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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1902)
20 SPECIAL NOTICES . , , . II 4riHUrnHi for theae eolamae Will e likr til 13 as. evealBSJ eslllea mm III " 10 p. sa. far ssoewlwer 4 Sewaar edltlow. Rates, t !- word fl leeerllew. I st word tsjereefter. ! !" fat Ira baa fe the Br! loser Ilea. Tkrir iltfr1litifi Basel 6e ran eeoseeatlvely. Advertisers, ky reajeeallasl se wered rbnk, kit d. dressed a mhered letter la f Tk Be. Answers so addressed will keek ely. SITTATIOSg WANTED. WANTED, position es companion, Invalid S referred; no objection to traveling Ad ress L 43. Bee. A 273 7 by student to tend furnace or do chores for board. Artdr'M L 4e, Be. A-296 6 WANTED, position In hardware or general tore by experienced clerk. W, enre Bee, Council Bluffs A 3)7 f. WANTED MAMS HELP. Nebraska Business And Shorthand College. BOYD BUILDING. A. C. ONG, A. M., LL. B., Pres. "Absolutely Thorough," F.ndorsed by John R. Oregg. author of Greys Shorthand. Modern and UP-TO-DATE. Perfectly Equipped Throughout. Teacher experienced and painstaking. Students entering any time. Individual In struction a special feature. PURE CREGG SHORTHAND. In thin tchool a epeclelty In made of teaching GREGG SHORTHAND a set ferth by the author in hia Revised Edition. Many calls for our graduates thla week wa were unable to nil for want of operators to vend out Positions for all who finish the course thoroughly. Both Day and Evening Sessions. Call or vend for new catalogue. WANTED, canvasser; man familiar with book and tewspaper work preferred; must be hustler. Apply Room 107, Bee Bldg. B 299 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live n the country or In a small town and nave a good acquaintance among: the farmers and stock ralsera In the neighborhood you can make 65 easily ev four nr fly hours' work. Write us and we will send you oir proposition. The Be Publishing; Co., Rolloltora' Dent , Omaha, Neb. B M218 FIVE strictly first-class salesmen to work city and country territory tor newspaper; weekly salary, U to fcfi, according to ability. Permanent position. Keterenceg necessary. Apply or write to Room 107, Bee Bldg. B 111 HUSTLING deputies wanted: men or women; splenald contract. Ths Garden era, 416 Bee Bldg. B 276 WANTED, flret-class Brltannlca and War ner library salesmen for Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska. Montana. North and . 'Mouth Dakota. We pay traveling expenses and monthly Advance. You call on Inquiries only. Permanent and exclusive territory System. Address American Newspaper Association, suits 622, N. Y. Life Hid;., Omaha. Neb. B 23 Oil WANTED, young man stenographer; give references, age and expected salary. Ad dress K it. Bee. B um WANTED traveling man who visits ths large and small towns, to sell retailers a select assortment of dry goods for sprtng,-l on commission, tsryn aiawr atius, rnna dalphle. Pa. B 461 WANTED, men to sort Iron. Alplm, SOI Farnam. B -686 WANTED, a hosiery and underwear sales man for states of Nebraska and Iowa. Box !, Marlon, Ind. B MtwO WANTED, carpenters, $2.60 a day. Ad dress Joseph Unleslger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. B 688 WANTED, experienced tinner and shop man. Applicants send reference; best wages paid. Ed Johnson, Clark. Neb. B-910 OS WANTED for U. B. Army, able-bodied un married men between ages of il and 26, clllsens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officers, ltb ana uoage B's.; umaua, and postonics euuuiug, Lincoln, ieo. Jti lJ-Jil WANTED Salesman for rlnthlnv rwr and furnishing goods Dept.; aiso shoe salesman, neorasaa Clothing Lo. B M130 MIDDLE-AGED MAN, good address, good talker, larse aoatialntance. beat refer. ences. City Savings bank, ltth and Doug. B-Mia 7 WANTED, first-class horseshoera at an Write Geo. Nyers, 113 So. First St.. Cedur napiaa, im. B 167 WANTED, bookkeeper or office clerk; gtv pnni; ana salary expected. A A A - i a.-. I 1 . . - . wrcn 44 ore. tt las S WANTED - Salesman; necessary. Remington 1618 Jrarnam. experience not Typewriter Co., a m l ,u s v ANTEDOfflce boy. It years old, to irarn toe pusiness. iu Farnam. BMlfiS f D;iuTrn . j , . , . . . . a j irii.uiD pviBUU nen district TO manage bualneas for old house; salary 111 weekly; expenses advanced; permanent IU.IUUI1) iiitii)Be een-auureiseo: envelope. Manager, Sit; C'axton bldg., Chicago. u am e WANTED, mschtnlats. ona tool maker, also wun year or two experience in ma chine shop; stste experience and wages c-xpeotsd. Address M, Bee office. Council mns, B M34S t OOOD tinners wanted; steady work; writ A ..stm 1 I ! Hi.. 1 1 . . . . w w, v. ttiywvit, uavenijori. ja. rpUNQ MEN everywhere. copy letters. home evenings, 17 week. Bend sddressed jnvempa ior particulars. Filbert Dept. M, 4-u&. g nuaueipnia, ri. w Its a" WANTED, saddlery hardwsrs salesman to travel in r-eoraasa. Wyoming, Montana ana im Diacs nine; must havs ath lianea trade and beat of rnr. v R. L. Hardenbergh Co., St. Paul, Minn! a xi t WANTED, Immediately, bright young man dvui in rua oia. some anowieilgs ol bookkeeping', good penman, irruma in duetrtous, willing to work, good habits. steady place for right party. Addrs In own nanowrmnf, atarng age, experience, aiary wwnieu, L at, nee, B 350 6 7 AND EXPENSE8 (either sex) travel Ing, na canvaaslng; (40 at home. Call iifinwn, iu a, room s. urexi-i notel tt-361 6 WANTED, men to learn barber trade ners sre advantages that cannot bs hs Slaewltere: sbuutianc of