Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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    " nTT7 UHFATTA irMlTi rriTKi rxTJNT5AV, iTOTlEr. rt, 1002.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers
4 Per Cent Paid on Deposits
Compounded Every Three Months.
Money can be withdrawn without notic on certificates or past books.
J. L, Brandeis & Sons, Bonkers
4 Per Cent Paid on Deposits
Special Arrangements for Otit-of Town Depositors.
Stupendous Selling of SILKS and NEW FALL DRESS GOODS
Elaborate Display of Silks in the latest weaves at prices that make
this an unparalleled offer in the annals of silk selling
New plaid velours, new
snakewkin velours, new
hairline velours, new ve
lour broehe worth np to
f 2.00 a yard Monday
special price of
Our collection of ve
lours for shirt waists,
jackets, Monte Carlo
coats, etc., is most com
plete. We show the lat
est weaves in the popular
new fabrics tbe preen
and blue combinations,
the white and black
checks, and plaids.
We have just purchased over 500 pieces of high
grade black taffetas at about their regular value,
We offer the entire stock Monday at sensational prices.
100 pieces all silk, 22-inch black
taffeta strong and lustrous worth
a yard, at
100 pieces 24-Inch black skirting
Uffeta every yard warranted
either soft or pBBT gf fm
mxdium finish Mfcx I I CT
worth f 1 a yard,
100 pieces finest black, 27-Inch
Phoenix mills, guaranteed heavy
regular taffeta nothing finer
made selling price
$1.75 a yard
special Monday
g Oner
100 piece 2T-lnch Phoenix mllla
celebrated black dress tafffrta
sold everywhere for $1.25
full guarantee
with every yard
we .ell
100 pieces full yard wide black
Phoenix mills taffeta every yard
guaranteed the best bargain
every offered In
yard wide dress
taffeta worth $2.
at ....
Silk Velvets at 49c Per Yard
Colored and black silk
velvets in lengths from
H to 3 yards in pieces
that match. This is the
regular $1.00 and $1.60
quality on bargain
Monday 4-9C
at, yard. ...
New metallc print velvet, new
fancy velvets, new hairline velvets,
and velvet hollow cut cords.
Over 100 different styles of the
new autumn velvet walstlng, con
sisting of the new swell Persian
velvets 2 and I tone hairline vel
vet costume velveteens new all
silk panne velvets In all the new
evening tints special, Monday, at
75c, 98c
and $1.25
The Newest and Smartest Dress Goods at Marvelous Prices
Wool Dress Patterns $2.98
In this large assortment
you will find many im
ported novelty dress fab
rics, suitings, cheviots
and eergea In black, browns and
oavys; every yard . in this lot
worth from 75c to $1.00
full pat
tern of 7
yards ....
Entire Dress Pattern at $1.98
Monday we will place on sale 7-yard lengths of
til wool materials in basket cloth in oxfords, grays,
navys and browns; also a large assortment of black
fabrics, and checked and plaid dress good?, all
double fold and strictly all A
wool material for a j
full dregs pattern jj
only AC
Black Henrietta regular $1.00 value silk
finished a 45-inch Henrietta, at
Melrose Mohair selling everywhere at $1 QC
Voile Ktamine 15 inches wide, $1.00
gYade, at
Panama Canvas this will cost you $1.35 In
other stores, at
Zibelincs, New York and Chicago stores sell Etf
the same for $2.50 special value at, yd. -l.t-JVy
Unfinished Cheviot cannot be found for less O CTt
than $1.50 generally, at, yard OUL
See the values we offer at 59c all colors, all styles
Mistral. Etn mines. Granites, Melrose, Cheviots, Unfln- EQr
lehed worsted, etc u"v
$1.25 French Flannels at 49c
All Silk Embroidered
Monday we will place on
sale silk embroidered
French Flannels in rose,
helio, blues, a f
etc., at, $rJs
Plain colored French FlanneV
In all colors, at 39c a yard.
