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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1902)
The Omaha Sunday Bee. c EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 24. t, ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. mm fered By Any House in America. Monday and all the week the most startling reductions that were ever heard of. A wonderful stock of finest black and colored llka will be sold at prices that wl.l surprise you all. An opportune time for this gTadd silk sale. PheiomeiuJ silk bar gains of the most sensational order aill tempt you at every turd. We will say to all our customers, without fearing contradiction, that these bargains In fine slUs ar the greatest ever offered by any house in America. Just that little word Window means the beet taffeta silk on earth, $1.00. Elegant silks, worth 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, for 49c 100 pieces of fine black swivel and brocher novelties,, tamano and the new eligete silks; these comprise some of the newest and richest of this season's novel ties, we offer these elegant silks for this week. 49c. Taffeta ekaf a Japanese taffeta for lin ing, all silk, all colors, 39c. Who ever heard of fine black taffetas be ing sold at such prices. This surely la the greatest sale ef black taffetas ever held. Blark taffeta, l-ln. wide, worth 69c, for $9c; black taffeta. 20-ln. wide, worth $1.00, I for 57Vic Black taffeta. 27-ln. wide, wcrth, $1.60, for 7oc. Raglan taffeta, 27-ln. wide, worth $2.00, for 8Sc. Black taffeta, 28-ln. wide, worth $1.25, for 6c. Black taffeta, S-in. wide, worth $1.50, for 85c. Block taffeta, $6-ln. wide, worth $2.00, for 98c. Black taffeta. 36-ln. wide, worth $2.50, for $1.20. We offer 10 pieces of the celebrated 64-ln. wide black taffeta, this Is all allk and com monly sells for $3.00, on sale here, for only $1.50. Tou should certainly buy your silk dress during this sale, we can save ynu mr.ney and give you the best silk that you can bur. Black peau de sole, 20-ln., worth $1.00, for 67o. Black peau de sole, 21-ln., worth $2.00, for 98o. MAIL ORDERS filled we prefer to have you send in for the goods, as samples cannot give you an Idea of the great merit of these bargains. Trust to our Judgment In selection, and if not satisfactory we refund your money. Monday in the Bargain Room ' We have been preparing for this day for the past three weeks. We have bought over 6 carloads of goods for this room from various manufacturers and we have now placed them on our counters for Monday at the most sensational prices that were ever seen in tho city. We want o call your attention that goods sold In this room are sold exactly as advertised, and wa m&Y this assertion- that Sl.CC is UAm twu will go as far as $5.00 In any other store In this town. Read and compare prices and then examine for yourself. Ws will let you be the Judge. No Dealers, Peddlers or Huifsetiren Bold to la Tbla Room. WOOL DRESS GOODS. In the wool dress goods department you will find a large line of goods brought in from the High tirade Ureas Goods Depart ment to be closed out quick. You will find In these goods $1.50 figured mohairs made In Kngland. black only; $1.98 trolling cloth, 68 Inches wide, suitable for walking skirts and rnlny day skirts: $1.60 extra heavy cheviots, $1.25 50-lnch Secililans in black and colors, $1.60 French plaids, and other suitings con slating of xebei'nes, snowflakes, Scotch mottled mixtures. These goods run In value from- l.w ti a yard. Tou can buy them Monday In i lots at. a yard, 49c, f.o ami 75c. There are goods in tms lot as fine as any shown In any department, ex rept there are not a full line of colors. There are no off colors. We have other dress goods, ranging In price from 5c to 39o per yard they are worth from 2 to 3 times of what we ask. BILKS. A handsome taffeta in black and In $2 colors, new, strong and durable. These goods are sold at i5c In any silk depart ment of the United States. Monday they will le on sale at. a yard, 49c. We have re ceived a new line of silks from 4 or 6 dif ferent manufacturers' odds and ends. They are the newest and Up-to-date goods, only the lines and shades are limited, prob ably 6 or ( colors of each. They are Kooda that would retail over the counter for $1.50 a yard we will close them Monday at, a yard, 59c, 49c, 19a Jkc, 20c and IjfC We have other silks from 15c to 39c a yard. Other specials on silks. COTTO DRKSS GOODS. Large line of cotton dress Ai . goods 15c plaids for ...