t TITK OMAHA DATLT SUNDAY, OCTOIIKU 12, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. 9 COUNCIL MI1UR MKSTIO. Tavls sell drugs. Stockert nellfl carpets and rugs. . Wauthe, fine watch repairing, 228 B'way. Expert watch repairing, Leffert, 40 B'way. I Rl. WTO-tin ire school tablet. 4 cents, at A. I B. llowf'a, 310 Ilroadway Born, to Mr. and Mr. yesterday morning, a son. E. W. Rapalje The Christy picture for aale. C. E. Alex ander & Co , 'Mi Broadway. Do you play ping pongT Morgan & Dickey can furnish you a nice act for II. New fall shirt, underwear and hats com ing In dally at Hmilh A Bradley a. Dr. J. C. Dectken ha removed his dental Office to Noa. 'Jul and 2t)2, Hupp blotK. The Lady Mm-rabeea will meet Tuesday afternoon at the usiiul time and place. Charles Llehold waa called to Nebraska City yesterday by the serious illness ot his father. Oirla. have you seen that swell line ot fall styles of papetrlcs at Morgan lilckeys? A iiw of foot ball yesterday between the Transfers and the Black Cala resultel in a tie score of & to 6. ' W. N. NIcholBon arrived Friday evening from Psna, III., to spend the winter with bis aon, C. R. Nicholson. There will be a special meeting of Ex celsior Masonic lodge Monday evening for work In the aecond degree. Visit our art department and see the beautiful new designs In frames now In. C. B. Paint, Oil ft Glass Co. . The finest line of ready-to-wear suits and overcoats ever put on sale In the city are being shown by Smith & Iradry. Boys' and children's sult and overcoats, a full, new line of all the lutest things, from J.0U up at Bmlth & Bratltey a. The entertainment given at the Modern Woodmen hall tor the benellt ot Mrs. lienny, widow of the late Captain Dixon Jjenny, netted $163. Carpets, linoleum and window shades and everything In the house furnishing line at the only houee furnishing store In the city. Kasy payment plant. D. W. Keller, 4(17 Broadway. L. C. BUles, an old time printer, left last averting for a vllt In Jackson, Deirolt and other points In Michigan. Mr. Stiles began ettlng type In 1047 on the MichlgaSL Exposi tor at Adrian. Finely Improved farms In north central Missouri, $35 to $50 per acre. Oo down with us and examine these tarms. Prices are advancing rapidly. Buy now. Bend for price list. Lougee ft Lougee. Word has been received here of the serious lllnesa of Mrs. Irving U. Parsons at her home In Malvern, la. Mra. Parsons was formerly Miss Minnie Williamson, a teacher in the public schools of this city. A carload of Acorn oak heaters, cooks and ranges have Just got In. We would like you to call and see the merits of these atoves before you buy. Nothing better on the market. D. W. Keller, 407 Broadway. Building permits were Issued yesterday to Leonard Everett for repairs on a two atory building on North Eleventh street, to cost 2,0u0; to A. Peterson for a one-story cottage, to cost I1.4IW, and to E. A. Hoop fur a one-story cottage, to cost $l,0u0. Council camp No. 14, Woodmen of the World, has organized a uniformed rank with fifteen members, and A. M. Peterson aa captain. The organization has decided to use United States military tactics and will drill with es The uniform has not yet been decided on. The funeral of Mrs. TTfculse Weber Far mer will be held tnls afternoon at 8 o'clock from Bt. Peters Catholic church. The cor tege will leave the residence, 214 Benton atreet, at 2:30 o'clock for the church. Burial will be In Bt. Joseph's cemetery and liev. Father Burk will conduct the services. It Is a pleasure to call at the .Western Iowa college during night school and see over forty young men and women prepar ing themselves for business. The college is fast gaining the reputation of being one of the best commercial schools In the west. A wonderful change In the school for the better haa taken place during the last few months. Clanses at day and night school Will organise Monday. Marriage Licenses. Name and Residence. Clarence A. Barnett, Council Bluffs. Nellie M. Owen, Council Bluffs William F. Keesler, Lincoln, Neb... Pearl Sheldon, Ulncoln, Neb Harry