Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TlfU. OMAHA' DAILY- llEEt TUESDAY, OCTOliEH 7, 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES Avr1laaaeate ffttr tbee rtliKM will k tibn til 13 m. for k tnU( rOIIra mm aatll a So p. aa. far aaaralaa; lulir ealtlaa. - ' taartU. la a. war thereafter, batatas tafcra !. TkrH a'Tertleeaseate aawet ! eoaseratlvely. AiTtrtlirra, kr rrfitlit aa. were rkrrk, rn have aaawera ad dressed a aibrrr4 letter la rare at Tki Hr. Aaawrra as aitdreaae4 will delivered preseatatloa ! Uka eaeek aly. SITUATIONS WAUBD. WANTKP, position as companion. Invalid prererred ; no objection to traveling, Ad dress 1 43,. lice. A 275 7 . . KIRHT-nAB" atenographer deelrea pl- tlon with reliable firm. Addrea I4M Martha 8t. . ' A-.V3 8 WANTF;P. position aa grocery clerk, three years' experience; speaks Oermnn; best refepencea furnished. Address llox Avoca, In. A MX74 7 WAHTGO-MALH Hb'Ll'. WANTKP. canvasser; man famlllnr with hook and l ewspaper work preferred; must be huiwer. Apply' uoom mi, ue King. M IS FOR HALF A DAT B WORK. If ' yoii liv In. the country or In a small town and i:ave a good acquaintance among the farmer and stock raisers In "the ncifchDothood you cart mate easily by four, or five houra' work. Write us I .and we; will send you nir proposition The Bee Publishing: Co., Bolleliors' lept. Omaha, Neb. BMil3 FIVE' strictly' flrat-claaa salesmen to work city and country territory tor newspaper; Weekly, salary, $12 to ", accorulng to abitlty. 'I'erinttnent position. - licterences 1 -necessary. Apply or write, lo ivoom tui, DCS UJU. HUSTLINO"- deputlea ' granted; men or .women ; aplennid. contract. The Oarden- mi,. 416. Bed BlOg B -76 WANTED, first-class Britannia and War- ner libtary salesmeu foi Iowa, Kansas, uakuta. Me pay traveiuig expenxea auu munthly' advance. You ca.l on inquiries oniy. Permanent and exclusive territory eystenv Aaareaa American Newspaper Association, suit (2, N. V. Kite Hiug.. Omaha, Neb. B 93 Ol WANTED, young man atenographer; give references, Bin ana expecicu salary. q- dreaa K o. Bee. B M3 : , ... WANTED, traveling" man who vlaita the I largo ana email towns, 10 sen reianera a seivct amoriinent of dry gooaa for spring, on commission, Bryn Mawr Mills, I'hlia delphia. Pa. . i B 461 WANTED, men t aort iron. Alplrn, 801 Farnam. B o8S WANTED, a hosiery and underwear sales man for states of Nebraska and Iowa. Box 2lr:, Marlon,. Ind. B MtW) WANTED, carpenters, $250 a day. Ad dreaa J one oh Hfilesiaer. contractor. Yutan. 1 Neb. B (Mi WANTED for V. S. Army, able-bodied un- macriea men between ages of 31 and 36, vitixens or united mates, or good char acter 'and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For infor mation aonlv to Kecrultlnir Officers, ltirh and Podge 8':, Omaha, and postotnua ouuaing, Lincoln, iNeo. a u-sl WANTED-Salesman for clothing Deot and furnishing goods Dept.; ano shoe I salesman. Nebraska Clothina Co. :' : b M130 MIDDLE-AGED MAN, good address, good taiaer, large acquaintance, best refer ences. City Savings bank, ltith and Doug las. B M13i 7 FIFTY men wanted for general farm work. Standard Cattle company. Ames. Neb. - .. . ' N-253 NU WANTED, flrst-clasa horaeshoers at once. Write Geo. Nyera. 312 So. First St., Cedar Kapltls, la. B 157 YATKD Saleamnu; 'xperlencO not necessary. Bemlngton Typewriter Co., luia r arnam. a M1YU a GOOD tinners wanted; steady work; write or come. M. G. Hipwell, Davenport, la. f - -," .' - B M34$ 7 here are advantages that cannot be had" rlaewhere; abundance of. practice, quail-I fled teachers, expert demonstrations, tools given, diuloraaa granted, board Included and wagea Saturdays; alwaya demand for quauneo oaroera; we were estaDlisned in )s93 and have branches in New York, Chicago, St. Loiila, New Orleans, San FrancTaco and Minneapolis, our system is wen Miunii. uu nut. u9 ucceivea II V I similar name or cheap 6-cent shops called colleges: sea our Illustrated catalogue, manea rree. moier oaroer louege, iwrj Douglas St. B-M194 GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. , Co., 213 b. 13tn st. B M184 WANTED Laborers, scraper holders and grubbers and scraper teams, near Wa- oaah freight depot. Council Bluffs. Hall Grading and Construction company. B M182 9 TRAVELING salesmen, also advertisers. cash for aervlcea rend'-red; references required., Y4 rite quick, iriumpn, Dallas, lex. B SAiui 11' AVANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack algns, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing, goon pay. sun Aavertis- ins Bureau, i nicago. . . iwius- -i WANTED. Immediately, young man. , 18 ycara oii must pe accurate, industrious. wllllnr lo work, able to take off trial balance;- steady employment to tight party. Address In own hand writing. slating ag, experience and salary wanted. A -I J 1 I. I . ti .n a. auuich 1-4 Ul, Drr. x) iYiaM V WANTEP Men to cut 200 corda of wood and 3.000 poms at once. Ajiply to Leonard uverctt, 18 1'ear l street, Council Bluff. la. B M3nl 9 WANTED-Experlonced cigar salesman! with established trade, from fuctory to -retailer in zseoraaKa ana iowa. Address. King full antecedents, J. J. Tracy, 2028 StfUth 13th street, Philadelphia. Pa. i . . .. B M3S2 20 i. t. -. i - -. ' SALESMEN! ' The liawka Nuraery Company, Wauwatosa. Wla. - - 1 B-M378 Nov. A 8PLENDIP CHANCE for wage earners to .learn pracucai svuniea, ariinmevic, sunauaKH. aielllii.. etc. Won't thla ben - rtt you? Boaton Help School, Boston, ' - -Mja j" WANTEDA - competent Printer; permit. nantj atata experience. Address Hignai, Ofiifvu. Nli. B MS-iS 7 . ttAXHtMKN WAaTED. 