THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1002. 14 r V ir jc i i" 1 ! i i IS IN I'OH IIAI.LOWFF. PART1F.S. Gown (or loam Old to Be Wtn on that Slystle Eve. VKW YORK. Ort. 19. The old custom o( celebrating Hallowe'en with childish games ha been revived by the fnshlonables, who, of course, expend much thought upon the toilette to be worn on this occasion. The fates of the magic night mviat be propitiated by fitting costumes, which in many canes run to a weird loreliness suggestive of un canny spells With these colors and tex tures are chosen which will best express the wearer's sympathy with the charms she Is about to weave, and "moonlight" effects made by cobweb tulle and silver embrold- ( erles are considered very telling. Again dark gypsy looking maidens show a prefer- enee for flaming reds, which shadea, In any gauzy materials, are exquisite with gilt spangles. Certain shades of blue unnat ural, gaslight tints also make highly ef fective Hallowe'en gowns, silver spangles going with these and hem outllnlngs of silver thread. For the rest, with all cos tumes of a picturesque nature, silver crescents and stars are pretty ornaments for the hair, and sliver shoes charming de tails with thin white frocks. Silver bronze, In liquid form, carefully applied to a soiled pair of white kid slippers, will accomplish these. And If no better moons and stars re forthcoming, they can be made of thin tin, to which ordinary whiting will give quite a resplendent burnish. For those who cannot afford an evening frock for every occasion, more conventional things are preferred, such effects and tex tiles as may be worn at any modest func tion. White is alwaya more beautifying than color, and never were gauzy white tuffa more plentiful than now. In truth It is quite an Ingenue year for evening fabrics, for both textiles and trimmings run to a girlish simplicity quite enchanting. For ex ample, here are three gowns chosen from three distinct shops, all of which were plen tifully aupplled with other soiree effects as daintily simple. Beauty of the Bnnfh.' A ravishing robe dress of butler yellow batiste, with tambour embroideries the long, loose chain stitch our grandmothers lovedeasily leads the ran. The skirt of this Is almost clinging, the embroidery shaping an oversklrt look at the top, and a hand with dropping tendrils below. The blouse bodice, which Is provided with a fetching bertha of embroidered batiste, Is met by a black velvet girdle with sash ends at the top of the Jupe. The sleeves nt closely to the elbow, where they finish with a short puff. Ecru point d'esprlt, yellow entre deux and moss-green ribbon velvet realize the aecond gown, whose model Is especially youthful Both hodlre and skirt are made very full over a allk foundation, the net gathering In squares between the bands of trimming. The baby waist Is entirely cov ered with these, one band outlining the neck, which la cut In. a point at the front. Two others hold down the puffs of the elbow sleeves, loops of the same narrow 1 velvet, which runs through all the lace, finishing them at the outside arm. Two other bunches of this tie the cor- tage at the front and three dangle from long strips cf lace put down the apron of the skirt, a band of the same completely encircling the Jupe crosses these at the nips, another lower down stops at the back breadths. The third rig Is the only one of the lot which expresses any of the new, strange metallic blues Is the tint of this, the ma terial mousseline with a very silky finish Great diamonds of yellow lace shape an odd band at the top of the gathered skirt, whose hip portion is tucked. The square necked bodice Is tucked all over and ap plied with a bertha and girdle effect of the laco, which In edging form flounces the elbow sleeve. Pretty as all this Is. however, it is upon a neck drapery of velvet In a more tntense blue that the eye la first fixed. Simple as this arrangement Is it Is dash ing In the extreme. The velvet is cut bias and draped plainly about the square neck, a single long end, headed and finished by a rosette, dangling from the right shoulder. Other Material, Available. Any one of these gowns could be copied in other airy materials, such as chiffon and Brussels and blond nets. These last textiles, more adorable reminders of our grandniamaa, distinguish many of the smart French frocks, whose dead whites contrast with thin laces In the cheapest yellow. An effective and simple trimming observed with Brussels net are bands of bias tuck log headed with lace beading strung with a fine cord of black chenille. The materlala are cut away under the tucked bands and the whole tendency Is to make the gown seem everywhere as airy as possible. A