Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1902, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Few People Kaow Unit t'sefal It la la
PrMrrrlnc Health anal Rriity,
Kesri? everybody know that charcoal la
to safest and moat efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise IU
value when taken Into the human ayitem
for the name cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; It If not a drug at all.
fcut simply abiorbt the gases and Impuri
ties always present In the stomach and In
testines and carries them out cf the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after amok
Inf and drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
further acts as natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs the Injurious gates which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; It disin
fects the mouth and throat from the poison
of catarrh.
All drurglsts sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the beat charcoal and
the most for the moner Is Stuart's Ab
sorbent Loienges; they are competed of the
flnejit powdered willow charcoal and other
harmless antiseptics in tablet form, or,
rather. In the form of large, pleasant tast
ing losengea, the charcoal being mixed with
The dally use of these loienges will soon
tell in a much Improved condition of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the brauty of It
Is, that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but, on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, says: "I advise
Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges to all patients
suffering from gas In the stomach and bow
els, and to clear the complexion and purify
the breath, mouth and throat; I also be
llevs the liver la greatly benefited by the
dally use of them; they coet but twenty-five
cents a box at drug stores, and although In
some aense a patent preparation, yet I be
lieve I get more and better oharcoal In
Stuart'a Absorbent Lozenges than la any of
the other charcoal tablets."
National x
This is the Best Time
of he Year to Ride
a Bicycle.
We have many special bargains we
re offering now. It will pay you to .
buy this fall Instead of next spring.
We are western agents for the
Edison Phonographs.
We have a complete line of Ma
chines and Records.
Omaha Bicycle Co.,
. Cor. Itth and Chicago Sts.
to run risks or take
chances where health
and future are Involved
when years of success
furnish assurances that
It Is not necessary?
Medical advertisements
frequently appear In
the papers that were
written by some ad
vertising company or
Individual at so much
per Inch; concerns
W, A. luuk, M
have often approached us with such
propositions, saying that they were writ
ing advertisements for certain other doc
tors and that they were well pleased with
the reaulta. This we regard as a sort of
confidence game upon ttse part of the
doctor. When a man fathers anything It
should be his own, and you will find the
treatment and results In such cases as
fraudulent as their advertisements are
fictitious. "Words are like leaves and
where they most abound much fruit of
sense beneath Is rarely found."
Monte men and confidence- sharks always
select large crowds like carnivals and fairs
because opportunities-are better for them.
Likewise the trickster specialist enters the
field of private diseases because the Im
perative necessity for treatment In these
condition Is apparent to any sane man and
as these pretenders know their unfitness
they try to make up for their lack of pro
fessional ability with alluring advertlse
ments, aauve manner and promises that
they never expect to keep. A man seeking
treatment owes It to himself to know that
his physician Is a man of ripe experience,
reliable and trustworthy. When a doctor
cannot establish these facts you should
consult a physician who can. If you are
not well enough satisfied with our reputa
' Uon as specialists for the last 26 years,
come to our ottlce and let us show you our
plan of treating and some of our refer
ences. We accept for treatment only such
cases as we know for a certainty that we
can cure and in each case accepted give a
written guarantee. We treat BLOOD
POISON of every character. VARI
8TR1CTVRR and reflex conditions. We
cure these disorders to stay cured forever
for less expense compared with results and
In a shorter time than any specialist In
the city. Examinations free and advice
cheerfully given. If you cannot call at our
office write for booklet and question list.
Cook Medical Co.,
110-112 $ 141b St., Omaha. Neb.
Office Hours: S a. m. to S p. m. Sundays,
10 a. m. to 12:30 m.
w a feaaaat to aaaa varart Vm
m auaas mt wiiMurt DiMTHini iiuunl 4u
eM( a ai(hi loass ! Ar son .a.ctaa viifc
mbs r lim its ticttr ruag aras-
Irals. Mf Irata af laasa 4s-asaa a? aiaaol, isi sa
SMladfi.s H aealrartiaa ... aoianaaaa aisll.r
cauaiaa t aaaa . wits Ik. tni, Dlil ,,
a.lia has aaau raiso.! Na cutll.f, dilattas ar
SrucgiB Ma caaaaa ta ai.t ar buiass pursuit..
