Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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rig Fodj Tiirnej Starts Womstt so
Rush for the Game.
VIXMIaas -t the Tear Deplete
ftaaka to that Ksteat Where
Baekrlnrs Have ta "aeak
F.arly for Partaers.
Of the things that have happened of lata
to Interest society, and thers have been
many, the women's ping pong tournament
held In the ping pong parlom on Friday
la at teaat the moat talked about. Of
course everybody as there "everybody"
in the sense In which that word la ap
plied when congeniality la combined with
number excepting the men. Aa reault
of tbla tournament, not leaa than a doaen
little aeta of frlenda have decided to form
cluba for the game tbla winter, and It l
beginning to look aa though the monopoly
that whist haa held upon fashionable In
terest for ao long la at last to be broken.
Of courae thla does not apply to that aet
of women who play whist three mornlnga
and four afternoona of every week; It haa
become a habit with them that not even
the faaclnatlon of the little game can
break. "
Laat week aaw the, first of th aeveral
coming-out receptlona promised for the fall
and early winter that are to give to so
rlety almoat a doaen young women, all of
whom are eapeclally charming, and though
not yet out, have figured more or leaa
prominently In the affairs of the aummer.
And. by the by, theaa glrla are eapeclally
welcome Juat at preaent, for the nuraeroua
weddings of the laat year have aadly de
pleted the ranka of the young women, to
aucb an extent. In fact, that the man who
would make aure of company of his choice
nowadaye haa to apeak promptly, and that
little habit of telephoning and Invitation
"at the last minute" that ao vexed the
aoul of the eoclety girl a year or ao ago
la practically unknown thla fall.
The theater offered one of the moat pop
ular dlveraiona of laat week, eoclety turn
ln out In numbers. Among thoae who oc
cupied boxes at the flrat performance of
Th Wizard of Oi" were: Mr. and Mra.
E. P. Peck, Mr. and Mra. Patrick. Mr. and
u inunh Darker. lime. Barker, Mr.
and Mra. Wattlea and Mlae Wattlea.
IMeaaarea Pa at.
Arthur Remington entertained
mall luncheon party on Friday.
Mra. Morrte entertained at luncheon on
Friday for Mra. Bullock of Lincoln.
Mn. Wakelev entertained a email
luncheon on Friday complimentary to Mrs
Mra. Perley waa the gueat of honor at a
lncheoa given on Wedneeday by Mra. 'Wll
aon LOW.
Mra. Guy French entertained at a very
pretty luncheon Wedneaday, when covera
were laid for etgtit.
Tha membera of the North Omaha Pleas
ura club entertained for frlenda at high
live on Thursday evening.
Mlsa Mabel Stow of 1740 South Tenth
atreet entertained on Wednesday In honor
of Mlaaea Oerty and Hattls Waber of Wayne.
Tha membera of the Twin City Coffee
club were entertained at tha home of Mrs.
Jenny Delany on Mason atreet on Wednes
day. ' - ' -
Miss Warren, Mr. Earn Millard and Mr.
Frank Haakell were Mlsa Lomax'a guests
at a box party at the Boyd on Tuesday
In compliment to her guests, the Misses
Clarke. Mrs. William Wallace, entertained
about fifty women at an afternoon tea
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned and Mr.
W. S. Pjppleton gave a ping pong party
In tha ping pong gallery. Bee building,
Tuesday evening.
Mra. Fred A. Nash had aa her guesta a
a box party at 'The WUard of Ox" on
Friday Mr. and Mra. Cartan, Mra. Meyera
and Mlsa McKenna.
A very enjoyable dinner party waa given
by Mr. Charles F. Waller at tha Omaha
club Friday In honor of Mr. and Mra. Ken
ten Panford of Cincinnati, O.
Mra. Almaretta Morgan and Mra. Rose C.
Robinson of Kansaa City were entertained
by Mra. R. E. Strlngfellow of S711 North
Twenty-second street at a luncheon on Fri
day. For their daughter, Mra. Troxell, Mr. and
' Mra. Jay Northrup entertained a few friends
at a parlor musicals on Thursday evening.
Light refreshments were served at the ctose
of the program.
Mra. William Wallace waa hostess at
whist luncheon on Wednesday, given In
honor of the Mlases Clarke of Cedar Rap
Ida and Mlsa Black of Chicago, who la Mra.
Manderaon'a guest.
