Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DATLT NEE: THURSDAY, OCTOllEU 0, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Dullnssi Oiri Way to FinnntM u Day Grows Oldtr. TRICES CLOSE WITH DISTINCT GAINS Provision Easy, Owlaa; to Deellaes la Moirr Asked for Hoi-B Largely Local, with Small Offerlaa-s. CHICAGO. Oct 8. Dullness again w the festure of Ho'srd of Trade market to day Price were dull, but firmness devel oped later In the day, December wheat closing V4c higher. Lecember rorn V'iVc higher and oat He higher. January pork ....mA fmm a hmi in hlaher. Wheat started weak on favorable weather In the northwent and southwest. There was lair commission house buying throughout the entire sesulon. Induced by the strength in outside market and small local re ceipt and the close wa strong. Decem ber opened a shade to H,c lower at SKVjt 6Vc, aold at f4c. and then rallied stead ily, closing He. higher at 697ti70c. the high point of the day. Clearance of wheat ami fiour were equal to 437 bushel, Primary receipt were LOW 000 bushels, rompured with l.lTO.oeo bushel) a year ago. Minneap olis and Duluth reported receipts of i4o cars, which with local receipt of 83 car 4 of contract grade made total receipts for the three points of 838 cars, against 804 cars last week and 1.053 car a year ago. Corn opened easier. Influenced by lower cables and good weather throughout the west. The Missouri crop report claimed this year's crop would be the largest In the history of the Mate and some selling de veloped as a result of this einnoiincement. Oood demand and bullish sentiment among local traders, however, more than counter balanced thee depressing factors and there was good buying throughout the day. Trading on the whole was nevertheless more restricted than of late. Heavy buying of May by a local long late in the day caused a strong close. December opened rtc to 4&c lower at 4K4c to 4SVc. .After selling at 4c the market took an upward turn and the latter part of the ses sion was strong. The close was at the top at 484c, a gain of Ji,ic. Local receipts were (SO cars, with 6 of contract grade. Oats were featureless early, with some selling, due to reports of excellent-weather. After an easy opening some strength de veloped on local buying and the close wa firm. December opened He lower at 32,e nnd sold between 324c and 32Vie, closing at the high point with a gain of Vic. Local receipts were 111 cars. Provisions were easy. Influenced largely by further declines In the price of hog. Trade was dull. Demand was largely local, 'with offerings coming mainly from small holders. January pork closed "He higher at $15.H. lard was 2Vie higher and ribs shade higher at $S.9jruw.92V, and $.S.2o68.27V4. respectively. Mtlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 65 cars; corn, 75 cars; oats, W can; hogs, 22 ti(i head. The leading futures ranged a ronows: and unchanged here'Tit $4 12H and In Lon don at l 15. Spelter also wa steady at d unchanged, closing here at lf 50 and In London at 19 7s fid. Iron In F.ngland whs fairly steady. Ulssgow closed at das Id; M.dnl.'sborotigh whs 1VI lower st Ms 3d. I-cciilly Iron was unchanged. Warrants n.ntlniie nominal. No. 1 northern foundry. Is (looted at $. xrii no; No. 2 northern foundry. No. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundry at $22.ix&23.00. OMAHA WHOI.KV4.LK MARKETS. Condition of Trade aod Qaotatloa on taple and Fancy Prndirf. KOOS Candled stock. 20e. LIVE POULTRY Hens. Stfi94c; roosters, sccordlng to age, Vu-; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 8c; geese, frfitic; spring chickens, per lb., H I. TTER racking stock, I5c; choice dairy, In tub. li'rilHo; separator. 2Mi24e. KKKHH CATGUT FISH Trout, 11c: her ring, 7c; pickerel.- Sc; pike. Vv; perch. 6c; buffalo, dressed. 7c; suntlsh, 3c; hliienn. Sc; whliefinh. lc; salmon, lfic; haddocK. 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, lc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 3oe; lobsters, green, per lb., 2Hc; bullheads, 10c; cattish, 13c; black bass, 2oc; hHlihtit. 11c. CORN 5Xo. OATS 34c. HKAN-l'er ton, $12.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $!; No. 1 medium, $V5; No. t coarse. $X. Rye straw, $7. These prices are for hsy of good color and quality. Demand fair; receipts light. OYSTERS Standard, per can. 28c: extra selects, per can, 35c: New York counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.76; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.3u. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kearney, per do.. 30 35c; Kalamazoo, per dos.. 2.. , POTATOES New. per bu.. 254730c. 8WEKT POTATOES Per lb.. 2c; southwestern, 21j21Hc, loss oft, fresh south ern, 2i" t MEESE Firm; New York full cream: prime small, l-'4c; fair to good, small, 11V' i2c; prime large, llc; fair to good large. Utilise. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 8 WHEAT De cember, 6T'c; May, OHc; on track. No. 1 hard. 7oc; No. 1 northern. (S4uhnc; No. 1 northern. 7HWe. KtjOI'R First patent. 3 813.90; second patents. S3.fi54i3.7n: tlrst clears, 2.fy 4.30; second clears, 12 2.!o. URAN-ln bulk. $11.503 11.75. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI, Oct. 8 WHISKY-Dlstll-lers finished goods, firm on bus! of II 32. PEOKiA, Oct. 8 Wll ISKY On the basis of II S for flmehed gootl. hi, LOUIS. Oct. . whisky steady at $1.32. Doloth Urftla Market. DVLI'TH. Oct. 8.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 ard, toVje; No. 2 northern. Tic; No. 1 north ern, 6Sk-, December, Hie; May, 6DH.C. OATS December, Hc. but PEORIA. Oct 8. CORN Inactive steady; No. 3 yelow, 694c. OAlS inactive: No. i white. 32o. billed throjsh. rtlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yey. V 9 heat Oct. Dec. May Corn Oct. Dec. May Oats ,a Oct. a Tec. May Tork Oct. Jan. . May Lard Oct. Jan. May Hlbs Oct. Jan. 70i 59 48I&.14 ,42Vd 81 32 17 no 15 60 14 75 8 85 8 30 11 40 8 20 60l 69 T4l 4J 32 33 17 00 15 80 14 90 8 92V4: 8 40 11 40 8 274 7V4 67 69', Kt4!H'S' 70i71V4fii0iW 68 48 42H 31' S2''ti -ft 331.1 17 00 15 60 14 75 8 85 8 30 11 40 8 20 B8i 69 48V48rrP4 43 32 1 S2U 33i 17 00 15 77H 14 87H 10 25 8 '!4 8 374 11 40 8 274 42 81 324 334 17 00 15 70 14 774 10 25 8 9) 8 35 11 40 8 26 No. 1 a New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Unlet, steady: winter patents. t3.40fi3.80: straights. 3.10ff3.80; clears, $2.70 i3.00; spring specials, J4.aU4.30; patents, 3.40ir3.70; straights, 2.9fx&3.20. WHEAT No. 2, 70714c; No. 8, SftSTOcj Ho. 2 red. 6744c. CORN No. 2. 69c: No. 3 yellow. 62c. OATS No. 2, 28M284c; No. 2 white, 814 4c; No. S white, 484C. RYR No. . 48c. H A RLE Y Fair to choice malting, 4758c. SEED No. 1 flax. 11.23; No. l northwest am It 2K! plover, contract grade. S10. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.93 M7.00. Bhort ribs sides (loose). 1u.1wru.2a. Iry salted shoulders (boxed). $9.26. Short clear sides (boxed), $11.5011.674- WHISKY Basis of high. wines, $1.32. The following were the receipts and ship Tnents of arain Saturday: neceipts. Flour, bbla.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Jtye, bu liarley, bu.. 84.600 ..155.9K) ..190.600 ..224,400 .. 17,2"0 ..106,600 Shipments 15,900 14.7( 430.800 159.000 2.100 67.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 164224c; cases returned. 206204c. Cheem), steady, 10 ClllHiO. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET, notations of tbo Day Commodities. ob Varlons NEW YORK. Oct. 8.