Our raraadv I. a dtrart lal applicants ta ib.
afiaclas aart.. feataf ha rail-as sad aatnla. Ta
aWoso. strata U f rral TALI K to ok. thaiisaua. tb..
ai. wnttaf a., wa ara aaadinf aoa full sioata.'
traatasaal araaalo. apus raoaiat ol SI.OS) TbU) M
aaaugk to aariaao.ntl enr. nr araiaarf easa ..d
arasaa abaalatatf last If f lnwa u. II w Ika aulf
aaaltlf ... aura STBKTl kl Cl'KC Brar? ta..
toar w .uarauiad aaii.taetioa. Our boaklat. 'As
Bunasi Talk.'' "ilk asaar bvak Ja tasliaaaal.l.,
a.e taKK. All reatatiiaK-atloa. traal.d Caa&a
li.llf . Jksv.n af liaitatioa. told esly by
ttli&i lAfflft. PILLS
rar Trart th.oair asfs and rallabl.
ItnaU Hagulator tor a. I trsabtaa,
Balme. vitfciu dark. Al.'ujgitu,
ar tf saall. Price. Head r. tor
"Wumsa's.-laf.Oaara "Wllooa Matt.
Iral ia. Uk. UUs kt. I'albt i s.
Bold by Sherman, McConnell Drug Co..
it. W. Cor. iih aotd Oedgd. Omaha. Neb.
. D
Dm Voins High Sohool Bsjs Btat Omaha
at rt BalL
Defeat of Locals Principally l)r to
nut I j- Famhlra Two of Omaha's
Beet Men Oat of the Game
ky Injuries.
Dee Moines, 18; Omabs, 0.
This Is what the Des Moines High school
eleven did to the Omaha High school team
at Vinton street park yesterday afternoon.
The defeat of the locals was principally
due to costly fumbles, and they were also
unfortunate In Injuries sustained by Fair
brother and Flemmlng. which took them
out of the game. The Iowa scholars fum
bled badly also, but were stronger on the
aggressive than the locals. Their fullback.
Strother, was always good for something
through the line and Jenson kicked the
three goals. Jenson, Strother and Jordan
made the touchdowns. For the Omaha High
school, Fair brother played a most excellent
game, being about the only man who could
be relied on for a gain and punting well.
Shields got down the field well under punts
and made, two excellent tackles, downing
the Iowan, who caught the ball In his
tracks and once carried bis man back for
four yards. He, however, spoiled his game
by making several costly fumbles on punts.
Loftus, who was put back of the line, waa
able to hold the punts which came his
way and kicked well until he hurt his
ankle and had to retire. H. Putnam
played a good and steady game. The
fierceness of the play was attested, espe
cially in the last minutes of the game, by
the number of men laid out. The game
was, however, from start to finish, good,
clean foot ball and no slugging was in
dulged In.
Jenson Makes Tonrhdown.
After the klckoff Des Moines worked the
ball up the field. Jenson got around
Omaha's right end and covered the twenty
yards to the goal line for a touchdown.
He kicked goal. Time, 7 minutes. Score:
Des Moines, 6; Omaha, 0.
Des Moines returned the klckoff with a
long punt, which Shields fumbled, but did
not lose the ball. Omaha was forced to
kick and Iowa returned the ball. Shields
again letting It fall. Omaha worked It
back to a point of safety, Falrbrother get
ting around left end for fifteen yards. For
the rest of the halt the ball was kept mov
ing from one end of the field to the other,
and time found It about In the center.
Des Moines' klckoff In the second halt
was blocked and the ball went down al
most on the center line. Iowa played rap
Idly, fumbled ball on guard's back play,
but fell on It with a loss. Omaha took
it on downs, but could make nothing. Jen.
son got around Omaha's left end for about
thirty yards and had only one opponent
between himself and the goal, but could
not get by. Strother went through the
line for good gains, got the ball down on
foot from the line and went over the next
play. Jenson kicked goal. Des Moines, 12;
Omaha, 0.
Omaha kicked off, was penalized for off
side play and lost the ball on down. Dee
Moines could not carry It along and punted.
Loftus carried it back well, and Omaha
made twenty yards next on a fumble. Dei
Moines' next punt sent the ball over the
Una. It waa brought out. to the twenty,
five-yard 11ns and returned by Omaha.
After several plays Des Moines punted
again, Omaha failed to catch the ball, an
Iowan got It, but let It drop, and another
of that side fell on It. It was now on
Omaha's ten-yard line and was carried over
by Jordan by line plays in five downs.
Ths lineup:
Alien RE LB riemmlng
W.lli RTLT I'ath.r
Craig ROLQ stain
Moors CC P. Putnam
Jenson LOHO Smith
Russell LTRT Robertson
Orlfflth URB.... Falrbrothtr-Yoder
Jordan R H I. H Burnett
Reynold. LHRH Loflu.
K( rot her r H F II H. Putn.m
Wordan Q BiQ B Shield.