new wrinkle for sash ends Is to have them finish with bunchy bows! the long "snider" ort. One streamer is cut longer than tho other and sometimes half way down each one there is a smaller spider bow. At the waist the Bash la attached to the belt with the smallest knots or rosettes. What la said icr grown-ups concerning the simplicity of the most desirable evening effects holds good for small fry, for whom party clothes have become a neceaalty. Imall lassies and wee laddlea as well as R Are Unequalled In DE8ICN ArtUtlo ornamentation, beauty of outline and uannoslous proportion. FINISH 8m oothnoi of casein, perfect fittings and nickeled laru. CONVENIKNOK-Tu many labouring devices which tliair cm a plMwnrn. IC'NONlY eVieufcflo aoiutrootion that seenres bast resolti v rh Irsi lu !. DURABILITY LUnfniHirrTOd-rirgfw rspsirs necessary. Every "OAKLAND" Sold with Written Guaranty by Leading Merchants Througtuxit the Caontry. Mas rst tnm S to J54. S.M sy Tntntln t.ii Wmasaui trsrywaire. Mad amy y Tba Michigan Stove Company, Lai jrest Makers f Stoves and Ranges in the World. For sale by Milton Rcgers & THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. their elders will peel apples and Jump over candles at Hallowe'en, though It Is doubtful If the significance of the wild October night will be fully clear to them. Nevertheless they must be properly attired and since low necks are decreed far small girls many bare little threats will be seen. The Parisian confections sen' over for children's evening wear have all the bodices made low. But since many anxious mothers object to this decolletago the shops have supplied themselves with gamps and nndersleeves which charmlnr'.v accompany them. These are In the main made of white mull with lace collars and waistbands, thr.ugh gamps entirely of lace are also seen. With silk and velvet frocks these Inst splendors go, for such rich textures are row worn by the smallest msld. fiotvna for Ulrlaj. Most beautiful are some of the little silk gowns for girls from 6 to 12. Figured taf fetas hair stripes and small flowers and pompadour silks In many delicate designs are used for these. Tbe model of the cos tume depends of course upon the material, but a round or square collar of some sort invariably hangs from the cutout neck. This may be all of lace or lace and silk, the gown material showing, perhaps, In tucked pieces between bands of entre deux. A bewitching frock for a demoiselle ot 10 "had one of these bertha collars of yellow batiste groups of tucks between bands of embroidered silk. The gown was pale bluo pompadour silk with small yellow rosebuds, the samo tints showing In the needlework of the collar. Another sweet little dress for a younger girl was cf Ivory white surah silk, with a band of hand embroidery above the skirt hem. A round tucked collar of net and lace healings strung with black bebe velvet finished the cutout neck of this wee confec tion, which should be worn with a black velvet sash and hair bow. Black Is astoundlngly evident In chil dren's clothes this season and very stylish are some of the black cloth snd velvet coats with sashes and linings in brilliant colcred silks. But white is as ever still the mcst elegant thing for the youngest Juveniles of either sex, many a little get-up showing from head to foot not a tinge of color. For the tiniest girls this spotless ness Is especially desirable with party clothes, though colored sashes are no draw back to style. Some Russian blouse suits of white cloth (shown by the children s outfitters) will ns found useful dress cothes for small Bob- bles from 3 to 7 tyid If they are still In the merest frills. Above this short drop there Is a long walsted blouse body and below It a pair ot feet, bare legs emerging from white or black socks and strap slippers. For the Boys, Very young girls will also wear socks In tbe home this winter and the Velasquez fashion of parting the hair at one side and Sons Co-, 14th and Farnam Streets- 1 i f tying It with a admired. The bow at the other Is much new evening tlothes for young gentlemen of the youth stage are very English. With long mannlshly rut trousers, bob-tailed coats are worn, the trousers striped or plain and the coat of black broadcloth. This gtup, together with wide turn down collar and figured pique vests give quite an Eton boy air. Patent leather dancing pumps and black silk Blockings are the proper foot dress ings. Concluding this festive subject let me say to each mother that gala clothes of more or less elegance are of more Impor tance than may be fancied for the younger generation. The custom of putting on- special gar ments for rpectal occasions Is a good one to acquire, leading easily to other