Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. :taj;lisiij:d jui: io, isti. OMAHA, F KID AY MORNING, OCTOHE1T 3, 19013 TEN PAGES. MINGLE COlV THREE CENTS. MEET TO TALK PEACE Cstl Or,srators and John Mitchell Will Get Together Tsiay. PRESIDENT'S INVITATION IS ACCEPTED Call for Csnfsrencs laeets Arprsbatisn of Intsrensd Parties. SETTLEMENT OF STRIKE IS ANTICIPATED All Fart.ti Eipsct Solution as Eeiult oj Comiig Canialtatiai. TURBULENCE IN DISTRICT CONTINUES Prfirnrc of Soldier Keep Matter ' Fairly (Inlet, hot Tfaprr of Men la !hiiw la Several Snail Oatbreaka. ,. 'WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. "It la expected that all the men to whom Invitations were ent yesterday will he prearnt at the con ference tomorrow. Mr. Boer and Mr. Mitchell ha-. accepted. " This waa the only atatement that could be obtained at the White House regarding the confo -enee to be held tomorrow on the coal situation. Senator Quay of Pennsylvania waa In conference with the president for an hour thla morning and It la understood that he came here at the request of the preeldent to discuss the strike situation. The presi dent and senator were not Interrupted and two cabinet officers who called didn't see the preeldent while the conference was In progress. Senator Quay after he left would not discuss the situation or express an opinion aa to the probable effect of the coming conference. During the day Secretary Root, Attorney General Knox and Secretary Shaw were In conference with the president. Secretary Wllson'waa at the White House for a short lime, but the three first named remained with the prealdent for nearly an hour. It fs understood that tho president discussed the subject of the conference tomorrow, the cabinet officers making a number of sug gestions as to what the prealdent should aay to tfcose who will participate in It. Other matetrs outalde of the coal strike also occupied the attention of the members of the cabinet. There haa .been no regular meeting of the cabinet for some time and considerable department business awalta the action of the president. It has been decided that Attorney Gen eral Knox shall attend the conference to morrow between the president, the coal operators and Mr. Mitchell of the miners' union. He will be the only member of the cabinet who will be present. Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor, who re cently made an Investigation of the strike situation, also will attend on the Invita tion of the president. The Poet will say tomorrow that the Coal presidents at tomorrow's conference will decline to accept any plan of strike settlement-- which; propose to treat with President Mitchell, but that they have con sidered a tentative plan, according; to which "the coal presidents will propose that the men return to work with tho under standing that their grievances as Individ uals shall, be submitted to a board of ar bitration and that the coal president! will agree to abide by the decision of thla beard, the members of which shall be appointed by the president." Will Attend the Conference. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The railroad presi dents who received President Roosevelt's Invitation to meet him tomorrow In Wash ington and dlscusa the coal strike situation will leave the city this evening. They will go together. Prealdent Fowler of the New York, On tario A. Weatern railroad aald today In re gard to the coal situation In New York that by an arrangement among themselves the coal companies were providing the elevated railroad with sufficient ooal to run lta trains. The schools and hospitals In this city would also be taken care of, he added, and arrangements would be perfected in a few days to supply the poor people In this city with ccal in email quantltlea at low prlcea. The coal presidents left for Washington at 4:11 on a special train. The party con sisted of E. R. Thomas of the Erie, Presi dent Fowler of the Ontario Weatern, David Wtllcox, vice president and general counsel of the Delaware A Hudson, who went aa the peraonal representative of Prealdent Ollphant, President Truesdell of the Lackawanna and John Markle, the in dependent operator. Hope for Settlement. WILKESBAHRE. Pa., Oct. 2 Prald-nt Mitchell of the United Mine Workers', ac companied by District Presidents Nichols, Duffy and Fahey left here this evening fcr Waahlngton via Philadelphia. Mr. Mitchell conferred with the district prealdenta through the day. It la not known what policy the ex ecutive board of the miners' union will pursue at the conference tomorrow with Prealdent Roosevelt. Mr. Mitchell de clined to express any opinion. All he would say waa that he hoped for the best. The general feeling la, however, that President Roosevelt will succeed in bring ing both parties trgether. The mining town of PlymruOi. which baa been free from any disturbance since the strike began, waa the ac-ne of much disorder today. Moba aurrounded the Ster ling and North American waaherles. and Sheriff Jacobs being unable to diaperae them, Btimmoncd the militia. Cclonel Dougherty aent three companlet of th Ninth regiment to the acene and arrested eleven men charged with rioting. They were brought before Magistrate Polloc k of this city, who, after a hearing, h'ld them iu 11,000 