practice. nuil fled teachers, expert demonatrationa, tools alven. diplomas granted, board and wages Saturdays; always demand for quaunea oaruvra; ws were established In ana neve erancnee in isew rork I hleaso, bt. iauia. M Orleans. Kin Francisco and Minneapolis. Our system is well anown; oo poi os aeeeived by similar Bams or rhesp a-enl shops called colleges; se sur iiiusirsied raiaiogue mailed free. Moler tiarber College. IwJ Douglas at. at M194 OoOD messengers wsnted; high salaries. A. V. T, CO iU B. Mia Sb O-HIH WANTED MALE 1IEI-P. Some Pointers Which Point FROM THE Omaha Commercial Colleee R0HRB0U0H BROS,, PROPS., 17TH & DOUGLAS POINTER NO. 1 Tomorrow new classes start la every department; also In ths night school. POINTER NO. J Last Wednesday night over 200 students attended the carnival In a body, with college colors and whits caps. The Ak-Sar-Ben management fur nished the Covalt band to lead the parade from Sixteenth and Douglas Into and through the grounds. It was ths Jolllest body of students that ever swarmed the midway. The college yell awoke the Abyssinian groundhog and frightened the fat man. It was Omaha Commercial college night and long will It be remembered. POINTER NO. 3 Our foot ball team has Its new uniforms and la now resdy for engagements. POINTER NO. 4 Ths following letter was sent to Mr. Oregg of Chicago, who has so frequently assaulted Prof. Moaner and the Omaha Commercial college, through our Sunday papers, in reply to his scurrll-ou and rtndlctlvs criticisms: OMAHA, Neb., Oct 4. 14. -Mr. John R. Qregg. Chicago, III. Dear Sir: For a number of weeks ws have quietly submitted to your unjustifiable attacks In ths columns of The Sunday Bee upon Prof. Moaner snd the Omaha Commercial college. The motive which prompts you to thus compromise your manhood, by resorting to what we regard as disreputable tactics, ought to be of such significance as to war rant a hope of victory. Is It? It is your duty as a man to tell us and the people of Nebrasxa why you deem It necessary to so frequently abuse Prof. Mosher and cast aspersions upon the Omaha Commercial college. Vvhat has Mosher done that justifies you by quotation to call him a "thief, compared with whom," you say "a highwayman is respectable." What has the college done that you should strive to Injurs its reputation and patronage 7 Are you doing all this In order to make ths prediction come true, which you made In a letter to us over two years ago, to ths effect that It would be suicide for the Omaha Commercial college to abandon your system of shorthand; and. furthar, because Mosher has seen lit to publish a text book on shorthand, and which we are now using Instead of your own? Is this ths cause of your madneaa? Is this bookr so full of real merit and so likely to dis place your own, that you seek to retire It from ths market by means so foul and so despicable? If so, your motive ought to forever condemn you. Has not Mosher a right to publish a text bookT Have you a monopoly on the brains of ths people of Nebraska? Have you not lived long enough In the United States to know It Is a free country? Are we not all equal before the law? Does your copyright protect your system and aymbols? Does It prohibit Improvements being made upon your system? If Mosher Is a thief and has stolen your eysttm why do you not obtain redress In a court of law, by Injunction or otherwise? Would It not be more honor- ble, also more effective? If Mosher has wronged you he ought to be punished, ut It ought to be done under a Judicial decree. Instead of getting ferociously mad bout It and compromising your dignity, you ought to be glad hs has improved your system. Ws must beg your pardorv for not answering all you have recently said. Ufa Is too short and space too valuable to be used In an endeavor to counteract the preju- llce and parsimony of a man who will resort must, however, call attention to a few things about which you have so assiduously sought to deceive our people. You say you were asked to review a book by F. W, Mosher. Please toll us who asked you. Mosher did not. You say "the practical Stenographer was published as an Improvement upon the Graham system." That Is not true. You say six months sfter we certain threat In a certain letter. We had lueive control of your system and publications In Nebrsska long before this letter was written. The letter in which we said horthand was written for two reasons: First, because of the deficiency of your sys tem, and, second, because you had openly CRITICISMS ON MOSHER'S BOOK. You have seen fit to criticise Mosher's book. Tour chief criticism refers to a few tvooarauhlcal errors and a red cover, from wise would endorse the new principles which legiDiiuy or your system, we are giaa it was me re a cover ana tne typograpnicai er ror that made you so mad. and that you have found no fault with the system. You have called attention to two or three misspelled words and one grammatical error. We wish to apologise for thnee mlatakes and want to assure you that all of them will be corrected In the next edition. We might have expected you to confine your criti cisms to the demerits of the Mosher system, for this system as presented In the book Is what appeals to all thoughtful persons. Typographical errors are bad, but they are usually excusable In the first edition of a book, but never In the second. The errors to which you refer, with seversl others, saw the book. You are to be censured only for tentlon to them, you ought not to forget that people who live in glass nouses snould never throw stones." You hava had a number of years In which to revise your own book, and yet you have printed more than forty editions In which the ssme Inexcus able errors have appeared. We cite a few In your thirty-second edition. In your pre face you spell adapters "adaptors;" on page 11 you quote Stenographic Society. Btenograpmc society ; on page n you use you snell bualness. buslnes : on page 41 you 47 you divide the word transcribing page 89 you divide the word apparent, ap pa ''appalingly"; on page 89 you use a period for commas. So much for the thirty-second edition. 