Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Uhy Bo Fat
When There is a New Home Treat
ment That Quickly Reduces
Weight to normal Without
Diet or .Medicine and
is Absolutely Safe.
Don't he too fat; don't puff and blow;
don't endanger your II To with a lot of ex
cess fat; nl furthermore, don't ruin your
stcmach with a lot of useless drug and
W i
Deaiat Allagel Caafeuion and S171 Wholi
Cai it Spite Work.
patent nvdlclnes. Bond your name and ad
dress to Prof. F. J. Kellogg. 12 W. Main
St., Rattle Creek, Mich., and he will Rend
you free a trial package of his remarkable
treatment that will reduce your weight to
normal. Do not be afraid of evil conse
quences, the treatment Is perfectly n;ife, la
natural and scientific and rive such a de
ar ee of comfort as to astonish thoce who
hiive panted and perspired under !h
weight of excess fat. It takes off the big
atomach, gives the heart freedom, enables
the lungs to expand naturally and you will
feel a hundred times better the first day
you try this wonderful home-treatment.
Rend your name and addregs for a free
trial package sent securely sealed In a
plain wrapper, with full directions how to
use It, books and testimonials from hun
dred who have been cured.
Send for the free trial package today. It
will brighten the rest of your life.
Special Rates
October 18th and 22nd.
To California, Washington and
Oregon olntit every day In Oc
Tuesdays, November 4th and 18th,
December 2nd and l(!th.
For further Information, land pamph
lets, maps, rates, etc. address any agent
of the company or
Pass and Ticket Agent,
S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas St, Omaha.
N. Y.:
Gentlemen: I have been afflicted
for the last five year with kidney
trouble and tried every remedy that
could be found with no permanent
relief. My case was getting; serious.
I could get no sleep, wa restless
and nervous. My strength was leav
ing me and I had no desire to work.
1 felt bad all the time in fact, was
o discouraged to think there was no
relief for me whatever I did, and
bad no faith In medicines; seeing
so many good testimonials from
Omaha people about Cramer's Kid
ney Cure I called on one and asked
what be thought. He told me that It
was the best medicine In the world and
advised me to try It. I bought a
bottle and after taking about one
half of It began to feel better and
stronger and after taking tour bot
tles I am today a well man and I
cannot say too strong words for this
wonderful medicine and should I ever
again be a sufferer from kidney
trouble I wouldn't be without It If
I bad to pay $50 a bottle for It.
1938 Tenth Street.
$1.00 site bottles, 60c; 60c site bot
tles, 40c. Guaranteed fresh at
CPUILTCD'O cur price
lUlk aaid t hlraao Htm.
slso III and It la feared the shock will l rove
disastrous. i
Sapreaie Coart Hold that Maa Cs
Recover Meaty Paid to Pro
prietor of Baeket
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Oct. 11. (Special.) Jamea
Oregoris. the Greek fruit man of this city,
was held over to the grand Jury at Perry
todiy on the charge of murder, tho accu
sation being that he killed his cousin,
Ocorge Kolomokls, in the wooda in Dallas
county, on Msy 1 last. The evidence
against Gregcris was considered pretty
strong at the time of the murder, but
not quite sufficient for a conviction. He
bad been working for the murdered man,
and on the day of the murder was seen In
an out-of-the-way place and could not
clearly account for all of bis actions, but
there was no direct evidence against
Oregoris. Both men formerly lived In Des
Moines and at one time lived In Lincoln,
and are well known among the large colony
of Greeka living here. Gregorls, on the
stand today, denied In toto the story of
the alleged confession and Insists that It
Is epitework on the part of Jealous Greeks
In this city.
Acrldeat oa Keokak Western.
Farms $10 Per Acre in Colorado
Thr rich and f.rtlU Po Lutt Vallr whtr rropt
vtr ba known to fall. Whir watar la
rlnty and with a tiom market aavrd. Forty icri
a Colorado ar product! as bund rod acre.
In othar statea This la r opportunity watch no
farmer should owrlook.
Writ today fr printed matter on Colorado tod
It'a Urmlna district. Sent free.
Th Boat hern Colon, do I.ttttd Co.,
U1-&23 K. A C. HI rt ii , Penrnr. Colo,
or Alirncu, Colo.