8ALESMKN, exclualve territory; salary or oommUalon; satisfaction guaranteed. Ap. ply-for terms to "a, s eatern urat-ry io . Ltvrtniir, is. an. -144 017 WAITED FEMALE HELP. M i. I ' , t. 1M Girls. -C.ll Canadian office, 15th ft Dodge. .... - a1 WANTEfl. ' good wages to a good cook; nous uAhcr. need. avwy. 2324 Harney. C M765 WANTED. compteiit girl tor general housework In family of two; references requireo: can mornings, tu i. aitn w. . . . C Mfcl - " WANTEP, six lailles to demonstrate In city for a new Battle Creek fuod; congenial work: uood waaea paid to .Huh t nartlea. Call between 7 and 8 this evening, Paxton Hotel, noom ui. . c t-4 WANTED, worklna; honaekeeiver in family of threw adults, .AdJrfsa J 14. Ba. ' .'- , . C-481 xTw :.:t .1,1 f...;;i h;.nr WANTED a aootl arlrl for xeneral house woikj no waat'ing; $3-a0 per week. 1614 ivortD s'a ot.- . - 1- u-wi GIRL .tot gcaeral bauaraork. v 26a3 Pierce atiMt. ,t - - tw 1 WANTED. ladles to learn balrtlraaaina-. manicuring and facial massage; t tactical method by free clinic, expert luati uctlone. lecture, ate.l mtiy tour week re-iulrett; good demand for gradtialra; aiteclal In ducementa Just tiow. fall or write. MtW College. 1 puilla St. C-M19j s WANTED.. jood cook, 3il0 Farnam. . -. . - ' l Ju3 1 WANTEP. girt for general housework; 3 In famllii 6s par week. Inqutia 41J3 ! arnam. C-IP3 $ WATEIWFEMAl.R B K.I.T. . WASTKP, a woman of busln-as qualities. with fledsloc. t mind, to till a position Immediately, Sg4 27 to V. Address I. 34, Bee. :-m9 t GIRL for ftirnl housework In stnnlf fanr lly. isif, Mouth 3"th Ave. ;.;. i t,M,n;a e,,y letters at hum. KT per 1. Send stamped envelope for application. Monarch Novelty Lo., Dept. K. . nicago c-21 r FIRST-CLASS girl tor general housework. l'i'Jt Park Ave. V .w s- WANTEP. three dining room girls and one chambermaid: 315 per mnntii. noara and lodging. Address Commercial hotel, McCock, Nrb. . C M375 8 WANTKP A girl on a farm, one mile eouth of South Omaha, inquire at mm er a reataurant. VU2 N at.. South Omaha. C-M;MH WANTKP Induetrloiia art of young womun to aollrlt I niveraltv Keaning Course memlu'rehlp from ladles at their home; an exceptional .opportunity tor energcKo, genteel person. Address T, M, I Re". C S FOR nKST-HOlHKP. HOU8K8, Btoret. Bemls, Iaxton block. D via TO MOVU rlgnt get Omaha Van starage J0. : omce l.nv r arnam, or ir. ijwm P 14 9 ROOM modern detached house. Inquire 2648 Capitol Ave. . 1J atHiq tiAtifrcin nil tmrta of cttv. The t. nUUJCJ t Uavla Co.. frW Bee Hldg. D ill I bkk PAYNE.-BOHTWICK ft -t). for choice houses'. &l-2 N. Y. I-lfe Wldg. l et. ii. O ais VANS and baggage wagona. Tel. 1196. U-910 HOCSE8 and flats. Klngwalt, Barker block, . , . , D 9JI MODERN houses. $2S.0n, JJOtW, $li.0O; othera IU.1XV W.'t; Maui, $lii.oO, U. t.. xurr kinglon. Wjo Bee Bldg. D-M879 . MAUGARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. 14W. -poOM modern, aood reDair. on S. 32d ave- FOR RENT-Oeorgla Ave., home. 8 rooms; nice gas grate 111 parior. luniact, nw lain patn, tun lot, pavea sireei, . D-304 i i OCTOBER 1 (-room house. 1620 Cass:' mod. ern except furnace. w w..n. iason, Hotel Farnam. D M FOR RENT) threa -9-room houses, 'with water, gas and sewer: Just been- placed In ffrst-clasa repair ; all in good location; close to street cur and achooia, xin to its each. C. M. Bachmann. 4; and 437 Paxton 1 T fciift block D 66 701 N. 24TH ST., Smith. Omaha, a nice 6- room cottage. William K. rotter, iw culver, 80S Brown block. ' u wj MODERN 7-room house, near park. 1509 eouth zstn. ooo FOR RENT. October 1. It-room modern nouse, Dia im. zm b. ; i-rooni conage, l aiuornia Bi. aphiv nt noora n r. i. lire Bing. - dkj HI S. 23D ST., 3-room flat, with bath. ziu a. uin si., a rooms, city water. wm. it..- rotter, -necelver, sua wrown diock. HOl:SE8. O. Q. Wallace, Brown Block. ElOHT-room housemodern. Inquire 2614 1 Caldwell street. Tl M1KX 11" I B-HOOM modem, furnlsJi!, U aaieeaole will talca riMim and biuM In exenanaa I for rent. Inquire 320 M. 23d Bt. I .. L HOUSES FOR HE NT. S-room house, 8. E. Cor, 2sth and Pacific, I im.uu. l-room flat," J433 South lfith St., $12.50. Store room, UM Boutn lbtn et., iiu.uu. (n;iiK(iii; Ar i i j.. mil Fsmam Bireec. :' . D 384 -7 FOR RENT, 9-room modern house, 2248 N. . lath at t vt. " - 8-room modern brick' hotiae, 2413 Xk St., $16. 8-room modern brick house, 3151 Farnam St., $25. 7-room modern house,' 704 Bo. 30th St., $17. BRKNNAN-LOVJfl CO., 309 South 13th St. D-363 12 4-ROOM flOl'SK-. ' furnished or unfur- ntshed, 1412 S. 17th St.; suitable for two. FOR RESIT-FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY fcuropean hotel. 13th and Farnam. I . . f. It Li I t : , ' ; I ti ti-a wFPif' n iRth St. one block nath of court house. E 4134 I AETNA HOL'SE, European, 13th and Dodge. TWO nice, cool, furnished .or unfurnished rrtntris SfMl DaVeilDOCt. Er-027 I C-927 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. I E 926 KU'KLV furniahed rooms, single or en- suite; rates reaaonaoie. juiamoa notei, 16th ana tjnicago. .. . t-na VIENNA HOTEL 1011-15 Farnam street Jjj Sot I LARGE south front room, newly furnished. I modern, teiepooue. , Buitsoie tor iwo men. 2tli pougiaa E 379 I HANDSOM steam-heated room. 1909 Cap- I itol Ave. ., r. atiuo . : i PLEASANT front rodiri, steam heat; gen tlemen preferred. 216 N.17th St.. E-s31 8 FOR RENT, to' gentleman, large woll fur nished front room, with alcove, steam heat., gas. buth, telephone. . central, reasonable. 1623 Douglas. . E 319 PLEASANT front room, steam heat; f. tlemen preferred. 21 N. 17th street. B-M3i 13 220 N. 17th St., neat steam-heated rooms. I , - t-rM ei NOV. FVR.MSHED ROOMS AKO BOARD. Merriam, comfortable winter borne. Tal. 85. sat I FURNISHED rooms, with or without. i , poara; rates reasunaoifc. . atiaisuu uoifi, I ' lath and L hlcaao. . F 8S0 . : 1 : r l THREE rooms, Sit 8. 