require ments which may seem difficult without the stage set. Then gala clothes mean dancing school and children's parties and these things In turn mean ease of manner and j II-'!" PARTY FINERY good exerclHe for young bodies. To sum It all up in a nutshell. If we are to acquire the habits of gentlefolk we must begin young. You can't teach an old dog new tricks and the Cinderella who sud denly becomes splendid does not always ap pear, to the manner born. Then, every thing else unconsidered, how much prettier juvenile functions look when rightly cos tumed. Among the things not to forget Is that thin gold neck chains with heart lockets are worn with the pretty frocka described. The lock may be either of plain polished gold or gold with turquoise enamel, but it Is alwav very small. It Is also enchant Ingly becoming to every little bare throat it decks. . MARY DEAN. I'fcMHIOlS kllSUAMJS. Ella Wheeler AVlIcos Fays Her Disre spect to an Invtorthy Lot. There are only a few things In this life worth getting angry over, writes Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Conkey's Home Jour nal. Almost everything bad Is sad and our pity and our sorrow are needed, not our blame and anger. But there is a type of man I never allow myself to think about long at a time lest a life reputation for amiability be lost in disgusted indignation. I I refer to tbe penurious and selfish bus bands of wives who have no Income of their own men who are In comfortable circumstances or at least In a position nich enables them to pay their bills of necessity and enjoy an occasional luxury, Bnd yet who make their own wives feel more dependent than beggars or slaves. This kind of man pays the grocer aud butcher and dry goods merchant each week or month. He goes over the Items with careful scrutiny, and If the wife who keeps his bouse and takes rare of his children has purchased anything but thi barest aeceesltles of life for her own personal use, she Is lectured by word or look for her extravagance. She may have bern a self-supporting girl with a snug, well-earned salary when he married her. a girl whom he admired tnr hr trim nn.1n.Hila innnrinrt. .She may have been the pride Of parents who took pleasure in dressing her we'l and giving ber pin money, and If she looks back on the days of her girlhood with heart sick regret and sighs for the Inde pendence which she resigned, who can blame her? A husband who compels his wife to ask i for money to buy herself a pair of slippers or a neck ribbon and who hands It out grudgingly, even then, la crucifying her dally and hourly. It is the duty of every man who marries a woman without any source of Income to provide her with a certain allowance for her personel use. The amount should de pend on the man's fortune or salary and the position the woman occupies in the world. The matter should be talked over by them reasonably and sensibly and the husband should be made to realize that his wife is entitled to her independent purse J... . i ir i' ' ' U FOR BMALL FRY. just as fully as he is entitled to his. Her work, ber duties, her time, are all as Important in the general result as his. He ought to save her from the possibility of feeling dependent or humiliated, as any woman In tbe world must feel who Is obliged to ask a man for every dollar she wishes to use. Ho has no more right to question her regarding the use of the money he allow her than she has to question him about every cent be pays out. The money Is her own, to do with as she pleases. The wife who receives her personal al lowance should study economy in the use of it, and not make extra demands upon ber husband's purse. "I envy tbe Independence of my house maid, who gets her $3 every week," said one wife to me, with tesrs of mortifica tion In her eyes. "I would gladly do the work if I could receive her wages, but were I to discbarge her, my husband would expect me to All -the place' without pay. He never Imagines I can need anything but food and shelter." Not infrequently men of this kind are quick to praise women who wear the latest style of dress. "What a natty look Mrs. A. baa," the purseholder will remark admiringly to bla wife, "Queer what good taste some women have In getting themselves up." And the shabby wife, who knows that new, well made gowns are the secret of Mrs. A. 