bail each for trial at court. A ttrong guard waa placed over the wushertes to night. They expect to resume operations tomorrow. The washery at the Hollenback mine started up work thla afternoon. This wai a surprise to the strikers. Despite the conference called to meet at Washington the operators In the Wyoming valley are very aggressive. Operators rasagt Expression. SCRANTON. Pa.. Oct. 2. Sentiment among the representatives of the coal oper ators here has undergone a change aince yesterday regarding the action of President Roosevelt in assuming the role of aa In termediary to settle lbs strike. Yesterday they aald the only effect of the prealdent' action would be to put oft the surrender of the miners aa many daya a there were in the Interim between the first announcement cf his iutentioo to Intermediate and the an nouncement of the result or rather lack of result of tho conference. Today these gams men aay the White House conference (Continued on Second Page.) fiATOS AND MENDOZA UNITE Kctulatlnnnrr Lrsdrr In Vrnriirl Kffrrl a Juncture and (astro Fall Hark. WILLEMSTAD. Inland of Curacao, Oct. 2. Newa baa reached here from Venezuela that the Venezuelan revolutionary forces undir Gneral Matoa have effected a Junc tion with the command of the revolutionary general Mtndoze near Camugata, In the ptate of Miranda, fifty miles aouth of Caracas. The combined forcea of General Matoa and General M 'ia are now 6,500 men. t Last Wednesday the '"l. '"onlsts were at Kan Juan lJe Los Mm. V . Villa De La Curcoa. At thla point i. . intent forcea under General Castro, 4, ' -e- treatcd precipitately before' the of tho revolutionists. There have beeb desertions from President Castro's art President Caatro la at Los Tequetos, a strong strategical position but a few hours ride from Caracas, and which is considered nearly Impregnable. He is awaiting attack by the revolutionists. During the last three daya the govern ment has been forcibly recruiting for the army day and night on the streets of Caracas. When some of the men thus gath ered in attempted to escape, being for the Matos revolution, the recruiting parties fired on them. Provisions In Caracas are scarce and meat Is worth 30 cents a pound. The government Intends to attack the revolutionists at Barcelona next Sunday with 1,600 men under General Veluttnl. Another revolutionary army under Ro lando la now located at Gua In the state of Miranda, twenty-five miles south of Caracas. OPPOSE GOVERNMENT'S BILL Balfour's Rducatlonal Meaaure la De noonced by Preachers and Politicians. LONDON, Oct. 2. The Liverpool Dally Post saya It hears authoritatively that a consultation la now proceeding between Premier Balfour and Lord Londonderry, president of the board of education, which will result In the complete withdrawal of the government's education bill, which haa aroused serious opposition. throughout the country. In reply this evening to an Inquiry whether It was true that the government Intended to withdraw Its education bill. Premier Balfour authorized the statement that "there Is no foundation whatever for thla rumor." A similar denial was made by Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, who added with reference to the attitude of the Birming ham liberal unionists that "only two hun dred persona attended the meeting of op ponents to the bill." The general body of the Presbyterian and Baptist Independent ministers at a special meeting this afternoon paaeed a resolution calling on the government to withdraw the education bill and declaring: "We will do everything In our power to defeat the re actionary, tyrannical proposals of the measure, which a vaat number of loyal subjects will be conscientiously compelled to resist to the utmost, even to refusing the payment of rates." VISITS THE DEATH CHAMBER Madame Kola Is Allowed to Bee the Body of Her Husband and Swoons Away, PARIS, Oct. 2. Mme. Zola was allowed to see the body of her hustand today. A large crowd assembled In front of the house saluted her respectfully as the widow alighted from a carriage, assisted by two doctors. She waa attired In deep mourn ing and waa evidently very weak. Zola'a publishers and his immediate friends, Charpenter, Fasquell and M. Des Moullna, the writer, accompanied her to the mortuary chamber. When her hus band's features were uncovered Mme. Zola'a anguish waa heartrending. She finally swooned. The will of Emlle Zola, as Indicated by Mme. Zola, waa found In his bedroom, the aeala of which were broken In order to obtain the document. The room was Immediately aealed up again. The will was not opened until a late hour and Its contents have not been made public. It is said, however, Zola left everything to his wife. He left no literary testament and the will contains no direction as to the funeral. GRAND DUKE SOOTHES SULTAN Ceremonies at . Shlpka Paw Not In tended aa m Hostile Denton atratlon. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 2. -Crand Duke Nicholas of Russia baa arrived here on board a Russian warship. He haa vis ited the sultan and the sultan has re turned the courtesy by a call at the Rus sian embassy. The grand duke's mission la reported to be for the purpose of re moving the unpleaaant impression made on the aultan by the maneuvers made recently In Shtpka pass. In connection with the cere monies over the battle fought there In 1887 between the Turks and the Russians and to atsure the aultan of Russia's friendship. The grand duke participated In the Shlpka pass ceremonies. PROVE NOTHING ON JOCKEYS Sharper Mho Worked the Races, However, Were Compelled to Leave France. (Copyright, 1902, by Presa Publishing Co) PARIS, Oct. 2. (New York World Cable gram, Special Telegram.) In connection with the alleged racing acandala concern ing American Jockeys riding In France, the World has authorltlve information that after examination by the Judge destruc tion, Mlltou Rlgby, young Retff and Todd Sloan were allowed to go, nothing being proved against them. No further proceed ings are likely. On the other hand, about a dozen sharpers, chiefly Americana, have been ordered to leave the country for awindllog on the race courses and at bac carat, at which they played Maxims. AUSTRIA AND JUJNGARY AGREE Act of I'aloa Renewed Between Ministries and Ready for the Parliaments. VIENNA, Oct. 2. The opinion prevails among well Informed persons that the con ference between Austrian and Hungarian ministers has led to an agreement as to the renewal of the ausglelcb, or act of union, with regard to the coats of adminis tration, and that the documents will be algned shortly at lluda Peat. It la an nounced that the detalla will be withheld until the ausglelcb haa been submitted to the parliaments lor ratification. DOLLIYER ON THE IOWA IDEA Hawkey Stiator Expounds Eis Bute's Attitude aa Tariff. TRUST QUESTION WILL SETTLE ITSELF Delegates to Meeting of National Re publican Leaiae Told that Law of Competition la Still In Force, CHICAOO, Oct. 2. "The Iowa Idea" came to the aurface tonight at a maaa meeting under the auspices of the National League of Republican Cluba, which met In annual -onventlon here today. United States 6en T J. P. Dolllver of Iowa was responsible. nator Dolllvei's distinction as an orator and statesman assured him in advance the enthuaiaatlc reception be received from an audience that filled the First regiment armory. Interest became Intense when it waa realized by the delegatea to the con vention and spectators that they were being treated to the first public speech on the subject by a national leader of the party since the Iowa republican state convention. Mr. Dolllver said in part: Iet us look at the Iowa Idea for a min ute, and 1 select that only because I am more familiar with It and because circum stances have arisen to give It a univeraal ndvertlsement. It has been presented to the country as the sudden impulse of dis satisfied mischief makers within the repub lican party. On the other hand it is the mature Judgment of a man whose mature Judgment has never failed the party in forty years of service. Our party recognizes the necessity for large capital for the transaction of- a great business, especially for the commercial con quests upon which we are now entering, but they also recognize the abuses In great Industrial enterprises and would have the government stand between the community and the reckless perversion of tho recent law of corporate property. It is evident that even If It were deelrable to kill the trusts it could not be done by merely re mitting the duties which their foreign competitors pay at our custom houses. Free Trade Not a Remedy. Even Mr. Bryan, who talks of putting the captains of Industry Into a chain gain and sending J. I'lerpont Morgan first to the poor house and then to the penitentiary, admits publicly that the free trade remedy falls very far short of the object he has in view. Nearly every sober student of the subject admits that it is pressure of com petition which has drawn some of our In dustries first into groups and then into gigantic combinations, under a single cor porate management. I have, from the beginning, been slow to believe that It is possible for one man or any combination of men to overrule the forces, which make for equity and fair dealing In human society. For that reason I have been willing to wait for the facts, and govern my Judgment by a more care ful observation than has hitherto been practicable. The census of lf00 haa given an accurate account of the trusts and what they are doing, and the dally reports of the market place Indicate what their present standing and future prospects ac tually are. We know that they are 183 In number, representing the consolidation of 2,040 separate plants. We know that lean than 10 per cent of the factory labor of the country Is employed by them and only 14 per cent of our manufactured out put Is made by them, and, leaving out chemicals, and the products of Iron and wteel, the' percentage Is hardly visible to the naked eye. In the textile Industries they are almost unknown, and most of the other fields of American production they have entered aa mere intruders and dis turbers .of the peace, .. ... What Trusts Have Done. Between 190 and lrtl moat of them have been established and, In the aggregate, counting all klnda of stocks and all kinds of bonds which they have issued, their gloss capitalization has been 16,500,000,000, from which at least S2.O00,0OO,O0O should be deducted to cover spurious stock which rep resents nothing except the swindling projects of adventurers