11 you again spell adapters "adaptors"; on on page 17 a comma for a semi-colon, also lor a colon; on page u a period tor a cnion; on page 4a a comma lor a semi-coion. also a colon for a comma. Do we understand this to be an illustration tf "English aa she Is wrote?" If Prof. Mosher should take a few more lessons In shorthand would It not be wise for you to take a few more lessons In English? Charity only will ex cuse any self-conceited publisher who will permit thirty-two editions of his book to come from the press with the same egregious errors in each of them.. If he would exercise the same vigilance to rid his book of errors as he does to maliciously criti cise others ha would spend his time more profitably. "MODIFICATIONS NEVER LIVE." You have lost no opportunity to try to convince your readers that modifications die oung. On page 12 of your revised edition you say, "The Pitmanlc systems, by which meant Isaac Pitman. Ben Pitman, Munson. Lonsly and Dement, sre all modifica tions of the original Isaac Pitman." You are aware that most of these modifications were made more than fifty years ago. Are they still living, or are they dead? How about the schools and court reporters now using them? Please name an original sys tem now in general use. Do you know of any which haa not been Improved shortly after devised? Even your own system has been improved. Had It remained In its original crudity It would have died young. THAT ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE. Wa gave the outlines for six words and offered 1100 to any Oregg writer who could use a briefer outline and yet write writers and teachers of the Oregg system able to shorten them. This opportunity was you said: "Next week we will attend to the challenge." Oregg writers of Nebraska were looking to you for a solution of the problem, but Instead of giving a solu tion you have endeavored to divert their attention from these "preposterous" outlines by issuing a series of challenges to us under the title of "Thlrteen-Inch Shells." You admit you cannot shorten these outllres and yet write the words In full. This shows where your system Is weak and undeveloped. You say a Oregg writer would laugh at the outlines; so he would. He would also be disgusted. You leave the Im pression that you would write them differently. By looking on page 39 of the Sep tember number of the Gregg Writer, of which you are editor, you will find an out line for one of the words we gave you. namely. Grand Rapids. Please look at It and ten us now it aiders rrom tne one wnicn you say Is preposterous. You perhaps re member that at the Gregg convention held In Chicago In 1900. you were nuked to write on the blackboard the word Portland. The outline you gave corresponds ex actly with the preposterous one we gave you. Again. "Oh, consistency, thou art a Jewel." Please try again. We extend the time Indefinitely. YOUR "TH1RTEEN-INCH SHELLS." In last Sunday's Bee you aracloualv made us a few rhallena-ea nil mm vent all but two of them for fear we lose the opportunity. We like this sort of reciprocity, or change of courtesies, because It promises substantial reward. To remove any doubt mat your cnanenges were maae in gooa us or deceive our people, please deposit have offered and we are ready. (Jhallenge iso. 1 accepted. Challenge No. I not accepted. The Practical Stenogra her was published for our own use and was never put upon the market. Challenge 'o. 8. accepted. Challenge No. 4. accented Challenge No. 6. accented. rhull.n No. 6. first part accepted. Challenge No. expect a goose to swim without going into tnat article correctly in Mosner snort nana tern. Mosher will writs this article correctly systems. Will that bs satisfactory? A SUGGESTION. In conclusion permit us to say that your arenerosltv mrmii the k ws ought also to be generous. In an endeavor to do so ws maks you an otter which if accepted, will do more toward terminating our present delightful relations than anything you have thus far said or done. It Is as follows: We will name a plaes and date for a public debate between you and Prof. Mosher upon ths following resolution:- Resolved, "That ths Mosher system of shorthand Is mors legible and iuv uicii- Aiinuiauv, x. vv . nuonvri negative, jonn rl. uregg. All preliminaries to be arranged. Ws sgree to pay your faro to and from Omaha" your hotel bills whils here for this purpose and the expense of a hall. Now if you are not willing to go Into court to determine your legal rights, will you not have the cour age to come to Omaha and have a public discussion with Prof. Mother under the above named conditions for ths purpose of determining the merits of ths resuectlvs systems? By acoeptlng this opportunity you will to conduct an honorable campaign. If you swsy from Omaha and Indulge In your "mud-slinging" tactics, for