Special $1 Values Tweeds, Scotch flakes, cor- all
onation worsteds, black & white worsteds, etc H
New Creme Ileavy Woolens We have now another
array of these highly stylish heavy creme cloths.
English Doeskin, never sold for less than $1.50,
Waterproof Skirtings all colors, 52 inches
wide $1.65 is the regular price, at
Kersey Cloth for Jackets you will pay $2
for this elsewhere, at", yard
Waistings only the latest and best styles Cr
of new autumn waistings of 75c value, at. .
Exceptional Millinery Values for Monday
Paris and New York Pattern Hats at $10 We are direct importers of Paris
pattern nan ana proDaoiy nanaie more moaeis rrora ine prominent American designers than any house
In the western millinery territory. These hats form the basis of our Ideas for building up our Immense
atock Into the correct styles. They have served their purpose
and we are now ready to sacrifice them. Not a hat In the en
tire lot sold for less than $20 three weeks ago. Monday they all
go at
$10.00 Trimmed Hats at $4.95 We show a grand as-
semblage of trimmed millinery at $4.95, such s you would expect to see In New Tork
or Chicago. These hats are a great specialty with us and helped to build up our
enormous Dusinesa. Our millinery department Is Justly famous for
the giving of great values, but never have we offered a greater one than Q
these hats at $4.95. In this rrand arrav wa hv .everai tvi. r KJ
velvet hats trimmed with two long ostrich plumes, fine silks and or- u'
uBuicuw-m mm stores tney asic is or xiu tor similar goods, at ....
$4 Genuine Beaver Flats at 2.45
60 dozen genuine beaver flats In cardinal,
black, green, tisvy, rMtor, brown, tho
very best quality, sold every
where at $4.00
at ,
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $1-95
In Basement
Here is a gathering of trim-
Trimmed Hats at 2.50
Hundreds and hundreds of splendid de
signs of ladies' and misses' trimmed hats
made of the popular shaggy felts and silk
velvets, profusely trimmed with fine feath
ers, ornaments and novelty
trimmings, easily sold In
Allands and Bendels Hats J.95
"A Hands" and "Rendela" Street H.
In this collection of street hats from Amer
ica's foremost manufacturers we show at
$3.95 the leading styles that fashion has
decreed shall be worn for this fall. There
are none more stylish there
are none better at double
the price, at
med hilt Values that positively millinery stores at 14. price..
Children's Trimmed Hats at $1
has never been equaled,
goods are first-class in
of splendid materials and should actually
b. priced at $3.50. Tbe reason we ask but
$1.95 for these hats Is for the purpose of
advertising our popular base
ment mllinery section,
5,000 Tailored Street Hats
Genuine $2 and $3 creations,
very handsome and stylish,
worth easily from $3 to $4,
specially priced at
Several hundred pretty rolling brim, round
crown folt hats, neatly trimmed with black
velvet ribbon, bands and streamers both
in plain and rough felt, regular
price is $1.75 our
era ooin
75c Black Parrets at 25c
J.95 95 .45 J.95
150 cartons black parrots, sold to us by a
ho Vflw Tork lmnorter at half
price priced regularly at aw C
75c whUe they last at....
Charming Array of the Swellest Cloaks, Suits, Furs
Our charming display of the prettiest and most attractive styles to be seen In the west baa brought thousands
of delighted visitors to the Brandeis store during the past few weeks. Such a show Is certainly unprecedented In
the west. There Is no place w here you can find women's high-class garments so practical, so beautiful, so reasonable
In price as at Brandeis
Monte Carlo Coats At $17.50
45-Inch Monte Carlo Coats with Mexi
can beaver collar and revere full satin
llnlnR turn back cuffs extra quality
English kersey In cantors, reds, navies
ana blacK, made to . s-y g
retail at iiS.OO I ,011
80-lnch Monte Carlo Coats at
$4.98 Made of heavy kersev, with
inverted pleat back, guaranteed lining.