and cheats at common law. So that, putting all the con solidations which have been effected In the laht twelve years together, W.uOO.WO.OuO may be set ' down aa their true aggregate capitalization, Including their bonds. Theae corporations have en larged our productive capacity by the addition of new bonaflde capital In a page advertisements, and In nearly every one of them the motive of the organization has been mainly to shield capital already Invested trom the operation of natural forces always present In the commercial world. If they have failed In that they have failed In everything, and the power which' some have been afraid would be used to wrong and burden the community, haa not even proved equal to the task of tak ing care of Itself. Where Their Bones Bleach. Before anybody makes up his mind that the ao-called American trust ts a perms rent Institution, let him consider the long list of ambitious combinations which have already had their affairs wound up by the courtB of Justice. The alcohol trust, the linseed oil trust, the alkali trust, the as phalt trust, the bicycle trust, and scores of others whose very names are now even forgotten. What was the matter with these astonishing creations of the promoters' art? Nine out of ten of them were bogus, and. without stretching the law very much, could have been dented the use of the malls on an ordinary fraud order. Only yester day one of the mammoth establishments, the National Bait company, had a little business before a court of equity in New Jersey. Tho organization of that trust In 18f9 was looked upon everywhere as a step in the direction of monopolizing the neces saries of life. The more I examine the old law of com petition, tho better it looks to me. If the day of settlement has already come to so many of these once formidable Institutions. how nas it rarea lor tnose who so tar survived the tet7 Already the evidence is accumulating rrnm which the freedom of trusts can be foretold, even the most solv ent and best managed of them all. The figures of the census show that neither In the mercantile nor the manufacturing world has the small dealer who owns his business and givea it his personal atten tion anything to fear In competition with the overgrown and top heavy inveatmenta of capital that surround him. No Room for Despair. There Is no room in thla discussion for vain exclamations of alarm and despair. I'p to this time the tariff policy to which we owe the prosperous conditions which now surround us nas been trie ally ot In dependent capital In Its grapple with the modern trust system: but If the day should ever come when the productive energies of the American peop.e are Impotent In the presence of monopoly, the protection which for more than a generation our laws have given to all our industries alike la not likely to remain to enrich auch a con spiracy of avurice and greed. Mr. Dollver spoke at some length on the progress of self government In the Phll llH'iiifs. and closed with a tribute to the man of bralna and courage who la the leader of the republican party and the president of the I'nited States. Other speakers at the meeting were Con gressman A. J. Hopkins of Illinois and Martin B. Madden of Chicago. Rontlne of the Day. Before the convention opened It waa com monly admitted that the nomination of Prealdent Roosevelt In 1904 would be en dorsed. In fact tt waa oni about thla mat terf that certain predictions were made. Whether the Iowa delegation would aeek to have its Ideas on tariff revision endorsed, whether the league has the constitutional right to concern itself with state platforma and the matter of a aucceaaor to the retir ing prealdent, Iaaao Miller Hamilton, were questions over which the delegatea ex pected debate when Mr. Hamilton rapped for order. Among the candidates for the leagua presidency were mentioned J. H. Moore ot Pennsylvania. Sid B. Redding ot Utile Rock, Ark., Richard Woods of Sioux Falls, 8. D., and Shirley E. Johnson of Kentucky. The feature of the mornlng'a session, after the address of welcome by Roy O. (Continued on Fourth Page.) CHAFFEE ANDWRIGHT SAIL Accorded a Popalar Farewell Demon stration by People of Manila Upoa Their Departare, MANILA, Oct. 2. General Chaffee and Vice Governor Wright sailed for Eao Fran cisco today on the transport Sumner. They were accorded a general and popular fare well demonstration. The Philippine commissioners. Brigadier General Davis, commander of the division of the Philippine Islands; the officers of the division and the staff assembled at military headquarters and escorted General Chaf fee and Mr. Wright to the landing place through various lines ot troops and cheer ing crowds. The guns ot ' Fort Santiago, where the travelers embarked, fired a salute in their honor. There was an other reception on board the Sumner, which was surrounded by lannchea. . The Sumner will tonch at Honolulu, Yokahama and Nagasaki. The length ot the stops will depend on the health of General Chaffee. Mr. Wright will remain home five months. General Chaffee's staff la divided, Captain Ltndaay and Lieutenant Harper going on the Sumner and Captains Hutcbeson and Ramsey sailing on the transport McLetlan for New York. TWELVE DEADJN DEEP MINE Explosion of Firedamp on l,UO' Foot Level of