Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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Tiie Omaiia Sunday Bee,
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The way to Irrigate Is to Irrlgnte with
water not wltb. wlud.
As a last resort we may all have to
pluy foot ball to keep warm.
Present prospects re thnt a compro-1
uilse will bo effected lu the contest over
the Srratton will. The lawyers must
have lost their grip.
Don't fool yourself that the meat pack
ers' merger has been entirely abandoned.
When It cornea it will make its debut as
a full-grown combination.
Several distinguished gentlemen seem
to be Impatiently waiting for the parties
to the coal strike to adjust their differ
ences and give them a chance to shout
"I did It."
As soon as the American people get
right down to business In dealing with
them, the coal monopolists may find out
to their sorrow that then there will be
nothing to arbitrate.
It is to be hoped the crown prince of
Blum has been sufficiently Impressed
with our military academy at West
I'olut to advise bis royal father on his
return to keep out of trouble wltb the
United States.
Senator Allison's version of the lowa
platform appears to be diametrically oi
posed to that put upon It by Speaker
Henderson In bis letter of withdrawal.
Had the speuker borrowed the senator's
spectacles when be read the document
be might have stayed In the race.
Governor Savage cannot be deprived
of the privilege Thanksgiving gives him
of Issuing at leust one more proclama
tion during bis officlarccupatlon of the
executive mansion. There Is danger,
however, that be will omit the chief rea
son why Nebraskans will feel thankful.
Postal receipts are universally ac
cepted ss significant of general busi
ness conditions. The official revenue
figures for the last fiscal year show up
the largest In the history of the depart
ment. They enormously exceed the
total for the preceding year, which bad
broken all records.
If William It. Hearst should be suc
cessful as a candidate for co tigress per
haps he will be able to transform thnt
Ftaid old Journal, the Congressional Rec
ord, Into a modern twentieth century,
twenty four edition dully newspaper that
might Hud a purchaser now and theu,
If the price were placed low enough.
People must not get the Idea that the
decision of the Nebraska supreme court
barriug the bible from the public schools
Is duo to the fact that the school book
trust hss no copyright ou the volume.
It Is the constitution of Nebraska, pro
hibiting religious or sectarian instruc
tion in the schools, that stands in the
Itussell Sage has provided, wltb
characteristic foresight. It appears, for
the event of bis death, so that the col
laterals held by blm for loans can be
released iustautly when called for. But
It Is safe to gamble that be bas pro
vided, with ejual foresight, that they
hall not be released before paymeut of
the loans In full bas been made.
It Is easy to put up a straw man and
easier yet to kuock blm down. Colonel
Bryan Is wast lug a great deal of lung
power In the present campaign In pul
verizing the Fowler currency bill, which
aas not passed either bouse of congress
and has not the remotest chance of pass
lug first, because the people do not
want it, and, lastly, because the bankers
(hj Mut want lb
When the anthracite pohI ojieratora
(purueil the earnest apical of I'reMliJcnt
Koooevelt to submit the differences le
tween the mine oierators and the mine
worker to arbitration on any terms, It
became manifest to the American peo
ple that the oal ruiijtuiites were prose
cuting a campaign of aulijtigatlon' and
The conflict letween the mine mag
oaten and the mine worker has as
sumed International iroMrtlona and Is
naturally viewed with orioun apprehen
slou by the Amerlcau people. Thought
ful men of all cIukhch begin to realiae
that the Issue raised by the controversy
lietween the mine owners and the mine
workers Involves the very foundation of
our ludtiHtrlal fabric and that the strike
In IVnnxylvaQla Is simply the sklriniHD
of the Irrepressible struggle that will
have to be fought out by evolution or
In refusing to arbitrate and to deal
with the coal miners' union the coal
magnates pliuit themselves upon the old
pro-slavery platform, and like the south
ern slave holders, who insisted that the
regular army should be called out
whenever uecessary to enforce the fugi
tive slave law and protect them in the
possession of human chattels, the coal
barons Insist that the whole machinery
of government shall le exerted to per
petuate the old system of master and
servant the master to order and the
servant to ol)ey. While they do not
contend that the mine workers are mere
chattels to be taught ami sold, they
U'liy their right to nsHoclatehemselves
for mutual betterment and protection.