-FLOUR Receipts, S0.O62 bbls.; exports, 1358 bbls. ; more active and firm owing to streng-tn or oasn wneai winter patents. $3.6&ft3.86: winter straights 43.3fctl3.4B; Minnesota patents, 3Jbtui.W, winter extras. $2.8tS3.00: Minnesota baker. $3.16 3 30; winter low grades, $2.65$42.S6. Rye flour, quiet; sales, 300 bbls.; fair to good $3,1513.40: choice to fancy. $3.606i3.5&. Buck wheat flour. Arm at I2.60S2.75, spot and to arrive. CORN MBAL Firm: yellow western. $180 city. $1.32: Brandywine, x3.40tt.1t. RYE Steady: No. 2 western. 6SVic. f. O. b. afloat; No. 2, 54ifi44c; track, state, 649 644c c. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 42c, c. I. f. Buffalo; malting, 6U4&61c, c. L (., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt. 132.91) bu. ; exports, 185.433 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. loct elevator. and 744tc75Vc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 804c f. o. b. afloat No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 804c, f. o. b. afloat While speculative trade was light all day wheat bad a steady undertone on accoun of light offering, unsatisfactory receipts, ioor grading, light stocks and a good cask dfmand. It became nrm In the last few minutes with corn and closed 4if4c net JJecember. 74 -lbu;.c: closed at HKo. CORN Receipts. 126.800 bu.: exports. 44. 82l bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 69c, elevator, and 704c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 71c No. I white. 71c. The option market after an opening decline due to line weather ral lied and was generally well sustained all day on prospective lighter receipts and cooler weather west, closing very Arm Hlio net advance. January closed a 6u4c; May, 44tHlc; cloned at 4Xc; Oc tober closed at 67c: November. S3W063SC jjoHed at A34c; December, 644(ftj54c; closed t 66lc. r OATS Receipts. 107.000 bu.; exports, 24,626 Ibu. Spot, steady; No. $ oats, 334c; stand 'ard white. 37c: No. 2 white. 37c: No. white, 36c; track, white weotern, 35Vjti37c track, white state. So4ft'37c. Options easier at nrst and then recovered with corn. ! cember closed at 374c. MAY Dull; ahlpping, 66T70c: good to choice. 9yi 6o. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 19ii, 2K'u32c; lvul. choice. (); 19u0, lHl-lo. I'aclhc coast, Vfti, 2tQ29c; inul. choice. 2out 26 V-S 1900, lixgClc . HIDES Quiet: Galveston, JO to 25 lbs., 18c; California, iU to 26 lbs., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 Ihs., 14c. LEATHER Quiet; hemlock sole. Buenos Ayres, light to heavy acid, 244j34c. woOI Steady ; domestic fleece. 2S'9no. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $16 00 rl6 w; mess, $12.0iib 12.60; , beer hams. $21. UK) 23.00; packet, $14.10(0 15.00; city, extra India mess, $24 it2.u.. Cut meats. Arm; pickled bellies. 13ol44c; pickled shoulders, 84ti9c; pickled hama. 12c. Iird, dull; western steamed, $10.65; refined, quiet; continent. $m so; South America. $11 SO; compound, $7.25 41 7 Si. Pork, steady: family $21; short clear, $19 766S1.O0; mess, $18 tuti 18.75. ' TALLOW Quiet; city, 4c; country. tQ BITTER Receipts. 9 767 pkgs.; frrm; state dairy, 17n c; creamery, extra. 23c; cream erv. common to choice. lMrl'22VkC. CHEESE Receipts, l.d-.l pkga; firm; fancy, larxe and small, 114,11 i:',c. EiKiS Receipts, s.ti90 pkgs.; firm: state and Pennttylvanla. average beat, 2240234c; western candled. 21tt221.c. MOI.A8SK8 Firm; New Orleans. 3o4rOc. wil UTKY-Alive: steady; chickens. 12c turkeys, 12c; fowls. 12c. Dresaed: Firm; western chickens, nswjizc; western fowls, 13c: soring turkeys. 12ul3c. METAI-STln ws easy sgaln In the local market to1ay, closing st $25 U"fr"26.aV Boles Included atl tons at $25.16. The Londun market also declined, losing 6e with spot closing at ll M and futures at i.u a. H'oDtxr was $s 9d lower In London, spot closing there at 61 18s 9d and futjrea at 63 $s 9d. The New York market was also lower, standard closing at $10 J4ill 00. lake at $11. 611. 76. electrolytlo at $U.nij 1L60 and oasUng at $U.$7WfU.6u. Load waa atcad Vir ginia, per bbl., $3; homegrown, per bu., 0c 41 $1. Tl'RNIPB Per bu SOc. BEETS Per basket, 40o. GREEN CORN-Per dot., 6g6c. CLCCMPERS Per bu.. 25c. RADISHES Per dox., 10c. WAX BEANS Home grown, per market basket, 25c; string beans, per market basket, 25c. CABBAGE Home grown, new, le. ONIONS New home grown, in sacks, per bu., SO'afiOc; Spanish, per crnte, $1 50. TOMATOES Per market basket, 4E50c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.15. FRUITS. PEACHES California, late Salwayo, 80c; Colorado, 7o&S5c; Michigan, per bu. box, -&" PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate, fr.ncy, $1.25; California egg, per box, $1.10; grown, per 8-lb. bafket, 16518c; ('olo- rado and Idaho, per 4-basket crate, $0.8nBi UN PRUNES-Callfornla. per box. $1; Hun- arlan, $1.25; I'tah. per 4-basket crate, 90c. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $1.75; Bartletts, per box. $2.25. APPLES Cooking, per bbl.. $2.25: eating. $2 2j'h2.5o; Jonathans, $3; New York sweet pples or Greenings, per bbl., $3.25. CANTALOUPtUenuine-K. per crate. $2.25. per nni., xa.oo. WATERMELONS Crated. 15(ff30c. GRAPES Michigan, per basket, 22o: New York, 24c; Tokay, per crate, $1.76. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $6.50; per box, $2.40. QUINCES Per box, $1 50. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to site. $2.IIU02.50. lk.vions California. $4.oor.Zo; Messinas, l.5t 416.00, okainge vaiencias, x4.7aB5.ou; r.ew Ja maica, any size, 4 2t. I'INEAPPLES Per crate, $4.254.50. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 95c DATES Persian. In 7-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; per case of Mb., pkg., $2.20, MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New L'tuh, per 24-frame case, $3.60. CIDER New York, $4.50; per 4-bbl., $2.75. HIDES No. 1 green. e'Ac: No. z green, 54c; No. 1 salted. 84c; No. 2 salted, 74c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12Vfc lbs.. 8c: No. Hj a I Latlf. 12 In lo lbs., tic. Ul V lildea. 8il2c. sheep pelts, 7bc; horse hides, ii.bWirZ.a). popcuKiN per id., sc: snened. 4C. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; hard shell, per lb., 124c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 11c; No, 2 hard shell, per lb., 10c; Braxlls, per lb., 10c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c: cocoanuts. per dox.. 60c: chestnuts, per lb., 16c; peanuts, per lb., 64c; roastea peanuts, per id., sc. vl.u Mhi alo A. b. Aipern quotes tne following prices: Iron, country mixed,, per ton, n; iron, stove piaie, per ton, sb; cop per, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c. crass, ngni, per 10., o"c; ieaa, per id., sc; sine, per id., ifftc; ruDoer, per id,, tyc. 8t. Lools Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8. WHEAT Hlaher No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 67e: track. 6tft) 69c; December, 674c; May, 6946DHc; No. 2 nam. tsxaac. f CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 68c: track 69c; December, 39lic: May, 39c. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash. 31c: track 81iii314c: December, 294c; May, 30c; No white, 3bo. RYE steady at 48Vic. FLOUR Quiet ; red winter patent. $3.25; extra fancy ana straignt, 2.9jj.2l clear. iz.s"3 ao. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.003.10. COKNMEAL Steady. $2.90. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 69B71c, HAY Strong: timothy. $9.00613.00: prairie, K.owjy.W. IKON COTTON TIES $1,074. BAGGING 6 6-167 l-16c. HEMP TWINE 3c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lobbing, old, $17.15; new, $17.65. Lard steady at $10.26. Dry sail meats (Doxea), steady; extra short and clear ribs, $11,624; short clears, $12,124. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear ribs. $12,624; short clears, $13. METALS Lead, steady at $4.00. Spelter. quiet at a.2u. POULTRY Steady; ehlckena. 10c: sprlnrs UJVjc; turkeys, si-giuc; ducks, young, lie geese. 5c. BUTTER Firm! creamery, 1913234c aairy, inrjizic. EGGS Steady : 19c. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 9.0" Wheat, bu 87.000 71.000 Corn, bu 10.000 23. 0" Oats, bu 67.UOO 43,000 balance, $2.024. WW; New York exchange, 10e discount; foreign exchsnge sterling posted at $4 834 for sixty days and at $4 8; for de mand. NEW YORK, Oct. . Clearings, $11!.C1, 423. b lances. $l3,ti6,172. 1'IIILADELPHIA. Oct. 8. Clearings, $19. 41.756; ralance, $2,566,643; money, per cent. BALTIMORE, Oct. 8 Clearings. $4,033, 8J; bs lances, 7I8.622; money. per cent. BOSTON. Oct. 8 Clearings, $29.4n2.142; balances, $2,r.9.072. CINCINNATI. Oct. 8 Clearing. ,$3,358, him; money, Mi per cent- New York ex change, HT discount. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 8-Clearings, $s.OR4,4!3; oaliinces, $l,m1,K24; money, steady, 61i6 per cent; New York exchange, 15c discount. Peoria Market. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BOXDS. Sliow of Strenath In Early Hoars, bnt Enthnslaam Does Kot Last. NEW YORK. Oct. 8. -There was decided relief today from the pressure of the credit contraction by the banks aim tne result was a shnrp recovery tn the prices of tocks. Ihe demand to cu-er short con- racts by the bears was a fac tor, as the recent heavy rains nave made operators on that side of the market quite bold. There was some show of strength In the early buying and cun-.-dcrahle gains were established. The emhuHosm. How ever, did not last the day out and the bears regained some conndence and ceased their efforts to cover. Home points of strength persisted to the last, rjotaoW Union t-a-cillc, but the market generally became somewhat apathetic and closing prices were generally below the best. A stiffening In the money rate late In tne cay to 16 pel cent and a heavy selilnK movement In Amalgamated Copper served to unsettle the late ueailngs. ihe weakness of Amalga mated is due to the decline In of cop per ootn m iew lorK ana Ixmilnn. The considerable strengthening of tne position of the banks" as a result of the week's liquidation and several developments today tending to replenish their cash resources gave rise to tne query whether the corner had been turned In money stringency; that some oonfldence mlht be telt that lorced liquidation of stocks had come to an end. The earlier view was that ?.ils might be hoped for with some conndence, but the wavering course of prices later In the day showed that this opinion was snaKeu. The mere fact that touay s volume of dealings ran to but little over bou.wio shares com pared with an average of a limit I.Ouo.umO during the recent days of weakness shows mat tne recovery was lacking in strong impetus. The bank also allowed no op position to deviate from their recent deter mination not to extend credits to stock mar ket customers lor the present. mere was a payment due touay or nearly $18,000,000 on account of the subscriptions to the syndicate for taking over the Louisville & Nashville. This represents a per cent payment and the remaining oO per cent Is payable a week from today. A 30 per cent installment nas oeen cauea oy tne rmp combine syndicate, calling for about $16.- 000,000 and payable this week. Fifty per cent of subscriptions tor new Baltimore & Ohio stock calling for $21,250,000 are pay able on October 17. These large syndicate requirements may be the cause, of tne con tinued unsettlement in tne money market in spite of the relieving factors at work. 1 ne u.utiu.uuu oi Australian oia at Kan Francisco was made payable at the sub treasury here today. Large requirements for the payment of New .York taxes have been met and at'9 returning to the chan nels of the market. Reassuring reports of the health of Russell Sage were a quieting influence !n tb money m nc ef Foreign exchange continued Its down ward course and some loan bills were sold In that market. It is believed also tnat the morning strength shown by Americans In London Is due to repurchases there by American sellers in this market to get the benefit of the cheaper money rate for carrying stocks. But there was some buy ing here today lor London account, wnivn helped to weaken exchange. The continued diversion of government relpts except customs Into bank deposits affords relief from the subtreasury drain, wtiere were some hossTil expressions current over the coal striKe outlook today, which helped sustain the market. Union Pacltlc was sup ported with determination and closed at the highest price. Tne Dona marxn was more irregular than stocks and developed points of weak ness as the day progressed. Total sales, par value, $3,665,000. United States new 4s advanced Vic on the last call. The following ere the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 8. MONEY On call. Arm, 7ft 15 per cent: closed offered at 7 per cent; prime mercantile paper, per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at de cline, with actual business tn bankers' bills nt .8.87,'t4 6 for demand and at $4 K2,oiu 4 RJN75 for slxtv - bills; posted rate; $4.84 and $4.87(34.874; commercial bills, 4.8J4ij4A2V SILVER Bar. 60c; Mexican dollars, 44e. B )NtS Government, Arm; state, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closliih quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. r. Is. coupon.. liH h. N. onl. 4.. do coupon Ml Hn. Central 4i.. do Is. rc 107 do ll Ine do coupon ..lost, Minn. St. L. 4s do now 4s. res...s.U74k M.. K. T. 4a... OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET B4)f Cattls About ltdy, bit FctcUri Wr a Littlt How. H06S SOLO TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER Good Ran of Sheep, bnf Desirable Grade of Both Killers and Feed era Commanded Steady Prices, bnt Common Feeders Doll. SOUTH OMAHA. Receipts were: Cat;; Official Monday 6 89 Official Tuesday 7,09 Official Wednesday 6.7HO Oct. 8. Hog. Sheep. 1,238 81.874 do coupon do old 4s, irg... do coupon do 6i. rrg do coupon Atchison cen. 4t... do dj. 4a full. & Ohio 4a.... do J '-is do conr. 4a Canada Ho. la Central of Oa. $a. do la Inc. Chea. Ohio 44a. A. 3',i C. H. A Q. n. 4a. C, M. A ft. P. 4a.. 114 C. tt N. W. e. 7a.... 138 C. R. 1. A P. 4a ...100 ... f4 ... r ...101',, ...11 ... "Hi ...toi'4 ...107 ...ltt ...1M4 ... n ...10o4 Hi '4 137-fc do Is ..Ill N. T. Cantral la. ..Ill I do tn. a ..10T.4 N. J. C. rn. is. ..ln.ii, No. Padflo 4a . .lwTa dn 3s . . M N. ft W. eon. 4a. ..louu Kcadlnx in. 4a.. .. 4 'St I. A 1 M . ta.. .1131 ..inf St. L 8 r 4a....ina 1.1074 8t. U. S. W. It.. . .lil do 2a , .. VH ,8. A. A A. P. 4s. ..ion So. Pacific 4a . . n'i Ido. Railway Sa... .. 9nVa Texas & Pacific 1 T., i. at v. ' Union Pacific 4a.. loaui do coot. 877 23.101 4.940 19,500 10.0T 74.47S 8.574 64.2H1 .4 43.422 10.015 45.539 10.9H8 4,HN2 17,SdM 36.226 TO DATE. The followlna table shows the recelnts of cattle, hosa and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last ) ear; 1902. . 710,785 .1,797,098 .1.131.025 Three days this week.. 20.748 Same days last week 22.49 Same week before 24,357 Same three weeks ao. . .33.2;5 Same four weeks ago. ...22,397 Same days last year 11,722 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR Cattle Hogs Sheep The 1901. 