In honor of Mr. and Mra. Edgar Gregory
Maxwell and Mrs. H. O. Henderson of Grand
Raplda, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Carpen
ter entertained en Friday evening at their
home, Llnwood, Bemta park.
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Ford celebrated their
nineteenth wedding anniversary on Friday
evening with a very elaborate dinner party
at which covers were laid for twelve. Brtde'a
roses and white shaded allver candelabra
constituted" the table decoration.
In honor of Mrs. C. E. Ford, who will
leave Omaha October SO for Chicago to
make that city her future home, Mra. J. L.
Baker entertained at luncheon at tha Field
club Saturday afternoon. Covera were laid
for eight. After luncheon the afternoon waa
spent in bowling.
A very pleasant surprlsf party waa
planned on Monday evening by Mlases Min
nie and Grace Davis at their home at ZS61
Harney atreet, the occasslon being tha birth
day of their father, Mr. W. R. Davis. Mr.
and Mrs. Davla were called home from the
There Is No Mystery About the
the Popularity of
They look better, feel better and wear
betetr than any other ehoa bcaua
they are better.
Women ar rapidly learning that
no longer need they pay UN and
ICQ lor ahoea when
Sorosls Are $3.50 Always
A maid la alwaya In attendance. She
shine your anoe ire or cnarge.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 & 16th St, OMAIIA.
Karkaek Blaek.
Frank Wlloox. Manager.
Bead for catalogue.
home of a friend, where they had gone early
In the evening, to find a party of friends
waiting for them. A moat enjoyable even
ing, waa apent, concluding with a aupper.
Mra. Keller, Mra. Dosne. Mra. Perley.
Mra. L. O. Perley. Mra. Heth. Mra. Wilson
Towell. Mra.
Culou. Mra. Baldrlge. Mme.
Wakelev. Mlsa Wakeler were
the gueat of Mra. Francis Brogsn at a box .
party at Bovds on Saturday afternoon.
Mr.. J. Evane waa ho.teae at an Informal
luncheon on Thursday given In compliment
Mrs. W. B. Millard, who bss gone to
Washington. D. C. The other guests pres
ent were: Mrs. Frank Haller, Mrs. Ollmore. ;
Mrs. Connell, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Squires and .
Mrs. Connor.
The Friendly Greeting club held Ita '
annual meeting on Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mra. F. J. Miedlng, for ;
the election of officers and outlining Its i
winter course. The first bt-weekly meet- '
Ing of the club will take place at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Morrte D. Hussle,
Tuesday evening, October 21.
For the Misses Clarke of Cedar Raplda
nd Mlsa Black of Chicago, who la visit
ing Mrs. Msnderson. Mrs. William Wallace
gave an unusually pleasant whist luncheon
on Wednesdsy, the guests being: Mrs. Dan
Baum, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Milton Barlow,
Mra. Arthur Pinto, Mra. Jamea Wallace,
Mra. Sweet. Mlsa Wakeley, Mlsa Bessie Al
len, Miss Black, the Misses Clarke and Miss
Rev. and Mra. C. N. Dawson, who left for
their new home at Wayne Thursday morn
ing, were entertained by Mr. and Mra. J.
B. Angel Wednesday evening. Mrs. Daw
son's former Sunday school claaa of Seward
Street young men called and surprised her
by presenting to her a handsome set of
framed resoluttona and a aet of allver tea
spoons, suitably engraved. Refreshments
wero aerved by Mra. Angel. About thirty
persons called during the evening and the
good wishes of the entire Seward Street
Methodist Episcopal church neighborhood
go with Dr. Dawson and family to their new
In celebration of their first wedding an
niversary Mr. and Mra. Herbert Gannett
entertained a prty of about thirty friends
on Thursday evening at their country place
t Florence. The party waa met at Amea
avenue at 7:30 o'clock by carriages and
conveyed to Haxel Dell, where Mr. and
Mrs. Gannett received them. The house
d grounds were attractively trimmed for
the occasion, tha yard being hung with
Japanese lanterns. Music, ping pong and
other gamea contributed to a moat pleasant
evening which concluded with a supper.
At one of the largest and most elaborate
receptlona of the fall, the first debutante of
the season paa presented on Thursday aft
ernoon, when Mra. W. H. Munger formally
Introduced her daughter. Miss Catherine, to
about 250 guests. The house decorations
were entirely In red, different sbadea of
the color being used In the various rooms,
meteor, American Beauty roses and carna
tlona being employed. Asparagua fern,
amllax and other greena were used In out
lining the doorwaya and wlndowa and In
the trimming of the chandeliers, which were
ahaded with red flower shades. Mrs.
