Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1902)
THE ILLUSTRATED HEE. October 5, 1002. TWENTY-ONE WEEKS OF STRIKES. The Anthracite Co;tl Strike Has Been on Now for 2 1 Weeks unJ There is LITTLE HOPE OF SETTLEMENT In Hie riir Future. Mmiittlillf An. thrarltr (onl llnaj Ail vnnptMl ( I'rlltlitf til I'litiirm. I'rK.knt Mil chill ami J. I'lerpont Mor gan hnvo not yot Bi t tied the coal strike. So far as the public can ice thla disastrous controversy not ween owners and laborers In Pennsylvania Is no nearer settlement than It was more than five months ago. The tension is gnat ; and the Issue of Im mense Importance. Every fireside in thn land 1h affect rd. OMITI.SOU V Alt IIITIt ATIOH Is an economic principle which experience approves and demands. Thu American genius for self government must devise some feasible scheme for avoiding these awful huslneps cataclysms. A cyclone or conflagration Is not. so destructive or so far reaching In its power of evil. Meanwhile the necpFBlty for good life insurance com panies like Till': llANKI'lt ItHSKIlVE I. IKK increases. The greatest fiduciary organi zations In the world are these forms of savings institutions. They gather nearly $2,000,000 a year from the earnings of Neb raskans. They pay back to beneficiaries In this state nearly half a million per an num. The remaining $1,(100,000 nearly all goes east and never finds Its way back to this state. The Bankers Reserve Life has begun a work of reform here. It now has nearly $6,000,000 at risk. It surplus Is Invested In Nebraska securities. Its Income for the present year will average $15,000 per month. It has no unpaid death losses. It Is a homo grown and home growing enterprise. II. II. UOniSO, I'll !'. I l)K NT, announces that $2,000,000 In new business ha been written this year. The annual report for December 31, will bn an eye opener to friends and foes. It will show not only a phenomenal growth In volume -of business but an equal'y remarkable In crease In Income and assets. Active buil ness and professional men and experienced solicitors can obtain liberal terms and choice territory. Address iitMdcits iiki:hvi: i.h-i:, omaiia. ''Blue Ribbon ' Beer Popular usage has decided that a malted beverage best supplies the proper stimula tion and tonic strength. The best beverage Is a pure beer not a cheap beer that may prove an overtax to the liver and kidneys and thus cause headaches, but a pure beer that In Itself combines those good features so much de sired In a healthful beverage. "HLUR itlltlioN" beer, made In Omaha by the Btors brewing Co., has gained con siderable fame lately, being the subject of a laboratory analysis by the highest Amer ican authority In health, sanitation and hygiene. THE UNITKO STATES HEALTH HUI.I.KT1N, NEW YORK, and pronounced the purest and best beer made. 8uch en dorsement Is certainly gratifying and can not be questioned -.i Try a cms. Telephone U'W. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA. NEB For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh The Oldest Remedy. haa national reputation and cur of Catarrh, Col da In I ha m4 and IP' . 'tundant Headache and Drafneaa. K siotm - ai e. n ol Biu.JI. Immadiaia relU-f uaraotrod. Gaarantwd perfectly harwlaae. -a tour daalar for It. Kfuaa ail aubatWut.a.Prlce is cants. All droaai.ia, or by -all poatald. CUxuara true. P. C. KEITH. (Mir.), Cleveland. Ohio 1 Ton ought by all means to U 1 drink a malt whiskey and I I ILER'S PURE MALT 1 I 1 Is concedrd to lie the I I purest and best malt I I 1 whiskey in addition to I 1 being by far the finest 1 lu flavor. I 1 I WILLtW SPRINGS V DISULLERY. y 4 0t!h. Nb.,U.S.A. if Eilibllshed 1884. Manufacturer to Consumer. SOLID GOLD RINGS. SOLID