584.761 1.778,115 966, 00 Dec. Inc. 126.034 18,978 174,325 fellowln tabie shows the averass price of hogf sold on the Koutn Omaha market the lasf several ears, with com- parlton with former years: C C C A St L g. 4a..l01Si Wabaah la... Chlcapco Ter. 4s.... Colorado Ro. 4a Danrer ft R. O. 4a. Erie prior Hen 4a.. do gen, 4a. r. W. ft D. C. la.. Hocking Val. 4Via.. Offered. Kg I do Za .. J do deb. B. .looiweat Shore 4s.... . n (Wheel, ft U E. 4 . H4 Wla. Central 4a. . .114 .Cone. Tobacco 4a .10741 74 S4 in 120 0 1M 10 1194 no .... Sl4t 114 4s... tl 14 M4 Date. 1902. 1901. 1900.1899.1898.1897.15. Near York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 8 The following are the closing price on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice Hrecce Drunawlck Ton... Comalo'k Tunnel. Con. Cel. A Vs... Hum Silver ...... Iron Silver .'. Leadvllla Con .. 15 .. SO .. (0 .. T .. 6 ..100 ,.1X .. 2S .. Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr f'hoentx Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada Iron Silver ... Standard 10 26 U 8 8 I II 76 126 Sept. Bept Sept. Sept. Fept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 16.. 18.. 17.. 18.. 19.. .. ft.. 82.. U.. 24.. 25.. 2.. 27.. 28.. Zi.. 80. . 1.... 8.... 8.... 4.... 6.... 8.... 7.... 8.... 7 87 T 64 7 4214 7 4 7 37 7 7 4 7 7 r7. I bo 7 17 7 84V, e 7 31Vi 7 22Vii 1 ZO'g 7 3'4) 7 82 7 42 7 394 7 28Vi 6 08 4 331 3 72 3 87 1 78 (67 4 34 8 88 3 84 8 72 (62S13 2 68 I & ! M 8 76 6 13 4 32 3 84 3 71 6 19 4 33 3 74 IN 77 6 22 4 31 3 71 4 03 (85 6 2.1 4 81 3 71 4 01 13 ( 21 4 35 3 731 3 8 8 81 (8 4 41 3 77 3 7 2 83 (821 14 3 77 3 K 2 81 ( 80 6 16 4 41 8 82 2 80 ( 76 6 16 4 89 3 71 2 8 ( 7 6 15 4 30 3 72 3 78 (816K 444364383889 6 17 4 37 3 64 3 81 2 91 (87 4 36 3 67 3 81 2 97 (75 6 13 3 71 3 85 3 94 ( 58 6 18 4 39 3 7 3 02 ( 69 6 19 4 42 8 66 2 97 8 69 6 20 4 S7S 64 8 7S ( 52 6 1 4 31 3 64 3 71 2 93 6 11 4 84 3 63 3 74 I 04 (49 4 35 3 68 3 64 3 04 6 33 6 08 3 69 3 52 3 13 Foreign Financial. li. 75 t it 83 45 .J2SV4! Liverpool .Grain and Pro-visions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 8. WHEAT-Spot Firm: No. 2 red western winter. 6s lOd No. l northern spring. 6s 74d: No. 1 Call fornla, 6s 6d. Futures: Quiet; December, ts v : Aiarcn, ts Jtna. CORN Spot: Oulet; Amertcsn mixed 8d. Futures: Quiet: October, nominal; January, 4s 3Vd; March, 4s 43. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet, 8s 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), new and old crops, firm, . 10s 7d. PROVISIONS Reef, strong; extra India mens, litis. Pork, prime mess western, strong, 92s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 14 lbs., steady, 66s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 28 to 30 lbs., quiet, 64s; short ribs, ltt to 24 lbs., quiet, 66s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., firm, 6Vls6d; long clear middles, heavy. 3a to 40 lbs., steady, 62a 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady. bHs; clear bellies, II to 16 lbs., steady, 63s. Shoulders, aifuare, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, fcia. Lard, prime western. In tierces, firm. 63a; Amer ican refined. In palls. Arm, 54s 9d. BUTTER Nominal. CHEESE Firm; -American finest white, 60s; American finest colored, 5ls. i-ALLOW Prime city, steady, 28s; Aus tralian, In London, firm, 33s 3d. Kansas Clly Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 8. WHEAT De cember. 64c: May, 6nVgc; cash. No. 2 hard. C7i(i6x4e; No. 3, 62Vi&C6cj No. 2 red, Wjjbbc ; No. 2. 644)Vc. . , ORN t H-tober. sic: uecemoer. s;ac: May. 87Sfi7c; cash. No. 2 mixed, JvfrSSSc; No. 2 white, title; No. 3. 69c. OATS No. 2 white. 34c. RVK-No. 2. 42W-43C. HAY Choice timothy, t9.6o10.00; choice prairie, $! 504.1 10.00. BU l creamery, wine; aairy, tancy. lfc. EOOS Firm; fresh Missojrt ana Kansas stock, 17HC dos., loss off, esses returned. Receipts. Bnluments. Wheat, bu.-. . 65.3n0 117.00) Corn, bu 20.fta .8J Oats, bu 26,000 13.000 Atchlao - do pf d Bal. ft Ohio do pfd Canadian Paclflo Canada Southern Chee. ft Ohio.... Chicago ft Alton do pro Chicago, lnd. ft do pro Chicago A O. W. do lat pra do Id pfd Chicago ft O. W. C. R. I. ft P 1 Chicago Tar. ft Tr... 21 do pfd C. C. C. ft St. L... Colorado So do lat pfd do M P'd Del. ft Hudeon Iel. L. ft W Denver & R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Irt pfd Great Nor. pfd Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illlnola Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd Lake Erie ft W.. do pfd U A N Manhattan L Mot. St. Rr Meg. Central .... llei. National .. Minn. A St. L... Mo. Paclflc M.. K. ft T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk ft W..... An nIA Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Heading do lat ptd do Id pfd St. L. ft S. P.... do lat pM do Id pfd St. L. 8. W do ptd St. Paul Offered. .. 87,' do pfd . . 99g So. Paclflo ..104' So. Railway .. 3 I do pfd ..13l4Taa ft Paclflc. Toledo, St. U ft .. i04 do pfd , .. S44 Union Paclflc ... 71V oo P'o Wabaah do pfd Wheeling ft do Id pfd.. Wla. Central do pfd... L. E. Adama Eg American Ei t'nlted Statea Eg. ... Welle-eargo Eg.. ... 30 Araal. Copper .... ... 71' Amer. Car ft P... ... 4 do pfd ...lSHH Amer. Llo. Oil... ...2l'l do pfd ... 4.1 Amer. S. A R ... ... do pfd ... SSS Anac. Mining Co. ... 7 nrooklyn r.. t ... f?1, Colo. Fuel A ...187V4 Cons. Oaa . . . 90' Cont. Tobacco pfd . . ... 8 Oen. Electric '..146 Hocking Coal ....... ...44 Inter. Paper ...77 do pfd ... M Inter. Power ...120 Laclede Oaa ...1.1 National Hlarult .. ...US'! National Iad ...137l4 No. American ... to Pacific Coaat .... 1i44 Paclflc Mali ...lOiVi Peeple'a Uaa ,...111 Pressed 8. Car .... ... K dn pfd go Pullman P. Car ... ...171 Kepubllc Steel ,...154 l do pfd .... 72T4 Bucar ....10 Tenn. Coal ft Iron .... 3.1V U. 8. Leather . ...16')7, do pfd I"a V S. Rubber ' do pfd , .... T7 ,V. 8. Steel do pfd .... 82" Western t'nlon ... .... T1TvAmer. Locomotive do pfd .... 4 'K. C. Southern .. ILii do pld ,. 71H .. 874, . 4a ,. 42 '. S7i 41", ,.104-Tg . SOI, .. 324, . 42 'a .. 26 1 . 37 .. tS . 4!4 . .too ..245 ..135 ..2o .. .. 34' . 1'4 .. 104 ,. 44 .. 4T.14 .. 4S .. 7 .. 62 Iron... 8'.M ..314 ..120 .. ZlSi .. 301, .. 70 .. .. 80 .. 4Vi .. r7w ..123 .. 744 .. 40, ..imi .. Sit. .. XI ..t;s ,.. 5iH .. 77 .M204 ... 3 . . 13 H .. 8 ... 174 .. 55 ... 34 .. ... tl'4 ... 29', .. tJ'i ... 13 ... 544 LONPON. Oct. 8. Money was easier nnd In quiet demand In the market today. Dis counts were steady. Business on tne Stock exchange opened unsatisfactory apart from a good undertone in foreigners. The un certainty regarding Americans was due lnrgely to the unfavorable attitude of Presl. dent Mitchell of the United Mine Workers of America, which had an effect upon the whole market. Subsequently business be came more cheerful and Americans rallied to acove parity, nut this was not main tained, and prices closed irregular. Consols fluctuated and closed with an Improvement. Home rails hardened fractionally. Qrand Trunks were Inactive. Canadian Pacifies were heavy, but Improved later. Rio tlntos declined on less favorable dividend rumors. Cold premiums are quoted as follows: At Buenos Ayres, 12X.20; at Madrid, 33.Z2; at usnon. 2b.bu; at Kome, .02. PARIS, Oct. 8. Prices were firm on the bourse today. Rentes were quiet and Span ish 4s and npanisn rails were In good In quiry. Russian Industrials were supported. Thomson-Houston was heavy and Metro politans were firm. Rio tlntos were un settled and closed hsavy. DeBeers were In good demand. Kaffirs were well supported. There were a few realizations In Brastllans. French rails finished with a general rise. caused by a number of buying orders. The private rate of discount was 2 6-16 pea cent. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 274c for the account. Exchange on London, 25f 16c for cneeKs. ripanisn s, 8.(Vi. BERLIN, Oct. 8. Internationals were well well maintained on the bourse today. Mines were nrm, stimulating the whole market. despite Discouraging New to'-K advices. Exchange on London, 20m 46HpfsTs for checks. Discount rate for short bills, 21! per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. i- . Indicates Sunday. No market. YESTERDAY-SI RHIPMrVTS The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shlDDtd to the country yesterday and their destination: came cars. 1... .... 10.... ..1011 .ins , 70 60 .lrjo .1100 I Ml 4 0 00 I 40 I (0 f1 t 10 14.... tM 9 I SI ID HEIFERS. ...... i t 4" ie I lo DM I 71 BULLS. SO0 If 1 7u t It 4 1241 I It STAGS. !3 tl CALVES. 10 g M STOCK HEIFERS. JS 1 en STOCK ER9) AND FEEDERS. 74" i m n ni i I I'M) 1 00 M 1341 4 2 1010 1 NEBRASKA. No. 9 feeders. 9 calves.. 18 cows..., 9 cows.... 1 steer 7 feeders. 2 feeder. 11 fders..Hi75 17 feeders.. 1027 14 feeders.. 12 6 cows pa 4 feeders.. long 4 cows 1216 8 cows., 4 cows.. 2 tows.. 1 bull... 8 bulls.. A V. 7K3 328 927 8X2 9i K77 8:to .1031 .1220 .1020 .1050 9H3 28 feeders.. 939 1 bull. 1 cow.., 8 cows. 1 cow.., 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 bull 1470 1 bull 1010 1 steer 1150 'feeders.. 974 ..24X .. .. 915 .. 820 ,..1250 ... 920 2 cows.. 1 cow,.. 1 cow... 1 cow... 2 cows.. 66 cows.. 34 cows.. 8 feeders.. 24 feeders.. 29 feeders.. 807 i oo . 770 . 830 .law ,. 765 . 905 . 916 780 746 Pr. 3 ot 3 0t 2 2X1 2 25 3 I'l 3 00 3 00 3 6 3 60 4 00 3 85 ,8 25 . 75 2 85 8 65 2 50 2 10 2 06 8 65 2 40 2 75 2 75 2 30 4 Ui 4 00 50 2 80 4 00 4 15 2 00 2 10 2 00 2 40 2 40 3 25 2 25 WYOMING No. 6 calves. 1 cow 6 cows... 1 steer., A v. . a .1120 ..871 1 feeder. . .li70 32 feeders.. 1018 14 -feeders.. 975 35 feeders.. 2 feeders.. 9n6 1 steer 7 41 feeders.. 1002 12 feeders.. 70s 1 cow 1O50 8 cows los 11 cows 928 11 cows t"3 1 bull 1080 1 feeder., 1 heifer.. 2 cows... 2 cows... 3 cows... 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 cow...., 14 cows... cows... 2 cows... 27 cows. . 750 ,. 830 . 975 . 915 . 9 6 ,.1000 ,. 90 . 9"0 . 927 .1070 , 8 26 991 ( cows 1093 1 heifer.. 2 cows... 22 cows... 42 cows... 670 745 900 915 1 feeder, 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. I., feeders. 2 feeders. 2 feeders. 18 cows.... 97 cows.... 46 cows.... II cows.... 53 heifers., 6 steers... 55 steers.... 64 steers... 81 steers... (too , 900 , 800 . 824 . two . 867 . 974 . 945 . 927 . 463 ,1063 1194 1172 .1167 3 00 3 40 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 Or) 3 9" 3 00 3 25 2 80 3 86 2 5 2 90 1 60 4 00 4 86 4 60 4 90 1 cow 1 cow 1 bull 1 bull , 20 cows..,. 9 cows , 850 , 930 1190 14" 10 , 9" . 972 6 cows 1004 4 cows 946 4 cows 9S7 7 calves... 857 4 calves... 332 4 calves... 322 20 cows 828 87 cows... 60 cows..., 8 steers.. 28 steers.. J. C. Peterson, Minden, Neb B. ft M. J. W. Ooldln. Stanlehurst. Neb. B. & M Olal MOOS'. Holdres-e. Neh R AY M J. A. Skallberg, Holdrege, Neb. B. & M i. n. l ox, tiampton. Neb. B. M J. M. Cox, Hampton, Neb. B. ft M t-aui Bcnuits, Mllford. Neb. B. ft M ferry o.. wavne. Neh. M. & O P. B. McDonald. Tekamah. Neb. M. Alva Smith, Wausa, Neb. M. ft O.... r. is. isefi. wausa. Neb. M. ft O Banks ft Co.. Wausa. Neb. M. ft O A. H. Banks, Wausa, Neb. M. ft O W. M. Nearv. Lyons. Neb. M. ft O. J. E. Owen. Wayne. Neb. M. ft O... J. H. Jones, Luverne, Minn. M. ft O Peter Relnert, Herman, Neb. M. ft O. A. Kaufmann. Pender. Neb. M. ft O. Wm. Dunn. Weeplna Water. Neb. M. P J. ri. -Overton, Nebraska City, Neb. M O. 3 2 3 P 4 F. F. Schllchtmelr. Murray. Neb. M. P.. C. Schneider. Snyder, Neb. F. E H. Vakmer, Snyder, Neb. F. E Andy Rogers, Dodge. Neb. F. E Mord & Carey Co., Ttlden. Neb. F. E.... E. J. Polcln. Howells. Neb. F. E N. P. Hollenbeck. Washlnaton. Neb. F. E 1 J. Lammers, Dodge, Neb. F. E H. Mlsreldt. Washington, Neb. F. E.... ,T I. Howe. Iiun Cifv. Neh. T7. P O. Schulta, Rising Cltv. Neb. U. P J. C. Hill. Adel, la. Mil J. H. Zanke, Hobart, la. Mil A. J. Stewart, Slater, la Mil H. H. Haffaker, Silver City. la. Mil.... Nlpp ft Kruse. Mlneola, la. Mil A. E. Young, Walnut, la. Mil C. Bohnlng, Anita, la. Mil Lee McCoy. Walnut. Ia. Mil a. A. Carter, Genesea. III. R, I Cotton Market. NEW YORK.,- Oct, 8. COTTON-Snot. quiet; middling,- uplands, 8.85c; middling aulf. 9.10c: sales, 114 bales. Futures closed steady; October and November, 8.48c; De cember, 8.5Sc: January. 8.64c; February, 8.47e; March and April. 8.45c; May, 8.47c. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8. COTTON-Miulet; mid dling. 8 7-16c; no sales; receipts, 1,978 bales; shipments. Z.oix bales: stock. 7,668 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 8.-COTTON Easy: sales. 5.100 bales; ordinary. 7 3-lsc; good ordinary. 711-16c: low middling, 8c; middling, 8 5-16c; good middling. 8V4c; mid dling fair, 8 13-16c; receipts, 7.264 bales; stock. 132. 490 bales. Futures, steady: oc tober. 8.17(&8.19c; November. 8.1tfi821c; De cember, 8.258.26c; January. 8.30iji8.31c; Feb ruary. 8.3irns.32c; March, 8.35ffs.8Sc; April, 8.3fi8.3Sc: May. 8.384i8.40c. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 8. COTTON Spot !n fnlr demand: prices easier: American mid dling fair. 6.10d; good middling. 4.88d; mid dling. 4.7Sd; low middling. 4.68d: good ordi nary. 4.50d; ordinary. 4.44d. The sales of the day were 12.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export, and Included 11.600 American. Receipts were 4.000 bales. Including 3,900 American. Futures opened quiet to easy. American middling, g. o. c, October. 4.59d, sellers: October-November, 4.52d, buyers: November-December. 4.50d, buyers: December-January, 4.49d, buyers; January-February, 4.49d, sellers; February- March. 4.4fld. sellers: March-April. 4.48d. buyers; April-May, 4.48d, buyers; May-June, 4.48d, buyerB. 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 8 ... 8 ... 1 ... 2 ... 1 ... 2 ... 1 ... 3 ...10 C. L. ColTman, A"oca, la. R. 1 2 F. J. Bennett. Larah. Ia. R. 1 1 J. E. Erwin, Dallas Center, la R. 1 1 A. H. coumes, wiota, la. K. I 1 J. P. Hanna, Oenesea, 111. R. I 2 8. Ragan. Atherton. Ia. R. I.. 1 O. A. Bartlett. Shelby, Ia R. 1 1 wiison frail, Atlantic, la. R. I l E. M. Lempus. Atlantic, Ia. R. t 1 I J. Groves. Atlantic, Ia. R. 1 3 M. Jessen. Delolt. Ia. I. C 1 Charles Butler, Valley City, N. D. I. C. 2 rtni Knutgen. uuniap, la, 1. j l W. C. Whiting. Whiting, la. I. C 4 Henry Jinn. Bennington. Neb. F. E 1 G. 8. Cosine. Whiting, Ia. N. W 1 L. H. Kuhls, Nlshnebotna, Mo K. C 1 B. B. Fettle, prescott, la. Q 2 Erwln ft M.. Emerson. Ia. Q 1 C. A. Ltndqueat, VUllsca, la. Q 1 Lundbery ft L., Essex. Ia Q 2 C. A. Lewis. Ottumwa. Ia. 0 1 J. Floyd, Monmouth, III. Q 2 T. V. Hammontlre, Clatonla, Ia. Q 1 Sheen , D.D. John Elliott, Tekamah. Neb. M. ft 0 6 S. E. Southwlck. Eddyvllle, Neb. IT. P.... 2 DUatosh ft Co.. Montlcello. ID. Wab 4 M. Bh levers, Donley, Ia. Q 7 Shlevers Bros., Donley, Ia. J 10 Hayman ft Co., Aledo, 111. Q.'. ( A. M. Rlmbom. Aledo, III. Q 1 H Marqulst. Aledo, III. Q 2 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: cattle. Hogs. srrp.H'aes. 57 feeders.. 9SS 3 feeders.. 816 3 feeders.. 840 1 feeder... 890 4 feeders.. 862 1 feeder... 860 1 feeders.. 83H 1 feeder.. 1 calf..... 1 calf... 2 calves. COLORADO. .1020 .1045 .1068 ,.1150 Pr. 4 50 3 60 2 20 2 75 3 60 3 4o 3 60 3 60 4 2 60 3 75 3 26 2 60 2 85 2 7o 2 10 2 50 1 50 2 80 2 75 2 75 2 30 3 40 3 40 2 75 2 75 3 00 1 75 8 10 3 60 2 65 2 40 2 35 3 25 1 90 1 90 3 10 3 25 2 SO 2 00 3 90 2 80 3 25 4 25 8 60 3 00 2 40 t 70 8 85 4 00 4 80 M Wyoming rrsrtlngs... 