La wean 'iMIae la Disastrous. V BLACK DIAMOND, Wash., Oct. J. An explosion of fire damp occurred last night between 9 and 9:30 o'clock In tbe south end of the fourth level of the Lawson mine, badly wrecking the mine and killing twelve miners. , Fortunately as no fire was started. Three bodies have been - taken out. There are supposed to be nine more bodies In ' the mine. Three men were Injured, one badly. The Paclfio Coast company Is the owner of tbe mine. Everything possible Is being done to recover the bodies. The fourth level Is 1,600 feet below the aurface. As soon as it was known last night that the accident had occurred, the people ot Black Diamond hurried to the acene of tbe dis aster, one mile from here. - The fans are now working In the mine, and the deadly air la being cleared out. ARCHBISHOP KAIN VERY ILL Venerable Prelate of St. Lonls So Low that He Is Denied to All Visitors. ST. LOUIS, Oct, 2. Archbishop John J. Kain, wno has been in- poor health for the past six months, haa experienced a marked change for tbe worse In the past two daya. Today he waa not able to say mass and denied himself to all visitors. The arch bishop's ailment is closely akin to paraly sis, and while his physicians do not think there la immediate danger, .it is known from the nature of his disease that the end Is likely to come at any time. Dr. Bryaln, tbe attending1 physician tonight declined to discuss the archbUnop's condi tion. (Tho ..archbishop tfrtlirbt requested the appointment from Roma t an auxiliary bishop. These indioations are considered significant. WIRES CUT IN NEW "ORLEANS Street Car Strike In Progress, Though There ts Feeling; It May Soon Be Settled. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 2. Beyond the dis covery that a large number of wires had been cut In the upper part of the city dur ing tbe night, there were no early morning developments in the street car strike. There waa, however, a feeling that ne gotiations between the company and the employes would lead to some plan ot arbi tration during the day. Tbe public con tinues to be greatly inconvenienced by the strike, but fine weather Is lessening some what the hardships.! No attempt to run cars or carry passen gers had been made by the company up to 9:30 thla morning. RECEIPTS F0RJ3EFENSE FUND Subscription for Anthracite Miners Break Records of Indianapolis Money Order Baalneaa. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 2. The collection of the big defense fund for the anthracite strikers created a record breaking business for the money order department of the In dianapolis postofflce for the quarter ending yesterday. The receipts for the last three months this year were 1865,451, an Increase over the corresponding period last year of 1352.887. Aa high aa $5,000 a day haa been cashed for Mr. W. B. Wilson, national sec retary and treasurer of the miners, since tbe collection of defense fund began. FUNSTON HAS SORE THROAT Says He Is Suffering from Attack Which Followed His Last Denver Speech. OTTAWA. Kan., Oct. 2 Brigadier Oen eral Funston, commander of the Department of tbe Colorado, waa the guest at the old soldiers' reunion here today. General Funston was introduced to a large crowd in the Chautauqua tabernacle and aald: "I do not appear before you to make a speech. I made a speech, you know, in Denver six months ago and have had a sore throat ever since." QUARREL ENDS IN A MURDER Louisiana Cattle Dealer Shoots a Texas Cotton Glnaer and Surrenders. SHREVEPORT, La.. Oct. 2. T. R. Vlck era, a prominent Louisiana cattle dealer, and Edward Corlin, a public glnner of Texaa, quarreled at Corlln'a home today and Vickera was shot dead. His body fell In his wagon and the horses, becoming frightened, ran twelve miles to hla home. Corlin surrendered. MILLIONS FOR A HOSPITAL Jeaa M. Barks Gives Princely En dowment to Mlaaesota lastltatloa. MARSHALL, Minn., Oct. 2 A deed waa filed for record here today whereby John M. Burke conveya to the Winfleld Master son Burke relief fund four million dollars' worth of real and peraonal property ts oe uaed aa an endowment for a hospital for convalescent. The fund waa named for Mr. Burke's mother. BALDWIN TELLS HIS STORY All tee Troible Eis Arctic Trip Dis te lacial Jealousy, BAD COMBINATION IN HIGH PLACES Swede Sailing; Master Did Not Want to Play Second Fiddle to the Norwegian Ice Pilot, hot Had To. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. Evelyn B. Baldwin, the Arctic explorer, arrived today on the steamship Germanic of the White Star line. Mr. Baldwin at first refused to talkJ about the alleged controveraltlea which had taken place between him and Captain Johannaen of America but after hearing that It had been reported that the expe dition had been short ot food and supplies made the following statement: "There Is not a word of truth in the re port of our not having sufficient supplies. It la not eaay to explain tbe trouble between myaelf and Captain Johannsen. He wanted to be tbe whole thing. That'a all. Tbe trouble first started between the captain, or to give him his proper title, sailing mas ter, and the ice pilot, whose name Is Am sen. The Ice pilot took up his place In tbe crow's nest on the ship when we were in ths ice fields and should have had and eventually did