THK OMAHA DAILT BEEi SATURDAY. OCTOREIl 4, 1002 Hie omaha , Daily Bee E. noSEWATEK, EDITOH. PUBLISHED EVERY MOKN1NQ. TKKMB OF SL'bSCKIl'TlON. Dally bee (without bunuay. on iar..i.W ialiy iiee ami Bunuay, uue Vtar iw illustrated tx-e, une lear Uunnay iie, one iear 4.tu fcaturuay lire, on iear 1' 'iwantirih lentury artner. One Year...luv DfcLlVKHk.D U (JAKHltK. Pally Be (Without Sunday), per copy.... 2c Jjaily hvu (without bunuy. per weS...uc Ualiy bee (including ttunuay;, per weok-.Iic bunuay bw, per copy Dc l-.venlng toes (without HuiiUh I. r weeK v fcvenlng bee (Including bunday), per week I""3 Complaints of Irregularities n delivery houid bo audressed to City Circulation De lia rt men t. OFFICE8. Omaha The bee building. , bouth Omaha CUy Hall Building. Twenty-tilth and M Streets. Council HI ii rf lit Pearl Street. hirago low I'nity butluing. New fork 132 Park How building. Waahlngton Ml Fourteenth Street. CORKE8PONDENCK. Communlratlona relating to new and edi torial mutter should be addreaaed: Omaha bee, Editorial lwpartment. BfSINtaa LETTERS. Btislnesh letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-ccnt stamps accepted In payment of mail accounts, personal checks, ecept on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. 'llli; BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Elate of Nebraska. Douglas County, as: U-nrK B. Tsachuc-k. secretary of Ihe bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, savn that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Kvcnlng and Sunday Bee printed during the month of September, Uu2, waa a fol lows: 1 30,130 IS 31,150 1 80,740 17 81,030 t BOfiKO 18 31,140 4 80,310 It 81,1841 a 31,070 30 1,0 6 80,430 tl 20,070 7 !fl,H70 22 81,OtMI 1 30,000 23 84,500 9 8O.70O 24 32,240 10 81,000 25 aiH 11 80,H2O 26 80.TT0 12 altVO 27........ 80,950 13 81JHH 28 mMun 14 20,500 2 SO.HOO 16 , 81,OGO 30 81,100 Total 92M,2ZS Less unsold and returned copies.... lo,144 Net total aalea 18,otl Net dally average SO.OOJ GEO. B. TZ8CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me this 8Mb. day of September, A. D.. 1DU2. M. B. H UNGATE, (Seal) .Notary Public Ills roynl majesty, King Ak-Sar-Ben, still continues to reign as he king of kings. Protection did not protect the Salt trust from premature decay and fatal collapse. Those pertinent questions propounded to Congressman Mercer still remain un answered. General Vlfqualn Js altogether too emotional. It Is not safe to crow until you are out of the woods. If President Roosevelt succeeds in set tling the coal miners' strike he will jut a big feather In bis rough rider cap.' Those Indiana body-snatchers are alto gether too far behind the times to keep up with the twentieth century proces sion. Chances are fair that by the time the Detroit conference to discuss the coal situation Is called to order there will be nothing for It to confer about The great problem for the Nebraska Bankers' association Is to devise a plan by which its members can make the largest amount of money in loaning out other people's money. - From across the Atlantic ex-Boss Croker remarks with reference to the in tentions of New York democrats, "They can get along without me." Inasmuch as they were unable to get along with Croker the New York democrats are cer tainly no worse off without him. 'Kxplorer Baldwin must nave had a hard time of It on nls Arctic trip. If what be says about It la true, be was the only man in the expedition who knew anything about Arctic exploration wad uone of tho others were willing to follow bis directions. The next time Baldwin goes north he should go It alone. The report on the exercise execu tive clemency since President Roosevelt succeeded President McKlnley shows that fewer pardons have been granted and more applications denied propor tionately, than in the same time by any previous president for many years. Pres ident Roosevelt evidently has no ambi tion to shine as a great pardoner. The National Live Stock association .threateus now to enter active opposition to the Dronosed meai Backers' mercer should any attempt be made .to carry it Into effect If tue packers Intended to combine they should bave gotten to gether without so much dilatory pro crastlnatlou. In the interval neither tb.9 'live stock raisers nor the meat packers are losing any money. The fact remains that ex-Ooveruor Boles, who as a trust-buster proposes free trade as the sole nostrum, was a high protectionist for over thirty years. And when be left the republican party It was on the local prohibition Issue and without regard to national issues. Not till after be bad been elected governor of Iowa, nor till his gaze was fixed on the United States senatorship and pos slbly the presidency, did the euormlty of the protective tariff occur to blm. The regulars bave been showing the national guardsmen a thing or two at the Fort Riley maueuvers. Pride our selves as much as we may about our militia organization, the troops of the regular army are, as a rule, as far ahead of the national guard In military dls tlillne as the national guard is ahead of the uudrllled members of the com m unity. Military service is like any other service, or profession. To be ex jMrt at it tequtres devotion to It as