B. Murphy, Lincoln, Neb Myrtle B. Johnson, Lincoln, Neb.... C. A. Lyman, Omaha Corvllla 11. Morris. Oakland, la Alexander A. Olbson, Omaha , Sadie Stewart, Omaha Age .80 ..32 ...26 ...20 ...n ...22 ...21 ...18 OUR BIG TRUST That It we trust the people will appre ciate our efforts to serve them with the best all 'round prescription department to be found In any drug store In the west. We are adding another new prescription case and It la tbe best to be bad anywhere regardless of expense. Combs and Hair Brushes In an endless array at our store. We save Just received a lot ot these goods and we want you to see them. If you want something In this line we feel confident that you will buy of us because ot the quality of these goods, and the extremely low prices at which we sell them. GEORGE W. FLETCHER PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 275. lOt BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. LEWIS CUTLER stORTICIAN. it Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone ft. For Labor or Capital. time la Just the same tor any man, when we sU you a low priced watch It Is cheap because the cost of th ease helps to make It so, or because we can offord to give you the advantage ot a apeclal purchase. Tbe time keeplug qualities In our cheaper is watches are never Influenced by th cost- Herman M. Loffert Leading Jewelry and Optician. .109 CrosdiYsy Tel. L607 BLUFFS. ! HARLAN BOTS THE WINNERS Gams Etwe0 ligh Ichool EleTtDI LtttelJ pi. ..J . Hth RM- ritytdM Beta BKMs, ruririn TuonnruniiT Game Called with Ball la Possession ea Ccnnest Twenty Ynrd I.I" Scare 8 to 6. Harlan's Bluff' In a loosely-played game on both sides the Council Bluffs High school foot ball team went down in defeat before the Har lan High school eleven yesterday afternoon at Lake Manawa, the visitors winning by a score af 8 to 6. Council Bluffs played a very loose game. Allen of Harlan did the bulk of tbe play ing for the visitors and advanced the ball a great many times through Council Bluffs' line with practically no interference. Beardsley, Treynor and Aylesworth of the home team played well at all timet throughout the game, but their support was not of the beat. Warner stopped sev eral line plays In good shape. Council Bluffs won the toss and selected the north goal. Allen of Harlan kicked off to Coun cil Bluffs' twenty-yard line to Hennlnger. Ball lost on downs. Harlan advanced tbe ball steadily to a touchdown after alx min utes of play. Allen kicked goal. Treynor kicked off to Harlan's twenty-five-yard line and Harlan advanced the ball steadily on downs to Council Bluffs' twenty-yard line, where Harlan fumbled. Treynor advanced the ball with a twenty-yard run, the long est of the game. . ' ' Council Bluffs .then took a brace and ad vanced tbe ball ' steadily toward Harlan's goal, but lost the ball on fumbles. A serins of fumbles marred tho first halt of the game. Council Bluffs got the ball on tum bles and Treynor punted ' and Harlan at tempted to advance the ball, but fumbled, and Treynor fell ' on the ball back of Har lan's .goal.; Treynor then kicked off to Harlan from Council Bluffs' twenty-five-yard line, where the ball was dead In tbe center of the Held. The first half ended with the ball in Harlan's, possession In tho centef of the field. Council Bluffs aeemed weak on defense In the first bait. , 8econd half: Warner kicks off to Cole. Harlan loses ball on '' downs. Referee penalizes Harlan five yards for offside play. Council Bluffs, after a series- ot line plays, with steady advancing, fumbles and . Harlan secures the ball., After a series of . line smashes Harlan punts to Treynor, who. re turns the ball twenty yards through loose tackling by Harlan. Van Order then made a plunge through the line tor seven yards. Council Bluffs advances tbe ball to Har lan's two-yard line and Hennlnger carries the ball over tbe line. Beardsley misses goal. Score, 8 to 6 In favor of Harlan. Harlan kicks oft to Hennlnger, who fum bles ball. Harlan attempts to advance the ball, but fumblea to Cutler. Council Bluffs attempts fake plays, wblcb were readily stopped by Aljen of, Harlan. Harlan then got the ball on downs on "Council Bluffs twenty-yard line, advancing .ten yards, and loses ball on down. 