TIIK OMAHA ' PA1I,Y BEE SATURDAY, OCTOnCR ' 4. 1002. 1 1 SPECIAL HQTICEj svlll fee llkri III 12 sa. far tss la( rami) ad ,111 B as. -r aaaralaa and -edMlaa. Metra. 1 l-Se ward Sret lasertlaa. te ri thereafter. B takea lese that as r h nl't"'" '. Te)ee advertisements mast 4rrrlUrr, by reejaeetlaaj krrl rhrrk, ea a aa ere re rmtl to ttkfrH letter la eara I Tk Bee. Uintri addrrssed will H delivered -aa grewetaili keek oaly. WAITED MALE HELP. 'ANTED, canvasser: man famlMar with book and iwspaper work pref erred ; must b hustler. Apply Houra io,, liee mug. B 299 tft FOR HALF A DAT S WORK. .t you live In th country or In a small town and liavc a food arquailntanr among the farmer and "stork raisers In the neighborhood you can make 5 easily by four or five houra' work. Write ua and we will send you njr Tut, posit Ion. The Bee Publishing Co.. Solicitors Dept., Omaha. Neb. H MXia FIVE strictly flrM-dU VWn to -work? city and country "tnrrtor Ior Dewspwper; weekly aalary. 1J to Ui. accordlnn to abiiHy. rtrnunrai poeition. rrirrenci i i neceaaarv. 1IHJ or wrne o noora H lii.lr B 111 Ht'STLINQ deputies wanted: men or women; eplenuld cuaLracU Tee Ciardm- era, 41a Ree Hldg. B 1!7 WANTED, flrat-claas Brltannica and War rivr lil.rav aalM4men $ or Iml Kansas.' Nebraaka. Montana, North and South I Dakota. We pay traveling axpenaea and monthly advance. You call on inquiries oniv. formanent and eacluaive territory sya'tem. Adureae American Newspaper I Aaaot. lallon. suits I. X. JJTe mag., Umaha, Neb.. - ti 293 Ol WANTED, younx man stenographer; give references, age and expected saiary. Aa- drers K. ia. lire. . . B MSa WANTED, traveling man who visits the large and small town, to sell retailers a eelect assortment of -dry arooda for spring. on commission. Bryn Mitt Mills, I'mia- oeipnia, l i. a ai WANTED, men to sort Iron. .Alpirn. KOI arnam. ts w WANTED, a hosiery and underwear sales- man for states of Nebraska and Iowa. Box ZK. Marlon, Ind. B Mt0 WANTED, good harness maker J. J. Corn- icy, tuielt, is. r a M763 04 WANTED, csrpenters. CM a flay. Ad dress Joseph tihleslger, contractor, Yutan, reo. ts aw WANTED, experienced tinner and shop man. Applicants send reference; best wages paid. 41 Joonson, uiark, fteb. - ' - " . B-l OS WANTED for V. . Army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and SC. citutens or United States, of good char acter asd . v-rtperate habits, who can speak, read and wrtte Eucllsb. For infor mation apply to Krcruiliiig Officers. 16th and Dodge 8s., Omaha, and postothue iUiiaing, uncoin. Neb. B D-31 WANTED-Balesman for and furnishing goods Dept.; alio shoe salesman., neuratw ciotbing to. - B-M130 MIDDLE-AGED MAN, good address, good inatT, targe acquaintance, beat refer' encea. City avlnjs bfink. lth and Dovis as. . i -' . B M1ZI 7 WANTED, a good man to take care pf iurnace.1 itei'Tence required.; Address 11. J. Frey, -care Hayden Broa. B U8 1 WANTED, first-class horseshoe ra at nno Writ Geo. Nyers, 812 So. First St., Cedar napiua. la. B 167 .WANTED, bookkeeper or office clerk; give age, paat experience and salary expevted. I Addreaa-L JU; Bee. 11 155 l WANTED, competent janitor, young, ac- 1. i,,I. rT-l " "1 . I nesa. McCori. 1'r.dv Co.. Uih .n i w uibw miuiiK 'in ram Krocerv niiai- i enworth. B-Ui WANTED Salesman; xperience not necesasry. Kemingtoo Typewriter CLe I llaraw. -B-SlI70B 1 WANTED Office boy. 18 years old, to Kkiw uuBincna. aoia r arnam. t j ; : , B M169 S v i.is i r.Li rarermen apply at once. mom peon, miuku m Co. B M167 6 WANTED Laborers, scraper holders and grubbers and scrapei teams, -near Wa bash freight depot. Council Bluffs. Hall uraatng ana -vonatrucilou company. B MIS S OOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. I a. f. i,.vo, M ts. win st. B-rMu4 WANTEll-J unfurnished rooms with board, by yOUtig married Couple. Address U Midi WANTKD-OUot boy, one who is quick, accurata and writes good hand; perma- wtin? atli'i'o. -Jl.e" a UWn hn1- and addresa. U k7 " Rll.FBViv w.n.i -k .In. ... i J " ...v ,.v nv l.'U 11 , 1 , iiBua io iaae a gooa siae line of dry Ih. ,iV iTJLum. 7nKv..t,ra,d?- nhla Vala Mills, box UV. fhiladel- pnia. Pa. ... B M197 4 WANTKTl man tn lan . r- 4- hers are advantages that cannot be had STer.' given, diplomas, granted, board included and magea Ssturdays; always demand for qualified barbers; wa were established In ana nave branches in New York. Chicago. St. Lou la. New Orleans. Ban - Francisco and Minneapolis, our svstem ts well known; do not be deceived by similar nun or cheap t-cent ehus called rollegea; see, our Illustrated catalogue, mailed free. . Mtjer Barber College. I3u2 Douglas at. , B M194 WANTED, k man for furnace and firm work at S. W. comer 29th and Hamilton sta; reference required. B M192 4" WANTED, several first-class experienced bill clerks and bookkeepers at once by wholesale house. Adlres Lsf, Bee. . B M191 i VALESJIEX WltTGD. ILALESMEN exclusive territory ; aalary or eommlatun:aMe!art4on guarsnteed. Ap ply for terms 1 "is,,' Weetem- Nursery Co., Lwreuce. Kan.'