Munger was assisted in receiving from 3
until S o'clock by Miss Mae Munger and
Miaa Catherine, while Mesdamea Charlea
Mar Uu, Ju.epu Barker aud George Thuumel
aaslstod through the rooms. In tha library
upatalra punch waa aerved during the aft
ernoon by Misses May me Sumner, Bessie
Ford, Mary Barker, Lulu Edwards, Fannie
Cola and Mrs. Charlea McDonald.
Weddlaga ssd Engagement.
Tha marriage of Miaa Clara Harts, daugh
ter of Mra. William Harte, and Mr. Day
Thomas Ledwlck of Harlan, la., will occur
at th home of th bride on Wednesday,
October 15. ,
Th marriage of Miss Lucy Shaw Wil
liams, daughter ' of Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Yost of 2110 Ohio street, and Dr. Mathew
Adrian Tinley waa solemnised at o'clock
on Wednesday morning at St. Xavler's
church, Council Bluffs, Father Smythe of
ficiating. After the ceremony the wedding
breakfast waa aerved to the members of the
Immediate families at the new home of Dr.
and Mrs. Tinley, 449 Glen avenue, Council
Bluffs, where they will be at home after
November 1.
About eeventy guests witnessed the wed
ding on Thursday evening of Miss Mary
Chapman and Mr. Robert Howella Pleak,
which occurred that evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. J. H.
Chapman, 2510 Capitol avenue. Rev. H. G.
Hill officiating. Th house was trimmed In
yellow and white. Aa the bridal party en
tered the room where tha service waa read
wo little ribbon girls. Misses Ruth Sla-
baugh and Bloom White, advanced, atretch-
ng th ribbons, forming an wlsle through
Which they passed. Miss Grace Slabaugh
cams first, carrying th wedding rtng In a
arge, American Beauty roae, and fort ow
ing her were th bridesmalda, Mlaaes Sadie
Chapman and Edith Snell, both gowned In
whit, with aashea of yellow. The bride
cam laat, alone, gowned In whit silk
mull and carrying a shower of bride's
roses.' Under a canopy of yellow and whit
roses, ah waa met by th groom and the
marrlag eervlc read. Following th cere
mony a wedding aupper waa served, Mr.
and Mra. Pleak going directly to their new
home at 215 North Twenty-third atreet.
where they will be at home to their frlenda.
One of the prettiest weddings of th
week occurred Wednesdsy evening at
o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mra.
W. A. Smith. 1715 Ohio atreet. when Lloyd
U Ktlgore and Miss Etha Martin, daughter
of Mra. M. A. Martin of thla city, were
married. The ceremony waa performed by
Rev. W. T. Hilton, with Mr. Robert Kll
gore, brother of the groom, as best man
and Mlsa Georgia Nlckle of Grand Island aa
maid of honor. Little May Her led th
Woman's Work in Club
Th meeting of th Women's Christian
association will b held at 10 o'clock Tues
day morning In th parlors of th Young
Men's Christian association.
Th annua) dlatrlbution of garments of
tha Needl Work Guild has been fixed fof
November and T at th Vnltarian church,
Seventeenth and Casa atreeta. All garment
membera are urged to have their contribu
tion ready t meet tha flrat call of the dl
rectora. Present indications are that ther
will be at least 1,000 new, garments this
year to be distributed among the various
charttlea of the city. There waa a meeting
of the offlcera Wednesday and th annual
meeting and election will be held on No
vember T.
Again the Ashland Woman's club takes
th laurels for ths most artlstlo year book
f any In th atate federation. Shakes
peare and parliamentary law ar th sub
jects for this wlntsr. Ths book Is designed
by Mrs. Laverty. Mrs. Phalesis th club
Th Nebraska Caremlc club held Its reg
ular meeting Monday afternoon, at whlca
plana for the annual exhibition were per
fected. The club haa arranged to have the
traveling exhibition of th National League
of Mineral Painters on exhibition at th
same time. This cooslsta of eighty-three
piece by th foremost decorstors of the
I'nited States and la a comparative and
competitive exhibition of great Interest.