a business la Itself. THE WHOLE EAST FUR BlH8 1 r g LT. The sentiment Of the east, with abso lute unanimity, lit In favor of tho nomi nation of Theodore Roosevelt for the presidency two years hence. So far as n pilars there Is but one opinion among the republicans of the eastern states and that Is that the leader, of the party In 1!H4 must bo Theodore Roosevelt and that no other man Is to be seriously thought of. Why tills Is so Is perfectly obvious. The people today, without regard to party have absolute confidence In Presi dent Roosevelt They see In blm a pres ident who has In mind the welfare and the Interest of the whole people and not the advantage of a party. There has never been a time In our history when the American people have had a more complete and admirable guardian of their Interests than they have under the present administration. The whole policy of the Roosevelt administration- has been In the direction of promoting the welfare of the material and the social Interests of the people as a whole. Every sentiment that be bas expressed has been with reference to the upbuilding and the growth of the nation and there is today no one among our public men who Is more powerful In the expression of sentiment favorable to a change In conditions necessary to the Improvement of their material and social situation than is President Roose velt While be does not favor radical changes in any direction, but on the con trary believes In adhering to the policies of his party that have proved beneticlal in the past be is yet a progressive man who is not averse to a proper growth and advancement in those directions which promise to be of advantage to the general welfare. Sucli consideration, make President Roosevelt the foremost man In the opin ion of republicans' generally as the candidate of the party two years bence. He has, more than any other man at the present time, a hold upon the esteem and the confidence of he country; Every state republican convention of the year has unqualifiedly endorsed the national administration and most of them nave declared In favor of the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt In 1904. Unless the situation changes in the Interval, there is no doubt that the republican leader two years from now will be the distin guished statesman who is at present the chief executive of the nation. WHAT PROTECTION MEASSi The republicans of Massachusetts de clare In their platform that protection means high wages and constant employ ment of labor and "In a large measure our phenomenal national prosperity for tho last flvo years." Their platform adds that "this policy should be adhered to, but changes which the world's progress and the interests of the Amer ican people may suggest should and will be made by the republican party when ever they are of sufficient importance to Justify the check to business which In evitably attends any revision of the tariff." - r . ' There could be no better explanation than this of the attitude of the repub lican party in regard to the tariff ques tion. That party has never been and Is not today wedded to any particular schedule or special rates. Repeatedly it has changed the tariff and It will do so again when circumstances seem to . re quire or justify a change. But It will always do so with reference to main taining the policy of protection. It Is In this respect that the republican party differs from the democracy, the latter demanding the abandonment of protec tion, which means not only destruction of our Industries, but also disaster to American labor. The republicans of Massachusetts voice the general sentiment of the party when they say that changes In the tariff "can only, be made success fully and with the least possible Injury to business by the republican party and in accordance with the principle of pro tection." That Is the absolutely sound position which ought. to be recognized by everybody who is at all familiar with the tariff question. The American peo ple have bad ah experience with demo cratic tariff tinkering and It would seem that they do not want another lesson. 171 TREASVRT AAD It TUCK JOBBERS. The management of the treasury, no matter of what party, brand, has long been too much dominated by the super stition that the New York Stock ex change represents the whole country and that when It puts forth signals of distress the secretary of the treasury must man a lifeboat for Its "relief." Under the spell of this venerable superstition the secretary of the treasury has thrown himself Into the breach to satisfy the clamor of the stock Jobbers for money to tide them over a threatened crash. The Treasury - department waa not created or designed to be a "rescue" agency. The country was never more prosperous. Commerce and Industry are active and profitable. The banks gen erally have an abundance of money and the credit of legitimate business is not impaired. Throughout the great interior the local banks are supplying funds for marketing crops, although of course for this purpose they are calling home a largo part of their deposits In New York. In New York Itself and throughout the east trade and industry are on a solid basliv From. Maine to California no farmer, no merchant