'Aylesworth takes ball : around end for fifteen yards. Then the ball: was exchanged through loss on downs and Treynor punts twice, the first time with twenty-five yards' gain., Time called i with ball on Council Bluffs' twenty-yard 22. line. The lineup: HARLAN. Swift .. i....L. K. K Bardty U Ualun I. T T" R.nillmf 1 U Nioa L.o!s0 - Nichols Rnn C. C Knibua Fish R. O IL. O DadUr Ltnen R. T. IL. T Kotvrtsoa Wood R. R.IL. E Porter StanUy Q. B. Q. B Beott-Wimer Col R. H. L. H Cutler Cobb L. H. R. H Trrnor Allen (capt.) F. B.F. B., Van Order Referee: Caonell. Umpire: J. J. Louis. Linesmen: Mather and Nelson. Time of halves: 20:00. Davis sella paints. Gravel roofing. A. H. Raid, 541 Broadway. Consolidation New Uw Firm. On November 1 a consolidation of th buainess of three of tbe leading law firms of the city will take place. On that data Flnley Burke, Charles M. Harl and Emmet Tlnley will engage In the practice of law under the firm name of Burke, Harl si Tin ley. This combination has resulted through the recent death ot James McCabe, of Hart ft McCabe, and the wlthrawal ot Hon. John T. Stone from the firm of Stone ft Tlnley. It Is a practical consolidation of these old and well known firms. Messrs. Burke, Harl ft Tlnley are young men in the prime ot life, having the vim and push of young men, with the ripened experience which comes from years of active practice. Ilia firm will number among its clients man) of the leading business bouses of the city who have been clients of the gentlemen composing tbe new firm. It Is peculiarly adapted for tbe trial ot causes and will glv particular attention to trial work and cor poration and real estate law. It will have a thoroughly equipped collection depart ment under the management ot Mr. George H. Stlllman, who baa a large and success ful practice In this branch of the law. Th firm expects to have an office force that will enable It to give prompt and efficient at tention to all business entrusted to It. Th members of tbls firm have all grown up In Council Bluffs. Each was graduated from th high school and their many friends will wish for them a long and prosperous career. Cole's Original Stove Saves One-third Your Fuel Cole-Brelsford Hardware .Co, They will occupy the offices In the Shtigsrl block now occupied by Stone Tlnley, with additions which take In nearly all of the third floor of the building. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Bod. With the I harrbes. The rector, Rev. George Edward Walk, having recovered from hla recent nines-, services will be resumed today In Bt. Paul's Fplscopal church. There will be celebration of the Holy eucharlst at 10:80 a. ra., with sermon by the rector. Evening prayer with sermon by the rector at 7:30 o'clock. There will be morning prayer at 11 o'clock In Grace Episcopal church. Bunday school will be held at 9:45 a. ra. Rev. Allen Judd wilt bold services Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock and communion service Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Rev. E. W. Erlckson of the Fifth avenue Methodiat church will preach this evening at Broadway church In the absence of the pastor. Rev. J. W. Calfee. Mrs. Marine will render the solo "The Great White Throne" at this service. All other services will be as usual. Elder James Caffall will preach today at the Latter Day Saints church at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school will be beld at nocn. The mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock- Rev. 8. Alexander will preach this even ing at 7:30 o'clock In the church at the corner of Seventh street and Seventeenth avenue. The second church of Christ Scientist, will hold services In Hughes' hall at 11 a. m. "Doctrine of Atonement" will be the sub ject. Sunday school will be held at noon. Tho regular testimonial meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clcck. Palm Grove opening