THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1002. Amusements Omaha people didn't bare many things to J ch "ose between at the theater last week. r't the few offered a range about as wide en could be wished, from an old-fashioned t; 'Her to Shakeapeare'a beat, with vaude v; ' and musical comedy between. And It . not by any means It reflection on the, taste rf the public to record the fact that more ( pie turned out to see the thriller than nt to hear the Shakespearean plays, and t it the musical comedy did better than her, while the vaudeville ahow had auch ; tronage aa delights the heart of the local i nagr. Shakespeare Isn't a "dead one" ! - any manner of means, but his playa do t appeal to the popular pocketbook aa do oae of Mr. Joseph Arthur. Shakespeare i - an education, while Arthur la a diversion. ' kepear named his own fault, when he f enounced through Hamlet that many rare ; lellectual treats are "caviare to the gen- X " He enliata the keenest Intellectual rursuit of those who are qualified to par ' of hla offerings, but Joseph Arthur 'catena the "heart Interest" and does hla lest to get entirely away from the Intel inctual. And he aucceeda fairly well, too, -ise he would have no following. For the very good reaaon that the minute play goer really begloa to think, he turns from Arthur to Shakespeare, from "Lost River" to "Hamlet." Between these extremes of type come the vaudevllllans, who afford A something for all who "sing a little tenor, alng little baritone, also sing a little bass." and the musical comedy which frankly doesn't undertake to do anything but amuse. This la why the fun aet to music gets more patronage than either the Intellectual or emotional sorts. Most peo ple have enough to think about In solving the whynesa of the coal situation, the meat combine, the landlord and the tax collector without burning out any extensive areas of pla mater over the problems that con fronted the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark, and these same problems occa sion to many sufficient emotional excite ment, eo that they need not go to the the ater to be harrowed up. But the blessed comedian with hla Jokes set in rhyme to a Jingling tune cometh as a buffer between mankind and care, and for a time at least affords a welcome surcease from past, pres ent and even future worries. So, therefore, great la the name of Musical Comedy, no matter In what guise, and many are the almoleons poured out for the privilege of enjoying Its nepenthe. Omaha people went Into raptures over the poppy ballet and lta beautiful scenery In "The Wlxard of Ox" performance at the Boyd last week, yet they would have un doubtedly enjoyed It very much more If they bad known It waa the Idea of an Omaha young woman. Miss Lynn Curtlss last summer designed a poppy poster, which Is still being used to advertise the piece. A very little elaboration of Mlaa Curtlsa' Idea led to the addition to the action of the piece of the poppy ballet, and this of course necessitated the painting of the poppy scenery, which was designed by Walter Burge. Mr. Hamlin, owner and manager of the company, unhesitatingly aaya that It waa from Miss Curtlss' Idea that this marvelously attractive feature of "The Wlxard of Ox" sprung. Mlaa May De Souxa, the prima donna with the "Storks," la well known in Omaha, aha having lived here with her parents many yeara, getting her education at one of the convent schools. Much of her last sum mer's vacation was apent here with her school girl friends. While debating the matter of public taste, one of the "acta" at the Orpheum during the week presented a curious and not altogether flattering commentary on the topic. Four men, each of more than aver age ability aa muslctana and possessed of excellent singing voices, highly cultivated and perfectly blended, aang and played on various Instrumenta for the edification of their auditors. Their efforts at entertain ing In thla direction were certainly auch aa would be appreciated by any lover of i roo 1 mui lc. But, to make their act "go," ; It had to bo "funny," and the aweet strains of tbelr musical volcea were waated on a hodgo podge of coon melodies for the most part, while the performers were rigged out In the most grotesque of attire. And they la narrative told by Malsadoc, tha sor gave more time to silly horse play than : cerer, to hla aasoclatea, he discloses the they did to playing on lb Instruments, of j whereabouts of the acepter to the eavea- whlch they are masters. A violin solo of exquisite beauty and a tenor solo, each of which won a rapturous encore, developed the tact that there were tboae present who could fcud did appreciate the mualo these men furnished. But It was their buffoonery after all that won for them the demands that brought them back to bow again and j gain at the concluaion of their turn. Yet we need not deapalr, for althcogh the light of the Intellectual burns low. It Is a steady, lambent flame, not blown In fitful guerts, and aenda forth rays that cheer those who turn to It for Illumination. And, wonderful to