no manufacturer bas called out for treasury help or dreamed of doing so. The simple truth la that the trouble In New York is confined to Wall street and indeed to that part of Wall street which is concerned In stock Jobbing and sieculatlou, and not In legitimate busi ness and sound banking. The specu lators bave been caught lu their own trap. They have overstralued their credit and absorbed too much of their own and other people's ' inouey in watered stocks. The New .York banks have been guilty In encouraging a spirit of reckless speculation. It Is beginning to dawn ujwn the tiuanclal world that too many New York bankers are tbeui- selves subordinating their duties as bankers to their spectilstlve schemes as promoters, and that too many of the recent gigantic mergers and combina tions are at bottom merely stock-jobbing schemes to unload Inflated securities upon the public. With ninny of the great bankers of New York heels over bead In these schemes. It Is preposterous to suppose that they would properly act as a conservative force upon a specu lative movement In which they them selves plotted to reap great gains. The market bas broken under the feet of the speculators and stock jobbers. Why should the national treasury be put at their service simply because their schemes have failed? What better claim thereto have the operators In Wall street than the operators on the Chicago Board of Trade when a squeeze occurs? The simple fact that Wall street by squealing loud enough, can have the treasury keys turned is Itself an en couragement to overspeculation. No more wholesome lesson, either as a mat ter of business or of good government could be taught the stock exchange than for the treasury to stand aloof from It and to let the speculators know that when they get into a scrape they will have to get out of it the same as other people have to do, the best way they can. BRUA TCHiSM RAMPART. When that political desperado, Wil liam J. Broatch, leaped into the saddle as police commissioner everybody fa miliar with bis public career knew that the Mercer-Baldwin board would shrink at nothing short of political burglary. Within three days after Broatch had placed his band on the throttle the work of police demoralization and degradation bad begun. The first act under the leadership of Broatch was the reappointment of the most disreputable and the most discred ited officer that bad ever held a position on the police force to a captaincy. No body knew better than Broatch that Henry P. Haze had been dismissed from the service for scandalous conduct that should forever bave barred .blm from any place In the police department The charges of flagrant misbehavior for which Captain Haze bad been dismissed did not rest on merely one or two in stances of dishonorable conduct' but con stituted a repetition of offenses too rank almost to describe in a newspaper. Following up this shameless abuse of power the Mercor-Broatch board ap pointed George B. Stryker as special de tective on the police force In the face of the fact that Stryker bad been dishon orably dismissed by the county commis sioners for questionable practices and mismanagement as superintendent of the county poor farm. Nobody familiar with Broatch and bis methods, therefore, bad any right to be surprised at the attempt to reverse the judgment of a former board for the ben efit of former Police Captain Cox, who bad been tried, convicted and dismissed on the1 charge of cowardice, affirmed by the district court after a full bearing. According to City Attorney Connell, the Mercer-fialdwln-Broatch board . had no legal right to take any action In the mat ter and its Intrusion into the case is cal culated to complicate matters and lay the foundation for further legal proceed ings against the city by Cox and bis at torneys, who doubtless bave taken the case on a contingent fee. The Cox incident only emphasizes the Imperious demand for borne rule. A board responsible to the taxpaylng-clti-zens of Omaha would not dare defy pub lic sentiment by reckless disregard of common decency, nor would It reck lessly squander money contributed by the taxpayers for police protection. SEtlATOR TELLER IN PERIL. The Intensifying quarrel between the democrats and the populists in Colorado strengthens the hope of the republicans of carrying the Centennial state. While the two hitherto confederated parties were unable this year to effect a fusion for general purposes, they did both agree in endorsing Senator Teller for re-election. The spilt at their state conven tions, however, bas aluce spread through most of the counties and the war be tween their rival county tickets bas involved the legislative nominations. In many counties populist and democratic candidates for the legislature are fight ing each other as bitterly as the nom inees for other offices. The Colorado republicans are wisely putting up strong tickets in all districts and feel sure of wresting a number of them from tbe opposition, which bas been able to' win ouly by fusion. It Is conceded that tbe republican state ticket is one of the strongest ever nominated in Colorado, which is an Important aid in the struggle for the control of the legislature. Sen ator Teller has