Touchdowns: Jenson, Strother, Jordan.
Goals: Jenson (3;. Time of halves: Thirty
Commercial C'ollesje Team Smothered
by the I Diversity Athletes on
Crelarhtoa Field.
The Crelghton team yesterday plied up
the biggest heap of touchdowns that has
ever been recorded In the land west of the
Big Muddy. The team from the Omaha
Commercial college was no match for the
victors. Outweighed, outplayed and out
run was the report they were compelled to
carry home. During the first half the
stenographers had their hands on the bait
but once. This opportunity was given them
by Welsh's return punt, but the rapid cal
culators could not multiply two scrim
mages by a large enough number to result
In five yards. This fact compelled them to
try a punt. Joe Walker didn't like to see
the ball kicked away from his goal, so
Joseph blocked the punt. The ball struck
him hard enough to rebound almost to the
goal, and Joe Incidentally picked it up and
turned It Into a touchdown.
It may seem to one who reads the report
of the game that It was oertalnly uninter
esting, but to those who saw the Interfer
ence form for Crelghton s end runs It was
good entertainment. It was not a case of
each man In turn taking the ball and hik
ing down the field. Almost every man got
a touchdown to his credit, but the Teat of
the team formed a wall to protect him, and
they carried tne wan clear across me neia.
That is why the Commercial boys were
unable to get their man.
In the nrst scrimmage retry Mustam
waa given the ball and carried It seventy
five yards for a touchdown. Terry made
a number of runs of a similar length, and
the other halfbacks duplicated several of
them. Harry Weleth In nis position as full
bark has no chance for long runs, but
Harry looked "real cute" as he picked in
punts and rushed the ball down the field.
Although the Crelghton aggregation hid
a walk-away they never ceased to play
their best ball. To run the score to the top
was the determination of every man, and
for twenty-minutes halves 101 is a pretty
good score. The Commercial boys are cer
tainly plucky and they stayed by their Job
to the finish. They have several good men,
but are woefully In need of team work.
For Crelghton there were no stars. Every
man played his part. The lineup was:
Hohba RELK Laarr
Walker RTLT Craven
tielin.r HULO V.saarek
K.n. ",r 2s rub.
Kennedy LG RO Humitraet
Crelghton LTRT tleltnct
Huoney ...W LtKE Miller
t'.ll.h.a J U McKenna R H L H Mans LHRH 8keea
Wel.b f U,r B Larkra
Officials: T-nne and Muleren. Touch
downs: Mustain 3. Welsh 13). Walker (3).
Callahan t3, O Keefe 2l, Klppes, MoOov
ern. Crelghton. Uoals: Walker. 10; Welsh,
1. Goat from field: Walker. Time of halves:
Twenty minutes.
Go to Bellevo Fall of Hope and Re
torsi Home Wit boat Aay
The Omaha Medics went to Bellevue yes
terday confident of victory, but were dis
appointed, and suffered the s.cond defeat
of the year by a score of 11 to 0. Bellevue s
goal was never In danger and they were
held but once on downs, while the Medics
fulled repeatedly to gain ths necessary rive
Uellevue kicked off to the Medics, but
Moure sent the leather out of bounds. On
the next kick Pope downed the embryo
doctor in his tracks and Helievue held for
a down. In a short time the ball waa car
ried over and Moore kicked goal. The
Medics kicked off to Bellevie and after a
few line bucks and a forty-vard run around
right end by A. Cooper, Moore dropped a
Eoul from the thirty-yard line. The first
alf sndd with ths bail In bellsvus's pos
session In the middle of the field. Score,
11 to o.
Iwrtng the second half Moore attempted
several goals from the field which failed.
The Merllrs wpre able to krep Helievue
from scoring again. Final score, 11 to 0.
The lineup:
Friedman R E L K Hart
Porter ..; RTLT J.rkenn
Kerr R ti'L O Plan
Hchofteld r C Jnnalrfr
K.wtell L ft R O Whltromh
A. Cooper L T R T Smith
Pope L K R E 111. keen
T. Cooper V y Pteaart
B. rnwell R H L H Mrclaren
Moore L H H H Petereon
Oibb. F B K B Kohoot
how Improved I'lay and Pall Oat
Winners After Hard Ponstht
CAMRRIDOE, Mass.; Oct. 11. Much to
the satisfaction of coachers end under
graduates the liHrvard 'varsity eleven
showed some improvement todav and de
feated the I'nlversity of Maine oh Soldiers'
field. 22 to n.
