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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY, OCTOBEH 5, 1902. 17 WR. BENNETT CO n iCVi & HARHEY STS. aXJ Plants! Plants! Plants! In Our Cloak Room t THS ENORMOUS BUSINESS OF AK-IAR-BEN WEEK DID NOT ALLOW VS TIMS TO GET VP A DETAIL. LI8T Or OUR BARGAINS FOR MONDAY MORNING, IN THIS DEPARTMENT, BUT IT WILL PAT YOU TO CALL JUST THE SAME. WB WILL SHOW FOR THB FIRST TIME Nf w silk klmonaa, robes aad womw'i undergarments. New Infant' cloaks la cashmere and Bedford cloth. New faney waists la plain and plaid flaonsls and velvets. New Monte Carlo Cloaks, elegant styles and new colorings. New black and colored silk petticoat. and mackintoshes. Our misses' rain-proof mackintoshes at 12.90 sr wonders of cheapness. Silk Department 39c AT J9C YARD Ilia quality lt-lnch wide, atl silk black taffeta special for Monday, yard AT 5e YARD W quality. M-lnch. black, all silk taffeta ilCp special for Monday, yard VlsJw AT 11.00 PER YARD IL25 quality of pure all silk black peau da 4 AA sola, fine for waists and dreasea special for Monday, yard leVJ vr FANCY WAIST SILKS AT I3C YARD 8ereral thousand yards of very hand some fancy silk, Boa for welete or skirts. Some good for fancy ftSSf linings value, up to 1 yard. All for sal on Monday, at, yd OOw NOBBY WAISTINOfl About 100 piece. very new and stylish wool watstlngs ot a poor style or cloth In the lot. We hare marked them cheap to sell them quickly. The values are 7Se to SLle per yard Monday'a prlcea rA are, yard. Tie, We, Mc aad Ol'W BLACK DRESS GOODS 4-lnch extra heavy imported pebbla cheviot, in black a regular -f A A 11.40 value Mondays special, yard , Iuw (0-Inch oztra fine quality English duat proof cheviot. In black only. A good $1.50 value Monday's special, yard 40-lack Imported brilllantlne, nice and glossy. A good 65c cloth CA Moudai. tard , OvJV (4-lack C quality ot French Venetian beautiful bright finish. A good cloth Monday special, yard On Monday we place our entire stock of beautiful ferns, orange trees and other plants, which make such a delightful show in a home. WR. BENNETT CO VH 1 1612 & HARNEY STS. Lot No. 1 ...... . 5c Lot No. 4 2 10c 5. 11 " 3 15c 6. 20c 25c 30c 1.10 98c And others higher in prices. Remember the stock is limited and as soon as sold the sale will close On new bargain counter in grocery dept. On account of these prices being under-cost and the very crowded con dition of our delivery dept., we will not be able to deliver these plants. Iron Beds. Iron Beds! We have an immense stock of iron beds. Every one of them will go at a bargain price. They embrace all imaginable styles and finish from the low priced good iron bed to the most permo nently built and most richly designed- We invite you to look over our stock. It means money in your pocket and satisfaction to rest upon. COLORED DRESS GOODS .48c 50c M-lneh wide suitings. In all the new fall shades, cheap at Tfie per yard Monday'a special, yard 40-lnrh wide new, nobby leblllne suitings very pretty colorings. They look Ilk. 11.00 goods Monday'a special, yard AT 880 PER YARD We will put on apeclal aale about 100 plecea of One im ported Venetians, all colors, anowBak. and fancy mixtures, extra heavy weight goods, satla coverts, serges and cheviots width 60 to QQ 17 Inebss values from $1.35 to 11.10 all go at the one great price, ri"Ov Domestic Department 17-Inch wool eiderdown, in alt the desirable shades In plain colors, for chil dren's cloaks, klmonas, ate. regular 30c quality 4 A at. yard IV C Fancy atrip wool eiderdowns for bath robes and house gowns, very Beotivo patterns, worth 50c yard, at, yard w Flannelettes and fleeced back wrapper cloth, a cbolc. line of those goods In a great variety ot the season's patterns. Bought at a aacrific. C ' to clean up manufacturer's stock worth 10c yard