19ln Btj rurnaca. I . : ; : . - poi'TH front parlor, furnished or unfur. I ' nlahed. 2232 Farnam. 'Phone A-24i9. F 208 8 FOR HKNTwl'KFl RXISHUD i ROOMS, I SUITE of front rooms for two or more mn,ofWluano"rndTbr'.ry 3Vlrt Hi"' Lae of piano ana library. iT3 vvirtt. ... FOR RBMT sTORC ASU OKFICUI. FOR RENT Store, In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1366 FOR RENT The building formerly oocu- fied by ine ee ai vis r arnam sc. it ms four atorlea and a baaement which m formerly uaed aa The Bee press room. Tkla will be rented very reasonably. If lutereaiud apply at once to C. C. Roaa water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. i HARNEY ST. BUILDING FOR RENT. THE NASH M1LD1NO. opposite Bennett's lore, on Harney St., 6 alories and baae. roetil. xlS2 feet, containing over fcMert .uure ltd ot floor apace See us for TV 4-atnry and biaement brlclt buil.llug, Noa 1414 and 1414', Jiarney atreet. $J6o.5il 1H.r month. geohge co.. wui rwum street. terina. i-263-U AtaBNTB WANTED. WANTED Canvaaelng agents tu every county to solicit anbsrrlptiona to TUB TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. employment, with asaurad good In ' timie. Agents In the country wttn horse , and bugg repeclally desired. Canvassers make easily to $1"0 per month. Ad tlresa, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Ht.f building. Omaha. ' 213 WAITED TO REM. WANTED 3 unfurhlshetl rnoma ' wltq board, by young married tout11"- Address L JV Bcs. . . CfcMlai . WASTED-T6 U. WANTED, a combination sleeping and din ing car; will buy or IU lease fur the winter. Omniiifilritf quick with, Cap tain u. oiuns, Hastings, iei). , '.: ' MJil-i" WII-I. bur an Oldsmobtle, in good condi tion: must be cheap for cash. Address t. Bee office. Council nitiffiu tt-MXuz 7 FOR ItUVriRMTtRK. CHICAGO Fnmlturr Co . HH Podge.- Tel. yv New and aerondhand. bought, sold, exchanged. ' o 933 FOR MI,K-HORl!l, WAGONS. KT . OOOD family horae. 131S Farnam street. t'-;i 0 HARRY FROST palnta and repalra wagons. Hee him. )4th and Leavenworth. Tel. )447. . P-9U FOR AI,K Mist KIXAXF.Old. FKNCE tATH for quick shipment, crib- blng, combination ladder. C1 Ponging. FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical Instrument; u up. The Wlttmann Co., Farnam. Q 93 NEW- and ' cecondhand -typewriters. -1119 I' arnim. . w vai ion STYLES trusees;-caralogue free.- Bher man at Mct;onneii urut to., lbtn and LMdge, Omaha... . 83 SDH AND ictfe cheap. IJerlght. H19 Farnam. VIM punpture-proof tlrea, $4.95 and $7.00 per pair, omana Hicycie to., ittn ana i ni cag Pts. i . . i ' Q 941 - INDIAN gotsla and relics. U19 Farnam. EDISON phonoaraphs. $10. $3n and $30; mouldea iecorda. uUc each or & per aot. new wheels, $1A up; 2dhand, $5 up. Omaha uicycie lo., ibtn ana cnicago bis. FOR gas fixtures nee Sam'l Burns Q-9 10 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican nairiesa oxgs. Address K. a, wee. CHOICE-milch cows. S Shetland Doaies. 8. T. Campbell,, 4213 Center, "phone bibcr- ili. ... W i 1J BELLINO out bicycles at ureatly reduced prices; new wneeis, lis up. faison pnono krapne. l(l, 120 and $30. Omaha Bicycle Q-M86S -4. EDISON Columbia phonographs; - agents wantea: write. reartckson, lb ft cap. Ave, QOOD toned cotU(r. or , for ae Bt a i, r. ? h i o Mioft bargain. U 1, Bee. -mio FCTR BALE, baaeburner. tteed only a ahort time, inquire 2217 Grace Bt. VI iw FOR SALE, car bulk aonles: choice hand picaea winter appiea in duik. ay a. u. Babin, Olenwood, la. U MS FOR BALE, cheap, a new rubber-tired run- anout. inquire at Collin a Livery stable, ISd and Cuming. Q Z73 Mil NICE oloeed rockaway, extension top, rea sonable, inquire Windsor Stables, 1414 uavenport t. 4 sio OFFICE partition, glasa pane. Phone 2181. i W ftliol IS 4 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass 8L " MSIE QTLJIER, ffenulna palmlet. Sli SS. " ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N, 15th. R. 7, T-276-15 GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 8. 13th. MME. SMITH, bath, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, R 2. PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and auperflu oua hair removed Djr electricity, k.. li. Frenser block. U 81 PRIVATE hospital before and during con nnement; baoiea Doaraea ana adopted. Mrs. Uardels, U34 Lake. I Tel. red 1W4. , Li VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 34 Bee Bio. Omaha. U tm BEND 25c for complete leeeon In deep UITKIUUII CIVUIIO, . A U. 1T1 E mi- nam. U IWZ w PKivAiui nospuai Deiora ana curing- con tlnement; ni-at-class In every respect babies adopted. Dr. L. -L. Miller, 4k04 Biondo St. Fhona F-11K2. U 211 13 MME. SMITH, baths; 111 N. 15. 2d floor. R 2. U 2S6 1. GRAMOPHONES and supplies, "wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Douglas, U ELITE PARLORS, CIS 8. lath St.,- 2d floor, t U MS82 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before I UUOIII yWIUIIIEM. suu Gerlsch, 4U N. loth St., Omaha. U-860 $30 RL'PTURE CURED FOR $30 Nj Kniie, no aain. no aeienuuii irum businesa. Send fur booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CUKE CO., Mi N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. .. U-J01- PR. JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. I ' U-S0C OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1615 Howard, the taanionaoie cieanera ot laoies- ana gentle men a dresses ana suits, lace curtains, draperies. . L'-MIM N2 ' WK J' mrr-handlae bg bargjxln conalstlna Diinctoally of furnlehtna aoods. shoes, rubber goods, hats and caps; prac tically new and In ' tine condition; lo cated In South Omaha; purchaser could retain building or remove stock. Ad dress care