The creditable playlnn of Harvard was
entirely in the econd half, for the gnme
opened with about as poor a showing as
any seen this season.
The Maine boys, although much lighter In
the line, were able to hold their opponents
down and In rushing the ball were able to
get through time and again.
In the second half numerous changes
were made In the crlmnon eleven and in ad
dition the plays were run off with a snap
wiilch resulted In remarkable Improvement
In the game as a whole.
The vlHltors were kept on the defensive
nearly the entire game. Only one touch
down was scored In the first half. In the
second, with Daly at quarter, three Har
vard men crossed the Maine goal line.
Barnard had an off day, missing two out of
four goals, which cut down the score.
Jnne. L. E.TR. E Been
Whltewell-m.kt ...L. T.R. T Tonne
Hovey-Coburn k O R. O Llbhey
King (C C,C Le.rned
n.rn.rd R. i.L. O Reed
Mllln-Oleaon R. T.L. T Sawyer
Bowdltch, Motley.. ..R. K L. E Cole-Flnnegan Q. B ill. B ... B.lley
Lindsay, PI par,
Knowlen L. H.B.IR. H. B Parker, Taylor
Foster-McOleny .R. H. B.U II. D. Besrse. Bradford
Btlllman, Plpper,
Ives F. B. IF. B Dortlrnaa
Touchdowns: Foster (2), Piper, Mc
Gleney. Goals from touchdowns: Barnard,
2. Time: Two fifteen-minute halves.
Attendance, 6,500.
Lincoln Medics Have to How to Crete
Crowd, bnt Fla;bt Plocklly
to the End.
CRETE. Neb.. Oct. ll.-Speelal Tele
gram.) Doane college defeated the Lincoln
Medics on the new athletic field today In
a fiercely contested game 11 to 0. The
teams were evenly matched in weight and
the game was very even throughout. Donne
excelled In defensive, work and Its backs
were able to skirt the Medics' ends for sub
stantial gains. Much credit is due Wend
land for his punting for Doane and to the
fast ends, Tidball and Price, who kept the
ball In the Medics' territory. Neither side
was able to wore In the first half and the
ball was repeatedly lost on downs. In the
second half Houston, the Doane left half,
splendidly aided by Tackles Murphy anil
Fuhrer, found the weak spots In the Med
ics' line and two touchdowns resulted. For
the Medlca each man play., a plucky game,
Cressman, Carr and Parmeter doing espe
cially good work. This is the second game
in the Nebraska Collegiate Athletic league
and the interest is high. The lineup:
Pnellman C.C Spencer
Smith R.G. L. O Spees
Ms. Beth L. O.l R. O Ireland
snth R. T.fL. T Fuhrer (-aut.
Townley L. T. n. T Murphy
kem-Parmet.r K. K.U K Iiniwu
Goldman L. K. R. E. . .! 1'rKe
Carr (capt.) Q. B.Q. B Bow I by
Crewman R. H. 11. iU H. B Houston
Braey L. H. B.IR. H. B Vance
Burntdorft F. B.F. B Wendland
Des Moines Men Play Slow Ball
and Finish Wltbont Once
IOWA CITY, Oct. 11. (Special Telegram.)
Iowa defeated Drake university of Des
Moines 12 to 0 on Iowa field today. The
Hawkeyes played In satisfactory farm. The
occasional raggedness which allowed Drake
considerable gains and two ties at a field
goal was offset by frequent playing of
great brilliancy. Coach Knlpe was espe
cially pleased at the Interference and push
ing done by the backs and ends. Hollen
beck, Slberts, Fred Buckley. Coulthard,
Ochiltree and White were stars at carrying
tht. ball. Howell, Ochiltree and White
shone especially In the interference. Stew
art, Main and Cochran were Drake's stars.
Burcham punted excellently. Iowa's plays
went off fast, but Drake played the slow
est game ever seen here, taking ojt time
after nearly every down and wrangling long
with the umpire. The lineup:
Slbert. L. E.IR. E
..U T.R. T
..U G.R. O
... Klntl
. Stewart
. . . Bate.
... Bacon
.... stain
Donovan .
Urlgga ...
Buckley .
R. O.
R. T.
....R. K.
Q. B.
.L. H. B.
..R. H.B.
L. O
L. T
Q. B
R. H. B
Jonea ....
White ....
Howell ..
L. H. B..
Ochiltree .
...F. U.P. B
Cadets Carry Sloppy Ball Across Line,
Whllo Dickinson Falls to
He ore-.
WEST POINT. N. T., Oct ll.-On a aoppy
field and with a wet. slippery ball, which
neither side was able to hold, the West
Point cadets defeated the team from Dick
inson college today by a score of 11 to 0.