'a natty appearance, winks back the tears in i silence, I The bitterness ef heart the suffering, the crucifixion of pride which thcee brutally selfish and blind husbands have caused and are causing refined women are beyond words to express. DAINTY HALLOWEEN FROCKS. .Jfifii... VI I U I II 'III WP Love, happtuess, sentiment, all fly from sue h a home. Life become a dreary rou tine of duty, and marriage a bondage. Men like these have no business to possess wives. TheFe are the men who drove women out Into the world to wave the flag of emancipation. "It the old man hnd never been selfish and Inconsiderate, the new woman would never have existed." The wife of a wealthy self-made man once told me that her whole life was em bittered by the humiliation her husband subjected her to during their early years of struggling for fortune. "Once when 1 asked for 2 cents, he would not give them to me until I explained that I needed a yeast cake," she said, and the pain of that experience and many similar ones never left her heart. It Is a pity that some self-made men did not lose the pattern before they completed the Job. It Is sometimes unnecessary for a rich man to boast that be Is self-msde. We would all know, without being told, that Ood had nothing to do with it. What shall It profit a man If be gain the whole world and slay the soul of hts wife? MORE BAC HELORS THAU SPIXNTKR". Matrimonial Possibilities of Varioaa States of the In Ion. A careful reckoning of the number of men In the various states of the union who are available matrimonially has Just been fin Ished by the census office. It finds that in the aggregate there are 6.726,779 bach elors of 21 or over and makes record of the remarkable fact that there are at pres ent in the United States 2,500,000 more single men than single women of that age and above. The exact figures are 4,195,446 .maidens, so that the latter are in the fnlnorlty ot 2.531,333. Inother words, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, there are 2,631.333 unattached males who could not possibly get wives unless they fell back upon girls under 20, New England has always been supposed to be overburdened with single women, and yet the census reckoning chows that there Is not a state In that group which has not more bachelors than spinsters. Even Massa chusetts, long declared to bu fe chosen home ot the old maid, has a alight over plus of unmarried men, the flg'irea being 289.932 single males, against 277,711 fe males similarly situated. Mstno hj CO, 878 bachelors, against 43,790 spinsters; New Hampshire, 38.713 bachelors -And 19,740 spinsters; Rhode Island, 41, 64 7'icholor and 89,405 spinsters, and Connecticut, n, 158 bachelors, against 74,731 tp-nsters. ' It is clear from a glance at the census figures, however, that the unmarried wo men of the East ought to migrate to tho great and growing West, where the avail able supply of husbands Is relatively enor mous. Just think of California, for example, wrere there are 239.604 bachelors and only 88,755 maidens of twenty and upward! But the opportunity In Idaho Is much more attractive, the single men numbering 23,421 and tbe spinsters only 3,556. Mon tana Is another state rich In chances of marriage, its bachelors numbering 65,457, 4.i . aT3saeas A srera from Heaven In th form of a sweet littl child l recognised by the parents as a sacred trust to be cared (or and five a generously to tbe world a a message of the Father' o?e to his children. Children, strong Intellectually and physi cally is a duty every pregnant mother owes society. MOTHER'S VRItRB is a sopori6c or sleep producing element ex terns!! applied that w'll rlv the expectant mother nights of peaceful and dreamless rest, and if used diligently thronfihout gestation will soften all tissues, muscles and tendons straining with the burden, caus ing them to relax and become soothed, supple and elastic. When you use this perfect remedy during childbirth or throughout the entire period of gestation you will be free of pain and bear healthy, clever children. Of druggist t 00 per bottle. Accept no substitute. Our book, "Motherhood," fRtt. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. against 7. MO spinsters. Oregon has 60.525 bachelors and 16.775 maidens, while Wash ington claims 00,014 single men and 16. SIR women. But the banner elate for bachelors Is Wyoming, which has . 2, .147 spinsters against 20,927 unmarried persons of the sterner sex. It must be very difficult for a woman to become an old maid In Wyoming. The excess of bachelors over spinsters of 20 year and upward In Massachusetts Is nearly 2 per cent. In Rhode Island It Is 6 per cent, in Connecticut 25 per cent. In Maine 30 per cent, in New Hampshire 26 per cent and In Vermont 45 per cent. New York shows a surplus of 23 per cent. New Jersey 29 per cent, Pennsylvania 38 per cent, Ohio 38 per cent, Indiana 60 per cent, and Illinois 68 per cent. Kansas rises to an excess In bachelors to 108 per cent, while Missouri shows a surplus of "2 per cent. Michigan has an eicess of 77 per cent of single men. In this country the males outnumber