tkile paper. . U M163 TELEPHONE 7W for L. M. E. messengers. L 949 IjOOK. GENTLEMEN, LOOK! But you will hare' to look a long time be fore you find anything to compare to " STQECKER CIGAR. . ' ' U-336 11 FOR tallormada aults and fancy dreaaes. Beutel. . iiamge. u 372 12" DON'T have dyspepsia. Read Oct. "What To Eat. .ah newsaeaiers, 10. cents. U M3S0 7 MOXEY TO LO AS REAL ESTATE. PER CENT on bujirsaa. property. I e cen on reB)aenc- property. Options lo pay whole or part any time. 1 1 ' ii U U'lL'l L. ,t J tf..W CI . W'-96 uiivvy t , .,M,- i 1 1 a loan on Improved Omaha real i)rennan-iov lo., jus b. mn. . . v oo 4 TO 4 P. C, Money. . Bemla, Paxton Blk. . v Ml FARM and city loans. low ratea. W. H. Thomas, First Nat, Bank J5idg, Tel. 1648. . W-92 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros. 1o4 Farnam. w 963 WANTED City loana a PV-VnSmlu, Co rnam Bm" ' 1 nd warrants. W 13J9 Farnam at rent. w PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1634 Douglas - w WANTED City and farm loans; also bunds and warrants. K. C. Paters .ft Co 17u2 Farnam Bt., Bee uiog. - w 966 fluv UP; Jow rate. Piichard. 17U Farnam V"NW MOHKY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS 'TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant, team sters, hoarding noiiaas. etc.. without ae ttirliv: aaelest farms: to omces lu rrtn cipal cities. Tulman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. v4 Chattel and Salary Luana. PHOENIX CREDIT CtV. ' Buccemor to J. W Tayloe. . ii, 6J3 Pi(on Block - . . XtU Tel. J80NRV TO l.OAV- 'HVTTKI.fl. MONEY WHEN you find It nceary to borrow. gWe n a-trial, after which We will, br fair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage, We loan from $10 up, on fur- , rdiurc, pianos, live stock, .etc. We also make luant to SALARIED PEOPLE wltiiout mortgage- or endorser. We tlo not deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing for making or Tiling pa pel a and our service la quick and confidential. We alwnvs try to please our patrons (INI All A MORTGAGB LOAN CO, 11 Hoard of Trade fruit. Tel. (Established 1892 ) South Wh St. . - X-tval I t t $ $ $ $ t t t $ $ $ $ $ DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ MUMtl 1J 1-UA. I ON KL'RNITCRE AND SALARIES. 8 tlo to $i"i. loaned on FURNITI RE. $ PIANOS, ETC., and lo salaried people at very lowest rates and for any IVtigth I of time, without publicity or removing $ the property. Payments can be made to $ suit vour convenience. . $ Call and get our terms before going I elsewhere. $ RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY". I Room Third Hoot Paxton Block. $ $ 8 $ It $ $ t I $$$$ $ $ f $ $ $ X-286 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, home, cows, eic. v. r . ntfu, jis o. u. 1 X 967 HONEY loaned , on furniture, live stock. Jewelrv. to saiariea people, r oiey l.oan Co.. Sue. to Daft Green, 8 Barker block. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people: buslneea connneniiat; lowest rates, 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. - ,' X-968 BL SIAF.'S C4 AM E!t. Do You ,Want an fcxceptionally Good Business Opening. The New Town of DARR, DAWSON CO(JMTY,NEBRASKA . . . . . . t . On main line of the T'nlon Pacific railroad. 8 milea west of IwxinaTton, Neb., la to be placed on the market., Offers for Business and Res idence Lots Will Be Re ceive Until Oct. 10th, 1902. Two grain elevators and two lumber yards now located and in process ot erection This new town will be a hummer. Address GEO. B, DARR, Townalte. Lexing ton. Neb., or a. A. mcAiieaier, uora r Land Dept., . Union Pacific K. R. Co., omana. . v.. x uw TO GET in or out of business call on Wll uams. Room 411, Jdc ague ouuaing. Y-668 WHEI you want to buy, sell or exchange your ouninear or property quick see J. ii. jonnson, 43 M. x. Lite. x msw FOR SALE The coot! will, tools and small stock or jewelry, watcnes, etc., owned vy me laie in. t . vonanr, 410 oruauwuy. Council Bluffs: will be sold at low price This la a splendid chance for one who wants to. buy aa '.established business, centrally located .and reasonable rent; needs but small . capital. Apply on the premises.. . i mim& Win 11111.' t K fntnltiiM MWlv ftte. nlshed hotel of twenty rooms, e'lectrlo lighted, furnace healed, bath, county seat. S.iiuo inhabitants, central. Iowa; fine transient- trade, 12 per day; two and one half year lease: raat moderate. A bar gain If taken quick.,. Address Marks Busi ness Co., Des Moines, la, . X 371 8" - FOR SALE or. trade for city property ' grocery, store ancj,,buUdlngB, with excel ' lent cash trade.,; Address A, Bee office, ; UOUndl B1UDS. , u)1- l-MJSl W FOR SALE AV.goad. pool outfit; 8 pool ta blea, chairs, i showfaaes and everything complete. Address A. i Myers, mo. -vauey la. I-) X M3(S 11" FOR EXCHANGE. FOR" EXCHANGE, nouse and lot. which has Uae of several 'lota adjoining free, to ' trade for small farm not far out. Will pay cash- alfierem-e. J. H. Sherwood 93J N. X. Life. . Z-otil TO EXCHANGE, e-room modern house, except furnace. In Bemls Park addition on -car line, rents' for $20 per mo., one vacant lot In same addition, one vacant lot In Kountse Place and one vacant lot In Thoroburg Plaoct: Will trade for land. Address L 31, Bee. z 162 8 WANTED, to exchange Columbus buggy or piano i or new or seconqnana sate, aq dress L 65, Bee. Z 362 6 FFOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' OME OF THE REAL ESTATE which a bank placed with ua a lew days ago to sell was sold thla week. The Hat Includes business property bringing good income, desirable houses and a tew good unim proved residence lota. Every piece must be sold. The prices are attractive and the terms very favorable. The followlna includes other offerings besides the bank proDertlea: eSo.Ub.oo (or six 2-story modern brick houses, v rooms eacn, corner lot, roxiai ieei, within four blocks of fostofnee. Gross rental, $2,620.00 per year, insurance and taxes average $366.00 per year. Figure the net Income yourself. 