been greatly embarrassed In his canvass by local feuds between the former fuslonlsts and by general lack of interest and vigor among bis supporters. His sliver hobby bas de generated Into a dead issue, even In Colorado, and bis speeches betray con sciousness of the peril that confronts blm, while every Indication demon strates the confidence and energy of the republicans. The BurestNand best way for the re gents of the State university to enlarge the resources of that Institution Is to join In tbe fight for tax reform that will put a stop to the evasion of taxation by the great railroad corporatlous of Ne braska. For every $1,000,000 added to the grand assessment roll tbe university 1-mlll levy will produce $1,000 and an Increase of $10,000,000 by the assess ment of railroad property and fran chises on the sunie basis as other taxa ble property would give the university $20,000 a year without making inroads into the state's general fund, which is already inadequate to meet the ordinary demands upon it Tbe paper established at Lincoln by I. K. Thompson under tbe name, Tbe I tally Star, whose first number has Just appeared, ought to Infuse long-needed fresh vigor Into Journalism at the state capital. The Ifiltlal Issue under the trying conditions of unfinished quarters and Incomplete plant scarcely affords fair opportunity to pass Judgment from the standpoint of newspaper criticism. By the salutatory over the signature of Mr. Thompson the public Is assured that It will be an Independent republican newspaper, abjuring yellowism and working for the upbuilding of the cap ital city and state. That It Is to be a personal organ is strenuously denied and coupled with the declaration by Mr. Thompson that he Is not and will not be a candidate for any office. Starr ing out under favorable auspices, there Is no good reason why the (Star should not score a success. The New York Financial Chronicle does not state the whole truth, but comes nearer the truth than most pa pers of Its class are apt to do, In this re mark: "Money has become , close here and not So close In the west and south because New York bas at this specula tive period furnished in good part the interior with the necessary extra funds for their crop work." But New York "furnished" the interior, not New York money, but western money merely on deposit there. Tbe New York banks know, that these western deposits will be called home for the crop movement and they bavo themselves to blame if they overloan It to eastern stock boom ers and speculators. Tbe fact Is that tbe west bas "furnished" Itself with money for the ordinary fall uses, New York having been merely the depository for the same during part of the year. The Chicago Railway Age, a corpora tion organ, takes great pains to state the purport of the decision of the Ne braska supreme court In the late assess ment case exactly wrong. It pretends that "the decision summarily disposes of the chief contention of the complain ant to the effect that real estate, rolling stock and other tangible property of tbe railroads in Omaha bad not been as sessed at their full cash value," whereas the court dodged the whole question and refused relief from obvious and gross discrimination In favor of the roads. The court Biniply refused to take Juris diction or to pass on the Issue and threw the taxpayers of the state back upon the State Board of Equalization, which at the Instigation and under the domina tion of the corporations had perpetrated the" Inequity complained of. According to reliable advices, the Spanish government is preparing to build during the next few years a large number of new warships of various pat terns' to restore Its navy to a fighting basis. It Is safe to say the Spaniards Will be very cartful wLeu they gel their new men-of-war to observe all the rules of navaj etlquette'wbeuever they come within range of an American gun. Bat His Meier Talks. Washington. Post. Mr. Phlpps, the gentleman who flipped $100,000 Into the fund for the Boer widows and orphans, waajiot-a professional Boer sympathizer. ', ""' . 'tlrl8J Ito vtle Reserve. t Pittsburg Dispatch. Concerning the statement that the average deposit in-ba t ofH(he population of the United States Is Wf per capita. It Is an evident conclusion that if we have a sharp winter the coal combines Intend to get that $108. y Jwatlfylaa; Its Title. St. Paul (Pioneer Press. The "enemy's country" seems to be Justi fying Its title In these days. Connecticut has turned down Bryan's lieutenant ai. ander Troup, just as Massachusetts turned down George Fred Williams, and In New York Dave Hill seems to be firmly In the saddle In spite ot the bucking and balklag of tbe Brooklyn and Tammany organiza tions. Mlalaaaaa and Hiilaim Rates. Philadelphia Press. Ths enforcement of the policy of reciproc ity cannot be too strongly pressed. But it should rest on broader grounds than mere Isolated treaties. It should be based on minimum and maximum rates, so that the nation which gives us Its best rates should get our best, snd the nation which gives us Its worst should get our worst. The broad policy of reciprocity does not binge on the few treaties which the senate has left unconsidered. WELCOME TO ALL OF IT. Kearly Three Billion Dollars Paid t Veterans of the War. Minneapolis Times. Since tbe lnaumirntlnn f ,. ?