Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Read Through It
It8 as clear as crystal you can,
sec that the soap is pure. Dainty vege
table oils and glycerin, and the natural
odor of flowers.
m .Ro
fnuM aaaal
The name Kirk stands for perfection
in soaps, and this soap is our pride.
All that cost, skill and experience can
do are combined in it.
' ' ' -
WflSf A Dncefafl Laundry SoP Wrappers exchanged
If ill IC aUddlill for valuable premUima, at our store.
ixif CiDNftM CTDPPT. !
Iadicationt that Trait f Trail Holdup
Exceed Thirty Theniaaci Dalian.
Slate Labwr C.nalul.aef Discovers
Maay Evaalaas of Ike Child Labor
Law la Omaha aad Soatte
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Oct. IS. (Special.) Several today of her husband on the charge of steal
becoming sponsor for his good behavior or
safe return to prison. Ills parole occurred
on the tth Inst Ha had served three
years and two month of his term and the
governor thought that he has been pretty
effectively punished, not by the length of
his service, but by the fact that he was
severely disciplined before he reached the
penitentiary. After his arrest a mob broke
down the doors of the Jail, took the pris
oner therefrom and with the aid or a vet
erinary surgeon subjected him to an op
eratlon which has since been known a.
the "Falls City method" of dealing with
rape fiends. He Is at work In the Boyd
hotel kitchen now.
Chars. Hasbaaa with Theft.
Mrs. Jens F. 8teffenson caused the arrest
officers to whom the express company offi
cials confided detailed Information about the
reoent holdup here say that the amount se
cured by the robbers was between 130,000
and $31,000. The express officials them
selves will not talk, and conjecture Is
about all that Is left. Local bankers think
that the amount of money secured was of
considerable proportions, as there has In en
a great deal of coin and currency going to
the northwest In recent weeks to nelp ti.ove
Superintendent Blgnell said this afternoon
that he felt confident the robbers would be
Ing $1,000 from her. Six months ago Mrs,
Steffenson was a widow and lived nt At
lantic, la. When her first husband died he
left her considerable coin, and when rbe
married Steffenson she had $1,000 left.
They came to Lincoln and Steffenson went
to work In a planing mill. Three weeks
ago he suddenly left home. Soon afterward
she missed her money. - She says he took
It. He says he didn't, but admits that he
knew his wife had It In the house.
Mistake May Be Ca.tly.
Just because Secretary Llndley of the Se
curttv Mutual Insurance eomnanv. a l-icnl
caught. The clues have been Intangible rind organisation, forgot himself for a moment
many, but the bunt has been narrowing
down steadily.
Orders were issued at police head'i'iartttrs
today to bring In certain men and ih ioe will
be nailed as soon as they can be found and
the sweatbox applied.
Lincoln police officers promise develop
ments of some Importance In the Burlington
train robbery within the next twenty-four
What these are they will not disclose, but
It Is thought arrests are contemplated In
connection with the theft of three horses
near the town of Raymond, which were
seen on a country road near that town. Ar- ,, once th. r.Celpt the company is es-
Caasal General Williams Makes Ills'
laltlal Bow Nebraska
Aadleaee, -
BLAIR, Neb., Oct lS.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Introduced to bis first Nebranka
audience tonight at the opera house, Con
sul General O. - F. Williams, who was at
Singapore In bis official position at the lime
of the breaking out of the Spantsn-Amerlcan
war, spoke briefly upon the national Issvcs
of th day, and compared the area, popula
tion and Industrial capabilities of the Phil
ippines to show his hearers the vast re
sources of these new possessions. His re
marks upon the tin Industry and the effects
ef th Dlngley and McKt'nley tariff bills,
were along th line of a defense of th re
publican administration. He paid a glow
ing tribute to th late President McKlnley
and bis aduilulsUallon. Mr. Williams held
th attention of, hi audience her tonight
by hla evident knowledge of the subject he
waa handling and his fluency as an orator,
aa waa evidenced by the frequent applause
with '-which he was greeted.
He leaves Blair on the early train to
morrow morning tor Oakland, whore he
speaks In the evening.