35 native feeder ewes.. 221 feeder wethers 334 feeder wethers 77 feeder yearlings 199 feeder yearlings ) feeder yesrllnsa 677 feeder yearlings 1.250 feeder yearlings 790 wethers 12 wethers 17 Wyoming wethers 446 South Dakota wethers lfti cull ewes 2"7 cull feeder ewes 178 feeder ewes ; 813 Wyoming ewes 4ol western ewes 78 116 87 70 76 70 76 6) K8 84 110 83 92 70 7 87 91 100 1 4f 8 60 3 00 3 W 3 0 8 10 8 20 2 35 8 35 3 8S 8 85 8 40 3 4) 1 in 1 60 2 l 2 75 3 00 CHICAGO 1.1 VH STOCK MABKKT, Cattle Active, gtea-ly 8troo Hogs aael Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. Oct. 8.-CATTLK-Reoelpts,"0 head. Including l.t head 'lexns. 6.000 head westerns: active, steady to strong: good to prime steers, J7.4tKhjS.7n; poor to medium. f3.75'f7.w: stockers ana feeders. 82.2nW6.Oo: cows. 11. 25414.75: heifers. 83.254ii.5o: rentier. 31 2S2.40: bulls. 82.2MV 4.75; calves, t-15i'7.60; Texas fed steers, $3.00 western steers, H.wil.i6. HUtiS Receipts, 24,tHi need; estimatea to morrow, 2O.000 head; left over, 14,000 head: lorl5c lower than average Tuesday; mixed nnd butchers, 7.1W7.6d; good to choice heavy, 37.25w7.75; rough heavy, .70tr7.15; light. 36.5iV7.40; bulk of sales. $7. 107.90. SHEE1" AND LAM BS Receipts, zn.isa heart; sheep, ltl.V lower; lambs. Iodine lower; good lo choice wethers, 83.2!; fair to choice mixed, 32.25413. 26; western sheep, S2.6tMri3.70; native lambs, i3.40ifj.4O; western Ismbs, U 5or.j7.15. Official yesterday: Iteceipis. onipmenis. Cattle 1.1X 3.658 Hoks 19.'l 1.2.4 Sheep 36,183 ' 11.770 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, 16,500 head natives, 1,600 head Tex- ans, 225 head Texas calves, 1,300 natlva Texana; corn fed. steady to tower; gen erally dull, weak: choice export and dressed beef steers, f7.OtKfi7.90; fair to good, 84.264HS.90; stockers and feeders, 82.6ftSfS.0U: western red steers. w.llWw.lio; Texas and Indian steers. $2.6193.30: Tex rows, $1.65ht 2.86: native cows, $l.754.25: native heifers. S2.5titfj3.75; canners. Sl.otKg2.00; bulls, $2.00J 4.26: calves, $2.06.50 HOUS Receipts. .ooo head: market 24t 20c lower; top, $7,374: bulk of Males, $7.3' 7.35: heavy, $.rr7 .374; mixed packers, $7.2.i e7.37,; light, $7.307.87W; yorkers. $7.35 7.37V; pigs. S.25f7.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. S.ono head; steady; native lambs, $;t.5flM.80; western lambs, $4.0CK?f6.O0; native wethers. n.' . no. a jiae or. . t A ewes, $2.90l.5t; stockers and feeders, $l.ij s.ou. 400 140 280 116 8 steers.. ..1256 1 steer. .1207 4 20 3 15 3 80 8 80 3 80 3 80 8 80 4 30 2 90 2 90 2 90 4 25 4 26 6 feeders.. 950 t 75 4 calves... 170 3 calves... 2X0 1 calf 420 7 feeder.. 795 1 feeder... 820 3 feeders.. 86 1 feeder... 930 1 feeder... 690 '1 feeder... 490 8 feeders.. 2 1 steer 1120 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... 3 cows.. 6 cows.. 2 cows.. SOUTH DAKOTA. .. 870 .. 970 .. 730 .. 836 ..1051 8K5 1 60 1 60 1 50 2 10 2 85 2 00 1 bull. 1 bull. 680 ...1350 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 80 3 80 4 30 8 80 3 75 3 75 3 75 4 26 300 2 20 5 cows 838 2 10 1 bull 1140 2 70 S feeders. .1014 4 00 Andrew Norell Colo. 25 feeders.. 1175 6 25 39 cows 1024 3 80 A. F. Hopper Colo. 61 feeders.. 875 4 16 6 feeders.. 788 8 60 1 feeder... 930 4 16 1 feeder... 720 3 60 feeders.. 778 4 15 1 feeder... 630 8 00 1 feeder... 740 4 15 Joe Bouge Colo. 4t steers.. ..1045 4 05 14 steers.. ..1030 4 05 2 steers.. ..1135 4 06 45 steers. ...1062 4 20 16 steers.. ..1076 4 20 1 steer 1100 4 20 S. Slaymaher Wyo. 1 steer 1030 8 75 10 feeders.. 928 4 10 Empire L. and 8. Co. Wyo. 137 feeders. 805 8 96 6 feeders.. 806 2 75 Fetterman Hereford Association Wyo. El feeders.. 99 4 40 -leers. ...1702 5 00 3 feeders.. 939 8 75 3 steers. ;..1256 4 25 27 feeders.. 970 4 40 1 steer 1290 6 00 7 feeders.. 942 4 00 10 feeders.. 640 4 00 J. B. Kendrlcks Wvo. 22 steers.:. .1117 4 00 12 steers.... 15 3 0 Swan Land and Cattle Co. Wyo. 91 steers... .1178 4 25 34 steers... .1153 3 20 117 steers.. .1198 3 90 123 steers.. ..1016 3 80 bo steers.... 107C 3 75 26 steers... .1067 8 90 George Prentice Wyo. 146 feeders.. 1100 3 90 8 feeders.. 1100 t 25 Bennett ft O. Wvo. 15 steers... .1026 3 40 8 cows 985 1 10 E. C. Roberts Mont. 23 cows..... 884 2 90 7 cows 781 t 20 Carmon ft Hasse Neb. 138 feeders.. 838 4 10 . 61 feeders. .1167 4 10 4 feeders.. 838 3 60 4 feeders.. 1137 3 60 49 feeders.. 899 4 00 J. B. Carl Wvo. 16 cows 933 2 86 cows 839 2 00 Mrs. V. B. Peterson Wvo. 8 feeders.. 693 2 75 1 feeder.. .1150 4 00 4 feeders.. 632 3 26 M. Henry Wyo. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Oct. . BEEVES Re ceipts, 2.851 head; steers opened active and generally 10c higher; closed slow and easier; bulls and cows firm to 10c higher; steers, $4.55rgv7.O0; tops, $7.25; rat oxen, $5; bulls, S2.5O4H.10; cows, $1.50tf4.0O; extra fat, $4.60. CALVES steady: exports, s.w) Quarters of beef; receipts, 1.931 head; veals. Arm to 25c higher; grassers, steady, all sold; veals. $5.5Ktt9.00: tops, $9.26; culls, xn- little calves. $4.0orW.50; grassers, $3.00(83.76; fed and mixed calves. S4.0O4f6.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,949 head; firm to 2So higher; Pennsylvania and state, $7.357.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,124 head; sheep, steady; prime lamb opened firm to a shade hlaher: medium, steady to .Im.J wtth an r,Alin ,K,M1 $2.50:3.75; choice, $4; culls. $2; lambs', $5(aVd) 6.124,; tops, $6.25; culls, i3.5a4.J7; dian lambs, $5.75. 10 COWS 1032 3 35 16 feeders.. 10)5 3 95 1 cow.. .,..1290 4 10 2 eows 1070 2 25 D. L. ,...14M) 2 25 ....1180 .... 930 ....1000 ....1090 675 1 bull. 1 bull. 1 cow. 1 cow. cow. 7 feeders. 20 cows 1 heifer... feeder.. 1 feeder.. 2 cows.... 6 cows.... 3 feeders. 4 cows. 1 CO' H Bostoa Stock Unotatlons. BOSTON, Oct. 8. Call loans, 6-37 per cent; time loans, bj4; per cent. Official closing on stocks kiio nnnds: ..1004Allouea 24 .. M I Amalgamated 424 .. 664 Bingham 274 .. si calumet a Hecia....e05 .. VJ Centennial if .-1684 Copper kanga 71 ..m Dominion Coal 124 ..134 franklin 4 ..zzsa iftie itoyaie is ..142 MoMwk 4b 4 ..104 old iwmlnlsa It .. 24 Oaceola 7 ..130 (Parrot 2J ..114 Qulucjr 12 ,.ic4a Kama Pe Copper .... 14 .. aa4.lamaracg is? ..173 1 ...... u.iialn ii .. 1. Trii.ltr 10 .. M4 t'nlted Statea lift. .. 4V t'lab 11 ..104( Victoria 6 .. 'i Winona .. oiverine ne ..101 iDalr west 44 Atchison 4a Oaa la N. tt. a. ft C... Atchiaon do pfd Boston ft Albany boaton ft Mo.... Boston Elevated N. Y.. N. H. ft ritrhburg pld t'nloa PaclAc Meg. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd Americas T. ft T.. Dominion I. ft S... Geo, Electric Maaa. Klectlis ... do pfd N. ft. O ft C United Fruit , V. S. Steel do ptd Weatlngh. Common Adventure Toledo iiala aad See. TOLEDO. Oct 8. WHEAT Dull, strong cash and October, 734c; December, i44c; May, .u4c, asked. CORN Moderately active, strong: Lm cember. 4f-lc; May, 434c. OATS Dull, nrm; Decem--vr, SfVac; May, 33" SEED Clover, moaeraieiy active, strong; October, S6.17H. asked; January, $6,074, bid. RVE-WVc Milwaukee tirala Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 8. WH E ATe-Ftrm ; No. I northern. 7IUic; No. 3 northern, 7ogc; December, 07c. RYE Firm: No. 1. &0Vgwl BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 72c; sample, 60& 2o. CORN December. 48SC Londoa Stock ttaotatloas. LONDON. Oct. 8 4 p. m. Closing Conaola. money M 1 11 N. Y. Central do account H e-ia Norton a w Anacoada 1 do ptd Atchiaon 0'4 Ontario ft W do pfd 103 Pennaylvaata Baltimore ft Ohio. . . .lu'4 Rand Mines., Canadian PacISc 1314 Reading Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 514 do lat pfd Chicago O. W C. el. ft St. P.. DeUeera tdef.)