relate, lta light baa again penetrated to that dark ecrner of the world where Mrs. Ebbsmtth, Mrs. Tanqueray, the young woman from Maxims, Ml'o. Xaia and other typea of feminine frailty. have held the boards to the utter exclusion of any thing that did not present In aome form the one question which Oothamltea apparently loved to discuss. Of course these women re defended by their champions as merely ho'dtng the mirror up to nature; but the mirror haa been too dear and the nature la not that sort on which mankind, devoid of prudery, cares to feaat Its eyes. Many nnpleaaant things exlat In thla diversified How Lifo to Weak Men. C!J KJsn Uaia Young Agiia-Wnk 1!m Find QltMlKi.Strtngth and Power of Youth. Trial Package Mailed Free. Te the man who hare tried vry knw remedy to revive their waning power or lost manhood, and have given up In de spair, the following measase comes aa a moat blessed promise. Thla new discov ery restores all man who suffer wtth any torn ot eaual weaanea. resulting from youthful folly, premature loas ot strength and memory, weak back, varicocele or emaciation of parts. It gives the warmth, strength and development just where It Is needed and euros at once all the Ilia and troubles that come of years of misuoa of the fu notions, for It haa boan an abaolate aucceos In all caaoa. A simple reoueet to the State Medical Institute, 17H alleatron Building, r Wayne. Ind., will bring you one of tkeoe free trial package In a plain wrapper, without any marks to Identify Its oontants or where It comos from. The Institute has had so many Inquiries from men who are unablo to leave home or buslnesa to b treated, that It has perfected this splendid home treatment and aenda It In free trial parkaaea to all parts el Ito world to show Just how easy and simple It Is to be cured at hoao of any eosuai wosk ncaa whan this marvelous new aeauai dis covery Is employed. Th Institute makes no restrictions and any maa who write in ..,-wa h na.U a. free trial of thla wonderful remedy absolutely fre. Thoso who writ aoed have no fear of any pub tlclty. aa the ntate Medical Institute to sa Old eotaelleneo ihkiiuvvj, iwwmw. i ti atat tor W yara world, but that Is no good reason why they hould be paraded on th stage. Thl I digression, however. The point in that In New York the pure and elevating drama attain has ahow. despite the Du Barry, "The Two Schools," and "trie," and even the Intellectual la to have an Inning. At one theater now Shakespearean revival la a success, at another a cycte of great playa la being presented and la winning both praise and support. Plana are being made for the Introduction of Mr. Walker White aide to New York In the early spring, prob ably In February. Mr. Fred C. Whitney Is handling the metropolitan end of the ar rangements, and Is very aangulne for the success of the undertaking. Mr. Snyder, manager for Mr. Whfteslde. and the star himself look forward In the engagement confidently, for they both believe that the young actor will be given a fair hearing and that his art will win the support to which he la entitled. Mr. Whiteside will eschew Shakespeare for the time, and will make his New Tork bow In "Richelieu," be lieving that the Lytton p'ay la more nearly In line with the "romantic" school of drama to which the New Yorkers have accustomed themselves. Western people who have watched Mr. Whiteside cheerfully concede that he has all the qualifications necessary to auccess, yet they remember the fate of Clay Clement, who went to New York well approved by the west. In one of the New York papers of last 8unday this line ap pears: "Clay Clement, who will be remem bered In connection wtth the 'New Domin ion,' Is to make his debut In vaudeville next week." Poor Baron von Hohenstaufen! Coming Events. At the Boyd this afternoon "The Night Before Christmas." a pastoral drama, opens for sn engagement that Includes to night snd Monday night. The action of the play takes place In a small Isolated country village In Ohio. All the various types of country characters, the country dance fiddler, the meddlesome postmaster, the village cutup, the schoolmarm, the bashful lover and the polished city visitor are impersonated. A murder la laid at the door of the girl's lover In homespun and he Is tried, convicted and given the death sentence by his own father, who Is the district Judge. All ends happily and the real criminal la discovered as the bells In the old church peal ' out a gladsome Christmas time. "The Storks." a musical fantasy, which ran for five months at the Dearborn theater, opens at the Boyd Tuesday night and will continue until Wednesday night, wltb a matinee performance Wednesday. The original principals who gave the produc tion at Chicago are wtth the company. They are: Richard Carle, Gilbert Gregory, Frank Rushworth, William Wolff, William Rock, George Romaln, Albert Adams Frank Randall, May De Souxa, Harriett Standon. Josie Inthoplde, Ethel Johnson, Nela Jensen and Bessie Von Nye. Seen- lealiy the piece Is the peer of any the Dearborn theater management ever put out, and It will