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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1902)
21 PLAN FOR CONVENTION HALL Chrutiai Oh arch Committoa at Work an Alteration f Coliseum. STAGE TOR SEVERAL HUNDRED SINGERS (lam for (onmli(ri to Be Arranged Aeoaaal Balldlas Chairs for "Jlac Theasaaa' People to Be Provided. A special committee for the Christian church coDTratlon was at the Coliseum yesterday making final arrangements for the alterations required by the convention. While the final plana have not been ap proved It 1 understood that the decorations uppd Friday night will be permitted to remain In place as far as possible. That part of the building north of what was the throne will be cut off from, the rest of the room and used by the state, national and local board and committees, the publica tion houses and the educational institutions for displays of thrtr work. A number of committee rooms will be ar ranged for around the building, so that committees will have convenient quarters In which to transact their business without leaving the r-ulldlng. About the largest undertaking will be the erection of a plat form large enough to accommodate the great choir which will sing at the opening of the sresions of the convention. It Is expected that several hundred singers will occupy the platform at some of the song services. When the building was arranged for the national popullet convention In If 92 there was a large atage on the west aide. On this platform were located not only the speakers and the presiding officer, but the reporters gallery. The stage for the sing ers will probably have as much floor space as the populist convention stage did, but It may be differently arranged. The most serious question before the bouse committee is providing seats for the building. At one time the Knlghta of Ak-Bar-Ben bad nearly 3,000 chairs, and a con siderable number of these may be available. The Auditorium company will donate the use of about 2.700 chairs, but these will make little more than half the number re quired, aa it Is desired to provide seats for approximately 9,000 people. Work on the Coliseum will b!gtn aa soon na the final plana can be approved, which probably will be within the next twenty four hours. It will require a week of earn est work to make the necessary arrange ments, so that little time can be spared If the house Is to be ready for the first meet ing, which Is to be held October 15. Unique souvenir spoons, Edholm, Jeweler. LOW RATES EAST Via Mllwaokee Ry. On October t, 1, 4 and 6 the Milwaukee railway will sell round trip tickets to Wash ington, D. C. for 128.06; also on same dates half rates for round trip to points in Michi gan, Indiana,. Ohio and western Pennsyl vania and very low rates to New York City and Boston. On October 1 and 2 Chicago nd return, $14.75. City office, 1504 Faraam Street. F A. NASH, . General Western Agent. Frederick, Hatter, 120 South 15th street A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond Importer In the weat, cor. 13th and Douglas. Have Root print li. Douglas Printing Co., 1618 Howard; tel 644 Hontiftktri' Exearaions. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tlcketa at one fare plus $2 to certain parts In Southwest Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc., on Tuesday, October 7th, stop overs allowed on going journey, limit for return 21 daya. For maps and timetable. notes, etc. Call or addresa any agent of the company, or Thomaa F. Godfrey, Pass. and Ticket Agent, S. W. Corner 14th and Douglas Bts., Omaha, Neb. 6ilver Chocolate sets, Edholm, Jeweler. Gold Position O.-rn, Good opening for a newspaper or magaiine aollcltor. Permanent position for a com petent man Address Twentieth Century Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha. Dr. 8. D. Mercer, 216-18-20, Bee Bldg. Chicago to lluaton and Krtora flH.OW, Via Erie Railroad. Ticketa on sale Oct. 7 to 11, Inclusive, goo-1 to 'return on or before Oct. IS. By deposit and payment of CO cents, extension of limit to Nov. 12 may be' obtained. Through sleeper. For time tablea and de tail Information appfy to Mr. H. L. Purdy, traveling passenger agent Erie railroad, Chicago, III. . Finest blue white cut glass, Edholm. Albln Huater will accept pupils on violin and trombone. Studio, 219 Ramge block. Beat 13.00 hata. Frederick. Genuine