ths sole purpose of Injuring Prof. Mosher snd the Omaha Commercial College, you deservs ths condem nation ui an (iinuui wno tuva juiun ana nam an Ws havs ths honor to remain. Yours Respectfully, , WANTED 8 unfurnished rooms with board, by young married couple. Address L ii. Bee. B-M115 6 WANTED Office boy, one who Is quick. accurals and writes good hand; perma nent position. Address In own hand writing, stating age, former experience and address. L 3;. Bee. B Mls I WANTED Boy from 15 to 18 years old as messenger. Appiy to circulation irtenager Omaha Bee between 8 and 4 o'clock Mon day. 7 . B 327 6 WE PAY CASH 818 weekly and expenses; salary at tns end or eacn wee a; expenses advanced: traveling position; no can v turn ing; position permanent. Address Ameri can House, Pontine Bldg., Chicago. B-234 I WANTED, man of good habits to travel establishing trade In Nebraska; good sal ary and expenses; young man over il pre ferred; reliable house; staple line. Ad dress Ed Wlmmer, Pontine Bldg., Chicago. B 883 6 13 WEEKLY and all expenses for men wun rigs to introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept 64. Parsons, Kan. U831 I WANTED Men. everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack slgsa, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B 249-4 A- TRUSTWORTHY man to represent Mfgr. In part of Nebraska. 818.00 per week and expenses; salary paid each week; ex pense money advanced. 8mlth, Mgr.. ibs Dearborn, Chicago. B ttu f TRAIN dispatchers, operstors, students: Ws have a hundred' good salaried posi tions; write quickly, stating ability. Wal lace School Expert Telegraphy, St. Paul. ' B MEN wanted who wear trusses; a great chance. Truss free: no time lost from present work. Alex Speira, box (44. VV eat brook, Maine. . B WANTED, experienced finisher, also cabi net maker and packer. Apply Peoples Store, B2ft THE Of AHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTODEH 5, 1002. WANTED MALE HELP. to any means to attain an end. We Introduced Oregg shorthand we made a a contract with you giving us the ex- we would bring out a Mosher book on violated your contract with us. which we are to conclude that you other hsve so greatly added to the speed and were discovered by us long before you the spirit In which you call public at. two periods for two commas; on page 4U use the pronoun "It for I : on paxe "trana-crlblng"; on page 62 accustomed, "accust- - rent ; on page 83 you spell appallingly a colon; on page 122 two periods for two Now look at the revised edition. On page psge 12 you use a comma for a semi-colon: a colon for a comma: on nag M pr,'v1 "Oh, consistency, thou art a jewel!" ths words In full. While hundreds of examined them not a single one was also extended to you. Two weeks ago raitn ana tnat yoi did not Intend to bluff In one of the Omaha banks ths amount you 7, this Is ridiculous. You might as well the water, as to expect Mosher to write without using the principles .of his sys. In the Pitman, Graham, Oregg or Uosher .convince our neonle that von r iuin. continue to remain nv hnnir.d n... ueprwcais ins USS or aesplcgble means to ROHRBOUGH BROTHERS. w AH-rau a rew pupils to learn book aoeping tree and pay for tuition from their earnings after ws place them in poaitlons; you can learn at your own home in a few weeks without loss of tlms or money; ws guarantee It; we teach you J ii . . you " PoeiUon. Write for UN uiiuiiuauuu ana our tree book. "How to Succeed In Business." It telfs you how you can belter your position and iiimub. uummerciai corre. spondencs 8chools. Drawer O, Rochester, ... . g WANTED, dry goods and notion maa hav Ing sufficient experience to manage de partment; no notice taken of replies un less sge. references, former m,,in... and nationality ars given. Address Y &. e uvtuaw, UilStfjU. X ZOUfc WANTED Laborers, scraper holders and grubbers snd scraper teams, near V. baah freight depot. Council Bluffs Hall mm. v wii.iruciion company. C'Im rvtee government Positions; about ftrwiiiit;!iiB maae iaat year; onli common school education required for ex animation; salaries large, work easy ki J Kuuun iree. toium "i-m v.uiiutwiiutiicf wonege, wanning Inn Tl I . . O WANTED several first-class experienced bill clerks and bookkeepers at ones by B M191 t WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office. 16th St Dodge. c-i5 WANTED, good wages none other- need apply. to a good cook 8324 4 tia srney. tilJko WANTED, competent girl for genera housework In family of two references required; can mornings, it gt. juin bt. C-Mol WANTED, six ladles to demonatrata In city for a new Battle Creek food; congenial work: good wages aald to right parties Call between J and I this evening, Vextoc livtci, iivvih 4a, W Ittt WASTED FFMALR 11 ELI. THE OMAHA BUSINESS University extend to all who contemplate ths study of any line of commercial or stenographic work a most cordial Invitation to visit this school. Even though you sosy havs par tially maaa up your mind to atlead soma particular school, you will surely OET SOME POINTERS hero which will bo of ORE AT V ALL'S to yon wherever you may go. THE OMAHA BUSINESS UN1VI RSITY la a new school organized for ths purpose of filling (be demand for a high grade special school, where young people may fit themselves for the most responsible positions ia tue business world. The course of study Is the most complete ever offered by a commer cial school. The organizers are m who have riven years of special attention to this line