Every Woman
Is lBMrttl ao4 ahooiit knew
abvui u wouawfai
MARVtl Whirling fcprov
Tb new ' nrw
tt mm Jf rwst e.l.
4 oat CunrnL
If k cannot tupiiiy tha 1
a w KLn, no
Rift, bin .ana at.iri for II
imui book i tm
roll Mrlruuraimt rtm-i.rrt In- la.llaa. MtKlM (O,
lUosa M TUbs Bide M. T,
for i or
Coraer Sixteenth and Dodge streets. Omaha
eurva Bed-Woartnv, and iiv
toUtaMM-0 of urm duriiijf
ttoe doy a), tch In th id
and younr. H la tbo oalj
euro prethavred by a
WMO CUalimilMailO Id. LOiO
trxaubTrd witb a fmjof-nt do
atra tr urlnoie ai a tnir-nlii
tluat UNO It With pr rftrCt
auc-es. Briid your addr
to UK. r E HAt.lirawcr fSt
BJoomlturtia, til., in4 rw
wtUvo avaVHMl Ctwa fi'rhi.
Relieves Kidney
a uiaaaer
tiuubkt at once.
Cures In
Fact Can. !N
aula br I U!fJ I
A passenger train on the Keokuk
Western branch of the Burlington system
ran Into an open switch at tbe town of
Drazil at an early hour this morning. The
siding was lined with empty box cars and
they were scattered in all directions. Henry
Montgomery, the engineer, was slightly In.
Jured; Harry Sargent was Injured In one
limb, and Frank Augustus, a traveling en.
gtneer, was injured about the bead and
shoulders, but none of the Injuries is se
rlous. All of the Injured men live In Cen.
tervllle. The passenger train was delayed
about two hours, when It was able to pro.
ceed, as the engine bad not been damaged
very much.
Trophies for Exhibitor.
The two silver cups which were offered
a special prizes for the cattle herds at
the Iowa state fair have been received
by the secretary. These are eleven inches
high, lined with gold, and mounted on
mahogany bases. They will be suitably In
scribed before going to their winners.
Thy are the most expensive cups ever
bought by the Iowa society for exhibitors,
The cup for tbe best beef herd goes to C,
M. Ctsey, Clinton, Mo., and the one for
tbe best dairy herd goes to J. E. Robblna,
Greensburg, Ind. The silver medals, about
twenty in number, for various exhibitors,
were also received by the secretary.
Burglars Failed to Find Money.
The residence of Mrs. Catherine Myers
was entered by a burglar, and Miss Anna
Myers, the hairdresser on Hixth avenue
daughter of Mrs. Catherine Myers, was
brave enough to Ho awake and watch every
move of the burglar, while sbe had $1,400
In tbe house, without even screaming. The
man acted very much like an experienced
hand at the business and left tbe house
without plunder. The Myera home Is occu
pled by live women. Besides Mrs. Myers
and her daughter, there are Mioses Rigby,
Barring and one other young woman. Miss
Myers and one of the other girls saw tbe
man enter through the kitchen window.
Each thought she wss tbe only member of
the household who was awake and thought
it best to remsln silent, realising that any
disturbance might result disastrously. The
man went Into each bedroom, looked care
fully about, but did not find anything he
cared to take away. Mrs. Myers had
$1,400 In the house that night. The next
morning she lost no time In depositing her
money In a bank.
Tlppecaaoe Banner Offered.
The officers of the Veteran Tippecanoe
club of Des Moines and Chairman Bpence of
the republican committee, have Issued an
nouncement of their offer of the Tippecanoe
banner and flag as reward for republican
gains In tbe counties of Iowa tbla year.
The Tippecanoe club flrst made the offer
some thirteen years ago and had made a
beautiful silk banner which was to go to
tbe county of Iowa showing tbe greatest
percentage of gain In tbe republican vote
over the preceding year. This banner baa
gone from county to county and Is now held
by Dubuque, which got It last year for tbe
flrst time. A fine new banner has been
prepared to replace the worn one. Tbe
Tippecanoe flag was formerly given to the
precinct In this county showing the best
gain, but la,t year It waa changed and was
sent to tbs second best county of the state,
This year It Is to go to' the county which
makes tho best proportionate gain In repub
lican majority as compared with two years
ago. When the banner ana nag are awaraea
It la customary to have some aort of public
ceremonial and republican lovefeaat and
these are annual events well known In the
"Backet Shop" Debt Collected.