Imported beer on draught Maurer'a, 1306 Fa roam street Ed EXPRESS RUNS INTO FREIGHT Bnglaeer of the Paaaeaser Trala and Coadactor of the Freight lastaatly Killed. WILLIAMSPORT. Pa.. Oct 4. North -bourd Northern, Central railroad paaaenger train No. 9. known aa the "Erie Express," while running at a ' high rata of speed, crashed Into the rear end of a freight trala Bear Milton, Pa., thla morning. Paaaenger Engineer Wheelaad of Harris burg and Freight Conductor Stringer were killed. Fireman Shaffer of the passenger train waa aeriously hurt None of the pas aengers. It Is reported, were Injured. Dunlap and Stetaon bats. Frederick. DIKD. UrWIS-Wllllam. aged 4 year, October I, 1WS. Funeral Sunday afternoon at '1 o'clock from residence of William Clauson. luul Burt street. Interment at rarest Lawn. COX Henry K.. aged U years. October 4. laui. at Wyoming, 111. Funeral notice later. A SOAP BUBBLE haa more genuine atablllty than the Omaha lnu truat. N. A. K. D. and that whole hot-air outfit ever bad. but the spirit of the concern la there, and their bluff works with tho Jobbers vet and that keens us on the cut-off Met. WE WILL, HAKLi AFFI DAVIT that were we to Join this Omaha combine the nrlie of DRl'GS. PATENT MKI3ICINK8. PRESCRIPTIONS, HUBUEK GOODS. TOlLhT ARTICLES, etc., would immediately nhoot up from ) to 40 per cent J I' ST AS COAL DID. lo you want a deal like thla? If so. PATRONIZE TUB MKM hURS OF THE OMAHA DRUG TRUST. fc Murine for eyea 40e 11 00 Modlne for superfluous hair 7&c 1-lb nackaae J. at J. 'a Abaorbont Cotton .lie 1-os Colgate's Perfumes il 11 i0 t'anadlan Malt Whiskey Too $1. 00 Puffy s Mall Whtoky o 26o Umilvt brums Quinine lie &o tjutuacetol, guaranteed cold cure... .loo 11 Oerman tiununell Hlitera for catarrh .loo il.OO Prun yen feruna tic OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCUAEFEn'S CUT PRICK DttUGftTORK Tel. 141. . W. Car. lib ss4 Cfcleasre TOURNAMENT FOR THE WOMEN Pair Darn Will Be lvea aaaee to Play Flaat Peas a" for Cap. A ping pong tournament for women Is the latest athletic venture to be projected upon the plane of local eventa. It will occur next Friday morning at the ping pong gal lery In the Bee building, and It la planned to complete the entire affair at one session of play. This tourney Is a direct result of requests from feminine lovers of the game In Omaha that It be held. Women feel that thla is one game which they are practically a man's equal, and It Is so. There are not a few young fellows in Omaha who are given a trouncing over the table every evening by their klstera. In fact, there is one ping poug player who has made a great record at the gallery as a fast man who admits ! that he gets al his good practice In games i with bis sister. The women witnessed the men's tourna ment of last week and envied the keenness of the fcport and the rivalry engendered. They asked, nay demanded, that they, too, be given a chance to play for real cups and trophies. In consequence the event of next Friday was planned. A boat of entries la expected. The Joust will undoubtedly prove a great drawing card for spectators. Handsome prizes are offered. For first In the tourney the reward will be a sterling silver cup,' for second a handsome piece of taplsserle of some elaborate description. There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. H. E. and E. Huberman. Furs remodeled and repaired, lit South 16th St Wedding ring headquarters, Edholm, Jew eler. King Cole Whole-Wheat Pancake Flour. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Monroe Co., coal and feed, telephone 97L Advance Notice Messrs. J. L. Brandels st Bona, proprie tors "Boston Store", wish to announce the purchase of the choice of the entire WHOLESALE STOCK OF Shoes and Rubbers of Stewart Bros, & Co. Pittsburgh, Pa., Invoicing $300,000 This purchase Include Men's Shoes In all grades and styles. Women's Shoes and Slippers In hand turn soles Goodyear Welt Soles and McKay Sewed Soles. Misses', Children's and Infants' Shoes Boys'. Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes thousands of Fine Rubbers It la further announced that the pur chase price In this deal has been so fav orable that the A Sale Which Will Begin Wednesday, October 8th, Boston'Store promisee the most remarkable bargains of any sale ever held in .or out of Omaha. The class of shoes handled by Stewart Bros. 4k Co. was such aa required by tho people of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other Pennsylvania cities and sure to please the people of Omaha. WE DESIRE TO IMPRESS upon you the extreme Importance of this aa'. and the splendid bargains that will be offered. The majority of thla purchase has al ready arrived and la being marked and prepared for the aale. EXTRA SALESPEOPLE are being put on and very much increased spaoe will be used so that nothing will be left undone to make thla aale the greatest shoe sensa tion of the period. Please note the evening papers from now on until the sale for further particulars. Watch Out for the Sale and Be 8ure to Attend. J. L. BRANDEIS A SONS, Propa. B08TON 8TORB, OMAHA. Special Rates T. LOUS. Mo- October ttfc to 10th. KANiAS CITY, MO October 18th to 22nd. FORT RII.KV. KAN Army Maneuvers, October 5th to 8th. BOSTON, MASS October th to 10th. HOMK9EKKKHS EXCURSIONS Tuesdays, October 7th and 21at. SETTLERS' HA F.S To various points in California, etc., every day curing uctooer. For further Information call on or ad dress company's agents, or THOB. r. GODFREY. Paas 4 Ticket Art. S. K. Cor. 14th aaa Dsaglas "tree OMAHA, NEB. Wr ' u....-., ..... I THE OMAITA PAITjY HEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBEIt 5, LOW RATKS TO ST. I. Oi l Via the Mlaaoarl Pacific Railway, Ae rcoat Fall Festivities, Which include the Crest St. Louis fair, ahirh gives $30,0X In premiums; the gnr geoua Veiled Prophet pageant; street fair and carnival; horse show in the colteeum; running horse races daily by the beet thor oughbreds In the country, and base ball games between the teams of the American and National leaguea. All eventa during October and the first week in November. Ask your local agent for detailed infor matiojt and visit the World's Fair city. H. C. TOWNSEND, Oen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent, Bt. Louis. Mo. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone 20S. NOW That the carnival is over, you've time to think about ahoes We never claimed to aell $5 ahoes for S3. 50, but wo always, have claimed to sell the best shoe for $3.50 and we're prepared to back up the claim with the gooda. It adds nothing to our expenses to sell a $3.50 shoe, for we sell so many kinds and require the help and room anyway consequently we put more value in our $3.50 line than the other fellows can. Patent leather enamel, box calf and vlci kind, heavy and medium soles, all at $3.50. Send for our sew fall catalogue. DliEXEL SHOE GO Omaha's Uo-to-Date Shoe House. 1419 FARNIM STREET. PERMANENTLY CURED. Mr. Henry P. Marqunrdt Writes a Ringing Letter About Cramers Kid ney and Liver Cure OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. 14. 1900. Cramer Chemical Co.., Gentlemen Several months ago I procured a' sample bottle of your excellent prepara tion. I had been a sufferer from an aggra vated form of kidney trouble for years, so began taking It at once. The contents of the small sample so relieved me that I Im mediately purchased a large bottle, and after taking three bottles it effected a per manent cure and I have not suffered a day since. I can freely and with Joy recom mend your valuable medicine, aa It com pletely cured me of a very severe case of kidney trouble, and to anyone who Is bo troubled I would say: Try it by all means and get relief. Henry Marquardt. SCKAEFEIt'S cur PRICE DKUG STORE lata and Chleuao Sim.. Oiaaisa. Neb. ITrVIT Ar latest inven- tUM I tlon of the lockmak- er's art. No other LOCKS lock comparea with It. Every Unit Lock has ball-bearing cylinders, which no other lock has. If you are buying locks let us show you the Unit. Remember all Unit locks have the key in the knob. Then we have a large line of Cor bin's BA-LL-BEARINQ Cylinder Night Latches. They are the best latch. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1811 Dodge Street. BUILDERS' HARDWARE! AND TOOLS. - Don't Do a Thing but steer for our store. Our drug reputation for purity la unequalled. STRICTLY CIT PRICE. 25c Pabat Malt 18c 11.00 Lttertne 60c Pears' Soap .....lie tl.OO Plnaud'a Kau de Quinine.... 70c lint bottle Witch Hasel 19c H 3 WELL DP.U3 COMPANY. 