B. W. Reynolds of Fromont, republican
candidate lor float senator In the Tenth dis
trict, was In Blair and vicinity today mak
ing a canvass among the republican voters
and building up bis senatorial fences. In a
general way. He remained over tonight an!
attended the meeting addressed by Consul
Ing merchants, has moved his stock to Win
ner, where he will hereafter do business.
The citizens of this place regret this move
as Mr. Jaeger has been always recognised
as one of the pillars of our town.
Coaa-re.amaa from First District
Takes I'p the Parasaoaat Isaacs
of Democracy.
ORD, Neb., Oct. " (Special Tele-gram.)--Congressman
E. J. Burkett spoke
here tonight to a large audience. Many
farmers drove for miles to hear him. Be
fore Introducing the speaker Or. Brink,
chairman of the county committee, called
oa the Ord Mandolin club, which rendered
ae-reral choice selections. The crowd pres
ent waa much pleased with the witty and
logical manner of Mr. Burkett. and It is
thought that the republican cause was
greatly strengthened In this vicinity by his
speech. His manner of taking off the
various paramount Issues of the democratlo
party was most amusing. i He explained
th trust bugaboo, and while admitting
. that truata had grown under republican
rule, showed that everything else bad
grows also, and that under democratlo
rul nothing ever prospered.
Forty-Hoar Adoratloa.
WEST POINT. Neb., Oct.. 13. (Special.)
A forty hour adoration Is now In progress
at St. Mary's Catholic church. A priest of
ths Order of St. Domlnto Is present and
delivers sermons each evening. Th at
tsadanc from th local parish and th sur
rounding country Is very Urge.
Merchaat Makes a Move.
WEST POINT. Neb Oct. 11. (Special.)
J. Philip Jaeger, one of Weefc Point's lead
Water Stands la Pools A row ad Stacks
la the Lowlands and Do Mock
Da ma are.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.)
From Saturday morning until th middle
of Sunday afternoon the almost Incessant
and at times very fsst rainfall, resulted In a
total precipitation of 14 Inches. It was
a notably excessive rain for the season of
the year and makea a much greater showing
becsuse of the ground having been thor
oughly wet by rains of but a few days
before. There is more water standing on
the bottoms than has been seen at any time
during th entire year, regardless of its
hsving been a year of unusual wet weather
conditions. There are many places where
twenty to 100 acres are submerged, and
dozens of haystacks are standing in six
Inches to two feet of water, which will re
suit In great loss, as the water spoils the
hay to a height in stacks above the water
that stands around them. There are nu
merous stack yards . of grain yet not
threshed, and many of the stacks have
taken water to such extent that much of tbe
grain will be Injured.
FREMONT. Neb., Oct. It. (Special.) Tbe
heavy rainfall of the last two days, amount
Ing to nearly two inches; will prevent any
work being done In the beet fields for a few
days. In many fields the water stands above
the rows. The sugar content of the beets
will not be reduced and the only Injury will
be that cauaed by delay.
HARVARD. Neb.. Oct. IS. (Special.)
Another rain of about one inch of water
has fallen, again retarding seeding tor some
days. It will require two weeks of good
weather to complete winter wheat seeding,
LEIGH. Neb., Oct 13. (Special.) The
hardest autumn rain of th season fell here
Saturday and Sunday. It began raining Sat
urday morning and continued at Intervals
until Sunday night Fully three inches of
water fell.
WEST POINT, Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
A very cold and disagreeable rain fell tor
twenty-four hours yesterday. About two
Inches of water fell.
rests. If there be any. will be In Lincoln.
Not much Importance attaches to the sus
pects detained at Hubbell, as they fell In
all essentials to fit the descriptions given
of the robbers. In local circle vigilance
baa been doubled, with the growing suspl
clon that th robbers, or their friends, are
In this city.