Ignoring modem industrial conditions
that have made it necessary for the men
behind the machine to counteract the
pressure of the taskmasters who oper
ate the machine.
While political economists are trying
to educate the people to the Idea that
capital and labor are married together
for better or' for worse ou terms of mu
tual equality, the mine magnates want
to turn the twentieth century clock buck
and force the resumption of the old rela
tions that gave the master supreme
control of his servants, to labor upon
such terms as he chose to prescribe the
servant to be entirely at the muster's
The evolution of colossal industrial
concerns und the niouoiollzatlon of
commerce by rail and waterway In the
hands of the Morguns, Kockefellers,
Vauderbilts and Goulds has forced
American wage workers to combine for
"iui" protection auu tnese organiza-
"""" "iii-muie me uuiwura ot our
citizenship against the encroachment of
organized capital.
The subjugation of the American
worklngmeu, white or black, native or
foreign, would sound the deathknell of
American freedom, carrying In Its train
the political serfdom of the masses. The
extermination of the worklngmen's
unions would be followed by the deg
radation of the workers and the en
thronement In power and place of an
untitled nobility, the so-called captains
of Industry, whose highest aim Is the
absorption of all wealth and iwwer.
These conditions are recognized by the
president us calling for wise statesman
ship and courageous action, always
bearing In view the welfare of the
masses. Changed conditions necessarily
must be met by a change of laws and
The position of Governor Odell of New
York in regard to the anthracite situa
tion will be approved by the entire
country. He holds the presidents of the
coal-carrying railroads responsible and
be projioses to use all the authority be
possesses as the chief executive of the
st ute in an effort to bring the arrogant
and lnsoleut coal barons to terms.
There is the right spirit in the governor's
declaration, in response to the Impudent
statement of Buer that "we will not ac
cept political advice or allow the inter
ference of politicians in this, our affair."
Properly Indignant at this supercilious
avowal, Mr. Udell told the osrators
that being governor of New York, the
t hoseu representative of 7,0U0,tXR people,
he was acting solely In that capacity,
"and, what la more," be added, "I In
tend to use every power at my com
mand to do It." ,
Again when the spokesman of the
coal operators stated that they refused
to recognize the union as represented
by Mr. Mitchell, Governor Odell de
dared his belief that from a public point
of view their position Is absolutely un
tenable. "If coui operators, railroad
men and other business men can com
blue for mutual profit and protection,
there la no reason why laboring men
should not." He said further that
there Is uo good reason why the opera
tors should not recognize the mlue.s'
uuiou. Public seutlmeut Is overw helm
ingly on the side of Governor Odell in
this resect. ' The operators assert that
the organization of miners Is an unlaw
ful body and they have denounced its
members as outlaws. iliut tt is as
legitimate as auy other labor organiza
tion In the couutry seems to be un
questionable and the facta do not Justify
the charge made Indiscriminately against
Its members. Some of them, It Is true,
have violated the laws, but It Is mani
festly most unjust to arraign as outlaws
tho entire organization, because of the
misdeeds of a few of Its members. As
' the assumption of the coal operators
jat the miners' union wants to run
their business, It Is utterly unreasonable
and uuteuable. The miners have been
ready at any time during the five
mouths of the strike to submit their de
mands to ImiMtrtlal arbitration and
abide by the result This conclusively
shows that they sought no undue ad
vantage, but simply to secure the cor
rection of conditions which they feel
to be unfair. In short, the claims and
assumptions of the operators are sim
ply subterfuges and have uo sound or
substantial basis.
Governor Odell Is a careful, conserva
tive pian and wheu he expressed the
belief that be would nud ..remedy for
the nnfslr treatment of the public by
the anthracite coal combine It may be
confidently assumed that he had a sub
stantial basis for his belief. It Is also
safe to say that be will not trlde wltb
the matter, but will promptly and rig
orously put In oHratlon whatever pow
ers the laws give him. The geuer&l
public mill regard with keen Interest the
development of the course in this very
vital matter of the governor of New
American action In taking control of
the I'anama railroad and refusing to al
low the Colombian government to trans
port triwps over the line, has raised
the question whether this is not un in
fraction of the sovereign rights of Co
lombia which the treaty obligation of
the United States does not Justify.