161 a 4d Capitol Ave. Prk Ave. aad Leavea wartk. Artificial Teeth That are comfortable and give satlsfac lion are Ine kind we miuu. Teeth, a Set, $500 TAFT'S Philadelphia Dnt4l Room a 1617 Douglas St. S2 M To bo economical must be so perfectly fitted that it can be closed up airtight With loosely fitted doors and dampers, you have no control over your tire and iC soon burns .out. GENUINE BECKWITH. ROUND OAKS a perfect stove that burns anything. CARBON OAK K CIK prices up from Uawtl langes Monitor, Malleable, Quick ileal, Radiant Home. We are also agents for ' BARLER OIL HEATERS Rogers Hardware Hon 14th and Farnam ots. 1 W rTmM Our Engraving of Has something to commend Itself to people of taste and refinement over the common ordinary kind. Excellence In quality and correctness to the finest detail of prevailing styles made and keep cur reputation. Only expert en gravers and printers are employed In the production-- of our work. OUR PRICES are as low as work of our standard can be named. THE I.10YER STATIONER CO., Wall Paper A big discount for this week only White Blank 2c. Sc. 4c, 5c Gilts BViC. 6c, 4a, 7c Heavy Gold Papers 6c, 7c, 8c, 10c Ingrains, per roll .10c Remnants Room lots, with bordor. . 60c Cementloo, the only Wall Finish.. 85c We contract for all kinds of Paint ing and Paper Hanging, Plaatering, etc. ROOM MOULDING 1C UP. , KELSEY 17th and Douglas. Phone 1678 h3 Monday Specials in our Candy Departmant Chocolate Creams, pound ... , W-jc Jelly Beans, fruit flavors, pound 10c Five sticks Candy lc Bcudder's Licorice, regular 5c aticka. four atlcka for 60 Cocoa nut Cushions, pound - c Marshmallowa, boa 90 We serve a fine Oyster Btew ror 100 For all ... PURPOSES.. Paint Wood Fillers, Varnishes, eta Our Strictly Purs Paints are guaranteed to stand tho western climate. Sole manufacturers of ths celebrated Sunlight Red Brick Iron or Wood PalnU National Oil ani Paint Co, 1015-1017 Jones Street. Telephone 1721. ;l Bast o and HSound Satis burn anything and hold u fire over night a soft coal stove RADIANT HOME AIR BLAST with 20th century fire IA At pot, prices up from. W GARLAND OAK3 These standard goods up from.. 11.25 & Sons Co., and Toils. 11 Undo 0 THE MAN THAT KNOWS A GOOD THING when he sees it will not fall to se cure an Uncle Oscar, cigar for 6 cents when be wants to enjoy a luxurious smoke. For an after dinner cigar, or for smoking at any old time, you can't beat our make. There Isn't a cigar made that can compete with the Uncle Oacar for the price. HENE & CO., Sole Manufacturers, OMAHA, NEB. Wedding Stationery 220 and 222 Sou h I6t!i Slraet SHOE Headquarters. This store Is the headquarters of the west for high grade, re liable shoes at eaay, reasonable prices. When you come her for shoes you Get the latest, styles Oet the highest grade Get the best lit Get the lowest prices Get the beat treatment Get the b'St $3.00 shoe Oet the best $3.60 shoe Oet the best $5.00 shoe FOR MAN OR WOMAN. Inspect our goods before you buy. Send for our new and hand aomely illustrated catalog. IS. WOMEN MAKES GOOD JUDGES Of beer, because their taste Is more dellcata than man, snd can more readily detect any adulterations, which la one of the secrets of the popularity of Krug'a bottled beer," made abso lutely pure aad well aged no acids or chemicals allowed In its manufac ture. 'Phono for a trial case. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. 10O7 task son St. 'Fhono 30 sear nnm7 IV 1 H li W JT If 9 111, .Mafl L 1 n On Boys' and Children's Suits antL Overcoats Our tremendous spot cssh purchase means money saving to you. Wa plac t suits and overcoats on sale at most astonishingly low prices. Lot 1 Boys' suits In gray and brown chev- ! lot and caaslmeres In veateea and double- breasted styles, all sizes, from 4 to 16 sale price Is50 Lot 8 Bovs' suits in a great variety of very drelrabln patterns; in Scotch plaids, pin checks, oxford grays, etc.; strictly all wool, double seat and knees, regular $2.76 values. I OC sale price la J V Lot 8 Boys' suits In blues and blacks, ox ford grays and browns, In stripes, checks and Scotch mixtures, made with patent elastic waietband, patent reinforced seams; they are worth double what we ask for them, O Tfl salo price hlUw Lot 4 Boys' suits In very finest Irish and Bootch cheviots, rsssimeres, serges and worsteds, In fact all the leading shades, in plain check, and mixtures, very styl ishly made up, worth up to $8 00, sale price, $3.75, 1 OC $3 60 and UlbU Children's novelty aulta