Dickinson put up a much better exhibition
of foot ball than the cadets expected.
West Point made Its first score early In
the first half on a fumble by the visitors,
the ball rolling Into McAndrew's hands.
He ran fifty-five yards through a clear field
for a touchdown, from which Torney kicked
a goal.
In the second half Hackett, Torney and
Graves were sent repeatedly through the
line for gains and Gardner made a pretty
run around the end from the twenty-yard
line, making the other touchdown for the
cadets. Graves failed to kick the goal.
Now came a game between the fullbacks,
the ball being kicked back and forth every
few minutes for the remainder of the half,
which ended with the score 11 to 0 In favor
of the cadets.
Princeton Wins from Annapolis by
Score of Eleven to
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Oct. 11. In a terrific
downpour of rain, which continued during
the entire game, and made things miserable
for all concerned, the navy foot ball team
was defeated today by the Princeton team
by a soore of 11 to 1.
Never before was a game played here
under more unfavorable conditions. 8o
much water fell that the field resembled a
quagmire and made it Impossible for the
players to handle the ball.
Considering the unfavorable conditions,
the game whs a good one. and both sides
may feel well satisfied with the result.
The middles were greatly outweighed, and
as the Princetons have had much more
practice the former were lucky In keeping
the score down. Time of halves, twenty
Iowa State Normal Team Goes Down
to Defeat, with leers
B2 to O.
AMES. Ia.. Oct. 11. (Special Telegram.)
The Ames Cyclones defeated the State
Normal aggregation here today, 52 to 0. In
the first half Ames scored five touchdowns
and four In the IhkI. The Ames team
played fast ball, making good gains around
Normal's ends and breaking throufh tho
line by tackleback tandem plays. Tener,
Ames' quarterback, made good galna In
exchange of punts with Jones,, twice for
twenty-yard gains. Ames lost by three
fumbles, but the team showed Improvement
In getting plays off. L'mplre: Vuunj,
Referee: Graham. Time: Halves, twenty
five minutes.
Too Wet at Uaawa.
ONAWA. Ia., Oct. 11. (8peclal Telegram )
Rain prevented the promised foot bull
game today between the High school
lsvsoa) of Woodbuts ul Onaws.
Victarioria 0r Thair Viiitari from
Grinnell, 15 ta 0.
lowana Are Ontwelghed Ten Ptissia
to the Man, hat Pot Ip ActlTe
Resistance on a. Soaked
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LI.VCOL.N, Oct. 11. (Special Telegram.)
In a drizzling rain, which drenched the
players to the skin and converted the field
Into a sea of slush, Nebraska university
administered a decisive defeat to Grinnell
college at foot ball today. Three touch
downs for Nebraska In halves of twenty
five and twenty minutes, represented the
sum total of the Cornhuskera' efforts, while
the Iowa lads were forced to do without
even an approach to a score.
Grinnell was outweighed fully ten pounds
to the man and stood little chance to
shove their huskier opponents down the
field. Nebraska was penalized frequently
by Umpire Clarke and lost the ball and
many yards also at critical points, while
Grinnell suffered but once on that ac
count. The Cornhuskers expected to score
at least a quartet of touchdowns, but the
penalties, the soggy field and the short
halves prevented. Once Nebraska had
pushed the oval down to Grlnnell's two
yard line and a touchdown seemed inevita
ble. In the next scrimmage, which lacked
but a few inches of carrying the ball over,
a Hawkeye emerged with the ball. The
Cornhuskers asserted It was stolen after
the call of down, but the official ruled
otherwise and Grinnell Immediately punted
out of danger and saved the touchdown.
The second halt ended with the oval on
Grlnnell's three-yard line, Nebraska having
rushed it there from the middle of the
field. A moment more and the touchdown
was secure. Thus the Cornhuokere lost
still another score.
For the Minnesota Game.
Dooth tried out a half dozen substitutes
during the game by way of preparation for
next Saturday's game with Minnesota at
Minneapolis. Bender, the smashing right
half, whose runs and bucks are already the
sensation of Nebraska's eleven, was kept
out of the game to nurse a bruised shoulder.
His failure to participate and the absence
of Molony, the giant right guard, weakened
the Cornhuskers' defense, although the team
was held but twice for downs during the
entire) play. Bell and Benedict, the latter
changing from quarter to half, gained per
sistently on tackle bucks against the Grin
nell line, while Mlckel st full back hurdled
and plunged effectively. Benedict punted
superbly, excelling with eaee Klesel, who
did the kicking for Grinnell, but who had a
poor chance from -he failure of the line to
prevent the aggressive Cornhuskers from
breaking through and blocking the punts.