In addition the Nebraska club work for
thla jraar com La is oi a vase, elgbWca of
bridal party, carrying the wedding ring on
a pillow of aatin. Mra. Anna Davis and
Miaa Emily Cleve played Lohengrin's wed
ding march. The bride waa gowned In
white embroidered batiste, trimmed with
folda of white aatin ribbon. She wore a
woai T(M, i.slnea wnn a wream oi wnue
rosea and smllax. carrying In her arma a
bouquet or dark red American Beauty roses,
The maid of honor wore a gown of white
"" ,rlmm'd J"11" ,,c. cx"
pink ailk. She carried a bouquet of pink
roues. The ringbesrer waa dressed in
white raihmere, white slippers and stock
ings. After the congratulations the guests,
which constated only of relativea and moat
Intimate frlenda, were Invited Into the din
ing room, where aupper waa aerved. The
table waa decorated with cut flowers, ferns
and amllax. The bride and groom was the
recipient of many beautiful and costly
presents, among which waa the dining room
table and chairs, presented by the choir
of the North Side Christian church, of
which the bride waa a member. Mr. and
Mra. Kllgore will be at homo after No
vember 10 at 2752 Lake atreet.
Movements aa Wkereahoats.
Miaa Annie Coad Is visiting frlenda
Kansaa City.
Mrs. Arthur Guloa spent a part of last
week In Chicago.
Mrs. Frank Dewey left on Saturday for
Washington, D. C.
Mrs. J. L. Kaley la visiting her former
home In Tiffin, O.
Mr. Arthur Gulou cam horns from Fort
Riley on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. Rome Miller and son have
returned from Denver.
Mr. and Mra. Frank L. Campbell returned
from New Tork on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tebbens have returned
from an extended trip abroad.
Mrs. Luther Kountz and Miss Ander
son are expected home today.
Mlsa hlcbards and Mlsa Shortllff left
Thursday evening for Chicago.
Mrs. Fannl B. Colburn haa gone for a
visit with friends In Iowa City.
Miss Ethel Miller has gone to Albany,
N. T., where ah will attend achool.
Mr. and Mra. J. J. Gibson left for the
east on Wednesday to sail for Europe.
Mra. J. 8. White and Mlsa White are
back from an extended visit In Maine.
Miaa Mary Petty baa returned from
months visit with friends in the eaat.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountie left on
Sunday for New York and Plttsfleld, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Barton returned
from New York the early part of th week.
Mrs. Martin Tibke la th gueat of her
daughter. Mra. K. N. Floering of Fort
Wayne, Ind.
Misa Louise McPherson returned on Sat
urday from her summer'a visit In Mary
land and New York.
Miss Bertha Montgomery haa heturned
home after spending the summer In West
Virginia and Chicago.
Misa Kathertne Lawless haa returned
horn after a three months' visit with
friends at Lead and Hot Springe, 8. D.
Mr. C. R. Sherman has returned from a
visit to his former home In Vermont, stop
ping enroute at Philadelphia and Boston.
Mr. and Mra. John W. Roblna reached
home on Wedneaday after an extended trip
through Canada, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Mrs. Frsnk A. Cleary went to Kansaa
City last week to Join Mr. Cleary, they
expecting to make their home there In the
Mrs. Charlea E. Fanning haa gone for
an extended eastern trip, which ta to In
elude Niagara Falls, New York and Wash
Mr. and Mra. W. F. Lnrenzen . have re
turned from Europe, where they have apent
the aummer. Miaa Lorenxen remained In
Berlin, where aha will atudy music.
Mrs. E. Dickinson, accompanied by Mrs.
Ferris, left on last Saturday for southern
California, where she will Join Mrs. Lyman
and, together, they will spend the winter
Mra. Guy Howard and Mr. Otis Howard
have returned from their summer'a trip
abroad. Mlsa Helen remained In the east,
where ahe will continue her atudy at Bur
llngton, Vt.
Social Ckit Chat.
Mlsa Webster will entertain at aupper
tbla evening.
Mr. and Mra. 6. 1m Ingram are located
at the Hampshire Arms, In Minneapolis.
The members of the Et-A-Vlrp club will
give their next dancing party on Thurs
day evening.
Mr. C. D. Thorn j son and wife returned
Friday from a visit to th apple carnival
at Glenwood.
Dr. and Mra. Luddlngton are the guesta
of General and Mrs. Luddlngton In Wash
ington, D. C.
The Omaha Guarda will hold an anni
versary celebration at their armory on
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Welch ar re
ceiving congratulatlona upon the birth of
a aon on Wedneaday.