be remembered "The Burgomaster" and "The Explorers" was exploited by them. The rise of the curtain cMscIosee the fact that one young Henrico, who Is In love with Helen, the bungloo's sister. Is a resident of the royal Jail, a state of affairs that greatly agitates Mal xadoc, a sorcerer and Incidentally Hen rico's father, and who. In company with hla associates, visits the royal palace In 'the disguise of peddlers and for the ostenstblo purpose of selling their warea and among the many artlclea for sale the bungloo espies a snuff box that greatly excites hie curiosity and which he buys. He finds In It magic snuff and an ancient script which says, "Whoever shall partake of the magic snuff enclosed within this box shall have the power to transform himself Into any animal he may choose by pronouncing the magic word "mutabor;" when he wishes to resume the human form he haa only to repeat the same word. "Let he who la thua transformed beware that he riot Indulge In laughter or the magle word bo forgotten and he will remain an al forever." Aa Storks carried off th-j bungloo'ai royal scepter. Slim guff, the royal eobbler, auggests that all turn Into storks and look for It. The scenes through out the latter part of the opera ahow their royaltiea searching for the lost scepter. dropping royaltiea and It la ' recovered. May De Souxa, a former Omaha girl, la the company's prima donna. - An entirely new veralon of the farce com edy, "McFadden'a Row of Flats." with new songs, costumes, episodes, tokea, views, dancea, specialties, scenery, stars and fea tures, will be seen at the Boyd Thursday and Friday nights, with special matinee Friday afternoon. The roles of McFaddea and Mike Muldoon, the Milesian troublo makera, are In the handa of Arthur White- law and Jamea K. Nesley. Mao Donahue Is the Mra. Murphy of tha cast. The Yellow Klda are handled by diminutive Bobby Ral ston and Jerry Sullivan. Weary Willie la in the hands of William Frey and Emma Italia la the aoubretto of the company. An exceptionally large company la to bo seen In the support of ths principals. On Saturday evening at th Boyd the j Bostontsns will produce the new romantic eomio opera, -jnaio Merita, ny Bmltn ana DeKoven. This opera Is a sequel to their greatest success, "Robin Hood," and pre sents the "familiar personages of the Brst named opera amid new scenes and advea ture. An elaborate scenic embellishment la promised, showing th landscape of an Eng lish forest, with th castle of th earl ot Huntington In th distance; the camp of the crusaders before th wall, of Acre, wtth a sunset effect In th desert, and the banquet hall of Huntington castle oa Christmas day. The company producing "Maid Marian" will In lta principals be th original one, lnclud Ing H. C. Barnabee, who will reappear as the Sheriff; W. H. MacDonald. aa Uttle John; George B. Frothlngham. Friar Tuck and the original Dam Durden. Josephine Bartlett. Th prima donna will be Orac Van Studdlford. who appears la the title role. Mlaa Van Studdlford haa the reputa tion of being th peer of light opera prima donnas. The other artists are Olive C. Moore, Sabery rrOraell, William C. Weeden. Harold Gordon. Allen C. Hinckley, Campbell Donald. John J. Martin, W. M. Dorrlngtoo, Oeorg M. Vail, J. Weibley. Carrie K. Mills. Floreno Qulnn, Jamea E. Miller, Harry Dal aad eeventy others ballet and chorus. At th matinee on Saturday the big scenic production of "Robin Hood" will be the of fering. Commencing with a matlne today th Orpbeum will have a diversified bill of eight numbers given by about an equal number of strange artists and those who have been her before, LaMar and Gabriel are among this season's headline features that are quoted as signal successes. Their specialty U comedy and la this lln oae of th duo, a diminutive performer. Is said to be novel. Llssl aad Vlnl Daly, th terpslcbors ex ponent, admittedly reach th highest standard of excellence la their style t dancing found In vaudeville. A unlqu comedy act, with pantomime predominating aad display of difficult contortion and acrobatic, will be given by th four Ralnos. Irvlag Jon, the oolorod oomedlaa of ludi- croua laugh-provoking appearance and an ties, returns with a changed atunt. Mr. and Mrs. Swlckard have never been here. With carefully trained voices and a repertory of popular and classic songs they will en deavor to establish themselves aa enter tainers. "The Man from Ireland' Is the characteristic billing given William Cahlll Daviea, who haa a rich brogue and sense of Celtic witticism which be turns to account In yarns told In the style of the noted John T. Kelly. Dorsh and Russell will Initiate an acquaintance with local theater-goers with a musical comedy turn, while for the completing feature an entirely new set of moving pictures will be projected by the Kinodrome. Playa mm Players. Lole Fuller Is to return November 3 for a tour of the variety theaters. Richard Oolden s tour In "Foxy Qulller" Is proving to be a remarkable success, financially snd artlstlcaly. Ben Stern has evidently hit It again. Arthur Byron Is to have the chief mas culine character In "The Stubbornness of Geraldine," the play Clyde Fitch haa writ ten for Mary Mannerlng. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Milton Royle closed their vaudeville engagement October 4 and returned to New York to prepare for their starring tour under the management of Ben Stern. September 29, at the Colonial theater. In Boston, Mr. Joseph Jefferson begun his annual fall tour. In the spring Mr. Jeffer son will play a two weeks engagement at the Harlem opera house. New York. The company that Is to support Lewis Morrison In "Faust" has left New York for St. Paul and Minneapolis, where Mr. Morrison's tour under Jules Murry's man J as-ement Will Degin on uetoDer it. a nanu Kome Pullman car has been chartered for the tour. Charles Klein, who wrote the book of "Mr. Pickwick," In which Mr. De Wolf Tlimiwr tm tnrrlnff. Is In receipt Of box office statements calculated to make him feel that he can embark on a tour or tne world with his family without Impoverish ing himself. May Edouln has finished her long and successful engagement in London, and re turns to this country late in October. 8he expects to star in a new play which a well known author has written for her. Mr. Fred Edwards will again be the leading man In her company. James K. Hackett haa returned to J. O. O. Duffy and Cyrus Townsend Brady their dramatization of the letter's "Hohensol lern," and the manuscript Is now being considered ss a medium for Edward Mor gan after his New York City engagement with Viola Allen In "The Eternal City.-' Kathrvn Kidder, who has passed under the management of Jules Murry for a term of years, is engaging her supporting com pany for the coming tour, which begins In December. The play has been selected, but not yet named. It Is said, however, to be eminently adapted to Miss Kidder's quali ties ss an emotional actress. Blanche Ring, the girl who made the hit of "The Defender" In singing "The Good niri Rummer Tlmi ." and Mrs. Robert Os- born, who has the Playhouse' In New York, had a tiff last week because Miss Ring claimed that she had been engaged to play the title role, since changed In favor of the comedian. Later on they made It up. So Miss Ring will appear In "Tommy Rot' after all. Charles Frohman haa secured Wyndham'a theater, London, for the purpose of con tinuing there the run of "The Marriage of Kitty," with Marie Tempest in the prin cipal role. The comedy is now running at the Duke of York's theater, but It must make way for the production of J. M. Bar rie's new comedy, the title of which has not yet been decided upon. It will be removed to Wyndham's theater on October 28. "A Chinese Honeymoon" has passed Its 400th performance In London. where, atrangelv enough. It was taken to fill an odd week or two, with no hope that It would be accepted as good entertainment In the metropolis. It had been staged cheaply for provincial exploitation, and had nobody 01 note in me cast apart irom Louie Freear. Those who have seen both say the American production ts Infinitely superior. Klrke Ij Shelle Just at present Is head over heels In business. Having started his "Arlrona," Frank Daniels and "Sergeant Jamea" companies, he is now preparing for T. 1 I Ch.nb... " which promises to be a notable event. He has also In view an early production of a new melodrama called "The Great Lynn- wood Robbery." Mr. La Bheiie, ny tne way. Is recovering very quickly from his recent Illness. Henry M. Blossom, Jr., whose "Checkers" has been a successful contribution to the school of slang literature, of which George Ade is high priest, nas. line AO", gone into libretto writing. A light opera from his pen; with a score by Alfred M. Robyn, Is to be staged this season, and Savage, the director of the Castle Square enterprises, has made a contract that covers everything Blossom may write for the stage diying the next rive years. The critics In New York City do not like "The Two Schools," acted there last Tuesday evening. One Impression gained from what they write Is that Alfred Capus' company has been badly made over for use on our stage. Mr. Winter, writing In the Tribune, went at It violently, and had the assistance of Mr. Towse, In the post, ur th nlavers. none would appear to have done very well with the single exception or Jessie Busiey, as a low-oorn couone whose amours Involve the action. Cutllffe Hyne's "Captain Kettle" stories ha neon made into a play by Murray Carson and Malcolm Watson, and the piece. which is In four acts, win oe proaucea soon In London. H. V. Esmond will have the title role, and the cast will Include W. L. Abingdon, who Is regarded there aa the best actor of melodramatic vlllians. and Svdnev Brough. who waa here last season with Maude Adams In "Quality Street." A four-act play called "Captain Kettle, ii Is recalled, was produced for copyright In London aa long ago aa December, limn, and was credited to the authorship of "Alfred Weatherden." the nom de plume of three actors who collaborated in the writing. Stanislaus Stange's new play, "The Daughter of Hamllcar." will