Admiral Casey's explanation of the ac
tion Is thnt it was uecessary to maintain
free transportation, since allowing the
Colombian government to transport
troops and war material along the line
would be provoking to the revolution
ists and might cause an interruption of
While this Is plausible, It Is pointed
out that such a course does not bud
warrant In the treaty and therefore fur
nishes Just cause of complaint and pro
test on the part of the government of
Colombia. The treaty, negotiated fifty
six years ago, under which the United
States assumed the obligation of main
taining free and uninterrupted transit
across the Isthmus of Panama, de
clares that In guaranteeing the perfect
neutrality of the isthmus "the United
States also guarantees the rights of sov
ereignty and property which New Gra
nada (now Colombia) has and possesses
over the said territory." Our govern
ment has hitherto been very careful
to respect this stipulation. Thus when
In 18S0 the United States intervened in
the isthmus the forces sent there were
instructed to be mindful of the rights
of Colombia and to confine their actions
to positively and efficaciously preventing
the transit and Its accessories from
being "interrupted or embarrassed."
The situation then was perhaps less
serious than at present and the Amer
ican Intervention operated to the ad
vantage of the Colombian government.
Possibly It will do so now, but it ap
pears not to be so regarded by that gov
ernment and it is manifestly desirable
to avoid an impairment of friendly re
lations with Colombia. The condition
of affairs In that republic is grave and
It Is by no means assured that the
revolution will not aoeceed, but our gov
ernment, while faithfully fulfilling its
obligation, should not invade any right
of Colombia as a sovereign state. Un
doubtedly there Is no such intention
at Washington and It Is safe to say thnt
whatever may be necessary to reassure
the Colombian government will be done.
In his first annual report to the trus
tees of Columbia university President
Nicholas Murray Butler declares him
self squarely for cutting the college
course required for the A. B. degree to
two years. This recommendation comes
in answer to the protest against keeping
students too long in college before
launching them upon the active profes
sional career which Is the goal of their
collegiate instruction and transfers them
into the income-producing class. In an
exhaustive discussion of the subject
President Butler points out how the
standard of college work bus been stead
ily raised until the bachelor's degree
granted at the end of a four years'
course no longer represents what it did
three or four decades ago, but far more
than was required then, wben young
men as a rule finished tit college before
attaining their majority, instead of as
now at an average age upwards of 23.
The requirements for entrance today, he
insists, are equal to what would for
merly give admission to the Junior year,
while the instruction formerly constitut
ing the first two years of the college
course is now secured In the high schools
and preparatory academies before the
student seeks enrollment at college.
The Idea advanced by President But
ler is to retain the present four years'
course, but to rearrange It so that It will
Include a lesser course of two years, the
latter to be a prerequisite to further
1. 1 tidy in the professional schools lead-
lug to degrees In law, medicine, science
and theology, while the former would be
offered to those desiring a more com'
plete culture course capped with the A.
M. degree, or bent on pursuing the more
exacting researches for which the doc
tor's degree is the prize achieved.
That the tendency is everywhere to
ward a shorter college course and more
strict requirement for admission to the
professional schools Is plainly visible.
In all the larger educational Institutions
the development of the elective system
has lieen to substitute foe the last year
of the college course the first year's
work in medicine, law or advanced scl-
euce for those who figure on continuing
professional studies at the same institu
tion, but discriminating to the extent of
a year's Instruction against students
from other Institutions. To an unpreju
diced mind this handicap In the profes
sional schools on graduates of other col
leges as against those from the collegiate
deiartment of the same university has
never apjieared Justifiable. In toe field
of higher education. If nowhere else,
pure democracy should rule and merit
alone win, with each competitor accorded
equal terms with every other. That In
Itself proves the unreasonable and un
tenable character of the present college
course with intermittent fourth year and
affords the basis for President Kllot's
move at Harvard to graut the bachelor's
degree at the end of the third year with
out deferment to students completing
the required work and the present rec
ommendation of President Butler, which
will doubtless be denounced In many
quarters as revolutionary.