Mickey Talks to Stadeats
Last Wednesday W. II. Thompson, fusion
nominee for governor, addressed th stu
dents of the State university. This morn
ing J. H. Mickey, the republican nominee
was their guest of honor. He made no ref
erence to politics in his remarks, which
were as follows:
The work of this university la of the
gteatest Importance to the development of
this commonwealth. Thirty-four yeara ago
It was my privilege to become a citizen of
our state. My homestead entry was the
first business tranfmrteri In th IJnrnln
United States land office. Thirty-four years
ago our state was admitted Into the union.
I am gratified to be In touch with and to
share with others the benefits and bless
Ir gs of the high standard of education we
his company may have to pay the heirs of
George Kl.uetsch $5,000. When Kioiitsch
died in July of last yesr a policy for that
amount waa found among his tffec'Ji, to
gether with two receipts showing ostensibly
that he had paid the premiums In sdvnnce
up until November 1901. The company In
sists that he had paid but one premium.
but that by mistake two receipts were Is
sued. Tbe company la seeking to prove Its
contention by admissions of Kleutsch and
by th fact that he had taknn out 3 policy
In substitution, which has alraa-ly been
paid his heirs. The estate claims that bar
topped from setting up that It was a mis
take or an error.
Savage Going; to Mealeo.
Governor Savage and members of his staff
are planning a junket to Mexico to take
place In the latter part of November and
December. Members of the staff have been
requested by the governor to indicate their
Intention of making such a trip and to des
ignate the number of women who will ac
company them. Not all of those Invited
have accepted.
It is said that the trip will be solely for
pleasure but that some of the participants
may look around for opportunities to Invest
,a little money In the southern republic.
Capital City Notes.
Thomas B. Frailer, prohibition candidate
for congress la the First congressional dis
trict, has filed a certificate showing that
his nomination cost him nothing, either In
money or promises of anything of value.
Th Omaha Elevator company, through
Trafio Eni ef One ef Most rreminent
titiieni of Sehuvler.
First Thoaght to Have Beea Drowsed,
bat Mare Thoronajh Ksamlaatloa
Shows It to Have Beea
Heart Fallare.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Oct. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) Chris Kroeger, aged 44. one of
Schuyler's foremost citizens, was found
dead in a pool of water not far from his
home In the south part of the city this
afternoon. He was returning from an er
rand uptown, and only a minute or two be
fore his dead body was discovered by two
passers-by, hsd been . conversing with a
friend a short distance away. He had fallen
from the sidewalk Into a shallow pool left
by the rain. The men who found him at
tempted to resuscitate him, but were un
successful. Within a few moments four
doctors were at work on the body, without
avail. There was no evidence of drowning.
and th doctors ssy he was probably dead
before be struck the water, heart failure
being assigned as the cause. Deceased was
unmarried, a member of the Odd Fellows
and Knights of Pythias. He was sheriff of
Fillmore county from 1892 to 1898.
Aaothcr One Parsacd by Posse, bat
Gets Iato Swamp aad
WEST POINT. Neb.. Oct. 13. (8peclsl.)
The suroon of Mrs. Valentine Gelst waa en
tered by burglars early yesterday morning
and a revolver belonging to tbe bartender
and $35 In money taken. Entrance was
effected by the rear window. The robbery
was discovered a few minutes after Its oc
currence and a posse was Immediately or
ganized and started in pursuit. Tracks led
south and were followed with the result of
one of the burglars being captured In Crow
ell by Constable J. W. Hodges. The other
man waa pursued Into a swamp by Sheriff
Kloke who fired several shots and saw him
reel from the effects, but be escaped. The
man In custody is said to be a member of
the Crowell gang of outlaws, who have
never been entirely eradicated since the
killing of Herman Zahn. The captured man
will have bis preliminary hearing this aft
hbve reached In the thlrtv-fonr vnra of I It. nranldonr V! V Hoffelflnror haa filed
The free public schnnl avitum I. lntntv
American. The money we have expended
will bring us greater return. In rhrnrtr
building, and the preparation of our young
men ana women to grapple wltn the busl
liess problems and the great moral and
political questions of this, the beginning of
mo iwmuoin century, man any other out-
my ui mi stale or inaiviaiiais nave made,
an amendment to Its articles of Incorpora
tion, showing that In August last Its capital
stock was decreased from $550,000 to $275,-
000, its shares from $100 to $5 and th
amount of Its Indebtedness was limited to
1ST,000. September 22 It again increased
the amount of Its capital stock to $550,000,
No one has ever set forth so well the true Its shares to $100 each and Its possible in
worth and grandeur of our free public debtednesa to two-thirds of the amount of
vi-iiuui ivBirm ai aia our late mart vrerl l . . .. . . .