... Denver ft R. O. do Pf Erie do lat pfd do Id pld Illlnola Central.. Loulavilte ft Nasi at.. K ft T do pfd Pklladelgkla 1'iadaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 8.-BCTTER-Firm; extra western creamery, 2j'i4c; extra nearby prints. 24c. EGGS Firm ; fresh nearby, 23c. loss off; fresa western. Ii-4Biic, luaa off; fresh ..1M4 .. 754 . . SJ .. 11' .. tt4 .. 44 .. 34 .. 3H4 .. at .. 734 ..lOtiv .. Ill .. 404 .. 31 .. 43 .. a4 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 8 COFFEE Spot Rio. dull: No 7 invoice. 5c. Mild, quiet, f'u ures opened steady, with prices unchanged tn 5 points lower, following a narrow course 11 day, and closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points lower. The start was a fair response to easier cables. On the call prominent spot Interests were the heaviest sellers and Kurope nad a tew liquidation orders here. Room shorts covered for profits. Importers took in hedges and bull eaders were moderate buyers. Neither side was aggressive operators at any time during the session and the total sales only came to n.tsi. nags, including oetotvrr at 6.10c: November. 6.15c: December. 6.2.W.SOo January. 6.25c; March. 6.fi0c; May, 5.60ft6.6Tc; June, h.oc; juiy, D.i5ru5.suc. Oil and Koala, OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. 8 OIL Credit bal- snces, $1.2.; certificates, no hid; shipments. lyvr puis; runs. 100.933 bbls; average 75.iT5 DMA. a TOLEDO. O.. Oct. 8 OIL North Lima. 92c: Houtn uma and Indiana, inc. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. 8. OIL Turpen tine. 5iic, hid Rosin, firm; A. B. C and D, 8i.); E. $1.3.": F. $1.40: (1. $1.45: H. $1.65 I. $1 90; K, $2.60; M. $3; N, $3.40: W. O.. $3.66; w. w., 4. NEW YORK. Oct. 8 OIL Cottonseed. firm: prime crude, nominal: prime yellow. SSHfilOc, nominal. Petrol-sum. firm. Rosin, steBfiv. Turpentine, nrm. MHtTTMe. asked IjONDON. Oct. 8 OII-Llnseed. 26 2d. Tunientlne sugrlts, 36s. 10S4d. Calcutta lin seed, spot, 456. C. M. ft St. P. Ry 3 8 Wabash 3 8 Missouri Pacific Ry 6 1 t'nion facinc system .. t 9 C. ft N. W. Ry F.. E. ft M. V. R. R.... 69 16 C, St. P., M. ft O. Ry.. 8 s B. ft M. R. Ry 88 T C, B. ft Q. Ry 1 7 C, R. I. ft P., east 4 C. R. I. ft P.. west If t Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 258 74 The disposition of the day's receipts wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 37 'j 28 is 'i i H i 423 1.070 1.647 1,566 326 1,454 923 18 15.148 da Id pfd fc.4 Southtra Mr-.,.. 114 do pfd 444 Southern Pacific. S3 llnloa Paclgc ... 4! do pfd 4it'. S. Steel eJ'. do pld 1M4 Wabaan 141 do pfd 34 BksnlaS 4a. ev HAH SILVER Dull at 23'4d per ounce. MONEY 2 per cnt: the rate of discount In the open market for short bills is per cent; for three months' bills. 3 5-104)4 per cent. Bask Clearlaas. Oct. 8. Bank clearings today, corresponding day last year, decrease. $6 716.34 CHICAGO, Oct. . Clrlngs. $.'6.9u8,869; Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Oct. 8. EVAPORATED APPLES Continue rather easy, particu larly on the l.wer grades, but prices without ouoraole change. Common are priced at 6c; prime. v(ii4ic: choice. 7(h8c. CALIFORNIA DRIED rRlITS Spot prunes continue firm, owing to large sup piles and a ftlr demand. Quotations re main at the old range at from 34c to 74c Tor an graoes. Apricots are nrm, coast ad vices reporting an advancing tendency In futures. Spots are unchanged at 7VirlO4c fo- boxes and 6Vfil0c In bsea Peacre-t also continue firm but unchsnged, with peeled at l.-oloc; unpeeled, 7&M)c. (agar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS Oct. 8 SCO A R Firm open kettle. 2Sf13-16c: open kettle centrif ugal. 33: centrlfueal yellow. 84&4$-lc; second. l34c Molasss. dull; .centrlf- urai. n-c7i:c. eiyrup, new. a.t'fie's-. NEW YORK. Oct. 8.-8I GAR Raw. "rm fair refining. 3c; centriftiga'. 9H test. 3 8-1 6c. Molasses sugar. Ic Refined, firm; crushed, 6.15c: rowd.Td. 4.75c: rrsnu'sted. 4.5c. IjONDON. Oct. 8. BEET 6LGAR-7s l'd. OMAHA. $ t: $1,196,427,211 Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 8 -DRY -lOODS-De mand for the home trane been fair todav In the cotton roods division for quick requirements. Staple cottons are firm and In some grades slight advances nave been secured, fru-eg are uncnangea in prints Woolen, snd worsteds for men's wear fab rics are dull but a tear! y. Dress goods are nrm, with fair demand. Omaha Packing Co 673 Bwlft and company Cudahy Packing Co 760 Armour t.o vju R. Becker ft Degan.. 174 Vansant ft Co 185 J. L. Carey 43 Lobman ft Co 54 W. I. Stephen 441 Benton ft Underwood 234 Dennis ft Co T B. F. Hobbick 115 Hamilton ft R 210 L. F. Huss 1(8 Other buyers 739 Totals 6.636 4,698 17,867 CATTLE There was another good run of cattle here today, but, as has been the all along, the big bulk of the offerings consisted of feeders and cow stuff. Good beef was In active demand at Just about steady prices. There were several cars oi cornrea steers In the yards and no particular cnange in the market was noticeame. i ne better grades sold freely at steady prices, with the common kinds alow and uneven, the seme as usual The cow market was generally about steady with yesterday. There was, how ever, some difference of opinion among salesmen, a some of them thought the medium kinds were a little weak, while others were quoting the good kinds strong. As a general thing, tnougn, tne market was about steady, although there might bave been some unevenness. HjIIs. veal calves and stags did not show enough change from yesterday to be worthy of mention. The yards were full or stockers and reed era and as tne demand irom tne country far this week has been a little dlsap- Dolntlna the market today lacked the vim that has been characterising It for the past two days. The prices paid for the better grades were not quotably lower, but still the cattle changed hands rather slowly and It was evident that the feeling was weak The common kinds could safely be quoted slew and a shade lower. The few western beef steers that arrived sold freely at steady prices where the aual lty waa satisfactory and wnere It waa not trading was slow, with prices weak. Ranae cows sold at generally steady prices, though the market seemed to be a little uneven If there wss any weakness at all It was In the case of the medium grades, while the choice kinds were fully steady. Western stockers and feeders were a little slow sale today, with the feeling weak except In the case of the good to choice kinds, which aold about steady. Not as many cattle have have been shipped to the country this week as last, wnun account tor the lack Wool Market. ST. LOt'ia. Oct. 8 WOOL Stesdv: me dium srades and combiner, lf.&lsc: light fine. 13il7c; heavy tine, luylSc; tub washed, l&J of activity. ria. Representative sales: BEEK BTEfa-KS. i. ft. .ir.ft 'l i . ? IN ,. la Ko. 1... n... 4 0 I .. COW 6. 34 u I ' I 34 I f t ) 1 !S S at A. Pr. ...lots tt ...117 W ...1171 IM .. t3 I Tt ..lost t Tt ..line t go ..lost 1 10 ...lie I is ..U1S $ M St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. IXWIS. Oct. 8. CATTLE Receipts. 6.000 head, including 8.800 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, S5.0OS7.4O; dressed beef and butcher steers, S4.2fMii7.4X); steers under 1.000 lbs., S3.90ter6.00; stockers and feeder, $3.30r"4.50; cow and heifers. $2.25fo.26; canners, $1.75T2.60; bulls. $2.0093.60: calves, $4.0Oat7.00; Texas and In dian steers, $2.46(4.40; cows and heifers. $2.30(n3.50. Hocis Receipt. 