Tha Iowa supreme court gives no special
encouragement to crookedness in connection
with the operation of "bucket shops," but
on tbe contrary In an opinion by Chief Jus
tice Ladd In an Adams county caae tb
court sustained Judge Towner In decreeing
that money paid to the agent of a coramis
sion Arm In St. Lou!s could be collected
back again. One Burchard opened a shop
In Corning and did business for tbe Donovan
Commission company. When be closed out
James Munns had paid to him $1,853 and
O. W. Curzon had paid $3,084 and suit was
brought to recover the money by tbe com
miuslon company. Tbe defense waa that
the whole thing waa gambling anyway; but
tbe courts have taken tbe view that th
money was paid for a specific purposs and
that was not done and therefore In view of
the failure the owners of the money bad a
right to Insist on getting It back again,
With tbe plaintiffs It was not a gambling
case at all.
GIbcob Compear Male ted.
Th Glucose company at Marshalltown
was Indictsd In Tama county and convicted
of maintaining a nuisance by contaminating
tbe water of Iowa river, which flowed over
into Tama. Tbe company sought to evade,
The court reviews tbe evidence and says
that th conviction waa supported. Com.
plaint waa made of lack of Jurisdiction In
Tama when tb sewer emptied Into 'the
river In Marshall county. "We think, bow.
ever," says the court, "that there la suffi
cient warrant tor the assumption that the
ordinary law of gravitation Is In full force
In both counties and that water at the
mouth ct the sewer whether foul or pure
11 rids its way down stream without regard
to county lines." The conviction therefore
In the collateral Inheritance tax case from
Iowa county the court merely adheres to
Its former decisions that there Is no ex
caption of an estate over $1,000 from the
collateral Inheritance tax.
Die Firm Falls to Meet Liabil
ities aad Fall lor Lars
MARSHALLTOWN, la., Oct. 11. Ewart
Bros, of fowenhelk county, one of tho
largest stock raising firms In Iowa, as
signed this afternoon for the benefit of
their creditors.
The liabilities are unknown, but It la
said they will exceed $100,000.
Cedar Rapids Firm Let Coatract for
Bis Factory to Be Erected
la that Town.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la., Oct. 11. Contracts
bave been signed for the erection of a new
tarch factory here for the Douglas com
Tha dally capacity will be 4,000 bushels
of corn. Work Is to begin at once.
Stock Brine High Frlre.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Oct 11. (SpeclM.)
A. D. Cooper A Sen held a sale cf stock at
the farm near Janesvillc. The proceeds
mounted to about $8,000. The stock sold
well, one cow bringing $205 and tni ho's?
$1,400. Mr. Cooper Is one of the wealthy
pioneer farmers of this ccunty. He alii
move to California to spend tho remainder
of his days.
Weather Oonditieai Artint tha Matiiea at
Iprarna Itraet Track.
Featare of the Card Wa the Cl A
rare, Woa by Itellle Ash la
Straight Meat, bat by the
Closest of Finishes.
Fasaeaser Trala I Derailed.
DES MOINES, Oct. 11. Passenger train
No. 4 on the Keokuk A Western was de
railed by an open switch fifty miles south
of here this forenoon and badly wrecked.
The engineer and fireman were badly in
jured. Further details are not obtainable.
Iowa State Sevrs 3otca.
The Iowa reDUbllcans resrard their cam-
palan as really opened now that Senator
Allison has entered it.
Ex-Governor Holes Is In poor health. A
political meeting at Dubuque had to be
postponed on this account.
Among the current amenities ef the Iowa
iress is the denunciation of a Sioux Hap.
ds editor by his contemporary an "an lr-
Idlescent ass whoBe arguments are Idiotic
The office of secretary of state Is becom
ing a big revenue producer, the amount
received from fees since January 1 being
fcM.504, against $64,129 for the whole year
of lvi. This revenue Is mainly derived
from the filing of fees from corporations.
Cedar Rapids Is In danger of repeating
the recent experience of Waterloo. A vio
lent row has broken out over the location
of the nubile library, to which Carnegie
had made a large donation. In a like cape
at Waterloo Carnegie withdrew his gift
because of the local strife.