have complete charge of directing tbe ship. Sides with the Pilot. "The sailing master objected to tbe Ice pilot holding absolute sway over tbe move ments at any time, and that la how the row began. I, of course, took the side of the pilot and saw that be was kept In command while we were In the Ice. The pilot had had twenty-nine years' experience on the ice fields, while the sailing master had had practically none. "The expedition went away with forty two persons on board and we brought back the same number. Fram drifted around In tbe Ice for four years, while In one year we did almost aa much and established an outpost. Why, we ought to be congratu lated Instead of, as you say n America, Jumped upon. I have learned one good lesson though never take a Swede and a Norwegian together along with you if you want to avoid trouble. The Ice pilot was a Norwegian and the sailing master a Swede. There's the whole thing in a nut sbel. Treated All Fairly. "Every one was treated fairly and no one can say truthfully that he was not. If I go again next year, no matter who I take with me, whether they be Zulus, Hot leu tula or white men, there are sure to be some kickers In the crowd. The mem bers of this exposition were mostly young men and very few of them had ever under taken euch a trip before. This might ex plain some of the things said about me, but I am being done a great injustice. "We were aendlng balloons and buoys adrift, containing messages, continually. Altogether we sent over 300 messages. Fifteen balloons were sent up, but they never reached their destination. The me teorloglcal observations -and - the dredging will - be et-gpeat intecastto.aalsnoftr . Wo manufactured our our own hydrogen gaa for the balloons without accident, which la an other thing I think we deaerve credit for. The knowledge gained or air and currents will also bo of great value to aclonce. I still believe that when the pole Is reached it will be found to be aurrounded by ice. Aa to the fate of Andre, I think he went down into the sea." RATIFY THE SARATOGA TICKET New York Republicans Hold a Mas Meeting at Carnegie Hall. NEW YORK, Oct. 2 Senator Chauncey j M. Depew and Congresaman Screno E. j Payne were the speakers tonight at a re- , publican mass meeting held at Carnegie , ball to open the state- campaign and to j ratify the nominations made at the Sara- . toga convention. The congressman after paying a tribute to the administration of ' President Roosevelt and Governor Odell , discussed the state Issues and the coun try's prosperity. Senator Depew advocated a ministry ot commerce. He oppoeed any proposed re peal of the protective tariff, and praised President McKlnlcy'a policy and the man ner In which It haa been carried out by President Rooaevelt. RAILWAY SURGEONS' MEETING Dr. Jonas of Omaha Preside Over Scsalane of American Academy at Kanaaa City. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 2. The American Academy ot Railway Surgeons, an organ ization composed of the chief surgeons, consulting surgeons and occullsts of the leading railroads of tbe United States, met hers today In annual convention. About fifty outside surgeons were In attendance at the first session. President A. F. Jonas of Omaha, chief surgeon of the Union Pa cific railway, made tbe opening address and waa followed by Rolph C. Richards, general claim agent ot the Chicago & Northwestern railway, who read a paper on "The Benefit of a Surgical Department to a Railroad." FIVE KILLED IN THE TUNNEL, Baltimore fc Ohio Freight Train C'ol ; llde Near Cornwallla, Writ Virginia. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., Oct. 2 Five persons were killed and three Injured In a bead-end collision between two freight trains In a tunnel near Cornwallls on tbe Baltimore ft Ohio railroad today. The train carried several cars of cattle which were all killed or injured. Probably twenty cars were wrecked and the tunnel is filled with debris. Fred Pearce, engineer; William Miller, brakernan, and a tramp were killed. Bodlcj of two other men can not be seen In tbe tunnel but are beyond reach at the present time owing to the wreckage. THIRD MURDERJN A MONTH Tragedy la Wyoming- as Reaalt of Fead Betwsea Sheep and Cattle Mra. BUTTE. Mont.. Oct. 2. Advicee tell of another murder in the new Fork country. In Wyoming, as a reault of tbe enmity ex isting between the cattle and sheep men over grazing rights on tbe rang. This la ths third murder In a month. The victims' decomposed body was found In the brush and identity could not be established. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr Frldny, Warmer In Southwest Portion; Saturday Fair. Temprratare at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour, lira. Ilnnr. Ilea. A a. an nj 1 p. m M a. m m x p. ni T a. m .fit 8 p. m U'J S a. in M 4 p. m ) a. m M II p. m Ml to a. m a 3 p. m ) It a. ni fit r . i (IT 1:4 m (IT K p. m rut U p. ni Aft OBJECT TO H00CHIE-K00CHIE Lady Hoard of Managers of St. Lonls Fair Go on Record on Oriental Dances. BT. LOl'IS, Oct. 2 At the meeting of the board of lady managers of the world's fair today the resolution presented by Miss Helen M. Gould expressing the sentiment that the Louisiana Purchase exposition would favor a high moral tone throughout and eliminate from tbe ooncesslonalrea any that savors of the dances performed on the midway ot the Chicago fair, was adopted. The board was notified by President Fran cis ot the world's fair that a site bad been granted tbe lady managers which they can utilize as they sec fit. Tho site will be formally tendered tomorrow with the same ceremony that attended the presentation of the state sites. The board at once ap pointed a committee to consider how this alte shall be untlllzed, and to report at tbe next business meeting, which will be held November 17 in New York. BUCK THE PACKERS' MERGER National Live Stock Association Will Start Independent Packing Hoosra, DENVER, Colo., Oct. 2. The National Live Stock association, several of tho largest western railways and Individual stockmen throughout the west have de cided to fight the proposed merger now In process of formation of the great packing Industries of the country. Announcement to this effect was made by President John W. Springer of the National Live Stock association today after a conference with C. F. Morse ot Kansas City, who is presi dent of both the Kansas City and Denver stock yards companies. President Morse said that his yards will stand by tbe stockmen and If necessary he will build an Independent plant in Kansas City. REPUBLICANS0F BAY STATE Convention Will Meet at Boston To day with Its Work Well Planned. BOSTON, Oct. 2. Without any political Incident of note the delegates to the re publican state convention gathered tonight at the American house. Early In tbe after noon the commlttte on resolutions met and gave formal sanction to the platform it had under consideration. The convention will be presided over by John- D. Long,' former secretary of the navy. Senator Lodge will present the name of John L. Bates for governor, while Con gressman Lawrence will perform a like service for Curtis Guild, Jr., for lieutenant governor. The other state officers will be renominated. SAYS THE TITLE IS CLEAR General t'onnael tor the Panama Canal Company Turns Papers Over to General Knox. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. William Nelaon Cromwell, general counsel for the new Panama caual company, who has returned from Paris, says he delivered to Attorney General Knox in Paris every conveyance, t decree, concession or other document relat ing ,to the properties of the new Panama canal company from lta Inception In 18T8, showing a complete and perfect chain of title In the new Panama canal company and lta unquestionable power tb convey tbe canal, tbe plant, concessions and other property to the United States, free and clear ot all Hens or claims of any kind. STAY FOR JESSIE MORRISON Supreme Court of Kansas Interfere - with Execution of Sentence In Her Caae. TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 2. The Kansas supreme court today granted a stay of exe cution in the case of Jessie Morrison, now In the penitentiary for the murder of Clara WHy Castle. The caae will be heard by the supreme court In January. Miss Morrison's appeal bond waa fixed at $10,000. Aa aoon aa this la given she will be released until tbe time of her trial. She waa sentenced to fifteen years In tbe peultentlary. STUDENTS HUSTLE THE POLICE Coppers Get Gay at Minnesota and the Boys Pat Them to the Bad. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Oct. 2. Three park policemen and a plain clothes man had the worst of an encounter with stu dents of the University of Minnesota today. Tbe park police attempted to arrest stu dents who ride bicycles on the walks through the campus. The students hus tled three of the policemen off tbe campus and put them on passing atreet cars. The plain clothes man waa tied to a tree with a garden hose. ATTENDS TO PUBLIC BUSINESS President Rooaevelt Spenda Comfort able Day Doing Much Rou tine Work. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. President Roose velt had a comfortable day, and tonight the report from the temporary White Houae la that hla condition la satisfactory. He spends most of tbe time In his wheel chair and is able o devote considerable attention to public business. Movements of Ocean Yesaels Oct. 2. YOKOHAMA Hailed: Olenogle. Tacoma. NEW YORK Balled: Lasavnle. Havre: Bremen. Bremen via fherbiurg; Mongolian, Glasgow. Arrived: Germanic, from IJver- 'VhERBOCRO, Oct. 2.-Arrived: Moltke, fiom New York. tlKKNSTOWN, Oct. I-Salled: Teu tonic. Nt-w York; Belgenland. Philadelphia. LIVKLWXjL. Oct 1 Arrived: lUver fnrd, Philadelphia, S;illed: Mrlin. ltoaion via Queenstown; Parthian, Montreal via Movllle. KOTTBRP AM Sailed : Potsdam, New York via Boulogne. Bur Mer. HAVRE Arrived: La'iouralne, from New York PLYMOUTH Arrived: Columbia, from New York. EIGHTH KING COMES Yeunptt of Ak-Sar-Bta Djinty Arrives ii ths Imperial City. HIS TAGEANT MOST GORGEOUS YET SEEN Excsls is Btautj Eves Those af His Proiirj.l Predecessor. TWENTY FLOATS, ALL BLAZING WITH LIGHT Eighty-Four Loyalist oi Them, darted Most Gerejsously. CROWD MEETS GREATEST EXPECTATION Omahana Torn Ont In Force and Spe cial Trains Brlnai Additional Thou sands from the Snrroandlnat Statea of the Realm. Omaha'a Red Letter Datea. October a Ak-Snr-Ren Royal Court hall. October 4 Ak-Sar-Rea Street Fair close. Returned to childhood by the wave of an uneeen wand. 150,000 