GOLD BROOCHES. .Vll"". No. lA-0alaand .tin- ftyVjH'J&j No. I IN W.00 No. lAT-IIuliy.rmpnilil or aiiii-lliVHt ili.til, It'tanil M'MrlH..I,..l) No. IIM-Opala and lienrla ,.vini No. Child's rlnK with any color atnnti tl.UO SOLID GOLD CUFF BUTTONS. No. 1U? SOLID GOLD STICK PINS. .STi.lO rMo No. 17 No. S No. 7.. ..Il.iw No. It... 12.00 IfWrltiMinforanvtlilnir In the jf wHry line. V.elmvethe tuivtHt aloekand lowest irlees MAWHINNEV JLRYAN CO. 1Bth ino Douili ftra.f OMAHA, Ni- YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to turn Id Tba Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of 11.00. On larger cuts, cents per square Inch. They are all' In flrst-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at reasonable rate. The Bcc Publishing Co,, Omaha, Nab. 1 ijllo I MM OxO(Qc IN QOLO DOLLARS FREE, CAN YOU SOLVE THIS PUZZLE? Earh ono of ttio three lines of Dirnret IN THE CENTRE OF THIS ADVKHTISKMr N I' xpells the name of a (Treat city la the United States. I hi Ik a lirand new puzzle andean be soWed with a little study as follows : There are twenty-six letters In the alphabet, aud we have used figures In spelling- thecltles Instead of letters. Letter A Is num ber 1, It nuinlier ,C iiuinlier 8, etr. thrmtirhiiut the entire alphatiet. HITAHE IN TFIK DISIKIBUTION OF fl.uuu.O WUIOU WB AKE OI VINU AWAY f r irettinir subscriptions for us. This you can do by R-lvtiitf up a little of your spare time. This and other most liberal offers are made to Introduce one of the very best New York maga zines Into every home In the United states and t'anada. WE DO NOl' WANT ONE CENT OF YOUlt MONEY. When you have made out the names of these three cities, write them plainly on a postal card and send It tons, and you will hear from us promptlyBY RETURN MAIL. It may take sn entire evenluir to solve the three names, but MTIOK TO IT AND GET YOU II 8HAUE OF THE H.UOU. Acopyofour fascinating MAOAZINB WILL BE KENT FREE to every one answer Inir this advertisement. Io not delay. Hend In your answer Imme diately. WE INTEND TO GIVE A WAY VAST 8UM8 OF MONEY in the Ititure, Just as we have dune In the past, to advertise our CHARM INO MAGAZINE. We find it is the very liest advertising we can (ret to Klve away l.AUUK hums u uulu hhkb. hi oames and addresses of a few JLI FREE. era are the people we have recently awarded r H E JS u u i, u PRIZbd: Mrs. J. M. Lachlln, Twenty-third Street, Htts burir. Pa., 1180 00; Mr. O. F. Ackerinan.Hlll.N. H., 1126.00; Mrs. Fred Peace, M0 Atkinson Street, Rochester, N Y., SiiiuO: Mr. Ueortf Corliett, Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Cnnada, tSO.OU: II. V. Hare, 40 Wisi'onsln Avenue, Colum bus, O , l,76u 00 (this includes the oou Cabinet Grand Up right Piano) : W. Kettle, rht Carson street, Httsbunr, l'a., SUM. 00; '!! Martha Urwrory, Park Street, Norwalk, onn., 106 00; Mrs. John Just, Box 7, Enfield, N. II., IllO.oa We could ko on and point to nun dreds of names of people who have (fat ued Urite sums of money from our contests, but only rive a few names, as we desire the spice to tell you all about THIS SPECIAL HI .wsj. la) IN OOI.M r'KliK OFFER. The alMive solution can be worked out by an alert and clever person, and the reward Is so handsome that it will am ply pay yon to TRY AND SPELL Ou r THESE THREE CITIES. Brains and energy urn ivlntllnv ITianV a-olden prizes. Study It very carefully and let os eeelf yon are clever and s nart enoiiKh to apeH out the Three Cltlea. WE HAVE THE IN GOLD. Have you the brains and energy T If you can makeoutthe names of the three cities, send them to us without ona cent of money. Remember that thla Is our il.000.00 In Gold Free Dis tribution, and we don't want you to send any money. When we