The college course is in a state of flux
Just at present It Is beaded in the direc
tion outllnud by !resldent Butler, but to
carry it the whole distance be advocates
will take considerable time. So far as
the western colleges are concerned, es
pecially those supiHirted is state uni
versities out of public funds, the safe
plau Is to keep close to established usage
until the eastern Institutions with large
private endowments that enable them to
experiment freely get nearer to equilib
rium by solving the more perplexing
part of the problem.
There appears to be some misappre
hension in regard to the" tariff commis
sion plan suggested by President Itoose
velt. It Is explained that what the pres
ident contemplates Is not such a com
mission as that of twenty years ago,
but a permanent body, w'hose function
should be not to frame tariff laws and
fix tariff rates, but to furnish the neces
sary data upon which congress may do
these tilings. For example, It is pointed
out that in the matter of bides uobody
knows, definitely und conclusively, what
the effect of the duty has been tqiou
the price of bides In this country and
lu South America, its effect ou the do
mestic leather manufacture, or on the
export trade In boots and shoes, or even
on the domestic prices of those articles.
It is suggested that if an Inquiry were
made along this line by men having the
public confidence their conclusion would
go a long way towards lessening the
friction between east and west which
every mention of the subject now cre
ates. There is consensus of opinion that a
tariff commission like that of 188. would
be practically useless, us was the euse
with that one, but perhaps such a com
mission as the president Is understood
to contemplate, having the single pur
pose of furnishing congress with in
formation us to the effect of schedules,
would be valuable. There seems, how
ever, to be uo great interest taken in
tho commission suggestion uud it Is
not likely to be favorably regarded by
A question before the people of New
York which Is of Interest to the produc
ers of the northwest is that of improv
ing canal truusportutiou between the
lakes and tidewater. Both parties lu
that state are lu favor of canal Im
provement, recognizing thut there Is a
situation where the commercial su
premacy of New York City Is threatened
because the canal system has not been
sufficiently improved to meet the re
quirements of commerce. There Is a
difference, however, as to plans, and
this may for the time being prove fatal
to the proposition.
Sooner or luter the Erie canal will
have to be enlarged and deepened, If
New York City Is not to lose a material
part of its commerce. For several years
other commercial points have been
drawing trade from the metropolis and
those who have given intelligent consid
eration to the matter express the belief
that this loss must go on and probaoly
become more "serious In the future
If canal transportation is not improved.
The question of doing this has been
discussed for years, but of course the
railroad influence Is against such im
provement, for the obvious reason that
its effect would be to keep down freight
rates during most of the year. Besides
it would involve a heavy expenditure,
estimated at not less than 185,000,000,
and this naturally causes a considerable
opposition to the project. The matter
Is before the people of the Empire state
lu the present campaign, but no confi
dent prediction can be made as to what
their verdict will be. Western pro
ducers would welcome such canal im
provement as is proposed.
The disclosures In the St. Louis bri
bery cases should arouse the public to
a sense of the prevalent evil of official
corruption In the Interest of great cor
porations and to effective action for re
forms. The discovery that a gigantic
conspiracy has carried out a series of
schemes for the enrichment of corpora
tions at the expense of the public by
wholesale bribery of the city council of
St. Louis aud the legislature of Mis
souri, involving corruption funds mount
ing up Into hundreds of thousands,
seems startling and at first sight ex
traordinary. But the truth la that the
evil is not peculiar to Missouri, but has
so universally affected all branches of
our government, municipal, county, state
and even higher, as in some sense to
warrant description as "a conventional
crime," which one of the attorneys for
the defense in bis address to the Jury
applied to it
No more flagrant and dangerous de
bauchers of official morals are to be
found than corporations operating un
der public franchises, the very granting
of which, as well us the scope and con
ditions of their organization, is often
rooted In bribery. Instead of regulat
ing and disposing of public utilities ex
ploited by railroad, telegraph, express
1 telephone, gas, water, street railway and
I the like corporations, In due regard for
the public Interest legislative bodies are
seduced by blandlsbmeut and bribery to
betray their constituents and to become
the Instrument of corporate greed.