assembly Oct. 14. Whaley'a orchestra. Souvenirs given. Davis sells glass. Matters in District Conrt. County Attorney Klllpack will be unable to try tbe case against Ben Woods, the al leged pickpocket charged with robbing Niels Boysen ot Glenwood at this term of court. Woods' trial was assigned for Monday, but one of tbe state's principal witnesses, Mrs. Kate Rlshel, is quarantined for diphtheria. Woods Is in tbe county jail, having been unable to furnish ball. The hearing on the application to com mit Evan Pegley to the hospital af Mount Pleasant on tho charge of being a chronic Inebriate waa continued yesterday until Monday. In .the suit of W. Kimball against George W. Mathews, the plaintiff was yesterday given legal possession of the Ogden bouse. Mrs. Hattle Crane began suit for divorce from F. W. Crane, to whom she waa mar ried June 1, 1898, In Council Bluffs, al leging cruel and Inhuman treatment and de sertion. w ' Keeps Oonnty Recorder Bnsy. Saturday was a busy day l'n the office of County Recorder bmlth. The Maaon City as Fort Dodge railroad filed twenty-nine deeds for property recently purchased by It. Among those filed was a deed from the Union Depot company conveying the prop erty purchased several years ago as a atte for a union depot, the consideration named being $20,000. Another deed was from Pat Guhnoude oonveylDg to the railroad hla Main street property and adjoining lots, which he recently sold for, 120,000. The total consideration named in tbe deeds filed yesterday- amounted to S126.706.89. t . Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:. S. F. Green to Mason City ft Fort Dodge Railroad company, lot 2, block B, Riddles' subdlv, w. d $ William W. Farnam, trustee, to same, lots 2 and 3. block 27, Rid dles' subdlv, s. w. a Bridget Durgan to same, lot 3, block 8, Riddles' subdlv. w. d Council Bluffs Savings bank to too eoo 4,000 same, lota 18 and 19, block 10, Wil liams' 1st add, w. d..... 1,000 vviiuam a ma to same, lot g, diock a, Fleming ft Davis' add, w. d O. W. Gordon et al to same, 86-100 acres In aw corner ne4 neV 174 44, w. d .? Emmet Tlnley, guardian, to same, undlv 6-36 of same, g. d Same to same, undlv 10-38 of same, d Same to same, lot 12, block 10, Wil liams' 1st add, g. d f. J. W, Wild to same, part of nwU nw 18-75-42. w. d William Harm to same, part of neVi ne4 13-75-43, w. d Conrad Geise, Jr., to same, part of w4 swfc 6 and part nw nw"4 8-76-41, w. d Union Investment company to same, blocks 6, 31 and 32, Kiddles' subdlv. 150 816 194 388 425 22 22 to SO.tlOO 6,000 . 200 00 275 4.000 6.250 1,066 4,(33 w. a Smith Refining company to same, lot li, diock z, Kiddles subdlv, w. d.. Pottawattamie Investment company 10 same, lot iz, diock ll, mauies subdlv. w. d J. M. St. John to same, e 90 feet lota 18 and 14. block 27, Kiddles' subdlv, w. d J. L. On ley to same, lot 16, block 27, Riddles' subdlv, w. d John R. Lindsay to same, lot 21, block 6, Williams' 1st add, w. d John Llnder to same, lot 12, block 8, ana a sj root strip on e end. in Kiddles' subdlv. w. d Charles F. Hendrle to same, lota 1 and z, and n part lot 14, block 7. Kiddles' subdlv. w. d Charles F. Hendrle to Mason City ft rort uoone Kaliroad company, lot t and part lot 14, block 7, Riddles' subdlv. w. d Patrick Gunnoude to same, lot 4 and V lot . block 8, Riddles' subdlv, and lots t and 6, block 6, Williams' let add. w. d 20.000 John M. Ualvln to same, lot 10, block , wunams ii aaa, w. a T. G. Green to same, lot 10 and ntt lot . block 8, Kiddles' subdlv. w. d.. Theodore D. Wheelook et al to aame, lot 15, block 27. Kiddles' subdlv, w.d. Charles W. Napier to aame, right-of- 800 9,500 250 way part lot 1, Auditors subdlv, nwU nwVi 63-75-43. w. d :... 8.260 Wlihelm Nath to same, same over se4 ne4 and over ne4 se4 33-76-42, w. d 1,400 Ernest E. Hart to J. W. Colt, lots 1 and 17, Rice s South Avenue subdlv, w. d 250 Same to W. 8. Mayne, part wH 29-76- 44. q. c d Will F. Slendentopf and Frank 8. 