have Its first production In Chicago on November 3. when Blanche Walsh will be seen In the ro mantic and tragic role or Haiammoo, tne priestess of Tanlt. According to details furnished by Wagenhala and Kemper con cerning both play and production. It would seem that a genuine treat Is In store, not nnlv for those who would be thrilled by the momentous situations characteristic of the fervid and tragic drama, but equally for musical enthusiasts. The chants and nrslses sunsr bv the priests and priestesses of Tanlt and Moloch, the two popular deities of ancient Carthage, req quiring large chorus, sre said to be the most Im tiresslve examples of dramatic music writ ten bv anv modern composer. It la the work of Henry K. Hadley. whose sym phonies would Indicate that he In a worthy follower of the , IJsst and Wagnerian schools. Henrv W. Savare haa George Ade'a latest musical comedy, "Peggy from Paris." well In hand: that Is, so far as tne production toe and the selection of the cast which will present It. The music, which has been written by William Loral ne. is said to be In that comDoeer'a beat vein, and- the libretto, which more nearly approaches the vernacular than anything else wmcn Ade has written for the stage, la reported to be an extremely clever bit of sstlre and most imuilnf. The central flcure Is a young woman who haa left a amall town In the middle west ss a companion to a wealthv lady and who has been metamor phoned Into the leading woman of a French comic opera company. It la stated that there Is a coherent atory all the way through and that aome of the situations snd comnllrstlons are ridiculous In the ex treme. It Is understood that Mr. Savage will spare no expense to make the produc tlon a very lavish one. FOR THE MKIMTERR ASKA. A Fta Steasashlsi ervte Arranged the Winter. Th Dominion Line announces that the large modern twin acrew passenger ships. Commonwealth and New England, will go Into service between Boston and Gibraltar, Naplea, Genoa and Alexandria. Egypt, thla winter, and with th ateamers Cambro- man and Vancouver, will make regular trips. The Commonwealth and New Eng land are the largest passenger ships that ver entered tbe Mediterranean aea and have become very popular ships with the people of th west. Th Chicago office of ths Dominion Line have Just received offi cial nolle that th company will main tain a tegular weekly passenger service between Montreal and Liverpool, com menclng with th opening of navigation n th St. Lawrence river next season Th steamers selected for this service ar as follows: Cansda. t.000 tons; Ken slngton, 1.46J tons; Sou t ho ark, 1.407 tons Dominion, Mil tons. All ar twin screw aad will carry Saloon, aocond aad third claas passengers. AMI KMKST. BOYD'S THEATRE This Afternoon Tonight! Monday Night. Burt fe Nicolai Present the Beautiful Pastoral Play, It Touches All Hearts PLAY FOR THE LITTLE CHILDREN, MIDDLE-AGED, OLD FOLKS. THE PRESS, THE CLERGY. A Carload of Scenery PRICKS Matinee, 2Bc, SOe. 2Bc, BOc, 75c. KlKkt, Musical The new season In the musical depart ment of the Woman's club haa opened, or rather will officially open tomorrow morn Tug at 10:30 at the First Congregational church. Tha department will be under the direction of Mlaa Corlnne Paulson, who Is a talented pianist, an enthusiastic art lover and a progressive student of matters musical. Mlaa Paulson is planning a num ber of very Interesting events, such as "Forenoons w'lth Women Composers," "Forenoons With American Composers," etc. The musical department of tbe club will make a decided hit with the musical people of Omaha If It will now take a posi tive stand for good music properly pre sented, rather than the extreme classics. Indifferently or badly Interpreted. I have heard musical performances Che word Is correct here) at the Omaha Woman's club which wotild make the rnmpnsprs shiver In their shrouds, If they had any, and which should never have been "mothered" by the club. The musical critic of The Be has in past years been condemned most vigorously be cause he would persist In objecting to mu sical presentations such as those men tioned. The club department -itallated evidently In lta own way. Inasmuch aa the musical critic aforesaid bas been relieved of the possibility of presenting a press card at tbe door and bas consequently said little for or against tha musical plana ot the or ganization in this column. If the readers of this column who are Members ot the Woman'a club will be so kind aa to read carefully tbe following sentences they may be surprised: This column has not criti cised this club, but lta writer has been a champion of It. This column has criticised the musical department, and Its writer has tried to an out-and-out enemy to some ot lta Ideas and their manifestations. In so doing he was a friend to the club, it a foe to a department. When the musical critic of The Bee has been called on to assist the club generally by word or pen or public utterance he has tried to do ao. i But this la all a preamble. We are now on the threshold of a new aeaaon. We are to see a