Lieutenant William Doan haa aecured
a leav of absence and will pay a brief
visit to Omaha before going abroad.
Mr. and Mra. W. J. C. Kenyon have
taken the residence of General Dandy, on
Park avenue, expecting to occupy It the
latter part of the month.
Mis Daisy Le French and Mlsa Jessie
Nason, graduates of the Omaha High achool,
claaa of 1902, are attending the University
of California at Berkeley.
A ping pong club la being organized by
the young people of Clifton HUI, the mem
bership being about twenty at present.
No definite place of meeting has been
which will he shown separata from th
usual Individual exhibits for comparison.
Sine th club began to follow a regular
plan of work the intereat haa greatly In
creased and thla promises to surpass pre
vious years in every way. Th date for
tha exhibit have been fixed for November
29 to December I.
A Shakeapeare club, under the efficient
leadership of Miss Kate McHugh, assistant
principal of the High achool, will be
started next Friday evening, October 17, In
the First Methodist church, corner of
Twentieth and Davenport , atreeta. Thla
club will meet regularly every Friday
evening at I o'clock for twenty weeks and
la open for membership to anyone that
wishea to atudy th Shakeapeartan drama.
The price for th entire course Is fl and
season tlcketa, which must be presented
at each lecture, can be bought at th flrat
meeting of th club.
The Firat Methodist church feela ex
tremely fortunate In being able to secure
the services of this brilliant woman, emi
nently fitted to make aucb a course of
study most Interesting and highly Instruc
tive, and It la with very great pleasure
that the church offrs such an opportunity
to their membera and friends. The first
meeting of this club will b very Impor
tant, as there will then be given an Intro
duction to th coura and tha atudy of
"Th Merchant of Venice" will be begun.
Any wishing to belong will please bring a
copy of this play.
Tba first BtetiBf el tha art department
decided upon as yet, but the club promises
ta be one of the social features of the
neighborhood this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace and th
Misses Wallace will 'resume occupancy of
their home aa soon as It la vacated.
Mra. J. D. Crelghton and Mrs. Allison
have gone to Louisville, Ky., to attend
the races, expeotlng to visit Springfield,
O., before returning home.
Mra. Charlea F. Weller Is still In Canon
City with her daughter, Mra. J. Percy
Flelsbel, who haa been quite 111 with
typhoid fever, but who la now Improving
Bishop and Mrs. Arthur Wllllama have
Issued a general Invitation to the church
people of the city to a reception, to be
given at their home on Monday evening.
October 20. They will be assisted by the
clergy and their wives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clarke have given up
their house on Pacific atreet. Mra. Clarke
expecting to apend the winter In Denver
and California. Mr. Lou Clarke and Miss
Clarke will be with Dr. and Mrs. Ewlng
Brown on Park avenue, for the winter.
Oat of Town Uaeate.
Mrs. Emma Saunders is the guest of Mr.
and Mra. C. E. Yost.
Mr. Russell Lemist spent Saturday and
Sunday with Omaha friends.
Th Misses Clarke of Cedar Raplda are
th guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace.
Mr. F. R. Porter of St. Louis Is visiting
Mr. Julius Stone of 2740 South Tenth atreet.
Mrs. Joseph Clsrkson of Silver Creek,
Neb., Is the guest of Mrs. T. B. McFhcr-
Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh Is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. George Clayton of Hanni
bal, Mo.
Miss Hawley returned to her home in
Lincoln last week, having been the guest
of Mrs. Churchill Parker.
Mrg. A. N. Yost has had as her guests
Mrs. Thomas of Leavenworth, Kan.' and
Mrs. Grlnnell of Grinnell, la.
Mra. M. N. Wallace of Muscatine, la.,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baum
gardner during the past week.
Mr. and Mra. George Meyer have returned
to their home in Dubuque. They were the
guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Harry CarUn.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Stanford of Cin
cinnati are the guesta of their daughter.
Mrs. Charles K. Weller of Kountze Place.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Foot who were the
guesta of Dr. and Mra. D. A. Foot during
carnival week, have returned to their
home in Cherokee, la.
Mr. Roy Page Ballard of Seattle? Wash.,
and Miss Olive Murphy of Bioux City sre
guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. James
B. Scanlan of 3128 Case street.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Millard and children
who have been visiting Senator Millard
left yesterday afternoon for Washington
D. C, where they have taken apartments
for the winter.
Misses Josephine Kohne and Estelle Mur
ray . of Fremont, who were guests of Mrs.