say FREE, we mean I'ERKKCTLY FHEK. We would rather take this way of advertising our excellent niavazlne than spending many thousands of dollars In other foolish v, ays. W e freely and cheer fully a-ive the money awav. YOU MAY WIN We no not care who t.Jth . money . TO p'!k"rE OCR READERS 18 OUR DELIGHT. The Question Is, can von solve the aliove unlnns propoeitipn? If you can do so, write the names of the three cities and your full address plainly In a letter and mall It to us. and you will hear from us promptly by return mall. Money is a nice thina-to hsve, because there are so niany useful uses we can put It to By a llttleextra effort someone will et the money we a-ive away Some lazy -nd foolisu people often nearlect these (rrand a-olden free offe--. wa make and then wonder and complain about their bad luck. 1'uera era always plenty THIS IS THE GREAT PUZZLE. fl5z3z5i5i8ti I 1 1 13 j 8 1 9 1 3 j 1 1 7 l5j TT CftN YOU SOLVE IT FOR GOLD ? of rood opportunities for clever, brainy people who ara alwaya alert and ready to grasp a real (rood thins- N e have built up our enormous r Is i w'btionS 'ert nd our GliAN1 GoLD K" We are continually oflertntr our readers RARE AND UNUSUAL, prizes. 'Ihls siwlal contest we consider one of the s-ratest oilers ever made. Do not delay in plvlii this matter your Immediate attention, and if you ran spell out the three cities send your answer at once. l,0O0 00 REWARD will be paid to any one who can prove that In the many Free Cash Contests we have conducted In the past years we did not do eiactly as we agreed. We have a bla- capital, and anyone can easily ascertain about our financial condition. To pay out these bin gold cash prizes is a pleasure to ns. W e Intend to have the largest i irculatlon of our high-class one dollar magazine In the world. In this progressive age publishers find that they must be lilieral In giving away prlzeB of great sums of money. It Is the only successful waylo get your niaa7ine talked about. For Instance, if you should solve the peculiar way we Lave of spelling the names of the three cities, and we should 1'Bnd you a sum of money aa s free prize, you would never stop i talking shout onr magazine, now, would your We JUMin ELY CLAIM that these three lines of figures, by our plan, do actually spell the or three cltlea, and that a clever, nrainy person, v. no can iiiiui sou will patiently endeavor to ssssBsaIBIBBSSSsssssaISBaaMw solve how it is done, will be amply rewarded nr snaring in Of course, if you are easily dis couraged ana are not patient and are not willing- to spend any time in trying1 to work out the solution, yon certain ly cannot exoect to w In. Thla advertisement was not writ ten fur drones ir Idlers, who are not willing to give a lib eral use of tl eir time. We expert th3 reader to do some work nml give It the time end attention it deserves. USE OCR DRAINS. If you are successful in solving- It, well and'- I. Write the nsnes of the i . i ee cities and send them to 1 1 - end we will be Just aa n il h pleased as you are. We really desire souie one to be sui'li ssful, and as it does not c.-t you one cent to slve si: I answer this splendid Free r.;oney Offer, It will be very foolish for you to pasa It by. In all fairness give It some of your leisure time. SUC CESS IS FOR ENERGETIC AND THOUGHTFUL 1 FO II E, and the cause of FA 1 1 I RE IS LACK OF INTER EST AND I.AZIKE8S. f"o. dear reader, do not pass thla advertisement without trying hsrdto make A SOLUTION OF THE 'THREE LINES OF FIGURES PRINTED IN 1 HE CENTRE OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT. We suggest that you carefully read thla offer several tlmea before giving up the Idea of aolving the puzzle. 