winter full of achievement and th musical department of th Woman's club la under the leader ship of an enthusiastic, young woman, who. so far aa I know, la not tied up with any clloue or faction. Aa far a the musical crltlo of Th Be la concerned he stands ready to support wtth pen, tongue, pupils and purs (th latter to a degree) any honest effort on th part of thla musical department. It baa a wonderful possibility. It could mold musical thought here tremendously. Of course It would be presumptlous for a mere man, or a mere critic to suggest any thing to tha fair aex aa to running her own affairs, for shs doe that well herself. But let ma dream. I see. In fancy, a meeting of the musical department of the Woman's club; the the room la crowded wtth a splendid array of young and middle aged and elderly facea, but in each la an indication of in telligent force. The program contains namee that I have never seen before upon mualcal program in Omaha. The work of the artistic planlata, singers, violinists, etc, has been really good and I feel aa though I have not only learned something. but enjoyed the learning. Th schema haa been tried- of having special fee for tbe department alone. It failed, I am told. There may have been reasons. I know that there were. The department must not be run In the Inter est of any one person. This was not In th dream. Then I see a number of people paying 60 cents as they go In. I inquire the rea son and am told that the annual sub scription Including entrance fee Is $3 a year for the members of the musical de partment and that as tbe department Is largely composed of people who are pay ing for private leasons, music, etc., and as tbey ar willing to lend their services to the club on programs of other depart ments, they are sllowed to havo the re duction and to pay for it gradually. But, I aay, how can you keep thee people from jangling and from getting Into snarl you had before? "Easily," cornea the anawer, "we arrange with each of those teachers who are recognised aa leaders In their lines to furnish us with th names ot say, four pupils whom they may consider capable of doing them (th teacBer) Justice; then we bav a plan whereby any good teacher wltb a good pupil can have her heard, so that all th teacher who ar doing good work will be represented on th programs of the department, only one appearanoe to each pupil, each aeaaon. You aee, in thla way, w have eenatant novelty and the teachers ar all booming th mualcal department, and aa each pupil must be a member before shs can appear on the program It keepa our membership list constantly expanding. That la cartaialy a good thing (or Omaha women and it ther axe aoia who will TIig uighi Before Christmas AmEM!:T9. Tues., Wednesdas Matinee, Wednesday Night The Beauty Bright of Them AH The Musical Fantasy Hit that Flew on the Merry Wing of Popularity for 5 Months in Chicago MIS TORUS In Two Acts and Three Scenes The Original Production. Three Carloads. Beautiful, Elaborate, Fantastic A FEW OF THE BIRDS: RICHARD CARLE. May De Sousa. Gilbert Gregory Josie Intropldl. William Wolff. Eula Jensen. Abbott Adauis. Harriet Standon. Frank RuBhworth. Ethel Johnson. William Rock. And a large flock of chic singing and dancing girls. PRICK Matinee. itBo, Pi Of, TBp. fl. Klftht. JsBc, B4HS, 7 Be, l, fl.ftO. Seats on sal. come In and who will get all the benefits and who will not take an Interest In tbe other club work, be not discouraged, for there are many people who will sneak Into a church where a musical service Is In progress where they know a fee Is ex pected at the offertory, where they can "beat the plate," and where they will do it with a smile. The good that could be done in this way would overbalance mightily the apathy of those who might be so selfish as to- take no interest In the club proper. There Is not a professional musician who would not be willing to talk to the members on some musical topic, occasionally and with earnest, honest, unselfish and general work of the musical department of the Woman'a club can be a pillar In the Omaha phtlharmonlo structuie. We are waiting! Furthermore, we have faith! Tbe May festival scheme la booming. A committee of business men Is quietly work ing and there will be something to an nounce In a few days. The membership in the festival choir has been absolutely closed. It has been found In the past that when 100 slngera are aeated on the stage at Boyd's theater, with an orchestra ot fifty players In front of them, and a quartet of soloists "in front of that yet," there is no more room, If one wishes th best musical results. The Boyd stage Is a large one, but have you any idea what room la required by fifty orchestra players, their stands, their traps, the kettle drums, the double basses, etc.? Now seat twenty people down and imagine five times as many and you will see that room is quickly taken up. My reason for mentioning thla la to ex plain just why I have been compelled, re luctantly, to decline names for membership during the past week. There are now 116 names on the roll and therefore no