F. J. Miedlng. 4129 Lafayette avenue, dur
ing the carnival, returned to their homes
last Sunday evening, after a very enjoyable
Mies Julia Officer, plauu, Raiue block
Leschetlzky method, ued by Paderewakl.
The Alice Cary society, composed of
Junior glrla, reorganised on Friday. Mips
Mayall was unanimously elected president.
Miss Tlllotsen vice president. Miss Wallace
secretary ana miss petheram treasurer, it
was decided to dispense with the sergeant
at-arms. Mrs. Fleming vu chosen aa class
teacher. A letter from Miss Wood was
read, thanking the aoclety for the gift
aent to her during her recent Illness.
By Monday the biology laboratory will
be removed to one of the largest and finest
rooms of tho new building. Of late the
laboratory work has been done In two of
the smaller rooms of the old building, but
the change Is decidedly for the better, as
the room to be occupied In a large, light
and airy room at the north end of the
building. Misa Sullivan s claasea, that have
been using the future laboratory for a
recitation room, will be moved to the base
ment of the old building. On Friday even
lng the boys carried the laboratory chairs
and tables and many Jars tilled with Insects
of various descriptions from the old building
to the new one.
A number of excellent posters were ex
hibited last week to advertise the foot bull
game played Saturday against the Ies
Moines team. The posters represented the
.most prominent of the foot ball players
and were drawn by Miles Greenleaf.
A history society, under the leadership
of Mlsa Fnrer. was organised last weeK
The first meeting; of the society was very
1 promising for the work to be none during
the coming year. Meeting will be held
every other Friday and medieval history
will be studied. The election of officers
resulted as follows: President, Mr. Bryson:
vice president. Mr. Cole; second vice presi
dent. Miss Waterhouse; secretary, Mlsa
True; treasurer, Mr. Taylor; aergeant-at-arms,
Mr. Swanson.
. Bellas Items.
Morris Moran has been quite ill with
diphtheria, but la able to be around again.
Mr. Lange and family have moved to
Benson from Omaha. They have taken the
O'Connor residence.
C. B. Dndson has commenced the erec
tion of a new cottage on the Military road
In the eastern part of town.
Mrs. Ed O'Connor and family moved to
Omaha last week, where they will reside.
They have leased their place here for a
term of two years.
Grandpa Hoffman was able to be around
town aaaln on last Friday for the first
time for eome weeks. He was confined to.
nls room with illness.
Mrs. John Crews, the paator'a wife, ar
rived In Benson from Genoa last Wednes
day. She was accompanied by her niece,
who will remain with them.
C. Stlger went with the Grand Army of
the Republic, delegation to Washington to
attend the annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic.
The Sunday school rally day exercises,
consisting of antironrlate sonKS. recitations.
tc, of the Methodist church will be held
this morning at 11 o ciock, insieaa or ine
and Charity
of th Omaha Woman'a club will be held
at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning. Owing
to th absence from the city of Mrs. A. S.
Stlger, the chairman of the committee to
charge, th meeting as well as the lesson
will b conducted by the first assistant,
Mra. C. E. Johannes. "Hogarth" will he
th subject of the regular lesson, and the
special topic, "Engraving," will be given
by Mrs. H. 8. Jaynes. Ths year'a outline
will be distributed st this meeting.
At th meeting of the Trl-City Federation
of Women'a Auxiliaries of the Christian
churches of Omaha, Council Bluffs and
South Omaha tha following offlcera were
lecled: President, Mrs. Burns, Omaha,
Tic president, Mrs. Lane, South Omaha,
Secretary, Mrs. Wesner, Omaha. The next
meeting will be held at the North Side
Christian church th second Tuesday In
The flrat fall meeting of the Omaha chap
ter. Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, will be held at the home of Mrs. J.
W. Griffith, at Thirty-eighth and Cuming
atreeta, at t o'clock Monday afternoon.
Th aoclety haa decided to take up th
Study of the history of Nebraska tor ths
winter, and en Monday two papers will
be read, one on the Lewis and Clark ex.
pedltlon and th other on Fort Atkinson.
Governor Savage ta expected 'to be present
to talk to the women on the laying of the
keel of the battleship Nebraska, at which
he waa preaent In July. It la the plan of
(be chapter to present to the battleship
regular mnrnlna servtres. Presiding Elder
Jennings will te proeent end conduct sacra
ments! servicee auer ine rtununy Kami
Peter isravert w II soon erect iwo new
store buildings In the mln pnrt of town.
tie will he use1 oy tne tinner ana mt
other will be used aa a postnttlce.
