THE OJLVILV. DAILY HEEi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1002. I 1 GOSSIP FROM THE GRIDIRON iTtrybodj Wiiniif 0mi, bat 11 Tsit r 8et KiawT ETsry, Dsy. BIG GAMES WORRY THE COACHES MUCH IkraAi HmHern BeTerely , ; Booth ? Hna . Tr Bis littles to Fill. Everybody U still winning at foot ball, of course. jThat U. all tie big teams. Though some oftheffl;are being ecored on, to date the Important elevene In the different parts of the. e'ountry are all undefeated. That l to be expected, for with the seasoil Just entering upon Us third real week of play the leading 'varsity squads are still in the mldet of. the usual preliminary schedule of matches with Inferior opponents, the ac knowledged training school for the big con teats to come, and at the same time the basis for much unseasonable dope as to the final standing of the teams. But tbls condition of preamble cannot last much longer. Every week brings the Impending but long dolayed collision of the real giants nearer at hand, and as a general rule trie big smash will Come about November- 1. That date will be the first of a series of four Saturdays" and a. Thanks giving Xlay which will write the real foot ball history of the year. For those crucial twentyyeven days are the elevens training, and to that period of the gridiron schedule are the eyes of the rooters turning, and their expectations yearning. In the Big Four all the teams are now rniiinv into condition and form and the different units are beginning to acquire that knowledge of their duties termed "head," which feature alone wyi count as much as anything else In determining who shall be the choices for the first team places a' regulars. By next week, or the "one following at the latest. It will be possible to schedule the 'varsity peneonneja. for all the Big Four elevens, but as yet there Is still much speculation- at to many positions on the Ulfferent teams. Princeton and Yale and Pennsylvania. 'however, seem all far ther; toward a "picking" now than their rival! Harvard, as each of the three has been playing only a regular eleven and the nec essary substitutes recently, while the Crim . son continues to run through a roll of from twenty-five to thirty men for each game. p i 1 1 . , From"1 the preliminary play In the Big Four district thus far Coach Wllliama ot. the Quakers draw the deduction tha,t the maller-'schools 'are steadily rising In foot ball , prowess. How h. (ran . evolve this conclusion from a comparison of Big Four flgures of this year with those of last Is difficult to understand. Tako renatu'lyanla,,, Tale. Harvard and Princeton, for Instance, la thelrigames of Saturday, Oetoher'4. .The Quakers- beat State. 17 to 9; last year their victory was. by a score of 2jl to 6. manifestly a much stronger showing by oti' Wina It nitred' This.' mandrill Yale Amherst 23 to 0, last yeaVdnly to 0; the deduction is plain. Again. Harvard has Junt defeated Bates 23 . to 0, while In 1901 the. score was: Harvard. 16; Batee, .' Thus th? weak team scored on Harvard a yeaf ago, while this year It was away outacored and was whitewashed. Only the Tigers of them all has failed to better Its showing, and In the game against Lehigh the score was so btg 8 to 0, that It can not be said to fall tuuon below that of 01, 3"i to 0. So M CoachA Williams Is to figure fbat th&T Insignificant school teams are growing steadily better, he must base the opinion on proposition that the Big Four teams are about 50 per cent improved this year themselves,'. The first faint chance for the critics to draw any comparison betweed the big teams, however, has come during the last 'week, and It Is by all odda the most Inter esttng'feature of the gridiron developments. TWs resulted from the game between Har vard and' Amherst of last. Wednesday. In wjloh the Crimson won' by only 6 to 0 from a jteam that Yale defeated the Saturday previous by 23 to 0. It Is very easy to announce that com parative scores count (or nothing, but when thi parallels are ao sharply drawn as tn this Instance you cannot prevent the rooters fre'm drawing, a rather pointed Inference. Th-whole meaning of these two games Is that just now .Yale has a much better team In. weight, training and development than Harvard.' That ' promises nothing for one month from now, however, and Yale's great excess of weight over Harvard would natur al mal. the Blues stronger when both tea&s are Still raw. However, the action of ths Yale men was decidedly superior to that of the Crimson representatives tn this game. , though each team found Amherst bard proposition. Harvard was really outplayed a tood portion of the time, while the Blues acjred twice In each half. The .Crimsons could not score at all till the middle of thtj second