In regard to the agitation for the re
moval of colleges from several Iowa towns
the Muncatlne Journal points out the ad
vantages of its town as a location for such
Institutions. "There Is." it says, "the li
brary for culture, the river tor pleasuro
and the hospital to care for the foot ball
victims." '
Weather conditions were too cold and
threatening for anything of a crowd to
assemble at the last racing matinee of the
season, yet some very fair aport In the
harness line was shown the few faithful
at the Bprague street track Saturday after
noon. This waa the ninth matlne given
during 1902, and the season revival of this
custom has been a remarkable success, all
things considered. Cltlsen horsemen have
had their pride In their animals and th?'.r
ambitions for their speed rejuvenated to
a marked extent, and the series of meetings
has been all for the welfare and advance,
ment of good driving of good horses In
The feature of Saturday's card was prob
ably the class A pace, half-mile heats, the
flrst race, In which Nellie Ash won three
straight firsts, but all in hot competition.
As a special feature Jeska was driven
against Die track record for the season.
09, Henry W. Dunn, her owner, holding
the ribbons. Jeeka failed to equal the
record, going in 1:10H. The last quarter
waa In :36. The mare was paced by Biugen,
driven by C. C. Kendall. Results:
First rHce, class A, pace, half-mile heats:
ellle Ash (C. K. Cosiord) 111
Governor Taylor (L. F. Crofoot) 2 3 2
ttlugen (C C. Kendall) a z J
Time: 1:14', l:w, i-.w-,.
Second race, class IS, pace, half-mile
lola (M. E. Miller) 1 1
cms Fatuus Nat Hrown) z
Locket (F. J. Campbell) 3 3
Time: 1:16, 1:1.
Third race, class C, mixed trot and pace,
alf-mlle heats:
1-tlack Kate (V. B. Hugheeton) 1 1
Royal Flush (F. J. Campbell) 2 2
wlrley Maid (O. v. yman) a
Time: 1:27. 1:18.
Fourth race, class D, pace, half-mile
affrey (E. F. Waterman) 1 1
overty (W. c misseii) t a
Zlpp (William Oull) 3 3
lime: -ju, l:zi-
Heir to the Crown of Slam with His
Suite "lf Call l'pn -the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Hia royal high
ness, Chowfa Maha Vajelravudb, crown
prince of Slam, accompanied by hia suite,
reached Washington on a special train this
morning.. During their atay here they will
be tbe guests of the nation.
After breakfasting in their private apart
menta In the Arlington . hotol the crown
prince and bit party donned , their court
dress and, escorted by a squadron of the
Second United States cavalry, were driven
to. the temporary White House to psy
their respects to President Roosevelt.
AH the members of the cabinet, now In
the city. Secretaries Hay, Wilson and
Hitchcock and Postmaster General . Payne,
together with Secretary Cortelyou and
Colonel Bingham, the president' military
aide. In full uniform, were present to assist
In the reception.
The greetings by the president and prince
were cordial on both lldea. There were
no formal speeches. Tbe prince expressed
hia admiration for the country, the little
of It be had seen, and spoke of tbe Im
pressive appearance of the American cav
alry. President Roosevelt responded plea,
antly. He asked the prince about hia pro
posed Itinerary and expressed the hope that
he would Visit tbe military and naval
academies, and also spend some time ex
amlnlng tbe Industries of which the coun
try waa ao proud.
The audience lasted not more than five
minutes. Tbe prince and hia party were
then driven back to the Arlington, where
the prince will remain quietly this after
noon, looking after hia mall.
Postmaster Kamed, Delivery Roate
Determine.! and Reserve Aajeat
for Baaka Approved.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Iowa postmasters appointed: R
V. Lucas, Farlvllle, Delaware county; Fer
dinand M. Gerlletnann, St. Lucas, Fayette
Additional rural free delivery routes will
be established on November 1 a follows
Iowa Wlnfleld, Henry county, two routes;
area covered, forty-seven miles; popul
tlon served, 1.000. South Dakota Vermil
ion, Clay county, one route; area, thirty.
one square miles; population, 600.
A postafflce has been established at Leaf.
dale, Cheyenne county, Neb., with Martin
Leafdale aa poatmaster. The name of the
postofflce at Quigiey, Clinton county, la-
has been changed to Petersonvllls, with
Arthur J. Mellon aa postmaster.