the females 24 In every 1,000 and thus It Is obvious that, If all of the women do not get husbands. It Is cot for lack of available material. PROSPERITY AI HIRED GIRLS. Prefer Work In the Harvest Fields to Kitchen Dradgerr. - Farmers In the vicinity of MiiBiwiU'e, ta , are driven almost to distraction over th servant girl problem. The glils living on the farms are all In such prosperous homes that they do not need to work for their neighbors, and in Muscatlno all the' girls who want to make money employment In tbe pearl button factories, which Is both pleasant and remunerative. A wealthy farmer came to town re-ontlr badly discouraged. He sa"s ho wnnis to do his fall farm work, but ot wifj is sick and not able to do the hoosework. He has driven the country over, nu cannot find a girl who will do housework. Now he pro poses to solve the problem by doing the housework himself and hiring girls to cut tuo iviii auu uu iiio um-Ti.' nuiaigi wurtv. To induce tbe girls to accent, his off?r ho proposes to allow eight hou:s for n iHy's work, pay the highest wag. give them lunch between meals and throw to plenty of chewing gum. They are to hav hammocks to rest in at noon and will be taken to their work in the family carlagn. This farmer sairs he does not lllve in dancing, but If the girls wati'. to dance they shall do so to tb?:r heit'is' content.: But even these tempting; offers are -expe.Hod' to prove ineffective. Seven dollars a eek ,s th provrlling wage In Muscatine for servant glrl- They can make as much or morj -In the rear! button factories and h'ivi xvenlccs end Sun days to themselves. Tba wurl: la not lif9 cult and Is really h-Ut f il while tie. girls have antipathy to tho ilrii'lit'iry f kitchen work and the care of clilld-in. The farmers In need of glrl i In thst len ity are all deeply I.Han in he o.'fcr made ty one of their and are hoping the factory girls will d'-cile ti 'ry outdoor life on the farm, even 'f tho farmer himself has to take to the kitchen. Thus the crops will be saved and '.hu Mi chords aoue, at least. Prills of Fashion.' Vfany of the enameled brooches In the form of flowers are adorned with pendant drops of turquoise, pearls and other stones In the matrix. . Nothing In the way of a bright and be coming dress for a young girl can be more effective than a wh I h t of Tartan tnfteta silk that tones well with the dress nkirt. Royal ermine garment and trimmings, higher In price and more attractive than ever in shape and effect, are In demand for the coming season. A belt pin In the form of a jeweled safety pin. decorated with the moriocram of the wearer, has been introduced this season. t lo worn In the front of the waist and not at the back. A big white ostrich feather muff has a flat roeettelike bow of black velvet on the top and the collar, to match, is fastened with loops and ends of the broad black vel vet ribbon. Louis XV. coats of sealskin are net off with collars and cuffs of chinchilla and minever. The coronation brought minever into prominence and It Is much lined for facings and linings. The ostrich feather boas, both blnck and white, and the two combined, Mnd rivals In the colored feathers that exactly match the whole tone of the costume, This la spe cially commendable in gray of the tender pearl tone. To wear with unllned dresses are special petticoats made with an abundance of flounces starting from the knee. The newest petticoats are cut In widening circles unttotl by Insertion on the umbrella lan and the gowns stt over them to perfection.- Many be ices nre made so as to give a enpellke effect and the trimming carried round the figure below the rhouldrr points produces the slant which Is now fashion able. A pretty Bleeve used fr-cjuentlv with these waists is made with a short, full puff at the shoulder. Far and About Wuiueii. Miss Helen Miller Gould Is a volunteer firemen. She has been elreted an honorary member of B. B. Bouten hose of Roxbury N. T.. In return for a generous donation of 100 to be used In the purchase of a hook and ladder apparatus and chemicals. Mrs. Emma Flower Tsylor, a daughter of Roswell P. Flower, has authorized the trustees of the city hospital at Water town. N. Y., to erect upon the hospital grounds an auxiliary building to be used as a contagious ward. Miss Olna Krog has been called the "Buaan B. Anthony of Norway." The suf. frage agitation which has betn carried on since last has been planned by Ml?s Krog. who Is a woman about 50 veara of age, of much culture and social Influence, with the natural gift of leadership. Blgnora Mayor des Planches, wife of the Italian ambassador at Washington and a new acquisition to diplomatic society thre Is described as a woman nt remarkable beauty and