Monday, only Ow Flannelettes for klmonas, waists wrappers and children's dreasea. All the new shades and patterns In French and Persian effects. Equal to the Imported patterns. The color add cloth will stand the wash 34-lncb 4 wide special at. yard IDC 10-4 heavy, double fleeced, close wear., An. clean cotton sheet blankets. In gray, white and tan regular 76c quality, at, pair O C 10-4 guaranteed strictly all wool double blankets, mad. from fln. thoroughly scoured long thread lamb' a wool. In tans, grays and fancy A C f 35c check regular IS blanket, at, per pair 17-Inch unbleached, strictly all linen crash towling. Steven's make none better for wear -Ox quality at, per yard OC Huckabuck towels, full breached, hemmed, ready to use, S3x4 also 4 f a lie quality, at, each IvIC Ping Pong Carnival Free! Free! Free! MONDAY will be PING PONO DAY visitors are in vited to enjoy a game of PINO PONO on our tables in Sporting Goods Dept. If you can't play, come and learn or eee others. Special, sale for Monday only J set, 4 balls, corrigated bat at K set, 4 balls, shellac bats at ..98c .1.50 2.00 Ping Pong balls, at. 3c Sporting Goods Dept. Main floor O set, 6 balls, orange burnt bats at Iron Bed (Ilk. cut), strong posts, neat de sign, extra heavy enameled in whit, or green. This Is a apeclal lot in this sale, at 1.75 Iron Bed (like cut), 60 In thia lot, posts extra large, neat scroll design in cen ter, steel side rslls, In 8 colors of en amel, brase knobs, except ionally strong bed, only.... ggp-gj Carpet Snaps For Monday and Tuesday we offer some of the greatest bargains in carpets the world has' ever seen. Smith's extra Axuiinstir tin pots with or without borders the proper thing for a tine room - g worth 1.50 Monday ami Tuesday I I -.., l.leJJ Absolutely, the best quality all wool Ingrain carpet lots of patterns regular price 75c per yard for this sale lit mC yard Sfc' Heavy grade of Union Ingrain carpets very serviceable all the new colors 50c value for this v sale, per yard, at " franklin Shoes. We are exclusive selling agents In this territory for this Shoe. 2.98 This handsome Iron Bed, with brsss rail scroll and mounts, bow foot, finished In best quality enamel, any color. A value beyond the power of com- L 1 C petition. Sal. price vJevJO i8y3ii3 Iron Bed (like cut), the scroll work (In both head and foot boards) Is artistic ally arranged, the construction is per fect In every detail, finished in many of the latest and prettiest colors of enamel. Well worth $10.75. PJ 'TCS Bale prlco JL -L Iron Bed (like cut), very elaborate and extremely handsome design, continuous pillars, very massive. Height ot head 67H. finished in all tho latest combina tions of colora. -d C f Sal. prlc. lS.OU Iron Bed (like cut), elaborate scroll de sign, maaslv. bent steel tubing, substan tially constructed, height 60 Inches, two sizes. 4 ft. 6 In. and 3 ft. In. Worth double th. prlc. Sale y4 C? prlc. only X A KJ DRESSERS Come and see our beautiful showing of """Dressers all varieties all woods hWA's five maDle maho?anv or oak every taste suited, every stick and joint guaranteedand every price so fixed as to be really less than you'd willingly pay. Atl "Aftermath" Sale of Jewelry Monday Is Spectacle day gold nlled, war ranted 10 years, any style, worth. In ex clusive optlcaltore 15.80 SZf our prlc. for tomorrow only -J Aluminium, any style t Wrtet bags and sld. chatelaines In great profusion for aal. at zlftr M IS to tOV. 50c Misses' stoel cut beaded purses worth everywhere 88c go CQg Ladles' andmtses' gold filled, fancy atone set ring, any stxe worth It and $1.50, go at 50c and assfCw Biggest assortment of ladles' new bow and tab bolts In th. city. In Jewelry department big circle, center aisle for )Q aale at 1.88 to Ladles' "brilliant" brooches, worth up to $1.00 aad $1.48, go at 69c, 48c and 39c Ladles' fancy Imported brooches, som. worth up to 95c go . " B" at Hat Pins, fancy colored and white "brilliant atones," worth up to P8o and $1.15. at, only 39c n kfiClorf N ,44, FRANKLIN SHOES Fit the Foot, Fit the Eye, nd Fit Your Purse. kci's. $2.C0 uttic mix $1.25 Picture Frames, Pictures and Pyrography Beautiful frames, ready for photo or any other picture, and wonderfully cheap in price. . 