balf, when the sole touchdown wtaa made'.' "TheXmhefi eleven is light, .an for that reason bad a better chance against the Harvard teanrthan against the solid ton of men who constitute the Blues' eleven. It is Interesting to. know as col lateral that, Charlie Gould, Yale's captain of last year. Is coaching Amherst, and It Is a Vlncb that he urged his team to every effort s4lftt. .the Crlmsoa defensors on Cambridge field. The pluck of the smaller college men against odds, lu weight, waa aaJ to be' marvelous. f , In the midwest Conference College cir cles are chiefly Interested In the fact that bottr of the' teams picked to be the leaders for the aeason, Wisconsin and Michigan, have been scored agajost already and both by teama Which last aeason' not only failed to erase the cipher, but were beaten by much larger" ' scores, la the' case of the ri r LT7. rj r n ' IV il il IWI 1 REMICIC'S ECZEMA CURE. ' The tm application slrae relief ; ewe bos will cur any ordinary ease of Baseaa, Pimple awbar's Hch and alt Itching er eoaly eruption. I'rioa, Fifty cants per boa, PURIFY THE BLOOD. SAW&li'lt; kr uu"' D I I IT O qalekly cured IbUO tarn. The Ira FtlEE BCnOZOI'E nsccn coop for a m. mm Cuv out and alga this coupon, taks It to any of the folfowing dranrlsta and tbay will give yos a ftrty-oenk box of Uamiiri Edema Cure and a large nfty-oent uutue oi Burosoaa bota lot in; wuur--rvg-ii mr prion, 11 w. porosuaa, rtliauie . . aatisaptie, germicide and dtsinfaotant is Bow used and endorsed by thousands of prominent people for Cuts, burns. Old Soros, eore Vuacles, ' Hheoinatram, Ivy Poiaoa, lease blu. Catarrh, and tiers llirona. REMICK MEDICINE CO., 518 N. 3d St, ST. LOUIS. MO. COUPON. NanuL, A-ddVcsB . Kuhn Co , Uth and Douglas 8t., Omsha; J. H. Merchant 16th and Howard Bt , Omaha: tVharfer'e. lth and Chicago Bta.. Onh; 8Uman MiCounaU Drug Co, lh ami IhIs Uls , Omithi; C A Melvhrr, ZJ1 N. St., South Uiuaha; Uco. . I' a via, Mi W. Uroadaay, CuulvU bluffs. Badger eleven thla Is well explained by I me iranaadmllon of Coach King that his team Is yet very loose and sloppy tin team flay and even more so on the defense that on the offense. Development and centrali sation have been admittedly alow at Madi son and a much Inferior tesm might In that way score. With the Wolverines It (s a little different, for Coach Yost would have It that bis eleven Is already a com pacted machine, with Its play Improved to a point very near the season's Ideal. Other Interesting features of middle west foot ball are that the Gophers could de feat Ames Agricultural college but U to 0 and that Chicago won from Knox by the skin of Its teeth, bsrely escaping defeat or a tie at that. This latter result will appeal to Nebrasksns, as the Cornhuskers meet Knox college on November 15 In Omaha. The game with the Midway Maroons developed ' the truth of the sev eral statements made In The Bee concern ing the Oalesburg team. First, It is very heavy; second, It Is a band of veteran. Then the two star guards, France and Mar tin, men who are Ineligible Under confer ence rules, sre a great power tn the middle of the line. Nebraska will very probably find good opposition when Knox comes to town. t . Coming nearer home, the tact -that the Iowa State Normal school scored on the re doubtable State university of Iowa Monday Is another etory that tells Itself. Appar ently Coaches Knlpe and Hobba hare atill some cementing to do. Looking on this side the Missouri, all the news from Kan sas to date Is not such as to promise an unusually strong team from there. It is certain that Coach Curtis will accomplish a great deal with the material at hand, but beyond predicting a hard fighting eleven not much can be Said. Meanwhile, to tig rag bark again, from the University of Missouri the news Is practically nil.. Thu team has not had an Important game yet, and reports as to the chances at Columbia for a good eleven are not only meager, but absolutely wanting. In the pursuit of the festive foot ball pipe the northern writer is apt to allow bis perspective to be bounded by the horiaona Indicated In the names) Big Four and Big Nine, Accustomed for so long to Identify all strenuous collegiate su premacy with the north, one Is very apt to consider foot bsll purely a sport for the states north of the line. To tell such people that In the very southernmost tier of states in this country, reaching from South Carolina to Texas, there exists a flourishing and extensive foot ball aseocia tlon would be to spring a mild surprise. But this Is the fact. The Intercollegiate association, to which ' reference Is made. naa been In active progress for many years, and no district championships of northern gridiron clans, are' waged with a fiercer plrit of rivalry and competition than those of the sunny south. They do not have the snows and the blows of the north to fortify endurance and spur effort, but despite all that, some great trams are de velopcd every year. It aeema something like playlag the pad and aweater game In the summer, time, but the lada of soft, roll ing voices and Intense family pride do all they can. They' spend money with the best ,Of thero, and engage northern coaches and Sfock up with carloads of the most modera equipment. Training la hardly so rigorous aa further north. That would be almost impossible In the warmer clime. Yet good foot ball la played. ........ Seventeen teams belong to this assor la tlon. They embrace the colleges of ten Mates, outlining the seacoast from the gulf on around up to the Virginias. Last sea on the eleven of the University of the South, at Suwanee, Tenn., won the aeeo elation championship. This aeason the struggle has just begun again. For Its very first game this year the Suwanee team took a ride of thirty-five contlnuoua hours to Dallas, Tex., to play the University of Texas boys. They reached Dallas laat Fri day morning and played the same afternoon. That shows nerve, and spirit, and many other commendable qualities. When a northern team departs for a game at a dis tance that means even one brief night on the train three days Is the time taken In which to tone up again before playing. Suwanee hopea to win from Texas, though outweighed. The team will round up many others of, the association colleges on this trip. The list reads: Alabama Polytechnic Institute; Clemson college, 8outh Carolina; Cumberland uni versity, Tennessee; Kentucky State college; Louisiana State university; Mercer unlver slty, Georgia; Tulane university. New Or leans; Agricultural and Mechanical college, Mississippi; Vanderbllt university, Nash ville; University of Alabama; University of ueorgia; University of Mississippi; Univer sity of Nashville; University of North Caro lina; University of the South Suwanee; Unl verslty of Tenneeee; University of Texas. At the University of Nebraska the crip pling of Right Guard Maloney and Substi tute Back Englehardt comes aa a aevere blow just at this time, when the big game with the Minnesota Gophers stares the team la the face. Maloney ' loss will be the more keenly felt of the two, not only be came of bla more prominent place on Ue squad, but also because It Is probable that his Injury will keep him out of the game the rest of the season. It Is thought that Englehardt can get Into the scrimmage again within two weeks, but that will hardly put him in condition to help out agaiust the Mlnnesotana. Maloney waa hurt lo the Brat few min utes of the game with the University of Colorado at Boulder a week ago. His shoulder was dislocated, but despite that, he persisted In playing on, and lined up aeveral ttmea more. Finally he was forced to retire, and the doctors now fear that In the time which he played while hurt he sustained additional Injuries to the socket of his shoulder joint, which will render hla Incapacitation permanent for thla aea son. Some hope still remains that he will get out In November. Englehardt's troubles are much less - f" Quickly S, Pcrmanentr) M CURED BY USING by using HtmUVn I application gives Inst Instant ralial. OftOZONI. rloue, h, having a few cracked ribs, none being broken. He is very tender on that side aa a consequence and must keep out of the srrtmmsge for a time, and after that he may wear a, harness for awhile. Englehsrdt wss rapidly making good as a bark, and seemed about to work Into the first squad when his hurt came. This Is unfortunate for him, but be will be about In time to do hie share la the games after October 18. For Maloney'a place there la some hot competition between Tobln, Cotton and Hunter. Tobln was out last year, while Cotton and Hunter are green. The first named player has therefore a little the better chance for the place, but the others are pushing him hard. Tobln took Ma loney'a place at Boulder and played good ball. The first and second eleven scrim msges are being utilised as the means' of deciding between these men. During the last week Hunter has been playing oppo site' Ringer and Tobln opposite Cotton. Hunter will certainly get his mouth full opposite the eld veteran,' and Tobln and Cotton will fight It out to the last hair for the supremacy and choice. Aside from these reverses, things look bright on University field. The team ! working smoothly, and Coaches Palmer and Drain have built up a second eleven that gives the 'varsity all It can do every afternoon. Cortelyou Is out at end and is already fast rounding Into his usual form. Orley Thorpe Is also out, but he hadn't had . a foot ball suit on for four