Ilarrv Fox left last Mnnilay morning to
loin h'n father In Montana, where he is
temhlng ami will make h! future home.
Mrs. Fnx and daughters went i-isl juceuay
Rev. Crews, the pastor appointed by the
conference t fill the Ttenson Methodist
KplscopHl church for the coming year,
reached his first sermon here last Sunday
The Modern Woodmen of America lodge
Initiated three new candidates Into thi-lr
order laat Tueoday evening at the regular
meeting. After the business session was
over a social time was haa ana refresh
ments were served.
The Dundee
Woman's club will
thla week with Mrs.
J. S.
Wednesday of
Mrs. Ftillerton. mother of Mrs. W. ft.
Curtis, haa returned to her home in Fuller
ton, Neb.
A number of the women of Dundee met
Saturday at the home of Rev. Joseph J.
Impe to organise a Indies' Aid society
in connection with the Dunkee Presbyterian
V. F. Johnson Debates the Matter
tkat Came Before tke Onea
OMAHA, Oct. 11. To the Editor of The
Bee: In your report of the meeting of the
school board Monday niRht you seem to mi
to roles the point In the' matter of Rowe
and Latenser and the heating plant In the
new High school building. I did not charge
the architect with anything. I asserted
that he did all possible to prevent Rowe
getting the contract. An effort was even
made to throw out Rowe's bid, when he
was the lowest bidder, because of some
supposed irregularity. The committee as
a whole did not know why so much opposi
tion to Rowe.
I did assert at the meeting on Monday
that Rowe had informed me that he had
testified before the grand Jury that Lat
enser, In his own office, asked him how
much he would give him to get the con
tract; that he answered him that he would
not give him 1 ceut. Rowe further asserts
that he testified before the grand jury that
In the matter of the Pacific achool heating
plant Latenser asked him if he would give
him $300 If he would get him the contract;
that he answered as afterward In the mat
ter of the High school, and another con
tractor got the work.
I know nothing about the facts of this
grand jury testimony, but if It was given
aa Mr. Rowe asserts and was a simple re
cital of facts, it perhaps furnlsbea all the
explanation necessary as to Rowe's diffi
culty In getting the contract and his diffi
culty in carrying It out. I understand that
Mr. Rowe has dene business long enough
in Omaha to establish a reputation tor
strict honesty. As to Mr. Latenser, the
committee haa had difficulty at a number
of other points, the plaster and atone
carving contracts, for example, neither of
which is finally settled.
The school district of Omaha haa paid
John Latenser, architect, In the past four
yeara some 116,000. The district has a
right to expect a quality ef service and a
quality of out and out honesty that cannot
be questioned. Mr. Latenser stated in the
meeting on Monday night that he might be
dishonest, but "you can't prove it." W
ought not to be asked to.
Senator Millard Will Art Within the
Hext Week or Ten
Senator Millard has decided to nominate
a candidate for midshipman within the next
week or ten days. Recently he announced
that he would not nominate until March.
A telegram from the Navy department, re
ceived Saturday, caused the senator to re
vise his plan to some extent, and he will
ask all the applicants to forward their pa
pers to him. Owing to the great need for
naval officers the Navy department will
hold a special examination for midship
man at Washington ons November 12
under supervision of the Civil Service com
mission. Senator Millard is authorized to
nominate a principal and five alternate
candidates for admission to the naval
academy, subject to the result of the civil
service examination wnicn is outlined in
pamphlet which the aenator will mail on
application. Candldatea qualifying will en
ter the academy Immediately.
It la the desire of Senator Millard that
all competitors shall be given an equal op
portunity to present their claims, which
must be done within the coming week. The
senator asks that euch preliminary show
ing be made as will mske it apparent that
the aspirant can pasa the rigid examlna
tiona, mental and physical, prescribed by
the Navy department. There are many
bright Nebraska boys and this Is their
chance. The age limit Is 20 years.
CHICAGO, Oct. 1L (Special Telegram.)
Mlsa Caroline Morton, daughter of Paul
Morton, waa married thla afternoon to Wil
liam Chapman Potter In St. Paul'a Episco
pal church, Kenwood. The wedding waa
attended by many gueata from other cities
and waa a brilliant affair. Mr. and Mr.