23c, 1 f-i 65c 21c, 19c and 16x20 ready-made frames in all finishes very beautiful up from fl.25, 98c and. NOTE We make a specialty in framing WATER COL ORS, OIL PAINTINGS, CRAYONS and PASTELLES. We have the largest assortment of mouldings to select from, and our prices are NOT DUPLICATED anywhere. PYROGRAPHY Jw.K.Bemcrrcxk ex? Depart II OfAftA. II 2.25 Our Special Outfit has no equal under $3.50. Our price We show a full and splendid assortment of Bass-wood, plain or 'traced, for. this1 interesting study. Our prices are way down. Perfumes! Perfumes!! Everything new,, clcaaod lov.l all at prlcea way down Pinaud's Violet Cf per ounce w.UvJ Bouquet de la Foscarine ' ' " r7ES, per ounce , 1, A O Pinaud's Perfumes per ounce, 75c and OVC Sachet Powders ' "f all kinds, per package. I vJC L. T. Piver Powder EZf per package OUC Arurea tlie latest mm very charming, per ounce 1 ZD C Guerlaln's Jickey fmj g Paris, per ounce JL tDC Ricksecker'a Perfumes per ounce, 60e and... 50c Eastman's Perfumes per ounce .48c Colgate's Perfumes all kinds, per ounce, 40c and! . . . 30c lUcksecker's Ping Pang and flolf Queen CA0 pr ounce.... OUC Main Floor Crockery Snaps for Monday Glass Tabl. Sat, 4 places, only Crystal Barry Bowls, only Ingrartd Table Tumblers, only 25c 10c ...3c Tabl. of assorted Austrian China Plate cream, fruit ssucers, spoon holders. cake plate, tea tiles, gold decorated, cbolc. 9c Imported Bisque Flgurss and Vases, worth up to Sl-00, QDp choice OOU Art Cuspidors, aasorted oelors, only 35c Decorated China Salad Dish, ' 4 C Berry Bowl. Caks PUte ...lOw Second Floor Teas, Coffees and Spices Monday Specials Freeh Roasted Coffee, 1Ap fine drink, per lb... Bennett's Capitol Coffee, cup and saucer free Oftrt with 1 lbs., per lb. Finest values in teas. 'lQp per lb.. .OOC Groceries Monday Specials On. pound can assorted soup Corn Starch, 1 lb. package Pickles, assorted, bottle OlWes, bottle . Salmon, 1 lb. ean Baking Soda. can Cocoa, breakfast, package Soda Crackers. per lb Ginger Snaps, ;rr lb Bread, large loaf Cheese, full cream, per lb Prunes, California, per lb Peaches, evaporated, per lb..... 6c ....5c ..8Jc 9c 10c ,. 4c 10c ... 5c ...5c ...3c 12!c ....'.5c 10c Catidy Snaps for Monday Stick Candy, new and de . Ilclous, 5 sticks lc 25 sticks 6c Mixed Candy, per lb Gum Drops, per lb.... Chocolste Cream., per lb Caramels, per lb... All Day Suckera, 2 for Stick Candy Special 9c 8c 15c ,125c lc S sticks, for.... 26 sticks. for lc 5c Cigars Snaps for Monday Hoffman House 10c cigar for 8c 3 for 24c Norma Martinez 10c cigar for 5c Carter Harrison, 3 5c cigars for 10c Duke's Mixture,' 5c packages for 4c Drum, 2 1-2 oz. for 25c Briar pipe, for 15c MILLINERY Special prices In Millinery, beginning these creations to know our great values and to specials. 2nd Floor. Monday and good for the week, are really astonishing. You must see thoroughly appreciate them. Hats Feathers, Pon-pons are our 'VATTUB r THB YOl'TIGITKRa. ' TViehsr What animal may be consid ered the moat varllkeT Tommy (who hasn't looked at hi lessen) Th. armydtlU, pae'am. "T bear It Ilk. a littl. man.