1 Haas to same, part lot 3 and swVi nw4 2-76-44, a. c. d J. D. Edmundson to same, lota 8 and 4, In 28, and lots 1, Z, 3, in 2-78-44. a. c. d 300 Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific Rail road company to same, w, za-ib-4, a. c d. John P. Ramer to Mary Ramer Bock, lots 17 and 18, block 6, Jefferls' sub alv. w. d 3. W. Ellis to Ernest Kllngel, lot 7, block 21, Bayllns ft Palmer's add, w. d 800 W. 8. Mayne to Council Bluffs Real Ketate ana improvement company, that part 29-76-44, lying s of creek, w. d 8.0b0 Same to same, lots to 13. 15 and 16. block Z; lots 1 to 18 and 30 to 26, 28 to 32, block 3, May no s 1st add; lots 3 to 11. block 2; lot 8. block 4: lots 7 to . 11 and 12, block 3: lota i and 4. block 6: lots 2 and 8. block 7; lota 3 and 4. block 8, In Turley's add, q. c- d ..' W. H. McClelland to Iowa Townslte company, eSt nwSi and part wV4 nw 4-75-42; w. d Libble Keen to James H. Cralgmlle, lot 3. block 12. Bavllsa' 2d add, w. d. Edinburgh Lombard Investment com- f any to John P. Ramer, lota 17 and 8, block 6. Jefferls' subdlv, w. d.... 8,657 2.675 4.500 Total forty transfers 3126.706 N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 256. Vote t C'eneeHdate. At the Joint meeting last night of Bluffs company, No. 27, and U. 8. Grant company, No. 44. uniform rank. Knights of Pythias, It waa decided to consolidate the two com panies. This action la subject to the ap proval of Major Oeasral Caxoabaa et la dlanapolla. If the consolidation of the two companies Is approved tbe present offi cers of both organizations will resign and an election of officers for the new company will be held. Tbe new company will have about seventy members and will, be one of the strongest In tho state. W. H. Fred erick Is captain of U. 8. Grant company and J. J. Klein captain ot Bluffs company. Women et Bad Fall. The members of Unity Rebekah lodge, who went to Crescent City Friday evening to Install a degree team, met with an acci dent on tbe return trip which was fortu nately without serious results. While cross ing the Elliott street bridge on East Broad way one of the horses made a plunge and the carryall went over the embankment. While every member of the party was more or less bruised an, shaken, none was seri ously Injured excepting Mrs. Weatberbec, who was unable to leave her bed yesterday. Mr. Weatherbee, who was driving, was se verely bruised. Tho party numbered thir teen. Proposal to Aid Strikers. At the meeting of the Trades and Labor assembly of Council Bluffs tbls week the matter of affording financial assistance to the Union Pacific striking machinists will come up for action. The plan suggested Is an assessment of 10 cents a week on the members of the several labor unions In this city. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Indications of Coming; Awnkenlngr from the Dullness of Summer. Mrs. C. L Brown Is visiting friends In Detroit. Mrs. J. H. Arthur Is visiting relatives and friends In Illinois. Mrs. W. Banford entertained informally at dinner Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. F. Everest of Glen avenue en tertained at carda yesterday afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Meti of Milwaukee Is the guest of Mrs. J. II. Mayne of Glen avenue. Walter T. Payne arrived yesterday from Denver, Colo., for a short visit with hla family. , The members of the New Century club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mra. G. O. Balrd. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rohwiti of Atch ison, Kan., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hafer, Mrs. A. R. Daniels of Iowa City Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Carse fii Fourth avenue. Miss Georgia Mitchell entertained the members of the Kensington club at her noma tnaay ariernoon. Mrs. C. II. Gilbert of Fifth avenue en tertalned at dinner Wednesday evening. Covera were laid lor fir teen. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Bloomer will leave tomorrow for a week vialt In Chicago. Mrs. F. W. Houghton entertained the members of the Atlas club at her home on Pierce street Tuesday afternoon. A. W. Rlckman ha fv to Hot Rnrin 8. D.. for a couple of weeks' .sojourn be- lore returning to cnaaron, jseo. Miss Kelley of Bluff street waa hostess to a number ot her friends at a card party g:ven at. ner nome luesciay evening. Mrs. j. t. unver has returned from a visit wltn ner daughter, Mrs. A. B. Sweet ing or Chicago, who accompanied her home. The members of the Derthlck club will give the opening meeting for this season tomorrow evening at the Royal Arcanum nan. The women of the Episcopal church are arranging to give a large dancing party at me noyai Arcanum nan Tuesday evening, ucioDer u. Mrs. A. RV Brinsmald will entertain the members of. the Ladles' Musical club at her home on Third avenue tomorrow after noon at 2:30. Miss Metcalf entertained a number of ycung people at her home Wednesday evening In honor of Mr. Carroll Ragan of cneyenne, w yo. . Mrs. Edward Schoentgen entertained the members of the Euchre club at her home mursaay afternoon, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert win nlr.g the prize at cards. Miss Ross of Willow avenue entertained Friday afternoon In honor of Mra. Hand- berry and daughter of Cripple Creek. Colo., aim Mr, a. w. Lowiei ot uea Moines, Mra. W. W. Wallace entertained the noara or managers of the Women s Chri tian association at a luncheon given at her nemo on eiun street i nursaay arternoon. Mrs. Onet of Silver Citv. Ia.. Is visit lng her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Gilbert of turn avenue, ene is accompanied bv bar granddaughter, Mlas Blrkhelmer of Tabor. Mrs. G. H. Richmond entertained Infor mally at her home Wednesday afternoon In nonor or Mrs. w. K. Banbridge. who "will leave this week for a visit with friends at Crete, Neb. Mrs. Ray Blxby entertained the members of the Euchre club at her home Tuesday arternoon. frizes at cards were won Dy Mrs. Jackson ot Omaha and Mlas Trout- man of this city. Mrs. Horace Everett entertained the members of the Woman's Whist club at her home Tuesday afternoon. The club will meet this week with Mrs. A R. Brins mald of Third avenue. The French. German and Sbantsh classes of the Council Bluffs Woman s club, which are in charge of Miss Jensen of the High school faculty, will meet every Tuesday auernoon irom a.JV to v. The department of household economics or the Council Bluffs Woman s club will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. Walter I. Smith will address the members on An Afternoon In Washington. Major II. J. Gallagher, who had chares of the commissary for the army maneuvers at Fort Riley. Is visiting- his wife's parents, Mr. and Mra. Henry Paschel of Willow avenue, enroute to hla post in Washington. F. M. Rohrbough of this city and Miss Minnie i noma or fvvanston, in., were mar ried Wednesday at high noon at the home of the bride parents In Evanston. They will be at home at 1016 Third avenue after November 1. The art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club held a largely attended and most Interesting meeting Monday evening at the club rooms. Mlas Pile, leader of the department, acting as chairman. The subject for discussion was John Ruskln. Mr. Harry L. Smith and Miss Adele San ders were united In marriage at Bt. Paul'a Episcopal church Wednesday momlns at 6:45 by the rector. Rev. George Edward WaiK. Mr. and Mrs. Bmlth left on the 7 o'clock train for Minneapolis, where they will make their future home. The members of the current event de partment of the Council Bluffs Woman club will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the club room In the Illinois Cen tral building. Mrs. 8. B. Snyder, leader of this department of the club, will be chair man for the afternoon. Mr. K. Ray Littleton of Haxleton. Pa., and Miss Emma Frederick of this city will be married Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. snd Mrs. W. M. Frederick, on Glen avenue. Rev. W. B. Barnes, pantor of the First Presbyterian church, will officiate. A cooking class will be organised among the members of the Council Bluffs Woman a club Thursday afternoon at the close of the household economic department meet ing. Mrs. Hlller of Chicago, a