nreeident. William Xf..irini.v h.n k. ..ih. "S cspitai BIOCK
t-ermanenuy grafted upon the Dollcv and ne Armstrong looming company oi mu
legislation of the state, It Is free to all; to eoln, comprising Samuel O., Alvln H. and
It all are Invited and welcomed, without .u.v,h - a,.!-,- t... fli.A .rtlel.
money and without price. It Is supported 'lae Armstrong, has filed articles
with boundless generosity by the people of of incorporation with It capital stock
me stats, open to me children of the hum
blest cltlsen or exiled sojourner within our
gates, aa rreeiy and ungrudgingly aa to
tne native born or the children of the most
opulent. Within its jurisdiction all dis
tinction, social, political and religious, are
banished; all di (Terences hushed, all bar-
fixed at $75,000.
Warden Davis left tonight for Boston
Tex., to bring back Charles Benner, alias
Charles Smith, as a fugitive from justice.
Benner was sent up from' Douglas county
rlers removed. It recognises, neither party for a year for larceny frem,Jthe person", but
frIlJfric.rt!i5,Ji0SUoJ? n.?r"tatln escaped soon afterward by 'climbing over
and benefits fall In equal measure to all." tne penitentiary wall.
XNeDrasKa nas been liberal In hi .nnrn-
mensurate with Twentieth century de-
Was aa Old Settler la Dodge.
FREMONT. Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
Hon. J. R. Cantlln of Blair, whose death
was announced In today's Bee, was one of
the early settlers of this county, removing
to Blair about two years ago. He was one
of the organisers of the old grange move
ment and waa for several yeara at the
head of tbe state grange. When the pop
ulist movement started In 1890 he left the
republican pail aud Identified himself with
the populists. He wss a very successful
farmer and stock raiser and on account of
his connection with the State Agricultural
society had a large acquaintance through
out the state.
n , its Pv-t; b) -srtLr -r.
To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy, Will Do fo
YOU, Every Reader of The Omaha Morning: Bee May Have a
Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible fur more sickness and
suffering than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or
other causes, kidney trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results are
sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, be:
cause they do most and need attention-first.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin t.iking Or. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon us
your kidneys are well they will help the other organs to health, A trial
will convince anyone.
mandn. Nebraska, measured by its financial
resources, is excelled oy no other state In
the liberality of Its appropriations for
higher education. This splendid record
must be maintained. The money appro
priated and with prudence expended for
this university Is not extravagance. It la
common sense economy for the general wel-
rare or tne people, rnis also bdoI es with
equal force to the State Normal school at
Mea Take Robe from Sheriff aad Are
Trapped oa Chars; of Steal
Ins; Cattle.
OOALALXiA, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.)
Two strangers rode into town Friday even-
.VaIb ItAHaa I . Ida llvaov Ksk M
Peru, as well aa to every public inatltu- . , .. .
tlon In the state. While the state must Tbe next morning they paid th bill and
be wisely liberal In Its appropriations and rode away. Shortly after they bad gone
prudent In lta exoenditurea for nuhlli- in.
stltutions. It must not discourage private I
enterprise fraught with public good. There
are private a no parochial schools, acade
mies, colleges and universities In this great
commonweaun, wnicn me state anould en
courage, not by public taxation or appro
the proprietor of the barn, D. W. Harrlng
ton, who . is also sheriff, of the county,
discovered that a buggy robe was missing.