in all the latest! Men's Overcoat Bee our complete line of the famous H. j 8. & M. clothing and other leading makes. We can fit any man In Omaha. Alterations made free of charge to Insure a perfect fit. We guarantee to positively undersell any other house from to 1-8 In this depart ment. Besides, we warrant every garment In style, quality, fit and finish. A BIG SPECIAL 600 men's covert over coats In short er medium lengths, with or without velvet collsrs; in stouts, slims and regulars, made to sell up to $10.00; a big special to R fifa close them out at tjJlUtJ Men's finest overcoats In all the lew styles for fall and winter on sale at $10.00, $12.60, $16.00. $18.00 and 22.50 Men's strictly all wool fall and winter suits. In neat checks, plaids and mix tures; also plain black; over twenty dif ferent styles to select; guaranteed lin- The greatest variety fine clothing in Omaha to select from Mail orders filled. Read great sales on page 13 , Sffi. V-I 1 Tho Acorn Oak Ws have a great lino of soft oeal stovesoaks, air tights aaa kot blasts. Oak stoves frosa tt.t up. Good oaas at that. If you want the ry best, aee ths Asora oak. It burns either soft or hard coal or ooke JOHN IIUSSIE HARDWARE COMPANY. -lfysabrlttfHBleirf rlxht." wc Uf,a!lirgiLl.KJl'MlllMy.olsmilli. hm m i. uui my i j i . m..ji, .,i..u.i w ,L, Si PAINLESS EXTRACTING uy one or the most careful and export painless extractors in the United States Special Free Clinic Prices Until October 15. Call arly and avoid the rush The only college of its kind in the went D en tibia come here t learn our patent painless methods Post graduate o urae only for old experienced deutists No students Beware of jealous idle dentists We invite all such to c rae and take a course then .ill will meet with success Our methods are painles Why take chances with others W are here to atay incorporated under at ,te laws. WORK DONE FREE Smull charges for material Oursucoess is due t ) the hlh grala w vk dine by the Professors of thai college Work guaranteed en years Save pain and money Filling from 23c; Set of toeth $3; Teeth extraotefl FREE; Ooldorown from 12:85 Cousult the Professors free Be sure you are on the right floor. UNION DENTAL CO., Room 4. 1522 Douglas, gyjgffj.11 - - - - IW YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE If you only look. People are growine; more and more accustomed to eomlnc hare for valueM. If you want to be convinced It Is an eaay matter. We want to show you. and ehowing you we know your verdict. HELGREN & GRADMAN, TAILORS. tut SOUTH 16TH 8TREET, SHtUDER'S LAXATIVE FIG POWDER cures constipation, bilious ness, prevents headache and removes alvine poistn. Bold in 10c and ate boxes. Manufactured by Shradar Med. Co., N. Y. and Omaha. ALLEN P. ELY & CO. Buy and Sell Secondhand facninsr). To Rent, Floor inOurWauhouse. No- 2 B.&M, Irackm S25- 11011-8.10 Uouglaa St., 'Phona 1451, OnMh.i, Neb. WHEN YOU BUY A not poring for till HOMOS. aCUgMb. t'UEE DEALS. ETC Wa fo FINE QUALITY HAVANA. TOBACCO, EQUAL to IMPORTBDClQABA Grand shades and fabrics, artistically tailored) don't fall to se these nobby creations. Don't let your boys get cold when yx! can get a warm overcoat at Hayden'a from 660 up. . and Suit Sale ings; stylishly trimmed; tailored most carefully; perfect fftting; worta $12.50; sale 7 Kf price liWU Men's stylish fall and winter sulu, made by the leading men's wholesale tailors In America, with an attention to details sol dom seen In even the high priced mtr. chant tailors' garments; all the best fa brics, blue serge, black clay worsteds, meltons and fancy worsteds; all new styles,- broad athletlo shoulders, : hand ' felled collars, band padded if Afl shoulders, worth $15, aale pr IUiUU 800 Men's very handsome ailts, over 60 different patterns to select from, toade from finest worsteds and casslmerea, In plain, oxford grays, blues and blacks and; silk mixtures, made - with hair cloth front , military ehoulders I $20.00 values, at Qlli Acorn Steel Flanges We assert without fear of oontra dlctloa that the Acorns are the -finest line af steel ranges made, and that quality considered, our prices are . away below those of any of our com petitors. .$28 and upward, acoordlng to also aad stylo, is our prloo on these up to ths minute ranges. That's why wo sell such numbers of them. 2407-O9 Cumins fit. OMAHA. NEB. 1 'J