Potter will go to Honolulu on a wedding
trip and after December 1 will be at horn
at 5049 Washington avenue, thia city.
FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.)
Arthur Kyte of Casper, Wyo., and Misa
Emma Wondercheck of this county wers
married at the New York hotel this aft
ernoon by Justice A. K. Dame. The groom
la wealthy abeepman of Casper, and has
been In Fremont frequently on business.
They left this afternoon for a wedding
trip through the east.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.)
Mitchell Rooney and Miss Marie Wernsr
were united In marriage at St. Joseph's
church Thursday. After a short wedding
trip they will return and make their home
In tbla city.
! Bella Httchei."
Just received, cele
brated line of O. A.
Webster'a leather
goods, chatelaine ags,
hand bags. etc. ti "
to S6 50. Get Copley's
plan of aelling watches
and diamonds.
Call Up Phone 1835
And find out about having your books,
mugaxlnea and stationery delivered to your
homes and offices.
J. L. Roach.
Books. News and Stationery,
ISIS Varaaas Sti
Not one In the lot but what would be good value at double th price.
We are determined to close out every one on this list this week If you
want one "YOU'LL HAVE TO HLRRY."
r ELTON I 100
KIMBALL '. 18.00
LADD 22.00
MEYER 30.00
VOSE 45.00
You can secure any of these bargains on our popular easy payment
plan of $1.00 per week. All that Is required of you In order to take ad
vantage of these extraordinary eay payments la a good reputation and
ability to meet the payments thereafter.
If you want a good servlcable instrument for little money, thla Is
your chance.
1313 Farnam St.. Omaha.
602 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
The largest exclusive millinery house iu tin west.
Buys 3,000 stylish tailor-made and ready-to-wear hats
regularly sold everywhere from $3.00 to flj "J gj "
t5.00, on sale Monday on second floor, at. VJ A Vy
Millinery That Is Millinery
Investigate and satisfy yourself.
The greatest millinery sale ever held in Omaha.
1,000 Beautiful Pattern Hats on salt on the
lirst floor at popular prices,
floors of new,
Wholesale and Retail.
Two and three clasp Opera Gloves In the pastel shades
twenty button lengths, in white and black.
STREET GLOVES An elegant line
lined $1.60 and (2.00.
Dog Bkln Gloves 11.00, $1.50 and $1.75. '
The genulno Dent Street Gloves, $2.00.
Children's Gloves st $1.00 give perfect satisfaction
IU IVaojuttsuiTcaJ
It's Time Talk Ahoat
That Now Suit
Ws have them to ahow you both In
walking and full length representing
all the new effects Introduced this
season. We ask you to look at ths
high class salts we show at $25.00, at
$35.00 we believe they are not
Monte Carlo Coats
You'll And hers all tha new Ideas
the Improved shapes and new de
signs that are far ahead of early
productions. A look will convince
I t us show you the new Bhlrt
Waist Suits. Made of metalte vel
vet and of black peau de aols silk.
ISIO Ualaa St.
.1 91.00
. 11200
. K7.00
. 142.00
. 1,-iH.OO
ARION 162 00
ERBK 178.00
GRAMER 21000
VOSE 225.00-
EMERSON 232.00
and Retail.
stylish and up-to-date
1508 Douglas St
Kirs. J. Bonson
Kid Gloves
for fall are In. If you want tha
newest style, 'prettiest shad and
best fitting Kid Glove made, try tha
Celebrated PERRIN price $1.00.
$1.60. $r.75 and $2.00 light or
heavy weight dressed or un
dressed. Twelve, sixteen and
Mocha price $1.00 and $1.30 silk
for new fur garments or old ones repaired, re
dyed and remodeled Any atyle to ault the custo
mer. Mail ordera solicited.
506 Karbach Block.
25 Per Gent Off
American Hosiery
Co's Underwear
Ws have four numbera of American
Hosiery Co. underwear which we are
going to close out at 26 per cent dis
count. Thia means cost and below,
and also means you must come quirk
If you get any of these bargains.
Everybody knows what American Ho
atery Co's. underwear la.
faer Mali, tklria.
Commencing Monday morn
ing and continuing for a few
days only, we will sell Swift's
Pride Boap, 8 bars for 25c, and
a box of 100 bars for 3.25.
This soap is sold elsewhere
for 4.00 a box, and 6 bars for
Thone 702. 2101 Cuming 8t
Ps'ido Soap