The trained lobbyists, smooth attorneys.
brazen bribers and agents of the cor
porations in every state of the union
swarm about every official body clothed
w ith important powers as buzzards are
attracted by carrion. The serious fea
ture of the St Louis case is not Its
Individual flagrancy, but Its representa
tive character.
It is true that there are penal statutes
against bribery, but their enforcement
has fallen into desuetude. Though the
fact of wholesale bribery in innumera
ble cases is a matter of public notoriety,
as a rule nothing Is attempted for its
punishment or if attempted nothing
comes of it. Occasionally the outrage
goes so far that investigation must be
Inaugurated, but even that too often
comes to naught under the corrupt ma
nipulation of the same coi'iioratlons that
were the procurers of the original crime.
Those who manage them, moving in as
air of respectability, armed with all
the weapons of wealth and Influence in
business, political and social circles,
thus strike a dagger to the heart of
free Institutions and yet escape the
punishment which would overtake the
humble offender.
The only remedy Is in the hands of
the people themselves. The penalty of
the law must be enforced upon the
corporation criminals, however high
and arrogant, who corrupt goverumeut
to sordid ends, no less than uimu rene
gade officials wno make merchandise of
their places. The movement at St Louis
which has placed behind prison bars a
weulthy professional corruptlonist and
corporation brilier Is worthy of universal
What If the merger Ismscs assume
not to recognize la 1 tor oruunUnt ions'
The fact of labor organization never
theless exists aud will have to le dealt
with. Combination of .worklugmen In
the line of their common Interests is as
much a development of Industrial condi
tions us combination ou the capitalistic
side. It cannot be gH lid of by at
tempting to ignore it. It is one of the
towering facts of the industrial and so
cial situation of the present age, to
which willingly or unwillingly, roolishly
or wisely, adjustment must iti the end
be mude.
If it turns out to lie true that the
Union Pacific shops at North Plutte are
not to be pulled up by the roots because
the citizens of North Platte ure willing
to do peuunce and crawl ou their mar
row bones before Bombnstes John N.
Baldwin, the people ot Grand Island,
Sidney uud Cheyenne wilt have good
grounds for a damage suit to compen
sate them for the disappointment and
the false hopes held out that the repair
work heretofore done ut North liutte
would be transferred to their tow us as
a reward for good behavior.
The lute New York democratic state
convention is said to have coniuimd
among its membership prominent demo
crats who hud not participated in party
organization since the uomiuutiou of
Bryan in 18!H. Colonel Bryan has re
peatedly declared that these men are not
democrats und huve uo place in any
democratic body, but lu New York they
seem to repudiate the Bryun definition
as to what constitutes a democrat.
The bribe giver, as much as the bribe
taker, Is dangerous to society, although
the offense of the latter is not to be ex
cused. But If goverumeut is to be
purged of corruption, punishment must
be meted out to those who poltsou the
very sources of authority and who for
personal ends or corporation greed offer
temptations to men in public place.
Thawing Oat Heroism.
Baltimore American.
Like all other great disasters, the strike
is bringing out some phenomenal heroism.
Of this class is the statement of a gas
company in Brooklyn that it will tun its
works at a loss rather hun see the public
Itellcs of Other Days.
' Buffalo Express.
The open car is still doing its bept to
keep up the pleasant fiction lu the public
mind that artificial warmth Is not needed
yet, and in its aid to the Imaluatioa may
be considered in the light of a public bene
factor. Innocence Abroad.
' Chicago Post.
General Dewet was much Impressed by
his reception in Brussels and naively de
clares: "la the presence of this enthusi
asm we ask ourselves why was there no
lnterveutl6n?" Evidently the general hasn't
learned that shouting la exhilarating and
Will Wonders Never Ceaaef
Philadelphia Press. ,
An organisation of Pullmaa porters rs
been formed to stop the tipping p.-snicf.