of educational work. , They give their whole time to the active work of the class room, thus Insuring the student the very best Instruction possible to be obtained. Ths location of the Omaha Business University Is the best In the city. It has the best lighted and most conveniently arranged class rooms. The actual business room is a model room la every respect. The furniture and equipment Is the very best to be obtained. A visit to the University wilt convince you of the above facts. NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS OCTOBER 1TH For full information concerning the work of the University, please call, or write. Omaha Business University, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. POSTOlTICB clerks and carriers ap pointed by ths thousands every year. Ex aminations soon In all big cities. Only A few days left to make appllcstton. Full particulars free of 161 Nat'l Cor. Inst., Washington, D. C. B WANTED, reliable man to travel In Ne braska; 87. 00 monthly to start and all expenses; steady position, old route; state age. Aaaress Manager Travelers. 383 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111, j B 217 5 81J WEEKLY copying letters st home. Hther sex; send stamp for particulars. King Mfg. Co.. 248 Warren Ave., Chicago. B-223 6 ANY person who will distribute circulars ror S3 oauy should address "Standard," 4 Wells, Chicago; no canvassing. B-22S 5 TRAVELING salesmen, also advertisers. cash for services rendered; references required. Write quick. Triumph, Dallas, Tex. B M25J 11 The Shorthand Revolution. Oregg Shorthand Is spreading llks a deed, all over the world. The REVISED EDITION presents the system as It has been perfected through the practical experience bustness and It Is now unquestionably the mdst perfect Instrument ever Invented for recording rapid utterances. Like all successful works It Is being Imitated, but so tar the Imitations have been crude and merely the Introduction of the fine-drawn Impracticable is rapid writing. It Is a peculiar gratification to us to note throughout Nebraska and ws ars grateful for the many enthusiastic and encourag ing letters we are constantly receiving from the loyal writers of the system. Ths unity of sentiment existing among the writers of Oregg Shorthand Is one of the great forces which has placed the system where Wo have not heard from Messrs. Robrbough Brothers, accepting our challenges possibly they are watting until "Professor" raphers" can reach one hundred words a minute. It , may be that they are endeavor ing to find a school now using the "Practical Stenographer." which was published by them ten years ago as an "Improvement"' A Plain No, Meesrs. Robrbough, we are not worried about the "Improvements" (save ths mark) that "Professor" Mosher has made, nor are we trying te "tear down echools long established." On the contrary, 11 the reputable commercial schools of Nebraska which are teaching Oregg Short-' hand in Its standard form and we are euceeedlng wonderfully. Of course we are not recommending a clumsy. Inefficient Imitation of Cregg Shorthand. Everyone who has read thla column understands that ws are simply protecting our good name from being associated with will not permit the name OREGG to be used In that connection, tf Messrs. Rohr bough Brothers believe "Mosher 8bortband" to be an Improvement, why do they not let It stand on Its merits Instead of attempting to bolster It up by the use of the well earned reputation of Oregg Shorthand. To the Shorthand Student. . Wo cordially recommend to the Intend Ing shorthand student the schools In Ne braska teaching Gregg Shorthand from the the Improvements that are aanctloned by the the countrythe style 1b which the splond Id and which will stead the stress of rapid have opea to him our magazine and literature for reading and writing practice. On receipt of a postal card ws will bs pleased to send you an Interesting booklet. THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY, CHICAGO. WANTED, working housekeeper in family or tnree sauna. Aaaress i it, aee. C 181 GIRL for general housework; good wages. Mrs. fort, 8304 Davenport st. C-M171 6 WANTED, a good girl for goneral house. worn; no wasting; sa-ow per wee a. ion North Wa St. C-001 WANTED. 1rl for general pousework. 2113 Mason GIRL for general housework. 2003 Pierce O 1 street. WANTED, housskeeper In family of three adults. Address K 40. Bee. C-337 WANTED, ladles te learn halrdreselng. inanicurtng and facial massage; practical method by free clinic, expert Instructions, lectures, etc.: only four weeks required; 5ood demand for graduates; special In ucements Just now. Call or write, Moler College, 1302 Douglas st. C M196 f WANTED, girl for general housework; 8 In family; 36 per week. Inquire 3123 Farnam. C M1W 6 WANTED, a good cook. 3610 Farnam. C-J08 T LEARN proofreading: situations secured; 816 to 326 weekly. Home Correspondence School. Philadelphia. C LADIES, 826 00 to 8M.08 a week for demon strating; no eaavasslng. Ws send cus tom. re to you for ths Wave-Current Electric Massage Instrument; guaran cur fne crinkles and all facial bllm- Ishss; dsvelops st will any part of the body: cures obsity, gout., roctiiinuim, etc. Address, with references, Wlllard Preston Co., Chicsgo. C wantkd. a wnman of business Qualities, with decision of mind, to Oil a position Immediately; age 27 to o. Address u , Bee. C-M8S8 7 l.ADlEfl to emhrolder dollies and center pieces at home; ail materials furnished; highest