8 Rnf) henrt: market 10(?J 16c lower; pigs and lights. $6.9(Vff7.25; pack ers. $7.l51f7.35: butchers, S7.26fJ7.70. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.Z"0 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.50 tj73.90; lambs, $4.60fg6.50: culls and bucks, $2.694.00; Blockers. $1.60(3'2.7&. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct 8. CATTLE Receipts. 3.368 head: steady to 10c higher: natives. $4.00.OQ; cows snd heifers, $1.75i7!.00; bulls ' and stags, $2.00(95.86; stockers and feeders. $2,0044.00. hous Receipt. 6.14W neaa; market tyrriso lower: light and light mixed, $7.26fl)7.35: medium and heavy, $; pigs, $4.164i 7.15: bulk. $7.207.3B. SHEEP AND LAMBS-r-Recelnts. 4.827 head; active and steady; top Idaho lambs, $4.90. 2 cows... ..1025 17 cows 1146 2 cows.r'...1085 .1240 960 ,. 400 H. . 800 . 8W) . 873 . 72o . 943 .1007 .1060 1 Mil! Reed Neb. 7 cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 26 heifers... 726 9 heifers... 600 heifers... 758 2 00 2 70 t 70 2 70 3 20 3 70 00 Retsloff 8 ...1014 ...1330 ...1330 910 1 COW 1060 8 25 3 26 2 00 2 85 3 70 2 85 2 00 2 86 2 feeders. 2 cows.... 4 cows.... 13 feeders. 6 feeder. 1 cow 1 cow. 1015 , 620 . 924 . 808 970 860 3 cows... 4 cows... 4 steers.. 1 steer... 1 bull.. .X)t . 20 ,.11J6 .1320 1330 J. Jonea Wyo. 7 feeders. .1007 8 10 3 10 4 16 4 16 2 65 4 cows.., 7 steers., 1 steer.. 1 bull.... ..1060 ..1078 ..1110 ..1300 3 00 4 10 2 85 2 25 2 00 8 00 3 00 2 70 2 60 2 26 2 26 8 70 2 00 2 86 . 3 70 3 26 5 00 2 60 3 70 S 10 4 15 8 60 2 00 Sloax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. 8.-fRnec1al Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900; market steady; stockers slow; beeves, $6.0O(rf7.25; cows, buns and mixed,; yearlings and calves, $2.60ruv4.00. Iinld 0...lnl. 1 KW m..t 1A.C7.1Ca lower, selling at $7.1037.30; bulk. S7.15SJ.20. Stock 1st Sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cfcttle. Hon Bheer. .-, 6.760 17.500 16.600 6.000 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ... St. Joseph .. Sioux City . 3.358 .900 4.990 24.000 9.000 8.5O0 6.149 1.500 19,500 26.000 8.000 1.200 6,827 Totals 60,118 68,089 48.527 HOGS There was price of hogs at all a baf mump in th points this morning. Messages from Chicago reported a decline varying from 16c to 2&c and as a result prices here also took a tumble.' The market opened Just about 1041 15c lower, with the bulk of the hogs selling from $7.25 to $730, and as high at $7.36 was nkirt for several sood loads. As the morn- fnar advanced, however, the, feeling grew worse Instead of better and the close of the market was slow and weak at the Hecllne. The bulk of the sales in Chicago went from $710 to $7 .5, so that prices paid hers were fully as gooa as in uicagu. nepr sentative sales: Ne. 7., SO. , tl. 3. tt., tt. 47., 41., t7., M tt... 44... II... tl... 71... tt... 17.. AT. .147 140 Ml 321 3U ...14 ...171 ...Ml ...1M ...111 ...177 ...lit ...111 140 SB. tl Ml ....124 ....lit ....171 ....MS ....m ...101 ,...10 ....1st ,...t7 ....MO Ml ....Ml ....131 ....Mt ....341 41. tl.., at.. 16.. 0.. .. 41.. S3.. 54.. 41.. Tl.. 30 . . tt.. Tl.. 11.. Pr. Tt 1 10 1 to I w 1 30 1 114 1 334 7 tt 1 It 1 M T W 1 3t 1 U 1 If 1 It 1 It 1 It 1 It 1 If 1 It 1 30 T It 1 It 1 tt T If 1 It 1 T 1T4 1 114 T 174 1 tivj 1 174 It..., 41..., 74... ft.... 41..., tt.... M... TO... It... It... Tl... IT... Tt... tl... Tl... 14... TO..., II... 13... TO... 74... At. ...ltt ...140 ...Ml ...ItO ...141 ...lit ...Ml ...341 ...14 ...Ml ...til ...Ml ...141 ...341 ...lf0 ...171 ...M0 ...131 ...f.4 ... MT ....321 ,...12 ,...101 ....tit ....140 ....111 ....Ml IS ...tot ...114 ...It Bh. 'io 110 Pr. i ni 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to T 30 1 to . 1 m i to 1 30 T 10 1 to 1 to T 30 1 to 1 w 1 to 1 to T 114 1 134 1 124 1 114 1 31 1 tt 1 tt 1 It 1 if 1 tt 1 tt 1 If RHEEP There was another generous supply of sheep and lambs here today, out h were scarcely enough killers to make a fair test oi tne marsei. i none who have been posted on market condition for many year say they never saw a time when the rjroportlon of killer to the total receipts was as small as at the present time. There are not nearly enough to meet the demands OI pacsera, ana a rrsim .nviklne desirable ensnares hands freely There were no strictly good fat sheep or lambs on sale, but those that would do for killers sold st good steady price as rapidly as out on the market. That wa true both fa h n and lamba. The feeder market also held Just about steiady with yesterday, so far as the more desirable grades were concerned. The nmtnnn Stuff Will. Of COUrse. SlOW.'OWlng to the fact that so much of that class has keen com nt that tne marsst is over looked Uaht lsmbs of common quality in .... nixuiur wiare alow, and the market on all but the good sheep and lambs was very uneven, with the general tendency of prices downward ouotatlona: Qood to choice yearlings. $3.7oW-00; fair to good. $3.5oj3.70; good to choice wethers $i.2i4lu0; fair to 'good ..ih.n laimeilK: choice ewes. $3.00(0.1. 26: fair to good ewes. $2 6Vyi2.90; good to choice lambs. $4.75f6.00; fair to good lambs. $4 4 75; feeder wethers, $3.0(4,3.25; feeder year- lings, ta.axuj iwun . cull lambs. $2 0ua3 00; feeder ewes. $1 2 00: slock swes. $2.60(83 25. Representative Av. If 261 Wyoming cult ewes 73 1 2S . ai. lies ...... 74 m mi 48 South Dakota ewe JO 2 70 1i Wyoming cull lamb J J uo a Wyoming ewes 4 IK) THE REALTY RECORD. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes day, uctoDer b: Warranty Deeds. F. P. Carroll and wife to A. J. Latey, lot 4. block 1. Hamilton Square 8 2.600 John Ralston to John Faxton. lot 27, block 4. Missouri Avenue park 75 Fidelity Trust and Safety Vault com- fany to L. u. spaiding, w avk seet ot 12. block 7. Bedford Place 400 Mary F. Akin and husband to H. L. Akin, lot 1. block 1. Euclid Place.... 1 Joseph Goldsmith and wife to A. B. Tarbox, lots I to 4, Pruyn's aVbdlv.. 2,400 Mary P.. Wallace to Lucy R. Peyton. n no reet lot J, diock a, need s 1st add and strip adjoining 2,000 Ellen Wood to Fannie Jones, lot 8 and 10, Omaha Building and saving association add 1,825 William Hart and wife to J. L. Yeauer. 16T2. block 2. C. E. Mayne 1st add 300 J. L. Yeaser and wife to L. R. ' Yeacer. same 800 Josephine Erlekson to Csssel Realty company, w zz reet tot , diock iz, E. V. Smith' add. 1 M. W. Hall snd wife to Alfred Wadum, lot 2, block 4, Reed's 3d add 700 Margaret V. Solomon to W.-H. Corn stock, lot 20. block 8. Solomon's add. 200 Lucile L. Matthews to Kate Mr-Outre, lot 6. block 15, Halcyon Heignts wo C. E. Roberts and wife to R, O. Rob erts, lot 9, Wilson s add i,bud John McCreary to W. M. MnCreary, lot 1, a, (, I, diock i. marysviiie aaa Halt Claim Deed. Marr E. Harris to L. v. Bnaldlng, w 38 1-8 feet lot it, diock i, neotora Place 1 Ella R. Down and husband to A. P. Williams, iota zi ana a, diock is, Bhull s 2d add I Merchants' National bank tn Jr. II. Green, w an feet or n itJ reei ioi z, Johnson' add; eV lot 6. block 152. and wis lot 7 and 8. block 163. Omaha ft Quaray Reserve, In Orandvlew f Deeds. Sheriff to H. H. Merrill. lot 1 and 2, block 7, Aroor nace extension , zuu Total amount of transfers $15,110 Dividends Payable flsmlaAnnvslly Are Guaranteed f 1 if! V -il1 Man or Qui tltii-: Woman laa to thUd The wtita moo? to I nvst aDnnt 6n bUr tb.a And m rnc lor mm riTUjm oi us Cbs WuTiKsi Miuiirai Co.. IL laraaattmall aiilar KnuM In tia sVorlrl. Ttri M4My im tkm Mall 6rWr BmImii A bisassit ( Msllt4its4 pt-arr imk Mrii a kkMsaa mi is) M tytwit soaaMa ! Ik Ctala mmw ttfk- uM ft Iglsrsdl jm WriW at MM tt fwll Wil. . la l4k4M MtMttWB llWUlHl f. CTlf,