- said ths l.ntlst. after he had palled the tooth. "Huh!" exclaimed Temmy, "I'm a heap grttiler than that I bear It like little romaa." far Tommy eras an obserraat hoy. A Cblcage boy, t year. f age. was hsd carnally become the bretaar ef aa.ther lit tle boy, vat beat to the grocery th. ether day to get seme lost sugar. ' By mistake the grocer gave him granulated, and the boy was sent back to have It changed. "Hoar do you like your new brother V asked the grocer, as he wes weighing out the right kind of sugar. "Oh, I don't Ilk. him very much," the lit tl. fellow answered. "He cries all the time." "Why don't yeu change him. then, ae you de the augar?" "We eaa't change him now, 'cause ws'vs used him three days." Two email children of a friend were cbeeed aero, a Bold este day by a ferocteus row, and la telling about the escape the little girl said: "We, were aaved mamma, la answer to a prayer. I told Tommy to pray aa we ran, and he aald he didn't remember any prayer, so. I told him to say what papa cays at breakfast; ao he shouted: 'For what we are about to receive make us truly thankful.' Then we crawled under the fence and were eared." School teacher, examining the class, lights on the youngest, and le eo struck with his Intelligent aspect that he ques tions him forthwith: "New, ar little man. what de aad two make?" The little one remained silent. "Well, suppose, now, I were to give you fire rabbits today and to more tomorrow, how ir.any rabbits would you have then?" "Eight," promptly answered ths Juvenile. "Eight! Wby, bow do you make that out?" " 'Cause I've got one to home already." "Mamma," shouted little Willie from the nursery, "Johnnie wsnts half the bed!" "Well," queried the mother, "Isn't he en titled t half of It?" "Yea," replied Willie, "but ha waata the half In the middle." RELIGIOt S. Mgr. Ouidl, the new apostolic delegate to the Philippines, will start fur Manila early this month. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Baker, known as the blind evangelists, are conducting a singing campaign in Tarom. Wash., and meeting with pronounced success. After serving for a third of a century as pantor of the Tabernacle frt-nby lerlan church. Philadelphia. Rev. Ir. Henry C. McCook hua remaned his charge. Itev. II. H Jacob has resigned the im torate of the Hanover Street Congrrgu. tionai church cif Milwaukee in order to devote his entire time to university settle' ment work. The Chinese are now making a transla tion of the bible for themselves. This work is la progreae under the imperial sanction and Is being performed by two of the first scholars of the empire. H. C. WaHhoufn of Host on has been train Inn a chorus of voices for the all New England convention of the Christian Kn deavor societies to be held In Tremont temple October 14 to 17. The American Bible society haa recently Issued Its elifhty-slxth annual report for the year ended March 31. fi. The finances are in excellent condition, with receipts from the living of $1J,ti, and legacies of IUS,2. The American board has received through the I'nlted States department 167.933 being one-quarter of the amount awarded 'to the board by the commission now In session In China for losses on mission properly in the boxer outbreak two years ago. It is rumored In Kplacopal circles In New York that Mrs. Arthur Corning Clark, who is to become th. wlls of tilshos 1'olter, has decided t n fv tr. nri . . . ' h?,tM6.h.'hu i,ove Antral park. Th building I. very dear to the heart of the ftu,?vP f "" Uht,rfi ,on "1 y w.IU "Jvs"enieiit. Its gre.t cen tral arch looms up lonesomely against the fund" ul',,"' continually for more Milwaukee has a Juvenile prodigy In the person of U-nnle Iwrence Iennls. a colored boy of year, who preaches the os a.i,rt expounds the scriptures to large congregations at the colored Baptist church, and has made many converts. Mother Katharine, heed of the Ordsr of the iSlesd Sacrament, who was formerly Mis Katharine lrrxe of Philadelphia, is building a school for the Navajo Indians In the Arlxona desert, tin tills reservation, near Fori Ijeftance. are 2n, Indians Ignor ant of the principles of ChrlsUauily.