(jSG Imitation French flannel, 86 Inches wide. regular guoua, ail win go at, a yard 9ic Genuine Eclipse flannel, 16o and 19o goods for 26o Albatross wslstings for 15c, UWo, 10c and 15c and 19c percales, light colors, for ........ 91c 7ic ..5c Special Underwear Sale Beyond mention the most sensational values in 'underwear ever given in Omaha. A $50,000 purchase of fall and winter underwear for men, women and children, secured for spot cash from the leading manufacturers, including the? American ITosiery Co., the New Brunswick Ilosiery Co., the ITarvard mills and the Sterling. The garments are made in the best selected fabrics, 'finished In the best possible manner, seams double stitched and points of wear thoroughly reinforced; neatly trimmed; in fact, dependable, neat, fresh, stylish garments, in all re spects. In this sale you can buy them at one-third to one-half off the usual price. Men's heavy fleece lined shirts and drawers, regular 75c quality JQC Men's $4.00 quality wool fleece lined shirts snd drawers, in pink and blue, at 69c Men's $2.60 quality, all wool and silk fleece lined shirts and drawers, O rt oa sale U UC Men's $3.00 quality all wool shirts and drawers, in blue and gray, at 1.25 Ladles' outing flannel gowns and short skirts In assorted colors. Well finished 49c Lion's Sampis Shoes on Salo MEN'S SAMPLE SHOES ON SALE MONDAY. 2,500 pairs of both men's and women's sample shoes, made up in all 8tjles and leathers, fitted with the betst of silk and linings. It's a well known fact that samples are always better made op than regular goods. Come 'In Monday and you can see the goods. See the 16th street window. On salee Monday at Womea'a cork-filled Goodyear welt' hoes at $2.48 Mea's Tld Kid. eork Oiled. Ooodyear welt shoe S.M Mea'a Satin Calf BaL or Congress. worth $1.00 LU WomoaB bjuI HUM' shoe worth up t $)-Xw ti o s ST The Greatest Silk Bargains Ever Of Black peau de sole, 24-in., worth $2.25, for $1.18 Black peau de sole, 27-In., worth $1.75, for 9io. Black peau de sole, 27-ift.. worth $2.60, for $1.35 Black peau de sole, 88-in., worth $3.00, for 11.69 Black peau de sole, 36-ln., worth $4.00, for $1.90. $2.00 black dress silks for $1.00. 60 pieces of elegant black dress silk In Gro Grain, satin, amure, peau de cygne. peau de relne, poplin royal alma, bengallne. faille and many others, worth up to $2.00, on sale, $1.00. New waist silks In the combination of blue and green, the new checks and plaids in taffeta louesene and moire, see the new stripes and figures, the new notte and poin telle silks, they are elegant. Prices 98c, $1.25 and $1.50. 60 pieces of fine yard wide black wash silk, worth 75c, for 35o. The newest weave In silks Is called peau jde slante, all colors, all silk and 24-in. wide. regular $1.60 silk, for $1.00. Black and colored moire velour special fine silks, worth $1.50, on sale, 69c. We show new fancy velvets, metalllo printed velvet, new black velutlna, Elberon and boulevard corded velvet, all colors, the greatest stock of velvet In Omaha. Black corduroy, fine grade, on sale, 25c, Pine hollow cut cords, for walnut, on sale at 75c. Boulevard costume velvet, worth $1.60, only 76c ' LINKNS AXD DOMESTICS. Mercerised bleached table damask, reg ular 75c grade, for 49c a yard. Napkins to match. Z yards wide bleached, all linen Eft table damask, for US 5 49c turkey red table damask 1 C for &QC 26c turkey red table damask I . IJC Reaular 10c Lonsdale cambrio ii. L ou sale Monday at, a yard... ........ . C Heaviest unbleached LL muslin II . made, for 46 CLOTHING. ' Men's $2.00 and $3.00 pants for $1.6p and i.2o a pair Men's $1.50 for pants, ftC . .. . . w w W Boys' $5.00 suits, for Boys' $1.00 and 75c wool pants I.25 35c iur uc ana FIUNISHINGS. Ladles' outing flannel gowns for Children's outing flannel dress -for Ladles' outing flannel underskirts for Children's heavy fleeced lined un uenrwear at 10c, 15c and Children's and ladles' stockings for Boys' heavy fleeced lined under wear, regular t0c value, for 49 c 25c 49c 25c 10c 25c Men's extra heavy wool and fleeced lined underwear, regular XLUO value, tor . . Boys' Jersey ribbed overshlrta 49c 39c 49c 5c ...5c ror Men's Jersey ribbed overshlrta for Husking gloves and mitts for Men's hose for I Ladles' outing flannel gowns , fleece lined skirts, regu lar price, $1.60, at and short Ladles' half wool combination suits, extra 0c t flesh If anl fine quality, worth ftO $1.60. at UOC Ladies' sterling combination, suits. In flesh color and blue, finest quality silk and wool, worth $6.00, at Children's fleece combination suits, all sixes, at 388 50c Children's extra heavy fleece lined vest. d vest. 25c waist and drawers In all sixes, at .Misses school shoes, slsea I to I, worth $2.00 in School shoea from $3.00 dowa to...... .41 Sole agents la Omaha for the celebrated Stetson and Croaaett shoe tor men. aud tho altra Brwoka Bras, and Drover shoea Knowing the bis Ak-Sar-Ucn rush would run down stocks, we sharp lookout for desirable pun we can announce the receipt of Thousands of Gasos of Choice Dry Goods of All Kinds, Cloaks, Suits, Underwear, and Several Carloads of Furniture. which will go on sale beginning Monday. Most of the dry goods from these big purchases will be in the bargain room. The cloaks aud suits ou the second floor, the underwear on the main floor and the furniture will be displayed on our three big furniture floors. You Never Saw Sush Gigantic Bargains, Such Sensationally Low Prices as l.ayden's flow Offer You. All the extra clerks hired for Ak-Sar-Uen week, have been retained to wait on you promptly. ThA o-ooda are arranged to make goods are, left, when order is Grand Millinery Sale The grandest variety of ex quisite fall aud winter millin ery ever shown. .Charming and stylish productions from the leading Paris, Berlin and Lon don milliners, with hundreds of exclusive and swell hats from eastern fashion centers, make a grand showing of the new fashions that will please every woman of taste. Special sale Monday on the very popular street hats, in all the chic and stylish fashions at big cuts in prices. Attend the sale of pom-poms, ostrich plumes, birds and fash ionable trimmings cf all kinds. Superb showing of elegant pattern hats, direct importa tions, representing the most beautiful and attractive crea tions shown this season. Monday is children's day in this department. China Dept. Vou..are Invited to Inspect onr immense China department. Tou will be rewarded by seeing the largest display of fine China, Glassware and Brlo-a-Brac you ever saw. Pine line of Japanese goods. Cups and Saucers, Plates, Fancy Pieces, Jars, Bowls, and 100 other articles for 6c each. A fine decorated China Dinner Set, 100 pieces, at $13.66. 100-plece Porcelain Decorated Dinner Set, $7.65. 12-plece Decorated Toilet Set. Including large jar, $2.98. Jardenlers from 89c .up. Lamps, an Immense line, from 2So up. Fancy Plates, thousands to select from, from 6c up. Water Sets, both domestic and Imported, from 25o up per set. .Plain white China for decorating. Fine line Japan ware in vases and fancy table pieces, 10c Fine Flint thin blows Tumblers, t for lOo. Extra Special Sales in Wash Goods Dept. FOR WEEK COMMENCING MON DAY MORNINO. THE GREATEST QUANTITIES, IM MENSE ASSORTMENT AND VARIETT, such as ws will place on special sals this week, offer you the greatest facility for big savings on the newest and best of fall and winter fabrics in washable material. 10,000 pieces of the greatest value in flannelette, for dresses, waists', etc., full i yard wide, in patterns copied from 85c and $1.00 French flannel at 12ttc yard. 1,000 pieces of novelty walsting cloth equal to $1.60 goods In appearance and recommended for service at 25e yard. Black mercerised sateen skirting or drees finish worth 26c yard, on sale this week at 12V Full yard-wide comfort calicos, extra quality, colors absolutely fast, worth 12Vc, on sale this week at Ifto yard. Grand Gap Sale All the new full styles of boys' and chil dren's caps, Including golf, yacht, tam o'shanters and a dosen other styles at 25o, j 86c and 45c. , Flannel