-, '-144 C17 WANTED, . expeiieaced -atov fod 'Sales men to handle trrrltory; aalar or com niisalou Aaidfasa li, Rovaa 10. Opera House. Kearney. Neb. 791 CM TWO salesmen on new Universal Cyclo pedia and Alias; liberal commission; eg- 1nse advanced. D Apuleton as Co., .entury bldg., Kansas City, Mo. . - . - M1P1 ANTED Experienced shoe sslesman. Muat have tirat-claaa references and thor oughly know his business. J. L. Brandeia at .o. t SALESMAN WANTED Writs . or so. Manager, 1C DougUs St. -M116 a WiTlD-FElLE HtU. lft) Girls. Call Canadian office, ltth Dodge, WANTED, good wages tn a good cook; nuuf uiuvr nrav aipiy. xiarney. ' 'C-MXi WANTED, working rnsekeepef In family vi iuiot auaiwa. uuh 1. Ae. C 4S1 WANTED, six ladies to demonstrate In city for a new Battle Creek fdud: congetial wora; gooa vajrys pia lo right parties Call between 7 Mid t tbia evsitiug, Puxtoi liuteL Huwm IS. .... . GIRL for 'or geseraJ booiaewurk: good Mrs. Fort, XX Davenport st. agrS- C-M171 i WANTtD. competent girl ior general housework In Jumlly o( two: refrenoes requireo, call nvruipgk. j i. St. . ' ' ' C-M6J WANTED, a gsnd girl for general houae- wurk; n. aael.lug, K.w Jfr seek. 1W4 Mortn M'l bt - C fcVl WANTED, rtrf for general Housework. 2lt Mason St. v . . C 6M GIRL fur general housework. 2iul Pierce street. WANTfcfc. boastkeeper tn family of three auutia. A.uoiaa aw su, oa, C . WAKTCD-FCVILC HEIf. COMrFTFNT girt. S5 a week. E. A. Ren- c 1-2 a ton, 41 Docg-e. GIRL fir general housework: four In fam ily; good pay. r2l E street. South UmiM. WANTED-For Monday arid Tuesday of I each k. washwoman Mrt. (' T. Rountse, i&3 licwiy Ave. WANTED. experienced aklrt finisher. Mi Caldwell, IS. Broadway, aeoond floor. Council Bluffa. C-M151 6 WANTED, girl for genersl housework-, tin family?" per week. Inquire Id Farnam. t Min WANTED, ladle to learn hfrlreelng. manicuring and facial massage: practical method by free clinic, expert Instruction. lectures, etc.; only tour weeks reouireo; rood demand for graduates; special in- ducemente Just now. fall or write, MolT ('"liege. Douglas at M'.iv?" HELP WASTED. WANTED, man and wife, with no children, to take charge of ten-room houae. fur nlahed. and board man and wife. ,oTera; woman in'jf t be good cook. Addreaa 1 FOR REST HOLIES. HOUSES, (tores, Bemla, Paxton block. 1 Si3 TO MOVE rlrht ret Omaha Van Storare o. ; one lull uiitm, or leia. i.-w. u ui K' kjm moaern aetacnea nouae. inquire 2WS Capitol Ave. V MM Uni ICCCIn all parts of otty. The o. tlUUJLO j.'. Davis Co., tM Bee Bldg. U ail SEE PAYNE, BOSTW1CK CO. for choice houses. 94-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Ml. I U ala , FOR RENT A-house, 3314 Francis street fJV.OO. Omaha Realty Co., 1W1 Douglas St VANS aud baKaaaa w a sons. Tel. 119S. u SJV HOUSES and flata. Rlngwalt, Barker block. L .i i ' MODERN houaea. Kn.on. 120.00. iis.w; otners IW.iiO, llO.oo; flats. tlO.uO, XSI.OU. U. ti. Tur- kungton, 1Kb Bee Bldg. D-M MAOQARD Van tc Storage Co. Tel. 149S. 1 Ua t - POOM modern, good repair, on 8. 12d ave- nur. phone FOR RENT Georgia. Ave., home, I rooms; nice gas grate In parlor, furnace, porce lain bath, tuil lot, paved street, . J. ki. BHLKHWU, 1W( I. I. Liiie. D 204 OCTOBER 1 6-room house. 1E0 Cass: mod ern except furnace, . vv. r. rsasun. Hotel Farnam. t a FOR RENT, three t-roora houses, with water, gas and sewer: Just been pluced I In first-class reDair: all In rood location; close to sireet car and schools; tit to tl each. C. M. Bachmann, 43e' and 43i Paxton block. uoia tm K MTU AT U,i,, K Otvi m m L- room cottage. William K. - Potter. He-1 cm vpr. aii2 Mrnwn block. 1J tat I MODERN 7-room house, near park. loOS south 2Hth. LtM FOK RENT, t-rooin modern brick resi dence; everything in first-class shape. l is. 3tn Kt BRENNAN-LOVE CO., to S. 13th fit. D-M716 4 FOR RENT. October 1. t-room modern ? V.i ttln. "w Vlllon I Life Bldg. Ul S. 38 D ST., t-room flat, with bath xrtb B. istn si., i rooms, city water. Win. K. potter, receiver, tuS Brown block. 1 M11S HOUSES.,. G. O, Wallk4 ' - " a) lace, Brown Block. D 1M ELEGANT 1-room house: all modern Im- iiMvrfnrM,' kin nr month: a'llur rent ' i " r . fee. 4tH N. SMd street. D-M166 VQA Burt at.. 0 rooms, modern, tJO; U'Si Eraklne St., 4 rooms, new. modern. t2j0; - Eraklne St.. rooms, new. modern. K2.a(i; lB"- Rirrgwalt Bros., Barker block, DMK2 i 704 H. ITth at., ' modern house, 9 rooms, new plumbing, in nrst-ciass repair, .io.t)u. GARVIN BR08.. 1604 Farnam street. D M16U S FOR RENT, besutlfully furnished modern 7-room house, !: Spencer St., or will rent I iniuriiiaoeu. r ur jwruuuiin nu vn a. Marks, 4.M 24 tn fct. i 1,3 ElUHT-room house; modern, inquire 2614 Caldwell street- . 1 M1SH lu STEAM, central, modern- t-room flat, Tisara, zs w. xs. j mi.hx FOR RENT FIRMIUED ROOMS. DEWEY Europesn hotel, ltth and Farnam. tl PER WEEK-422 8. lltb St., one block '0Jtn or cou" nou'g- AETNA HOUSE. European, 18th and Dodge. TWO nice. cool, furnished or unfumlshea noma. tfu4 Davenporu K-27 ROYAL. HOTEL, European, ltth : Chicago. E VJtt lrSJ Vn chicaio! f"1, E 92g VIENNA HOTEL 10U-U Farnam street. t. Ki4 7 LARGE south front room, newly furnished. modern, telephone, Bui table for two men. ZX1 Douglas. . . DEBIRABLE rooms, first-class location. walking aiaiance. o-t r arnam. E MJ07-6 HANDSOME steam-has ted room. 1909 Cap- i l A v ax i . nut a v sr. cibjw FIRMIUED ROOM! AKD BOARD. Merrtam, comfortable winter borne. Tel. US. F 929 FURNISHED rooms, with or without board r rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, . lstn ana. inicago. , . . r FtR RENT-Deslrable rooms. 212 8. Sth tiU : -rMS31 THREE rooms. 62 8. r9th St.: 'furnaca. r . 24 FOR RESiT IKFtRHISHEO ROOMS. TWO or three rooms, tts B. list svenua. J MTt'l 4 FOR REST STORES AKD OFFICES. FOR RENT Store. In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C Peters at to.. ground noor, tie mag. . l am FOR RENT Ths building formerly occu pied by Ths Bee at kt Fajiain St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. 1 his will be rented very reasonably, li interested spply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bos building. 