-r.j States government In its nmunt nearly three billions of dollars (to be exact iz,9Z,509,013) have been distributed In pensions to soldiers, to their widows snd their children. This does not Include the millions expended In establishing sol diers' homes where aged and Infirm vet erans are carea ror by tbe nation. Of this vast sum more than two and three-quarter billions are chargeable to the war of the rebellion and the Times voices the general sentiment In saying that not on penny of the vast sum la be grudged by the money makers of the United States. Better even that t h f m hundreds of thousands, or even the few minions., of dollars that have been paid to fraudulent claimants should have been thus dispersed than that any considerable number of needy veterans should bave been deprived ot what was their due. It should be also Insisted that any ob jections against the increased payment of pensions by cltiiena of the United States do not obtain as against the needy snd worthy soldiers of the civil or of any other war, their widows (not remarried) or their Indigent children. The time is fast approaching when the pension rolls will be materially lessened, but that time Is not yet. It should be re membered, first, that s very large Incre ment Is due to tbe Spanish-American war and, second, that there are still living tens of thousands of soldiers of the civil war who. up to date, have been able to support themselves, who came out of the army bronxed, rugged athletes and who would not have thought of accepting the government's bounty until now when old age and its Infirmities, confront them. These are the men who, above all others, deserve the nation's thanks and the na tion's aid. They were tbe most effective soldiers while the war lasted, they av been most worthy citizens throughout the generation that has succeeded. If there is a man who begrudges the old soldier his relatively small allowance that man must have In bis morals something equivalent to the miasma that, when It Inoculates the physical system, changes the point of view and makes pesaioiiaiiu, natures aaUrail cases jr sal hopeful. OTHER LASDS THAI Ot US. Rnaal. la (ha k. ..- IV. flit II ,-a lyf Itt. YJ i n .1.., T K Anal atata of which they form a powerful part were to break asunder Germany would Inevita bly, acquire the Oerman provinces of Aus tria, men Russia would insist upon COmDAIMStln alns farftiar aaat. At laast a part ot the slavlo elements so numer ous in Hungary might prefer the rule of the pur In that r.f ttta kfinin TChaft chance would tbe stoutest-hearted nation of 7.000,000 or 8.000,000 have to maintain Itself against Russia and 11,000,000 or more doubtful friends In tts own country? That is tne question which tne Magyar states men can only hope to put sside, not to Itllvap Tfcaf la hv th. nlinm tA tfca dual monarchy which makes them a mas terful element In a great power. That Is ttia urnl nf h. an hnalaat if 1-arentlnn which they gave the Oerman kaiser a few years ago as the head and front of the triple alliance. In Hungary among the ruling classes It Is emphatically felt neces sary to preserve the empire kingdom over which Francis Joseph reigns. Magyar laailora aaraa with thnll statesmen of other nations who say that If there were ho Austria-Hungary one would have to be Invented. T,a Inrlnatrlat rionroifllnn In Germany dpenaTM. aernrdins- to latest reports, al though the panto out of which It grows dates back some two years. Last nsy it was thought that the bottom bad been reached with wages generally reduced, fac tories running on shortened time snd the working force greatly cut down. But a current official report on the state of em ployment and wages In the metal and ma chinery trades shows conditions to be wnrsa, than four months ago. Work has become scarcer and the number of em ployes has been further reduced, in some rases waves bave aealn been reduced. At the same time the cost of living remains high and In the matter of meats is rising under the influence of the German tariff and the shortage In the United States. The country faces a harder winter than either of the two which have been passed through since the panic. 9mm Th pnrraannndent of the London Times at vai. Morocco, states that the sultan Is making a much-needed Improvement In the condition of prisons and prisoners in ms domain. At Fex the prisons have been cleaned and the prisoners given a chance to .bathe, sewer connections have beeu made, running water piped to the buildings and food furnished at the expense of the government. It Is also ordered that here after lists of prisoners and the charges sgalnst tbem be kept Orders for a simi lar cpurse to be taken throughout Morocco Whvn hnen sriven. but there Is reason for some doubt as to the execution ot such commands In that country unless the sultan Is very much in earest. Large .pumoers oi prisoners have been found unjustly con fined, and released. Some association mnrinUert after the Red Cross organization may some day be formed and given inter natinnaj rernrnltton to Investigate the con ditions prevailing in all the nstlons of tho world In relation to