Supposing that th two strangers had
stolen the robe be Immediately went In
prlatlons, but by the good will of the pub- 1 pursuit and overhauled them a few miles
If consumption " is a remark often made
ef a fleshy man. Tbe remark expresses
the popular recognition of the fact tbat
tbe airn of consumption ia emaciation.
lose or- fiean. un
tbe other hand, a
gain in flesh ia
sure sign that wast-
ing diseaaea are be-'
lag enred.
Emaciated peo
ple with obstinate
coughs, bleeding
lungs, nigbt-swcaU
and weakness, have
beea oerfectlr
cored by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
The several steps
of the cure were re
corded in ounces
and pounds of in
creasing weight.
When there is gain
In flesh tbe wasting
disease ia being
sorely cured.
Mr Will H Wlillrair.
mJ irktoa. Barkili-
haa Co., Vs.. write. . "Our son contracted a
in, cold aboat lite Brat of July, 1S99. od uA a
terrible couch. W called a doctor and he pro
neaneed it frrlt.tioa ofU, bronchial tube., with
Mi. matte trouble, and a. Informed nie that my
on wu liable to dx at auv time. He told me
that il we could keep the bronchial tube, open,
ae m'gkt cure hint; but after treating hint ereral
week, and aiy oa growing warae all the time,
concluded to tnr fir. fierce Gulden Medical
Durovery aad ' Pleaaant Pel let.' I had Mrs
anerml . I moat ntiracnkoa. cure, brought about
t tk. iw of theM medicine., and of courae I
had wonderful kilh in them He uaed three
bottle, of ' Golden Medici Discovery ' .t home
aad one vial of the ' fclleta.' aud was then well
enough to go Is Went Virgiuia. taking- a supply
with him. I am uat ia receipt of a letter from
him from which 1 quote : ' mm wU ud kardf
timd ftnng wry JUm.'
The Common Sens Medical Adviser,
.008 large pages ia sent fret on receipt of
etampe to pay expense of tnaiBng only.
8raf 31 one-cent stamp for the cloth
bound volume or only 31 stamps for th
book ia paper covers. Address Dr. JL
V. fierce, BumOo, N.Y.
Boya Baa Away.
OQALALLA, Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
Four boys of ths high school, youngsters
It to 13 years old, ran away Friday night
This morning a letter waa received from
one of tbe boys at Denver. He said they
were going to Texas. Tbey ars all sons
of prominent clttsens here. '
Two Flae Days, with Hlaher Temper-
ataros, Are Pro at Led tor
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13. Forscast:
Nebraska ' and Kansas Fair, warmer
Tueaday; Wednesday fair.
Iowa Fair, warmer Tuesday; Wednesday
Illinois Fair Tuesday, cooler in extreme
south portion; fresh northwest winds.
Wednesday fair, warmer.
Missouri Fair Tuesday, warmer In west
portions; Wednesday fair, warmer in east
portion. ,
Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednesday.
Colorado Fair Tueaday, warmer In south
east portion; Wednesday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Oct. IX. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the correapondlng day of the laat three
111. i9oi. 1900 isr
Maximum temperature... 47 4 7 Si
Minimum temperature.... 38 37 51 60
Man temperature 43 42 64 ti
Precipitation T .01 .00 .00
Kecord of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and atneo March 1,
Normal temperature S3
Deficiency for the day 13
Total excess since since March 1, 190Z 39
Normal precipitation it) Inch
Deficiency for the day 09 Inch
Total rainfall .luce March 1 25.40 inchea
Deficiency alnce March 1, 1902., 1.44 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.. 6.22 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19u)., l.M Inches
Ueporis Iron hialioas at T I. M,
south of town. Sheriff Harrington bad a
suspicion that these parties might be
wsnted elsewhere and upon searching found
on one of tnem a letter from Sheridan,
Wyo., which connected them with some
cattle rustling near Sheridan. He wired
the sheriff at Sheridan, who replied to
hold the two men, that they were cattle
thieves and tbat he would come after them.
Their names are Osa Flree and William
Benson. They agree to return without
. requisition papers.
The buggy robe was in their possession
and they pleaded guilty to stealing it
lie In wishing them Godspeed.
Violate Child Labor Law.
