maKes the proper diet a pleasure. and malt eaten cold. FIERCE FIGHT ON A BOAT Crew f Itsamer in Fhilippiiss Altsmpts to Murdsr Officers. MOTIVE IS TO ROB VESSEL OF MONEY After a Bloody Buttle the Mntlneera Are' Defeated and Those .Not Killed Are Placed Under Arrest. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13. The little steamer Dos Hermanos was sent out on a cruise among some of the southern lelands by a trading firm a few daya before tbe transport Sherman left Manila. Ths steamer reached Vlrae and anchored in the harbor there. Officers and tho few passsencgrs on board were at dinner In the cabin when about thirty of tbe crew, led by the boatswain, rushed down tbe gangway, armed with knives, hatchets and clubs and demanded the money tbat was on tbe vessel. The officers were caught unarmed. Tbs two wooica passengers fled to thslr rooms. The captain and men passengers gave th mutineers battle. Dos Hermanos was anchored close to the shore and not far from the constabulary barracks. The noise of the fight was heard at tbe barracks and officers put out to the vessel. They succeeded In board ing after a desperate struggle with the mutineers, several ot whom wer shot and killed. Tbe others, numbering thirty four, were arrested, charged with mutiny and piracy. It is supposed the plan ot the mutineers was to kill all the officers, run away with tbe steamer, take the 816,000 which was aboard and then wreck the ship anil declare all were lost except themselves. JILTED MAN SHOOTS GIRL Then Tarsi 'Weapon on Himself and He Is Dead, bat She May Recover. TTNDALL, 8. D., Oct. 13. (Speclat Tele gram.) At daybreak John Komarek, a tailor In the employ ot Toman tt Dlte, shot Anna Vachtea, a domestic and then turned the weapon upon himself. Komarek Is dead but physicians hop to save tbe girl's life. She waa hit In the back and tbe bullet lodged In her lung. Both came to this country a year ago. He waa sober and Industrious but the girl Jilted him. Bear to Have s Hearing;, SIOUX FALLS, 8. D,. Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.) Assistant United States At torney Porter departed today for Geddes, where be wll. represent the government st the preliminary examination of John Bear, a Brule Sioux Indian, belonging on ths Rosebud reservation, who a few days ago shot and killed E. C. Tayloe, boas farmer aa at sub-lssua-statlon, and Johnny Shaw, a halfbreed Indian boy. The murderer will be brought to Sioux Fella tomorrow and will be kept tn custody here pending his trial at a term of United States court which convenes In this city on tbs 21st Inst. Sioux Fall Wants Batter Maker. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.) At -a mass meeting of Sioux Falls citizen tonight, In connection with the Business Men's league, It was decided to enter Sioux Falls In the competition with Bloux City and Kansas City for th place of holding the annual convention of tbe National Creamery and Butter Makera' association, to be held In October, 1903. A committee of five representative clltgens will go to Milwaukee, where this year's convention of tbe association will bs held next week, for the purpose of capturing next year's convention If possible. Workman' Fall Is Fatal. DEADWOOD. S. D., Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.) While at work on the roof of the Penobscot mill at Garden City today Jack Smith, on ot tbe men who bad been engaged to place the roof on the struc ture, lost hi footing and fell a dlstsnee of ninety feet, striking on bis bead, and was Instantly killed. He leaves a wife and family. Coat Business la Profitable. 8TURGIS, S. D.. Oct. 13. (Special.) Charles Farwell of this (Meade) county took nine Angora goats over to the Butte county fair, where they were placed on exhibition. Th animals attracted a great deal of attention. Th goat business is a new thing in th Black Hills and has al ready proven a success. Reversal la Klefer Caee. PIERRE. S. D., Oct. 13. (Special Tel, gram.) In th supreme court today an opinion was banded down In the case ft tbe state of South Dakota, defendant In error, against Nichols Klefer, plaintiff In error, from Meade county, ia wblch th lower court was ivtacd. Black Hill Wonss'i Federation. Tl'ROIU. 8. D-. Oct. . (Special.) Th annual meeting of th Black Hill 1 The Best Stimulant When worn out or run down la found In Hunter Baltimore Rye The Finest Type of u Purest Whiskey. It la particularly recommended to women because of Its ago and ex cellent:. gold at all SrtMlatt oafaa an y JM Wa. LAMABag a SON. Saltiaior. Specialist) In ail DISEASES and DISOXDEIUi of MEN. 12 yaara of uo. cessful practlo la Oiuatia. CUARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE tni Dll EC ourad I .-, M, without cvmlns. pais at rlLtO "' L SwaatM to ar leu ar monar ntiinded. CVAull IC vr4 ' ' u Mlsoa Ol rill Lid thoreusbly aieatiaeg tnm Iks .t. tZ avarr , BTJTCa'S2 aaaialaulr aa torw. No BRBAK1NO OUT" at fi alaVai. " th. eal or l.ea. Tr-tia.sC ooaUia so sangarous drugs or tnjurless SMaicuiaa. WEAK MEN KirB7uVM Vt.o, llru. with unKvir4 ii woa. Cures gttaj'aviitoMti. STRICTURE z..UZ7?ZZ IibiahT KHn. so Bl.4r TroeWos. Wort High Coni. or wlta " ovainaat Jl" Caasnitatlon Fine. Treatment by Call -r adarese, 11" . tb tt. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES. 0UAV FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER I A I la ,.w b.k . feral. th. gaMUfaa Sag .air iiulLscae ALTiajitua tiaassv Hu-ibic tiLia la aay raadar of thlf paper. I -vm ry m Mt MttlT. rMTUIn. folTI glMOtTgOTMINloomparadwItU Sow all othar traattaenta. i.w.kM llrar.tMftrt.tlu, rllMt 4 rU. f.ll. orient ot'HEt.raipratliaa Hawta. ONLY Sl'kS cTsS for ail atiaa SliaaMa, vaakiiMaas and disorder. For eaa. Sd.atlal aataleawa, oat thta a4. out -ji.l mall to oa. BEARS, ROEBUCK 4b CO., CHICAGO. Depoty Stat Veterinarian I Food Inspector. II. L. RAfJACClOTTI. D. V. S. CITT VBTEKINAIUAH. Offlo aad Infirmary, nth aad Maaon Ik, Omaha, fitb. ' Telephone 13. Federation ot Women's clubs Is to be held on the 17th and 18th at Spearflsh. As at present arranged tbe delegates from Rapid City are to be met at White wood and taken to Spearflsh In time for tbs Friday afternoon session. Tbe Bturgls delegatea will drive over from her. Contest Amoagj Workmen. STUROIS. 8. D., Oct, II. (Special.) The Ancient Order of United Workmen ef South Dakota have again entered Into a contest with their brethren of Iowa aa to which jurisdiction will make th greatest gain In membership for ths six months ending April 1. li03. In a former contest, wblch closed last February, tbs South Dakota lodge won out very easily and ar determined to do It again. Voa Hlak lost Lit If you neglect pile. They will cause fatal diseases, but Bucklen's Amies Salv posi tively cure or no pay. Sc. For gal by Kuhn A Co. Raaala ot to Have Dardaaellaa. LONDON, Oct. II. Th port, through tb Turkish ambassador la London, dssteg tha report that negotiation wer proceed ing between Russia aad Turkey for an agreement to close th Dardanelles ta all but Kuasiaa warships. nwiwii P A i fcr .SaSabMafasJSt L . , M WITS Tt (tl"!W . in. ..Hi.. - ' r tit 1 1 1