people on the atreeta of Omaha gazed last night at a epectacle that gave substance to all th- vagrant phantasies of Infant mind, revived the tales that once were wont to mingle with the goodnight prayers, awoke the old delight In tinseled beauty, blew Into flame the embers of dying Imagination, and. for the hour, drove away those sordid cares that make men old before their time. King Ak-Sar-Ben VIII, ruler of all Qulvera, came unto his own, and with him came a pageant that mingled the craft ot man with the Inspiration of the child and told the wondrous story of a "Festival of Fairyland." A atory with no moral, true, and with no historic value, but one so pure In theme, so brilliant in adornment, as to ap peal to all with one great power and gain from all a most unstinted approbation. A klng'a no less a king for owning to a softer sldo, and Ak-Sar-Ben VIII made no apologies for his pageant as be rode last night between the ranks ot his bearded knights to receive the key to the Imperial city's gates. After his own resplendent float trailed nineteen others, and their ad vance through the lighted thoroughfares was as the advance of a Jeweled flotilla through rivers of fire, 8.000 fairy lamps glowing In the train. Night Almost Perfect. With no stars or moon to pale the bril liance of the royal gema, yet with neither heaven's tears to dampen nor Boreas' blasts to chill, the night was most auspicious, and when the mighty pageant buret Into bloom for a first time far to the north ward the legions of the loyal bad long been In waiting. Moving forward over Its wind ing course, cheer after cheer greeted It at every hand, and when the great gold key was surrendered by the clty'a chief executive, the . thousands I crowded In lb street below and In the amphitheaters all about gave a shout like the rolling of tempestuoua surf, and the echoes traveled leaguea to the waiting ears of them that could not see, but understood. Detained but a moment, the pageant gilded on again and within the hour had forever faded from view, Just as the figures of dream land have, and. like them, left behind only a pang at Its quick going, only a Joy that It came at all, only a memory of a beauty too great to endure, a pleasure too subtle to hold. Yet the monarch's mood was not wholly one of sentiment. Jeat mingled in his thoughts and he bade the realm be merry. "Plnce we are to be children, let us be hr., , y rhildren," ho ordained. "It la not the royal pleasure that any one arrow too solemn at thla gala hour. This ts a tri umphal entry, not a funeral procession. I've got the county coroner in my retinue, 'tis true, but let It be understood that he's not here In an official capacity. I wlah nothing but merry-making this night." The wish was gratified. The court buf foon found bimeelf with many competitors, and laughter was the music of the hour. Jnit Before the Start. It began at 6:53, when the castle draw bridge was lowered and the first float wheeled out to the hitching crew. His royal highness had lost bts crown and could not mount his seat until It waa found. i "My diadem! Somebody find my dia dem!" he commanded. "I'd die a dem poor death without It." This was the signal and thereafter word play ran on unreatrlctrd. A knight of the enchanted Island asked for a ham sand wich and the mermaid remarked to the horsemen: "You fellows go mighty slow. Remember I'm working tho shell game up here and lta hard to hold on!" A close friend of Aladdin begged for a cigar, ex plaining that be could "get a light from Al," and sweet little Red Riding Hood was smoking a cigarette, serene In tbe knowl edge that the eld wolf had ao arranged mattera that her grandmother couldn't possibly smell the smoks. In order to have a amooth, clear path the floats were sent from the castle, at Twentieth and Lake, north to Spruce, east to Nineteenth, aouth to Grace, east to Six teenth, and then to Cuming. During the latter part of this Journey the king gave the ribs of tbe nearest Vpicht a gentle punch and remarked: "Thv Is, remem ber, no significance In the fu that they've got me 'going south' thus early to my reign." Waiting on Sixteenth north ot Cuming were the Ak-Sar-Ben governors, twelve In number and wearing red caps, red coats black-braided, white trousers and black riding boots. Their mounts were blanketed with the Ak-Sar-Ben colors red, green and yellow. Elghty-alx of the knights were on the floats in various costumes, but forty more, garbed in new silk habits of bril liant hue and many cuts, were on horaea as elaborately caparisoned aa the mounts ot the governors. At this corner there awaited, also, tho torch-bearers, four to follow each float and six for each band. The former were garbed In red, like the leaders of horses; ths Utter were In black, monk-Ilk robes. Ths lighters fell In behind each float aa It ad vanced to Cuming atreet to make connec tion with ths trolley wire, and the pageant waa gotten under way with no confusion, little delay and few call a tor the property wagon. How tho Column Llard I'p. The current set aglow the last of the line at 8:36 and thereafter there were no long halts. Tbe order of arrangement was this: tiixteen mounted police, under Chief Dona hue. Covalt a band. George Green's Beventh ward band. "Hla Majesty, ths King." 0