prices paid; no canvaaslng. Send stamped envelope to Ely Mfg. Co.. Ely Bldg., Chlcao. C 303 830.00 PER THOUSAND for letters copied with pea and ink or typewritten and returning to us. Enclose stamp. Instruc tions, stc. Address X-Ray Co.. Toledo, Ohio. C-801 6 LADIES to do piece work at their homes. We furntah all piaU rials snd pay from 37 to 313 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 Monroe St., Chicago. C 4 6 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work In family of two. 3116 Blnney L Mj57 s WASTED-FKM4M HELP. YOUNG man to trawl; 8 month and ex peruiea: experience unnecessary: send ref erences. Williams Co., Chamber Com., Detroit, Mich. B KJ 6 PLAIN writers; home employment: copy. Ing blanks; rate per I,0u0; two stamps for particulars. Occidental Commercial Agency, Desk, 27. Chicago. B 236-6 THOUSANDS are successful gaining better salaries snd positions studying electricity, mechanical engineering, steam engineer ing, at home by correspondence. Thomas A. Edison endorses Institute. Book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. B $75.00 PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid salesmen on bsklng powder and ex tracts; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. B LEARN proofreading: situations secured; 816 to lib weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B conflagration all over this country and, In of thousands of writers In all lines of clumsy productions the changes being distinctions of the theorist, which ars the splendid progress of the system It stands today. Moshsr or some of his "best stenog on the Graham text book. Statement. we are doing all we can to build up such a word as "Mother Shorthand." We REVISED EDITION, which contains all expert writers of ths system throughout records of the system have been made note - taking. In that stylo the student will GIRL for general housework In small fam ily. 1326 South 80th Ave. C 237 7 LADIES can easily make 826 per week by taking orders for our mads to measure silk snd flannel waists; paying work for refined ladles: write today. National Garment Co., 90 Wabash Avs., Chicago. C 330 6 LADIES snd girls to copy letters for us st home; 312. uO per thoussnd; advanced weekly; send addressed envelope for copy and instructions. United Pen Co., 87 niHtu street, new iora. u Z4s o LADIES copy letters st home. 820 per l.non. Send stamped envelope for application. Monarcn ftoveuy to., fept. n, c nicago. C 218 t ACTIVE lady to work at home. 838 paid for 12 days trial, permanent If satis factory; state religion. Manager Eng- wau, iaaeaiae mag., v.nicago. C-216 6 WANTED, a god girl, at 11S North 26 th street. C 373 6 LADIES to do plain needlework for na at home; we furnish materials snd psy 87 to 310 per week. Send stamped envelope to Bianuero to., nuana eve., v.nicago. 111. C MJ42 6 LADIES, writing at home evenings, 87 per week; particulars free to sli: send ad. a re Men envelope. 1411. Philadelphia, Filbert Dept. 81. Box ra. c 34 8 COMPETENT girl. 85 a week, son, 41 Dodge. E. A. Ben. C-356 6 876 AND E7XPENSES (either sex) travel ing, no canvassing: 840 st horns. Call afternoon, 3 to 3, room 8, Drexel hotel. c l 6 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN, sxcluslve territory; salsry or commission; satisrariioo guaranteed. Ap ply for terms to "B," Western Nursery to., j-awrence, tvan. 14 ui WANTED, experienced stock food sales- men to handle territory; salary or com mission Aaaress ti, itoom 10, Opera House, Kearney. reo. 7M OS TWO salesmen on new Universal Cyclo pedia and Atlas; nnerai commission: ex penaes advanced. D Applet on A Co., , teiitury oiag , svansas niy, mo. -M101 3 WANTED At once. Reliable traveling shoe salesman with road experience. Ter ritory to cover, part of Nebraska. Answer with reference, where, for whom snd when you Isst traveled. Name amount you sold. Bond ho Co.. Kansas City, MO, .44' sALESMBX WASTED. SALESMAN WANTED Write or see Manager, 1823 Douglas st. M14S SALESMEN wanted: sell our 81 bottle Bar ssparllla for Sfc: best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. V. R. Greene, 6 Dearborn ,'.rt' Chicago. WANTED, hustling, brainy, up-to-date specialty salesmen of good appearance and address to fill vacancy In this ' Permanent position to right man. Ad dress Box 614. Chicago. 90 6 WANTED Energetic sslesman; school sup piles; country work; 8l salsry snd com mission. R. O. Evsns Co., t'hlcsgo. III. A CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebrsska with staple line. High commissions with advance of 8W0 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. til-b TRAVELING sslesmsn for Nebrsska to sell retail trade. Attractive, salable line. Established, high rated house. Box 8.4, Detroit. Mich, 2a0 6 SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps, eta, to dealers; lim) monthly and ex penses. Plumer Perfumery & Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. Mo. -.46-6 SALESMEN wanted, to sell big line up-to- date advertising novenirs: i-uinim..