Oept. Three cases best grade outing flannel; per yard, THc. One rase all wool skirting flannel; per yard, 26c, worth 40c. Five rases 33-incb shaker flannel; per yard. Hc. Five cases extra heavy cotton flannel and shaker flannel; per yard, 4Hc. Wall Paper and Paints Never before have we sold wall paper at such ridiculously low prices. Every roll at ' lis actual value. Best grade white blanks at 2Ho per rolL Fine gilt paper at 4c per roll. Cementico, the best wall finish on ths market. In 12 shades and white. Anyone can apply It; only 15c per pkg. Fine room, IHc per foot. The best grade of ready mixed paint on the market at, per gallon, 98c. Also vsrnlahes, stains, enamels and brushes, all at greatly reduced prices. rul M argains for in - Waited. hases, and gave them a free hand selection easy and satisfactory. received. Hardware, Stove and liousefurnishing rSELL9 ON QUUl Just received a car of tla celebrated O. Grtbben and Sexton Vnlirsal Heating stores n double heat'mc base-burners. plain Oaks, A.rtlghU and hot blast for soft coal oi wood. The stovei to nuy rouay. We have the Oak stow up from $5.35; Airtight for wood up trial $1.49; hot blast for coal up hour $3.fc.T - Wi have the Universal Airtight Oak, the finest and heaviest stove made, a perfect heater, very handsome, up from $14.60. The handsomest and most perfect douDie heating base-burner made, the Regal Uni versal, large size, $39.60. Elegant base-burner, Unlveieal, $25.60 All kinds of steel ranges an 1 cooks. Nice plain No. 8 cook, $9.95. Extra heavy plain steel range, worth 135.00. but on account of their being plain, with very UtUe nickel, we will --.oil :hera for $27.50. 14 Corkers. Seasonable Goods. 14 Corkers. 6 Inch pipe, lOo. Elbows, 6c. Fir shovels. Sc. Roasting pans, 69c 10 quart water pall, 11c. Wire photo holders, 7c. No. 8 copper bottom boiler, 73c. 28 inch stove board, 49c Coal hods, 40c. 6 ft. step ladders, 45o. Gallon wash tubs, 85a Drain egg beaters, 6o. 3-tle brooms. 15c' Wall coffee mill. 29c Furniiuro Salo The grandest and most timely purchsss and sale ever held In Omaha. We secured for .pot cash over $68,000 of finest furniture from the biggest and best factories of Wis consin and Michigan. This Includes the line of samples and their surplus stocks at from 1-$ to Vi the regular prices. Tou never had such a chance to buy highest quality, newest design, best finished furni ture at such astonishingly low prices. Set the elegant rockers In rich golden oak, every kind, every shape at from 1-3 to off regu lar price. Corner chairs and all odd pieces for parlor and sitting room at greatly re duced prices. In kitchen and dining room furniture you will find most complete assortments in this great sale. Cabinets, chairs, tabli sideboards at newest designs on sale at big reductions from the usual price. In metal beds and bed-room furniture of every description we are displaying the choicest and most varied stocks ever put on sale. The design and finish of these goods is most artistic. Tou can buy 8-pleoe parlor suites worth $27.00 In this sale at $17.00. 6-ptece parlor suites worth $36.00 in this sale at $31.00. $15.00 Morris chairs In this sale at $7.60. $6.00 couches In best velours in this sale at $3.5. $9.00 couches in best' velours In this sale at $6.00., $14 00 couches in bent velours in this sale at $H.00. $26.00 leather couches in this sale at $18.75. Get Hayden Bros. prices on office furniture. oi i Tv- ?Y ? UbUU Those Who had our eastern buyers keep a as to quantities. As a result Vast Assortments, Such Mail orders filled, where any Table Linen Monday will be table linen sale day snd the prices will be cut to such an extent that you will surely buy upon Inspection. Don't fall to attend this sale. TABLE LINEN. 