If the members use the p.'o?or amount cf
violence they will probably be sole le pre
vent people from lei ting too muc'i to the
habit that has become ao obnoxious to the
How the Nation Growe.
Indianapolis Journal.
In his address at the cornerstone laying
of a new custom house In New York Secre
tary Shaw said: "Since I860 our population
has multiplied two and one-half, while our
foreign commerce bas multiplied by three
and one-third." The figures are accessible
to everybody, but this was a new way of
presenting them.
Tarnlnsr from the Cities.
Boston Globe.
Among the tendencies of the times none
is more gratifying than those that are grad
ually making rural life less objectionable
to the best elements of our society. The
tide of rural exodus to the city shows some
signs of turning. Those who have been
leaving the old farms have more and more
dispositions to turn back. The rush of rural
communltlea cityward la being stayed and
the country districts show more and more
marked signs ot being rescued from deser
tion. Certainly no more hopeful Indication
were possible. City life stands, on the
whole, for mental, moral and physical de
terioration. Rlotona l.lTln In America.
Indianapolis News.
Almost do traveler from a foreign land
comes here who does not express astonish
ment at our luxury. It Is, at least, la cer
tain sections of the country, the most ob
vious feature of our civilisation. Gorgeous
anDarel. homes that are palaces, feasts
that are frequently marked by such splendor
as almost to stagger the Imagination, superb
equipages and a rlotousness In entertain
ments and amusements that we have to go
bark centuries to flna precedents for
with all these things we are painfully fa
miliar. They have become so much a mat
ter of course as no longer to excite much
Normal Production of Hard foal.
Philadelphia Record.
. During the last fiscal year the total an
thracite coal production amounted 'o 6",-
471,667 tona and the total altum'nous coal
production of the United States a mounted
to 224.769,091 tona. In the same period the
total Imports of coal, chiefly from UritUh
America, amounted to 1.J41.422 ious rad
the exports of anthracite and bituminous
amounted to (,971.184 tons. The whole
domestic eoal consumption, aothiar.ite and
bituminous, laat year amounted to 277. V.o
tona, or to a little more than three and
a half tons for each head of ne population
exclusive of Porto Rico, in rpite of the
enormous supply there did not app'ar to
be any great plethora of coal production
In the country lat year.
M4KIM1 I'KOri.K UO TO HlBfll.
The Old-Faehloned Was of Rarnest,
Beaatlfnl Service.
New Tork Mall and Expreas.
"Why do not worklngmen go to church?"
That Is s question which certain pastors
lave been trying to find an answer to, by
the aid ot a systematic Inquiry a sort of
personal canvass. The answer to It seems
at first blush to be decidedly easy. Work
lngmen do go to church. All worklngmna
do not go, to be sure, but millions do.
Church attendance is no more a matter of
class than labor Itself Is. Nearly all Amer
icans are decidedly workers. Toeslbly It
should be explained that the Inquiry was
directed toward clearing up the point why
so many manual laborers abstain from
church attendance. That makes the propo
sition considerably simpler; and yet it is
In no sense surprising that the inquirers
found thtmselvoa completely balked. The
workmen who did not go to church hardly
knew, themselves, why they did not go, ex
cept that they did not care to.
The futility of such personal Inquiry
ought to suggest Itself, perhaps, by this
time. Religious people are agreed that. It
great numbers of people do not wish to
go to church, it Is desirable to make them
wish to go by rendering the services more
attractive to them. Out of this conclusion
many undignified proceedings have aprung,
which, though they may have attracted
passing crowds, must In the long run have
operated to make still more people feel
that they did not want to go to church.
Among such meretricious attractions ought
to be classed the girl whistlers and their
solos, and all sorts ot mountebank per
formances and utterances in the pulpit and
out of 1:. These aids are to be classed,
roughly of course, with yellow Journalism.
Their purpose Is to excite people's curiosity
to make them come to see what the er
ratic minister or the fantastic choir
master is going to do next.
' The old-fashioned way of making people
want to go to church the method of giv
ing them a simple, earnest, beautiful serv
ice of adoration and heartfelt worship
still serves quite as well aa any other.