-.. from 20 to 28 per cent, C. P. 8cott' B"f falo. N. T. -M 6 SALESMAN wanted with established trade In western and northwestern Iowa to sell on salary a well Introduced and popular line of ladles' cloth skirts and men s pants; liberal Inducements to right party. Mall references, state wages and write partlculare to Lock Box 10?i, Des Moines, la. M840 6 110 TO 812 A DAY easily earned by selling our new and uptodate china proposition, as a side lire. No bulky samples required. Active men can earn fully lib a day. If they do not shirk work. Apply, giving references, noma annress ana run par' tlculars to Kawln Mfg, Wabash avs., Chicago. A Imp. Co., 90 44 6 WANTED Salesmen by manufacturer rf frocers' specialties. Olvs experience ully. Good salary to hard workers. Ad dress, Box 617. Chicago, 111. WASTED FEMALE HELP. 830.00 PER 1.000 copying letters at home, no canvassing. Send addressed envelopo for copy. Eureka Remedy Co., Sta. D, Chicago. i? 6 812 WEEKLY doing writing at home, either sex: two stamps for full particulars. Gable Co., Real Estate Board Bldg., Chi cago. S3i 6 FOR RENT PURMSHED ROOM.. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E a 81 PER WEEK-422 8. 18th St., one block south of court house. ErbU AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th and Dodge. E 4 TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished rooms. i604 Davenport. E 627 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 18th Chics go. NICELY furnished rooms, single or en eulte; rates ressonable. Midland Hotel, ltth and Chicago. E 2 VIENNA HOTEL 1011-18 Farnam street E 834 7 LARGE south front room, newly furnished, modern, telephone. Suitsble for two men. 2218 Douglaa. E 879 DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location, walking distance. 3224 Farnam. J5 M907 HANDSOME steam-heated room. 1908 Cap itol Avs. E-M106 PLEASANT front room, stesm heat; gen tlemen preferred. 316 N. 17th St. ' E 316 FOR RENT, to gentleman, large well fur nished front room, with alcove, steam heat, gas, bath, telephone, central, reasonable. 1623 Douglas. E 418 FURNISHED ROOMS AXD BOARD. Merriam, comfortable winter home. Tel. 86. F-829 FURNI8HTED rooms, with or without board; rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, 18th and Chicago. F 830 FOR RENT-Deslrable rooms. 812 8. 26th St. r-um THREE rooms, 828 8. Uth 8tj furnace, F 634 34 SOUTH front parlor, furnished or unfur nished. Z32 Famam. 'Phone A-2499. F 308 1 FOR REXTISFIR5ISUED ROOMS. SUITE pf front rooms for two or more men, with fine board. In private family. Use of piano and library. 3022 Wirt 8t. 0204 OCT. 16 four modem rooms with heat, light housekeeping allowed; references re quired. 212 South 30th St am 6 FOR REST STORES AMD OFFICES. FOR RENT Store. In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. C Peters tk Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. I-26B FOR kejnt The building formerly occu- pioa py ine tee at ti Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa Ths Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1361 HARNEY ST. BUILDINO FOR RENT. THE NASH BUILDING, opposite Bennett store, on Harney tit., a stories and base msnt, 66x133 feet, containing over 60,000 squsrs feet of floor space. Bee ua for terms. The 4-story and bssemsnt brick building. Kios, nit ana iuih narney street, xo.uu per month. GEORGE 4 CO., I01 Farnam Street 1-363 li WANTKD TO REST. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms, by two gentlemen; must be pleas ant, modern and well located. Address L 32. Bee. K-M171 6 MARRIED couple without children, desire room and board In first-class privets fam ily, near downtown district. Address L 47. Bee. KlSi 6 NOVEMBER 1, about 8 heated rooms for housekeeping, furnished or not; give loca tion. L 40, Bee. K-280 6 WANTED, two rooms, furnished or unfur nished, with board for four persons. Ad dress L 49. Bee. K 313 6 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy, 8-room modern house, convenient to South Omaha car line, north part of city. Address, K 6s, Bee. N 60 A HARDWARE store or furniture store. Address, L 28, Bee. K-E113-4 WANTED, to buy stocks of genersl mer chant! lee for caab; writs or telegraph C H. Woodruff, Bt. Joseph, Mo. N A LADY wishes to purchase a fine horse and carriage for rash; none but those having high class rigs snd horses need answer. Address L 34, Bee office. N-2911 WANTED to buy 6 or 7-room modern bouse and large lot southwest pari of town; state best terms, also cash price. L 61. Hee K-MSTf 6 FOR SALE Ft RNITVRE. CHICAGO Furnlturs Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 3o90. New and seoondband, bought, sold, exchanged. O 333 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC OOOD family horse. 1318 Farnam street P-sol-e HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons. See him. 14th and Leavenworth. Tel. 1447. P-4 GOOD horse snd buggy, or will exchange for cheap vacant lot. Inquire 633 N. Y. Life. F-M20U 6 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan OftVce. reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. U01 Douglaa. - m AQKftTS WAITED. VvTiiTKDn Vh & county " '"''V-tnTURY FARMER. TWENTIETH riCNTVBir (n. Steady ""ployment, wun w(fi -hnT1m come. Agents In 7Vred fVovassj-rs and "U;i:"K)r,?il58lV per month. A.1- resVrye'r C,l0r' Hee building. Omaha. irStt&rh&i. V We.tmcr.jN.. vada. Ma r wages In PrrilJ Vlevstlng and cw bTy'cJ-o'n.'Elkhur.t ArOiv etltute, Tyroneia BTr'S'? wm'pv; ment s-anted to Fyrlclde" 44 you hemlsomoly Address r, f M urray st.. N. T. - AGENTS. -utomjJte EfthiWtJj selves; one .Wt00K ten orders: "! ?,? .rf.Z.Vroflu over ; timaj reu . X ".ililng In 30 minutes; guaranteed Jo do ""'"""J:.. requires) Furnishes Its own pow er . r i neither labor nor a ttsnUon. ' than any other mech '". '5 . wee exclusive territory '""J.Vstlmontals. guaranteed; thoussnds of y"l "u. Automstlo Washer Co., Station jj. cnicago. WANTED, manager In SWZ k.ti. K.t navlnr business, annwu. legitimate, new. VSrk nix Co.. it W. 28th St.. New Toj AGENTS wsnted. those '""d.flTir- arge advertisers to ".V' Lerrl tlslng novelty. rtented: lw'' J tory; samples free to 'w"!. vertlslng Co., Box 199. Bosnpn. AGENTS. 