68 in. Bleached Damask, regular 36o, for 19c. 64 in. Bleached Damask, regular 50o, Irr 32c. 60 In. Bleached Damask, all linen, regu lar 60c, for 42c. 66 in. Bleached Damask, all lnmi, regu lar 75c. for 49o. 72 in. Bleached Damask, all linen, regular $1.00, for 62Hc. 72 Unbleached Scotch Damask, regular 9c, for 62V4c. 62 in. German Stiver Bleached, regular 69o, tor 60c. 60 in. Cream Damask, .regular 40o, for 27Hc. Mernnrlsed Ttamssk, regular $1.00, for FRn. Napkins 6-8 Dice Check Napkins, 75o value, for 49c doi. Bleached Union Napkins, 20x20, $1.00 value, for 69c Bleached all linen Napkins, 21x21, regular $2.00, for $1.39 dos. Mercerized Lunch cloths and stand covers, regular $1.00, for 49c Sheeting 8- 4 Bleached sheeting, regular 18c value, for 18o yard. 9- 4 Bleached sheeting, regular 20c value, for 18o yard. 10- 4 Bleached sheeting, regular 22Vjo value, for 20o yard. 9-4 Unbleached sheeting, regular 18c value, for 16c yard. 42 In. Bleached pillow rasing, regular 12 Ho value,, for 10c yard. 45 in. Bleached pillow casing, regular 13 He value, for HHc yard. 600 Remnants of Table Linen and Towllng will be put on sale Monday at lea: tbau half orlce. Sheet Musis Special Call and see the nice sheet muslo we can sell you at 10c, 15o and 19c per copy. Plenty of all kinds to select from. We have a nice line of books containing the latest music, both vocal and instru mental, at only 48c per copy, regular price 75c. All the muslo from the comlo opera. Sultan of Sulu," for sal at reduced prices. We are headquarters for everything la the sheet music and book line. Grand Hat Sale $75 doten men's hat. In all the new styles and colors now on sale. Every hat in our vast fall stock conforms to the latest fall fashions in men's head wear. Shapes, colors and materials are all cor rect. Our complete atock enables us to satisfy the taste of the careful dresser and we can suit you with a becoming hat at a low price 76c, $1.00. $1.60, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. Grand Ribbon and Embroidery Sale Monday Is ribbon day at Hayden Bros. The greatest ribbon values ever offered In Omaha: in plain and fancies at per yard 10c. Grand sale on embroideries at IVio, 6c, 10c, 15c, 10o and 28c; goods worth un to 11.60. The new $1.00 cbatelaln bags on sale at 60c The new $2.00 chatelaln bags on salo at si.uo. Z5o tooth brushes on sale at lOo. Optical Dept Savs money and aavs your sight. We sell correctly fitted glasses at less than half the usual prices. Gold filled frames, guaranteed for ten years, $3.00 valuea, on sale at $1.79. Alumlno apsctacles with fin glasses the $2.00 kind at 98o. m u GRAND CARPET Am I" SALE All the carpets and rugs ved the leaking of roof, handling and dust, will be on sale Monday. None of these goods will be returned to stock and must be closed. out at once. 27-inch axminster rugs- only slightly soiled, at. 3G-inch axminster rugs only slightly soiled, at . . 30x00 Smyrna ru at All the large slxe Hrussels rugs sizes, rugs that sold from $15.00 all go in one lot, at 9x12 all wool Smyrna rugs that sold at ?25.00,' at ... Every pattern of the best all wool that was soiled goods that sell Brussels, all go in two lots at 39c and, yard Velvet carpets, in 10 to 30 yard lengths close out the entire lot, at, yard Tho Great Cloak and Suit Salo Second and last shipment of Slegel, Levy . Cohen's tremendous stock of women's outer garments has arrived, and Is In place for Monday's selling. The thousands upon thousands of customers who crowded this department last week can only be accounted for by the tact that the public appreciate our effort and bargains. This, coupled with our methods of business where a customer feels that they can return their goods if not what they want and get their money is the reason tor the marvelous business ws are doing in our cloak department. WE HAVE SURPRISES FOR OUR MON DAY CUSTOMERS THAT THEY CAN NOT EVEN DREAM OF. 100 women's suits, silk lined throughout, made of Im ported Venetians and other fashionable fabrics; made for Slegel, Levy A Cohen to sell if JJZ for $30.00, sale price I Us fU 200 suits made for Slegel, Levy A Cohen to sell at $22.60, on sale at O ft A Hayden's for ItkiUW 100 Monte Carlo Jackets In brown, blue and a beauti ful shade of red, trimmed with straps of satin bands and buttons, worth r AA $8.50, on sale at 400 women's Monte Carlo Jackets lined satin, warranted for two years' wear, sale price only Women's Skirts by Thousands Women's rainy day skirts, 16 pleats. In Oxford grays and browns, $6.00 -quality at............ .... 