as a charming talker. Alienor Mayor Is the youngest of the ambassadors. He and his wife will entertain on a large scale. Miss Bernlce P. Gregory of Nashville. Tenn.. Is the sole owner of the Gregory Tslc Blackboard and Crayon company snd serves In the capacity of secretary. Hh haa made a great success In her huHlnesH enterprise, holding patents on blackboards crsyons and erasers. Miss Gregory Is an A. B. and M. M. graduate of Mary Sharo rollege, Winchester. v Mrs. Gertrude B. Williams of Norwalk. O.. Is the great great granddaughter of a roldlrr of the French and Indian war of 1763, a great granddaughter of a soldier of the revolutionary war, a granddaughter of a soldier nf th" war of 1412. daughter and wife of soldiers of tne civil war and mother of two soldiers of the late Upanlsh-Amcrl-csn wsr. Mrs. Edith White nf Bennington. Vt., has received a small fortune as a reward for a kind act. Years ago she t-frlended a stranger, who said he would remember her In his will. Mrs. White had forgotten the episode when a few days ago she was noti fied that I17.&O0 had been drporltrd In her name at St. Iiule. The stranger bad died snd left her that amount. - Mis. Whit has gone 'to fat. Louis Iw secure lua money. ii I ii i il na I iH Why Not Mexico? You have been to Europe. You have aeen California and Colorado. Why not try Mexico" It Is worth while. The curious archil ecttirei the vast plazas, whero the entire population of tho city gathers nightly to listen to the stirring sttains of a military band; the rare beauty of the women; the picturesque attire of the men; the primitive methods of agri culturethese are only a few of the scores of things thst can he seen and enjoyed in Mexico in MID-WINTER. Cut out this ad. send It to us, ami we will mall you h book about Mexico. Tcllfl Just what you want to know. lw rates to California, Washington. Montana, Idaho and 1'lah In effect all this month. Ask about them. TICKET OFFICE 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Nsb, Qairse OF CURED BY WHISE RIBBuN REMEDY No taste. No odor. Can be given In glass of Water, tea, or coffee without patient's knowledge. . White Ribbon Remedy will cure or de stroy the diseased appetite for alcoholic stimulants, whether the patient is a' con firmed Inebriate, a "tippler." koclal drinker or drunkard. ' Impossible for anyone to have an appetite fnr alcoholic liquors after, using White Ribbon Remedy. ,, Indorsed by Members m W, C T. l;. Mrs. Moore, press superintendent of Wo man's Christian Temperance Union, Ven tura, California, writes: "I have tested Wnlte' Ribbon Remedy on very obstlnatu drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given se cretly. I cheerfully recommend and lndors White Ribbon Remedy. Members of our Union are delighted to find hii economical treatment to aid us In our temperance work." Druggists or. by- mall, $1. Trlsl package free by writing Mrs. A. M. Townsend (for years secretuiy of a Woman's Christian Temperarce Union). 218 Tremout St., Itos ton, Man. Sold In Omaha by SCHAFER'S ,TO Phone 77, 8. W. Cor. 16th and Chicago. Ooods delivers i FKliK to any part C city. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER T. T. FELIX COURACD'S ORIENTAL 4 CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. rtnovpa Tail. Plmplm, in. Moth Pai.-hn. and Hkln Dlt '. ant . tvrry blemUh on baauty. nd deflaa dete.-tlon. . It haa atood tha l-t of flfty-four ytara. and la ao harmiftaa wa taate tt to ba aura 11 la properly mad. Accpt no 'ounterMt of alntl- lar nam. Or. L. A. Sayl aaid to a lady at tli haul ton la uatlenl) : "As you ladles will use them. I recom mend 'UOURAUD S CREAM' as the teast harmful of all the skin preparations." For sule by all druggists anci fancy goods deal ers' In the 11. 8. and Europe. KEHU. T. IIUPKINH, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St., N. Y. Dr. Burknart's Wonderful Offer. ISlXM0)iTK5TrlEATM ECETAEIE Dr. Burkhnrt's Vegetable Compound hss proved a blessing In millions of homes. It positively curea C'hronlc Ailments. Kidney, Liver and Ktomach UlseaFea, Catarrh. Ma laria, Bad Memory. Dizziness, Headache, Coated Tontine, Palpitation of the Heart, LaUrlppe and Kheumatuitn. lu days' treat ment free. All druggists. IH. W. S. Ml H K It ART, Cincinnati. O. Is an Ideal Chsmnantre. obtained by uilnjj tha purs, Jules of rapes naturally (trmcnud. A perfect drink with aroma delicious. Try It. RIIEUfilATiSMS aiaror twain , suabeMatr. a. gTsAB,s.a,i mdr ha will ear 111 ivtrAJIf ataUlltfif. MSW pi HI.ICATIONI. Your Fortune Told Free 81 THf 7DCI1R roloTtT.,l roar Ufa. w fu raturn u-tmmm. Oar routine Uah Uui itM hMy and full of la kj4 fckxl xadioiL MAOAzim it KTimai, v. wuiimi u , B-.r. ty. MINI warns V A) 4 tnt