1 a;i AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Can vasalng agents In " every county to solicit subscrlpilona to THE TWENTIETH CENTL KY FARMER. Steady empuyment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially deaired. Canvassers make easily sot) to tluv per month. Ad dress, ( entury Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Hee building. Omaha. 2i3 W ASTED TO RENT. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms, by two gentlemen: must s ilae ast. modem and well located. Address 1. 8?, H-e K M172 b W AKTED TO Bt t . WANTED To buy, t-room modern house, convenient to South Omaha car line, north part of city. Address, K as. Bae. N-6SU A HARDWARE slur or furniture store. Adireta, 1, 'A. Bee. N Elu a FOR BALE FtltXlTl IE. ' CHICAGO Furnlturs Co. 141 Ttodve. Tel. yon New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. o kit i FOR BALE, hat rack, sideboard, folding oea, cnairs, carpet, mi trw is. a'tn. O 177 I FOR BILE HORSES, WACOM, ETC. OOOD family horse. 131S Farnam street. P-6M-4 HARRT FROST lnli and repair wagona. bee mm. nth and Leavenworth, let. i7. P 934 , OfKJD horse and bue-gy. or will exchange lor cneap vacant lot. inquire s.12 fs. . l.tte. r-Mjn o" FOH B L,E M I St ELL. R I Ol i. FENCE IATH for quick ahlptnent. crib- blng, combination laddera. ll ikiuj . W-M122 FilR BALE Phonoeraphe; auperior to any oiner mutual instrument; ia up. I n Vr'lttmaiin Co., l&U Farnam. Q 936 NEW and aecondhahd typewriter. 11!9 Farnam. lurt STYLES truaae; catalogue free. Sher man McConneu urug Co., lbtn and Dodge, Omaha. 5 2UHAND safe cheap. Deright. 1111 Farnam. VTM punrture-proof tire. W.95 and 17.00 per pair. mana tsicjTie to., itn in i ni cago Bta. , . i91; INDIAN goods and relics. Ills Farnam. EriPON phonographs. 111), 120 nd tM; . mouiaea recoraa, mic eacn or a per oos. ; new wheels, tin up: 23hand. tS up. Omaha , Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Bts. w FOR gaa fixtures see Bam 1 Burns. Q 10 IFOR BALE, a pair of imported Mexican nairiees dogs. Address K t: iter. Q-MJ17 CHOICE milch cows, i Shetland ponies. B. T. Campbell, 4U3 Center, phone Black 1123. U-:i3 13 SELLING out bicycles at greatly reduced pricea; new wneeia. iu up. t-aiaon pnono- KTHun. fio. tJ and 130. Omaha Bicycla Co.. corner ltMh and Chlcsxo Bts y MIS68 EDISON Columbia nhonos-rnohs: arents wanted: write. Fredrlckson, li Cap. Ave. . O Mi92 22 OOOD tonad cottage organ for sale at a bargain. L 27, Bee. Q M106 GOOD Jersey cow. chesp; gives rich milk. 412 Corby street. Q M142 6 FOR SALE Pianos at and below factory . prices; largest line of talklnc machines west of Chicago. Collins Piano Co., 1627 Douglas street. Q M147 6 FOR BALE, baaeburner. used only a short time, inquire Zil Grace St. j iw OPEN carriage and closed carriage, hand maae; just none over; must sen vroqier dlately. Rll Brown block.' Q M164 CLAIRVOYANTS. mra. iiuii, ciaanojani. ioii vara bu o en MME GYLMER. genuine palmist. Hi B. la. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 11 N. 18, 2d floor. R. t X M661 a M1IE. AilES, vapor botha. 124 K. 15th.' ft. 7. '1 2i-1 . GRACE O BRYAN of Kr., 720 fi. ' Utb, T-'-'83-17 PERSOXi DR. ROT. chiropodist; corns and suoerflu ous nair removea Dy electricity, k. iz. Frenser block. , U 881 , PRIVATE hospital before-and durtng con finement, DaDlea Doaraea ana aoeptea, Mrs. Garde Is, jt&i Lake. . Tel. Ted 1HH4. VIA VI. Woman's war to health. n Home treatment. Booklet zree. - n alee' BiOy. Omaha. U 61 U. . , f BEND 25c for complete lesson In deep breathing exercise Hani J. Fox,' i ar- PRIVATE hospital before and during con hnement; nrst-clasa In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2504 Biondo St. Phone y-llni. - V 21113 MME. SMITH, baths, Uf N. IS, 3d floor. R. 2. J 1, GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale 1 ana retail, voiuna piano uo., itsa Douglas, u Mh TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. l , . . L. w ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor. U MSZ 9 I PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles' before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Geriach, 4M N. lath St., Omaha. U 960 OMAHA Dye Works, 1B16 Howard, the tasnionaDie cleaners oi lauiea ana gentle snen s areases and suits, lace curtains, araperles. V 64 8 $30 -RUPTURE CU! knife, no pain, no del Bend fur booklet, etc. RED FOR r Na detention from business. EMPIRE RUPTURE CUR: CO., 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. . U-tel JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. U-sOC TELLINO fortunes b Tea Grounds. X)ct i ui a u jniat a ! OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1516 Howard, the fashionable cleaners of ladles and gentle men s dresses ana suits, lace curtains, draperies. U M196 N2 HOUKT TO LOA CHATTELg. AK-SAR-BEN :- CET IN THE SWIM IF NOT. WHY NOT? . " 5 " If It Is because yu are short of ready casn we win-relieve you on tnat score. We will loan you money without any publicity whatever. We make loans on salary. Your employer or friends need know nothing of the- transaction EVERYTHING . IS CONFIDENTIAL. FURNITURE and PIANO loans for thus who prtfer to borrow In Lhia way. See ua tn our private office. RELIABLE CREDIT CO..'.. Room tuii. Third Floor, Paxton Block. - X-9 MONEY WHEN ou find It necessary to borrow, Ivs us a trial, after which we will, by talr treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. W loan from 110 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stuck, etc We also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE mltiiout morieage or endorser.' Wa do ... A , i.