700 women's pedestrlenn skirts, slot seams, combination of colors, made to sell for 8Iegel, Levy & Cohen at $8.00, $10.00 and $12.60, for 5.00 10.00 60 fine sample pedestrlenn skirts at Silk skirts, 200 of them, Slegle, Levy . 4b 7.50 5.03 Cohen's prioe $12.60 . sale price , 200 ladles dress skirts worth up to $10, on sale at Tho Loading Dross tho Vest. In this department can be found everything in High Grade Dress Ooods from COo to $10 per yard. Priestly's etamlnes, best in the world. Lupin's voiles, etamlnes and tailor suitings and cheviots, in blacks and colors, are only surpassed by styles ef dress goods, watstlngs, etc., and and our prices therefore are from 25 to 60 this western country. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Priestly's black seblline goods, worth from $2.60 to $2.98 a yard, will be on sale Mon day at. a yard ' $1-60 Priestly's coronation cloth, worth $3.60 per yard, will be on sale Monday at. a yard Priestly's snowflakes, worth $2.60, will be on sale Monday at, a yard $198 Priestly's fancies are the finest made and worth $2.60 a yard, on salo at, a yard.. $1.60 COLORED DREW GOODS. Lupin', cheviots. In all colors, regular $3.00 goods, will be on sale at, a yard $1.98 Lupin's voiles, worth from $1.75 to $2.60 a yard, will be on' sale at, a yard $1.26 Lupin's etamlnes and mistrals, worth $1.25, will be on sale at 86e and 6o EVEMSO SHADES. Lsnsdowne, finest goods that Is made. at U5 Sublimes and Imitation of Lsnsdowne, regJ ular $l.Fa goods, on sale at, a yard....98o Cream broadcloths, Venetians and ladles' cloth at $6.00, $2.60. $1.98, $1.76 and 98o a yard. In this department will be found wool crepes, silk and wool crepe de chines, yachting serges, cream cheviots, etc, at 60 j Grand Grocery Sale A big deal in cereals and evaporated fruits lust closed for spot cash enables us to nuote Diices leas than wholesale. The biggest bargains In pure foods, meats, stc. ever put on sale tn Omaha for Monday. Whole wheat flour, Jg Flake hominy, at Good rice, at Evaporated apricots, at Plonlo hams at 41c 3c 9c - 9c ZZZ..5C ...... 55c 2c Celery, elery, per bunch Holland mackerel, each Rye flour, par sack Corn msal. per lb..... nn 111 at Carnival grounds, soiled bj4 .1.98 .2.98 ..78c used at carnival, 9x10 6 to 9x12 to 20.00 Q QQ .UiUU 14.98 ...45c ingrain carpet' at 75c, at 59c . t . . i ....68c UsUU with Skinner's 10.00 2.90 100 women's heavy white watsts--all the rage in New York made of beautiful Testings, sold up as high ss $6.60, choice of the lot at.. 2.00 100 dosen flannelette wrappers, extra heavy, trimmed with braid, 16-ln. "ICja flounce, $1.25 quality, for IOC 200 doien extra heavy percale and fleera lined wrappers In one lot on sale at .... Children's Jackets for Children's long cloaks for $1.98, $2.98 and. ...... 1.00 .1.25 3.00 Goods House of voiles and tailor suitings In blacks, are the Priestly's. We are showing over $0,000 we buy direct from the manufactures per cent cheaper than any other house In " per cent less than you can buy them else- where. WAISTING DEPARTMENT. The grandest line of walsting that waft ever displayed In Omaha. French flannels, sold everywhere at $1.00, our price 1. 75c. French waistlngs in all the newest de signs, sold everywhere at $1.00 a yard, our? price is only 7Cc. Embroidered waistlngs, worked In Franc and sold everywhere at $1.98 a yard, our price is $1-25 a yard. PATTER If WAISTS. 600 pattern waists, worth from $5.00 tot $25.00 each, they are the moat beautiful ever Imported to this country. Monday you can buy any pattern for exactly 1-1 of Its marked price only one pattern to a customer. TAILOR SITTIUGS. We carry everything In a tailor suiting. In light snd heavyweights, comprising all shades and plain goods, at from 75c to $7.60 a yard. SAMPLES ARB NOW READT AND WILL BE SENT FREE TO OUT-OF-TOWN ADDRESSES ON APPLICATION. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONET REFUNDED IN EVERT IN STANCE. Oat mesi per lb. ......-.. ... Peanuts. j 4? r lb. a Olives. bottle Pepper sauoe at Sardines, at l ib. can string beans, at 2-lb. can corn. at t-lb. can lima beans. at t can lye. at l ib. Old Home baking soda. at SIT 3c 5c 7c 5c 3 c ...5 c 5c 5c 5c is ee tw 0 1 pkg. sllexo, at ... Ginger snujs, at ...... a . a... . i M tnimneesi ftj 0 -3o UU v