Deputy Labor Commissioner Watson re
turned this morning from Omaha and South
Omaha, where for the last week he had
been conducting an Investigation of tbe
operations of the child labor law in the
two cities. It la learned that both In
Omaha and South Omaha he found what
appeared from external evtdences to be vio
lations of the law. Children were found at
work in several of the big institutions who
were palpably not It years old, but their
parents had supplied their employers with
affidavits tending to show that they had I and paid their fine.
reached the aae limit. In on of the South
Omaha packing houses it wss found thst I Relatives Give lp Search
there were 170 children employed, and one I FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.)
of the big department stores In Omaha baa I The relatives of Ernest Hussman, the man
filed reports showing tbe employment of I who dtssppesrsd under suspicious clrcum
eighty-eight of them. These reports pur- nances from Lcsvttt, have given up their
port to set out the sgs of the minors thus I aearch for htm. Tbey are convinced that
employed, and probably do so as fsr ss rs- na has met with foul play and tbat his
ports from the parents are concerned. I body was either burned up In the lime kiln
some or mesa reports win proDaoiy ds com- 1 r removed to some distance rrom Leavltt,
pared with tbs reports filed by those who
have taken the school census for various
years In Omaha and South Omaha, and If
cases are found wherein tbe ages given In
the two reports do not sgree someone will
be called upon to explain.. If any parents
be thua found to have made false affidavit
Insane Man Disappears.
WAHOO. Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Frsd ShleSEubtne, an eld resident
of Oreen precinct, this county, was brought
to Wahoo this afternoon to be examined
by tbe Insanity board. The parties who
came up with blm left him with an old
friend of his, living west of the court
house,' while they went to see the proper
authorities. Mr. Sbleffenblne was quite
restless and desired to walk out doors. He
suddenly disappeared and notwithstanding
a diligent search was made, he cannot be
found. He was a very religious man and
hts mania was along that line.
The mild and Immediate effect of Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and
bladder remedy. Is soon realized. . It stsnds
the highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing esses. Swsmp-Root will
set your whole system right, and tbe best
proof of this Is a trial.
14 West 117th St, New Tork City.
DEAR SIR: Oct. 16th. 1901.
"I had been suffering severely from kid
ney trouble. All symptoms were on hand;
my former strength and power had left me.
a COUI11 l):iruiy urns inyBcii. biuiib. jj. 11
mv mental capacity was giving out, and
often 1 wished to die. It was then I saw
an advertisement of yours In a New York
paper but would not have paid any at
tention to it, naa It not prominea a sworn
guarantee with every bottle of your med
icine, asserting mat. your nwamp-rtooi i.
urely vegetable and does not contain any
armful oruits. I am seventy years and
four months old, and with a good con
science I can recommend Swamp-Root to
all sufferers rrom kidney troubles, f our
members of my family have been using
Swamp-Root for four different kidney dis
eases with the same good results."
With many thanks to you, 1 remain,
Very truiy yours.
Tou may have a sample bottle of this
famous remedy, Swamp-Root, sent free by
mall,' postpaid, by which you may test Its
virtue for sucb disorders as .kidney, blad-
Candidate for Commissioner.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
Some of the friends of Mike Curtin of
Sterling precinct are circulating a petition
and will place his name on the county
ticket as candidate for commissioner. Mr
Curtin is a democrat and wanted the office
when the fusion forces met, but according
to the slat he was left out In the cold
He will get a good vote from the demo
cratic end of the fusion gang, for a popu
list Is the candidate on the fusion ticket.