Grlnnell's Rally.
In the second half, Grinnell In one des
perate rally advanced the ball npward of
twenty yards by attacks on Nebraska's left
wing. Guard Ringer, however, finally solved
tho play and threw the Hawkeyes back.
Forcing a punt, Nebraska captured the ball
and turned the tide. At all other times,
the Nebraska line held firm against as
sault. Grinnell meanwhile, although out
classed In avoirdupois, played plucktly and
checked the Cornhuskers frequently In their
onward march. Westover, Ringer, Borg,
Shedd and Cortelyou In the line contributed
largely to Nebraska's triumph. Cortelyou
performed with particular brilliance at right
end, Nebraska's final touchdown coming
when he grasped Benedict by the htpstraps
and shoved him ten yards through the
Grinnell right wing and across the goal. The
Cortelyou R Ell, E Benson
Wmtuv.r (C), Brlggs RTLT Aureeher
Tobln, Cotton RGLO Oooda
Horg cic Hmitn
H Inner LO RO .. Fuller
Mason. Wilson. ...... L. T,R T back
Bhedcf. Follmer,
Westorer LE ft E M.r.h
Benedict, Thorpe V.'Q Van Ut
gimodynes, Benedict. R HI. H Kvsns
Bell L 11 R H Welker
Mtrkel V Hi? D Klesel
Touchdowns: Bell, Benedict. Mlckel. Um
pire: Henry Clarke of Omaha. Referee:
W. A. Plxley of Omaha.
Missouri University Wins by Hard
Work by Score of Eleven
. to Six.
COLUMBIA, Mo.. Oct. 11. (Special Tele
gram.) The game between he University
of Missouri and Simpson (Ia.) college
proved one of the hardest fought seen here
for a couple of years. Simpson came here
a strong, well trained team and made the
Tigers' fight for every Inch they gained.
Missouri won by a score of 11 to 8. both
touchdowns being made In the first half.
The lineup
,..L K R E..
...U T R T...
...L O R O..
...R GIL O...
..R TlL T...
,.H EL E...
...Q B Q B...
..L H R H..
..R Hi L H..
...r B F B...
11 oft
Kills, Back
Anderaoa v..
High School Boys Have to Saints a
Snperlor Force 1st tho Iowa.
DES MOINES, Oct. 11. (Special Tele
gramsThe foot ball game here today be
tween the East Lies Moines and Lincoln
high school teams resulted in favor of the
locals, lt to 6. It was regarded as the best
game played here this season and was hard
The foot ball game between Drake uni
versity and the Iowa State university at
Iowa City today resulted In the defeat of
Drake, 13 to 0.
Cornell Conches Claim Williams
Should Have Failed to Cross
ITHACA, N. T.. Oct. 11. Thirty-seven
points to tells the story of the Cornell
Williams foot ball game on Percy field
today, and the else of the Ithacans score
was beyond the sanguine hopes of the sup
porters of the red and white.
Cornell s coaches claim the scoring of
Williams waa due to an accident. The
game waa spectacular throughout and
punts were exchanged frequently.
Time of halves: Twenty-five, minutes.
Stiff Fight with Swarthmoro Ends in
Victory for Red and
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 11. The Swarth
more college eleven today held Pennsyl
vania down to two touchdowns, made a
touchdown and kicked goal, the final score
being 11 to in favor of the red and blue.
The game was played In a heavy rain
storm. Time of halves: Twenty-five and
twenty minutes.
Victory Is Red Oak'a.
CORNING, Ia.. Oct. 11 (Special Tele
gram t The foot ball game here today re
sulted: Red Oak High school, 28; Corning
academy, A.
Dandee Defeats tho Colombia.
Dundee defeated the Columblas Saturday
in a hard-fouaht gams by the score of Id
to Ub iaa voiumDiaa pisysa an sscsusni
l a", ' 1 I a I .
I ' V.'V 1 V 1 VMM,
W ' . i , -af a
" ' B - CI jar- - s
V ,
Five years ago
dyspepsia took such
a hold on me I could
scarcely ro. I took quan
tities of medicines, but
nothlne helped me. I tried
Kodol, and Improved at once.
It cured me.
George S. Marsh, Nocona, Tex.
I suffered for four years with Indl-
gestlon. After having almost despaired
ever retting well, Kodol was recom
mended to me, I began to improve at once,
lam now taking the third bottle and I feel as
well as 1 ever did. Can eat anything without
bad effects. Thos. H. Taylor, Como, Miss.