one can now be admitted, unless- bis or her name la on the roll. Tbe sixteen last members will be retained in order to make up for any possible shrinkage between now and May 1. The work 1 now on In good earneet. The singers are enthused with the "Hiawatha" music. No interpretations will be re peated. Constant attendance is necessary. Talk up the May festival. April 30, May 1 and 2, next year. Those are the dates. Th theater has been engaged. It was announced last week that there would be a "visitors' night" at the May festival rehearsala, and that It would be on the first Monday night of the month. Ad mission will be by visitor's card, which can be had from the members. Profes sional musicians are considered welcome guesta at any rehearsal. Tha well known atraina of "Robin Hood" will be heard here next Saturday. Which reminds me that I heard the only Barnabee tell a well known Omaha singer once that he would make her an offer to appear out side the theaters he visited. In a glass case, bearing thla inscription: "Th only woman I have ever met who haa not heard Robin Hood.'" I aee that another Royal Italian band la coming over her for a concert season. And Creators Is setting them wild In New Tork. And Msacagnl will be In Omaha next month. Saint Ellory will have to accelerate. Ther Is Italian atmosphere nowaday and plenty of It. Ach Hlmmol! Mr. Slmms Is working on a Sir John Stainer musical service to be given at All Saints' church. Mr. Keck la preparing the 'Forty-second Psalm," by Mendelssohn, and Mr. Wright Is paylDg bis attentions to "Rebekah," the former to be given at Kountse Memorial church and tbo latter at Trinity cathedral. As I close thla column I have Just re. celved a message that Mlaa Mary Muncboff opened tier season with great success last night In New York City. THOMAS J. KELLY. Miss Paulaon, piano, 1 McCague block. Ante Room Echoes Within a month the Masonic temple in Omaha will be equipped with a pipe organ of a style which is not to be found nearer this city in a Masonic ball than Cincin nati. Th combined branches ot Masonry decided upon the organ several month ago and the matter baa sines been in the hands of Oustav Anderson, who haa cor responded with manufacturers and has finally received a contract from one which la believed to be aatlsfactory. Tbe speci fications provide for a two manual organ with twenty-one stops, 693 pipes and three pedal movements. The manufacturer aaya that the design selected Is one which has been found most satiafactory for Masonic work. Accompanying th organ la a device for playing tbe same mechanically, so that th Instrument may be uaed when there are no organists eligible. The device may be removed and th organ played by an or. ganlst, the ebsnge being easily and quickly made. There seems to be greater activity In th ranks of th Scottish Rit thla year AMI KMK1iT. Thursday-Friday Friday Bargain Matinee. The New, Up-to-Date cFaddcn's ESou of Flats Best of All Spectacular Farces. Has No Equal. Features , Different. I j in run LeaUS Specialties . Scenic Display In Fact in Everything. PRICES Matinee, 2Bo, 2Br, BOr, 7.1c. Seats on sale. Mp. Mta, than ever before. Inspector General Gus tave Anderson receives reports from all parte of the west ahowlng that in every city there Is more or less activity. In Kansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma th order Is increasing In strength and im portance beyond expectations. A new tem ple was recently dedicated at Topeka. A reunion is being held at Galveston, Tex., and other polnta in the southwest. At Little Rock, Ark., a Scottish Rile cathe dral was recently completed at a cost of about $75,000. It haa been dedicated and Is said to be one of the finest lodge build ings in the west. At St. Louis a new ca thedral waa dedicated, at which time a reunion was held. Omaha will welcome tbe grand lodge ot the Knlghta of Pythiaa this week. More than 250 delegates will be present and the meeting promises to be one of the most Interesting In the history of the order. Omaha has a candidate for the position of grand chancellor In the person of Edward Vv'mIbu, who has for a y"r heen at the head of Nebraska lodge No. 1, and haa been Instrumental in Introducing features which have Increased the attendance and Interest In the lodge work to a remarkable degree. He 1 the father of the lodge newspaper, which is now doing much good for the order generally. In connection with this meeting will be the ceremonial session of the Knights of Khorassan to be held Tuesday evening, followed by a ban quet at tbe Millard hotel. While the grand lodge of the Pythlana la in session at Omaha the grand lodge of i Odd Fellows will be In session at Lincoln, i-lth a session of the grand lodge of the Degree ot Rebekah at the same time. These lodzcs will be represented by a number of delegates about equal to that of the Pyth ian lodge. Much work of Interest win be considered, the most Interesting being a plan to make the past grand masters, who are life members of the lodge, attend Its meeting at tbelr own expense. At the present time