Services of this sort are not confined to
any church or denomination. They are to
be found, and properly enjoyed, In all the
large denominationa at least. Every per
son has his particular notion of the form
that his adoration should take, and for
that reason there are the two-and-seventy
sects. There Is In our diverse, our many
sided American church, a religious home
for everybody. The doors of the churches
are wide open. They are not only willing
to welcome anybody they are anxious.
There Is no church so rich, no church so
exclusive, but that the decently-clad work
ingman may find a place there, at one
service or another; and If there are
churches so well attended that ordinarily
no place Is left fdr the stranger, thoae
churches at least must have solved the
problem of attraction.
Memories Awakened by the Knramp.
ment at Washington.
Detroit Free Press.
More thsn a third of a century ago the
grizzled and tattered survivors of the great
est national' tragedy in history paraded tha
streets of Washington. Tea years ago rep
resentatives of the strongest civic orgsnl-
ration ever perfected by war veterans, those
who were left of the former magnificent
armies went over the old line of march.
For the third time the capltol ot the nation
which they preserved is receiving them; the
men who fought the mightiest battles of
modern time. They were not an army
trained to the mechanical arts ot war, but
rallied aa patriots from the paths of indus
try and peace. They were the worthy aons
of revolutionary fathers joining with the
equally worthy sous of an adopted coun
try. There Is no new lesson to be gathered
from this assemblage of the thinned ranks
whose blood warms to the temperature of
youth as they clasp hands and fight their
battles o'er again. It is no truer now than
at the close of the civil war that Its veter
ans exemplified the spirit which should in
spire American citizenship whenever the
constitutional or territorial Integrity of the
government Is assailed. Time adds to the
appreciation of their sacrifices and conse
quent achievements and the highest praise
will come from the future generations that
reap in full the consequent harvest of bless
ings. There is sadness that their number
grows leas, that their step la not so quick
or steady, and that the gray of age contrasts
with the blue of the service, but they are
the remnant of the grand old army to whoae
glory no decoration, no more praise of words
can add luster or durability.
Coal oil ahowa a tendency to go ud. aa
All accounts agree that the coal mine
presidents are earning their salaries theae
The annual Veiled Prophets' parade In St.
Louis this year had its luster dimmed by
the unveiling of the profits around the city
Tho revolution in Colombia is believed to
be on its last leg. The leader of the in
surgents broke the other by falling off a
horse. j
A member of the Cleveland city council
bas been acquitted of the charge of bribery.
None of his pals could be Induced to squeal
in the St. Louis key.
It would be well for the Universal Peace
union to note that the richest man la Ger
many is Krupp, the gunmaker, who pays
taxes on an annual Income ot 16,000,000.
New Yorkers are bracing themaelvea to
meet with becoming courage the horrors of
the coal famine when the elevators In the
akyacrapers are obliged to stop running.
The time required to navigate the tropic
seas between Havana and Hong Kong will
enable Consul Geperal Bragg to contemplate
the folly of monkeying with aa automatic
With a record of 180 earthquake shocks
in twenty-four hours the vernal tale of
Guam ought to be able to shake down that
additional appropriation which congress de
nied at the laat aeaalon.
Several hundred paragrapbers have an
nounced wltb graveyard gles that "Admiral
Casey Is at the bat" In Panama. Aa the
admiral wears boots It Is eoafldeataily be
lieved he will make a base bit.
Only a small proportion of the total popu
lation hall from Missouri, but before swal
lowing the atory that a St. Louis alderman
turned down a $5,000 bunch of boodle the
other millions will accept Missouri as an
abiding place long enough to exclaim,
"You'll have to show me."
A bunch of cbilla and fever and a robuat
case of bronchitis were somehow per
suaded to tackle Ruasell Sage the other day.
Where are thoae playful microbes now?
Russell shook 'em off aa a terrier would a
mouse and with all the energy of his being
resolutely refuaed to cough up. He la built
that way.
Signs of the times point to a mild winter.