prisoners, ana puDiisn th results In circular form for the in formation of the governments concerned. If such work were done with tact ana elab orately Illustrated In the reports, the pub licity resulting would probably bring about needed reforms In backward countries and secure more just treatment for cttliens of fnrlrn nations imnrlsoned under so loose a system ss has prevailed In tbe North African states. Progress Is being made In the Cape-to- Calro railroad project, which Is worthy to rank with the Tranaslberlan road. Already trains are running from Cape Town to Bulu- wayo, 1,500 miles. Here the line deflects to the west to touch rich coal beds. It will cross the Zambesi at Victoria Falls. Cecil Rhodes- Intended that the road should pass through German East Africa, but since Rhodee's death, under an agreement with Belgium, made last spring, the line will pass through the Congo Free State to the upper waters of the Nile. From Buluwsyo It will run to Victoria falls, 300 miles; from Victoria Falls to Lake Kaaall, 700 miles. From Stanley Falls, on the Congo, a line will be built to Mahagl, on the Albert Nyanza, 480 miles, and this will link the Cape and Egyptian railways. It Is likely that another Una will reach the Cape through German East Africa. A commission has been appointed at Jo hannesberg to deal with the whole ques tion of the resettlement of the Transvaal. A provisional board was appointed, even before the war had finished, to receive ap plications from Intending settlers, but tbe members of It soon found that there were more applicants who wished to start farm ing at once than they could possibly deal with. So the distribution of farms was en trusted to an official In the governor's office, and now farms are allotted with no more delay than is, perhaps, Inevitable. No. at tempt has been made by tbe government as yet to bring settlers from Great Britain, In view of the number of applications re ceived from ex-soldlers and others already In South Africa. Tbe leases are limited to one year, or, In some cases, to five years with a first option for the settler at the end of the period of acquiring tbe land on terms which will be formulated In tbe first place by the new commission. Accounts of the progress of tbe land settlement and tho work of repatriation, with which it Is closely associated, appear from time to time. It la feared that there are many instances of real distress in the country, usually in the case of families who remained on the veldt throughout the war and who from false pride or from other reasons did not come In at the conclusion of peace to obtain re lief. Special agents have been appointed to bunt out these people. A Vienna correspondent states, as the official opinion In Austria and Russia, that while the treatment ot the Roumanian Jews Is contrary to the treaty of Berlin, It is only one of numerous cases in which a treaty has been violated without protest from the signatories, and It Is therefore unnecessary to do anything about It aow. The statement of fact Is Indisputable. None of the powers bas paid more attention to tbe treaty than served its own Immediate Interests, and Austria and Russia least of all. Tbelr Interests, Indeed, bave generally been followed In disregard of tbe treaty, and each of tbem is more concerned for Its own Influence in Koumanla than for any International obligations. According to a publication Issued by the French ministry ot finance thers are in vested in foreign securities over six billion dollars of French money. Of this sum $200,000,000 sre Invested In England. $1,400, 000,000 In Russia. $600,000,000 In Spain. $575. 000,000 In Austria-Hungary and about $300, 000,000 each In Italy and Egypt. Tbe French people have given hostages to for tune; no government, be it ever so chauvin istic, would dare engage In a policy of ad venture In the face of tbe conservative in fluence exerted by the millions of French small Investors whose Interest Is peace. The vast sums loaned to Russia bind France more securely to ber alliance with the lat ter than do formal treaties. Belter Slow. Philadelphia Ledger. Commissioner Ware has a notion that he can save $10,000,000 a year In pension. He wouldn't have a chance to try It the second year U as succeeded lbs first. ROrXU ABOl'T NEW YORK. Ripples ea the (arreat of Life la the Metropolis. Wbst Is planned to be when completed the largest public school In the Vnlted States, and probably In the world. Is being built on the block of ground bounded by East Hous ton. Manhattan, Lemls and East Third streets. In tbe heart ot a district by far the most densely populated In Greater New York. It will be known as Tubllc School No. 188, and the general dimensions ot the struc ture will be 212 by 181 feet. There will be two distinct departments, one for girls and one for boys, with 100 classrooms and a seating capacity tor 6,000 children. If the system of part-time classes still prevails when this school Is opened, Its capacity may be stretched to accommodate 1,000 more. Tbe structure will be five 'stories In height, simple In design, but with sufficient architectural touches to make It an orna ment to the neighborhood. The body will be of a light cream-tinted brick, with terra