velvet collar, turn BacK
cuffs. In castors, reds,
navies and black, at
Full Litinth Clotks at $.98
Full length cloaks and 42-ln. Autos of
good heavy wool kerseys, plaid back
cloaklngs, friezes, etc. the majority
of them worth up -to $12.50 A t
many odd sample coats C . - Cj
In the lot at
46-in Monte C ir'o Co its, $8 98
Made of good heavy wool kerseys,
sleeves, turn back cuffs collar, revere
and cuffs, satin stitched straps reds,
guaranteed linings new klmona
cantors, navies and blacks Q f Q
"i . " yjm KJ tne -new colors, at from
Mont Carlo of Choicest Materials -All the vary latent ao t exclusive ideas la the 30 to
...... .. . I . 1, m mammr nf U V alhllflAS- KerS6ySU
83-inch Monte Carlo made of all the noveuy mi.... ' -
Monte Carlos with Bearer Col
lar at $9.98 Made of kerseya,
with Mvlnn.n henver collar and cuffs
guaranteed satin lining g f O Ibellnee. etc., w ffA CQ
strapped trimming-all Vl.Mcl Prtoe If 7U III OSO
. V. ....... plnP. at from '
Full Length Monte Carlos A
complete line of the full length Mont.
Carlos In silks, velours.
ou-mvu - & .
pu de aoU. and velours -all tho rare trimming tlQ $5 $0 24.50 tO 569
and colorings, at
Dre ss Skirts In Wool-Tbe prettiest ideas in wool dr ess skirts IM t CA Q Og
are to be found at the Brandeis eto-e l70, lUW, 77U
Golf and Walking Skirts-made of all the prettyi no J QO i QO 7CQ O Og
new materials and colors-all the late style.... 1.70 .70. t.yO, 7i7U
Superb Display of Furs
Our fur department is complete this season
with the most deslrnble and fetching conceits
in all the late style furs many exclusive styles
are to be found. Our goods are all made from
selected tur and they have been fashioned by
artists for the very best autumn trade.
Electrto seal jackets, at $9.98.
Astrachan capes, 30-ln. long at $12.50.
Persian lamb jackets with sable trimmings, $75
Astrachan jackets at $15.00.
Alaska seal jacket, at $165.00.
Marten cluster scarfs, at $3.95..
Sable fox. two brush tails, $4.98.
Long Sable fox scarfs, at $7.50.
Double Isabella scarfs, at $9.98.
Swell Walking Stilts All this season's
style. In the .well walking suits, made In the
latest fall materials, style, and
colors, slot seams, .elf- f OA
strapped, etc., at
The Season's Smartest Suits Here are
the new blouse, Norfolk, Francl. and poplin
suits, new black and white novelties, with new
paquln, serpentine and flared skirts, all the new
r." ol.r... 14.85 $89
Walking and Dress Suits Walking and
Dress Suit, at $11.60 Made of Ue new .now
flakes, tweeds, cheviot., meltons, etc. .klrts
with yoke and .Ids pleat et- 1) Cfl
feet., at lw.OU
iff f
Tne succees or our department for children' coats has
me past montn and it Is Kronlni in
suite and
imuciiugu. iiiTOUKiwui i no past montn and It Is tmmnr in tw
ubi as our aisplay of ladles' suits and cloak.
laxity every day
ecllnsee that of any other house in the, went nm- hiiH'.
partment Is also filled with pretty Ideas that cannot ba found eln
i s Autos and Monte Carlos the nr a , .
where. Chlldren'i
pretlest materials and the correct styles,
mot bo found else-
2.98 to $19
Gigantic Underwear Purchase
All the samples and surplus stock of Ladies', Misses', Boys' and
Children's High-Grade Underwear from the great manufactory of A.
VV. Porter & Co., 43 and 45 White St., New York City, bought at a
sweeping reduction on sale on Bargain Square Monday.
At a Third to a Half Original Wholesale Price
This was one of the most fortunate of the great purchases that have been made by
our alert eastern buyers. A. W. Porter is known as one of the largest of all mill agents and
manufacturers. His goods are all of the very highest grade. The Porter sample tickets are
on many of these suits.