1 suffered heart-burn and stomach trouble, caused
by dyspepsia, have had some very had attacks of same.
My sister-in-law has had the same trouble. She lived
entirely on warm water. Two bottles of Kodol cured her.
As for myself, I am glad to say that a dose of Kodol always
gives me instant relief. J. D. Erskine, Allenville, Mich
For years I suffered from dyspepsia, growing worse and worse,
until culminating in a bad case of ulceration of the stomach. Every
known means, and many of the best physicians, were consulted. My
people sent me to Europe. Each Hemorrhage left me weaker and weaker.
Finally I was Induced to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It relieved me beyond
imagination. I am now using my thtrd bottle, am preaching twice every
Sunday, and thank Cod I expect to be well soon. W. P. LorER. Earlvllla, fa.
After three years almost constant use of Kodol In hundreds of cases refer
able to faulty digestion and assimilation, I can truthfully say It Is the most
efficient combination for dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence, nausea and all gaatrio
disorders that it has been my good fortune to discover. My experience In
general and nospltal practice dates from 1872, and of all the digestkfifs prescribed
in those thirty years, none In my hands have proved so thoroughly effective aa
Kodol. E. H. Hayes, M. D., Washington, D. C.
Your Dealer Can Supply- You.
Bottles Oaly Kefalir Site, tl.M, hoMinf 7'4 tiroes ai much si tht tri.l sire which sells 1st it ctats.
Prepared by E. O. Sl Co., Sola Proprietors, Ohicago, U. 6. A.
game, but Dundee was much faster. Dun
dee's fullback Ben Benson, wus eaelly th-
star of the game. Ingram made several
pood kiImh and Grant Benson did excel
lent kicking, scoring a drop kick from the
twenty-flvt-ynrd line. Dundee will play
I'apilllon at Dundee next Saturday. .
Hard Fought Game Finishes With
. Old Ell Nicely In .the
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. ll.-The foot
ball game between Brown and Yale today
resulted In a victory for old Ell. Although
defeat, the followers of the Brown eleven
were well satisfied with the excellent show
ing made by their team.
The game was attended by the largest
crowd seen at a foot ball game In many
years in Providence. Brown won-the toss
aiid chose the west goal, while Yale kicked
off. Barry secured I he ball and made fifteen
yards, and then Brown, by steady playing,
carried the ball to Yale's thirty-three-yard
line, where they lost It In a fumble. Yale
then rushed matters and slowly forced
Brown back until the ball was on Its live
yard line. Here a grand resistance waa
made, time being called with the ball on
the two and a half-yard line. Score, 0 to 0.
When the players came out for the Becond
half there waa no change In the lineup, but
when play was resumed Bhevlln was soon
substituted for Glass, and he waa easily
the star, making a flfty-flve-yard run for
a touchdown by magnificent dodging and
aided by good Interference. The goal was
not kicked. Soon after Yale forced Brown
to Its forty-yard line, Bhevlln making moBt
of the gains. Here Brown held for three
downs and Metcalf dropped back and made
a beautiful goal from the field from the
forty-yard line. Brown's right side of the
line was like a stone wall, but the left sde
was weak.
The lineup:
brown. ' TALE,
gehwtna Haacall L FIR E Coffin L Tl R T Hunan
Shaw L G R O uuu
CMtaa CC Holt
Cobb R O L O tllas.
Shaabaa RT LT ghrviin
Kiiss R K L K Hsre
Scudder QB QB Metcalf
Barry (C) L Hi R H
Wllh.lm, Ward. Prescott
Ch.a. R H 1 1. H rhadl-k (C)
Bakar, Hamilton F BF B
F.rmer, Mrt'llntmk
Score: Yale, 10; Brown, 0. Touchdown:
Bhevlln. Ooal from field: Metcalf.
Weeplnsr Water Needn't Weep.
SPRINGFIELD. Neb.. Oct. 11 (Special
Telegram.) Springfield was defeated at foot
ball nere too ay oy weeping water in a iai
and furious game. Weeping Water won
with one touchdown. It was outplayed at
most points, but 8prlngfleld was too weak
J.WAiOAM. ffttsivemr
II. D. Neely,
We want good, responsible men to act as agents in every
live Nebraska town.
In the annals of medicine Kodol Is up
above the world so high that It Is like
a diamond In the sky.
True merit has. elevated this fa-
w mous
. .-. i wit
1.AV,tIM-lH, ;4V.
nt nd running. Score: Weeping Water, E;
Bprlngtield. 0. Referee and umpire: Lott of
Ktmth Omaha.