cotta and limestone trimmings. Two stories of the courtyard sre to be roofed over, to aflord a double playground, which will be heated In stormy snd in clement weather. ' There Is also to bo an auxiliary playground space, as the court yard playgrounds are to be devoted to the smaller children In the primary and kinder garten departments, where they will not be required to climb more than one stair way. In addition, tbe roof apace ot tbe building la divided Into two numerous stairways and exits on every sldo of the Immense build ing, by means of which the school may be dismissed and the army ot 6,000 children reach tbe street within three or four min utes. The contract price tor the building Is $383,000, which, together with the price of the site and the equipment and furnish ing of the school, gymnasium, bathrooms, etc., will bring the cost pf this model school to over $500,000. ' , ' One of the special features of the school will be the training of children for work In department stores. N A writer describing the greatness of the New York subway reflects that only twenty tour lives have been sacrificed during its construction. This logs of life has been sustained while millions of people bave been walking over fhe chasm and whilo other millions have been riding In street cars alongside ot the deep excavation. The subway Is now about one-half com pleted, having tost to this. date $21,000,000. Tbe human cost Is considered the less when It Is known that over 3,000,000 cubic yards ot solid rock have been blasted. This has been done In tbe heart ot the most thickly populated city of the United States. In commenting upon the twenty-four deaths, the writer suggests that they may almost be considered a gain. The Brooklyn Rapid-Transit Company is beginning to find that the way of the trans gressor Is hard. For months it has been burning soft coal, and paying no attention to tbe law. The engines send out volumes of soft-coal smoke and soot which fly into the car windows and doors to the discom fort of passengers. The other evening one of the cars had what might be called sn overdose of the smoke when a man pulled out a cigar and lit It. The guard made his appearanoe almost immediately and ordered htm to stop smoking or leave the train. The man refused to stop, saying: "If tbe smoke of this cigar Is any worse than your soft-coal smoke, I'll stop." The guard re treated, and a dosen men then pulled out cigars, pipes, and cigarettes and began to smoke. - Arthur Brisbane, who Is to be the Tammany- candidate for" 'congress to succeed the lats Amos J. Cumminga, is, as Mr. Cum mlngs wss, one of the products of New York Sun Journalism. ' He was first a reporter on the Sun, then Its London correspondent, and later editor of tbe Evening Sun, a posi tion Cummlngs once occupied. Then Bris bane went to the World and later to the Journal, of which he Is now one of the ed itors. Plana for the new city home ot Charles M. Schwab, president of tbe Steel corpora tion, have been filed with the building bu reau of New York city. The bouse will bs a six story structure of ornamental granite, with two three story extensions occupying the center of a plot covering the entire block bounded by Riverside drive. Seventy third and Seventy-fourth streeta and West End avenue, the surrounding grounds being laid out as terraces and gardens. The main building will be 90 feet front and 107 feet deep and tbe extensions 33.8 by 45 feet. The building Is to cost $900,000. The tyrant paleface who runs the street cleaning department bas ordered all wooden Indians back to their reservations. The tribe of cigar signs have heretofore enjoyed a moderate amount of peace and paint and looked as nice as possible on all occasions. But the commissioner declares they are sn unsanitary tribe and must get off the earth. Tbe public reason given for the cruel edict Is doubtless well founded. Tbe Impelling motive, however, Is that tbe animated cigar signs of home growth merged their Inter ests snd hurried their ancient competitors to the fuel bins. Penalty of Betas; Fresh. Chicago Chronicle. The . salt trust Is In financial difficulties because It undertook to gobble up more than It could assimilate. In other words. It got too fresh which is, of course, fatal to a salt combine. New After the distraction of carnivals, parades and crushea, we look for a different impulse in business different in the fact that we can now be able to give you the attention that was denied during the rush of the last two dajs. You, will come here for clothing if you want to be sure of getting your foil money's worth In correct apparel. Don't make the mistake of thinking our prices are higher because our clothing is better than the other sorts. . ' . . - Suits $10 to $30. Overcoats $10 to $40. No Clothing Fits Like Ours. Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers; Re S, Wilcox, Mauacer. POLITIC AL DRIFT. Tom Johnson realises that he hasn't tiuoh ot a show In Ohio, yet declines to sblp his circus to Nebraska. "Lauchln' snd appertalnln' to" one tiev ery It la evident from the accounts that the "country lobsters" at Pavs Hill's con vention sre mighty skillful snd vigorous in spplylng the hoot. That is why Dtvery flew when ordered but. Congressman Schley of Pennsylvania, who tobogganed Into the republican camp meet ing not lo!