The comptroller of the curreacy haa ap
proved the Corn Exchange National bank
of Chicago as a reserve agent for th City
National bank of Lincoln, and the First
National Bank of Buchanan County, St.
Joseph, Mo., for the Citizens' Nstlonal bank
of Tecumaeh, Neb.
Family Badly Aallrted.
CEDAR FALL8, la., Oct. 11 (Special.)
The Jaquith family ar doubly afflicted. Last
week Mrs. Jaquith, th moth., d!d a
Cedar Rapids, and wss brought here for
burial. Yesterday her daugh'er, Mrs. C,
F. Hotchklrs of Omaha, dl"d as lha result
of an operation and the remains vert
brought here for burial. Tha husband Is
Joha L. Sheppard of Ttisrkssa Dies
at Eareka Sprlas; After
Log Illaesa.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. Congressman
John L. 8heppard of Texarkaoa, Tex., died
today at Eureka Springs, Ark., after a Ion
illness. The funeral will occur Tuesday
October 14. Tbe speaker of tbe house has
been notified, but as yet has not appointed
a committee.
British Ambassador Calls.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. Sir Michael
Herbert, tbe British ambascader, called at
the State department today and arranged
for bis presentation at tha temporary
White House next Monday.
Postmaster at
today appointed A. M.
at Fulton, III.
Faltoa. 111.
11. The president
Hansen postmaster
Brotherhood of St. Andrew.
BOSTON. Oct. 11. The next convention
of the Brotherhood of tit. Andrew will he
held at Denver. Colo. This was decided
upon today at a business meeting of th
brotherhood In connection with Its conven
tion here. The election of th council for
tne year resuitea in tne rnulce of the old
ooara. or wnicn w. fc. cngllsn of Pitts
uuig i I'reaiueuu
Morrl Park Race Result la Sur
prise to Many Unlucky
NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Self Protection,
running In the purple and scarlet colors of
H. B. Page and rtdJen by the owner, won
the champion steeplechase, worth $9,575, at
Morris Park today.
This race Is over the trying course or
three miles and a half and seven good tim
ber-toppers responded to the bugle call.
They were off to a good start. Self Pro
tection flrst. Judge Phillips second and
Hark Forward third. This order was main
tained for one and one-half mlleo, when
uda-e Phllllo took the lead. Coming to
the next to the last Jump Judge Phillips
tumbled and fell, when he apparently naa
an even chance of winning, page sent hln
mount to the front when they reacnea tne
at snrt won enally bv three lengths from
Inspector Stevens, who In turn was a.
length before AdJIdumo.
The Hunter handicap furnished tne sur
prise of the day. Hosslgnol, a 12 to 1
nance, was tne winner, ene got on in
front and. doing all the running, won very
easily by five lengths from the favorite,
Kockwater. The track was neavy. e-
First race, for all age, last seven fur
longs of the Withers mile: Chuctanunda
won. Blues aecond. Wild Thyme third.
Time: 1:27.
Second race, the champion steeplechase.
bout three mile and a half: Self Pro
tectlon won. Inspector 8tevena second. Ad
JIdumo third. Time: 7:27.
Third race, tne tnirty-seventn rnursery
handicap, for 2-year-olds. the Eclipse
course: Eugenia Birch won. Hurst Bourne
second, Merry Acrobat third. Time: 1:12V.
Fourth race, the Hunter handicap for
fillies 3 years old, the Withers mile: Ros
signol won. Rock water second, Flora Po
mona third. Time: 1:40.
Fifth race, 2-year-olds, selling, the Eclipse
course: Turn Pike won, Claude second.
First Chip third. Time: lMSk-
Sixth race, handicap ror s-year-oids and
p, the Withers mile: Zoroaster won.
Sllpthrlft second, St. Finnan third. Time:
4U4. . . .
Win Race Haadlly After Going
Second Most of th
CHICAGO. Oct. 11. C. B. Campbell ran
one of his best races at Worth today and
won the Alpine stakes handily from Peace
ul and i. v. Kiruy.
The race was at one mile ana tne winner,
fter running In second place most of the
way, came to the front In the stretch. Re-
First race, six furlongs: Pretorlous won.
Charley Thompson second. Leviathan third.
Time: i:i.
Hecond race, nve luriongs: L, Ktrenne
on, Vinctldes second, Andes third. Time:
:O0 3-5. . .