years knd naturally needs a whole lot of condi tioning. Though be la practicing regu larly, he will not be In shape to play against Minnesota, and Benedict will con tinue in the position till after that time at least. The latter has been making great progress during the last ten days and Is now kicking in such phenomenal form that the coachea bate to consider taking him out, anyway. His soft spots are at pass ing the ball and - at running the team, though he la by no means weak at these, while hla punting la superb. He Is kicking every afternoon better than anyone Ne braska ever had. When the change does come Benedict will probably be switched over to a halfback position, as his kicking prowess make him a desirable man to have on the team, while he la tn addition to that a good ground gainer. He Is light, but has all the dodging ability of his brother, the former famous Nebraska back. Nebraska has never had a strong punter and appreciatea the quality .when It ap pears. The training table Is tn full swing now, having been started two weeks ago. - The veterans. Shedd, Weatover, Ringer, Bender, Bell, Maloney, were the only men put on It at first. Borg, Benedict, Mlckel, Cortel you and Tobln have since gone on, and the number will be further increased as the candidates show form. The whole school Is hanging now on the game with Minne sota to be played next Saturday at Minne apolis. The Cornhuskers- are very hopeful. The coming week will be a lively one for the Crelghton foot ball aquad. The scrubs play the second eleven from Bellevuer col lege on the Crelghton field' Mdnday'aTter noon and the 'varsity team will go', down to Bcllcvue Thur5''r. wbara they am promised a hard game. The Crelghton team is , taking some risk In playing a game so soon before the regular Saturday contest, but although Bellevue has a fast team and is more than anxioua to .defeat Crelghton, still It is not to be expected that any ma ; terlal damage wilt be done. to either squad. The best of feeling exists between the two elevens and thia seemed the only possible date for, a game, ao the management de cided to take the risk and play.' What makea thla arrangement most serious for the Crelghton men la the char acter of the team they are to meet on the 18th. Saturday the Omaha people will be given their first chance to see the team from Doane college play In this city'.' For aeveral years Doane has enjoyed the re nown of standing second to node In the state but the University ' of Nebraska. Doane, like the other colleges of the state, has plenty of husky material for a foot ball team, and, unlike some of the other colleges, Doane has the advantage of clever coaching. Much of the material that baa won her laurela In the past is now scat tered throughout the business and profes sional circles of the city and thla element baoks the team "for old time's sake." ' This, then. Is the proposition Crelghton baa to meet next Saturday. But there Is reason to expect a victory for Crelghton even against so strong a team. Crelghton's coach Is first class, Crelghton's backs are powerful and Crelghton's line has stood the test so far this season. Will Crelghton win? If not, the people of Omaha will have an opportunity to see a foot ball con test far surpassing what is usually pre sented for their inspection. One feature that has disappointed the Crelghton players and their supporters is the cancellation of the game with Tabor college. The Tabor boys tailed to live down the defeat administered them by the Amity college aggregation on last Monday. They have cancelled all their games and the team has disbanded. The. blow struck Crelghton with full force, for It was im possible to find a team to furnish a strong gape on ao short notice. The game of yea terday waa not exactly the kind usually seen on the Crelghton field. Hard games are what Crelghton wants, and there are a string of them coming. The people of the downtown districts have now learned thut It is very easy to step on any car, transfer to the Harney line and drop off at the en trance to the Crelghton grounds. The weather thua far has been unfavorable for foot ball, but the cloudless akles that are characteristic of Nebraska's Indian sum mer days will probably In the future amlle down on those who go to Twenty-fifth and California atreeta to witness the contests In the national college sport. The last days of the second week of prac tice at the State University of Iowa find the 'varsity eleven In excellent shape and with atrong hopea of attaining champion ship form. The men are In much better physical condition than they have been at thla time in the season of late years. Coach Knlpe has been a hard taskmaster this week, driving the practice along fast and