This underwear comes in both the two-piece garments and union suits.
On Monday morning we will give extra special bargains.
Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Underwear, made to wholesale at 75c a OQp
garment, at '. . , .
Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Underwear, made to wholesale at $1.00 a 4 On
garment, at
Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Underwear, made to wholesale at 30c a 1 Qp
garment, at izsmt
Grand Special Sale of Comforts od Blankets
.. " .. , m..v. i it ttoa i paid iimiii sn naln nt rtr. I M.9R TO IIS A PAIR Our lln of Callfnrala.1 or v.i . . .
trirtu nt all siEea Cotton Blank
ets. In grays, tans, etc a f
regular 75c klnd-at, l fC
AtEc PAIR We'have'positively the
heaviest and best B'.anket that has
v nCAr4.H fnr th. monev.
m.u nn in white, tan. sray and
mottled, all 11-4 size and f
a special bargain at, "OC
Air!1! .98 " A PA IR 500 ' pairs " of very
heavy Wool Blankets, In gray or tan;
these are strictly wool filling and full
size, a good, heavy,, t f
senslb'.e blanket and I f r
very cheap at, a pair ,
AT 12.98 A PAIR 3)0 pairs of very
heavy, soft, fleecy Wool Blankets, In
u V. a nf ff-pnv and tan. not a
pair in me lot win ip ir:an
tnan n a pair,
choice for next few day
Carpets and Rugs
Smith's Axminster Carpets
A moat magnificent line of Smith's Axmin
ster carpets, with and without borders to
match, all this season's new
and beautiful patterns, at, yd
Smith's Velvet Carpets
The best grade of heavy Smith's Velvet
carpets, in new and beautiful patterns, with
and without borders to match; these carpets
sell all over the country for Oft
$1.25 rd. ws sell them at, yd VOv
AT $3.98 A PAIR About 250 pairs of extra
large and fine Wool BianKets; mese are
fullU-4 size, very heavy and nice, clea.ii.
soft goods, without any of the grit so
common. In wool blankets, r C
they are especially good ml m Y n
value at, a pair 9
AT $4.98 A PAIR In the finer trades of
Wool BlanketB we are especially strong,
and $4.98 is our leading price. We have
positively the best values In this price
blankets that you have ever seen; they
coma In grays, tans, reds, A rv Q
white and plaids, every pair VC
a snap, at, pair -
AT $5.98 A PAIR We show an Immense
line of the finest grade of Wool Blankets,
In 11-4 and 12-4 sizes, In white, gray, tan,
red and plaJdn; nice, soft, warm, fleecy
goods; they are the most beautiful line of
wool blankets we have ever f f q
shown and must be seen to rj Wfl
be appreciated, a pair -re
.6.98 to $15
$6.98 TO $15 A PAIR Our line of California
Blankets is very complete and comprises
the best Droducts of such mills as the
Stockton mills, the Maryvale mills, the
jsapa mills, etc.; tney come in white,
gray, red and mottled, fine, thick, heavy
gooas and almost
wear, at
BO bales large sice bed Comforts sllkollne
cover filled wttn white cotton m
closely knotted ntc large .M 7
heavy quilt cheap at, each 'v'
50 bales extra large comforts, made of best
quality sllkollre, ftnent 4
white cotton, worth $1.75. l.iifO
SS bale, of the prettleet and finest Comforts
we have ever shown tor the price. These
are extra large and filled with pure white
cotton, covered with sateen 4 4-
and lined with beet sllkollne 1 1
bargain at
at Special Sale Greatest Asso
Inrrain Carpets
Th. best trade of strictly all wool
Brussels Carpets
We are agents for Smith's, Sanford's,
Stlnson's nd other well known brands
Brussels carpets and are showing the
handsomest line of patterns ever dis
played by one house. We hav. these
carpets with and without borders, hall
and stair carpets to match, at 59c, 69o
and 75c a yard. They are worth from
76o to $125. at
59c, 69c and 75c
Extra heavy grade of eottoa chain
Ingrain carpets, at, per yard,
29c, 39c 45c
26 bales extra large and One Comforts
French sateen and tilled with pur.