WEATHER. : g : 5"
- 3 : a
,1 B:
i M 1
Omaha, clear 43 471 .00
Valentine, clear 44 ta .00
North Platte, clear 46 M .u)
Cheyenne, cloudy &o 64 .00
Salt Lake, clear I M: 70 .00
Hapid City, clear 441 60 .00
Huron, clear 42 4K .00
Willi. ton, clear 44 4 .00
Chicago, cloudy 44) 60( T
St. l-ocla, clear 41 62 .00
Bt. Paul, cloudy 40 40 .16
Davenitort. clear 42 4 .00
Kansas City, clear 48) frH .uo
Havre, clear 6t ?ol ,u
Helena, clear 2 64 .00
biuii. W, clear t'.J ti. .09
Ualve.ton, cloudy - .... 78 Ki .00
Heavy Rata at Sheltoa.
fiHELTON, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.) A
heavy rain has fallen her all day, com
mencing early this afternoon. Full three
Inches of wster have fallen and th ditches
all full ...In. There are vet a num-
as to the ages of their children so tbat they bef of fleld. of im,u ,, ,n ,hock B(1
may b kept at work and thus deprived of ,hl. . ..... lo, t0 ths owners, as
their lawful amount of schooling. It Is
probable that someone will be subjected, to
the process of making an example,
It is learned that some of th employers
of women In Omsha and South Omaha are
preparing to test again the law regulating
the hours of their employment. Petitions
much of It hss grown.'
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
I. A. WtLXH.
Local Forecast Official.
Baslaeas Change at Wymore.
WTMORE, Neb., Oct. IS. (Special.) E.
W. Fenton of this city has purchased a
half interest In the Madsen ft Asher steam
lamiflp Up Aah.p retires from th. Arm
are now eeing crcu.a.ea among employers m4 wU, 1oc,,. ,t Norfolk Neb.
01 wouru rnu m now vi ir.iui luuu. in
that end.
Harmoa to Retara to Oklahoma-
Governor Savage has granted extradition
papers for tne removal to Oklahoma of
Claude D. Harmon, who Is In the custody
of Sheriff Ira McReed at Alliance, and who
Is wanted at Hobart, Kiowa county, OWL,
to answer a charge of highway robbery.
Tbe papers accompanying tbe requisition j
Indicate tbat Harmon is under Indictment
at Hobart for participation with four
others In the robbery of one H. Frady last
March of 1680. taken from him by force.
Two of Harmon's alleged, confederates
have confessed, implicating' him, snd one
of them pleaded guilty and received a
sentence of two years In the penitentiary.
Harmon was released at ths time of the
preliminary examination of the five sus
pects on a pretended alibi sworn to by
his father and mother. He immediately
thereafter dltappeared, but after the In
dictment search for him was Instituted,
with th result that hs wss recently sr
restcd In Alliance.
Parol Vails City Maa.
George Wilson, who was sent up from
Falls City to serve a seven years' santcne
la th penitentiary for statutory crime,
has been paroled by Governor Savage, Mrs.
Kate Martin of th Boyd hotel Id this city
Klnkald Is Well Pleased.
SHELTON, Neb.. Oct. 3. (Special.)
Judge M. P. Klnkald, candidate for eon
gress, spent tbe day making acquaint
ances and friends among ths people and
voters of this end of Buffalo coiinty. He
has been away from borne three weeks
looking after his chances of election
and expresses himself highly pleased with
the prospects. This part of Nebraska has
such an abundance of work that no po
Utlcal meetings have been held this fall.
Sarpy Cooaty Repabllcaa Noasiaees.
PAPILLION, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) The republican delegates from tbe
various prsclncts of Sarpy eounty met at
the court house in convention this after
noon. Tbe following candidates were nom
inated: County attorney, James Hassett of
Papllliou; representative. Dr. A. G. Hamil
ton of Springfield; commissioner of Third
commissioners' district, William Slekkotter
of Gretna.
when obliged to pass your water frequently
at night and day, smarting or irritation In
passing, brick dust or sediment In the
urine, headache, backache, lame baik, du
llness, sleeplessness, nervousnesi, hesrt
disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin
eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheu
matism, diabetes, bloating, Irritability,
wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of
flesh, sallow complexion or Bright s dis
ease. If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four
hours, forms a sediment or set
tling or baa a cloudy appearance. It is
vfdenre thst your kldnevs and bladder
need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root is the great discovery o!
Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospitals use It with wondeiful
success In both slight and severe cases.
Doctors recommend It to their patients
and use It in their own families, becauio
they recognize In Swsmp-Root the greatest
and most successful remedy.