faster. "Hurry up, you'll have to hurry," "What do you mean by standing still?" "You've got to keep Just aa close aa you can run to the ball on every play," are eorae of the directions he shouts at the player after almost every scrimmage. When the men are too exhausted by bear ing the brunt of a heavy scrimmage .to play any longer, a substitute jumps into the place and the men are aent en a, run around the ld to recover their wind. Substitutes are many at Iowa thla year and all pressing close upon the regulars. Mack and Shechan and Roy Buckley at halfback are three fine substitutes. Roy Buckley proved much of a whirlwind la the first half of the State Normal game and hla brother Fred will not be the only mem ber of hla family wearing an "I" much longer. Johnson Is a very strong substi tute guard, with Chesley a close runner-up tor the guard position. Durkee, who has been out of the game on account of paren tal objections, has again appeared for practice. He la a very fast man and bad been counted upoa to make left halfback. He may atill make it or eUe go with Wie team aa substitute end. Duncan ia a heavy aub center, who Is tried often to provide the eubstltute for Brlggs should he be hurt. It Is bard for any mat, however, who caa qualify for center by leasoa et weight, to fill Brlggs' place ,1a Iowa's sec ond line of defense. Brlggs Is a fast man behind the line when the opponents have the ball and, with Nell Jones, the quarter back. Is much relied upon to turn back center plunge and tackle rushes. Coach Knlpe la devoting a great deal of attention thla year to goal kicking. In tending to make all of this feature that he ran. Ochiltree, Hollenbeck and Jones are practiced every night in kicking goal from placement. Ochiltree has attained a nice accuracy In placing the ball between the bar and Hollenbeck la n6t far behind htm. In the practice Thursday night Captain Hollenbeck kicked every goal of the sis touchdowns msde by the 'varsity. The guards have been doing excellent work this. week. Donovan and Atkinaoa have picked up wonderfully the last few daya of practice and Coach Knlpe has hopes of their developing Into All-Western guards by the time the season is out. The foot ball game next Tuesday between the University , of South Dakota eleven and the Omaha Medics wilt bring to this city one of the finest foot ball teama In the northwest. The record of the team so tar Is an enviable one, no games lost, one man killed and one crippled for life through an Injury to the spine. The team comes directly from Vermilion to meet the Omaha Medics on the 14th at Vinton street psrk. The game will be called at 4 o'clock, thua affording men an Opportunity to get out to witness one of the strongest elevens that will play in Omaha this season. The advertising of the game has been placed in the hands of a hustling committee who are working diligently and hope to have the biggest crowd that has attended a game of foot ball in this city thua far this seaaon. At the Omaha Medical college a company of 100 baa formed to practice yells and sstlies. The hustling commttttee has supplied each member with a 3-foot mega phone and the fun the chorus will furnsh the attending crowd should alone be worth the money. In the Omaha Dental college a similar company has been organized. Both schools will attend in a body. To advertise the game still more the Med Ica will turn out Monday night tn a shirt tall parade. This is a distinctly Nebraska university custom and was seen here in Omaha for the first time last fall when It waa announced that the Omaha Medical col lege had been made a department of the state university. The parade will form sharply at 8 o'clock at the college and will be seen on all the downtown streets of the city between that hour and midnight. Ar rangementa have been made with the man agers of the theaters, by which the parade will cross the stages between the acts. All prominent hotels will also be visited. LINE UP OF BOWLERS' LEAGUE Men Who Will Make t'p the Teama to Play the Kohedale fo (he Orsion. With sixty-three bowlers as the aggre gate of its eight teams, the Omaha Bowling league' Is now watting only for the sound of the gun to begin Its season on Monday night, when the. Westerns and the Germans ttart it off at Lenta A Williams' alleys. As a general average the teams are perhaps mere -evenly matched thla ocaoon thnn laat. At least from present appearances no one team will keep solitary company so far to the bottom of the ladder as was the experi ence last winter. Five of the teams are carrying eight players, one, the Germans, counts nine, and the other two aeven each. The personnels are as followa. the first man named on each team being captain and the aecond the retiring captafn; Omaha