81.600 yesrly: metal brcad ooajjfl. few premium xa 1ST Sample free. Forshee Mfg. Ci.B -nlnntl Ohio. WANTED, agents for churn, make ' . " . nnnlh UMTS fit ell. v Art tcv, ag""1 IOT emu. in on, rnln.; per month gupteed. Outfit free. Zo. 1 umu- ton. Ohio. AGENTS to sell Royal Pepsin commissions; essy seller: samples free to responsible parties. L. A A. ScnarrT. i. Lout J AGENTS WITH OR JTHOVT CAPI TAL. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERI ENCE. Eetab!lsh yourself In a business) of your own. We went reliable represen tatives In every locality to sell our hfas. coffees, spices, baking powders, etc., di rect to consumers. An unsurpassed op portunity for men snd women with an ambition to establish themselves In sv legitimate and Ucrative business. Our liberal premium plan makes it easy obtain trade. The excellence of our rood will enable you to hold It. No long walta for returns. Successful representatives furnished with delivery wagons and when found expedient we open stores for tnern. Fend for partlculare. ROYAL TEA CO.. 903 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. J 238 s WE PAY 822 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to introduce j-ouitry pound. International Mfg- Co... Parsons. Kan. J-3ol-o WANTED. man with rig to- introduce) Poultry Compound; straight salary.- 320 weekly and all expenses. Enclose stamp for our year'a contract and partlou liars. Dept. 8. Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., Indian spoils. J B 8 YOU csn earn big money handling, our Christmas specialties, no oapltal or ex perience necessary. For samples avndi particulars address IllPf A Co.. Chicago. J 21s 6 STOP- runaways, pocket hitching ' pofs) hitch horses solid InsUntly; carry ro pocket; sight seller, agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Poat Co., Richmond", Ind. J 314 6 AGENTS wanted to sell the beet lino nt nouaeooid specialties on tne iriaraei; iw per cent profit. Write at once to Ameri can Novelty Co., Racine, Wis. - J 2416 BIG money made In mall order business; our plsn for starting beginners Is re markably successful; write for It; send stamp. Central Supply Co., Kansas City. Mo. J FOR SALE MldCELLAHFOCS, FENCE LATH tor Quick shipment, crib bing, combination ladders. 901 Donglaa. Q-M133 FOR SALE Phonographs ; superior to any other musical Instrument; 86 up. The. Wittmann Co.. 1C21 Farnam. Q ftt NEW and secondhand typewriters. Hit Farnam. Q 837 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man St McConnell Drug Co.. 16th and! Dodge. Omaha. QJ 2DHAND aafs cheap. Dertght. 1119 Famam. VIM puncture-proof tires, 84.93 and 17 00 per pair. Omaha BJcycls Co.. 16th and Chi cago Sts. Q 641 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-840 EDISON phonographs, 310. 330 and 830; moulded lecorda. 60c each or 86 per dox.: new wheels, 815 up: 2dhand, 85 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. 0-842 FOR gaa flxturea see Sam'l Burns. Q-803 10 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican hairless dogs. Address K 6. Bee. Q-M91T CHOICE milch cows, 5 Shetland ponies. B. i. ampDeii, 4313 center, phone ttiacs: 112. Q-218 12 BELLING out blcvcles at greatly reduced prices; new wheels, 318 up. Edison phono grsphst 310, 820 and 830. Omaha Bicycle Co., Corner 16ih and Chicago Sts. Q-MSffl EDISON Columbia phonographs: agents) wanted: write. Fredrickson, 16 & Cap. Ave. Q M602 22 GOOD toned cottage organ for sale st a bargain. L 27, Bee. Q-M106 OOOD Jersey cow. cheap; elves rich milk. 2413 Corby street. 0142 6 FOR SALE Pianos at and below factory prices; Isrgest line of talking machines west or v.nicago. wouins nana ro., jisj Douglas street. ' W Ml I14T 6 FOR SALE, bsseburner. used only a short tiros. Inquire 2217 Grace St. Q 168 OPEN carriage and cloeed carriage, head msde: Just done over; must sell Imme diately. 611 Brown block. Q M164 6 FOR SALE, car bulk apples: choice hand- Elcked winter apples in bulk. By A. C abln. Glsnwood, la. Q MS TWO-SEATED, extension-top carriage, very cheap. L 41. Bee. Q 281 6 FOR SALE, cheap, a new rubber-tired run about. Inquire at Collin's Livery Stable, 22d and Cuming. Q 272 Mil SCHOLARSHIP for sals cheap, leading; Omaha business college. Address L 43. Hee. 314 8 . NICE closed rockaway. extension top, res sonable. Inquire Windsor Stables. 1414 Davenport' 81. i 310 WALL MAP of Nebrsska; all about crops, prices of land, etc., by counties; only I rents. Christian a Land Agency, York. Neb. 6 OFFICE- partition, glass pans. Phone aifil. Q M363 N'4 CLAIRVOYANTS. Mme. Gylmer, Omaha's Famous Palmist Others come and go, but Mme. Oylraer re mains. Five years in Omaha Is a splendid record for her when It la remembered thst the ordinary "life reader" only re mains In a plaos a few months at most. Ths question arises: Why doea shs stay? The answer Is easy. Bhs Is a genuine palmist and pleases her customers. She reada life as Indicated by the lines In the pslm. And palmistry Is ths only true cwiuu. I arivr. tio b. totn . in block, 2d floor. Take elevator. iranlte MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1811 Cass Bu MME GYLMER, gsnulne palmist, 816 8 16. 1 8 AH TYPB WRITERS. W.HT.JP" I-ambert. 826; sunerlo to 3100 machines, a.nt oa wTv.L Mn oe Co., 6U N. Uth L, oSa!1