-g ago, resents an official wel come tendered him In tbe form of a cam paign assessment. Ho was pulled for $1,000 and set up a Calamity roar. There will be one lonesome democrat In the state senate ot Maine when that body meets. He will doubtless achieve the notoriety of excluslveness, as did "Dono van of Bay," who held a like post in tbe Michigan legislature a few years sgo. The tussle for supremacy In Montana between Clark and Helnxe Insures an unin terrupted season of prosperity for the "heelers." Clark and Ilelnze . are well heeled as well as liberal spenders snd may succeed In getting all able-bodied voters on their payrolls..,'. ::,w '; The oldest man elected, to. the Vermont general assembly Is Arnold ''Ball of East Haven, Jacksonian democrat, aged 78, The youngest Is Harmon E. Kddy of Stratton, republican, aged 21. Legislator-elect Wil liam Tudor of Somerset Is the father of Legislator-elect John Tudor of Stamford. The prohibitionists ot Indiana are trying to pledge 60,000 men in the state to vote their ticket at the November election and. It Is said, havs already secured the names of half that number, divided about equally between former supporters of the repub lican and democratic tickets and policies. George R. Sheldon, the banker who was originally slated for lieutenant governor on tho New York republican stale ticket and subsequently turned down, thought he had such a sure thing that he had man ufactured 200,000 "Odell and Sheldon" but tons, for which he paid cash in advance. Most of the buttons were shoveled Into a furnace, a few being saved as mementos. Dennis Mulvlhlll, the work logman mayor of Bridgeport Conn., has given so much satisfaction to those who elected blm that they are endeavoring to secure his nomina tion as sheriff of his county. His selection ss a candidate for that office probably would be equivalent to election. Tbe place has always been slated ss worth $10,000 a year and tho sheriff bas a four-year term. There are two candidates named Brown on the republican state ticket In Pennsyl vania. One Is the nominee for lieutenant governor, William M. Brown. He has been a state senator and Is a special agent In the United States land office. Isaac B. Brown, the nominee for secretary of In ternal revenue affairs, represented Erie county In the legislature for three terms and then became a clerk In the depart ment of Internal affairs. He has been deputy secretary for two terms. 1'OIMKI) RKHARK9, Chicago Tribune: "Tliese men are so for getful. Your husband has been away nearly a week and I suppose you have not had the scratch of a pen from him." "The scratch of a pen? I haven't even had the vibration of a thought from, him!" Philadelphia Press: Deacon 6now Does I un'erntan', parson, dat yo' oplnlonate dat Adam wus a colored nvui? Parson Johnslng Yo' diagnose mah views o'reckly, suh. Deacon Snow Den I s'pose yo' 'low dat dat apple wus In real'ty a watamllllon. Baltimore American: "Let me Sell you n v atch dog," suggests the dealer. "I believe not," says the long-haired gen tleman, who holds the door ajar with a hand that is Ink-spotted.' "I believe not. We keep the wolf at the door nearly all the time." . . , . .' - ' : 1 i J ' r J- i mi., Chicago Tribune: ' "DonT you sometimes have thoughts," asked the Soulful Young Thing, "that are absolutely unutterable?" "I do, miss," answered the old poet. "And sometimes, when 1 am digging for a rhyme that won't come, I have thoughts that are absolutely unprintable." Philadelphia Preset Towne Engaged to be married? Not you, surely? Browne Oh, no! It's my barber; but I'm t be-congratulated Junt the same. Towne Because of his engagement? Browne Yes. You see, he's stopped eat ing onions now. Baltimore American: "Here, landlord!" cried the patron. "Here is a cockroach in my coffee." The landlord hustled to his side. Inspected the cockroach critically, then moved to ward the kitchen, muttering: "1 11 discharge that cook on the Instant. I have told him time and again to remove the cockroaches from the coffee before It la served." , At TI M OK THK HEART. Portland Oregonlan. Across the wood-grown western hills The serried clouds advance; And soon on Autumn's crumpled loaves The first few raindrops dance. Each drooping tree, euch fading flower, Rejoices at the sound, As cooling breeze and generous flood Refresh the thirsty ground. Upon a withered waste of life The clouds ot healing rise; And teardrops course In serried ranks From long unweeping eyes. The shadows of contrltfun fall On conscience, seared and dry' And sunset's rainbow hangs Its arch Of promise in the sky. Oh. passing sweet Is hearthstone fire, When gained from Winter's night; And vlnlon Is most dear to eyes Long hidden from the light. None knows the worth of liberty But one that has been bound; And showers fall most graciously Upon the famished ground. Kind mother Nature brings to each The boon that famine craves: To burning woods the floods that quench To hi "-la the tear that saves. Down tli.- long halls of memory. Where blew sin's burning blatit. Soft zephyrs steal and fountains play The Summer drouth la paatl to Business.