W. H. Wlgman, C. M. Zarp, W. H. Emery, H. Lehman, Guy Furay, M. R. Huntington, W, W. Hartley, F. W. Fogg. Clarkaon W. F. Clarkson, W. C. Brunke, C. K. Denman, C. E. Lucas, F. Conrad, H. L. Fowler, L. J. Schneider, J. Konballn. German W. F. Weber, A. Krug. C. Con rad, H. Beaelin, L. Weymuller, W. Zltzman, S. Yoder, J. J. Berger, E. Zltzmaa. St. Charles F. W. Schneider. H, W, Fritacher, G. E. Flanagan, F. H. Baden, C. F. Wille, M. Z. Foracutt, W. H. Karson, A. Keller. Gate City M. R. Encell, W. S. Sheldon, W. A. Chandler, C. N. Rosonbaum, W. A. Bowman, H. H. Jones, C. B. Bridenbecker, H. Swanson. Weetern T. P. Reynolds. R. W. Ayer, C. E. Selleck, H. D. Reed, E. Lawler, A. C. Allyo, T. Berry, J. Cavanaugh. Krug Park F J. Bengele, F. Krug, C. Matthal, F. Jorgensen, C. J. Francisco, H. Horwlch, R. V. Frush. National E. M. Tracey, J. J. Davey, W. H. Ahmansoa, A. Reed, B. F. Roth, G. A. Potter, W. F. Gilchrist. Meanwhile the All-American bowling trio la well atarted on Ita long playing journey of more than ' 100 engagements consuming that number of days. These stars began It by playing four daya lo Dayton, O., commencing October 1. Then laat Sunday they hit Chicago and from there began the next day their match to the west ccfast over the northern lines. During the week they have played through Wisconsin, making five different towns there and ending on Saturday in Auatin, Minn. The coming week they play through Minneaota, finishing business In the Gopher state on next Sunday, when they play at Stillwater.' Next follow two week in Mon tana, and so on west. Omaha these men strike on their return Journey, when they will come In over the south line from Los Angeles. December 16 Is their date here and there will be both afternoon and evening contests, in all probability. The team Is as originally an nounced, Eelbacb,- who is captain; Wolf, Peterson and Voorhels, under the personal conduct of Manager Karpf. There is every indication that many more lnter-town matches will he played through Nebraska this season than ever before. Aa a matter of fact, that wouldn't necessarily mean so very many, for tn the past there have hardly been more than twa or three a year. But, judging from the preaent outlook, this winter will see the commencement and steady growth of a strong desire on the part of bowling teama in different towns to match up with "foreigners" and there will be quite a lit tle traveling done in consequence. Omaha has been well established on ita j bowling legs now for two years past and more, but In moat of the smaller towns of the state laat winter saw the first real spurt in the rolling game. The aimon pure fanatics were just emerging from the chrysalis condition Into one of full fledged fiend. Tbls resulted In strong bowling interests being built up In Lincoln, Ne braska City, Fremont, Schuyler, David City, Beatrice, Columbus and a few other town and many gamea between repre sentative team from theae places are now a probability. Last winter Omaha and Ne braska City teama met, but It didn't go much further. Tbls season many town are already talking up gamea of thla kind. Kaclaaa'a New Potae ItaMaa. Tbe English government is about to lssus new postage stamps showing the king wear ing hia crown In place of the wreath hon on the present ones. It being the general opinion that now Is tbe proper time to make the change. The proper time to take a doae of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is before each meal. It will aid the stomach ia Its work of digestion and preveat flatulency, haartburn. stuiii. ladlaeatlon. dvmeDHta and constipation. A trial will convince you. OFFICK OPEN CONTINUOUSLY FROM 8 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS FROM 8 A. M. TO 5 P.M. Ivory Day Increases the Confidence DR. McGREW, THE Hot Springs Treatment for Blood Poison. and nil DISKASES OF THE BLOOD, aud Ktiaranteof a nnnnont t-uro for 11 fo. All rxtnrnal sipis of the tlteoaso disappear fit once tinder Dr. McGrew's treatment, and not a spot or pimple will ever nppmr to ixiohp tlie nature of your disease. This fact alone is a priceless romfort and consolation to those aflllcted with this ailment. Dr. McOrew GUARANTEES you a PERMANENT CUKE for life and his CHARGES are always REASONABLE. Many of the worst cases of Blood Diseases permanently cured in LESS THAN 30 DAYS. faVPR Irt (ff eaf,es currd of nervous debility, loss of vitality and all unnatural weaknesses Bwawk vvrtvrvrvr mey and Bladder diseases. Hydrocele Treatment by Mail P. 0. Box 766 . Office SQUASH SEASON OPENS AGAIN Ten Mor Kinri Adiled Clafc Ir otrd to Thla Strennnaa Winter Sport. Squash la again tbe game for the more rigorous brand ot city athletes. The squash club will tbla week reopen Its courts at the