-1 In t r c u t In lv.nr' mrm . nothing for maaing or filing papers and ' our service Is quick and oonndentlaL We always try to plena our patron. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., . Ilk Board of Trade Bids. Tel. 2i " (Established 1L92.) tut South 16th Bt. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants,- team sters, boarding houaea, etc. without se curity; lasieat terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolroan, 440 Board of Trade Blag. 3f-k4 feONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Sue. to Dun Groan, I Barker block, X 96 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Heed, 319 S. li Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Suucsssur to J. W. Tayloc. ' TeL 74a. Gil Paxton Block. X-toJ MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried twople; business coniidential; lowest ratea, lu Paxtou blotk. Th J. A. Hutton Co. X-9a MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4V PER CENT on business property. i per cent an rt luetics property. Options tu ay whuu: or pan any tun.-. W. B. JJtlKLU al k iiUl Bt VY-M rOR J (LB FI RItTl RE, . .mom TO IjOAAoja.lt Ali ESTATE. MONET to loan on Imprwed Omaha real otate. Brennan-Lov Co,, SOS a. nth w 4 TO i P. C. Money. Bemla, Fakton Blk. W-tfil FARM and city loan, low ratea. W. 11. Thomae, F'lrai Nat. Bank bld(. Tel. lm. W-U FIVE FKR CENT loan. Garvin Broa. 1X Farnam. W t ty loam th tc Co W Farnam 8ml lXt) Farnam street. W PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. Ii2 Puclas. W-wi WANTED City and farm loans; alao bond and warranta. R. C. Petera tt Co., lTus Farnam Et., Bee Bldg. W !S 100 CP; low rate. Frlchard. 1711 Farnam. w : B1S1XESS CHAStES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. T-M8 WHEN you wnnt to buy, sell br exchange your business or property ejulck see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M9 Do You Wantanbxceptionilly Good Business Opening. The New Town of DARR, DAWSON COUNTY, NEBRASKA On main line of the Union Pacific railroad, B miles weat of Lexington, Neb., is to be placed on the market. Offers for Business' and Res idence Lots Will Be Re ceive Until Oct. 10th, V 1902. Two grain elevators and two lumber yards now located and In process of erection. This new town will be a hummer. Address GEO. B. DARR, Tewnsite. Lexing ton, Neb., or B. A. MCAIIester, Com r Land- Dept., I'nlon Paclnc K. R. Co., Omaha. Y-159 7 FOR BALE The good will, tools and small tock of jewelrv, watches, etc., ownea ty the late N. P. Conant. 416 Broadway. t ouncll Bluffs; will be Bold at low price. This Is a splendid chance for one who wants to buy an established business, centrally located and reasonable rent; needs but small capital. Apply on the premises. . Y Mlt.16 STOCK of merchandise at big bargain, . consisting principally of fumlsnlng goods, shoes, ruobef goods, bsts and caps; prac . ticajly new and In tine condition; lo cated In South Omaha; purchaser could retain building or remove stock. Ad dress csre this paper. U M1S3 - FOR EICHAHGR. FOR EXCHANGE, house and lot, which has oae of several lots adjoining free, to trad for small farm not far ojt. Will pay cash Difference." J. IL Bherwood, W7 N. Y. Life. Z-Ml TO EXCHANGE. -room modern house, except furnace, In Derail Park addition, on car line, rente for t20 per mo., one vacant lot in same addition, one vacant lot rn-JC6untx. Pine and one vacant lot ,. in Thornburg Place. Will trade for land. Address L ZX. Bee. . , Z 182 I FOR EXCHANGE, modern 9-room house In . Xouhtsc Place,, for ' one or.. two smaller i.nouaes. Ananiw u, tteev Li. s- FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. ; R&AL ESTATE HARCjrUNS. If Interested In any of the following prop erties, write at'MMaa for fulK parties la ra. -If ou buy st prowertyMhTiWictt me: and at any time within two, years you should decide tnat H la tioKtust tM you want, ' 1 will resell' it for yoff! cha(gis;. no com mission. 109 a. ami -htrpta.; Montgomery-Go., Mo; 90 . a. iiilabie.; du a. cuiuvatea . in a; unimproved, i-mrssy trtj., ian. Bus. bldg, ana lot. m. Antnony, laano. 2 minoraT tracts. Cles Creek Cols, 1 rood bldar. lota. Beiaonhurt.-,N. Y. - 20 a. fruit tarm, San Bernardino, Co., CaLj ' gooa mags. ; near n. it. u . a. ana Impts., Susssex Co., N. J.; or . chards; Zli a, tillable. t a. lmon orchard. San Diego Co.. Cal. Three-story brick, res. and lot. Klmberton, Pg.; Is rooms; z stables; good snaue. 12r. bouse-and lots, Aurora, la, uO a. and 4mptsy Madison ut.. Va. a. and tmbts.!'1 Taylor Co.. Wis. 123 a., Belmont Co., O.; excellent house; good barn; orchard; near 1- . r. res. and 11 a.. Olivet. Mich. 160 a. and lmnts.. Peraulnans Co..- N. C. 11 a. on L and N. R. H.. hjicamtila Co.. Fla 9 a. and lmpts., live stock,- tarm lmple , ments and personal property; near Gol den, Colo. 266 a., 'Portage Co., O. ; good .bldgs.; 120 a. under plow; sugar nusn. Res. and 2 a.. Weir Park, Fla. 20 a. anllmpu., Volusia Co., Fla. 1H0 a. and impts.. Ban Juan Co.. Wash. Hemessoad impta.. Ne Perces AJo Idaho. list a. and impts.. Centre Co., Pa.; hn a. euiuvaieo; n mi. irvm xt.. rv. -2a a., Lawrence Co., Pa.; good house; ex " celient barn: high stste of cultivation. 12 a. fruit farm, banta Clara Co., Cal. 40 a. and impts., Brasorta Co., lex.; of- hard; 3 a. under cultivation. 424 a. and inipls., Rankin Co.. Miss. . - a. and Impis , Clark Co., Ind. 17 a. and lmpts., Webster Co., Mo. . 