Springtlcld plays tho fcecond team of the
Omaha High school next Saturday.
Heavy Mllit Tells Aaralnat Carlisle
Indiana and Hesnlts In Easy
WILLIAMSPORT. Pa.. Oct. 11. Bucknell
defeated the Carlisle Indians here today by
a score of 18 to 0. The game waa played on
a field of mud. giving the heavier Bucknell
team a distinct advantage.
t'ollrne Foot Ball Brevities.
At Nashville Vanderbllt, 29; University
of Mississippi, 0.
At Knoxvllle University of Tennessee,
12; Kings college, 0.
At Dallas, Tex. Agriculture and Mechan
ical college. 111; Baylor university, &
At Charlotte. N. C University of North
Carolina, 11; Furman university, 0.
At Atlanta Atlanta Polytechnic institute,
18; Georgia School of Technology, 6.
At New York Columbia, 6; University of
Buffalo, o.
At Cedar Rapids, la. Coe, 69; Western, 0.
At Chicago Northwestern university, 11;
Rush Medical college, 0.
At Madison, Wis. Wisconsin, 62; Law-
At Champaign, 111. Illinois, 44; Washing
ton university, 0.
At Terre Haute, Ind. Rose Polytechnic
Institute, 6; Franklin college, 0.
At Columbusi, O. Ohio State university,
SO; University of West Virginia, 0.
At Tlltln, O. Heidelberg, 39; Flndlay col
lege, 0.
At Iowa Cltv Iowa, 12; Drake, 0.
At Cambridge, Mass. Harvard, 22; Uni
versity of Maine, 0.
At WaHhington, D. C Georgetown, 18; St.
John's college, 0.
At Minneapolis Minnesota. 29; Belolt, O.
At Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan, 60; In
diana, . '
At Faribault, Minn. Shattuck Military
academy, 21; PUlabury Military academy,
At Ames, Ia. Iowa Agricultural college,
62; Iowa State Normal, (J.
At ixlngton, Ky. Kentucky university,
17; University of Nashville, 0.
At Bethlehem, Pa. Lehigh, St; Rutgers, 0.
Rebert Mrtingor Blood for Bale.
Oct. 22 John Hall of Creston. Ia., will
hold a closing out sals of colts, miles, stal
lions and brood mares, sired by Nitrogen
(aire of Hydrogen 2:074, Kid Shay 2:1444),
son of Robert McGregor. Nitrogen has 71 V
per cent of the same blood aa Cresceus,
2:024. Send for catalogue.
to have an Endowment policy
lira nra
JH. Hrot, txe
giB"cr tnr
Merchants National
Bank BUg., Omaha
remedy to that position
wherein It stands preeminently as
the world's recognized cure for
all disorders of the stomach and.
digestive organs.
Unlike all other remedies,
Kodol combines the natural
dlgestants with the greatest
known tonic and recon
structive properties. It
does not purge the sys
tem. The weak should
never be weakened and
the sick 'should never
be sickened. Such
treatment gives tem
porary relief often,
but permanent good
Immediate ben
efits follow the
first dose, and
perfect health
Is the perma
nent result
from the
use of
$25.00 to
That la ths rata from
In affect this month only.
Tickets are good In tourist
sleeping cars, which ths
Rock Island runa to Los An
geles, Santa Barbara and
Ban Francisco.
These cars make quicker
time to Southern California
than similar cara over any
other line.
Folder giving full Infor
mation mailed on request.
If you are going to Cali
fornia, GO NOW. After
November 1st It will cost
you nearly 60 per cent more
than at present.
Low rates to Montana,
Idaho, Utah and Puget
Sound points now In
effect. Ask about them.
Farnam St..
Omaha, Neb.
Dapvty Btat Vstsrlnarta
Food Inspector..
n. l. iu.sUcc.otti, d. v. s,
Ofiloe and Infirmary, nth and Mason. Its.
Omaha, Neb. ". Telephone 639.
I 1 nirO My Monthly Regulator never falls.
lngton, 111.
This Is Written: by Fate
"At the gate o.
abundance are man'
brother and JriendnV
at tke grate of miser f
are neither brother
nor frUnde" Talmud
You may now ba at
the Gate of Abun
dance with yojr loved
onea at your aide.
Home day they may
stand shivering at the
Gate of Misery atrang
era to all men.
A little Prudence now
and a little Wisdom
will make them a
friend forever, and
that friend Is the
strongest in ths world,
The Eultqabla Lift
Assurance Sccistf
SursJai J7I.S4MJ7. I