old location on North Fourteenth street, and it will at once begin a busy season ot play. Tbla game offers to the devotee of tennis and base ball and golf 'the vigorous work he dealres, and It la largely summer ex ponents of those gamea that play squash during the winter. It Is fierce and strenu ous to a degree that equals the desires of tbe most athletically ambitious, and It works up a competition which la as keen as the perspiration. Last winter saw the birth of tbe squash club, and Its membership was about twenty five. This number was all that the club quartera could well accommodate. Practi cally every man who belongs la a regular player, and few ot them wish to play be fore 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. So many were found clamoring for admission this fall that It waa decided to crowd up a little and take In ten more men. These will not be to fill vacancies, for only two of last year'a participants have dropped out for the winter ot 1902-3. Several tournaments were held last win ter, and with flattering reaulta. The keen est rivalry waa excited, and tbe Interest spread among the friends ot tbe cpnteatants, there being aa a consequence good galleries out for all tournament play. More of these will be held thla winter, and many players who started new at the game a year ago Intend to push laat aeason's cbamplona bard this time. Squash aeema to hold Its own remarkably well In the athletic favor of the men who know the game. The number wbo play Is comparatively very small Indeed, and their persistence at the game aeema remarkable to an outatder. Yet the following explana tion by a member of the club sounds sensi ble enough. Said he: "Squash gives us ot athletic tendencies just wbat we want. In the warm weather we work off our energy on tennis and such outdoor cports, but In the fall and winter, being beyond the foot ball age and situa tion, we turn to something feasible, but equally strenuous, If possible. Squash la all of that, and you get quick action for your money. It takes actually four houra to get as much exercise at tennis ss one hour's squssh gives. You have to go miles to your courts, and then you play a couple of hours or more. Not so with squash. A man leaves hla office at 5 o'clock, reaches the courts In Ave minutes, la dressed for play la ten more, gets all he can aland ot the gams in half an hour, has a shower bath, dresses, and Is on- the street st o'clock headed fer dinner with aa appetite that la something tierce. You can repeat the performance every day, In any weather, and It la the only way to live." BIG BOXING MEET AT DUBUQUE Two Boar Mants Planned for the Hot Mporta ot the wa Metropolis. A many aided boxing card has been ar ranged In conneotion with the fall feattvar and atreet fair to be held at Dubuque, Ia., tbls week. There sre to be two busy nights of fighting In the suditorlunt. which has ample seating capacity. The datee are October 15 and 1, Wednesday and Thurs day night. Tbe bill for the opening night finds Benny Yanger, the "Tipton Slasher," aa a atar attraction. He ia to beat two other feather- welghtSp Tony Moran and Jim Rltter, In twenty rounds, one after the other. Other mills tor that night sre a match between Harry Forbea and "Chick" Sullivan, bantams, and an eight-round go between Tommy Sullivan and Kid Parmer, For Thursday night Jack Root will meet Jack Beauscolte, Root's first appearance ainc hla defeat by George Gardner In Salt Lake City. Kid Abel of Chicago will meet Patsy Haley of Philadelphia and John and James Hogaa will give a preliminary . COURSING MEET AT FRIEND National Ilo Races Will Open on Tnesdar with Fin Mat of Kntrlea. Preparations for the national couralng meet to be held at Friend, Neb., tbla week are now fully completed and everything Is In readiness tor an event which is ex pected to eclipse all prevloua efforts of ths kind. October It, Tuesday next, la opening i I SUB SPECIALIST. An Absolute Cure oi men. rtrieiure, uieei, tiu- wjm of men. Stricture, Gleet, Kid cured permanently. Over 215 So. 14th Street CURES THE KIDNEYS J Kidney disease Is tbe enemy we hare most to fear ' v aa a result of tha feverish nf n. -i-m V It Is a treacherous enemy working oat Its deadly effect under cover of sack trifling symptoms headache, alight bnt Dereietent backache. riiz; i i digestion, constipation, Jreqneot or diminished oaa'axm ttrUa, scalding urine, sediment PRICKLY ASH BITTERS S la a kidney medicine of the greatest merit. Its action la healing and atrengthealag, qalekly relievea aching or aoreoeea la the -' 9 waning or aecay oi tne tcUteya, corrects the V -JBn flow of nrlne and throna-h Ita eTiif . Jr regulating effect in the stomach, liver and bowels It speedily restores the strength and raddy