Third race, one mile and an eighth: Mr-
Chesney won, John McQurk second, Illo
who third. Time: 1:54 1-5.
Fourth race, the Alpine stakes, one mile:
. B. Campbell won. Peaceful second. J. V.
Klrby third. Time: 1:41.
fifth race, nve. ruriongs: irene L,inaey
won. Money Musk second. Duelist third.
Time: 1:00 2-5.
Sixth race, one mile ana a half: Maroue
won. Hayward Hunter second. Obstinate
biraon tnira. Time: t-M.
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Sale el Horses la Sew York Resalta
la Tall Blddlaa by
NEW YORK, Oct. 11 A sale of horses in
training, the property of Frank Farrell,
ine pauut
took place In
e paddock before the races
at Morris Park today
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if another deluge came, and the ark
fa. f00 but or 01,4 aecular book.
Jfl'twJX01!?. any doubt th one."-
Blues, the erratic handlcapper. was the
star of the sale and brought 17.000. A. J.
Joiner waa the buyer. Blues is a 4-year-old
Dy Blr Dixon-Bonnle Blue 11. full brother
to Blue uiri ana time ninnon.
Bonnlbert. . by Imp. Albert-Monnl Olo.
was knocked down to Oeorae Johnson for
I4.600; De ttescko, I, by L.ampllghter-Imp.
Berne, cost M. Hayrean tMx).
Other sales were: Minotaur, b. c., Z, by
Fon-Mermald. A. J. Joiner. J.6fl0: Colonist.
br. c, I, by Blr Dlxon-L Colonla. Q. Tler-
ney. fcf.wo: u.rre uown nuiy, t. g., 4, by
Imp. 8t. Andrew-Daffo Dill, J. K. Wldcner,
Defeat Plttsharg Nationals Owlsg to
Bad Mistake la Beveatk
CLEVELAND. Oct. lL-The All-Amer.
leans and Pittsburg Natlonsl league team
played another game today that was a
pitchers' battle. But for Leach's error in
the seventh It would have resulted In an
Other scoreless gsme. as on Friday.
The error In question allowed Lajole to
reach first, whence he scored on hits by
Wallace and Harley.
Young's pitching was a puxxle to the Na
tional (vaguer. Five thousand people saw
the game. Score:
All-Americana .0 000001 0 1 g i
fittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 t 1
Batteries: All-Americans, Young and
Bulllvun; Pittsburg. Phtlllppl and dimmer.
Umpires; O Laugnlln and O Day.
The feature of the Saturday evening at
home conducted unoVr tha auspices of the
social committee of the Young Men's Chris
tian association last night waa a ping pong
tournament. Twenty-eight men were regis
tered In the primal lea and from the begin
ning It waa clearly seen that the champion
ship would be a hard fought battle.
In the seml-nnals Adams and Tavlor and
Sherman and Williams began to show their
skill. One of the swiftest sets of the even
ing waa played by Sherman and Williams.
Sherman won.
In the finals It was thought that Sherman
had met his match In Taylor. The first
game went to Taylor, the aecond tu Bher-
... . . m , mi... aKawAn
man, tne tnira to ibjiuu. imu ducwu
took a brace and won the set.
t'hlcaajo Player W ins Open tsanpiss.
ship at Garden City la Ponr
- Ins Rain.
GARDEN CITY, N. Y., Oct. 11. Laurenoe
Auchterlonle. the professional connected
with the Glenvlew Golf club, near Chicago,
ii open golf champion this year, beating
today by 6 strokes, in the seventy-two-hole
competition, nls nearest competitor. For
mer amateur champion Walter Travis of
Garden City and Stewart Gardner, profes
sional at Garden City, were tieu lur second
honors. Willie Anderson ot Moniciau , iai
year's open champion. Is one ot two to
finish fifth best today. There were ninety
seven original entries and titty-live turned
In carrita for all lour rounds.
While yesterday's weather was Ideal the
scoring was not in keeping, but today
cloudv skies and a pouring rain seemed to
spur the playera to their best golf. Travis
buccreded in striking a fast gait and his
149 today was the best ecore fur thirty-six
holes of the whole competition.