graduate of the Pratt Institute, who Is recognised as one of the best Instructors In this line ot work, will give a series of eighteen lessons In cooking and serving. Mrs. George T. Phelps and Miss Helen Baldwin entertained the mvmbers of the DauKhters of the American Revolution at an informal musical gtven Tueday evening at the home of Mri.. Phelp. Those par ticipating In the program were Mrs. Ward, Mts Portertleld and Mis Julia Officer. Mrs. Thomas B. Metcajf contributed a very cleverly written paper on the battle of Saratoga. About thirty members were In attendance. . Dr. Mathew A. Tlnley of this city and Mlas Lucy Williams of Omaha were untied in marriage Wednesday morning at o'clock at St. Francis' Catholic church. Rev Father Smyth, pastor of the church, officiating, 'a the presence of the Imme diate friends of the family. A wedding brtakfast was served at the close of the ceiemony at the home of the newly mar ried couple, 449 Glen avenue, where they will be at home to their many friends after November 1. W. L. Tblckstua, music studio, ovr 61 Broadwa, ... Council THE season's stock of all kinds of Jackets for ladies', misses' and children, is now very large and complete, and can say with every degree of confidence, that we show the most representative line in west ern Iowa. Nothing new in this season's Cloaks that is not to be fuond in this department. We mention a few of the many bargains. Ladies' Jackets s5.75 s Ladles' strap seamed ker sey Jackets, , velvet collar. test sleeve, and come In castor navy and black. Actual value $7.50, 10.00 Ladles' Jacket. Wo cer tainly show the largest line and best values at this price. Seven different numbers in all colors and all sizes (ask to see tbe $10.00 garment). It certainly cannot be duplica ted. 12.00 Ladles' Jackets In an end less assortment of styles, clothes and finish, short medium and long backs and colors. Skinner satin lined. It certainly deserves consid rmiiua, '15.00 eration. Ladles' Jackets, Skinner satin lined, piped seams, new yoke back, also the Monte Carlo, the latest craze. Also a large line of other new styles. $20, $25, $30 and $35 High class exclusive novelties. Uhitelau -v; v.'T-i ,:v te t.-r Cole's Original Hot " Blast Stove Saves One-third Your Fuel Coal-firelsford Hardware Co. FOR DES MOINES' P0ST0FFICE Announcement la Made from Wsih. Inarton that Site Hns Been Selected. DES MOINE3. Oct. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Parties who are Interested In the location of the new postofflce in Des Hotnes today received a telegram trom Secretary Shaw's private secretary notifying them that the site bad been definitely decided upon. The one chosen' Is what is known as tbe Walnut street site, at th foot of Wal nut street and on the river front. It Is In the wholesale district, six blocks from tbe present site, and the selection will cause much dissatisfaction. The site was offered to the government for 1150,000 and waa practically the only site offered. ' Flfty-Elgntn Weddlns; Anniversary. IOWA City, la.. Oct. 11. (Special. EU children and six grandchildren celobrated with Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott today the fifty-eighth anniversary of their mar riage. Mr. Elliott was born in 1S22 In Westmoreland county. Pennsylvaula, and was married to his wife In Tipton, U., Ij 1844. He was a member of Company A, Fifth Iowa volunteers and was county clerk of Cedar county for a number of years. He hae also filled the position of jiis'.ic4 of the peace and othr township offices. The mar ried 111 ot Mr. and Mrs. filllott has always 0 - Misses' Jackets l.75 Misses' Jackets, trimmed col lars, In gray only, sizes 4 to 14 years. (Special bargain.) '3.00 all sizes. '5.75 Misses' Jackets with braid trimmings, also trimmed sailor collars, all colors, Misses' Jackets (Raglan ef fect) satin and velvet trim mings, all sizes, and come In red, blue and castors. '7.50 Misses' Jackets, three-quarter length, nicely trimmed with buttons braid and velvet. '10.00 Misses' Jackets a new novelty with flounce skirt, yoke and trimmed seams, (new Raglan effect.) $12, $13, $14 and $15 New extreme novelties. Bluffs, - ardincr, .. Counci B,uffs' owa nn ?. 