glow of I j vigorous neaitu. f SOLD BY y PRICE, WEAK, WASTING, STRICTURED .r. i-n,7. Z1 IrZlZ 'T ""' JZi iHrt op?n "i'' tMDlnoi ibsil tint boun u diHo n. Ari i . . ' . - Write Today. llo Mot !, Any sufferer from BTRICTl'KR and its offspring VAHIt'OCKLE. PKOSTKATIS and SEMINAL WKAKNKS8, la Invited to write u or cut out the coupon herewith, write his name and address plainly, mull lt to the 81. James ' Med. Assn.. 62, St. James Building;. Cincinnati, O., and thty will send their Illustrated ' Treatise, showing the part of the Male fcVxual System tn- sal I au mbj Mn) volved in urethral ttaw Ym VtZm ailments. securely tatV I f sealed, PREPAID. aa. ncU La. HOME TREATMENT BY MAIL CAM' BK C8EIJ by the Patient ns II ( I ESSH LLY aa by OL HSHLVUs. ST AMPS MPn ni mN w t n in h. w mbuivnh nuuili day and from then on till Saturday night there will be keen sport at tha Ballne county town. Already all the jacks sra on hand and moat of them have been In scveraKdaya. Tbls has allowed for thorough training and the animals are now well Instructed In their duties. They are fully acquainted with tbe course and tbe esoapes and sre qualified to give tbe hounda some very fierce cbsses. Dog owners with their ani mals, too, have been coming In during tho past week and the assemblage of speedy' animals promises to surpass snytblug yet known In Nebraska. An. Animal Occnrrenee. Baltimore News: , There was a wordy row In the next flat and by force ot habit we rubber up the areaway. "I tell you, John Skinner," yells Mrs. Skinner, "I must have a new fall bat, sir! There Is nothing left of my last fall hat but the frame, air the frame, Just the wires! And no woman can't wear no bat tbey ain't nothing left of but tha wires!" Enough! Mrs. Skinner appears to have found a skeleton lo tbe closet, snd we reverently draw hence. Hamlet Filed Iliin. New York Sun: Hamlet was rehearsing bis famous soliloquy when be saw a coun tryman looking through the lattice window at blm. ...... Without paying any attention to tbe peeper, however, Hamlet continued: "Tbe aleep! ' perchance to dream; sy, there's the rubber." Tbe countryman took the bint and hur ried on his wsy. e?tfe Unit frafcnt That men have nlrcndy placed itt Dr. Mclirew as n true SPECIALIST. Tho great army of cured moil through out the western states is a fitting testimony that the confidence they have placed in Dr. McGrcw was never betrayed. 27 Years' Experience. 17 Years in Omaha Dr. McGrcw Cures uARlCOCILE IN LESS THAN FIVE DAYS without cutting or loss of time from work. is Guaranteed CHARGES LOW a, va-r m fyi r Bet. Farnam & Douglas Sts. , Omaha, Neb. la nrlne. . jj- DRUGGISTS. .V t $ 1.00. ,3 r n Cured While Li XJ IN 15 DAYS E GRAM-SOLVENT Dissolves Stricture Like Snow Beneath the Son, Reduce Enlarged Proatato, Strenirthenino; the Seminal Ducts, Forever Mopping: Drain mnd Emim " mlons. No Drug to Ruin the Stomach, but a Direct and Positive Local Application to the Entire Urethral Tra. ' 20.4G0 CURES LAST YEAR! Wa Have C IT It ED MEN In F.very City In the TWITED STATES, and Alinoat Kvery Country on Earth. vanoM irnifiua to salt mm railent'senmlliloa, at nlf ht " """ PO""'"" without the .lliibtm eor nh i i v v a i r. u. . . ?. ' m&uv ni,Bi;iniv tiivnfcn Lt KHKK THHATMK COl'I'O. St- James Medical Association Wi St. Jamra llldst.. t'lnelnnnll, O. Pleaae send me a copy of your Illup trated Work Mccurely senli'il. 1'HJjJ. PAID FHEE of all L'lIAKOKi Name Addreaa mjameh CINCINNATI, 0. , liu HUlLDiNU, Specialists In ail DlSEAsKS and DISORDERS of MEN. I o tT ''c'bKl cegsful practice la fV CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE and Dll CC cur4 r. vttUoul uulllns, pulu of I IL.LO Ion ot lime Lass) fuartulM la cur rou or iiiony refuatas. CVDUII IC eun4 ,aT uu " tk a'0 Oil niLIf Uxreu(hir alaanaeS (mm Iht Mtaoa. Sou avarr at(a as4 ernptaia aiaappaara eonplatalr aus foravar. Ma "BHSAklNO OUT- ml ta dlaaaaa on taa aklo ar faca. Tnairuant caMatue aa eautaroua aru or Injartaua awaumaa. WCilf Itril '' VICTIMS TO II CAlV ItlLN KKRVUUS 1-KS1UTY OR EJt IlItaTluN, WAbtlNU WBAKHKB8. wlla ALT LKC AY la TOLN'l ai4 kflDOLH AUID; lack at lau, rigor aa atrauath, with arm aa aa. Cures t'tnta. CTDinTIIDC aura vHb'a naw keme traat OlniUlUAea auut. ho iln, ao aatanttoa Irom ..... . . IHISAHI. Klanaf aa Vladdar Traublaa. Waafe tkl Buruloi Crlaa, ' Wtwr ot Urluatlus. Una. Hiak Caloraa. ar wtta aiHr aaalmaat es atAudlag. tnnanltattan Vrat. Traaitnent by Mall. Cnll -r nSSraaa, 1IW a. 14th St. DR. SEARLES & SEAPILES. aw cuicwrsTtara srttiiaw ramvpoYAi. PILL au IHHllMISKi KNOLIrlH ia HKU lf.4 kt.lA " lua mm yli o.ucit.kua Taaaaaato. Krat aaaa eaSUtUo aai 1J ' aif fartUwa. 1 aalfa.TaU w mm mvw rHUa.iiiii a.ia ar S'i4U. lkMiarl..lMlC MaSaian Saaaaa. Hill. A.. Yi ' asaUtax