1! a. Dent Co., Mo.; talr bldka. ; 1300 a. timber; good, ferum soil. v 147 a. and lmpts., Sevier Co., Ark.; fine ' fruit land; near K. R. S47 a, and lroina.. Linn Co., Ore. . k a. and lmuLa. Harrison Co.. Ohio. -room nouse ana lot, ixing iwicn, jiibs. HO a. and impts., Sharp Co., Ark. 1 lot,, velumpla Heights Add., Portland, Ore, 2fW a. and lmpts.. Kingfisher Co., Okla. W. M. OSTRANDtK. 14, jxortn American - Building. Philadelphia, Pa. KE Mma . WHY pay rent? Own your home! Bee the Industrial Home '. of America. Best "pian.xin earth! Office, 221 Board of Trade ' ptag., vtmans. a. st. v nue, aapr. . . KE-M190 ACRE BARGAINS On- ths new Florence car line' at Miller , park. Your choirs of five houses, each with acre of .fine ground vAlso vacant .acres. " Eary payments. C. 8. Bhepsrd. owner, 832 N. 1. Lit. .kis-jlw FOR 'SALE T-room modern house, nearly new, full lot, hear Ames Ave. and 24th. prlce, .It."": part ceah, hatunce long time. j. it. itiCKV uuu, jmi r. i. l.tte. ... -. . ' ttE 205 RANCH and farm lands for sal by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Oroana, . Neb. - - ' KE 97J FOR 8ALECottag In ilanacom Place, six rooms, furnace, oath, gas, paved street, - nur car: lot 4jx1': rent, &e per month. plus water tax. Price, tS.Oiu; can be pur chased In pay neat. Aaoress, J , Uea. FOR SALE-tT acre, fruit and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherries, plums; eight sores tn tim ber, two miles from car Hue. Address, lot 8. First, council uiuna. ia. . tin a HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also cre property sna iarm isnaa. i na u. r . Davis vo.. ttoon so2, en vuuaing. KE 977 "RIG PROFITS IN RICE FARMING. Ws have excursions to the RICE LANDS of b- w. Louisiana ana iri every month, vs rite lur oaies. c lemenis at Taylor, lmmlgrauon Agents, Lyons. Neb. nLr-ui WILLIAMSON uatrJt! RE 971 HOUSES, lots, (trail, ranches, loans; also nr insurance, tufuum, tuwa muca. KE-4C2 K ELBEY'B. wall paper. 17th and Douglas. pnone isut. na-). KE PAYNE, B08TWICK CU for choice bargains, au n. i. u uiug. iei iiia. ; Kii-.4 GEORGIA AVE. horn for sale, all modem : house; part cash. baX long tlm. J. IL bherwood, S3; m. t. Lire, rnon as KE M97S THE building at Ninth and Harney, known as tlx t'ucuiii howL Is for aala. Bids as , tuvtutd. KwisKl 4Vussta. Ui I'arnasa a) v U- POR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to aril farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stoekrmlsers about IL Th beat war to reach them la through The Twentieth Century Farmer. This agricultural weekly goea to 33,000 homes of farmers and stockralsers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The coat of an ad it small 2 cents per word. THE TW ENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. RO lH TWO well built S-room houses, desirable location. Apply 14U Vinton St. RE 907 10 SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. J. A. Starr, 6.14 Paxton Blk., offers for sale In tracts of t acres or more, hna fruit and truck land. Address the above and get particular. RE 175 t LOST. LOST 7-Jewel Wallham watch: pen face; In carnival grounds. Return to Bee of fice. Lost M168 & LOST, 13d degree Masonic ring, engraved inside. Return to Edw. Dickinson, Gen. Mgr. V. P. K. R., Omaha, and receive ' reward. Lost 17 6 LOST, on Farnam street, Thursday night, or carnival grounds, black fur boa. Re turn to Her Grand office; liberal reward. Lost 176 5 lOST, Frldav, Knights Templar charm. Please return to E. Lv Lomax, Gen. Pas senger and ticket agent V. P. railroad, Omaha, and receive reward. Lost 174 S LOST, a 14 carat diamond stud. Please notity Roma Miller, ller Grand hotel, end get reward. Lost 179 6 LOST Black cocker spaniel; name Peer; name on collar, F. C. Mills. Return to 3uX California; suitable reward. Kopt VIM 3 DASCtKG ACADEMY. CHAMBERS, 17th and Douglas: now open for reception or pupus- formal opening September 24. 'Phone F-1775 circulars). M8el 8 MO RAND'S Dancina- School. lBth and Har ney. Children beginners, weaneauay, :io p. m. and Saturday, 10 a. m 30 leasons, tlO; season. October to May. t-0. advance; 12 lessons, t6; season, tl2; adults, Tuesday and Friday, t p. m.; 12 lessons, ladies, to; gentlemen, $6. High school class meets in Myrtle hall, sesson October to May, $10. Assemblies every weanesasy. rnom I'd COLLEGE OF MUSIC. OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND FINE A KTb Twelve free ana twelve partially free acholarshipa for one year, commenc ing Ofober l1; competitive evamtoM tiooa for tnese scnoiarsnips uctooer i. Appu cants will be examined by the faculty. For particulars and prospectua apply F. H. Wright. 21a Ramge Bldg. 61S 10 MAKl FACTX RIHG. P. MELCHIOR. 12th nd Howard, ma chinist. 9SZ OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of tire escapes, snuiiers, aoors ana safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 1U2 S. loth St. H3 IHOHTUAKD ASD T YPEWRITISiG. GREGG 8. H Touch T. W., Bus. Branenea, Tcleg. 'CaU Free. On, Coll., 17th & Doug. 60S A. C. VAN SANT'B school. TIT N. T. Life. 978 BOTLE8 college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. -99 NEB. Business aV Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. SfO stole;. STOLEN Sorrel team; one horse has white stripe In face, about 6 years old, splints on all 4 legs; other horse has notch on 1 knee and T brand on shoulder, about 9 years old: top Wasach buggy. with red running gear; man about 6 teet k or 10 lnchea, smooth face, blue even, brown curly hair. Address J. A. Bailey, Springfield, Neb. Btolen-MUul PIAKOS. 1 SELL PIANOS on payments of C.00 and tZ.bo per week at a saving to you of tlOO to JM from ueaiera prices, nooaiei irea. F. R. WALTER, Factory Agent, 2113 California St. Harney Bt. Car. M6.