Auchterlonle ' play had been steady
throughout and his averuge (under 77) was
sufficient to win him the iirst money. John
H. Rhinnon of the, Ma-lne Field club. New
York, who tied with Willie Anderson for
fifth place. Is Sbld to be the first American
born player to figure in the money at an
open championship In this country. Travis
was the only amateur to maxe tne nrst
ten. Auchterlonle breldes winning a cash
prlie secured a gold medal and the custody
of the championship cup.
Travis yielded second honors to Gardner
and took his prize in plate.
Following are the scores of those winning
Laurence Auchterlonle, Chicago:
First round, Th; second round, 78.
Third round:
Out 4 3 4 5 4 . 5 4 3-37
In 5 ft 3 4 4 4 3 8-37-74
Fourth round:
Out 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 6 44
In 5 4 4 5 4 5 (5 311-77
Total. 307.
Stewart Gardner, Garden City:
First round. Is.', second round, 76.
Third round:
Out i 3 3 6 4 4 4 4 4-SS
In 5 6 4 5 4 5 5 5 3 U-77
Fourth round:
Out 5 3 3 5 3 4 6 4 436
In 4 4 4 6 5 6 6 6 3-4278
Total. 813.
Walter J. Travis, Garden City (amateur):
First round, 82; second round, 82.
Third round:
Out 4 3 4 6 3 4 4 5 4-37
In 4 5 4 6 4 4 6 6 2-ily-7SI
Fourth round:
Out 4 2 6 5 4 4 8 4 4-S5
In 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 6 S 2 74
Total, 313.
Willie Smith. Chicago, 82. 79, SO, 75316.
John H. Shlppen, New York, U, HI, 75. 79-
WI'lie Anderson. Montclair. 7. K. 72. 81318.
Charles Thomas, txi. 2. &t. 77319.
Harry Turple, Chicago, 79. 5. 7s. 78320.
Donald J. Oakley, Mass., 80, 83, 78,
"Skeets" Martin up, waa third. The king's
colors were carried In the race by Per
sistence, but the youngster finished nearer
last than first.
First Bis; Foot Ball Game of th Sea
son Takea Place oa Mar
shall Field.
CHICAGO. Oct. 11. The first big foot ball
jma of the season waa played on Marshall
aid today, when eleven sturdy players
epresentlng Purdue university met the
v'hirsgo university aggregation. The
weather waa too warm for tha comfort of
the players, but otherwise all the conditions
were perfect. A special excursion from
l.afayetta and a large crowd of rooters at
tended the game and cheered on their
The game resulted 33 to 0 In favor ot
Before the game Purdue was quite con
fident of winning, as the team this year Is
the strongest one In many yesrs. Coach
Btagg was reticent aa to the chances ot his
team for victory.' The lineup:
Flotsam Wins Hlch Prise.
LONDON. Oct. II At the Kempton Psrk
meeting the rich imperial produce plate of
3. sovereigns for 2-year-oils has been
won by Sir Daniel Cooper's Flotsam, 7 to 4
on the favorite, with the American jockey,
"Danny" Matter, in the saddle. Sir E.
Vliuene'a Countermark, a 20 to 1 chance,
was second. W. C. Whitney's Zaza, with
Korhtar ....
Ahlawad. ..,
Ellaworth ...
Maiwall ....
L. Maiwall.
Shaldon ....
Brhnurr ....
Parkins ....
... X. E.
U T.
R. O.
R. T.
R. E
R. H
L. E.
U T....
U O ...
R. O...
R. T...
R. E...
Q. B. ...
L. H...
R. H
V. B..F. D
attach, Krull
, . M.cManus
Tay lur
Alleged Fake Fight Proves Straight,
as Woleott's Arm Waa
CHICAGO, Oct. 11. T'pon presentation to
day of a physician's affidavit to the effect
that he Is suffering from a fractured arm
Joe Wolcott was paid his part of the pro.
ceeds of the Apollo Athletic clubs show
Thursday night.
Referee Slier announced that he had re
versed his decision in the contest and de
clared Chllds the winner In the third round.
Tweaty-RoBBd Coateet.
BCFFALO, N. Y.. Oct. ll.-Frank Erne
has signed articles to meet Jlmmle Brltt in
a twenty-round contest before the Yosemite
Athletic club of San Francisco In the last
week of November at lia pounds at the
A Trig) to w York aa tfce Peanayl
vaala Special
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Joy luncheon and dinner, a comfortable
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