there are a number of mem bers of the grand lodge who believe that the past grand masters have too much In fluence In the grand lodge and the proposal Is said to be a plan to reduce that In fluence and give the newly elected dele gates more power In the meetings. The press bureau, or rather the bureau of publicity, which was opened by the supreme officers of the Modern Woodmen under the management of Ab Landis, haa been closed and the supreme camp has ceased Its efforts to educate the member ship of the order to the business of the plan of reorganization reported by the special committee. There are two or more reasons given for the cessation of the work. one extreme being that enough of the men bereblp had been educated to secure the adoption of the plan and the other being that the rank and file who opposed the plan made ao much objection to the work of th program that the supreme officers were compelled to admit their defeat be forehand and abandon the bureau. The Ancient Order of the United Work men is making a strong effort to Increase Its membership 25 per cent prior to June 1 next, and the varloua lodges In this city are making the best poselble use of tbe grand lodge deputies. Omaba Lodge No. 18 bas the services of Deputy Grand Master Workmen Van Dyke for the month of Octo ber, and la making a strong campaign Tuesday evening next No. 18 will hold an entertainment at the tempi for the pur pose of rousing Its members into greater activity. Music, recitations, addresses, re freshments and a short dance program will be given. The programs given by this lodge have always been popular, and this Is tha first ot a serlea planned by It for the winter months. Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, held a regular meeting Tuesday even Ing In the Continental building, when three new namee were handed In, and Ova acted upon. After business Clansman John Mr- Beth, the celebrated prixe piper, of Clan McDuff, Chicago, gave an example of what champion bagpipe playing really mean, and It waa a revelation to our local performer, good aa they really are. R. O. Wataon waa In good voir and sang Maggi Lauder to perfection. Andrew Gray, in his quaint manner gov an account of hla travels abroad, Including Incident In bis march, with General Rob erta, to Candahar, and aom doing of tbe Scot Greys, while he was a member of that celebrsted regiment- Clansman Adams, T. Falconer, Cameron and Lindsay entertained. The Clan Is making arrangement tor a Hollow'een social, and then tbey will have the company of th fair aex. gaselier Klect Ottleera. BUFFALO. N. T.. Oct. ll.-The National Association of Blast Fjrnare Workers and Smelter has elected the following officer: James McMahoa, president, Htruthers, O. ; William Clark, secretary, Buffalo; Thomas Sheridan, treasurer, Struthers, O. The next convention will be held at Youiigmown, O. Resolutions were adopted favoring the movement for an eight-hour day In the or trade. Geraaaa MsNfrts la Caracas. BERLIN, Oct. 11 A special dispatch re ceived here from Caracas, Venesuela. says Adam Russell, a Oerman subject and man lier of the VenesuHa Plantation company, has been found murdered and rnhbrd In the road. The government Is making an In vestigation, in uthorllleej charge the AMI BKMKVI'a. Woodward & Burgess, Mgrs Saturday Matinee. Saturday Night The Original stonians Barnabee and W. H McDonald, Props. Matinee The New "Robin Hood" Night The DeKovetv Smith Latest Opsra, Marian Sequel to "Robin Hood." PRK KH ,Vc, 7Bc, fit. Mht, 8Ae, BOe, 7Bp ft. ft. Bit. Meats n sale Wednesday. ONRiaHTOtt Telephone 1531, Week Commencing Sunday Mat Oct 12 Today 2:15, Tonight 8:15. Lemar & Gabriel Comedians. Lizzie & Vinie Daly Queens of Terpsichore. Four Rianos Grotesque Acrobats. Irving Jones America' Foremost Colored Entertainer. Mr & Mrs Swickard Vocalists. Wm Cahill Davies The Man from Ireland. Dorsh & Russell Musical Comedians. Kinodrome New Moving 8cenea. Prices. 10cf 25c, 50c. Mr. Kelly's Studio is now RE-OPENED DAvldge Block, 18th and Farnnm Omaha College of Music and Fine Arts (Incorporated under the state laws of Nebraska. F. H. WRIGHT, 1 L. C. M.. President and Musical Director. (Organist and Choir Master Trinity Ca tnearai.) Twelve FREB and twelve partially frea scholarships for one year, commencing Oc tober 1.1th. Competitive examination for these scholarships October 14th- For par, tlculars and pronpectus apply Slit HAMUU HIILIIIKU, I Madame Muentefering, PIANO INSTRUCTION STUDIO, Karbach Block, S1S-614, Mon day and Thursday afternoons, TuesdajJ and Friday morning. Also at residence, 130 N. Kth street. Mrs. F. H. Wright Organist and Choir Director ' St Barnabas Episcopal Church. Piano and Pipe Organ RE8IDENCB STUDIO: S01 North 33rd. Telephone A 2461. BLANCHE SORENSON VOICE 550 Ratnge Building. HOI ELI. The MILLARD I8ih aad Do.glat Sis. OMAHA, h KB. Omaha s Leading Hotel. PKt l tl. r Kill HKII LUNCHEON, FIFTY CENTS, 12:30 to I p. m. SUNDAY. 5:3u p. m. DINNER, 75c - Hteadily lncreaing business haa necessi tated an eniarseruent of this cafe, doubling Its luruier capttcUy. H. C