-.5 4 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay moret Lambert. $26; superior to tlflO macninea. ent on approval, jnon roe at Co.. 911 N. 16th St.. Omaha. 121 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suits tut pi k. Lite liiag. if i. xtttd. - -984 MRS. GRACE DEEOAN. 638 Be building. Tel. 296& ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 & Jackson. Tel. 2S4C 983 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. I'hiibln, la6 Farnam. 'Phone 7H. 87 CARPENTERS AKD JOINERS. ALL klnda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. I. ocniitree, yum and Lake streets. i,u THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phon 1717. to S. 16th. 9W L. M. E. hauls trunks. TeL 7K0. ' 99a PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 19ul JJoualas. STORAGE. UM Van btor. Co., lill Farn. Teis. Vt&-na. BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co., all North 16th. S3 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN PRICE. 22 U. B. N 1 Bk. Bid. , t ZH ACCORDIOS PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1M0 Howard. -825 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Bteam Lajndrr: shirts, tc: collars tc; cuffs, c llbt Leavenworth. TeL A-17t4. EXPERT ACC'Ol WTAST. PRIVATE lassnns la bookkeeping, etc.; nlgbl case jaona., wea.. n. u. K, Kalbbun. summi ia, cow 1 Xai 1 bank. Mx DKTKITIYK AfiEtCIK. CAPT. THUS t'OHMK'K, private detec tive. 617 Karbach blotk. Til. A-iVI STAM VKRIXi AMI STITTEHIX;. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge UMa. AtTttwORILES. ELECTRIC Al-TOMOBlLES. DetighU 1119 arnam street. rcu Fl R HRKHSIM.. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 S. l"th. TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered end re-! modeled Joe Yousen, 1411 Karnum tM mct FLORISTS. L. HI.NKERSON, Farnam. Tel. 12.V1 Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. ITOVES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel 9H rRIXTING. WATERS PRINTING COM TAN Y. Linotype Composition. Gil S. 13th. n-;. - LAXCl'AGE. GERMAN. A. Maxschner; 'phone, black 1901. GARRAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., rlesns cesspools' and vaults, removes garbage - and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16lh. Tel. 1779. 163 GOVERXMEST KOTICEB. CHIEF QVARTEBMA8TER S OFFICE, OMAHA, Neb., September 29, 1!02. Healed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here and at offices of Quartermasters at stations named until a. m., central time, October 15, 1!2, and then opened, for fur nishing shelled corn at Omaha (J. M. De pot. Forts Crook. Robinson snd Niobrara, Nebraska; Jefferson Barracks, Missouri; Forts Leavenworth and Klley, Kansas; Reno and Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort lx gan H. Root s, Arkansas. ' Proposale for delivery at other points will be enter tained. U 9. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here or to (quartermasters at stations named. Envelope containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Corn" and addressed to undersigned or Quarter masters at stations above named. JOHN W. PULLMAN. Chief Q. M. 6tD3-4-6-7-ll-13 OFFICE CHIEF. QUARTERMASTER, OMAHA, Neb Sept. in, 1902. Healed pro posals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at tins office until 10 a. m., central time, October 1" 19 12, for the construction of a frame coal shed at Kurt "Bill. O. T. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plan and apecilications may be seen. Or to the Quartermaster. Fort Bill. Pro posal to be marked "PropoAls for Coal Shed" and. addressed to JOHN W. PULL MAN, Chier Quartermaster. . . StD3-4-6-7-ll-13 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. 3, 1902 Sealed pro posals, tn triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office and by the Qusrtermaster, Jefferson Bar racks, Mo , until lu a. m., central standard time, October 16, 19U2, for the construction of a brick cavalry Ktable to replace one recently -burned at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Wail and material of old stable fit for pur pose to be used by contractor In construc tion or new one. -Full tnrormr.tion fur nished on application to this office, where plan and specitlcatkma may be seen, or to the uuartennaster. jetlerson Barracks. Intending bidders are informed that the new stable will lie. similar to stable on ad jacent site at the past. Proposals to be marxea 'rroposais ior statue ana ad dressed as- above indicated. JOHN W. PULLMAN-'CHlef Quartermaster. - blU 1-2-1-4-11-14 DENVER. Colo.. September t 1902 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o ciock a. m., ociooer s, ana then opened, for constructing five buildings, officers' quarters, barracks, stsble and aun shed, at Fori u. A. Kuaaeli. information furnished on application to Q. M . Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming, or the undersigned. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or sll bids or any part thereof. Envel opes containing bids to be marked "Pro posals for buildings at Fort D. A. Russell." ana aaaresaea lieutenant i oionei j. w. Pote, C. Q. M. tD--a-9-10-O3-4 DENVER, Colorado, Sept. 26, Iflnj-The opening of bids, for buildings at Ft. D. A. Russell. Wyoming, under my advertisement pf Septemlter 6 1R02. is hereby postponed from October 6 to October 15, 19 2, at 11 o'clock a. m. J. W. Pope. Lieut. Col. and Chief Q. M. flD-30-l-2-a-4-( POSTOFFICE KOT1CE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested aa changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending Oc tober 4, 1SW2, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases at the genet's! postoftlce as fal lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than cloaiua time shown below Parcels post mails for Germany close at a p. m. juonuay ana eanesaay. Regulai and Supplementary mails clnaa at Foreign Station half nour later than closing time snown neiow (except that Sup- piemeuiary mans ior curope ana central America, via Colon, close one hour later at ureigo stationj Traasatliatle Malls. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS uirect, per a. a. Jtoordam (mall must b airectea Tier s. s. Noor da ml at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mall must be directed "per s. s Finland") i at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s. a. Etblopta ); at 11 a. m for DENMARK direct, per a., s. Hekla (mail must be dlrectad-"per s. a. Hekla") at ll:8oa m; (supplementary 1 p. m.) ior li nuri, per a. a. r,iruria, 1 Queenslown. , ' PRfNTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer taxes rriniea Matter, commercial Papers and Samples f or -Uarmany only. The same -class of mall matter lor other parts of' Europe will not be sent by this shin unless apeclally directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary I ranpttitanm; pinin iiainea arnjve. ad ditional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of th nour of tailing of steamer. Malls far Snath and Central America, West ladles. Ele. SATURDAY At T a. m. for BRAZIL per s. s. Tennyson, via rernamDuco, uatii and Rio Janeiro (mall for Northern Bra sil. Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay roust be directed "per s. s. Tennyson"); at 9 a. m. (rupplementary 9:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Bavuniila and Cartagena muat be directed "per a. g. Philadelphia"); t 9:3o a. m. (supplementary luM a. m.) for FORTUNE Its LAND. JAMAICA. 6A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s Alene 'mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 9i3u a m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m l for CAPE HAITI. GONAIVEB. ST. MARC. PETIT GOAVE. JEREMIE and SANTA MARTA, er s. a Adiron dack (mail for other parts of Haiti must be directed "per s. s. Adirondack"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castle, via Havans; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, l-er a. a. Maraval. at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per a. a. Prtn Maorits (mall for Curacao. Venexurla. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed per r. a. Prim Maurlts ') st 12. Su p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Curltybs. via Malansas (ordinary mall only which muat be directed per a. s. Curitba ). Malls for Newfounaland by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, rlos at this oni.-e cany at .3u p. m. (con reeling close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malis for Miquelon, by rail to Boston, and theme by a tea Tier, close at tula office dally at t.30 d ni Ma'la for Cuba by rail to port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close al this otnc Jaiiy except iburaday k.J0 a. ro . (tne connecting closes are made on Mondays. ednesUays and bat urdayat. Mail for Mexico C'lly. over land unleas specislly addressed for d a natch by sie-amer, close at this office dally except bnday at l.su p. in . and II p. ra., Htmaays at l:a p m and U-iV p. in. MaUg lor Costa lUca, BeiUe, POSTOFFIt : MITII K. Puerto Cortti and letler mall for Gnat mala, by rail to New Orleans and theno by steamer, close st this of;'..- daib except Sunday at ! 0 p. m. and ii.i p. m ; rAindays st '1 m p. m. and U I p. m (connectlns clows here Monday at '11. S p. in lor Belise, Pcrio Corn and letter mail lor Guatemala am Tuesdays st p. ra. for Costs Rtcs) KeelMered mail cloaca at 6:m p. m. pi ions day. Traasaria Malla. Mails for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, clost lit re dally at ( .! p. m. v- to Septembat 2yih. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala, nieua. Malta for China and Japan, via Vat'.rouvet and Victoria. B. C. close here dally al . p. m. up to September ith. in elusive, ft despatch per s a Empress o India (registered mall muat be spertall) addressed. Merchandise for t". B. Posts. Agency st Shanghai cannot be forwarded i Canada). Mails for China snd Japan, via P -at tie, close here dally at p. m. op to lh totnr 1. Inclusive, for dlapatch ier a. Rlo.ittn Maru. (Registered mall must b directed "via Seattle"). Mulls for Hawaii, Japan. China and first, class matter lor the Philippine Islands, vis Kan Frsnclsco. close here dally at :30 f m. tip to October 2rt, Inclusive, for dis patch per s s. Nippon Mum. Mails for Hawaii. China. .Is nan and first class mat'er for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, nlose here dally al 6. 3D p. m. up to October '10. Inclusive, foi dispatch per s. a. Peru. Malta for the Philippine Islands, via Baa Francisco, close here dally at t:.m p. m, up to October 11. Inclusive, for ulrpatch j-er I". S. Transtiort. Malls for Australia isx.pt West Australia, which ts forwarded via Europe. New Zealand. Fiji, Samoa snd Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at t;3H p. m. after September ailh and up to October 11, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. U m brla, due st Kpw York October llth. for dispatch per a a. Sierra. Malls for Australia (except Weat Australia, hich soes via Europe, and New Kealand, which goet, via San Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C. (sjeclally addressed onlv). close her daily at 6:i p. m. up to October 'Hth, in clusive for dlspstch per s. s. Mosna. Malls for China snd Japan, vis Tseoms, close here dally at 6:Ho p. m. up lu Oc tober 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Glenogle. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at t:5 p. m. up to October 2o. inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Mariposa. CORNELIUS VAN OOTT, Postmaster Fostofflce, New York, N. Y., September 26, 1MU2. LEGAL ROTKH. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Sealed bids will be received by 8. E. Crsns, city auditor of the City of Lead. South Ds kota, until p. m., October lth, lC tor paving with brick, stone or asphalt, upon a 6-lnch concrete base, together with 'll necessary grading. Approximate estimate: lti.(niO square yards paving. s.2K lineal feet curbing. Specifications and plans csn be obtained of J. P. Crick, city engineer. Lead. South) Dakota. OcHdllKM IAILWAY TIME CARL). LKIOK STATION lOTH AM) MARC Y, Chicago, Reek Island at PaalSVe. ' EAST. Let vs. Arrlva Chicago Daylight Llm- ilea a w am s an Chicago Daylight Local. a 7t am ilSpn Chicago Express bll:15 ana a l:ut pin Des Moines Local a 6:20 pin bll.60 arm Chicago Fast fcxpress. a ;uo pm a i pns Rocky Mountain Lim ited a :60 am a 4:53 ant Lincoln, Colo. Springe, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:90 pm I i:a ra. Colo.. Texas, Cal. Oklahoma-Flyer a S:20 pm su;is pm Illinois eatral. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a t:l pm Chicago, Minneapolis sc t 6l Paul Limited a 1M pm a l:0t am Minneapolis at hu paui Exnraaa .j 7:29 am bl:tt pm Chicago Express...,. au: pm .. Leave. Arrive. ...a 9 40 am a 7. to pm ...a t:io am a 1:26 pm ...a 4:26 pm ...aU.xg pm Valoa PaclBc. . Overland Limited...', The Faat Mall. California Express.. pacific Express Eastern Express..... a t :u pm -. a TitO ana 'J h Allan tic Exoress The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am at. 40 ana Chicago Special 3:40 am Lincoln. .Beatrice ana Btromitburs: Ex b 4 -ft! Dm bll:S0 Dm Grand island Local. b t:tu pm b t -34 pm W abash,. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a s Ms Dm a 1:20 am tit. Louts Local, Council jr.iuna a :id am sioijo pm Chlcasjat at North western. "Tb Northwestern Lin." Leave. Arrive. ...a 3:40 am il oun ...m M pro a 1:90 am ...afi iOam a S:6o pm ...a r.'ia am alu:2& pm ...a s:00 am all:20pnt ...alo:i3 am a i:10 pm ...a 4: pm a 9:60 km ...a 4:o6 pm a 4:ub put ...a !: pm a 9: am ...a 7:s6 pm a l u am a2:pm ...b 4:00 pm b t.M am Fast Chicago Mail Local Bioux City.... Daylight St. Paul... Dayugnt Chicago... Local Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago ....... Limited Chicago..., Fast St. .r'aul .... Faat Mall Local Bioux city... Mlasearl PaclSe. St. Louis Express. ......alO:0 am a ( 25 pm K. C at St. L. Ex al0:60 pm a t:16 am Chicago, Mllnaaaec at St. Paat. Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 1:44 pm Chicago .Limited Ex. ...a t:9 pm a 7.60 asm BURLINGTON STATION IfrTH at MA SOU Barllagtoa at. Mlaaoarl RlTtr. Leave. Arrive. . Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:40 am b 11:66 am Nebraaka Express a t.40 am a 7:41 pm Denver Llmllgd a 4.26 pm a t:4s am Biack Hills and Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a 2:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fasi Mall b 1:10 pm a 1.17 am Fort Crook and Platta- moutb b 8:20 pm bllKKam Beilevue i Pacific Jet.. .a 7:60 pm a 1:27 am Bellevue 46 Pacino Jet-. .a 1:00 am Cklesge. Barllalsa at Oslsey. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4.0U pm a 7.0 am Chicago Local a 9:30 am all.00 pm Chicago Limited a t.tfe pm a 1:M am Fast Mai , a 2.46 t aa tvaaaas Cty, St. Josepti at Cwaaell Blasts. Kansas City Day Ex a t:2S am a (:0 pm a 6:10 pm all U am St. Upula e'lyer. Kantvaa CUy jsight Ex..ai0:30 pm a t.l am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day onlv. d Dall) except gaiurd. e Daily except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT ItTH at WEBSTER. Chlcag. St. raal. ' Mlaaeapalls t Omaha. Lear. Arrivs Twin City Passenger. ...a t:o am a l:0 pm Sioux city r-eaaeuger...a s:uw pm aii:vam Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b 1.4 am Freaaoat, Elkkara at Mlasearl . alley. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot fcprinks ,a t:t pm a t:S Dm Wyoming, Casper and Douglaa d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Hastiuga, York, David city, bu perior, Irene va. Exeter and Seward b 1:60 pm b 1:0 am Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:90 am b 10:26 am Fremont Local c 7:90 am Isssarl PaelSc. Nebraska local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a 10:16 am CLARK'S CRUSES FOR 11MUC . By Specially Chartered Twin Screw -Steamers, sKAItERIt" mm H'EI.TIO" North German Lloyd White Star Line Express Steamer Largest Steamer afloat Cheapest and most attratliv trips ever offered. UfaellnrfiB Jan. 14; Martinlqu. Barba It ESI IDulES does, Jamaica, Cuba. Nassau, etc.; 21 days, ii0 up. Mediterranean Orient XX.Il: Constantinople, i'alesllne, Egypt. Rome, etc., HoO up. Unruiaa Diteels JU,T 41 days. 1276 and HulWflJi aUiSIO up; first-class. Including shore excursions, hotels, guide, drives, etc Programs free mention trip. F. C. CLARK. Ill Broadway. N. T. Deputy 8Ka T Vod Xnspeolaa. H. L. RAUlCCIOni, D. V. S. CTTT VxTTKRINAJUAK. OOaa and Iaftrmarr. ta and linn , Omaba, NU TsiepUuua UH.