820.ou0.oo for the 8-story and basement brick business block, Nos. 1611, 1613 and 1616 Howard St., on lot 60x132 feet, only one block from Bennett's big store. Building originally cost over $30,000.00 and within the past 90 days we have expended $2,600.00 in putting new plumbing throughout and other repairs, making building now good as new. Responsible tenant ' will take lease on whole building and guarantee 7 per cent net on $20,0u0.0, the selling price, the tenant paying all' taxes. Insurance and other expenses during life of lease. fl8.ou0.00' for 2-story and baaement brick block on lot soxitiu reer in ouainess center South Omaha, leaaed to responsible ten anta at $3,000.00 per year. Owner will consider farm land for One-half the value. $3, 1.00, 10-rootn modem house, full lot, 2113 Locust St.' $2.0uo.00 for modern house, good barn, full lot, jv o. ii2 iticnoiae bi., sjuu.uu casn, $26.00 Itef month. $400,011, three-room house, good lot, Llndaey . Ave., near un St.; aw.w casn, siw.uu per . month. 8760.00. fine east front lot on 40th St., near ' Nicholas St., $100.09 cash, 81000 per month. 8460.00 fur large auuta front lot on Elm St., Between ann ana iisi bis., 900. uu casn, 110 00 rMr month. if you want real eetata in Omaha or South 'Omaha, for Business or rsiaence pur 1 posea, or a. good Investment, call on or address. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha, or 41 1 .xsortn ota St., ouuin vmana. - .' RE 286-7 Hanscom Place Cottage On monthly payments; house has furnace, cemented cellar, porcelain nam, gaa, con crete walk; paved street. For further particulars aea . J. H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. T. Life. " Phone too. KE320 A Great Bargain in Hanscom Place Georgia Ave. Home. Owner la very desirous of making a change and will sell at a figore that wil Interest you. . '-room house, with gaa, porcelain bathtub, furnace, vegetable cellar, washroom: everything In ttrat-claaa condition; large shade trees, cwicreta waut; avpualt-paved atreot. Also a l-room cottage. In aood reoalr: property will rent for (42.00 per month, or luuO per year; price M.Oim If suld toon, part taah, balance long tune, for particulars J. H. SHERWOOD Bale Agent, KJ N. T. Ul Bldg. 'Phone 388. FOR HALE-REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stockrslsers about It. The beet w to reach them is tbrougu The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,0(X homea of farmers and stockrslsers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell st a reasonable price you ought to And buyer among tbem. The cost of as ad Is small cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RE 0t WHY pay rent? Own your home! Seethe industrial Home t o. or America. Beat plan on earth! Oflice, 221 Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. R. M. Wilde, Mgr. 11E-M190 FOR SALE 7-room modern house, nearly new, tun lot, near Amea Ave. ana 4tn. l'rtce, $2.iioo; part cash, balance long time. J. 11. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Lite. HE 205 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-971 THE building at Ninth and Harney, known aa tne (.or.r.ena notet, is lor sale, iiids are Invited. Robert Dempater, 1216 Farnam St. rit-fcl TWO well built 8-room houses, desirable location. Apply nil Vinton Bt. RE 907 10 FOR SALE 31 acrep, fruit and garden land, eignt-room nouBe, gooa Darn, ap ples, cherries, plums; eight acres In tim ber, two miles from car line. Addreaa, 103 8. First, Council Bluffs, la. P.K-959 KELSKY'S. wall paper, 17th and Douglas. i-iione lBus. itti s.a HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tire insurance. Bemls, fax ion block. RE 972 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. for choltw bargains, uu, N. x. Lire Bldg. Tel. ioig. 7 RE-974 FOR SALE Cottage in Hanscom Place, six rooms, furnace, bath, gas, paved street, near car; lot46xlM; rent, $26 per month plus water tax. Price, $3,0iiO; can be pur chased In payments. Address, J 9, Bee, RE 978 WILLIAMSON FaramEstre?i: RE 975 HOUSE8 snd lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lanas. Tne o. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee building. KE 977 939 ACRES, Douglas county. In one body (not easily divided), ail level bottom land -ery fine hay, corn and blue grass land, unexcelled for stock feeding, having fine yards, barns, trackage and other facili ties. Improvements originally coat $20,000: handy to So. Omaha stock yards, also R. R. station. Price, $46 per acre, for limited time. HARRISON ft MORTON, Sole Agents, Ouia.iia. liiii . utt4 It GEORGIA AVE. home for sale, all modern house; part cash, bal. long time. J. II. Sherwood, 937 IN. X. Lite, l'hone 368. RE M970 LOST. LOST. Friday evenlna at Ak-8ar-Ren ball nearl stickpin, star shape, with diamond In center, either In building or on side walk' near name; finder. will be suitably rewarded. F. B. Lawrence, 112 N. 38th ave. Lost 339 6 STRAYED Bay mare, weight about 1,009 ins., white star in forehead and barn- wire scar on one front foot; reward for return to Harney Bt. staoiea, or Tel. 106. LOSt M377 8" LOST Lad v's sold watch: monogram J, M. C.;-liberar reward if returned to 111 8. 