Wooden nutmegs are plentiful in Connecti
cut, New York squirrels are not storing
winter supplies, Michigan beavers are atlll
la the woods, red eared corn is unusually
plentiful In Illinois, goose bones presage a
winterless season la Iowa, and the featlvs
groundhog Is merrily cbaalng bia abadow
la Nebraska. Let's be merry while It lasts,
but don't forget the coal bin.
The weeping religion Is seldom a worklna.
Taint on the pipe wilt, not purify tb
Sympathy for others la a salve for out
own sorrows.
The supreme art of living may be summed
up In giving.
Life Is a man's opportunity for the reali
zation ot hla Ideals.
Effervescent prearhlng can produce but
effervescent practice.
The registers of heaven are not copied
from the records of earth.
The noise made by some churches Is but
the rattling of dead bouea.
The llghta of the world are not Illumined
by the fires of controversy.
Orlef Is God s way of providing us with
the oil of comfort for others.
When ambition is the child of envy it
will be the mother of sorrows.
The opportunity is always ready for the
man who la ready for the oportunlty.
It la no use getting up the ateara of zeal
so long as you are choked up with the rust
of prejudice.
The devil Incltea us to fight for the orn
aments of the church while he steals ths
whole building.
Brooklyn Life: He Did you snow I was
going to propose? ....
"Why, 1 dldn t see now you couia neip
Town Totilca: "What did the lovers
quarrel about?"
"She wanted him to promtse to love her
forever and a day, and he said he wanted,
the day for himself."
Detroit Free Press: Mr. Pore There Is
nothing pleavanter than to talk to the ono
yoti love best
Mks CauHtique You must get awfully
tired of talking to yourself.
Brooklyn ErkIc: "Mrs. Storm ! a great
advocate of woman's rights. Have you
ever heard her discourse on trie subject?"
"No; I've never heard her get any further
than woman'a wrongs."
Philadelphia Record: Ethel What Is
more aggravating than a man who tells
you of his love and never n.ontlons matrl
nionv ?
Edith Oh, a man who tells you of his
money and never mentions matrimony.
Philadelphia Prens: "Ah!" Joyfully ex
claimed the old-fashioned man, whom she
had accepted. "I was determined to win
"Yes," she replied, "but I didn't think you
would stoop so low."
"How? When?"
"When you passed my lips and kissed my
Philadelphia Press: "He's quite a star
as an after-dinner speaker, Isn t he?"
"Star? He's a regular moon. He be
comes brighter the fuller he gets."
Sketch: Doctor I am very glad to tell
you, Mrs. Hodges, that your husband will
recover, after all.
Mrs. Hodges Law, elr, don't say that!
Doctor Why not, you unnatural woman?
Mre. Hodges Well, you see, sir, after I'd
sent for you, air, 1 toon an' aold all hla
Soeh a- Madneas.
Baltimore News.
A damsel from far-off Bulgaria
Sang all night on a Lohengrin aria,
And the ililid flour front enltt:
"If you were only dead,
I'd contribute ten dollars to burta!"
Chicago News.
God of our fathers, Lord of All.
Who sits ot Justice for a throne.
Both right and might are Thine alone,
Beseechingly on Thee we call.
Forbid that greed ehould vanquish right.
That haughty power and selfish lust
Should strangle Justice. Thou art Just'
Let Justice triumph by Thy might.
Save us from foolish men and blind.
Who sell their souls to save a causa
And trample under foot tne laws
Thou hast decreed for all mankind.
Have mercy on the few who hold
The millions welfare in their-hand.
Who fall to see or understnni
That justice pays a thousandfold.
And pity. Lord, aa pity's Thine,
The arrogance that mounts a throne
And robbing Thee of what's Thine own
Proclaims it rulea by right dlvina.
Let caste and class be checked again.
And ranks and orders, let them pass,
And let ua, looking at the mass.
Find belnga God has made for men.
And give us patience to command.
The faith to hope that right at loot
Will triumph; till the storm la past
Let reason lead ua by the hand.
The burden df our brother's wrong
By fellow feeling let us learn,
And If allowed this one return
Help ua to suffer and be strong.
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VsT of World's faitie