Swamp- Root Is pleasant to take and is
for sale the world over at druggists In bot
tles of two sizes snd two prices fifty cents
and one dollar. Remember , the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr.' Kilmer's'' Swamp-Koot,
and 'the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on
der and uric acid diseases, poor digestion, every bottle.
EDITORIAL NOTICE If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney
or bladder trouble, or If there is a trace of it in your family history, send at once to
Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who wilt gladly send you by mall. Immediately
without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing many of
the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women
cured. In writing be sure to say tbat you read this generous offer In The Omaha
Morning Bee.
Kearaey Is Havlns; a Revival.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.)
Dr. 8mlley, the evangelist, and Prof. Mc
Klnsey, the singer, closed the first week of
their series of evangelistic meetings under
the auspices of united Kearney churches.
They have awakened a great revlvallstlc
interest and the Sunday meetings were a
great event In the religious life of the
city. The meetings will be continued the
present week. -
Appelated Deputy Uame Warden,
TF.CUM.gEH, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.)
W. H. Turner of Crab Orchard has beea
appointed deputy game warden for John
son county.
Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, and Jewelers
Importers of
Diamonds, Precious Stones,
Watches and Art Goods
Producers of
Rich Jewelry and Silverware
Our patrons will find here the opportunity
for deliberate neleetion which is only
possible in shops having an unlimited
range in variety.
Specie' and artistic Correct and latest forms
designs furnished. in Flue Sialluu.i j.
Our "Suggestion Book" mailed on sppllcstloo.
Bpauling & Co. Jackson LUvd., Cor. Htate Bt., Chicago.
To Take Sub
scriptions 'or The
Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer
We want an active agent in every town and hamlet to take sub
scriptions. There Is a good regular income in It for every active agent
who will give all or part of his time to tbe work. This Is a splendid
opportunity for any farmer who has a horse and buggy and wants a
remunerative occupation for the fall and winter months. Special induce
ments to experienced canvassers.
Address for further particulars,
The Twentieth Century Farmer.
Omaha, Nebraska.
sdds one more pleasure to life, pleasing the palate, refreshing and rest
ing the weary body, quieting the nerves. It Is without a peer la the world
of beers. Don't fall to try a case of this pure and palatable as well as re
freshing beer, and you will never be without It for a day afterwards.
Brewing Co. Omaha.
Microbe Killer
Curat all Blood and
Cbroaie Dissasss.
Kills the microbes of ths long! sod cures
Consumption; kill. th. microbe, of th.
kidney, and cures Brifbt'a Diunu; kill,
the microbe, of th. throat and curea
Dipbth.ri. ; kill. tb. microbe, of th. akin
and cur.. Eerema; killa th. aiicrob. of
th. blood and cures, Cancer,
Catarrh and all cib.r Blood and Chronic
Diaaaaea. Call or aand for free biitory
of r.mady and to
MYMS. BILLON BlUe CO.. Oaata. Res.
El I I ""f I S.-wl Imw'i,
laUBaVBBSsaasBsl m mt w ft, mIi sa
a. ,,11,1,1. !
am tor. Can e erw X .mm, Mawl
R.P.Emmet. N-4&-B1 Ooed Bis, Denver. Col
A Large
Third Floor .Office .
This office fsces east arrdhas en
trance on the court, wltn approach
through the broad corridors overlook
ing the court with its '.fountain and
grand stairway of ;(
This room Is 18x32 feet, and If de
sired can be divided ao as to arrange
for private office, to suit the teiant.
It also has a very Isrgs vault, snd
the rental price of I jo per month in
clude, heat, light, water and janitor
Icstal Agents,
Oe-OlNi FL06k
Bee Bulldinr.
for troas drink, the aipUl fur wutrn cannot
at aflT utiaf ilila remedy. Gliea la aur ll'iuii"
aouviaoaa 01 paiinati laaieiaas ; .1
ei at aflT um llila remedy
wits or lUioui koowlaaa ut pailnali laauiM.
Statu At hWCeaaaU luag Ce.