white cotton, every one 4 q
a beauty epeclal value.. l.0
25 bales of the very finest Cotton
Comforts, It is possible to manu
facture, made of very best French
sateen, filled with pur- f q
est white cotton each. .Aml J O
In eiderdown Quilts we are showing
an especially strong line, beauty
and artistic makeup of these goods
Is beyond description from, each,
3.50 up to $10
rtttient in the West
Special Ru; Sale
An Immense line of room size rugs in Brus
sels and Smyrna In 9x12 Ari
"t 12.98
Extra heavy grade of Moquett. and Axmin
ster 9x12 rugs, In Oriental fr f
and floral patterns, at, each. ..aW.OU
An immense line of 27x60-ln. rugs of tho
Bigelow Axminster grade, that sell all over
the country at $5, we offer . V Q
them as a special leader, at I ."0
The New
Shoe Dept.
$3.00 Shoes
New Styles for Women
We show tomorrow 28 new.
styles of ladies' fall and winter
shoes in light, medium and
heavy weight Holes hand-turn
and Goodyear welt soles all
made to our special order. We
solicit a visit to this, our new shoe depart
ment th. largest in th. west.
I -."MA
Correct Styles in Men's Fall Suits and Overcoats
Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats at $10
Stylish Suits and Overcoats at $7.50
These garments are acknowledged by all who have seen them to
be far superior to anything shown elsewhere for th. price. Th.
overcoats In the extra long, short and medium effects
cannot fail to please the most fastidious dressers
the suits represent all this season's effects, at
Our popular special offer a huge assortment of fin. all wool suits
In all tbe new weaves and patterns at th. lowest pries ever asked
for such excellent materials. These suits have gained great popu
larity with men who Ilk. to be well dressed without paying a high
price for their clothing. A great bargain chance, at
Men's Very Finest Suits and Overcoats Here are garments that you cannot tell from those of tho highest priced
merchant tailors, so absolutely perfect are they in style and workmanship. They ar. cut by master, of the tailoring art
they possess every curve and detail of th. latest style. Any slight misfit that may occur will be artfully remedied by
an expert tailor whom we keep for this purpose. Beautiful materials and faultless workmanship. (In this array are tbe
ROOERS-PEET ft CO.'S suits and overcoats, th. finest In Omaha) at
Boys' and Youths Suits and Overcoats at Winning Prices
All Wool Knee Pants Suits
a av a i-a vuvuw wuw x AA viJ W tVv'a
81xes I to IS years In neat gray and brown mixtures also plain
black small sixes with vests
Boys' Long Pants Suits at $5.00
Fine Knee Pants Suits at $2.75
Sixes 3 to 16 years made by on. of th. foremost manufacturer, and worth fully 14.0.
One great assortment of i-plece knee pants suits, also many with mwm
an extra pair of pants to go with the suit
Site. 14 to 19 years fall and winter weight
tailored and perfect fitting sals price,
ill pur. wool splendidly
5 00 Boys SuJt8 and Overcoats at $7.50
BOV8' AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS AT 15.00 Long tut raglan style or box ef
fectsnew oxford patterns worth up to fS.t0 and $10.00, at 15.00.
Grand selection of new fall patterns In boys' long pants suits, actually worth $10. Oo
also very fashionable overcoats for young men and boys of ages 12 to
20 long cuts and short box styles regular $12.50 value
4if i
The New
Shoe Dept
5 New Lines
Men's Shoes
Over 180 etTla
$2.50, $3, fj.50, $5.
Everything iu men's fine shoes
all Goodyear welt soles. The
finest selection and greatest va
riety of men's shoes west of Chi
cago. Take elevator. 2d floor
4friai men s shoe dept.