17th street. Ixst M384 STOLEN. STOLEN Sorrel team; one horse has white stripe In face, about 6 years old splints on all 4 legs; other home has notch on 1 knee and T brand on shoulder about 9 years old; top Waaach buggy with red running gear: man about t tee 8 or 10 Inches, smooth face, blue eyes brown curly hair. Address J. A. Bailey pprlngneia, Neb. sioieu AUlbl DANCIXU ACADEMY. CHAMBERS, 17th and Douglas; now open for reception of pupils- formal opening September Z4. Y none r-ina tcircuiara M861 9 MORAND'S Dancing School. 15th and Har ney. Children beginners, Wednesday, 4:16 f. m.. and Saturday, 10 a. rn.: 20 leaaons, 10; sec son. October to May. $30, advance; 13 lessona, $; season, $12; adults. Tuesday and Friday, 8 p. va.; Vi leaaons, ladiea, $6; gentlemen, $6. High school class meets In Myrtle hall, season October to May, $10. Assemblies every Wednesday. 'Phone 1022. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co., 16 ft Jackson. Tel. 2K46, 903 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Fhllbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 987 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all Business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -904 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay mora? Lambert. Wa; superior 10 iiw macninea. cent on approval. Moil- roe ft Co., 811 N. 16th St., Omaha. Ill MANUFACTURING. P. MEIAHIOR. 13th and Howard, ma- cninist. aw OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makea a ape daily 01 nra escapes, snuttera, doors and safes. G. -Andraen, Prop., 103 S. loth St, 983 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H.. Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, leieg. t-at. ree. um. t-oiu, tan m. uoug 608 A. C. VAN 8 ANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -978 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, H. x. t-i re. s, NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. wso OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha. suite oi rn. x. itiie xsiag. lei. im. -984 Mrs. Grace Tiadule Deegan, 638 Beo Bldg Tel. 2H68. 467 i . , lj . ., -r-t STORAGE. OM. Van 8tor. Co., 1511S4 Farn. Tela. 1JG9-86I. 32 BALE TIES, OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 1th, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN ft PRICE. S3 U. 8. N I Bk. Bid. 9tt ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., -5W Howard. stsiooi or miuh. OMAHA COIJ.EGF. OF Ml SIC ANP FINE ARTS Twelve FREE and ta'lve partially fret scholarshlpa ttrtolvnr IV Examination October 14. Particulars and prospectus. T. H. Wrlnht, 316 Hatiiga bolldlng. M. ,9 t'ABPESTEHt AMI JOINER. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. Juth and I.aka streets. VW I. Al'DRl . OMAHA Steam Lajndry; shirts. Sc; collars. 2c; cuff. 4c. 17M Leavenworth. Tel. A-lTs.t DETECT! VK AtiESt'lE"-. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, 617 Karbach brock. Tel. A-;sc. -6.i6 : STAMMERIXi AMI BTl TTF.HIMi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgc Bldit. WM AlTOMOHILi:. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght. 1119 Farnam atreet. Wl Ft R I)RE1(;. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, H.'l 8. inth. 1 TAlI.ORI. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re- modeled. Joe louse n, 1411 1' arnam rit. MS39 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 127.3. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. MWi STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Mating Co., Hee Bldg. Tel. . til MEDICAL, LADIES' Chlcherter'a English Pennyroyal litis are me beat; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Indies" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co, Philadelphia, Pa. TRUNKS AMD DAtiGAUE. TWIN CITY EXP. Thono 1717. 606 8. lfith. 997 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. S GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removea garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 163 F.XPERT ACCTOI'XTAST. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mono., wed., rri. u. it. Rathbun, Room 16. Com1 Nat l bank. M9SR PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. Oil S. 1.1th. 9S.I When You Write to Advertisers remember it ouly laktta an extra stroks ot two of the pen to mention the fact thai you saw the ad In The Be. POSTOFKICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested aa changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Oc tober 11, 1H02, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tile general poaiotnce aa roi lows; WKeiii.o i'OHT MAILS close one hour earlier tiiuii closing time shown below. Parcels post i...iils for Germany close at t p. m. Aionaa ana Wednesday. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half nour later than closing time shown below (except that Bud plementary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close 0110 hour Jater at f oreign station). Tranaatlaatlc Mails. ' TUESDAY At :S0 a. m. for EUROPE per a. s. Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosac, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at k:w a. m. tor haw direct, per a. s. Nord America (mall must be directed "per t.. a. mora America 1. WEDNESDAY At 6:S0 a. m. for EUROPE, Per s. a. Philadelphia, via HouthamDton at 8:80 a. m. (supplementary lo a. m.) for LCKOl'E. per a. a. Germanic, via Queens town. THURSDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. Augusta Victoria, via llymouth Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must De directed per s. s. Augusta V Ic torla"): at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZ ERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ. per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Champagne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Staatendam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Staaten dam"); at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. s. Vaderland (mall must be di rected "per a. a. Vad!rland") ; at 8 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Trave (mail must be directed "per a. s. Trave"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queens, town; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. S. Astoria (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes I'rlnted natter, commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The aame class ot mall matter for other parte ot Europe will not be sent by this ship mless aneclally directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary 1 ransaiiuntic maim iiunieu aiajve, ad ditional Supplementary Mails are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and rsmnin open until within Ten Minutes of lbs Hour 01 Mining 01 steamer. Malls fur Soath and Ceairal America West Indira, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for central amkrica (except Costa Rica) and. SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per a. a. Alllanca. via Colon (lttei mall for Guatemala muat be directed "per a. a. Alllanca"); at 10 a. m for YUCATAN and CAM PEC HE, per a. a. Itavenadale (mall roust be' directed "per a. a. Havenadale"); at 6:$0 p. ni. fur JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Sampsnu, from Boaton. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND direct, per a. a. Rosalind; , at 9:30 a. m. for FORTUNE I8I.ANP and HAITI, ner s. s. Flaudla: at 12.: 9. m launulementa.-y 1 P. m.) for TURKS IH1- AND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. a. New York; at n:o p m. ror ja MAICA. per steamer from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. LAMrLCn rj. TAHAHl .O and CM A PAS, per s. s. Vlgilancla (mall for other ; parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Vlgilancla"); at 13 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for hahahah and ha.h it AGO. per s. s. Orlxaba. FRIDAY At 13 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca, via Tampico (man must be dl rected "per s. s. Seneca"); at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. s. Punstan via Para and Manaos; at 12:30 p. m. for TNAUl.A ana haul per a. s. liuen burg; at 12:30 p. m. for BRAZIL, per s. a Kaffir Prince, via Pernambuco and Kantoa (mall for Northern Braxll muat be di rected "Der a. a. lvafttr Prince . SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. a. Pretoria; at 9 a. in. fur PORTO Hi CO. ner a. a. runce at a. m. (autinle mentary 9 1 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZl'kltA, per a. a. Zulla (mall for Havanlllu and - t urtagena must be dl rected "tier . Zulla "I : at 9:30 a. in (supplementary ' :( a. m.) for FORTUNE 1SLANP. JAMAi A. HAVAN1LLA, CAR TA(lk.NA ailll UKKl "OWN. Der s. Athoa (mall for Costa Rica, must -bo di rected "per s. s. Athoa"); at lo a. tn. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana at 10 a. tn for GRENADA and TRINI DAD, per s, s. Grenada. Malls for Newfoundland by rail 10 Nurih Sydney, and tnence ny axtainer. at thla office cany at p. 1.1 icon reeling closa liera every Monday Wednesday and Saturday. stalls 10 Mlauelon. by tall to Boston, and thence by steamer. iie at thla office daily at 6 30 p m. MaMa for Cuba by rati lo Port 1 Tampa, Fla.. and tbaoce by rteamer, close at tbia omce mny excein xnuraaay '.' a. in., (Its Loiuiecung clusea at ponroi 1 1 1: M1 It K. made on Mo-hIhvs. Wcdnrsdav and Sat urdays!. M.iM-t for Mrxlctt t't'y, ovir ! nd unless rpecislly nddreased fur dra-r-ati h by s .inter. oIcm mi this cffii-a d.nly except St.mtay at l:i p m., and II ;i" p. tn , SimmImvs at l;ii p m ,ind 11.30 p. m. Malls for t osta Hlca, Urine. Puerto Coii'-s and letter mall for Guate mala, by ta'l to New Orleans and thence ly ateamrt, close at tills otl'..- dnilv except Hunilay at 130 p. , m. and p, ni.; luniias at 1.110 p. m. and ll:;i p. m. (conncctlna clowa here Mondavs at lliH'i p. m. 'for Hfllxe. Puerto Cortes and Utter mall tor Guatemala and Tuesdays al 11 p. m. for fosta Rica). MlcRistrrcd ipail cloaca at ;t t. m. pu 10119 iliiy. TranapapiMc Malls. M.illn for llawnll. Chlnn. Japan and first class mat'or for the Philippine Island". Mn San Francisco, close here dally at 6:' p. m. tip to October lO, inclusive, for riixpatch per s. s. Peru. Mills for the Philippine Islands, la San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. ni. up to October 11 Inclusive, for despafc'i per U. S. Transport. Malls for Australia texcept West Australia, r-hlch Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. Fiji. ISamoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m after September 'JHh and up to October 11, incltiavc, or on arrival of a s. I'm litis, due at New York October Ilth. for dispatch rcr s. a. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which aoes via Europe, Hnd New Zealand, which got'!-, via H-in Francisco), and Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria. It. C. tsieclally addreeei only), close here daily ut 6':t p. m. up to October lltlt. In-t-ltislve for dlsr.itch ner a.' a. Mnaha. Malls for China and Japan,' tin Seattle. close here dully at :30 p. m. up to tic loher 15th, Inclusive, for dispatch per 1. . Iyo Maru. t Registered mall must be directed "'via Seattle"). Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China and first- class matter for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p m. up to October 17th, Inclusive, for dtsnatch ner a. s. Contlc. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacpnta. , close here nnny at ::to p. m. up to tr lober 17, Inclusive, for. dispatch per s. . l.lAttOVlt, Mails for Hawaii, via Jlan Francisco, close ticre aallv at :si p. m. up to iictooer 20th. inctualve, fbr dlspnrch per.s. s Alnmeda. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Sa.n Francisco, close nere dally at :3) p. m. up to October 2b. Inclusive, (or despatch per s. a. Mariposa. 1 Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and ictorta u. t:., close nere aany at , 6: p. m. up to October 2Mb, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Empress of Japan. (Registered mall must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bu forwarded via Canada). Transpacific malls are forwurded to port of sailing daily anil tne scneauie 01 closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Reals tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postrasster. Postofiice. New York, N. V., October, 3. 19A". IAII.WAY TIME CARD.' IMON STATION IOTII AND M ARC V. Chicago, Rock lalaad 4t PaclBc. BAST. Leave. Arrlva. - Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 6:00 am a 6:45 am Clilcaao Pavllaht Local. a 7:00 am a 9:ffi pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 5:05 pm . Dea Moines lyCcal a 6:-'o pm du:mi am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm WE8T. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 6:60 am a 4:56 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:80 pm a 6:43 pm Colo., Texas. CaL ft Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm 13:40 rm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:30 am a 8:10 pm Chicago, Mlnneapolla ft SL Paul Limited a) 7:50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis ft BU Paul Express o 7:30 am bl0:HS pm Chicago Express alO:S6 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a (:6a pra a 8:20 am Ut. Louie Local, Council Bluffs a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Chlcaso ft Narthweatera. "The Northtreatern Llna." .. Leave. 'Arrive. Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:0 am Mall i., lAi pra a 8:30 am Local Sioux City a KuO am a 8:50 pm Daylight St. Paul a (:86 am al0:25 pm Daylight Chicago. ..,.... s:00 am aU:80 pm Local Chicago ,....al0:53 am a 6:10 pm Local Carroll ,..,..a 4:0 pm a 9:60 cm Kant Chicago '....a 4:66 pm a 4:06 pm Limited Chicago a 8:lu pm a 9:20 am Fast St. Paul .a 7;j6 pm a 8:15 am Faat Mail................. a 1:40 pm Local Sioux City . 1 m 4:00 pm b 1:60 am Missouri PaclBc. St. Louis Express.....".. al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. ft SL L, Ex al0:60 pm a 9:15 am Chlraco, Mllwaakee 4k St. Paul. Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 6:00 pm a 7:60 am talus Pacific. Leave. Arrive. ..a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm ..a 8:60 am a 8:26 pm ..a 4:26 pm .all:30 pm . a 4:35 pm a T:30 am Overland Limited... The Fast Mall....... California Express Pacific Kx press Eastern Expresa The Atlantic Exoreaa. The Colorado t5peclal...a 7:10 am a 1:40 am Chicago Special 3:40 am Lincoln, ueatrice ana Strorosburg Ex.......b 4 :0S pm bll:60 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 8.35 pm BURLINGTON STATION IOTII at MASON Barllaa-ton 4b Mlaaoarl River. Leavs. Arrive.' Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:65 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver L,itnitea ..a 1:20 pa. a s. 4a am Black HIUs and Puget Hound Exoreaa .all: 10 Dm a 8:10 nm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a s:w pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort crook, ana riatts- mouth '. b 8:20 pm bll:05 B"i Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet.. .a 7:60 pm a 1:27 am Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet... a 8:06 am Chlcaajo. Barltngton 4t Oulncy. Chlcaaa SDCClal a 7:00 am a 4:0fi nnv Chicago Veatlbuled Ex..a 4:00 pm a 7.30 am Chicago Local a 9:80 am all :00 pm Chicago Liimuea ....a a w pm a r.m am Fast Mali , a 2:46 rm Kanaae City. 'St. Joaepb 4k Coaacfl Blaffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:66 pm Bu Laui ij-" ,,.. v.ityui iu.u tin Kansas City Night Ex..aiOJO pm a 6.16 am . 1 Dallv. b Dally except. Sunday, a Sun.,, day only, d Dally except Saturday.. Daily except Aionoay. WEBSTER DEPOT IBTH 4b WEBSTER. Cklcaga. St. Paal, Mlnneapolla 4t Osnaba. Iyeave. - Arrive. Twin City Paaaenger..,.a 6:30 am' A 9:00 pm Bioux cuy rwuier.,. :uu pra auiai am Emerson Local D b:40 pra b 8.4a am Frenuat, Elk-barn Mlaaoarl . Va'l'T. Black Hills, Dcadwood. - - - Hot Buringa.. a 6:00 bi ' Wyoming, Casper and I - Douglaa 4 1:00 pm 1:09 pm Haatlogs. York, David city. Bupenor, ueneva. Exeter and Seward b 1:60 pm b i:09 otn Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:80 am bl0:25 Sin Fremont Local '. c 7:30 am Mlaaoarl Paclflo. Nebraska Ixcal, . VU Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:2, am CLARK'S CRUSES FOR 1BOS. By Specially Chartered Twin ftcrsw Steamera, 'KAINKH.N" anal "CELTIC North German Lloyd ' Wblte Star Llna : Expresa steamer Largeat nteamer afloat Cheapest and most attractive trips ever unereu- Wst Indies doe".. ?rcr: etc.; 21 days, $160 up. Mediterranean fhn.d Orient &2:' Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt, Rom,' etc.; $4ii0 up. Norway, Russia up;'flrst-class. Including shore excursions, hotels, guides,, drives, eic. Programs free mention trip. F. C. CLARK, Ul Broadway. N. T. LEGAL NOTICfe. . STREET IMPROVEMENTS. ' , Sealed blda will be received by 8. K. f'rtns, city auditor of the City of Lead. South Da kota, until 8 p. m., October 15th, VMl. :n paving with brick, atone or asphalt, upuu u 6-lnch concrete baae. together with all nacesaary grading. , Approximate enllroate! it.tfU squara yarda paving. $.'.""10 lineal feet curbing. ' ' ' 1 v . Siecncatlotis and plans can bv obtained of J. P. Crick, city engineer, Lead, eoutb paaaaaa -Ocitdim j