3 OVERCOATS AND SUITS that look right, wear right and are right from RT crn WINTER UNDERWEAR in every conceivable1! grade, color and price from, a garment i 50c up Munsing and Superior Union Suits from ' 1.25 up SMITH & BRADLEY 415 been happy and of late years they have taken great pleasure In celebrating tbelr wedding anniversaries with ss many of their children snd grandchildren about them as possible. In addition to the con gratulations of their twelve aescennants, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were today ths recip ients of the congratulations of scores ot their lifelong friends in this country and also In Cedar county. CHEER HEPBURN AT CREST0N Crowd at Opening; of Repnbllenn Cam paign In l'n ton (onnty la Live One. CRESTON, la., Oct. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Tbe republican campaign In Union county was formiUly opened, todsy with a speech by Hon. W. P. Hepburn. Hs was greeted with applause when be arose to speak sod his remarks were frequently in terrupted by loud che-rs. He told of th hypocritical course of th democrats In helping to psas th treaty of Paris and then attacking tbe republicans for occupying tbe Philippines aa provided by that treaty. He paid bis respects to the democrats In their attempts to vllllfy the American sol dier! snd told ot the prosperity ot the country under repubilcsa rule. In regard to the tariff and trust, fa said k knew - Iowa Children's Goats '3.00 '4.50 children's coats In red ana, blue, fancy braid 'trimming on sleeves and collar. ' children's coats, made of fine Venetian cloth, braid and button trimmings, fancy yoke. '5.75 children's coats with velvet collar and cuffs and trim med with the latest trim- tnlng. '10.00 children's coats fine broadcloth, new lace trim mings, with real beaver fur on collar and cuffs, with fancy belt- giving a Russian effect. '5.00 children's VELVET COATS In black only madalllon lace trlmlnaa. sailor collar and the new Bishop sleeve. $6.75, $7,50, $I(J and $12 New novelties In children's velvet coats. XL J OO Broadway. When Calling on Your Swell Friends yen need to have every part ot your at- , tire correct. There's nothing more notice able than your linen. If you patronise our ' laundry your linen will always be correct , and you can depend on It. We call for an deliver promptly. Bluff City Laundry, WALLACE A OROUT, Proprietors.' COUNCIL BLUFFS. THE RUNNING EXPENSES of bouse are largely added to by worn out or poor plumbing, which Is always out of repair. If you are annoyed In thla way let us overhaul It and put It In order for you, and, you will And that the coat will be as nothing compared to what constant, repairing amounts to. We will fit you up a bath room or kitchen that will make your heart glad, without large expense. It we do It, Its done right. J.C. Bixby & Son, tOi Main, 203 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, lav Telephone 193. of no trust that was sheltered by tbs tariff, but If any such existed, the party would not hesitate to , modify tbe tariff. Tho oourt house was crowded to Its fullest ca pacity and the enthusiasm manifested was remarkable for an off year. STREET CARKILLS CHILD Keoknk Girl Strnek by Trolley le- nsnbs Instantly to Injnrles Snstalaed. KEOKUK, la., Oct. 11. Helena Browning, the little daughter of D. M. Browning of Corona, Cal., was Instantly killed here today by a street car. , The child, who was lt-months-old, was playing on a lawn and wandered Into tbs street. Tbe motorman could not atop th car on the bill. He was exonerated by the coroner's Jury, which declared ths accident unavoidable. Drakesnan Is Instantly Killed. LEMARS. Ia.. Oct 11. (Special Tele gram. ) Roy Terratin of Mankato, Minn., a brakeman on ths Omaha railroad, was In stantly killed her this morning.' His foot caught In a frog and a switching train raa over blm. H was married six months ago and left a good position three months ago t take a nlac as brakeman.