1 he harder It aeemsthe more patience and determinate n yon should have. Courage and determination w in many of the PRIZL8 OF LIFE. Your share in OUR FREE MONEY DISTRIBUTION depends entirely npon your own enetyy and brslns. Don't delay a moment in TRYING TO SOLVE THIS PERPLEXING PUZZLE. Manj of the people we have recently sent large sums of money to In our Free Money Distribu tion write ua kind and grateful letters, profuselj thanking us for our prompt and honest dealings, and saying thst If we had not ao strongly urged them to try to win they wotld not Dave been successful and would not have been the happy recipients of a large sum of money for only a few hours' effort. It always Payto give at tention to our grand and liberal offers. OUR BIG CASH PRIZES tave gladdened the hearts of many persons who i.ueded the money, f von need money you will give attention to this special offer thla very minute. If you solve I' , writ ua immediately. DO.VT DELA 1 . ADDRESS I THE ROBINSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, 24 NORTH WllIArVI STREET, IMKW YORK CITY. 5 The un' r 'J Dig ruur A Railroad Of the Pe-ple Operated For the People And Recofniied By the People As the stand aril asenge I 'no of the Central States. 2,500 miles of railway in OMo, Indiana, lll'nois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folders. Wirren J. Ly nch, W. P. Deppe. i en'l l'us. As.-t. ,i ll'l I', Tkt. Airt. V T. A. CINCINNATI. tIIU. FALKENHAINER S AUXILIARY WAGON SPRING V iK-il M in-li 1". 19ul. IT SAVES, THE SPRING THE WHEEL THE AXLE THE LOAD THE HORSE THE DRIVER STOVE I STATE CAPITOL, Kit II MOM t, VA. Here la a etove ordered by the Gov ernor of Virginia for the House of Hurgesseg from Kngland, 1770, and now In the state capltol at Richmond, Va. It illustrates what Ideas early inven tor had as to what a parlor stove ought to be. For one of the first cast stoves ever made It combines some artistic beauty, great originality and durability. It Is the only known stove of Its kind In the world. The Omaha Stove Repair Works. 13U7 Douglas St., while claiming to carry repairs for all stoves, ranges and furnaces made, as well aa water fronts of all kinds, lays no claim to carrying repairs for the above stove, except to furnish llu p. iilng shown in the upper two sections. TO. . JB J (( BNGRAVJzG C0. )) FOR SALE BY P. , KARBACH & SON, SOLK AUTS. voa OMAIIA, SOUTH Of AHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS inS. l.ith St., and 1220 Howard St., OMAHA. XKH. OMAMA.NtO. liuiiliietig. Shorthand. Typewrltlni: nud KiiKlish. I lay and evening Students f iirnislie'l work for board when ile red. Gregg Shorthand by mail. Smd fur rntr logue. New York Life Bulld'g, Omaha, Neb. A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled when accounts ara properly kept. Don't practice (alas economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS, W will make you a set ruled and printed to ordar at sucn a small cost that you aaa buy the beat. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-44 S. lata 8U, . . OMAHA, NEB. What's in a Name?!) - ti Nothing, ordinarily, but If youiiee (.' "MAN'Z" on h drawing or engiCjjg'.i It means something means thatlt's A right. Manz engravings have for M years been a staniard of perfection. ( Thafs why you ought to use them. '"MANZ" has steadily grown, and with the Installation of a large plant la! New York, their facilities for prompt ' service are materially Increased. Write us almut your order. We'll take care of It. J. Manz Engraving Go. CHICAGO: new YORK: a(1n7 . anil t II H 1ir:...u.n I I .......... my uau riact Do'r. a ot "11 kinds. Fancy pi eons. Teigian liares ana Ferrets. Send itria itir camioiriie. IANUld. f ox ft. Bowers Station. Ber